desert STAR

The renowned Palm Springs Air Museum Memorial Day Flower Drop & Air Fair returns Monday, 29, 2023. Air Fair starts at 10 am,
and Flower Drop Ceremony begins at 1 pm. As in years past, the day includes music, food vendors, kids’ activities, and airplanes taking off and landing on the tarmac.
Returning this year is FREE offsite parking with a shuttle service from the PS Unified School District parking lot!
The emotional highlight of the day is the dropping of
3,000 red and white carnations from a vintage aircraft. The B-25 Mitchell Bomber will lead the processional from inside the hangar. First, there will be the missing man flight
formation, where four vintage planes fly in formation over the museum twice, and then during the 3rd pass, one
Close to 400 elegantlyattired luncheon guests enjoyed an afternoon of fun, shopping for that “must have” designer purse at the highly-acclaimed Olive Crest Annual Pick-A-Purse Luncheon at the Ontario Doubletree Hotel in Ontario. The ladies and gentlemen in attendance were definitely on a mission -- to support Olive Crest, an organization dedicated to preventing child abuse, to treating and educating at-risk children, and to preserving the family.
. .“One Life At A Time®.”
Karen Brown, a realtor with Coldwell Banker KivettTeeters Associates, served as
Emcee and on the Planning Committee for this year’s event. “Olive Crest has been near and dear to my heart for many years,” said Brown.
One of my dearest friends grew her family with the help of Olive Crest, and that is how this fantastic organization first appeared on my radar.
Eight years ago, I was invited to attend this event, which was right up my alley. From an early age, helping others and doing what I could with what I had was essential.
Over the years, that love for helping others continued, and although I may not have always had much money to write a check, I knew in
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Brian Klosterboer, attorney for the American Civil Liberties Union of Texas, said the ban allows trans teens already receiving hormone therapy to continue temporarily but requires they “wean” themselves off the treatments.
“We are preparing a lawsuit against SB 14, the bill that bans health care for transgender youth,” Klosterboer stated. “We will take the state to court if Abbott signs that bill into law.”
Some “blue” states are moving in the opposite direction from Texas, including neighboring Colorado, which passed its legislation protecting people’s access to reproductive health services and facilities.
Meanwhile, the Texas House gave initial approval to Senate Bill 12, aimed initially at restricting children from seeing drag performances, but as worded now, gives officials the power to target any version.
Klosterboer contended that the law is overly broad and censors free expression by threatening to ban and criminalize any performance which “appeals to the prurient interest in sex” without defining the term.
By Desert Staffpassing
gender-affirming care.
Last week, the Texas Legislature passed Senate Bill 14, which essentially bans such care for kids under 18.
Senate Bill 14 was authored by Sen. Donna Campbell, R-New Braunfels, who argued that youth under 18 who receive genderaffirming treatments might regret their decision later.
PetSmart is celebrating Pride Month with the all-new 2023 You Are Loved collection of Pride-themed clothing, toys, and accessories for pets of multiple species.
First launched in 2019, the proprietary collection was created in partnership with the associate resource group PetSmart PRIDE AT WORK and represents the company’s commitment to supporting associates and community members of all orientations, gender identities, and expressions.
PetSmart associate and their dog display a bandana from the You Are Loved collection, created in partnership with PetSmart’s
PRIDE AT WORK associate resource group. Furthering its commitment to the LGBTQ+ community, PetSmart has donated $200,000 to GLSEN, a leading organization dedicated to ending violence, harassment, and discrimination against LGBTQ+ youth in K-12 schools. This marks the fourth consecutive year PetSmart has donated to GLSEN, with contributions totaling $600,000.
“PetSmart is proud to elevate the voices and experiences of the LGBTQ+ community – from our associates and the pet parents we serve to members of the community and allies,” said Kristin Shane,
senior vice president and chief merchandising officer at PetSmart and executive sponsor of Petsmart PRIDE AT WORK. “Our You Are Loved collection was initiated and inspired by our associate resource group team members to help pet parents, and their pets celebrate the spirit of Pride and share our values of inclusion and unconditional love.” For more information on the You Are Loved collection, including ways to shop, and for more information about how PetSmart supports Belonging all year, visit www. •••••••
Civil rights groups are forging connections to fight the rising tide of hate crimes.
In a briefing from the Act Against Hate Alliance Wednesday, civil rights leaders explained efforts to enlist regular people, advocacy groups, governments, and corporations in the fight against hate.
Laura E. Ellsworth, a partner at the Jones Day law firm, organizes the annual Eradicate Hate Global Summit in Pittsburgh, the site of the 2018 massacre at the
“Whether it be against LGBT people or immigrants in El Paso or Jews again in Poway or Sikhs in Oak Creek or Asians throughout California, again and again, and again we see this identity-based violence,” Ellsworth observed.
Five months ago, California was scarred by a mass shooting that killed 11 Asian Americans during the Lunar New Year celebration at two dance halls in Monterey Park. A white supremacist gunman targeted Black shoppers a year ago, killing ten at a Buffalo,
New York supermarket.
Recently Gov. Gavin Newsom announced two new ways to report hate speech and hate crimes, by logging on to the website CAvsHate. org or calling 833-8-NO-HATE.
Tamás Berecz, general manager of the International Network Against Cyber Hate in the Netherlands, said his organization responds to complaints of online hate speech and manages a database to monitor trends in cyber hate.
“Hate crimes do not always follow hate speech,
but hate crimes are very, very often or almost always preceded by hate speech,” Berecz explained.
May is Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month.
Dennis Santiago, chief operating officer of the National Diversity Coalition based in Los Angeles, said his organization tries to fight the myth of the Pacific Rim cultures as a monolith.
“Each of them has beachhead cultures in the United States,” Santiago
“And even though drag has been explicitly removed from the bill, the fact that the definitions are so expansive and that it comes with criminal penalties will have a major effect on free expression in our state,” Klosterboer asserted.
Texas is home to one of the largest trans communities in the country, including an estimated 30,000 teens between the ages of 13 and 17.
noted. “And every single one of them has different characteristics in terms of their economic integration, cultural isolation, even from each other.”
The 2021 California Hate Crime Report found that hate crimes increased by more than 32% in the Golden State between 2020 and 2021. In addition, anti-Asian hate crime events increased dramatically, 177.5%, during the same period.
As a nation, Americans have accumulated a debt of nearly $1 trillion through credit cards. Many individuals report feeling negative emotions such as stress, sadness, and hopelessness due to their reliance on plastic. Despite knowing better, the convenience of credit cards often leads to temptation and subsequent usage.
A survey was conducted on 1,000 Americans to understand the role of credit cards in causing stress, depression, and overall mental wellness. The results show a marked increase in adverse effects compared to last year. In 2022, 21%
of respondents felt stressed after using credit cards, but it increased to almost 34% this year. Additionally, 39% of respondents felt stressed just by looking at their credit card statements last year, which rose to 43% this year. Respondents who argued with their significant others over credit card spending increased from just over 3% to over 11%. Last year, 74% of respondents thought that the convenience of credit cards could negatively impact their mental health. This year, that number rose to 78%.
Americans are struggling financially. Inflation is a sign of a bigger problem. In addition, credit cards are being used to hide social issues. Over 11% keep credit card spending from significant others—4% date due to debt.
Max Liebermann
Mindy Salas
Dina Rivera
Beverly Cohn, Janice Gough, Kelly G. Richardson, Madeline Zuckerman, Pamela Price, Pat Krause, Risa D’Angeles, Richard Rowland, Robert Kinsler, Theda Kleinhans Reichman
Pat Krause
Please Call 760-671-6604
Arlette Capel
Desert Star Weekly
13279 Palm Drive Suite 4 & 5, Desert Hot Springs, CA 92240 760-671-6604
It’s important to note that “retail therapy” (impulse shopping to feel better) is not a healthy way to cope with stress. Shockingly, almost 12% of people turn to their credit cards to make purchases they regret weekly. While some people accrue an average debt of $1,000 or less, the numbers
for those who owe more raise serious concerns:
- 16% of people owe between $1,000 and $5,000
- Almost 15% of people owe between $5,000 and $15,000
- 2% of people owe between $15,000 and $20,000
- Nearly 3% of people owe more than $20,000
Understanding that having
substantial credit card debt can significantly impact mental and physical well-being is crucial. For example, research indicates that more than 6% of individuals experience adverse effects due to their credit cards bills, such as sleep deprivation, loss of appetite, and diminished selfworth. In addition, as reported by TransUnion, credit card
Continued from Page 1
of the planes veers off, with three remaining in shape. This symbolizes the loss of a pilot. This year marks the 50th Anniversary of the Release and Return Home of American Vietnam War pows. Vietnam War POWs and Gold Star Families of the Desert will be honored. Gold Star Families are the Coachella Valley families of those killed in action, such as Hunter Lopez.
Vintage warbirds scheduled to fly are B-25 Mitchell Bomber, Two P-51 Mustangs, T-28 Trojan, F8F Bearcat, P-63 Kingcobra,
PT-17 Stearman, and the C-47 Skytrain. Returning this year is the World’s Only Flying PB4Y-2 Privateer, and NEW will be the OV-10. The flower drop honors and memorializes all veterans who lost their lives defending the US. The white carnations honor those who fought in WWI, WWII, Korea, and Vietnam. The red carnations honor those who died in recent conflicts, including the Persian Gulf, Desert Storm, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Along with the carnations, a dozen roses will be added in honor of local Gold Star Families – those local families who lost loved
ones while serving our country. Hunter Lopez’s family is the most recent Gold Star Family. Warbird rides are also on sale. Visit Warbird-Rides/ to purchase rides in advance. This year’s Flower Sponsor is Jessup Auto Plaza. “The entire Jessup Auto Plaza team is very excited and proud to be able to help support this important recognition and remembrance of the tremendous sacrifices made on behalf of our country,” said Andy Jessup, Sr., who also serves as a Palm Springs Air Museum Board Member.
“It’s even more personal for our family because we have
balances have surged by nearly 20% in the past year, turning them into not only a financial instrument but also an emotional crutch. Luckily, there’s no need to break the bank on psychotherapy to tackle your credit card debt. Instead, a great starting point is receiving a certified counselor’s free debt analysis.
three generations of veterans.” Jessup is a retired Air Force Captain and Vietnam veteran. Currently celebrating its 85th year of serving Coachella Valley families, Jessup Auto Plaza is a Chevrolet, Cadillac, Buick, and GMC dealership spanning three generations as a family-owned and operated dealership. Returning sponsors from previous years are the H.N. and Frances C. Berger Foundation, the Coeta and Donald Barker Foundation, The Chandi Group, the City of Palm Springs, Palm Springs Resorts, Conrad Hilton Foundation, and McDonald’s – The Shalhoub Family. Additional support comes from the Southern California Gas Company, Desert Water, Robert Gilliland, Jr., and the Houston Family Foundation.
We are under the light beams of Gemini, now. Gemini, the 3rd sign of the zodiac, is portrayed as twin brothers. At other times as two columns, Boaz and Jachin, of Solomon’s Temple (and Masonry). The pairs symbolize opposites, polarity and dualism, inherent in our world. The two columns (black and white, left and right, moon and Sun) signify earthly knowledge (B) and spiritual knowledge (J), one the personality, the other the Soul. See the High Priestess card in the Rider-Waite Tarot deck.
Gemini, the first air sign of the zodiac, is the “thinker”. It is the thinking principle that lifts humanity up from the animal kingdom. Gemini energies alternate and flow in the air –here and there, up and down, and just about everywhere. The mind of Gemini is like a butterfly in a meadow of flowers, never alighting on one for long.
In Gemini there is mental restlessness and constant change that seems contradictory, which it is. Gemini’s task is to demonstrate this duality in our world so that it is in plain sight. Behind this doublemindedness is a spirit seeking to fuse the many varied ideas into one harmonious whole. The display of dualism is Mercury. The fusion of the opposites is Venus. Gemini can be scatter brained or a genius. Geminis are adaptable and expansive, impressionable and intellectual. They are also childlike, quite charming and brilliant.
We have two festivals this week –Shavuot (Harvest) and Pentecost.
Thursday, May 25 is Shavuot – a Jewish harvest festival. It is also commemorating G-d giving the Jewish people the Laws for the Aries Age (The Ten Commandments or
Torah). On this day each year G-d “re-gives” the Torah to the world (reminding us of the Rule of Law and that laws govern the working out in harmony of our world). It is also a harvest festival of “first spring fruits.”
Sunday, May 28, is Pentecost, a perfect Gemini festival. Pentecost is the Christian Festival (reflecting the Jewish festival of Shavuot/Harvest Festival). Pentecost is the festival of “Fiery Tongues,” or the descent of the Holy Spirit (Ray 3 of Divine Intelligence) as tongues of fire into the minds of humanity. The story in the bible is that “tongues of fire” appeared above the heads of Christ’s disciples and they began to understand all languages and all peoples, especially the language of the heart.
ARIES: It’s time to step forward and recognize you are a leader, one who innovates and brings the light of knowledge to others. This light is what humanity needs to recognize their true self-identity – as World Servers and Saviors. Whatever your discipline and vocation your words and actions are to be teachings for others. Then you will be seen as a “light bearer”. Before we can have true self-identity, we must have true knowledge. You are the mentor & teacher for this.
TAURUS: You take pride in your possessions, in your ownership of things. What you have is based on your values. But something is shifting now. A new set of values is coming forth. You no longer need to identify with what you own and what you’re worth based on possessions. This identity is the past. Not only must you create a secure and sustainable foundation, built to last, but you must also come into your creativity. Ponder
on this. There are many levels of creativity.
GEMINI: You shine when you care for, make contact with and serve others. Your love opens the hearts of everyone, especially hearts that through suffering or sadness, loss or confusion, are closed. Because of this task you require times of rest, reflection and seclusion. Here you gather compassion so you can assist others whenever the need arises. Do not allow yourself to feel lonely. You are not alone. In your “isolated unity” we all stand with you.
CANCER: You have very high hopes, plans, agendas and goals, sometimes, no oftentimes, not expressed. It would be good if you could communicate what is in your heart. Sometimes you have a wide and open tolerance of others. Sometimes you forget. More and more you’re called to have a coherence of heart and mind. This calls for an upliftment from emotional choices to mental knowledge. Your close friendships are most important. Continue to keep them close.
LEO: What goals, successes, accomplishments and recognitions are you seeking? It’s important to realize your aspirations and ambitions because your capacity to lead is actually your purpose and when you know this, your energy is identified and focused. All levels of leadership are important to cultivate and this leads to your creativity and then to your success. Some Leos are shy. Shy ones can still be leaders. Quiet yet powerful ones. It’s about identity and purpose.
VIRGO: When Virgos turn their focus to the world around them, especially to their environments, especially to gardens and the other
kingdoms in nature (mineral, plant, animal), they are able to control their restlessness and apply their vast organized and detailed state of knowledge to what is needed. Virgos are quite curious. But there is another call which is to venture out and be adventurous, quite unusual for Virgos. What could the Appalachian Trail and Spain’s Camino de Santiago (Way of St. John) mean for you?
LIBRA: Have you observed that your desires and aspirations have become intense, powerful and concentrated? The usual daily experiences are not enough. You need to go deeper, wider and higher, seeking what lies beneath the surface, and what lies within spiritual realms. Everything unexplored is magical and fascinating for you. Like the Hierarchy (inner world helpers), you must move in two directions – within and without, into deep emotional waters and into heaven itself – creating the Cross of Life. Libra balances all levels. Stay in love.
SCORPIO: For the next month or so create harmony wherever you are and whatever you do. Then take pride in creating that harmony in all interactions and relationships. You will feel the need to be close to loved ones, perhaps one or two in particular. You drop one or more of your veils of protection, knowing you’re safe being vulnerable and begin to say what you truly and deeply want and need. Social skills become easier. Peace results. This is a rare time for you. Observe and cherish it carefully.
SAGITTARIUS: All that you do concerning your work and profession are of course in relation to your sense of identity. Each day it’s most important to feel busy, to have
activities planned and to produce work that is your very best. It is also important that you create Right Relations with everyone around you, including the kingdoms. If these are not cultivated each day, you somehow feel less than and it moves to depression. Upon waking each morning plan your day with intention to be a good steward to all you contact. Dedicate yourself to the Will to Love. The results are like magic!
CAPRICORN: You have special and unique qualities combined with a deep level of creativity. You must have time as well as opportunities to express yourself each day. You have a dry sense of humor, a bit ironic, a bit dramatic and a lot of fun. Eventually those who need to, notice you and this leads to new ventures and adventures. Knowing this calms your sense of restlessness. Children are most important for your creativity to emerge. Write the daily stories of your life down for future family generations.
AQUARIUS: You are private and protective about your home, family and personal life. You seek to find your way each day into a deeper sense of security and a foundation from which you can work. You seek to integrate all endeavors in your life under one roof. This is most practical and allows for greater flexibility. You seek emotional attachments so that your heart is not so lonely. Find a home first. Fill it with all that you love. Plant a garden, even a small one. Friends come by. They love you.
PISCES: You take walks each day because you need a change of scenery. You need life in all its forms, but especially people to talk and share with. You need new friendships and new conversations. You adapt well, but only to a point. You are a teacher and need to teach. You are curious about others, asking lots of questions. Many don’t understand you. You never use power-over with others. Only power-with. Sometimes you’re sad. You need music all the time. And beauty.
Dear Mr. Richardson: Management sent a budget notification to members with an agenda, date, time, and location. The board meeting was attended by the directors and several homeowners. The board met with the treasurer to go over the proposed budget and voted to accept one of several dues increase options. In the past, there was one meeting to approve a draft which was then presented at the next open regularly scheduled board meeting where it is ratified. It was not listed on the later board meeting agenda. When I asked why, I was told it was voted upon at the (previous) open meeting. - L.B.,
Increasing assessments by a figure of up to 20% can have a major impact on the homeowners (remember, the board pays that increase also), so even though the board has the power to pass a large increase, it is a good idea to take time to explain to the entire membership why the increase is necessary. For example, many of my clients are suffering from major budget increases due to huge escalations in property insurance costs, and they are explaining this to their neighbors, so everyone understands.
- Best regards, Kelly
MartinezDear L.B.: Establishing a budget is one of the most important annual board decisions. Boards have the power and responsibility to determine what assessment increase is necessary to make sure the association can meet its anticipated expenses and set aside enough money to meet its reserve study recommended savings needs. Some associations with older governing documents have strict limits on how much the board can increase assessments each year, but Civil Code Section 5605(b) does not allow a cap on annual increases lower than 20%.
Dear Kelly: As treasurer of an association, which is over one million dollars short in its reserve account, is there a process to enforce Section 5600(a) (the statute requiring associations to impose sufficient assessments to pay its obligations)? I submitted plans to raise the regular monthly assessments, but all of the other board members voted for no increase. Will the court issue an order to increase funding by 20% per year until all obligations of the association are funded? - J.B., Oceanside
Dear J.B.: Unfortunately, many boards pursue “targetbased” budgeting instead of anticipating the coming year’s reasonably anticipated expenses. In that method, boards set a predetermined
expense goal and expect the manager to create a budget meeting that target. I wish I could handle my household expenses that way, but utilities, maintenance, repairs, and insurance cost what they cost, and I can’t force them to accept less simply because I want to pay less. Some boards create ”zero-increase” budgets despite cost increases by reducing or eliminating the accumulation of capital reserve fund savings. However, the HOA quietly falls into deficit by not setting aside money corresponding to the deterioration of common area assets calculated by the reserve study. That deficit isn’t felt until major
refurbishment of common area elements is needed – then, the HOA suddenly feels the crunch it should have seen coming long beforehand.
Suing the HOA would be expensive and divisive, and your duty
– encouraging neighbors to elect a more financially prudent board! - Sincerely, Kelly
loyalty as a director prevents you from doing so. There is a more cost-effective approach
Kelly G. Richardson, Esq. is a Fellow of the College of Community Association Lawyers and Partner of Richardson Ober LLP, a California law firm known for community association expertise. Submit column questions to Kelly@ Past columns at www. HOAHomefront. reserved®.
Groups working to fight hunger in California praise Gov. Gavin Newsom’s proposed changes to the state budget regarding food assistance for undocumented people but say they do not go far enough.
The governor’s “May Revise” would allow undocumented immigrants over age 55 to participate in food assistance programs two years earlier than planned, starting in 2025 instead of 2027.
Tia Shimada, director of programs at Nourish California, said the state should not exclude people from CalFresh or the California Food Assistance Program because of their age or immigration status.
“Those inequities, they’re written into our policies,” pointed out. “They’re a choice,
and California can do better.
Gov. Newsom and the California state Legislature should end the unjust exclusion of immigrants from food assistance.”
Senate Bill 245 and Assembly Bill 311 would expand the food assistance programs to include 580,000 to 670,000 low-income undocumented people under age 55. Opponents cited cost concerns.
Food insecurity is associated with adverse physical and mental health outcomes and has been shown to impair cognitive development in children.
Ali Ahmed, a University of California-San Diego student, said it is challenging for immigrant students who struggle to afford necessities.
“This is the case for many of my friends at school,”
Ahmed observed. “These immigrants are left to rely on food pantries or have to make hard choices between paying for school materials
or buying food to keep them nourished and ready to learn.”
Advocates have organized under the “Food4All” campaign, a coalition of 145 groups
around the state. They say 45% of undocumented immigrants under age 55 experience food insecurity.
A teacher shows fifth graders a Disney movie - now she’s facing harsh consequences!
Say what?
Jenna Barbee showed her students, ages ten to eleven, the Disney movie “Strange World.” It’s about a family of adventurers who embark on a dangerous science fiction mission to a new world where someone is out to get them at every turn.
The main character, Ethan Clade, faces a challenge due to the location of his school in Brooksville, Florida. The state’s Republican Governor, Ron DeSantis, has implemented the “Don’t say gay” law, which prevents teachers from discussing gender and sexual identity with their students.
And that’s why the local school board is investigating teacher Jenna Barbee!
Barbee said she wanted to show the film to give her students a break after a morning of exams. It was also crucial for geography
lessons. She even got the consent of all the parents!
In a six-minute video statement on TikTok, the teacher defends herself:
“I have a lot of fifth graders who have come to me this year, long before I showed the film, and told me they are part of the LGBTQ community. To me, that’s not a big deal. So I said, “Okay, great, I’m not pushing anything; I’m just accepting. That’s what I do,” Barbee explains.
During a school board meeting, Shannon Rodriguez criticized the teacher. She is not only a mother but also a school board member and a member of a right-wing group called Moms for Liberty. Rodriguez shares the controversial views of Ron DeSantis and wants books she deems “filthy” and “pornographic” to be taken off school shelves.
But in doing so, she speaks for a minority, as there is an online petition to get her out of office. More than 2000 people have already signed.
It’s amazing to think that Ringo Starr and His All Starr Band have been thrilling audiences for 34 years. And at a point when many musical troupes might be slowing down, Starr and company — guitarist-singer Steve Lukather, keyboardistsinger Edgar Winter, drummer Gregg Bissonette, guitaristbassist Hamish Stuart, multiinstrumentalist Warren Ham and singer-guitarist Colin Hay — are busier than ever.
The musical giants took a break during a May 17, 2023 rehearsal in their Los Angeles studio to participate in a Zoom Q&A with members of the media. It was an informative and fun event where each of the seven artists got to discuss the magic of performing in
ROBERT KINSLERto stay in shape during the extended tour (which includes dates through mid-October).
“Playing has never been grueling,” Starr noted. “I love to play, I love to play with these guys,” he said before playfully acknowledging: “We are the best band in this room.”
“Touring; nobody wants to tour, but you have to tour to play,” Starr explained, acknowledging that the process of moving from one town to another can be difficult even while performing in front of enthusiastic audiences is always a blast.
Each of the musicians was able to discuss how they bring their own musical styles to the All Starr Band.
unique and so much fun.”
Added Hay: “It’s our band’s versions of all these songs.”
As for the longevity of His All Starr Band, Starr said: “Its been a long time, 34 years. It’s what I do. I love to play and I love to play with great musicians. I love to play great songs and I get all of that from these guys.”
One reporter has a question for Lukather, asking him if there was something about Starr he could share that people don’t know.
the All Starr Band (which launched at Pechanga Resort in Temecula on Friday, May 19, 2023). Yours truly was among the many members of the media invited to hear from Starr and company.
“Rehearsals are going great,” Starr said early in the Q&A. “The first day is always really hard and yesterday (May 16) we ran the whole show and I feel ready to rock.”
Added Lukather: “Having the time of my life in this band and I always have. I love everybody and it’s going to be a great tour and I’m really excited to be here.”
Anyone who has seen Starr and His All Star Band’s winning performances knows how amazing they are. In addition to Starr featuring many
of his favorite Beatles and ‘70s solo hits, the members of his band collectively perform their most best known material. So classic rock fans attending any of the group’s upcoming tour dates will get to hear many of the most beloved songs from The Beatles, Men At Work, Toto, Average White Band and the Edgar Winter Group performed by key members of those bands in the same set.
“We’re having the greatest time playing the greatest songs,” noted famed drummer Bissonette, then pointing at Starr and adding: “The greatest. My drum hero, my dear pal; what a ball, what an honor.”
Starr was asked about the band’s “grueling schedule,” and how the members are able
“I love the challenge of playing other people’s music,” Lukather explained. “I want to stay as true to it as they expect...I have more fun playing their stuff than mine I can tell you that — plus playing on those great Ringo hits and Beatles stuff never gets old.”
Winter noted that the All Starr Band performs each of the songs in a way where the audience is treated to strong performances that nevertheless reveal unique takes on the well-known material.
The other musicians agreed that they love the fact that they have the freedom to make changes to the material to fit their approach.
“It’s not like we’re trying to change it,” noted Ham. “We put our own imprint into it and our own personality into it. That’s what makes it
“He’s the real thing,” Lukather said of the world’s most famous drummer. “Everything I wished before I met him and became friends; what I imagined him to be like being a life-time fan was better than I could have dreamed of. I love the man dearly.”
Among the exciting announcements revealed at the event is that Starr plans to record a full collection of country music songs that will likely be recorded following the end of this tour.
The special Q&A served as another reminder that anytime you get to hear from a member of The Beatles — inarguably the most important and influential rock band of all time — is time well spent.
“I’ve played with a couple of good bands,” Starr said at one point in reflecting on his long career. “And I played in the greatest band — in my world — with three brothers (John, Paul and George) and I just love playing live.”
By Desert Star Staff Jonathan Mamora, a pianist from Redlands, won the Solo Prize at the Palm Springs International Piano Competition (formerly the Virginia Waring International Piano Competition) in 2022. As a result, he had the opportunity to perform at Carnegie-Weill Hall in New York City. Rorianne Schrade, a New York Concert Reviewer, praised Mamora’s exceptional technique, agility, and versatility. She expressed excitement about his future performances and described him as an outstanding pianist. Visit https://nyconcertreview. com/reviews/the-palmsprings-international-pianocompetition-presentsjonathan-mamora-in-review/ to read the complete review.
On Thursday, May 4, 2023, Mamora had a successful debut at CarnegieWeill Hall in New York City.
The audience included more than a dozen Desert residents who had traveled to NY to cheer him on. For local Desert residents, there will be an opportunity to hear Mamora live in March of 2024 when the Palm Springs International Piano Competition presents him in concert. The artistic director, Robert Koenig, expressed pride and gratitude for working with an organization that supports young, brilliant artists like Mamora and cares about the future of classical music.
It’s lovely to hear about Mamora’s academic achievements! Mamora is pursuing a Doctorate in Musical Arts for Piano Performance and Literature at Eastman School of Music with the guidance of Douglas Humpherys. Before that, Mamora earned a Bachelor of Music from La Sierra University in Southern
Join us for the everpopular summer event: It all starts at the Welcome Party hosted by The Gardens on El Paseo on the bridge.
Then, you and your team take off to putt your way all along the famed shopping avenue of El Paseo.
Enjoy fun-hosted golf holes in various businesses, complete with sips and savors. You’ll end your round at the 19th hole after-party hosted by Casuelas Café.
Continued from Page 1
my heart that I had time to give to this worthy cause.
Volunteering at Olive Crest makes my heart MORE than happy! I am so proud to be part of this fabulous event because we all had so much fun making this magic happen. After being here today, I hope some of these lovely guests in attendance will feel it in their hearts to do what they can with what they have to start their chapter of helping Olive Crest do the life-changing work it has been doing for 50 years.”
With the price of admission, guests enjoyed the scrumptious lunch, featuring a summer garden salad, panseared chicken breast served with forest mushroom sauce, wild rice, and asparagus, followed by a delectable chocolate mousse cake that was sure to satisfy any sweet lover. Guests were then allowed to participate in many exciting opportunity drawings, hear about Olive Crest celebrating its 50th Anniversary Milestone, and hear about the organization’s many transformational programs and services for at-risk children and families in our community.
Some of the featured designer bags the ladies clamored for included Coach, Kate Spade, Patricia Nash, Michael Kors, Radley London, Thacker Ronnie, Karl Lagerfeld Paris, DKNY, and other wellknown designer brands. Kristen Salvesen was the lucky winner of the exquisite Alexander McQueen purse valued at $1,500.00. And her Mom, Kate Salveson, was the lucky winner of the stunning Ben Bridge diamond necklace.
“This year’s theme is “Heart Of Gold,” and this theme is all about Olive Crest celebrating its 50th Anniversary milestone,” said Tracy Fitzsimmons, Executive Director of Olive Crest Inland & Desert
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Communities. “Due to the heartbreaking and significant increase in the number of child abuse and neglect cases reported in our community over the last five years, Olive Crest realizes more must be done to respond to this crisis. Through the generosity of the many amazing women who attend this event, we can raise tangible support for the thousands of local children and families who need help. Every year I am honored and humbled to see the dedication and eagerness of those who attend to make an impact in our community truly.”
As everyone was enjoying their lunch, a well-deserved round of applause erupted for this year’s generous luncheon Sponsors, who included Julie Dirksen, Culver-Newlin, Toyota of Riverside, HUB International, Dermatology & Plastic Surgery Specialists, Pacific Premier Bank, US Bank, Kaiser Permanente, Karen Brown Realtor with Coldwell Banker KivettTeeters Associates, Pam Swift Divorce Mediation Services, Ontario Host Lions, Ford Fritts Riverside Auto Center, Open Door Escape Games, Provident Bank, Altura Credit Union, and Arrowhead Orthopedics. Tracy Fitzsimmons then stepped to the podium to educate attendees on Olive Crest’s crucial and lifechanging programs for abused, neglected, and at-risk youth.
Next, Walter Mueller, Director of Development for Olive Crest, explained Olive Crest’s monthly Kids At Heart Monthly Pledge Program, inspiring many guests to sign up.
It was time to engage guests in the highly-anticipated Pick-A-Purse portion of the program, where guests were called up in small groups to select a purse of their dreams from a dazzling array of designer purses. Guests proceeded to pick a number
from a basket that determined the order of that individual’s purse selection. If a guest decided on a lower number, that guest was one of the first to select a purse. If a guest picked a higher number, that guest would pick their new bag later in the selection process. Purses were refreshed
throughout the event, so chances were good that each guest would get the handbag of their dreams!
After the luncheon, guests were invited to mark their calendars for several important Olive Crest upcoming fundraisers, including a Riverside Signature event
on SEPTEMBER 8, 2023, Olive Crest Golf Invitational on FEBRUARY 26, 2024, and next year’s Pick-a-Purse Luncheon on May 5, 2024. For additional information on how you can volunteer or support Olive Crest, please call 1-800-550-child (2445) or visit
This time of year always provides plenty to celebrate and commemorate with the warmer weather and longer days.
May is also Older Americans Month, a time for celebrating the contributions that older adults make in our country from coast to coast. This year’s theme, “Aging Unbound,” promotes the independence, fulfillment, and joy older Americans can experience by choosing their paths as they age.
Instead of letting age define their circumstances, older Americans are embracing change, pushing boundaries, and transforming their communities through creativity, commitment, and service.
As a first stop for anyone looking to explore volunteer opportunities, AmeriCorps and AmeriCorps Seniors connect individuals and organizations through service and volunteering.
AmeriCorps Seniors matches Americans 55-plus with opportunities to improve their communities through the contribution of time, passion, skills, and experience.
“AmeriCorps Seniors is tailor-made for those aged 55 and older,” said Atalaya Sergi,
director of AmeriCorps Seniors.
“It provides a space for older adults to take charge of their ‘second act’ and use their time in valuable and impactful ways.
All of our volunteers share a goal of making a difference in their communities, and many see their involvement as a chance to make friends and form meaningful connections.”
More than 140,000 Americans are matched with volunteer opportunities each year through three programs: RSVP, the Foster Grandparent Program, and the Senior Companion Program.
Consider these ways older adults can get involved in their communities.
Respond to the Needs of Your Community
With more than 115,000 volunteers, RSVP is the largest of the programs. The program partners with national, state, and local organizations to offer volunteers various service opportunities, from building houses to delivering food.
“All the people you meet when you’re a volunteer tell you their stories and experiences,” said Srini Srinivas, a volunteer serving with the RSVP program. “You find that very rewarding, and it enriches your life. So doing this service is
a way of paying it forward.” Serve as Mentors
For older adults interested in working with children, the Foster Grandparent Program pairs volunteers with local schools and other programs focused on children, caring for and working with classes, groups, or individual students.
“My motto is, ‘There is never a never; you can always accomplish something.’ So I’m here to help the kids learn, be there for them, and teach them as much as I can,” said Priscilla Tsethlikai, a volunteer since 2016. “They’re teaching me, and at the same time, I’m teaching them.”
Provide a Helping Hand
to Other Older Adults
Fostering relationships with other older adults is also a rewarding and needed option. Volunteers serving with the Senior Companion Program give about 20 hours each week and spend time with older adults needing companionship or help with day-to-day tasks such as grocery shopping, getting to appointments, or paying bills.
“Volunteering has changed me; it keeps me grounded,” Carmen Swanson said. “When you help and do for others, you enrich your life. My favorite part is being available and of service to them. Whatever their desire is, whatever
they’d like to achieve - if I can execute the task, follow it through and accomplish it, it makes my day.”
While it may mean different things to different people, this year’s Older Americans Month theme of “Aging Unbound” provides one overarching sentiment: growing older can and should be empowering. For more information and to find volunteer opportunities near you, visit AmeriCorps. gov/YourMoment.
Source: AmeriCorps Seniors/ Family Features
By Desert Star Staff San Bernadino - A teacher at “Yucaipa High School” in Yucaipa (California) was arrested on suspicion of having sex with a student (16). Math teacher Tracy Vanderhulst, 38, was sent to a San Bernadino jail. Her bail was set at $30,000. It is unclear if the 16-yearold victim is still at the
school. Likewise, it was not disclosed how the teacher came under suspicion.
Investigators say there may be other victims in the case.
Vanderhulst is married and has two children. In 2017, she was named “Teacher of the Year” at the school.
It is the third time in less than a decade that a teacher
at “Yucaipa High School” has been found to have a sexual relationship with a student.
Repeated sexual abuse by teachers makes headlines in the United States. According to a 2004 report by the U.S. Department of Education, about ten percent of students will experience sexual misconduct by a teacher during their school years.
Summer is about travel and checking those must-do adventure experiences off the bucket list. And this year, pet parents aren’t leaving their pets behind. According to a recent survey from PetSmart, more than 60% of pet parents believe bringing their dog along on outdoor activities over the summer is essential. Knowing that pet
parents are passionate about exploring the great outdoors with their dogs by their side, PetSmart is inspiring dream summer adventures with the new Arcadia Trail Summer Bucket List Contest in which ten pet parents will win the ultimate road-trip vacation with their dog. PetSmart is also gearing up pet parents with new products from the outdoor-focused Arcadia
Trail collection and expert tips to help keep pets safe while adventuring.
Arcadia Trail Summer Bucket List Contest
People dream of bucket list adventures to take with their pets, so PetSmart surveyed pet parents to see what outdoor activities top their lists. Among the top experiences people want to have with their
pets this summer are water activities, camping, hiking, and road trips.
PetSmart’s Arcadia Trail Summer Bucket List Contest will give pet parents and their dogs a chance to make their bucket list adventure come true. People are asked to share why they need to head out on an ultimate road trip with their pup. Petsmart will choose ten pet parents
and their dogs to receive a fully customized road trip experience along with 100,000 PetSmart Treats reward points and a full suite of merchandise from the 2023 Arcadia Trail collection, available only at PetSmart. To enter, pet parents can visit AnythingforPets. com now through June 7.
Once again, a California teacher has sexually abused one of her subjects.
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Palm Springs Chamber
ofCommerce will honor visionary entrepreneur and community leader Jerry Keller, on his 88th birthday, with the 461st star on the Walk of the Stars Palm Springs category of Civic/Pioneer. The star will be unveiled at 200 South Palm Canyon Drive next to his beloved late wife, Barbara, on Tuesday, May 23rd, 2023, at 9:30 a.m. The Star Dedication Ceremony is open to the public.
“Jerry Keller’s contributions to Palm Springs through his businesses and civic involvement have made him a beloved community member,” said Nona Watson, CEO of the Palm Springs Chamber of Commerce. “It is with great pride that we announce the addition of his star on the Walk of the Stars Palm Springs, and we are thrilled to honor Jerry’s legacy and dedication to the city.”
In 2011, Jerry Keller and his wife, Barbara, opened Lulu California Bistro, a vibrant restaurant that was an integral part of the renaissance of downtown Palm Springs and
has become a renowned destination for visitors and locals seeking fabulous food at great prices served with a generous helping of fun.
Jerry’s background in publishing and marketing made him a natural restauranteur in this second career, and his keen eye for trends and common touch has been instrumental in Lulu’s success.
“For years, I watched my wonderful wife, Barbara, work her magic with relationships to improve everybody’s way of life. As a result, I learned a vital lesson that I continue to try to accomplish, strengthening connections in our community that help everyone to grow in the best ways possible,” said Keller.
Jerry Keller’s impact on the community of Palm Springs is far-reaching. It goes beyond his success as the owner of Lulu California Bistro. He has been a confidante and trusted advisor to local elected officials, businesses, and non-profit organizations for many years.
Jerry’s commitment to providing outstanding food and an unforgettable dining experience has been recognized with
multiple awards, including Businessperson of the Year in Palm Springs, Distinguished Citizen of Rancho Mirage, and Businessman of the Year in Rancho Mirage. In 2023, the Palm Springs Chamber of Commerce presented him with the prestigious Richard M. Milanovich Community Service Award for his outstanding contributions to the community.
In addition, Jerry serves as a board member of Visit Greater Palm Springs and PS Resorts, showcasing his dedication to promoting tourism and economic growth in the region.
Jerry Keller’s tireless commitment to making Palm Springs a more vibrant community has earned him a well-deserved reputation as a beloved community
leader. His recognition for his contributions is a testament to his profound impact on the city and its residents.
WHAT: 461st Star on Walk of the Stars
WHO: Jerry Keller
WHEN: Tuesday, May 23rd, 2023, at 9:30 a.m.
WHERE: 200 S Palm Canyon
Dr. Source: Pam Price
of queer voices rarely seen on stage.” (Nicole Serratore, Variety)
THE LIFESPAN OF A FACT by Jeremy Kareken, David Murrell, and Gordon Farrell, Directed by David Youse
January 28–28 & February 2–4, 2024
award-winning, Desert-based playwright, wrote this piece specifically for DET company member Richard Marlow.
By Desert Star Staff
Palm Springs, CA, May 19, 2023. Desert Ensemble
Theater’s (DET) Artistic
Director Jerome Elliott Moskowitz announced its 13th season today, continuing its tradition of presenting new, groundbreaking, and offbeat plays. The season, “Off Center at the Cultural Center,” will include two world premieres and two recent works that originated on New York stages.
Friday, October 6, 2023
DET presents the second installment of this fun, fast-paced singing competition, which benefits
its Theatre Internship and Scholarship Program. Famous local professional singers will mentor distinguished community volunteers to perform a song of their choice with verve and polish. The audience will determine the winner. All tickets include a pre-and post-performance reception at the theatre.
“After performing, each star contestant shared how music has been part of their lives. They reminded the audience that a love of the arts — fostered at an early age — can become a lifelong passion.”
(Barbara Kerr, Desert Sun)
by Jen SilvermanDirected by Kudra Wagner November 10–12 & 17–19, 2023
Betty is rich; Betty is lonely; Betty’s busy working on her truck; Betty wants to talk about love, but Betty needs to hit something. And Betty keeps using a small hand mirror to stare into parts of herself she’s never examined. Five women named Betty collide at the intersection of anger, sex, and the “the-ah.”
Collective Rage: A Play in 5 Betties premiered off-Broadway at the Lucille Lortel Theatre on September 12, 2018.
“With moments of hilarity and poignancy, Collective Rage offers a broad spectrum
Jim Fingal is a freshout-of-Harvard fact checker for a prominent but sinking New York magazine. John D’Agata is a talented writer with a transcendent essay about suicide—an article that could save the magazine from collapse. When Jim is assigned to fact-check D’Agata’s work, the two come head to head in a comedic yet gripping battle over facts versus truth—based on a book by D’Agata and Fingal, The Lifespan of a Fact premiered on Broadway at Studio 54 on October 18, 2018, for a 16-week run.
“...a quick and entertaining play that makes a good case for the value of truth.”
(Adam Feldman, Time Out)
ELLIE, by Bruce Bonafede (World premiere), Directed by Howard Shangraw
March 8–10 & 15–17, 2024
Brothers Richard and Warren are grieving the death of one of their wives. Their mourning sparks a confrontation that lays bare their life-long love/hate relationship and changes their lives forever. A play about crime, punishment, and how men kill what they love: Bruce Bonafede, an
“The landscape of quality professional theatrical productions and associated talent in Greater Palm Springs has grown exponentially thanks to playwrights like Palm Springs resident Bruce Bonafede.” (Lydia Kremer, Palm Springs Life)
CONFIDENTIAL by Tony Padilla (World premiere),
Directed by Jerome Elliott Moskowitz
April 12–14 and 19–21
This sparkling comedy wildly succeeded in DET’s 2022 Summer reading series. In an alternative version of the Holmes origin story, a spurned romance leads to someone threatening to unmask the young detective as a fraud.
“The script is the Star Desert Ensemble Theatre Company has produced eight plays written by Tony Padilla, And get this: English is his second language! Few authors can achieve this success, let alone in a second language.” (VJ Hume, Coachella Valley Independent News)
DET is located at the Palm Springs Cultural Center, 2300 E. Baristo Rd. in Palm Springs. Season subscriptions are available July 1, 2022. For additional information, call 760-565-2476 or visit www.