guide to THE MAGAZINE PARENTS LIVE BY IN DALLAS-FORT WORTH Education Supplement · 2022 / 2022 3 DFWChild’s Guide to Education is published annually by Lauren Publications, Inc. DFWChild’s Guide to Education is distributed free of charge, one copy per reader. Additional copies of DFWChild’s Guide to Education are available for $2 per copy at the offices of Lauren Publications, Inc. We reserve the right to edit, reject or comment editorially on all material contributed. We cannot be responsible for the return of any unsolicited material. DFWChild’s Guide to Education is ©2022 by Lauren Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part without express written permission prohibited. 5 Hello / It’s That Time Again Making back to school easier for parents 7 The Real Benefits of Preschool It may not be required, but preschool puts your child on track to success 11 Brain Matters Your child’s academic success is tied to their social emotional skills CONTENTS School shootings are terrifying—for the parent and child. Experts share how to talk to your child about these events and how you can influence change. p. 15 15 What You Can Do About School Safety How to make your child’s campus safer and address their fears 19 Why STEM Kids Need the Arts Have a math whiz or junior scientist on your hands? The arts are still important 23 The Private School List All the details on private schools in North Texas 11 19 ISTOCK 39 DFW School Districts Mapping out public schools across Dallas-Fort Worth 41 The Charter School List Where to find a campus near you COVER ILLUSTRATION BY JOY GALLAGHER pages / GUIDE TO EDUCATION 7

It’s TimeThatAgain
Making back to school easier for parents
Sincerely, ed note / GUIDE TO EDUCATION
WORDS ALEXIS PATTERSON H I’m thankful for all the tools and shortcuts that make back-to-school time easier—and hopefully DFW Child’s Guide to Education can be one of those re sources for you. In these pages, you’ll find useful info and expert advice, whether your kiddo is preparing for their first first day or off to high school. Wondering whether your child really needs preschool, when they have so many years of class room learning ahead of them? Check out page 7 to learn the immediate and long-term benefits. If you or your child puts a premium on math and science, you’ll want to read our article about why the arts are still important, on page 19. We also connected with police, counselors and other experts to find out what parents can do to contribute to safety on campus, and how to talk to little ones about the awful subject of school shootings and drills (page 15). Those are just a few of the important topics our Guide to Education covers this year—along with our annual lists of local public, private and charter schools, to help you make the best choice for your children’s education. From all of us at DFWChild, have a safe and happy school year.
AVE YOU FINISHED YOUR BACK-TO-SCHOOL SHOPPING?” my mom asked me recently, as the start of my son’s third grade year approaches. And actually, I had. Gone are the days of showing up at the store with a long list of necessary supplies. We just ordered the appropriate grade level pack through school, and at meet-the-teacher night, we’ll pick up the box and carry it to his classroom. / 2022 5
Alexis Patterson and her son spend a day at House of Shine in Grapevine.

6 2022 / guide to education

F YOU HAVE A LITTLE ONE, YOU KNOW IT WON’T BE LONG before they’re immersed in school and all that entails. Most of the day will be spent with teach ers and classmates. Homework will be a thing. Co-curricular activities will pop up. So it may be tempting—particularly when they’re not trying your patience—to keep them home with you or loving relatives as long as you can. But hold on, Mom. Preschool may not be required, but there are plenty of reasons to enroll your kiddo.
ISTOCK The Real Benef its of Preschool It may not be required, but preschool puts your child on track to success
I’m so thankful for both of those experiences. They helped me fill his day with purposeful activity and less screen time. He became familiar with sitting at a desk, walking in a line, sharing with other chil dren, speaking up, listening to adults besides Mom or Dad and following the directions.
“Pre-kindergarten establishes the foundation for a positive school experience,” affirms Kristi Brown, / 2022 7 BENEFITS OF PRESCHOOL
IMMEDIATE BENEFITS My son is an only child, and he was never in nonfamilial care before he started preschool several years back. It was hard to see his quivering chin when I dropped him off that first day, but he was soon hap pily heading off to class. His first preschool experi ence was two days a week; the next year, we enrolled in full-time pre-K.

6. What kind of safety training do the teachers and staff have? Do you have a security protocol?
2. What is the school’s philosophy? Since the answers to those questions could impact which schools you seri ously consider, we recommend you have those answers before taking a tour or putting them on your final list. Here are 11 follow-up questions:
2. What is your school’s approach to discipline?
8. What is the policy for sick children?
A couple of basic questions to start off:
1. What does a typical day look like?
3. How is technology used during the day, and how much screen time do kids get?
1. Is the school licensed or accredited?
What to ask a preschool It’s wise to have some questions pre pared when you’re researching online, making calls and touring preschools.
7. If it’s a religious preschool, how is that faith incorporated?
9. How involved are parents? Are there parent-teacher conferences?
10. Are references from other parents available? 11. Is there any financial aid or assistance? Of course, this list is not exhaustive, and you should not be shy in asking all the questions that come to mind. The more information you have, the easier it will be to make your final decision.
5. Does my child need to be potty trained?
4. How many kids are usually in a class?
8 2022 / guide to education director of early childhood for Grapevine-Colleyville ISD. “It helps our youngest learners transition from home or childcare to a structured school day. This transition allows them to hit the ground running in kindergarten because they have a solid foundation of the expectations and procedures of a classroom.” Of course, there’s also the education. We worked on letters, numbers, colors, reading and so on at home, but preschool (full-time pre-K in particular) really cemented those concepts. “Pre-K teachers are able to create learning opportunities through purposeful play, allowing students to learn through experiences rather than worksheets,” explains Brown. “The pre-K classroom has opportunities to play, explore and create in a way that is developmentally appropriate and meets the unique needs of each student. Through these experi ences, it gives students the opportunity to build language skills and vocabulary that will benefit them for years to come.”
A variety of long-term benefits are documented in research. A recent study looked at children who attended a preschool with an enrichment program developed by Penn State. The program was designed to improve social and emotional skills plus language and literacy through “stories, puppets and other activities that introduce concepts like understanding feelings, cooperation friendships skills and selfcontrolResearchersskills.” found that the students were less likely to have behavior problems, trouble with peers or experience anxious or depressed feelings in adolescence. “The program had an effect on internal benefits, including better emotion management and emotional well-being, as well as external benefits, such as reduced conduct problems,” reported Karen Bierman, Penn State’s Evan Pugh professor of psy chology. “So not only did the program result in fewer distressed adolescents, but it also resulted in less distress for their teachers and peers, as well.” The program in the study focused on kids from low-income families, but the ideas and outcomes are important for children across the board.
FIND A PRESCHOOL Need helping finding a preschool? Many of the campuses on our Private School List (page 23) offer preschool options, and there are pre-K programs of fered through local public school districts (page 39). You can also check with churches near you as well as science and nature spots. For example, Southlake’s Bob Jones Nature Center, Dallas Zoo, McKinney’s Heard Natural Science Museum & Wildlife Sanctu ary, Fort Worth Museum of Science and History and Fort Worth Zoo all offer preschool programs. / 2022 9 © 2022, Challenger Schools Challenger School admits students of any race, color, and national or ethnic origin. An independent private school offering preschool through eighth UnmatchedgradeAcademic Results Come tour a campus and see for yourself! Legacy (PS–K) (469) 573-0077 6700 Communications Parkway, Plano Independence (PS–K) (469) 642-2000 10145 Independence Parkway, Plano Challenger School offers uniquely fun and academic classes for preschool to eighth grade students. Our students learn to think for themselves and to value independence. e Covenant School is a Charlotte Mason-inspired K-12 community of faith and learning emphasizing the classical arts and sciences. e Covenant School, a proven model of classical Christian education is used to teach students to confidently engage the world for Christ through authentic Christian living, wisdom, and virtue. • Rigorous curriculum using Socratic instruction • Championship winning sports teams • Rich fine arts program • Small class sizes COVENANT SCHOOL “Pursuing Truth, Goodness, and Beauty” 7300 Valley View Lane, Dallas, Texas 75240 214-358-5818 To learn more, schedule a visit or attend an open house please visit our website at

10 2022 / guide to education HEB ISD is proud to continue its tradition of excellence as a diverse, high-performing organization committed to ensuring each student is empowered today to excel tomorrow. Schools of Choice prepare students for a global economy: EMPOWERING TODAY Core Knowledge Pre-K Spanish Immersion Suzuki InternationalStrings/OrchestraBaccalaureate SCAN CODE TO LEARN MORE!

Why your child needs social emotional well-being to succeed in school / 2022 11
“But we realized,” says the Fort Worth mom, “we were actually doing him an injustice by keeping himMahersheltered.”and her husband enrolled Brady at Camp Fire First Texas in hopes that the organization’s child development specialists could help him better learn to navigate his surroundings and ultimately come out of his shell.
The Camp Fire program focuses on social emotional learning, a critical part of a child’s early development that sets the stage for future success in school and in life. When children don’t develop so cial emotional skills during their formative years—or when that development is interrupted by trauma, like Brady’s hospital stays—they may become with drawn and fearful or, worse, act out their insecurities
Brain Matters
RADY STARTED SHUTTING DOWN AS A TODDLER. At an age when other little boys are eager to explore, he was reserved, even cautious. In and out of the hospital due to an unrelated illness, Brady continued to with draw and increasingly expressed anxiety. By the time he was 3, mom Angie Maher knew something was wrong and tried to protect him as much as possible.
“They’re not firing in that frontal lobe, which is your problem-solving lobe, where you do your planning andInstead,imagining.”allactivity is focused on the midbrain, or amygdala, and the child goes into survival mode. The simplest interactions trigger a crisis response, and learning simply can’t happen. Only when the child feels safe and has a strong sense of self can other learning take place. “Social emotional health precedes academic suc cess,” explains Michelle Kinder, CEO of Embody EQ, which focuses on emotional intelligence and mental well-being; she formerly served as executive director of the Momentous Institute, a Dallas-based nonprofit focused on building social emotional health through its preschool program and therapeutic familydivorcethetions,andovercrowdedexplainsdifferentdysregulation,alsohood,periencesaffectedarelow-incomeAlthoughservices.kidsfromfamiliesdisproportionatelybyadverseexinearlychildaffluentkidsareatriskofemotionalbutforreasons.Kinderitcouldbeanscheduleheavyexpectanottomentiontraumacausedbyordysfunctionaldynamics.
Ultimately, building kids’ social emotional health is a shared responsibility that requires the ongoing commitment of every adult, at school and at home. “The ability to regulate your nervous system and manage your inner world … only happens if children have the experience of mutual regulation,” Kinder says. “If I have a safe adult who is helping me learn to calm down, the next step is that I learn to calm myself down.”
That means parents and educators need to be highly conscious of how they relate to children. “You need to be careful not to label a kid as a disciplinary problem,” says Moore, adding that those labels can become self-fulfilling prophecies. Instead, adults should provide security and positive feedback to help children feel calm and confident. Many area school districts are integrating SEL into professional development for teachers and providing expanded opportunities for students to de velop relationship-building skills during the school day. Experts believe the benefits will be felt in the short term and over time—in the form of happier, well-adjusted adults
12 2022 / guide to education with tsunami-like force. In either case, children’s be havior and how they process information has a significant impact on their ability to learn. “Their academics can be affected greatly because they don’t know how to regulate their emotions or develop positive relationships,” explains Tasha Moore, chief operations officer for Communities in Schools of North Texas, a nonprofit that works with local schools and families to help at-risk students. Social emotional learning, or SEL, helps children develop five key skills: self-awareness, self-man agement, social awareness, relationship skills and responsible decision-making. Because learning is in trinsically social and interactive, fostering the ability to collaborate with teachers and peers and manage emotions in the face of challenges ensures that kids are able to fully engage in the classroom. In fact, research indicates that social emotional learning has a far greater impact on a child’s future success than academics alone.
Setting kids up for suc cess in school actually happens before schooling begins. A child’s brain reaches 80 percent of its adult volume by age 3, and the events that tran spire during those first years—especially interac tions with adults—have a long-term impact on the child’s cognitive, emo tional and social abilities. Social emotional learning leverages this early stage of growth to develop critical skills, like promoteregulation,emotionalandtoattachment, the emotional bond between child and caregivers. The process of social emotional development can be interrupted by repeated or unresolved trau ma, causing a child’s still-growing brain to essentially misfire. The result is what mental health experts call “emotional dysregulation,” which can manifest in aggressive behavior as the child externalizes his or her pain (think angry outbursts, throwing objects or threats of self-harm), or internalizes the hurt (often indicated by lack of eye contact, refusing to speak, rocking or extreme anxiety). “If your brain is always on high alert—you’re waiting for somebody to yell at you or you’re left alone and nobody is paying attention to you—your brain is firing in the areas of fight, flight or freeze,” explains Pam Rinn, program director for community professional development at Camp Fire First Texas.
Emotionally Equipped
Try these social emotional learning strate gies to equip your children for academic success. Foster attachment. Connect in a positive way with your children every day, regard less of their behavior. “People need to know [they’re] loved no matter what,” says early childhood consultant Lyn Lucas. It’s as easy as a hug and words of affirmation. Learn to self-regulate. You need a handle on your own emotions before you can help a child calm down. Try deep breathing and other mindfulness exercises. Watch for signs. “If you see a young child who is not spontaneous and doesn’t access joy in the same way that most children do, we need to be as concerned about that as we are about the kid who’s throwing the chair,” says Michelle Kinder of Embody EQ.
Ask for help. If your child shows signs of emotional dysregulation, ask your child’s school or pediatrician what support is available. Also, check out resources at, and / 2022 13 Believing in the Limitless Potential of Girls Learn why an all-girls school inspires confidence WWW.HOCKADAY.ORG The Hockaday School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, sexual orientation, religion, national or ethnic origin.

14 2022 / guide to education • Safe, nurturing environment • Enthusiastic and caring teachers • Links to Learning curriculum • Ongoing parent communication LOCATIONS: Carrollton • Corinth • Crowley • Fort Worth • Haslet • Mansfield • McKinney 877-959-3743 The perfect balance of learning and play ® ENROLLINGNOW Contact us to schedule a tour today! XPLOR_DWFChild_Aug22_5.25x4.9.indd 1 8/2/22 4:34 PM Enroll Today l YOUR CHILD. READY FOR LIFE. Your child’s readiness for college or a successful career is built through a strong K-12 experience. Life School is a public charter school that creates an environment where your child can discover their strengths for success in school and beyond!

“WE DID A STRANGER DRILL AT SCHOOL TODAY.” I vividly remember the first time my daughter told me about an active shooter drill at her elementary school. As she described hiding in the back of the classroom and being quiet so the “stranger” wouldn’t hear them, my heart stood still. / 2022 15 ISTOCK SCHOOL SAFETY
These are among the toughest conversa tions we will have as parents. “How do I talk to [my son] about what happens when someone comes into your school with the intention to harm you?” wonders Sarah Sheldon, a Royse City mom. “Now you’re introduc ing the concept of pure evil to them. It just sucks to have to be like, well, you’re 6, time to talk about this part of the world.” On, you can read our full report on school shootings: how often they really happen, the ways threats are vetted and more. Here, we connect with experts to find out how parents can enhance safety on campus and talk to their kids about the unthinkable. What parents can do GET INVOLVED AND ASK QUESTIONS. Every Texas school is required to have a school safety and security committee, and the law provides for representation by two parents, says Kathy MartinezPrather, Ph.D., director of the Texas School Safety
Actions parents can take—and how to talk to kids about shootings
Safer Schools

• How are threats reported, and what’s the follow-up process for those tips?
How to talk to your child about drills and shootings
• Make a point to do one-on-one activities with your child after a lockdown drill or an event in the news. Chores, errands with car rides, or just watching TV together can give kids a chance to bring up the subject.
• Remember to use simple language, and don’t say more than is needed.
REPORT SUSPICIOUS BEHAVIOR, AND ENCOURAGE KIDS TO DO THE SAME. Signs that someone is at risk for harming themselves or others include threats, violent outbursts, excessive absenteeism, alarming changes in behavior or a sud den interest in weapons and violent events. Often, kids are the ones in a position to observe those signs—so whether it’s something your student spots online or hears about in school, make sure they know to say something. “We encourage our parents to have conversations with their students,” says CJ Evans, who serves on the Fort Worth ISD school board. “It is important that parents encour age students to help by not keeping information to themselves. … Tell an adult.” Reports can be made without giving your name; Texas schools are required to have an anonymous tip line. You can share information about threats of violence as well as bullying, drugs and anything else you think is relevant.
• Watch out for isolating behaviors—such as excessive reading, gaming, watching TV, or social media use—that can indicate anxiety or depression.
• Don’t bring it up unless they do, advises Blair Taylor, a regional coordinator for Moms Demand Action and the mother of three school-age kids in Richardson. There’s no harm in shielding them from news about school shootings since they are statistically rare.
• Open-ended questions are key for this age group, too. Try “What have you heard about what happened today?” or “What do you know?” Also, “How are you feeling?” “What’s going on in your head?” and “How are your friends reacting?”
• What is the regular police presence like on campus?
16 2022 / guide to education Center at Texas State University. Consider serving on that committee—or at least attend its presentations and activities. Principals can also provide insight into safety measures. Here are some questions you may want to ask:
• Does the school have a safety plan?
• What active shooter drills are planned, and what are children told? How do teachers and counselors engage with students after?
• Validate their feelings and reassure them about efforts by their school and the community to keep them safe.
• How does the school address bullying?
• Reassure them that the adults are working to keep them safe.
• Use open-ended questions to engage with your child. “That was one of the [issues that came up] at a pop-up meeting I did after Uvalde,” Taylor shares. “[Parents] wanted to know, ‘How do I talk to my kid about this?’ You want to ask them: What have you heard? What do you know? How are you feeling?”
• Assume they have heard about any events that make the news.
• If they aren’t with you, text or call them to let them know you’re available to talk.
Texas law requires all schools to complete two lockdown drills per year. Following a drill, you can contribute to your child’s readiness for an emergency by talking to them about knowing where the exits are, to run away from gunfire or fireworks sounds and how to escape the classroom—the “run” in the FBI’s Run-Hide-Fight approach, since schools prac tice only the “hide” aspect. “What [the schools are] essentially doing is practicing the protocol, not all the different situa tions that could play out,” says Martinez-Prather. “If you can get away, get away. It’s sad to be having these conversations with your babies… but at the end of the day, these events are still statistically rare.” / 2022 17 NOW ENROLLING FOR FALL Schedule a tour at THEOAKRIDGESCHOOL.ORG THE OAKRIDGE SCHOOL IS A COED COLLEGE PREPARATORY SCHOOL SERVING STUDENTS AGE 3 THROUGH GRADE 12.

18 2022 / guide to education TherapyDevelopmentalPreschool&Services6025SportsVillageRd | Frisco, TX 75033 214.687.9374 | Year-Round Schedule Full-Day Breakfast,ProgramLunch& Snack Included Applied Behavior Analysis Occupational Therapy Physical Therapy Speech Therapy

Art helps all students succeed in the classroom
Carroll finally landed on Fort Worth’s All Saints’ Episcopal School, which she be lieves offers the best of both worlds. “My oldest daughter wants to be a surgeon, so she needed a strong science department,” she explains. “And art is an outlet for my girls.”
Her hope for a more holistic approach to education is backed by science: Research has shown deep value in the inclusion of the arts in education. STEM Kids Need the Arts
If you’re trying to boost your child’s academic performance, you may be inclined to keep them focused on core subjects. But don’t count out the arts. The National Endowment for the Arts found that a child who studies the arts is four times more likely to be recognized for academic achievement. And a study published by Americans for the Arts re veals that sustained music and theater education cor related to higher achievement in math and reading.
WAS IN SEARCH OF BALANCE. Her daughters excelled at dance and music, so she started seeking out fine arts schools. “We were looking for a school that would allow them to be in musicals or choir but also had very stringent academics, and it was kind of hard to find,” she says.

STEAM On North Texas offers a wealth of resourc es for STEAM-based learning. Nancy Bernardino, founding principal of Dallas ISD’s Solar Prep School for Girls, offers a few ideas: That’s because art shapes the brain in ways that can help all students, not just those who have a knack for creativeCynthiaactivities.Garrison, a longtime DeSoto art teacher, understands this not only as an educator but also as a parent. Her youngest son was inclined to “more left-brained thinking,” as Garrison puts it. He excelled at school from an early age, but Garrison says she could see the need for the balance that art could give him. “When he was young, he was in an academically rigorous class,” she explains. But something was missing. “We actually had him moved to a class where he could be more creative,” she says. “It was important to me to develop the whole child.”
Previously, the notions of left-brained individ uals and tion,encebookpreviouslyofartscientistsmanybasedparticipate inbrainrightwithshowingwiththerapist, saysDallas-basedclear-cut.brain” are not so “leftforonethathavecounterpartsright-brainedmightmadeparentsfeeltheyhadtopicktrackovertheothertheirchild.Butbrain” and “rightAndreaDavis, aartstudiesstrokevictims arethatpeopledamage onthesideofthearestillabletoart-pursuits,leadingtherapistsandtobelievethattouchesmorepartsourbrainthan werealized.EricJensen’sonneurosciandeduca
20 2022 / guide to education enhances brain functions in both hemispheres. The visual arts have a similar effect. “We are still learning all the time that there is so much more to learn about how art affects the brain,” says Davis, “but what we know right now is that it goes far beyond a left brain or right brain functionality to the importance of art on the whole brain.” FULL STEAM AHEAD Many North Texas schools are now making the leagues”“lessiningandPrize–winningthehasRobertversity psychologistbystudies.backedtheaSTEAMprepareatedCenter,creatingholds,” says Labue.forwellcreatethecreative.toincludingmore well-rounded,forfromAllenarts.)ingtechnology,toDistrict.lenCenter throughofthe executive directorandtion betweenconnecscienceart. Larry Labue istheAllenSTEAMthe AlIndependentSchool(STEAMrefersSTEM—science,engineerandmath—plustheLabuesaysthatISDheardthecalllocalcompaniesgraduatestobetheabilitycollaborateandbeTheartswereanswer.“Wearetryingtoastudentwhoisroundedandreadywhateverthefuture“IntheSTEAMwehavecrethatbalancetothem.”TheideathatstudentshavecompetitiveedgeinworkforceisalsoupbyclinicalResearchdoneMichiganState UniRoot-Bernsteinput afine point onmatter:MostNobelscientiststheirhigh-achievpeersalldabbledfinearts,whiletheirsuccessfulcoldidnot. Garrison agrees that art can make anyone stron ger—as a student and as a person. “Art opens your mind to see the world in a different way,” she explains. “It’s the opportunity to expand your outlook and perception, to take chances and become as well-rounded as possible. It’s for everyone.” WHY STEM KIDS NEED THE ARTS
• Make Lego masterpieces at the Legoland Discovery Center in Grapevine. “Our kindergarteners start out using Legos to build creativity.” Legoland Discovery Center, 469/444-3050,Grapevine.
• Visit a museum that mixes science and art. “The Perot Museum [in Dallas] does a great job integratingat the arts,” she says. Perot Museum of Nature and Science, 214/428-5555,Dallas.
Brain Arts With theinMind
, conjects that art is much more than a brain booster—it is more of a brain food: “The systems [that the arts] nourish, which include our integrated sensory, attentional, cognitive, emotional and motor capacities are, in fact, the driving forces behind all other learning.” Jensen’s thoughts are supported by a grow ing body of research that suggests music training
• Attend a children’s theater performance, which theaterchildrenexposestotheandto principles of design as they study the set. Dallas 740-0051,Theater,Children’sDallas.214/ Casa Manana, Fort Worth. 817/332-2272, Studies show that academic achievement, attendance, and graduation rates are significantly higher for students engaged in the arts. OUR SCHOOLS: Grades K 12 Tuition free Audition based Admission Dance, Music, Theatre, & Visual Art Creative, Individualized Instruction Award winning Performances 100% Graduation Rate An arts based education begins building fundamental skills such as critical thinking, innovation, collaboration, and communication, preparing your child for a successful future in any field!

22 2022 / guide to education / 2022 23 ISTOCK Considering a Private School? •= LEARNING DIFFERENCES •= SPECIAL NEEDS •= GIFTED •= NONTRADITIONAL LEARNING ENVIRONMENT * = INFORMATION FROM 2021 LIST ** = INFORMATION FROM 2020 LIST Note: Information is provided by the schools. Listed campuses offer at least four primary or three secondary grades. ACH YEAR, DFWCHILD COMPILES DETAILED INFORMATION ON CAMPUSES across the Dallas-Fort Worth area—so you can find just the right fit for your child: a faith-based education, smaller classes, a campus that focuses on special needs, or another specific learning environment. Your search begins here COMPILED BY DFWCHILD EDITORS E THE SCHOOLPRIVATELIST

THE PRIVATE SCHOOL LIST 24 2022 / guide to education Collin Co. ALLEN GUTHRIE SCHOOL, THE • Grades: Preschool–5 Total enrollment: 130 INSPIRED LEARNING ACADEMY • Grades: 5–12 Total enrollment: 25 CARROLLTON PRINCE OF PEACE CHRISTIAN SCHOOL & EARLY LEARNING CENTER Religious affiliation: Lutheran, Christian Grades: Preschool–12 Total enrollment: 620 DALLAS SHELTON SCHOOL •• Grades: Pre-K–12 Total enrollment: 1,050 FAIRVIEW NORTH TEXAS PERFORMING ARTS (NTPA) ACADEMYFAIRVIEW CAMPUS • Grades: 6–12 Total enrollment: 80 FRISCO FRISCO ACADEMMONTESSORIY Grades: Preschool–8 Total enrollment: 183 LUCAS LUCAS CHRISTIAN ACADEMY • Religious affiliation: Christian Grades: Pre-K–12 Total enrollment: 400 MCKINNEY CORNERSTONE CHRISTIAN ACADEMY • Religious affiliation: Christian Grades: K–12 Total enrollment: 370 MCKINNEY CHRISTIAN ACADEMY Religious affiliation: Christian Grades: Pre-K–12 Total enrollment: 615 PLANO BETHANY CHRISTIAN SCHOOL Religious affiliation: Christian Grades: Preschool–12 Total enrollment: 66 CORAM DEO ACADEMY COLLIN COUNTY • Religious affiliation: Christian Grades: Pre-K–12 Total enrollment: 520 EINSTEIN SCHOOL, THE • Grades: 5–12 Total enrollment: 185 FAITH LUTHERAN SCHOOL Religious affiliation: Lutheran Grades: Preschool–12 Total enrollment: 145 FUSION ACADEMY PLANO •• Grades: 6–12 Total enrollment: 90 GREAT LAKES ACADEMY • Grades: 4–12 Total enrollment: 120
JOHN PAUL II HIGH SCHOOL Religious affiliation: Catholic, Society of Jesus Grades: 9–12 Total enrollment: 700 NEW HOPE CHRISTIAN ACADEMY Religious affiliation: Christian Grades: Preschool–8 Total enrollment: 150 NORTH
TEXAS PERFORMING ARTS (NTPA) ACADEMY - PLANO Campus • Grades: 6–12 Total enrollment: 80 PEBBLECREEK MONTESSORI • Grades: Preschool–6 Total enrollment: 75 PRESTONWOOD CHRISTIAN ACADEMY PLANO Religious affiliation: Baptist Grades: Pre-K–12 Total enrollment: 1,530 PRINCE OF PEACE CATHOLIC SCHOOL Religious affiliation: Catholic Grades: Pre-K–8 Total enrollment: 788 SPRING CREEK ACADEMY • Grades: 1–12 Total enrollment: 130 ST. MARK CATHOLIC SCHOOL Religious affiliation: Catholic Grades: Preschool–8 Total enrollment: 500 ST. TIMOTHY CHRISTIAN ACADEMY •••* Religious affiliation: Christian Grades: K–12 Total enrollment: 24 PROSPER PRESTONWOOD CHRISTIAN ACADEMY NORTH Religious affiliation: Baptist Grades: Pre-K–12 Total enrollment: 390 ST. MARTIN DE PORRES CATHOLIC SCHOOl •• Religious affiliation: Catholic Grades: Pre-K–8 Total enrollment: 212 RICHARDSON NORTH DALLAS ADVENTIST ACADEMY * Religious affiliation: Adventist Grades: Pre-K–12 Total enrollment: 225 WYLIE WYLIE ACADEMYPREPARATORY Religious affiliation: Christian Grades: Pre-K–12 Total enrollment: 315 ISTOCK / 2022 25 • Grades 1-12 (Fully Accredited) • Personalized Instructional Support • Low Student-Teacher Ratio • Dyslexia Intervention • Multi-sensory Instruction • Executive Functions Program • College Prep Curriculum Supported by Technology • Sports, Fine Arts & Leadership Options 16150 Preston Rd, Dallas, TX 75248 | 972.233.1026 | Changing Lives for Over Fifty Years HEALTH CARE PROVIDERS RECOMMENDED BY LOCAL | THERAPISTS | COUNSELORS DENTISTS | ORTHODONTISTS | OB/GYNS WELLNESS PROFESSIONALS

Religious affiliation: Catholic Grades: 6–12 Total enrollment: 400 BISHOP LYNCH HIGH SCHOOL Religious affiliation: Catholic Grades: 9–12 Total enrollment: 1,003 CALVARY LUTHERAN SCHOOL
Religious affiliation: Christian Grades: Preschool–6 Total enrollment: 70 CHOICES ACADEMYLEADERSHIP Grades: K–5 Total enrollment: 100 CHRIST THE KING CATHOLIC SCHOOL Religious affiliation: Catholic Grades: Pre-K–8 Total enrollment: 476 CORAM DEO ACADEMYDALLAS • Religious affiliation: Christian Grades: Pre-K–11 Total enrollment: 297 COVENANT SCHOOL, THE Religious affiliation: Christian Grades: K–12 Total enrollment: 681 DALLAS ACADEMY • Grades: 1–12 Total enrollment: 165 DALLAS ACADEMYCHRISTIAN * Religious affiliation: Adventist Grades: Preschool–12 Total enrollment: 100 DALLAS SCHOOLINTERNATIONAL Grades: Preschool–12 Total enrollment: 540 DALLAS LUTHERAN SCHOOL Religious affiliation: Lutheran Grades: 7–12 Total enrollment: 161 EPISCOPAL SCHOOL OF DALLAS, THE • Religious affiliation: Episcopal Grades: Preschool–12 Total enrollment: 1,174 FAIRHILL SCHOOL • Grades: 1–12 Total enrollment: 130 FIRST BAPTIST ACADEMY Religious affiliation: Baptist Grades: Pre-K–12 Total enrollment: 310 FUSION ACADEMY DALLAS •• Grades: 6–12 Total enrollment: 90 GERMAN INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF DALLAS * Grades: Preschool–4 Total enrollment: 113 ISTOCK 26 2022 / guide to education THE PRIVATE SCHOOL LIST
CARROLLTON ST. ANTHONY SCHOOL, THE •• Grades: 1–12 Total enrollment: 85 COPPELL RIVERCHASE MONTESSORI * Grades: Preschool–3 Total enrollment: 150 DALLAS ACTON LAKEWOODACADEMY • Grades: Preschool–5 Total enrollment: 30 AKIBA YAVNEH ACADEMY Religious affiliation: Jewish Grades: Preschool–12 Total enrollment: 450 ALCUIN SCHOOL Grades: Pre-K–12 Total enrollment: 580 ALL SAINTS CATHOLIC SCHOOL Religious affiliation: Catholic Grades: Preschool–8 Total enrollment: 311 ALPHA SCHOOL Grades: K–8 Total enrollment: N/A ANN AND NATE LEVINE ACADEMY Religious affiliation: Jewish Grades: Preschool–8 Total enrollment: 425 BISHOP DUNNE CATHOLIC SCHOOL • CAMPBELL CHRISTIAN ACADEMY
Dallas Co. ADDISON GREENHILL SCHOOL Grades: Pre-K–12 Total enrollment: 1,339 TRINITY CHRISTIAN ACADEMY Religious affiliation: Christian Grades: Pre-K–12 Total enrollment: 1,370
Religious affiliation: Christian Grades: 5–12 Total enrollment: 100
Religious affiliation: Lutheran Grades: Pre-K–8 Total enrollment: 91 CAMBRIDGE SCHOOL OF DALLAS, THE

/ 2022 27 Ann & Nate Levine Academy is an inclusive, dynamic, Jewish Day School which fosters creativity, critical thinking, and Jewish values while empowering its students with moral character, self-confidence and intellectual curiosity. FOR ENROLLMENT INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT OUR ADMISSIONS OFFICE 972-248-3032 | international curriculum with multicultural perspectives.

Religious affiliation: Catholic Grades: 9–12 Total enrollment: 1,150 KESSLER SCHOOL, THE Grades: Pre-K–8 Total enrollment: 115 KINGDOM ACADEMIESCOLLEGIATE-DALLAS* Religious affiliation: Christian Grades: Preschool–12 Total enrollment: 500 LAKEHILL PREPARATORY SCHOOL Grades: K–12 Total enrollment: 375 LAMPLIGHTER SCHOOL, THE Grades: Pre-K–4 Total enrollment: 470 MOUNT ST. MICHAEL CATHOLIC SCHOOL Religious affiliation: Catholic Grades: Preschool–8 Total enrollment: 123 NEW LIFE ACADEMYCHRISTIAN Religious affiliation: Baptist Grades: Pre-K–12 Total enrollment: 33 NOTRE DAME SCHOOL OF DALLAS •• Religious affiliation: Catholic Grades: K–12 Total enrollment: 150 OAK HILL ACADEMY ••• Grades: Preschool–12 Total enrollment: 135 OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP CATHOLIC SCHOOL * Religious affiliation: Catholic Grades: Preschool–8 Total enrollment: 165 OUR REDEEMER LUTHERAN SCHOOL Religious affiliation: Lutheran Grades: Preschool–6 Total enrollment: 225 PARISH EPISCOPAL SCHOOL Religious affiliation: Episcopal Grades: Pre-K–12 Total enrollment: 1,150 PRESTON PRESBYTERIANHOLLOWSCHOOL • Religious affiliation: Presbyterian Grades: K–6 Total enrollment: 125 PROVIDENCE CHRISTIAN SCHOOL OF TEXAS • Religious affiliation: Christian Grades: Pre-K–8 Total enrollment: 450 SANTA CLARA OF ASSISI CATHOLIC ACADEMY • Religious affiliation: Catholic Grades: Pre-K–8 Total enrollment: 144 SCOFIELD CHRISTIAN SCHOOL Religious affiliation: Christian Grades: Preschool–6 Total enrollment: 235 SOUTHWEST ADVENTIST JUNIOR ACADEMY affiliation: Adventist Grades: Pre-K–8 enrollment: 28 ST. BERNARD OF CLAIRVAUX CATHOLIC SCHOOL Religious affiliation: Catholic Grades: Preschool–8 CECILIA SCHOOL Religious affiliation: Catholic Grades: Preschool–8 enrollment: ELIZABETH OF HUNGARY CATHOLIC SCHOOL Religious affiliation: Catholic Grades: Preschool–8 enrollment: 200 ST. JOHN’S EPISCOPAL SCHOOL Religious affiliation: Episcopal Grades: Preschool–8 Total enrollment: 500 ST. MARK’S SCHOOL OF TEXAS • Religious affiliation: Episcopal Grades: 1–12 Total enrollment: 903 ST. MARY OF CARMEL CATHOLIC SCHOOL Religious affiliation: Catholic Grades: Pre-K–8
167 ST.
Total enrollment: 148 ISTOCK 28 2022 / guide to education THE PRIVATE SCHOOL LIST
Religious affiliation: Catholic Grades: Preschool–8 Total enrollment: 135 JESUIT COLLEGE PREPARATORY SCHOOL OF DALLAS
Religious affiliation: Episcopal Grades: Pre-K–8 Total enrollment: 550 GRACE ACADEMY OF DALLAS Religious affiliation: Christian Grades: Preschool–6 Total enrollment: 220 HIGHLANDER SCHOOL
Religious affiliation: Christian Grades: Preschool–6 Total enrollment: 125 HILLIER SCHOOL • Religious affiliation: Presbyterian Grades: 1–8 Total enrollment: 37 HOCKADAY SCHOOL, THE Grades: Pre-K–12 Total enrollment: 1,115 HOLY TRINITY CATHOLIC SCHOOL
Total enrollment: 150 ST. / 2022 29 ating Advanced Academics Emotional Learning Hands-on, Project-Based STEM Whole tChild he Where curiosity, belonging, and confidence thrive!

THE PRIVATE SCHOOL LIST ST. MONICA CATHOLIC SCHOOL Religious affiliation: Catholic Grades: Preschool–8 Total enrollment: 765 ST. PHILIP & ST. AUGUSTINE CATHOLIC ACADEMY Religious affiliation: Roman Catholic Grades: Pre-K–8 Total enrollment: 311 ST. PHILIP’S SCHOOL AND COMMUNITY CENTER Religious affiliation: Christian Grades: Pre-K–7 Total enrollment: 250 ST. PIUS X CATHOLIC SCHOOL Religious affiliation: Catholic Grades: Pre-K–8 Total enrollment: 173 ST. RITA CATHOLIC SCHOOL Religious affiliation: Catholic Grades: Pre-K–8 Total enrollment: 765 ST. THOMAS AQUINAS CATHOLIC SCHOOL Religious affiliation: Catholic Grades: Pre-K–8 Total enrollment: 866 ST. TIMOTHY SCHOOL, THE Religious affiliation: Anglican Grades: Pre-K–12 Total enrollment: 52 TORAH DAY SCHOOL OF DALLAS Religious affiliation: Orthodox Jewish Grades: Preschool–8 Total enrollment: 405 URSULINE ACADEMY OF DALLAS Religious affiliation: Catholic Grades: 9–12 Total enrollment: 850 VANGUARD PREPARATORY SCHOOL •• Grades: Pre-K–12 Total enrollment: 115 WESLEY PREP Religious affiliation: Methodist Grades: Preschool–6 Total enrollment: 448 WESTWOOD SCHOOL, THE • Grades: Preschool–12 Total enrollment: 300 WHITE ROCK MONTESSORI • Grades: Preschool–8 Total enrollment: 150 WHITE ROCK NORTH SCHOOL Grades: Preschool–6 Total enrollment: 325 WINSTON SCHOOL, THE •• Grades: K–12 Total enrollment: 160 ZION LUTHERAN SCHOOL Religious affiliation: Lutheran Grades: Preschool–8 Total enrollment: 254 DESOTO DESOTO PRIVATE SCHOOL Grades: Preschool–6 Total enrollment: 270 KINGDOM ACADEMIESCOLLEGIATE-DESOTO* Grades: Preschool–12 Total enrollment: 170 FARMERS BRANCH MARY IMMACULATE SCHOOL Religious affiliation: Catholic Grades: Pre-K–8 Total enrollment: 390 GARLAND BRIGHTER HORIZONS ACADEMY * Religious affiliation: Islamic Grades: Pre-K–12 Total enrollment: 800 FIREWHEEL CHRISTIAN ACADEMY Religious affiliation: Assemblies of God Grades: Preschool–6 Total enrollment: 260 GARLAND CHRISTIAN ACADEMY Religious affiliation: Baptist Grades: Preschool–12 Total enrollment: 291 GOOD SHEPHERD CATHOLIC SCHOOL Religious affiliation: Catholic Grades: Preschool–8 Total enrollment: 220 GRAND PRAIRIE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION SCHOOL Religious affiliation: Catholic Grades: Pre-K–8 Total enrollment: 132 IRVING CISTERCIAN PREPARATORY SCHOOL • Religious affiliation: Catholic Grades: 5–12 Total enrollment: 357 HIGHLANDS SCHOOL, THE * Religious affiliation: Catholic Grades: Pre-K–12 Total enrollment: 354 HOLY FAMILY CATHOLIC ACADEMY Religious affiliation: Catholic Grades: Pre-K–8 Total enrollment: 140 HUMANIST ACADEMY, THE ••* Grades: Preschool–10 Total enrollment: 55 ISLAMIC SCHOOL OF IRVING * Religious affiliation: Islamic Grades: Preschool–12 Total enrollment: 500 REDEEMER MONTESSORI SCHOOL Religious affiliation: Episcopal Grades: Preschool–6 Total enrollment: 137 ISTOCK 30 2022 / guide to education THE PRIVATE SCHOOL LIST / 2022 31 55 Main St. #290 817-966-4821Colleyville a safe place to learn Dana Judd MEd, CALT, DLT Head of School & Lead Instructor INSPIRE ACADEMYTX.COM Serving students with learning challenges such as Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Anxiety and ADHD We use differentiated and multisensory instruction techniques, allowing for multiple intelligence and strength compensations All children are unique & marvelously made by God ACTING FOR STAGE & CAMERA (AGES 7-17) CREATING A COMMUNITY OF DIVERSE LEARNERS Serving Grades PK–8TH • Small Class Sizes & Individualized Approach to Learning • Reading/Writing Workshop Model • STEM Lab, Spanish, Art, Music & Library Time • Leadership & Community Service • Middle School - Innovation & Entrepreneurship Program • After School Care & Enrichment Programs 1215 Turner Ave. Dallas 75208 | 214.942.2220 | Located in the hills of Kessler Park and convenient to Downtown Dallas, the Kessler School offers:

Religious affiliation: Christian Grades: Preschool–12 Total enrollment: 1,107 SELWYN SCHOOL Grades: Preschool–12 DENTON DENTON CALVARY ACADEMY affiliation: Christian Grades: K–12 Total enrollment: 224 IMMACULATE CONCEPTION CATHOLIC SCHOOL
Total enrollment: 113
Religious affiliation: Catholic Grades: Pre-K–8 Total enrollment: 175 KOAN SCHOOL • Grades: Pre-K–12 Total enrollment: 68 FLOWER MOUND CORAM DEO ACADEMYFLOWER MOUND •
THE PRIVATE SCHOOL LIST SLOAN SCHOOL, THE Religious affiliation: Christian Grades: Preschool–5 Total enrollment: 120 STONEGATE CHRISTIAN ACADEMY * Religious affiliation: Christian Grades: Pre-K–12 Total enrollment: 100 ST. FRANCIS MONTESSORI • Religious affiliation: Catholic Grades: Pre-K–6 Total enrollment: 145 MESQUITE DALLAS CHRISTIAN SCHOOL Religious affiliation: Christian Grades: Pre-K–12 Total enrollment: 500 RICHARDSON BRIDGE ACADEMYBUILDER••• Grades: K–12 Total enrollment: 40 IANT QURANIC ACADEMY * Religious affiliation: Islamic Grades: K–12 Total enrollment: 200 ST. JOSEPH CATHOLIC SCHOOL Religious affiliation: Catholic Grades: Pre-K–8 Total enrollment: 258 ST. PAUL CATHOLIC CLASSICAL SCHOOL Religious affiliation: Catholic Grades: Pre-K–8 Total enrollment: 120 Denton Co. ARGYLE LIBERTY SCHOOLCHRISTIAN •
Pre-K–12 Total enrollment: 772 EXPLORATIONS PREPARATORY SCHOOL • Grades: Pre-K–6 Total enrollment: 64 GRACE CHRISTIAN ACADEMY Religious affiliation: Baptist Grades: Pre-K–12 Total enrollment: 92 TEMPLE CHRISTIAN ACADEMY Religious affiliation: Baptist Grades: K–12 Total enrollment: 140 FRISCO LEGACY CHRISTIAN ACADEMY Religious affiliation: Christian Grades: Preschool–12 Total enrollment: 1,109 STARWOOD ACADEMY OF FRISCO Grades: Preschool–8 Total enrollment: 260 LEWISVILLE LAKELAND CHRISTIAN ACADEMY Religious affiliation: Baptist Grades: Preschool–9 Total enrollment: 232 Tarrant Co. ARLINGTON BURTON ACADEMYADVENTIST * Religious affiliation: Adventist Grades: Preschool–12 Total enrollment: 265 CHILDREN’S UNIVERSITY • Grades: Preschool–6 Total enrollment: 200 FLINT ACADEMY • Religious affiliation: Christian Grades: Preschool–12 Total enrollment: 90 GRACE ACADEMYPREPARATORY • Religious affiliation: Christian Grades: K–12 Total enrollment: 506 GREEN OAKS SCHOOL• Religious affiliation: Christian Grades: K–12 Total enrollment: 35 MERRYHILL SCHOOL dallas/ Grades: Preschool–7 Total enrollment: 253 MONTESSORI ACADEMY OF ARLINGTON, THE • Grades: Pre-K–6 Total enrollment: 178 NORTHSTAR SCHOOL • Grades: 7–12 Total enrollment: 30 OAKRIDGE SCHOOL, THE Grades: Preschool–12 Total enrollment: 700 PANTEGO CHRISTIAN ACADEMY Religious affiliation: Christian Grades: Preschool–12 Total enrollment: 575 PARK ROW CHRISTIAN ACADEMY Religious affiliation: Christian Grades: Preschool–8 Total enrollment: 240 ST. JOSEPH CATHOLIC SCHOOL Religious affiliation: Catholic Grades: Pre-K–8 Total enrollment: 310 ST. MARIA GORETTI CATHOLIC SCHOOL Religious affiliation: Catholic Grades: Pre-K–8 Total enrollment: 210 ISTOCK 32 2022 / guide to education THE PRIVATE SCHOOL LIST
Religious affiliation: Christian Grades: / 2022 33 | 214.368.1465 7611 Park Lane – Dallas Academically Focused Joy SpirituallyFilledRich! 1 Year Old – 6th Grade KS_2022DFWEducation.indd 1 7/26/22 10:26 AM

Religious affiliation: Christian Grades: K–12 Total enrollment: 75 WAYPOINT MONTESSORI • Grades: Preschool–6 Total enrollment: 120
Religious affiliation: Christian Grades: Preschool–12 Total enrollment: 235 BEDFORD MIDCITIES MONTESSORI • Grades: Preschool–12 Total enrollment: 45 BURLESON HOLY CROSS CHRISTIAN ACADEMY
Religious affiliation: Christian Grades: K–12 Total enrollment: 230 FORT WORTH ALL SAINTS’ EPISCOPAL SCHOOL Religious affiliation: Episcopal Grades: Preschool–12 Total enrollment: 1,190 ALLIANCE CHRISTIAN ACADEMY & LITTLE SPROUTS
Religious affiliation: Christian Grades: Preschool–8 Total enrollment: 220 COLLEYVILLE COVENANT CHRISTIAN ACADEMY
PRESCHOOL Religious affiliation: Christian Grades: Preschool–12 Total enrollment: 236 ANDERSON PRIVATE SCHOOL FOR THE GIFTED, TALENTED AND CREATIVE •• Grades: K–12 Total enrollment: 21 BETHESDA CHRISTIAN SCHOOL Religious affiliation: Christian Grades: Preschool–12 Total enrollment: 537 CALVARY CHRISTIAN ACADEMY Religious affiliation: Christian Grades: Pre-K–12 Total enrollment: 333 CASSATA CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL • Religious affiliation: Catholic Grades: 9–12 Total enrollment: 125 CHRISTIAN COTTAGE PREP ••• Religious affiliation: Christian Grades: K–12 Total enrollment: 35 COVENANT CLASSICAL SCHOOL Religious affiliation: Christian Grades: K–12 Total enrollment: 451 CROSSROADS CHRISTIAN ACADEMY • Religious affiliation: Christian Grades: 8–12 Total enrollment: 40 FORT WORTH ACADEMY Grades: K–8 Total enrollment: 190 FORT WORTH ADVENTIST JUNIOR ACADEMY Religious affiliation: Seventh Day Adventist Grades: Pre-K–8 Total enrollment: 52 FORT WORTH COUNTRY DAY Grades: Pre-K–12 Total enrollment: 1,097 HILL SCHOOL OF FORT WORTH • Grades: K–12 Total enrollment: 105 HOLY FAMILY CATHOLIC SCHOOL • Religious affiliation: Catholic Grades: Pre-K–8 Total enrollment: 108 JANE JUSTIN SCHOOL••• study-center/ Pre-K–12 Total enrollment: 74 KEY SCHOOL • Grades: K–12 Total enrollment: 85 LAKE COUNTRY CHRISTIAN SCHOOL • Religious affiliation: Christian Grades: Pre-K–12 Total enrollment: 485 MONTESSORI SCHOOL OF FORT WORTH • Grades: Preschool–8 Total enrollment: 200 MOSAIC ACADEMY • Religious affiliation: Christian Grades: Preschool–7 Total enrollment: 75 ISTOCK 34 2022 / guide to education THE PRIVATE SCHOOL LIST
Religious affiliation: Christian Grades: Preschool–12 Total enrollment: 560 CROWN OF LIFE LUTHERAN SCHOOL Religious affiliation: Lutheran Grades: Preschool–8 Total enrollment: 134 INSPIRE ACADEMY • / 2022 35 In our commitment to diversit y and equit y, St. John s Episcopal School does not discriminate regarding race, color, ethnicit y, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, age, genet c information, disabilit y pregnancy mar tal status, religion, militar y status, and/or any protected categor y This commitment extends to our employment, educational admission, and financial aid policies, and other school-administered programs St. John’s Episcopal School is dedicated to providing an excellent academic experience, creating a love of learning, and developing character in a Christian environment for students in Preschool through Grade 8 For more information about our upcoming events or to attend an open house, visit N OV E M B E R 13 A D M I SSI O N O P E N HOUS E S U ND AY 2:00 4:00 P.M .

Religious affiliation: Christian Grades: K–12 Total enrollment: 310 KENNEDALE FELLOWSHIP ACADEMY Religious affiliation: Christian Grades: Preschool–12 Total enrollment: 360 MANSFIELD SCHOOL OF LEXIA • Grades: 1–6 Total enrollment: 26 HILLSRICHLANDNORTH E.A. YOUNG ACADEMY • Grades: Pre-K–12 Total enrollment: 95 FORT WORTH CHRISTIAN SCHOOL * Religious affiliation: Christian Grades: Preschool–12 Total enrollment: 600 NORTH PARK CHRISTIAN ACADEMY Religious affiliation: Baptist Grades: Pre-K–4 Total enrollment: 23 SOUTHLAKE CLARIDEN SCHOOL, THE Grades: Preschool–12 Total enrollment: 170 FUSION SOUTHLAKEACADEMY •• Grades: 6–12 Total enrollment: 85 ISTOCK 36 2022 / guide to education THE PRIVATE SCHOOL LIST
GRAPEVINE GRAPEVINE FAITH CHRISTIAN SCHOOL Religious affiliation: Christian Grades: Pre-K–12 Total enrollment: 845 HOLY TRINITY CATHOLIC SCHOOL Religious affiliation: Catholic Grades: Pre-K–8 Total enrollment: 240 NOVUS ACADEMY, THE •• Grades: K–12 Total enrollment: 50 SOUTHLAKE MONTESSORI • Grades: Preschool–6 Total enrollment: 37 HASLET LEGACY CLASSICAL CHRISTIAN ACADEMY • Religious affiliation: Christian Grades: Preschool–12 Total enrollment: 133 KELLER DFW PERFORMING ARTS Conservatory • Religious affiliation: Christian Grades: 4–12 CHRISTIAN ACADEMY SETON CATHOLIC SCHOOL ACADEMYPREPARATORY
THE PRIVATE SCHOOL LIST NOLAN CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL Religious affiliation: Catholic Grades: 9–12 Total enrollment: 704 SOUTHWEST CHRISTIAN SCHOOL Religious affiliation: Christian Grades: Preschool–12 Total enrollment: 886 ST. ANDREW CATHOLIC SCHOOL Religious affiliation: Catholic Grades: Preschool–8 Total enrollment: 580 ST. GEORGE CATHOLIC SCHOOL * Religious affiliation: Catholic Grades: Pre-K–8 Total enrollment: 100 ST. PAUL LUTHERAN SCHOOL Religious affiliation: Lutheran Grades: Pre-K–8 Total enrollment: 202 ST. PETER’S CLASSICAL SCHOOL Religious affiliation: Christian Orthodox Grades: Preschool–12 Total enrollment: 96 ST. RITA CATHOLIC SCHOOL Religious affiliation: Catholic Grades: Pre-K–8 Total enrollment: 132 TEMPLE CHRISTIAN SCHOOL Religious affiliation: Baptist Grades: Pre-K–12 Total enrollment: 367 TEXAS CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY STARPOINT SCHOOL •• Religious affiliation: Disciples of Christ Grades: 1–6 Total enrollment: 60 TRINITY BAPTIST TEMPLE ACADEMY ** Religious affiliation: Baptist Grades: Pre-K–12 Total enrollment: 140 TRINITY VALLEY SCHOOL Grades: Pre-K–12 Total enrollment: 1,017 GRANBURY GRACE CLASSICAL CHRISTIAN ACADEMY Religious affiliation: Christian Grades: Preschool–11 Total enrollment: 99 Religious affiliation: Christian Grades: K–12 Total enrollment: 240 MESSIAH CLASSICALLUTHERANACADEMY Religious affiliation: Lutheran Grades: Preschool–8 Total enrollment: 78 ST. ELIZABETH ANN
Total enrollment: 25 HARVEST
Religious affiliation: Catholic Grades: Pre-K–8 Total enrollment: 540 TRINITY / 2022 37 TrinityChrist-CenteredAcademyChristianPK3-12thGradeCollegePreparatory 4954 E. IH-20 Service Road S. Willow Park, TX 76087 PHONE: (817) 441-5897 Visit our website for more information or to schedule a www.tcaeagles.orgtour. Explore Ursuline this fall by Won’t you join us? URSULINE ACADEMY OF DALLAS All-Girl, Catholic, College Prep, Grades 9-12 4900 Walnut Hill Lane | Dallas, Texas 75229 Ursuline Academy does not discriminate in the administration of its admission and education policies on the basis of race, color, or national and ethnic origin. You are invited Open House November 6 | Application Deadline January 6

Looking for fun things to do with your family? Check out the calendar on to see what cool things are happening—festivals, events and familyfriendly destinations. Get out and take advantage of all that Dallas–Fort Worth has to offer. Scan with your phone’s camera Visit our calendar: / 2022 39 ISTOCK Going Public HEN CHOOSING A SCHOOL FOR YOUR CHILD, MANY FACTORS COME INTO PLAY. How close is it? Is it a Blue Ribbon School? And especially for the athletically-gifted kids, how strong are the sports programs? The answers to these questions are a phone call or visit away. Here’s how to get in touch with your local independent school district to find out if this is the best fit for your student. How to get in touch with your local ISD COMPILED BY DFWCHILD EDITORS W THE SCHOOLPUBLICLIST ALEDO 1008 Bailey Ranch Road, Aledo 817/441-8327; ALLEN 612 E. Bethany Drive, Allen 972/727-0511; ANNA 501 S. Sherley Road, Anna 972/924-1000; ARGYLE 800 Eagle Drive, Argyle 940/464-7241; ARLINGTON 1203 W. Pioneer Parkway, Arlington 682/867-4611; AUBREY 415 Tisdell Lane, Aubrey 940/668-0060;

BIRDVILLE 6125 E. Belknap St., Haltom City 817/547-5700; BROCK 410 Eagle Spirit Lane, Brock 817/594-7642; BURLESON 1160 SW Wilshire Blvd., Burleson 817/245-1000;
KENNEDALE 120 W. Kennedale Parkway, Kennedale; 817/563-8000 KRUM 1200 Bobcat Blvd., Krum 940/482-6000;
HURST-EULESS-BEDFORD 1849 Central Drive, Bedford 817/283-4461;
LAKE WORTH 6805 Telephone Road, Lake Worth 817/306-4200; LANCASTER 422 S. Centre Ave., Lancaster 972/218-1400;
DUNCANVILLE 710 S. Cedar Ridge Drive, Duncanville; 972/708-2000
COPPELL 200 S. Denton Tap Road, Coppell 214/496-6000;
HIGHLAND PARK 7015 Westchester Drive, Dallas 214/780-3000;
KELLER 350 Keller Parkway, Keller 817/744-1000;
EAGLE SAGINAWMOUNTAIN1200 N. Old Decatur Road, Fort Worth; 817/232-0880
EVERMAN 1520 Everman Parkway, Everman 817/568-3500; FORT WORTH 100 N. University Drive, Fort Worth 817/814-2000;
CARROLL 2400 N. Carroll Ave., Southlake 817/949-8222;
DALLAS 9400 N. Central Expressway, Dallas 972/925-3700;
FARMERSCARROLLTON-BRANCH 1445 N. Perry Road, Carrollton 972/968-6100;
GRAPEVINE-COLLEYVILLE 3051 Ira E. Woods Ave., Grapevine 817/251-5200;
CASTLEBERRY 5228 Ohio Garden Road, Fort Worth 817/252-2000;
LEWISVILLE 1565 W. Main St., Lewisville 469/713-5200;
DENTON 1307 N. Locust St., Denton 940/369-0000;
DESOTO 200 E. Belt Line Road, DeSoto 972/223-6666;
FRISCO 5515 Ohio Drive, Frisco 469/633-6000;
GRAND PRAIRIE 2602 S. Belt Line Road, Grand Prairie; 972/237-4000
40 2022 / guide to education AZLE 300 Roe St., 817/444-3235;
CROWLEY 512 Peach St., 817/297-5800;Crowley
GARLAND 501 S. Jupiter Road, Garland 972/494-8201; LITTLE ELM 400 Lobo Lane, Little Elm 972/947-9340; LOVEJOY 259 Country Club Road, Allen 469/742-8000; MANSFIELD 605 E. Broad St., Mansfield 817/299-6300; MCKINNEY 1 Duvall St., 469/302-4000; MELISSA 1904 Cooper St., Melissa 972/837-2411; MESQUITE 3819 Towne Crossing Blvd., Mesquite; 972/288-6411 NORTHWEST 2001 Texan Drive, Justin 817/215-0000; PILOT POINT 829 S. Harrison St., Pilot Point 940/686-8700; PLANO 2700 W. 15th St., Plano 469/752-8100; PONDER 400 W. Bailey St., Ponder 940/479-8200; PROSPER 605 E. Seventh St., Prosper 469/219-2000; RICHARDSON 400 S. Greenville Ave., Richardson; 469/593-0000 ROCKWALL 1050 Williams St., Rockwall 972/771-0605; SANGER 601 Elm St., 940/458-7438; SUNNYVALE 417 E. Tripp Road, Sunnyvale 972/226-5974; WEATHERFORD 100 Longhorn Drive, Weatherford; 817/598-2800 WHITE SETTLEMENT 401 S. Cherry Lane, White Settlement; 817/367-1300 WYLIE 951 S. Ballard Ave., Wylie 972/429-3000; ISTOCK
CEDAR HILL 285 Uptown Blvd., Cedar Hill 972/291-1581;
IRVING 2621 W. Airport Freeway, Irving 972/600-5000;
CELINA 205 S. Colorado St., Celina 469/742-9100;
LAKE DALLAS 104 Swisher Road, Lake Dallas 940/497-4039; / 2022 41 ISTOCK MorePublicTuition-FreeSchoolOptions NTERESTED IN TAKING THE CHARTER ROUTE? These are tuition-free, open-enrollment public schools that operate according to their contract, or charter, with the state. They’re autonomous from public school districts, but they’re overseen by the Texas Education Agency and credentialed in the same way. Here are charter school options in Dallas-Fort Worth. COMPILED BY DFWCHILD EDITORS I THESCHOOLCHARTERLIST A+ ACADEMY ELEMENTARY Dallas; 972/557-5578 ARLINGTON CLASSICS ACADEMY Multiple campuses; 817/274-2008 BASIS CHARTER SCHOOL Benbrook; 817/662-7080 CITYSCAPE SCHOOLS Multiple campuses; 214/824-4747 CLASSICAL ACADEMIES Dallas; Garland;214/238-8949214/380-4400 FORT WORTH ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS Fort Worth; 817/924-1482 FOUNDERS CLASSICAL ACADEMY Multiple campuses; 972/316-3663 GREAT HEARTS ACADEMY Multiple campuses; 210/888-9475 HARMONY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Multiple campuses; 214/570-1606
INTERNATIONAL LEADERSHIP OF TEXAS Multiple campuses; 972/470-9078 iSCHOOL OF LEWISVILLE Multiple campuses; 972/829-4492 LEADERSHIP PREP SCHOOL Multiple campuses; 972/294-6921 LEGACY CHARTERPREPARATORYACADEMY Multiple campuses; 469/287-8532 LIFE SCHOOL Multiple campuses; 469/850-5433
INSPIRED VISION ACADEMY Multiple campuses; 214/275-1200
LUMIN EDUCATION Multiple campuses; 214/824-8950 NEWMAN ACADEMYINTERNATIONAL Multiple campuses; 682/207-5175 PIONEER TECHNOLOGY ARTS ACADEMY Multiple campuses; 469/405-8967 RESPONSIVEED Multiple campuses; 972/316-3663 TEXAS SCHOOL OF THE ARTS Edgecliff Village; 817/732-8372 TREETOPS INTERNATIONALSCHOOL Euless; 817/283-1771 UME PREPARATORY ACADEMY Multiple campuses; 214/445-6243 UPLIFT EDUCATION Multiple campuses; 469/621-8500 WESTLAKE ACADEMY Westlake; 817/490-5757
IDEA PUBLIC SCHOOLS Multiple campuses; 817/885-4200

42 2022 / guide to education 35W 820 820 30 35W 287 81 121 380 199 377 114 ISD31 ISD32 ISD38ISD46ISD36ISD30ISD29 ISD22 ISD25 ISD41ISD35 ISD40 ISD47 ISD37ISD42 ISD50 ISD39ISD48 ISD43 fort worth Krum Roanoke Westlake argyle keller north richland hills Southlake Burleson Crowley Weatherford azLE aledo Benbrook Saginaw 1 – Ann & Nate Levine Academy 2 – Basis Charter Schools 3 – Behavior Exchange Early Start Program (B.E.E.S.) (2) 4 – Challenger School (2) 5 – The Covenant School 6 – Dallas Academy 7 – Dallas International School (2) 8 – The Day School at Highland Park Pres 9 – Fairhill School 10 – Fort Worth Academy 11 – Fort Worth Academy of Fine Arts 12 – Fort Worth Christian School 13 – Good Shepherd Episcopal School 14 – Grace Academy of Dallas 15 – Grapevine Faith Christian School 16 – Greenhill School 17 – Hockaday School 18 – Holy Trinity Catholic School 19 – Inspire Academy 20 – The Kessler School 21 – Key School 22 – The Lamplighter School 23 – Life School (6) 24 – Merryhill School 25 – Oakridge School 26 – Our Redeemer Lutheran School 27 – Parish Episcopal School (2) 28 – Pediatrics Plus Developmental Preschool 29 – Providence Christian School of Texas 30 – River Legacy Nature School 31 – Shelton School 32 – Southwest Christian School (2) 33 – St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic School 34 – St. John’s Episcopal School 35 – St. Philip’s School and Community Center 36 – St. Rita Catholic School 37 – Texas School of the Arts 38 – Trinity Christian Academy, Willow Park 39 – Trinity Valley School 40 – Ursuline Academy of Dallas 41 – Wesley Prep 42 – Xplor Preschool & School Age Care (8) SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION MAPPING Your Options MAPPING Your Options 12 33 25 21 37 2 32391032 38 11 42 42 42 42 / 2022 43 30 30 45 20 35E 35E 635 75 380 president georgebushturnpike d a l l a s n o r th tollw a y samrayburntollway 67 35E 20 80 175 114 121 121 114 183 161 360 190 67 161 635 75 289 289 78 377 ISD6 ISD33 ISD8 ISD1 ISD4 ISD7ISD3 ISD5 ISD2 ISD9ISD11ISD18 ISD21 ISD15 ISD12 ISD17 ISD20 ISD16 ISD34 ISD38 ISD14 ISD19ISD13ISD10 ISD27 ISD28 ISD26 ISD24 ISD23 ISD44 ISD49ISD45arlington allen rockwall mckinney denton aubrey Celina Plano addison lewisville farmers branch colleyville grapevine Euless mansfield mesquite yle garland Rowlett the colony Frisco Little Elm WylieMurphy grand praIrie irving Desoto richardson highland village flower mound dallas Southlake Cedar Hill Duncanville CARROLLTON SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION SCHOOL DISTRICTS COLLIN COUNTY ISD1 – Allen ISD ISD2 – Celina ISD ISD3 – Frisco ISD ISD4 – Lovejoy ISD ISD5 – McKinney ISD ISD6 – Plano ISD ISD7 – Prosper ISD ISD8 – Wylie ISD DALLAS COUNTY ISD9 – Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD ISD10 – Cedar Hill ISD ISD11 – Coppell ISD ISD12 – Dallas ISD ISD13 – DeSoto ISD ISD14 – Duncanville ISD ISD15 – Garland ISD ISD16 – Grand Prairie ISD ISD17 – Highland Park ISD ISD18 – Irving ISD ISD19 – Lancaster ISD ISD20 – Mesquite ISD ISD21 – Richardson ISD DENTON COUNTY ISD22 – Argyle ISD ISD23 – Aubrey ISD ISD24 – Denton ISD ISD25 – Krum ISD ISD26 – Lake Dallas ISD ISD27 – Lewisville ISD ISD28 – Little Elm ISD ISD29 – Northwest ISD ISD30 – Ponder ISD PARKER COUNTY ISD31 – Aledo ISD ISD32 – Weatherford ISD ROCKWALL COUNTY ISD33 – Rockwall ISD TARRANT COUNTY ISD34 – Arlington ISD ISD35 – Azle ISD ISD36 – Birdville ISD ISD37 – Burleson ISD ISD38 – Carroll ISD ISD39 – Castleberry ISD ISD40 – Crowley ISD ISD41 – Eagle Mountain-Saginaw ISD ISD42 – Everman ISD ISD43 – Fort Worth ISD ISD44 – Grapevine-Colleyville ISD ISD45 – Hurst-Euless-Bedford ISD ISD46 – Keller ISD ISD47 – Kennedale ISD ISD48 – Lake Worth ISD ISD49 – Mansfield ISD ISD50 – White Settlement ISD 8402941 52671627173623 319 1 7 4 4 3328 2735 23 23 20 23 23 30 19 15 2418 634 22 13 14 42 42 42 42