The success you have is based on the seeds you plant.
Week 1: Let’s Get Started The Only Journey is the journey within. ~ Rainer Maria Rilke Identifying your health and wellness behaviors is an important step in getting started. Your values and beliefs give you a starting point on your health and wellness map. Lets get started reviewing your beliefs and values and maybe adding some new ones along the way to keep you on course.
Application Tips:
A few beliefs that you may want to consider adding towards your health and wellness journey are commitment, discipline, and having a support system. Your governing beliefs act much like an axle to a bike wheel. Without the axle we may be susceptible to some roadblocks. This journey you have chosen is very rewarding and it all starts with believing in yourself. We believe in you and we are here to guide you towards achieving your goals. Lets follow the application tips to get started.
• Name three values that you feel that will help you achieve your health and wellness goals. • Take a moment to think of how you can apply your values to eating healthy and exercising on a daily bases.
Visualization is a strategy that can help you reach your goals.
Week 2: Set Our Goals “Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.” ~ Maria Robinson
Imagine creating a blueprint of how you want to look and feel even before you achieve your desired results. Visualization is tool to help your mental organization and goal setting. The best time to visualize your achievements is first thing in the morning and before you go to bed. Make it a habit of thinking big but take it one day at a time so you don’t feel overwhelmed.
Application Tips:
A perfect example of this method would be a golfer visualizing sinking the putt before he even hit the ball. The golfer has to see it in their minds eye and then step up and swing. In golf it doesn’t always go as planned, but in the fitness world more often then not you will achieve your goals with a positive outlook.
follow the application tips to create optimism.
Setting your goals up begins by switching the word want into will. If you think you can’t achieve it, you need to make it a must. This positive attitude is a needed ingredient in the recipe for success. When you are exercising this positive attitude will be developing, and just like a muscle it will get stronger. Let’s
• What is one goal that you will achieve today? • Name a few big goals that you will make it a must to achieve in 12 weeks?
Nike Slogan - This says it all
Week 3: Our Actions Speak Louder Then Our Words Life is good when you’re complacent. Life is Incredible when your not. ~ Bryan Morgan You are powerful beyond measure. Your journey to a healthier lifestyle will be filled with success. Achieving comes from doing and doing starts with making a positive shift with our body. As much as your mind can lead your body, your body can drive your mind to believe in itself. When you exercise you release hormones that make you feel
Application Tips:
better and more capable in believing in achievement. You will realize that your language will change from “I cant” to “what more can I do quickly”. Body language is a great way to let your voice be heard. A healthy posture leads to a healthy mind. For example try sitting up or standing up right now with a smile on your face and your body nice and tall and say “ I am Sad”. It doesn’t fit does it? The way you look and act will reflect your desire to achieve a healthier way of living. Lets follow the application tips.
• What will you look like and feel like when you achieve all your twelveweek goals? • Imagine being an actor or actress and allow yourself to act the way you will look and feel in twelve weeks. Let your mind and body believe you. Soon it will longer be an act.
Week 4: Benefits And Rewards To A Healthier Lifestyle If we all did the things we are capable of, we would astound ourselves ~ Thomas Edison Congratulations on your progress and commitment to stay healthy. You are doing a great job. We always say we can do better but the MDL team believes strongly in recognizing your achievements. However, the true reward comes from you identifying it. Remember it starts with your beliefs and values. As you train those beliefs and values, they begin to get stronger. You will begin to feel much more supported and aligned
Application Tips:
with your core. Your mind and body are in harmony. Below are a few of many physical benefits that are not all tested everyday but they are developing as well.
Our bodies thank us everyday for taking care of it by allowing us to live our life on our terms. It’s when we begin losing our abilities that we recognize and cherish the ones we have.
•Can help keep weight under control
Rewarding yourself for your achievements is a highly recommended. We have made it to week four and even a pat on the back would be appreciated. The MDL team is proud of your accomplishments and we thank you for trusting us to help you reach your new standards. We have made it four weeks.
•May help to improve cholesterol levels •May help prevent or control high blood pressure •Helps to prevent bone loss •Increases muscle tone •Boosts energy levels •May help you manage stress and relieve tension
Continue your journey one step at a time and you will be showered with healthy rewards if you have not already. Some of the best things are worth waiting for. Your health is one of them.
Which is your dominant sense?
Week 5: Use Our Senses Make it thy business to know thyself, which is the most difficult lesson in the world. ~ Miguelde Cervantes We learn through our five senses. Some senses are stronger then others. Our five senses our seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling, and tasting. We often associate being healthy by our leading senses. When you satisfy your dominant sense you may struggle with complacency.
Application Tips:
Lets take a look at an auditory person. They will show stronger characteristics traits of their sense of hearing. That’s not to say they can hear better, but rather he or she may associate their success from being told they look good. Once they hear a complement an instant achievement is satisfied and they believe they are healthy. Now the question is why will they continue. Let take a look at a visual person. They will show stronger characteristics traits of their sense of seeing. That’s not to say they can see better but rather he or she may associate their success from seeing themselves looking better in the mirror. Once they see the weight scale go down an instant achievement is satisfied and
they believe they are healthy. Now the question is why will they continue. This continues for feeling, smelling and tasting. Using your senses may help you continue being healthy because you will recognize what motivates you, and you continue to motivate yourself on your needs. There are many triggers that motivate you. Lets make certain to explore each one of them.
• Find out what triggers you. This question may lead you into the right direction. • Do you like to buy clothes based on which one the following? • Visual- how they look? • Hearing- what others say about the attire? • Feeling -How they feel?
Week 6: Revisiting Our Goals and Raising The Bar “The doors we open and close each day decide the lives we live.� Flora Whittemore In week two we imagined creating a blueprint of how you want to look and feel even before you achieve your desired results. We suggested visualizing your goals first thing in the morning and before you go to bed. We also mentioned that a positive attitude is a needed ingredient in the recipe for success. Now is the time to reinforce our
Application Tips:
goals and maybe add some new ones to the list. We now are in week six, which once again congratulations. We are at the half waypoint and now its time to take a step back and look at the accomplishments and recognize them. Remember the little things add up and they are worth identifying. Some or your goals may already been accomplished while others are not to far away. Some of your initial goals may not mean as much, because you may have a healthier perspective.
healthier and you may now consider picking up some recreational activities like biking, kayaking, or running in a local charity event to give back. Making some modifications to your goals keeps it fresh and challenging. Lets again follow the application tips to think optimistic.
With six week to go this is an opportunity to add some six-week goals to your list. Your mind and body are
What is one goal that you have achieved? Name another goal that you will make it a must to achieve in six weeks?
Week 7: Change Your Words Words are a form of action, capable of influencing change. - Ingrid Bengis In week three we discussed that our actions speak louder then our words. We mentioned that achieving comes from doing and doing starts with making a positive shift with our body. You have dedicated yourself both mentally and physically and you have made a positive shift that may or may not be identified yet. Now is our time to change our words if we have not done already in a goaloriented direction.
Application Tips:
When our language sounds positive we are more opt to be optimistic. Below is a list of positive ways of changing our words to lead a healthier lifestyle.
your mood. From standing up to, and facing your challenges and succeeding to turning around and lying down in defeat. You are powerful beyond measure.
• I can vs. I cant • Maybe vs. yes • I’ll start tomorrow vs. I am starting now • I can’t vs. I must • Why vs. why not Refreshing your outlook to be more positive can be achieved by choosing healthier words. This isn’t just for others to hear, but your own body also listens. Your body is the first to believe one way or the other. You have the power to alter
Repeat out loud five times “I… believe… in… myself. Stand up and say it one more time and let your body hear your message “I… believe… in… myself.
Week 8: Congratulations We Are Doing Great “ Dream as if you’ll live forever, live as if you’ll die today.” ~ James Dean
Once again congratulations on your progress and dedication to a healthier lifestyle. At this point you should feel proud, and if you don’t you deserve to. We are all creatures of habit and any change whether bad or good can be challenging. Creating a healthy lifestyle isn’t as rewarding a living one. Your MDL team may of helped with the
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creation, but you’re the one making it come to life. Thank you! Remember our bodies thank us everyday for taking care of it by allowing us to live our life on our terms. Many people have no idea of what it feels like to take back control of their health, and the ones that have started are amazed that their actions have increased their quality of life. We need to acknowledge what we are preventing by living a healthier lifestyle. An example of this is when the doctor tells you that your good health may of saved your life.
Remember some of the best things are worth waiting for. Your health is one of them. Please acknowledge your achievements by saying them out loud or writing them down. There is no better time then right now.
Week 9: commUNITY “ When a gifted Team dedicates itself unselfish trust and combines instinct with boldness and effort, it is ready to climb.� ~ Patanjal One of the strongest exercises that one can do is to have is support from another person while giving it back. At this point of your journey we like you to recognize that you have the power to turn the light on
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for others and help guide them to live a healthier lifestyle. We believe that in the act of giving to others you can encounter a higher standard of health that reaches the heart. When a support team is created working towards a common goal your vision and strengths are challenged and you become stronger thus being able to overcome obstacles that alone seem impossible. The summer of 2006, MDL team member Bryan Morgan rode a bike for one hundred miles for the Livestrong foundation. The
foundations mission lead by Lance Armstrong is cancer research and awareness. That year Bryan raised one thousand dollars. After the event, Bryan set a big dream goal of raising ten thousand dollars to make a bigger contribution to something that he is very passionate about. He created a support team of close to fifty teammates in 2009, and went back to the Livestrong foundation to make a bigger impact. The strength and support of the team raised over twenty thousand dollars.
Who is one person that you can ask to help you stay on track with your health and wellness? You may want to ask them to check your journal to make sure it is completed weekly, or from time to time just to check in with you. Who is one person that you believe you can help live a healthier lifestyle? You could go for a walk with them and let your actions speak louder then your words.
Week 10: Slow Down To Go Faster “ Perhaps our eyes need to washed by our own tears once in a while, so that we can see life with a clearer view again.” ~Alex Tan Our minds filter both negative and positive input throughout the day. It easily gets backed up just like a hard drive to a computer. A virus in the mind is similar to a virus in a computer and every night you need to clean out the garbage and maintain a healthy mind.
Application Tips:
In the evening before bed, we will reflect on our day and write down things that we encountered. This provides us an opportunity to dismiss some things that we feel are negative and identify the positives that can contribute to reaching our goals. If you ink it you think it.
to notice that we are writing something down that we’re dismissing every night as a negative we may want to change our lens.
It is in the process of slowing down that we can go faster. When we reflect in the evening we allow our body to sift out the bad and collect the good. This exercise helps us slow down at night. A restful mind will contribute to a better night of sleep that allow us to be more efficient in the morning rather then carrying on yesterday’s burdens. However every thing has a purpose and if we continue
You may find it useful to make a list on a separate piece of paper from your of your negative thoughts and before bed crinkle the paper up and thrown it in the garbage. The action of throwing it away is a powerful way of identifying that you’re in control.
Week 10: Slow Down To Go Faster “ Perhaps our eyes need to washed by our own tears once in a while, so that we can see life with a clearer view again.” ~Alex Tan Our minds filter both negative and positive input throughout the day. It easily gets backed up just like a hard drive to a computer. A virus in the mind is similar to a virus in a computer and every night you need to clean out the garbage and maintain a healthy mind.
Application Tips:
In the evening before bed, we will reflect on our day and write down things that we encountered. This provides us an opportunity to dismiss some things that we feel are negative and identify the positives that can contribute to reaching our goals. If you ink it you think it.
to notice that we are writing something down that we’re dismissing every night as a negative we may want to change our lens.
It is in the process of slowing down that we can go faster. When we reflect in the evening we allow our body to sift out the bad and collect the good. This exercise helps us slow down at night. A restful mind will contribute to a better night of sleep that allow us to be more efficient in the morning rather then carrying on yesterday’s burdens. However every thing has a purpose and if we continue
You may find it useful to make a list on a separate piece of paper from your of your negative thoughts and before bed crinkle the paper up and thrown it in the garbage. The action of throwing it away is a powerful way of identifying that you’re in control.
Week 12: We Did It! We started with a desire to live a healthier lifestyle. Your dedication to stay on course defied the odds and you should be very proud. No two people are alike. We are all unique in our own ways and the results that you have received so far can never be precisely identified. The MDL team knew however when we created this journey that it was going to be rewarding in many ways. The beautiful thing about being healthy is that is not a present you unwrap once but everyday. Many success have or may never be identified but please respect that some of the best results could save your life and inspire others.
Application Tips:
It would be hard for you to accomplish your results without the support around you and it would be nice to thank them for helping you at this point. The MDL team would love to read your success stories as it gives us the passion to help others. Please email us at We love to hear this question! What’s Next? Your MDL team has created a variety of programs similar to this one that continues to allow you to live a healthier lifestyle and accomplish more from your health. This is our way of giving back. Nothing is better then continuing to live a dynamic life and to use what has worked for you.
Please give back to your community as much as you can and continue to stay healthy. You are a role model that believes in yourself. You can do anything you put your mind to. You have proved that by your actions. We look forward to guiding you on your next journey. Please visit www. and lets continue living a dynamic life.