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3RD ANNUAL ENGAGE RICHLAND Connecting to Employment, Financing and Contracting Opportunities
The Mission of the Office of Small Business Opportunity of Richland County, South Carolina, is to provide a race and gender-neutral tool for the County to use as its effort to ensure that all segments of its small and local business community have a reasonable and significant opportunity to compete and participate in contracts.

• Qualify: Qualify small and local businesses using numerous verification techniques to ensure applicants meet the eligibility requirements and comply with all aspects of Richland County programs.
Ensure that all segments of the small and local business community have a reasonable and significant opportunity to participate in County contracts.
• Connect: Connect businesses to programs and resources that help foster business growth.

• Compete: Help small and local businesses understand how to leverage their resources to become more productive and competitive in the business market.
3RD ANNUAL ENGAGE RICHLAND Connecting to Employment, Financing and Contracting Opportunities

As always, the dedicated staff of OSBO appreciates the support from our sponsors, presenters, agencies, colleagues, and each and every participant that worked to make this event a success.
The Office of Small Business Opportunity (OSBO) and the Small Local Business Enterprise program (SLBE) was established under Ordinance No. 049-13HR to provide a race- and gender-neutral procurement tool for the County to use in its efforts to ensure that all segments of its local business community have a reasonable and significant opportunity to participate in County contracts.
The role of OSBO is to provide services that assist small businesses in our community build their capacity and become sustainable. Our goal is to advocate for those businesses by ensuring there are a reasonable amount of contracts for the businesses to participate in. Through our technical trainings assistance, we are ensuring that the businesses are qualified to compete for contractual opportunities and be successful.
OSBO has been at the forefront of championing partnerships with other agencies and municipalities in Columbia and around the state of South Carolina. Through these partnerships, we are able to leverage various opportunities that are available to our SLBEs and make these resources available for our small businesses to take advantage of. We strongly encourage all of our participants to use this event as tool to make great contacts and connect with all the agencies represented at this event.
Erica Wade, CSDP, CCA MANAGER Office of Small Business Opportunity

It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to the 3rd Annual Engage Richland: Connecting to Employment, Financing and Contracting Opportunities. This event is designed to connect our small business community to potential contracting opportunities as well as providing access to capital.
Since its inception, OSBO has certified over 170 SLBEs. We are working diligently to increase the numbers of certified SLBE in all categories and hope to increase the number of contracting opportunities for our small business community.
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Erica B. Wade Manager, OSBO
Workforce Development and Retention Panel Lunch Program (Major Sponsor Recognition) Closing Remarks Match Maker Sessions Vendor Village Opens

Match Maker Sessions & Vendor Village concludes at 3 PM Page 4
Pamela Green-Swinton Assistant Manager, OSBO
Wednesday, September 14, 2022
Moderator Panel
Representatives of SC Department of Employment and Workforce (SCDEW) Ami Hill Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) & Federal Bonding Program
Procurement Opportunities
3RD ANNUAL ENGAGE RICHLAND Connecting to Employment, Financing and Contracting Opportunities AGENDA
Jeffrey Schwalk , SCDOT Anthony Cromartie , SCDOT Tenell Felder , SC PTAC Clarissa Clark , USC
Erica B. Wade Manager, OSBO (Palmetto Room-E)
(Low Country A)
Lisa Long The Second Chance Program
“Building Business Credit” Mr. John Gethers COVID Business Consultant SC Business Development Center-Columbia Area
Leonardo Brown Richland County Administrator
Jennifer Wladischkin , Richland County Gary Porth , City of Columbia Stacy Adams , State of South Carolina
Break and Up for
Bryant Davis Assistant Director Government & Community Services
Lori Thomas, Moderator Assistant County Administrator
Match Maker Session
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3RD ANNUAL ENGAGE RICHLAND Connecting to Employment, Financing and Contracting Opportunities
He has owned three private finance companies, provided funding to hundreds of small businesses, and raised over $50 million in capital. John earned his B.S. in Business Management from Claflin University and is a Certified Project Management Professional (PMP) specializing in organizational process design.

Covid Business Consultant, Funding Strategist Columbia Area Small Business Development Center (SBDC)

John B. Gethers has over 17 years of hands-on experience in alternative funding, small business acquisitions, and financial management. Recently, John served as managing partner and CEO of Diamond Standard Capital, a nationwide lending company specializing in unsecured business loans, business credit, and accounts receivable finance.
He recently joined the University of SC Region of the SBDC as the COVID-19 Consultant assisting clients across the region in resolving their PPP, COVID EIDL, Shuttered Venue Grant, and Restaurant Revitalization Fund concerns.
John is the creator of Business for Breakfast, a new social media platform that provides new entrepreneurs with information about sales, marketing, finance, and business management. His mission is to connect business owners to the resources needed to achieve their dreams.
John B. Gethers

SCDOT provides DBE business development programs to assist firms in gaining or strengthening their ability to compete successfully in the marketplace within and outside the DBE program. The program has the following components, better known as the “Supportive Services Program”:
3RD ANNUAL ENGAGE RICHLAND Connecting to Employment, Financing and Contracting Opportunities

The Mission of the Office of Procurement and Contracting is to solicit and negotiate to obtain fair and reasonable prices, provide quality and effective support to customers, ensuring dependable source of supply, and maintaining an optimum balance of quality and cost to provide support to all, while maintaining the public’s trust and fulfilling the policy and objectives of the county. This mission shall be achieved with cooperative and meaningful dialogue to positively impact goals and efforts of the county to provide quality services to all its citizens.
Jennifer Wladischkin Procurement Director Richland County Office of Procurement and Contracting
Construction Procurement Manager

A. Education & Training Services Program.
D. Mentor-Protégé Program (MPP)
Anthony Cromartie
MBA, MA, CPM-Director, Supportive Services and Business Development South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT)

Gary Porth
One of the main objectives of the City of Columbia is to streamline and simplify the procurement process while also providing open access to competitive bid opportunities. In our continued effort to foster competition, we strive to maximize the participation of vendors and contractors who are interested in providing goods and services to the City. Many of our bid solicitations are posted through our online service, eBidcolumbiasc.
C. DBE Business and Technical Assistance Program
City of Columbia Procurement and Contracts

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“Our mission is to provide excellent customer service while promoting fair and open competition in the procurement of goods and services necessary to support all operations of the City of Columbia while maintaining the highest standards of integrity and ethical conduct”
B. Entrepreneurial Development Institute (EDI)
Jeffrey Schwalk
Procurement/Contracts Manager
Stacy Adams
South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT)

NIGP-CPP, CPPO, CPPB-Director of Statewide Sourcing Office of State Procurement | Divisions of Procurement Services | South Carolina State Fiscal Accountability Authority

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Tenell Felder
The Office of State Procurement (OSP) has the primary functions of conducting procurements for State Agencies that are above their agency’s certification limits, and establishing State Term Contracts for use by all governmental bodies. A professional staff of Procurement Managers with specialized training on the South Carolina Consolidated Procurement Code and sourcing best practices are divided into four teams that are driven to provide customer service, guidance and oversight throughout the sourcing and contracting process. There are two Agency Sourcing Teams conducting procurements for State Agencies that are above their agency’s certification limits. They are divided based on agency types: Higher Education/Law Enforcement and Human Services/Other Agencies.
The Office of State Procurement (OSP) has the primary functions of conducting procurements for State Agencies that are above their agency’s certification limits, and establishing State Term Contracts for use by all governmental bodies. A professional staff of Procurement Managers with specialized training on the South Carolina Consolidated Procurement Code and sourcing best practices are divided into four teams that are driven to provide customer service, guidance and oversight throughout the sourcing and contracting process. There are two Agency Sourcing Teams conducting procurements for State Agencies that are above their agency’s certification limits. They are divided based on agency types: Higher Education/ Law Enforcement and Human Services/Other Agencies.
3RD ANNUAL ENGAGE RICHLAND Connecting to Employment, Financing and Contracting Opportunities

The Procurement Division provides all SCDOT Districts and divisions within the agency a centralized source for pricing, formal written quotations, sealed bids, request for proposals, vendor contact, and general problem solving.
Marketing and Communications Manager Procurement Technical Assistance Center of South Carolina
Lisa Long Area Director Region I South Carolina Department of Workforce Development and Retention
3RD ANNUAL ENGAGE RICHLAND Connecting to Employment, Financing and Contracting Opportunities

The Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) is a federal tax credit available to employers for hiring individuals from certain target groups who have consistently faced significant barriers to employment. Administered by the S.C. Department of Employment and Workforce, WOTC is designed to provide an incentive for businesses to hire unemployed veterans, disabled veterans and individuals with documented barriers to employment. The Federal Bonding Program enables an employer to obtain skilled workers without taking risk, giving them a second chance at success. Through the program, a business is provided fidelity insurance free of charge, and the job seeker is provided a tool that increases their employability.
Clarissa Clark NIGP-CPP, CPPO, CPPB-Director of Purchasing University of South Carolina Purchasing
The Second Chance Program- a partnership between SC DEW and the South Carolina Department of Corrections where individuals who are 90 days prior to release are educated on up to date work related topics such as resumes, interviewing skills, Letters of Explanation and basic computer skills.

Amy Hill Work Opportunity Tax Credit & Federal Bonding Program Manager South Carolina Department of Workforce Development and Retention
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USC Purchasing Division ensures that all procurement transactions are conducted in a legal, ethical, and professional manner by abiding by the procurement laws and regulations set forth by the State of South Carolina and the University’s policies and procedures. The University of South Carolina has historically been a leader in supporting various minority business events. We are committed to developing successful relationships with small, minority and women-owned businesses with our procurement process and contract awards.


Optus www.optus.bank

Richland County School District 2 www.richland2.org
SC Commission of Minority Affairs https://cma.sc.gov
Benedict College Women’s Business Center www.bcwbc.org
U.S. Small Business Administration (SC District) https://www.sba.gov/district/south-carolina
Richland County School District 1 www.richlandone.org
State Fiscal AuthorityAccountability(SFAA) www.procurement.sc.gov
SC Department of Commerce www.sccommerce.com
City of Columbia www.columbiasc.gov
Richland Main Library www.richlandlibrary.com/main
3RD ANNUAL ENGAGE RICHLAND Connecting to Employment, Financing and Contracting Opportunities
Chao and Associates www.chaoinc.com
SC Division of Small and Minority Business Contracting and Certification https://osmba.sc.gov/
Richland County www.richlandcountysc.gov
SC Dew www.dew.sc.gov
The COMET http://catchthecometsc.gov
Security Federal Bank www.securityfederalbank.com
Columbia Metropolitan Airport www.columbiaairport.com/procurement-bids
Benedict College www.benedict.edu
South Carolina Small Business Development Center www.scsbdc.com
South Carolina Community Loan Fund
3RD ANNUAL ENGAGE RICHLAND Connecting to Employment, Financing and Contracting Opportunities

Roads & MaintenanceDrainage
Human Resources
Richland County Department of Public Works Utilities
Richland County Community Planning and Development Business Service Center
Richland County Government departments and divisions, visit www.richlandcountysc.gov.
Roger Staffing Agency www.roperstaffing.com
Richland County Alvin S. Glenn Detention Center
Richland County School District 1 www.richlandone.org
City of Columbia Office of Business Opportunities www.columbiasc.net/obo
Hamilton-Owens Airport http://www.flykcub.com
Richland County Animal Care
Richland County Community Planning & Development Department
Richland County Department of Public Works Stormwater
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Robert Half Recruitment www.roberthalf.com
Richland County Emergency Services
University of South Carolina www.sc.edu
Richland County Animal Services - Vector Control
Richland County Sheriff’s Department https://www.rcsd.net
Richland County Department of Public Works
The County advertises contracting and business opportunities online with:
For submittal of documents and questions, please email the Office of Procurement and Contracting at procurement@richlandcountysc.gov
Log in or register (bonfirehub.com)
All required documents should be submitted electronically to the Office of Procurement and Contracting at procurement@richlandcountysc.gov
• the South Carolina Business Opportunities (SCBO) website (https://scbo.sc.gov/online-edition)
3. A current certificate of insurance indicating proof of insurance.
1. Richland County Vendor Registration Form (click on the Vendor Application link). The Vendor Registration Form must be completed in its entirety. If there is a question, which does not apply to your firm, please indicate not applicable (N/A). Please indicate all areas of specialization for which participation is desired by inserting them in the spaces provided. If the area provided to list specialization is not sufficient, just list your areas of expertise on a separate sheet.
• the Richland County Office of Procurement and Contracting’s Solicitations webpage (http://www. richlandcountysc.gov/Businesses/Procurement-Contracting/solicitations)

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To participate in the County’s open, competitive, and inclusive participation process, the following vendor registration documents must be submitted:
5. Richland County Business Service License, when working in the unincorporated areas of the County (visit Service-Centerhttp://www.richlandcountysc.gov/Government/Departments/Licensing-Registration/Business).
Connecting to Employment, Financing and Contracting Opportunities

While on this page, please use the Procurement & Contracting link in the blue box to the right side of the page. This will take you to the Office of Procurement and Contracting department page, where you can click on the Become a Vendor link. This will take you to the Vendors page, where you will find the various documents that make up the vendor registration packet. The information provided through the documents in this packet will be utilized to develop a list of suppliers from whom to solicit formal and informal solicitations.
2. A signed IRS Form W-9 Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification (downloadable from https://www.irs.gov).
4. Registration with the SC Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation, Division of Professional and Occupational Licensing Boards (POL), Office of Board Services (OBS) when required for services being provided (register at https://llr.sc.gov).
All parties interested in doing business with the County should first visit the Doing Business with Richland County page on the County website: http://www.richlandcountysc.gov/Businesses/Doing-Business-with-RichlandCounty. The links on this page will direct you to additional information.
3RD ANNUAL ENGAGE RICHLAND Connecting to Employment, Financing and Contracting Opportunities PRODUCTS/SERVICES PURCHASED BY RICHLAND COUNTY • Advertising Appraisers • Asphalt/Paving Barricades • Boiler maintenance/replacement Brochures • Cameras Caterers Chainsaw chaps • Cleaning products for washing PPE, equipment, etc. Construction contractors • Contractors for our Project • Custodial Supplies • Crusher run (rock materials) Demolition • Detention pond maintenance Disposable vinyl & nitrile gloves • Dust masks Ear plugs Embroidery • EMS uniforms, hats, BDU style pants, rain gear, boots Engineering consulting services –• NPDES Engineering design services • General contractors • Herbicide • HVAC Equipment and Supplies • Janitorial/cleaning supplies Landscaping Equipment and Supplies • Medical supplies (gloves, bandaging, airway delivery devices, IV supplies) • Mobile phone accessories Mobile signs • N95 respirators • Office supplies • Oil, air & fuel filters • Parts for ULV & equipment repairs Personal protective equipment (PPE) • Plumbing • Printing Services Promotional items • Pump Station • Rip rap (quarry stone) Road construction • Roofing • Roll carts • Roofing repair/replacement • SAE 30 oil • Safety equipment: Safety gear, Safety supplies, Safety vests Sidewalk construction • Signs (Men Working, Flagger Ahead) Slag materials • Snake chaps • Survey stakes (wooden) Survey tape • Tape Trash bags • Tree removal Uniforms Water jugs • Water quality monitoring services Water/coffee Page 13

• Agree to comply with the program requirements that are monitored and enforced by OSBO.

3RD ANNUAL ENGAGE RICHLAND Connecting to Employment, Financing and Contracting Opportunities
• Does not exceed the maximum number of employees permitted (50 for SLBEs, 5 for ESLBEs).
The Small Local Business Enterprise (SLBE) program encourages greater availability, capacity development, and contract participation by Richland County small businesses in non-federally funded County contracts, including the Richland Penny Transportation Program.
The Purpose of the Program
• Is independently owned and operated.
The SLBE program was established by Ordinance No. 049-13HR, is to provide a race and gender-neutral procurement tool for the County to use as its effort to ensure that all segments of its small and local business community have a reasonable and significant opportunity to participate in County contracts. The County certifies in the areas of construction, architectural and engineering services, professional services, nonprofessional services, and commodities. Moreover, the SLBE Program provides additional avenues for the development of new capacity and new sources of competition for County contracts from the growing pool of small and locally based businesses.
Small Local Business Enterprise Program
A firm can become certified as an SLBE or Emerging SLBE (ESLBE) with OSBO upon its submission of a completed certification application, supporting documentation and a signed and notarized affidavit affirming that it meets all of the SLBE/ESLBE eligibility criteria.
Elgibility Requirements
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How to Get Certified
• Does not dominate in its field of operation.
• Has average gross annual revenues for the last three years that do not exceed the maximum permitted.
• Is not a subsidiary of another business.
• Be located in Richland County at least one year prior to the submission of application.
District 2018-20225
Derrek Pugh District
Joe Walker III District
Paul Livingston District

Bill Malinowski Terracio Overture Walker District
Jesica Mackey English Newton
Yvonne McBride District 2020-20243

2018-20224 Page 15
District 2018-20221 Allison

3RD ANNUAL ENGAGE RICHLAND Connecting to Employment, Financing and Contracting Opportunities RICHLAND COUNTY COUNCIL 2022
District 2020-202410 Chakisse

District 2020-20249 Cheryl
District 2018-202211
Gretchen Barron District
DOING BUSINESS WITH RICHLAND COUNTY richlandcountysc.gov/businesses RICHLAND COUNTY PROCUREMENT, BIDS AND REQUESTS richlandcountysc.gov/procurement RICHLAND PENNY PROGRAM richlandcountysc.gov/transportation CONTACT US RICHLAND COUNTY RESOURCES Office of Small Business Opportunity 2000 Hampton St. Suite 3014 Columbia, SC 29204 803-576-1540Phone:Fax:803-576-1549 richlandcountysc.gov/osboosbo@richlandcountysc.gov CONNECTED...STAY