ECC Prayer Line - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week - Call for prayer on: 020 8799 2199
Issue 54
February / March 2012
rapevine magazine
Pastor Richard speaks about the importance of making a difference, and we take a look at some of the ECC family who are impacting the workplace
Memories of the Christmas Concert with Rob Evans aka The Donut Man
PLUS 8-page Prayer Diary Testimonies Discipleship Cells and 'A Call to Arms'
MAKING A DIFFERENCE in the workplace
n behalf of the family here at Ealing Christian Centre, we would like to take this opportunity to let you know that we are glad to have you worshipping with us today. We hope you feel at home in our fellowship, and that you will join with us in our services. May God bless you.
A Word from the Senior Pastor The Power of a Praying Grandmother - Evelyn Brown
Cricket Mission to Trinidad - Ambassadors for Christ
5 10 12
Making a Difference - a 5-page special feature The Answer Prayer Centre Testimonies /
A Call to Arms - John Baker
13 Two-month Prayer Diary Pull-out 21 Sunday Services at a Glance / Prayer Ministry @ ECC
22 Finance page / Elim's Fundamental Beliefs 23 Classifieds
24 Fellowship / Congratulations
25 General Notices / Forthcoming Events
26 How to Walk in Confidence - Despite Making Mistakes - Roy McEwen
27 Aren't All Religions The Same? Part 2 - Pastor John Starr
28 Come, Let Us Reason Together - Men's Discipleship page
29 Encountering God - Women's Discipleship page 30 Youth Central - Youth Ministries
A word from the SENIOR PASTOR
efore or after any service in the church, we find ourselves mixing and talking with many different people who we know, because we meet them regularly in a church setting. Our relationship with one another is based on the fact that we have a common experience of being born-again through our faith in Christ. We see each other as a brother or sister in Christ, and therefore without hierarchy or differences in status. We are simply all members of one family – the family of God. We see each other serving in different ministries, and perhaps identify individuals with that ministry they are regularly seen to be doing. So far as God and our position in the church are concerned, each of us has the same status, namely as children of God and ministers of Christ. All that may vary are the different ways we are called to serve and express our ministry. This, of course, is a very good thing, as the Church truly functions as the body of Christ.
Ministry outside of ECC Some people, when thinking in terms of ‘ministry’ have in mind purely things that take place in church. Whilst that is one aspect,
make a difference for Christ in the society where we live. What we may often not be aware of is the role played outside of the setting of a church service, in their dayto-day lives, of those we see in ECC. Our meeting together in church is for the purpose of expressing corporate worship to the God who has saved us. We meet together also for the purpose of being built up spiritually and emotionally, through the Word of God, fellowship and mutual encouragement.
31 The Best Present Ever - Children's Ministries
Would you like to contribute an item to the next edition of the GRAPEVINE magazine? Deadline for February/March edition is Friday 2nd March 2012
are the only YOU GOD has
If you would like an item to be considered for the next edition of the Grapevine magazine, please submit your piece - by email only, please - no later than Friday 2nd March 2012. Please email your article to the Administrator at, marked 'For Grapevine'. Articles for half a page should be no more than 250 words, and for a full page should be no more than 600 words. The Editor reserves the right to edit articles where necessary. Editor-in-Chief: Pastor Richard Buxton Editor & Design: Berean Services UK Photography: Roy McEwen, Jacob Dua, Ken Sakulku Stock Images:,,, Print: Deluxe Printers Ltd, London NW10 7NR, Tel: 020 8965 1771 Ealing Christian Centre, 268 Northfield Avenue, Ealing, London W5 4UB Tel: 020 8840 7508 Fax: 020 8840 1461 Email: Website: grapevine is published by Ealing Christian Centre. Reproduction in whole or part without written permission is prohibited. grapevine and the ECC logo are trademarks of Ealing Christian Centre in the United Kingdom where grapevine circulates. Copyright © Ealing Christian Centre 2012. All rights reserved.
GRAPEVINE • Issue 54 • February / March 2012
the truth is that the majority of a Christian’s ministry should take place outside of the church – in the home, in the workplace, in the market place and in the neighbourhood. We are all called to
A particular purpose But, that aside, we each have a particular purpose that God wants us to pursue. “For we are God’s workmanship, created in
MAKING A DIFFERENCE Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do” (Ephesians 2:10). It is important therefore, that we seek God to discover what he wants us to do with our lives. It is important also that we pray for our young people, who are deciding what to do with their lives after their education is complete. God knows in advance what he wants us to do with our lives, in order to achieve the greatest impact on those around us and, if we allow him to, he will guide us to that destiny.
Being Christ Not everyone is in paid employment. Some may be looking after the family, some are retired or sick, and some may be seeking employment. But all of us will be mixing day by day with others who are not believers, and therefore fulfilling that all-important role of being Christ to them. For those who are employed, on the one hand your job pays the bills that are part of daily life and which must be paid; it also, hopefully, provides you with a sense of satisfaction in what you do. But, on the other hand, that same job gives you access to a particular group of people. It is this that God is particularly interested in, since you may be the only born-again believer such a group of people will ever encounter first-hand. Your job will only last for a finite amount
Part of the ECC family
of years, as one day you may change it and finally retire. But your influence on those who spend time observing you for several hours a day, week in week out, may provide the opportunity for you to affect their eternal destiny.
Values The values that we take into the workplace will profoundly influence how we carry out our duties. It will affect how we relate to other staff members, whether of the same or different rank, being genuinely concerned with their wellbeing and welfare. It will affect our attitude as to how we perform – whether we are prepared to cut corners, or to aim at excellence in everything we do no matter how humble, since, “whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it in the Name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him” (Colossians 3:17). It will affect how we speak, avoiding the language that is coarse, impolite, unedifying or gossipy.
Silent witness For a person who conducts him- or herself in such a way, it will be impossible to do so without it becoming obvious. We can be normal people, yet different. There is bound to be
a time when someone asks the reason “Why?” and then the opportunity to tell them will arise. Francis of Assisi once said, “Preach the Gospel at all times, and when necessary use words”. In this edition, a sample of members of ECC, who minister Christ by who they are, in a variety of different workplaces, share how being a born-again believer makes a difference to the place where they spend the majority of their time. It is a blessing to see how, right across the spectrum of our society, so many different places and groups of people have a witness, in the form of a member of ECC seeking to make a difference at their place of work because of who they are in Christ. Jesus calls us to go and make a difference.
Richard Buxton
You may be the only born-again believer such a group of people will ever encounter first-hand
Issue 54 • February / March 2012 • GRAPEVINE
The power of a PRAYING GRANDMOTHER Double blessings from God
Sister Evelyn Brown
his testimony is to give glory to God, the Father of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ for His mercies and lovingkindness. My son, Kobby, got engaged in November 2010, and eventually got married to his fiancée in January 2011 in Bakersfield, California, USA. These were two developments that filled our hearts with great joy.
But, as the Bible says, “The enemy has come to steal and to destroy,” because whilst we were still rejoicing, the enemy suddenly struck Kobby with acute chest pains in March 2011, causing his internal organs to shut down, and causing us great anxiety.
a breath of relief, than he attacked Kobby again in May 2011 with a more excruciating pain - this time at work, causing his colleagues to call an ambulance! This second incident eventually led to the detection of the problem, which required major surgery.
Seeing this as the plan of the enemy - which it was - I quickly mobilised the church of God at ECC, including the pastors, prayer coordinators, and literally everyone else, to pray for full restoration of his health. Proving Himself faithful, God heard our prayers, and not long thereafter, Kobby recovered.
In His mercy, God planned the operation to coincide with the All-Night Prayer Meeting on 27th May, where the guest speaker led the whole congregation to pray for a successful operation; and so it was, to the glory of God!
However, the enemy was not finished, and seemed intent on stealing our joy at all cost, for no sooner had we taken
heal your wounds,” declares the LORD,” and “... being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” To crown our joy, not only has God restored my son’s health, but He has also since blessed Kobby and his wife with a beautiful baby boy, Jevin Jude. My joy is thus full, and I give all glory to God.
Evelyn Brown
Whilst all of these trials were going on, I never for once doubted God, and took confidence in the words of Jeremiah 30:17(b) and Philippians 1:6 - “But I will restore you to health and
Baby Jevin Jude
Ambassadors for Christ CRICKET MISSION TO TRINIDAD sadors Ambas
t Team
for Chris
n August 2011, a team from ECC, led by Cyril & Pearl Loubon, departed to Trinidad & Tobago to embark on an Ambassadors for Christ cricket mission.
They landed in the midst of a state of emergency, which had been called by the Government following local unrest and sporadic criminal behaviour. As a result of the imposed curfew, the planned itinerary, including cricket matches, evening meetings and prison visits, had to be drastically curtailed on the advice of the Mission Team's hosts, the First Open Bible Church. Nevertheless, God was faithful, and the Team was still able to minister powerfully by leading worship, sharing their testimonies, and preaching the Word of God, resulting in many being healed, saved and delivered. The Team was also able to visit an orphanage and nursing home, where they spent time fellowshipping, playing and praying for the staff, residents and children. During the day, they went on prayer walks. e g rphana
By the grace of God, the Team returned to the UK safely, and thanks the family at ECC for its support, encouragement and intercessory prayer.
GRAPEVINE • Issue 54 • February / March 2012
AKING A DIFFERENC in the workplace
embers of the ECC family engage the wider public in many different ways as they work in a whole range of different occupations - all having one thing in common: they also serve as ministers of Christ. In this 5-page special feature, we shine the spotlight on ECC members who are shining for Jesus in the workplace.
church with a homeless man, and later went to another church with my colleague. He asked if it was OK to go to church twice in one day. Since then, he has regularly come to our Bible study and attended church. He is now starting detox and is then going on to a rehab. People around him keep telling him he has really changed and is glowing. MISSIONARY TO THE STREETS OF LONDON Jackie Davis
have been working with London City Mission for 12 years. Six of those I spent working in Christian centres, and the most recent six, working with homeless people for three days and prostitutes for two days a week in a dropin centre. About a month ago, I passed a man who called to me and introduced himself as a gangster and drug addict/ dealer who was coming off drugs, and who really wanted to change his life. I talked to him for a while, and suggested he come to our Bible Study. Unfortunately, it was cancelled that week, but I encouraged him to go the next week, where he asked Jesus into his life. That Sunday, he went to one
It is so good to see broken people touched by God's love
A school gave Webber Street Homeless Centre 100 Christmas presents for the homeless this year. Most presents were given out at the Christmas meal, but some were left, which we gave to a Polish Bible study group, who had not received one. One man, who was quite a tough guy, said that the present was too much. He opened it
In Matthew 25:34-39, it talks of giving to the needy. In my job, I am surrounded constantly by the needy. I am able to regularly give care, love and to listen, but I have recently been challenged about giving deeper. In being willing to go deeper, I have found that there is a tremendous joy in giving out of sacrifice. Working with very needy people helps me to be open to see God at work, and see him working in tremendous ways.
5-pa spec ge featu ial re
You are the salt of the earth (and) the light of the world."
Matthew 5:13-14
There is tremendous joy in giving out of sacrifice hesitantly as he began to cry, saying it was the first present he had ever received. He saw the England hat, chocolate, T shirt and wash kit. It was lovely to see his surprise and joy at the gift. The whole Bible study group sang Polish carols, and shared love, joy and laughter. These are all alcoholics, and are in very bad circumstances, but for the moment we shared tremendous joy. It is so good to see broken people touched by God’s love. Issue 54 • February / March 2012 • GRAPEVINE
n June 2011, I attended an interview for an Architectural Assistant position and felt led to share with my future employer some of my beliefs and work ethics. I feel I surprised them with my conviction of being faithful in the little in order to be faithful in a lot (Luke 16:10), and four months later, I was offered the job. As I haven’t tried to be overly loud regarding my faith, I believe it must be the little things that have caused my witness to be noticed. Recently, my boss told me that one of the reasons I really stood out to them was because of my willingness to
and took pride in the quality and standard of my work, I would probably not have given much thought to my actions and would have conducted
"You are not like other builders"
have worked as a Builder in the construction industry for all of my working life, and for a lot of those years I have been a Christian. Prior to giving my life to Jesus, although I would consider myself to be a moral person,
“I am fully aware that my thoughts and actions are totally transparent before God”
my business as a lot of other builders. Since becoming a Christian, however, my focus has totally changed. I am fully aware that my thoughts and actions are totally transparent before God, and even though my clients are not with me to see my actions, God sees everything, and I do everything with that in mind - from providing accurate estimates, to carrying out the work to the highest standard, very often doing more than I have actually charged for. I see this as not just a profession but an opportunity.
GRAPEVINE • Issue 54 • February / March 2012
get on with seemingly trivial jobs as well as the more exciting work. He commended me for my confidence to not feel that I was less important as a result of these tasks. I hadn’t really considered these things; I was simply
“I believe it must be the little things that have caused my witness to be noticed” helping where needed. This encouraged me to know that I was working in accordance to biblical principles: one body with many parts (1 Corinthians 12:12-27). Through general conversations about life, colleagues have enquired about my faith and relationship with
I meet people from all different walks of life. With some, I have been able to share the Gospel and have had the joy of leading them to the Lord; with others, I am able to witness by my lifestyle. On many of my jobs people have said, “You are not like other builders,” and this has given me the opportunity to share my faith. I count it as a privilege to be able to go into people’s homes, and each time I ask the Lord to help me to be a witness and to speak if necessary.
God. This opportunity has opened up conversations and allowed me to share how a relationship with God is different to belonging to a religion. I pray they will seek God for themselves in due time. So how do I make a difference in my workplace? By being me and believing and acting according to the Word of God. By remaining integral even in the small, doing all as unto God, and knowing my value and worth as God has made me. Though I may face both good and bad situations, I realise I AM a light and I WILL stand out as a result of my faith lifestyle. That is the whole point! To bring Christ into the workplace as He lives within me!
Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed..." 2 Timothy 2:15
in the workplace CHRISTIAN CHARTERED TOWN PLANNER Yussuf Mwanza
s a freelance Chartered Town Planner of over 14 years, my faith continues to play a central role in what I do. I've worked on various projects - both major and small - and I can say that this is not down to man but to the favour of God. My Christian faith has impacted my work in many different ways, including:
1) Having sufficient faith in God to start and persevere in the first place; leaving the 'safety' of employment behind. This was a huge step, however I realised from an early age that this was something that excited me. Apart from my professional qualifications, I obtained advice and attended numerous short courses and workshops to prepare myself for the transition to selfemployment. The Scriptures tell us in Proverbs 4:7 that
’m an accountant, and I spend most of my day at work. I felt challenged about how I was being the light in that environment. I believe that I’m there for a purpose beyond making a living; that
Initially, I struggled to see how I could possibly be a person of influence God wants me to be a person who effects change in others. Initially, I struggled to see how
with all our getting we should get understanding. I've found that being in business has made me acutely aware of God being my Source. “He who observes the wind [and waits for all conditions to be favourable] will not sow, and he who regards the clouds will not reap” (Ecclesiastes 11:4). I've had to trust in God every step and be undeterred -
“Being in business has made me acutely aware of God being my Source.”
we should honour God in this area. Indeed, over the years, I have received numerous client testimonials.
3) Relationships. My faith plays a vital role in my dealings with clients and colleagues. In particular, dealing with people in an equitable and fair manner is a biblical principle I've applied. 4) My prayer life. As Christians, we know that we can call things that are not as if they are (Romans 4:17). I can testify that many things
have come to fruition over the years as a result of prayer, including major and small projects. The world would call it ‘luck’; however, we know otherwise, and acknowledge the goodness and the favour of the Lord. When I look back, I’m truly amazed at the seasons the Lord has brought me through, and the doors He has opened. I cannot imagine how I could possibly be in business facing all sorts of challenges without prayer and a personal relationship with the Lord.
Hebrews 11:6 says, “Without faith it is impossible to please God”. At the same time I've grasped what God has put on my heart, and have trusted Him to perfect and complete what has been started.
2) Providing an outstanding service and finishing things well. I believe that we serve an excellent God, and that I could possibly be a person of influence in an environment with so many intellectuals, and where God is almost nonexistent. I realised that being a person of influence, or someone who effects c h a n g e in others, doesn’t need to be ‘spectacular’, but is actually just making daily intentional decisions to uncompromisingly live out my Christian walk, therefore being: a person of
integrity and dignity, punctual, diligent at my work, positive, encouraging, removing myself from office gossip, being friendly, etc. Those I work with began to see that there is something distinctively different about me, and began to change t h e i r behaviour. I have made a decision that in whatever I do or say, I’ll do it as a representative of the Lord Jesus - especially at work. God
has been showing me great favour in the advancement of
I have made a decision that in whatever I do or say, I'll do it as a representative of the Lord my career. I don’t always get it right, but God knows my heart, and He is in control. I just want to encourage you to start each day with intentionally ‘putting on’ the fruit of the Spirit, no matter what your day has in store; ask God to use you to make a difference and He will.
Issue 54 • February / March 2012 • GRAPEVINE
gave my life to the Lord in 1995, and at that time I was employed in the Care sector. However, prior to migrating to this country, I had already been a hairdresser and had owned my own business. In 1997, God spoke to me and instructed me to start a new salon. Amazingly, He led me to the exact premises and gave me the name ‘Shalom’ (peace). I obeyed the Lord and immediately started my business ‘Shalom Salon’, which was located in Acton. While in Acton, the Lord remained faithful and the business was very successful. In 2000, I moved the business to Southall Broadway, and it is here where I seized many opportunities and witnessed
y husband, Cyril, and I, with the support of our children, have been fostering for 20 years. We foster young people aged between 11 and 18 years. It has been a very challenging role to take on. We could not have done it without the support of our children along with our extended family, which includes our grandchildren,
to most of my clients who became born again. There were many others whom the Lord continued to bless through me, by sharing the love of God and by encouragement. For instance, one of my employees was not born again when she started working for me, but over a period of time she gave
“My greatest testimony … is the ability to create an atmosphere filled with God’s presence” her life to the Lord and has been working with me for the last eight years. My greatest testimony as a self-employed Christian is the ability to create an atmosphere filled with God’s presence within the Salon, by playing praise and worship music continually. As a selfemployed Christian, I have been able to develop and maintain lasting, trustworthy relationships. I am also able to reach out to people with different needs - spiritual, emotional and physical – but, most importantly, my desire is to see people saved. My business is now located in Hounslow West, where the Lord is continuing to bless me.
son-in-law and daughter-inlaw. Most of all, we could not have done it without the Lord Jesus Christ, whom we have in us to make us strong.
I always ask God to please send the children He wants to place into our home We have had to work with many young people from many different backgrounds and cultures, and with children from all nationalities
GRAPEVINE • Issue 54 • February / March 2012
ervants, do what you're told by your earthly masters. And don't just do the minimum that will get you by. Do your best. Work from the heart for your real Master, for God, confident that you'll get paid in full when you come into your inheritance. Keep in mind always that the ultimate Master you're serving is Christ. The sullen servant who does shoddy work will be held responsible. Being a follower of Jesus doesn't cover up bad work. Colossians 3:23-24 (The Message Bible)
with different needs. Many of them have witnessed their parents being murdered; violence; broken homes; sexual abuse; physical abuse, and various problems, and we need to help them through all these experiences. With the love of God within us, we need to pray and share that Jesus can heal them from all their hurt and pain. We want to impart something
good into their lives. We tell them about testimonies, and share what God has done for us in our lives, and that He can do it for them. We have seen many changes in young people’s lives, and some have become quite successful academically and socially. We have seen families who have been split up reunited, and serving God. I have seen young people, who had moved away, get involved with ECC or other churches to praise God. God gives us bread to eat and seeds to
in the workplace the education of my pupils, and not just the achievement of a paper qualification.
I hope that my teaching inspires others to want to learn and pursue their interests with a hunger for more understanding and richer education, instead of limited understanding and
s a Christian, I believe that my faith is a way of life and not just a display of good deeds to others. I know that I am not perfect and sometimes struggle with my imperfections, but I’m comforted in the knowledge that God, by His grace, forgives me. I try not to judge others and hope that others will not judge me. I hope that those who come to know me accept me for what I am, and understand that the walk of a Christian is not an easy one but a worthwhile one. I would hope that,
I hope that my teaching inspires others to want to learn
I give you sound learning, so do not forsake my teaching Proverbs 4:2 by getting to know me and understanding my Christian values, people will be filled with a desire to question their own faith and perhaps join me in the Christian walk. As a teacher, I believe that my job is a way of life and not just about transferring knowledge from one individual to another. As a teacher, I cannot provide
all the answers, but instead accept that I can often learn from my pupils, comforted in the hope that perhaps this teaches them something other than the specialism I am trained in. I hope that those who come to know me do not judge me on results alone, but understand that as a teacher I am responsible for
God has taught me to be humble and to never stop learning that paper qualification. I am Christian and this makes a difference, as God has taught me to be humble and to never stop learning, in particular from my pupils, however unlikely that might seem at times!
"Daniel distinguished himself...because an excellent spirit was in him" - (Daniel 6:3) Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven" Matthew 5:16 sow into the lives of others. I always ask God to please send the children He wants to place into our home. We need to have our minds full of ways to bless others. All our fostered children keep in contact, some regularly, others occasionally, but our door is always open to them. We are their family, and we love them all. We are proud of them, and are always willing to support them and encourage them with the Word of God.
ow different am I to the teacher who is passionate about their subject, pupils and outcomes, in order to achieve job and personal satisfaction? Our job is more than our specialist subjects; it includes safeguarding every child we teach; decision-making, considering moral and individual circumstances… On reflection, not very different to the call of Christ in Christians’ lives. So how do I make a difference in my job as a spiritfilled Christian? Working in a Catholic school, the Gospel values of Christ are regularly recited during the week, along with weekly masses and liturgies. Often I can feel isolated from the
community as a Pentecostal believer, however God has placed sisters and brothers who are born again amongst staff, who pray and fast regularly with me, inviting the Holy Spirit to take charge of situations.
Surely He has placed them in my class for me to minister Christ's comapssion to them? I am often drawn to pupils who are not as able as others; who lack self-confidence, and who struggle with being accepted in school. It would be easy to complain about them - as others have in the past - but these pupils are children of God too, whom He loves
dearly. If they have a need, surely He has placed them in my class for me to minister Christ’s compassion to them? God, through His mercy and grace, has been teaching me not to respond in my own might, but rather through the power of prayer and His might. It has been really challenging, and a real learning experience for me – a teacher! Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not hinder them... (Matthew 19:14). My job is God-given and Godordained. I am ministering Christ through my words and deeds. Children are great judges of character, and can see through the pretence and recognise people who are ‘just doing the job’.
Issue 54 • February / March 2012 • GRAPEVINE
Testimonies from the Prayer & Healing meetings TOTAL HEALING OF THE HIP
“ A
bout two months ago, I started having pain in my left hip. I was waking up in agony, and limping badly during the early hours of the day. As the day wore on, the pain would subside, but during the night it would return. I began to wonder if I would have to have a hip operation, and tried to cope with the pain as best I could. Besides, how could I offer to pray for people on the street, when I was limping? At the Prayer and Healing meeting on Sunday night, a word of knowledge was given that that someone in the congregation had pain in their left hip, but as I had not felt much pain during the day, I wasn’t sure if it was for me. I checked my hip and felt just a slight pain. However, after the service, hands were placed on my hip, and I was prayed for, that the pain would not return and since then I have had no pain; none when I get up in the morning or at any time of the day. Praise the Lord, I am healed. Actually, I feel as though I have a brand new hip.
mother, whose daughter was troubled by demon spirits, came and fell at Jesus’ feet, begging Him to heal her daughter. Jesus remained silent, despite her desperate cries and pleas for help. Psalm 39:12 says, “Hear my prayer, O Lord, listen to my cry for help; be not deaf to my weeping.” This silence by Jesus to the mother’s cry was not because He was unwilling to heal her daughter, but Jesus was testing her faith. He wanted to see how persistent she was, or whether she would just give up and not have faith in Jesus. The mother refused to give up, and Jesus honoured her faith in Him by healing her daughter. Let us continue to trust Jesus completely. Below are powerful testimonies of God’s healing power. You are welcome to join us on the second Sunday of each month for personal ministry for any situations or difficulties you are facing. Also, please call our 24/7 Prayer Centre, and an intercessor will pray with you over the telephone line.
“ I
had been having severe pain and numbness from the right shoulder down to three fingers of my right hand. The doctors could do nothing about it, and it troubled me very much. Painkillers were given, but I refused to take them. I was prayed for; the healing did not take place immediately but after two weeks, the pain and the numbness went completely. I am so grateful to God for His healing power.
GRAPEVINE • Issue 54 • February / March 2012
“ F
or at least two weekends before the last Healing Service, I was having migraines and neck ache. My social life was completely scuppered, and I spent all weekend in bed. It had been really painful, and caused nausea and vomiting. This had been a regular occurrence in my life over the last few years, in fact. I was heartened to know that it was the Healing Service that evening. I had already desperately cried to the Lord to heal me, and prayed and warfared and did all I knew to do. The pain lifted as
had a car accident and suffered whiplash. My back was hurting, and I had a stiff neck and could not sit down for long. The Ministry Team prayed for me, and I can now move my neck. The pain in my back is all gone. I don’t need to go the hospital. Jesus has healed me.
Next meetings: 12th Feb &
y heart was so crushed, and those with wounded hearts were called forward to receive ministry. As hands were laid on me and I was prayed for, I suddenly felt so happy and peaceful. I seem to be reconnected with Jesus again. Thank You, Jesus, for healing me.
HEALED OF MIGRAINE I prayed one weekend, but the following weekend it returned. I also have had irregular menstrual cycles of late and it was concerning me, as I didn’t want this to affect my ability to have children when the time is right. I also had an eye infection as well, where my eyelids erupted to a froglike appearance.
11th Mar
'prayer cloth' testimonies
No one heard my cry or prayer. I was alone at home on most of these occasions, although I did call the Prayer Centre.
I went to the last Healing Service, and Pastor Rajinder ministered all the healing Scriptures and used migraines and headaches as examples. In particular, she ministered on the fact that, although their bodies were old, God enabled Sarah and Abraham to have a child. I cannot see this as a coincidence at all; I saw it as a direct response to my cry that nobody had heard, giving me assurance.
out for healing for those suffering from migraines and headaches. I ran to the front. I have not had any pain since then, and I know I am healed. A team of three ladies prayed for my eyes and my menstrual cycle, and one ministered that she saw fire of Holy Spirit in my womb area. I am not sure what that means or what I need to do, but it gave me a level of assurance that His hands are on it.
Then Pastor Rajinder said the Holy Spirit is calling
“After a collision, I had a swollen ankle for a few weeks and had severe pain caused by nerve irritation. A prayer cloth was placed on the ankle, and I have been healed.”
“I had very severe pain in my wrist. When prayer cloths were laid on sick people for their healing, someone gave me a prayer cloth. I pressed the cloth onto my wrist where the pain was, and amazingly the pain vanished within five minutes. It was gone.”
ANKLE HEALED “I had had an ankle problem for 10 years. When I came to church, it was very painful. A prayer cloth was placed on my ankle and at first I was 80% healed, but then after hands were laid and further prayer of healing was given, my pain went. I am 100% healed. Jesus healed me and I am so grateful to Him.”
ANOTHER ANKLE PROBLEM HEALED “I had been having pain in my ankle and down to my heel for about three months, but a word of knowledge was given that those with ankle pain should come forward. A prayer cloth was placed on my ankle, and within a few minutes with prayer the pain was all gone. I praise God for my healing.
“ M
y housemate (who is a Christian) had been off work with severe glandular fever for one week, and was on 25 tablets of medication a day! I even had to take him to A&E, because he was in so much pain. During the Prayer and Healing Service, a number of people were being healed, just by placing a prayer cloth on their sick bodies. So I took a prayer cloth home from the Healing Meeting, and gave it to my friend who was so sick. I mentioned to him that God's healing power had been released powerfully in the meeting. I went to bed, and went off to work the next morning. When I returned I could not find my friend in the house, and was most puzzled, thinking perhaps he had gone to see the doctor. I was most amazed to see my friend standing at the door with shopping in his hands, and saying that he had been at work! God’s healing power had worked in his body, and had so energised him that he was able to get up and go to work the next morning, even though he had been signed off work for at least another week, or until he recovered. He has lots of energy now.
Issue 54 • February / March 2012 • GRAPEVINE
PRAYER centre
The Prayer Centre operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week, as compassionate prayer partners are waiting to take your prayer requests and to pray for your individual needs over the telephone. Here are some of the amazing answers to prayer, as individuals ring back to share their answers with us.
020 8799 2199
A very small selection of the many answers to prayers received in the Prayer Centre Health & Finance issues A sister had many issues concerning her finances, health and family. She rang the Prayer Centre, and God has gradually dealt with almost all of them. Where the bank refused to help before, as soon as she was prayed for, the same bank was ready to offer her help. Her health has improved; no more lung problems. All medication has been reduced, and she thanks God for doing so many wonderful things in her life.
Second Op Not Required After surgery she became infected and the doctors wanted to do another operation on her, she called the prayer centre and after prayer the Lord healed her and she no longer requires the second operation. Praise God.
Declared Medically Fit A lady applied for a job, but was told that she was medically unfit to continue with the interview process. She came into the Prayer Centre, and received prayer. After prayer, she went for the medical and was declared medically fit and able to continue the interview process. She has now received two jobs to choose from. The original one she was declared unfit for and one other. Praise God for breakthrough and healing.
P45 Problems A lady called the Prayer Centre because she had lost her job and was unable to organise benefits because her manager refused to give her her P45. After calling the Prayer Centre, the manager agreed to release the P45 without further argument. She gives thanks and glory to Jesus. Amen.
Blindness averted The father of a man in Germany was going to hospital for an eye operation and there was a high possibility of him going blind, after calling for prayer, a few days later Jens called back to report that the operation was successful and his father still has his sight. Praise God..
is a church where we talk much of coming revival. This is a church where we hope and believe in coming revival. Revival comes as a result of spiritual warfare. We are at war. We have an enemy who wants to deprive God of as many people as he can. There is no end to the depths of his serpentine evil and depravity. What are we called to do about it? ALL revivals have been preceded by earnest local prayer. If we want to see revival THIS year - not at some remote time in the future - we have to become a church of Prayer Warriors. This is a ‘Call to Arms’. Only Christians can really
Brother's Breakthrough A lady called the Prayer Centre for her brother who had began to drink due to depression and grief. She called back to say that she had a very positive conversation with him, and knew without doubt that God had begun a great work in his life. She thanks God for what He is doing.
Amazing testimonies abound at the Prayer Centre, and you can make a difference to someone's life. Are you willing to be used by God in this area? Please contact Rudy, our Prayer Coordinator on 020 8799 2199.
A CALL TO ARMS tell non-Christians of the love of Christ; indeed, we are the only people commissioned to bring to them the reality of their eternal choice: heaven or hell (Matthew 28:19 and the more graphic Mark 16:1516, which is very clear about being saved or damned). We are not on our own in this work. We work at the human
content to see the unsaved go to hell (punishment), and so obliterated from eternal life (consequence), surely we should be praying at least daily for them to be saved.
Revival comes as a result of spiritual warfare. We are at war.
When we have finished praying through the Daily Prayer Diary in this magazine, we can always add on extra prayers for revival. We can include prayers for revival in our prayers with our family, and so plant a seed of understanding in our children about revival and its importance. In our Cell Group meetings, we can make time
level. Holy Spirit works deep in the human spirit to bring conviction of sin and the need for salvation. This is why prayer is so important. Unless we are
GRAPEVINE • Issue 54 • February / March 2012
How many of us actually pray daily for revival? I’ll ask again: How many of us actually pray daily for revival?
for revival prayer. Also in our weekday daily prayer meetings at 10am and 6pm. If we want to see revival – then we must do some reviving! This is a call to prayerful spirit warfare. This is a ‘Call to Arms’.
John Baker
e live in momentous times, where social attitudes and values seem to be rapidly changing, and often not for the better. The Bible, however, deals with two factors that always remain unchanging, and have done since the beginning of time. These are God - “I, the Lord, do not change” (Malachi 3:6) - and human nature, which remains sinful - “The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?” (Jeremiah 17:9). So, down through the ages, there has always been the situation, where those who are seeking after a personal relationship with God live amongst those who have no interest in the things of God or the values of God, preferring instead to pursue a lifestyle of ungodliness. Not wanting to be reminded of the standards of God’s holiness, they may often take a hostile attitude towards those who desire to live by God’s standards, as set out in the Bible. The Psalms are a book of prayers that reflect all kinds of human emotions, as the psalmists pour out their hearts to God; sometimes in joy, sometimes in pain, sometimes in anger, and sometimes out of a sense of anguish, seeking God’s help in their times of affliction caused by their circumstances or by those hostile to them. The Bible also clearly warns us that we cannot expect an easy time through choosing to become followers of Jesus Christ. In this world we must expect trouble, Jesus informed us, but that we can take heart because he has overcome the world. The Bible also tells us that, as we approach the last days, things will get worse - not better - before Jesus returns and puts an end to all wickedness and sets up his kingdom here on earth. As we pray through Psalms 17 and 18, we follow the experiences of David, who knew what it was to experience times of outstanding blessing from the Lord. He also knew what it was to experience great hardships at the hands of those who sought to destroy him. The Bible tells us that, “we know that, in all things, God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28). There will be times when God allows us to experience times of difficulties. If we are spiritually discerning, we will realise that these times, though painful, are actually the best opportunities for us to grow spiritually, and to mature in our faith and in our walk with the Lord, which is usually why the Lord allows them in the first place. This month, we are praying for a deeper walk with God, and therefore as a consequence, to be a greater influence in the world and society in which we live.
1st – Psalm 17:1 A cry unto God 1. Lord, we bring before you all our personal needs, and pray that you would help us in all our circumstances. 2. Give us this day our daily bread, we pray. 3. Forgive us our trespasses, O Lord, as we forgive those who trespass against us. 4. Deliver us from every attack of the enemy, we pray, enabling us to stand strong against temptation and all the plans of satan. 5. May our lips be used only for speaking what is right, edifying and true, so that when we speak to you in prayer, O Lord, you can answer our cries.
2nd – Psalm 17:2-3 Seeking to live righteously 1. Lord, we surrender every part of our lives to you; help us to hold nothing back. 2. As we come before you each day in prayer, Holy Spirit, reveal anything in our hearts that we need to confess to you, so that nothing may hinder our relationship with you. 3. Help us to place a guard over our lips, O Lord, so that we do not sin with our mouths.
4. Help us to place a guard over our hearts, O Lord, so that we harbour nothing there which will prevent you responding to our prayers. 5. Order our steps each day, Holy Spirit, so that we always walk in the ways of the Lord.
3rd – Psalm 17:4-5 Avoiding the corruption of the world 1. Give us the determination that, though we live in this world, we will not allow its ways to taint or corrupt us. 2. Give us wisdom, O Lord, regarding the things we watch, whether television, films, the Internet, or the things we may read, so that we do not allow ungodly ways to influence us. 3. Keep us close in our relationship with you, O Lord, so that as we mix with people daily in our places of work, school or college and neighbourhoods, we remain spiritually strong. 4. Make us people who remain accountable to other believers, so that we remain strong in the Lord. 5. Strengthen and encourage all our Discipleship Cell leaders and all other
Bible Readings and Prayer Points for Individual and Church Spiritual Growth
Psalms 17 and 18
leaders in the church, as they invest their time in building up others in the Lord.
4th – Psalm 17:6-7 A God who answers 1. Show us daily the wonders of your great love, O God. 2. May we be people in whom others can see the wonders of your great love, O Lord. 3. Help our lives to be a living testimony to others, as they see the grace of God on our lives in many different ways. 4. When we receive answers to prayer, O Lord, may we be willing to share testimonies of the reality of your hand upon our lives. 5. We thank you and give you praise for every answer to prayer we receive, O God.
5th – Psalm 17:8-9 Staying close to God 1. Keep us as the apple of your eye, O Lord. 2. Hide us under the shadow of your wings, we pray. 3. Keep us conscious of your presence, Lord, even when we do not feel very spiritual. 4. Protect us from every spiritual attack that seeks to prevent us fulfilling the destiny you have prepared for our lives, O Lord. Issue 54 • February / March 2012 • GRAPEVINE
MARCH 2012 5. Help us understand your power already within us, O Lord, as we realise that he who is within us is greater than he who is in the world.
6th – Psalm 17:10-13 Protection from the assaults of the enemy 1. Lord, keep us close to you at all times, we pray, so that the devil may not gain a foothold in our lives. 2. Guard us from every plan and strategy that the enemy may be making against us, we pray. 3. Every attack against us by the enemy of our souls, we pray you would turn around and cause to work for our good instead. 4. Lord, we pray for all Christians whose employers make it difficult for them to express their faith in the workplace; use them nevertheless for your glory. 5. Rise up in our midst, O Lord, and let every enemy of yours be scattered.
7th – Psalm 17:14-15 Provision for those who seek the Lord 1. Lord, we ask you to provide us with all the things we need for this day, including the wisdom for our daily decisions. 2. For all those amongst us who are seeking a job or a change of employment, we pray you would lead them to the right position for them at this time. 3. We pray for all those amongst us who run their own businesses, that you would guide their decisions and prosper their businesses. 4. We pray for all those amongst us who are students, that you would help them into the employment that will bless them, and where they can be a godly influence. 5. We pray for our families, that you would provide all that we need for each member.
8th – Psalm 18:1 Loving God 1. As we hunger and thirst after righteousness, fill us, O Lord. 2. Teach us the wisdom of always putting you, O God, before our own personal interests. 3. Since those we truly love are the ones we will talk to often, may we not neglect to talk with you daily in prayer, O Lord. 4. Since you told us, Lord Jesus, that “If you love me, you will obey my commandments”, help us to show our love for you by the way we live.
GRAPEVINE • Issue 54 • February / March 2012
5. Holy Spirit, help us to deepen our love for the One who loves us.
12th – Psalm 18:13-15 God’s wrath at the sinful world
9th – Psalm 18:2-3 Calling on the Lord
1. Lord, we pray for all the nations of Europe; move in revival power before it is too late. 2. We bring all the nations of Africa before you, Holy Spirit; sweep through them in revival, we pray. 3. We pray for all the nations of the Americas and the Caribbean; have mercy and bring many to Christ, Holy Spirit, we ask. 4. We bring all the nations of the continent of Asia before you, O God; turn many to Christ in these last days, we pray. 5. For all the nations of Australasia and all the island nations, we pray for a great move of the Holy Spirit in revival.
1. Lord, we cry out to you to save the ones we love; the ones we meet or work with daily, and the strangers we meet and talk with. 2. Help us to walk in such close communion with you, O Lord, that we know the mind of Christ in every situation. 3. Cause us to remember, O God, that you always see and hear the cries of the righteous, even when we are tempted to think otherwise. 4. Lord, take our lives and let them be wholly consecrated to you. 5. Lord, we bring before you right now the deepest of our needs that only you can meet; help us to see the answers come, we pray.
10th – Psalm 18:4-6 God’s deliverance 1. For those amongst us who are sick, O Lord, heal them now. 2. For those amongst us who are in financial difficulties, give them wisdom and opportunities to come out of debt. 3. For those amongst us who are being oppressed by the enemy of our souls, deliver us from the evil one, we pray. 4. For those amongst us who are being oppressed by people they know, deliver them from malice and harm, O Lord. 5. As we walk closely to you, deliver us from every form of evil, O Lord.
11th – Psalm 18:7-12 The awesomeness of God 1. Help our small minds to begin to comprehend the greatness of your omnipotent power, O God, so that we may trust you completely. 2. Open our eyes to the reality of your total omniscience, O Lord, so that we may never fear, because you know all things about us - past, present and future. 3. Cause us to realise the wonder of your omnipresence, so that, realising the truth that you will never leave us nor forsake us, we will always be bold. 4. Since you, within us, are greater than the devil who is in the world, bring to our remembrance that we can do all things through Christ who gives us strength. 5. When we feel defeated, O Lord, cause us to remember your words, "The God of peace will soon crush satan under your feet".
13th – Psalm 18:16-19 Raised up by God’s might 1. Help us cooperate with you, Holy Spirit, so that we are constantly being changed from glory to glory to become more like the image of Christ. 2. Teach us how to live in this world, not as children of this world, but as sons and daughters of the living God. 3. Enable us to understand the fullness of who we are in Christ, so that we can minister to others, not out of a lack of selfworth, but out of a position of strength. 4. Raise us up to be people whom others seek out for counsel, both Christians and non-Christians. 5. Raise us up so that we are the head and not the tail.
14th – Psalm 18:20-21 God’s response to righteous ways 1. May we know the blessings of not walking in the counsel of the wicked, or standing in the way of sinners, or sitting in the seat of mockers, O God. 2. Cause us to always delight in the law of our God, we pray. 3. As we meditate on your Word, O Lord, cause us to become as fruitful as a tree planted by streams of water, yielding spiritual fruit in season. 4. Help us to make your Word a lamp for our feet and a light to our paths, O Lord. 5. Keep us from deliberate or careless sin, O God.
15th – Psalm 18:22-24 The laws of God 1. Help us to be self-disciplined enough in our lives to spend time not only reading but also meditating on your Word, O Lord.
FEBRUARY 2012 PRAYING FOR A NATION THAT HAS TURNED ITS BACK ON GOD eremiah lived at a very difficult time in his nation. The days of glory under King David and King Solomon were long gone. God had allowed the nation of Israel to be divided into two because of its unfaithfulness. As the northern ten tribes of Israel had plummeted ever lower, despite warnings from numerous prophets, they were finally overrun by and taken captive to Assyria. The southern tribe of Judah had some brief revivals under godly kings like Hezekiah and Josiah, but the general mood of the nation was to reject the true God in favour of idolatry, immorality and general wickedness. Despite God sending a string of prophets to Judah to warn that she would go the same way as the northern tribes, the voices of those prophets were largely ignored. Jeremiah came as one of the last in that line of men, raised up by God in his love and mercy to warn that, unless the nation turned back to him from its path of wickedness, he would fulfil his promise in the Old Covenant through Moses to allow them to be overcome by their enemies and taken into exile. The fact that they had Solomon’s temple in Jerusalem would not be enough to save them, as it too would be destroyed. Jeremiah was a young man when God first called him to preach to a backslidden nation. He did not feel up to the task, but God said he would help him to fearlessly preach God’s Word. He was a lonely man because few responded to his message, but instead saw him as an enemy of the state. He was arrested, imprisoned and starved. God had told him not to marry, to prevent Jeremiah having the added sorrow of his family suffering in such perilous times. Known as the “Weeping Prophet” because of how he wept over the sins of his nation, and could foresee the judgment that would befall the land, he never gave up on the task of praying for and preaching to a rebellious nation. He lived to see its destruction. We live in a nation that once held the Word of God in high esteem, taking it to many nations of the world. But our generation has turned its back on God, and a people who reject God also reject the spiritual covering he brings. Our nation is in grave danger. How long will God wait before withdrawing his protection completely, and allowing our nation’s enemies - both in the spiritual and natural realms - to overtake us? This month, we pray for a rebellious nation to turn back to God - before it is too late.
1st – Jeremiah 1:1-3 Continuing to hear God’s voice 1. Give us ears to hear what the Spirit is saying to us, O Lord, we pray. 2. Speak to us through your Word; through prophecy; the wise counsel of godly people, and revelations of your Spirit, and give us the discernment to know what you are saying, O Lord. 3. Remove from our lives and the life of the church any blockages that would hinder us hearing your voice, O Lord. 4. May we, as individuals and as a church, be continually hearing your voice, Holy Spirit, so that at any time we may be interceding and acting according to your will. 5. O Lord, send revival to our church, our borough, our city and our nation, we pray, and start your work in me.
2nd – Jeremiah 1:4-5 God’s destiny for our lives 1. O God, may we understand that you have a perfect plan for each of our lives; give us the desire to seek and find that plan, rather than choose our own self-centred plans. 2. Help us to fulfil our daily lives, responsibilities and tasks as the ambassadors of Christ that you have called us to be amongst those in the world who do not yet know you, O Lord. 3. Help us to make a positive difference for
Christ to the generation in which we live, we pray. 4. Holy Spirit, show us the decisions we should make, and the actions we should take, that will fulfil your plans for our individual lives and our ministry for you. 5. O Lord, send revival to our church, our borough, our city and our nation, we pray, and start your work in me.
3rd – Jeremiah 1:6 The need to mature 1. Give us the humility to know our weaknesses, but the boldness to step out in faith to achieve all you want to accomplish through us, we pray. 2. May we not let false humility hinder us from having the courage to take the steps of faith to fulfil your will, O Lord. 3. Help us understand the power of your presence already within us, O Lord, so that we can serve you in this world, with all boldness and confidence in you. 4. As we wait on you and are obedient to your Word, enable us to be daily maturing spiritually, we pray. 5. O Lord, send revival to our church, our borough, our city and our nation, we pray, and start your work in me.
4th – Jeremiah 1:7-8 Go … 1. Keep us from peddling excuses for inaction, O Lord, but instead to obey your command to go and spread the Gospel. 2. When we lack courage to make our stand
Bible Readings and Prayer Points for Individual and Church Spiritual Growth
Jeremiah Chapters 1 and 2
for Christ, fill us with a fearlessness that comes from you, O Lord, we pray. 3. Help us to remember that you use the weak and foolish things of this world to shame the wise, and therefore to understand that you can accomplish much through us. 4. May we remember that our first calling and priority is as servants of Christ, as salt and light, bringing changes for eternity in a corrupt world. 5. O Lord, send revival to our church, our borough, our city and our nation, we pray, and start your work in me.
5th – Jeremiah 1:9 God’s words in our mouths 1. May the words of our mouths and the meditation of our hearts be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, our Rock and Redeemer. 2. May we draw so close to you, O Lord, that your thoughts become our thoughts, and your words our words. 3. In all our activities in the world each day, may we be able to speak with the wisdom of God, both to non-Christians and to Christians. 4. Holy Spirit, help us to speak and pray prophetically, in a way that causes your purposes to be achieved. 5. O Lord, send revival to our church, our borough, our city and our nation, we pray, and start your work in me. Issue 54 • February / March 2012 • GRAPEVINE
FEBRUARY 2012 6th – Jeremiah 1:10 Uprooting and building 1. As your intercessors throughout our nation cry out to you, uproot the wickedness in our nation, O Lord. 2. In Jesus’ Name we pull down every wicked spiritual stronghold that has taken root in the lives of our nation, of individuals and of the Church. 3. Lord, cause there to be the start of a rebuilding in the lives of our nation, of individuals and in the Church, of every principle of righteousness. 4. In the midst of apathy, apostasy, ungodliness and outright rebellion against you, O God, rebuild your Church in our nation, and may we be at the forefront. 5. O Lord, send revival to our church, our borough, our city and our nation, we pray, and start your work in me.
7th – Jeremiah 1:11-12 Watching to see God’s Word fulfilled 1. Lord Jesus, have mercy on our nation, and fulfil your Word to build your Church, even in this backslidden land, not letting the gates of hell prevail. 2. Fill us afresh daily with the power of your Holy Spirit, so that we can make a difference for Christ in this fallen world. 3. Fulfil every prophetic word spoken over our lives and over the life of the church, we pray, and help us to live in such a way that they can be fulfilled through us. 4. May we not be ashamed of the Gospel, but as we speak it, may we see the power of God to bring salvation to those who hear, O God. 5. O Lord, send revival to our church, our borough, our city and our nation, we pray, and start your work in me.
8th – Jeremiah 1:13-14 Forthcoming disaster 1. Have mercy on our nation and turn it back to you, O Lord, before you deem it necessary to send your judgments on our land. 2. As troubles afflict our nation, and people become fearful and anxious, cause it to turn the hearts of the people to you, O God. 3. In the midst of natural disasters afflicting different nations around the world, may the people cry out to the One who can save them completely, we pray.
GRAPEVINE • Issue 54 • February / March 2012
4. May your church stand unmoved in the midst of any trouble that afflicts our nation, knowing that rooted and grounded in you, O Lord, we need not fear. 5. O Lord, send revival to our church, our borough, our city and our nation, we pray, and start your work in me.
4. As we grow in love for you, O Lord, may we become more motivated to take a stand against the ungodliness that surrounds us. 5. O Lord, send revival to our church, our borough, our city and our nation, we pray, and start your work in me.
9th – Jeremiah 1:15-16 God’s judgments on nations
12th – Jeremiah 2:3 Walking in holiness
1. We pray for all the nations of Europe; save them, O God. 2. We pray for all the nations of Africa; save them, O God. 3. We pray for all the nations of Asia, Australasia and the island nations; save them, O God. 4. We pray for all the nations of North, South and Central America and the Caribbean; save them, O God. 5. O Lord, send revival to our church, our borough, our city and our nation, we pray, and start your work in me.
10th – Jeremiah 1:17-19 Fearless witnessing 1. Make us wise but fearless in our witnessing for you, O Lord. 2. Move us with compassion for the lost, O Lord, no matter what their reaction to us is, recognising that, without Christ, they are heading for a lost eternity. 3. When our words of witnessing are rejected, may we not become discouraged, O Lord, but instead more determined to intercede more powerfully. 4. May every plan of the enemy that seeks to overcome us as witnesses for Jesus, either as individuals or as the Church, be brought down, we pray. 5. O Lord, send revival to our church, our borough, our city and our nation, we pray, and start your work in me.
11th – Jeremiah 2:1-2 Remember your first love 1. Cause us to remember, O God, that although we are in this world, we are not of this world, and that our true citizenship is in heaven, and so act accordingly. 2. Keep us from the love of this world, which offers only temporary attractions, but rather may you always be our first love, O Lord. 3. Enable us to be ones who influence others for Christ, rather than being influenced by the world, we pray.
1. May we continue to learn the joy that comes from walking in holiness, we pray. 2. Help us to encourage one another daily to walk in the paths of holiness, we pray, always seeking to be a model for others to follow. 3. As we seek to live according to your ways, O Lord, may we enjoy your protection from any who would seek to oppose us or seek our harm. 4. As we seek to walk in your ways at all times, O God, may we be filled with the power and anointing of your Spirit to be effective ministers for Christ. 5. O Lord, send revival to our church, our borough, our city and our nation, we pray, and start your work in me.
13th – Jeremiah 2:4-5 No fault in God 1. Have mercy on those we know who reject you, O God, and soften their hearts. 2. For those we know who use the evils in this world to blame you, O God, and as an excuse not to turn to you as Lord and Saviour, save them, we pray. 3. We pray for all those we know who make idols of their possessions, their careers, sport or individuals; turn their hearts to what is truly worthy of worship, we pray. 4. For our nation that has so quickly turned its back on the true God, whom they held in respect for so many years, bring a realisation of the folly of rejecting you, O Lord. 5. O Lord, send revival to our church, our borough, our city and our nation, we pray, and start your work in me.
14th – Jeremiah 2:6 Failing to seek God 1. Help us not to get so busy or distracted with life that we fail to seek you continually, O Lord, but to offer ourselves as living sacrifices to you. 2. For those in our families who are not seeking you, as we lift them before you in prayer, Holy Spirit, we ask that you would bring them to repentance and salvation.
15th – Jeremiah 2:7-8 Spiritual leadership 1. We pray for all the leaders of churches in our nation, who do not preach and live out your Word, O God; have mercy on them and change them, we pray. 2. We pray for every church in our land where the Gospel is not preached, send a shaking that will make clear the absolute necessity to declare the Word of truth. 3. We pray for all the bishops in our land, that they would use their positions of public influence in the House of Lords and other places to turn the nation back to godliness. 4. We pray for all the pastors and elders of our church, O Lord, that they may always walk closely to you, preaching and living out the uncompromising Word of God. 5. O Lord, send revival to our church, our borough, our city and our nation, we pray, and start your work in me.
16th – Jeremiah 2:9-12 God’s charges against the nation 1. Forgive our nation for rejecting your authority over our lives, O Lord. 2. Forgive our nation for passing all kinds of laws that are an offence to you as a holy and righteous God, we pray. 3. Forgive our nation for choosing to no longer teach the wisdom of the Bible to our children in schools, we pray. 4. Forgive our nation for worshipping all manner of false gods, and engaging in all kinds of idolatrous and ungodly practices, O Lord. 5. O Lord, send revival to our church, our borough, our city and our nation, we pray, and start your work in me.
17th – Jeremiah 2:13-16 Forsaking the true God 1. Forgive us as a nation, O God, for rejecting you in favour of the gods of immorality, greed and selfishness.
2. Forgive us as a nation for removing you from guiding the making of the laws of our land, and instead replacing your righteous standards with ungodly ones. 3. Forgive us as a nation for rejecting you from schools, colleges and the workplace, O Lord. 4. Forgive us as a nation, O God, for turning to false gods and occult practices. 5. O Lord, send revival to our church, our borough, our city and our nation, we pray, and start your work in me.
18th – Jeremiah 2:17-18 Self-inflicted troubles 1. Have mercy on our nation, O Lord, for making the breakdown of the family ever easier. 2. Have mercy on our nation, O God, for rejecting you and causing the everincreasing need for anti-depressant drugs to treat those without hope. 3. Have mercy on our nation, O Lord, for allowing a generation of children to be raised with little knowledge of your Word and your ways, and without godly boundaries. 4. Have mercy on our nation, O God, for desecrating human dignity and self-worth, through allowing pornography and every manner of sexual sin. 5. O Lord, send revival to our church, our borough, our city and our nation, we pray, and start your work in me.
19th – Jeremiah 2:19-20 No fear of God 1. Teach us to have a reverent fear of you, O Lord, that always has respect for your holiness in all we say and do. 2. Keep us from backsliding, we pray, and for those we know who are already backsliding, bring them back to yourself, we ask. 3. Bring a revelation to those who govern us, O Lord, that the lack of fear of God, which results in ungodliness, is destroying the very foundations of our society. 4. Reveal to those who govern us, O God, that much of the misery in our society is caused by pursuing ways of life that run contrary to the revealed will of God. 5. O Lord, send revival to our church, our borough, our city and our nation, we pray, and start your work in me.
20th – Jeremiah 2:21-22 The guilt of rebellion 1. Forgive us when we rebel against your will, O Lord, no matter how trivial a matter
it may seem to us, and keep us on the straight and narrow pathway. 2. Forgive our nation for rebelling against your laws on sexual purity, O God. 3. Forgive our nation, O God, for rebelling against your laws not to take a human life, and instead allowing hundreds of abortions each day. 4. Forgive our nation for rebelling against the command to have no other gods but you, and to worship you with all our heart, soul, strength and mind, we pray. 5. O Lord, send revival to our church, our borough, our city and our nation, we pray, and start your work in me.
21st – Jeremiah 2:23-25 Self-deceit and defilement 1. We pray for all those we know, who falsely believe that they can know salvation through another religion but not through Christ; open their eyes and save them. 2. We pray for all those we mix with, who believe that death is the end, and that there is no Day of Judgment; Holy Spirit, convict them of their folly, we ask. 3. We pray for all those we know, who engage in any form of occult practices being deceived by its power; open their eyes to the danger they are in, and may they turn to Christ. 4. Have mercy on this generation, O Lord, that always looks to find others to blame without recognising the reality of personal sin. 5. O Lord, send revival to our church, our borough, our city and our nation, we pray, and start your work in me.
Bible Readings and Prayer Points for Individual and Church Spiritual Growth
3. For all those we work with on a daily basis who are not seeking you, O Lord, may your presence in us bring them to a place of conviction and desire to know you. 4. For our Parliament, Government and local authorities, who are not only failing to seek you but are rejecting you, O Lord, help them to see the folly of their ways. 5. O Lord, send revival to our church, our borough, our city and our nation, we pray, and start your work in me.
22nd – Jeremiah 2:26-28 Trusting in the untrustworthy 1. We pray for those we mix with daily, who trust only in their material possessions to satisfy their lives; may they come to understand their need to trust in the living God. 2. For the people we speak to, who trust in the theory of evolution, rejecting a Creator God, open their spiritual eyes, we pray. 3. For those we know who trust in their own good works to save them, rather than the cross; open their eyes to their sinful nature and accountability to you, O Lord. 4. For those who trust in false religions and cults to save them, help us to show them the true way, O Lord. 5. O Lord, send revival to our church, our borough, our city and our nation, we pray, and start your work in me. Issue 54 • February / March 2012 • GRAPEVINE
FEBRUARY 2012 23rd – Jeremiah 2:29 The guilty refusing to accept blame 1. Holy Spirit, whenever we sin in mind, body or deed, convict us so that we may be quick to repent and seek forgiveness. 2. If we are harbouring unforgiveness in our hearts, convict us, O Lord, and give us the grace and strength to release those who have hurt or offended us. 3. Help us to explain the Gospel clearly and persuasively, O Lord, to a generation that no longer understands the seriousness and the reality of personal sin. 4. May your presence be so strong in our meetings, O Lord, that we see people convicted of sin, and repenting upon the realisation that they have fallen short of your righteous standards. 5. O Lord, send revival to our church, our borough, our city and our nation, we pray, and start your work in me.
24th – Jeremiah 2:30 Failure to respond to God’s correction 1. Lord, when you discipline us for our own good, give us the discernment to understand and to change in whatever way you desire of us. 2. Holy Spirit, we ask that whenever we proclaim your Word, we would not see it being ignored, but receive a positive response from those who hear. 3. When you shake our nation through calamities that befall our land, may there be those who have the wisdom to turn from their complacent lives to you, O God. 4. Have mercy on those in our nation who seek to stop every expression of the presentation of the Gospel; hinder their ungodly plans, we pray. 5. O Lord, send revival to our church, our borough, our city and our nation, we pray, and start your work in me.
25th – Jeremiah 2:31 Consider the Word of the Lord 1. May your Word always come to us like a double-edged sword, dividing soul and spirit, and showing us the true pathway. 2. May we not neglect the daily reading of your Word, O Lord, which is a lamp to our feet and a light for our path to guide us through each day.
GRAPEVINE • Issue 54 • February / March 2012
3. As we read your Word, Holy Spirit, enlighten our minds and our understanding, and speak to us through it, we pray. 4. Holy Spirit, bring to our remembrance the Word of God at any time of the day, when we need to draw on its wisdom for whatever we are doing or saying. 5. O Lord, send revival to our church, our borough, our city and our nation, we pray, and start your work in me.
26th – Jeremiah 2:32 Forgetting God 1. Forgive us as individuals and as your Church, O Lord, when we prioritise other, less important things before you. 2. Help us, Holy Spirit, to love the Lord our God with all our heart, mind, soul and strength at all times. 3. May we live each day in such a way that we are conscious of you in all that we say and do, O Lord, being your ambassadors to those around us. 4. Help us to be careful when all is going well for us, O Lord, not to allow ourselves to be drawn away from a close walk with you. 5. O Lord, send revival to our church, our borough, our city and our nation, we pray, and start your work in me.
27th – Jeremiah 2:33-35 Skilled in sinning 1. Turn back the tide and forgive our nation, O Lord, that teaches its youth how to live lives of immorality. 2. Turn back the tide in our nation, O Lord, which worships mere human celebrities, but not the everlasting God who is their Creator. 3. Turn back the tide in our nation, O God, that loves to pursue material riches, but at the same time fails to understand or seek true spiritual riches. 4. Turn back the tide of sin in our nation that mocks righteousness and delights in wickedness of every kind, we pray. 5. O Lord, send revival to our church, our borough, our city and our nation, we pray, and start your work in me.
God, for seeking after self-enrichment and self-gratification. 3. Forgive the churches in this land, O Lord, that have abandoned the preaching of the true Gospel, preaching a false gospel instead. 4. Forgive the leaders of this nation, and have mercy on our land that has replaced righteous laws based on divine wisdom, with sinful laws based on human ‘wisdom’. 5. O Lord, send revival to our church, our borough, our city and our nation, we pray, and start your work in me.
29th – Jeremiah 2:37 The shame that follows rejection by God 1. O God, we pray that our generation would begin to understand the shame of sin, rather than delighting in it. 2. Holy Spirit, we pray that you would once again convict this generation to understand the shame of sexual immorality and the harm it causes. 3. As condemnation on the Day of Judgment looms before those who reject Christ, help us to snatch them from a Christless eternity, even as one is snatched from the fire, we pray. 4. We pray for those who are currently proud of their sinful ways of life that they would be struck with conviction, repent, and learn to be proud of knowing and walking with Christ. 5. O Lord, send revival to our church, our borough, our city and our nation, we pray, and start your work in me.
28th – Jeremiah 2:36 Changing to ungodly ways 1. Have mercy on a generation that has replaced worship of the true God with worship of self. 2. Have mercy on a generation that has rejected seeking after the true and living
A CALL TO ARMS page 12
MARCH 2012
16th – Psalm 18:25 Faithfulness 1. Give us boldness to stand firm against every temptation in this fallen world, we pray. 2. Give us boldness, coupled with gentleness and great wisdom, to speak out for Christ at each opportunity, we pray. 3. Help us to always remain faithful to you, O Lord, not denying you by word or action, even when the pressure to do so is great. 4. Cause us to be people who are always true to our word, fulfilling our commitments, responsibilities and promises, we pray. 5. Anoint us afresh this day with your power, Holy Spirit, we ask.
all, became a servant in order to save us. 3. Teach us always to put the interests of others before our own, O Lord, so that we are never tempted to believe we are better than others. 4. Teach us the humility that will enable you to use the talents and abilities you have given us to their maximum advantage, O Lord. 5. Help us to see the faults in our own lives, as easily as we see the faults in others, we pray, and help us to change them.
3. May our feet continually be ‘fitted with the readiness that comes from the Gospel of peace’, so that we are always willing to be witnesses for Jesus. 4. Help us to leave no gap in our spiritual armour, O Lord, but to ensure that the shield of our faith is always in position to protect us from the devil’s fiery darts. 5. Prompt us to pray in the Holy Spirit on all occasions, with all kinds of prayers and requests, always interceding for the saints.
19th – Psalm 18:28-29 God’s help
22nd – Psalm 18:36 God’s guidance
1. Holy Spirit, keep the fire burning within our hearts, we ask. 2. For those amongst us who are feeling spiritually low, fan into flames the fire within them, we pray, and help us to be an encouragement to them always. 3. When things look bleak in our lives, O God, turn the situations around for good, we ask. 4. When we have to face difficult tasks in our daily lives, enable us to go forward confidently, knowing that you will help us through. 5. Help us remember the times in the past when you have helped us, O Lord, so that we will have confidence to believe for greater things in the future.
1. Give us the wisdom to see your will in every decision we make, O Lord, so that we fulfil the individual plan for our lives that you have for us. 2. Guide each person in the church with regard to personal relationships, that those seeking a wife or husband will be led to your choice for them, O God. 3. Help us to recognise the ministries you are calling us to, both outside and inside the church, and may we fulfil them with diligence. 4. In all our relationships - both with Christians and non-Christians - guide us with all wisdom, helping us to always act and react in a way that honours you, O Lord. 5. Give us the wisdom to seek first your kingdom, O God, and your righteousness, so that all things we need will be added to us.
17th – Psalm 18:26 Purity
20th – Psalm 18:30-32 Equipped by the Lord
1. Help us to maintain clean hands and pure hearts before you and before others, O Lord. 2. Help us to guard our minds from receiving any ungodly, coarse or degrading images from what we see and hear. 3. Make us wise in our decisions as to what to watch on the TV or the Internet, so that we do not compromise godly purity, we pray. 4. For those we know who are in bondage to actions that compromise godliness, help them to be set free, we pray. 5. May we be careful to maintain a good and godly testimony, as befits those who are ambassadors for Christ, O God.
1. Equip your church with anointed apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers, we pray. 2. Equip us with all the necessary practical gifts: of administration, being helpers, financial giving, leadership and showing mercy. 3. Equip us with the spoken gifts of speaking in tongues, interpreting tongues and prophecy, we ask. 4. Equip us with the gifts of revelation: words of knowledge, words of wisdom, and the discerning of spirits, we pray. 5. Equip us with the gifts of power: miracles, healings and faith, we pray.
18th – Psalm 18:27 Humility 1. Help us always to remember what you have saved us from, O Lord, so that we are never tempted to believe we deserve our salvation by our own efforts. 2. Keep our eyes on you as our example, Lord Jesus, who, although you are Lord of
21st – Psalm 18:33-35 Spiritual armour 1. As we put on the full, spiritual armour of God, when the day of evil comes, O Lord, enable us to stand our ground. 2. Give us the integrity to conduct all the affairs of our lives wearing ‘the belt of truth and the breastplate of righteousness’, we pray.
Bible Readings and Prayer Points for Individual and Church Spiritual Growth
2. As we read your Word, Holy Spirit, help us to understand and retain the things we learn. 3. Enable us to make the right choices that adhere to your ways, O Lord, even when it makes us stand out of the crowd, or attracts hostility towards us. 4. Bring to our remembrance, Holy Spirit, those parts of your Word that we need to remember, speak about, or act in accordance with, whenever we need them. 5. Fill us daily, Holy Spirit, with your supernatural joy that comes when we are walking in the paths of righteousness.
23rd – Psalm 18:37-38 Overcoming hindrances that war against us 1. Lord, help us daily to throw off everything that hinders, and the sin that so easily entangles, so we can run with perseverance the race marked out for us. 2. Help us to crucify our sinful nature, and instead allow our new spiritual nature to reign supreme in our lives. 3. Lord, forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. 4. Deliver us from all evil, we pray. 5. Enable us to humble ourselves under your mighty hand, O Lord, to resist the devil and see him flee from us.
24th – Psalm 18:39-40 Armed and anointed to overcome 1. Arm us with the humility that enables the Holy Spirit to work powerfully through us, we pray. Issue 54 • February / March 2012 • GRAPEVINE
MARCH 2012 2. Arm us with an understanding of the Word of God, which we can use as the Sword of the Spirit, we ask. 3. Arm us with the powerful and effective prayer that comes from the lips of the righteous, we pray. 4. Arm us with the faith that can take you at your word, O Lord, and move mountains. 5. Arm us with a single-minded determination to do your will as a first priority, O Lord, rather than our own.
25th – Psalm 18:41-42 The plight of the lost 1. O God, choosing to make you an enemy is the most foolish thing a person can do; use us to win for you, those who currently reject you. 2. As we contemplate the horrors for those who are separated from their Creator forever in hell, may it move us to spread the Good News. 3. Holy Spirit, give us the wisdom and sensitivity to explain sin and salvation, and heaven and hell, as the circumstances are required. 4. Enable us to love those who reject us and your Gospel, O Lord, so that we never stop praying for them and seeking to win them to Christ. 5. For those who reject you, Heavenly Father, because they have never known a loving earthly father, help us to be the love of the Father in action to them.
26th – Psalm 18:43 Raised up to positions of influence 1. Raise up your people from the Church to all kinds of positions of power and influence and in every area of our nation, O Lord. 2. Raise up your people to be heads of companies, where they can decide and carry out godly policies. 3. Raise up your people within companies and organisations, to positions where they can influence the decisions, directions and policies of those organisations, 4. Raise up your people to positions of influence in every part of public life and service, O God, to be salt and light and resist the trend of ungodliness. 5. Raise up your people to positions where they can influence for good those who govern us and make the laws of this land.
GRAPEVINE • Issue 54 • February / March 2012
27th – Psalm 18:44-45 Strongholds broken down 1. We take authority over every spirit of violence that influences the people in our neighbourhood, and bind them in the Name of Jesus. 2. We take authority over every spirit of immorality, and bind them in Jesus’ Name. 3. We take authority over every spirit of religion in our neighbourhood that blinds the people into thinking there are ways to God other than through Christ, and we bind them in Jesus’ Name. 4. We take authority over every spirit of lawlessness, and bind their power in Jesus’ Name, and ask that you would anoint and use the street pastors in increasingly effective ways. 5. We take authority over every spirit of witchcraft and the occult in our neighbourhood, and bind their powers and influence in Jesus’ Name.
28th – Psalm 18:46 The living God 1. May we constantly draw strength from the knowledge that you are the living God who never slumbers or sleeps. 2. When we feel weak, cause us to remember that you are our Rock and our solid Foundation, O God. 3. We live because you have created us, O Lord, and we are born-again because you have re-created us in Christ; help us to live in the power of your Spirit daily. 4. May everything within us constantly give you praise, O God our Rock, because though we were to gain the whole world, its value is nothing compared to our eternal salvation in Christ. 5. Reign in every part of our lives, O God.
29th – Psalm 18:47-48 Subduing nations 1. We pray for all Communist nations that reject the reality of a living God; break through the propaganda, and open the minds of their people to the truth of the Gospel. 2. We pray for all nations ruled by dictators who persecute your Church, O Lord; overcome their hindrance to the Gospel, and let many be saved. 3. We pray for all Muslim nations, especially those who forbid any expression of the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ; open the door of salvation to their populations. 4. We pray for all democratic countries who try to suppress the truth of the
Gospel through ridicule, ungodly laws and regulation; shake them out of their arrogance. 5. We pray for all nations that follow other religions and persecute the Church; overcome their opposition, Holy Spirit, and bring many to faith in Christ.
30th – Psalm 18:49 God’s praise among the nations 1. Shake your Church from complacency in our nation, and cause it to stand firm against corrupt and evil ways, turning back the tide of evil, for your glory, we pray. 2. We pray for all those nations that are materially poor, that believers in them may demonstrate that they are nevertheless rich in Christ, to the praise of your glory. 3. We pray for the believers in those nations, where they are persecuted for Christ; may their brave witness bring you praise, O God. 4. Send revival in each nation, O Lord, while there is still time, and may your Church bring you praise in the midst of those revivals. 5. Move in sovereign power in Israel, Holy Spirit, causing converted Jews to give praise by acknowledging Jesus as their true Messiah.
31st – Psalm 18:50 God’s victories 1. In the midst of the trials of life, O Lord, help us to live as overcomers because of our relationship with you. 2. Keep our eyes fixed upon Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith, so that we are always able to see above and beyond any present trials, we pray. 3. Help us to always realise, O God, that the trials of this present world are not worthy to be compared with the glory that will be revealed in us. 4. As we live in a fallen world, and are surrounded by wickedness, help us always to remember that Christ has already won the battle, and that the defeat of all wickedness is certain. 5. O Lord, may we have such an assurance of who we are in Christ that we can always be overcomers.
A CALL TO ARMS page 12
SUNDAY SERVICES at a glance 9am, 11.15am, 6.30pm
FEBRUARY 2012 5th 12th
RECOMMISSIONING SERVICE Speaker: Pastor Richard Buxton
PM Speaker: Pastor William Anane-Forkuo CELEBRATION SERVICE
Speaker: Pastor Richard Buxton Speaker: Pastor Rajinder Buxton Speaker: Pastor Siegfried Tomazsewski (CfaN)
Speaker: Pastor Siegfried Tomazsewski (CfaN)
MARCH 2012
Speaker: Pastor Theodore Effiong
PRAYER & MINISTRY EVENING Speaker: Pastor Theodore Effiong
4th 11th 18th
PRAYER & HEALING MEETING Speaker: Pastor Rajinder Buxton
Speaker: Pastor Richard Buxton Speaker: Pastor William Anane-Forkuo Speaker: Pastor Richard Buxton
Speaker: Pastor Rajinder Buxton Speaker: Pastor Richard Buxton
'UNITE' WORSHIP EVENING Elim Worship Teams United Speaker: Sam Blake
GOOD FRIDAY @ 10.30am Friday 6th April and EASTER SUNDAY @ 9am, 11.15am and 6.30pm Sunday 8th April
PRAYER MINISTRY @ ECC Daily Revival Prayer Meetings Monday to Friday Morning meetings
10.00am Meeting in Annexe Room 2 EVENing meetings
6.00pm (Hour of Encounter Mondays-Fridays) Foyer 7.30pm (Prayer Explosion Tuesdays only) Foyer Annexe Room 2 is on the main street to the left of ECC's main doors and can be accessed directly from the street
For personal prayer, why not come along to our
PRAYER & HEALING MEETINGS The second Sunday evening of every month at 6.30pm Sunday 12th February Sunday 11th March
• Powerful worship! • Testimonies of God’s provision and healing • Bring all your requests – God specialises in the impossible! Jesus is the answer
All-Night prayer Meetings A night of intercessory prayers, celebration, thanksgiving and praise!
Next Meetings:
Friday 24th February Friday 30th March
The last FRIDAY of every month 10pm-5am Issue 54 • February / March 2012 • GRAPEVINE
ECC Attendance and Finance Statistics NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2011 Children Children ATTENDANCE 9.00am 9.00am 11.15am 11.15am 6.30pm 06 Nov 2011 215 37 444 80 114 13 Nov 2011 257 29 476 100 140 20 Nov 2011 200 28 447 93 110 27 Nov 2011 201 27 433 86 82 04 Dec 2011 225 25 420 70 403 11 Dec 2011 219 22 407 67 108 18 Dec 2011 219 37 401 87 233 25 Dec 2011 615 - - - - 31 Dec 2011 (NYE) 1050
NOV DEC Tithes & Offerings £37,380.00 £45,238.24 Building Fund
Standing Orders £12,638.27 £11,444.44
A NOTE from the Treasurer WHAT CAN WE GIVE TO OUR LORD JESUS? 1.We can give Him the best of our LOVE. In
Mark 14:3-9, Mary moved towards the Lord. She was holding in her hands a beautiful alabaster box which contained very precious delicately perfumed ointment, and to the surprise of everyone there, she broke the box and poured its contents over His head. Though the ointment was costly and the box was of great value, the real gift Mary brought to Him was that of her love. We can all give Him our love, and it is this, above everything else, which He most desires. Have you given Him the very best of your love?
2.We can give Him the best of our YEARS. What a privilege it is for anyone to give to the Lord his or her whole life - in all its freshness and vigour! Is He not worthy of our best – the best of our strength, our manhood or womanhood? It is possible to know that we belong to the Lord and yet to keep the best of our strength, time and gifts for ourselves, instead of giving them to Him. 3.We can give Him the best of our TALENTS. Everyone has some talent. What is yours? Whatever it is, the Lord wants to use it. If you will only place it at His feet and yield it wholly to Him, He will use it in a most wonderful way.
can give Him the best of our SUBSTANCE. Let us remember that ‘Giving is worship’. Why not consider giving back to Him the best of whatever He has placed into your hands today. Remember, God loves a cheerful giver (2 Corinthians 9:7-8). As you give to Him this season, be rest assured that He will make all grace abound to you, so that in all things and at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. God’s promises never fail. Sandra Dawodu Finance Assistant
PLEASE NOTE: You can now pay your tithes and offerings through the ECC website at
FUNDAMENTAL BELIEFS OF THE Elim Pentecostal Churches 1. THE BIBLE: We believe the Bible, as originally given, to be without error,
the fully inspired and infallible Word of God and the supreme and final authority in all matters of faith and conduct. 2. THE TRINITY: We believe that the Godhead exists co-equally and coeternally in three Persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit and that these Three are one God, sovereign in creation, providence and redemption. 3. THE SAVIOUR: We believe in the true and proper deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His real and complete humanity, in His sinless life, in His authoritative teaching, in His substitutionary and atoning sacrifice through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, in His heavenly intercession and His second advent to receive His Church. 4. THE HOLY SPIRIT: We believe in the deity of the Holy Spirit Who proceeds from the Father and the Son and the necessity of His work in conviction of sin, repentance, regeneration and sanctification, and that the believer is also promised an enduement of power as the gift of Christ through the baptism in the Holy Spirit with signs following. Through this enduement the believer is empowered for fuller participation in the ministry of the Church, its worship, evangelism and service. 5. MANKIND: We believe in the universal sinfulness of all mankind since the Fall, rendering man subject to God's wrath and condemnation. 6. SALVATION: We believe in the necessity for salvation of repentance towards God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ by which the sinner is pardoned
GRAPEVINE • Issue 54 • February / March 2012
and accepted as righteous in God's sight. This justification is imputed by the grace of God because of the atoning work of Christ, is received by faith alone and is evidenced by the Fruit of the Spirit and a holy life. 7. THE CHURCH: We believe in the spiritual unity and the priesthood of all believers in Christ and that these comprise the universal Church, the Body of Christ. 8. THE MINISTRY: We believe in the ministries that Christ has set in His Church, namely, apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers, and in the present operation of the manifold Gifts of the Holy Spirit according to the New Testament. 9. THE ORDINANCES: We believe in the baptism of believers in water in obedience to the command of Christ and the commemoration of Christ's death by the observance of the Lord's Supper until His return. 10. THE COMMISSION: We believe that the Gospel embraces the needs of the whole man and that the Church is therefore commissioned to preach the Gospel to the world and to fulfil a ministry of healing and deliverance to the spiritual and physical needs of mankind. 11. THE COMING KING: We believe in the personal, physical and visible return of the Lord Jesus Christ to reign in power and glory. 12. THE FUTURE STATE: We believe in the resurrection of the dead and in the final judgment of the world, the eternal conscious bliss of the righteous and the eternal conscious punishment of the wicked.
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SATURDAY TUTORIAL CLASSES Primary (including 11+) and Secondary (GCSE) FROM JANUARY 2012 MATHS, ENGLISH, SCIENCE Every Saturday (term time) 9.30am - 12.30pm Venue: Ealing Christian Centre 268 Northfield Avenue, EALING W5 4UB (opposite Northfields Underground station) For more information Contact: 07826 341109
Issue 54 • February / March 2012 • GRAPEVINE
MONDAY 6th FEBRUARY 1.30pm - 4.00pm "Lift up our banners in the Name of our God" Creative Day Bring & Share Lunch plus £2 towards craft materials
Congratulations The Evergreens Choral Group ministering in December 2011
MONDAY 12th MARCH 1.30pm - 4.00pm All welcome to join us for lunch at HARVESTER BOSTON Cost as per menu Let us know if you are coming so we can reserve seats
to be held on WEDNESDAY 29th FEBRUARY between 10am and 12noon for local children's charity and international work with Japanese orphans after the tsunami. ON SALE will be good quality baby/toddler and adult clothes and other items; cakes and Krispy Kreme donuts (and vouchers), which can be pre-ordered before the event. Please come and support the charities. Further info available from Sharon via ECC Office.
WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON fellowship @ 2.00pm
1st Jenny Moore 7th Peter Holmes 8th Merle Aqui 14th Merle Aqui 15th Prayer & Praise 21st Prayer & Praise 22nd Merle Aqui 28th Merle Aqui 29th Colleen Barry-Austin 24
GRAPEVINE • Issue 54 • February / March 2012
to Janos and Sarah IKOTITY on the birth of their son BLESSED JANOS on 6th December 2011 weighing 3.44kg
Congratulations to Sam KUSIMO and Tinuola BOLARINWA on their wedding on Saturday 8th October 2011
Morning only
POLISH FELLOWSHIP Elim Springs Every Sunday @ 2:30pm in the Auditorium (Please use side entrance)
SATURDAY 18th FEBRUARY 2012 with Pastor Siegfried Tomazsewski
ECC Japanese Fellowship Every Sunday @ 2:30pm in the Foyer For details, please contact AOGU & CHISATO TATEYAMA
For ECC attenders: Before coming for deliverance for the first time, please make an appointment to speak to Pastor Rajinder NO DELIVERANCE MEETING IN FEBRUARY (due to CfaN event) Next meeting on Saturday 17th March For non-ECC attenders: please contact ELLEL MINISTRIES on 01252 794060
12noon - 2pm
Borough-wide Evangelism 11am - 1pm
last Wednesday of every month in front of ECC Next dates:
Saturday 11th February HOUNSLOW Saturday 10th March HOUNSLOW
Lighthouse Evangelism
For all those wanting to take part in Evangelism, there will be meetings in the Auditorium on:
Sunday 5th February (after 2nd service)
Sunday 4th March (after 2nd service)
Wednesday 29th February Wednesday 28th March
(in front of ECC)
11am - 1pm
Third Saturday of each month Next dates:
Saturday 18th February Saturday 17th March Issue 54 • February / March 2012 • GRAPEVINE
PRACTICAL TRUTHS for today's living How to...
WALK IN CONFIDENCE despite making mistakes
ow many times have you heard the saying: ‘Keep your head down’? This advice is frequently accepted because it can be risky not to, especially if peers are unforgiving of mistakes. So, we keep our heads down; don't make mistakes (or so we convince ourselves), and hope to survive! Well, God has some very good news for us: He does not judge our future by the mistakes of our past; He encourages us to walk in confidence through our faith in our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
Recently, I was the MC at a really good friend’s wedding. When it was time to introduce the Best Man, I introduced him as the Groom... Oops! Nobody laughed; the hall was silent; you could hear a pin drop. If a
“Mistakes are a part of growing, so if you've stopped making mistakes... !”
Mistakes can be irritating things, both for the person making the mistake and for the person experiencing its impact. Mistakes can be costly in reputation, time and money, not to mention how angry it makes people. That's why we don't like making them. And when we do, some of us can
hole had appeared, I'd be in it - in a flash. I felt silly, but took a deep breath, apologised to the 150 pair or eyes staring at me (!) and introduced the Best Man correctly the second time around. Phew! We're still very good friends, and now have another experience to talk about in the future.
“God does not judge our future by the mistakes of our past”
When learning a new subject or learning a language, mistakes are common. It can be part of the learning process - if we learn from them. Mistakes are a part of growing, so if you have stopped making mistakes...well, I couldn’t possibly comment!
be open and admit them, and others may just move on silently, embarrassed that they actually got something wrong, and wanting as few people to
know as possible. The thing is, no matter how much we try to avoid making mistakes...we make them.
We can be trained (or we can train ourselves) to respond
GRAPEVINE • Issue 54 • February / March 2012
to mistakes positively. King David, on finding out that he was the aggressor in the Bathsheba event (2 Samuel 12:1-14), confessed his sin immediately and accepted the judgment that should be meted out under the circumstances – death. However, our great God had already forgiven David (2 Samuel 12:13). While he (David) had to face the spiritual consequences of his actions, God did not demote him from being king. Therefore, despite the mistakes David made, God continued to be God in his life, and David could continue walking in confidence as king. God wants us to walk with Him in confidence - despite our mistakes.
“God wants us to walk with Him in confidence - despite our mistakes.” So, let’s define ourselves by faith...not mistakes! Forgiveness plays a big part in our ability to walk in confidence. The ability to forgive and accept forgiveness is ultra important. To walk in confidence requires forgiveness, so that we're free and transparent, like Peter (Mark 8:33) or Thomas (John
20:24-29), for example, who had walked with Jesus for years, but in his own words, wouldn't believe until he could prove it. It takes confidence to be that open! But that particular
“Forgiveness plays a big part in our ability to walk in confidence.” mistake (unbelief) didn't prevent Thomas (or Peter) from being a disciple or from fulfilling his role. So, our ability to walk in confidence - despite our mistakes - requires us to stop being afraid of making mistakes. The mistake isn't the problem. Mistakes are a part of growing and learning - we simply cannot escape mistakes at times. Finally, remember what Jesus said the judgment will be like for saints (Matthew 25:35-40): it’s going to be a list of our righteous deeds (not our mistakes!), performed because of our faith in Jesus Christ.
Roy McEwen
In Part 1, PASTOR JOHN STARR looked at the main differences of the four major world religions, and in part 2, he examines the potential danger of the sincerity of belief, which can actually lead us away from the Truth
s it enough to be sincere in what anyone believes?
Is sincerity all God cares about? A lot of people believe that it doesn’t matter what you believe, so long as you believe it sincerely. Hitler was obviously sincere in what he believed - his hatred of the Jews - but most people will admit that he was wrong. Sincerity isn’t enough. The man who sincerely believed he was doing right by killing 84 people in Norway, July 2011, was wrong. “It doesn’t matter what you believe, as long as you are sincere.” – We don’t think that way about anything else!
But won’t God accept moral, religious people? Nicodemus, a religious teacher of impeccable moral and religious credentials, approached Jesus and was told by Jesus that, in order for him to be accepted by God, God must totally re-make him (John’s Gospel, chapter 3)! There is only one way anyone will ever enter God’s Kingdom, says Jesus, and it’s by being 'born again'. To be 'born again' means to receive from God nothing less than a completely new, transformed life. Jesus virtually says that, in God’s eyes, even the moral, religious deeds of a religious leader like Nicodemus are not
good enough to earn God’s approval. The human heart is so tainted that everything that flows from it is polluted. His implication is unnerving and clear: unless we are to be lost forever, we need to be forgiven, and we need a completely new, radically different heart – one that loves God. A heart that loves the light and not the dark. Being sincere isn’t enough. Being moral or religious isn’t enough. We need a new beginning – to be 'born again'. We cannot cause this spiritual 'rebirth' any more than we caused ourselves to be born physically in the first place. So what are we supposed to do? Isn’t Jesus asking the impossible of us? Yes, He is! He does it so we will understand that only God can give us this new life, new heart. Only He can make it possible to be reborn. As the Bible says: “Yet to all who received Him (Jesus), to those who believed in His Name, He gave the right to become the children of God – children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God” (John 1:12-13). God had promised: “I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh” (Ezekiel 36:26). No other religion or person can give us the new birth that Jesus says we so desperately need. Nothing and no-one else can deal with our sin as Jesus did on the cross.
So what about other religions? Many religions share in common the belief that human beings are disconnected with God. But they all give different, even contradictory, answers as to the remedy. That means they can’t all be right, and even that all could be wrong. So are any of these answers right? Into this confusion, Jesus gives a clear answer: “I am the Way and the Truth and the Life. No-one comes to the Father except through Me.” (John 14:6). All of us sincerely believe something. The only question is: Are we sincerely believing the truth, or something else? “O Lord, Jesus Christ, Your Birth in Bethlehem signifies nothing, unless we, too, are born again; Your Death on Calvary signifies nothing, unless we, too, die to self, and Your Resurrection from the grave signifies nothing, unless we, too, rise to a new life with You. You are the only Way to heaven, the only Truth to be believed, and the only Life to be followed. Thank You for showing us the truth of God. Help us to know You more clearly, love You more dearly, and follow You more nearly, day by day. Amen.”
Being sincere isn’t enough. Being moral or religious isn’t enough. We need a new beginning – to be 'born again'.
Pastor John Starr
Issue 54 • February / March 2012 • GRAPEVINE
Come, let us reason TOGETHER
Today, we as men also need to wake up to our shortcomings; discard our idols ... and live uncompromisingly for Christ.
y the time you read this, it will probably be February 2012, however, it is still pertinent to wish you all a Happy New Year, and God’s abundant blessings for 2012. Early in the year, I felt God was leading me to study Isaiah Chapter 1. Later, as I contemplated what to write for the Men’s page for this edition of Grapevine, I felt convinced that God’s calling in Isaiah 1 is for ECC men to come and reason together with Him. But this is no ordinary reasoning; this is a call to trial. Indeed, a study of the context of Isaiah 1 would show this clearly to be true of His challenge to the people of Israel and Judah, whom He holds in transgression of His laws. He was thus saying, “Come, let Me state My case and you state yours, and at the end, let us settle our differences.”
The state of affairs of our nations today is in many ways similar to that of Israel and Judah in the 8th century. Like us, their prosperity and abundance of material wealth resulted in sin, which caused God’s people to forget Him. They attributed their affluence to the idols they had turned to, forgetting that there is nothing we have that we have not received from God. They fell into a state of political and
social corruption and moral depravity. Isaiah was thus pointing Israel and Judah to the seriousness of their sin (abandoning God): for the only way they could stand in a place of hope for redemption was if they woke up to the gravity of their shortcomings. Today, we as men also need to wake up to our shortcomings; discard our idols (materialism, career, money, etc), which are increasingly putting a distance between us and God, and live uncompromisingly for Christ.
GRAPEVINE • Issue 54 • February / March 2012
God created us for a purpose. However, too often we fail Him, and refuse to fulfil the fullness of His purpose for us. Someone said that men are like very powerful off-roaders driven in cities; we are made to climb hills and wade through rivers, but we don’t, because city roads are generally flat and smooth. This year, God is calling us to get off the city roads and enter into rough terrains for His Name’s sake; places where we can demonstrate His glory in us, and touch others with His light and His love. For of what use is our salvation if all we do is to turn the road to salvation into an exclusive club? God wants us to be effective for Him and to lead from the front. We might have failed in previous years; content only to sit and watch things pass us by. This year, God is calling us men: “Come, let us reason together.”
There are too many of us who are spiritually lazy in committing to God’s work. For revival to come, we all must be ready to receive those He would bring into church. If we are not ready, how do we expect God to bring people in? Who is going to disciple them? Who is going to teach them in the ways they should walk? These, indeed, are pertinent questions. 2 Chronicles 7:14 says, “If My people, who are called by My Name, will humble themselves and pray, and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” There is thus a connection between God’s people being active and revival (healing of the land). This year, God is inviting you to get involved in any way (whether big or small). Come, let us build His Kingdom together. Welcome to 2012.
ncountering God is about meeting with God in a special way. It is a chance for us to release our faith to trust God fully, so that He may commune with us. You will remember in Mark 5:21-43, the woman with the issue of blood who touched Jesus, and Jesus said it was her faith that healed her, not the fact that she touched Him. The woman’s encounter with Jesus showed that she had faith to believe that Jesus could help her. Therefore, the purpose of the Women’s Encounter is for us to allow God through His Holy Spirit and through the Person of Jesus Christ to guide us and minister to us in a divine way. There have been many testimonies of healings and revelation for those who attended. This year, God proved yet again that there is nothing too impossible for Him to handle. Here are some comments we received from some participants about what God had done for them at the Encounter: ‘I can say from my heart that I have encountered my God and Saviour and pray that it will continue in my daily life’. ‘The most helpful aspect of the Encounter was that I was able to read my Bible and see the Holy Spirit working in me.’
“If you abide in My Word, you are My disciples indeed, and you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:31-32) ‘I thoroughly enjoyed the whole weekend and enjoyed the fact that I was able to return to my bedroom ‘on my own’ and pour out my heart to the Lord without any one there.’
hat an Encounter Weekend! Many said that the Holy Spirit worked on them so powerfully that they felt as if they had been through a thorough Holy Ghost detox and will never be the same again.
‘My time at the Encounter was the shift I needed in my life and spiritual walk. The Encounter has helped me to take more of a responsibility with my journey with God, thus making time to meet with him daily which has become a pleasure instead of a chore!’
There were no hidden stones or human agendas left unturned or revealed, as God’s Holy Spirit swept through the Encounter meetings for the three days away at the beautiful Highleigh Conference Centre. Some wept, some cried, some laughed, as the women came back so refreshed from an atmosphere which was electric!
‘I felt the Lord reminded me of past events in childhood that I thought I had been healed from but I hadn’t. I feel he brought it to my attention because he wants to help heal me now.’
Please book your place for the next Holy Ghost Encounter Weekend now. See your Cell leader for a booking form.
These comments above demonstrate that the Encounter Weekend enables women to spend time with God, away from the daily busyness of life. This, in turn, enables women to receive the divine truths that the Lord reveals, and encourages us in our walk with Him. It will also enable women to have a strong relationship with God, so that we can fulfil God’s plans and purposes for our lives. The Encounter took place at Highleigh Conference Centre this year, and
Pastor Rajinder Buxton God blessed us with excellent accommodation and food which enabled us to concentrate on what He was doing. Women, do you want a taste of heaven? Then come to the Women’s Encounter in 2012. The next one takes place from Friday 5th to Sunday 7th October 2012. Please collect your Encounter registration form from your Cell leader. Stephanie Antoine
Issue 54 • February / March 2012 • GRAPEVINE
GRAPEVINE • Issue 54 • February / March 2012
The Best Present EVER! Giving your heart to God
e are humbled by God giving us the wonderful opportunity to work with Rob Evans (aka The Donut Man); such a talented man of God. To bring this collaboration together, Rob really worked hard. We salute him for all his hard work, and also a special Thanks goes out to all the understanding parents, teachers and technical team, who worked tirelessly to bring this performance together.
WELL DONE, CHILDREN!!! The children had less than eight weeks to prepare for this joint collaboration with the Donut Man, and we are extremely proud of all the children, who took part in this fantastic performance. The Donut Man rated our children as A*. He said he was extremely delighted to work with wellbehaved and mannered children. The children have really shown true dedication, and we know that God has also deposited a firm belief in them that the Greatest Gift to God is giving their hearts. They also know for a fact that with God all things are possible. Glory be to God in the highest!
ERNESTINA CHARLES-OBI Children's Ministries Coordinator
Update from the Evans family mornings. Piper, our only granddaughter, chooses jewellery for me to wear with commentary.
s you can see from this photo taken at Thanksgiving there are 20 of us now. Little Logan David was still hiding in the womb but one week later he showed his handsome face. He makes grandchild number 8! Our centre city Evans’ are a train ride away. Jesse, Anna, Piper and Caleb can drop by on the spur of the moment. They turn my kitchen table into an arts and crafts area. We have sleepovers, and the tots like to bring me coffee in bed in the
Sarah and Pete (each holding a child) have their hands full with four sons under the age of seven. The parents go on dates, so we can have Haven, Gus, Simeon and Henry to ourselves. They are a lively bunch and say the cutest things. Haven: “My favourite person in the world is the one born before Simeon.” Six-year-old Gabriel (arms crossed) is a good friend to his Grandfather Evans - much to Rob’s delight. They love to rough house. He is precociously “all boy”, and keeps Jenny and Paul hopping. We have the most fun swimming at his great-
grandmother Chloe’s lake in the summer.
adult, and we rejoice when she is well enough for visits.
We are so grateful that Andy and Lindsay decided to move from Brooklyn to West Chester, Pennsylvania. We will see Logan grow up. Yay! They re-habbed an 80-year-old home in the Evans’ tradition.
Rob and I still work hard at being “The Donut Man”. The feast or famine cycle tests our faith, but just when we think we should pack it in… God surprises us with something beyond our imagination. Can you guess where our humble ministry took us this year? Oui!!!
Even though Mary has given up on me artistically, she helps with the therapy part. She works tirelessly as an art therapist with mentally ill seniors in Philadelphia. Sometimes I fit that category. Maybe that is why we get along so well. She is also an avid rock climber at level five, with muscular fingers and toes.
May our Heavenly Father have great surprises for you in 2012. Happy New Year! Shelley Evans
Life for our Tonya (19) is challenging. She lives five miles away in a programme called “independent living” with three young ladies who share in her fragility. She is becoming an Issue 54 • February / March 2012 • GRAPEVINE
one family of many nations proclaiming one gospel through many disciples
ALING CHRISTIAN CENTRE (ECC) is part of the Elim Pentecostal family of churches, of which there are around 600 in the UK, and which is in fellowship with approximately 8000 churches worldwide. Year by year, ECC has continued to grow steadily with people coming from every continent, joyfully blending into a multiethnic family, drawn from over 90 nationalities. With its emphasis on prayer, worship, fellowship, discipleship and evangelism, the church seeks to live out its motto. Now hundreds of Christians - of all ages and backgrounds - meet together for lively celebration on Sundays in the beautifully-restored decor of the 1200-seater auditorium, a former Odeon cinema, and in small Discipleship Cell groups during the week.
Weekly MEETINGS @ Sundays 09.00 09.30 09.30 09.30 11.15 11.45 11.45 14.30 14.30 14.30 18.30 20.00
FIRST MORNING SERVICE Little Seekers (Age 2-5yrs) Finders (Age 6-10yrs) Teens Talk (School years 7-11) - single gender classes SECOND MORNING SERVICE Crèche (18mths-3yrs) Adventurers (Nursery 3-4 yrs) Discoverers (Age 5 yrs) Explorers (School years 1&2) Investigators (School years 3&4) Pioneers (School years 5&6) Nu Talk (School years 7&8) Talkin' God (School years 9,10&11) - single gender classes Polish Church Service Japanese Church Service Chinese Church Service (Every 2nd and 4th Sunday) SUNDAY NIGHTS AT THE CENTRE (see page 21 for details) Refreshments in Coffee Lounge
10.00-12.00 Daily Prayer Meeting 18.00-19.00 Daily Prayer Meeting
10.00-12.00 Daily Prayer Meeting 19.30-21.15 Tuesday Night Prayer Explosion
10.00-12.00 Daily Prayer Meeting 14.00 Wednesday Afternoon Fellowship 18.00-19.00 Daily Prayer Meeting
10.00-12.00 Daily Prayer Meeting 19.00-21.30 EITC - Bible College
Registration required
Registration required
19.30-21.00 First Steps (for new believers) 18.00-19.00 Daily Prayer Meeting
10.00-12.00 Daily Prayer Meeting 18.00-19.00 Daily Prayer Meeting 19.00-21.30 EITC - Bible College
Registration required
(Last Friday of every month)
22.00-05.00 All-Night Prayer Meeting
11.00-13.00 Street Evangelism
Prayer • Teaching • Praise & Worship • Evangelism & Missions • Fellowship for all Ages School of Ministry (teaching ministry) | PRAYER & Healing | Deliverance Discipleship Cells | Children & Youth Ministries | Evergreens (Ministry for the Retired)
For further information, tel 020 8840 7508; email, or visit EALING CHRISTIAN CENTRE • 268 Northfield Avenue • Ealing • London W5 4UB Registered Charity No. 251549