Mid Calder Primary School information for parents West Lothian Council delivers westlothian.gov.uk
The information contained within this section relates to the day-to-day running of Mid Calder primary. It dovetails with the guidance provided by West Lothian Council, which can be found in the next section of the handbook.
Contents 1 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 17 18
General Information The School Day / School Values / School Aims Mission Statement School Standards / Behaviour and Rules Pupil Information Sheets / Punctuality School Dress Code / Transport Partnership and Communication with Parents Parent Groups / Parent and Adult Helpers in Schools Illness and Accidents / Emergency Arrangements Playground Supervision The Curriculum Language Mathematics / Environmental Studies Expressive Arts / ICT / Religious Education Personal/Social and Health Education / Assessment and Reporting Support for Learning / Homework / Ethos Newsletters / Assemblies / Pupil Voice Transfer from Primary to Secondary School Concerns/Complaints Procedure School Staff Key Contacts
Mid Calder Primary
Welcome to Mid Calder Primary School On behalf of Mid Calder Primary School, I am very pleased to welcome all our new pupils and their parents. I am delighted that you have chosen Mid Calder and look forward to working in partnership with you. Together we aim to educate your children in order that they can achieve at the highest possible level. Our school has a warm, family atmosphere, where the children are nurtured and able to learn in a safe and happy environment. This handbook will only give you with a “snapshot” of life at Mid Calder and visiting the school will provide a fuller picture. You are very welcome to come and see us at work - just telephone to arrange a visit. Someone is always very willing to show you round and answer any questions. At Mid Calder, we strive to encourage each child to develop to his/her full potential through the provision of a broad-based curriculum. We wish to foster a desire for learning in every child as learning is a lifelong process. Your support is vital and we will regularly keep you informed of your child’s progress. We look forward to a happy and successful experience working with you and your child. Alan Girdwood, Headteacher
In this handbook, parent means any person with parental responsibility for the child.
General Information Mid Calder Primary is a non-denominational primary school serving the village of Mid Calder and the surrounding community. At present the school roll is 345, with composite classes at some stages. The staff consists of the Head Teacher, a Depute Head Teacher, a Principal Teacher and thirteen other class teachers. Specialist teachers deliver Art and PE. The Principal Teacher currently also teaches music. A Support for Learning teacher also works part time. The ancillary staff includes two secretaries, five pupil support assistants, an ICT technician and the team of facilities management assistants (previously known as the janitors). Dining room and playground supervisors are also on the staff. The cluster schools in the area share a Business Support Manager.
Mid Calder Primary
School Address Mid Calder Primary School Mid Calder Livingston West Lothian EH53 0RR Tel: 01506 882092 Fax: 01506 885814 All visitors must report to the school office on arrival and sign the Visitors’ Book if visiting any of the class areas.
Our Catchment Area The school’s catchment area consists of the village of Mid Calder, both the conservation village itself and the new housing estates to the west of the village. The Parents’ Charter gives parents the right to request a place for their child at a school of their choice and, if places are available, children from outside the catchment may also be enrolled. A significant number of children enrolled at the school are from outwith the school’s catchment area, as a result of parental choice. In the case of children transferring from another school, it is advisable, where possible, that parents visit the school prior to the transfer. It is helpful to make an appointment to ensure that the visit is as satisfactory as possible. Admissions of this type can be made at any time by arrangement with the school secretary.
Accommodation and Facilities The school is housed in a main building built in 1977 and refurbished in June 2004. It comprises fourteen class bases, support for learning base, music room, hall/ dining area, drama area, general purpose rooms, changing rooms, toilets, kitchen serving area, staffroom, medical room and offices. The grounds consist of hard and grassed areas and a small landscaped garden. A Nursery Class is housed in a separate building within the school campus. The Nursery Class is staffed by a Nursery Teacher and 2 Nursery Nurses and is built to accommodate 30 children in the morning and 30 children in the afternoon. Children are allocated either a morning or an afternoon placement. Full details are available from our Nursery Teacher, Mrs Gillian Brown, Tel: 01506 882092
Mid Calder Primary
The School Day Monday to Thursday: P1 - P2:
8.45am - 12.05pm : 12.46 - 3.05pm
P3 - P7 ;
8.45am -12.30pm : 1.10 - 3.05pm
except Friday when all children leave at 12.15pm Parents will always be informed by letter when children are likely to be late e.g. if an outing or sporting event is taking place that will extend beyond the normal closing time. Parent consent forms will be issued for signature before any pupils are taken out of school but a general consent form for short local visits will be issued at the start of each session to all new parents.
Mid Calder Primary School Values Throughout the school we promote equality and fairness for both adults and children and are firmly opposed to all forms of racism, sexism and sectarianism. Our school community is a family community, where children are nurtured within a warm and positive environment. High standards of behaviour and effort are expected. The staff work as a team, supporting each other to provide quality teaching to enable your child to learn effectively. We acknowledge your key role in your child’s educational and emotional development and invite you to work in partnership with us.
Mid Calder Primary School Aims School staff have clearly defined aims which complement the five National Priorities for Education, identified by the Scottish Executive in the Standards in Scottish Schools Act 2000 and the four capacities expressed in a Curriculum for Excellence, viz. Successful Learners, Confident Individuals, Responsible Citizens and Effective Contributors. The school aims to care for each child and strives to create an environment in which they feel safe, happy, confident and valued as an individual. It also aims to co-operate with home and the larger community to provide a balanced educational experience with emphasis on the acquisition of basic skills. It is expected that when pupils leave Mid Calder, they will continue the important process of preparation for responsible citizenship and engage in lifelong learning. We aim to develop natural skills and maintain the significantly high levels of attainment and achievement, where each pupil learns to appreciate their talents and are prepared to use them in future life, be they intellectual, physical or artistic. There is a place for each of us in the world and we hope that each child leaves Mid Calder with a sense of fulfilment and a feeling that he/she has succeeded. 3
Mid Calder Primary
Mid Calder Primary School Mission Statement (Underpinned by a Curriculum for Excellence) The staff is committed to providing an education of the highest quality which lays emphasis not only on the acquisition of the basic skills but also prepares pupils for living in a technologically advancing and multicultural society where a positive work ethic, combined with the active pursuit of leisure activities, can equip them to aspire to a happy, productive and healthy future with a lifestyle of the highest quality. Linked to the above, the aims of the school are to: n
n n n n n n n
ensure a broad and balanced curriculum that provides young people with the best possible learning opportunities and experiences, laying emphasis on the acquisition of the basic skills. (NP1) strive towards ensuring that all pupils are able to realise their potential by recognising their needs, together with the promotion and recognition of achievement and excellence. (NP1) provide the highest quality of learning and teaching experiences that enable pupils to enjoy their education and develop positive attitudes towards learning. (NP2) provide effective support systems for all pupils that promote personal and social development and underpin academic achievement. (NP3) provide a welcoming, safe and caring environment in which each pupil is valued and supported. (NP3) improve the quality of learning and teaching through the effective organisation and management of the school’s resources. (NP2) ensure that the school’s promoted staff provide high quality leadership, management and support. (NP2) improve the quality of educational experiences through a programme of continuing professional development for all staff. (NP2) build and maintain effective partnerships between the school and its parental body, external support agencies and its wider community. (NP2) equip pupils with the foundation skills, attitudes and expectations required to prosper in a changing society and to encourage creativity, ambition and a healthy, active leisure time. (NP5) ensure that all pupils are able to experience a calm, positive and safe learning environment that promotes good behaviour, self discipline and respect for others. (NP4) prepare pupils for responsible citizenship by developing values, beliefs and attitudes compatible with living in a modern, democratic and multicultural society. (NP4) nurture good health in all pupils through strategies that promote physical and mental well being and self esteem. (NP5) 4
Mid Calder Primary
Mid Calder Primary School Standards High standards of responsible behaviour are promoted and expected from Mid Calder pupils, towards staff, fellow pupils and their surroundings. Self-discipline is the key to good behaviour and we depend on your support in reinforcing the discipline guidelines of the school. These are based on consideration, good manners and respect and are in place to ensure the safety and well being of the children.
Behaviour and Rules The general aim of the school is the establishment of an atmosphere of mutual respect and collective responsibility by promoting positive behaviour. To encourage this, a set of ‘Golden Rules’ has been drawn up. This takes into account such things as the children's safety, general good order and care of the school's property and equipment. The Golden Rules Do be gentle Do be kind and helpful Do work hard Do look after property Do listen to people Do be honest
Do not hurt anybody Do not hurt people’s feelings Do not waste your or other people’s time Do not waste or damage things Do not interrupt Do not cover up the truth
Children are rewarded for keeping the Golden Rules with 30 minutes of ‘Golden Time’ each week. Each Friday, children can choose (from a selection of highinterest activities) the one they wish to spend their earned Golden Time on. Children are regularly praised and rewarded for keeping the Golden Rules. Breaking the Golden Rules will result in children losing some of their Golden Time. If this happens, then the child must wait for the number of minutes they have lost before they can go to enjoy their chosen Golden Time activity. Parents are encouraged to co-operate in having their children appreciate the necessity for such rules and to support us in our efforts to instill good behaviour and self discipline. It is made clear to all children that bullying of any sort is unacceptable in our school. Children are encouraged to speak up immediately if other pupils are making them unhappy or upset.
Mid Calder Primary
School Rules We try to keep these as few and as straightforward as possible. n
Children must never leave the school premises at any time unless a prior arrangement has been made by the parent/guardian with the Head Teacher or his Depute.
For reasons of safety children are not allowed in the car park.
Fighting for any reason is totally unacceptable.
Minor misdemeanours within school or playground are best dealt with by the class teacher or playground supervisor. However, if all efforts to encourage and reward with praise are not effective, it may be necessary to involve the Head Teacher and parents. The Class Teacher will select the most appropriate sanction from the list below: n n n n n n
Verbal warning Loss of part of Golden Time Withdrawal of a privilege Loss of breaktime Loss of lunchtime Punishment exercise
The Head Teacher may select from sanctions above and also may issue: n n n n
Behaviour log Arrange meeting of parent and Head Teacher Informal suspension from school (up to 3 days) Exclusion – formal
Pupil Information Sheets Parents are asked to fill these out early in the session to give the school a record of necessary information e.g. medical conditions and contact details for parents. Should these change during the session, please let the school know. It is essential that we have an up-to-date address, home telephone number and emergency telephone number for all children in the event of the child becoming ill, loss of essential services in school, emergency school closure or any other unforeseen circumstance.
Punctuality Our children are expected to arrive at school on time. Late arrival can embarrass them and also disrupts the class work already begun. However, in the event of the occasional “sleep-in”, please send your child to school, no matter what time. Better late than never! 6
Mid Calder Primary
School Dress Code The School Dress Code is covered in paragraph 2.4 of the general section of this handbook. We ask that you send your child to school wearing uniform in order to uphold the high standard of appearance that is identified with the school. Mid Calder uniform consists of grey trousers/skirt, white shirt/blouse and a red and silver striped school tie. An embroidered school badge is available for those who wish to buy a blazer. Alternatively, a red polo shirt and silver grey sweatshirt are equally acceptable. These are more popular with pupils. In summer, a red and white checked gingham dress is a practical alternative for girls in fine weather. Items of uniform are available from the school office, including waterproof and fleece jackets bearing the school badge. For PE, a T-shirt, shorts and gym shoes are required. In line with West Lothian Council dress code policy for school children, we ask that pupils do not wear sports tops associated with particular football teams or which carry inappropriate logos. Children are encouraged to keep PE kit and soft shoes in school for use at any time. In the interests of safety and security, the wearing of jewellery is discouraged, particularly hooped or dangly earrings. We recommend that all articles of clothing are clearly marked with your child’s name. This makes it much easier to reunite children with misplaced clothing.
Transport Children attending from the catchment area are not entitled to transport to and from the school. Parents electing to send their children to Mid Calder from outwith the catchment area are responsible for transporting them.
Partnership and Communications with Parents We pride ourselves on our excellent relationships with parents and the wider community. We operate an open, responsive policy towards questions or concerns. We would encourage you to phone or write if you have any queries you wish to make about your child or about general matters. We regularly communicate with you through newsletters, curricular meetings and parents’ evenings. We welcome your comments and suggestions on the work that we do and the service we provide for you and your child, bearing in mind that we are all striving to do our best for every pupil in our school.
Mid Calder Primary
Parent Groups The new Parent Council has been set up under the Parental Involvement Act and will begin its support for the school from Session 2007/08. It was decided that the PSA would continue to be a separate body but would liaise with the Parent Council through joint representatives. We value the tremendous amount of good work that the PSA has done and you are warmly invited to become involved. The PSA organises social and fundraising events throughout the year.
Parent / Adult Helpers in School In line with our open and responsive ethos, you are invited to become a helper in school. You can contribute your time and talents in the knowledge that your contributions will be most welcome. You can volunteer to work in school as suits your timescale – perhaps one morning a week, more if possible! If there are any dads, or grandparents available, they are also welcome. In the interests of child protection and safety, all parent helpers must be Disclosure (Scotland) checked before being permitted to assist in class. Disclosure forms are available from the school.
Illness or Accidents If a child is taken ill or has an accident, the school will make every attempt to contact a parent directly or through an emergency contact. In serious cases, the child will be referred to his/her own doctor or taken to the accident and emergency unit at St John’s Hospital, Livingston. It is extremely important that the school has an up-to-date emergency contact, especially a telephone contact number. The school must also be made aware of any special medical conditions.
Occasional and Emergency Arrangements Letters will be sent to parents informing them of arrangements for any planned alterations in closing times. Should it be necessary to close the school in an emergency e.g. unusually bad road conditions, every effort will be made to contact parents or emergency contacts. Children are always retained in school and supervised when it is known that neither parents nor emergency contact are at home to receive them.
Playground Supervision Paragraph 6.15 of the general section of this handbook covers playground supervision. In the interest of safety, pupils may not leave the grounds at break times. If going home for lunch, the school should be notified, in writing, of this arrangement. Please also note that there is no necessity for pupils to arrive at school prior to 08.45. However, West Lothian Council’s Safe Arrival at School policy makes provision for supervision at school from 8.25am. 8
Mid Calder Primary
The Curriculum A Curriculum for Excellence 'A Curriculum for Excellence' sets out the Scottish Executive's vision for transforming Scottish Education by 2007. It seeks to establish the values, purposes and principles of education in Scotland for children between the ages of 3 and 18. What is ‘A Curriculum for Excellence’ Saying? The most important goal for education is to stimulate, nurture and sustain the curiosity, wonder and questioning of our young people and to develop skills for lifelong learning. From Primary 1 we will be helping our pupils engage with the four Capacities of A Curriculum for Excellence and provide learning experiences to help them become: Successful Learners with n n n
enthusiasm and motivation for learning determination to reach high standards of achievement openness to new thinking and ideas
and able to n n n n n n
use literacy, communication and numeracy skills use technology for learning think creatively and independently learn independently and as part of a group make reasoned evaluations link and apply different kinds of learning in new situations
Responsible Citizens with n n
respect for others commitment to participate responsibly in political, economic, social and cultural life
and able to n n n n n
develop knowledge and understanding of the world and Scotland’s place in it understand different beliefs and cultures make informed choices and decisions evaluate environmental, scientific and technological issues develop informed, ethical views of complex issues
Confident Individuals with n n n n
self respect a sense of physical, mental and emotional wellbeing secure values and beliefs ambition
and able to n n n n n n n
relate to others and manage themselves pursue a healthy and active lifestyle be self aware develop and communicate their own beliefs and view of the world live as independently as they can assess risk and take informed decisions achieve success in different areas of activity
Effective Contributors with n n n
an enterprising attitude resilience self-reliance
and able to n n n n n n
communicate in different ways and in different settings work in partnership and in teams take the initiative and lead apply critical thinking in new contexts create and develop solve problems
Mid Calder Primary
Developing the Four Capacities In order to help our children develop the Four Capacities of ACfE we will strive: n to provide attractive, challenging and relevant courses for all our pupils n encourage pupils to take responsibility for their own learning n promote interactive approaches to learning and teaching, including the use of ICT and Creativity n encourage discussion of social, moral and ethical issues n allow pupils to learn independently and in co-operation with others. The curriculum of the school is currently structured around the 5-14 national guidelines in language, mathematics, environmental studies, expressive arts, religious/moral education, with personal/social and health education and ICT. In line with the national framework, the school is now moving forward with the four main capacities from A Curriculum for Excellence, making links with existing best practice. Children will be involved in a variety of learning situations - whole class lessons, group work and individual work. They will be taught a range of strategies for learning, including investigating, problem solving and discussion, in addition to direct teaching by the teacher that often involves activities using a wide variety of materials. Within each curricular area, the pupils are assessed and the work set is based on the child’s ability.
Language The development of each child’s language is pursued through an integrated programme involving listening, talking, reading and writing. In the early years we have a graded reading scheme - The Oxford Reading Tree. Later on the child carries out reading through appropriate fiction and nonfiction material. The teaching of French has been introduced throughout the school in line with West Lothian Council’s policy. French is taught by several class teachers who have undertaken Modern Languages in Primary Schools training. This is supplemented by support from the Modern Languages Department at West Calder High School.
Mid Calder Primary
Mathematics The four areas of study, based on 5-14 Guidelines are: n n n n
Number, Money, Measure Shape, Position, Movement Information Handling Problem Solving
Mental Calculation is also given a significant emphasis in Mathematics teaching. The study of mathematics is to be found everywhere in the child's environment and our children are given the opportunity to explore and discover mathematical relationships in the spaces and shapes around them. We aim to provide the children with the experience necessary for the development of mathematical thinking. Our mathematics programme has a broad base. We teach our children the basic skills and we also provide opportunities for them to apply their skills in practical situations. The core mathematics scheme used throughout the school is Heinemann.
Environmental Studies Social Subjects: People in place (geography) People in the past (history) People in Society (Government, Law and how we organize societies) Science Earth and Space Energy and Forces Living Things and the Processes of Life Technology Environmental studies is seen as an activity of great value, both in its own right and as a vehicle for practising the skills learned in other areas of the curriculum. It is based on first hand observation in the environment accessible to the child. Studies might include local features such as the village, the river or the country park. Historical themes such as Invaders and Settlers, The Jacobites and World War 2 give scope for investigating periods of history that have shaped the world we live in today. Many of the school’s residential opportunities will be based around such themes. Children are encouraged to ask questions and lead the direction of learning and teaching. Children make regular educational visits out of school, always with adequate supervision. Parents will appreciate that excursions are not a normal statutory provision and therefore, it is reasonable that they are asked to contribute to the cost of these outings.They greatly enrich the learning experiences of children and provide a meaningful context from which to maintain high levels of attainment.
Mid Calder Primary
Expressive Arts Music, drama, physical education and art & design feature in various aspects of school work and all pupils can expect to have some experience of the arts in connection with classroom work or other school activities. In addition, there may be specialist visiting teachers who take groups or classes, alongside class teachers, according to a timetable drawn up to ensure a fair distribution of these resources. Swimming instruction is arranged for P5 and P6 classes. Pupils may also take part in a wide variety of sporting activities/festivals, as well as a number of “taster” activities arranged with Outdoor Education staff or countryside rangers.
Information and Communications Technology (ICT) The rapid development of Information and Communications Technology (IC.) has changed the world that our children live in quite dramatically. Indications are that the already rapid pace of developments in this field is set to accelerate over the next few years – the years your children will spend in education. At Mid Calder Primary School, Information and Communications Technology is embedded in learning and teaching throughout the curriculum. Teachers increasingly use the latest developments in educational ICT (e.g., Interactive Whiteboards, data projectors, computers, digital video, etc.) to deliver all aspects of the primary school curriculum. In addition, children are encouraged to use ICT in many different ways in the course of their studies, including Enterprise Education.
Religious Education and Observance It is compulsory by law for all schools to provide religious education. Mid Calder Primary is a non-denominational school and religious education/ observance is a feature of school life. The minister from Kirk of Calder is the school chaplain. He regularly attends school assemblies and welcomes the school to the Church for services at Easter and Summer. The school recognises that we live in a multicultural society and children learn about other religions and cultures. The school respects parents’ rights to withdraw children from religious education. Should any parent wish to do so, please inform the Head Teacher in writing.
Mid Calder Primary
Personal/Social and Health Education The aim of personal and social education is to support pupils and give them the opportunity to learn about and discuss issues relevant to their lives. Through the formal curriculum, personal and social skills are developed in many ways. A major element is health education, which covers issues such as road safety, personal safety, fitness, healthy eating, smoking, alcohol, drugs and sex education. Many other school activities contribute to your child’s personal and social development. A range of out of class activities is offered which may vary slightly from year to year, depending on staffing and other circumstances. These are: Football Orienteering Activity Days (Beecraigs) Theatre Visits Concerts After School Gardening Club Potted Sports Day Cycling Proficiency After School Basketball Club Cross Country Competitions Maths Challenge After School Athletics Club Snowblading After School Young Engineers’ Club
After School Netball Club Problem Solving in the Environment School Residentials (P4-P7) Brass Tuition Fund Raising Charity Appeals Book Shops Choir Competitions:Writing, Poetry, Art. After School Digital Camera Club Variety of Sports “Tasters” Gymnastics Health Week Activities Enterprise Activities After School Designers’ Club
Our aim is to foster good cultural, social, physical and moral values.
Assessment and Reporting Assessment and Reporting is covered in paragraph 4.24 of the general section. Results of any assessment are shared with parents at the twice-yearly parent/teacher consultations and help form the content of your child’s annual school report. Parents are encouraged to comment on the reports and to discuss them with the class teacher during later parents’ meetings.
Mid Calder Primary
Support for Learning Class teachers are continuously assessing the needs of their pupils. Some may be experiencing particular difficulties in reading, writing or spelling etc. Such difficulties may be temporary, due to absence, illness etc. or may be more long term. We have the services of a part time support for learning teacher who is able to give extra help to pupils who need it on a regular basis. See Section 4.25 of the General Section for further information. The support for learning teacher also works co-operatively in class with the class teachers, on a variety of curricular areas and with all of the children. Continuous records are maintained and parents are advised when it is decided that help is no longer required. Pupil support workers are also employed to assist class teachers deliver the best educational experiences for every child.
Homework Homework is seen as an important part of schoolwork and is given at all stages. It helps to reinforce the work done in school, allows you to discuss with your child what they are doing, helps children to manage their time and enables them to practise skills learned in the classroom. In the early years, homework might be reading, perhaps along with worksheets based on that reading. In the upper school, homework might consist of spelling, reading, learning tables, research or a written exercise in language or mathematics. The actual quantity is dependent on the class/stage. In our ongoing communications with parents, we are assured that you place great value on the importance of homework and are confident that you will support us by encouraging your child to complete tasks at home, punctually and well presented. Please note that it is not appropriate to expect class teachers to set homework for children who are taken out of school to go on holiday. It is not the policy of the authority to permit pupils to be absent for this purpose, during term time. (See paragraph 2.1 in the General Section on Attendance.)
Ethos We are very proud of our school and hope to make you feel welcome at all times by fostering a positive atmosphere of good relationships between staff, pupils and yourselves. We have high expectations of achievement and behaviour of our pupils, which we maintain by praising our pupils’ efforts and commitment to school and to one another. We hope that you will help us to further develop good partnerships with you and that you will feel confident to approach the school at any time. 14
Mid Calder Primary
Newsletters These are issued regularly and give news and information about school and West Lothian Council events. Please check schoolbags for newsletters and other correspondence.
Assemblies Weekly Assemblies take place for children. Classes may conduct special assemblies to which parents and friends will be invited to attend.
Pupil Voice We have a strong commitment to empowering our pupils to contribute to and have ownership of a number of initiatives that take place in school. We value the contributions that they make to school life and we regularly consult them in a variety of ways. These include: n n n n n n n n
The Pupil Council: each class is represented Playground games trainers Playground Helper/Friend Scheme Enterprise activities Talent show Charity fund raising Eco Committee Regular consultations with pupils.
Mid Calder Primary
Transfer from Primary to Secondary Schools West Lothian is divided into denominational (Roman Catholic) and nondenominational catchment areas. Each home address therefore has two catchment primary schools. Each secondary catchment area is made up of a number of associated primary school catchment areas. Mid Calder Primary School is associated with West Calder High School. Children attending Mid Calder Primary and living in the catchment area of the school would normally transfer to West Calder High. It is not always possible to guarantee places at a secondary school for children from an associated primary school. Where applications for admission to a secondary school exceed the limit, the “Placing in Schools Guidelines� will be applied. Further enquiries should be made to: Pupil Placement Section Education Services Lindsay House Bathgate EH48 1TS Tel: 01506 776002
Concerns/Complaints Procedure If you have concerns or complaints regarding the service you are receiving, these can be addressed by contacting the Head Teacher in the first instance. If you are dissatisfied with that response you should contact: Support Services Manager Education & Cultural Services Customer Care Lindsay House South Bridge Street Bathgate EH48 1TS Tel: 01506 776005 If, in exceptional circumstances, it is felt that the case has not been properly administered, you should contact: Local Authority Ombudsman 4 Melville Street Edinburgh EH3 7NX Tel: 0131 225 5300 The Complaints Policy and Procedures for Education & Cultural Services is available in booklet form on request or can be downloaded from the web at www.westlothian.gov.uk 16
Mid Calder Primary
The School Staff 2007/2008 Head Teacher:
Mr A Girdwood B Ed
Depute Head Teacher
Miss G Millar M Ed (Currently seconded to Acting Head Teacher at Blackridge Primary) Miss A Townley (Currently seconded to Acting Depute Head Teacher at Mid Calder Primary)
Principal Teacher
Miss J Cotter
Class Teachers
Mrs A M Clement Mrs J Redmond (maternity leave until June 08) Miss L Scales (maternity cover until June 08) Mrs V Beveridge Miss L Crompton Mrs S Smith Mrs S Wells Mrs M Hendry Ms C Macrae Mrs A M Tempany Mrs J Wood Mrs W Gordon Miss S Webster Mrs L Murray Miss L Dunsmore Mrs C McGonigal (Support for Learning Teacher) Mrs G Brown (Nursery Teacher) Mrs L Moir (Nursery Nurse) Mrs D White (Nursery Nurse)
Visiting Specialists:
Mrs N Mitchell (Physical Education) Mrs H Raeburn (Art & Design) Mr M Traynor (Brass Instructor)
Mrs M Bokhari Mrs J Ritchie
Pupil Support Assistants:
Mrs M Aikman Mrs A Cockburn Mrs L Findlay Mrs M Gnara Mrs L Combe
ICT Technician
Mr K Pledger
Dining Hall Supervisor:
Mrs M Tully
FM Team Leader
Mr B Winters
Mr M Hopper Mr C McFarlane Mr R Funston
Catering & Cleaning
These services are provided under contract by West Lothian Council Catering Services and West Lothian Council Cleaning Services.
Mid Calder Primary
West Lothian Council Key Contacts The information contained in this booklet is accurate at the time of writing but throughout the year changes can occur. General Enquiries Free School Meals School Transport Health & Safety Outdoor education policy Customer Services
01506 776000 01506 776001 01506 775291 / 90 01506 777314 01506 775397 01506 776393