ECC Grapevine Dec/Jan 2012 - Issue 53

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Issue 53

December 2011/January 2012

rapevine magazine


SERVING A VERY SPECIAL PURPOSE Taking a look at Volunteers at ECC

MISSIONS SPECIAL by Pastor Mark King

MORE BLESSED TO GIVE THAN RECEIVE ECC Prayer Line 24 hours a day, 7 days a week Call for prayer on: 020 8799 2199


A word from the SENIOR PASTOR



n behalf of the family here at Ealing Christian Centre, we would like to take this opportunity to let you know that we are glad to have you worshipping with us today. We hope you feel at home in our fellowship, and that you will join with us in our services. May God bless you.

CONTENTS 2 4 5 6 7 8 10

A Word from the Senior Pastor Welcoming New Members Celebrating Jesus at ECC The Blessings and Benefits of Cell Leadership It is More Blessed to Give Than Receive Serving a Very Special Purpose: Volunteers special The Answer

- Testimonies from Prayer & Healing meeting 12 Prayer Centre Testimonies

13 Two-month Prayer Diary Pull-out 21 Sunday Services at a Glance / Prayer Ministry @ ECC

22 Finance page / Elim's Fundamental Beliefs 23 Classifieds

24 Fellowships / Congratulations 25 General Notices

26 How to Resolve Disputes Wherever You Are by Roy McEwen

27 Aren't All Religions The Same? by Pastor John Starr 28 The Donut Man is Coming - Children's Ministries 29 Youth Ministries

30 Giving to Four Continents - Missions Special by Pastor Mark King

Would you like to contribute an item to the next edition of the GRAPEVINE magazine? Deadline for February/March edition is Friday 6th January 2012 If you would like to submit anything for the next edition of the Grapevine magazine, please submit your piece by email only please, no later than Friday 6th January 2012. Articles for half a page should be no more than 250 words and for a full page should be no more than 600 words. Please email the Administrator at Editor-in-Chief: Pastor Richard Buxton Editor & Design: Berean Services UK Photography: Roy McEwen, Jacob Dua, Ken Sakulku Stock Images:,,, Print: Deluxe Printers Ltd, London NW10 7NR, Tel: 020 8965 1771 Ealing Christian Centre, 268 Northfield Avenue, Ealing, London W5 4UB Tel: 020 8840 7508 Fax: 020 8840 1461 Email: Website: grapevine is published by Ealing Christian Centre. Reproduction in whole or part without written permission is prohibited. grapevine and the ECC logo are trademarks of Ealing Christian Centre in the United Kingdom where grapevine circulates. Copyright © Ealing Christian Centre 2011. All rights reserved.

GRAPEVINE • Issue 53 • December 2011/January 2012


n our consumer and materialistic society, we live at a time when, for a long time, the emphasis has been on the increase in wealth as being the goal for happiness. A recent survey in our increasingly disillusioned society shows what everyone has really known all along: that for most people, happiness is more dependent on family and solid relationships than on the acquisition of possessions. The apostle Paul quotes a saying of Jesus, which, as with many things Jesus taught, runs contrary to the generally perceived wisdom of this world. He said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35). Someone once taught me a very valuable lesson illustrating this point. Many years ago, when I had just entered into ministry, Rajinder and I were in our first church. It was small in number, and limited in its finances. Before we arrived, they had had to pull down their old building and erect a new one on the same site, and so had the burden of a mortgage to pay off also. With the expenses that come with the arrival of a new baby, we just managed to stretch our income to match our expenses each week. Once a year the church had a special weekend, where a guest speaker was invited for meetings on the Friday and Saturday evenings, together with the two Sunday services. I remember this particular speaker - who was not only a minister but also a university lecturer - for two reasons. Firstly, he had an outstanding teaching ministry that opened up my understanding of the topics he ministered on that weekend, such that they influence me to this day. Secondly, I learned a valuable lesson, not from what he said, but from something he did. Before he came, I was discussing with our church leadership the amount we should give as a ministry gift. As a church, our finances were under great strain. The man himself loved to preach for its own sake but, in addition, he had a good job, and did not seem to have any

obvious need. As we discussed the matter, we decided we wanted to be generous towards him, and decided to give him a ministry gift that was more than three times my own weekly wage.

Personal blessing At the end of the Sunday evening service, I took him aside and thanked him for his ministry and handed to him a sealed envelope with the ministry gift in cash. He physically took it from me and then asked, “Is this now mine?” I replied, “Of course.” He then added, “So I am free to do as

MORE BLESSED TO GIVE THAN RECEIVE I wish with it?” Again I replied, “Of course.” Without opening the envelope - and so without knowing what it contained - he handed it back to me and said, “Then I am choosing to make it a gift to you. This is given to you personally, and not to the church.” I was astonished, and did not know what to say, other than “Thank you.” The way he had given it back to me left me feeling obliged to use it for my own use, and that was a great personal blessing because it would greatly help my family and me at that time.

Spiritual lesson The spiritual lesson was not lost on me. If I had decided beforehand not to give him a generous gift, I would not have received such a generous gift myself. In fact, the measure of the blessing that came my way was directly contingent upon, and proportional to, what I had decided to give to him. In fact, Jesus, several times in the gospels, makes the comment, “With the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” In other words, God will let us set the standard of the measurement, and will return to us according to the measure we have set. This may

therefore have either a positive or a negative consequence for us. It depends very much on the attitudes of our heart. So, regarding how we judge others, whether mercifully or harshly, he says, “In the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you” (Matthew 7:2). Regarding how we listen to what is being said about others and respond to it, he says, “Consider carefully what you hear. With the measure you use, it will be measured to you” (Mark 4:24). And regarding how we give, he says, “Give and it will be given unto you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over will be poured on your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured unto you” (Luke 6:38).

Sowing and reaping Paul uses the analogy of sowing and reaping, and says, “Remember this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all

grace abound to you, so that in all things, at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work” (2 Corinthians 9:6-8).

Giving our time Giving, of course, is not just about finances. One of the most valuable assets we can give is our time. We have many members of the church, who are prepared to invest their time in many different ways of serving the Lord, and we have testimonies from some of them in this edition. Such people are those who understand the Biblical principle, which says, “Stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labour in the Lord is not in vain” (1 Corinthians 15:58).

God will let us set the standard of the measurement and will return to us according to the measure we have set

Richard Buxton

May the Lord prosper you over the Christmas period and in 2012

Issue 53 • December 2011/January 2012 • GRAPEVINE



Why become a member of ECC? Here are some of the reasons given by people who were recently welcomed into membership...

Keziah Joseph

"Because I am committed to ECC; I've grown up here - literally and spiritually - and I know God has great plans for this church. I want to see the seeds that have been sown here harvested."


Sarah Nabirye Ikotity "This is a good, Pentecostal church, and my husband is a member."

Virpi Saha

"Because in the church I can learn to know my God more, and in the church I can serve my God together with others. I have always been a member of the Pentecostal movement, since I was born again. This is my spiritual background."

Suzanne Warner

Tinu Ojo

"ECC is my local church, and there is continual fellowship in God's house."

"I have been attending ECC for over seven years. I am a member of a Cell group, and attend the Equippers Course, so I feel I want to commit more for God's purpose."

Ruth Ntengwe "To fellowship, serve God, and to grow in the Lord. Even though my family is not here, I know I have family at ECC."

GRAPEVINE • Issue 53 • December 2011/January 2012

Ife Bardi

"I already became a member of ECC, but I also wanted to attend the membership classes."

Anne Catherine Murray

Evelyn Afotey

"I came to a service just over three years ago; felt at home, and began to grow spiritually, even though I've been born again for over 20 years!"

Joanna Linca

"I love this church very much. I feel the power of the Holy Spirit is here. This church is just like a dream - like a piece of heaven on earth!"

"I have been coming to ECC for over five years. I always thought I was a member, and feel so at home here. I have no desire to go anywhere else."

Banda Kalume

"I have attended ECC for the past seven or eight years, and I feel this is the time (to become a member)."

Olaniran Joseph-Osobu

DON'T MISS THE DONUT MAN SUNDAY 4TH DECEMBER see page 28 for further details

"To worship God; to develop in the things of God, and to serve the Lord."

Jacklyn Dabah

"I enjoy the service, and I feel at home here. Above all, I want to be a good Christian."

Abigail Jeremiah


Sri Deva Kumararaja

"I love the worship; the preaching of Pastor Buxton, and I feel the Holy Spirit."

Steve K Nyarko-Badohu

"Because ECC is a place where you really, really feel you are worshipping God."

Brian Ubong Ekpong "To officially belong to the body of Christ (the Church)."


Issue 53 • December 2011/January 2012 • GRAPEVINE




EALING CHRISTIAN CENTRE has Men’s Discipleship Cells which meet in various locations, including ECC and various places in the community throughout the week. Below, some of those Cell leaders share about the blessings and benefits they have experienced.


started leading Cell about five years ago rather reluctantly. However, I took on the challenge, trusting in God to help me, and for me, leading Cell has been a blessing. Cell leadership has caused me to study the Word more, thus broadening my personal knowledge; developing a listening ear to hear God’s voice, and deepening my relationship with Him. My people skills have also been sharpened, even as I have acquired life skills applicable in my job as a doctor in a busy Accident and Emergency Department. Indeed, it has been an honour to serve in God's vineyard as co-worker with Christ and a channel of His blessings to others. Instructively, just as God has used me to bless others, so has He blessed me too, in many ways. For example, he provided the job I was waiting on Him for. As I lead His people, I have seen my circumstances change for the best. Those who serve will never be forgotten.

Dr Jide Sogbetun (Primary Cell Leader)


eading a Cell group is such a privilege that I look forward to every meeting with great joy and anticipation. As a Discipleship Cell Leader, God has given me the opportunity to use the giftings He has blessed me with, to edify and impact the men in my group. Personally, I have grown spiritually too, maturing in ministry daily. Our Cell group has 12 members of different ages, backgrounds and experiences, creating dynamics that are as diverse as they are fulfilling. As the leader, I have grown in wisdom and ability in leading and facilitating quite animated, but always Spirit-filled discussion. I feel personally alive with purpose and direction, and look forward to where God is leading me and the group, as I play my part in this exciting journey of discovery with God.

Ivor Thomas

(Cell Leader, Ealing)

GRAPEVINE • Issue 53 • December 2011/January 2012


sa Primary Cell leader, I feel blessed for having the opportunity to disciple others for Christ. I also derive joy and fulfilment from receiving rich fellowship, friendship and edification from brothers with whom I am growing steadily in Christ. Preparing to lead and facilitate the growth of other men does compel me to study the Word of God and to be fervent in prayer myself. There are sacrifices to leadership: time, energy, money, etc, however, I am reassured that these lead to tangible blessings. For instance, it was such a joy seeing God work on our men at the last Men’s Retreat, with abundant, spiritual blessings poured out as we worshiped, prayed and fellowshipped together. An undoubted blessing of Cell is the vision that all men are called to be leaders. I invite all men, therefore, to join in making disciples and building His kingdom here on earth.

Elder Prosper Doe (Primary Cell Leader)


count it a blessing the day my Cell Leader (the late Alegendra Sriram) put my name forward to become a Cell leader. Since then, I have never looked back. Indeed, it has proven to be a deeply satisfying and fulfilling time in my Christian walk. I believe, without any doubt, that volunteering to lead Cell has moved me closer to God. Each time we have a Cell meeting in my house, we can feel the awesome presence of the Holy Spirit, irrespective of the number of brothers in attendance. Since I became a Cell Leader, I have personally received so many blessings and God’s favour in different forms. Additionally, my home is blessed, and so is my family. I thank the Lord for His continued blessing over my family and over me.

Jacob Dua

(Cell Leader, Hayes)


IT IS MORE BLESSED TO GIVE THAN RECEIVE ‘My cell leaders get the encouragement and support that they need’


od gave His Son, Jesus, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16). Jesus says to His disciples in Matthew 10:8, ‘Freely you have received, freely give...’ Therefore, God expects us to give. One of my ways of giving is by being a Primary Leader in the following ways. I spend time ensuring that my Cell Leaders get the encouragement and support that they need to run their cells. It is such a great joy to see God move in the Discipleship Cell groups, and to see women set free from problems. Also, I have given my time to ministering to others when required. My devotional times spent with God have enabled me to give time to ministering to others. We have seen many healings and had words of knowledge, and God has moved mightily. I thank God for His love. Stephanie Antoine

elow are the Primary Leaders of the Women’s Discipleship Cell groups, sharing their thoughts on how they have been blessed by giving themselves to the Lord’s work. They spend a lot of time mentoring, coaching and encouraging the Discipleship Cell Leaders, and helping to raise new Cell Leaders. It is my pleasure to work with such a dedicated and committed team of ladies who also lead the Encounter Weekends.

Pastor Rajinder Buxton Inset picture:

‘I get a sense of fulfilment’


Some of the Primary Cell Leaders

here are so many ways of giving, but the one perfect act of giving is the one God displayed first – giving His only Son to die for our sins. We give our tithes and offerings to do God’s work, and we receive our blessing, as the Bible says. I gave myself to Jesus so that He can use me for His glory in whichever way He chooses. I also serve the Lord by being a Primary Leader for Discipleship Cell groups, looking after other Discipleship Cell leaders, encouraging them, and supporting them in the ministry of Discipleship Cell leadership. I also get a sense of fulfilment through the joy of helping those who are in need. Just as God gave us His Son out of His unconditional love for us, in the same way, our giving of time and resources to others should also be unconditional to show the love of Christ. Minette Thomas

‘I train new leaders’


s a Primary Cell Leader I give my time to support Cell Leaders, who also care for members, and help motivate emerging leaders to take their place to fulfil their ministry. I train new leaders when the original Cell has multiplied, or - in other words – increased, and a new leader is ready to facilitate a Cell in their own home; this is a wonderful moment. I give this time because Jesus loved me so much that He gave His life for me, as in John 3:16. He set the example for me to follow, to give willingly because my time is not my own, it belongs to Jesus, and so it is from my heart of love that I give. I spend my time with the Lord, reading and studying His Word daily, so that I can be built up, and so that my strength is renewed in Him, as Isaiah 40:31 says. Veronica Antoine


at the recent Women's Encounter

‘I feel very blessed to pass something I have learnt on to others’


he essence of ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive’ is shown when God gave His only Son as a sacrifice for us, by His suffering on the cross so that we can have abundant life. I am constantly being transformed by the stories of Jesus and the disciples’ lifestyle in the Bible. By being a Primary Leader, I feel very blessed to pass on something I have learnt to others, especially the Young Women Cell leaders who are under my care. I like to see the reactions in people’s behaviour, and it gives me an opportunity to praise the love of Jesus. This reminds me of God’s love for us, and motivates me to keep on being obedient to Him. I am so encouraged as I watch the Cell leaders who look after the Young Women Discipleship Cells, and their sacrifice of their time, effort and energy for others as they lead. Kamie Jaundoo

‘I stepped out in faith and obeyed His calling’


efore embracing Disciple-ship Cell leadership, I was fearful because it is such a huge challenge. I prayed, and Jesus answered me with Isaiah 54:2-4. Previously, I had no experience or knowledge on leadership, and some of the teaching on Cell Leaders’ training was above my head. But I stepped out in faith and obeyed His calling, and trusted His word to me. As a Primary Cell Leader, my commission is to listen, encourage and guide the Discipleship Cell leaders who are under my care. As the Holy Spirit guides me, I obey His promptings, and by faith move forward as He impresses my heart. Jesus has placed in my life, special people who have taught me a lot, and He also granted me the privilege of being part of a great team, led by an awesome leader, who is always taking us further in our ministry. I enjoy serving others and striving to give my best to Him. Lucia Barreiros

Issue 53 • December 2011/January 2012 • GRAPEVINE




The importance of giving


chose this ministry because as an usher, I have the privilege of greeting and meeting almost everyone who walks into the church. I see this as an opportunity for me to welcome visitors (who may or may not know the Lord), make them feel precious in the house of the Lord and be a good witness for the Lord.

s I scanned over the given list at church, when volunteers were being requested to sign up for various ministries, I actually considered the Worship team. However, I praise Jesus in a very strange, out-of-tune way, therefore I believed it wasn’t the best option for me - or for others to have to listen to! Whilst I scanned the list, I tried to bypass cleaning, as it wasn’t something that I wanted to do. However, God spoke to my heart and convicted me. I knew what He wanted me to do, so I ticked the box. I joined the Cleaning ministry, as I believe God wanted me to humble myself before Him. I realised that placing an offering into the bucket at church wasn’t enough for me; God wanted my commitment and time. I love to live in a clean, wellmaintained and tidy home, so I believe it was only fair to clean the place where God dwells, is worshipped and welcomed. I wouldn’t dream of inviting guests over to a filthy home, so it is only right that I treat church in the same way as my home. As a member of the church, I believe it is a collective responsibility to give and to offer something, whether it is praise and worship or cleaning. Isn’t it nice when we receive a gift? Well, I believe it is just as important to give. Giving doesn’t have to mean giving away a million pounds, or having masses of presents under a Christmas tree. It can simply be a smile, a kind word or, in my case, a vacuum cleaner, a pair of rubber gloves, and the love of Christ in my heart.

Miss Esther Surekha Heer

Felix Iyekekpolor (Team Leader)

Doing something for God


thank God for the ministry He has blessed me with: spending time in His house, cleaning it. I enjoy doing it and I give God all the glory because I am doing something for Him. Praise God.

Serve in the house of the Lord and you will be blessed


was saved, baptised and became a member of ECC in November 1999. After a few years, I joined the Stewarding Ministry, and have never looked back. Serving in the Stewarding Ministry is one of the best things that has ever happened to me. It feels like I was born to serve in the house of the Lord. It has helped me to grow in my Christian life, and I have made lots of friends. I would like to share a blessing of serving in the house of the Lord. In 2007, I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in my hands and knees; I could not work anymore. My health condition became worse. My family, friends and the church were - and still are - praying for me. The Lord is faithful and merciful. The Lord said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” I believe the Lord has started to heal my body; He gives me the strength to serve Him. Psalm 37:25 says, “Yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his descendants begging bread.” God bless you.

Milton Stephen (Chief Steward)


Taking your place in the house of God

GRAPEVINE • Issue 53 • December 2011/January 2012

Once a person One day, I heard Marie asking for helpers to do the cleaning, so becomes a I offered my help, not sure of what was in store. I came later and received my instructions, and have continued to do the cleaning Christian, each week since 2007. I remember when I first attended ECC, I was so impressed to see this clean place, and wondered who keeps they the place so clean. Back then, I didn’t know that there were people working together to keep this place tidy; people who came together become to volunteer their time to serve others. givers I don’t know if you have ever thought of this, but everything that goes


thank God for bringing me to ECC. I came here for the Ladies’ Conference in 2006 and enjoyed the worship so much that I wanted to remain here - and did.

on at ECC is done by volunteers. The Bible says it is better to give than to receive, and once a person becomes a Christian they Placing an become givers. They become people who look to be a blessing everywhere they go. God created you to be a blessing, so offering into the take your place in God’s house and offer your services/time bucket at church to bless the house and people of God, as there is so much wasn't enough for needed at ECC. So come and be blessed.


A privilege

Sonia Scott


Getting a double blessing

consider it a great privilege to be serving in the house of God in my stewarding role. When I think of how the Lord keeps and strengthens me to do my secular job five days a week, I regard it an invaluable opportunity for me to express my gratitude to Him by availing myself for service in His house.

What is a volunteer? A volunteer is a person who offers their time for a special purpose (OED).

My greatest joy of serving as a steward comes from my belief that every hour that I give of my time affords our pastoral leaders a bit of extra time for them to concentrate on spiritual matters. This is evidenced in Acts 6:1-7 when the apostles said to the multitude of the disciples, “it is not desirable that we should leave the Word of God and serve tables.” Wow! This wells up the passion in me to just give my all. The introduction of a third service stretched us all in the ministry, but the love of God compels me, and the rewards are far greater. Stewarding is about serving the needs of the congregation and of those who watch out for our souls. I’m confident, therefore, that as others are blessed by my serving, I get my double blessing in return.

Margaret Ssekabuuza

(Deputy Chief Steward)


Called to make a difference

have been part of the Stewarding team for five years. Just over a year and half ago, I became Deputy Team Leader. The Stewarding team was the very first ministry that I joined, and I love every moment of it. It allows me to do the things I enjoy doing naturally: helping, serving and greeting others, and, as a deputy, leading others. I find it so rewarding and such a blessing to be able to give my time in such a way. To be able to put a smile on someone’s face just by saying, “Good morning” or “Good evening” probably means more to me than to them. I don’t know what kind of week or morning they may have had, but I do know that to greet someone with a smile makes a difference. We are called to make a difference, and that’s all that I desire in my life - whether it is big or small, I want to make a difference. God has blessed me more than I could have imagined through joining the Stewarding Ministry, as I have grown as an individual. I have become more confident, stronger, bolder and better equipped. I have developed new skills, such as leadership, managing and organising. These skills have given me the confidence to take on other leadership roles within the church. I believe the skills I have learnt since joining the Stewarding team have not only been beneficial in my own personal life, but they have also shown me how God can use us when we make ourselves available to Him. The real true blessing is in my obedience to serve God. God has unlocked and released the potential that was inside of me; potential I didn’t know I had. I can do all things in Christ who strengthens me.

Yvonne John

Successful decision-making I’d been thinking of doing something in church for some time. I knew I was good at cleaning, so I joined the Cleaning team. It’s quiet, and I have time to focus on God. I make decisions which turn out to be successful. I find such joy and happiness in this ministry, that sometimes I don’t even realise that time has passed. I’ll often be at home, and be thinking about what needs to be done next time I’m at church. It has been a blessing to me; it’s part of my life now, and I have this confidence and my outlook on life has changed. I am now in a Cell, I got baptised and recently became a member of ECC. Extraordinary things are happening in my life; my friends have seen the change in my life, which they also want to have, and I am able to invite them to church. I give all the glory to God, and now I even have a job, which is a miracle.

Ruth Ntengwe

RECOMMISSIONING SERVICE - SUNDAY 29th JANUARY Please turn to page 28 for more encouraging testimonies...


A worthwhile ministry

have heard many say, “Cleaning and good deeds will not get you into heaven...” but I believe that ensuring God’s house is clean will most certainly make it more comfortable for those who visit our church. After all, didn’t Jesus say to feed His sheep? Offering my time to serve in God’s house to clean is just as important as any other ministry. When I clean, I use the time for worship. I listen to Sister Juliet worshipping downstairs and feel transported to a heavenly realm! The real blessing is knowing that many people will feel welcomed into the Lord’s house, because of the people who commit time to build His church. We are demonstrating that, collectively, each ministry is so important for building the Kingdom, and that we are united in the body of Christ. I joined the Cleaning ministry as I wanted to do something worthwhile. If God blesses you with a house and you do not take care of it, why would He bless you with one that is bigger? God is building His Church, and His people must be obedient in order for it to thrive and multiply. In my experience, when we take the time to bless others, God returns so very much more – His giving is incomparable.

Jasveena Masih

Issue 53 • December 2011/January 2012 • GRAPEVINE



Testimonies from the Prayer & Healing meetings George Multiple blessings: Neck healed and grandson flown to India for further studies


eorge testified that he had been having pain in his neck for six months. He was taking medication and having physiotherapy, but nothing helped. “As a word of knowledge was given that someone was being healed of a neck problem in their seat, I checked my neck, and lo and behold all pain was gone. The Lord has healed me of my neck problem after six months of problems,” he said. “Another miracle took place when my grandson went to a computer school in Ghana, and by the grace of Almighty God, he graduated with excellence and a good grade. Back in Ghana, a scholarship was given to seven young men to go to India, Japan or Singapore to study further. An exam was given to select the best students to further their studies. William, my grandson, did exceptionally well at it. When it came to selecting the candidates, the influential authorities in Ghana selected the young men of their choice, and sent them to India to further their studies. Sadly, my grandson was missed out. When the students arrived in India to start the course, the authorities asked where William, my grandson, was, since he had done exceptionally well in the exams too. They rang the Ghanaian Embassy in India to enquire about my grandson, and said they cannot start the course without William. The embassy rang Ghana to find William. In no time, William was on the plane to India to do his course, and the Indian government had prepared all his documents so that he could join the group to start the course. God is a great God, and He knows and hears when we call Him with our problems - and He answers.”


GRAPEVINE • Issue 53 • December 2011/January 2012



esus’ mighty healing stream continues to flow and is ever-flowing. 1 Peter 1:24 says, ‘By Jesus’ wounds you have been healed.’ If we are sick, we reach out to Jesus and receive our healing by faith. If we have any unforgiveness in our hearts, let us forgive and release those who have hurt us (Colossians 3:13). Remember we should also to forgive and release ourselves for anything wrong we have done. 1 Peter 1:15-16 says, ‘Be holy, because I am holy.’ Let our words, thoughts and actions be in alignment with the Word of God, for then surely as Malachi 4:2 says, ‘But for you who revere My Name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings. And you will go out and leap like calves released from the stall.’ Below are powerful faithbuilding testimonies. For personal prayers, please attend the Revival and Healing Meetings on the second Sunday of each month, and for further help please ring our 24/7 prayer lines which are open day or night, and a prayer intercessor will pray with you.

Ruth Jesus has changed my life


was brought up in a Christian home, but I did not pay attention to Jesus. I would pray the Sinner’s Prayer, but I did not follow Jesus. I did a lot of wrong things and continued in my old way of life. One day, as Pastor preached on salvation from sins, I said to myself that it was time to turn back to God completely. I forsook my old way of life and am now following Jesus as I should. Jesus has changed my life. The Lord has given me strength to follow Him, and He is my best Friend. Also at the last healing meeting, I was healed. I had been having pain in my ankle for many months. I could not wear high heels, but a word of knowledge was given that someone was being healed of an ankle problem; the Lord instantly healed me in my seat. I came forward to share my testimony of Jesus healing me. I will be able to wear my high heels after all!

Barbara Wilson "I could not stand for long, but now Jesus healed my knees" “I came into the Meeting with pain in my two knees. A word of knowledge was given of someone with pain in the knees being healed. I came forward and started walking up and down in front of the church. The pain simply left my knees and the Lord healed me. Before that, I had been having pain for six months, and had been taking many painkillers and did all sorts of massages on my knees. Nothing helped me. I found it very difficult to walk up the stairs, because my knees were painful. I could not even stand for more than 10 minutes because of the pain in my knees. But after Jesus healed me, I can now stand for more than 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 20 minutes, and I can even walk up and down the stairs without any pain. All pain has left my knees. I am so happy.”

Melody "Jesus gave me a new ovary and now I am pregnant"

Femi Cancer gone - no trace of cancer found

had a damaged ovary and could not have children. I had been married for three years and desperately wanted children. I went to see the doctor, and they gave me all kinds of medication to help me with my ovary but nothing worked. The doctors said that if the medication worked, they would remove my bad ovary. Doctors had given up on me and could not help me anymore, even with the medication. It was a hopeless situation. I came to the Revival and Healing Meeting, and my friend said to me to go to the front to receive prayer. “Just believe God for a miracle that something will happen.” I did, and sat in the prayer line and I was prayed for.

emi related this powerful testimony to us. “Last Tuesday, I requested prayer for a client of mine, Henry, through the prayer request form. I asked for prayer for his healing from cancer, and for his salvation from sins. He was diagnosed with cancer early this year. He had lost a few stones in weight, and his appearance was yellow and he could not eat any solid food. I saw him last Tuesday morning, and informed him that I would be asking the church to pray for him, to which he responded and thanked me for it. His step-daughter told me he had only two more months to live.


I went back to the hospital in August, and the doctor gave me an X-ray. When the results came back, he was surprised to see that the damaged ovary was as good as new. He called another doctor to compare the difference in the ovary and he, too, was puzzled. Then they called yet another doctor. They could not believe what they were seeing, and were puzzled.


They took more blood tests, and more X-rays, but the result was: it was a new ovary. They then called the consultant who said, “What we see is different to what is on the scan. How did it happen? The two ovaries are working completely well.”

He attended his weekly consultation on Wednesday, where a test was carried out to see how advanced the cancer was. On Thursday morning, he came to see me and announced, “It’s gone.” He said that the doctors could not find any trace of cancer in his body.

After Jesus healed me, at once I became pregnant. I am now three months pregnant, and I give glory to God.

He put his hands together, as if in prayer, and said, “It works.”

Janine Prolapsed disc in neck healed


had been having problems with my neck for two long years. I was on painkillers and having physiotherapy, but nothing seemed to help. I became progressively worse and was off sick for three weeks. The doctor gave me an MRI scan, and it was diagnosed that I had a prolapsed disc in my neck and the only way to correct it was by performing an operation on my neck. This was the situation when I came to the Revival and Healing meeting. As I sat, a word of knowledge was given that someone with a neck problem was being healed. At that moment, I reached out to God to heal me and my neck was totally healed. Today, even after one month of receiving my healing, I have no pain and have forgotten what it was like to live with pain.

NEXT MEETINGS: 11th December & 8th January Jacob Severe back problem healed when my wife and friend stood in the gap for me


woke up very early for my morning devotion, and was overcome by a very severe attack of back pain, to the point where I was holding onto the walls for support and sometimes crawling on my knees. It was so painful that I could not even go to the church in the morning, and my wife asked me to stay in bed until she came back from church. When she came back at 1.45pm, I was still in bed, almost in tears with pain. That evening was the Revival and Healing meeting and I still could not move, let alone stand. My wife is part of the Ministry Team, hence she had to go and minister to the people at church. In my mind, I was hoping that she would stay with me just in case I needed to go the toilet, as I would need her help. But I said to her that she could go, not knowing that it was going to be the best decision yet, as God had a plan for me. Jeremiah 29:11 says, ‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ says the Lord. ‘They are plans for good and not for evil.’ In the meantime, during the service, Mr Roy McEwen texted me to say that he was in church to take the photographs that evening. I was very pleased, since one of us had to be there to take photographs. I told him I was in severe pain with my back, and that I could not stretch or walk. He texted me back to say, “I will stand in the gap for you, Jacob. You will be free from all back pain in Jesus’ Name, and you will bless others with your testimony.” Later, when my wife came back from church, she came straight upstairs to the bedroom. I was lying on my back smiling. She asked me how I was feeling; I immediately said, “I am healed in Jesus’ Name.” She said, “Get up and walk.” Immediately I jumped out of bed and walked to and fro several times. She was totally elated with joy and praising God. She, too, had stood in the gap for my healing during the healing service, and since both Roy and my wife stood in the gap for me, God’s power had come through to me supernaturally. I can now walk, stand up straight and kick my legs without any pain at all. This has been a great miracle in my life, and I want to give God the praise.

Issue 53 • December 2011/January 2012 • GRAPEVINE



The Prayer Centre operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week, as compassionate prayer partners are waiting to take your prayer requests and to pray for your individual needs over the telephone. Here are some of the amazing answers to prayer, as individuals ring back to share their answers with us.

PRAYER centre

Operation cancelled

A lady called for prayer on behalf of a friend, who was supposed to go for an operation, but she called back to give thanks to God that the friend is now healed and did not need to have the operation any more.

Divine healing

An anonymous caller was experiencing pains in her side and was unable to sleep. Directly after prayer, she reported that her body shuddered and the pain left her body. We ended the call in thanksgiving to the Lord. PRAISE GOD for divine healing.

Stress-free and healed

A sister called the Prayer Centre for favour in her finances, and for healing from stress caused by her financial problems, and pain in her leg. During prayer, she felt a warmth flow down her left side, and the pain left her body and she was able to move her leg without feeling any pain. She then coughed, and her breathing difficulties subsided and she was able to breathe better for the first time in a long time. As the prayer ended, she was laughing as such happiness flowed through her. Praise God, she is now stress-free and healed. PRAISE GOD.


020 8799 2199

New home

A sister called the Prayer Centre regarding her housing situation: she has wanted to move home for about 20 years. After prayer, the Lord answered, and she finally moved into her new home. PRAISE GOD for His provision.


A lady called for prayer last week to say that she and another colleague had been accused of hitting a patient at work. After investigation by the police, they were both vindicated.

Headache gone

A sister had been having a massive, incessant headache for the past two days, couldn’t sleep, and after calling the Prayer Centre, the headache stopped immediately. Praise God.

Driving test

A lady phoned this morning for prayer for her practical driving test that she was having this afternoon. She phoned back to say that she passed the test.


A mother asked for prayer a few of days ago that her daughter would find a nice house in Brighton; she has found one and moves in on Saturday.

GRAPEVINE • Issue 53 • December 2011/January 2012

Job offer

A lady called the Prayer Centre because she was going for a job interview. She called back to praise God as she had received a job offer.

Freedom from jail sentence

Children protected

A sister called the Prayer Centre regarding her friend, who was facing a jail sentence. After prayer, the Lord granted him favour: the Court ruling was in his favour, and he is now free to continue his life. PRAISE GOD.

Restored marriage

A lady called the Prayer Centre for prayer concerning employment issues. She called back to give thanks for answered prayers. She has gotten a new job and the issues were resolved.

A sister called for prayers on behalf of a friend of hers whose ex-partner is mistreating the children. We prayed that he would not turn up to collect the children, and the prayer was answered.

A lady from Cameroon was having challenges in her marriage and after she called the Prayer Centre, her reported that her marriage in on track now. Glory be to God.

New job

A lady called the prayer line this morning before going to a very important meeting with her superior. She rang back to say the meeting was a great one, and her boss had encouraged and supported her.



New job


A sister had surgery in August 2011, and after she came out of the hospital, the wound became infected. The doctors wanted to carry out another operation, but thank God for prayers. She was healed and did not have to have the operation any more. Thank You, Jesus.

Amazing testimonies abound at the Prayer Centre, and you can make a difference to someone's life. Are you willing to be used by God in this area? Please contact Rudy, our Prayer Coordinator on 020 8799 2199.




atthew’s gospel was written initially to the Jews, who already had a firm understanding of the Old Testament. For this reason, Matthew (unlike Mark, who wrote initially to non-Jews) quotes extensively from the Old Testament, showing that Jesus is the Messiah whose coming was extensively prophesised. Matthew’s gospel is also, in some ways, like a manual for believers. In the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew chapters 5-7), he records Jesus’ instructions on the standards and values of the Kingdom of Heaven, together with how the citizens of that Kingdom are to conduct themselves. In the three passages from Matthew’s gospel - through which we are praying this month - he records Jesus’ instructions to his followers concerning evangelism: the need for evangelism; how to do it, and the responses that will be encountered whilst evangelising. So in Matthew 9:35-10:42, Jesus modelled the pattern for evangelism by demonstrating a heart of compassion for the lost, who were like sheep without a shepherd. The harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few for the great work that there is. The problem is therefore not the harvest, but the labourers. So we are urged to pray for more workers to come forward as evangelists and witnesses for Jesus (remembering to include ourselves in that number!). In Matthew 13:1-52, Jesus explains the kind of world in which we are evangelising, and the reaction to hearing the Gospel. Some people will react like seed on a path that is quickly snatched away from their minds by the devil. Others will hear and respond but fall away, because of criticism or opposition or the cares of this world. But the minority, who do respond, produce a disproportionally large response or harvest. From small beginnings, the church will grow like a mustard tree or yeast in bread. Some people will appear to be following the Lord, but in reality are false, like tares among the wheat. It is for the Lord to sort out the weeds from the tares or the good fish from the bad. Our job is to sow, or to see that the nets are filled. In Matthew 18:1-35, Jesus describes the attitude he expects from his followers: one of childlike trust and humility. If there are disputes amongst believers, these are to be resolved. God has freely forgiven us an unpayable, large debt of sin. In turn, we are to forgive others, whose sin against us is minimal in comparison, and the consequences are grave if we choose not to. As we pray through these passages this month, may God fire our hearts with compassion for the lost; zeal for the harvest, and desire to live right before him and one another. .................................................................................................................

1st – Matthew 9:35-36 Compassion for the lost

1. Lord, give us a heart of compassion for the lost just like yours, we pray. 2. Help us to find opportunities to share our testimony with others, to help them come to faith in Christ as their Lord and Saviour, we pray. 3. Even though people may be outwardly hostile to the Gospel, help us to see them as they are in reality: lost, and heading for eternity without the Lord, we pray. 4. Give us the boldness, O Lord, to pray for the sick, expecting to see you answer prayer. 5. In all things, Lord Jesus, help us to model ourselves on you, we pray.

2nd – Matthew 9:37-38 Workers for the harvest

1. Lord, we pray that you would raise up workers from within our church, who will be willing to take the message of the Gospel out and about. 2. Help us not to look first to others to be obedient to your calling, O God, but to put ourselves forward with willing hearts. 3. Make us fruitful, we pray, as we seek to serve you, O Lord.

4. Help us to lead others to Christ, we pray. 5. Here I am, Lord, send me.

3rd – Matthew 10:1 The authority delegated by Jesus

1. Lord Jesus, help us to understand the reality of the fact that you have delegated to us the power in your Name to wage spiritual warfare. 2. Give us the boldness, wisdom and the faith to minister effectively in the power of your Name, Lord Jesus. 3. May we see healings, as we exercise the courage to simply believe in the power of the Name of Jesus to command the sick to be well. 4. May we use the delegated power of Jesus wisely, as we bind the powers of darkness. 5. Guide us in our intercessory prayers, as we use the delegated authority of Jesus, to see the impossible become possible, we pray.

4th – Matthew 10:2-7 Preach the message

1. Help us to be able to share the testimony of our faith in Christ clearly, succinctly and persuasively, we pray. 2. Holy Spirit, bring to our remembrance at

Bible Readings and Prayer Points for Individual and Church Spiritual Growth

Passages from the Gospel of Matthew Chapters 9:35 to 10:42, 13:1-52 and 18:1-35

the right moments all the things we have learned and read in the Bible. 3. May we have the grace to speak the truth about the Gospel, in love, to whomsoever we meet, we pray. 4. May we not be concerned about winning an argument, but rather winning the lost soul to Christ. 5. Give us the grace to speak with gentleness and patience to all those we share the Good News with, we pray.

5th – Matthew 10:8-10 Freely give

1. May we always prioritise our time, O Lord, so that we freely give to you of our best. 2. May we use all the practical gifts and talents you have given us to help build your Kingdom, O Lord. 3. May we use all the charismatic gifts you have given us for the furtherance of your Kingdom, O Lord. 4. Give us the softness of heart to always be willing to give out of our financial resources whenever you touch our heart to do so, we pray. 5. May we be a people who, because we have freely received forgiveness, in turn freely forgive all those who hurt us, we pray. Issue 53 • December 2011/January 2012 • GRAPEVINE



JANUARY 2012 6th – Matthew 10:11-16 Wisdom and innocence

1. Whenever we lack wisdom in any given situation, Holy Spirit, we pray that you would give us the wisdom we need to speak and to act at that moment. 2. May we not be ignorant of the plans and ways of the devil, O Lord, but rather have the wisdom to foresee the traps he would seek to lay before us. 3. May we be people who bring peace to the troubled lives of others, because we know how to speak and act with the same wisdom as the Prince of Peace. 4. Give us the wisdom to keep away from worldly activities that bring us no benefit, but which would rob us of godly innocence, we pray. 5. Enable us to have the humility to be childlike without becoming childish, we pray.

7th – Matthew 10:17-20 Boldness amidst persecution

1. Make us fearless in the face of opposition to the Gospel, O Lord. 2. Help us resist every spirit of antichrist that comes our way, O God. 3. May we not hide the light of Christ within us, we pray, but recognise that light is brightest when surrounded by darkness. 4. Help us not to be conformed to the ways, thoughts and values of this world, O God, but rather to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. 5. We pray for all our brothers and sisters who face persecution daily, simply for following Christ; make them strong, we pray.

8th – Matthew 10:21-25 Like Jesus, like disciples

1. May we not be surprised, Lord Jesus, when we face ill-treatment for following you, understanding that if people illtreated you, they will do the same to us. 2. Make us just like you, Lord Jesus, in the way we relate to our Heavenly Father, we ask. 3. Make us just like you in your passion to carry out the Father’s will, Lord Jesus. 4. Give us the same servant-heartedness that you have, Lord Jesus. 5. May we be able to pray also, ‘Not my will, but your will be done, O God.’

9th – Matthew 10:26-31 Fear God who loves you

1. Give us a heart that always fears to sin, O God. 2. Help us to see sin as you see it, O Lord, and, as a consequence, to do all we can to avoid succumbing to sin’s temptations.


GRAPEVINE • Issue 53 • December 2011/January 2012

3. Develop our relationship with you so deeply, Heavenly Father, that your perfect love casts out all fear we may have within us. 4. May we fear nothing in this life, O Lord, except the fear of missing your will in any and every part of our lives. 5. May our love for you be so deep, O Lord, that we would only ever desire to do your will, we pray.

10th – Matthew 10:32-33 Acknowledging Jesus

1. Lord Jesus, may we live out our lives daily, in a way that clearly acknowledges you not only as our Saviour, but as the Lord of every part of our lives. 2. May we not deny you, Lord Jesus, by living in a way that contradicts our testimony that we are your followers. 3. Help us to speak out boldly and with wisdom whenever the opportunity arises, we pray. 4. Help us not to be intimidated by those around us, who are ungodly or antiChristian, but to stand firmly for the truth. 5. Cause us always to be ready to count the cost of following Jesus, and to spurn any rejection or ill-treatment that may follow as a consequence.

11th – Matthew 10:34-36 Divided households

1. Lord, we pray for all unsaved members of our families; bring them to the place of salvation in Christ. 2. We bring before you, O Lord, the unsaved husbands of wives in the church; may these wives have the joy of seeing their husbands saved. 3. We pray for the unbelieving children of parents in the church; may the children give their lives to Christ. 4. We pray for every unsaved parent of those in the church; cause them to repent and accept Christ as Saviour and Lord. 5. We pray for each of our relatives who have not given their lives to Christ; save them, O God.

12th – Matthew 10:37-39 Take up your cross

1. May we never shrink back from taking up the cross you would have us to bear, O Lord, knowing that you only ever desire to lead us into your glory. 2. Teach us how to rejoice in adversity, O God, knowing that such things produce the Christlike character within us that you desire us to have. 3. Enable us to learn, with all the demands on our time and our lives, the utmost necessity of making you our first priority, O Lord.

4. Help us to demonstrate our love for you, O Lord, by keeping your commands. 5. May our love for you, O Lord, exceed our love for all other things.

13th – Matthew 10:40-42 Doing all for Jesus

1. Help us to commit all we do into your hands, O Lord, so that everything we do, we do it as unto you, and so to the highest standard. 2. Lord, we commit the work of our daily employment into your hands today; help us to be the most conscientious and loyal employees, we pray. 3. Lord, we commit into your hands all the work we do around the house today, and for our families; help us to give and to receive everything in love, we pray. 4. Help us not to neglect the service and ministries for you that you have called us to do at this particular time in our lives, O God. 5. Help us to realise that whatever we do unto others with a Christlike attitude, we do it for you, O Lord.

14th – Matthew 13:1-9 People’s reaction to the Gospel (1)

1. Help us not to be disheartened when people we speak to reject the Gospel, O Lord, recognising that, in reality, it is you they are rejecting. 2. We pray for those we speak to who do not want to listen to the Gospel; remove the spiritual blindness from their eyes. 3. Deepen our prayer life, O Lord, so that we carry an increasing anointing to see the yoke of unbelief broken in the lives of those we witness to. 4. We pray for those we are praying for, who lead shallow lives centred in the here and now; help them to see the utmost importance of things eternal. 5. For all those we are praying for, who seek satisfaction in only what the world can offer them temporarily now, save them, O God.

15th – Matthew 13:1-9 People’s reaction to the Gospel (2)

1. We pray for those we are witnessing to, whose lives are distracted by the cares and worries of this world; help them turn to the One who can meet all their needs. 2. We pray that you would lead us to those who are sincerely seeking after the truth about life and about God, that we may lead them to you, O Lord. 3. Lead us, we pray, to those who are sincerely seeking after God, but are looking in the wrong places, so that we may point them to Christ.




aul wrote his letter to the Christians at the church in Philippi, as a prisoner. This was one of four letters he wrote during his four years awaiting trial before the Roman Emperor Nero, the others being: Ephesians, Colossians and Philemon. Even as he dictated the letter, he was chained to a Roman soldier who was guarding him. The Philippians had always been generous supporters of Paul’s ministry, and were in the habit of sending him gifts to enable him to plant churches and carry on his apostolic ministry, without having to make tents to pay his bills. By helping him in this way, they were ensuring that the work of God was progressing, and so he refers to them accordingly as ‘partners in the Gospel’ (Philippians 1:5). They were able to contribute financially, whilst he had the calling and anointing to plant churches, so that, together, they ensured the work of the Lord was carried out. On hearing that Paul was under arrest, the Philippians had sent him a generous gift through the hands of Epaphroditus, one of their church members, who had travelled from Greece to Rome in Italy to bring Paul their gift. They intended that Epaphroditus should stay and help Paul, which he did, until falling seriously ill and nearly dying. So Paul writes them this letter, expressing his thanks for their great generosity. One feature of the letter is that, although Paul’s circumstances do not appear to look good as he waits interminably for his trial date, which could end in his execution and he is constantly chained to a Roman soldier, what runs through this letter is a constant theme of joy. There is always so much to thank God for. For Paul, there is the joy of the fellowship between him and the Philippian Christians, which always encouraged him. He was overjoyed at the opportunities he had to share the Gospel despite his confinement, because every eight hours the Roman soldier’s shift would change, and he would be replaced by a different soldier. What would Paul talk about to each soldier who couldn’t escape hearing Paul speak whilst chained to him for eight hours at a time? So Paul writes that the whole palace guard has heard the Gospel! Despite his circumstances, Paul writes in this letter, ‘Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!’; ‘I can do everything through [Christ] who gives me strength,’ and ‘My God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.’ Philippians is a letter that demonstrates that our relationship with God triumphs over all adversities, since God is able to work all things together for good to those who love him. As we pray through this letter this month, may we learn to allow our faith to deepen, our expectations to increase, and our joy in the Lord to triumph over every adversity. .................................................................................................................

1st – Philippians 1:1-2 Saints, overseers and deacons

1.Lord, we pray for every person who attends our church that you would watch over, keep, guide and use each one for your glory. 2.We pray for all those who attend but do not yet know Jesus as their personal Saviour and Lord; cause them to respond to the promptings of the Holy Spirit. 3. We pray for all the pastors, that they would hear from the Holy Spirit, and have all godly wisdom to accomplish your plans and purposes for the church. 4. We pray for all the elders of the church that you would guide them in all the affairs of government of the church. 5. We pray for all those who minister in the practical areas of the church that you would give them the skill and wisdom needed for each task.

2nd – Philippians 1:3-6 Partners in the Gospel

1. Lord, keep us from being individualistic in our ministries and in our walk with you, O Lord, but cause us always to work for the wider good of all in the church. 2. Show us how we can work better with others in the work of the Lord, so that we can maximise the fruitfulness of all we do, we pray.

3. Give us hearts that delight in the success of others in the work of the Lord, without feelings of jealousy. 4. Teach us to be people who are always encouraging others to achieve their highest potential in Christ in their service and ministries for the Lord. 5. Help us to be like the Philippians, who were generous in their financial support for the work of the Lord, we pray.

3. In all our dealings at home and in the workplace, may our actions be honourable at all times. 4. May we be known by non-Christians as people who can always be trusted, because we adhere to standards of righteousness, O God. 5. Keep us in all times of temptation and trial, so that we always maintain a good testimony.

3rd – Philippians 1:7-8 Brotherly love

5th – Philippians 1:12-14 Spreading the Gospel despite difficulties

1. Teach us to love one another, O Lord. 2. Help us see the potential in each person and encourage them, O Lord, rather than just see their faults. 3. Teach us how we can best help those who are in need, we pray. 4. Help us to love those who are naturally hard to love, we pray. 5. Give us the wisdom, in seeking to help others in love, to be able to discern genuine needs, from those who are merely seeking to take advantage.

4th – Philippians 1:9-11 The fruit of righteousness

1. Give us clean hands and a pure heart, O Lord. 2. Help us to develop and maintain pure motives in all we do, O Lord.

1. Cause us to remember that you, O Lord, work all things together for good to those who love you, so that we can always see things in a positive light. 2. Give us the courage to take a stand for the Gospel and for righteousness, even in the most difficult of circumstances, we pray. 3. Teach us how to view our present difficulties, O God, as light and momentary, in comparison with the great glory that we shall experience in the life to come. 4. Holy Spirit, we ask that you would use us as a testimony of Christ, even in the most trying of circumstances. 5. Make us effective in spreading of the good news of Jesus Christ, remembering that our work is to be witnesses, and the Holy Spirit’s work is to convict and save people. Issue 53 • December 2011/January 2012 • GRAPEVINE

Bible Readings and Prayer Points for Individual and Church Spiritual Growth

Philippians - Chapters 1 to 4



DECEMBER 2011 6th – Philippians 1:15-19 The effectiveness of intercessory prayer

1. Lord Jesus, teach us to pray like you pray. 2. Holy Spirit, teach us to wait on you, to place upon our hearts the things you want us to intercede for, so that we may be effective in our intercession. 3. We intercede for all the ministers and churches in our land, that you would send your fire, Holy Spirit, and raise up an army of God. 4. We pray for our Government, Members of Parliament and Members of the House of Lords, that you would break all influences of ungodliness in the laws they pass. 5. We pray for our church, our borough, our city and our nation, that you will bring a mighty revival, Holy Spirit.

7th – Philippians 1:20-21 For to me to live is Christ

1. Help us, as a first priority, to seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness. 2. May our lives truly be lived for Christ, at home, at school and college, in work and amongst our neighbours, O Lord. 3. Make us fruitful in every area of our lives and activity, we pray, as we do everything as unto the Lord. 4. O Lord, may you be our first thought in the morning, our last thought at night, and the motivating power that guides our thoughts and actions at all times in between. 5. Help us, O God to live this life in the light of the life that is to come, so that our priorities will always be in the right order.

8th – Philippians 1:22-26 Effective service

1. Make us doers and not merely hearers of your Word, O Lord. 2. Holy Spirit, show us the things you have given us the potential to excel in, and help us to achieve our full potential in Christ. 3. Enable us to stand firm, O God, letting nothing move us; giving ourselves fully to the work of the Lord, knowing that our labour in the Lord is never in vain. 4. Help us to encourage, build up and equip each other to grow deeper and stronger in our relationship with you, O Lord. 5. Help each of us in the various ministries that we carry out, to know that what we do is effective because it is motivated by our love for you, O Lord.


GRAPEVINE • Issue 53 • December 2011/January 2012

9th – Philippians 1:27-28 Stand firm in one spirit

1. Help us at all times, O Lord, to conduct ourselves in a manner worthy of the Gospel of Christ. 2. Make us one in your Spirit, O God, leaving no foothold for the enemy in our midst. 3. Enable us to overcome any hindrances to unity, so that we may stand strong and experience the blessing and anointing of your Spirit, we pray. 4. Take away all fear of men from each of us, O Lord, so that we may boldly be witnesses for Christ. 5. Cause the roots of our faith to go deep, O God, so that nothing will be able to shake us.

10th – Philippians 1:29-30 Suffering for Christ

12th – Philippians 2:5-8 Having the attitude of Christ

1. Teach us to suppress all instincts towards selfishness, Lord Jesus, and instead to develop the same attitude of servantheartedness that you displayed. 2. Help us always to put your interests, O God, before our own, even when that seems a hard thing to do. 3. Break all inclinations towards pride that may be within us, O Lord, and instead cause us to emulate the humility of Christ. 4. Help us to learn, O Lord, that it is as we humble and submit ourselves before you that you can then lift us up to the place where you want us to be. 5. Holy Spirit, help us to have the mind of Christ.

1. Give us the strength of character to be able to stand up to any opposition that comes against us because we follow Christ, we pray. 2. We pray for those among us who are placed in difficult positions at their places of work because of their faith in Christ; strengthen them and grant them favour. 3. Give us a clear understanding of what we have been saved from through our faith in Christ, so that any suffering for our faith will be seen to be little by comparison. 4. No matter what we go through, cause us always to remember, O Lord, that in every circumstance you work all things together for good for those who love you. 5. Give us the grace we need for each new day, O God, and may we face each trial of our faith with the inner joy of the Lord that no circumstance can take away.

13th – Philippians 2:9-11 The Lordship of Christ

11th – Philippians 2:1-4 Considering others before ourselves

1. Teach us to understand the gravity of the sin from which we have been saved, so that we may fully appreciate the free gift of our salvation through the cross. 2. Teach us the reverential fear of the Lord, which is the beginning of wisdom, so that we are never tempted to regard sin lightly, we pray. 3. May we never become complacent in our faith, but constantly seek to live out the Gospel. 4. Help us to live 24 hours a day as the ambassadors of Christ that you have called us to be, O Lord. 5. May everything we do - whether small or great - always be as unto you, O God, always seeking to do it righteously and to the best of our ability.

1. Help us to grow from self-centredness to Christ-centredness, we pray. 2. Make us people who delight in helping others achieve their full potential. 3. We pray for each of the husbands in the church, that they may love their wives as Christ loved the Church, seeking her highest good. 4. We pray for all the wives in the church that they may respect their husbands, seeking his highest good. 5. Help each of us to be someone who can always be trusted and relied upon when others seek our help and advice.

1. Jesus, help us to allow you to be Lord of every area of our lives, we pray. 2. Be the Lord of our ambitions, plans and goals in life, so that we are always in your perfect will. 3. Be the Lord of all our finances, so that we always use our money as wise and faithful stewards. 4. Be the Lord of our character, helping us to daily put to death the old nature and live in our new, spiritual nature. 5. Holy Spirit, fill us with all wisdom, insight and spiritual gifts, so that we may be led by you in everything we do.

14th – Philippians 2:12-13 Work out your salvation with fear and trembling


DECEMBER 2011 15th – Philippians 2:14-18 Do everything without grumbling

16th – Philippians 2:19-24 Looking after the interests of others

18th – Philippians 2:28-30 Risk-takers for Jesus

1. Lead us, Holy Spirit, to be risk-takers for Jesus. 2. Cause us to grow in faith, where we can know the leading of the Holy Spirit, and so step out in faith to accomplish all you want us to, we pray. 3. Teach us the difference between presumption and true faith, O Lord, so that we do things by your Spirit, and not in our own strength. 4. Help us follow the example of Epaphroditus, who was willing to go more than the extra mile in his service for you, O Lord. 5. May our love for you, and service that flows out of it, exceed our love for anything else we do, O Lord.

19th – Philippians 3:1 Rejoice in the Lord

1. Help us in our duty to be our brother’s and sister’s keeper, O Lord. 2. Give us a genuine ‘agapé’ love for people, O Lord. 3. May our eyes not only be on our own needs, O God, but also looking out for the interests of those who need our help. 4. Draw to our attention, O Lord, those you want us to help, whose needs may not be immediately obvious, but which are known to you. 5. Bless and anoint our Discipleship Cells, O God, and may they continue to be a place where individuals are built up in the life and ways of God.

1. As we wait on you and walk in your ways, may joy, as the fruit of the Spirit, fill our hearts. 2. Cause us to remember that your joy, O Lord, is not as a result of our circumstances - whether good or bad - but as a result of our relationship with you. 3. Give us the ability to always focus on the positive, and remain positive in our thinking, rather than dwelling on negative things. 4. Give us such a depth of understanding of the riches of your grace towards us, O Lord, that nothing will dampen the joy of our salvation. 5. Make us a people who bring joy to the lives of others, rather than dampening their spirits, we pray.

17th – Philippians 2:25-27 A heart like Epaphroditus

20th – Philippians 3:2-6 Not trusting in our own works

1. Give us a heart that desires to work hard and put our all into being good servants and ministers of Christ, we pray. 2. Help us to see the needs that are around us, and to willingly give of our best to help in the Name of Christ. 3. Enable us to go the extra mile when the necessity arises, knowing that we do it for Jesus’ sake. 4. Help us to give our support to all those who labour for the Lord in ministry, remembering that even a cup of water, given in Jesus’ Name, will not be without reward.

1. Teach us to commit to you each day everything we do, O Lord, so that we do not depend on our own strength but on yours. 2. Holy Spirit, help us to seek you for the gifts of the Spirit that will be of most benefit to the life and ministries you have called each of us to. 3. Holy Spirit, give us the ability to do all practical and administrative tasks, not in our own strength, but under your spiritual anointing. 4. Fill us anew right now with a fresh anointing of yourself, Holy Spirit, we pray.

5. Lord, we lay ourselves before you as living sacrifices for you to take up and use according to your perfect will.

21st – Philippians 3:7-9 A sense of true value

1. Teach us to see through the Spirit, O Lord, what is of true value in this world, and what is of illusory value only. 2. Help us to store up our treasures in heaven, where rust and moth do not corrupt and thieves do not steal, we pray. 3. Inspire us, Holy Spirit, to work for that which will endure forever, rather than that which is of temporary worth. 4. May we always strive to understand more, and seek to live out more, the righteousness that comes from Christ. 5. May our desire for you, O Lord, always be greater than for anything else we have, or aspire to have, in this world.

Bible Readings and Prayer Points for Individual and Church Spiritual Growth

1. Make us a grateful people who understand the greatness of the grace you have extended towards us, O Lord. 2. Cause us to realise that even if we had nothing in this world except our salvation in Christ, that it would be worth more than the entire riches of this world. 3. Enable us to be the peacemakers you have called us to be, O Lord, and not people who are quick to take offence or to argue. 4. Teach us the difference between matters of righteousness and justice that we cannot compromise, and matters that are not significant, from which we can walk away rather than argue. 5. In every circumstance, help us to live in the peace of God that passes all understanding, and so stand out as being different to those who do not know the Lord.

5. May we be people who others can always depend upon in their times of need.

22nd – Philippians 3:10-11 A closer walk with Christ

1. May we, like the apostle Paul, be able to say that our first passion is to know Christ more and more. 2. Help us to live daily in the power of the resurrection of Christ, we pray. 3. May we not be discouraged when we experience suffering, but rather feel a closeness to Christ, who suffered much more for our sakes. 4. As you, Lord Jesus, were totally obedient even unto death, help us to learn obedience. 5. Keep our eyes focused on our glorious future, which includes our new, resurrected bodies, in which we shall spend eternity with you, O God.

23rd – Philippians 3:12-14 Pressing forward

1. As we recognise that we are not yet perfect, O Lord, help us to press on further in our life in Christ. 2. We cannot change the past, but help us to be determined to change the future, as we seek to walk hand-in-hand with Jesus through this life, we pray. 3. Help us not to get ourselves stuck in our present circumstances, but to always rise above them and press forward in our God. 4. If there are any hindrances in our lives that are holding us back from pressing forward in God, reveal them to us, Holy Spirit, and help us to deal with them. Issue 53 • December 2011/January 2012 • GRAPEVINE



DECEMBER 2011 5. Keep us from being complacent and happy with where we are now; rather, give us the vision to see where you can take us in the future, O Lord.

24th – Philippians 3:15-16 Becoming mature

1. Help us to grow spiritually a little more each day, we pray. 2. Make us people of the Word, O God, who take the time daily to read the Bible, and who seek to apply it in our daily lives. 3. Give us the self-discipline to spend time with you daily in prayer, O Lord. 4. Give us ears to listen as you speak to us, O Lord, so we can learn to act with spiritual maturity. 5. Make us role models to all those around us, and especially to non-Christians outside the church, we pray.

25th – Philippians 3:17-21 Being an example

1. Thank you, heavenly Father, for the priceless gift of your Son, Jesus Christ, given freely for us. 2. Thank you, Lord Jesus, for your willingness to step down from heaven to become the Saviour of the world. 3. Lord Jesus, as we see in you God becoming human for us, help us to look to your example, and to learn how to humble ourselves likewise. 4. Cause us to remember, Lord Jesus, that just as you came from heaven to this earth, our citizenship is in heaven; may we live as citizens of heaven. 5. Give us the integrity in life to be able to say to others, “Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.”

26th – Philippians 4:1-3 Put right disagreements

1. Lord, if there are those we are out of relationship with, so far as it depends on us, help us to put things right. 2. Search our hearts, Holy Spirit, and reveal to us any root of bitterness or unforgiveness within us, and give us the grace to root it out. 3. Give us the grace not to hold on to our rights, when it is only our pride that is really at stake. 4. Help us to learn the ministry of being peacemakers, we pray. 5. Cause us to avoid every situation that would enable the devil to gain a foothold in our lives, through disagreements with brothers and sisters in Christ.


GRAPEVINE • Issue 53 • December 2011/January 2012

27th – Philippians 4:4-7 The peace of God

1. As we receive peace with God through our faith in Jesus, may we also grow in the inner peace of God. 2. In every circumstance, cause us to realise that the peace of God is not dependent upon changing circumstances, but on the unchanging relationship with our heavenly Father. 3. Teach us the secret of casting our cares on you, O Lord, so that we may not be anxious about anything. 4. For any family in the church, where there is strife for whatever reason, we pray that your peace will come to that situation. 5. Lord, we bring all our personal needs before you right now; help us, and undertake in every situation, we pray.

28th – Philippians 4:8-9 Noble thoughts

1. Help us to determine to fill our minds with noble thoughts, O Lord, and not with ones that are unworthy. 2. Give us the discernment to know what is right in any given situation, O God, and to think on and pursue it. 3. Make us a people who are quick to praise others and build them up, we pray. 4. May we always put into practice the things we learn from your Word or through wise counsel. 5. As we do these things, O Lord, may we be conscious of your continual presence with us always.

29th – Philippians 4:10-13 Knowing the secret of being content

1. Make us different from the world, O Lord, in that we are not focused solely on striving after getting more and more. 2. May we know the peace that comes through learning how to be content in whatever our current circumstances happen to be. 3. When we have plenty, enable us to use it wisely, and when we have little, help us to manage it well, knowing that we never lose our true spiritual riches in Christ. 4. May our focus be on you and your Kingdom, O Lord, recognising that it is for eternity, but present riches are but for a season. 5. In the management of all our finances, enable us to do all that is necessary through Christ who gives us strength, we pray.

30th – Philippians 4:14-18 Generous giving

1. Teach us how to be generous with our worldly possessions, O Lord, recognising that ‘naked we came into this world and naked we will leave.’ 2. Make us a people, O God, who are not afraid to bring our tithes into your work, knowing that you will cause us to reap according to how we sow. 3. Give us a heart like the Philippian Christians, O Lord, who saw sowing financially into the Kingdom of God as a high priority. 4. Help us to keep a light hold over our possessions, O God, so that giving some away is not a difficult decision. 5. Teach us the truth of your words, Lord Jesus, that, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’

31st – Philippians 4:19-23 A God who meets all needs

1. We bring all our spiritual needs before you, O Lord; where we are spiritually poor, help us to become spiritually rich. 2. As we bring our personal needs to you, O God, since you know what is best for us, help us according to your will for us. 3. We bring our family needs before you; help us in every matter, we pray. 4. We bring our employment needs before you, O Lord, asking that you would put us in the right job at the right time for the right salary. 5. As we bring all our financial needs before you, O Lord, make us a people who can experience the principles of reaping according to how we sow.




16th – Matthew 13:10-13 Growing more in God

1. Help us to have ears to hear what the Spirit is saying to us, we pray. 2. Holy Spirit, help us to have hearts that are willing to have you change us each day more and more into the image of Christ. 3. As we daily read the Bible, cause us to understand more and more of its great revelations, Holy Spirit, we ask. 4. Speak to us in prophecies, dreams and visions, O Lord, and give us the wisdom to understand what you are saying, so we can act upon it. 5. Holy Spirit, help us to grow stronger in putting the old nature to death, and allowing our new spiritual nature to rise up.

17th – Matthew 13:14-17 Hardened hearts

1. We pray for those who attend church meetings, who have never given their lives to Christ; soften their harden hearts, so that they respond to the Gospel, O God. 2. We pray for all those we know who are agnostics; soften their hearts, so that they can see the truth and reality of the Gospel. 3. For all those we know who claim to be atheists, we pray that you would so work in their lives that they will see the folly of such views. 4. We pray for all the institutions in our nation that are growing ever more antiChristian; cause their actions to have the opposite effect to what they intend. 5. We pray for those who govern us, and who pass laws that are increasingly ungodly; frustrate the passing of ungodly laws, O God.

18th – Matthew 13:18-23 Producing fruit

1. No matter how incapable we may think we are, help us, Holy Spirit, through our witnessing, to lead others to Christ. 2. Cause us to remember, Holy Spirit, that it is you not we who bring people to Christ; may we be effective channels through which you can work. 3. We pray for all those we have seen come to Christ in recent days; cause them to grow in their spiritual lives, and start to become soul-winners themselves.

4. Help us to produce not merely converts but true disciples of Christ, we pray. 5. Give us the joy of seeing more people come to Christ and added to the church, O Lord.

19th – Matthew 13:24-30 Living in a fallen world

1. Give us the wisdom to discern who are wheat and who are tares, O Lord, so that we are not deceived and led astray. 2. Help us to show people, not another religion, but a true relationship with God, through faith in Christ, lived out by the power of the Holy Spirit. 3. Give us the wisdom to discern, and so overcome every plan of the enemy against us as individuals and against the Church. 4. Help us not to be discouraged or disheartened by the words and actions of those who claim to follow Christ, but who in reality do not. 5. Give us the ability to grow strong and quickly in the knowledge of your Word, O Lord, so that we can easily discern truth from error.

20th – Matthew 13:31-35 Expanding the Kingdom of God

1. You have said, Lord Jesus, that you will build your Church; grant us the privilege of being willing instruments you use for this purpose. 2. We pray for every church in our location that you would visit them with a great move of your Spirit, and cause them to flourish and grow. 3. We pray for those para-church organisations that operate good works out of love for Christ; use their works to be an effective vehicle for the Gospel, O Lord. 4. We bring every missionary organisation before you, O Lord, which is seeking to bring the Gospel in words and actions across the world; cause them to flourish. 5. We pray for all those who go out on the streets to share the Gospel; use them to reach those who would otherwise never have the chance to speak to Christians.

21st – Matthew 13:36-43 The horrors of hell

1. Lord, may the knowledge that judgment and hell are realities be a great motivating factor for us to spread your Word. 2. May the horror of the reality of hell never prevent us from telling the truth to a sceptical generation. 3. May the understanding of what we have been saved from, cause us to seek to live righteously in all we do, O God.

4. May the reality of hell, which reveals the righteousness of a holy God, cause us never to backslide, we pray. 5. Help us to work, while the opportunities still remain, to bring as many people to Christ before it is too late, O Lord.

22nd – Matthew 13:44-45 True riches

1. Help us to treasure our salvation in Christ, O God, and to understand exactly what you have given to us through Christ. 2. Give us the wisdom not to be motivated as the world is motivated, but to appreciate and desire true spiritual riches, we pray. 3. Enable us to throw off everything that hinders us, and the sin that so easily entangles, so that we can run the race with perseverance and joy. 4. Help us to learn the secret, O Lord, of being content in any and every situation, whether we have much or whether we have little. 5. Lord, no matter what circumstances we go through in this lifetime, help us never to lose the joy of our salvation, which is worth more than all the world.

Bible Readings and Prayer Points for Individual and Church Spiritual Growth

4. We pray for those we know who are sincere in their religious beliefs, but are sincerely wrong; enable us to help them come to know the truth about Christ. 5. We pray for those we know who started following Christ but have since fallen away; help us to encourage them to return.

23rd – Matthew 13:47-52 Reaching everyone

1. Help us to reach rich people with the Gospel, O Lord, whose riches will not help them on the Day of Judgment. 2. Help us to reach poor people with the Gospel, O Lord, so that they have the joy of experiencing true riches. 3. Help us to reach ‘good’ people with the Gospel, O Lord, enabling them to see that being ‘good’ is not good enough to satisfy the standards of a holy God. 4. Help us to reach with the Gospel all those who would not hesitate to break the law or to cheat, enabling them to realise that there is a far better way of life. 5. Help us to reach with the Gospel all the religious people who trust in rituals and traditions without knowing the lifechanging power of Christ.

24th – Matthew 18:1-4 Childlike but not childish

1. We pray that you would make us as wise as serpents yet as harmless as doves, O Lord. 2. Cause us to desire to grow in all spiritual maturity that will affect everything we do, and everyone we have dealings with, O God. 3. In all our dealing with people inside the Church and in the world, give us your wisdom, O God, in every situation, so that we may be people of influence. Issue 53 • December 2011/January 2012 • GRAPEVINE



JANUARY 2012 4. Help us to learn how to humble ourselves, so that you can raise us up to positions of great influence both in the Church and in the world, we pray. 5. Help us each to come to the place where you can trust us with your great anointing power, Holy Spirit, that can move all kinds of mountains.

4. Help us never to give up on those who have wandered away from the truth, but to continue to bring them to you in prayer, O Lord. 5. Father, we commit into your hands the ‘99’ that have not wandered from you; give us the same compassionate heart that you have for those who fall.

4. Help us, Holy Spirit, to come to the place where we can forgive others - whether they deserve it or not - knowing that this is your perfect will for us. 5. We pray for all those who have hurt us, and now choose to release them from any anger, bitterness of heart or unforgiveness.

25th – Matthew 18:5-6 A good example to children

28th – Matthew 18:15-18 Seeking reconciliation

31st – Matthew 18:28-35 Spurning the mercy of God

1. We bring all the parents in the church to you, O Lord, praying that you would give each one the wisdom they need to raise their children in the ways of the Lord. 2. We pray that parents in the church would always find time for family devotions with their children each day, setting the example to follow as they grow up. 3. Help each parent in the church to be able to train up their children in the ways of the Lord, through exhibiting a godly character even in the transparent environment of home. 4. As church members, help us to be good examples at all times to all the children that we meet inside or outside of church. 5. We pray for all in the church who teach children, either in Sunday school or in state schools; give them the grace and wisdom they need for this most important of jobs.

29th – Matthew 18:19-20 The power of agreement in prayer

1. Holy Spirit, make us sensitive to your promptings about anything that we need to change or cut out of our lives, we ask. 2. Help us to be transparent before you, O Lord, allowing the light of your holiness to shine deep into our hearts. 3. If we have failed you today, O Lord, we ask your forgiveness and help not to do so again. 4. We submit our plans and ambitions to you, O Lord; prosper what we have discerned correctly, and close the door on those where we have missed your leading. 5. Give us clean hands and a pure heart, O Lord.

1. Give us a heart to pray, both in our personal times of devotions and collectively, in unison of heart, mind and voice, we ask. 2. Holy Spirit, reveal to us and to each individual local church, the direction you would have us to go, in order to fulfil the unique role you have called each one to carry out. 3. May we dwell in prayer together in complete unity, Holy Spirit, so that your anointing may flow down upon us in power to fulfil your will for us. 4. Help us to understand the power of agreement in prayer, so that we can pull down many spiritual strongholds that oppose your work, O Lord. 5. May our prayer meetings be filled to overflowing, as your people start to understand the enormity of the power of prayer, O God.

27th – Matthew 18:10-14 Seeking the lost

30th – Matthew 18:21-27 Forgiveness

26th – Matthew 18:7-9 Avoiding sin

1. Keep us on the straight and narrow path, O Lord, so that we do not wander away from a close relationship with you. 2. We pray for those we know, who have backslidden for one reason or another; help us encourage them to return to you, we pray. 3. We pray for all the children of parents in the church, who have been brought up with a knowledge of the Gospel but have never responded to it; save them, O Lord.


1. Give us the grace not to be easily offended, but to allow love to cover a multitude of sins, we pray. 2. Help us to speak the truth, and to speak it in love, O God. 3. When we are in the wrong, give us the grace and humility to admit it, O Lord, so that we do not become a stumbling block to you, your work and to others. 4. So far as it depends upon each of us, O Lord, help us to live in peace with all people. 5. We pray for any in the church who are out of fellowship with unresolved differences between each other; bring them to the place of reconciliation, O God.

GRAPEVINE • Issue 53 • December 2011/January 2012

1. May we not be ungrateful to you, O Lord, by refusing to forgive others, when you have forgiven us so much. 2. Give us hearts that are not hardened to the plight of others, but which are ready to demonstrate the mercy you desire of us, O God. 3. For any in our congregation, who are out of fellowship with each other, we pray you would give them the grace to settle any differences, O Lord.

1. Holy Spirit, we ask you to bring to our remembrance, right now, any person we still need to forgive and release, so that nothing may hinder your work in our lives. 2. We pray for all our unsaved friends, neighbours and work colleagues, who are in grave danger of experiencing the wrath of a righteous God against sin; save them, O Lord. 3. We pray for all our unsaved family members; save them, we ask. 4. O God, teach us the truth of your words that, “it is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God”, so that we may be motivated to reach the lost. 5. We pray for our nation, O Lord, that has turned its back on your mercy and grace; send one more great move of your Spirit in revival power.


SUNDAY SERVICES at a glance 9am, 11.15am, 6.30pm

DECEMBER 2011 4th 11th 18th 25th SATURDAY


Speaker: Pastor Rob Evans


'THE BEST PRESENT OF ALL' Children's Christmas Concert with Rob Evans, the 'Donut Man'











Speaker: Pastor Richard Buxton Speaker: Pastor Rajinder Buxton

Speaker: Pastor William Anane-Forkuo Speaker: Sam Blake

CHRISTMAS DAY SERVICE Speaker: Pastor Richard Buxton

ONE service at 10.30am NO EVENING SERVICE


JANUARY 2012 1st 8th 15th 22nd 29th

NEW YEAR'S DAY SERVICE Speaker: Pastor Rajinder Buxton













RE-COMMISSIONING SERVICE Speaker: Pastor Richard Buxton


GOSPEL CONCERT with Ian Yates (Elim Sound)


Speaker: Pastor Richard Buxton Speaker: Pastor Rajinder Buxton Speaker: Pastor Richard Buxton Speaker: Pastor William Anane-Forkuo

Speaker: Pastor Richard Buxton Speaker: Pastor William Anane-Forkuo

PRAYER MINISTRY @ ECC Daily Revival Prayer Meetings Monday to Friday Morning meetings

10.00am Meeting in Annexe Room 2 EVENing meetings

6.00pm (Hour of Encounter Mondays-Fridays) Foyer 7.30pm (Prayer Explosion Tuesdays only) Foyer Annexe Room 2 is on the main street to the left of ECC's main doors and can be accessed directly from the street

For personal prayer, why not come along to our

PRAYER & HEALING MEETINGS The second Sunday evening of every month at 6.30pm DECEMBER 11th JANUARY 8th

• Powerful worship! • Testimonies of God’s provision and healing • Bring all your requests – God specialises in the impossible! Jesus is the answer

All-Night prayer Meetings A night of intercessory prayers, celebration, thanksgiving and December praise!

Next Meetings:

- NO meeting Friday 27th January

The last FRIDAY of every month 10pm-5am Issue 53 • December 2011/January 2012 • GRAPEVINE


ECC Attendance and Finance Statistics

September/October 2011

Children Children ATTENDANCE 9.00am 9.00am 11.15am 11.15am 6.30pm 04-09-2011 11-09-2011 18-09-2011 25-09-2011 02-10-2011 09-10-2011 16-10-2011 23-10-2011 30-10-2011

233 260 269 270 235 235 246 288 242

32 46 46 41 29 28 26 82 30

495 413 466 415 514 442 476 555 447

96 93 85 92 83 91 105 82 122



133 Tithes & £58,254.19 £49,638.66 146 Offerings 83 534 Building £790.00 £108.00 106 Fund 147 208 Standing £12,171.39 £21,918.25 107 Orders 106


A NOTE from the Treasurer “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures upon earth where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal.” (Matthew 6:19, 20) “Instruct them to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share, storing up for themselves treasures of a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of that which is life indeed.” (1 Timothy 6:18, 19)


am reminded of the story about a person who died and went to heaven. When he arrived, he was told he would be taken to his home. They passed by many beautiful mansions. Finally, on the very outskirts of heaven he was shown a very small, rundown house, and was told it was his. He complained and protested, but was told, “We’re sorry, but this is all we could do for you with the materials you sent up.” “Now this I say, he who sows sparingly shall also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully shall also reap bountifully. Let

each one do just as he has purposed in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” (2 Corinthians 9:6, 7) “And do not neglect doing good and sharing; for with such sacrifices God is pleased.” (Hebrews 13:16) There are conditional promises to those who are generous givers. Be wise and reap the reward of all your giving here on earth as well as in Heaven. Sandra Dawodu Finance Assistant

PLEASE NOTE: You can now pay your tithes and offerings through the ECC website at

FUNDAMENTAL BELIEFS OF THE Elim Pentecostal Churches 1. THE BIBLE: We believe the Bible, as originally given, to be without error,

the fully inspired and infallible Word of God and the supreme and final authority in all matters of faith and conduct. 2. THE TRINITY: We believe that the Godhead exists co-equally and coeternally in three Persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit and that these Three are one God, sovereign in creation, providence and redemption. 3. THE SAVIOUR: We believe in the true and proper deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His real and complete humanity, in His sinless life, in His authoritative teaching, in His substitutionary and atoning sacrifice through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, in His heavenly intercession and His second advent to receive His Church. 4. THE HOLY SPIRIT: We believe in the deity of the Holy Spirit Who proceeds from the Father and the Son and the necessity of His work in conviction of sin, repentance, regeneration and sanctification, and that the believer is also promised an enduement of power as the gift of Christ through the baptism in the Holy Spirit with signs following. Through this enduement the believer is empowered for fuller participation in the ministry of the Church, its worship, evangelism and service. 5. MANKIND: We believe in the universal sinfulness of all mankind since the Fall, rendering man subject to God's wrath and condemnation. 6. SALVATION: We believe in the necessity for salvation of repentance towards God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ by which the sinner is pardoned


GRAPEVINE • Issue 53 • December 2011/January 2012

and accepted as righteous in God's sight. This justification is imputed by the grace of God because of the atoning work of Christ, is received by faith alone and is evidenced by the Fruit of the Spirit and a holy life. 7. THE CHURCH: We believe in the spiritual unity and the priesthood of all believers in Christ and that these comprise the universal Church, the Body of Christ. 8. THE MINISTRY: We believe in the ministries that Christ has set in His Church, namely, apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers, and in the present operation of the manifold Gifts of the Holy Spirit according to the New Testament. 9. THE ORDINANCES: We believe in the baptism of believers in water in obedience to the command of Christ and the commemoration of Christ's death by the observance of the Lord's Supper until His return. 10. THE COMMISSION: We believe that the Gospel embraces the needs of the whole man and that the Church is therefore commissioned to preach the Gospel to the world and to fulfil a ministry of healing and deliverance to the spiritual and physical needs of mankind. 11. THE COMING KING: We believe in the personal, physical and visible return of the Lord Jesus Christ to reign in power and glory. 12. THE FUTURE STATE: We believe in the resurrection of the dead and in the final judgment of the world, the eternal conscious bliss of the righteous and the eternal conscious punishment of the wicked.

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Issue 53 • December 2011/January 2012 • GRAPEVINE






3-COURSE MEAL at TOBY CARVERY Monday 12th December COST: £10 plus £7 transport Non-refundable deposit of £5 is required to book your place

QUIZ & CRAFT TIME Monday 9th January 1.30pm to 3.30pm COST: £3 for lunch

Congratulations to Peter and Joy GREEN on the birth of their daughter REBECCA OGHENEMISERI ('It was the Living God I called upon') on 7th September 2011 weighing 8lbs 4oz A baby sister for George, Paul & David

Contact Sharon Grant for details at the ECC office on 020 8840 7508

WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON fellowship@ 2.00pm

DECEMBER 2011 7th Pastor Lindie 14th Celebration 21st NO MEETING 28th NO MEETING

JANUARY 2012 4th NO MEETING 11th Philip Symes 18th Merle Aqui 25th Prayer

Greetings for Christmas and the New Year. Come and join with us on Wednesday afternoons at 2pm. All welcome! 24

GRAPEVINE • Issue 53 • December 2011/January 2012

Congratulations to

Tom and Monique IBRAHIM on the birth of their daughter DESTINY ELEOJO on 11th October 2011 weighing 7lb 11oz


to Dr Kally and Carine Florin KATSHUNGA on the birth of their son CHRIST DODI GABRIEL on 13 July 2011 weighing 3.96kg

GENERAL NOTICES DRIVERS & HELPERS WANTED ECC requires volunteers to be trained and licensed by the Ealing Community Transport for the purpose of driving its vehicles for the use of the church. More information can be obtained from Sharon Grant or Akin Osuntoki in the church office (tel: 020 8840 7508), or by email to or

JOB VACANCY ECC CHURCH OFFICE An opportunity has arisen in the church office for a Part-time Administrative Assistant (10 hours per week). The role requires good knowledge of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Access) as well as a Desktop Publishing software (Adobe Photoshop, Corel Draw or InDesign). The successful candidate will have excellent verbal and written communication skills, strong organisational skills, excellent people and team-working skills, and a very good telephone manner. To apply, please send your handwritten application letter, accompanied by a CV, to the church office marked for the attention of the Senior Pastor, not later than Monday 19th December 2011. (Application by e-mail to This is a permanent position, subject to a three-month probationary period. Further information available from the church office.

THE ECC OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED Mon-Weds 26-28 December 2011 and Mon 2 January 2012 DELIVERANCE MEETINGS For ECC attenders: Before coming for deliverance for the first time, please make an appointment to speak to Pastor Rajinder

NO MEETING in December Saturday 21st January For non-ECC attenders: please contact ELLEL MINISTRIES on 01252 794060

ECC Chinese Fellowship (in Mandarin & Cantonese)


12noon - 2pm

last Wednesday of every month in front of ECC Next dates:

NO MEETING in December Wednesday 25th January


Elim Springs Every Sunday @ 2:30pm in the Auditorium (Please use side entrance)

Borough-wide Evangelism 11am - 1pm Saturday 10th December WEST EALING Saturday 7th January EALING BROADWAY For all those wanting to take part in Evangelism, there will be meetings in the Auditorium on:

Sunday 4th December (after 2nd service)

Sunday 1st January (after single service)

Lighthouse Evangelism (in front of ECC)

Every second and fourth Sunday 2:30pm - 4:30pm in the Basement

For details, please contact IRENE HSIEH

ECC Japanese Fellowship Every Sunday @ 2:30pm in the Foyer For details, please contact AOGU & CHISATO TATEYAMA

11am - 1pm

Third Saturday of each month Next dates:

Saturday 17th December Saturday 21st January

Issue 53 • December 2011/January 2012 • GRAPEVINE


PRACTICAL TRUTHS for today's living How to...



ver found yourself in a dispute with family, your spouse, children, siblings, friends, colleagues at work, church brothers and sisters? Well, here are 12 wise words for you to consider: "Either one or both of you have taken your eyes off Christ". What a statement!

"Either one or both of you have taken your eyes off Christ". These wise words were spoken to me when I was in a dispute, and I thank God that the wise man, who spoke this statement to us, did so, providing this timeless piece of advice. The truth in this simple statement is fantastic. Let's start with an experience Peter had, where he walked on water. Read Matthew 14:29 slowly, and track the series of events: Peter saw Jesus; he called to Jesus; he told Jesus to ask him to come; Jesus asked Peter to come; Peter walked on the water towards Jesus - his eyes are on Jesus at this time he then took his eyes off Jesus, and looked up at the storm clouds. I repeat for effect: Peter took his eyes off Jesus. At the very moment he took his eyes off Jesus, Peter began to sink into the water. But then he


refocused his attention to Jesus to save him, and Jesus saved him from drowning. Disputes disappear when we fix our eyes on Jesus. I love the practical truth in this story. This truth is as true for Peter's experience as it is for disputes today. When we fix our eyes on Jesus, disputes disappear. In a dispute, we normally focus on one of two things: one, how the ‘other’ person offended us, and two, we ‘convince’ ourselves that we did nothing wrong. (Ahem!) Both of those positions may be true, but neither of them are focused on Christ. When in a dispute, it matters nothing whether we are right or wrong; only that we focus on Christ. I understand all too well, when we're in the middle of a dispute, that it’s hard to think the right thing, far less to do the right thing. However, if we practise focusing on Jesus, it would be easier to keep looking at Jesus when things go wrong. That's why the apostle Paul wrote in Romans 12:2, ‘Be transformed by the renewing of your minds.’ Focusing on Jesus in every situation isn't natural ... it’s spiritual. Again, that is why we're asked to live in spirit and in truth. This isn't just Scripture

GRAPEVINE • Issue 53 • December 2011/January 2012

Disputes disappear when we fix our eyes on Jesus

for quiet time contemplation; it is sound, practical advice for everyday living. When you keep your eyes on Christ, you have the power of heaven to help you through that experience. You can simply ask through the Holy Spirit, "How do I respond, Lord?" And guess what will happen? Yes, the correct answer for the situation will be provided. Sometimes, you may hear nothing, and guess what you should do...NOTHING! Sometimes you will hear different voices. Again, in 1 John 4:1 we are advised to ‘test the spirits’ and ensure they are from God. Therefore, if you believe that God created the world, and you believe that in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God, then you will also believe that God is able to guide you through EVERY minute of every day, including every dispute situation you may find yourself in.

Roy McEwen

Focus on Jesus. Smile!

In the first of a two-part special, PASTOR JOHN STARR examines one of the more popular questions asked at this time of year, by looking at the four major world religions: Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism and Islam.



ften people think that all religions teach more or less the same thing so they must all be true. In reality, how can all beliefs be true when they contradict one another? Some religions believe in many gods, whereas other religions believe in only one god. Most religions believe that heaven is attainable through merit and good works, whereas one religion, Christianity, teaches that it is only attainable through the unearned grace of God.

There are big differences between religions. Let’s take a look at some of the major differences between what the three major world religions believe, compared with what Christianity teaches.

The Existence of God • Buddhists do not actually believe in a personal god • Hindus believe in two major gods, Vishnu and Siva, as well as in millions of lesser gods and goddesses • Muslims believe in one god, called “Allah” • Christians believe that God is a personal being who created human beings in His own likeness, and who desires

to have a personal relationship with each one.

The Issue of Salvation • Buddhists believe salvation is by self-effort only • Hindus believe you attain salvation by devotion, good works and self-control • Muslims believe that people earn their salvation and pay for their sins • Christians believe that Jesus Christ died for their sins. If people turn from their sins and follow Jesus, they can be forgiven, and have the hope of being with Jesus in eternity.

The Person of Jesus Christ • Buddhists believe that Jesus was a good teacher, though less important than Buddha • Hindus believe that Jesus was just one of many incarnations, or sons, of God, and they assert that Jesus was not the unique Son of God as Christianity claims • Muslims believe that Jesus was the greatest of prophets but inferior to Mohammed. Also, they deny that Jesus is God come in the flesh. Furthermore, they deny that He actually died for people’s sins • Christians believe that Jesus is God come as Man; that He was sinless, and that He died and rose again from death to be the Saviour of the whole world. It’s obvious that we cannot believe in all of the major

religions as being 'true' or 'the same'. Each religion eventually contradicts Christ’s claims.

The Scandal of Christ A major objection to Christianity is what is called the “Scandal of Particularity”. One of the most common criticisms of Christianity is its claim that Christ is the one and only way to God; He is not 'a' way, but 'THE' way. Jesus claimed unique things for Himself alone. He claimed that His person, His work, and His teaching are not equal to any other religious leader. He claimed to be God Himself, come to earth in human form. He claimed to be the only Way to heaven; the only Truth to be believed, and the only Life to be followed (John 14:6). Christians believe these things because Christ Himself said it, and demonstrated it by His life. If people could reach God any other way, Jesus would not have had to die on the cross. Christ taught that anyone who rejects His offer of forgiveness and reconciliation with God - which is offered to all people in the world - will be putting their souls at peril of God’s judgment and damnation. (Part 2 in next issue)

It's obvious that we cannot believe in all of the major religions as being 'true' or the same

Pastor John Starr

Issue 53 • December 2011/January 2012 • GRAPEVINE


CHILDREN'S MINISTRIES Rob Evans, aka the Donut Man, will be speaking at the 9.00am and 11.15am services at ECC on Sunday 4th December, with the main concert at 6.30pm. There will be a full write-up of the event in the next issue of Grapevine magazine. Parents & children: Please don't forget to do your homework!!!




ALL things work together

hen I was asked to write this testimony, I sat and thought of everything that has happened since I started ushering, and I was amazed at how many of my prayers had been answered. I was able to leave a job that I was not happy with, and found one that is more enjoyable and financially beneficial to me. I am now able to pay my tithes; feel more confident, and have also seen God move in my finances and my personal life. I am hopeful for the future and I am trusting my God.

A very important ministry


didn’t want to be a Christian who just sits on the fence. I chose this ministry as I was told there was a shortage of men ushers. However, I was apprehensive about it and initially found it challenging; I have always been a shy person and lacked self confidence. I was self conscious and felt uncomfortable with the thought that people would be looking at me. However, I soon realised that I was greatly appreciated and respected for my contributions. I felt like a vital cog in a well-oiled machine, and it gave me a very satisfied feeling to serve and glorify God. This is a very important ministry because it is the first contact for people as they come into the church, and it helps to form first impressions for visitors. It has taught me a great deal about sacrifice, self discipline and teamwork. An unexpected blessing is that the role has helped me develop social skills which I didn’t have before.

Nikesha Davis-Shanks


GRAPEVINE • Issue 53 • December 2011/January 2012

Kevin Conlon


My other 'family'

joined the Stewarding team through the encouragement of my one of my friends who is also a steward. To the glory of God, I have been an usher for about four years now, and I have been blessed. The joy I get from helping out and welcoming new people to the church - as well as the sense of being one community - cannot be measured. I have also got another ‘family’, which is my ushering team; they are always there to support and encourage me. It’s a great blessing to have them all around me.

Nothabo Ngwenya

Issue 53 • December 2011/January 2012 • GRAPEVINE



A Missions Special b


"He who has a generous eye will be blessed" Proverbs 22:9

ne value that describes who we are as Christians is ‘giving’. Giving is part of our DNA as God’s children, and stems from the very nature of God. Jesus came into this world to ‘serve and not be served’ (Mark 10:45), so whilst it is a blessing to receive, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive’ (Acts 20:35). This is one of the strongest values ECC is built upon, and I am proud to be part of a church that gives, and gives with a ‘cheerful heart’, for ‘God loves a cheerful giver’ (2 Corinthians 9:7). Corporately, at ECC, 10% of all of our income is given to missions, so that the Kingdom of God is increased beyond our shores. And it doesn’t stop there! Individuals continue to give - beyond their tithes and offerings - to send children in India and the Philippines to school and college; for houses to be built in the Philippines for the impoverished; for over 200 orphans to be fed in India; for pipelines to feed fresh water to remote villages in Nepal, and many more such projects. Giving is at the centre of ECC missions.



he ministry in Danao, Cebu has been one of the main focal points for ECC Missions over the last 11 years. My family and I have been based in Cebu since 2004, working alongside the indigenous missionaries. Over this period, there have been a number of short-term missions completed by ECC members where, once again, giving of their time, prayers and finances helped to make a difference in the lives of many people. The main centre for the ministry, Portland Christian Center (PCC), is based in a rural area in the Danao Mountains, situated 25

kilometres from the main city of Danao. Our initial focus was to plant the church; cast mission and vision, and then train leaders to run


the various departments that were fast emerging. Since planting the church in February 2005, over 120 adults now worship at PCC, with a growing children and youth ministry. Recently, I have handed over the leadership of the church to Pastora Jen Campaner, who was inducted as the new Senior Minister at an ordination service in July 2011.

Through the giving of prayer and finances - mainly from ECC members - we are nearing the completion of the new centre. The main building has the capacity to hold over 250 people, and the two-storey multi-purpose office block has given a new dimension to the ministry and administration of PCC. Through continued prayer, financial giving and support, the ministry in Cebu now has four satellites or outreaches in four other villages, with

GRAPEVINE • Issue 53 • December 2011/January 2012

the same aim: to win souls, and train and equip them to plant more churches. In time, the vision is to see these outreaches become churches in their own right. The CSP programme continues to allow 24 children to receive an education; the micro-industry has allowed many families to receive an income; through the giving of ECC, nearly 60 homes have been built, and an innumerable amount of men, women and children have been treated through our medical outreaches.

Of course, our main aim is to wins souls and to disciple them – this is an on-going process and, because we now have the multi-purpose centre, each week we are able to hold leadership classes, discipleship classes, Bible studies and worship training - all for the glory of God.

.. GUYANA ECC has been supporting Pastor Michael Sammy, senior minister at the Timerhi Church just outside Georgetown, since 1998. The Timerhi Church continues to be the largest church in Elim Guyana, and has the vision to plant more churches throughout the region. One such church will be Canaan Christian Centre Foundation. The picture shows the foundations being prepared. The building will eventually hold 325 people.



RMI is led by Pastor George Miller and his wife, Hazel - both part of the Elim family. ECC continues to support the publication of the ‘Word for Today – Caribbean edition’, which goes into the hands and households of thousands throughout the Caribbean region.


ECC Missions see giving to CSW as both strategic and of vital importance, in order that the Persecuted Church continues to be supported. Jesus Himself stated that as Christians, we will ‘suffer much’ persecution. CSW exists to support such churches and Christian organisations, as they continue to spread the Gospel in countries where it is forbidden or marginalised. ECC continues to support CSW financially, in order to help with their lifechanging efforts.

. .. . .



iddle East Gospel Outreach (MEGO) reaches thousands of Muslims throughout the Middle East where the Christian message is not accepted. ECC continues to support the production of a Christian radio programme, which Pastor Elias Malki and his team broadcast into many Muslim homes.

TANZANIA ECC continues to support the Bible School in Tanga, Tanzania, where Pastor Richard and Rajinder were missionaries. It is exciting to see young men and women being equipped and return, in many cases, to their own villages to spread the Gospel.

The righteous care about justice for the poor" Proverbs 29:7



ver the past eight years, individuals from ECC have been personally supporting Carmel & St Paul’s ministries in India, by supporting orphaned children staying at the orphanage. The finances go towards clothing, food and educating the children.



e continue to support Bhab Ghale and his family, who are based in Kathmandu, Nepal. Bhab works closely with the Elim AMD, reaching out with the vision of planting a church in every village – 89% of the population of Nepal live in villages, so this vision is a BIG one! One of the major mission projects this year is the School Building Construction Project in Bihi village in Northern Nepal - Tibetan Ethnic Village (pictured). After successful

completion of the Living Water Project last year, Bhab is now helping the community to build a new school building. The original school has not been operating for over 40 years, with the teachers only visiting the school occasionally. Bhab and his team have now trained teachers and a school management committee, and has placed them in the village. In a recent update, Bhab says, “Thank God for the opportunity

to demonstrate His love in action, in doing what the Nepal Government has failed to do. With this little effort, we have been able to contribute or cooperate with the Government of Nepal, and contribute towards the community and national development.” This year, Bhab and his team at UVN are appointing 14 visionary church planters from 14 different strategic geographic regions across Nepal. They will be conducting Church Planting Training, in order to see a number of churches be planted through these local visionaries in their local district or area. Earlier this year, Katariina Sabah, a member of ECC, joined Bhab and his team on a trek to Everest Base Camp, in order to raise funds for the ministry of UVN, and as part of the on-going pastoral care of our missionaries, Pastors Richard and Rajinder will be visiting Bhab in May next year, in order to run a healing and deliverance mission and seminar.


n conclusion, the Church will always have at the forefront of mission, the needs of the poor and impoverished. The Bible tells us that, "The righteous care about justice for the poor, but the wicked have no such concern" (Proverbs 29:7). As a church, we at ECC will continue to see nations and people groups coming to Christ as the ultimate answer to their needs. Seeking to make a difference in people’s lives by making sacrifices of our own - be it giving up our lives in the UK to serve on the mission field, or giving of our time, prayer, or giving our finances - all point to our desire as a church to give and bless others that they may experience the love and care of God through us. There are many ways in which you can give to the various projects around the world where ECC is currently involved. Please contact Pastor Mark at or speak to one of the ECC Missions Team for further details. Pastor Mark King Issue 53 • December 2011/January 2012 • GRAPEVINE


one family of many nations proclaiming one gospel through many disciples


ALING CHRISTIAN CENTRE (ECC) is part of the Elim Pentecostal family of churches, of which there are around 600 in the UK, and which is in fellowship with approximately 8000 churches worldwide. Year by year, ECC has continued to grow steadily with people coming from every continent, joyfully blending into a multi-ethnic family, drawn from over 90 nationalities. With its emphasis on prayer, worship, fellowship, discipleship and evangelism, the church seeks to live out its motto. Now hundreds of Christians - of all ages and backgrounds - meet together for lively celebration on Sundays in the beautifully-restored decor of the 1200-seater auditorium, a former Odeon cinema, and in small Discipleship Cell groups during the week.


Weekly MEETINGS @ Sundays 09.00 09.30 09.30 11.15 11.45 11.45 14.30 14.30 14.30 18.30 20.00

FIRST MORNING SERVICE Little Seekers (Age 2-5yrs) Finders (Age 6-10yrs) SECOND MORNING SERVICE Crèche (18mths-3yrs) Adventurers (Nursery 3-4 yrs) Discoverers (Age 5 yrs) Explorers (School years 1&2) Investigators (School years 3&4) Pioneers (School years 5&6) Nu Talk (School years 7&8) Talkin' God (School years 9,10&11) - single gender classes Polish Church Service Japanese Church Service Chinese Church Service (Every 2nd and 4th Sunday) SUNDAY NIGHTS AT THE CENTRE (see page 21 for details) Refreshments in Coffee Lounge


10.00-12.00 Daily Prayer Meeting 18.00-19.00 Daily Prayer Meeting


10.00-12.00 Daily Prayer Meeting 19.30-21.15 Tuesday Night Prayer Explosion


10.00-12.00 Daily Prayer Meeting 14.00 Wednesday Afternoon Fellowship 18.00-19.00 Daily Prayer Meeting


10.00-12.00 Daily Prayer Meeting 19.00-21.30 EITC - Bible College

Registration required

Registration required

19.30-21.00 First Steps (for new believers) 18.00-19.00 Daily Prayer Meeting


10.00-12.00 Daily Prayer Meeting 18.00-19.00 Daily Prayer Meeting 19.00-21.30 EITC - Bible College

Registration required

(Last Friday of every month)

22.00-05.00 All-Night Prayer Meeting


11.00-13.00 Street Evangelism

Prayer • Teaching • Praise & Worship • Evangelism & Missions • Fellowship for all Ages School of Ministry (teaching ministry) | PRAYER & Healing | Deliverance Discipleship Cells | Children & Youth Ministries | Evergreens (Ministry for the Retired)

For further information, tel 020 8840 7508; email, or visit EALING CHRISTIAN CENTRE • 268 Northfield Avenue • Ealing • London W5 4UB Registered Charity No. 251549

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