5 minute read
State of the Chapters
ChAPTERS Founded Total 2006-07 2005-06 2006-07 % of Initiates Initiates Initiates Average bills Enrolled Enrolled Enrolled Membership* Paid†
Abracadabra Alabama 1910 1015 26 17 48 99 1927 1292 18 11 26 100
1997 163 9 5 21 100 American 1992 373 4 10 28 85 Appalachian State 1986 475 7 0 33 88 Arizona 1925 1916 48 ** 76 93 Arizona State 1949 628 34 24 55 99 Auburn 1951 1116 0 14 25 100 Augusta 1983 237 0 5 7 92 Behrend 1990 221 9 9 15 100 Binghamton 2004 68 5 28 39 100 Bowling Green 1998 137 17 13 34 99 Bryant 1990 264 9 16 31 100 Cal Poly 1970 456 41 19 67 100 California Univ. - PA 1974 326 2 2 9 65 Central Michigan 1988 368 16 38 33 100 Central Missouri 1971 835 12 12 40 100 Chico 1987 706 27 28 43 144 Clemson 1990 391 11 20 61 100 Coastal Carolina 2004 70 13 32 35 100 Colorado 2002 409 7 35 40 75 Colorado State 2001 78 13 7 16 74 Connecticut 1955 879 30 19 43 100 Cornell 1890 1658 20 33 45 100 Cortland 2005 54 12 20 36 96 Denison 2000 438 5 23 35 97 DePauw 1892 1316 5 22 22 99 Duquesne 1993 235 19 8 40 100 East Carolina 1992 199 10 9 30 99 Embry-Riddle 1972 600 14 38 32 100 Ferris State 1994 191 6 12 24 105 Fredonia 1991 320 12 17 33 100 Frostburg 1991 277 15 10 19 36 Fullerton 1967 735 11 0 25 84 Gannon 1971 415 5 9 15 100 Georgia 1996 396 0 1 14 81 Georgia Southern 1972 307 22 22 19 100 Georgia Tech 1991 408 16 23 62 99 Gorham State 1969 632 32 15 19 156 Hayward 1990 308 0 1 13 67 Hobart 1948 786 0 18 18 84 Huntsville 1977 339 17 5 26 104 Idaho 1924 1424 16 20 41 100 Illinois 1923 1942 32 32 74 100 Illinois State 1973 583 23 19 43 100 Iowa 1912 1519 12 11 33 99 Jacksonville State 1968 618 10 9 ** 114 James Madison 1999 168 17 19 41 99 Johnstown 1972 461 12 11 20 133 Kansas 1923 1638 21 23 66 100 Kansas State 1992 590 10 10 23 100 Kent State 1990 249 7 13 23 100 Kettering-A 1996 98 11 5 18 116 Kettering-B 1996 112 11 0 14 104 LSU 2005 600 9 59 25 100 Lake Forest 1950 401 9 17 28 100 Long Beach 1968 605 17 20 42 100 Louisiana Tech 1987 320 11 24 50 100 Mankato 1992 159 8 4 14 83 Marquette 1977 359 14 4 31 102 Maryland 1990 345 21 24 46 100 Miami 1932 1518 28 29 72 98 Michigan 1892 1072 15 30 28 99 Michigan State 1935 1875 15 10 79 100 Minnesota 1892 1061 14 5 18 99 ChAPTERS Founded Total 2006-07 2005-06 2006-07 % of Initiates Initiates Initiates Average bills Enrolled Enrolled Enrolled Membership* Paid†
Mississippi State 1964 621 0 13 30 100 Missouri 1951 592 2 24 26 96 Missouri State 2002 484 20 19 37 100 Montclair 1990 261 12 20 35 100 Montevallo 1972 528 23 0 28 100 New Haven 1981 317 11 9 19 100 New Mexico State 1994 174 9 3 17 163 Northern Arizona 1959 682 16 16 28 801 Northern Colorado 1984 433 9 12 21 90 Northwest Missouri 1971 1098 15 11 34 100 Northwestern 1893 317 16 3 42 100 Oregon State 2003 929 8 30 22 98 Oshkosh 1969 534 3 0 10 92 Penn State 1929 1696 43 36 83 103 Pittsburgh 1976 142 21 23 38 100 Purdue 1927 1546 34 28 96 104 Radford 1994 206 19 9 26 100 Rhode Island 2003 86 2 9 34 88 Rowan 1992 193 7 0 22 92 Rutgers 1999 161 2 18 30 100 South Dakota State 2002 113 26 16 30 99 South Florida 2000 200 25 14 40 103 Southeast Missouri 1977 534 8 11 24 112 Southern California 1910 1309 24 26 53 100 Southern Illinois 2003 1034 16 39 21 100 Stephen F. Austin 1999 132 13 8 23 85 Syracuse 2001 337 12 14 20 100 Tarleton 1988 315 14 2 15 105 Texas 1907 885 0 24 27 78 Texas A&M 1988 367 18 16 44 97 Texas State 1991 243 14 5 11 100 Texas Tech 1983 513 29 60 49 100 Tri-State 1969 403 13 6 22 100 Troy State 1966 776 0 10 22 101 Truman State 1978 575 28 17 40 106 UNLV 1996 274 11 24 34 100 Valdosta 1968 751 14 28 22 236 Virginia Commonwealth 1991 260 16 8 28 101 Virginia Tech 1992 478 27 19 72 56 Washington 1908 1975 22 36 48 100 Washington State 1943 636 22 19 40 113 West Georgia 2002 93 12 13 30 100 West Virginia Tech 1983 325 6 6 9 142 Western Michigan 1955 1020 0 4 32 86 William & Mary 2002 43 5 3 10 100 Windsor 1971 389 16 1 19 82
COlONIES Founded Total 2006-07 2005-06 2006-07 % of Initiates Initiates Initiates Average bills Enrolled Enrolled Enrolled Membership* Paid†
2006 25 25 ** 25 100 Davis 1993 169 11 ** 21 100 East Stroudsburg 2006 27 8 ** 17 100 Eastern Washington 2006 198 3 ** 13 100 Florida 2006 1724 20 ** 28 79 George Mason 2007 28 ** ** 27 100 Hofstra 2004 46 17 ** 23 101 Marshall 2004 47 10 ** 20 104 Northern Alabama 2006 27 ** ** 20 100 Ohio State 2004 1381 5 ** 13 98 Oklahoma 1927 755 7 ** 20 95 Washburn 2005 36 14 ** 11 100 Western Carolina 2005 183 6 ** 25 100 Wilmington 2006 18 4 ** 13 98