annual report 2003
science supporting
All around the world, human activities are causing the loss of natural resources and the extinction of plants and animals at alarming speed, threatening the biodiversity and relationships among species on which life on earth depends. At Mote Marine Laboratory researchers seek to protect our marine ecosystems and to understand the web that connects us all. Mote Marine Laboratory is an independent, nonproďŹ t organization, incorporated in 1955, that is dedicated to advancing the science of the sea through research and
Board of Trustees
Trustees Emeriti
Mike B. McKee Chairman
Donald G.C. Clark Eugenie Clark
J. Robert Long Vice-Chairman
Hon. Dan Miller
Kumar Mahadevan President
Honorary Members
Susan C. Gilmore Secretary Robert R. Nelson Treasurer
David S. Allen, Sr. Richard H. Angelotti Chairman Emeritus Charles R. Baumann
Vernon G. Buchanan
Steve Belack
Ronald D. Ciaravella
Howard Cobin
Field stations are maintained on Pine Island in
Frederick M. Derr Chairman Emeritus
Howard G. Crowell, Jr.
Charlotte Harbor, on Key West and Summerland Key in
Richard O. Donegan
Hon. Andy Ireland
Jerome Dupree
Hon. Bob Johnson Chairman Emeritus
education. Our main campus is in Sarasota, Florida, on 10.5 acres of land leased from the City of Sarasota.
the Florida Keys, and in eastern Sarasota County. Our staff numbers more than 220, and volunteers nearly 1,500. Research revenues in 2003 were at an all-time high, and our education programs and internships served more than 30,000 students. The aquarium drew almost 400,000 visitors.
Sylvia Earle Jefferson Flanders
Beth G. Morrison
Hon. William S. Galvano
G. Lowe Morrison
Alfred Goldstein Chairman Emeritus
John E. Pether
Judy Graham
William Ritchie
Ronald A. Johnson
Peter Rosasco
Elaine M. Keating Melville R. Levi Michael T. Martin Chairman Emeritus
In Gratitude Mote Marine Laboratory salutes the City of Sarasota. For 25 years they have partnered with Mote to support the science of the sea.
Peter T. Hull
Helen L. Pratt
Nancy Stevenson
Raymond E. Mason, Jr.
William R. Mote 1906-2000
Myra Monfort Runyan Chairman Emeritus
Perry W. Gilbert 1912-2000
Michael Saunders Howard Seider, Jr. Sylvia J. Taylor Robert M. Williams
As of May 7, 2004
Friends March 2004 It has been a productive year at Mote, despite budget constraints at both the state and federal levels. Mote continues to advance in several areas, and plans are under way for further expansion. An integrated strategic plan for the years 2004-2010 was formally approved by the Board of Trustees. The Lab’s total operating budget for 2003 was almost $21 million, a new record, and Foundation assets stand at $9.3 million plus an additional endowment of $600,000 for Aquarium operations. We were pleased to receive record funding from the United States Congress in support of the Gulf of Mexico Stock Enhancement Program, Science Consortium for Ocean Replenishment, Shark Consortium, bottlenose dolphin research, and marine mammal rehabilitation facilities. While 2003 was an extremely difficult year for state-funded projects, Mote was able to maintain funding for recurring programs in manatee research, fi shery stock enhancement, and red tide. The Research Division now has 210 funded projects, which reflects a 23 percent revenue increase in extramurally funded projects. Researchers traveled to 14 foreign countries, including Argentina, Cuba, and Malaysia, and the continent of Australia. They also traveled to Alaska, Hawaii, and 12 states in the continental U.S. Staff produced 102 proposals, 55 technical reports, 115 peer-reviewed manuscripts (a new record), and six books. Our Education Division continued to expand. Videoconference programs were delivered to a number of schools across the country and into Canada. Mote’s education programs reached more than 30,000 students in 2003. Capital expansion included the Keating Marine Education Center which is completed, and five additional buildings at Mote Aquaculture Park. We are in the process of obtaining City permitting for a new building at our Goldstein Marine Mammal Center, which will provide much needed additional space for research. More than 25 years have passed since Mote Marine Laboratory moved to City Island (our present location). We are grateful to the City of Sarasota and her citizens for hosting the laboratory and supporting our growth. With the help of our trustees, staff, volunteers, and loyal friends, we have accomplished great things, with more to come. We thank you, one and all. Cordially,
Kumar Mahadevan, Ph.D.
Myra Monfort Runyan
Chairman, Board of Trustees
Ye a r i n R e v i e w
The 2003 JASON Project XIV, which was broadcast
The annual Mote Day in Tallahassee included
from the Channel Islands, Santa Barbara, CA,
visits to legislative offices, various displays
was held from January 27-February 7, and was
manned by scientific staff, and a seafood reception
an unqualified success, with 4,842 students and
for legislators hosted by Mote. More than 200
Aquarium visitors attending the broadcasts.
guests attended.
On February 27, there was an official
Mote hosted the Florida West Coast Reef
groundbreaking for the Keating Marine Education
Workshop. Representatives from state and federal
Center. The building, which will house the
resource agencies, the academic community, and
Distance Learning Program, Marine Operations
Florida Sea Grant attended, providing information
staff and equipment, and a conference room, will
that will be used for better planning and
be ready for occupancy in early 2004.
monitoring of artificial reefs.
The National Marine Sanctuary Foundation provided Mote with a traveling exhibit, which was
A part of the Leadership Florida Annual
installed in the Robert and Mollie Nelson Theater
Conference was held at Mote on June 21.
Room in the Aquarium. The exhibit was modified
Dr. Kumar Mahadevan moderated the session.
to include graphic panels that explained Mote’s
Those on the panel of six included Mote’s
involvement with research in the Florida Keys –
Dr. Ernest Estevez, Dr. Kenneth Leber, and Trustee
our National Marine Sanctuary. The exhibit
Dr. Sylvia Earle.
remained at Mote through August and then
traveled to the EPCOT Center.
Thirty teachers from across the country attended
the week-long Summer Institute for JASON XV,
Mote Marine Laboratory and Aquarium were
“Rainforests at the Crossroads.” Mote scientists,
granted full accreditation by the American Zoo
Aquarium staff, and volunteers participated
and Aquarium Association (AZA) at its formal
in making this a very successful professional
hearing in Columbia, South Carolina. Such
development experience.
accreditation is granted to select institutions
A group of Russian resource officials from the
that show the highest level of professionalism,
Open World Russian Leadership Program,
fi nancial stability, and exhibit quality.
sponsored by Friendship Force International, visited Mote Marine Laboratory on July 29. The visit included tours of the Lab, the aquaculture facility, the Goldstein Marine Mammal Center, and a trip on the Sarasota Bay Explorers boat.
August A “Voyage to the Black Sea” reception was held in
The Laboratory hosted the Monterey Bay
the Martin-Selby Education Center in honor of
Aquarium’s Seafood Watch Program for a two-day
Dr. Robert Ballard’s expedition to the Black Sea.
working meeting. The overall goal was to develop
The expedition was searching for evidence of a
a Gulf Coast regional card dedicated to sustainable
great flood that inundated the sea thousands of
seafood that can be purchased in local restaurants
years ago (Noah’s flood?). Guests interacted with
and grocery stores. The card will be published in
the live exploration through a two-way video and
February 2004.
audio satellite link.
In late November, Mote’s “Protect Our Reefs”
Mote Aquarium announced the opening of the
license plate was introduced in tax collectors
new Nautical Archaeology Department, which will
offices throughout Florida. Mote will direct
investigate shipwrecks and various submerged
proceeds from the sale of the plate to coral reef
cultural resources in an historical context. With
research, education, and conservation efforts.
rich maritime histories, Charlotte Harbor and
Tampa Bay will be prime areas for study.
During the week of December 8, Mote hosted the
National Marine Fisheries Service, Southeast
The Research Division and the Education Division
Region Safety at Sea Training Workshop. Topics
held Strategic Planning Workshops. Seven-year
included fi re prevention, emergency procedures,
(2004-2010) plans were developed to chart the path
safety equipment, hypothermia, and life raft
and direction of future development.
demonstrations and practice.
The Mote Volunteer Holiday Party was held on
The Charlotte Harbor Conference, held at Mote,
December 18. This annual event was hosted by
marked the end of the second year of field studies
Mote Scientific Foundation in appreciation of the
in a long-term, multidisciplinary investigation of
invaluable work of Mote volunteers.
Charlotte Harbor. During the two-day meeting, lectures and posters described a remarkable diversity of discoveries by Mote scientists and research partners who are contributing to a scientific understanding of an unspoiled natural resource. Mote’s annual fund-raiser “Oceanic Evening” honored “Shark Lady” Dr. Eugenie Clark, and her studies of the little-understood convict fi sh. This popular event was attended by more than 400 guests, and raised more than $110,000.
Er nest D. Estevez, Ph.D., Director
Estuaries...Nurseries of the Sea The greatest productivity in the marine
Chemical Ecology Program. Projects included
environment starts in the estuaries. This is where
monitoring the waters of Sarasota Bay, the Myakka
fresh water from the land meets and mixes with
River, Charlotte Harbor, and coastal springs for
the tidal flow from the sea creating conditions
signs of pollution, especially related to nutrients.
that are highly productive of marine life. The
Comparisons made with historical data aided
Center for Coastal Ecology (CCE) studies the large
the effort to learn whether water quality was
ecosystems in many ways to assess the factors that
improving or declining. The staff also conducted
affect their sustainability.
cutting edge studies of underwater light penetration and its importance for seagrasses.
In 2003, two themes unified the center’s research. The fi rst was a continuing interest in tidal rivers
Marshes, algae beds, and other bottom
to understand what defi nes a healthy river and
habitats – these are the concerns of the Landscape
the impacts of dams, diversions, and flood
Ecology Program whose own studies of seagrasses
control projects. Considerable effort was made
expanded the center’s expertise. The staff
to answer these questions in rivers flowing into
collected samples, followed growth in natural and
Tampa Bay and Charlotte Harbor. The second
experimental conditions, used underwater video
theme was the Charlotte Harbor Program funded
and acoustic sensing technology, and developed
by Mote Scientific Foundation and others. The
Computerized Information Systems (CIS) models
CCE coordinated the overall program which is
to map grass beds and predict how they will
ongoing, and each of Mote’s other research centers
respond to changing conditions. In 2003, one
contributed its special expertise.
special problem under study was whether lowsalinity and freshwater grasses could recover from
Hydrology, sediments, water quality, and
the killing effects of extreme changes to river flow
contaminants – these are the purview of CCE’s
caused by man.
More than 70 percent of the fish species important to the state’s recreational and commercial fisheries spend all or part of their lives in estuaries. The Center for Coastal Ecology studies such environments and the marine creatures and plants that live within them.
Marshes, mangrove forests, river wetlands, and river ecology – they are the specialty of the Coastal Ecology Program. In 2003, program scientists studied wetlands and unusual but important habitats such as submarine wood to discover their roles in healthy rivers and bays. More work was conducted on mollusks, especially clams, as indicators of bioproductivity in tidal rivers. The program’s work has helped make Mote a national leader in the scientific arena of environmental flows to estuaries. Also part of CCE is the Benthic Ecology Program, Florida’s oldest continuous study of life at the bottom. The specialty embraces worms, clams, shrimps, snails and echinoderms – all the marvelous creatures that populate the sediments. Scientists conduct studies throughout the U.S. and the Caribbean from shallow rivers to the deep sea. Among the projects in 2003 was establishing scallop beds, understanding the effects of oxygen stress on animals in Charlotte Harbor, and monitoring the spread of the alien and invasive green mussels.
Richard H. Pierce, Ph.D., Director
Te s t i n g t h e W a t e r s The Center for Ecotoxicology, investigating
The Chemical Fate and Effects Program directed
the fate and effects of toxic substances in the
much of its attention to red tide mitigation,
marine environment, made signiďŹ cant progress
following a bloom throughout the summer.
in several areas in 2003. New instrumentation
Mitigation included clay occulation to remove
and innovative technology enabled the center
toxins from the water and ozone treatment to kill
to initiate more aggressive studies of red tide,
cells and destroy toxins. A study was conducted
chemical pollutants, petroleum contaminants,
with the Environmental Health Program to assess
and other environmental stressors.
the concentration of toxins to which the public and lifeguards were exposed during a red tide
The Aquatic Toxicology Program has been
event. New instrumentation has placed Mote at
studying biomarkers, such as fatty acids, in marine
the forefront of this emergency research. Other
mammals that will identify exposure to physical
studies assessed pesticides and other toxins in
and chemical stress, and determine feeding
the Caloosahatchee River Estuary and Charlotte
patterns. The program scientists continued
their work in Alaska, evaluating contaminants in bowhead whales, the primary food source for
Although the irritating effects of red tides have
Native Americans. With a grant from the state of
long been observed, it is only recently that the
Alaska, pre-oil drilling conditions in the Arctic
Environmental Health Program has been focusing
interior were documented, and the staff worked
on the human respiratory system. In 2003, two
with other international scientists to develop
important studies assessed the effects of exposure
long-range methods to assess the environmental
on healthy individuals and people with respiratory
impacts of oil drilling in the Arctic. Closer to
diseases. Analyses of these results demonstrated
home, the program investigated biochemical
the correlation of respiratory symptoms with the
changes to the Everglades in response to the
concentration and type of toxins to which the
alteration of freshwater ows into the park.
subjects were exposed. The new research provided
Harmful algal blooms pose serious threats to natural resources and public health. The Center for Ecotoxicology specializes in understanding the causes of red tide, the human and environmental impacts, and investigating ways to mitigate the effects.
an understanding of who may be at risk. Program staff collected resources for a study website that was opened in December 2003. The Phytoplankton Ecology Program collaborated with scientists from various universities and research institutions and the U.S. Department of Agriculture on further development and applications for the “BreveBuster,” a red tide detecting instrument. The BreveBuster is used aboard ship or can be installed in a torpedoshaped autonomous underwater robot for continuous monitoring of red tide blooms in coastal waters. Field trials in the Gulf of Mexico and New Jersey were highly successful. The program was awarded several grants from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Science Foundation, and the National Sea Grant Program to develop red tide early warning systems in fi xed moorings or in autonomous underwater vehicles.
Er ich Bar tels, Inter im Director
Co ra l Re e f s, Co n c h Fa r m i n g , & m o re. . . In the continuing search for the factors causing
but information was also presented on diseases
coral reef decline, a worldwide problem, the
of other reef organisms. Additionally, a UV
Center for Coral Reef Research, in collaboration
(ultraviolet light) project in collaboration with
with Mote’s Center for Aquaculture Research and
the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)
Development, has taken a number of initiatives.
resulted in better understanding of CDOM
One new project, started in 2003, was the creation
(chromatophoric dissolved organic matter) and its
of a coral genetic bank to help researchers fi nd
probable origins, known to affect UV penetration
ways to repair damage to coral reefs, whether
over coral formations and to be a factor in coral
caused by human activity, disease, or weather
reef bleaching. Among several other collaborative
and climate changes. This collaborative effort,
projects, CDOM sampling was also conducted in
with EarthEcho International, involves growing
the Shark River and in Florida Bay.
corals in 75- and 150-gallon laboratory tanks and replicating the conditions that allow them
The queen conch (Strombus gigas), the
to prosper in the wild – conditions such as
fundamental ingredient of conch chowder,
water clarity, temperature variations, and water
has long been overfi shed in Florida waters and
currents. Coral species in danger of extinction
presently enjoys federal protection that prohibits
may be saved and species found suitable for reef
its collection. This herbivorous gastropod has
restoration are being identified.
natural as well as human enemies, a fact that motivated the organization of the Conch Heritage
The center hosted a week-long workshop at its
Network of which Mote is a charter member. In
Summerland Key facility for resource managers
work with Mote’s Center for Aquaculture Research
from around the country and abroad. The focus
and Development, queen conch are raised in
was primarily on diseases affecting hard corals,
aquaculture facilities at Mote Tropical Research
At least seven coral diseases have been documented at the Keys reef tract. Boats and hurricanes also damage the reef. The Center for Coral Reef Research is growing coral to help replace what is dying.
Laboratory, the Conch Baby Farm (Key West), and Mote Aquaculture Park (Sarasota) for restocking studies in the Florida Keys. The juvenile conch were produced using wild egg masses collected by Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission staff and larval rearing was done at Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution. Mote’s fi sheries enhancement research team will use these juvenile conch to investigate the potential to restore queen conch using hatchery-reared conch. Thanks to the addition of the research vessel Lady Lynne this past year, monitoring of red tide, coral disease outbreaks, and other mortality events was expanded beyond the nearshore waters in the Lower Keys. Observations logged from residents, boaters, fi shermen, and other researchers together with satellite imaging and periodic water sampling added to the likelihood of early warning of an outbreak of a harmful algal bloom. Such warnings allow fi shermen and others time to act and to protect their interests.
Kevan Main, Ph.D., Director
Fi s h Fa r m i n g , a 2 1 st C e n t u r y I m p e r a t i v e Increasing global demand for seafood is giving
about 20 percent is caviar. Male sturgeon, in
aquaculture a fundamental role in meeting the
excess inventory from earlier years, have already
world’s protein needs. The center’s greatest
gone to market, as will those from later spawns.
achievement in 2003 was the design and
The modular designed growing systems rapidly
construction of state-of-the-art recirculating
expand production because they can be installed
inland marine and freshwater aquaculture
and operated even before a building is completed.
systems at Mote Aquaculture Park in eastern Sarasota County. The marine facilities include
This has been a very good year for the production
seven insulated marine fi sh broodstock
of common snook. More than 1,079 wild snook
maturation and spawning rooms, four live-food
were collected; 191 males and 64 females were
production rooms for marine larval fi sh, and
spawned. The research team determined that wild
offices for research staff. Freshwater facilities
snook spawn during the summer twice a month
include expanded recirculating growout systems
for two or three days after the full and new moon.
and larval-rearing and nursery production
By December, the center successfully reared
systems for sturgeon.
13,800 snook. Wild snook broodstock were also collected and are being matured to spawn at Mote
The Sturgeon Commercial Demonstration Project
Aquaculture Park.
aims to develop and prove the technology for a profitable new Florida industry based on sturgeon
The pompano research project expanded in 2003
meat and caviar. Two shipments of fertilized
as the center continued to develop methods of
Siberian sturgeon eggs were brought into the
farming high-value marine fi shes in low-salinity
Mote hatchery facilities from commercial farms
conditions. Broodstock were collected from the
in Hungary and Germany. They resulted in
wild and induced to spawn in captivity. By year’s
approximately 16,000 hatched larvae that have
end, there were 3,200 juvenile pompano in the
grown faster than expected. The females of this
experimental culture systems. An experiment,
species reach sexual maturity at about five years
conducted from December 2002 to March 2003,
of age and 15 to 20 pounds of weight, of which
proved that both pompano and its close relative,
Global concern over depleted fish stocks will result in a dramatic increase in the demand for the fish farming techniques being developed by the Center for Aquaculture Research and Development.
permit, grow as well in low salinity (5-8 ppt) as in high salinity (28-30 ppt) environments. This fi nding suggests these animals can be farmed successfully in inland locations using a supply of low salinity or “hard” fresh water. Research conducted with red snapper focused on ways to reduce aggressive behavior and cannibalism in nursery culture tanks. Staff also examined transport techniques in search of optimal methods to improve survival during juvenile transport efforts. Fish produced by the Center for Aquaculture Research were later used for restocking studies in offshore habitats by Mote’s Center for Fisheries Enhancement. Construction of conch culture facilities began at Mote’s Sarasota, Summerland Key, and Key West laboratories. In a collaborative effort with Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution, this project aims to produce queen conch in protected environments to restore depleted conch populations in the Florida Keys. A new coral culture project was also started at Summerland Key with the goal of restoring coral reefs damaged by ship groundings or other catastrophic events.
Kenneth M. Leber, Ph.D., Director
Sustaining Wild Fisheries The Center for Fisheries Enhancement is
had more snook years ago when there were more
conducting research to help sustain naturally
shallow grassbed-lined creeks.
occurring wild fi sh and invertebrate populations that have declined in American waters and around
FHE program scientists were also surprised to
the world. To that end, the center’s research works
discover an exotic animal in Charlotte Harbor.
to enlarge the fund of knowledge in fi sheries
The Mayan cichlid from Central America fi rst
management and to develop better techniques to
appeared at Flamingo, Florida, in 1983. For many
protect and enhance coastal fi sheries.
years, the spread of this relative of the herbivorous African tilapia was limited. The appearance of
Some of the Center’s greatest accomplishments in
this alien farther up Florida’s West Coast was
2003 were in the Fisheries Habitat Ecology (FHE)
not good news, as it is an aggressive omnivore,
Program and, as in many center projects, was a
hard to remove, and a threat to native marine
collaborative effort. Working with the Florida
life – including snook.
Marine Research Institute (FMRI), the scientists discovered juvenile nursery habitats for snook
Several other projects, strongly linked with and
that may well be essential to the well being of
funded by FMRI were launched last year. Center
snook in the Charlotte Harbor region. Sampling
scientists worked to evaluate the red drum
in that region revealed that many tiny juvenile
potential in Tampa Bay, and tracked released
snook reside farther upstream than previously
and wild fi sh with hydroacoustic technology to
recognized, in dense stands of submerged aquatic
determine habitat use after stocking. In snook
vegetation. The detailed characteristics of these
enhancement, they sought to answer the big
wetlands and how essential they are in the life
question of whether snook stocked in Sarasota
cycle of snook are still part of the program’s
Bay have added to the overall snook population
ongoing research. The fi nding made scientists
or simply displaced wild snook. Scientists were
wonder if places like Sarasota Bay and Tampa Bay
also involved with FMRI in a joint effort to
Because recreational fishing is worth about $5.6 billion a year in South Florida, protecting our fisheries is important. The Center for Fisheries Enhancement is studying how fish use their habitats, how habitat changes affect wild populations, and how to manage populations most efficiently.
devise a plan to scale up stock enhancement beyond Sarasota and Tampa Bays, once the technology is proven. The Science Consortium for Ocean Replenishment (SCORE), a NOAAfunded collaboration with the University of New Hampshire and the Manchester, Washington, NOAA-Fisheries Laboratory, is providing matching funds for the center’s partnership with FMRI in stock enhancement research. In another interesting project, scientists started developing a new type of fi sheries model called “Fishmod” that will aid in predicting the effects of ecosystem shifts on the abundance and distribution of economically important fi sh species. Down in the Keys and in Belize, center scientists sought to discover whether there are essential habitats for juvenile permit and bonefi sh. The Gulf of Mexico Marine Stock Enhancement Program (GMMSEP), a collaborative effort with the University of Southern Mississippi and the Oceanic Institute of Hawaii, worked to develop stock enhancement technology for red snapper, a deep water species.
Rober t E. Heuter, Ph.D., Director
Progress, Partnerships & Publications For Mote’s Center for Shark Research (CSR),
them time to flee shallow waters and ride out the
2003 was an exciting year of research progress,
storm in safer deep seas.
solidifying new partnerships, and publishing the results of the center’s work. In all, Mote CSR
The smalltooth sawfi sh, a large shark-like ray,
scientists produced 30 peer-reviewed scientific
has been the subject of intensive studies by the
publications during the year.
CSR’s Elasmobranch Fisheries and Conservation Biology Program. Largely as a result of this work,
At the Sarasota laboratory, a new and improved
the smalltooth sawfi sh was added to the U.S.
seawater system was constructed, providing state-
Endangered Species list. Mote scientists are now
of-the-art 30 foot by 55 foot and 20 foot by 40 foot
engaged in helping agencies rebuild the sawfi sh
oval tanks for holding healthy large sharks used
for research. The $500,000 facility was funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation
The CSR’s Elasmobranch Physiology and
(NSF) and by the Georgia Aquarium, a new public
Environmental Biology Program studied pollutant
aquarium being constructed in Atlanta and for
levels and the health of unique populations of
which Mote is serving as a research partner.
freshwater stingrays in Florida, bonnethead sharks
The Mote coordinated National Shark Research
in Charlotte Harbor, and commercially important
Consortium also received a second year of federal
sharks of the U.S. East Coast. In addition to
funding. In 2003, this coalition of four institutions
this research, the program spearheaded CSR
in three states (Florida, California, Virginia)
educational projects including the NSF-funded
conducted 33 research projects on sharks, skates,
Research Experiences for Undergraduates and the
and rays with funding of $1.7 million.
upgrading of the CSR website, one of Mote’s most popular web resources.
The CSR’s Elasmobranch Behavioral Ecology Program continued studies in Florida Gulf coastal
The research laboratories of the CSR’s Marine
waters using acoustic telemetry to examine habitat
Biomedical Research and Marine Immunology
use and behavioral patterns of sharks. Using
Programs underwent extensive renovation
this technology, scientists discovered that young
and modernization in 2003. Scientists in these
blacktip sharks can sense the drop in barometric
programs concentrated on writing publications
pressure of an approaching tropical storm, giving
and submitting new research proposals to federal
The Center for Shark Research performs groundbreaking studies in shark physiology, behavior, and ecology.
agencies and private foundations. The discovery by CSR scientists of a potent antitumor factor produced by shark immune cells cultured in the lab shows great promise for cancer therapy but awaits major research funding. The CSR’s Shark Biology Program had a particularly active year, on and offsite. Five surveys aboard Mote’s research vessel Eugenie Clark and the Florida state R/V Suncoaster sampled shark populations in coastal and deep ocean waters and deployed satellite tags to track long-term migratory patterns of large sharks. To advance this technology, in December the scientists organized and hosted a productive international workshop on satellite tagging of sharks. A new project at Mote’s Tropical Research Laboratory on Summerland Key was started with CSR scientists studying nurse shark reproduction and the status of Florida Keys’ sharks. And in Mexico, staff studied and tagged an unusually large aggregation of whale sharks, the largest fi sh in the sea. Scientists in all CSR programs contributed to national advisory panels and scientific societies in 2003 and traveled around the world in pursuit of sharks. The Mote CSR, the world’s largest organization dedicated to shark research, continued to lead in the study of these magnificent predators.
Randall S. Wells, Ph.D., Director
Fins and Flippers The Dolphin Research Program engaged in
several surveys out to 30 nautical miles on private
observational studies, health assessments, and
vessels with donated boats and captains. Staff
rescues in 2003. In June, staff and more than
also participated in Florida Department of
100 biologists, veterinarians, and handlers
Environmental Protection surveys 120 nautical
from various countries conducted a health and
miles west of Tampa Bay to monitor the effects of
assessment capture-release program, studying
releasing wastewater from phosphate retention
13 local dolphins. An assessment project that
ponds over the continental slope. Atlantic spotted
focused on measuring the correlation between
dolphins were radio-tracked and work continued
contaminant levels and dolphin health and
on the spotted dolphin photo-identification
reproduction has attracted the attention of some
of the world’s foremost investigators. Researchers also determined that two calves were born to
The Manatee Research Program consists of three
the Sarasota Bay dolphin community in 2003-
parts: habitat use and population assessment,
compared to 13 in 2002 - and two adult females
new research into the biology of manatees and
died. This community has been monitored since 1970.
cetaceans, and education and public awareness. Each of the three parts is necessary for effective
In October, staff attempted to remove a crab
trap float and line from a Sarasota Bay resident dolphin, but after three days, the animal removed
Long-term basic approaches included aerial
the gear by itself. Then in November, a dolphin
surveys, photo-identification, and analyses of
calf entangled in monofi lament line and suffering
habitats of choice by the animals.
from propeller wounds was successfully treated onsite and released. Farther from home, fieldwork
An ongoing study of manatee thermal biology
included radio-tagging of bottlenose dolphins off
using a thermal imaging camera has yielded
Bermuda, population studies of tucuxi dolphins
exciting new information about the ways
in Brazil, and planning for tracking of franciscana
manatees regulate body temperature - important
dolphins in Argentina with Wildlife Trust
because manatees cannot tolerate water colder
scientists. The Bermuda project documented
than 60ºF. For bottlenose dolphins, bowhead
the deepest dives ever recorded for bottlenose
whales, and manatees, the development of a new
dolphins, to depths of more than 1,500 feet.
technique for analysis of fatty acids - indicators of stress and foraging - should change the way such
The Offshore Cetacean Ecology group conducted
analyses will be performed in the future.
The Center for Marine Mammal and Sea Turtle Research has decades of history monitoring marine mammals and sea turtles in order to understand their life histories and the human and environmental impacts on these coastal neighbors.
In 2003, Sarasota County accepted a comprehensive Manatee Protection Plan, developed by program staff, which is considered to be a model for plans in other Florida counties. The Sensory Biology and Behavior Program started a project investigating the hearing abilities of wild dolphins. Studies of manatee sensory capacities demonstrated that visual acuity is considerably poorer than human vision, and hearing capability appeared to be lower than expected. In 2003, the Stranding Investigation Program investigated 80 reports of sick or injured dolphins, and 99 reports of stranded sea turtles. Staff also documented the appearance of two rare deepwater species of dolphins in nearby waters: ten Fraser’s dolphins stranded in Charlotte Harbor with nine treated and released onsite, and two melon-headed whales stranded near Fort Myers Beach. The Sea Turtle Conservation and Research Program staff and volunteers monitored 28 miles of local shoreline from May through October, and documented 1,218 successful nests and 1,073 nesting attempts. Also recorded were 98 incidents of hatchling disorientation by artificial lighting. In Charlotte Harbor, sea turtle staff counted turtles and nests observing loggerhead, Kemp’s ridley, and green turtles in 64 locations.
Charles A. Manire, D.V.M., Manager
Healthcare for Marine Animals The Dolphin and Whale Hospital (DWH) is unique
Atlantic bottlenose dolphin calf was brought to
because it combines research and rehabilitation.
the DWH from Harbor Branch Oceanographic
With increasing knowledge, the recovery rate
Institution. It was not known if the calf was old
has improved dramatically in the last few years.
enough to survive on its own, but it steadily grew
Nationwide recovery rates for live strandings start
stronger, ate live prey, and gained considerable
at less than 5 percent; at the DWH, more than 50
weight. Carter (as he was called) was released into
percent of ill or injured dolphins were restored
the Indian River Lagoon on October 23.
to good health and released. In a new technique, infrared light therapy was successfully used
The Sea Turtle Rehabilitation Hospital (STRH) has
for wound healing. As the hospital’s reputation
been equally busy. In September, two loggerheads
spreads, more animals have been referred to Mote,
were treated and released. One had intestinal
resulting in an extremely busy 2003. With money
problems and a paralyzed jaw, and the other had
from a federal grant and funds from the sale of
severe anemia. Another loggerhead, a large male,
dolphin license plates, an additional critical care
Bubba, that stranded in Georgia, was affected by
tank will be added.
brain parasites, causing head tilt and swimming in small circles. He was transferred to STRH for
A rough-tooth dolphin (Vixen) and a pantropical
lack of a facility in Georgia capable of dealing
spotted dolphin (Moonshine) steadily improved
with such a large turtle. Bubba was released in
over the year and were on public view in the
September close to Jekyll Island, near where he
Steigerwaldt Lagoon. A decision had not been
made on their potential release. In August, an
The success of the Dolphin and Whale Hospital in rehabilitating injured dolphins is increasingly important as fewer institutions statewide accept new animals.
Dan i el F. Bebak, V iice Daniel c e Presi President den t
W i n d ow o n t h e M a r i n e Wo r l d In 2003, nearly 400,000 people from all over the
Grant to begin remote sensing operations on the
world visited the Aquarium where more than 200
sediments of Charlotte Harbor. Future sites for
marine fi sh and invertebrates were on display.
exploration are Tampa Bay, Sarasota Bay, and the
Mote Marine Laboratory and Aquarium gained full
Florida Keys.
accreditation by the American Zoo and Aquarium Association (AZA) at its formal hearing in
The Animal Care Program is under the aegis of
Columbia, South Carolina. Such accreditation is
the Aquarium. During the year, three dolphins
granted to select institutions that show the highest
and ten sea turtles were rehabilitated and
level of professionalism, fi nancial stability, and
successfully released into the wild. In the past
exhibit quality.
two years, the Dolphin and Whale Hospital has become the busiest and most successful cetacean
Mote’s Conch Baby Farm in Key West opened with
rehabilitation facility on the East Coast of the
exhibits of live conchs, corals, sharks, snook, and
United States.
reef fi sh. This outreach program is designed to Mote also collaborated with the Mystic Aquarium,
highlight Mote research.
the National Oceanic and Atmospheric In August, the new Nautical Archaeology
Administration (NOAA), and Dr. Bob Ballard’s
Department was created. This department
Institute for Exploration to install the wiring that
investigates shipwrecks and various submerged
will soon provide, in real-time, a virtual tour of
cultural resources in a historical context. An
coral reef life in the National Marine Sanctuary off
application has been made to the Florida Division
Looe Key in the Florida Keys.
of Historical Resources for a Survey and Planning
Mote Aquarium teaches visitors about Florida’s marine environment by illustrating the science conducted by the staff at Mote Marine Laboratory. In 2003, the aquarium expanded to new areas - such as Key West - and into new specialties such as nautical archaeology.
Julie Childers, Inter ium V ice President
Expanding the Marine Science Classroom The Education Division in 2003 adopted a new
Another Dr. Ballard research expedition – this one
seven-year strategic plan and redefi ned its mission
to the Black Sea – was broadcast live to Mote, one
as communicating marine science research
of only four sites where the expedition could be
to audiences both locally and globally, using
viewed. At Mote, staff and volunteers hosted the
innovative and experiential methods to encourage
broadcasts for three weeks in July and August.
lifelong learning. By encouraging lifelong learning, Mote seeks to inspire and connect people
The SeaTrek/Brookfield Zoo (Chicago)
to the sea, ultimately leading to the conservation
collaborative project, centered on Mote’s Dr.
and sustainability of our oceans.
Randy Wells’ dolphin research, continued to move forward. The fi rst videoconference will be pilot-
New technology in the Aquarium permitted the
tested in the fall of 2004, and the project will be
continued expansion of pioneering programs.
completed by December 2004.
SeaTrek delivered educational programs via videoconference to an increased number of
On the Sarasota campus, children’s programming
Florida schools, partnering with Sarasota County
continued to expand. During the summer, Aqua
schools, Selby Botanical Gardens, and NASA’s
Kids (grades 1-4) learned about “Senses of the
Kennedy Space Center. It also reached 20 states,
Sea,” mimicking sea otters, watching animals
with the greatest demand coming from Alabama,
being fed, and playing educational games. “Mote
Indiana, Oklahoma, and Texas. Five live programs
Explorers” (grades 5-8) conducted experiments
for 4th through 8th grade classes are now offered,
in a water laboratory, learned boating knots, and
and development and pilot testing of four new
went behind the scenes with scientists. Students
high school programs have been funded.
in grades 9-12 practiced field sampling techniques and data collection.
The JASON Project returned to Mote for its fourteenth year of live broadcasts of Dr. Robert
Offsite summer programs for grades 5-12 were
Ballard’s scientific explorations. JASON XIV
offered in Summerland Key and the Bahamas.
traveled to the unique Channel Islands in
Students participated in snorkeling and diving and
California to investigate marine and terrestrial
learned about coral reefs and their inhabitants.
ecosystems, geologic history, and the culture of the native Chumash Indians.
School-year programs included classes and laboratory studies for grades K-12, both inside and
Reaching out to students, teachers, and the public is the mission of the Division of Education. Whether by internet, satellite, field, or immersion experiences, Mote Education teaches people about the sea.
outside the classroom and in the Aquarium. The Easter Seals program for people with disabilities provided programs in Sarasota and Summerland Key. Year-round overnight programs for children included “Twilight with the Turtles,” “Sleeping with the Sharks,” and “Sea Snooze.” The High School Intern Program expanded to include the Alumni Club for students who wished to continue their involvement with Mote. The Volunteer and College Intern Programs are described in detail on page 24. Teacher professional education included a two-week summer program funded by the Raymond E. Mason Foundation. The course, given in Sarasota and Summerland Key, used hands-on experiences to help teachers write lesson plans. In July, children’s author Anthony D. Fredericks gave a workshop for teachers featuring children’s literature that could be used to teach marine science. The seasonal Monday Night at Mote lecture series, presented by Mote scientists and outside guests, offered informative programs to standing-room only audiences. In 2004, in response to increased demand, selected matinee performances will be featured.
Andrea S. Davis, Coordinator
They Give their Time The volunteer and intern programs play a key role
and objectives set forth by Mote’s administration.
in Mote’s research and education mission.
The Board also serves as a liaison between the
In 2003, more than 1,400 individuals contributed
volunteer corps and staff.
197,940 hours, or the equivalent of 95 full-time employees. While their duties are diverse, what
In 2003, 117 college students interned at
binds the volunteers is their shared desire to
Mote, with 13 receiving scholarships from the
protect the environment and their willingness to
endowment fund in memory of volunteer
help Mote educate the public.
Louis S. Gilbert. Twenty-three were international
They can be found in every area of the Laboratory
interns coming from Columbia, England, France,
and Aquarium, both on and offsite.
Germany, Italy, Peru, Spain, and Wales. By assisting scientists in the field and laboratory,
Volunteers assist customers in the gift shop,
students gain valuable skills and explore career
interpret the exhibits to visitors, print materials
options by trying out their chosen field of study
in the graphics shop, and help catalogue and
through practical experience.
perform literary searches in the library. Others tag and measure fi sh, help protect sea turtle nests,
The quality of the Mote intern program was
care for sick or injured animals at all hours of the
greatly enhanced by securing a National Science
day and night, or travel the state with the Mote
Foundation grant through its Research Experience
Mobile Exhibit.
for Undergraduates program. This grant paid for travel, living, and research expenses for eight
The Volunteer Board of Directors, comprising
exceptional students with a focus on native
four officers and 19 committees, meets monthly.
Pacific Islanders and other minority groups
Working closely with the Volunteer Coordinator,
under-represented in the field of marine science.
the Board’s goals are to recruit, train, schedule, and assist volunteers in carrying out the goals
Job descriptions range from gift shop clerk to laboratory assistant to docent. Whatever the position, volunteers and interns are an integral part of Mote Marine Laboratory.
Laura Breeze, V ice President
Under wr iting the Future 2003 was also a year of great achievement. More than 9,000 individuals, families, civic groups, businesses, foundations, and other funding institutions sustained Mote’s work with gifts, grants, and sponsorships. Membership surpassed 8,000, staff giving doubled, and yearend giving actually tripled. A number of donors made provisions for lifetime gifts, naming Mote as a primary beneficiary of their trusts and bequests The Give Back to the Sea Campaign, originally planned as a five-year effort over 2000-2004, achieved its $25 million goal by the end of June. In October, more than 400 guests gathered for
and served as indispensable advocates for the
Oceanic Evening’s “Food Among the Flowers,” a
Laboratory in their respective communities. Their
gala honoring Dr. Eugenie Clark. The event raised
endeavors, and the efforts of those who devote
more than $110,000 for Dr. Clark’s research and for
their time and talents to advance the science of the
the Keating Marine Education Center.
sea are deeply appreciated.
Members of Mote’s Advisory Council in Sarasota and the Keys Advisory Board aided fund raising
Mote Marine Laboratory scientists conduct the research that supports biodiversity. The support of donors makes our studies of the world’s oceans and ocean creatures possible.
Howard Anderson, D.V.M. Titusville, FL Gordon Bruce Bauer, Ph.D. Division of Social Sciences, New College of Florida, Sarasota, FL
William McLellan Biological Sciences and Center for Marine Sciences, University of North Carolina at Wilmington, Wilmington, NC
Lee Blankenship Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, Olympia, WA
Anne B. Meylan, Ph.D. Florida Marine Research Institute, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, St. Petersburg, FL
George William Benz, Ph.D. Tennessee Aquarium and Tennessee Aquarium Research Institute, Chattanooga, TN
Paula M. Mikkelsen, Ph.D. Department of Invertebrates, American Museum of Natural History, New York, NY
A.B. “Budd” Bodine, Ph.D. Department of Animal & Veterinary Sciences, Clemson University, Clemson, SC
David F. Millie, Ph.D. Florida Institute of Oceanography St. Petersburg, FL
Laela S. Sayigh, Ph.D. Biological Sciences and Center for Marine Science, University of North Carolina at Wilmington, Wilmington, NC Oscar Max Eric Schofield, Ph.D. Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ Gregory B. Skomal Martha’s Vineyard Research Station Division of Marine Fisheries, Commonwealth of Massachusetts Oak Bluff, MA
Jeffrey C. Carrier, Ph.D. Albion College, Albion, MI
Philip J. Motta, Ph.D. Department of Biology University of South Florida, Tampa, FL
Michael Cushman, Ph.D. Punta Gorda, FL
Clayton A. Smith, Ph.D. Department of Oncology and Medicine, H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center and Research Institute, Tampa, FL and Leukemia/Bone Marrow Transplant Program, British Columbia Cancer Agency, Vancouver General Hospital Vancouver, BC
Erich M. Mueller, Ph.D. Cudjoe Key, FL
Ruth DeLynn Longboat Key, FL
Stephen Spotte, Ph.D. Longboat Key, FL
R. Glenn Northcutt, Ph.D. Department of Neurosciences, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA
Robert Thommes, Ph.D. Sarasota, FL
Leo Demski, Ph.D. Division of Natural Sciences, New College of Florida, Sarasota, FL Terence J. Evens, Ph.D. USDA-ARS Southern Regional Research Center, New Orleans, LA Gary L. Fahnenstiel, Ph.D. NOAA/Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Muskegon, MI Thomas Fraser, Ph.D. W. Dexter Bender & Associates Ft. Myers, FL Donald Fridshal, Ph.D. Sarasota, FL Scott M. Glenn, Ph.D. Institute of Marine & Coastal Sciences, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ Heidi E. Harley, Ph.D. Division of Social Sciences, New College of Florida, Sarasota, FL Michael Heyl Bradenton, FL Sasha Koulish, Ph.D. Longboat Key, FL Gary Litman, Ph.D. Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Children’s Research Institute, St. Petersburg, FL David A. Mann, Ph.D. Tucker-Davis Technologies, Inc. Gainesville, FL
D. Ann Pabst, Ph.D. Biological Sciences and Center for Marine Sciences, University of North Carolina at Wilmington Wilmington, NC Esther Caroline Peters, Ph.D. Annandale, VA Gary E. Rodrick, Ph.D. Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL James A. “Buddy” Powell, Ph.D. Wildlife Trust, Sarasota, FL Harold “Wes” Pratt NOAA/NMFS Northeast Fisheries Science Center, Narragansett, RI Sentiel “Butch” Rommel, Ph.D. St. Petersburg, FL Clyde Roper, Ph.D. Department of Invertebrate Zoology, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC Michael Salmon, Ph.D. Department of Biological Sciences Florida Atlantic University Boca Raton, FL 27
Peter Lloyd Tyack, Ph.D. Biology Department. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Woods Hole, MA David Vaughan, Ph.D. Fort Pierce, FL Edward Van Vleet, Ph.D. School of Marine Sciences, University of South Florida, St. Petersburg, FL Aswani K. Volety, Ph.D. Division of Ecological Studies, College of Arts and Sciences, Florida Gulf Coast University, Fort Myers, FL Carl John Walters, Ph.D. University of British Columbia Vancouver, BC Jim Woods, Ph.D. Sarasota, FL Graham Anthony James Worthy, Ph.D. Department of Marine Biology, Texas A&M University at Galveston Galveston, TX Jeanette Wyneken, Ph.D. Department of Biological Services, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL David Ziemann, Ph.D. The Oceanic Institute, Waimanalo, HI Seymour Zigman, Ph.D. Boston University Eye Research Lab, Marine Biology Lab, Woods Hole, MA
They Expand Our Research
The Company we Keep These advisory committees, comprising members of the business and professional communities, support Mote’s research efforts by their ties to local residents and institutions. Mote is deeply grateful to them. A dv isory Council Sarasota Richard Appell, Jr. Charles Baumann Richard U. Bayles Daniel Bechtold Steve Belack, Chairman Hon. Michael Bennett Veronica Brady Peter Branning Sandra Buchanan John Cella, M.D. Chad Ciaravella Hon. Donna Clarke G. James Creighton L. Stephens Doster Aeden Dowling George Dramis Stephen Ellis Ted Ewing Donald Featherman Arnold Fein Joan Galvin Brad Goddard John Hager Edward Hamilton, M.D.
James Henry Trevor Hind Trammell Hudson Richard Kermode Barbara Levin Christopher Likens R. Jackson McGill Steven Meier Michael Melnick Robert Messick, Vice Chairman Susan Morin Beth Morrison Craig Morrison G. Lowe Morrison Mollie Nelson J. Terry Petrella, M.D. James Pullen Bill Roche Gary Rogers Edith Schwartz, Ph.D. Norman Vaughan-Birch Douglas Williamson, M.D. Robert Windom, M.D.
2003 POSTDOCTOR AL SCIENTISTS Richard Pine, Ph.D. Center for Fisheries Enhancement Fisheries Assessment & Ecosystem Management Program
Affiliations Mote Marine Laboratory and Aquarium are members of and accredited by: American Association of Museums American Zoo and Aquarium Association Mote Marine Laboratory is a member: American Coastal Coalition Association of Marine Laboratories of the Caribbean Chambers of Commerce of Anna Maria, Longboat Key, Manatee, Siesta Key, Sarasota, and Venice City Island Leaseholders Association Florida Academy of Sciences Florida Institute of Oceanography Florida Ocean Alliance Florida Sea Grant St. Armand’s Circle Association National Association of Marine Laboratories Ocean Project Oceanography Society Science and Environmental Council of Sarasota County Southern Association of Marine Laboratories
K eys A dv isory Boa rd John Bohatch Mary Lee Bussard Bob Cerkleski George Craig Walt Drabinski Loyal Eldridge Bruce Frerer, Vice Chairman Cloann Garrison Wilhelmina Harvey David Paul Horan Paul Koisch George Neugent, Honorary Roy Nunn George Nyman Dean Rollings Peter Rosasco, Chairman Phil Shannon Jay Stackig Karlton Stein, D.V.M. Ed Swift, Sr., Honorary Robert Tracy Michael Vaughn Roger Williams, Honorary BJ Witt Charles Yentsch, Ph.D. Clarice Yentsch, Ph.D. Tony Zirilli
Robert Griffi n, Ph.D. Center for Marine Mammal and Sea Turtle Research Dolphin Biology Program, Offshore Cetacean Damon Gannon, Ph.D. Center for Marine Mammal and Sea Turtle Research Dolphin Biology Program
Northwest Marine Technology, Shaw Island, WA Oceanic Institute, Waimanalo, HI Oregon Graduate Institute of Science & Engineering, Beaverton, OR Perry Marine Institute, Lee Stocking Island, Bahamas Pier Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI Pigeon Key Foundation, Pigeon Key, FL Randell Research Center-Florida Museum of Natural History, Pineland, FL Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ Sarasota Bay National Estuary Program, Sarasota, FL Sarasota County School Board, Sarasota, FL Sarasota School of Arts & Sciences, Sarasota, FL Sea Mammal Research Unit, St. Andrews, Scotland Selby Botanical Gardens, Sarasota, FL Snook Foundation, Sarasota, FL Solutions to Avoid Red Tide, Longboat Key, FL South Carolina DNR, Columbia, SC South Florida Water Management District, West Palm Beach, FL Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL Southwest Florida Water Management District, Brooksville, FL State of Washington Dept. of Fish and Wildlife,, Olympia, WA Tampa Electric Co., Tampa, FL Texas A&M University, College Station, TX Texas Parks and Wildlife Department , Austin, TX Turneffe Atoll Conservation Foundation, Belize U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, DC U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washinton, DC U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington, DC U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Washington, DC U.S. Geological Survey, Washington, DC U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service, Washington, DC Universidad Autonoma de Baja California Sur, Baja California Sur, Mexico University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC University of California at Davis, Davis, CA University of California at Santa Cruz , Santa Cruz, CA University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL University of Florida, Gainesville, FL University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario University of Maryland Biotechnology Institute Center of Marine Biotechnology, Baltimore, MD University of Massachusetts Boston, Boston, MA University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH University of North Carolina at Wilmington, Wilmington, NC University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL University of South Florida (Biology), Tampa, FL University of South Florida Children’s Research Institute, St. Petersburg, FL University of South Florida College of Medicine, Tampa, FL University of Southern Mississippi’s Institute for Marine Science (Gulf Coast Research Laboratory), Ocean Springs, MS University of Stirling, Stirling, Scotland University of Texas Marine Science Institute, Port Aransas,TX University of Toronto, Toronto, ON Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Gloucester Point, VA Weber State University, Ogden, UT Wildlife Trust, Palisades, NY, Prospect Park, PA, Sarasota, FL Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA
Laura Breeze, V ice President
Benaroya Research Institute at Virginia Mason, Seattle, WA Booker High School Environmental Academy, Sarasota, FL California Institute of Technology, Pasedena, CA California State University-Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA Charlotte Harbor Environmental Center, Punta Gorda, FL Charlotte Harbor National Estuary Program, North Ft. Myers, FL Chicago Zoological Society, Chicago, IL Clemson University, Clemson, SC Conservancy of Southwest Florida, Naples, FL Dauphin Island Sea Lab, Dauphin Island, AL Duke University Marine Lab, Durham, NC Easter Seal/MARC Southwest Florida, Sarasota, FL Eckerd College, St. Petersburg, FL Florida Department of Agriculture, Tallahassee, FL Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Tallahassee, FL Charlotte Harbor Aquatic & State Buffer Preserve, Punta Gorda FL Endeavour Academy, Titusville, FL Florida Aquarium, Tampa, FL Florida Gulf Coast University, Ft. Myers, FL Florida Institute of Oceanography, St. Petersburg, FL Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, FL Florida International University, Miami, FL Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Program, Marathon, FL Florida Power & Light Corporation, Miami, FL Florida Sea Grant, Gainesville, FL Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL Florida Marine Research Institute, Charlotte Harbor, Florida Keys, St. Petersburg, FL Florida Marine Research Institute, Stock Enhancement Research Facility, Port Manatee, FL Galveston Laboratory, Galveston, TX Georgia Aquarium Atlanta, GA Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution, Ft. Pierce, FL Harvard University, Cambridge, MA Horn Point Lab - University of Maryland, Cambridge, MD Hubbs-Sea World Research Institute, San Diego, CA; Orlando, FL Instituto Nacional de la Pesca, Mexico City, Mexico Inupiat Tribe, North Slope, AK Iowa State University, Ames, IA Lowry Park Zoo, Tampa, FL Manatee County School Board, Bradenton, FL Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute, Tampa, FL Moss Landing Marine Laboratories, Moss Landing, CA Mystic Aquarium & Institute for Exploration, Mystic, CT NASA Kennedy Space Center, Kennedy Space Center, FL NMFS, Manchester Research Station, Seattle, WA NMFS, Miami Laboratory, Miami, FL NMFS, Northeast Fisheries Science Center, Woods Hole, MA NMFS, Northwest Fisheries Science Center, Seattle, WA NMFS, Office of Protected Resources, Silver Spring, MD NMFS, Panama City Laboratory, Panama City, FL NMFS, Southeast Fisheries Science Center, Miami, FL NMFS, Southeast Regional Office, St. Petersburg, FL NMFS, Southwest Fisheries Science Center, La Jolla, CA National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science National Marine Sanctuaries Program, Silver Spring, MD National Ocean Services, Silver Spring, MD New College of Florida, Sarasota, FL 29
Pa r t n e r sh i p s With more than 200 funded projects in 2003, the number of cooperative ventures continued to grow. Collaborations with other institutions and government agencies made it possible to expand our educational programs and to extend the reach of our scientific initiatives.
O R G A N I Z AT I O N | M a y 2 5 , 2 0 0 4
M o t e ’s B i o d i v e r s i t y ADMINISTRATION | D.J. Smith, Vice President, CFO Accounting | D.J. Smith Business | L.S. Traxler Human Resources | D.L. Chapman Library | S. Stover Office | K.K. Churchill AQUARIUM & SPECIAL PROJECTS | D.F. Bebak, Vice President Animal Care | Dr. C.A. Manire Aquarium | R.K. Curlee
Nautical Archaeology | Dr. J. COZ Cozzi
Mike B. McKee, Chairman COMMUNICATIONS | S. Costello, Vice President
ADVISORY COUNCIL S. Belack, Chairman
Design Services | L. Mitchell M.E. Wagener Electronic Media | J.L. Nickelson
Marketing | C. Harwood
P. Rosasco, Chairman
Public Relations | N. Slimak
DEVELOPMENT | L. Breeze, CFRE, Vice President
N. Stevenson, President
Facilities Rentals | W. Yingling Grants | M.K. Hoover Major Donations | C. Haworth
PRESIDENT | Dr. K. Mahadevan Board Administration | L.M. Franklin Executive Office | D.M. Basso QUALITY ASSURANCE Dr. C.J. Walsh, Officer
FIELD STATIONS Charlotte Harbor | Dr. E.D. Estevez Florida Keys | B. Frerer Mote Aquaculture Park | P.T. Hull
Membership | R. Cooper Special Events | V.L. Wiese EDUCATION | J. Childers, Interim Vice President Distance Learning | E.K. Metz, Director School & Public Programs | J. Childers, Director FL Keys Education | Dr. D. Gallagher, Coordinator Volunteer & Intern Resources | A.S. Davis, Director FACILITIES | D.A. Templeton, Vice President Facilities & Grounds Maintenance | D.H. Paetsch Fleet Maintenance | D. Medved Safety &Security | E.G. Stockton INFORMATION SYSTEMS | Dr. D. Hayward, Vice President Special Programs | H. Luciano MARINE OPERATIONS | P.T. Hull, Vice President Animal Collection | C. MacTavish Large Animal Management | D.A. Dougherty R/V Eugenie Clark | D.A. Dougherty
RESEARCH | Dr. K. Mahadevan, Executive Vice President Aquaculture Research & Development | Dr. K.L. Main, Director Coral Aquaculture | Dr. K.L. Main Marine Aquaculture Research | Dr. K.L. Main Sturgeon Aquaculture | J. Michaels Coastal Ecology | Dr. E.D. Estevez, Director Benthic Ecology | J.K. Culter Chemical Ecology | L.K. Dixon Coastal Resources | Dr. E.D. Estevez Landscape Ecology | Dr. B.D. Robbins Coral Reef Research | E. Bartels, Interim Director Ecotoxicology | Dr. R.H. Pierce, Director Aquatic Toxicology | Dr. D.L. Wetzel Chemical Fate & Effects | M.S. Henry Environmental Health | Dr. B. Kirkpatrick Marine Microbiology | Dr. K. Ritchie Phytoplankton Ecology | Dr. G.J. Kirkpatrick Fisheries Enhancement | Dr. K.M. Leber, Director Fish Biology | K.M. Burns Fisheries Assessment and Ecosystem Management | Dr. C. Walters Fisheries Habitat Ecology | Dr. A.J. Adams Stock Enhancement | Dr. K.M. Leber Marine Mammal & Sea Turtle Research | Dr. R.S. Wells, Director Dolphin Research | Dr. R.S. Wells Manatee Research | Dr. J.E. Reynolds, III Sea Turtle Conservation & Research | J.J. Foote Sensory Biology and Behavior | Dr. W.N. Tavolga Stranding Investigations | Dr. N.B. Barros Shark Research | Dr. R.E. Hueter, Director Elasmobranch Behavioral Ecology | Dr. M. Heupel Elasmobranch Fisheries & Conservation Biology | Dr. C. Simpfendorfer Elasmobranch Physiology & Environmental Biology | Dr. J. Gelsleichter Marine Biomedical Research | Dr. C.A. Luer Marine Immunology | Dr. C.J. Walsh Shark Biology | Dr. R.E. Hueter Dr. J.I Castro, NOAA Researcher Dr. E. Clark, MML Eminent Scientist
Dena J. Smith, V ice President/CFO
$ 1,450,688 279,800 1,336,303 130,000 25,000 144,450 180,044 63,031 55,600 10,610 1,151,275 17,697,416
$ 2,435,657 166,342 1,068,963 130,000 290,200 151,516 65,849 83,200 307,975 156,868 14,700,853
9,443,761 $ 31,967,978
8,724,671 $ 28,282,094
Liabilities and Net Assets Liabilities Accounts payable Accrued payroll Memberships relating to future periods Due to Mote Marine Foundation, Inc Funds advanced on research programs Note payable-line of credit Long-term debt Total liabilities
$ 1,088,161 379,466 364,060 132,152 1,690,597 903,434 1,073,227 5,631,097
Net Assets Unrestricted Temporarily restricted Permanently restricted Total net assets Total Liabilities and Net Assets
15,363,678 2,389,029 8,584,174 26,336,881 $ 31,967,978
11,653,877 3,008,257 8,406,604 23,068,738 $ 28,282,094
Assets Cash and cash equivalents Accounts receivable Research grants receivable Land receivable Bequest receivable Pledges receivable Inventory Prepaid expenses and other assets Donated assets held for sale Investments Construction in progress Property and equipment, net BeneďŹ cial interest in the net assets of Mote Marine Foundation, Inc. Total Assets
582,186 603,603 373,155 534 2,382,105 1,271,773 5,213,356
Research rev enues
2003 $12,946,119 44.48%
2001 $7,258,042
2002 $9,413,183 36.84% 50.44%
2000 $4,825,431 18.10%
$ 12,946,119
$ 9,413,183
1,860,304 1,062,723 133,735 661,130 1,291,714 174,120 493,191 45,768 278,732 13,862 110,195 (20,405) (12,147) 2,958,235 21,997,276
1,981,099 1,054,085 148,658 648,500 868,317 193,934 552,265 69,608 373,150 22,822 (75,061) 1,526 (700) 797,626 16,049,012
11,345,849 1,037,720 3,028,737 584,181
8,705,457 736,368 2,921,953 376,545
1,655,908 635,080 18,287,475 3,709,801
1,633,432 626,079 14,999,834 1,049,178
1,036,289 269,171 458,711 (30,121) 9,409 541,520 54,028 (2,958,235) (619,228)
1,019,932 229,623 96,141 116,429 (18,367) 11,998 (1,230,021) 43,950 (797,626) (527,941)
Changes in Permanently Restricted Net Assets Contributions for cultural endowment fund Change in net assets of Mote Marine Foundation, Inc. 177,570 Increase in permanently restricted net assets 177,570 Increase in net assets 3,268,143 Net assets at beginning of year 23,068,738 Net assets at end of year $ 26,336,881
240,000 898,971 1,138,971 1,660,208 21,408,530 $ 23,068,738
Changes in Unrestricted Net Assets Program revenue Research grants Aquarium Admission fees Gift shop Other Memberships Education Other programs Contributions Donated assets Grants from Mote Marine Foundation, Inc. Investment income Unrealized gain (loss) on investments Realized gain(loss) on investments Realized loss on disposal of assets Net assets released from restrictions Total unrestricted revenues and support Expenses Program services Research Education Aquarium Other Supporting services Administrative and general Fund raising Total expenses Increase in unrestricted net assets
Changes in Temporarily Restricted Net Assets Contributions Construction Aquarium Research vessels Other programs Unrealized loss on investments Investment income Change in net assets of Mote Marine Foundation, Inc. Grant From Mote Marine Foundation Net assets released from restrictions Decrease in temporarily restricted net assets
Revenues 2003 $20,836,528** Restricted contribution 7.03% Education & Distance Learning 6.20% Other Programs 0.84% Unrestricted contributions 2.59% Mote Foundation grant & investment income 2.08% Memberships 3.17% Aquarium 15.96%
Research 62.13%
Expenses & Net Assets 2003 $20,836,528** **Increase in Net Assets 12.23% Fund Raising 3.05% Other Programs 2.80% Operations/G&A 7.95% Education & Distance Learning 4.98% Aquarium 14.54%
Research - Direct & Indirect 54.45% Expenses $18,287,475 *Includes construction, property, and equipment **Does not include change in net Assets of Mote Marine Foundation
W h a t We L e a r n , We P u b l i s h The following papers were published, accepted, or submitted for publishing in scientific peer-reviewed publications (journals, books, etc.).
D. Johnson, R. Quimbo, and D.G. Baden. 2003. Recreational exposure to aerosolized brevetoxins during Florida red tide events. Harmful Algae. 2:19-28.
Adams, A.J. The Biology and Ecology of Bonefi sh. Chapter 1. The Bonefi sh World. In: J.M. Chico Fernandez (ed.), Expert’s Guide to Fly Fishing for Bonefi sh. In press.
Barleycorn, A. and A.D. Tucker. Lepidochelys kempii diet. Herpetological Review. Submitted. Barros, N.B. and D.A. Duffield. 2003. Unraveling the mystery of pygmy and dwarf sperm whales. Strandings. 7(2):1, 3, 11.
Adams, A.J. The Biology and Ecology of Bonefi sh. Chapter 2. The Bonefi sh. In: J.M. Chico Fernandez (ed.), Expert’s Guide to Fly Fishing for Bonefi sh. In press.
Barros, N.B., T.A. Jefferson, and E.C.M. Parsons. Feeding habits of Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins (Sousa chinensis) stranded in Hong Kong. Aquatic Mammals. 30(1).
Adams, A.J. The Biology and Ecology of Bonefi sh. Chapter 3. Tides. In: J.M. Chico Fernandez (ed.), Expert’s Guide to Fly Fishing for Bonefish. In press.
Bauer, G.B., D.E. Colbert, J.C. Gaspard, B. Littlefield, and W. Fellner. 2003. Underwater visual acuity of Florida manatees (Trichechus manatus latirostris). International Journal of Comparative Psychology. 16:130-142.
Adams, A.J. The Biology and Ecology of Bonefi sh. Chapter 4. Bonefi sh Foods. In: J.M. Chico Fernandez (ed.), Expert’s Guide to Fly Fishing for Bonefi sh. In press.
Bert, T.M., R.H. McMicheal, R.P. Cody, A.B. Forstchen, W.G. Halstead, K.M. Leber, J. O’Hop, C.L. Neidig, J.M. Ransier, M.D. Tringali, B.L. Winner, and F.S. Kennedy. 2003. Evaluating Stock Enhancement Strategies: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach. p. 105-126. In: Y. Nakamura, J. McVey, K. Churchill, C. Neidig, S. Fox, and K. Leber (eds.), Ecology of Aquaculture Species and Enhancement of Stocks. Proceedings of the Thirieth U.S.-Japan meeting on Aquaculture, Sarasota, FL, December 3-4, 2001. UJNR Technical Report No. 30. Mote Marine Laboratory.
Adams, A.J. and D.A. Blewett. Spatial and temporal patterns of habitat use by juvenile permit, Trachinotus falcatus in Charlotte Harbor, Florida. Gulf and Caribbean Research. In review. Adams, A.J. and J.P. Ebersole. 2004. Resistance of coral reef fi shes of back-reef and lagoon habitats to a hurricane. Bulletin of Marine Science. In press. Adams, A.J. and J.P. Ebersole. Processes effecting recruitment inferred from distributions of coral reef fi shes. Bulletin of Marine Science. In press.
Boese, B.L., K. Alayan, E. Gooch, and B.D. Robbins. 2003. Desiccation index: a measure of damage caused by adverse aerial exposure on intertidal eelgrass (Zostera marina) in an Oregon (USA) estuary. Aquatic Botany. 76:329-337.
Adams, A.J. and K.M. Leber. Habitat connectivity in the context of system-level management. Bulletin of Marine Science. Submitted. Adams, A.J., J.V. Locascio, and B.D. Robbins. 2004. Microhabitat use by a post-settlement stage estuarine fi sh: evidence from relative abundance and predation among habitats. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. In press.
Burns, K.M. and V.R. Restrepo. 2002. Survival of reef fi sh after rapid depressurization: Field and laboratory studies. p. 148-151. In: J.A. Lucy and A.L. Stuholme (eds.), Catch and Release in Marine Recreational Fisheries. American Fisheries Society, Symposium 30, Bethesda, Maryland.
Adams, A.J., R.J. Miller, and J.P. Ebersole. Tethers make juvenile surgeonfi shes (Acanthuridae) vulnerable to attacks by benthic invertebrates. Bulletin of Marine Science. In press.
Buckstaff, K.C. Effects of watercraft noise on the acoustic behavior of bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus, in Sarasota Bay, Florida. Marine Mammal Science. In press.
Anderson, M.K., A.L. Miracle, X. Sum, C.A. Luer, C.J. Walsh, E.V. Rothberg and G.W. Litman. Early vertebrate origins of lymphocyte developmental regulatory pathways. Journal of Immunology. In review.
Carrier, J.C., H.L. Pratt, and J.I. Castro. Reproductive biology of elasmobranchs. p. 269-286. In: J. Carrier, J. Musick, and M. Heithaus (eds.), Biology of Sharks and their Relatives. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. In press.
Anderson, M.K., R. Pant, A.L. Miracle, X. Sun, C.A. Luer, C.J. Walsh, J.C. Telfer, G.W. Litman, and E.V. Rothenberg. 2004. Evolutionary origins of lymphocytes: Ensembles of T-cell and B-cell transcriptional regulators in a cartilaginous fi sh. Journal of Immunology. 172:5851-5860.
Chapman, D.D., P.A. Prodöhl, J. Gelsleichter, C.A. Manire, and M.S. Shivji. Molecular insights into shark mating systems: Predominance of genetic monogamy by females in the hammerhead Sphyrna tiburo (Carcharhiniformes, Sphyrnidae). Molecular Ecology. In review.
Backer, L.C., L.E. Fleming, A. Rowan, Y-S. Cheng, J. Benson, R.H. Pierce, J. Zaias, J. Bean, G.D. Bossart, 34
Chivers, S.J., R.G. LeDuc, K.M. Robertson, N.B. Barros, and A.E. Dizon. Molecular genetics of pygmy and dwarf sperm whales (genus Kogia) suggest a new phylogenetic species. Journal of Mammalogy. In review.
Gelsleichter, J. 2004. Hormonal regulation of elasmobranch physiology. p. 287-323. In: J. Carrier, J. Musick, and M. Heithaus (eds.), Biology of Sharks and Their Relatives. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. Gelsleichter, J., B.G. Steinetz, C.A. Manire, and C. Ange. 2003. Serum relaxin concentrations and reproduction in male bonnethead sharks, Sphyrna tiburo. General and Comparative Endocrinology. 132:27-34.
Cook, M.L.H., L.S. Sayigh, J. Blum, and R.S. Wells. Signature whistle production in undisturbed freeranging bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). Proceedings B: Biological Sciences. In press. Craig, B.A. and J.E. Reynolds, III. Determination of manatee population trends using a Bayesian approach with temperature-adjusted data. Marine Mammal Science. In press.
Gelsleichter, J., L.E.L. Rasmussen, C.A. Manire, J. Tyminski, B. Chang, and L. Lombardi-Carlson. Serum steroid concentrations and development of reproductive organs during puberty in male bonnethead sharks, Sphyrna tiburo. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry. In press.
Dill, L.M., M.R. Heithaus, and C.J. Walters. 2003. Behaviorally mediated indirect interactions in marine communities and their conservation implications. Ecology. 84(5):1151-1157.
Gorzelany, J.G. Evaluation of boater compliance with manatee speed zones along the Gulf Coast of Florida. Coastal Management. In press.
Duffield, D.A., N.B. Barros, E.O. Espinosa, S. Ploen, F.M.D. Gulland, and J.E. Heyning. 2003. Identifying pygmy and dwarf sperm whales (genus Kogia) using electrospray ionization mass spectrometry of myoglobin and hemoglobin. Marine Mammal Science. 19(2):395-399.
Griffi n, R.B. and N.J. Griffi n. 2003. Distribution, habitat partitioning, and abundance of Atlantic spotted dolphins, bottlenose dolphins, and loggerhead sea turtles on the eastern Gulf of Mexico Continental Shelf. Gulf of Mexico Science. June. 21:23-34.
Fazioli, K.L., S. Hofmann, and R.S. Wells. Use of coastal Gulf of Mexico waters by distinct assemblages of bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus. Marine Mammal Science. In review.
Griffi n, R.B. and N.J. Griffi n. Temporal variation in Atlantic spotted dolphin (Stenella frontalis) and bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) densities on the west Florida continental shelf. Aquatic Mammals. Submitted.
Fleming, L.E., L.C. Backer, B. Kirkpatrick, R. Clark, D. Dalpra, D. Johnson, J.A. Bean, Y.S. Cheng, J. Benson, D. Squicciarrini, W.M. Abraham, R. Pierce, J. Zaias, J. Naar, R. Weisman, G. Bossart, S. Campbell, A. Wanner, M. Harrington, G. Van De Bogart, and D.G. Baden. An epidemiologic approach to the study of aerosolized Florida red tides. In:: K.A. Steidinger, J.H. Landsberg, C.R. Tomas, and G.A. Vargo (eds), Harmful Algae 2002. Proceedings of the Xth International Conference on Harmful Algae. Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission and Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO, 2003. In press.
Hansen, L.J., L.H. Schwacke, G.B. Mitchum, A.A. Hohn, R.S. Wells, E.S. Zolman, and P.A. Fair. 2004. Geographic variation in polychorinated biphenyl and organochlorine pesticide concentrations in the blubber of bottlenose dolphins from the US Atlantic coast. The Science of the Total Environment. 319:147-172. Harper, C.G., M.T. Whary, Y. Feng, H.L. Rhinehart, R.S. Wells, S. Xu, N.S. Taylor, and J.G. Fox. 2003. Comparison of diagnostic techniques for detecting Helicobacter cetorum infection in wild Atlantic bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). Journal of Clinical Microbiology. 41:2842-2848.
Fraser, T.H. and J.E. Randall. 2003. Two new species of deeper dwelling Apogon (Perciformes: Apogonidae) from Micronesia and South Pacific Ocean. Zootaxa, 171:1-11.
Heithaus, M.R. and A. Frid. 2003. Optimal diving under the risk of predation. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 223:79-92.
Gannon, D.P. 2003. Behavioral ecology of an acoustically mediated predator-prey system: bottlenose dolphins and sciaenid fi shes. Ph.D. dissertation, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina. 244 p.
Heupel, M.R. 2003. Author and coauthor of 21 Red List Assessments for sharks in the Australia and Oceania region. p. 36-37, 47-48, 57-59, 77-80, 115, 128-129. In: R.D. Cavanagh, P.M. Kyne, S.L. Fowler, J.A. Musick, and M.B. Bennett (eds), The Conservation Status of Australasian Chondrichthyans: Report of the IUCN Shark Specialist Group Australia and Oceania Regional Red List Workshop. The University of Queensland, School of Biomedical Sciences, Brisbane, Australia. 170 p.
Gannon, D.P. and D.M. Waples. Diets of coastal bottlenose dolphins from the Mid-Atlantic coast differ by habitat. Marine Mammal Science. In press. Gannon, D.P., N.B. Barros, D.P. Nowacek, Nowacek A.J. Read, D.M. Waples, and R.S. Wells.. Prey detection by bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) truncatus): An experimental test of the passive listening hypothesis. Animal Behavior. Submitted.
Heupel, M.R. and C.A. Simpfendorfer. Intra-specific interactions between juvenile sharks within a nursery area. Marine Biology. In review.
Gelsleichter, J., C.A. Manire,, N.J. Szabo, E. Cortés, J. Carlson, and L. Lombardi-Carlson. Organochlorine concentrations in bonnethead sharks (Sphyrna tiburo) from four Florida estuaries. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. In review.
Heupel, M.R., C.A. Simpfendorfer, and R.E. Hueter. 2003. Running before the storm: blacktip sharks respond to falling barometric pressure associated with Tropical Storm Gabrielle. Journal of Fish Biology. 63:1357-1363. 35
PUBLISHING continued
Heupel, M.R., C.A. Simpfendorfer, and R.E. Hueter. Estimation of shark home ranges using passive monitoring techniques. Environmental Biology of Fishes. In press.
Kirkpatrick, G.J., C. Orrico, M.A. Moline, M. Oliver, and O.M. Schofield. 2003. Continuous hyperspectral absorption measurements of colored dissolved organic material in aquatic systems. Applied Optics. 42(33):6564-6568.
Hill, M.L., L.S. Sayigh, J. Blum, and R.S. Wells. Signature whistle production in undisturbed freeranging bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). Proceedings B: Biological Sciences. In press.
Lombardi-Carlson, L.A., E. Cortés, G.R. Parsons, and C.A. Manire. Latitudinal variation in lifehistory traits of bonnethead sharks, Sphyrna tiburo, (Carchariniformes: Sphyrnidae) from the eastern Gulf of Mexico. Marine and Freshwater Research. 54:875-883.
Hueter, R.E. and C.A. Simpfendorfer. Trends in blue shark abundance in the western North Atlantic as determined by a fi shery-independent survey. In: E. Pikitch and M. Camhi (eds.), Sharks of the Open Ocean. In press.
Luer, C.A., C.J. Walsh, and A.B. Bodine. The immune system of sharks, skates, and rays. Chapter 13. p. 369-395. In: J. Carrier, J. Musick, and M. Heithaus (eds.), Biology of Sharks and Their Relatives. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. In press.
Hueter, R.E., M.R. Heupel, E.J. Heist, and D.B. Keeney. Evidence of philopatry in sharks and implications for the management of shark fi sheries. Journal of Northwest Atlantic Fishery Science. In press.
Manire, C.A., L.E.L. Rasmussen, J. Gelsleichter, and D.L. Hess. 2004. Maternal serum and yolk hormone concentration in the bonnethead shark, Sphyrna tiburo. General and Comparative Endocrinology. In press.
Hueter, R.E., D.A. Mann, K.P. Maruska, J.A. Sisneros, and L.S. Demski. 2004. Sensory biology of elasmobranchs. p. 325-368. In: J. Carrier, J. Musick, and M. Heithaus (eds.), Biology of Sharks and their Relatives. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
Manire, C.A., H.L. Rhinehart, N.B. Barros, L. Byrd, and P. Cunningham-Smith. An approach to rehabilitation of Kogia spp. Aquatic Mammals. In review.
Jeffree, R., S.J. Markich, and A.D. Tucker. Patterns of metal accumulation in osteoderms of the Australian freshwater crocodile Crocodylus johnstoni. Science of the Total Environment. Submitted.
Manire, C.A., H.L. Rhinehart, G.J. Pennick, D.A. Sutton, R. Hunter, and M.G. Rinaldi. 2003. Steadystate plasma concentrations of itraconazole after oral administration in Kemp’s ridley sea turtles, Lepidochelys kempi. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 34(2):171-178.
Jessop, T., A.D. Tucker, C.J. Limpus, and J.M. Whittier. 2003. Interaction between ecology, demography, capture stress, and profi les of corticosterone and glucose in a free-living population of Australian freshwater crocodiles. General and Comparative Endocrinology. 132:161-170.
Manire, C.A., C.J. Walsh, H.L. Rhinehart, D.E. Colbert, D.R. Noyes, and C.A. Luer. 2003. Alterations in blood and urine parameters in two Florida manatees (Trichechus manatus latirostris) from simulated conditions of release following rehabilitation. Zoo Biology. 22:103-120.
Keeney, D.B., M.R. Heupel, R.E. Hueter, and E.J. Heist. Genetic heterogeneity among blacktip shark, Carcharhinus limbatus, continental nurseries along the U.S. Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico. Marine Biology. 143:1039-1046.
Marsh, H., P. Arnold, M. Freeman, D. Haynes, A. Read, J. Reynolds, and T. Kasuya. 2003. Strategies for conserving marine mammals. p. 1-19. In: N. Gales, M. Hindell, and R. Kirkwood (eds.), Marine Mammals: Fisheries, Tourism, and Management Issues. CSIRO Publishing, Australia.
Kirkpatrick, B., L.E. Fleming, M.S. Henry Henry, R.D. Clark, and L.C. Backer. The use of electronic media to educate and communicate with the public during a harmful algal bloom. In: K.A. Steidinger, J.H. Landsberg, C.R. Tomas, and G.A. Vargo (eds.), Harmful Algae 2002. Proceedings of the Xth International Conference on Harmful Algae. Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission and Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO, 2003. In press.
McAuley, R. and C. Simpfendorfer. 2003. Catch composition of Western Australia’s temperate demersal gillnet and demersal longline fi sheries, 1994 to 1999. Washington Fisheries Research Reports, No. 146, 78 p.
Kirkpatrick, B., D.E. Colbert, D. Dalpra, E.A.C. Newton, J. Gaspard, B. Littlefield, and C.A. Manire. Florida red tides, manatee brevetoxicosis, and lung models. In: K.A. Steidinger, J.H. Landsberg, C.R. Tomas, and G.A. Vargo (eds.), Harmful Algae 2002. Proceedings of the Xth International Conference on Harmful Algae. Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission and Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO, 2003. In press.
Miller, R.J., A.J. Adams, N.B. Ogden, J.C. Ogden, and J.P. Ebersole. 2003. Diadema antillarum 17 years after mass mortality. Coral Reefs. 22:181-187. Mullin, K.D., D. Engelhaupt, C.E. Cates, and N.B. Barros. 2003. Sperm whale research in the Gulf of Mexico. International Whaling Commission Working Paper SC/55/015, 6 p. Nakamura, Y., J. McVey, K. Churchill, C. Neidig, S. Fox, and K. Leber, Editors. 2003. Ecology of Aquaculture Species and Enhancement of Stocks. Proceedings of the Thirtieth U.S.- Japan meeting on Aquaculture. Sarasota, FL, December 3-4, 2001. UJNR Technical Report No. 30. Mote Marine Technical Report No. 883. Sarasota, FL: Mote Marine Laboratory.
Kirkpatrick, B., L.E. Fleming, D. Squicciarini, L.C. Backer, R. Clark, W. Abraham, J. Benson, Y.S. Cheng, D. Johnson, R. Pierce, J. Zaias, G.D. Bossart, and D.G. Baden. 2004. Literature review of Florida red tide: implications for human health effects. Harmful Algae. 3:99-115. 36
Rhinehart, H.L., C.A. Manire, L. Byrd, and M.M. Garner. 2003. Use of human granulocyte colonystimulating factor in a green sea turtle, Chelonia mydas. Journal of Herpetological Medicine and Surgery. 13(2):10-14.
Nichols, S., J. Gelsleichter, C.A. Manire, and G.M. Cailliet. 2003. Calcitonin-like immunoreactivity in serum and tissues of the bonnethead shark, Sphyrna tiburo. Journal of Experimental Zoology. 298A:150-161. Nowacek, D.P., B.M. Casper, R.S. Wells, S.M. Nowacek, and D.A. Mann. 2003. Intraspecific and geographic variation of West Indian manatee (Trichechus manatus spp.) vocalizations (L). Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 114(1):66-69.
Robbins, B.D. and S.S. Bell. Relationships between a hermit crab and its shell resource: an analysis of spatial patterns within a seagrass-dominated landscape. Marine Ecology Progress Series. In review.
Nowacek, S.M., R.S. Wells, E.C.G. Owen, T.R. Speakman, R.O. Flamm, and D.P. Nowacek. Florida manatees, Trichechus manatus latirostris, respond to approaching vessels. Biological Conservation. In press.
Robbins, B.D. and M.S. Fonseca. Use of ecological forecasting and hindcasting of exposure to waves to evaluate the effect of offshore sandbars on seagrass restoration in Tampa Bay. Estuaries. Submitted. Robbins, B.D. and B.L. Boese. 2002. Macroalgae volume: a surrogate for biomass. Botanica Marina. 45:586-588.
Olsen, J. and A.D. Tucker. 2003. A brood-size manipulation experiment with peregrine falcons, Falco peregrines, near Canberra. Emu. 103:127-132.
Rommel, S.A., J.E. Reynolds, III, and H.A. Lynch. 2003. Adaptations of the herbivorous marine mammals. p. 287-308. In: L. Mannetje, L. RamirezAviles, C. Sandoval-Castro, and J.C. Ku-Vera (Eds.) Matching Herbivore Nutrition to Ecosystems Biodiversity, 6th International Symposium on the Nutrition of Herbivores. October 19-24, 2003, Merida, Mexico.
Owen, E.C.G., D.A. Duffield, and R.S. Wells. Cooperation between non-relatives: alliances between adult male bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus, in Sarasota Bay, Florida. Animal Behaviour. In revision. Pierce, R.H., M.S. Henry Henry, and P.C. Blum. 2004. Aerial and tidal transport of mosquito control pesticides into the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. Revista de Biología Tropical. In press.
Sayigh, L.S., L.E. Williams, R.S. Wells,, and A.A. Hohn. Modifications of signature whistles in adult female bottlenose dolphins. Animal Behavior. In review.
Pierce, R.H., D.L. Wetzel, and E.D. Estevez. 2004. Charlotte Harbor Initiative: Assessing the ecological health of Southwest Florida’s Charlotte Harbor Estuary. Ecotoxicology. In press.
Schneider, K.R., R.H. Pierce, and G.E. Rodrick. 2003. The degradation of Karenia brevis toxins utilizing ozonated seawater. Harmful Algae. 2:101-107. Sellner, K.G., G.J. Doucette, and G.J. Kirkpatrick Kirkpatrick. 2003. Harmful algal blooms: causes, impacts and detection. Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology. 30:383–406.
Pierce, R.H., M.S. Henry Henry, C.J. Higham Higham, P.C. Blum Blum, M.R. Sengco, and D.M. Anderson. 2004. Removal of harmful algal cells (Karenia brevis) and toxins from seawater culture by clay flocculation. Harmful Algae. In press.
Simpfendorfer, C.A. Threatened fi shes of the world: Pristis pectinata Latham, 1794 (Pristidae). Environmental Biology of Fishes. In review.
Pierce, R.H., M.S. Henry Henry, J. Lyons, G.E. Rodrick, Rodrick P. Aaronson, and T.A. Leighfield. 2003. Comparison of red tide toxin reduction in clams ozone purification and relay cleansing. In:: A. Villalba, B. Reguera, J.L. Romalde, R. Beiras, and Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO (eds.) 2003. Proceedings on Molluscan Shellfi sh Safety; 2002 June 4-8; Santiago de Compostela, Spain. p. 145-150. ISBN: 84-453-3638-X.
Simpfendorfer, C.A. Demographic Models: Life tables, matrix models and rebound potential. In: J.E. Musick and R. Bonfi l (eds.), Technical Manual for the Management of Elasmobranchs. Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation. In press. Simpfendorfer, C.A. 2003. Author and coauthor of 26 Red List Assessments for sharks in the Australia and Oceania region. p. 38, 46, 50, 54, 60, 77-80, 93, 97-98, 102-103, 105, 113-115, 119, 121, 123-128. In: R.D. Cavanagh, P.M. Kyne, S.L. Fowler, J.A. Musick, and M.B. Bennett (eds.), The Conservation Status of Australasian Chondrichthyans: Report of the IUCN Shark Specialist Group Australia and Oceania Regional Red List Workshop. The University of Queensland, School of Biomedical Sciences, Brisbane, Australia. 170 p.
Pierce, R.H., M.S. Henry Henry, P.C. Blum,, J. Lyons, Y-S. Cheng, D. Yazzie, and Y. Zhou. 2003. Brevetoxin concentrations in marine aerosol: Human exposure levels during a Karenia brevis harmful algal bloom. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 70(1):161-165. Piercy A.P., J. Gelsleichter,, and F.F. Snelson. Morphological and histological changes in the genital ducts of the male Atlantic stingray, Dasyatis sabina,, during the seasonal reproductive cycle. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry. In press.
Simpfendorfer, C.A. and M.R. Heupel. Assessing habitat use and movements. p. 553-572 In: J. Carrier, J. Musick, and M. Heithaus (eds.), Biology of Sharks and their Relatives. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. In Press.
Reed, R.N. and A.D. Tucker.. Determination of age, sex, and reproductive condition in reptiles. In: Reptile Biodiversity Methods. Smithsonian Institution Press. In press.
Simpfendorfer, C.A, R. Bonfi l, and R.J. Latour. Mortality estimation. In: J.E. Musick and R. Bonfi l (eds.), Technical Manual for the Management of Elasmobranchs. APEC. In press.
Reynolds, J.E., III, S.A. Rommel,, and M.E. Bolen. Sperm competition in manatees – explaining an apparent paradox. Marine Mammal Science. In press. 37
PUBLISHING continued
Stabenau, E., R. Zepp, E. Bartels, and R. Zika. Role of seagrass (Thalassia testudinum) as a source of chromophoric dissolved organic matter in coastal South Florida. Marine Ecology Progress Series. In review.
Wetzel, D.L. and E.S. Van Vleet. Accumulation and distribution of petroleum hydrocarbons found in mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) in the canals of Venice, Italy. Marine Pollution Bulletin. In press.
Stumpf, R.P., M.E. Culver, P.A. Tester, M. Tomlinson, G.J. Kirkpatrick, B.A. Pederson, E. Truby, V. Ransibrahmanakul, and M. Soracco. 2003. Monitoring Karenia brevis blooms in the Gulf of Mexico using satellite ocean color imagery and other data. Harmful Algae. 2:147-160.
Wetzel, D.L. and E.S. Van Vleet. 2003. Persistence of petroleum hydrocarbon contamination in sediments of the canals in Venice, Italy: 1995 and 1998. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 46:1015-1023. Wyffels, J.T., C.J. Walsh, C.A. Luer, and A.B. Bodine. In vivo exposure of clearnose skates, Raja eglanteria, to ionizing X-radiation: Acute effects on the thymus. Developmental and Comparative Immunology. In review.
Tiersch, T., W. Wyman, D. Skapura, C. Neidig, and H. Grier. Transport and cryopreservation of sperm of the common snook, Centropomus undecimalis. Journal of Fish Biology. In press.
Wilson, Jr., R.R. and K.M. Burns. 2002. Conservation management of undersized bycatch in the groupersnapper fi shery of the eastern Gulf of Mexico. p. 15. In: Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences, 102(2) Supplement (Abstracts of Papers): Abstract #7.
Tyack, P.L. 2003. Dolphins communicate about individual-specific relationships. p. 342-367. In: F.B.M. de Waal and P.L. Tyack (eds.), Animal Social Complexity: Intelligence, Culture, and Individualized Societies. Harvard University Press, Cambridge MA. Walsh, C.J. and C.A. Luer. Elasmobranch hematology: Identification and cell types and practical applications. In: M. Smith, D. Warmolts, D. Thoney, and R. Hueter (eds.), Elasmobranch Husbandry Manual. Special Publication of the Ohio Biological Survey, No. 16, Columbus, Ohio. In press.
Yanong, R.P.E., E.W. Curtis, S.P. Terrell, and G. Case. 2003. Atypical presentation of mycobacteriosis in a collection of frogfi sh (Antennarius Striatus). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 34(4):400-407.
Adams, A.J. 2004. The Fisherman’s Coast: Angler’s Guide to Marine Warm-water Gamefi sh and Their Habitats. Stackpole Books, Mechanicsburg, PA. ISBN 0-8117-3105-7. 200 p.
Watwood, S.L., P.L. Tyack, and R.S. Wells. Whistle sharing in paired male bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. In press. Watwood S.L., E.C.G. Owen, R.S. Wells, and P.L. Tyack. Signature whistle use by free-swimming and temporarily restrained bottlenose dolphins. Animal Behaviour. In revision.
Bartley, D.M. and K.M. Leber, Editors. Case Studies of the Effectiveness of Stocking Aquacultured Fishes and Invertebrates to Replenish and Enhance Coastal Fisheries. Fisher Technical Paper No. 429. FAO, Rome, Italy.
Wells, R.S. 2003. Dolphins (Delphinidae). p. 41-53. Grzimek’s Animal Life Encyclopedia: Mammals. Vol. 15, 2nd ed. The Gale Group, Farmington Hills, MI.
de Waal, F.B.M. and P.L. Tyack. 2003. Animal Social Complexity: Intelligence, Culture, and Individualized Societies. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA. ISBN 0674009290. 616 p.
Wells, R.S. 2003. Dolphin social complexity: Lessons from long-term study and life history. p. 32-56. In: F.B.M. de Waal and P.L. Tyack (eds.), Animal Social Complexity: Intelligence, Culture, and Individualized Societies. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA.
Glaser, K.S. (photographs) and J.E. Reynolds, III (text). 2003. Mysterious Manatees. University Press of Florida, Gainesville. ISBN 0-8130-2637-7. 187 p.
Wells, R.S., H.L. Rhinehart, L.J. Hansen, J.C. Sweeney, F.I. Townsend, R. Stone, D. Casper, M.D. Scott, A.A. Hohn, and T.K. Rowles. Bottlenose dolphins as marine ecosystem sentinels: Developing a health monitoring system. Ecology and Health. 1(suppl. 1). In press.
Leber, K.M., S. Kitada, T. SvDsand, and H.L. Blankenship. Stock Enhancement and Sea Ranching: Developments, Pitfalls and Opportunities. 2nd Edition. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford. 570 p. In press.
Wells, R.S., T.K. Rowles, A. Borrell, A. Aguilar, H.L. Rhinehart, W.M. Jarman, S. Hofmann, A.A. Hohn, D.A. Duffield, G. Mitchum, J. Stott, A. Hall, and J.C. Sweeney. 2003. Integrating data on life history, health, and reproductive success to examine potential effects of POPs on bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in Sarasota Bay, Florida. Organohalogen Compounds. 62:208-211.
Reynolds, J.E., III, and R.S. Wells. 2003. Dolphins, Whales, and Manatees of Florida: A Guide to Sharing Their World. University Press of Florida, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL. ISBN 0813026873. 148 p.
On-L i n e Pu bl ic at ions
Kirkpatrick, B., L.E. Fleming, D. Squicciarini, L.C. Backer, R.C. Clark, W. Abraham, J. Benson, Y.S. Cheng, D. Johnson, R. Pierce, J. Zaias, G.D. Bossart, and D.G. Baden. 2003. Literature Review of Florida Red Tide: Implications for Human Health Effects. Harmful Algae. Available HTTP: http://www.sciencedirect. com/science?_ob=IssueURL&_tockey=%23TOC% 2311463%232004%23999969997%23477886%23FLA% 23Volume_3,_Issue_2,_Pages_99-182_(April_2004)&_ auth=y&view=c&_acct=C000050221&_version=1&_ urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=z5d1477187f71fce76 9d96758b9d6dbad.
West, K.L., C.A. Manire, C. Gaspar, H.L. Rhinehart, E. Hanahoe, J.C. Sweeney, and R. Stone. Hormone concentrations during rehabilitation and in healthy rough-toothed dolphins, Steno bredanensis. General and Comparative Endocrinology. In review. Wetzel, D.L. and J.E. Reynolds, III. Defi nitive identification of fatty acid constituents in marine mammal tissues. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. In press. 38
M a n y T h a n k s To M a n y F r i e n d s As an independent marine research laboratory, Mote gives scientists tremendous flexibility in their fields of inquiry. Their achievements have secured the Laboratory’s worldwide reputation. The freedom to pursue the most challenging problems in marine science is made possible by support from many contributors. In 2003, the following donors contributed $500 or more through gifts, grants, memberships, in-kind goods and services, and event support: $50,000 and above Anonymous City of Sarasota Mr. and Mrs. Howard C. Cobin Communications by Poire Disney Wildlife Conservation Fund Genova Products Georgia Aquarium Mrs. Perry W. Gilbert Keating Family Foundation Mike McKee Family Kenneth & Myra Monfort Charitable Foundation, Inc. Mote Scientific Foundation The New Amsterdam Charitable Foundation Elsa U. Pardee Foundation Ripley’s Aquariums, Inc. Sun Microsystems Computer Company Wavering Family Charitable Trust $25,000 - $49,999 Anonymous Dolphin Aviation, Inc. The Glenstone Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Goldstein Judy Graham of Graham Interiors Michael V. and Franza Janes Keys Marine Laboratory Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Martin Raymond E. Mason Foundation Robert R. and Mollie B. Nelson Charitable Foundation Sarasota Ford $10,000 - $24,999 Beacon Products, Inc. Karen Burns Combined Federal Campaign Conch Republic Seafood Company Mr. and Mrs. Ken Cox Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Coyne Mr. and Mrs. Richard O. Donegan Floriday Brokerage Co. Flotilla 82 USCG Auxiliary 10-2000 Susan C. Gilmore Dr. and Mrs. Edward Hamilton The Mark and Carol Hyman Fund Robert Kreilick Mr. and Mrs. Jay M. Lieberman Carol L. Miller
Virginia A. Miller Gilbert N. and Marjorie A. Parker Fund/Community Foundation of Sarasota County, Inc. Publix Super Markets Charities Smith Barney Sonitronics Elizabeth Steele Roberta Leventhal Sudakoff Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Thurell Triad Foundation, Inc. $5,000 - $9,999 LLC Appleby Foundation Banks Engineering, Inc. The Vernal W. and Florence H. Bates Foundation Bonefi sh Grill BVG-Siesta, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Mike Carter Charlie and Family Dr. Eugenie Clark Coastal Chemical & Paper Supply Dickinson Photography Jane C. Ebbs Elettra Thomas and Emily Franeta Walter Haskins Fund in Memory of Stacey K. Haskins/ Community Foundation of Sarasota County, Inc. Item Development, Inc. Kates Foundation, Inc. Kirk-Pinkerton, PA Dr. and Mrs. Kumar Mahadevan Michael’s on East Gourmet Group Mr. and Mrs. John Renaldi The ROS Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Harry Silverglide The Tarr Charitable Family Foundation Dr. Robert C. Thommes and Dr. James Woods Robert and Jill Williams Robert and Jeanne Zabelle Charitable Fund $2,500 - $4,999 Craig Adams Bahia Beach Marina Vera Cash Foundation, Inc. Chris Cattaneo Scholarship Foundation Ruth DeLynn Frederick Derr & Company, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Eckel Mr. and Mrs. John Enander Feld Entertainment, Inc. The B & S D Friedland Foundation Inc. Icard, Merrill, Cullis, Timm, Furen & Ginsburg P.A. Brad Kenyon Dr. and Mrs. Carl A. Luer Jo Zach Miller Gerald Muir Creative Northern Trust Bank of Florida
DONORS continued
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Owens Plymouth Harbor Residents Association Powersource Equipment, Inc. Estate of Margaret Reidel SCICOM Data Services Peggy J. Sears Willis A. Smith Construction Ronald R. Stahl In Memory of George Peter Stellas John M. Strickland SunTrust Bank Wachovia Bank WIBQ 1220 AM Albert H. and Jane Wohlers Foundation The Zenith $1,000 - $2,499 The Alaska Community Foundation Martha Allen Albert Ames June Apisdorf AquaCal Mr. and Mrs. David P. Baron Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Baumann Mr. and Mrs. Steve Belack Franklin G. Berlin Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Bernhard Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bladstrom/Community Foundation of Sarasota County, Inc. Bradenton Herald David Brittain Mr. and Mrs. Vernon G. Buchanan Mary Bussard Central Florida Marine Conservation Corporation Deborah M. Cooley Charitable Trust Jane T. and Robert V. Corning/Community Foundation of Sarasota County, Inc. Cowles Charitable Trust Mr. and Mrs. G.J. Creighton Lt. Gen. and Mrs. Howard G. Crowell, Jr. Crystal Springs John Davies Abby DeVries Dion Oil & Quik Marts, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Dow Dr. Sylvia Earle Fergeson, Skipper, Shaw, Keyser, Baron & Tirabassi PA Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Finzel Firestone Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson Flanders Matthew S. Forelli Bruce Frerer Edith Gardner Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Gibbs Jessica S. Griffiths Mr. and Mrs. Philip D. Harrison Victor Heckler Mr. and Mrs. Allan Heffron Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Hunt Jane Graham-Hyslop Debra Ingrao J.L. Marine Systems, Inc. Jan-Tech Communications Carol Janetzke
The Jelks Family Foundation Inc. Johnson Photo Imaging, Inc. Richard P. Kahn Kennedy Electric Wendel and Evelyn Kent Fund/Community Foundation of Sarasota County, Inc. Keys Fish Paradise Robert H. Knox Knox Family Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Sasha Koulish Mr. and Mrs. John Lamoureux Rose Mary Laur Mr. and Mrs. Allan L. Levey Marina D. Liem and Alex Cannon Hon. and Mrs. Gavin Litwiller Jean Maguire Mr. and Mrs. James Marino Mr. and Mrs. Lamar Matthews MCSI Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Messick Mid-America Sports Sales Hon. and Mrs. Daniel F. Miller Dr. David Millie and Dr. Laura Kunberger The Montei Foundation Susan J. Morin Mr. and Mrs. Ron R. Morris Mr. and Mrs. G. Lowe Morrison Mr. and Mrs. Richard Nimtz Oasis Out Sourcing The Mary E. Parker Foundation Jeff Parker R. and M. Foundation Trust Dr. and Mrs. Raymond Raitz William Rein Mr. and Mrs. Dana R. Robes Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Robie, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Dean E. Rollings, Jr. RBC, Centura Sam’s Club #8210 Sanibel-Captiva Shell Club Sarasota Bay National Estuary Program Sarasota Bay Parrot Head Club Inc. Sarasota Memorial Hospital Healthcare Foundation, Inc. SeaSide Garden Retreat Dr. and Mrs. H.A. Seider, Jr. Serbin Printing Philip J. Shannon, Jr. Sholley Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Simpson Special Tees Plus Sun Hydraulics Corporation Sundial Advisory Group Robert and Joyce Tate Family Foundation, Inc. Thelen Reid & Priest LLP Tracy Foundation Andrew Vac RE/MAX Excellence Vantage Consulting Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Gil Waters Weber Engineering & Surveying, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. R. Elton White Williams, Parker, Harrison, Dietz & Getzen Wojcik and Short Associates Incorporated Woodward Foundation Marcia, John and Lincoln Zweig
$500 - $999 Aktion Club William F. Alexander IV David Altman Foundation John F. Bass IV Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bell Mr. and Mrs. David Berkowitz Mr. and Mrs. Gris Bettle Mr. and Mrs. William G. Bird Mr. and Mrs. Leon Bloom Mr. and Mrs. E. Boyer Chrisman Dr. and Mrs. Glenn L. Bredemeyer Laura Breeze and Van Huff Mr. and Mrs. Abbott Buegeleisen Mr. and Mrs. Keith Calleja Cannons Marina Mike Carter Construction, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. S.P. Clement Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Corcoran Creative Heads, Inc. James R. Culter Mr. and Mrs. John M. Dart Carol L. Deever Mr. and Mrs. Dick Dickinson Sandra L. Dietrich Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Donohoo Mr. and Mrs. John C. Doremus, Jr. Patricia Drabik/The Modigan Foundation Nancy Duffy E.L. Ecclestone Mr. and Mrs. Stephen F. Ellis Joan Galvin Brown and Jim Brown Rebeckah Du Bois Glazebrook Mr. and Mrs. Gerbert Gold Dorothy Greenlee Mr. and Mrs. John Hager Judith Hammer Sally H. Harris Jean P. Hendry Mr. and Mrs. William J. Hill Shiela Hingorani Doug Horne Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Horne David A. Horne Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hulswit Independent Charities of America Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jameson David Janes Dr. and Mrs. Albert G. Joerger Nancy Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Johnson Ervin Johnson, Jr. Jerry Joyner Dr. and Mrs. Herbert J. Karol Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Keil Ivi Kimmel F. Paul Koisch Kolschowsky Foundation Mr. and Mrs. James R. Lambie Christina M. Landry Laser Rite Business Systems Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Lippes Joyce W. Lockhart
Alan L. Martin Mr. and Mrs. Billy J. Martin Tjet Martin Thomas R. Marvel Mary K. McAllister Hon. Joe McClash W.G. Mills Inc. Mr. and Mrs. George J. Minnig Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mojica Thomas E. Moxley Dr. and Mrs. John H. Muehlstein Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nobel Mr. and Mrs. James W. Norris Mr. and Mrs. Randy Norton R. San Pedro, D.D.S. and Lisa Brewer, D.M.D. Dr. J.T. Petrella Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Purdum Rickert Properties Inc. RIGSAVER Randall Rockel Rocky Ross Mr. and Mrs. Jack W. Rynerson Martin A. Samowitz Foundation Sarasota Family YMCA Sarasota Shell Club Cathy A. Schawk Mr. and Mrs. Saul Segal Alice M. Shaw Dr. and Mrs. James W. Shaw Cynthia Smyth Elizabeth B. Stadler/E.B.S. Foundation Paul C. Steinwachs Mr. and Mrs. George P. Stellas, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Stover Drs. Frank and Patty Sturtevant Mr. and Mrs. Henry Taub Mr. and Mrs. James Toomey John G. and Anna Maria Troiano Foundation VALIC Mr. and Mrs. Scott Van de Houten Jane P. Watson William W. Willett Wyman, Green and Blalock, Inc. Companies that provide gifts matching the contributions of current and retired employees include the following: Aetna Giving Campaign Eli Lilly & Company Foundation ExxonMobil Foundation General Electric Foundation General Reinsurance Corporation IBM International Foundation Johnson & Johnson May Department Stores Company Foundation Microsoft Pepsico Foundation Pfi zer Volunteer Program Precision Gear, Inc. The Prudential Foundation Sam’s Club Foundation Verizon Foundation 41
Editor . . . . . . . . . . . .
Linda Franklin
Writers . . . . . . . . . . .
Dwight F. Davis Judy Silverman
Art Director . . . . . . .
Mary Ellen Wagener
Photographers . . . . .
Sara Coburn Dick Dickinson Alex Eichholz Herman Gross Jerry Koons Robert Meyers Wes Pratt
MOTE MARINE LABORATORY 1600 Ken Thompson Parkway Sarasota, Florida 34236 (941) 388-4441, Fax (941) 388-4312 Field Stations: CHARLOTTE HARBOR P.O. Box 2197, Pineland, FL 33945 (239) 283-1622, Fax: (239) 283-2466 FLORIDA KEYS 24244 Overseas Highway, Summerland Key, FL 33042 (305) 745-2729, Fax: (305) 745-2730 631 Greene Street, Key West, FL 33040 (305) 296-3551, Fax: (305) 296-2325 MOTE AQUACULTURE PARK 12300 Fruitville Road, Sarasota, FL 34240 (941) 388-4541, Fax: (941) 377-2905