ECC Grapevine Aug/Sep 2012 - Issue 57

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ECC Prayer Line - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week - Call for prayer on: 020 8799 2199


HEALED OF LUPUS Testimony of Delvina Walker page 11

Issue 57


rapevine magazine Nepal












Pentecostal Church


elcome to


n behalf of the family here at Ealing Christian Centre, we would like to take this opportunity to let you know that we are glad to have you worshipping with us today. We hope you feel at home in our fellowship, and that you will join with us in our services. May God bless you.


2 A Word from the Senior Pastor

4 EITC Mission to Kosovo 6 Ignite 2012 and Diamond Jubilee Celebrations

- Akin Osuntoki

8 Why did you decide to get baptised? 10 The Answer - Pastor Rajinder Buxton 11 Healed of Lupus - Testimony of Delvina Walker 12 Prayer Centre Testimonies 13 Two-month Prayer Diary Pull-out 21 Sunday Services at a Glance / Prayer Ministry 22 Finance page / Elim's Fundamental Beliefs 23 General Notices / Forthcoming Events 24 Fellowship & Congratulations 25 Classifieds / "You were too busy" - John Baker 26 Live with Expectation - Pastor John Starr 27 How to Forgive and Be Happy - Roy McEwen 28 A Dollop of God - Ernestina Charles-Obi 29 Welcoming New Members to ECC 30 GO - Equipping Youth for Mission - Pastor Ruth

Would you like to contribute an item to the next edition of the GRAPEVINE magazine? Deadline for OCTOBER/NOVEMBER edition is FRIDAY 7TH SEPTEMBER 2012

If you would like an item to be considered for the next edition of the Grapevine magazine, please submit your piece - by email only, please - no later than Friday 7th September. Please email your article to the Administrator at, marked 'For Grapevine'. Articles for half a page should be no more than 250 words, and for a full page should be no more than 600 words. The Editor reserves the right to edit articles where necessary. Deadline for DECEMBER/JANUARY edition will be Friday 2nd November 2012. Editor-in-Chief: Pastor Richard Buxton Editor & Design: Berean Services UK Photography: Roy McEwen plus various contributors from ECC members Stock Images:, Print: Deluxe Printers Ltd, London NW10 7NR, Tel: 020 8965 1771 Ealing Christian Centre, 268 Northfield Avenue, Ealing, London W5 4UB Tel: 020 8840 7508 Fax: 020 8840 1461 Email: Website: grapevine is published by Ealing Christian Centre. Reproduction in whole or part without written permission is prohibited. grapevine and the ECC logo are trademarks of Ealing Christian Centre in the United Kingdom where grapevine circulates. Copyright © Ealing Christian Centre 2012. All rights reserved.

GRAPEVINE • Issue 57 • August / September 2012

A word from the SENIOR PASTOR


hat God wants us to go and share the Gospel is made very clear in the Bible. He said, “Go…” There are many ways that we can and that we do “go”. Most commonly, it will be as witnesses to those we meet on a regular daily basis. For many others in ECC, in addition, it will be as part of the teams that go out on the Borough-wide Evangelism, or outside ECC in the Lighthouse Evangelism or Wednesday Evangelism Explosion. Others have the opportunity, from time to time, to venture further afield. Our Bible College, EITC, arranges outreaches by the students three times a year. Two of those times are more local, and the third is a 10-day overseas mission. This year, the students returned to Kosovo and experienced the leading and power of the Holy Spirit working through them as they put into practice the things they have been learning. They came back buzzing with the excitement that comes whenever we see the power of God at work amongst us. Some of their experiences are captured on pages 4 and 5 of this edition. In July, over 40 students graduated from EITC. They are of all ages and backgrounds, and all have the opportunity to participate in practical outreach and ministry. Most are working people who study on Thursday and/or Friday evenings, with some having the opportunity to join our daytime classes also. The purpose is to equip God’s people in: i) a working knowledge, understanding and application of the Bible to daily life and ministry

ii) discipleship and operating in the gifts of the Holy Spirit iii) how to evangelise in home and overseas missions to the different nations With the return to the UK of our missionaries to the Philippines, Pastor Mark and Cora King, who are now based

Mark and Cora again in ECC, and apart from continuing to oversee all ECC’s overseas missions, another of their responsibilities is to oversee our local church planting programme. We have been prayerfully considering different ways the Lord may be leading us in this area, and are planning how best to proceed to implement this. But since the EITC courses are designed to help equip and release people into all different kinds of ministry, we would like to see many, not merely gaining knowledge in their classes, but also using their talents to get practically involved in ministry. The next term begins in the third week of September, and application forms for evening or daytime

ENGAGING IN MISSIONS Christians from all denominations. This was evident from a meeting we attended on the Day of Pentecost, which started at 7.00am and was held outdoors in a large field.

Preaching, with Bhab interpreting

Bhab had organised forty days of global prayer for Nepal, the last day being this

study are always available at the back of the auditorium. Recently, Rajinder and I visited our ECC and Elim missionaries, Bhab Ghale and his wife, Kumari, in Nepal. It is always an exciting place to visit because we always see the power of God at work to heal and deliver Bhab people. Bhab continues to do an amazing job, and is impacting the whole nation of this former Hindu kingdom. He has an ability to work with and unite

Serving Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit is always exciting, whether it is on our own doorstep, or on the other side of the world

leads the open air meeting open-air prayer meeting on Pentecost Sunday, at which hundreds of people gathered in the early morning before the sun became too hot. Considering that 60 years ago there were virtually no Christians in this country of 26 million people, and that those who declared their faith were often imprisoned, the fact that there are now over one million Christians shows how much God is at work in this nation. Through the organisation he set up, called UVN (United Vision Nepal), Bhab also demonstrates his ability to work with non-Christians from every kind of background. With a vision to establish one church and one trained leader in every village (the vast majority of Nepal’s population live in villages), he achieves this through a variety of community social works, such as digging wells to provide clean water; building proper toilets; teaching

on aspects of husbandry and farming; building schools, etc. The village communities warm to the Christians, wanting to know why they are providing this free help, and churches are then established. Each time Rajinder and I visit Nepal, we are asked to train the pastors and church leaders in how to heal the sick and how to set up an effective deliverance ministry in the churches. In a nation that is very used to seeing the power of the occult in everyday life, and being only too aware of the presence and adverse influence of evil spirits, when they see the demonstration of the power of the Holy Spirit before their eyes in healing or deliverance, they take notice. We were encouraged to hear the story of one pastor, who had been trying unsuccessfully to plant a church in a neighbouring village. He was opposed

Open air prayer meeting

Growing out arms

returning to England and, on that occasion, saw how effective they were already.) He and his team later went back to that village. As the same woman came forward towards them, she fell to the ground, and demons within her began to manifest. At this, the villagers withdrew at a distance and watched, while the pastor and his team ministered to the woman. The end result is that there is now a church of 30 or so people in that village. Serving Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit is always exciting, whether it is on our own doorstep, or on the other side of the world. Whatever the location, it is the same Gospel, the same commission, and the same results that our God wants to work in and through each one of us.

Richard Buxton

by one particular woman who had the support of others. During our previous visit to Nepal, he had immediately set up an effective deliverance ministry in his own church. (We had been able to attend one of those deliverance meetings in his church before

Training pastors on deliverance ministry August / September 2012 • Issue 57 • GRAPEVINE



'd like to mention one of the most amazing transformations I have seen the Lord do. In one of the house visits we made, we met a 6-year-old boy (Ymer), who was strapped in a pushchair for his own safety. He had special needs and also suffered from epilepsy, and would just make sounds to communicate his needs. The family agreed that we could pray for him. When we visited the next day, his mother said that she could not remember the last time that Ymer and the family had slept through the night. Not only that, but he was walking around normally and much calmer. The family now have to lock the front gate, so that he does not go out into the road. We made a last visit on the Sunday before we left, and evidenced the continuing transformation in Ymer's life. At one stage, he took his hands away from covering his eyes and, looking directly at us, smiled. This is the joy we have, as we step out for Jesus and do the good works that He has prepared in advance for us to do. Great is His Name, for He is greatly to be praised. I'm very thankful to Him for allowing me to be part of the mission team to Kosovo, and it encourages me to go on future mission trips.


n our way from SMILE, one of the Team members saw a young woman limping as she walked. They had a word of knowledge that God would heal her. The woman was asked if she would like to be prayed for, and she agreed. We asked her whether she had anything wrong with her body, and she said her foot and leg were hurting. She was then told that Jesus would heal her because He is God and loves her. We then commanded the pain to go and she was instantly healed. She thanked us but we said “No, you should thank Jesus”, which she did. The expression on her face was amazing. She then went off to tell her friends after informing us that she was a medical student at the local university.

Colleen Barry-Austin

PICTURES supplied by Pastor Chris Ragg and EITC team

Helen Cummings

Report from Pastor Jeton in Kosovo:


ear brother Chris Again, I want to thank you and the wonderful Missions Team for all the support and efforts in claiming Kosovo for God's Kingdom. Thank you for helping us sowing God's seed into people's hearts. Thank you for your prayers and, yes, this year's mission has been so powerful in the Holy Spirit. Metush and others have said that they work with missionaries since 1999, but like this Team they never had seen one so united, humble and on fire for Christ. Miss you already. I feel like a big part of me has gone with you guys. God bless you. In Christ Alone

Jeton GRAPEVINE • Issue 57 • August / September 2012


hen we left Mother Theresa Square - a well-known and highly populated square in the heart of Gjokova - there were a mixture of people of different backgrounds. We were told that the people were asking of us. They were heard to be asking, “Where are the JESUS people who were here in the square?” They were saying, “We want to be prayed for! We want healing!” He prepared the people for us to meet. He made them receptive of His Word and His ways. We have sown the seed of salvation message. We believe that there will be willing and able workers in the field to reap the harvest. We pray that ROK Church will be the lighthouse of Kosovo.

Julie Watson


t the end, people were invited to come forward for prayer. The majority of the church came forward for prayer. A young boy was healed of back pain after being prayed for before the meeting. He was told to bend down and touch his toes ten times, and then to do the same once again. After the second time he was healed. A team member gave a word of knowledge about dyslexia to a visiting English missionary, that she would overcome it by God's supernatural healing touch. Prayer was offered for the Manager of one of the Restaurants we visited; he received the baptism in the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues. Three members of the team prayed for a lady with an issue of blood. Her family had left the church over two years ago, and today was her first day back. Before praying, they shared the story of the woman in the Bible with the same problem, who touched Jesus in faith. They asked her if she had faith for healing, and she said Yes, she did. As she was being prayed for, there was movement in her uterus as God was working in her. She said she knew that God had touched her. Supernatural healing took place while ministering for someone to receive the infilling of the Holy Spirit on a missionary from England. At the same time, God healed the back of the team member who was praying.

PICTURE: Chris Lee preaching with interpreter


MISSION REPORT of a church meeting


have found that attending the Equippers course has deeply enriched my knowledge of the Bible and what it means to be a committed Christian. I have enjoyed all the lessons and the fellowship with all the other students. I would highly recommend attending the Equippers course to know more about the Bible, and how to make it come alive in our daily lives. Suzanne Warner


feel very blessed to be part of the EITC. I have struggled with boldness in the public place, but EITC has been the place where I have found the release in God. I always had a heart for missions and went to Kosovo last year. This was life changing for me, and the assignments have consolidated what I have been learning. I can truly say that the College is a platform for a closer and more intimate walk with God. I would thoroughly recommend the College. Sue Wetherall


have been attending the Thursday and Friday evening classes faithfully, and it has truly been a blessing. The teachers at EITC are without doubt so passionate about the Word of God, and they impart their passion to the students. What I have learnt during these two years has changed my life. I now know my authority as a believer, I have got a better understanding of the Word of God; I grasp my calling to be a true ambassador for Christ. I would encourage everyone to join the EITC, as you will discover your potential in God as your gifts are going to be stirred up, your thinking enlarged, and your intimacy with God deepened. Carole Toleon


fter joining Bible College I feel like a new born-again Christian again, who is in love with the Lord and wants to submit my whole life to Christ. I love the way our pastors teach in their own individual way. I would recommend other people to join EITC who have never done so, as I have learnt so much of the Word of God and now I share it with other people. Nirmal Mall


hen I joined EITC I was hungry to learn so much more but, amazingly, I have discovered more of who God is and of His love for me. I have learnt how to hear God and many miracles have taken place as God gives me instructions and I simply obey them. I have also attained boldness and my self-esteem to minister to others has grown. God is moving very fast, and what we are learning in the class is about this tremendous move of God and how to operate in the giftings of the Holy Spirit that take place miraculously. Elizabeth Mwangi


have had an amazing time at EITC. I started College in January 2011, and I have really had my eyes opened. Having been a Christian for over two decades, I have never had any formal teaching of the Bible. Reading the Bible myself is one thing, but having it explained in depth has benefited me greatly, and has helped me to grow deeper in my understanding of God's Word and my faith. I would definitely recommend EITC to other people. Carla Clennon

EITC has helped me so much to grow in understanding and knowledge, in equipping me to take life head-on as a Christ follower. I have been taught not only about the Bible, but how to be an effective witness to everyone around me, with spiritual truths. Things that were weak in my life have now become strengthened, and I know I can exercise what I know to help my church to be strong, because I am strong. Mark Moncrief

EITC has certainly opened up my

understanding, and I know I am more confident in walking in Christ and representing Him in my life. I look forward to my class, as it is enjoyable, with lots of laughter, intriguing discussions and, most of all, because it is a place to grow and learn. Minel Shah

August / September 2012 • Issue 57 • GRAPEVINE

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nce again, this year on Saturday 2nd June, many came from far and wide to participate in the IGNITE event, which is growing in popularity due to the wealth of workshops on offer, and the quality of the facilitators equipping participants with practical, and in some cases, life-changing skills at no cost.


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Informed by the level of subscriptions for each workshop in 2011, and guided by feedback received from participants, the event which organised by the Men’s and Women’s Discipleship Cell groups at ECC, put on popular workshops, such as Art Workshop, Business and Entrepreneurialship, Car Maintenance, CV Building and Coping with the Work Environment, Dental Health, Floral Arranging, Cake Decoration, and Skin Care including massage techniques. The day started at 9.30am with tea, coffee and pastries, after which delegates were free to attend the workshops of their choice. The fact that the workshops were facilitated largely by ECC people, who are professionals in the different areas covered, is noteworthy and particularly pleasing, as it demonstrates how blessed we are as a church.

PICTURES supplied by Akin Osuntoki






participants has been positive and encouraging, making the careful planning and hard work put into organising the event by a team of men and women - led by Maud Wellington - worthwhile. This year, the IGNITE event coincided with the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, and we thought it would be a good opportunity to join the nation in celebrating 60 years of Queen Elizabeth II’s ascension to the throne; an event that has added significance for the whole country, as Britain has only ever had one Diamond Jubilee in its history – on 22nd June, 1897 – 115 years ago during the reign of Queen Victoria! Those who visited ECC on the day would have been forgiven for thinking that the Queen was taking time off her busy schedule to visit ECC, judging by the buntings and other decorations adorning the building. We therefore invited the community to a party in the car park, and were pleased that the community did not disappoint, as people came in good numbers despite the fact that there were a number of other street parties going on in and around the local area for the same purpose. The event provided an opportunity for the church and its community to mingle in an

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Ladies enjoying Jenny's 'dance aerobics'

GRAPEVINE • Issue 57 • August / September 2012

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Bouncin informal setting, and for the children to go wild on bouncy castles provided for that purpose, as well as to have their faces painted. Jenny Moore’s Jubilee Dance - a session of light dance aerobics - proved rather popular with a lot of women (and Tom!) dancing around the car park. Of course, no party is complete without food. On hand to feed everyone in attendance was Chef Ken, the popular ECC in-house chef, who cooked tasty burgers and hotdogs, assisted by many sisters serving the customers. The spiritual significance of the jubilee should not be lost on us. Without going into lengthy details, the Year of Jubilee as described in the Bible has one major significance: it was a time of release, when all Hebrew slaves were set free, and all land returned to its original owners. The jubilee is thus a time of God’s redemptive work for mankind. I read the result of a research listing biblical events that happened during a year of jubilee to include: • The birth of Abraham • The Exodus • Dedication of Solomon’s Temple

• The return from Babylon • The death and resurrection of Christ • The Day of Pentecost All of these significant events represent God’s love for mankind, and His desire to draw His chosen ones to Him. Our nation is a country once close to God, but now turned away from Him. I believe that in celebrating the Queen’s Jubilee, we as believers should also be mindful of the signs of the times, and the fact that our nation is due for a mighty move of God, when captives of the mighty will be set free, and the trumpet will sound in celebration of the redemptive power of God over our nation!


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“Then I will purify the lips of the peoples, that all of them may call on the Name of the LORD and serve Him shoulder to shoulder.” Zephaniah 3:9

AKIN OSUNTOKI Chef Ke n, at a previou retreat s


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Why did you decid

"We believe in the baptism of believers in water in obedience to the command of Christ and th

Candidates from several churches - including ECC (baptised by Elder Chris Lee), ECC Japan Here are some of

Victoria Phiri MASHEKE


I was born again in 1992 at a Scripture Union fellowship at school, when I gave my life to Jesus Christ. I was born and raised in a Christian family, and was baptised by splashing of water. But now that I have grown up and decided to give my life to Jesus, I have decided to be immersed in water, just like Jesus was. I have made a choice that I did not make when I was younger.

When I was a child, I used to go to church. But it was only in 2005 when I decided to give my life to Jesus and to serve Him for the rest of my life. I decided also to be baptised in total obedience to Him.

Mariusz ZAJACZKOWSKI My mum brought me to the church a few months ago. I feel the presence of the Holy Spirit, and I decided to give my life to Jesus Christ. So I wanted to be baptised, because I want to be closer to Him.

Foyin IBIDAPO I was born into a Christian family, growing up and seeing the miraculous ways of Jesus in the life of my mum. When I was ten, I felt within my spirit that I needed to accept Jesus into my life for myself, so I became a Christian.

John ALYELESO I became a Christian several years ago. When I gave my life to Christ, I never took water baptism. But I believe and wanted to now follow Jesus’ example and take water baptism.

Nicole KABANGU Latika RANA One day after church on Sunday, I was in my bedroom where I prayed a prayer to give my life to Christ, and immediately I felt the Holy Spirit where my body was rising and I had no control over it. The following day, I gave my life to Christ at ECC, which was on 14th March 2010.

GRAPEVINE • Issue 57 • August / September 2012

I became a Christian during my teenage years, when I received Christ as my Lord and Saviour. I was looking forward to be baptised and to being obedient to Christ my Lord.

Marsha THOMPSON I would like to strengthen my relationship with God, and to walk with and learn from Him.

de to get baptised?

he commemoration of Christ's death by the observance of the Lord's Supper until His return."

nese church, Elim Springs (Polish church) and Petra - were baptised on Sunday 24th June. their reasons why... Folu AKINDOYIN

Shipharah LEE

Although I was born into a Christ-centred home with the love of God visible, audible and available, I was still was not a true Christian. I grew up going to church each Sunday, but still I was not a true Christian. Then, in February 2010, my father asked me very plainly if I wanted to accept Jesus into my life, and I could not say No. Since then, I have been walking with God and have learnt to commit everything into His hands, because He is for me and He is for everyone else, too. I know the journey is going to be a rough one, but I know that God is in total control over my life, and has more blessings in store for me!

I was brought up with a Christian background, but I did not understand much. Every evening before bed, we would pray, and at that point I accepted Jesus into my life. I wanted to be baptised so that I can show my love for Jesus Christ.

Eleshia LEE When I was six I became a Christian because I got prayed for and I felt the Holy Spirit come to me.

Fayo IBIDAPO I was born and raised into a Christian family, but only gave my life to Christ about two years ago. I gave my life to Christ because I believe that He is my Lord and Saviour. From a young age, I had seen and heard of the works that He had done in my family, but only now do I understand what it meant.

PICTURES by Roy McEwen

Ola ABI I was born into a Christian family. I was urged to get saved at a young age, but refused, because I wanted to enjoy my life. Years later, during much difficulty, I turned to God. And later, I went and rededicated my life. I got baptised in accordance to the laws Christ has given.

Laura GATU I became a Christian in May 2009 at a conference. It was a youth service, and I accepted Jesus into my life. And I now wanted to be baptised in total obedience to Him.

August / September 2012 • Issue 57 • GRAPEVINE




had the wonderful privilege of going to Florida in the US, together with other ardent evangelists from different parts of the world, to be mentored by Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke, the founder of the ‘Christ for all Nations’ organisation, and to be impacted by his ministry in evangelism. He is a humble man with simple faith, who has seen millions won for Jesus Christ. Reinhard said, “If Jesus Christ died for us, it must be desperate. Shoot a dead man with the Gospel, and he will become alive. Even if one soul gets saved, there is one less in hell and one more in heaven. We are not to compromise with the world. The Gospel is relevant today, and the world has to relate to

PICTURE: Dr Chauncey Crandall



the Gospel. We don’t need to change the Gospel, it stands as it is, and we have to be geared to God and not to the changing times.”

“Reinhard, my Word in your mouth is just as powerful as my Word in My mouth.” Step out and fulfil the vision that God has given to you. Wow!!!

Reinhard continued, “The Holy Spirit does not move in percentages going up and down, but is always present with us - 100%. If you don’t feel His presence, appropriate His presence by faith. Also, God is calling us to do the impossible, and faith will move any mountain that doubt has created. The supernatural is the authentication of the message we preach. Signs will accompany those who believe. They shall lay hands on the sick, and the sick will recover. A miracle-free zone is a place where unbelief dwells.” Jesus once said to Reinhard,

Whilst in Florida, Reinhard had also invited at least three other people to help build our faith in the miraculous. One of the invited speakers was Cardiologist, Dr Chauncey Crandall. God often leads him to pray for his patients and they are healed, and God has used him to even raise the dead. I was so impacted by Dr Crandall’s testimony that I have shared it in brief below. We invite you to come to the Revival and Healing meeting for personal

prayers on the second Sunday evening of every month, and also make use of our 24/7 Prayer Centre, where a compassionate intercessor will be ready to take your calls for your personal prayer request.

Pastor Rajinder Buxton

We don’t need to change the Gospel; it stands as it is, and we have to be geared to God and not to the changing times

BACK TO LIFE - Testimony by Dr Chauncey Crandall

n 2006, Dr Crandall was on duty and Jeff, a patient, walked into the hospital, experiencing severe chest pains. He suddenly collapsed to the floor in a heap. A nurse at the Reception Desk quickly called the emergency personnel, who came running. Dr Crandall was also called immediately to help. The emergency personnel worked on Jeff, and the results showed that the patient had suffered a massive heart attack. Jeff was connected to intravenous lines, and drugs were administered to him. He then went into cardiac arrest, and the his heart stopped working. The Team took the defibrillator and the paddles and shocked the

man’s body. By the time Dr Crandall reached him, he had already been shocked seven times. The doctors and nurses had worked on the patient for nearly 40 minutes. Sadly, Jeff died. Very quickly, the doctors and nurses who had worked on him left the room, as no one likes to hang around death because the sight and smell are repulsive. Dr Crandall wrote Jeff’s death certificate and handed it to the nurse. The nurse started to remove the intravenous lines from Jeff’s dead body, and also the tube from the deceased’s throat. She was starting to prepare him for the morgue. After handing the report to the nurse, Dr Crandall headed for the door. As he walked away, he sensed God was telling him to turn around and pray for the deceased man. This seemed

GRAPEVINE • Issue 57 • August / September 2012

foolish; he thought perhaps it was an idle thought. But now this thought came to him forcefully again to pray for the man. Dr Crandall walked back to the body, and prayed a short prayer under his breath. “Father God, I cry out for this man’s soul. If he does not know You as the Lord and Saviour of his life, please raise him from the dead, in Jesus’ Name.” The nurse gave a look as if to say, ‘You are weird.’ The man who had shocked Jeff with the defibrillator returned at that very moment. Dr Crandall said to him, “Shock him one more time.” “But he is dead,” said the man. “We already shocked him seven times.” But, just to humour Dr Crandall, he did as he was asked. Boom! Bleep! Bleep! went the remaining ECG leads, and they registered a perfect heartbeat. About 75 beats in a minute, a perfect heart rhythm. Throughout his

career, he had never seen a heart that had restarted with such regularity. Usually it restarts irregularly and erratically, before it settles into normal rhythm. Jeff’s stomach started to tremble and move, and his chest started to rise and fall. He was breathing on his own. His blue-black fingers twitched, then his toes, and in no time Jeff was mumbling. Immediately, Jeff was rushed to the ICU and, within a few days, was discharged from hospital, completely well. God had raised him from the dead. Dr Crandall had the privilege of baptising Jeff in the Atlantic Ocean. We serve a big God! If we have lost hope in any area of our lives, start trusting Jesus again. When man fails, God always steps in to do the impossible!

PICTURE: Pastor Rajinder with evangelists Reinhard Bonnke and Daniel Kolenda


Delvina Walker HEALED OF LUPUS


elvina came to the Revival and Healing meeting after receiving an invitation card to the meeting. Leaning heavily on her teenage daughter, Delvina, a very sick woman, walked to the front of the church, and gave her life to Jesus. From that day onwards, Jesus Christ not only saved her from her sins but also healed her sickness-riddled body, and restored to her everything she had lost. Delvina states,

In 2006, in the final module of my nurse training, I was diagnosed with lupus, which affected my skin, lungs and also my heart. This sickness induced early osteoporosis; pneumonia of the lungs; a leaking heart valve; liver damage, and a skin rash called ‘butterfly rash.’ Lupus affected many of my internal organs and skin, and also my hair became thin and fell out in patches. My skin was constantly itching and dry. My lungs were so bad that I could not climb the stairs. I could feel the fluid churning in my chest, hence the coughing which would bring on breathing difficulties.

As a last resort, I plucked up the courage to call ECC’s 24-hour Prayer Centre number that was on the Revival and Healing card

I went through many tests, and eventually I started treatment which included taking a large dose of steroids, which also meant I began to pile on the weight. From a size 16, I became size 26. My bones started to get weak due to the prolonged treatment of steroids. My children were very concerned for me and, to top it all, I could not work and becoming bankrupt was imminent. I lost everything and suffered in silence. I was sadly abandoned and neglected by my friends and relatives, and the only thing I had left were my children; they were a great support to me. I refused to go out or socialise due to the condition and appearance of my face - the ‘moon face’ caused by steroids. I prayed to God for help when I was on my own. One day, I decided to go to the bank to try and sort something out, and a lady from ECC handed me a card. I took it but didn’t look at the person’s face. That very day, I was rejected at the bank and I went home disappointed. I remembered the card I had received earlier that day, and read it. As a last resort, I plucked up the courage to call ECC’s 24-hour Prayer Centre number that was on the card. With my life so shattered, the prayer intercessor started to pray for me. That night, I fell asleep and felt the financial weight leave me. I came to the Sunday Revival and Healing meeting. With the help of my daughter, and

with great difficulty due to my poor mobility, I made the journey. As I sat in the service, my joints and my back ached with pain, but I obeyed the salvation call to come to Jesus in the front. I gave my heart to Jesus Christ. I received the prayers of healing and went home,

God has healed my lungs, and my Consultant stated that this is a miracle although physically there was not much difference. Next Sunday, I could not wait to come for the worship service on a Sunday morning. I usually sit during the service. But that morning, something was telling me to get up and worship God, but my knees were swollen and were hurting. I tried to stand and I eventually managed to. I started to clap my hands and the songs were so real. I felt all the words were mine to take, and I cried and prayed and was worshiping God, standing on my legs as I didn’t feel the pain anymore. Over the months, many of the worship songs spoke to my problem right there in my seat, and I held on to the Word as an anchor to go back home. Gradually, my health started

improving and I found a job. I realised that I was doing many things I could not do before. I started walking unaided to work and to church, and I could do my shopping alone without leaning on my daughter to walk. I even walked for long distances. I now have the strength to walk three to twelve hours per week! God has healed my lungs, and my Consultant stated that this is a miracle. The heart test was fine, as there was no leaking of the valve. The blood stopped accumulating in my intercostal spaces (spaces between the ribs) and there are no more ‘bubble sounds’. My skin has changed, and no longer covered up with make-up. I can sleep now without cramp and lack of circulation. My children are more relaxed about their concern for my safety. Lupus was destroying my life and everything I ever owned. But in the service, my life was touched, restoring my health and my life. I usually carry with me Revival and Healing cards in my bag to hand out to others who need a life line of hope and deliverance, too. My finances have changed considerably. I worked out a strategy how to manage my debts, but the key is I always pay my tithes and offerings. As I do that, my debts are just rolling away, and the bills are paid. I learned the ‘cankerworm’ has been destroyed, and I can now sleep in peace with God’s blessing on me and my family.

August / September 2012 • Issue 57 • GRAPEVINE


the 24/7

PRAYER centre established 2002

The Prayer Centre operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week, as compassionate prayer partners are waiting to take your prayer requests and to pray for your individual needs over the telephone. Here are some of the amazing answers to prayer, as individuals ring back to share their answers with us.

020 8799 2199

A very small selection of the many answers to prayers received in the Prayer Centre REIMBURSEMENT

A sister called the Prayer Centre, because she needed prayer for the post office to reimburse her the money she had transferred to the wrong beneficiary. She called again to thank God, because the money has now been refunded to her.


A sister called to thank God for answering her prayers; peace has been restored in the home, and her son has also returned home safely.


A sister called the Prayer Centre regarding a financial situation ever since she discovered that she was entitled to claim PPI reimbursements due to government regulations. She decided against claiming through her solicitors, but instead pursued the claim herself, by filling in the application form and the relevant documentation. To the glory of God, her application went through and she has been paid a sizeable, unexpected sum of money. Praise God!


A sister had called the Prayer Centre to pray for her son, who was being aggressive and stealing from her, and now wanted to thank God for His intervention. Her son was now a changed person; he came apologising for all that he had done, and has promised never to return to such a life any more.



A brother called the Prayer Centre over two months ago, concerning Oscar, a six- to seven-year-old boy, who had been hospitalised for cancer treatment. It is now reported that recent tests show that Oscar is well again, and now back at school.


A sister had an accident - she was hit by a van - and had sustained swollen knees and arms. She couldn’t kneel down or raise her arms, but after prayer she had her healing. She can now kneel down to pray and raise her arms. Praise the Lord.





A sister called back to say that her daughter had come out of dental surgery well, and with no complications.

A sister is thanking God for answering her prayer; she was offered two film roles.


A brother called the Prayer Centre asking for the salvation of two men, that they would receive Jesus Christ when he next speaks with them. He rang back, thanking the Lord, because both men received Christ after he shared the Good News to them.


A sister said she has been praying for a long time for a lady’s salvation - who has been aggressive about faith issues - but praise God, this lady gave her life to the Lord and got baptised recently. God is faithful to answer our prayers.


A sister was experiencing spasms of pain in her leg, at intervals of 30 seconds one morning. After calling for prayer, all pains stopped instantly. Praise God.

STOMACH PAIN GONE A lady called the Prayer Centre on behalf of her father, who was having stomach pains, and called back to give thanks to God that the pain had left her father.

GRAPEVINE • Issue 57 • August / September 2012


A brother called to thank the Prayer Centre intercessors, whom he called over the Christmas period because he was very depressed, unhappy and suicidal. He was living in an accommodation, which was dirty, damp, mouldy and festered with mice, but he is now in a lovely home, very happy, and now looking for a new church to go to.


A sister called the Prayer Centre because she was going to the hospital for a blood test regarding cancer. She phoned back to give thanks to God; the blood test result came back and there were no traces of cancer. Praise the Lord.

A sister called for prayers for financial breakthrough, and wanted to testify to the glory of God that her prayers have been answered.

A sister called for prayer one Saturday regarding her passport, which was being held by the Home Office. This was urgently needed by the following Friday, in order for her to be allowed to complete her CFA exams on the Saturday. If she had not received it in due time, she would have had to repeat course and exams next year. She was so relieved as the passport arrived after prayers, following months of delay. The Lord be praised.


A sister called to thank God because she has met with the man who would publish her books. According to him, her first book would be published by mid-June.


Another sister phoned to thank the Lord for her successful book launch and that she also got a part-time job.


Amazing testimonies abound at the Prayer Centre, and you can make a difference to someone's life. Are you willing to be used by God in this area? Please contact Rudy or Tom, our Prayer Coordinators, on 020 8799 2199.


SEPTEMBER 2012 Exodus Chapters 6 to 12 These chapters record the contest between Moses and Pharaoh. God had given Moses certain miraculous signs to authenticate that his message was from God. At first, the Pharaoh’s sorcerers were able to imitate such signs. The power of the occult and of the devil should never be underestimated. Satan has always wanted to be like God, and will imitate everything God does. So the Holy Spirit provides nine spiritual gifts for the Church to use. Satan copies each one, deceiving those who are engaged in such ‘dark arts’. As the contest went on, the difference between the God of Moses on the one hand, and the god of the sorcerers on the other hand, quickly became evident. Satan is not God and, though he may be powerful, he is not Almighty, as is the true God. Satan’s men quickly dropped out of the contest, admitting they were up against One who was much stronger than they were. God’s judgments on Egypt demonstrated: 1. Though the powers of darkness have some supernatural power - satanic in origin - it pales into insignificance compared to the allencompassing power of the one true God. 2. God is a God of love, but he is also a God of holiness and justice. Wickedness and hardness of heart against his righteous ways must and will be judged. The Book of Revelation shows us that the plagues of Egypt will be visited once again on the earth, in the days of the Antichrist, against all those who shake their unrepentant fists in the face of their Creator. Today is the Day of Salvation, and we must work now to seek the salvation of those currently hard-hearted. 3. Though God pours out his plagues of punishment on the unrepentant, God’s people were totally safe from their effects – sheltered by God from the storm of God’s wrath. God makes a difference between those who humbly bow before him, and those who arrogantly harden their hearts against him. 4. The only salvation comes though faith in the blood of the Lamb. For the Israelites, believing God and applying the blood of the lamb to the doorposts saved them from death, and released them to salvation from the bondage of slavery. The picture, of course, is the salvation and freedom from the slavery of sin that comes through faith in the blood of the Lamb of God – Jesus.

Bible Readings and Prayer Points for Individual and Church Spiritual Growth


As we pray through the prayer points this month, we need to remember: we serve a God who shows great love to those who accept him, but judgment to those who do not; to live carefully in obedience, and to pray earnestly for those whose hearts are hardened.

1st – Exodus 6:1-5 God has heard and will act

1. Teach us to trust your promises utterly, O God. 2. Help us to remember that not seeing an immediate answer to prayer does not mean you have not heard, but that you will answer at the right time. 3. Give us the patience to wait for your promises to be outworked, O Lord. 4. Cause us to learn that your timing is always perfect, and that if we take things into our own hands to manipulate the situation, it will always turn out second best. 5. Enable us to learn that waiting on you to bring an answer is one of the best ways of helping us to grow in faith and in character.

2nd – Exodus 6:6-8 Freedom from slavery

1. Help us never to take for granted, O Lord, the indescribable privilege of being set free from slavery of sin and its penalties, so that we remain humble before you. 2. Holy Spirit, if there are still habits or ungodly traits in our lives and characters that hinder us, give us the strength and

resolve this day to break free, we ask 3. We pray for all our unsaved friends and work colleagues who do not yet know you; cause their spiritual eyes to be opened, to accept Christ and be set free. 4. We pray for all our family members who do not yet know the freedom that comes in Christ; save them, O God. 5. We pray for our nation that is so bound by wicked ways; bring a breakthrough in our time.

3rd – Exodus 6:9-12 Overcoming discouragement

1. Since we know that discouragement can so easily sap our will to continue, keep our eyes fixed on you, the unchanging God, and not on our ever-changing circumstances. 2. Keep us in the habit of meeting regularly with fellow believers, so that we do not become waylaid and isolated by discouragement, we pray. 3. May we not neglect the regular reading of your Word, the Bible, which is food to our soul and encouragement to our heart, O Lord. 4. Help us to remember that our days on earth are fleeting in comparison with

eternity; may our focus not be deflected from the eternal blessing to come to those in Christ. 5. Teach us, Holy Spirit, how to remain Christ-centred rather than self-centred, so that we are not overcome by self pity and discouragement.

4th – Exodus 6:13-27 Praying for the Jews

1. Lord Jesus, you have said that ‘salvation is from the Jews’; cause us to remember and to always pray for the nation you chose to be the source of the Gospel of salvation. 2. As your Word instructs us, O Lord, we pray for the peace of Jerusalem, which we know will come fully, when Jesus returns in power to set up his world rule from there. 3. We pray for all the Jews dispersed around the world; open their eyes to the truth that Jesus is their promised Messiah revealed in the Old Testament prophets. 4. We pray for all the Israelis living in modernday Israel; open their eyes to the reality of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and cause them to come to know Christ. August / September 2012 • Issue 57 • GRAPEVINE



SEPTEMBER 2012 5. We pray for all the messianic Jews in Israel and around the world, who have come to know Christ as Saviour; help them as they evangelise their fellow Jews.

5th – Exodus 6:28-30 Speak the Word of God

1. Lord, whether we are gifted speakers or not, you have created us with the ability to share our faith; may we never be hindered by self-doubt. 2. Keep our eyes off our own inadequacies, and keep them fixed on Christ through whom we can do all things, O Lord. 3. May we understand, with the apostle Paul, that it is often in our weakness - and therefore our need to rely on you, O Lord - that we can exhibit our greatest strengths. 4. Help us to remember that we each have our own different gifts and talents that are all needed for the collective work of the Church in this world. 5. May our actions always be as eloquent as our words, O God, when it comes to sharing our faith.

6th – Exodus 7:1-5 God’s ambassadors

1. Help us understand the responsibility and the privilege you have placed upon us, O Lord, to be your ambassadors for the Gospel in this unbelieving world. 2. Lord, you have told us to, “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel…”; may we do as you have said. 3. Give us a boldness to speak your Word, even when people are seemingly not prepared to listen, realising that later on they may well change their minds. 4. Open our eyes to the total lostness of unbelievers that gives us a compassion to want them to hear the Gospel, even if they are not open just at this time, we pray. 5. Since we know that your judgments await all people in the future, O Lord, may we be motivated by that knowledge to give all people the opportunity to hear the Gospel.

7th – Exodus 7:6-7 Obedience not age is what matters

1. May it also be said of us, O Lord, that we did just what the Lord commanded us. 2. Lord, if we truly understand what we have been saved from and what we have been saved to, obedience to you would never be in doubt. 3. Help us to be fully committed to you, O Lord, and not half-hearted, so that you can use us to maximum effectiveness, as your Spirit has free reign in our lives. 4. Teach us the blessings that come from total obedience to you, O God, and the


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frustrations that come into our lives when we are not. 5. Lord, we pray for your health and strength, so that no matter what age we may be, we are still able to serve you in different ways.

8th – Exodus 7:8-13 Overcoming the powers of darkness

1. May we always remember, O Lord, that although the powers of darkness are powerful, greater is he who is within us (Christ) than he who is in the world (satan). 2. We pray for all those we know, who are deceived and are involved in any way with the counterfeit powers of the supernatural; save them from their own folly. 3. We pray for those who are seeking spiritual truth and power by looking at false religions or occultic activities; give us the opportunity to point them to the truth that is found in Christ. 4. We pray for those who are genuinely seeking a supernatural experience, but are looking in the wrong places; give us the opportunity to introduce them to the power of the Holy Spirit through Christ, we pray. 5. In our daily walk, help us always to humble ourselves before our God, to resist the devil, and to see him flee from us, we pray.

9th – Exodus 7:14-19 Hardened hearts

1. We pray for our nation, O God, which has hardened its heart against you; melt its stony heart. 2. We pray for all our national leaders who have hardened their hearts against you; bring them to a realisation of the reality that sin will bring a country to its destruction. 3. We pray for those in the church who occupy positions of authority but have hearts hardened against you, O Lord; change them. 4. We pray for all those we know, whose hearts are hardened against you; soften those stony hearts so they become receptive to the Gospel. 5. Recognising that we still have a fallen sinful nature, as well as our new spiritual nature, keep us from hardening our hearts against you, O Lord.

10th – Exodus 7:20-24 Discerning the counterfeit (1)

1. Holy Spirit, give us the gift of discernment, so that we can always recognise error - no matter how cleverly disguised. 2. In an age where there are so many cults, protect the members of your church,

O Lord, from being deceived by subtle errors. 3. We pray for those we know who are caught up in ‘New Age’ errors, that you would help them find true spirituality in Christ. 4. We pray for all those we know who are attracted to the occult; save them before it is too late, O Lord. 5. We pray for all those people we mix with, who are sincerely following a false religion; may they sincerely find the true Saviour in Christ Jesus.

11th – Exodus 8:1-7 Discerning the counterfeit (2)

1. In an age where the occult features in children’s TV programmes, books and computer games, we pray that our children would not be drawn into such things. 2. Keep all the adults in the church from temptation to watch TV programmes, films or computer games that are demonic in nature, which only fill our minds with darkness. 3. We pray for your church, O Lord, that all will realise that seeking to know the future through fortune tellers or horoscopes is both deceptive and harmful, and so always avoid it. 4. We pray for all those in your church who have originally come from a background of the occult, whether in pagan or false religions; help them to find total deliverance in Christ. 5. Right now, we break the power of every plan and every attack of the enemy over our church, through the authority of the Name of Jesus.

12th – Exodus 8:8-15 The prayer of the righteous

1. Cause us to be effective in our prayers, O Lord, by being in tune with you and your ways. 2. Keep us fervent in our prayers, O Lord, with a passion - stirred up by your Holy Spirit - that perseveres until that work in prayer is done. 3. Lord, whilst we are not sinless, help us to walk in righteousness, so that nothing hinders the effectiveness of our prayers. 4. Keep us from being selfish in our prayers, O God, but rather help us to pray with the right motives, so that our prayers are not rendered ineffective. 5. Guide and lead us in our times of prayer, Holy Spirit, as you put into our minds and spirits those things you want us to pray.

13th – Exodus 8:16-21 The power of the Holy Spirit

1. Holy Spirit, help us always to realise the power that there is in effective prayer, so that we remain fully motivated to pray continually.


AUGUST 2012 Exodus Chapters 1 to 5 The opening chapters of the book of Exodus are both challenging and inspiring for a number of reasons: 1. They show us that there may be times when God’s people will need to go through times of trials and suffering. Sometimes this may be prolonged. Hebrews 11:35-40 shows us that there are times when the exercise of our faith is enduring when nothing seems to be going right. 2. Despite whatever may happen to us, God is not only aware of everything in advance, but is also watching over his children, even when they think he is not. 3. God will bless those who obey him, rather than be bullied by the ungodly pressures from the world, as the Hebrew midwives discovered. 4. Taking matters into our own hands - rather than allowing God to work out circumstances - can lead us into severe, undesired consequences, as Moses discovered to his cost when, at the age of 40, he tried to rescue his people in his own strength. 5. The ‘desert’ experience is often the place of quiet reflection, character formation and spiritual preparation, and serves as the prelude to God being able to use us. For Moses, it was 40 years as a shepherd in the Midian desert. For us, it may be a seemingly barren period in our lives when nothing much seems to be happening, which may also be a trying or testing time. But if we pass the test, God will move us to higher things. 6. God is not impressed when we seek to avoid obeying his will and calling in our lives. He did not allow Moses to hide behind the excuses of his feelings of inadequacy, or his life-long speech impediment (which God, for reasons he does not give, chose not to heal). Neither was his age a factor. God knew it would take Moses 80 years to be trained properly in all the skills he needed plus, more importantly, in his character formation. 7. Anything we have at our disposal, which is offered to God sincerely in service, can be used for God’s work - even a humble staff. Our gifts and talents, though they may seem little to us, can be transformed into powerful tools of service. 8. Sometimes things have to get worse before they get better. But faithful obedience in the tough times will yield a harvest of blessing at the end.

Bible Readings and Prayer Points for Individual and Church Spiritual Growth


As we pray through the first five chapters of Exodus, we are asking God to develop us spiritually and practically in all these areas, to make us strong, powerful and effective as individuals and as a church.

1st – Exodus 1:1-5 Praying for Israel

1. Lord, we pray for all the religious Jews living in Israel, that you would open their eyes to the truth that Jesus is their true Messiah. 2. We pray for the many Israelis who have no belief in the God of their ancestor, Abraham; open their eyes and save them, O Lord. 3. We pray for all the messianic Jews living and worshipping in Israel, O Lord, that you would anoint them to spread the Good News of Jesus to their fellow countrymen. 4. We pray for a move of your Holy Spirit among all the Arabs living in Israel, O God, that they would hear and respond to the Gospel. 5. As your Word encourages us to do, O Lord, we pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

2nd – Exodus 1:6-7 Multiplying God’s children

1. As you increased the numbers of the children of Israel, may we experience a multiplication in people getting saved through our witnessing, we pray. 2. Multiply the number of children coming

into the church and finding Christ as Saviour, we ask. 3. Multiply the number of youth finding Christ as Saviour and being added to the church, O Lord. 4. We pray for an increase in men and women finding Christ as Saviour, being added to the church, and becoming true disciples of Christ. 5. We pray for a revival in the churches across the land, and for a multiplication of people finding Christ, causing many churches to grow.

3rd – Exodus 1:8-10 Rulers who don’t know the Lord

1. We pray for the current generation that is growing up not hearing about Christ; turn the tide, O Lord. 2. Raise up true believers, who are on fire for God, to positions of power, authority or influence in all the churches in this nation, we pray. 3. For all those in positions of power in our Government who do not know Christ, change their hearts, or raise up in their places those who do know you, O Lord. 4. Raise up in our schools to places of influence and power those who know you, O God.

5. Save our nation from being governed by rulers who neither know you nor desire to follow your ways, O Lord; send a revival, we pray.

4th – Exodus 1:11-14 Living with persecution

1. We pray for all believers in Muslim countries, who are being persecuted and killed just because they are Christians; strengthen and help them, O Lord. 2. We pray for all those believers who are being killed and persecuted for their faith in military states; help them and their families to endure and overcome, we pray. 3. We pray for believers who are being persecuted and killed for their faith in Hindu countries; may they know your close presence in their suffering, we pray. 4. We pray for all believers whose lives are made difficult, simply because they follow Christ; work all things together for good in their lives, we ask, O God. 5. May we always count the cost of following you, O Lord, and live in the strength you give us. August / September 2012 • Issue 57 • GRAPEVINE



AUGUST 2012 5th – Exodus 1:15-18 Children’s lives are precious

1. We pray for all the children of our nation, O Lord; may the prejudices of those in authority not be a cause of depriving the children of hearing about you, O God. 2. Forgive our nation, O Lord, for sacrificing the lives of our unborn children, for the sake of sexual promiscuity. 3. Use the advancements and increased knowledge in science to cause people to realise that the unborn are human beings, and not merely inhuman foetuses. 4. Cause a new understanding to come to the minds of the people of this land, to realise that to kill our unborn children is wicked. 5. Cause the upcoming generation to turn away from the sins of their parents’ generation, O Lord.

6th – Exodus 1:19-22 Blessings when obedient to God

1. Give us willing hearts that always seek to be obedient to your ways in all situations, O Lord. 2. As we seek first your Kingdom and your righteousness, O Lord, we pray that you would add to us all the things we need. 3. May we experience every spiritual blessing, as we put you first in our lives and are obedient to you in all our ways, O Lord. 4. May we know physical and financial blessings, as we seek to be obedient to you in all we do, O God. 5. May the blessing we receive as a consequence of being obedient to you, O Lord, become a good testimony and witness to others around us.

7th – Exodus 2:1-4 Faith that overcomes fear

1. May our relationship with you be so strong, O Lord, that it enables us to stand up for righteousness without fear, in every situation. 2. Give us a boldness, coupled with wisdom, to be able to share our faith whenever the opportunity arises, and give us such opportunities, we pray. 3. Give us a boldness to take you at your Word, O Lord, and minister to people in the gifts of the Holy Spirit that you have given us. 4. When we feel our faith is getting weak, endow us with a new courage to live and act in the boldness that comes from having your Spirit within us, O God. 5. We pray for all who witness on the streets, that you would give them a word in season for everyone they meet.


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8th – Exodus 2:5-10 The rewards of faith

1. When we intercede in faith, O Lord, enable us to see the answers to prayer. 2. Help us move in the gift of faith, O God, that enables us to see all kinds of ‘mountains’ moved. 3. When the kind of faith that is needed is a faith to endure difficult circumstances, make us resolute to the end, we pray. 4. As Enoch walked with you, O Lord, help us to walk with you and know your intimate presence with us at all times. 5. When we step out in faith to use the gifts of the Spirit, may we see your power at work, O Lord.

9th – Exodus 2:11-12 The folly of acting by the old nature

1. Help us to grow daily in you, O Lord, seeking to allow our new spiritual nature to govern all we think and do. 2. When we find our old unspiritual nature rising up within us, give us the strength to put it to death, we pray. 3. When we make mistakes by allowing our old nature to dominate our new nature, help us to quickly learn from our mistakes and change, O Lord. 4. Guide us into all truth, Holy Spirit, we ask, so that we may avoid the sins of our old nature. 5. Help us to hide your Word in our hearts, O Lord, that we might not sin against you.

10th – Exodus 2:13-15 The wages of sin

1. Help us to think before we act, O Lord, so that we do not end up regretting our actions. 2. Help us to realise, O God, that though you forgive us when we confess our sins, you do not remove from us the consequences that may follow our wrongdoing. 3. If we have sinned, give us the courage to own up to our wrongdoing; face the consequences, and seek to put things right, we pray. 4. Keep us from backsliding, no matter how strong the pressures, we pray. 5. Keep us from trying to take matters into our own hands, when we should rather have the patience to wait for you to work things out, O Lord.

11th – Exodus 2:16-19 Protecting the vulnerable

1. Give us hearts that are always willing to help others to the best of our ability, O Lord. 2. Give us compassion for those less fortunate than ourselves, and opportunities to help them from our position of strength. 3. Give us eyes to see those who are in genuine need, O God, and generous hearts that seek to help from our financial resources.

4. Show us our strengths and our talents, O Lord, and how we can use them to help others. 5. May the blessing of seeing others helped and blessed be the only reward we desire.

12th – Exodus 2:20-22 Aliens in a foreign land

1. Father, as we remember that we are citizens of heaven and merely strangers passing through this world, may we not become tied to the ways of this world. 2. Though we live in this world, help us always to live according to the ways and standards of the Kingdom of Heaven, we pray. 3. Help us to keep a light hold on all we own, O Lord, so that we possess it rather than it possessing us. 4. Give us a heart to pray for all people we meet who come from other lands, for their hearts to be opened to the Gospel. 5. Give us the opportunities to witness to those from other nations who do not know Christ, we pray.

13th – Exodus 2:23-25 God’s concern for his people

1. We pray for all those Christians suffering at the hands of cruel governments; help them in their trials, we pray. 2. For those pastors and church leaders, who are in prison simply because they are following Christ, meet their every need at this time, we pray. 3. Help the families of those believers, whose husbands have been imprisoned or killed for serving Jesus, we pray. 4. We pray for those believers in countries where it is difficult to obtain work simply because they are Christians; meet their needs, we pray. 5. We pray for the underground churches in nations where it is illegal to follow Christ; cause the persecution to increase the numbers of those getting saved.

14th – Exodus 3:1-4 Here I am

1. Speak to us in different ways, O Lord - directly into our spirits; through your Word; circumstances; prophetic gifts; wise counsel of others, or any other way. 2. Give us ears to hear whatever you are saying, O Lord, and the wisdom to act upon it. 3. Lord, may the fire of your Holy Spirit burn increasingly within us to spur us on to fulfil your perfect will in our lives. 4. Lord, perform among us and through us your signs and wonders that confirm the preaching of your Word, we pray. 5. Lord, may our response to you always be, “Here I am Lord, use me!”


AUGUST 2012 15th – Exodus 3:5-6 Holiness

16th – Exodus 3:7-10 God hears the cries of his people

1. When are praying without seeing any answer, may we not get discouraged, but remember that you are watching and hearing even whilst waiting to act. 2. Help us realise, O Lord, that when we are waiting to receive an answer to prayer, such delay provides an opportunity for us to grow in faith and in character. 3. For those of us who have a desperate need at this time, provide and deliver us at this time, we pray. 4. As we wait in faith upon you, O Lord, may our faithfulness bring the rewards physical or spiritual - that you purpose for us as a result. 5. Help us to be a people who can persevere under trial, O Lord, recognising that this is one of the ways we live by faith.

17th – Exodus 3:11-12 I will be with you 1. Whenever we feel isolated or alone, may we never doubt your words, O Lord, that you will never leave us or forsake us. 2. When we need courage to make a stand for righteousness, in a world where the spirit of antichrist is growing stronger, may we remember you live within us. 3. When we need boldness to be a witness for Christ, may your Spirit within us embolden us, we pray. 4. Cause us not only to be readers of your Word, O God, but firm believers in it that enables us to act in unwavering faith on your promises. 5. Since you are already within us, Holy Spirit, continue to change us from the inside out, we pray.

1. Help us to understand the unspeakable privilege of being sent out by you, O Lord, as ambassadors for Christ. 2. Enable us to make the most of our short lives here on earth, to make the maximum impact on those around us you have put us amongst, we pray. 3. Cause us to understand, O Lord, that in your eyes, our willingness to be sent as a witness to those around us is just as important as Moses’ willingness to go to Pharaoh. 4. As we contemplate the meaning of your being the “I AM”, the Eternal One, who is with us and for us, cause us to go in your Name in all faith and boldness. 5. Teach us to appreciate the great privilege of knowing you and being commissioned to serve you, the great “I AM”, never taking you for granted.

19th – Exodus 3:16-19 Proclaim the message of God

1. Lord, you have commissioned us to go into all the world and share the Good News of Jesus; may we not let you down through our disobedience. 2. Holy Spirit, help develop within us the character of Christ that can be seen by others in all our affairs of life. 3. We pray for the ministers of all churches throughout our land, that they would preach the undiluted and uncompromised Word of God each Sunday. 4. We pray for all the elders and leaders of our church and every other church in our land, that they would be wholeheartedly seeking to do your will. 5. Raise up your people throughout this land, O God, to make a bold stand for Christ - despite opposition from all levels of officialdom.

20th – Exodus 3:20-22 God moves the hearts of people

1. As you begin to move hearts, O God, may ours be the first you move to follow after your ways and will. 2. As we seek to witness to others, move on their hearts to make them favourably disposed to the message of the Gospel, we pray. 3. Move on the hearts of those who rule over us, O Lord, to make them favourable to passing laws that conform to your standards of righteousness. 4. Raise your people to positions of power and authority in every area of society, we pray, so that they can bring a godly influence in those places. 5. We pray that those of your people, who you enable to earn much wealth, will use it profitably and with wisdom and integrity.

21st – Exodus 4:1-5 Using what we have

1. Whatever our own personal ‘staff’ may be that we possess, may we always dedicate it to your use, O Lord. 2. May we not underestimate our own abilities, O God, recognising that whatever you touch can bring results far beyond our natural expectations. 3. Help us realise, O God, that you have given each one of us talents to use to serve you and others, faithfully administering your grace in its various forms. 4. When we put our gifts and talents into action, may your Spirit quicken them supernaturally to bring results that glorify you, O Lord. 5. We offer to you now, O Lord, all that we are and all that we have, for you to use for your glory.

22nd –Exodus 4:6-9 Miraculous signs

1. Lord, you are a supernatural God, whose supernatural Spirit is within each believer; give us the expectation of living in the supernatural. 2. For those of us not yet baptised in the Holy Spirit, may they have the hunger to ask, seek and knock until they receive. 3. For those of us who are already baptised in the Holy Spirit, may we hunger to receive gifts of the Spirit, and to grow in power as we exercise them in faith. 4. Cause your Church to realise we should always be living in the supernatural, just as in the days of the Book of Acts, O Lord. 5. We do not seek signs and wonders for their own sake, O Lord, but so that they may confirm the preaching of your Word, enabling people to find Christ.

Bible Readings and Prayer Points for Individual and Church Spiritual Growth

1. In our familiarity with you, O Lord, may we never forget that you are a God of perfect righteousness, whom we must always approach with all reverence. 2. Cause us to remember, O Lord, that our bodies are the temples of your Holy Spirit and, as such, must be always governed by holiness. 3. Help us to live lives of practical holiness, we pray, in all our daily living. 4. Give us the wisdom and insight to discern godly ways to handle every decision and action in our daily lives and work, which accord with your standards of holiness. 5. Whilst we are not yet sinless, O Lord, help us to be set apart from sin, and set apart for you, which is the holiness you require from us in this life.

18th – Exodus 3:13-15 Sent by ‘I AM’

23rd – Exodus 4:10-12 Overcoming our limitations

1. Help us to remember, O Lord, that our own gifts and talents will achieve nothing that lasts, but only that which is anointed by you. 2. May we never be held back by perceived personal inadequacies, O God, but rather always focus on what we can achieve with Christ within us. 3. Cause the limitations we may have to be a reason to trust ever more in the strength we gain from Christ, rather than in our own limited strength. 4. Holy Spirit, give us the words we need whenever we need them, so that it is always a word in season to those we are ministering to. 5. Teach us that it is not our eloquence that will move anyone, but rather the anointing of the Holy Spirit upon our words, no matter how simple they may be. August / September 2012 • Issue 57 • GRAPEVINE



AUGUST 2012 24th – Exodus 4:13-17 Disobedience angers God

1. As we read of your anger towards Moses’ refusal to obey, may it help us to understand the effects of our own times of disobedience. 2. Recognising that you would not call us to serve you without equipping us to do the task you give us, may we not be hesitant to serve you, O Lord. 3. May we not hide behind supposed inadequacies as an excuse not to serve you diligently, O God. 4. Raise up around us those people who can stand alongside us to help us in those areas we are not good at, allowing us to flourish in those areas that we are good at. 5. Help us as a church to work together as a team, promoting one another in their strengths, so that the whole body of Christ benefits from our collective talents.

25th – Exodus 4:18-23 A second chance

1. As you gave Moses a second chance, O Lord, when we have fallen through disobedience, bring us back to the place of genuine repentance. 2. When we know we have stopped doing what you have called us to, as we truly repent, help us to start again. 3. When we have started to serve you in a ministry, but have given it up for whatever reason, bring us back to the place of willingness to take up the baton once again. 4. For those among us who have fallen away from walking in the ways of the Lord, restore them to a place of intimacy with you. 5. May we live out our calling according to your plans, O God, not according to our own, so that we do not get it wrong the first time round.

26th – Exodus 4:24-26 Getting our lives right before God

1. Help us to realise that being called to serve you - as each of us is - requires that we walk right with you, O Lord; help us to do so. 2. Holy Spirit, cause us to regularly examine our lives and convict us of anything that is not right and needs changing 3. If there are things you have wanted us to do and we have neglected to do so, convict our hearts and bring it to our minds, Holy Spirit 4. If there are any habits or patterns of behaviour in our lives that do not conform


GRAPEVINE • Issue 57 • August / September 2012

to your will, O Lord, show us and help us to change. 5. Help us to realise that we can achieve little that will be of eternal significance if our lives are not lived right before you, O God.

27th – Exodus 4:27-31 Working together for God

1. Help us live and work together in unity, we pray. 2. Help us recognise and appreciate the gifts and talents of others, genuinely desiring them to progress and develop them further for the Lord. 3. Help us recognise the things we can do well and the things we cannot do well, giving us the wisdom to let others do what they can do better than us. 4. Raise up within your Church apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers, to equip the saints in all areas of ministry. 5. Help each of us to realise we are living stones in the temple of the Lord, which is incomplete without our own unique contributions.

28th – Exodus 5:1-5 Who is the Lord that I should obey him?

1. Forgive the arrogance of those who reject their Creator, despite the abundant evidence of his design; cause the blindness to fall from their eyes, we pray. 2. We pray for all the atheists we know, that you would save them, O Lord. 3. For all those we know who regard Jesus only as a good man or prophet, and refuse to accept him as God and Saviour, cause them to come to know the truth, we pray. 4. May we be very careful, O Lord, that we do not merely receive you as our Saviour, while living as though you were not our Lord also. 5. Give us all the joy that comes from laying our lives down fully, wholeheartedly desiring for your will to be done - no matter what that may entail, O Lord.

29th – Exodus 5:6-9 Faith when things seem to be getting worse

1. May our faith be such, O God, that we do not look merely at our circumstances, but always to the One who is in control of our circumstances. 2. When things seem to be getting worse in our lives, may we remember that the trial of our faith is more precious than gold refined in the furnace.

3. Help us develop joy, as part of the fruit of the Spirit, which is not dependant on changeable, outward circumstances, but on our unchanging relationship with our God. 4. Help us to remember, O Lord, that the darkest hour is always before dawn, and that victory lies beyond the cross. 5. May the joy of the Lord always be our strength - no matter what is happening around us.

30th –Exodus 5:10-18 The cost of following the Lord

1. Lord Jesus, you never said following you would be easy; give us the strength to continue - even under difficult circumstances. 2. As we remember that the sufferings of this present life are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to come, cause us to press on with confidence. 3. Help us to count the cost of following you, Lord Jesus, and having done so, never to entertain any doubts about always doing your will. 4. As we remember what it cost you, Lord Jesus, to bear our punishment, cause us to realise that any cost we may have to bear is nothing in comparison. 5. We pray for your peace, O Lord, which is not absence of trouble, but an inner tranquillity in the midst of trouble, consequent upon our relationship with you.

31st – Exodus 5:19-23 Pressing onward even when we don’t understand

1. As we remember, O Lord, that you know all things, including the end from the beginning, cause us not to worry when we do not understand what is happening. 2. When the storms are raging all around us, help us, we pray, to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, so we do not sink. 3. May we come to that place in our relationship with you, O Lord, where, with Job, we can say, “Though he slay me, yet will I trust him.” 4. When we pass through times of difficulties, O Lord, may our suffering produce perseverance, and perseverance character. 5. May we always be able to pray, “Not my will but yours be done, O Lord.”



14th – Exodus 8:22-24 God’s favour on his people

we can learn to trust you, even when there seems no end in sight to us. 3. May we remember, O God, that the greatest blessings often come after the hardest and prolonged struggles of faith. 4. Keep us in close fellowship with one another, O Lord, so that in times of prolonged difficulty, we can bear one another up. 5. Cause us to pray like the Psalmist: “I waited patiently for the Lord; he turned to me and heard my cry, and lifted me out of the slimy pit.”

2. When we have failed you, O God, may our repentance be sincere, so that we do not revert back to our old ways again. 3. When we make commitments and promises to you, O Lord, may we remember that you take them seriously, so that we must ensure we carry them out. 4. Make us a people whose word can always be trusted, O God, just as your Word is always trustworthy. 5. Keep us from having hearts hardened against anything you call us to do, we pray.

17th – Exodus 9:8-19 Miracles in the streets

20th – Exodus 10:1-6 Tell your children and grandchildren

1. Lord, may we have the wisdom to seek your divine favour on all we do, rather than seeking to achieve our goals through our own efforts alone. 2. May we realise that knowing eternal life through Christ is already the greatest divine favour we could experience, and may this knowledge shape all we do. 3. Holy Spirit, we ask you to guide and lead us in all our evangelism and missions, granting us your divine favour. 4. Grant your divine favour on your Church, O Lord, for a total unity of spirit and mind that will result in your favour and blessing. 5. As we seek first your Kingdom and righteousness, O Lord, may we know your divine favour on all we put our hands to.

1. Lord, as we go out of the church building to minister to the unsaved, give us the faith and confidence to expect to see people saved as we share the Gospel. 2. Give us the confidence to pray for the sick and see them healed on the streets, in homes, or wherever we happen to be, we pray. 3. Give us words of knowledge and words of wisdom, as we engage people outside the church building that will cause them to realise that God is real and active, we pray. 4. Give us ‘divine appointments’ in the streets and outside the church, O Lord, where you lead us to those people whose hearts are ready to listen about you. 5. Give us the boldness we need to serve you outside the church, O God.

15th – Exodus 8:25-32 Praying for those who rule us

18th – Exodus 9:20-26 Obedience brings safety and blessing

1. Lord, we pray for all the members of our Government, that your Spirit would speak to their hearts and minds to realise they need you to be able to govern well. 2. We pray for each Member of the House of Commons and the House of Lords; cause them to be influenced by those of their Members who are already your people. 3. We pray for all the mayors or the rulers who govern our cities; cause them to turn their thoughts and minds to you. 4. We pray for all the local councillors who govern the areas where we live; turn them to godliness and righteousness, O God. 5. O Lord, raise up your people to positions of power and influence in every area of government.

16th – Exodus 9:1-7 Persevering in God’s work

1. Lord, when we are experiencing a prolonged season of trial and difficulties, give us the grace to persevere, knowing that you have not forgotten us. 2. Help us to realise, O Lord, that you always see the end from the beginning, so that

1. Help us to be a people who are always obedient to you, O Lord, and may we reap the blessings that come as a result. 2. May we be obedient to walk in all ways of righteousness, O Lord, so that in every area of our lives we may be fruitful. 3. Help us to be obedient in your command to us to love one another, we pray. 4. Cause us to be obedient in your commission to us to “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel”, making the most of every opportunity to be witnesses for Jesus. 5. Lord, as we seek you first in all we do, we pray you would bless us in every area of life, so we can minister to others from a position of strength.

19th – Exodus 9:27-35 Remorse is not repentance

1. Lord, help us to recognise the difference between being sorry for the consequences of our wrongdoing, and true repentance which alone leads to change of behaviour.

1. We pray for all the parents in the church, that they may take seriously teaching their children daily and systematically in the ways of the Lord. 2. Help the parents in the church to teach not only by word but also by example, so that they are good role models to their children, we pray. 3. In the busyness of life, enable the parents to spend time each day in family devotions, showing by example how to live in personal relationship with you, O Lord. 4. As our parents spend time with their children in daily devotions, cause those times to bind them together in close, spiritual bonds that make the family strong, we pray. 5. We pray for all the grandparents in the church, that you would help them to have a strong, spiritual influence on their grandchildren.

Bible Readings and Prayer Points for Individual and Church Spiritual Growth

2. Holy Spirit, enable us to see your power at work, particularly opening the eyes of the spiritually blind and saving the lost. 3. Help us to wait on you, O Lord, for the gifts of the Holy Spirit and the courage to step out in faith to use them. 4. Holy Spirit, as we preach the Gospel, may we see signs and wonders following that confirm the truth of your Word. 5. Rise up in our midst, O God, and may we be a people who are following you so closely, that you feel comfortable in demonstrating the power of your presence amongst us.

21st – Exodus 10:7-20 The reality of God’s judgment

1. Lord, since your Word makes clear there is a Day of Judgment, and that Christrejecters will be eternally lost, may this knowledge motivate us to seek their salvation. 2. May the certainty of the Day of Judgment cause us to pray and intercede for all those we know who are lost. 3. Help us, as your people, O Lord, to examine ourselves as your Word tells us, so that we will not come under your judgment. 4. Make us a people who tremble at your Word, O God, and who seek by all means to walk carefully in your ways of righteousness. 5. Have mercy on our nation, O Lord, that so carelessly and wilfully rejects you, not realising the eternal consequences of so doing.

August / September 2012 • Issue 57 • GRAPEVINE



SEPTEMBER 2012 22nd – Exodus 10:21-29 Overcoming darkness

1. We take authority in the Name of Jesus over the powers of witchcraft operating in our area, and bind their influence. 2. We take authority in the Name of Jesus over the spirit of unbelief that blinds the eyes of unbelievers, and bind it in the lives of those we are witnessing to. 3. Give us wisdom not to fill our minds with darkness or ungodly images, through watching inappropriate and unhelpful TV, films or the Internet. 4. As a church, help us to rise up and take authority in prayer and spiritual warfare against the wicked powers that are at work behind the physical realm that we see. 5. Move, Holy Spirit, we pray, to push back the darkness over our nation, so that the light of Christ might rise up once again in this land.

23rd – Exodus 11:1-3 God’s prosperity

1. As we live for you, O Lord, bless your people in our jobs, providing divine favour with those who employ them. 2. We pray that you would bless all those in the church who have their own businesses; prosper them in a way that is for your glory, we ask. 3. For all in the church who are seeking employment or a change in employment, guide them to the place where you would have them work, we pray. 4. We pray, O Lord, that you would promote your people to places of influence and financial reward, and that they would be good stewards of what you entrust to them. 5. As we give of our income to your work in tithes and offerings, O Lord, prosper all that we do.

24th – Exodus 11:4-10 Life and death

1. Since the prospect of death is a reality of all our lives, teach us not to focus on planning for a long future, but to be living as though each day may be our last, we pray. 2. Since we have the life-giving Gospel, cause us to remember the power of the Gospel to save individuals from the second death – eternal separation from God. 3. May we live our daily lives close to you, O Lord, so that death is not something to bring us fear, but rather the doorway to eternal life in your presence. 4. In life and in death, may our lives always be a witness and a testimony to your grace, O God.


GRAPEVINE • Issue 57 • August / September 2012

5. We pray for all we know who are bereaved at this time, that you may comfort them in the way only you can, O Lord.

25th – Exodus 12:1-13 The power of the blood

1. O God, enable us to take the message of salvation through the blood of Christ out to the world in great power. 2. Through the power of the blood of Jesus, we take our stand against the powers of darkness and forces of evil in the invisible realms that stand opposed to the spread of the Gospel. 3. Anoint us with success, O Lord, as we take the message of salvation through the blood of Jesus to all those we know, who trust in the works of religion to save them. 4. Anoint your Church, O Lord, to heal the sick and cast out demons through the power of the blood of Jesus. 5. We take authority through the power of the blood of Jesus, to pull down every spiritual stronghold that rises up to oppose God’s Church.

26th – Exodus 12:14-20 Remembering the Lord’s salvation

1. Make us a grateful people, O Lord, who appreciate fully all you have done to save us. 2. May we not neglect the meeting of ourselves together, nor the celebrating of our unity through Christ as the family of God around the communion table, we pray. 3. Lord, help us to remember that true repentance means a total change of direction, turning from what is ungodly to what is godly, as we live out our salvation. 4. Cause us to live, not as ones who merely regard you as ‘Saviour’, but as ones who submit to you as ‘Lord’. 5. Thank you, Lord Jesus, for all you have done for us, are doing for us, and will do for us.

27th – Exodus 12:21-30 The wisdom of obedience

1. Give us the wisdom to obey you, O Lord. 2. Keep us on the pathway of obedience, Lord, so that we do not bring avoidable self-inflicted problems upon ourselves, we pray. 3. Cause us to be obedient to your ways at all times, whether we are in public or alone, we pray. 4. As we walk carefully in your ways at all times, O God, help us to ensure we never give the devil a foothold in our lives. 5. Help us to keep our old nature crucified, O Lord, and to enable our new spiritual nature to grow and mature.

28th – Exodus 12:31-39

The Lord made them favourably disposed 1. Lord, in these last days before you return, give your Church the favour in our society that will give it a great harvest of souls. 2. Give your Church favour with the Government - and with those who rule over us - to be able to spread the Gospel freely in all places and at all times, we pray. 3. Give your people favour in schools and colleges, O Lord, so that they may have a spiritual harvest amongst young people. 4. Give your people favour among the general public, O God, that they will be readily disposed to listen to the Gospel. 5. Grant us favour in our jobs and businesses, O Lord, as we seek to put you first in everything we do.

29th –Exodus 12:40-42 Victory is certain

1. May the knowledge that your victory through the cross is total, Lord Jesus, give us the motivation to press on through all circumstances. 2. With the passing of each day, and the day of your return coming ever closer, Lord Jesus, help us to be energised to serve you wholeheartedly. 3. As we contemplate the victory of Christ on the cross, help us to keep our eyes fixed on the life eternal in your presence that awaits us, we pray. 4. Help us not to be rendered ineffective and robbed of confidence and joy, by lack of knowledge of the extent of Christ’s victory over sin, satan and death, O Lord. 5. Help us appreciate the fullness of the meaning of your words on the cross, Lord Jesus: “It is finished!”

30th – Exodus 12:43-51 God’s deliverance

1. Deliver us from evil this day, O Lord, for yours is the Kingdom, the power and the glory, for ever and ever, Amen. 2. Deliver us, as believers, from all apathy, and bring us into the fullness of the Spiritled life of Christ, we pray. 3. Deliver us from anything that is ungodly, unedifying or unhelpful to our spiritual growth and witness for Jesus, we pray. 4. We pray for all family, friends, neighbours, work or student colleagues, who do not know Christ as Saviour; deliver them now from the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of light. 5. Deliver our nation from its bondage to the agenda of the powers of darkness, O God.

SUNDAY SERVICES at a glance 9am, 11.15am, 6.30pm

AUGUST 2012 5th 12th 19th 26th


PRAISE & COMMUNION Speaker: Pastor Mark King


FILM SHOWING: "How Great is our God"


CELEBRATION SERVICE Speaker: Pastor Richard Buxton


REVIVAL & HEALING SERVICE Speaker: Pastor Rajinder Buxton


CELEBRATION SERVICE Speaker: Pastor Rajinder Buxton


An Evening of HOLY SPIRIT MINISTRY Speaker: Pastor Mark King


CELEBRATION SERVICE Speaker: Pastor Richard Buxton




2nd 9th 16th 23rd 30th

PRAISE & COMMUNION Speaker: Pastor Mark Pugh Serious4God WELCOME EVENING with the ECC Pastoral Team


REVIVAL & HEALING SERVICE Speaker: Pastor Rajinder Buxton


CELEBRATION SERVICE Speaker: Pastor Richard Buxton


An Evening of PROPHETIC WORSHIP Speaker: Pastor Sam Blake


CELEBRATION SERVICE Speaker: Pastor Richard Buxton


EVENING CELEBRATION Speaker: Pastor Ruth Trbojevic


CELEBRATION SERVICE Speaker: Dr Elias Malki Middle East Gospel Outreach


Speaker: Pastor Jeremy Griffiths Heights Christian Church, Australia


CELEBRATION SERVICE Speaker: Pastor Richard Buxton


PRAYER MINISTRY @ ECC Daily Revival Prayer Meetings Monday to Friday Morning meetings

10.00am Meeting in Annexe Room 2 EVENing meetings

6.00pm (Hour of Encounter Mondays-Fridays) Foyer 7.30pm (Prayer Explosion Tuesdays only) Foyer Annexe Room 2 is on the main street to the left of ECC's main doors and can be accessed directly from the street

For personal prayer, why not come along to our

PRAYER & HEALING MEETINGS The second Sunday evening of every month at 6.30pm Sunday 12th August • Powerful worship! Sunday 9th September

• Testimonies of God’s provision and healing • Bring all your requests – God specialises in the impossible! Jesus is the answer

All-Night prayer Meetings A night of intercessory prayers, celebration, thanksgiving and praise!

Next Meetings:

Friday 31st August Friday 28th September

The last FRIDAY of every month 10pm-5am August / September 2012 • Issue 57 • GRAPEVINE


ECC Attendance and Finance Statistics May / June 2012 Children Children ATTENDANCE 9.00am 9.00am 11.15am 11.15am 6.30pm 06 May 2012 222 13 May 2012 243 20 May 2012 229 27 May 2012 230 03 June 2012 215 10 June 2012 247 17 June 2012 232 24 June 2012 230

29 32 20 23 25 25 20 29

478 464 456 450 432 496 504 432

76 84 121 100 90 100 116 119



146 Tithes & 122 Offerings £45,068.12 £38,735.99 98 120 Building 703 Fund £265.00 £170.00 103 97 Standing 306 Orders £15,055.21 £12,563.21



A NOTE from the Treasurer

criptural tithing stirs up faith. It activates the power of God in our lives when we do it with gratitude and joy, expecting our needs to be met abundantly. In Deuteronomy 26:8-9, God told the Israelites exactly what to say when they brought their tithes. He instructed them to acknowledge the fact that He had brought them out of the bondage of Egypt, and to say: “The Lord brought us forth out of Egypt with a mighty hand, and with an outstretched arm, and with great

terribleness, and with signs and with wonders: And He hath brought us into this place, and hath given us this land, even a land that floweth with milk and honey.” What does this have to do with you and me? God has done the same thing for us! He has brought us out of a life of bondage and poverty, into a life that flows with the abundance of God. So, when you bring your tithe to the Lord, follow the example set by the Israelites. Make it a time of rejoicing. Make it a time of realising anew the wonderful things Jesus Christ has done for you.

Thank Him for delivering you from a land of darkness and scarcity, and for bringing you into His promised land of plenty. Thank Him that it is a land of mercy, a land of joy, a land of peace and a land of prosperity. I pray that as you remain obedient and faithful in your giving to Kingdom work, you will surely reap a bountiful harvest here on earth as you will receive when you get to Heaven. Amen!!!

Sandra Dawodu Finance Assistant

PLEASE NOTE: You can now pay your tithes and offerings through the ECC website at

FUNDAMENTAL BELIEFS OF THE Elim Pentecostal Churches 1. THE BIBLE: We believe the Bible, as originally given, to be without error,

the fully inspired and infallible Word of God and the supreme and final authority in all matters of faith and conduct. 2. THE TRINITY: We believe that the Godhead exists co-equally and coeternally in three Persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit and that these Three are one God, sovereign in creation, providence and redemption. 3. THE SAVIOUR: We believe in the true and proper deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His real and complete humanity, in His sinless life, in His authoritative teaching, in His substitutionary and atoning sacrifice through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, in His heavenly intercession and His second advent to receive His Church. 4. THE HOLY SPIRIT: We believe in the deity of the Holy Spirit Who proceeds from the Father and the Son and the necessity of His work in conviction of sin, repentance, regeneration and sanctification, and that the believer is also promised an enduement of power as the gift of Christ through the baptism in the Holy Spirit with signs following. Through this enduement the believer is empowered for fuller participation in the ministry of the Church, its worship, evangelism and service. 5. MANKIND: We believe in the universal sinfulness of all mankind since the Fall, rendering man subject to God's wrath and condemnation. 6. SALVATION: We believe in the necessity for salvation of repentance towards God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ by which the sinner is pardoned


GRAPEVINE • Issue 57 • August / September 2012

and accepted as righteous in God's sight. This justification is imputed by the grace of God because of the atoning work of Christ, is received by faith alone and is evidenced by the Fruit of the Spirit and a holy life. 7. THE CHURCH: We believe in the spiritual unity and the priesthood of all believers in Christ and that these comprise the universal Church, the Body of Christ. 8. THE MINISTRY: We believe in the ministries that Christ has set in His Church, namely, apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers, and in the present operation of the manifold Gifts of the Holy Spirit according to the New Testament. 9. THE ORDINANCES: We believe in the baptism of believers in water in obedience to the command of Christ and the commemoration of Christ's death by the observance of the Lord's Supper until His return. 10. THE COMMISSION: We believe that the Gospel embraces the needs of the whole man and that the Church is therefore commissioned to preach the Gospel to the world and to fulfil a ministry of healing and deliverance to the spiritual and physical needs of mankind. 11. THE COMING KING: We believe in the personal, physical and visible return of the Lord Jesus Christ to reign in power and glory. 12. THE FUTURE STATE: We believe in the resurrection of the dead and in the final judgment of the world, the eternal conscious bliss of the righteous and the eternal conscious punishment of the wicked.


SUNDAY 30th SEPTEMBER Dr ELIAS MALKI, known as one of God's ambassadors, is the founder and President of Middle East Gospel Outreach (MEGO), and proclaims the Gospel of Jesus Christ in Arabic via satellite to over 180 nations daily. He will be with us for both MORNING SERVICES.

Pastor MARK PUGH is National Director of Serious4God, and is passionate about Youth ministry. He will be with us for both MORNING SERVICES.


JEREMY GRIFFITHS is Pastor of Heights Christian Church in Adelaide, and Founder of The Shepherd's Storehouse International. He is a powerful preacher with the gift of encouraging others. He will be with us for the EVENING SERVICE.

Available from ECC and Perivale Christian bookshop or go to revivalprayers Discounts available from ECC for bulk orders

POLISH FELLOWSHIP Elim Springs Every Sunday @ 2:30pm in the Auditorium (Please use side entrance)


ECC Japanese Fellowship Every Sunday @ 2:30pm in the Foyer For details, please contact AOGU & CHISATO TATEYAMA

For ECC attenders: Before coming for deliverance for the first time, please make an appointment to speak to Pastor Rajinder

NO DELIVERANCE MEETING IN AUGUST Saturday 15th September For non-ECC attenders: please contact ELLEL MINISTRIES on 01252 794060


Borough-wide Evangelism 11am - 1pm Saturday 11th August ACTON Saturday 8th September SHEPHERD'S BUSH For all those wanting to take part in Evangelism, there will be meetings in the Auditorium on:

Sunday 5th August (after 2nd service)

12noon - 2pm

last Wednesday of every month in front of ECC Next dates:

Wednesday 29th August Wednesday 26th September

Lighthouse Evangelism (in front of ECC)

11am - 1pm

Sunday 2nd September

Third Saturday of each month Next dates:


Saturday 18th August Saturday 15th September

(after 2nd service)

August / September 2012 • Issue 57 • GRAPEVINE



to Andrew and Corrina BLAKE on the birth of their daughter EVA CORRINA on 12th June 2012 Weight: 3.45kg (7lbs 11oz)



DAY RETREAT AT MULBERRY HOUSE TIME OUT WITH GOD How can we ever hope to be obedient to God, know His direction for our lives and determine His will for us, if we do not seek His face and take time to listen? Lunch and additional refreshments included £18.50 Transport cost £10.00 - Seats limited Deposit of £18.50 required to secure booking payable by 24th August 2012

Ealing Soup Kitchen


e want to first express our sincere thanks to all who have volunteered, donated clothes, bedding, personal toilettes and finances towards the work of the Ealing Soup Kitchen (ESK). Every eight weeks, the Ealing Christian Centre Soup Kitchen Team feed between 80 to 120 clients. Our chefs prepare freshly cooked, wholesome soup, a nutritious main meal and dessert. Clients are also offered a small bag of non-perishable takeaway foodstuff when they leave. Clients often ask us when are we coming again, because they enjoy the food so much. The remaining rota dates for the ECC Team are: Saturday 15th September Saturday 10th November Saturday 5th January 2013 Latest update is that the kitchen area - used for preparation, cooking, serving and washing up - is in desperate need of refurbishment. All partnering churches, as well as local community groups who currently use the premises, have been asked if we might be able to raise the sum of £25,000 by the end of August 2012. Some money has already been raised towards this total amount. The aim will be to deliver a high standard of hygiene, in a purpose-built environment, with the safety and food quality that everyone who uses and benefits from the kitchen deserve. For more information about volunteering or donations, please contact Sharon Grant on 0208 840 7508 (ECC church office).

Meetings start @ 2pm


Fellowship & Congratulations

CARERS DAY rescheduled to

Saturday 13th October 10am - 1pm Speaker: CECILIA COLESHAW Carers Centre Supervisor & Communications Worker For further details, please contact SHARON GRANT at the ECC Office on 020 8840 7508 24

GRAPEVINE • Issue 57 • August / September 2012

5th 12th 19th 26th

SEPTEMBER Peter Holmes Merle Aqui Prayer & Praise Merle Aqui

MONDAYS 12.00pm to 1.00pm


An opportunity to meet other carers, and to connect with one another over coffee.


STAY ACTIVE 4 LIFE with fun, fitness and flexibility ONLY £2.00 - at ECC

THURSDAYS 2.00pm to 3.00pm

LOW IMPACT AEROBICS Inspiration moves and grooves (please bring a mat) ONLY £2.00 - at ECC

Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds EALING CHRISTIAN CENTRE does not in any way endorse any advertised company or products, and cannot guarantee rates, levels of service or workmanship


Advertising space is offered on a first come, first served basis. ECC reserves the right to publish the advert where space is available, and not necessarily on the Classifieds page. ECC reserves the right to alter any advertisement to improve reproduction quality. ECC excludes liability for any loss due to noninsertion or any errors in the advertisement. ECC reserves the right to refuse publication of any advert that it does not deem suitable for Grapevine magazine; the Editor-in-Chief's decision is final.

ADVERTISE YOUR GOODS OR SERVICES Contact ECC Office for details on 020 8840 7508

"You Were Too Busy"


ou are standing before Jesus and He says, “There was someone I wanted you to talk to about Me, about how I came to save souls; have saved you, and can do the same for them. But they couldn’t get to talk to you.” “Oh dear,” you reply. “They really should have done.” “They couldn’t,” says Jesus. “You were too busy.” “Oh?” you question. “What was I doing that was so important?” “You were watching a football match.” “I could still have talked to them.” God says, “Albion United were playing in the Cup Final.” “Come on, Jesus, how could You even consider wanting me to talk to them when the Albions were playing in the Cup Final?” “Well,” responds Jesus, “I had the obviously mistaken notion that their eternal salvation was more important than the match.”

Can you imagine trying to reason with God over something like this? This is not to say that God thinks that our being interested in any kind of sport is wrong. It's just a question of our priorities. Indeed, this conversation need not be about sport. It could be about a variety of interests and hobbies. You can probably name some… perhaps even your own! Of the world population something like 12% are declared Christian. (Protestant 6.08%, Orthodox 4.03%, Anglican 1.26%, figures CIA) If all the declared Christians are born again, which sadly is unlikely, this leaves 88% nonChristian. 56,239,200 people die each year (CIA), which results in about 107 worldwide deaths per minute. It takes about one and a half minutes to read this article, which equates to 160 dead people - 88% (142) of whom have gone to hell.

I know we can’t personally reach every individual, but it is easy for us to become complacent about this isn’t it, now that we’re already saved, particularly if the day of our salvation was some time ago? Easy to forget that when we had the opportunity to make the decision to surrender to Jesus as Lord and Saviour, it was of the utmost importance. Why should it be any less important to afford other people the same opportunity? At ECC, we have the BoroughWide Evangelism and the Lighthouse Evangelism on different Saturdays during each month. The last Wednesday of the month is the day for the Evangelism Explosion - right outside the church. Being at the prayer meetings at church is an important back-up to the evangelism - two meetings a day during the week. Helping in the Prayer Centre can also involve leading some of the callers to a relationship with Jesus. Details of how to be a part of any or all of these ministries are posted up

around the church and printed in this magazine. I know there many things to do and, for most of us, fitting in anything extra at all can be very difficult. God understands this, although He, too, is always busy and still finds time for us. (I know, I know, He’s God!) I would ask you to question whether evangelism is actually an add-on in life, or can it be that it has a very high priority with God, and that we ought to look at where we can reallocate time we spend on other things? Remember: You are standing before Jesus and He says, “There was someone I wanted you to talk to about Me, about how I came to save souls; have saved you, and can do the same for them. But they couldn’t get to talk to you.” “Oh dear,” you reply. “They really should have done.” “They couldn’t,” says Jesus. “You were too busy.”

by John Baker

August / September 2012 • Issue 57 • GRAPEVINE


Pastor JOHN STARR examines how God responds to those with expectant hearts...


EXPECTATION thanksgiving will open the storehouses of heaven for you!


open your eyes to recognise the demonstrations of His goodness through- out your day. And then, each time you are conscious of God’s activity in your day, express your appreciation to Him. Just a moment will do – just an ‘arrow prayer‘ will do.

We know that without faith it is impossible to please God, as Hebrews 11:6 says.

You quickly develop a seeing heart and a thankful heart … and the presence of God will become more real to you each day.

he Lord responds to expectancy. One of the foremost keys in experiencing God’s presence and goodness in your life is to live in expectation toward Him.

Without expectation, your faith has nothing to rest upon. God can do no more than you have faith for. Expect God to demonstrate

Many do not have a conscious appreciation of God’s goodness toward them, because they live

It is the nearness of your God that is your greatest good. Always. His goodness to you each day. God has promised that He will never leave or forsake you. He has given you a guarantee of His constant presence and enduring faithfulness. It is the nearness of your God that is your greatest good. Always. Look for His presence in your day. Desire it. Enter His presence through thanksgiving. Ask God at the beginning of every day to


with little or no expectation of His willingness toward them. They do not hear God, because they do not expect God to speak to them. They do not pray - or pray very little - because they do not pray with expectation. You must not be uncertain about God’s willingness to respond to you. Take Him at His Word! If God says that we enter His ‘gates‘ (presence) with thanksgiving, then expect that your thanksgiving will bring you into His presence! Your

GRAPEVINE • Issue 57 • August / September 2012

Expect that you will see God demonstrate His goodness throughout your day. If you feel condemnation that the devil tries to convince you is from God, you will not expect God to be good to you. You must rebuke those feelings, and approach the Lord in childlike trust, expecting Him to be good to you. Why? Because He does not change! Every time you approach God, you must first recognise that you are coming to your heavenly Father, who is always willing to act on your behalf, in a generous and non-condemnatory way (James 1:5). Approaching Him with thanksgiving encourages us with this fact. You can live in expectation toward God if you have a true understanding of His nature, what He is like. He lives with faith and hope. He is the most confident, believing and hopeful Person you could ever meet. His optimism is not founded on illusion or fantasy, but upon His own power and ability. He is totally self-confident in His own abilities. In the contest between right and wrong, good and evil, goodness will prevail and have the last word. God has total, undiminished confidence that, despite all the wrongdoing of the world, His goodness will

prevail, and it will win through. His goodness will eventually have the last word to history. Good news will have the last word over all the bad news. To give up on goodness means God will have to give up on Himself. Nothing that has happened, or will happen, has been sufficient to change God’s mind. “The nearness of my God is my greatest good. Always!” So, to live in expectation of God being close to us, and longing to demonstrate His goodness to us each and every day, is nothing more or less than to appreciate His true character. God responds to our expectation toward Him, because we are giving Him credit for who He really is and for what He is like. Living in expectation toward our Father draws virtue from Him, as the woman who touched Jesus’ garment discovered (Luke 8:46)! God will always be responsive and faithful to an expectant heart. But those who expect nothing… they never leave disappointed! If you want to see more of the Lord’s goodness in your life, upgrade your ability to be expectant and your attitude of gratitude toward Him.




FORGIVE AND BE HAPPY When we can forgive and keep no record of wrong, we accept that God is looking at all things; listening to all things, and will settle all accounts PICTURE: Watoto Children's Choir


ometimes we can forgive and remain bitter; forgive, but not forget; forgive and be vengeful; forgive and feel like a victim; forgive and be angry. You know what I mean... Someone has done you wrong, and you forgave them in Jesus' Name (honestly), but you will never speak with them again or never trust them again. Sounds familiar? This type of forgiveness is very common in and outside the Church. People may be legitimately hurt, but perhaps really do not understand how forgiveness works. Instead, we can be deceived into adopting a form of bitterness masquerading itself as righteous anger. I've heard this phrase, but don't understand it in the context of Love: “Love keeps no record of wrong” (1 Corinthians 13:5)! One of the keys to understanding true forgiveness is in this question: Who is ‘in charge’ of my life

now? The good Christian answer is “Jesus”, but do we understand the consequences to allowing Jesus to have full control? Since accepting Jesus as Lord and Saviour, we are now no longer under our own authority; we are under God’s authority now. Here's how it works and why it’s important to understand. In all things, in dealings with family, friends, strangers and colleagues, we are under God’s authority. Therefore, everything we do, God should approve it; it’s part of achieving “HIS” Kingdom come and “HIS” will be done. Now, if that is the case, like Jesus, we are about our Father's business, therefore anyone who provides obstacles to you, is actually not offending you but God, as you are not about your business, but your Father’s. Agreed? We may not accept going to work to earn money as

being about God’s business. But everything we do - work, family, friends, neighbours - should be about God’s business. How? Let's go back to the beginning. Everything we do today has been commanded by God - working, raising a family, having friends, living in a community, upholding God’s law - all are directions given by God. Our methods may be questionable, but the direction is God’s. So when you are rushing to work, just think for a moment: is this contributing to "replenishing the earth"? I know all too well that taking an offence personally is unavoidable; we're human, it’s difficult not to. However, it’s good to understand that everyone behaves to the degree of his or her understanding. If you believe all things ARE possible, then you will behave accordingly. A person, who does not understand or believe that love is unconditional, will find it difficult to love

unconditionally. A person, who grew up being shouted at, thinks it’s normal to shout at others. But "Revenge is Mine, I will repay" said the Lord. This was said for very good reason. It releases us from having to take action. When we can forgive and keep no record of wrong, we accept that God is looking at all things; listening to all things, and will settle all accounts. We accept our role to love in abundance. Remember, people act to the level of their knowledge and understanding. People, who don't understand love, will not understand your love responses. Don't worry. So let go and continue enjoying life to the full, which is what Christ came to give us abundant life. Roy McEWEN

August / September 2012 • Issue 57 • GRAPEVINE





was raised up in a Christian home. My Pa and Ma were Methodist, so we sometimes ended up attending the Methodist church back home in Accra, Ghana. Every Sunday morning in our household we knew the regime. Second service at church began at 10.30am so we all needed to get up early in the morning; make sure our designated chores are done, and get ready to go to church. Ma would choose one of our frilly dresses; get our white socks and polished shoes ready for church. The excitement of attending Sunday school to do quizzes about the Bible; the presents you get if your team wins; my friends, and the food to be eaten made it more worthwhile attending church. My Ma was very insistent on going to church in an enclosed car, but we, the children, would sometimes coax our Pa to take his pick-up truck, so that we could sit at the back and wave at the other motorists (with an adult at the back to supervise us, of course!). There were three things Pa would check when we got to church: Bible, Offering, Pen and Paper. No BOPP, you would miss out on

Sunday school back then was all about having more of JESUS 28

HAVING MORE OF JESUS your favourite ice-cream after church. Sunday school back then was all about having more of JESUS. We didn’t

also the author of The Josiah Generation, and has a ministry called Children Can. One thing that was consistent throughout the conversation was having JESUS as a



have many resources, but we made do with what we had, and we were very content as children. In our classrooms, we just had a few benches, a blackboard, an African talking drum and tambourines. When going to Sunday school, we provided our own Bibles, pens or pencils and exercise books. Since we had few benches, we had to master writing on our laps. It’s the Word of God being imparted to us by our Sunday school teachers that made everything lively. The Bible quizzes; singing about Jesus with palm branches; the memory verse competitions; role plays and food. These made up the important components of Sunday school. What am I driving at? you may ask. What has trigged all these wonderful memories about Sunday school was having some words of encouragement from Olly Goldenberg. He has been a leader for Children’s Ministry for 20 years. He is

GRAPEVINE • Issue 57 • August / September 2012

Teacher and as a Leader. He said, “Ernestina, when you have more of Jesus as teachers, it will transcend down in the way you view your work for God; how you prepare for your lessons, and how far you’re willing to go to impart the Word of God into the children each Sunday.” He said, “You don’t always need the Pastors to be promoting Children’s Ministry in the pulpit all the time. We know Children’s Ministry needs a significant amount of teachers. However, more of Jesus in us as children’s leaders/teachers will be evident to all, because this will transcend down to the children. It will then be evident to their parents about their spiritual growth, and about their level of maturity in God’s Word.” Some of you might disagree and still opt for more resources. But just before you do, kindly read this extract from Olly Goldenberg’s book entitled, The Josiah Generation.


“Children’s pastors all want to run successful children’s programmes and see them flourish in the fullest way possible. For some, the answer is to throw lots of money at the ministry. Don’t get me wrong, money is very useful. I would love to oversee a ministry to children that had an unlimited budget and full access to every resource imaginable. But even with the best building in the world, the most gifted staff, the most professional looking props, and the highest value placed on the ministry by the leadership, this does not mean that the children will get close to God.” n e r d Food for thought for hil all of us.

For more information about The Josiah Generation, please visit Olly Goldenberg’s website on

Ernestina Charles-Obi Children’s Ministries Co-ordinator


with Olly Goldenberg Saturday 8th September 2012 @10.00am-4.00pm


with Olly Goldenberg Sunday 30th September 2012 during Children's Ministries


NEW MEMBERS to Ealing Christian Centre



"I wanted to become a member of ECC because I am happy and fulfilled here."

"I feel settled here and want to establish my commitment to this church."

MARY JANE PALY VERA "I want to be part of God's church; to worship Him with my Christian brothers and sisters; to pray, and to give my tithes and offerings."




KARON QUARTEY OLA ABI "I need to be dedicated to a church and want to grow in my Christian faith."

CHARLOTTE TURKSON "I have seen and experienced the power of the Lord in this church."

SHERINA MINTA "I joined my parents in this country, and both of them fellowship at ECC. As a result, I would like to become a member of ECC."

HELEN OROKPO "I have found a home here, and would love to grow and remain in this assembly of believers."

"I have been at ECC for about 14 years. I regard ECC as part of my family, therefore I have decided to make this commitment."

"My desire is to grow and develop spiritually and mightily, and to have an impact and influence to bring change in Jesus' Name. I want to be used through the gifts and talents which He has given me, and to be a blessing to others."

MERCY WANGUI KIGUTHO "I enjoy the worship and the preaching of the Word, plus the opportunity for ministry."

KRISHNA KUNDU "I believe God is calling me now, and I am ready to make this commitment."

August / September 2012 • Issue 57 • GRAPEVINE



GRAPEVINE • Issue 57 • August / September 2012


ne Ealing is a growing network of youth workers in the London Borough of Ealing, with whom Ealing Christian Centre are partnering. Our heart, as an emergent community, is for outward-facing mission; to work more closely together in developing long-term strategies; and creating avenues within the local community for young people to explore, find faith, and be nurtured to maturity. With hundreds of young people between the ages of 12 and 25 regularly attending churches across Ealing alone, we recognise that there is huge missional potential just waiting to be unlocked. So One Ealing is running a one-day conference with a view to doing just that! On Saturday 1st September, we will be hosting a day conference, dedicated to inspiring and equipping young people to live a life, which radiates the missional heart of God, and which Our aim answers the call of Matthew 28 to GO. to see

is our young people inspired to live out their Christian faith in the daily mission fields of their lives

For those about to start back at school, university, or those in or out of work, our aim is to see our young people inspired to live out their Christian faith in the daily mission fields of their lives, so that whatever context they

find themselves in, there would be an authenticity to their faith, that would point others to Jesus. Authentic Christian disciple-ship and mission combine personal and social transformation, words and actions. It is a concept very much rooted in the Bible’s insistence that faith and action must go hand in hand. “Faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead” (James 2:17). The biblical challenge is to integrate our faith with our actions. Therefore, this event promises to be a great day of equipping for young people; making new friends, and building new relationships to help us to do mission better - together. The day will begin with an opportunity to congregate en masse and worship God together. There will also be keynote talks from fantastic speakers, stories and testimonies from incredible young people, doing incredible things for God. In addition, there will also be a great range of small group seminars and workshops to get a bit more personal, finishing with a concert and worship celebration in the evening. Our keynote speakers for the day include:

MARK PUGH National Director Serious4God “Mark is a passionate and inspirational leader, who loves to give people the daring hope that they can live their dreams. He travels widely to churches and youth events,

inspiring and challenging people to rise up with the call of God upon their lives.”

ANDY FROST Director Share Jesus International “Andy Frost is a surf-obsessed, movie-loving, Bible-reading, globe-trotting Londoner. He is the Director of Share Jesus International, and is passionate about seeing how the Church can reconnect with society and culture.”

ANDY BURNS CEO East to West “Andy Burns is the CEO of East to West, and is passionate about the Kingdom breaking in and transforming the lives of young people. East to West is a Christian Youthwork charity, bringing hope to over 1,200 vulnerable and 'at risk' young people in Surrey and Berkshire each year.” This event will cater for youth and young adults aged between 12 and 25, and also for youth workers, both paid and voluntary. To book tickets for this event, please go to www.29thchapter. com. Tickets are £6 on the door or £4 in advance. Delegates who register and pay in advance will receive a FREE packed lunch.

Pastor RUTH

August / September 2012 • Issue 57 • GRAPEVINE



one family

ALING CHRISTIAN CENTRE (ECC) is part of the Elim Pentecostal family of churches, of which there are around 600 in the UK, and which is in fellowship with approximately 8000 churches worldwide. Year by year, ECC has continued to grow steadily with people coming from every continent, joyfully blending into a multi-ethnic family, drawn from approx 100 nationalities. With its emphasis on prayer, worship, fellowship, discipleship and evangelism, the church seeks to live out its motto.

of many nations proclaiming one gospel through

Now hundreds of Christians - of all ages and backgrounds - meet together for lively celebration on Sundays in the beautifullyrestored decor of the 1200-seater auditorium, a former Odeon cinema, and in small Discipleship Cell groups during the week.

many disciples


Weekly MEETINGS Sundays 09.00 09.30 09.30 09.30 11.15 11.45 11.45 14.30 14.30 18.30 20.00

FIRST MORNING SERVICE Little Seekers (Age 2-5yrs) Finders (Age 6-10yrs) Teens Talk (School years 7-11) - single gender classes SECOND MORNING SERVICE Crèche (18mths-3yrs) Adventurers (Nursery 3-4 yrs) Discoverers (Age 5 yrs) Explorers (School years 1&2) Investigators (School years 3&4) Pioneers (School years 5&6) Nu Talk (School years 7&8) Talkin' God (School years 9,10&11) - single gender classes Polish Church Service Japanese Church Service SUNDAY NIGHTS AT THE CENTRE (see page 21 for details) Refreshments in Coffee Lounge


10.00-12.00 Daily Prayer Meeting 18.00-19.00 Daily Prayer Meeting


10.00-12.00 Daily Prayer Meeting 19.30-21.15 Tuesday Night Prayer Explosion


10.00-12.00 Daily Prayer Meeting 14.00 Wednesday Afternoon Fellowship 18.00-19.00 Daily Prayer Meeting


10.00-12.00 Daily Prayer Meeting 19.00-21.30 EITC - Bible College

Registration required

18.00-19.00 Daily Prayer Meeting

Fridays PICTUR

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10.00-12.00 Daily Prayer Meeting 18.00-19.00 Daily Prayer Meeting 19.00-21.30 EITC - Bible College

oy McE


Registration required

(Last Friday of every month)

22.00-05.00 All-Night Prayer Meeting


11.00-13.00 Street Evangelism

Prayer • Teaching • Praise & Worship • Evangelism & Missions • Fellowship for all Ages School of Ministry (teaching ministry) | PRAYER & Healing | Deliverance Discipleship Cells | Children & Youth Ministries | Evergreens (Ministry for the Retired)

For further information, tel 020 8840 7508; email, or visit EALING CHRISTIAN CENTRE • 268 Northfield Avenue • Ealing • London W5 4UB Registered Charity No. 251549

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