SHSG - Prospectus

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Southend High School for Girls

Educating & inspiring young people since 1913


Developing confident, successful and happy students We are passionate about developing the next generation of leaders. As an outstanding and successful grammar school, we celebrate and promote academic excellence, but we also place a high value on creativity, performance, sporting excellence and leadership. Our students are active ambassadors for the school in the local community.


Contents Welcome................................................................................. 5 A zest for knowledge.................................................................... 6 A zest for learning..................................................................... 10 A zest for adventure.................................................................. 14 Reasons to choose SHSG..................................................... 18 The SHSG family.................................................................. 20 Our alumni............................................................................ 22 Admissions........................................................................... 26




Welcome to Southend High School for Girls. On behalf of the students and staff, I am delighted that you have taken this first step in becoming part of the SHSG family. It is an honour and a privilege to introduce myself as the headteacher of this wonderful school – a school filled with the laughter, energy, endeavour and zest for learning of our inspirational students. Southend High School for Girls is built on strong traditions and values and has a long and illustrious history of over 100 years of educating the brightest minds in the country. At the core of our philosophy, we believe that students should be safe, happy and successful. Our team of staff are all experts in their fields and are passionate about the education and well-being of our young people. We are unashamedly ambitious for them and aspire to create a pervasive ethos of high expectations, and promote discipline and good behaviour in school life.

Our moral purpose is to ensure that our students experience a rigorous and stretching academic education on the one hand, and outstanding wider personal development on the other. We believe that our students should develop high self-efficacy and self-belief, and be confident and fearless – demonstrating resilience in the face of challenges. Being a member of a high-performing grammar school demands hard work, fortitude and a can-do attitude; participation, energy and commitment are our non-negotiables – but the results are well worth it. We are excited about what our students will go on to achieve and look forward to welcoming you on this journey.

Jason Carey Headteacher



A zest for knowledge

We take SHSG students on inspiring and challenging learning journeys. In Year 7, students are introduced to the Philosophy of Socrates, Latin and Classical Greek. They also study Physics, Chemistry and Biology as separate sciences. Within the Science Faculty, our Year 7s also learn to code in Computer Science.

Jason Carey Headteacher


At Southend High School for Girls, we prepare our students to compete for world-class opportunities based on their abilities, interests and aspirations. The curriculum is engaging, stimulating and challenging, reflecting the highability intake of our students. As a student at SHSG, through scholarly endeavour, you will experience and develop the breadth and depth of knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for you to pursue your chosen pathway. Through these experiences you will build character and resilience. We will support you to grow the courage to innovate and be original, and revel in being an independent thinker – swashbuckling your way to success and reaching your goals.

Our aim is that when you leave Southend High School for Girls, you will be a curious, selfmotivated, life-long learner – academically and personally equipped for the next stage of your life. Ultimately, we want to see our young people lead lives that are rich in adventure, steeped in positive relationships and fulfilling to both themselves and to society, as written in the motto displayed in the stained-glass window you will pass every day at the school’s entrance.

‘So enter that daily thou mayest become more learned and thoughtful. So depart that thou mayest become more useful to thy country and mankind.’


A CHALLENGING AND INSPIRATIONAL CURRICULUM JOURNEY Students’ curriculum experiences are challenging and reflect the demands of a high-performing grammar school, taking them far beyond the National Curriculum. In Year 7, students are introduced to Philosophy, Latin and Classical Greek. In Lower School (Years 7 – 9) students study Physics, Chemistry and Biology as separate sciences. Within the Science Faculty, they also learn to code in Computer Science. In addition, all students in Lower School study two modern foreign languages, English, Mathematics, Geography, History, Religious Studies, Design and Technology, Art, Music, Drama, PSHE and RSE (Relationships and Sex Education) and PE. Many students also take extra GCSEs – some in Year 9 and 10, where they have shown particular aptitude and passion in these areas. Latin GCSE, Statistics GCSE, Further Maths GCSE,


and Critical and Contextual Art GCSE are some examples. Students also compete successfully in international maths and language competitions, as well as in national presenting and debating competitions. In Middle School (Years 10 – 11), and in the Sixth Form, students access a wide and varied range of subject choices at GCSE and A Level. All students study four A Levels and have the opportunity to complete the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ). Therefore, as a student at SHSG, you will have an outstanding springboard to prepare you for the top-performing universities or even global apprenticeships. Every subject offers superb academic enrichment programmes to support your development and passion in each subject area, and from the start of Year 7 you will engage in a first-class careers programme.

A strong academic curriculum.

It is a privilege working with the brilliant young minds at SHSG Sixth Form. In just two short years we work with incredible individuals, supporting them in becoming young adults who are ready to progress onto their first choice Post-18 pathways. What better job could there be?

Helen Riebold

Director of Sixth Form



A zest for learning

It is a pleasure to teach and to inspire students at SHSG. We engage in an evidencebased approach to learning and teaching, ensuring that students are exposed to leading-edge techniques that are proven to work.

Wendy Schofield Head of Science


As one of the top-performing schools in the country, we set the bar high and expect a great deal from our students. Your teachers are passionate about their subjects and experts in their fields. We are very ambitious for every learner and aim to make lessons and learning experiences dynamic, engaging and challenging. Learning in the classroom is supported and driven by:

A classical education model

21st century, leading-edge technology

First-class, research-led teaching

At Southend High School for Girls, we meet but also go far beyond the ambitions of the National Curriculum. Learning is supported outside the classroom with a wealth of opportunities, trips and visits, bringing learning to life. For example, Language exchanges to Germany, France and Spain; Physics trips to CERN, the European Organisation for Nuclear Research; and a range of field trips and arts visits. As a student in Year 7, you will study and learn: ~ The separate sciences of Physics, Chemistry and Biology

You will also engage in: ~ A comprehensive tutor programme ~ Leadership opportunities

~ English and Mathematics

~ Careers programmes

~ Coding in Computer Science

~ Reading for pleasure

~ Latin, Philosophy and Classics

~ Clubs, teams, competitions, trips and so much more.

~ Two modern foreign languages ~ Art, Drama and Music ~ Geography, History and Religious Studies ~ Design and Technology ~ PE ~ Relationships, Sex and Health Education.


THE TRIVIUM AND LEARNING AT SHSG Learning at Southend High School for Girls is structured around the Trivium. The Trivium of Grammar, Dialectic and Rhetoric formed the basis of a classical education from ancient Greece to Shakespeare’s time at school and beyond. It is tailor-made for bright, high-attaining students who are rich in cultural literacy. The pedagogical concepts linked to the three Trivium pathways are exemplified below:




– Knowledge & skills

– Enquiry & exploration

– Communication

~ The subject-specific knowledge that students need

~ Debating, questioning and challenging

~ Promoting oracy & literacy

~ Experimenting and experiencing

~ Learning how to present through high-quality academic essays and speeches

~ Learning by heart ~ Connecting ideas ~ Building cultural capital.

~ Analysing, enquiring, critically evaluating and problem-solving ~ Developing understanding.

~ Performing, making and showcasing the products of learning ~ Contributing to the discourse about the values shared in the school and the wider community ~ Connecting ideas and applying them across subjects.

Life at SHSG is dynamic, challenging and inspiring. We strive constantly for academic excellence for all students whilst enabling them to learn the life skills necessary to be independent, successful, socially responsible and fundamentally decent human beings! It is a pleasure and a privilege to be part of the SHSG team and to support this process.

Jo Neil

Head of Year 12


In the 21st century, the Trivium remains a powerful framework for formulating ideas about learning, pedagogy and the curriculum, and it embodies the pursuit of wisdom from a knowledge-rich foundational curriculum. At Southend High School for Girls, the ambitions of the Trivium underpin our core purpose and values as articulated in our curriculum intent and school motto:

‘So enter that daily thou mayest become more learned and thoughtful. So depart that thou mayest become more useful to thy country and mankind.’



A zest for adventure


ADVENTURES, CREATIVITY AND PERFORMANCE We are not just about great academic outcomes, of course. As an SHSG student, you will be encouraged to participate in the plethora of co-curricular experiences on offer. These are the events that you will remember; they are the times when you share experiences with staff and students from other year groups, and are about building your confidence and discovering new talents and skills. Examples of the diverse and exciting range of co-curricular experiences include: Operation Wallacea in Mexico; visiting Swaziland as part of World Challenge; ski trips; bronze, silver and gold expeditions for the Duke of Edinburgh award; performing in school productions and choirs such as Novem, or learning and playing instruments in the different bands and orchestras, and staying with a French, German or Spanish family as part of the exchange programme. There is something for everyone, and we will aim to take you out of your comfort zone.

My daughter has been able to take advantage of the numerous opportunities offered at SHSG. Trips to Iceland, France and Spain stand out, particularly for the Spanish friends she made and has kept in contact with. Involvement in Drama has developed her confidence and public speaking skills. She has developed organisational and leadership skills stemming from her involvement since Year 7 in projects such as the BBC Young Reporters’ Club and Student Voice initiative to her role in the Head Student team – one of my proudest moments as a parent.


Year 7 - 13 (2015 - 2021)


SHSG has given me many incredible experiences as one of their students. Not only academically, but I have had many opportunities with things such as sport and performing arts. One of the best experiences I’ve had was achieving my Duke of Edinburgh bronze award. I have had to face many challenges to achieve this but have made lifelong friends and memories during it. SHSG is a brilliant school and is everything and more I could have asked for. It has provided me with an incredible education and lifelong friends.

Millie Year 9

SPORTING EXCELLENCE Sport, health and fitness, and the pursuit of personal goals, all play an important part of students’ development at SHSG, and you will be encouraged to be active. We are very lucky to have such spacious and beautiful grounds, as well as first-class facilities such as new tennis courts, a gym, and a large, indoor sports centre.

However, sport is for everyone at SHSG and the faculty encourage everyone to take part. Being part of a team or just working towards your ‘personal best’ goal is incredibly rewarding.

Southend High School for Girls has a very proud tradition of sporting excellence. The school has won the district athletics every year for the past 35 years and hosted the World Schools Athletics Games in 2005! We have elite athletes from athletics to netball, and football to skiing.

LEADERSHIP We encourage students to play an active part in school life and to shape the school’s priorities and direction of travel. Right from Year 7, students take on leadership responsibilities from Form Captain, to School Council, the Equality and Diversity Group, House Captain, Sports Captain, Subject Captain and Planet Action, to name just some examples of students as leaders.


The Head Prefect team in Year 11 and Head Student team in the Sixth Form regularly present to the Trust Board and represent the student body in the Summer Term school priorities planning day with trustees and the Senior Leadership team.

Sporting excellence.

We have an outstanding range of extra-curricular activities on offer for all students. GCSE and A Level studies underpin the school’s top sporting achievements, which include countless national titles across the sporting spectrum

Scarlett and Chloee Physical Education Captains



Reasons to choose SHSG





An established reputation for securing some of the best examination results in the country.

A strong track record preparing students for the universities of Oxford and Cambridge.

Established pathways and preparation for medicine, law, veterinary sciences, engineering, humanities, and the arts.




A dynamic and thriving culture of the arts and performance.

Sporting excellence and opportunities to compete at the highest levels.

Over 100 years of educational excellence.

The positive, nurturing and encouraging day-to-day atmosphere here has led to my daughter leaving SHSG with happy memories, fantastic friends and great qualifications that have enabled her to get into the high-ranking university of her choice.


Year 13, 2021

FAMILY ETHOS A real sense of belonging in our family ethos and cherished traditions.

PROFESSIONAL AND PASSIONATE STAFF An expert team of staff, passionate about our principles: ensuring you are safe, happy and successful.

LEADING-EDGE EDUCATION A classical education model with leading-edge practice, designed for the brightest students.

CAREER SUPPORT First-class careers advice and guidance.



Participation in adventure and competition around the world.

Leadership opportunities, shaping the future of the school.




– Connecting everyone

Once a member of the SHSG family, always a member of the SHSG family. Being part of a large, busy and high-performing selective school can be demanding. The bar is raised very high.


– Connecting school and home

Pastoral care at Southend High School for Girls is outstanding. Communication and partnerships with parents are outstanding. As an SHSG student, you will meet in your form group every morning for registration, and your tutor is the first point of contact each day to check in ready for the day ahead. There is also a non-teaching Pastoral Support Officer attached to the year group to provide additional

However, we anchor everything we do in our guiding principles that students are safe, happy and successful. We are a very friendly and caring school and place high importance on students and staff being safe and happy and feeling valued.

pastoral care and advice whenever necessary. The Head of Year leads the year group and students get together, celebrating achievements in the fortnightly year group assemblies. A senior member of staff leads the pastoral team and coordinates a wide range of external support services, counselling and visiting speakers.

As a parent, SHSG delivers on all levels, both encouraging and aiming for academic success and supporting the personal development of my daughter. I am highly impressed with the way the teachers and support staff at SHSG maintain this on a daily basis.

Parent Year 10



– Connecting the past, present and future

As a member of the SHSG family, you feel part of something special that lasts for life. On the school’s birthday in October, ex-students return to join in the celebrations


– Connecting year groups

The house system has been part of SHSG’s traditions and pastoral system for many years, and it is an important mechanism to establish connections between all year groups and to create the family ethos. House assemblies with Years 7 – 13 take place twice every half term and are led by student house captains.

and point out their younger selves in the black and white photos lining the corridors by the Assembly Hall. It’s a time to connect the past, present and future, and exemplifies our family ethos and sense of belonging.

Every student and member of staff is a member of either Aphrodite, Artemis, Athene, Aurora, Hera or Hermes. House captains organise a wide range of lively charity and competitive events throughout the year, involving all staff and students. They are a wonderful way to bring the whole school community together.




Goddess of love and fertility

Daughter of Zeus and goddess of the hunt and wild animals, and protector of young girls

Daughter of Zeus and goddess of warfare and wisdom




Goddess of the dawn, driving a chariot drawn by winged horses

Wife of Zeus, Queen of Olympian gods, and goddess of marriage and of the life of women

Son of Zeus, the messenger of the gods, and god of eloquence



Our alumni When you eventually leave SHSG at the end of Year 13, you will continue to stay connected to the SHSG family as part of the Alumni. We are very proud of their achievements – they are an inspiration, keeping the bar held high for the next generation of Southend High School for Girls students as they, like you, begin their exciting journey at the school.


RACHEL RILEY My time at Southend Girls taught me to be confident, to strive for the best in everything I do and gave me my best friends that I’m still very close to today! I remember my time there fondly. From the 25 wall clocks that would be gifted by each class on the school birthday, to proudly representing SHSG in the National Schools Athletics Finals, lots of fun was had whilst getting a great education, and I owe the school and its dedicated teachers a lot.


Alumni - 2019

On reflection of my first year at Oxford University reading PPE I can come to one very simple resolute conclusion. If it were not for Southend High School for Girls I would most definitely not be where I am today. The relentless support I received from the age of 11 to 18, both in my sport as well as in my academic subjects, enabled me to gain a place at Oxford and also represent the university first team in both netball and athletics. The school also helped facilitate my journey with Saracens Mavericks, who I now represent in the U21 competition squad. More importantly, the school gave me lifelong friends and shaped me as a woman, giving me the confidence to be myself and be proud of who I am and for that, I’ll be forever grateful.



Alumni - 2018

I thoroughly enjoyed my time at SHSG (2011 – 2018), making many enduring friendships. Particular highlights include a ski trip to America, taking an unusual GCSE in Japanese and going on a German exchange trip to Münster. With 10 A*s and 3As at GCSE, followed by 3A*s at A Level, I accepted a place at the University of Cambridge to study Geography after leaving. In my degree I then achieved the highest Geography results in my year and a FirstClass Degree with Distinction. Looking forwards, I am now heading to law school and have a training contract at a commercial law firm. I am incredibly grateful to the school, as these achievements have only been possible with the excellent support and teaching offered throughout my school years at SHSG – a time of warm memories, which I look back upon fondly!


Alumni - 2018

I look back on my time at SHSG with the fondest of memories. It is more than just a school with an amazing academic record – it is a dynamic and diverse community. The staff became my greatest supporters, encouraging me throughout every step of my journey and helping me to achieve grades beyond my wildest dreams. I felt equipped to go out into the world with the confidence that I could do anything I set my mind towards and was fully supported when leaving SHSG. This enabled me to secure a role at one of the world’s largest and most prestigious investment banks. I currently work in the Equity Research Department at Morgan Stanley after I was fortunate enough to gain one of nine places on their inaugural apprenticeship programme. The firm invests in my academic development, paying for my tuition fees to complete a Level 4 qualification and provides me with incredible networking opportunities. I thoroughly enjoy my role and feel incredibly blessed to work for such an outstanding company so early on in my career. I hope to obtain a full-time position in 2022. I wouldn’t be the individual I am today without my SHSG experience. Whether it be playing netball at national finals, participating in the school musical or delivering speeches as head girl, every moment contributed towards my personal development. I can only hope that future students reap all the benefits and opportunities that the school has to offer.



Alumni - 2018 My time at SHSG is accompanied by very fond memories of the experiences, the wonderful teachers and amazing friends that I have made. My journey came to an end earlier this year in a way that none of us had anticipated, but despite the circumstances we faced and thanks to the hard work of the teachers, I feel in a secure position to take the next step into my future. I made the most of the many, many opportunities the school had to offer throughout the seven years and ended it on my biggest achievement of all, which is becoming head student when I reached Sixth Form. I felt like I learned so much about myself and developed a lot as an individual during this time, assisted by my peers and teachers who were there every step of the way. It’s strange to think that, this September, I won’t be walking through the green gates that I got so used to, but will instead be living in a new city with completely new people and starting a new era of my life studying Computer Science and Maths at the University of Bristol, after achieving four A*s in my A Levels. The experiences and skills I gained from my time at the school are invaluable, and I know that SHSG has prepared me well for this change. Although I won’t be putting on my uniform every day, I know that, at heart, I will always be a student in green. I couldn’t have imagined a better place to have supported me through these years of my life and am so grateful to have been part of such a fantastic community.


Alumni - 1998

I was head girl at SHSG in 1996, I think, and have good memories of some special teachers. I am still in touch with a number of friends from school. I went from SHSG to read Geography and Politics at Bristol University for a four-year Master in Science degree, and stayed in Bristol to work for a church for a year before becoming an International Policy Advisor in the Cabinet Office in Westminster, with particular responsibility for Climate Change Policy. From there, I went to Oxford University to read Theology and train for ordination as a priest. I have served churches in Nottingham, Abingdon and West London as well as being a boarding school Chaplain. After six years as vicar of St Paul’s Dorking, I was consecrated Bishop of Horsham last year, serving the churches of West Sussex, which is a great privilege. My time at SHSG gave me confidence to find my place in the world as a female leader, and I am doing my best to help other younger women discover their voice and their vocation too.



Admissions Full information regarding our admissions procedure, including links to our admissions policy, can be found on our website

ADMISSION INTO YEAR 7 (SEPTEMBER COHORT): 11+ EXAM Information regarding the 11+ exam, including test dates and how to register, can be found on the CSSE website ( Parents should complete the online registration form on the CSSE website in order to register their child to sit the 11+ tests. Parents will need to register directly with the CSSE. Specific queries about the selection procedure should be addressed to the Selective Schools’ Secretary at the Consortium Office, PO Box 3087, Chelmsford CM1 3SY, Tel: 01245 348257, The school holds a Headteacher talk and tours after 11+ results have been issued to parents in early October.


SELECTING A SCHOOL VIA YOUR LOCAL AUTHORITY Places for Year 7 (September Cohort) are allocated by the Local Authority to the school adhering to the school’s Admissions Policy. Parents will need to express a preference for Southend High School for Girls via their own Local Authority (LA) in order for their child to be considered for a place. You should check with your own LA for their closure date of applications of secondary school places.

IN YEAR ADMISSIONS (POST 11+ ADMISSION) Information regarding In Year Admissions can be found on our website.

SIXTH FORM For enquiries regarding Sixth Form admissions, please contact

The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you. B. B. KING


Singing in Novem Consort is an honour and privilege – a choir I aspired to be part of during my junior years at SHSG. It has taught me a whole new level of responsibility and cooperation. Without question, a unique opportunity for which I am so grateful.

Olivia Year 11

SOUTHEND HIGH SCHOOL FOR GIRLS Southchurch Boulevard, Southend-on-Sea SS2 4UZ T 01702 588852 E W

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