Adding fruits and vegetables can help you achieve your weight goals
Week 1: Eating For Weight Management - Your “food rules” Eating better requires understanding the building blocks of nutrition and ignoring fad diets hyped by the mainstream media. Ignoring “magical” supplements and focusing on better habits will enable you to perform at your best. Choose to eat according to your needs and values. You can eat anything you want to. You just cannot eat EVERYTHING that you want to. Here are a few suggestions on Eating better for life:
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Make “Better Bad Food Choices” whenever possible. Eat Breakfast Eat Balanced Meals (Pro, Carbohydrate, Fat) Eat Consistently throughout the day (avoid missing meals) Stay Hydrated Use a Multi Vitamin as Nutritional Insurance Enjoy life’s pleasures in moderation Eat to provide as much health as you find acceptable. Intentionally add fruits and vegetables to your meals. Cook large – Package small. Experiment with new, healthy recipes.
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Embrace Fruits and Veggies Downsize Your Dinnerware Don't let yourself get too hungry Fill Up with Fiber Distance Yourself from Tempting Foods Make Smart Choices at Restaurants Trim Fat Control Portion Sizes
for more tips visit :
Challenge yourself to create a week long food plan based on the above tips. For many, Sunday is a great planning day to prepare your food for the week.
Week 2: Identifying Your Obstacles “A thing that blocks one’s way or prevents or hinders progress.” - Webster Dictionary Identify your Problem Areas – What are your biggest Challenges? Some eat too much at meals or at their desks, while others pack in extra calories while driving, snacking, or socializing. Some want to help family members eat better – without them knowing it! Others leave choosing foods and meals to the very last second when hunger has already taken control of your thoughts. Different problems require different solutions. If you try to change everything at once, nothing will change. Select Solutions – Select up to three – five small changes you think will most
easily and effectively enable you to address only your most troubling challenge. Be certain that these changes are R.P.M. changes. Always choose something you know you can repeat. Develop a Simple Plan – You need to be more focused than just thinking “I’m going to try to do better” and having a few vague changes in mind. You need to select up to three specific daily changes you intend to make, and you need to commit to making these changes a part of your daily routine for the next 30 days. It is only a month, and you chose the changes in part because you thought they would be easy for you. Promise yourself you will try hard to adopt those changes for a least a month. Execute Your Plan – It is important to make these changes each day. There is
power in consistency. One way to do this is to keep a calendar or keep a record to mark your daily progress. Tell your friends and family about the commitment you have made. Do other things you believe will help keep you on track, like wearing a wristband or other reminder, posting signs for yourself, writing a food diary, or joining a group that is committed to making the same kind of changes you are. Do this and you will be on your way to freedom from all of the frustration and confusion and on the path to being healthy and fit.
Week 3: Planning And Being Prepared A little planning goes a long way when it comes to weight loss and healthy eating. Let's take a look at a few simple ways spending a little time thinking ahead will make your weight loss efforts easier and more convenient. 1.
Insure the right foods are available at the right time. Think about breakfast, lunch, healthy snacks and an evening meal. Have some ready meals in the fridge for those emergency moments. Planning can take extra time and efforts, but will soon become a habit that will really make a difference.
Check for your diet staples, make a list of what you need and keep the list updated as your weekly trip to the grocery store draws near. All the best intentions are for nothing if you don't have healthy food on hand to eat.
Planning your meals ahead of time can be a sure-fire way to stick to your plan. Designating what you're going to eat and when can keep you from choosing whatever is in reach when hunger strikes -- when you don't have to decide what to eat on the spur of the moment, you can avoid making a poor decision altogether. This can be as simple as
planning and packing your lunch the night before work or school; it will prevent the morning rush from causing you to head out the door with nothing and as a result, heading to the nearest drive-through at lunch. 4.
On Sunday afternoon try brainstorming what meals you'd like to cook for the week ahead. You could designate certain meals for days you know you will be home more and designate other, busier days as takeout days. Pull out your takeout menu stash and highlight healthier options so you can plan what you'll order.
Week 4: Better Bad Food Choices Dieting is hard so we recommend that you do not do it! Most diets are focused on restrictive methods of calorie control, or tout eliminating certain foods or food groups to achieve desired weight loss. Most individuals cannot be successful with these methods long-term. The “Better Bad” system is designed to enable you to make better (relatively) food choices and control your food intake in a Realistic, Progressive and Maintainable way. Trimming a little bit of calories here and there can do wonders for your weight and health. It is not always about eating less; sometimes it is about eating smarter. Skimming off calories is easier than you think. Challenge yourself to
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implement one new strategy everyday for eating and one for exercise. All it takes are several small efforts to help trim excess calories. Choose a few strategies and you will eat approximately 100 calories less daily. Burn 100 calories more daily by walking for 20 minutes and that adds up to ½ pound per week. This may not sound like much, but, it all adds up to 20 pounds in a year.
Food Switch – While at a restaurant or fast food establishment make a different selection based on taste, health needs and calorie needs. A great example would be if you are in the habit of choosing an 800 calories Double Cheeseburger, your choice would be a Fried Chicken Sandwich at 600 calories. This is not a perfect choice, but it is BETTER by 200 calories and most likely lower in sodium and Total Fat.
The more BBFC’s you incorporate the more calories (pounds) you will lose. Small changes will yield HUGE results.
Food Frequency - Track the poor food choices you make and the frequency that you eat them. Your goal is to eat fewer poor choices and decrease the frequency of their consumption.
A few methods of a BBFC are: Portion Control – Eat the same foods that you have been but reduce the amount by 10%
This can be performed for liquids too.
What can you choose differently while eating away from home this week?
Week 5: Eating According To Your Goals And Values Do you alternate between being “good” at sticking to a sensible eating plan and being “bad” when you slip? It’s a frustrating but common cycle for most of us, especially when we consider the self-defeating attitudes that labeling and acknowledging our “badness” create when it comes to food. Many psychologists know that behavior modification strategies--rather than diets-can help us break this self-defeating cycle and make lasting lifestyle changes. Beliefs >Thoughts >Feelings >Behaviors > Habits > Outcomes What is behavior modification? It begins with a change in self-talk and thought, which helps us change our attitudes
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about our eating, our bodies, and our weight, which helps us change our behavior. In terms of weight loss, our behavior will be reflected by how we feel inside, which will be reflected in how we appear on the outside. When we feel good about ourselves, we can’t help but be attractive to others. THIS is the ultimate goal—to feel better about ourselves inside, so that our bodies and personae will reflect confidence and light to others.
Follow this: Poor strategy = Not having a goal Better Strategy = Having a general/ vague goal such as “Weight Loss” Good Strategy = I wish to feel better and my desired Weight loss is 20 pounds over 5 months. BEST Strategy = I desire a life that provides me the energy to be active and feel good about myself every day. I will make food choices that are consistent with this outcome.
Why do we slip? In many cases a “slip” is a return to a prior behavior due to a temporary loss of dedication to our goals. A bigger issue is that for most of us, we are not clear on our values and reasons for achieving our outcomes.
In utilizing the BEST Strategy you remain focused on the process of achieving the goal and the goal itself. The values and reasons for changing become more important than the change itself. This is where change truly occurs.
Without stating what you want, state clearly and definitively why you want what you want in a positive tone.
Week 6: Meal Frequency And Food Quality Caloric restriction without calorie quality is a recipe for disaster. Often, while attempting to lose weight we automatically eat less food (which is needed) and often we decrease our meal frequency (which is NOT helpful). In order for bodyweight to decrease you must create an energy (calorie) deficit for the body to be able utilize its stored energy (body fat). This is simple math. However, the methods most of us utilize in our attempt to get rid of and stay rid of our extra calories is what is in question. A vital piece of information to understand is that your goal most likely
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IS NOT just weight loss. But, a specific type of weight loss – you desire to burn body fat. This is attained through creating that calorie deficit we are after. Here are three things to make your bodies job so much easier: 1) Lose fat, maintain muscle. So many people either diet or exercise attempting to lose weight. In reality, you need both. An energy deficit to lose fat and exercise to maintain your muscle tissue and keep your ability to burn calories high. A calorie deficit without exercise WILL result in lowering your ability to burn calories.
eating more to lose weight… this is a half-truth. If you eat more you will gain more. What does work is increasing your meal frequency to maintain energy to move and stabilize blood sugar to stave off cravings and hunger. 3) Food quality – Consuming better foods will enable you to feel better and more energetic, provide your body with much needed nutrition and as an added bonus healthier food takes more of your body’s energy to burn (Thermic Effect of Food).
2) Increase meal frequency – Often you will hear about
• Intentionally eat 2 more servings of vegetables everyday this week. • Be sure to consume at least 2 meals and 1-2 snacks daily this week. • Alter your thinking from weight loss to energy deficit and maintaining muscle.
Bottom Line: It is all about calories in versus calories out
Week 7: Dispelling Food Myths If you say something long enough it becomes a fact Let’s review a few of the more common diet myths and hyperbole and separate fact from fiction. By understanding why these myths continue you will surely be better prepared to know what does work and to not fall for new myths. Much of the confusion that surrounds these stories is that they are grounded in half-truths. 1. Eating late causes weight gain It does not matter what time you eat. You have the ability to burn a certain amount of calories per day (this varies daily) and it can be surpassed very early, very late or not at all. Ex: If you have a 600 calories Caramel Coffee with Whipped Crème at 9:00am and a
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2000 calorie #1 Special from the Fast Food menu you don’t need to worry about eating late. You passed your calorie allotment at noon. 2. Eating Carbohydrates (sugars) is why you gain weight Yes, many people overeat and turn to sugary foods and drinks. So, in essence you can see why this statement sounds so true. It is not the singular food or food type. It is not even that eating sugar causes more sugar cravings - it is that we typically overeat and under move. If you look at a typical restaurant meal eaten with others there is much more calorie damage done before you get to dessert. Start with alcohol, salad with high calorie dressing, bread and butter,
appetizer, 2000 calorie entrée’ and THEN dessert. 3. Carbohydrates are O.K. as long as they’re good carbs… So, you should avoid the sugars, avoid anything with white flour and even avoid certain fruits and vegetables. There is some truth to this, but it is the opposite of what is touted as fact. It is not that the listed items are fattening; it is that “healthy” foods are better because they provide nutrition that junk food does not and they are more complex foods which are harder for your body to break down, hence, you burn more calorie from eating them. However, if you eat too much celery it will make you gain weight. Every food is fattening and fat burning.
• Remember that every calorie burned cancels a calorie that has been ingested. • What can you do this week to burn more calories? • What can you do this week to remind yourself that ultimately, your habits determine your outcomes?
Week 8: Setting Up Your Eating plan Creating a purposeful and long-lasting eating plan does take a bit of effort. Learning to trust yourself and your decision making is paramount to your success. Continuing the path of being prepared by planning and avoiding dieting and short cuts is the best path to long-term success. Here are a few strategies to insure you stay on track. 1. Plan your meals and snacks This seems simple enough, however, I am sure you get caught during hungry times and scrambling to figure out what to eat, where to get it and more often than not the choice does not fit your goal leading
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to remorse and regret. You must at least know what your next meal will be, where you will get it, how it can be prepared and why you are consuming it. Ideally, you would have the entire day’s meals planned and prepared. Take one step at a time.
2. Make a “go to” meal list: I still utilize Index cards foe INDEXING my “go to” meals. Often, we get stuck not knowing what to prepare because we become bored with our choices or we do not plan and scramble to eat something that fits our plan. Keeping a record of your favorite “go to” meals will aid you to make better, consistent choices.
3. Prepare your mind for success daily Begin each day by preparing your mind to be successful. Many of us have so many habits ingrained over the years we do not even realize the power we have over our thoughts. Repeat to yourself daily that you will eat healthy (according to your goals and values), that you will be prepared, that you will overcome obstacles and that nothing can stop you from becoming the person you desire to be.
Ask the right questions: • Am I proud of the choices I am making? • Am I representing my body and mind properly? • Am I planning ahead and prepared for the days challenges?
Week 9: Grocery Shopping Here are a few quick tips on grocery shopping: Schedule it. Just like anything else in life, if you schedule you are more likely to do it. How many times have you gotten caught with “nothing to eat” because your house is ill-prepared? Make sure you are prepared by scheduling your weekly shopping trip and sticking to your plan. Shop with a list. Be sure to make your list of “Needs” throughout the week. Use your smart phone Memo function to aid you. I am sure you are more likely to forget a paper list than you are your phone. This list will insure that you do not forget any of your staples.
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Strategically shop the store. Shop around the perimeter of the store and fill your cart with the produce, meats and dairy first. Here is a strategy on what to fill your cart with:
Fresh vegetables and fruits should make up the largest part of your healthy foods grocery list. Choose a variety of fruits and vegetables that everyone in your family will enjoy. Most of your grain and cereal products should be made from whole grains, not from refined flours. This part of your list includes whole grain breads, whole grain pastas, and whole grain breakfast cereals.
nuts, seeds and legumes are also good protein choices.
Beverages should be kept simple. Water, low-fat milk, juices and herbal teas are all good choices. If you opt for soft drinks, choose diet sodas and soft drinks to avoid extra sugar.
Dairy products should include low-fat milk, yogurt and cheese. If you do not want cows' milk, choose soy and rice beverages, calcium-fortified orange juice, or goats' milks and cheese.
For sandwiches, choose peanut butter or other nut butters, lowfat turkey slices or sliced roast beef. Avoid processed lunchmeats, sausages and hot dogs.
Your protein and meat choices should consist mostly of fish, poultry and lean meats. Eggs,
The next time you go to the grocery store, sit down and prepare a list based on your health & fitness goals.
Week 10: Convenience Foods Convenience foods are a way of life for some. For you to be successful you will need to embrace convenience foods and use them as a tool (BBFC), not a staple.
healthy if you choose low fat versions with good portion sizes. Read labels and choose frozen foods wisely. Avoid frozen pizzas, pocket-sandwiches, deep-fried appetizers, and breaded foods. Healthy Choice, Kashi and Weight Watchers all make great low calories options.
Everyone gets busy and overwhelmed at times. Being prepared by having quick, convenient choices available will help keep you on track for success.
Frozen foods are a convenient way to keep vegetables on hand. There are also prepared meals that you can pop into the microwave or oven. These can be convenient and
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Foods in cans and jars are also very convenient. Look for low-sodium soups, vegetables and sauces. Avoid high-fat gravies and highcalorie foods like canned spaghetti and ravioli products. A few more suggestions for convenience foods and planning would be to:
Make a few PB & J sandwiches at once (Natural PB and Wheat Bread)
and keep them in the refrigerator to grab in a pinch. •
Fat-Free Popcorn and String Cheese are always a quick, low calorie and balanced snack.
Eat the smallest fast-food burger (with mustard and ketchup, not mayo) and a no-cal beverage. Then at home, have baby carrots. Precooked chicken strips and micro waved frozen broccoli topped with Parmesan cheese. Scramble eggs (whites) in a nonstick skillet. Pop some asparagus in the microwave, and add whole-wheat toast. Pre-bagged salad topped with canned tuna, shredded reduced-fat cheese, and low-cal Italian dressing.
Take some time to figure out your convenient foods. Make sure your kitchen is stocked appropriately with them.
Week 11- Environmental Control Strategies Change your environment to change your waistline. Taking control of your environment with some well thought out strategies can save you 1000’s of calories per week. 1)
In a restaurant, before beginning your meal, have the breadbasket removed and/or have a portion of your entrée boxed “to go.” The atmosphere of a long and relaxing dinner can then be enjoyed without the temptation to overeat. Make tempting foods harder to get to, putting them in inconvenient locations (such as in a basement or in a top cupboard or buried under the driveway).
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6) 7)
At mealtime, portion out your plate in the kitchen rather than having extra food on the table within arm’s reach. Decide how much to eat prior to the meal instead of during it. Order smaller quantities (e.g. half-size portions) to avoid excess calories. Do not eat while doing other activities like watching TV or reading. If for some reason you ignore this advice, then pre-serve the portions and allow no “refills”. Position healthy, lower calorie foods in the front of the refrigerator and the less healthy foods in the back. Never eat from a package. Always transfer food to a plate or bowl in order to make portion estimation easier.
Out of sight is out of mind. Do not buy or store poor food choices. The work involved with getting them gives you time to reconsider making a bad choice. 9) Replace short wide glasses with tall narrow ones; it looks like you drank more. Reduce serving sizes and consumption by using smaller bowls and plates. Use smaller spoons when serving; it's more work and it makes you feel like you've served a lot. 10) Do not compound your mistakes. Stop. Think. ChOose. Proceed. 8)
Have a little fun and estimate how many pounds per year each one of the above strategies are worth.
Week 12: What Did You Learn? Improving your education on food, is one of the best strategies you can do in reaching your goals. 1. Current eating habits? • Do you eat differently than you did 12 weeks ago?? • Name 3 significant changes that you have made to your eating patterns: 2. Do you eat differently than your friends at social functions?
3. How has your home environment changed? • Does your home environment work with your new plans? 4. What about eating out? • Do you eat at restaurants a lot? • Which restaurants do you go to? • Have they changed or have you altered your choices while dining there? 5. Is your kitchen set-up properly? • What new tools have you purchased to aid your new eating habits? • Where is your “go to” recipe book?
6. Will you continue monitoring yourself objectively? • Many people reach their ideal weight, and then let old habits creep back in. However there are a few warning systems in place - one is the waistband in your pants. Will you choose to conveniently ignore it if it gets tighter? Or will you be objective? 7. How the lifestyle of family and friends affect your weight loss efforts? • If your whole world is filled with people who are couch potatoes - how do you plan to work against this culture? Will they influence you to be more active or more sedentary?
• How?
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How will you influence others to live a healthier and fitter lifestyle like you have?