Denton PARD Quarterly Report

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2018 PARD Director Quarterly Report April, May, and June

This report covers items relative to the third quarter of the current fiscal year. If an item was overlooked, please email the item and related details to, so it can be identified in the next report.

NEW CONSTRUCTION AND PROJECT UPDATES Click to view most current City Council presentations

NEW G. Roland Vela Athletic Complex City Council approved the project and construction began on May 21 with Freese and Nichols hired to serve as project managers. Construction is anticipated to take 9-10 months. NEW Industrial Street Pocket Park Four concept plans have been completed, one by Glenn McLain, park maintenance employee and experienced designer, and three by Teague Nall and Perkins (TNP), landscape architecture and planning firm. All four plans were presented to City Council on June 26 for consideration with cost estimates for development ranging from $315,000 to $657,000. City Council and Park Board recommended the concept plan designed by Glenn McLain and we’re scheduled to obtain additional input and recommendations via public meetings with residents, local merchants, and the Main Street Association. Funding has been identified up to $500,000. NEW North Lakes Park Dog Park The new dog park concept plan was developed by Glenn McLain, park maintenance employee and an internal dept. kick-off meeting was held on June 22 to provide him with feedback relative to staff’s experience with Wiggly Field Dog Park.


The design will be presented to our staff, Park Board, and City Council for feedback in the near future. We plan to host a public meeting in August and construction could start as early as 2019. NEW North Lakes Park Tennis Center United States Tennis Association (USTA) provided three free general facility concepts that consisted of 12 full-size courts, a pro shop, shade structures, parking, and a gathering space. In addition, Glenn McLain, park maintenance employee, submitted a detailed in-house facility concept, excluding renovation of the pro shop.


2018 Quarterly Report | April, May, June

The project budget is $3.6M with design costs estimated at $320,000 or 10%. Aside from the pro shop, this expense can be applied as savings with the use of an in-house design. Staff met with tennis pros and obtained feedback on June 28 and we’re planning to obtain additional input via public meetings, City Council, and Park Board in July and August.


American Legion Hall Senior Center We presented an update to City Council on June 5 and they approved additional funding to complete the project with slight design modifications. Three Playground Replacements Installation of new playgrounds will begin this summer at Fred Moore Park, Denia Park and Milam Park and are scheduled to be completed by October. Funding is provided by the Capital Improvement Program totaling $354,000. Cemetery Fencing Upgrades and Improvement Plan IOOF and Oakwood Cemetery upgrades will be completed mid-July and include new fencing, columns, and arches. Both cemeteries are historical City assets in need of significant funding in order to bring them to desired standards. A Cemetery Improvement Plan was created by staff in May to help outline the needs of each property spread over the course of eight years. Sequoia Trail, located at 1400 E. University St. This half-mile trail that surrounds Sequoia Park is being expanded to one-mile. Expected completion for this Capital Improvement Project is end of summer with a total cost of $83,927.54. This is $21,000 over budget in addition to $11,000 spent on design and project specifications. We’ve identified park dedication and development funds to help fund the completion of this project. Wiggly Field Dog Park at Lake Forest Park The large dog area is currently closed for park maintenance to include grading, sodding, seeding, tree trimming and the installation of a "dugout" for dogs that is a sandbox that doubles as a retaining wall. We’ve also hired a contractor to improve the overall cleaning of the park and will launch an education campaign to encourage dog owners to clean up after their dogs. Quakertown and Carl Gene Young Sr. Park Sprayground Restrooms The old Quakertown restroom was demolished on May 17 and the new restroom will go out to bid in the near future. The sprayground in Carl Young Park was dedicated on May 12 and plans for permanent restrooms are underway. In the meantime, a temporary restroom trailer was purchased and is currently being used.

2018 Quarterly Report | April, May, June

Roof Repairs via the Capital Maintenance Program $300,000 has been allocated for concession, restroom, and pavilion roof repairs at Denia, Evers, North Lakes, and South Lakes Parks. City Council approved the contract on June 19.


Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Plan An IPM Plan includes policies and procedures that provide effective and environmentally sensitive approaches to pest management while minimizing risks to people using our parks. Our plan was originally developed in 2001 by our department staff. An IPM focus group was recently created with residents, Texas A&M AgriLife members, UNT, youth sports organizations, and staff. To date, meetings have been held to begin reviewing and updating our policies and procedures. In addition, staff has recommended we use the City of Austin IPM Program as a best practice to guide updates to our plan. Denia Park has been selected as a pilot location for new organic methods and practices. We anticipate it will take 4 to 6 months to develop an improvement plan and 12 months to implement the pilot site.

Master Plan Update

Master Plan Update Our Parks, Recreation, and Trails Master Plan was last updated in 2009 and the typical life span of a master plan is 10 years. We would like to begin the process of updating the plan in January 2019. Our goal is to update the plan to include plans for Southwest Park and to perform an inventory update of park land and amenities, in addition to a needs, connectivity, and trends analysis. It is estimated that this process could take 9-10 months and cost approximately $250,000. We’re proposing to complete the plan primarily in-house with staff but hire specialized consultants to aid in some tasks. Some funding will be needed to help stay on pace and provide for specific skills and abilities. A budget of $100,000 is being assumed. PROS Consulting Aquatics Assessment and Recommendations The PROS Consulting assessment was presented to City Council and DISD in May and items discussed include the re-creation of the NAT Committee, marketing, staffing, programming partnerships, revenue development and implementation of recommendations presented in the action plan. 915 and 916 Fund Assessment 915/916 refer to funds obtained and regulated by the Park Dedication and Development Ordinance (1998-038). We're requesting a restructuring of the funds to improve tracking and accessibility. As currently designed, it's challenging to clearly identify what funds are available for each park property and potential land acquisition. We've obtained quotes including one from Distinguished Professor of Recreation, Park and Tourism Science at Texas A&M University.


Beautification Opportunities Park Maintenance staff have been working on a Beautification Plan for major City intersections. This plan combines landscape and signage with the potential to include public art. The first two intersections considered are Eagle Drive/ Elm Street and Dallas Drive/Teasley Lane. TxDOT Green Ribbon Landscape Improvement Program We submitted a grant for $669,074.20 to transform approximately four miles of landscape along US 380/W. University Drive. Our application included two classifications of median designs developed in-house. Sections of Teasley and Fort Worth Drive have previously benefited from Green Ribbon Funds which serve to transform concrete corridors into "ribbons of green." Potential Parking to Access South Lakes Park Londonderry Playground Local property owners have voiced concerns regarding the continued use of private parking lots by park users accessing Londonderry Playground on the NW corner of South Lakes Park. To address concerns, staff developed an initial design for a parking lot adjacent to the playground. Cost estimates and funding have not yet been identified. Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) An allocation request was submitted in the amount of $25,000 for youth scholarships for next fiscal year. This grant is federally funded by the United States Dept. of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to address the needs in low-income communities. Economic Development We met with the developers of Rayzor Ranch and Cole Ranch to begin discussions of future parks and recreation needs, a master plan timeline, and to understand future opportunities. Capital Improvement Plan We are currently maintaining an Excel spreadsheet to track and identify past, current, and future project needs within the department. This will be used as a starting point for a our database once work management software is purchased. Denton Parks Foundation We’ve been working with the Foundation to identify new opportunities. Projects being considered, pending City Council direction and contract approval, include McKenna Playground, the new dog park, Southwest Park and the master plan. The Morale Fund, with a balance of $4,251.18 and the Youth Sports Enhancement Fund, with a balance of $29,531.28 will close and they'll make those funds available to the City in the near future.




NEW Tidal Wave Concession Menu

NEW Luxury Lounger Rentals

NEW Tidal Wave Concessions and Luxury Loungers at Water Works Park This new asset opened this summer and we anticipate an increase in cost recovery projections. Another new revenue generating asset are Luxury Loungers. Based on a recommendation by PROS Consulting, staff added them to their rental inventory and forecasts they'll generate $2,200 per lounger over the next three years. Mowing Contract Cost Savings PARD staff created detailed bid specifications and maps of mowing areas to deliver a more accurate scope of work for contract bids. Efforts paid off and bids received were lower, regardless of increased property maintenance inventory. We're forecasting approximately $40,000 in savings. Concession Stands Contract for Adult Softball City Council approved to contract Mega Promotions Inc. on June 5. This new contract will turnover a 25% payment from gross receipts to PARD and will be re-evaluated after the first year. NEW Youth Sports Camps and Clinics Contract Staff contracted with Skyhawks and Bowman Sports to operate the track program, sports camps, clinics and homeschool programs. Home Business Unit Consolidation (HBU) Historically, PARD staff divisions divided budgets into 31 different HBUs between the General Fund (GF) and Rec Fund (RF). Beginning in October, we will reduce it to 16 HBU’s to improve efficiency and budget transparency. We will also collapse GF accounts that have parallel RF accounts into the RF to simplify budget management. Park Maintenance, Aquatics, and Admin will remain in the GF.

PROJECT PLAYBOOKS Play Books will soon be installed in the form of lifesize "drawing boards" at City Hall East and the Service Center. These boards will serve to provide regular updates on team driven initiatives, projects, programs and events. It will be an all staff PLAY Book to provide an open line of communication. HIGHLIGHT REELS Highlight Reels will be posted monthly beginning in August on our department homepage. These reels will serve to provide updates for residents on park projects and initiatives. QUARTERLY REPORTS Quarterly Reports, such as this report, will be emailed every three months to ensure staff has an opportunity to know our story and be well informed in all aspects of the department, regardless of division. LOCKER ROOM TEAM MEETINGS I'll host periodic team meetings with leisure services and park maintenance staff to update everyone on department happenings. STAFF SURVEY This fall, expect to receive a staff survey for feedback on internal department communication improvements. WORKPLACE BY FACEBOOK Beginning mid-July, we will launch Workplace by Facebook to facilitate on-going communication across the entire PARD team in an efficient, timely, and interactive manner. We will serve as a pilot program for the City to connect, communicate, and collaborate using familiar Facebook features such as News Feed, messages, events, and more. Please note, it will not require a personal Facebook account.

Commission for Accreditation of Parks & Recreation Agencies (CAPRA) In April, staff began working together gathering information and reviewing accreditation standards for the department. Our goal is to submit the CAPRA application and schedule a visitation next summer. If achieved, we could be accredited in September 2019. This process is cumbersome but should make us more efficient and effective in serving the community.


Park Maintenance

Park Maintenance Promotions Congratulations David Valdez, promoted to Crew Leader Congratulations Felipe Lira, promoted to Heavy Equipment Operator I Congratulations Michael Cannon, promoted to Field Service Worker II Congratulations Sam Huggenberger, promoted to Crew Leader Congratulations Gary Green, promoted to Field Supervisor Park Maintenance New Hires Welcome Terrell Jones, Pattrick Selby, Paul Dedrick, Martin Tovar, all new Field Service Workers (II) Welcome Devvon Miles, Temp/Seasonal Field Service Worker Welcome Andrew Lincoln, Park Electrician Park Maintenance Accolades Congratulations Jason Lill, Landscape Irrigation Technician License Congratulations Robert Mann, Certified Grounds Manager Program

Leisure Services and Administration

Leisure Services Promotions Congratulations Jodi McClaren, promoted to Rec Coordinator Congratulations Caitlin Essex, promoted to Athletics Rec Coordinator Congratulations Jason Barrow, promoted to Athletics Manager Congratulations Heather Gray, promoted to Business Manager Congratulations Alicia McDaniels, promoted to Rec Center Manager Leisure Services New Hires Welcome Tyler Smith, Aquatics Learn to Swim Coordinator Welcome Christie Garner, Fitness Coordinator Leisure Services and Admin Vacancies Recreation Supervisor of Tennis and Golf (currently open) Recreation Coordinator of Special Events (will open soon) Management Analyst (currently open)

Restructures and Reclassifications

PAM Reclassified to Three Full-Time Positions | Phase II Restructure The Program Area Manager position, previously occupied by Kathy Schaeffer, was deconstructed to create three full-time jobs from three part-time positions. Admin Asst. IV Reclassified to Provide Management Analyst Position The vacant Admin Asst. IV position, previously occupied by Julie Leal, was reclassified to a Management Analyst to better meet our needs. Civic Center Coordinators Reclassified to Recreation Coordinators Community Events Coordinator Janie McLeod moved to the Civic Center with added facility rental responsibilities. Civic Center Coordinator positions were classified as Rec Coordinators. Melissa Smart's new role is to serve as Customer Service Coordinator and the vacant Rec Coordinator position will serve as Special Events Coordinator.

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