ECC Prayer Line - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week - Call for prayer on: 020 8799 2199
Issue 55
April / May 2012
rapevine magazine
From Alpha to Baptism - the testimony of Aya Kimura of the ECC Japanese Fellowship page 5
The Return of Watoto page 30
ECC Football Club page 4
elcome to
n behalf of the family here at Ealing Christian Centre, we would like to take this opportunity to let you know that we are glad to have you worshipping with us today. We hope you feel at home in our fellowship, and that you will join with us in our services. May God bless you.
CONTENTS 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 31
A Word from the Senior Pastor ECC FC - The Story So Far... From Alpha to Baptism - Testimony of Aya Kimura Taming the Monster of Persecution - Akin Osuntoki Sisters 2 Sisters - Heather Trail Evangelism in the Community - Yvonne John A Time of Renewal - Sam Blake The Answer Prayer Centre Testimonies Two-month Prayer Diary Pull-out Sunday Services at a Glance / Prayer Ministry @ ECC Finance page / Elim's Fundamental Beliefs Classifieds / "It is Finished" - John Baker Fellowship & Congratulations General Notices / Forthcoming Events If Jesus really was God's Son... - Pastor John Starr How to Avoid Making Rash Vows - Roy McEwen Through the Waters of Baptism (double page feature) Watoto are Back! - Children's Ministry Youth Central
Would you like to contribute an item to the next edition of the GRAPEVINE magazine? Deadline for JUNE/JULY edition is FRIDAY 4th MAY 2012 If you would like an item to be considered for the next edition of the Grapevine magazine, please submit your piece - by email only, please - no later than Friday 4th May. Please email your article to the Administrator at, marked 'For Grapevine'. Articles for half a page should be no more than 250 words, and for a full page should be no more than 600 words. The Editor reserves the right to edit articles where necessary. Editor-in-Chief: Pastor Richard Buxton Editor & Design: Berean Services UK Photography: Roy McEwen, Jacob Dua Stock Images: FRONT COVER PICTURE Kevin Wai, photo by Roy McEwen Print: Deluxe Printers Ltd, London NW10 7NR, Tel: 020 8965 1771 Ealing Christian Centre, 268 Northfield Avenue, Ealing, London W5 4UB Tel: 020 8840 7508 Fax: 020 8840 1461 Email: Website: grapevine is published by Ealing Christian Centre. Reproduction in whole or part without written permission is prohibited. grapevine and the ECC logo are trademarks of Ealing Christian Centre in the United Kingdom where grapevine circulates. Copyright © Ealing Christian Centre 2012. All rights reserved.
GRAPEVINE • Issue 55 • April / May 2012
A word from the SENIOR PASTOR
omeone once asked Leonard Bernstein, the world-renowned conductor of the New York Philharmonic Orchestra, what the hardest instrument was to play. His immediate reply was, “The second fiddle. I can always get plenty of first violinists, but to find one who plays second violin with as much enthusiasm, now that’s a problem. And yet, if no one plays second, we have no harmony.” Melodies, without the fullness of the backing harmonies of others, may sound good but cannot be truly great. In the world, there are many who seek to be first and are prepared to achieve their aims by any means. Whilst many stay within the accepted rules of society, others would not hesitate to bend or even break them to achieve their desired goals. The principles of the Kingdom of Heaven, however, are frequently diametrically opposite to the accepted principles of the world. Not, “I’ll get, and then I will see what I can then give,” but “Give, and it will be given unto you” (Luke 6:38). Again, not, “I’ll get to the top by all means,” but “Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all. For the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many”(Mark 10:43-45). God calls some to lead and others to the equally important task of ‘providing the harmonies’ - in other words, the supporting roles - without which, effective leadership is impossible. We might call this the gift and ability ‘to play the second fiddle well.’ This is a truly great gift, and can only be achieved well by individuals of a truly noble character. The church needs many such people in all areas of service and ministry. Those who have the spiritual vision to see the bigger picture; who recognise it is not about ‘me and my ministry,’ but about the Kingdom of Heaven and ministry for Christ; who can realise, ‘my goal is to bring glory to Jesus, not draw attention to myself.’ The Bible has examples of truly gifted and anointed men who, although they were quite capable of leading, were neverthe-
less prepared to play the second fiddle. One such Old Testament example is Jonathan, son of King Saul. He was a natural leader with a charismatic personality that inspired men to follow him. A commander in the army, he fearlessly led his troops out to battle. On one occasion, recorded in 1 Samuel 14, followed by his armour-bearer, Jonathan led a single-handed attack on a Philistine army outpost. The panic he instilled into those Philistine soldiers quickly reverberated around the main army troops, enabling an unexpected Israelite victory. Apart from natural talent, he also had the favour of his father, King Saul, who very much wanted Jonathan to succeed him as king. And yet Jonathan was a deeply spiritual man, whose primary interest was not his own self-advancement, but rather what was most beneficial to God’s plans and purposes for the kingdom of Israel. Jonathan was aware of God’s favour upon his friend, David. Maybe he had heard how Samuel, following God’s instructions, had anointed David to one day be king of Israel. Whatever it was, Jonathan knew in his spirit (which was sensitive to God’s will) that David, not himself, was
Playing Second Fiddle Well God’s chosen successor to the kingship of Saul.
Providing the harmonies: Pastor William and the Elders of ECC with Pastors Richard and Rajinder
Believing this to be God’s will, Jonathan threw himself fully behind the fulfilment of that revelation from God. “You will be king over Israel, and I will be second to you,” he told David in 1 Samuel 23:16. He would play the second fiddle well! What a team they would have made had not Jonathan’s life been cut short in a disastrous battle, in which King Saul doomed the Israelites to defeat by his failure to recognise what his son could see. The consequent downward spiral led Saul finally to the ultimate spiritual folly - to consult a witch - because God was no longer listening to this rebellious man. We owe a great debt of gratitude to another man in the New Testament, who, because he had the greatness to know when to defer to the ministry of another whom God was raising up, helped give the church the ministry of the great apostle Paul. Joseph of Cyprus was given the nickname ‘Barnabas’ meaning ‘the Encourager’ (Acts 4:36), because he had this
the first missionary tour with Paul as his helper, but who quickly realised the anointing on Paul and handed the leadership over to him, as Acts chapter
God calls some to lead and others to the equally important task of 'providing the harmonies' ... without which, effective leadership is impossible
quality of promoting the interests of others before himself. He was the one who believed in, and introduced the recentlyconverted Saul of Tarsus, to a church highly sceptical of Saul’s claim to be converted (Acts 9:26-27). Barnabas was the one who, years later, remembered this man when he needed an assistant pastor to help him in the expanding church at Antioch, and fetched him from Tarsus (Acts 11:25). Barnabas was the man who led
13 shows us. Barnabas had no hesitation is allowing this change of position, and continued on that tour in the role of second fiddle. Good leaders know also how to be good team players, and will defer to the ability of others in their areas of ministry, without feeling their own position is threatened. Whilst it will not be true of all, there are times when God may deliberately watch to see how well a person performs in the role of second fiddle, before
promoting them to first position. Joshua was a faithful servant to Moses for many years first; Joseph, a trustworthy slave and a prisoner first; Elisha ‘poured water on Elijah’s hands’ as his servant for many years. When they showed they played the second fiddle with utter integrity, God moved them into positions of authority.
those words, “Well done, my good servant; because you were faithful in a very little, have authority over ten cities” (Luke 19:17). As followers of Christ, we all have to know how to play the second fiddle well, because whoever we are, or whatever we do in the church, Christ is the First and preeminent One.
I suspect that in the age to Richard Buxton come, where “many who are first will be last, and many who are last will be first” (Matthew 19:30), many who today are faithfully fulfilling that supportive ministry as second fiddle, because they are motivated by a Kingdom mentality and not personal ambition, will find themselves given great Aaron and Hur, supporting responsibility Moses' arms after hearing April / May 2012 • Issue 55 • GRAPEVINE
ECC FC The story so far... E
aling Christian Centre Football Club was started over seven years ago, with the aim of enabling men of ECC to fellowship more with one another outside of church, and to use football as a vehicle to reach out to our unsaved friends and family.
The membership of the Team has evolved and has been varied over the years. We currently have over 20 registered players of the football
Jesus Christ. Football is a subject which most men can relate to, and cuts across any age or cultural differences. It has become a useful way for us to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ. Through the football team, many brothers have been enriched, encouraged and strengthened, and some have come to know the love of Jesus Christ through becoming part of ECC FC. As the football team caters for all ages, one of the key benefits to the members is the opportunity for mentoring and coaching - formally or informally. The membership is quite diverse, with people being at different stages in life, thus there’s always the chance to learn from one another.
team, most of whom are Christians who either attend ECC or neighbouring local churches. We also have some unsaved friends who are part of the Team, and we are continually working with them and seeking God for their salvation. The Team plays in a competitive league called Ealing Churches Football League (consisting of six churches in the Borough of Ealing), and ECC FC are currently leading the league standings this season, hoping to win our maiden league trophy. We have, however, won the annual ECFL Cup competition - played in the spring of every season - on three occasions. This has been such a joy and a privilege. More important than winning trophies, though, is winning souls for Christ, as well as discipling each other as we all follow
GRAPEVINE • Issue 55 • April / May 2012
One of our fundamental principles is that we pray together in our dressing room as a team before all our games, praying for each other’s needs and for God to enable us to be salt and light in this world (and in the game). We then pray together with opposing teams and with the referee before and after all our matches for the vision of the League to be achieved. ECC FC would like to thank the whole church for all the support
and for y o u r prayers for this ministry, as God h a s really watched over us through it all. We’d also like to thank our sponsors - Ealing Christian Centre and - for standing with us in this ministry. May the good Lord richly bless and watch over you all.
More important than winning trophies, though, is winning souls for Christ The vision of the Team for the future is to continue winning more souls for Christ, supporting and strengthening each other, and to become more like Christ in all we think, say and do. We’ll keep persevering, fighting the good fight of faith, and we pray that God grants us the grace to see many more come to know Christ and be encouraged through playing for ECC FC.
By ECC Football Club
If you would like more information about ECC FC, please contact Emmanuel Aidoo at or Rodney Pindai at
TOP RIGHT: Aya (left) being interviewed by Pastor Rajinder with Chisato (centre) interpreting; BOTTOM RIGHT: Aya being baptised by Pastor Aogu
Chisato Tateyama writes, 'In the evening, on Sunday 22nd January 2012, we were delighted to celebrate the baptism of two of the Christians in the ECC Japanese Fellowship. I would like to introduce one of those ladies to you, Aya Kimura, who I, for the first time, met at ECC’s ‘Little Stars’ (Baby and Toddler group) in September 2010, and to share a little more of how she started coming to our fellowship, and how she got to know Jesus as her Helper, Comforter and Saviour. Translated, her testimony is below.'
ECC Japanese Fellowship with Aya (front, centre)
From Testimony of Aya Kimura translated by Chisato Tateyama
“C me...
oming to know God was such an unexpected experience for
When I was small, I was fortunate to have everything I needed, and as I grew up, I felt I could do anything I wanted in my own strength. After finishing university I got a job, then some years later, I got married and had three beautiful children. At that time, I thought my life couldn’t be any better than it had been. But in 1995 my city, Kobe, was hit by a huge earthquake, and two of my husband’s sisters died in the tragedy. Why did they have to die? It’s already been 17 years since it happened, but I still feel the same way. And their deaths immediately changed me, because I felt guilty on their behalf for enjoying life or
Alpha to Baptism
having fun, and as a result, I started to struggle with issues of self-hatred. No matter how hard I tried not to think about them, I couldn’t escape the self-hatred I faced, and one day, I simply cried out within myself, “God, please help!” I didn’t even know why I said it. It was in 2010 that we moved to London. Being away from
Now that I know Jesus, I am able to look on the positive side my home country helped me to feel as if I was making a fresh start, and in September 2010, I started coming to ECC ‘Little Stars’. Initially, I just came for my young daughter’s benefit, but gradually ECC became a place where I felt so comfortable and able to relax. I met Aogu, Chisato, Tsuyoshi and Dan, who were all so kind; I admired
the way they simply enjoyed their lives, and somehow I sensed they lived in the way humans are meant to live. I spoke with them every week, and although it was more a case of being impressed by their way of living as Christians, as opposed to being interested in God, I decided to join the Japanese Alpha Course*, even though I didn’t think I could ever be like them. Some of the Alpha Course was difficult for me, and it was hard to understand everything, but I kept asking myself the same question: Why had I called out to God in my time of deepest desperation? So, when the Alpha Course finished, I joined the Japanese Ladies’ Cell group to continue studying the Bible. One year has passed since I joined the Cell group. I still have many struggles, but what has changed now is that I can overcome in everything by having peace in my mind. I now realise that God has
been with me all along, and has guided me. And now that I know Jesus, I am able to look on the positive side of everything - even those things I struggled so terribly with in the past. Everything is in God’s plan, and He Himself has given me my life and sustains me. In this way, I have come to know God even though I never expected anything like this to be possible. I have given my life to Him, and although it is hard for me as the only Christian in my family, I will continue to walk with Him and learn more along the way, so that I can ‘be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances’ (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18).
(*Alpha Course: an introduction to the basics of the Christian faith)
For more pictures from the recent Baptismal Service, see pages 28 & 29
April / May 2012 • Issue 55 • GRAPEVINE
recently received an email of a shocking video being circulated by concerned Nigerian Christians. It captured the stark reality of the atrocities perpetrated daily by Boko Haram, an Islamic sect in Nigeria, and it depicts the harsh reality of persecution faced by many around the world on account of their avowed and unshaken faith in Jesus Christ.
As Christian men, it is our responsibility to be watchmen over this nation, and to stand up for the Word of God. faith daily. Statistics say that some 180,000 Christians are killed annually for their faith in Christ. There are many stories coming out of northern Nigeria of Christians being given the option to denounce Christ and accept Allah in order to be spared death, or refuse to and be killed! Many who refuse are promptly beheaded, with their heads
The six-minute video showed a clip of about half a dozen balaclava-clad Boko Haram activists holding guns and knives and surrounding a Christian captive, with bound feet and hands. For most of the video, they were reading from the Quran and reciting Islamic verses to intermittent shouts of “Al Akbar!” At the end, the terrified Christian captive (who looked to be in his late 20s or early 30s) was forced to the ground, slaughtered like a goat and beheaded - in full view of the camera - to more boisterous shouts of “Al Akbar!” and a victorious display of the decapitated head for the camera. This, of course, was not a oneoff act - just o n e
captured on camera. In northern Nigeria and several other parts of the world, Christians are persecuted and killed for their
GRAPEVINE • Issue 55 • April / May 2012
paraded round town as a warning to others of the end awaiting those who stick to their
Christian faith. “However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me: the task of testifying to the Gospel of God's grace” (Acts 20:24). This video so shocked me and caused me to re-evaluate my faith. It was with some shame and embarrassment that I came to the conclusion that, if faced with the option to choose Christ and die, or denounce Him and live, I could not confidently say that I would choose the former. But thank God I live in the UK and not in northern Nigeria! Why have I raised this matter on this (Men's Discipleship) page? Many will agree that Christianity is currently being persecuted in the UK and barraged by a twin force of ‘foreign’ religions (including Islam) and growing multiculturalism and secularism. Recently, a Court ruled that it is discriminative, and hence illegal, to adherents of other faiths and to atheists, when local councils open business sessions with Christian prayer. (And to think that this is a Christian nation!) Thank God this has now been overturned, and a tradition of many hundreds of years reinstated. We are also currently being faced with a commitment from the UK Government (supported by the Opposition) to redefine the definition of ‘marriage’ from being the legal union of one man and one woman to incorporate same-sex relationships. In
pursuing this, the Government is striving to change God’s will and purpose: “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh” (Genesis 2:24). Quite ignorantly, many Christians subscribe to the view that it is OK on the basis that the Government has promised not to enforce this on the Church! How long, though, before this commitment changes? How long before some gay people sue the Church for discrimination and hate crime, on the basis that they will have been denied a church wedding? The prophet Micah declared: “But as for me, I am filled with power by the Spirit of the Lord, with justice and courage to proclaim to Jacob his rebellion and to Israel his sin” (Micah 3:8). As Christian men, it is our responsibility to be watchmen over this nation, and to stand up for the Word of God. It is, of course, possible that we will be persecuted for doing so, perhaps in being labelled as xenophobic and homophobic. One thing is sure, though: we are unlikely to be slaughtered like the saints in northern Nigeria. The Bible warns in Matthew 13:25: “But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way.” We cannot and must not remain passive in allowing the current trend to develop into such a monster that it becomes untameable. He, who has ears, let him hear.
Akin Osuntoki
Group Mentoring and Coaching sessions for all women aged 22 years and over
Sisters 2 Sisters
he first session of the Sisters 2 Sisters group mentoring sessions took place on Thursday 1st March 2012. We had a great turn out of nearly 40 women of all ages.
The evening opened with refreshments and fellowship, where the women were able to meet each other and make new friends. The purpose of the group mentoring and coaching sessions is for women of all ages to come together to share our experiences, so we can learn from each other. This is a godly principle, taken from Titus 2:3-5. The first session topic was ‘What does your appearance say about you?’ (based on 1 Timothy 2:9 and Psalm 139:14). This was a very interesting and thought-provoking session, led by guest panellists: Juliet Anane-Forkuo, Jessica Smith and Jackie Raymond. The evening was convened by Cluny Litsimbi.
There was a panel presentation and lively debate, with questions from the group. The talk centred on modesty and dress, and how our appearance should reflect Christ. The evening was an opportunity for women of all ages to fellowship, talk and share about their experiences, in order to realise where they are, and to make godly choices. Sisters 2 Sisters is a quarterly group session, with various topics ranging from: •Careers – making the right choices for you •Friendships – influences •Life Challenges – such as how to handle stress, frustration, loneliness •Women’s Health Issues •Lifestyle •Health and Fitness •Relationships – choosing a godly life partner, the do’s and don’ts in relationship, and how to handle conflict.
These are just a few of the sessions we have planned, m fro e feedback tiv si po and there are many more in ry ve of the ed some e have receiv w just a few lo be the pipeline. e Se . tended those who at l. In addition to the Sisters comments: e and insightfu t was enjoyabl en re ev he w s , er 2 Sisters sessions, Sister en st Si om 2 gst the w “The Sisters cs osphere amon pi m to t at Juliet is also running ly ou nd ab ie ts fr our though There was a I can’t up and share d en smaller monthly coaching an op t, to en le ev ab d. Great we were take for grante sessions. Please contact es im et m so e that w rin as her for more details. N ” has wait for Part 2! like this. God ng hi et m so praying for a Our next Sisters 2 Sisters “I have been h prayer.” - Nas lpful he session takes place on ry answered my ve a t, en a great ev as w t en en op ev Thursday 5th July, and ly s al er Sist could be re “The Sisters 2 lt that people fe I the session topic will be n. io ss se - Cara and practical t feel judged.” no d 'Dating/Courting: What an gs in el wed us with their fe d it really allo are the rules, and what an , st ne ho r d on a regula as open an e w lik it t ts gh en should we be looking ev ou e th “I ed mor e. I feel we ne for?' all to contribut i e lik so al basis.” – Bunm ld ou .Iw ent was superb for We look forward to tion of this ev imary leader Pr e th , ie “The organisa m Ka ll to n Ce seeing you then! p tio hi ia prec e Disciples to show my ap oups, and to th d gr se ll ni Ce ga ’s or en ne - who the Young Wom ade and Lorrai yed Heather Trail y, Heather, Sh un k, and was enjo Cl or s kw er oc ad cl le e lik t en the w g Young Women’s Cell It in l. el en w ht so lig it en d and planne well too, in y el e em or tr m Group Leader ex e d nel di encourag by all. The pa sed. I would ! us ne sc do di l el c pi W . to cted ladies on the ts and be impa e to such even women to com r - Pastor Rajinde
April / May 2012 • Issue 55 • GRAPEVINE
During the Christmas season last year, YVONNE JOHN and a group of people from ECC went into the community to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ
he outreach has been such a blessing. I thank God for the vision He has given me, that is to reach out to the community by visiting nursing homes, residential homes and hospitals. Our Team visits homes during the Christmas and Easter periods, when we sing Christmas carols, hymns, worship songs, and give the Christmas and Easter messages, as well as the call to salvation. We also have the opportunity to pray and speak/listen to the residents. The blessing is seeing staff and residents engage in the songs; listening intently to the Gospel message and, most of all, people responding to the call of salvation. At one home we visited, the staff manager told us we needed to be aware that the residents were frail. In the middle of the carols, one gentleman got up and began singing and dancing and praising the Name of Jesus (picture bottom left)! We also visited a special needs home. It was wonderful to see, as those in their wheelchairs rocked and clapped, and those who could walk, get up and dance, singing and clapping and calling out Jesus as they listened to the message of the Gospel. In every home that we have visited, people have been touched. God’s presence has truly gone with us.
in the community W
thank God for the outreach at Christmas. e had a fantastic time in the Ealing care homes last Christmas. I learned so much from Yvonne's gentle We spent much time in prayer and I noticed that residents, persuasion and obedience to 'Go tell families and staff were really open and receptive to the Word everyone the news that the Kingdom of and carols. They were happy to see us, as not all residents receive The God has come'. We witnessed a miraclevisitors. I shared my testimony of how I became a Christian with Team working God! The first miracle was the a Catholic elderly lady, and she confessed Christ as her Saviour. ministered to commitment from ECC; the next was Earlier, I had spoken to her daughter, who was so happy that we residents at the the resulting melodious choir (pictures had come to visit, as the residents don’t have much activity on following Ealing care top left); the third was the open door Sundays and she encouraged us to come back. homes: in 10 nursing homes; the fourth •St David's House was the receptivity of the residents At Blakesley House nursing home, the residents were very happy •Haymill Close and staff; the fifth was the unity and to have us, and participated in the worship - especially an elderly •Mayo Court love in the team; the sixth was the man aged 92, who was encouraging us, singing and interacting •Ealing Manor House big beaming smiles on the residents’ with us. We had a good time of ministry and speaking to the •Blakesley House faces after they said the Sinner’s residents. I noticed the House Manager praying the corporate •Georgian Prayer, and the seventh miracle was salvation prayer. And I prayed the salvation prayer with two elderly House the invitation to come back again! I look men. While we were praying for a deaf elderly lady, we started singing forward to many more miracles, signs and “Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty”, the residents joined in with us; it was wonders, in Jesus’ Name! such a beautiful and special moment.
GRAPEVINE • Issue 55 • April / May 2012
A Time of
RENEWAL The RENEWAL CONFERENCE was held from 25th to 28th January 2012. Below, we can read about some of the experiences of those who attended.
What is it?
he vision of the Kingdom Worship Movement (KWM) can be best described as a movement of people who are Kingdom-minded in the pursuit of God’s will in their lives, towns, cities and nations. The Renewal Conference sets about to seek and encourage the worshipper to bring about the Kingdom of God in every sphere governing their lives.
Who is it for?
t is an event, not just for pastors or musicians, but for the entire body of Christ; a gathering which seeks to stir the heavens with corporate worship, as we unite as one voice and one body. Because you were made to worship, it’s for you!
he Renewal Conference is hosted annually by Noel Robinson, who himself has been an influential worship leader over the past 20 years. With a passion to unite, teach and equip, the four-day event catered for all ages, with two nights of celebration concerts followed by two days of teaching seminars and worship celebrations. Working together as one body, the sessions and events were led by various teachers, worship leaders and Christian artists, joining
together from all denominations to equip and build up the
local church and people. Each evening culminated in a collective worship session, led by such as Israel Houghton (above), Lara Martin, Tim Hughes, Graham Kendrick, Joseph Perry, Ben Cantelon and, of course, our very own Elim Sound, of which our Music Director - Sam Blake - is a part (pictured below left). A number of worship team members from ECC attended
with and praising God. The sound and atmosphere were incredible, nothing short of a host of harmonies lifted up to God. With a worship line-up of many well-known and talented artists who live for God, it was sure to be an impressive event. The different worship leaders worked well together, as they sang and seamlessly transitioned between one another. Directing all attention to Jesus, He was without a doubt the Centre of attention, and the most impressive Person present. Many collectively described a significant point in the evening when a shift occurred in the spiritual realm. At this point, it was great to see how
God’s presence directed the remaining programme. God, in His imminent power, took over and many in the congregation and leaders on stage had to be still or simply retire from their duties, in order to receive the presence of God. It was by no means just a concert; it was an appointed time of receiving and giving of the Holy Spirit! Personally Investing in the ministry God has given me is very important, and for me, being a part of KWM both stretched and encouraged me to aim high in the things of God.
Cecilia Lubbock
What others had to say... •KWM was a great place to be! The presence of God was so uplifting, and I received a new fresh touch from the Almighty God. Worship music from all over the world brought a great sense of God’s wonderful character...It was awesome! (Grace Nartey) •I was built up by an artist who talked about songwriting and the source of their inspiration. I now feel encouraged to be creative, to make a difference, to take risks, and to challenge myself. I am no longer the same! (Agnieszka Pytlik) •KWM was a real time of refreshing. (Chris Williams) •I’ve not heard Israel Houghton live before; he’s an amazing musician and worship leader. (Rachel Blake)
this Conference and the twoday seminars, to further their personal development and knowledge. They described these sessions as inspiring and equipping in knowledge of prayer, power and the Holy Spirit. For me, I personally attended one of the worship celebration concerts and felt an awesome presence of God. The place was filled with worshippers engaging
•So often we give out as a worship team, it was good to go and be ministered to. (Heather Trail) •In the session ‘Worship, a tool of intercession’ with Madeleine Kerzner, she talked about her lifestyle change since becoming a Christian, and I especially liked her idea of prayer walking with your mobile phone to your ear - it works! (Tracey Hoyte) •I felt very much privileged to see live singers and learn new ways to love and adore my Lord Jesus Christ, who made a way concerning everything in my future. (Cristiane Ferreira) •It was an honour and privilege to be a part of the event! To see people engage with God through ‘To Behold You’ – a song that I had written with Elim Sound – was a dream come true. (Ian Yates, Elim Sound) April / May 2012 • Issue 55 • GRAPEVINE
Testimonies from the Prayer & Healing meetings
od is our Source of life. He is our Saviour, Healer, Deliverer and Provider. Below are some powerful testimonies of those who have been saved from their sins, healed of physical problems, and testimonies of God’s great provision. Jeremiah 32:27 says, “I am the Lord, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for Me?” Jesus Christ saves and totally transforms lives, and that is done through the power of God’s Holy Spirit. If you do not know Jesus Christ as the Lord and Saviour of your life, it is your opportunity to give your life to Jesus - even today. If you are sick or have any need, cry out to Him for your healing, for He will answer your prayers too. You are welcome to join us on the second Sunday evening of every month for personal ministry for any situations or difficulties you are facing. Also, please call our 24/7 Prayer Centre on 020 8799 2199, and an intercessor will pray with you over the telephone line.
Pastor RAJINDER BUXTON Ehima Whole family saved, healed of blood pressure and heart problems
efore I became a Christian, my family had been into idol worship. I am from Nigeria. Even when we could not afford food to eat, my mum still bought items for sacrifice to the idols. She did this to buy protection for us from the idols. During all this time, my family was going through various difficulties. My mum’s business went down the drain. Whatever she laid her hands on did not work; she was denied visas countless times. Everything was going from bad to worse; my mum was sick and so was my sister. The whole family was crashing. Then one day a friend introduced me to Jesus. I gave my life to Christ because I could no longer help myself. And ever since then, my life and family have changed for good. I was able to win my brothers, sisters and mum to Christ. Today, my mum is attending a Bible College in Canada. A new chapter of grace, peace, prosperity, opportunities and breakthroughs came into our lives. My mum was healed from high blood pressure and diabetes. My sister, too, was healed from a heart problem. Jesus cares for you too. If He has changed my life and my family’s, He can also change yours.
GRAPEVINE • Issue 55 • April / May 2012
Adam A transformed life and miraculous deliverance from cigarettes
am from a Polish background and came to the UK a few years ago. My family are all Catholics. I used to attend a Catholic church, but found the services very boring and got very little out of them. I could not find the true God whilst at the Catholic church. A friend of mine, who was once a mafia member and a drug dealer, got saved wonderfully. His life was totally transformed and he witnessed to me a lot about Jesus. I could not believe how a drug dealer could have his life so transformed. He would ring me from abroad and encourage me to receive Jesus into my life. Eventually one day I did give my life to the Lord over the phone, as he led me through the sinner’s prayer. I was enjoying my Christian life but then I backslid and started a relationship with an unsaved Polish woman. My life immediately went downhill and with my money all gone, she left me and went back to Poland. I was a broken man, who had turned his back on God. I started to smoke 35 to 40 cigarettes a day. I took alcohol and now I was left with no money, a desperate man. I got down on my knees one day and pleaded and cried out to God for His forgiveness, and repented of all my sins, re-dedicating my life to Jesus. My life started to change a lot as I began attending Ealing Christian Centre. I live in Tottenham and it takes me 26 stops each Sunday to get to ECC. I was hooked on cigarettes, and one day as I travelled home I cried to the Lord to help me to stop smoking because I had tried very hard and nothing seemed to work. The Holy Spirit spoke to me asking me to give up cigarettes there and then, which I did. I tore up the packet of cigarettes and threw them away. The amazing thing was I was instantly delivered of smoking. I went home and could not stand the smell of smoke and had to freshen the home to get rid of the lingering smoke. I hated the smell of smoke. Also, I did not have any withdrawal symptoms. God has blessed me with the best job in the company that I work for. My pay was increased by 20% and I am a regular tither. He has blessed me financially. I would like others to come to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour, and to know transformed lives, as He has changed me.
Rammi Saved and healed of sciatica problems, persistent headaches and cramps
y life was in a rut. I went out to clubs, wine bars and restaurants, and did the same things over and over again. Nothing ever changed for me. It came to a point where l was completely bored and saw no point in what I did.
I had a mortgage, but no life! I couldn't see why l was working so hard and for whom? I'm single and have no children. I was just living to pay off my mortgage. I kept bumping into my cousin, who led me to Jesus Christ. I was saved on 26th June 2011, baptised in water on 4th July 2011, and was speaking in tongues around 5th August 2011. I had previously suffered from headaches for a while, taking all forms of painkillers. I laid hands on my head and kept rebuking the pain for three nights as l lay in my bed, refusing to take any painkillers and l was not going to give up! On the fifth night I realised that the pain had gone. And it has never returned. A few months later, I suffered with a sciatica problem - a trapped nerve - and l had to attend the gym on a regular basis to ease the pain as the doctor had advised. I laid hands on my back on the left side, and prayed and commanded it to be healed in the Name of Jesus. I had forgotten about it and remembered a few months later as the pain had not returned. I suffered with cramps and was finding driving difficult, as l would have to pull over and get out of the car. Doctors were unable to help me. I laid hands on both my feet and prayed for my healing. With God's grace, I am now healed. I also had a muscle pain on the left side of my stomach, as l was unable to lift my left leg without feeling pain. Again, doctors were unable to diagnose this but Jesus has healed me. Day by day l am getting stronger and stronger in the Lord, and I am trusting in Him more and more. 1 Peter 5:7 says, “Cast all your cares upon Him, for He cares for you.” I now know my purpose in life, and the Lord will never leave nor forsake me.
Albert God gave me a job
astor Richard prayed a few weeks ago for those seeking a job, or success in business. I got a phone call first thing the following day from a major multinational company that were very keen to see me. I had an interview a few days later. I was offered a job one day after the interview. I would like to thank the Lord for what He has done for me. Trust in the Lord and your prayers will be answered.
Mirriam Great financial answer to prayer
ntil 2005, I have never had to pay for my education from my own resources, however, when I was prompted to do a doctorate in Business Studies on a part-time basis, I knew I had to pay the school fees myself, and therefore I needed to trust God for provision. The initial fees were £7,500 and later increased to £9,000 per year. The university I was attending is based in Guildford, which meant I had to drive there quite often for the taught lessons as well as to review the academic journals. In 2008, two of my cars were involved in accidents and were written off in a space of six months, which left me a bit traumatised. I therefore requested to have a gap year. Little did I know that the request had not been formalised by the Registrar and, as a result, I was presented with a bill of £13,000 payable within seven days. If it was not paid, I would be de-listed from the university. This happened in the third year of my studies, just as I was finalising my field work. I wrote back to the university, requesting reconsideration in view of my request for a gap year, and I did not receive any response until one year later. Whilst waiting for a response, I carried on studying, believing God that the response would be favourable. The fact that it took them a long time to make a decision meant that I went into my fourth year, and subsequently an additional £9,000 was due to be added to my bill to bring the total amount payable to £22,000. Just before I was externally examined, I requested for the composition fee due, as I knew that my award would be withheld if I did not pay up. To my total surprise, I was presented with a bill of only £2,160, so not only were my gap year fees written off, but the fourth year composition fee was also written off (£20,000)!
Healed of backache
other testimonies
So l thought I'd put my mind on work, so that at least l could concentrate on the positive and remain focused. So l concentrated on work, and solely on work. I worked when overtime was required, and l recall working for 21 days without a day off as l was becoming a workaholic, working on weekends, bank holidays, etc.
“I came to church with a back ache which I had had for three weeks. As the Ministry Team prayed for me, I was completely healed in Jesus’ Name. Thank you, Jesus, for healing me.”
command for all pain to go, I suddenly felt no more pain on my right knee. However, I also had a pain on my neck which was still there, but after I received ministry prayers, the pain on my neck also vanished immediately.”
Neck healed
Right knee healed “I had a pain in my right knee which I had been suffering from for over a few months. However, while Pastor gave a
“I had been suffering from excruciating pain in my neck for four weeks. But today as I received ministry, my neck has been healed.”
April / May 2012 • Issue 55 • GRAPEVINE
The Prayer Centre operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week, as compassionate prayer partners are waiting to take your prayer requests and to pray for your individual needs over the telephone. Here are some of the amazing answers to prayer, as individuals ring back to share their answers with us.
PRAYER centre
020 8799 2199
A very small selection of the many answers to prayers received in the Prayer Centre Favour
A sister was due to go to Revelation TV but was hindered from leaving home early. She rang for prayers that God would give her favour with the traffic so she would not be late. God granted her request and there was no traffic problem. She arrived on time. She also prayed that God would bring the four guests she needed for the Revelation TV interview. She rang back to say they had all turned up, even a Muslim cleric, and the programme went very well. We give God thanks again for answering her prayers.
Mercy for twins
A gentleman called the Prayer Centre for her friend, who is pregnant carrying twins, which the doctors thought were going to be stillborn. By God’s great mercy, the twins are healthy and well in the womb, and have a few months until they are due to be born. Glory to our God.
Double job offer
After receiving prayer at a Sunday morning service in January, a brother has been blessed with not one but two job offers. Praise God for answered prayer.
GRAPEVINE • Issue 55 • April / May 2012
Successful operation
A lady’s brother was going into hospital for a triple bypass operation, and she rang the Prayer Centre asking for prayers. She later rang back to say that the operation was successful. He was operated on a Tuesday and was well enough to go home on the Saturday - much to the surprise of the surgeons.
University offer
A sister came to the prayer meeting on Tuesday and was prayed for concerning a place at Buckingham University. She has been accepted by the university to study. Praise God!
Speedy recovery
A sister called to give glory to God for an extremely quick recovery after an eye operation. Thank You, Jesus.
Accommodation found
A sister called the Prayer Centre in December on behalf of friends who were due to be made homeless. After prayer, she reports that a flat in Northfields has been found, and they can afford the rent. Praise God for provision.
Fear of flying
A brother called the night before he was due to fly to Malaysia as he was afraid of flying. When he got on the plane, he was seated next to a Christian man who was talking about Jesus all the way, which was so encouraging. He gave him 100 dollars; all his fears were gone and the journey was a successful one. Praise God.
Probation passed
A lady wants to give thanks to God for passing her job probation period.
Amazing testimonies abound at the Prayer Centre, and you can make a difference to someone's life. Are you willing to be used by God in this area? Please contact Rudy or Tom, our Prayer Coordinators, on 020 8799 2199.
Cyst gone
A lady praises the Lord because the cyst on her kidney has gone. Thank the Lord.
A lady called for prayer about funding to pay for her master’s studies. She had a meeting and was promised part of the money for her studies. She was very happy and saw it as a real answer to prayer.
Negative thoughts gone
A sister called the Prayer Centre because she was having a terrible headache and her mind was full of negative thoughts. After prayers and encouragement, she testified that the headache had gone – along with the negative thoughts.
MAY 2012
aving written in the first three chapters about all the spiritual blessings in Christ for the believer, in the last three chapters Paul writes very specifically about the practical outworking in our lives of what it means to be ‘in Christ’. We are to live a life that is worthy of the calling we have received, putting off the old nature and putting on the new nature, which pursues practical righteousness and holiness. God has placed in the Church those ministries which are for helping every believer to fulfil his or her lifetime role as a minister for Christ. Thus apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers are given to prepare God’s people for works of service, and to help them reach a unity in the faith, becoming spiritually mature. This maturity will be practically outworked by allowing only wholesome talk to come out of our mouths, and actions that demonstrate we are seeking to imitate God, by imitating the life of love as demonstrated by Christ, so that we do not grieve the Holy Spirit. This will affect our attitudes and actions towards fellow believers and how we live amongst unbelievers. So there should not be even a hint of sexual immorality, impurity, coarse joking, or drunkenness, which are out of place for the child of God. Instead, there will be the fruit of righteousness. Children of God live in mutual submission to one another, that is, not being self-centred but always putting the interests of others before their own. Within the Christian family, husbands therefore will love their wives with a sacrificial love that mirrors Christ’s love for his Church, and wives will respect their husbands as the Church respects Christ. Although husbands and wives have different roles within the family, as each puts the interests of the other first, there is put into effect a total equality. Similarly, children are to live in submission to their parents, who are to treat their children fairly as they raise them in the loving instruction of the Lord. The Christian work ethic is that Christian employees must aim for a standard of excellence in all they do, performing all their work as if they were doing it for the Lord himself, knowing that he will reward such faithfulness. Christian employers must likewise treat employees fairly and well, knowing the Lord watches employee and employer alike - without favouritism. Finally, we need to have our eyes open to the fact that we are in a spiritual battle, fighting against unseen forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Thus, we need to walk closely with God, putting on all available spiritual armour and ensuring we are people of prayer. In all these ways, we will then be able to overcome in all situations.
1st – Ephesians 4:1-2 A life worthy of our calling 1. Lord Jesus, make us firm in our resolve to make following you our first priority always, we pray. 2. Enable us to maintain a righteous and godly standard in everything we say and do, in all that we are involved in, both inside and outside of the church, we pray. 3. Holy Spirit, make us more like Jesus day by day, and help us to co-operate with you in that process of changing us, we pray. 4. Give us the grace to learn the power that comes through humility, and to learn to turn the other cheek whenever it is right to do so, we pray. 5. Use each of us in our own unique ways, O Lord, to lead others to Christ, attracting them by the power of the life of Christ they see in us.
2nd – Ephesians 4:3-6 Unity 1. Holy Spirit, help us to be peacemakers and not ones who cause dissension, preferring to be wronged rather than stand on our ‘rights.’ 2. If there are any believers we are out of
fellowship with, give us the grace, O Lord, to seek reconciliation. 3. Holy Spirit, forge us together in the church with an unbreakable unity, we pray. 4. May the power of our unity enable a mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit in our midst in revival power, O God. 5. As we stand together in the unity of the Spirit, O Lord, may no weapon of the enemy fashioned against us be able to prevail in any measure at all.
3rd – Ephesians 4:7-10 Using our gifts and talents 1. May we not be people who bury our talents, O Lord, but who use whatever ability you have given us. 2. May we not waste our talents in worldly ways that bring no eternal benefit, O Lord, but use them in ways that will impact for time and eternity. 3. Give us the wisdom and discernment to know what our gifts and talents are, and what they are not, so that we operate at maximum effectiveness, we pray. 4. Teach us how to work together in using our gifts and talents, O Lord, so that the effectiveness of your church is maximised. 5. Whether our gifts are practical or
Bible Readings and Prayer Points for Individual and Church Spiritual Growth
LIVING AS CHILDREN OF GOD (2) Ephesians Chapters 4-6
charismatic, we now offer them up to you; anoint us to use them mightily for you, O God.
4th – Ephesians 4:11 The five-fold ministry 1. Raise up mighty apostles in your church, O Lord, who can pioneer new works with great signs and wonders. 2. Raise up mighty prophets in your church, O Lord, who can speak prophetically to nations and cause change, we pray. 3. Raise up evangelists in your church, O Lord, with a mighty anointing to lead many people to salvation in Christ. 4. Raise up pastors, O God, who can be loving shepherds to your people, serving for your sake and not for their own. 5. Raise up teachers, O Lord, who can bring the revelation of your Word in a clear and practical way, convicting the unsaved and inspiring your people to greater works.
5th – Ephesians 4:12-13 Equipping the saints 1. Give us teachable spirits, O Lord, always willing to learn more of you, so that we can be equipped to serve you better. April / May 2012 • Issue 55 • GRAPEVINE
MAY 2012 2. Help us to recognise what spiritual gifts and talents you have endowed us with, O Lord, and the grace to grow and develop in them. 3. Teach us how to wait on you, O God, and in so doing, to grow and develop those gifts and talents you have equipped us with, to excel in them for you. 4. Help us to have an honest understanding of what we are not good at, O Lord, and so encourage others who can do those things better than we can. 5. Give us eyes to see the church as you see it, O Lord, as a body of which we are but one part, but who work closely with all other parts of the body of Christ, in unity.
6th – Ephesians 4:14-15 Becoming spiritually mature 1. Give us the grace to grow up in our spiritual lives, O Lord, and not to remain as spiritual infants. 2. Holy Spirit, give us a deeper insight into the Word of God, by which we can grow in faith. 3. Draw us closer to yourself, O God, so that we may leave worldly ideas and attitudes behind. 4. Help us to get to the place where we can say with the apostle Paul: ‘Follow my example as I follow the example of Christ’. 5. Cause us to have a reverential fear of your holiness, O Lord, which is the beginning of wisdom.
7th – Ephesians 4:16 Building through love 1. Teach us to love as you love, O Lord. 2. Holy Spirit, help us to love one another, which is the sign that we are truly disciples of Christ. 3. Give us the grace, we pray, which allows love to cover a multitude of sins. 4. Give us a love for one another, O Lord, that prefers to give rather than take, to bless rather than be blessed. 5. May we grow in your love, O Lord, as we learn more and more to give it away.
8th – Ephesians 4:17-19 Leaving the old way of life behind 1. Enable us to throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, O Lord. 2. Help us to run the race that you have marked out for us, we pray. 3. Give us a deep hatred for sin, O Lord, so that we avoid any association with it at all costs. 4. Cause us to break free fully and totally from the way of life we once lived before we knew Christ, we pray.
GRAPEVINE • Issue 55 • April / May 2012
5. Teach us to be sensitive to all your promptings towards us, Holy Spirit, so that we may be led by your still, small voice.
9th – Ephesians 4:20-24 Living the new life in Christ 1. Holy Spirit, help us daily to put to death our old nature with all its unchristlike speech, attitudes, behaviour and desires. 2. Cause us to rise up each day in the power of the new life in Christ, we pray. 3. Lord, may we be so close in our relationship with you that it is obvious to those around us, even when we say nothing. 4. May we truly be able to say with the apostle Paul: ‘For to me, to live is Christ’. 5. Lead us today, Holy Spirit, into all righteousness, we pray.
10th – Ephesians 4:25-28 Overcoming sinful ways 1. Holy Spirit, prick our consciences any time we may be tempted to tell untruths or half-truths, since such would be ungodly. 2. Stir us to get angry, like you get angry, O God, at wickedness, injustice and unrighteousness, and to do what we can to stop such things. 3. Give us the self-discipline not to get angry at things that, in reality, only hurt our pride and nothing else. 4. Give us the wisdom and discernment not to give the devil any form of foothold in any area of our lives, we pray. 5. Keep us from idleness, we pray, and instead make us a people who, whatever we do, are profitable to you, O Lord, to others and to ourselves.
11th – Ephesians 4:29 Watching what we say 1. Keep our thoughts and therefore our tongues pure in your sight, O Lord. 2. May our tongues speak words that build people up and not tear them down, we pray. 3. Give us the wisdom to think before we speak, and to hold our tongues when we are angry. 4. Just as a spring cannot produce both fresh and salt water, may our lips only produce the sweetness of the water of life. 5. Lord, we consecrate our lips, mouths and tongues to you, to be dedicated to your use.
12th – Ephesians 4:30 Not grieving the Holy Spirit 1. Holy Spirit, teach us to be sensitive to your presence within us and around us, so that we learn how not to grieve you, we pray.
2. Holy Spirit, help us to recognise when and how you are speaking to us, we pray. 3. Lead us in the ways of all righteousness, Holy Spirit, we ask. 4. Burden our hearts, Holy Spirit, with the deep desire to seek to become more like the Saviour who died to make us holy, we pray. 5. Make us quick to respond to your promptings, Holy Spirit, and not ignore your leading.
13th – Ephesians 4:31-32 Christlike relationships 1. Help us to keep all ungodly emotions under control, O Lord, so that we do not live to regret their consequences. 2. Enable us to rid our hearts and minds of any form of malice, we pray, and instead to seek only the good of others, even those who wrong us. 3. Help us to perfect the practice of kindness to one another, so that it becomes second nature to us, we pray. 4. Cause us, O Lord, to be people who can empathise with others, being able to feel their concerns as they feel them, and so to help and encourage them. 5. Help us to be able to forgive others to the same degree that you have forgiven us, O Lord, so that we do not live in the bondage that comes with unforgiveness.
14th – Ephesians 5:1-2 Imitators of God 1. Teach us to imitate you in how you love with an agapé love, O God. 2. May we imitate you, O God, in your desire that no one should perish, but that all should come to the saving knowledge of faith in Christ. 3. Teach us to imitate you, O Lord, in living out a life of sacrifice. 4. Cause us to imitate you, O Lord, in not engaging in anything that is tainted with sin. 5. Enable us to be people through whom, Jesus, the Light of the world, can be seen to shine always, we pray.
15th – Ephesians 5:3 No hint of sexual immorality 1. Help us to live, not according to the lax standards of the world, but rather according to the highest standards of God, we pray. 2. Give us all wisdom in dealing with the opposite sex, O Lord, so that we always remain within appropriate, godly boundaries.
APRIL 2012
he letter to the church at Ephesus was one of the letters Paul wrote during his imprisonment in Rome, while he was awaiting trial before the Roman Emperor, Nero. It is likely that he intended this to be a circular letter that was to be read out in churches in other towns in the region after it had been read in the church at Ephesus and, as such, deals with the spiritual and practical lives of believers, who are blessed “…in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ.” Physically, Paul is a prisoner, but in reality his spirit is totally free, and soars to the highest places as he finds it difficult to contain his excitement at all the blessings that are ours in Christ. The first three chapters, through which we are praying this month, highlight many of the spiritual privileges that belong to the one who trusts in Christ. So, in Christ, we have been chosen to be holy and blameless, for the praise of his glory; we have been adopted into God’s family; we have been redeemed through the blood of Christ, securing forgiveness of sins; to us has been made known the mystery of God’s will; we have been sealed with the Holy Spirit, whose presence within us not only signifies we are God’s possession, but is also the deposit and guarantee of an even greater inheritance to come. Once we were dead in our transgressions and sins, influenced by the “ruler of the kingdom of the air”, as manifested by ungodly desires, thoughts and actions, but now, because of the vastness of God’s love for us as shown through Christ, not only has he saved us by his grace alone, but we have become fully alive, and he has raised us up to seat us with Christ in the heavenly realms. Even now in this lifetime, we are created in Christ to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. In other words, once we have been saved by his grace through faith, he has a perfect destiny tailor-made for each one of us individually, that we can walk into by making the right choices in life, as guided by the Holy Spirit. We are designed to bring him glory and, in fact, God is able to do immeasurably more than all we could ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us. Our task is to begin to understand the enormity of the implications that follow from our relationship with God through what Christ has done for us, and to then live now in its power. As we pray through the prayer points for this month, may the Holy Spirit open and enlarge our minds and understandings to the privilege that is ours, and to the power that resides within us to effect change for good.
1st – Ephesians 1:1-2
By the will of God
1. Teach us always to seek your will, O Lord, in everything we do. 2. Cause us to so read and understand your Word, O Lord, that we know what decisions we need to make in every circumstance. 3. Holy Spirit, help us to spiritually mature to the place where we can always choose to do the will of God, even when it is contrary to our will. 4. As we wait on you, O God, reveal to us clearly that individual calling you have for each one of us, and enable us to fulfil it. 5. Strengthen our resolve, O Lord, to fulfil your will as an ambassador for Christ in every area of life we are engaged in.
2nd – Ephesians 1:3-4
Chosen to be holy and blameless 1. Teach us the importance of living out our lives to your standards of holiness, O Lord. 2. Give us the strength and moral fibre to resist being drawn into living in ways that are fashionable but unholy, we pray. 3. Cause us to remember that, since we are on this earth for a short time but will live with you forever, our goal should always be to please you, O God. 4. When we need to choose between holiness
and happiness, help us to experience the joy that comes through making the hard - but right - choices, we pray. 5. Help us, Holy Spirit, to experience being changed from glory to glory, as we make the right and godly choices in all our daily experiences.
3rd – Ephesians 1:5-6
Adopted as sons
1. Since we have been adopted into your family through our faith in Christ, help us to live as befits children of God, we pray. 2. Enable us to exhibit that surpassing trait of the family of God, namely your agapé love. 3. Because we are now your children, O Lord, may we so live our lives that people can see the likeness of Jesus in us. 4. Since you discipline those you love, O Lord, help us to recognise, accept and respond when you are disciplining us in our lives, we pray. 5. Since we are now your children, O God, give us the confidence to exercise the spiritual power and authority that has been delegated to us through Jesus.
4th – Ephesians 1:7-8
Redeemed through Christ’s blood 1. Lord, we seek your forgiveness today for any offence we have committed, and ask that it be put under the blood of Jesus.
Bible Readings and Prayer Points for Individual and Church Spiritual Growth
LIVING AS CHILDREN OF GOD (1) Ephesians Chapters 1-3
2. Since we have been forgiven through the blood of Jesus and totally accepted by you, help us to boldly and confidently draw close to you, heavenly Father. 3. Since the redemption through Christ’s blood means you have forgiven us everything, help us to be able to forgive ourselves, not being bound by past mistakes. 4. Since we have been fully redeemed, help us to live the new life in Christ, shedding everything unhelpful from our old way of life. 5. May we always thank you each day, Lord Jesus, for the priceless and indescribable gift of eternal life, secured through your blood, shed on the cross for us.
5th – Ephesians 1:9-10
Reconciliation through Christ 1. Teach us to be peacemakers in all we do, O Lord, so that we can be like you. 2. Motivate us to be witnesses to the unsaved, Holy Spirit, we ask, so that we can be instrumental in reconciling them to God. 3. Give us a love for the lost, O God, just as you have such a love. 4. Move us to pray for those unsaved people we know, O Lord, that they may be reconciled to you through faith in Jesus. 5. As we meet and interact with people - believers and unbelievers - give us the mind of Christ to know how to act, we pray. April / May 2012 • Issue 55 • GRAPEVINE
APRIL 2012 6th – Ephesians 1:11-12
9th – Ephesians 1:17
1. Lord Jesus, just as you brought glory to the Father through your sacrificial love, help us to do the same, we pray. 2. Lord Jesus, just as you laid down your life to fulfil the will of the Father, help us also to be people who are ready to give our lives over fully to the will of God. 3. Lord Jesus, just as you brought glory to the Father in all you said, may our words also bring glory to God. 4. Lord Jesus, just as all your actions brought glory to the Father, may our actions also always be pleasing in his sight. 5. Lord Jesus, enable us to put to death our old nature and instead to live out, to the glory of God, our new spiritual nature.
1. O God, give us your wisdom that transcends our own human wisdom, we pray. 2. Knowing that wisdom comes from knowing your ways, make us people who continually read and remember your Word, which will make us wise. 3. As we continue to read your Word, continually bring fresh revelations of your will for our lives, we pray. 4. As we go through each day with its various activities, speak into our minds and spirits, O Lord, whenever you want to guide us in a particular conversation or action. 5. Day by day, step by step, may we get to know you better, O Lord.
7th – Ephesians 1:13-14
10th – Ephesians 1:18-21
1. Holy Spirit, thank you for coming to live within us the moment we accepted Christ; may we never quench your moving in our lives. 2. Change us from within, Holy Spirit, we ask, helping us to grow more and more like Jesus. 3. As we wait on you, fill us afresh each day, Holy Spirit, we pray, and out of that infilling, may it overflow into the lives of others we meet daily around us. 4. Prompt us to seek the gifts of the Holy Spirit that you know, O Lord, will be the most profitable for us as individuals to use in our own particular circumstances. 5. Give us the boldness and confidence to use the gifts of the Holy Spirit in a way that ministers to others, but that always brings glory to you, O Lord.
1. Holy Spirit, enable us to live in the power of the new life in Christ, overcoming all tendencies to sin, rebellion against your will, or wanting to do things our way. 2. Anoint us, Holy Spirit, as we witness to people, so that your conviction of sin, righteousness and judgment to come will grip them, we pray. 3. Help us to grow in the gifts of the Spirit you have given us, O Lord, so that we can use them powerfully in fulfilling your will. 4. Cause us to recognise the different gifts and talents you have given us, O God, so that we may use them in the power of the Holy Spirit. 5. Help us to make our stand against every power of darkness that would seek to come against us to render us ineffective for God, we pray.
8th – Ephesians 1:15-16
11th – Ephesians 1:22-23
1. Lord, we thank you for the cross and all that it means to us. 2. Lord, we thank you for your great love for us as demonstrated in that, while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. 3. Lord, we thank you for the resurrection and the power of the new life that it brings. 4. Lord, we thank you that you have triumphed over sin, death and the powers of darkness, releasing us to live in the eternal joy of the presence of our God. 5. Lord, we thank you for your Church and for the family of God drawn from every nation, possible only through the death and resurrection of Christ.
1. May we always submit our will to you, Lord Jesus, as the Head of your Church, holding nothing back from you. 2. Cause us to so yield our will totally to you, Lord Jesus, that we give you the freedom to move in revival power in your Church. 3. If there are any blockages in our lives that are preventing you moving in revival power, O Lord, reveal them to us, so that we may willingly remove them, we pray. 4. Jesus, bring us to the place where we make you Lord of all our plans and ambitions, so that we live out our lives fulfilling your perfect destiny for each of us. 5. In our local church, be Lord of all we do and plan, so that as the local assembly
Bringing glory to God
Sealed with the Holy Spirit
Giving thanks to God
GRAPEVINE • Issue 55 • April / May 2012
Wisdom and revelation
Knowing Christ’s power within us
Christ the Head
of God’s people, we can fulfil your unique purpose through us collectively, we pray.
12th – Ephesians 2:1-2
Following the ‘spirit of disobedience’ 1. Lord, we pray for the leaders of our nation, who are more influenced by fashionable views than by godly standards; cause them to cease to be influenced by the ‘spirit of disobedience’. 2. We pray for all the churches up and down the land, which are more influenced by the ideas of men rather than by the Word of God; change their hearts, we pray. 3. We pray for all our national institutions that are more influenced by ungodly practices than by God’s revealed ways; turn the tide, O God. 4. We pray for our schools, colleges and universities, where the spirit of disobedience is rife; bring a total change of heart, O Lord. 5. Lord, we pray that we may continually examine ourselves, so that we are not tempted to follow ways that are not your ways.
13th – Ephesians 2:3
The objects of God’s wrath 1. As we realise, O Lord, that hell is a real place, where people will feel the wrath of a righteous God, move us to intercede for the unsaved, we pray. 2. Knowing that it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God, may we be moved to serve you untiringly as witnesses, O Lord. 3. May the knowledge, that hell is a reminder of the holiness of God, cause us never to become complacent in seeking to live holy lives. 4. May the knowledge of the reality of hell cause us to be continually grateful to you, O Lord, in rescuing us. 5. May the knowledge that hell is a real place, put into perspective for us what is important and what is not important in this lifetime.
14th – Ephesians 2:4-5
Made alive in Christ
1. Lord, help us to live each day for Jesus. 2. Stir up the fire within us, O Lord, so that our passion for Christ is infectious. 3. May the love of Christ within us be so evident that it radiates from within us. 4. Cause the reality of the new life in Christ to help us make your priorities for our lives our priorities also.
APRIL 2012 our midst, O Lord, that we see signs and wonders continually confirming your Word.
15th – Ephesians 2:6-7
18th – Ephesians 2:14-15
1. Make us a truly grateful people, O Lord, who deeply appreciate the cost to you of our salvation. 2. Open our understanding, O God, to reveal to us the height, depth, length and breadth of your kindness, so that we give the praise you deserve. 3. Make us realise what we have been saved from, O Lord, so that we may truly appreciate what we have been saved to. 4. Keep our lips from complaining, O God, since you have given us incomparable riches in Christ. 5. May our lives be a grateful living sacrifice of praise for your great kindness to us in Christ Jesus.
1. Lord, send a mighty move of your Spirit amongst the atheists and agnostics of this country that turns them to Christ. 2. Lord, send a great revelation of your Spirit to the Muslims of this country that causes them to realise Jesus truly is the Son of God and their Saviour. 3. Lord, move by your Spirit amongst all the Hindus of this country that causes them to realise that Jesus is the only God and the only Way to eternal life. 4. Lord, for all the Sikhs in this country; send a great move of your Spirit that turns them to Jesus as their Saviour, we pray. 5. Lord, for those in this country who are ‘spiritual’ but have no idea who you are, open their eyes to the reality of eternal judgment and to salvation through Christ.
God’s kindness to us in Christ
16th – Ephesians 2:8-10
Saved by grace to do good works 1. Having been saved by your grace alone, quicken our hearts to desire to do the good works we have been called to do, to demonstrate your grace in our lives. 2. Help us make the right decisions in life, so that we fulfil the destiny you have planned for our individual lives, not missing it through wrong use of our free will. 3. Cause us to realise that we have to wait on you and walk closely to you to discover your pre-planned will for our lives, O Lord. 4. Since we are your workmanship, O Lord, may we seek to excel in all the works you have called us to do. 5. Whatever we do, enable us to work at it with all our heart, as working for the Lord and not for men, knowing we have an inheritance from the Lord as a reward.
Reaching out to all people
19th – Ephesians 2:16
Unity in Christ
1. Lord, if we are out of relationship with any brother or sister in Christ, convict us now to seek to put matters right. 2. We pray for our church, O Lord, that you would forge us ever closer in unity. 3. We pray for all the churches in our neighbourhood, O Lord, that you would cause each congregation to draw close to one another in the unity of Christ. 4. We pray for all the churches in our nation, O Lord, that you would bring a unity in the Spirit, centred on your Word. 5. We pray for your Church around the world, O Lord, that you would endue it with the power that comes from a unity in the Holy Spirit.
17th – Ephesians 2:11-13
20th – Ephesians 2:17-18
1. As we remember how we were once separated from you, O Lord, move our hearts in compassion for the lost, who are still separated from you. 2. Use us to bring the lost to you, O God. 3. Help us to not only appreciate the fact that we can come near to you, O God, through the blood of Christ, but also to practise it daily. 4. May your presence be so close and real in all our meetings, O God, that sinners become conscious of their sin, and cry out to you to be saved. 5. May you so move in revival power in
1. Anoint us individually, Holy Spirit, as we seek to be witnesses for Christ, we pray. 2. Anoint the street teams as they go out collectively to witness, we pray, enabling them to lead others to Christ on the streets. 3. Anoint our leaders, we pray, that they may preach the Word of God in all the power of the Holy Spirit. 4. Anoint our meetings, we pray, that your presence will be strong, convicting men and women of their need to know and walk closely with Jesus. 5. We pray for the Gospel as it goes out over the airways via radio or TV; may it cause
Brought near to God
Preaching the Gospel of peace
many to be reached with the Gospel and be saved.
21st – Ephesians 2:19-20
Living as citizens of God 1. Make us conscious, Lord, as we live this life, that we belong totally to you, so that nothing will discourage or dishearten us in our spiritual life. 2. May we take full advantage of the privileged position you have given us, O Lord, making full use of our daily relationship with you. 3. When circumstances seek to trouble or overwhelm us, may we remember the reality that we are citizens of the Kingdom of God. 4. Lord, teach us to live always in accordance with the higher laws of your Kingdom. 5. Move our hearts to become fully familiar with the laws of the Kingdom of God as revealed in your Word, O Lord.
Bible Readings and Prayer Points for Individual and Church Spiritual Growth
5. May we always seek first your Kingdom and your righteousness above all things, O Lord.
22nd – Ephesians 2:21-22
God’s holy temple
1. May we, as your church, O Lord, carefully ensure that all we do is built upon the foundations of your Word, as revealed through your apostles and prophets, we pray. 2. Lord, you have given us the privilege of having our bodies as the living temple of the Holy Spirit, may we respond honourably to that privilege. 3. Lord, help us to remember that we each are one stone in a living church ‘building’ and so recognise the responsibilities we must carry out that come with such a privilege. 4. Since we are each part of your living temple, cause us to realise that our brothers and sisters in Christ need us as we need them, and so remain in close and constant fellowship together. 5. Help us not to grieve you, Holy Spirit, but instead, by living together in unity, allow you to have your way amongst us.
23rd – Ephesians 3:1-3
Suffering for Christ
1. Lord, help us count all things joy for the sake of following Christ. 2. Teach us to count our blessings, O God, recognising that no hardship compares to the fullness of blessing that comes from knowing Christ. 3. We pray for all believers who are in prison because of their faith in Christ; strengthen, comfort and help them in their trials, O Lord. April / May 2012 • Issue 55 • GRAPEVINE
APRIL 2012 4. We pray for all the families of those in prison because of their faith in Christ; strengthen, comfort and help them in their distress, O Lord. 5. We pray for the families of those believers who are being killed around the world for their faith in Christ; be everything to them that they need, O God.
4. Help us not to give the devil a foothold into our lives through sin, O God, so that our testimony is not compromised. 5. Cause us to remember that since our actions are always observed by the spirit world, may we live lives that always bring glory to you, O God.
24th – Ephesians 3:4-6
Confidently approaching God
God’s revelations
1. Give us ears that hear when and what you want to communicate to us, O God. 2. Help us to learn all the different ways you communicate to us, O Lord. 3. When we recognise your voice, O Lord, may we always be quick to act upon what you say. 4. Show us your destiny for our individual lives, O God, and give us the wisdom to make the right choices to see your will fulfilled. 5. Reveal to us as a church your divine will for us collectively, as the local representatives of your body to the people around us.
25th – Ephesians 3:7-9
Making plain to all the unsearchable riches of Christ 1. Motivate us with the desire to take the Gospel to everyone, O God. 2. Help us realise that we have each been given the responsibility to be ambassadors for Christ, presenting the Gospel to those still in the kingdom of darkness. 3. Help us to be simple in our presentation of the Gospel, O Lord, so that people understand clearly. 4. Give us the wisdom to know what kind of language to use when we are talking to different kinds of people, so they understand us clearly. 5. Cause us to live our lives in a way that is a simple but powerful presentation of the change Christ within us brings.
26th – Ephesians 3:10-11
The Church a witness to the spirit world 1. Teach us to understand, O Lord, that just as in the case of Job, you want our faithfulness in all circumstances to be a powerful testimony to the spirit world. 2. Cause us to trust you totally, even when we do not understand our circumstances, recognising how powerful a testimony faith under trial can be. 3. As we remain humble before you, O Lord, may we remain in the position where the devil flees from us.
GRAPEVINE • Issue 55 • April / May 2012
27th – Ephesians 3:12-13
1. Help us to remember, O Lord, that nothing can separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus, and therefore we can always come before you confidently in prayer. 2. May discouragement never prevent us from coming to you in prayer, O Lord, whatever its cause. 3. May suffering never be a reason to prevent us coming to you in prayer, O God, recognising that there are times you will allow this for your glory. 4. May a sense of failure never prevent us coming to you in prayer, O Lord, as we remember you are the God of the second chance to those who truly repent. 5. Enlighten our minds, Holy Spirit, as we meditate on the power of the blood of Christ to save us, and to enable our confident access to the throne of God.
28th – Ephesians 3:14-16
Strengthened by the Holy Spirit 1. Holy Spirit, strengthen our resolve to live out the life of Christ fearlessly and in your power, we pray. 2. Holy Spirit, strengthen us in every area of the fruit of the Spirit, we pray, especially in those areas that we struggle with. 3. Holy Spirit, strengthen our minds, we pray, so that they are always steadfastly fixed on following the ways of Christ. 4. Holy Spirit, strengthen our understanding of the Word of God, so that we may grow in all spiritual wisdom, we pray. 5. Holy Spirit, strengthen us in the use of the gifts of the Spirit, so we may be the effective people you want us to be, we pray.
29th – Ephesians 3:17-19
The power of Christ’s love 1. As we begin to understand the extent of the measureless love of Christ, may we develop a total sense of complete security, so that we can minister to others from a position of strength. 2. May the consciousness of the perfect love of Christ for us cast out all fear from our lives, we pray.
3. Teach us, Holy Spirit, to understand the nature of the agapé love of Christ, so that we can grow in living out such a selfless love ourselves. 4. Teach us, Holy Spirit, to stand out from the world, by the agapé love of Christ that we exhibit at all times. 5. Holy Spirit, as we pursue righteousness, may you enable us to be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.
30th – Ephesians 3:20-21
Immeasurably more
1. Lord, we pray that you would do immeasurably more with us to bring you glory than we could imagine for ourselves. 2. Lord, we surrender all the talents you have given us, and ask that you do immeasurably more with us for your glory than we could imagine. 3. Lord, give us a faith that learns how to ask you in prayer for immeasurably more than our human reason would understand. 4. Give us a faith that can confidently ask you to see immeasurably more people come to faith in Christ than we could imagine. 5. Lord, give us a faith to believe that you can do immeasurably more in turning our nation back to you than we could imagine.
Volume 1 a daily devotional prayer book by Pastor Richard Buxton
MAY 2012
16th – Ephesians 5:4-7 Not joining in coarse conversations 1. Give us the wisdom when and what to speak, and also the wisdom when to say nothing, O Lord. 2. Help us to put a guard over our lips, O Lord, so that we do not participate in ungodly conversation. 3. Make us a people who speak - even without thinking - words that are always beneficial to those we are talking to. 4. May we always talk and act in the same way that we would if you were physically standing next to us, Lord Jesus. 5. Keep our lips from uttering words that are out of place for a child of God, even when we are angry or frustrated, we pray.
17th – Ephesians 5:8-14 Living as children of light 1. Help us to grow in living out a life that is appropriate for ones who are children of light, we pray. 2. Bring to our minds, Holy Spirit, any areas of our lives that we are still allowing to be governed by our old and fallen nature, so that we may change them. 3. Help us to pursue goodness, righteousness and truth in all we do, we pray. 4. Cause us to continually pursue seeking to discover what pleases you, O Lord, so that we can act according to your will. 5. Keep us acutely aware of what the fruitless deeds of darkness are, so that we are not entrapped or beguiled by them, we pray.
18th – Ephesians 5:15-17 Being careful how we live 1. Teach us to number our days, O Lord, so that we use all our time profitably. 2. Give us the wisdom we need to be good stewards of our possessions, and to use them profitably and sensibly according to your will, O Lord. 3. Help us to be careful in all aspects of how we live, O Lord, as befits those who are ambassadors of the King of kings. 4. Deliver us from foolishness, O Lord, and instead help us become mature in mind and in spirit.
5. Teach us your will, O Lord, and give us a receptive mind to understand and practise all your ways.
22nd – Ephesians 5:25-28 Godly husbands
1. As we wait on you now, Holy Spirit, fill us afresh with the ‘new wine’ of your presence. 2. When we need our spirits to be lifted, Holy Spirit, may we always turn to you and never to any external source of stimulus. 3. For those of us not yet baptised in the Holy Spirit, we pray you will fill us right now as we wait on you, O Lord. 4. As we draw close to you, O Lord, fill our hearts with songs of worship and praise, no matter what our outward circumstances may be. 5. Let us be a thankful people, O God, remembering your great mercy and grace to us in more ways than we could tell.
1. We pray for all the husbands in the church, O Lord, that you would help each one to be a strong man of God. 2. We pray that you would help them with all their responsibilities as husbands, helping them grow daily in spiritual maturity. 3. Help each husband in his relationship with his wife, O Lord, that the bonds of love would grow ever deeper, loving her as Christ loved the Church. 4. We pray that you would help each husband in the church to cope with all the stress and strains that modern life may lay upon him, and for him to emerge stronger not weaker. 5. We pray for your grace and peace to govern each of the husbands in the church, helping them to maintain a close relationship with you despite all pressures.
20th – Ephesians 5:21 Godly submission
23rd – Ephesians 5:29-33 Godly marriages
1. Teach us how to prefer one another, O Lord, rather than selfishly putting our own interests first. 2. Since submission comes from respect, help us always to be people who respect you and others, O Lord. 3. Enable us to learn, O God, that love gives, and may we learn to be givers of all we are. 4. Help us to see the strengths in others, and to encourage them to grow in those strengths, rather than see them as a threat to ourselves. 5. Cause us to be model citizens, O Lord, obedient to all the laws of the land that do not contradict your Word.
21st – Ephesians 5:22-24 Godly wives
1. We pray for all single people in the church who have a desire to marry; Holy Spirit, guide and lead them to the right person in Christ. 2. We pray that you would make all the marriages in the church strong, O Lord, ensuring that husbands and wives build their relationship solidly on Christ. 3. For any marriages in the church that are coming under pressure for whatever reason, strengthen them, we pray. 4. Cause each husband and wife to put you first in their lives, O Lord, so that in submission to you, they will always fulfil their responsibilities to each other well. 5. Cause all the marriages in the church to be the great blessing that you intend marriage to be, we pray, as husbands and wives put your ways into practice daily.
1. We pray for all the wives in the church, O Lord, that you would help each one to be a strong woman of God. 2. We pray that you would help them in all their responsibilities as wives, enabling them to grow daily in spiritual maturity. 3. Help each wife in her relationship with her husband, O Lord, that the bonds of love would grow ever deeper, showing him the respect you ask from her. 4. We pray that you would help each wife in the church to cope with all the stress and strains that modern life may lay upon her, and for her to emerge stronger not weaker. 5. We pray for your grace and peace to govern each of the wives in the church, helping them to maintain a close relationship with you despite all pressures.
1. We pray for all the children in the church, O Lord, that you would reveal yourself to them at a young age, so that they can come to know you personally as Saviour and Lord. 2. We pray that you would guard our children from all the ungodly pressures of the world in which they live, helping them to avoid all that would harm them. 3. Help our children to learn the value and benefit that comes from treating their parents with respect, and may it become second nature to them. 4. Help our children when they come under peer pressure to act in a way that is ungodly or unhelpful, to be able to say, “No”.
19th – Ephesians 5:18-20 Filled with the ‘new’ wine
Bible Readings and Prayer Points for Individual and Church Spiritual Growth
3. Help us to guard our eyes, O God, so that we do not watch any images that are inappropriate for a child of God. 4. Holy Spirit, give us a heightened sense of what is sinful, so that when we are in danger of temptation we are quick to recognise it. 5. O Lord, may we desire and seek after holiness, living out the principles of holiness in every area of our lives.
24th – Ephesians 6:1-3 Godly children
April / May 2012 • Issue 55 • GRAPEVINE
MAY 2012 5. For all married couples in the church who are seeking to have children, bless them with a family, we pray.
25th – Ephesians 6:4 Training children in the instruction of the Lord 1. We pray for all the fathers in the church, O Lord, that you would give them wisdom at all times in raising their children. 2. Help the fathers in the church to be able to structure their time spent with their children, modelling to them a godly lifestyle. 3. Cause the fathers in the church to take the lead to ensure family devotions take place each day, through which they can train their children in the instruction of the Lord. 4. Help the children to see their father in prayer, in reading the Bible, and in making Jesus Lord of his life and the centre of the family life, we pray. 5. Help each father to have the wisdom to know how to discipline in love and not in anger, thereby teaching his children fairness and respect.
26th – Ephesians 6:5-8 A godly work ethic 1. Cause us to be workers who always seek to perform to a standard of excellence in all our daily work, O Lord. 2. May we be people who always give, to those who employ us, the respect that is due to them, O God. 3. Cause us to be model employees, O Lord, such that employers would be reluctant to see us leave. 4. Teach us to do everything as unto you, O God, not cutting corners but knowing your eye is upon us. 5. For those who are in tedious jobs, O Lord, help each one to do everything as unto you, knowing they will not lose their reward from you.
27th – Ephesians 6:9 Godly employers 1. Endow with a sense of complete fairness towards their employees, all those in the church who are employers, O Lord. 2. Help employers in the church to think of every aspect of their employees’ welfare, we pray, spiritual, emotional and financial, seeking their highest good. 3. Cause all those who are employers in the church to seek to develop their employees’ skills not just for profit, but to help them as individuals. 4. Help all those in the church who are employers to foster a sense of the
GRAPEVINE • Issue 55 • April / May 2012
presence of God in their places of work, we pray. 5. As the employers in the church seek to act according to your ways, O Lord, prosper and bless their businesses, we pray.
28th – Ephesians 6:10-12 Wrestling against powers of evil 1. Give us the wisdom to see when we are up against spiritual powers of darkness, O Lord, and so use the appropriate spiritual weapons you have given to us. 2. Cause us to remember at all times, O Lord that “greater is he within us, than he that is in the world”, so that we can always overcome all spiritual opposition against us. 3. Reveal to us, Holy Spirit, schemes of the devil sent to tempt us, trip us up, or cause us to fall, so that we can be forewarned and take our stand against them. 4. Give us insight and discernment to see when our problem is not with people, but with powers that may be working through them, so that we can pray strategically. 5. Recognising there may be times when we have to “wrestle” in prayer, give us the determination and stamina to persist until we overcome, O Lord.
29th – Ephesians 6:13-17 Putting on the armour of God 1. Give us the wisdom to remain close to you, O Lord, safe under the full protection of the spiritual armour you have made available to us. 2. Make us a people who are firmly anchored in the truth of your Word, O God, and who put it into practice. 3. Since we have been clothed with the righteousness of Christ, help us to live out righteously the Gospel of peace, we pray. 4. Develop the faith within us that we already have, O Lord, that may extinguish every flaming arrow sent against us by the evil one. 5. Help us to guard our minds with the helmet of salvation and to be skilled in the Word of God, which is our spiritual sword.
30th – Ephesians 6:18-20 Pray in the Spirit 1. Keep us spiritually alert, O Lord, especially when things are going well for us, and not to neglect praying at all times. 2. Keep us from spiritual laziness O Lord, so we do not neglect to pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests.
3. Cause us to remember to keep praying for one another to remain strong in the Lord, and to overcome each obstacle or challenge that may arise. 4. Help us to remember to keep praying for our leaders, O Lord, so that they can fulfil your will in leading your people. 5. Help us to remember to pray for all our missionaries, O Lord, that they would continue to expand your Kingdom in those areas in which they are working.
31st – Ephesians 6:21-24 Encouraging one another 1. Make us a people, O Lord, who are always looking for ways to encourage one another. 2. Give us eyes to see the abilities of others even if they cannot see it themselves, and so help them develop themselves. 3. Bless and anoint all our Discipleship Cell leaders, as they seek to facilitate the spiritual growth and development of others. 4. Bless and anoint all those who attend the Discipleship Cells, as they learn how to be a blessing to one another, and have the opportunity to put it into practice. 5. May we have a testimony like that of Tychicus, who was “a faithful servant in the Lord”.
Volume 1 a daily devotional prayer book a daily devotional prayer book by Pastor Richard Buxton by Pastor Richard Buxton
SUNDAY SERVICES at a glance 9am, 11.15am, 6.30pm
APRIL 2012 1st 8th 15th
PRAISE & COMMUNION SERVICE Speaker: Pastor Richard Buxton
PM Speaker: Pastor William Anane-Forkuo CELEBRATION & MINISTRY
EASTER CELEBRATION SERVICE Speaker: Pastor Richard Buxton EASTER CELEBRATION & WORSHIP with ECC Choir & Kidz Alive Speaker: Sam Blake
Speaker: Pastor Richard Buxton Speaker: Pastor William Anane-Forkuo
MAY 2012
Speaker: Pastor Richard
led by the Asian members of ECC Speaker: Pastor Aogu Tateyama
Speaker: Pastor John Glass General Superintendent, Elim Speaker: Pastor William Anane-Forkuo
Speaker: Dr Elias Malki Middle East Gospel Outreach
Speaker: Pastor Richard Buxton
13th 20th
Speaker: Pastor Richard Buxton Speaker: Pastor Rajinder Buxton Speaker: Pastor Richard Buxton Speaker: Pastor William Anane-Forkuo
Speaker: Pastor William Anane-Forkuo
EVENING CELEBRATION taken by ECC Youth Speaker: Ruth Trbojevic
GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE Friday 6th April 2012 10.30am
PRAYER MINISTRY @ ECC Daily Revival Prayer Meetings Monday to Friday Morning meetings
10.00am Meeting in Annexe Room 2 EVENing meetings
6.00pm (Hour of Encounter Mondays-Fridays) Foyer 7.30pm (Prayer Explosion Tuesdays only) Foyer Annexe Room 2 is on the main street to the left of ECC's main doors and can be accessed directly from the street
For personal prayer, why not come along to our
PRAYER & HEALING MEETINGS The second Sunday evening of every month at 6.30pm Sunday 13th May
• Powerful worship! • Testimonies of God’s provision and healing • Bring all your requests – God specialises in the impossible! Jesus is the answer
All-Night prayer Meetings A night of intercessory prayers, celebration, thanksgiving and praise!
Next Meetings:
Friday 27th April Friday 25th May
The last FRIDAY of every month 10pm-5am April / May 2012 • Issue 55 • GRAPEVINE
ECC Attendance and Finance Statistics JANUARY / FEBRUARY 2012
(*10.30am) Children
ATTENDANCE 9.00am 9.00am 11.15am 11.15am 6.30pm
01 Jan 2012* 08 Jan 2012 15 Jan 2012 22 Jan 2012 29 Jan 2012 05 Feb 2012 12 Feb 2012 19 Feb 2012 26 Feb 2012
456 208 206 235 239 166 240 269 360
None 34 23 30 29 None 33 40 33
None 519 499 509 462 308 436 455 531
None 115 40 77 80 42 89 54 92
None 155 95 202 134 60 142 131 235
FINANCE JAN FEB Tithes & Offerings £55,264.57 £37,691.83 Building Fund
Standing Orders £10,789.61 £12,239.53
• “Bring all the tithes … so that the Lord may bless you in all the work of your hands” (Deuteronomy 14:28-29).
This is a natural law as well as a spiritual law. In nature, if you sow just one seed you will reap little, but if you sow many seeds you will reap a harvest. Also, If you eat all your seeds and sow nothing, you will starve. This can be found in the book of 2 Corinthians 8:1-5 and 9:6-11. In the Old Testament, tithing was part of the Law of Moses. God was commanding the children of Israel to be generous in order to finance His work. But, at the same time, there came an even more generous promise, as found below:
A tithe is 10 per cent of our gross income - before any deductions of tax, bills, etc. Some people argue that tithing is an Old Testament law, and not a New Testament principle. Both Old and New Testaments show God’s will regarding giving. The difference is that, in the Old Testament, it was compulsory and God set the measurement of giving. In the New Testament God says, “You decide what you want to sow, and I will measure the amount you reap by your own standards.” Tithing is a choice, a freewill decision; there is no compulsion. However, there are consequences that flow from our choices.
• “Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse” (Malachi 3:10).
You may say “Tithing is not compulsory, so I can give any amount.” Well, if you choose a measurement of giving to God which is minimal, God uses that same standard to give back to you (Luke 5:38). It is also a mistake to think we will be left impoverished if we give, because the Bible says, “And my God will meet all your needs according to His riches in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19). My conclusion is: “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest, if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:9). May God continue to bless you as you continue to give. Sandra Dawodu Finance Assistant
PLEASE NOTE: You can now pay your tithes and offerings through the ECC website at
FUNDAMENTAL BELIEFS OF THE Elim Pentecostal Churches 1. THE BIBLE: We believe the Bible, as originally given, to be without error,
the fully inspired and infallible Word of God and the supreme and final authority in all matters of faith and conduct. 2. THE TRINITY: We believe that the Godhead exists co-equally and coeternally in three Persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit and that these Three are one God, sovereign in creation, providence and redemption. 3. THE SAVIOUR: We believe in the true and proper deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His real and complete humanity, in His sinless life, in His authoritative teaching, in His substitutionary and atoning sacrifice through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, in His heavenly intercession and His second advent to receive His Church. 4. THE HOLY SPIRIT: We believe in the deity of the Holy Spirit Who proceeds from the Father and the Son and the necessity of His work in conviction of sin, repentance, regeneration and sanctification, and that the believer is also promised an enduement of power as the gift of Christ through the baptism in the Holy Spirit with signs following. Through this enduement the believer is empowered for fuller participation in the ministry of the Church, its worship, evangelism and service. 5. MANKIND: We believe in the universal sinfulness of all mankind since the Fall, rendering man subject to God's wrath and condemnation. 6. SALVATION: We believe in the necessity for salvation of repentance towards God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ by which the sinner is pardoned
GRAPEVINE • Issue 55 • April / May 2012
and accepted as righteous in God's sight. This justification is imputed by the grace of God because of the atoning work of Christ, is received by faith alone and is evidenced by the Fruit of the Spirit and a holy life. 7. THE CHURCH: We believe in the spiritual unity and the priesthood of all believers in Christ and that these comprise the universal Church, the Body of Christ. 8. THE MINISTRY: We believe in the ministries that Christ has set in His Church, namely, apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers, and in the present operation of the manifold Gifts of the Holy Spirit according to the New Testament. 9. THE ORDINANCES: We believe in the baptism of believers in water in obedience to the command of Christ and the commemoration of Christ's death by the observance of the Lord's Supper until His return. 10. THE COMMISSION: We believe that the Gospel embraces the needs of the whole man and that the Church is therefore commissioned to preach the Gospel to the world and to fulfil a ministry of healing and deliverance to the spiritual and physical needs of mankind. 11. THE COMING KING: We believe in the personal, physical and visible return of the Lord Jesus Christ to reign in power and glory. 12. THE FUTURE STATE: We believe in the resurrection of the dead and in the final judgment of the world, the eternal conscious bliss of the righteous and the eternal conscious punishment of the wicked.
Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds EALING CHRISTIAN CENTRE does not in any way endorse any advertised company or products, and cannot guarantee rates, levels of service or workmanship Advertising space is offered on a first come, first served basis. ECC reserves the right to publish the advert where space is available, and not necessarily on the Classifieds page. ECC reserves the right to alter any advertisement to improve reproduction quality. ECC excludes liability for any loss due to noninsertion or any errors in the advertisement. ECC reserves the right to refuse publication of any advert that it does not deem suitable for Grapevine magazine; the Editor-in-Chief's decision is final.
PRACTICAL ACCOUNTANTS We take the weight of accounting and tax pressure off small businesses and sole traders! OUR SERVICES: Accountancy Bookkeeping & accountancy services Outsourced monthly management accounts Preparing year-end statutory accounts Cash flow and profit projections Implementation of accounting systems Tax Services Corporation Tax VAT Self-assessment
JOB VACANCY Music Ministry Assistant We are looking for a highly motivated and enthusiastic individual to support our Music and Worship Director in all areas of the Music Ministry at Ealing Christian Centre. A suitable candidate would: • have a good working knowledge of all aspects of music and visual production • demonstrate excellent administrative skill and be capable of completing tasks independently • be an accomplished instrumentalist or vocalist to assist with worship services, rehearsals and team development Part-time position – 24 hours per week Job description available on request Please send a letter of application accompanied by your CV to Pastor Richard Buxton at the ECC office by 22nd April 2012. Interviews to take place on 2nd May 2012.
Payroll Services Weekly & monthly payrolls Completion of P11D, P60 & P35 returns Payroll design
Telephone: 020 7788 7676 Mobile: 07940 358 833 Email:
ADVERTISE YOUR GOODS OR SERVICES Contact ECC Office for details on 020 8840 7508
Local Office 16 Towfield Court HANWORTH Hounslow TW13 5LS
Central Office Suite 12848 145-157 St John Street LONDON EC1V 4PW
As satan yelled, “Gotcha now!” His forehead furrowed with doubt. For the crushed, beaten figure then cried hoarsely out: “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do!” And as Hell’s bastions started to fall and Death to lose its grip The parched lips of Jesus managed to gasp: “It is finished”. Satan declared, “I won’t tell my troops”. God said, “You hate the truth but the War is won today and that situation won’t change. My Son is going to seize the keys of Death and Hell. What your troops and mine all witness this day is the beginning of the end of your reign. It is finished”. Now, though satan keeps devising devious plans to keep mankind from God, Almighty Yahweh is still secure upon His throne and says to us, “The price has been paid for your sins and your rebellious ways. Turn to Jesus, for He has triumphed. It is finished”.
April / May 2012 • Issue 55 • GRAPEVINE
to Ben and Funmi OLOSINMO on the birth of their daughter ADIYA TIRENIMIOLUWA on 5th March 2012 weighing 3.435kg
& Congratulations
LITTLE STARS continues to meet on WEDNESDAYS between 12pm and 2pm - term-time only All welcome!
GRAPEVINE • Issue 55 • April / May 2012
Merle Aqui Prayer & Praise Merle Aqui MAY Philip Symes Merle Aqui Prayer & Praise Merle Aqui Rudy Brann
MONDAY 16th APRIL 1.30pm - 4.00pm Speaker: Missionary Virpi Saha "Times of Encouragement" LUNCH - £3.00 MONDAY 14th MAY TO BE CONFIRMED Please contact Sharon Grant for further details ADVANCE NOTICE Monday 11th June Day trip to London Zoo MONDAYS 12.00pm til 1.00pm
Many thanks for all who supported the Donate & Buy fundraising event, held on 29th February, which raised £663.07 for the following charities: RAYS OF SUNSHINE - granting magical wishes every day. Visit ASHINAGA - educational and emotional support for orphans worldwide. Visit
Meetings start @ 2pm
4th 11th 18th 25th 2nd 9th 16th 23rd 30th
STAY ACTIVE 4 LIFE with fun, fitness and flexibility ONLY £2.00 - at ECC
THURSDAYS 2.00pm til 3.00pm
LOW IMPACT AEROBICS Inspiration moves and grooves (please bring a mat) ONLY £2.00 - at ECC
SUNDAY MORNING 29th APRIL Elim General Superintendent PASTOR JOHN GLASS will be speaking at the morning services
REVIVAL PRAYERS - Volume 1 a daily devotional prayer book by Pastor Richard Buxton
POLISH FELLOWSHIP Elim Springs Every Sunday @ 2:30pm in the Auditorium
ECC Japanese Fellowship Every Sunday @ 2:30pm in the Foyer For details, please contact AOGU & CHISATO TATEYAMA
(Please use side entrance)
For ECC attenders: Before coming for deliverance for the first time, please make an appointment to speak to Pastor Rajinder
Saturday 21st April Saturday 19th May For non-ECC attenders: please contact ELLEL MINISTRIES on 01252 794060
12noon - 2pm
Borough-wide Evangelism 11am - 1pm
last Wednesday of every month in front of ECC Next dates:
Saturday 7th April HOUNSLOW Saturday 12th May HOUNSLOW
Lighthouse Evangelism
For all those wanting to take part in Evangelism, there will be meetings in the Auditorium on:
Sunday 1st April
(after 2nd service)
Sunday 6th May
(after 2nd service)
Wednesday 25th April Wednesday 30th May
(in front of ECC)
11am - 1pm
Third Saturday of each month Next dates:
Saturday 21st April Saturday 19th May April / May 2012 • Issue 55 • GRAPEVINE
tortured and bloodied young Man hangs on a cross.
Surrounded by a crowd of watchers, many voices cry out. A voice is heard above the others, “Come down from the cross and save yourself!” Other voices chime in, “That’s right. If you truly are God’s Son, come down, and we’ll believe in You.” The nation’s religious leaders point accusing fingers at the battered body on the cross. “He saved others, but He can’t save Himself! He’s the King of Israel! Let Him come down now from the cross, and we will believe in Him. He trusts in God. Let God rescue Him now if He wants Him. For He said, ‘I am the Son of God.’” A criminal executed with him derides, “Aren’t You the Christ? Save Yourself and us!” What now are all Jesus’ claims, miracles and promises worth on this dark day? Jesus just hung there; no escape, no divine rescue. It seemed that the accusations thrown at Him were justified. If He truly were God’s Son, wouldn’t God have prevented this? We are left with two conclusions: either Jesus didn’t save Himself because He wasn’t able to, or because He chose not to. Whichever you believe will depend on who you think Jesus is. Examine Jesus’ life, and we are left with three conclusions about His claims: either He was a liar, or a lunatic, or He was indeed Lord. If Jesus is Lord God, then the Creator of the universe was being killed that day. That’s exactly what one of His closest followers, Peter, said, “You killed the Author of life…!” (Acts 3:15). Can we really
believe that the ‘Author of life’ was incapable of rescuing Himself from death? Jesus Himself had no doubts. When Peter drew a sword to defend Jesus at His arrest, Jesus stopped him: “Put your sword back in its place,” Jesus said to him, “for all who draw the sword will die by the sword. Do you think I cannot call on My Father, and He will at once put at My disposal more than twelve legions of angels? But how then would the Scriptures be fulfilled that say it must happen in this way?” (Matthew 26:52-54). Twelve legions could consist of up to 72,000 soldiers. Jesus is talking about an unimaginably powerful force at His disposal. Jesus didn’t lack the ability to escape. He deliberately chose not to.
Jesus didn't lack the ability to escape. He deliberately chose not to. Although Jesus had the power to escape harm at any time, there was an appointed time for Him to suffer and die; a right time, for a right reason. It didn’t come unexpectedly to Jesus: it was a choice. From that time on, Jesus began to explain to His disciples that He MUST go to Jerusalem and suffer many things at the hands of the elders, the chief priests and the teachers of the law, and that He MUST be killed, and on the third day be raised to life (Matthew 16:21). Unlike us, Jesus was able to predict exactly how and when He would die. It was
GRAPEVINE • Issue 55 • April / May 2012
His choice! In fact, the circumstances of His suffering and death were prophesied hundreds of years before. Isn’t it ironic that the only person in history, who could truly escape death, who repeatedly demonstrated His mastery over it by raising others from the dead, deliberately chose to die? He explained why: “As a ransom for many” (Matthew 20:28). Today, we understand a ‘ransom’ to be a payment for the release of a hostage. In Jesus’ day, it meant more about a payment to liberate people from slavery.
How is Jesus’ death a ‘ransom’? He came to liberate all people from sin. Sin is such a terrible offence against God Himself, that it can’t simply be ignored or forgotten. It matters to God. And there is a price to be paid for sin, as Jesus’ warnings about hell clearly show. How can any of us pay that price? No amount of money or good deeds can meet that ransom demand. It’s impossible. But there is a way – only one way – that the ransom can be paid: the death of Jesus, the Son of God. It is a perfect plan, because only a perfect, sinless person can pay the price, and Jesus, as the Son of God, was sinless. He paid the ransom for ‘many’. It’s the perfect plan because it shows how loving God is. We’ve all wished that God would stay out of our business, so that we can live life on our own terms – stay out of our decisions, our family life, our finances, our sexual relationships and our future plans. But despite this, as the Bible puts it, “God demonstrates His love for us in this: while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8).
It’s the perfect plan because it shows how just God is. A perfect judge would never let the guilty go free. And that’s why Jesus had to die ‘as a ransom for many’. In Jesus, God was saying, “I must punish sin – otherwise there’s no justice. But I love you, so I will serve the sentence Myself, so that you don’t have to.” It’s the perfect plan: God’s justice is satisfied - the ransom has to be paid. And God’s love is satisfied - His love provided the ransom. God Himself is the ransom.
Does that mean that Jesus had to die to save everyone? If our sins were not that serious to God; if we are not sinners in need of saving, then Jesus would never have chosen to die as He did. He gave His life for us because He loves us so much. Not because we deserve His love – in fact the opposite - but because that’s how extraordinary, how selfless, how death-defying God’s love is.
Practical Truths for Today's Living
t is better that we make no vows, than to make a vow and not keep it (Ecclesiastes 5:5-6). And there are very good reasons why rash vow-making, while it may feel good at the time, can lead to major drama in our lives. An extreme example of this is Mr Jephthah (Judges 11:30); it’s important for you to read Jephthah’s story... Now, you will be surprised how many vows - big and little ones - we make almost daily. God takes vow-making very seriously, and when we understand God's mind on the matter, we too will view vowmaking with caution. Vows can be beautiful events, like getting married or committing our lives to Jesus Christ. Other vows can be made when we are hurt by someone we trust. Sometimes we ‘vow’ to ‘never let that happen again’...These vows, made in the heat of the moment, are dangerous to our spiritual health! The less obvious vows are the little vows
Vows can be beautiful events, like getting married or committing our lives to Jesus Christ
experience with the Holy Spirit means an alternative, powerful outcome is possible. Then we can confidently say, "I can do all things through HIM who strengthens me." Rash vows
which have become normal phrases in conversation, such as "never me again", or - this is a good one - "I'm never doing that again." Ever heard those words come out of your mouth? Well, you've just made a vow! Why are we warned about making vows? Well, let's start with the question: What is a vow? A vow is a freewill DECISION... Hence marriage is such a great vow; you are making a freewill decision to love, honour, cherish ’til death do you part. God can really bless that vow! Now, let's tackle those dangerous little vows. Ever been hurt by someone? Have you ever vowed that a particular person will never hurt you again, and so you avoid being in any situation with them? Here's why God can't support that vow. The Holy Spirit is supposed to
help us make our decisions, and each decision should be based on the circumstances, not on a previous vow. When we make a vow that X or Y will not happen to us again, we are removing the role of the Holy Spirit in that situation, and replacing it with a previous decision (vow), made from a place of hurt. Our vows are supposed to be made from a place of faith! So, are we supposed to allow people to continue hurting us? OK, if we become perfect at making little vows, when something happens that we don't like, guess what we will do instinctively? Yes, you’ve got it – we make another little vow. You may not like this, but turning the other cheek means potentially going through the same situation again, with potentially the same outcome. However, going through that
The Holy Spirit is supposed to help us make our decisions, and each decision should be based on the circumstances, not on a previous vow prevent us experiencing this awesome power of the Holy Spirit. Imagine if Paul, after being arrested the first time, had said, "Never me again." In fact, Paul was arrested countless times after that, and each time, more and more people heard the Gospel as a consequence of his arrests. So let's avoid making rash vows from today, and simply rely on the ALL-Sufficient One to get us through ALL our challenging situations - into victory!
Roy McEwen
April / May 2012 • Issue 55 • GRAPEVINE
Through the wa Ehima ELEMA I became a Christian in 2008 and since then it has been wonderful!
I became a Christian on 4th December 2011. I am really proud about being a Christian, because you can really get to know God so much. I got saved, and I would like to be baptised to get to know God better.
David MENZINGER One evening I heard a Joyce Meyer CD playing from my neighbour's house. My neighbour invited me to her church and I became a Christian a year ago because I wanted salvation and everlasting life, and also healing.
Sherina MINTA Although I was born into a Christian family, I have now accepted Jesus into my heart for myself, and I'm getting baptised in obedience to His Word.
John MACHARIA Anita BRUCE-MILLS I was born and raised in a Christian family, and have attended Sunday church services all my life. I never really understood the great importance of it until a year ago. I saw Christianity as just a list of rules and regulations, and really did not have any real relationship with God.
GRAPEVINE • Issue 55 • April / May 2012
I became a born-again Christian on 4th December 2011. When I became a Christian I felt proud of myself, because I had reached my goal. I want to take my relationship with God a step further as I grow in Christ.
Jacqueline LAMBERT
aters of
t Ealing Christian Centre we hold baptismal services throughout the year. Why? Because we believe in the baptism of believers in water (by full immersion) in obedience to the command of Christ.
Water baptism is an outward, public sign of obedience after we have made the conscious decision to repent of our sins and receive the free gift of salvation. This is why we do not baptise babies, but rather dedicate them instead, until they are able to make the decision to follow Christ for themselves. It follows the confession of our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, and is often a joyous and emotional occasion for the family and friends of those being baptised. There were a total of 13 people who were baptised: 10 from ECC, 2 from ECC Japanese Fellowship, and one from Petra Church. We read of Jesus' baptism in Matthew chapter 3, Mark chapter 1 and Luke chapter 3. In Matthew chapter 28, we are told to "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." If you are born again, and would like to be baptised at one of our services, please fill in a leaflet (available in the Information Area at ECC) or speak to Pastor William.
Ekaterina PANSHINA To tell God that I want to fully belong to Him. I am eager to be part of His family.
Kim AUGUSTINE I felt it was the right time.
(Read her testimony on page 5)
(One ECC person missing...)
April / May 2012 • Issue 55 • GRAPEVINE
Children's Ministry
n conjunction with Children’s Ministry, Watoto is excited to present a brand new choir tour entitled ‘Beautiful Africa: A New Generation’. The dynamic, vibrant production is indicative of the new generation of leaders emerging out of the programme. Beautiful Africa: A New Generation features vibrant, original music; dance routines; stories of transformation; exciting audiovisual effects, and even music videos – all produced to celebrate the beauty of Africa and the transformational power of the LOVE OF JESUS. This is WATOTO’S 50TH CHOIR TOUR - a significant milestone for the plight and transformation of the lives of millions of orphaned and vulnerable children across the continent.
The new production has already debuted in the USA (September 2011) and has been travelling throughout the rest of the globe since the New Year (2012). A special NEW Beautiful Africa: A New Generation album, featuring the unique contemporary African music stylings of the Choir will be on sale during the tour. A tribute photographic book, detailing the Watoto Story, will also be released with the tour. Just as last year, we are in need of HOST FAMILIES to accommodate the children and guardians for three nights. Please kindly contact Ernestina Charles-Obi on 020 8799 2174 or via email eco@ if you’re able to help. Ernestina Charles-Obi Children’s Ministries Co-ordinator
Watoto Children’s Choir presents CONCERTS OF HOPE as a voice for the cry of the African child, many of whom have suffered some of the worst atrocities known to man, but whose lives have been restored by the love of Jesus.
GRAPEVINE • Issue 55 • April / May 2012
April / May 2012 • Issue 55 • GRAPEVINE
one family of many nations proclaiming one gospel through many disciples
ALING CHRISTIAN CENTRE (ECC) is part of the Elim Pentecostal family of churches, of which there are around 600 in the UK, and which is in fellowship with approximately 8000 churches worldwide. Year by year, ECC has continued to grow steadily with people coming from every continent, joyfully blending into a multi-ethnic family, drawn from approx 100 nationalities. With its emphasis on prayer, worship, fellowship, discipleship and evangelism, the church seeks to live out its motto. Now hundreds of Christians - of all ages and backgrounds - meet together for lively celebration on Sundays in the beautifullyrestored decor of the 1200-seater auditorium, a former Odeon cinema, and in small Discipleship Cell groups during the week.
Weekly MEETINGS @ Sundays 09.00 09.30 09.30 09.30 11.15 11.45 11.45 14.30 14.30 18.30 20.00
FIRST MORNING SERVICE Little Seekers (Age 2-5yrs) Finders (Age 6-10yrs) Teens Talk (School years 7-11) - single gender classes SECOND MORNING SERVICE Crèche (18mths-3yrs) Adventurers (Nursery 3-4 yrs) Discoverers (Age 5 yrs) Explorers (School years 1&2) Investigators (School years 3&4) Pioneers (School years 5&6) Nu Talk (School years 7&8) Talkin' God (School years 9,10&11) - single gender classes Polish Church Service Japanese Church Service SUNDAY NIGHTS AT THE CENTRE (see page 21 for details) Refreshments in Coffee Lounge
10.00-12.00 Daily Prayer Meeting 18.00-19.00 Daily Prayer Meeting
10.00-12.00 Daily Prayer Meeting 19.30-21.15 Tuesday Night Prayer Explosion
10.00-12.00 Daily Prayer Meeting 14.00 Wednesday Afternoon Fellowship 18.00-19.00 Daily Prayer Meeting
10.00-12.00 Daily Prayer Meeting 19.00-21.30 EITC - Bible College
Registration required
Registration required
19.30-21.00 First Steps (for new believers) 18.00-19.00 Daily Prayer Meeting
10.00-12.00 Daily Prayer Meeting 18.00-19.00 Daily Prayer Meeting 19.00-21.30 EITC - Bible College
Registration required
(Last Friday of every month)
22.00-05.00 All-Night Prayer Meeting
11.00-13.00 Street Evangelism
Prayer • Teaching • Praise & Worship • Evangelism & Missions • Fellowship for all Ages School of Ministry (teaching ministry) | PRAYER & Healing | Deliverance Discipleship Cells | Children & Youth Ministries | Evergreens (Ministry for the Retired)
For further information, tel 020 8840 7508; email, or visit EALING CHRISTIAN CENTRE • 268 Northfield Avenue • Ealing • London W5 4UB Registered Charity No. 251549