Stenton Primary School Newsletter November 09
Global Citizenship
Environmental Awareness Group Pupil Council
Global Citizenship Group Junior Road Safety Officers At the beginning of this school year the pupils decided that it would be a good idea to have all the P47 children involved in the school groups. This way everyone would feel ownership and that they were contributing to something that they were interested in. The GLOBAL CITIZENSHIP group has been working on raising awareness of Fair Trade. They have invited in a Fair Trade speaker and are in the process of setting up a Fair Trade shop, which they are hoping to run every second Friday morning with help from parents. The ECOGROUP is working on getting our Green Flag here at Stenton primary. This requires the group to work with community members and other agencies to take forward issues such as recycling and use of local woodland. They are focusing on bio diversity using the Bughts, plus litter awareness and how we can save energy. The PUPIL COUNCIL have taken forward our charity work by planning and organising a very successful Shoe Box appeal for the Blythswood Charity. They are now organising our Children in Need day for Friday 20th November. The JRSO’s are taking forward our road safety. They have spoken at assembly about keeping safe in the dark nights and they are organising our Walk to School Week for next week (23rd – 27th November) along with competitions for the children reinforcing Road Safety. Dates for diaries November Wednesday 18th Whole school visit to Science Labs at Dunbar Grammar School for more hands on experience with Electricity. Leaving at 1.20pm and back for 3pm. Friday 20th Children in Need Letters outlining all the activities available were sent out by our pupil council. Monday 23rd P6&7 Scottish Cycle Training Scheme Assessment and Walk to School Week. Tuesday 24th Living & Growing preview for parents of P6&7 pupils at 3.30pm in the GP room. December Tuesday 1st December P1/3 trip to Lauriston Castle, 11am – 3.30pm. See letter for more details. Thursday 3rd Whole school visit to King’s Theatre to see Robinson Crusoe. Hopefully back for 5pm. All pupils to be collected from School please. Wednesday 9th School Christmas Lunch. Details to follow. Friday 11th Whole school Jammin’ Fitness details to follow but there will be a showcase for parents from 11.4512.15 in the village hall. Wednesday 16th Christmas Party in the afternoon in the hall. Details to follow. Tuesday 22nd Whole school Nativity in the afternoon at Stenton Church. Time is approximately 1.45 –2.45 pm. All welcome. Please come and join us to celebrate our Christmas Nativity together. Thank you once again for all your continued support and involvement. We are very lucky to have so much support from our parents and the community and the children benefit greatly from this. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all the staff and the children for their continued hard work and effort.
Hard though it is to believe that it is that time of year already, it only remains for us to wish you all A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!