A lab managed for the National Association of Broadcasters and the Consumer Technology Association utilizing ATSC 3.0 or NextGenTV television equipment to test the newest broadcasting standards.
Technical Broadcast Solutions, Inc. Every single day, telecommunications drive forth business efforts stretched across all reaches of the planet. Broadcasting enables companies to provide messages directly to consumers, governmental regulators, and other businesses, ultimately fueling and empowering further business interactions. These interactions are a continuous cycle that is a tremendous benefit created by the efficiency and effectiveness of telecommunications in our modern world. In Dover, a growing business known as Technical Broadcast Solutions is making strides to provide telecommunications consulting services between large entities like the Department of Defense and local broadcasting providers to help maintain broadcasting relations and contribute to
satisfying the needs of our telecommunications-oriented society. Technical Broadcast Solutions, Inc. was founded in 2017 by Robert Russell, a consulting engineer who saw an opportunity to start a business of his own as others in his group were retiring. As a veteran, Robert started in his field as a cryptologist for the United States Marine Corps during the first Gulf War. This experience provided Robert with the unique skills to ignite his career in broadcasting, building from what he learned in transmitting and receiving for military efforts. “For this kind of work,” Russell stated, “there’s not a lot of schools that teach the skills and knowledge needed. Broadcast schools typically focus on the
BY COLIN HEFFINGER front-of-the-camera aspect of broadcasting instead of behind-the-scenes. It’s almost all handson learning in this industry.” “A lot of viewers don’t know the processes involved in sending video from its point of origination to where consumers watch it at home,” he continued. “The broadcast industry is immensely encompassing as it incorporates digital and IT infrastructure, network configuration, and even highpower radio frequencies to reach the home viewer. Our industry is always running, and we approach a project with the mindset that it needs to be completed now.” Technical Broadcast Solutions provides specialized consulting
Jan uar y / Fe b r uar y 2022 | DELAWARE BUSINESS