September 2020 | Volume II | Issue V | CNH District | Region 5 |
Table of contents
02 02
Table of Contents
03 03
Message from President
04 04
Message from Editors
05 05
What is Key Club?
06 06
Why You Should Join?
08 08
Upcoming Events & Our Socials!
Surfin’ Up Service
Message from the president
“The board has met several times this month in order to prepare for our first meeting during online learning. We have discussed different strategies in that meeting where we can keep member count up as well as have year-round service opportunities online. We have also been preparing for socials and fundraising events to keep our members entertained as well as keep our club afloat.�
Lyric Dvorak
Message from the editors
“Before the school year, we started off the month with the Dare to Care fundraiser, where we would donate to dare or LTG or DLT. The August DCM was really fun and I enjoyed watching the dares at the end, I’m glad I participated! Recently we have a few board meetings to discuss our club’s plans for the future and now we are preparing for our first meeting!”
-Elena Tekola “It seems like we’re off to a good start this year! Before the school year offically started, we particpated in the Dare to Care fundraidser! As we begin to prep for our first meeting, we’re taking account in how different this school year is proving to be, and trying to make Key Club as more fun and relaxing as much as we can, all while still doing community service at the comfort of our home!”
-Aaliyah Andrade
WHAT IS KEY CLUB? Key Club is an international organization for high school students. Our goal is to serve, build character and develop leadership. In simple terms, Key Club is a community service club, but with a little bit of more spice to it!
Sounds interesting, can anyone join?
Glad you asked! Yes! Anyone can join! You can join anytime, our doors are always open. If you feel shy, and don’t want to experience joining a club alone, go ahead and invite your friends too!
WHY YOU SHOULD JOIN ! Many of you heard that Key Club is “a party club� and yes, we do know how to have fun. But all of our fun events are always focused on acts of service! Nonetheless, these events are definitely the most memorable!
STILL NOT CONVINCED? Okay, Okay. So maybe you’re not much of a social person, that’s ok! There’s still a lot more to Key Club that I haven’t mentioned yet! Being a member of Key Club can help you in multiple areas academically!
Volunteer Hours (of course) A given. Our board will supply all of the members with possible events. This looks especially good on transcripts or a resume!
College & Universit�! A lot of colleges/universities take an interest when you are in a club and doing community service. Might as well hit two rocks with one stone!
Circle K Circle K is the next step if you ever want to continue doing community service after high school, if you joined Key Club now, it would be a smooth transition
First Key Club Meeting! Time | 2:00pm - TBA Location | Google Hangouts
Join our Remind! Send @20dhskc21 to 81010
Follow our Instagram! @dhskcofficial
Surfin’ Up Service Want to know more about what happens in our divison? Go check out the monthly divison newsletter! Click here Link also in description!
Contacts If you have any questions or concerns please contact any of us! Lyric Dvorak | President
Brandon Dadis | Vice President Mikal | Vice President
Renz Capili | Secretary Rebecca Miller| Treasurer Elena Tekola | Editor Aaliyah Andrade | Editor
James Lorenzo | Historian Angelica Irons | S.A.A
Kimberly Agraan | S.A.A