Health Promotion Week 12 - 16 May For the third year running, the nursery and P1 – 7 classes will be running a Health Promotion week. In our journey to achieve ‘Stage Two’ accreditation as a health promoting school, Sanderson’s Wynd pupils and staff will be undertaking a series of healthy lifestyle challenges, and we would appreciate the continued support of family and friends in the community.
The Purple High 5 Challenge! We are encouraging everyone to participate in making 5 lifestyle changes during our Health Week.
Eat Healthily!
Be Happy!
Have Fun!
What’s happening in Health Week? Health Week will be started off with a joint aerobics session with everyone from the nursery and P1-7 classes in the playground. We hope the sun shines! Moving and grooving, wiggling and giggling! Beth Noble will take the nursery, P1 & P2 pupils through their steps in a fun Dance Workshop. On Thursday afternoon, all upper school pupils will participate in five different sports. P5-P7 pupils will be in mixed teams to compete against each other in the Purple Pentathlon. A Health Week Poster competition revealed a lot of creative talent in the school. Lauren, P3, was the overall winner and copies of her winning poster have been distributed in the community. P5 did particularly well in this challenge and their efforts will be rewarded with a fun swimming session at the Loch Centre on Wed afternoon.
Body Combat instructors will take P 6 & 7 through a rigorous and fun body work- out.
Roots and Fruits will visit to run ‘Smoothie / Juice-maker activities for the Nursery and P1-P4. ‘Plate of Balance’, is a theme that teaches older pupils about healthy eating.
Fruit Tuck will continue to be available for sale every playtime. It is encouraging to see that this has become a more popular choice of snack.
Dental Hygienist, Carol Golightly will visit the nursery and P1-P4 to raise the children’s awareness of Dental Health.
‘Mini Kickers’ gives the P1 and P2 classes a chance to improve their football skills.
Several classes are taking part in Skipping Workshops organised by our P.E teacher, Mrs McKendrick.
Walk to School Week Mon 12 – Fri 16th May Fortunately, this event runs during our Health Promotion Week. At the start of the session, Sanderson’s Wynd won a certificate in recognition for having the highest percentage of pupils walking to school, during the October Walk to School Week. If we achieve this again this May, we have the chance of winning Sports Vouchers for every pupil. A prize worth aiming for! The previous schools Tranent Nursery and Tranent Infant School both achieved a Gold award in the School Safety Charter. It is hoped that we can win this award again, but this time as Sanderson’s Wynd School.
On Friday morning between 9:00 and 10:30am younger and older pupils will buddy together to ‘Jog for Scotland’ around our school playing fields. Parents are welcome to watch this event. Pupils have been asked to come to school dressed as their favourite Sports personality. We hope the weather will continue to shine for this fun event. Healthy Eating with The Parent Council: We are delighted that parents have offered to become more involved with this year’s Health Week. They have planned 3 different and fun activities to help motivate and encourage children to eat more healthily. If you are free on Friday to see your child participate in the ‘Jog for Scotland’, why not pop into the hall to chat with other parents about these health activities.
Please ensure that your child has suitable clothing and footwear for the planned sporting and fitness sessions. Hopefully the sun will shine for us during Health Week! Please ensure that your child wears sun cream and has a water bottle.
Last year’s ‘Health Week’ was a very successful event and we were delighted with the parental help in focussing the children’s attention on adopting a healthier lifestyle. During this Health Week, we would welcome your continued support by ensuring that your child has a healthy snack each day- no crisps or sweets! Similarly please think carefully when preparing your child’s packed lunch box.
Bug Busting! Marjory Telford, the school nurse will be in school on Tuesday Morning 9:00-9:30 (hall) to give advice on treating headlice.
To show that we are all working in harmony with each other and working towards the same goals, pupils from the Nursery, Infant, middle and upper primary will all be issued with a ‘Sanderson’s Wynd Health Week sticker. We hope your child wears it with pride and is keen to talk about the week’s events.
What can I give my child for lunch?
Healthy Lunch boxes and snacks – We all know this can be a bit of a struggle but we would encourage you as much as possible to provide the children with healthy snacks both for playtime and in their packed lunch boxes. Many children are already bringing healthy food to school.
Most of us are happy to eat crisps, chocolate and cake every day, but did you know that these are high in salt, sugar and fat?
A survey has revealed that 9 out of 10 lunchboxes contain foods that are bad for us. There are many websites with ideas and suggestions for healthy lunch boxes. Here are two with some cool ideas on what you can put in your lunchbox that keeps you fit and healthy - and taste great too!
Here are a few examples of what can be included in your child’s lunch box: Fresh fruit Tinned fruit (in natural juice decanted into another tub) Vegetable sticks: celery, peppers, carrots, or cucumber Cherry tomatoes Bread sandwiches, bagels, tortilla wraps, pitta pockets, breadsticks. Ham, turkey, cheese, tuna, egg, Chicken drumsticks Plain popcorn Dried Fruit: raisins, apricots Low fat yoghurts, fromage frais Drinks: Fresh juice, water, milk