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Photo: © Frank Kaltenbach
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Maggie’s Centre Oldham
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Material Topic Location Year of construction
Maggie’s Centre Oldham
Office Development in Paris
Wadden Sea Centre in Ribe
The dark wooden box on steel columns stands in the grounds of the Royal Hospital Oldham, a large hospital …
On the site of a former railway freight yard on the outskirts of Paris, a new housing district has been created …
In the flat landscape of Denmark’s west coast, the traditional form of construction of farms has been determined by …
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Architects dRMM
DETAIL 1– 2/2018
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Mountain Restaurant in Obereggen
ArtLab of the EPFL Lausanne
Residence in Dornbirn
At an altitude of 2,096 metres in the Obereggen ski and hiking area in the western Dolomites lies the Oberholz …
Following the Rolex Learning Center and the Swiss Convention Center the ArtLab is the most recent building in the …
On the outskirts of Dornbirn in Vorarlberg, Austria, on the edge of a low-density, single-family residential development …
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© Alex de Rijke
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The dark wooden box on steel columns stands in the grounds of the Royal Hospital Oldham, a large hospital complex on the outskirts of Manchester. Today, there are 19 Maggie‘s Centres in operation throughout the UK with a further one in Hong Kong. In these centres, many of which were designed by leading architects, cancer patients are provided free of charge with emotional and practical assistance. The concept came from Maggie Keswick Jencks, who herself died of cancer and who believed strongly that the built environment could have a positive effect on the mental well-being of sick people. Conscious of their commitment to this concept, in Oldham the architects dRMM, who are known for their experimental timber buildings, used a material previously unknown in Europe: laminated tulipwood.
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Maggie’s Centre Oldham
Office Development in Paris
The dark wooden box on steel columns stands in the grounds of the Royal Hospital Oldham, a large hospital …
On the site of a former railway freight yard on the outskirts of Paris, a new housing district has been created … Continue reading
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Maggie’s Krebszentrum in Oldham Maggie’s Centre Oldham dRMM
Alex de Rijke
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Once the search is completed, the number of results are displayed. The list offers initial information about the DETAIL projects matching the search criteria.
Mountain Restaurant in Obereggen
ArtLab of the EPFL Lausanne
At an altitude of 2,096 metres in the Obereggen ski and hiking area in the western Dolomites lies the Oberholz …
Following the Rolex Learning Center and the Swiss Convention Center the ArtLab is the most recent building in the …
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Lageplan Maßstab 1:2000 Site plan scale 1:2000
Die dunkle Holzbox auf Stützen aus Stahl liegt auf dem Gelände des Royal Hospital Oldham, einem großen Krankenhauskomplex am Stadtrand von Manchester. Mittlerweile sind 19 Maggie’s Centres in Betrieb, sie sind in ganz Großbritannien verteilt, auch in Hong Kong gibt es eins. In den oft von namhaften Architekten gestalteten Zentren erhalten Krebspatienten kostenfrei emotionale und praktische Hilfe. Das Konzept geht auf Maggie Keswick Jencks zurück, die selbst einem Krebsleiden erlag und stark an die Wirkung des gebauten Umfelds auf die seelische Verfassung kranker Menschen glaubte. Diesem Erbe verpflichtet setzten die für ihre experimentellen Holzbauten bekannten Architekten in Oldham einen in Europa bislang unbekannten Baustoff ein: laminiertes Tulpenholz. Im Osten Amerikas sind die schnell wachsenden Bäume, die zur Familie der Magnolien zählen und Baumhöhen bis zu 40 m
The dark wooden box on steel columns stands in the grounds of the Royal Hospital Oldham, a large hospital complex on the outskirts of Manchester. Today, there are 19 Maggie's Centres in operation throughout the UK with a further one in Hong Kong. In these centres, many of which were designed by leading architects, cancer patients are provided free of charge with emotional and practical assistance. The concept came from Maggie Keswick Jencks, who herself died of cancer and who believed strongly that the built environment could have a positive effect on the mental wellbeing of sick people. Conscious of their commitment to this concept, in Oldham the architects dRMM, who are known for their experimental timber buildings, used a material previously unknown in Europe: laminated tulipwood. Widespread in eastern North America, the rapidly growing tulip tree belongs to the
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1370 inspirations found Wood
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