An Advanced Approach to Anthropology by Emmaly Wiederholt

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An Advanced Approach to

ANTHROPOLOGY By Emmaly Wiederholt Photos Courtesy of the School for Advanced Research


ucked away on Garcia Street is the School for Advanced Research (SAR), an institution devoted to supporting synergies between the social sciences and Native American art. Housed on the eightacre estate of legendary 1920s-era White sisters Amelia Elizabeth and Martha Root, SAR offers seminars, lectures, field trips, Native American artist residencies, rotating scholar positions and an unparalleled Native American art collection, making it a leading force in the field of anthropology today. SAR has been around, in one form or another, for 110 years. Founded in 1907 as the School of American Archeology, virtually every major site in the region—including Chaco Canyon, Mesa Verde and Bandelier—was connected to the organization. As archeology became assimilated into mainstream science, the mission of the organization changed with the times, and was renamed the School of American Research. Douglas Schwartz became president in 1967 and brought new energy to the enterprise, which was accelerated by Elizabeth White’s bequest of her property. (Previously, SAR had been housed downtown.) With the infusion of new energy, a new name, and a new campus, SAR expanded its breadth to become the tour de force in anthropology it is today. “What’s exciting about SAR is how it brings together scholars and artists from various backgrounds to get the friction that results from different points of view,” says President Michael F. Brown. “Because of where we are based, we inevitably have scholars who speak to Southwestern topics, but we might also have a scholar whose work focuses on Bolivia or Bulgaria. However, their research interests— which might be anything from water to healthcare to economic development—overlap. Synergy comes from bringing together someone who is, for example, studying family systems in China with someone who is writing about Native American kinship. They learn from each other and challenge each other.” One of the most important books to come out of SAR is “Writing Culture: The Poetics

TOP: 2013 Dubin Fellow Glenda McKay (Ingalik-Athabascan). Photo by Jason S. Ordaz MIDDLE: 2015 King Fellow Marlowe Katoney (Diné). Photo by Elysia Poon BOTTOM: 2015 Dubin Fellow Melissa Melero (Northern Paiute). Photo by Elysia Poon

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