Hiring Strategies To Attract Great Candidates: Practical Illustration Strategies

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HiringStrategiesToAttractGreatCandidates Page1 Hiring Strategies To Attract Great Candidates Table Of Contents Lure in Great Candidates 3 Practical Illustration Hiring Strategies To Attract Great Candidates 7 Develop a Strong Employer Brand 9 Use Targeted Job Postings 10 Attract Great Candidates With Pay Incentives15 Attract Great Candidates With Vacation Time18 Attract Great Candidates With Career Education21 Attract Great Candidates With Partnerships With Local Shopping Retailers and Traderst.com 24  Attract Great Candidates With JobFairGiant.com30 Attract Great Candidates Using MichiganHired.com33 Attract Great Candidates With A Positive Workplace35 Attract Great Candidates with LGBTQ Best Hiring Practices36 Partnering With LGBTQ Organizations 38 Ensure Diversity and Inclusion In The Interview Process43 Attract Great Candidates With Criminal Backgrounds52 Attract Great Candidates With Hearing Impairments57

Hiring Strategies To Attract Great Candidates

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Hiring Strategies To Attract Great Candidates

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Lure in Great Candidates

One of the rst steps to nding great employees is determining what type of person will t into the new position and the company. But nding the right way to lure candidates can be dicult if not done properly. The key is to reach out locally as well as outside the region to reach a range of people and a range of talent.

Advertise Where Candidates Visit

When planning to advertise, it’s important to put your company name where you want to get candidate’s attention. Industry specic sites are an ideal place to post job openings or opportunities to hand in resumes. These sites can appeal to candidates currently looking for work or those simply interested in the particular type of industry and line of work. Online job websites are a resource for job seekers, which makes them a great place to advertise and seek new candidates.

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Hiring Strategies To Attract Great Candidates

In print, trade magazines appeal to a large group of magazine buyers and often cater to a focused group of job seekers. Although newspapers are decreasing in popularity and readers, advertising with posters or newsletter articles are a great place to start looking for new recruits.

Increasing exposure to the growing public will increase chances of nding more candidates and increasing company exposure.

Develop Corporate Citizenship

Corporate citizenship is the process of a corporation working together to share responsibility and initiatives. Also known as corporate social responsibility, corporate citizenship can cover a wide range of services and processes, including charity works, business plans, and oce procedures. Developing corporate citizenship among employees helps them become engaged with one another and hold each other accountable.

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Hiring Strategies To Attract Great Candidates

When a company promotes corporate citizenship, it can help to draw in talent and potential candidates since employees feel like they are part of a team. Utilizing corporate citizenship can also help retain current employees because employees feel like they are part of a family and feel supported by the rest of their team when a problem arises.

Treat Your Candidates Well

Any company knows that if the employees do not feel as though they are treated fairly and are respected, they will want to leave. Happy employees become loyal employees. However, it’s important to treat new hires as well as the candidates you choose not to hire with respect. Any candidate who comes in contact with the company, whether by interview, resume, or a simple phone call, that is not treated respectfully, could not only lose interest in your company, but can share their mistreatment and cause other candidates to lose interest as well. Be honest with everyone you choose not to hire and oer advice and feedback before letting them go. Keep job seekers up to date and notied of interview processes and potential open positions. It is always good practice to be nice and treat candidates with respect. They will return the favor.

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Look at the Competition

Competition is not always clean, and sometimes you can nd the perfect candidate by playing a little dirty. While your company should not go scouting around to rival companies, sometimes they have talented candidates that may not be happy and are looking for a change. Don’t try to up sell your company or exaggerate what it has to oer, but be truthful about what you can give them and what kind of position you have open.

Sometimes the employee just needs to know what’s out there, and with a little nudge, they can make the decision to join your company. Always use a level of caution and nesse when trying to recruit from other companies because you don’t want your company to get a bad reputation as an employee stealer, nor do you want to open the door for other companies to poach your employees.

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Practical Illustration Hiring Strategies To Attract Great Candidates

Hiring great candidates is critical for any organization's success, and developing eective strategies to attract them is crucial.

Here are some strategies that can help:

Develop a strong employer brand: Great candidates are more likely to be drawn to a company with a strong reputation for being a great place to work. Building a strong employer brand involves creating a positive work culture, oering competitive compensation and benets packages, and promoting the company's mission and values.

Use targeted job postings: Posting job listings on job boards, social media, and other platforms can help attract candidates. However, targeting specic job boards and platforms based on the type of position and candidate you're looking for can help ensure that you're reaching the right people.

Leverage employee referrals: Encourage current employees to refer candidates they know and trust. This can help reduce recruitment costs and attract candidates who are a good cultural t for the organization.

Attend job fairs and industry events: Participating in job fairs and industry events can help you connect with potential candidates in person. This can be especially eective for hard-to-ll positions or niche industries.

Oer competitive compensation and benets: Providing competitive compensation and benets packages can help attract top talent. This can include not just salary, but also benets such as health insurance, retirement plans, and vacation time.

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Emphasize career development opportunities: Great candidates are often looking for opportunities to grow and develop their skills. Emphasizing the career development opportunities available within your organization can help attract these candidates.

Use video and social media: Videos and social media can be powerful tools for attracting candidates. Creating videos that showcase the company culture and work environment can give candidates a sense of what it's like to work for the organization. Social media can be used to share job postings and company updates with a wider audience.

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Hiring Strategies To Attract Great Candidates

Develop a Strong Employer Brand

Apple is a company that has a strong employer brand. They are known for their innovative products, dynamic work environment, and a company culture that values creativity and individuality. They showcase this brand through their products, advertisements, and employee testimonials.


To develop a strong employer brand, start by creating a company culture that aligns with your mission and values. Provide a positive work environment that encourages collaboration and creativity. Showcase your brand through your website, social media, and other marketing channels. Encourage employees to share their experiences working for your company through testimonials and videos.

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Use Targeted Job Postings

A technology company that is looking for software developers may use job boards and platforms that cater specically to the technology industry. For instance, they may post their job listings on sites like Dice or Indeed, which are known for their technology job postings.


Identify the job boards and platforms that cater to the specic industry or type of position you are hiring for. Post job listings that are clear and concise, with specic requirements and qualications. Use keywords and phrases that are relevant to the job title to help your job postings rank higher in search results.

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Leverage Employee Referrals

Google is a company that has a successful employee referral program. They oer incentives to employees who refer successful candidates, and they have a streamlined application process for these referrals.

How-to-do: Attend Job Fairs and Industry Events

Create a clear and simple referral program that oers incentives to employees who refer successful candidates. Provide guidelines on the types of candidates you are looking for, and make it easy for employees to submit referrals. Consider expediting the application process for referrals to show your appreciation and interest in their referrals.

A healthcare organization that is looking for nurses may attend job fairs and industry events that cater specically to the healthcare industry. For example, they may participate in the National Healthcare Career Network's virtual job fair.

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Strategies To Attract Great


Identify job fairs and industry events that are relevant to the positions you are hiring for. Reserve a booth or space to showcase your company and its job openings. Prepare marketing materials, such as brochures or business cards, to hand out to attendees. Encourage your hiring managers to attend and network with potential candidates.

Oer Competitive Compensation and Benets

Amazon is a company that oers competitive compensation and benets packages to its employees. They provide not only a competitive salary, but also health insurance, retirement plans, and other perks like employee discounts and wellness programs.


Research the market and identify the salary range and benets that are competitive for the position and industry you are hiring for. Oer a package that is attractive to potential candidates, but also sustainable for your organization. Be transparent about the compensation and benets you are oering to help build trust with candidates.

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Strategies To Attract Great

Emphasize Career Development Opportunities

LinkedIn is a company that emphasizes career development opportunities for its employees. They oer online courses, professional development programs, and mentorship programs to help employees grow and develop their skills.


Develop a clear career development plan that outlines the opportunities for growth and advancement within your organization. Emphasize these opportunities in your job postings and during the interview process.

Oer mentorship programs and professional development resources to help employees achieve their goals.

Use Video and Social Media

HubSpot is a company that uses video and social media to attract potential candidates. They create videos that showcase their company culture and work environment, and they share these videos on social media platforms like LinkedIn and Instagram.

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Create videos that showcase your company culture and work environment. Highlight what makes your organization unique and why it's a great place to work. Share these videos on social media platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter to reach a wider audience. Use social media to share job postings, company updates, and employee testimonials. Encourage employees to share their experiences working for your organization on social media to help promote your brand.

Overall, these strategies can help your organization attract great candidates and build a strong and talented team. It's important to tailor your hiring strategies to the specic needs of your organization and the positions you are hiring for. By leveraging a combination of these strategies, you can improve your chances of attracting the best candidates for your organization.

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Attract Great Candidates With Pay Incentives

Oer Sign-On Bonuses

A software development company oers a sign-on bonus to experienced software developers who are in high demand. The bonus is paid out after a certain period of time, usually six months to a year, to encourage employees to stay with the company.


Oer a sign-on bonus to new hires who have the experience and skills you are looking for. Make sure the bonus is tied to a specic time period, so the employee is incentivized to stay with your company for a certain amount of time. Be transparent about the bonus and how it will be paid out.

Provide Performance-Based Bonuses

A sales organization provides performance-based bonuses to their top performers. The bonus is tied to specic sales targets and is paid out on a quarterly or annual basis.

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Develop clear performance metrics that align with your business goals. Oer a bonus structure that rewards employees who meet or exceed these metrics. Be transparent about the bonus structure and make sure employees understand how they can earn a bonus.

Use Stock Options or Equity

A startup oers stock options or equity to their employees as a way to incentivize them to work hard and help the company succeed. This can be especially attractive to employees who believe in the company's mission and vision.


Oer stock options or equity to employees as part of their compensation package. Make sure employees understand the potential value of these options or equity and how they can benet from them in the long run. Be transparent about the vesting schedule and any restrictions on selling or transferring the options or equity.

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Provide Competitive Salaries

A healthcare organization oers competitive salaries to their nurses and other healthcare professionals, to attract and retain the best talent in the industry.

Research the market and identify the salary range that is competitive for the positions you are hiring for. Oer a salary that is attractive to potential candidates, but also sustainable for your organization. Be transparent about the salary range and make sure candidates understand what they can expect to earn.


Provide Benets Packages

A manufacturing company provides a comprehensive benets package to their employees, including health insurance, retirement plans, and paid time o.


Develop a benets package that is attractive to potential candidates. Oer health insurance, retirement plans, and other benets that are relevant to your industry and the needs of your employees. Be transparent about the benets package and make sure candidates understand what is included.

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Attract Great Candidates With Vacation Time

Salesforce is a company that oers a generous PTO package to its employees. They provide a minimum of 7 paid holidays, 3 oating holidays, and 20 days of PTO per year for full-time employees. They also oer additional PTO for employees who have been with the company for 5 years or more.

Oer Generous Paid Time O (PTO) Packages Example:


Develop a PTO package that is generous and competitive for your industry and the positions you are hiring for. Consider oering a combination of vacation time, sick leave, and personal days to provide employees with exibility. Be transparent about your PTO policy and clearly communicate the details to potential candidates.

Implement a Flexible Time O (FTO) Policy

Netix is a company that has implemented a FTO policy. They do not have a specic number of days o, but instead allow employees to take as much time o as they need, as long as their work is completed on time and to a high standard.

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Develop a FTO policy that is aligned with your company culture and values. Consider the impact of a FTO policy on productivity and employee morale. Clearly communicate the expectations and guidelines for taking time o to employees and potential candidates.

Oer Unlimited Vacation Time

Airbnb is a company that oers unlimited vacation time to its employees. They trust their employees to manage their time o in a way that works best for them and the company.


Consider oering unlimited vacation time as a benet to employees. Ensure that managers and employees have clear communication and expectations around taking time o. Monitor the impact of unlimited vacation time on productivity and work-life balance.

Provide Paid Parental Leave

Microsoft is a company that provides up to 20 weeks of paid parental leave to new parents. They oer this benet to both mothers and fathers and do not require them to use their vacation time or sick leave to take this time o.

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Hiring Strategies To Attract Great Candidates

Develop a paid parental leave policy that is aligned with your company values and priorities. Consider the impact of parental leave on employee retention and engagement. Clearly communicate the policy and expectations to employees and potential candidates.


Incorporate Wellness Programs and Benets

Google is a company that oers wellness programs and benets to its employees. They provide access to tness centers, massage therapists, nutritionists, and other health and wellness resources.


Consider incorporating wellness programs and benets into your overall benets package. Oer employees access to tness centers, mental health resources, and other wellness programs. Clearly communicate the details of these programs to employees and potential candidates.

Overall, these strategies can help your organization attract great candidates and build a strong and talented team. It's important to tailor your hiring strategies to the specic needs of your organization and the positions you are hiring for. By leveraging a combination of these strategies, you can improve your chances of attracting the best candidates for your organization.

Hiring Strategies To Attract Great Candidates

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Attract Great Candidates With Career Education

Workplace Career Training

A retail company may oer workplace career training programs to their employees to help them advance in their careers. They may oer training in areas such as leadership, customer service, and inventory management. This can not only help employees grow and develop their skills, but also attract potential candidates who are interested in career development opportunities.


Identify the areas where your employees need training and development to advance in their careers. Develop a clear career development plan that outlines the training and development opportunities available to employees. Communicate this plan to potential candidates to show your organization's commitment to employee growth and development.

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Incumbent Worker Training

A manufacturing company may oer incumbent worker training programs to their existing employees to help them learn new skills and advance in their careers. This can help attract potential candidates who are interested in working for a company that invests in the growth and development of their employees.

Identify the areas where your existing employees need training and development to advance in their careers. Develop a clear training and development plan that outlines the opportunities available to employees. Communicate this plan to potential candidates to show your organization's commitment to employee growth and development.


Educational Programs

A technology company may partner with a local university or community college to oer educational programs to potential candidates. They may oer programs in areas such as computer science, software engineering, and data analysis. This can help attract potential candidates who are interested in pursuing a career in technology and want to further their education.

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Identify the educational programs that are relevant to the positions you are hiring for. Partner with local universities or community colleges to oer these programs to potential candidates. Communicate the availability of these programs to potential candidates to show your organization's commitment to education and professional development.

Overall, these strategies can help your organization attract great candidates who are interested in career development opportunities and professional growth. It's important to tailor your training and educational programs to the specic needs of your organization and the positions you are hiring for. By oering these programs, you can demonstrate your commitment to employee growth and development, which can help attract and retain top talent.

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Attract Great Candidates With Partnerships With Local Shopping Retailers and Traderst.com

Partnership with Local Shopping Retailers

A retail store may partner with local shopping retailers to attract great candidates. For example, they may set up a booth or kiosk in a shopping mall to showcase their job openings and meet potential candidates in person. They may also oer discounts or promotions to customers who refer successful candidates.


Identify local shopping retailers that are relevant to the positions you are hiring for. Reach out to the owners or managers of these retailers to discuss potential partnership opportunities. Oer promotions or discounts to customers who refer successful candidates. Set up a booth or kiosk in a shopping mall to showcase your job openings and meet potential candidates in person.

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Partnership with Traderst.com

A small business may partner with Traderst.com to attract great candidates. Traderst.com is a bartering and trade exchange network that allows businesses to exchange goods and services with each other. A small business may oer its products or services to other businesses on Traderst.com in exchange for trade dollars to use for advertising, stang or job postings with JobFairGiant.com or MichiganHired.com


Create an account on Traderst.com and explore the network to identify potential partnership opportunities. Oer your products or services to other businesses in exchange for advertising or job listings on the site. Work with Traderst.com to develop a marketing plan that promotes your job openings to potential candidates. Use the platform to network with other businesses and build relationships that can lead to future partnership opportunities.

Overall, partnerships with local shopping retailers and Traderst.com can help businesses attract great candidates and expand their reach to new audiences. It's important to identify partnerships that align with the specic needs of your business and the positions you are hiring for. By leveraging these partnerships, businesses can improve their chances of nding the best candidates for their organization.

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Partner with Other Businesses

A marketing agency that is looking to hire a graphic designer can partner with a printing company. The marketing agency can oer their services to the printing company in exchange for a referral of a great graphic designer who works for the printing company.


Identify businesses that are complementary to your industry and oer services or products that your organization needs. Reach out to these businesses and propose a bartering agreement. Oer your services or products in exchange for referrals, networking opportunities, or access to great candidates.

Attend Networking Events

A startup that is looking to hire a web developer can attend networking events and meetups that are specically for web developers. The startup can oer to provide their services or products to the web developer in exchange for a referral of a great candidate.

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Identify networking events and meetups that are relevant to the positions you are hiring for. Attend these events and make connections with potential candidates. Oer to provide your services or products in exchange for referrals, networking opportunities, or access to great candidates.

Use Social Media

A design agency that is looking to hire a copywriter can use social media to nd potential candidates. The design agency can oer to provide their design services to the copywriter in exchange for a referral of a great candidate.

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Use social media platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook to connect with potential candidates. Reach out to candidates and oer to provide your services or products in exchange for referrals, networking opportunities, or access to great candidates. Use social media to showcase your brand and company culture to attract potential candidates.

Attend Trade Shows and Conferences

A construction company that is looking to hire a project manager can attend trade shows and conferences that are specically for the construction industry. The construction company can oer to provide their construction services to the project manager in exchange for a referral of a great candidate.


Identify trade shows and conferences that are relevant to the positions you are hiring for. Attend these events and make connections with potential candidates. Oer to provide your services or products in exchange for referrals, networking opportunities, or access to great candidates.

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Hiring Strategies To Attract Great Candidates

Join a Business Association

An accounting rm that is looking to hire a bookkeeper can join a business association for bookkeepers. The accounting rm can oer to provide their accounting services to the bookkeeper in exchange for a referral of a great candidate.


Identify business associations that are relevant to the positions you are hiring for. Join these associations and participate in their events and activities. Oer to provide your services or products in exchange for referrals, networking opportunities, or access to great candidates.

Overall, these strategies can help your organization attract great candidates by leveraging business bartering. It's important to tailor your approach to the specic needs of your organization and the positions you are hiring for. By leveraging a combination of these strategies, you can improve your chances of attracting the best candidates for your organization.

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Hiring Strategies To Attract Great Candidates

Attract Great Candidates With JobFairGiant.com

JobFairGiant.com is a job fair and career event platform that hosts numerous job fairs and career events throughout the year, both in-person and online. By participating in these events, employers can showcase their company and connect with potential candidates.

Attend Job Fairs and Career Events


A manufacturing company that is looking for production workers can attend a job fair hosted by JobFairGiant.com. They can reserve a booth and showcase their company and job openings. They can meet with potential candidates and conduct on-site interviews. This allows them to connect with a large pool of candidates in a short period of time.

Use Targeted Job Postings JobFairGiant.com also provides a platform for employers to post job openings and reach a targeted audience. By using targeted job postings, employers can reach candidates who are actively seeking jobs in their industry.

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An IT company that is looking for software developers can post their job openings on JobFairGiant.com. They can target their job postings to specic locations and keywords to reach a relevant audience. This allows them to attract candidates who have the specic skills and qualications they are looking for.

Leverage Event Sponsorship JobFairGiant.com

oers event sponsorship opportunities for employers. By sponsoring an event, employers can gain additional exposure and visibility to potential candidates.


A healthcare organization that is looking for nurses can sponsor a healthcare-focused job fair hosted by JobFairGiant.com. By sponsoring the event, they can gain additional exposure and visibility to potential candidates who are attending the event. This can help them stand out from other employers and attract the best candidates.

Oer On-Site Interviews and Hiring JobFairGiant.com

oers on-site interview and hiring opportunities for employers. By conducting on-site interviews and hiring, employers can expedite the hiring process and connect with top candidates.

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To Attract Great Candidates


A retail company that is looking for sales associates can attend a job fair hosted by JobFairGiant.com. They can conduct on-site interviews and oer on-site hiring to top candidates. This can help them expedite the hiring process and attract the best candidates who are interested in immediate employment.

Overall, JobFairGiant.com provides a variety of hiring strategies that employers can use to attract great candidates. By leveraging a combination of these strategies, employers can improve their chances of attracting the best candidates for their organization. It's important to tailor your hiring strategies to the specic needs of your organization and the positions you are hiring for.

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Attract Great Candidates Using


MichiganHired.com is a job board and career portal that caters specically to job seekers and employers in the state of Michigan. Here are some practical illustrations of hiring strategies that an employer in Michigan could use to attract great candidates using MichiganHired.com:

Create a Strong Company Prole

To attract great candidates on MichiganHired.com, start by creating a strong company prole that highlights your mission, values, and company culture. Provide details about the work environment, the benets you oer, and any unique programs or initiatives that set your organization apart. Include photos and videos that showcase your workplace and employees.

Use Targeted Job Postings MichiganHired.com

allows you to create targeted job postings that are specic to your industry and the positions you are hiring for. Be sure to use relevant keywords and phrases in your job titles and descriptions to help your job postings rank higher in search results. You can also use MichiganHired.com's resume search feature to nd potential candidates who have the skills and experience you are looking for.

Leverage Employee Referrals

Encourage your employees to refer potential candidates to your organization through MichiganHired.com. Oer incentives to employees who refer successful candidates, and make it easy for them to submit referrals through the platform. Consider expediting the application process for referrals to show your appreciation and interest in their referrals.

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Attend Local Job Fairs and Industry Events


provides information about upcoming job fairs and industry events in Michigan. Consider attending these events to network with potential candidates and showcase your company and job openings. Prepare marketing materials, such as brochures and business cards, to hand out to attendees. Be sure to follow up with any promising candidates after the event.

Oer Competitive Compensation and Benets Research

the market and identify the salary range and benets that are competitive for the position and industry you are hiring for in Michigan. Oer a package that is attractive to potential candidates, but also sustainable for your organization. Be transparent about the compensation and benets you are oering to help build trust with candidates.

Emphasize Career Development Opportunities

MichiganHired.com allows you to create a company page that highlights your company culture and values. Use this page to emphasize the career development opportunities you oer to your employees. Showcase any mentorship programs, professional development resources, or growth opportunities that are available to your employees. Include testimonials from current employees who have beneted from these programs.

Use Video and Social Media


allows you to embed videos in your job postings and company prole. Use this feature to create videos that showcase your workplace and culture. Share these videos on social media platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter to reach a wider audience. Use social media to share job postings, company updates, and employee testimonials. Encourage employees to share their experiences working for your organization on social media to help promote your brand.

By using a combination of these strategies on MichiganHired.com, you can improve your chances of attracting the best candidates for your organization in Michigan.

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Attract Great Candidates With A Positive Workplace

A nancial services company that is looking to attract working parents could oer on-site or o-site paid childcare services. This can include providing a licensed daycare facility, a babysitting service, or subsidies for external childcare providers. By doing so, the company would be providing peace of mind for working parents who can rest assured that their children are well-cared for while theywork.

Oer Paid Child Daycare Example:

A tech company that values mental health and wellness could oer mental health prevention programs to their employees. This can include oering counseling services, stress management techniques, and other resources that help employees maintain good mental health. This would signal to potential candidates that thecompanyis committedtoits employees'well-being.

Positive Workplace Culture Example:

Mental Health Prevention Example: A marketing agency that values a positive workplace culture could provide opportunities for team building and employee engagement. This can include organizing social events, team-building exercises, and other initiatives that foster a sense of community and collaboration. The company can also prioritize work-life balance by oering exible working hours or remote work options. This would indicate to potential candidates that the company cares about its employees'happiness andwell-being.

In each of these examples, the company is providing added value to potential candidates beyond just a salary and benets package. By oering paid child daycare, mental health prevention, and a positive workplace culture, these companies demonstrate that they are committed to their employees' well-being and overall quality of life. This can help attract top talent who prioritize these values and are looking for a company that aligns with their own priorities.


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Attract Great Candidates with LGBTQ Best Hiring Practices

Use Gender-Neutral Language in Job Postings

Use gender-neutral language in job postings to ensure that all candidates feel welcome and included. Instead of using gendered pronouns like "he" or "she," use inclusive pronouns like "they" or "them."

Ensure Diversity and Inclusion in the Interview Process

Make sure that the interview panel includes a diverse group of people, including people who are LGBTQ, to ensure that candidates feel welcome and included. Train your interviewers to avoid asking discriminatory or inappropriate questions, and provide them with guidance on how to create an inclusive and welcoming environment.

Employee Resource Groups and Benets for LGBTQ Employees

Provide employee resource groups for LGBTQ employees to connect and support each other. Oer benets like domestic partner benets and gender-arming healthcare options to ensure that all employees feel supported and included.

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Partner with LGBTQ Organizations

Partner with LGBTQ organizations in your local community to create a pipeline of LGBTQ talent. Attend LGBTQ job fairs and events to meet potential candidates and build relationships with these organizations.

Now, here are some examples of other companies that have diversityinclusive workplaces:


has made diversity and inclusion a top priority in their company. They have a Chief Equality Ocer and have implemented a number of initiatives to support LGBTQ employees, including providing gender-arming healthcare options and supporting LGBTQ employee resource groups.


has a strong commitment to diversity and inclusion, and they have implemented a number of initiatives to support LGBTQ employees. They have an active LGBTQ employee resource group, and they have provided gender-neutral restrooms in their oces.


has a strong commitment to diversity and inclusion, and they have implemented a number of initiatives to support LGBTQ employees. They provide domestic partner benets and have implemented policies to ensure that all employees feel welcome and included.

Overall, these companies have shown a commitment to creating diverse and inclusive workplaces, and they provide excellent examples of best practices for other organizations looking to attract and support LGBTQ candidates.

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To Attract Great Candidates

Partnering With LGBTQ Organizations

Here are some ways employers can partner with LGBTQ organizations: Attend LGBTQ Job Fairs and Events: Attend job fairs and events hosted by LGBTQ organizations to meet potential candidates and build relationships with these organizations. These events are a great opportunity to learn about the LGBTQ community and build your employer brand within the community. Sponsor LGBTQ Organizations: Sponsor LGBTQ organizations to support their mission and show your commitment to the community. This is a great way to build relationships with these organizations and show your support for LGBTQ employees and candidates.

Collaborate on Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives: Partner with LGBTQ organizations to develop and implement diversity and inclusion initiatives. This can include joint training programs, mentorship opportunities, or events that promote diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

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Provide Internship and Mentorship Opportunities: Provide internship and mentorship opportunities for LGBTQ students and professionals to help them gain experience and develop their skills. This is a great way to build relationships with potential candidates and show your commitment to diversity and inclusion.

Oer Volunteer Opportunities:

Oer volunteer opportunities for employees to work with LGBTQ organizations and give back to the community. This is a great way to build relationships with these organizations and show your commitment to supporting the LGBTQ community.

Partnering with LGBTQ organizations can help employers attract diverse talent and build a strong employer brand within the LGBTQ community. It is important for employers to take an active role in promoting diversity and inclusion in the workplace, and partnering with LGBTQ organizations is a great way to do that.

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Using Gender-Neutral Language in Job Postings

Using gender-neutral language in job postings is an important step in creating an inclusive and welcoming workplace. Here are some tips and examples on how to use gender-neutral language in job postings:


1. Instead of using gendered pronouns like "he" or "she," use gender-neutral pronouns like "they" or "them." For example, instead of saying "The ideal candidate will have experience in his eld," say"Theidealcandidatewillhaveexperiencein theireld."

Use Gender-Neutral Titles:

2. Use gender-neutral titles like "Manager" or "Supervisor" instead of titles like "Chairman" or "Foreman" that are gendered. For example, instead of saying "We are seeking a Foreman to leadourteam,"say"WeareseekingaManagertoleadourteam."

Use Inclusive Language:

3. Use inclusive language that doesn't assume a person's gender or sexuality. For example, instead of saying "We are seeking a strong and experienced man," say "We are seeking a strong andexperiencedcandidate."

4. Provide clear and specic information about the qualications and responsibilities of the job to ensure that all candidates feel welcome to apply. Use specic job titles and avoid using general terms that couldbeinterpretedas gendered.

Be Specic:

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Here is an example of a gender-neutral job posting:

Title: Project Manager

Job Description: We are seeking a highly organized and experienced project manager to lead our team. The ideal candidate will have experience in managing projects from start to nish and have a strong track record of success. They will be responsible for managing project timelines, budgets, and resources to ensure successful project completion. Candidates should have a degree in business or a related eld and 5+ years of experience in project management.

In summary, using gender-neutral language in job postings is an important step in creating an inclusive and welcoming workplace. Employers should use gender-neutral pronouns and titles, avoid gendered language, and provide clear and specic information about the job to ensure that all candidates feel welcome to apply. By using these strategies, employers can attract a more diverse pool of candidates and build a stronger, more inclusive team.

In addition to the tips and examples provided above, here are some additional best practices that employers can follow to use gender-neutral language in job postings:

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Use Tools andResources:

1. There are many tools and resources available online to help employers write gender-neutral job postings. Some examples include the Gender Decoder for Job Ads, Textio, and Kat Mateld's Gender Decoder. These tools can help identify gendered languageandsuggest alternatives tomakejobpostings moreinclusive.

Solicit Feedback:

2. Before publishing job postings, employers can solicit feedback from employees, stakeholders, and members of the community to ensure that the language usedis inclusive andwelcoming to everyone. This can helpidentify any areas of the jobpostingthat may be unintentionally exclusionary and provide an opportunity to make changes.

Train Employees:

3. Employers can train employees involved in the hiring process on the importance of using gender-neutral language in job postings and on the job. This can help ensure that everyone involved in the hiring process understands the importance of creating an inclusive workplace and knows how to use gender-neutral language in job postings.

By using gender-neutral language in job postings, employers can demonstrate their commitment to creating an inclusive and welcoming workplace for all employees. This can help attract a more diverse pool of candidates and ensure that all employees feel valued and respected in the workplace.

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Ensure Diversity and Inclusion In The Interview Process

Ensuring diversity and inclusion in the interview process is an important step in building a more diverse and inclusive workplace. Here are some ways employers can ensure diversity and inclusion in the interview process:

Create a Diverse Interview Panel:

Ensure that the interview panel is diverse and includes individuals from dierent backgrounds and experiences. This can help ensure that the interview process is more inclusive and that diverse perspectives are represented in the decision-making process.

Use Structured Interview Questions:

Use structured interview questions that are designed to assess the candidate's skills and experience, rather than their personal characteristics or background. This can help ensure that the interview process is fair and objective, and that all candidates are evaluated on the same criteria.

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Avoid Biases: Avoid asking questions that may reveal personal characteristics or biases, such as questions about marital status, family background, or religion. These questions can be perceived as discriminatory and can negatively impact the candidate's experience.

Provide Reasonable Accommodations: Provide reasonable accommodations for candidates with disabilities or other special needs to ensure that they have an equal opportunity to participate in the interview process. This can include providing sign language interpreters, closed captioning, or other accommodations as needed.

Oer Unconscious Bias Training:

Oer unconscious bias training to the interview panel to help them recognize and overcome their biases. This can help ensure that the interview process is fair and objective, and that all candidates are evaluated on their skills and experience.

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Provide Feedback:

Provide feedback to all candidates, regardless of whether they are selected for the position or not. This can help ensure that all candidates feel valued and respected, and can provide valuable insights for future hiring decisions.

Here is an example of how an employer can ensure diversity and inclusion in the interview process:

Scenario: A company is hiring a new marketing manager.


Create a diverse interview panel that includes individuals from dierent backgrounds and experiences, such as dierent races, genders, and ages.

Use structured interview questions that focus on the candidate's skills and experience, such as "Tell us about a successful marketing campaign you managed in the past."

Avoid questions that may reveal personal characteristics or biases, such as "Are you married?" or "What is your religion?"

Provide reasonable accommodations, such as a sign language interpreter, for candidates with disabilities.

Oer unconscious bias training to the interview panel to help them recognize and overcome their biases.

Provide feedback to all candidates, including those who were not selected for the position.

By following these steps, the company can ensure that the interview process is inclusive, fair, and objective, and that they attract a diverse pool of candidates.

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Create a Diverse Interview Panel:

Creating a diverse interview panel is essential to ensure that diverse perspectives are represented in the decision-making process. Employers can identify individuals from dierent backgrounds and experiences, such as dierent races, genders, ages, and religions, and invite them to participate in the interview process. This can help ensure that the interview panel is more inclusive and that candidates are evaluated by individuals who have a better understanding of their experiences and backgrounds.

Use Structured Interview Questions:

Structured interview questions are designed to assess the candidate's skills and experience, rather than their personal characteristics or background. Employers can prepare a list of interview questions that are designed to evaluate the candidate's qualications and experience, such as "What experience do you have in developing and executing marketing strategies?" or "What tools do you use to measure the success of a marketing campaign?" These questions can help ensure that the interview process is objective and that all candidates are evaluated on the same criteria.

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Avoid Biases:

Employers should avoid asking questions that may reveal personal characteristics or biases, such as questions about marital status, family background, or religion. These questions can be perceived as discriminatory and can negatively impact the candidate's experience. Employers should focus on questions that evaluate the candidate's qualications and experience, rather than their personal characteristics or background.

Provide Reasonable Accommodations:

Employers should provide reasonable accommodations for candidates with disabilities or other special needs to ensure that they have an equal opportunity to participate in the interview process. This can include providing sign language interpreters, closed captioning, or other accommodations as needed. Employers should also communicate with the candidate in advance to identify any accommodations that they may require and make necessary arrangements.

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Oer Unconscious Bias Training:

Employers can oer unconscious bias training to the interview panel to help them recognize and overcome their biases. Unconscious biases can impact the way interviewers evaluate candidates and can lead to a less diverse pool of hires. Training can help interviewers recognize and overcome their biases, and evaluate candidates based on their skills and experience.

Provide Feedback:

Employers should provide feedback to all candidates, regardless of whether they are selected for the position or not. Providing feedback can help ensure that candidates feel valued and respected, and can provide valuable insights for future hiring decisions. Feedback can also help candidates understand where they need to improve and can help them prepare for future interviews.

By following these steps, employers can ensure that the interview process is inclusive, fair, and objective, and that they attract a diverse pool of candidates.

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Creating a diverse and inclusive workplace is an ongoing process that requires a commitment to ongoing learning and improvement. Employers who prioritize diversity and inclusion in their hiring process can attract a talented and diverse workforce, leading to increased creativity, innovation, and productivity.

Employee resource groups (ERGs) and benets are two important ways that employers can demonstrate their commitment to supporting LGBTQ employees.

Here are some examples:

Employee Resource Groups (ERGs):

ERGs are groups of employees who share a common background or interest. LGBTQ ERGs can provide a safe and supportive space for LGBTQ employees to connect with each other, share experiences, and discuss issues that are important to them. ERGs can also be a powerful way for employees to advocate for change within the company and help promote greater LGBTQ inclusion and equality.

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Gender Identity and Expression-Inclusive Benets:

Oering gender identity and expression-inclusive benets is another way that employers can demonstrate their support for LGBTQ employees. This can include oering healthcare benets that cover gender conrmation procedures, hormone therapy, and mental health support. Employers can also oer paid parental leave for all parents, regardless of gender, to support LGBTQ employees who are starting families.

Non-Discrimination Policies:

Employers should have clear non-discrimination policies that explicitly prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity, or expression. This can help create a culture of inclusion and respect for all employees, including those who are LGBTQ.

Support for Transgender Employees:

Employers can also provide specic support for transgender employees, who may face unique challenges in the workplace.

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This can include oering gender-neutral restrooms, providing guidance on how to navigate healthcare benets for gender conrmation procedures, and oering training for managers and colleagues to help them understand and support transgender employees.

Inclusive Training:

Employers can oer training for all employees to help them understand and support LGBTQ colleagues. This can include training on inclusive language, recognizing and addressing bias, and understanding the experiences of LGBTQ employees in the workplace.

By providing ERGs and benets for LGBTQ employees, employers can create a more inclusive and supportive workplace culture that benets all employees. This can help attract and retain talented LGBTQ employees, and promote greater innovation, creativity, and productivity in the workplace.

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Attract Great Candidates With Criminal Backgrounds

Hiring candidates with a criminal background can be a great way for employers to tap into a talent pool that might otherwise be overlooked.

Here are some practical illustrations of hiring strategies that employers can use to attract and support candidates with a criminal background:

Provide Educational Resources:

Employers can oer educational resources to help candidates with a criminal background build the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in the workplace. This can include oering training programs, mentorship opportunities, and access to online resources that can help them develop new skills and stay up to date on industry trends.

Oer Second Chance Programs:

Employers can also oer second chance programs that help candidates with a criminal background gain work experience and develop new skills.

This can include oering internships, apprenticeships, or entry-level positions that provide on-the-job training and support. These programs can help candidates build a track record of success and demonstrate their potential to succeed in more advanced roles.

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Focus on Skills and Potential:

Employers should focus on a candidate's skills and potential, rather than their criminal background. Hiring managers should look for candidates who have the skills and experience necessary to excel in the role, and who demonstrate a willingness to learn and grow.

Build a Supportive Workplace Culture: Employers should also focus on creating a supportive workplace culture that welcomes and supports candidates with a criminal background. This can include providing training for all employees on how to work eectively with colleagues who have a criminal background, and creating an environment where all employees feel valued and respected.

Oer Ongoing Training and Support:

Employers should oer ongoing training and support to help candidates with a criminal background succeed in their roles. This can include providing coaching and mentoring, oering opportunities for professional development, and providing feedback and guidance to help employees improve their skills and performance.

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By implementing these hiring strategies, employers can attract and support candidates with a criminal background, and create a more diverse and inclusive workplace culture. This can help organizations tap into new talent pools, increase employee engagement and loyalty, and drive greater innovation and creativity.

Practical steps that employers can take to implement hiring strategies that attract and support candidates with a criminal background:

Develop a hiring policy that is inclusive of candidates with a criminal background. This policy should clearly state the company's commitment to diversity and inclusion and outline the specic steps the company will take to support candidates with a criminal background.

Train hiring managers and other employees on how to work eectively with candidates with a criminal background. This can include providing guidance on how to assess a candidate's potential and how to support candidates as they integrate into the workplace.

Partner with organizations that support candidates with a criminal background. These organizations can provide valuable resources and support for both candidates and employers, and can help employers identify qualied candidates for open positions.

Consider oering incentives to candidates with a criminal background, such as signing bonuses or retention bonuses, to help attract and retain qualied candidates.

Provide ongoing support and resources for candidates with a criminal background to help them succeed in their roles. This can include providing mentorship and coaching, oering training and development opportunities, and providing support for personal and professional growth.

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Some examples of companies that hire felons and have implemented successful hiring strategies include:

1.Home Depot: Home Depot has a "Second Chance" program that provides jobopportunities for candidates with criminalbackgrounds. The program oers training and development opportunities and has helped thecompanyhiremorethan 35,000peoplewith criminalbackgrounds.

2.Koch Industries: Koch Industries has a "Hiring for Success" program that provides opportunities for candidates with criminal backgrounds. The program oers training, mentorship, and career development resources, and has helped the company hire more than 2,000 people with criminal backgrounds.

3.Starbucks: Starbucks has a "Pathways to Opportunity" program that provides jobopportunities for candidates with criminalbackgrounds. The program oers training, mentorship, and support for personal and professionalgrowth, andhas helpedthe company hire more than 10,000 peoplewith criminalbackgrounds.

By implementing these strategies and following the lead of companies like Home Depot, Koch Industries, and Starbucks, employers can create more inclusive and supportive workplaces, attract and retain talented candidates with criminal backgrounds, and contribute to the success and growth of their organizations.

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Companies that hire felons and have implemented successful hiring strategies:

Dave's Killer Bread: This bread company has made a commitment to hiring people with criminal backgrounds and has built their entire brand around it. The company's founder, Dave Dahl, has a criminal record himself and believes in providing second chances. The company provides job training and development opportunities for their employees, and has become a leader in the movement to hire felons.

Greyston Bakery: Greyston Bakery is another company that is committed to hiring people with criminal backgrounds. The company is known for their Open Hiring policy, which means they hire anyone who wants a job, regardless of their criminal record, education, or work experience. The company provides on-the-job training and support, and has helped many people with criminal backgrounds build successful careers.

American Airlines: American Airlines has a "Project Reentry" program that provides job opportunities for people who have been recently released from prison. The program oers training and development opportunities, as well as support for personal and professional growth. The program has helped the company diversify their workforce and build strong relationships with communities across the country.

PepsiCo: PepsiCo has a program called "New Directions" that provides job opportunities for people with criminal backgrounds. The program oers training and development opportunities, as well as support for personal and professional growth. The program has helped the company build a more diverse and inclusive workforce and has been a great success.

Unilever: Unilever has a program called "Unilever Pathways to Work" that provides job opportunities for people with criminal backgrounds. The program oers training and development opportunities, as well as support for personal and professional growth. The program has helped the company attract and retain talented employees and has been a great success.

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By following the lead of companies like Dave's Killer Bread, Greyston Bakery, American Airlines, Unilever, and PepsiCo, employers can create more inclusive and supportive workplaces, attract and retain talented candidates with criminal backgrounds, and contribute to the success and growth of their organizations.

Attract Great Candidates With Hearing Impairments

To attract and employ deaf and hearing-impaired candidates, employers can adopt a range of strategies that ensure a welcoming, inclusive and accessible recruitment process, training, and employment.

Ensure accessibility in job advertisements and descriptions: Employers should ensure that their job advertisements and descriptions are accessible to deaf and hearing-impaired candidates. This can include providing written information, videos with captions or sign language interpretation, and using simple, easy-to-read language.

Use accessible communication methods: Employers should be prepared to use accessible communication methods during the interview process. This can include using an interpreter or video relay service, providing written questions in advance, or using text-based communication tools such as email or chat.

Provide accessible workplace equipment:

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Employers can provide accessible equipment and tools to help deaf and hearing-impaired employees work eectively. This can include videophones, captioning software, and visual alerts to signal important sounds, such as re alarms.

Oer training and professional development opportunities: Employers should oer training and professional development opportunities that are accessible and inclusive of deaf and hearingimpaired employees. This can include providing sign language interpretation, captioning, or written materials.

Partner with deaf organizations and use their resources: Employers can partner with deaf organizations to access resources and support. These organizations can provide guidance on best practices for employing deaf and hearing-impaired people, and can help employers connect with qualied candidates. Examples of such organizations include the National Association of the Deaf and the Deaf-Hearing Communication Centre.

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Some examples of companies with deaf hiring programs include:


Starbucks has a "Deaf Leadership Program" that provides career opportunities for deaf and hearing-impaired employees. The program oers training and development opportunities, and supports employees in building leadership skills and advancing their careers.


IBM has a long history of hiring deaf and hearing-impaired employees, and has developed a range of technologies and tools to support them in the workplace. These include captioning software and visual alerts for important sounds.

By implementing these strategies and resources, employers can create a more accessible and inclusive workplace for deaf and hearing-impaired employees. This can help attract and retain talented candidates, and promote greater innovation and productivity in the workplace.

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To further expand on the practical strategies and resources for recruiting, training, and employing deaf and hearing-impaired candidates, here are some additional details:

Ensure accessibility in job advertisements and descriptions: Employers should use clear and concise language in job descriptions to ensure that deaf and hearing-impaired candidates understand the job requirements and qualications. It's also important to provide information on how to apply for the position in an accessible format, such as through email or online applications that are compatible with screen readers.

Use accessible communication methods:

Employers can use a variety of communication methods to connect with deaf and hearing-impaired candidates. This can include video conferencing with sign language interpretation, text-based communication tools such as email or chat, or video relay services. It's important to provide clear instructions on how to access these communication methods and to be responsive to the candidate's preferences.

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Provide accessible workplace equipment:

Employers should provide workplace equipment that is accessible to deaf and hearing-impaired employees. This can include captioning software for videos and meetings, videophones or video relay services, and visual alerts for important sounds, such as re alarms. Employers can also provide assistive listening devices, such as FM systems, that can improve communication in noisy environments.

Oer training and professional development opportunities:

Employers should oer training and professional development opportunities that are accessible to deaf and hearing-impaired employees. This can include providing sign language interpretation, captioning, or written materials. Employers can also oer mentorship programs or provide opportunities for employees to attend conferences or workshops related to their eld of work.

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Partner with deaf organizations and use their resources:

Employers can partner with deaf organizations to access resources and support for deaf and hearing-impaired employees. These organizations can provide guidance on best practices for employing deaf and hearingimpaired people, and can help employers connect with qualied candidates. They can also oer training programs or provide access to interpreting services.

Overall, creating an accessible and inclusive workplace for deaf and hearing-impaired employees can benet the entire organization.

In addition to promoting diversity and inclusion, hiring deaf and hearingimpaired employees can bring unique skills and perspectives to the workplace.

By implementing these strategies and resources, employers can help ensure that deaf and hearing-impaired candidates are considered and included in their recruitment, training, and employment practices.

Additional employers that have deaf and hearing-impaired hiring programs, as well as examples of job roles that they oer:

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Microsoft has a long-standing commitment to accessibility and inclusivity, and oers a number of job roles that are suitable for deaf and hearingimpaired candidates. These include software engineering, technical support, customer service, and program management.

Wells Fargo:

Wells Fargo has an established program for hiring and supporting deaf and hard-of-hearing employees. They oer a range of job roles that are open to deaf and hearing-impaired candidates, including customer service, banking, and nance roles.

H&R Block:

H&R Block is another employer that actively recruits and supports deaf and hearing-impaired employees. They oer a range of roles that are suitable for candidates with a hearing impairment, including tax preparation, customer service, and administrative support.

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FedEx has a disability inclusion program that includes a focus on deaf and hearing-impaired employees. They oer a range of roles that are accessible to candidates with a hearing impairment, including customer service, operations, and administrative support.


IBM is committed to diversity and inclusion, and has a number of initiatives aimed at supporting deaf and hard-of-hearing employees. They oer a range of job roles that are open to deaf and hearing-impaired candidates, including software development, technical support, and project management.

Some additional job roles that may be suitable for deaf and hearingimpaired candidates include graphic design, data entry, administrative support, marketing, and writing or editing. It's important to note that the suitability of a job role for a deaf or hearing-impaired candidate may depend on their individual skills and abilities, as well as the level of accommodations and support provided by the employer.

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Apple has a dedicated disability hiring team that actively recruits and supports candidates with disabilities, including those who are deaf or hearing-impaired. They oer a variety of job roles that are suitable for these candidates, including software engineering, quality assurance, and customer support.

JP Morgan Chase has a disability inclusion program that is committed to hiring and supporting deaf and hard-of-hearing employees. They oer a range of job roles that are open to these candidates, including nancial analysis, software development, and customer service.

Procter & Gamble:

Procter & Gamble has a disability inclusion program that is committed to hiring and supporting people with disabilities, including those who are deaf or hearing-impaired. They oer a range of job roles that are open to these candidates, including customer service, research and development, and supply chain management.

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JP Morgan Chase:

Bank of America:

Bank of America has a disability inclusion program that is committed to hiring and supporting employees with disabilities, including those who are deaf or hearing-impaired. They oer a range of job roles that are open to these candidates, including customer service, operations, and nancial analysis.

Ernst & Young:

Ernst & Young has a disability inclusion program that is committed to hiring and supporting people with disabilities, including those who are deaf or hearing-impaired. They oer a range of job roles that are open to these candidates, including tax and audit services, nancial advisory, and consulting.

Other job roles that may be suitable for deaf and hearing-impaired candidates include web design, social media management, human resources, and project management. It's important for employers to oer accommodations and support that enable these candidates to perform their job duties eectively, such as sign language interpretation, captioning, or assistive listening devices.

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To Attract Great Candidates

To hire people with hearing impairment, employers should use accessible communication methods and provide accessible workplace equipment.

Here are some ways employers can do this:

Use sign language interpretation:

Many deaf and hard-of-hearing candidates are uent in American Sign Language (ASL), so employers can use a qualied ASL interpreter to facilitate communication during the hiring process, including during interviews and job oer discussions. The interpreter can also provide onthe-job support for the employee, such as interpreting team meetings or training sessions.

Provide written communication:

Employers should ensure that important information is provided in written form to make it accessible for people with hearing impairments. This includes job postings, job descriptions, and any other communication related to the hiring process. During the interview process, employers can also provide written prompts or questions to help facilitate communication.

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Use captioning or real-time transcription:

Employers can use captioning or real-time transcription services to ensure that all audio and video content used during the hiring process is accessible to people with hearing impairments. This can include webinars, video interviews, and other digital content.

Provide assistive listening devices: Employers can provide assistive listening devices, such as amplied telephones or hearing aids, to employees with hearing impairments to help them communicate more eectively in the workplace.

Use visual aids:

Employers can use visual aids, such as diagrams or videos, to convey information that might be dicult for employees with hearing impairments to understand through spoken communication.

Some workplace assignments and tasks that may be suitable for employees with hearing impairments include:

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Graphic design: This job involves creating visual content, such as logos or infographics, which is accessible to employees with hearing impairments.

Data analysis: This job involves working with numbers and data, which can be communicated through written or visual means.

Customer service: This job involves communicating with customers, which can be facilitated through written or visual means, or with the use of an interpreter.

Writing or editing: These jobs involve creating written content, which is accessible to employees with hearing impairments.

Project management: This job involves coordinating and managing projects, which can be facilitated through written or visual means, or with the use of an interpreter.

It's important for employers to be exible and willing to adapt their communication methods and workplace equipment to ensure that employees with hearing impairments can perform their job duties eectively. This can create a more inclusive and welcoming workplace environment for everyone.

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Attract Great Candidates Immediately In 2023

Use targeted job postings:

Employers can use job boards like Indeed, Glassdoor, and LinkedIn to post job openings and reach a wide audience. However, it's also important to post on industry-specic websites and social media platforms to reach the most qualied candidates. For example, a technology company might post their job openings on Stack Overow, a popular website for software developers. SEO techniques like using relevant keywords in job postings and having a mobile-friendly website can also improve the visibility of job postings.

Oer competitive compensation and benets:

Employers should research and benchmark compensation and benets against industry standards to ensure they are oering a competitive package. Some companies oer unique perks like unlimited paid time o or pet-friendly oces to stand out from competitors. For example, Salesforce, a cloud-based software company, oers employees six days of paid volunteer time o per year in addition to other benets.

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Use employee referral programs:

Employee referral programs can be an eective way to attract top talent quickly. Companies like Ernst & Young oer their employees bonuses for referring new hires, up to $10,000 in some cases. This incentivizes current employees to tap into their network to nd high-quality candidates. Google has a highly eective employee referral program that encourages its employees to refer top talent to the company. The program oers incentives for successful referrals, with payouts ranging from $2,500 to $7,500, depending on the level of the position. Google also provides training to employees on how to identify and refer top talent.



Deloitte, a global accounting and consulting rm, has a comprehensive employee referral program that rewards employees for successful referrals. The program oers monetary rewards, with payouts ranging from $1,500 to $20,000, depending on the level of the position. Deloitte also oers a recognition program that rewards employees for the number of referrals they make.

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Amazon's employee referral program is well-known for its simplicity and eectiveness. The program oers monetary rewards for successful referrals, with payouts ranging from $2,000 to $15,000, depending on the level of the position. Amazon also oers a "one-click apply" feature that allows employees to quickly and easily refer candidates for multiple positions.

Airbnb: Airbnb, the popular home-sharing platform, has a successful employee referral program that rewards employees for successful referrals. The program oers monetary rewards, with payouts ranging from $1,000 to $10,000, depending on the level of the position. Airbnb also oers a "Referral Club" program that rewards employees with special experiences and benets for referring multiple candidates.

Participate in job fairs and recruiting events: Employers can participate in job fairs and recruiting events both in-person and virtually to connect with potential candidates.

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For example, JobFairGiant.com hosts a monthly career expo that attracts thousands of students and professionals. Participating in these events can give employers access to a diverse pool of talent and build their employer brand.

Leverage social media:

Social media platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter can be used to post job openings, showcase company culture, and engage with job seekers. For example, Google uses its LinkedIn page to post job openings and highlight employee experiences. Employers can also use social media to build their employer brand and share stories about their employees and company culture.

Streamline the application process:

Employers should make it as easy as possible for candidates to apply for open positions. This can include using an ATS to manage applications and a mobile-friendly application process. Companies like Amazon have a "one-click apply" feature that allows candidates to quickly apply for multiple jobs.

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Hiring Strategies To Attract Great Candidates

Highlight company culture:

Employers can highlight their company culture through their website, social media proles, and by oering employee testimonials. For example, HubSpot, a marketing and sales software company, oers a "Culture Code" on their website that outlines their values and work environment. Employers can also leverage video content to showcase their company culture and work environment.

Overall, by using a combination of these strategies, employers can attract top talent quickly and be competitive with other employers. It's important to focus on the needs and preferences of job seekers and create a positive candidate experience throughout the hiring process.

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Hiring Strategies To Attract Great Candidates
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