Parker Construction BY DANIEL LA MASTRA of fire and water restoration, Parker With colder weather just Construction provides full-service around the corner, some construction capabilities to residential, areas are reminded of the brutality commercial, industrial and government of winter storms, which can bring clients. dangerous blankets of ice and snow Michael Parker, owner and founder, with it. Although a bit of snow is not began his career as a carpenter in 1982 necessarily a bad thing, the real concern until starting Parker Construction in is severe weather and storms that do 1992. Over the course of nearly 30 years, a devastating amount of destruction to Parker Construction has completed people’s properties, businesses, and over 400 projects in the Delaware area. infrastructure. Projects include anything from These types of damages a contract with the Wilmington can be catastrophic, and Housing Authority, to work unfortunately it can also be on HUD homes doing lead a common and unavoidable abatement, to doing residential occurrence, especially during property repairs. seasons of particularly bad To give back to the trade weather. For a business owner, that launched his career, Parker this can be a real concern. A Michael Parker teaches carpentry at Delaware recognized leader in the field
Technical Community College through the innovation technology program. He also shares his knowledge and skills to members of his community—free of charge—including nonprofits and churches in the area. According to Parker, “I give back because by me being in the business, I see the value of a skilled craftsman. I see that they are needed.” Parker also added that “not only does it replenish the skill trade for the next generation, but it’s a good feeling when you see other people around who are working in the trade and have been through the training.” Parker believes that life-long learning is key to his success as a business owner. He recently took part in Goldman Sachs’ 10,000 Small Businesses program, which aims to help entrepreneurs and business owners create jobs and economic opportunity by providing access to education, capital, and business support services. Parker says the Goldman Sachs program had a demonstrably positive effect on Parker Construction, helping him significantly grow his business. “The 10,000 Small Businesses program really emphasized effective business planning, which actually helped me to expand Parker Construction into other services, such as water mitigation.” He also explained that “with my revenues, they are projected to increase by at least 30 to 40 percent in the third quarter of 2021.” With a variety of different services being offered, Parker Construction is by no means just a construction company. When there is a job to be done, they are more than ready to step up to the plate.
Se p t e m b er / Oc t o b e r 2021 | DELAWARE BUSINESS