Cooperation Action Connection Urban Renewal
Current situation of Bratislava’s extensions The majority of Bratislava’s current urbanization is located on the north/east side of the Danube. There are many limits to the urbanization in this area. On the west and north side a green space, on the north/east, the airport and on the south/east, the refinery.
The space between these different areas is already very urbanized and the lack of place leads to a land pressure on the vineyards that need to be preserved.
Crossborder perspective : New balanced city A transversal approach to assure the continuity between the East West of Austria and Slovakia Creation of activities / housing / infrastructures attractive for both countries A good proportion of housing and employment to control the mobility
The canal Ramena development matter : Protection of the wetland as an insurance for the Danube and the prevention of flood risks Coherence with the Natura 2000 project Promotion of the forests and green spaces Possibility to enjoy a calm environment close to Bratislava city center A symbolic and attractive border
Extension project:
Why developing this part of Obtok?
Three main poles of development
An economic pole in a natural environment to rebalance the metropolis
A recreative pole attractive for Austria and Slovakia
New poles for housing
Science Development project
The Watson Research Center -- Hawthorne, NY
 A research center, a science and technology park in a green environment  Austrian land connected to Bratislava: strategic place
Housing Development project
Proposal for housing: an intermediary form between the buildings of Petrzalka and the cottages, small houses of Kittsee Develop social diversity through different kind of housing accessible for every social classes
Create the first crossborder ecofriendly suburb
Leisure activities  A strategical place on the SlovakAustrian border  Connected to Kittsee, Petrzalka and the new leisure activities linked with water because of the position on the Danube internal delta
A new museum
Example of Confluences Museum in Lyon
For a unique place, the internal delta of Danube, a unique museum, located on the borderline The “Confluences” Museum
Petrzalka's Development
District of Petrzalka Housing Area
Area: 28.7 km2 / Pop: 126 565 in. / Density: 4 410hab/km2
Proximity with the center Only line buses, lack of mass collective transports Strategic place for cooperation policies with Austria Objectives:
Diversity, Activities, Alternative Transports, Cooperation
Propositions Recreation area Cycle tour Developing axe Green connection Landmark
A developing axe to renforce the connection with Bratislava’s centre A new Tram line to connect Petrzalka and the city-centre To promove sport, cutural and commercial facilities along the urban boulevard To limit the importance of car with only onelane road
Landmarks Why creating Landmarks in Petrzalka ? New symbols and references points for a better orientation Arousing tourist’s interest with a notable architectural and physical feature These landmarks could find their seat on the urban boulevard and the tramway line Hanoi Landmark tower
London Eye, the “Gateway to London”
Uniformity of buildings, monotonous panorama
Landmarks and symbols given Petrzalka a new image
Recreation area, Cycle tour Cycle path connecting Petrzalka to the city centre Extension of the walkway in the South of Petrzalka Connection with the « Obtok project » Cycle and pedestrian way on banks of Danube’s river
Green connection with Austria by a new Green Bridge Pedestrian and cycle favored bridge Continuity with the green corridor To weak the gap’s feeling caused by the highway D2/E65
Importance of water
Cooperation Diversity of functions and populations
Identity of Petrzalka
Balanced city Sport equipment
Leisure activities
New sciences pole
Alternative mode
Green frame
To get further… Design another strategy for the Hungarian connection Look for “communal urban policies” for both Slovakia/Austria and Slovakia/Hungary Reinforce the trans-border strengths