Consultancy and Engineering
Taking Corporate Responsibility Highlights 2009
Gateway to solutions
Steps in sustainability At the DHV Group we contribute to the sustainable development of our living environment directly through our services, by collaborating with others in research, and through improvements in our own operations.
Jan, plakkies
DHV and SSI sponsor Ubuntu Foundation plakkies plant in Durban, South Africa - creating jobs in a township by producing sustainable slippers from tires.
DHV and partners win urban planning award with their visionary 'Turning Tide, City of Water' entry, the Netherlands.
DHV ranks as top engineering consultancy in Dutch Transparency Benchmark 2008.
March Renovation of DHV headquarters will upgrade Energy label from G to A. March, Renovated office
First mobile parking facility - with an innovative, sustainable DHV design - opens in the Netherlands.
DHV presents an energy-saving plan for existing buildings.
April DHV is the first engineering consultancy in the world to certify a team of 15 C2C consultants.
DHV wins design award for energy-neutral industrial sites using biogas systems and solar panels.
May SSI wins SAICE Award for the Gansbaai Waste Water Treatment Works upgrade using Nereda® technology. June DHV experts visit Chinese lakes and wetlands in context of WWF-DHV cooperation on fresh water issues and building-with-nature. April, certified C2C
July, WWF-DHV team
DHV staff members take part in Roparun, the Paris-to-Rotterdam sponsor-run in support of cancer victims.
DHV partners 'Dutch Delta Design 2012', positioning the Netherlands as international forum on water expertise.
'Plakkies at DHV' event is held, including sales of plakkies (slippers) to DHV employees.
DHV experts meet in Poland to collaborate on nature friendly solutions for deltas and river basins.
Stakeholders are invited to dialogue on our corporate responsibility record and possible improvements.
Young DHV professionals in the Netherlands lead two initiatives for national Sustainability Day (9.9.9.).
Sept DSM Campus Beijing receives one of the first LEED Gold certificates in China, DHV’s first LEED Gold facility.
DHV consortium starts Climate Change Scenario Development project in China.
Gansu Green School reopens in China - post-earthquake reconstruction was sponsored in kind by Shanghai office.
DHV’s Gerard Pichel proposes practical solutions in a film about the far-reaching effects of climate change in Bangladesh.
Carpoolplaza is put online! The site promotes and facilitates carpooling for DHV employees in the Netherlands.
DHV wins PassiveBuilding Award (sustainable building) with renovation project.
Sept, Green School
DHV in Portugal moves to new environmental friendly office in Lisbon.
Dec, Lisbon office
Cover photo: Corporate Responsibility in social housing, see page 2.
DHV signs pre Copenhagen statement with 22 Dutch CEOs to the Dutch prime minister, in support of decisive climate policy.
Content Corporate Responsibility in social housing Cradle to Cradle sanitation The Richmond Olympic Oval: a green legacy Sustainable renovation pays Creative and cost-saving soil-remediation Nature-driven design, building with nature Reusable parking garage Building futures
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Message from the Board >> A climate for change Profile Our impact >> In projects and interaction with communities Our impact >> In our own operations Our stakeholders Our future and challenges CR performance at a glance Colophon & Quotes
This booklet, the DHV Group Annual Report 2009, and the full Corporate Responsibility Report 2009 are available on
>> A universal climate for change >> Corporate Responsibility inside >
Corporate Responsibility in social housing SSI is supporting an emergency social housing program in the Eden district of the Southern Cape Province. The project involves the repair and renovation of 910 houses, under difficult conditions. At its own initiative and cost, SSI hired an advisory Environmental Control Officer (ECO) and social workers to prevent unnecessary damage to the environment and to maintain contact with the residents, who have either lost their homes or are waiting for repairs. In this way, SSI recognizes the feelings of individuals and takes on a responsibility for the wider success of this project.
>> Ready partners in clients >> 25% reduction of our CO2 footprint >> Message from the Board >>
A climate for change
There is a universal climate for change. The economic crisis and increasing impact of climate change have made it plain how vulnerable and intertwined our ecological and economic systems are. If we are to answer the ambitions for a better life for much of the worldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s population and also address the uncertainties of those who have been more fortunate, then it is time to look for different solutions. World leaders did not gather in Copenhagen to discuss whether change is necessary, but rather how and how much. They recognized that both adaptation and mitigation measures are needed, and that economic considerations are a driving factor in the equation. Meanwhile, countries, provinces and cities are mobilizing, setting policies for aspects which they can control. At a grass roots level, individuals are changing habits to decrease waste. This combination of top down and bottom up is the beginning of a time of real change. Businesses too are active players, through improvements in their own operations, undertaking cooperative initiatives, and by providing services that address negative impact. Everyone can do something, and it is clear that companies have unique opportunities to contribute through their knowledge and ability to move decisively in their spans of control. This is the context in which the DHV Group operates. We believe in taking concrete steps for positive impact, within our own operations and together with others. We are able to help make a difference through projects, by the individual efforts of our employees and by subscribing to larger movements. We have found ready partners in clients and professional platforms. As a company, we have decided to target a 25% reduction of our CO2 footprint and contribute to wider reductions by compensating to a climate neutral position. Our philosophy is 'Corporate
Responsibility inside', continuing to seek ways to imbed a positive and sustainable contribution in everything that we do. This booklet illustrates ways in which we work to enhance sustainability with attention to people, planet and profit. More information is available in our Annual Report and on our website. We look forward to making step changes through technical innovation and especially in partnership with others. We are a company for people from people, our inspiration comes from being able to make a difference. We very much welcome your feedback and opportunities to combine efforts. Amersfoort, the Netherlands, April 2010
Executive Board Bertrand M. van Ee (President) and Piet W. Besselink (Vice President)
Sustainable development of our living environment >> Based on Cradle
to Cradle philosophy >> Key values: integrity, respect, and freedom >>
Profile The DHV Group is a international provider of consultancy and engineering services in the following markets: • Transportation, including Aviation • Water • Building and Industry • Spatial Planning and Environment
We are active worldwide through a network of local offices in Europe, Asia, Africa, and North America. Operations in the following home countries account for the greater part of our total turnover: • Europe: The Netherlands, Poland, and Portugal • Asia: China, India, and Indonesia • Africa: South Africa • North America: Canada and the United States of America
Clients Our major clients are: • Governments • Public Sector and Semi-Government • Industry, Commercial Services, Contractors, and Developers • International Development Agencies
Key values Our key values are integrity, respect, and freedom. We act with a deep commitment to social responsibility, integrity and accountability. Our activities are characterized by respect for others and the environment. We promote empowerment, coupled with strong personal and professional responsibility. We welcome different perspectives and support freedom of thought and action.
Mission Our mission is to provide multidisciplinary services for the sustainable development of our living environment, in a close relationship with clients, employees, and partners, based on mutual loyalty, while providing a solid return to our shareholders.
We are an independent company and signatory to the United Nations Global Compact and the Partners Against Corruption Initiative (PACI) of the World Economic Forum.
<< Cradle to Cradle sanitation The Dutch city of Almere is becoming one of the fastest growing urban areas in Europe. To accommodate this development, Almere has formulated ambitious goals based on the Cradle to Cradle philosophy, with an emphasis on improving public health and the environment. The city and the Waterboard Zuiderzeeland asked DHV to apply Cradle to Cradle principles to develop a vision for the city’s future sustainable sanitation system – this vision will be translated into several concrete solutions. A good understanding of the Cradle to Cradle philosophy as well as an integrated approach were significant factors in selecting DHV.
Building a green legacy >> Positive impact on economies, societies and
eco-systems >> Interaction with communities >> People, planet,
Our impact >> In projects and interaction with communities The DHV Group is active worldwide through a network of local offices. We aim for a positive impact on economies, societies and eco-systems through the services that we provide, interacting with communities, and in our own operation.
In our projects we emphasize taking an integrated approach and natural processes. Three of the featured projects, the Richmond Olympic Oval in Canada (page 6), marshland creation near New Orleans, USA and water management for the Canghzou region in China (page 12) illustrate sustainable solutions which incorporate nature driven design. Effective reuse and minimizing environmental impact are central themes for the demountable parking garage (page 14) and a cradle to cradle sanitation concept for the city of Almere, the Netherlands (page 4). Both concepts are also designed to enhance economic benefit. Interaction with the community was important in the Southern Cape emergency social housing project in South Africa (page 2) and the Griftpark soil remediation project in Utrecht, the Netherlands (page 10). In the first, the project team recognized the emotional impact of losing your home and the possibility of needless environmental damage during rebuilding. They took
the initiative to engage social workers and an Environmental Control Officer to work with residents. In the second, the team made special efforts to keep the neighboring community informed and involved throughout. This facilitated the project and has built lasting ownership for the park. Building futures is the main goal of our philanthropy. This generally includes a combination of company sponsoring and employee initiative. Saturday schools in South Africa tutor disadvantaged children in sciences and math are a strong and growing example. The fifth school was recently opened. We are also very proud of the personal initiative taken by our staff to help children, such as tutoring street children in Indonesia and mentoring youths in the Netherlands (page 16). A colorful initiative by Dutch university students, Ubuntu plakkies, was supported in 2009. The project helps aids stricken families in a Durban township by establishing a commercial operation for creating fashionable slippers from discarded car tires.
<< The Richmond Olympic Oval: a green legacy Delcan contributed its expertise to the Richmond Olympic Oval, for the speed-skating events of the 2010 Vancouver Olympics and Paralympic Games. One of the main goals of the City of Richmond was to build a green legacy. Delcan provided innovative techniques to help achieve the cityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s sustainable design objectives and a Silver LEEDÂŽ (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification. The initiatives involved include roof drainage retention, toilet water reuse, stormwater retention and treatment in a large aerated wetland pond, and infiltration galleries.
profit >> Better use of existing infrastructure >> Steps to strengthen
our BIMS >> Zero tolerance toward corruption >> Invest in our people
Our impact >> In our own operations
People : We provide a safe work environment, support diversity and stimulate growth. Our total staff increased slightly, albeit with market driven changes. We reassigned staff where possible and maintained a commitment to training and development. Looking ahead, we see good opportunities for our employees with increased responsibility. This will also support our ambitions regarding diversity. In our first year of measurement in the Netherlands we note a slight increase of female representation in the sub-top. Actions to accelerate diversity awareness and development have been initiated. Planet: The two areas on which we concentrate are buildings and travel. These are most germane to our operations. Concrete measures include our policy for selecting offices. The new office in Portugal is a renovated industrial facility, energy and water efficient, and close to public transportation. The renovation of our head office will take it to the highest energy label. In addition to supporting travel by public transportation and increased use of telecommunications, we have sharpened policies on lease cars.
Profit: Profit is the oxygen that sustains our company’s health. It allows us to invest in our people and innovation. In support of business basics, we have developed a common project management manual with explicit attention to scope and risk management. The new company share plan, which stimulates ownership and sharing of results, is in its second year. It has grown in value and issued dividends both years. Integrity has a direct impact on our profit, as well as on communities. We have a zero tolerance policy toward corruption and other forms of improper action. This has also proven to be a positive differentiator for clients and employees. In 2009 we investigated four reported alleged violations of our Business Integrity Management System (BIMS). Two were not a violation and two are still under investigation. We have taken further steps to strengthen our BIMS, with an external audit of the system, engaging an external organization for 'whistleblowing', expanding business representation in our supporting organization, and with an update of BIMS documentation.
<< Sustainable renovation pays Upgrade and increase sustainability in existing office facilities? In an affordable manner? The 40 year old DHV head office (photo below), Amersfoort, the Netherlands, will go from an energy efficiency rating ‘G’ to ‘A’. Better use of natural light, automated shades and new utility installations will create substantial energy savings and lower life-cycle costs. Our ‘newest’ office in Portugal, a 50 year old building, applied the same principles to create a comfortable and sustainable work environment. Both buildings implement reuse of residual heat and water.
and innovation >> Hold on to CR in rough times >> Our stakeholders
expect commitment and transparency >> Structured stakeholder
Our stakeholders Our stakeholders are public and private sector clients, employees and business partners, investors, governments of countries in which we work and society at large. They expect commitment and transparency as a basis, and seek added value from us through innovation and simplicity in implementation. With economic pressures, many clients seek flexibility, asking us to work with them on changing plans and decreasing costs. For the longer term, sustainability remains high on the agenda. A number of clients have set explicit requirements and incentives to stimulate sustainability in our operations as well as for their projects. Governmental organizations are taking a lead, but we also see a strong and growing commitment at the top management level of major private industry clients. This trend was also signaled during interviews which we held in the Netherlands, as part of our first structured Stakeholder Dialogue program. Stakeholders were positive about our initiating dialogue with them around CR. They advised us to make clear what our vision is, hold on to CR in rough times and discuss CR at high level. They also stressed the importance of transparency and setting specific targets.
The growing worldwide interest in transparency through CR reporting is evidenced by the increasing rate of reports that apply the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) guidelines and by governments interested in applying this methodology and helping to develop standards. Employees across the company have also confirmed the value which they place on a balanced people/planet/profit approach. This was emphasized in the input which we received from participants of the Executive Development Program and 'Young' colleagues, while developing our new Strategy Paper, Vision 2015. The content of the work that we do is often cited as a motivation for working with the DHV Group. Further, our staff seek job stability, personal growth opportunities and an atmosphere of teamwork.
<< Creative and cost-saving maintenance of soil remediation People living near the Griftpark in downtown Utrecht are happy with their park. Previously occupied by a gasworks, the site was a notorious source of soil contamination inherited from the last century. In 2003, an extensive soil remediation program was completed. To deal with the subsequent â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;ever-lasting maintenanceâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; the municipality of Utrecht selected DHVâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s value added approach, where-in payment is based on sharing cost savings. The municipality, DHV, and contractor Mourik were awarded the SIK Cup 2009 for this maintenance project, as the best team with the most innovative and cost-saving approach to soil-remediation maintenance with benefits including annual energy-savings amounting to 250,000 euros. The jury took special note of the good cooperation between the team and the surrounding community.
dialogue >> Managing the 'water footprint' >> Nature driven design: a
new global answer to climate change >> Working on solutions for
Our future and challenges
We believe that the future will present a broad pallet of challenges. The focus on emissions will continue and sharpen. New facilities increasingly incorporate sustainability aspects and our clients face complex challenges in the upgrade, conversion and better use of existing infrastructure. Mobility and alternatives to physical travel will look primarily to technical solutions, while other challenges lend themselves more to incorporating natural processes. Different aspects of sustainability, like millennium development goals regarding clean water, education, poverty reduction and health will become increasingly critical and where possible a part of the project scope. Political and socio-economic considerations are becoming more explicit, and there is a greater expectation that all parties contribute to the improvement of living standards and sound environmental stewardship. The biggest challenge which we foresee is a strong global focus on water. Whereas flooding is now making headlines,
the progressive lack of clean water is a major concern. Current efforts to clean rivers, improve sanitation and advances in water treatment are a good start, but not enough. A multi-tiered commitment is needed. The paradox of water is that it is both plentiful and scarce. While it is there, people believe that it is a natural gift, which replenishes itself and should be free. When it is gone, there is no substitute. We believe that greater awareness by stakeholders and managing of the ‘water footprint’ are essential. To quote from our Stakeholder Dialogue, ‘My idea of DHV is that you are working on solutions for tomorrow, let that be seen’ .The DHV Group has much to offer in tackling challenges. We do this in our projects, invest in innovation and actively participate in platforms that help define standards and co-create solutions. For the future, we look forward to working intensively with others to keep learning, growing and to help shape a positive future.
<< Nature driven design, building with nature: a new global answer to climate change Exploring the potential for natural solutions in two very different situations. Marshland creation, New Orleans, USA. Louisiana’s coastline is slowly disappearing into the Gulf of Mexico as salt water is flowing further inland, killing the plants that hold together the marshlands. In response, DHV and its partners have piloted a method for marshland creation in the Mississippi Delta, based on Dutch land reclamation techniques. Extreme aridity in Canghzou, China. The threat of acute fresh water shortages and sea water intrusion has made water a critical concern in the Canghzou region. Under DHV project management, an integrated water management plan has been developed to achieve ecological balance, retain rain water, restore groundwater balance, and protect the wetland, while sustaining economic activity in the area.
tomorrow >> Added value through innovation >> We tackle challenges
Reusable parking garage A lack of temporary parking space can present a big problem - for example in urban renewal areas. DHV has developed for PARK4ALL Inc a demountable parking garage: it is a super-light construction with fiberglass-composite floors. This structural engineering innovation requires no foundation, so that the garages can be set up literally anywhere. All the materials used are recyclable, and since PARK4ALL takes back the garages after use, they are truly sustainable. The first demountable parking garage began operating in January in the Dutch city of Purmerend.
in our projects >> Better use of existing infrastructure >>
CR performance at a glance Accomplishments 2009
Targets 2010
Core business and Innovation
- International water treatment technology transfer. - Nereda速 full scale plant contracted. Nereda速 installation in South Africa received SAICE award for engineering excellence. - Applied for 1 new patent for energy cell associated with green gas. 12 national patents registered for prior innovations. - Intelligent NETworks速 traffic management platform launched internationally.
- International knowledge transfer and establish international expertise centers. - Continue investment in R&D and patents. - Awards that recognize sustainability.
- Global code of Business Principles roll-out. - External audit of Business Integrity Management System (BIMS) compliance. - 'Speak-Up', an external program for 'whistle blowing' chartered. - 4 alleged BIMS cases, 2 not a violation and closed, 2 under investigation.
- Update and achieve certification of BIMS. - Launch 'Speak-Up' globally.
- The first formalized Stakeholder Dialogue regarding CR conducted in the Netherlands. - Technical advisor to GRI for Airport sector supplement. - Founding partner of Dutch Building Brains Initiative, founding member of Dutch Green Building Council. - Capacity building initiative for West African nations sponsored by International Civil Aviation Organization.
- Expand stakeholder dialogue. - Participation in sustainable industry platforms.
People management
- 5,500 staff worldwide. - Baseline and first measurement for gender diversity in the Netherlands operations. - HR international network and Community of Practice established.
- Accelerate management development programs. - Programs to enhance diversity: balancing parenting and dual careers, mentoring. - Conduct employee survey.
- Education and community building initiatives taken on by several entities. - Supported Ubuntu plakkies initiative.
- Continued growth in involvement with education and capability building.
Operations & environment
- Set target for 25% CO2 reduction per employee by 2015, versus 2008. - Committed to compensate to climate neutral in the Netherlands as of 2009 and globally in 2010.
- CO2 reductions towards targets and identification of compensation opportunities in projects.
Reporting and Transparency
- CR report ranks #18 of 183 (top tier) and #1 in the services sector by the transparency benchmark of the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs. - Reports registered with the UN Global Compact and World Economic Forum Partners Against Corruption Initiative.
- Top quartile ranking and leadership in our sector in the transparency benchmark.
Building futures >> Improvement of living standards <<
Publisher DHV Group P.O. Box 219 3800 AE Amersfoort The Netherlands Dutch Trade Register DHV Holding B.V. 31021655 Production, editing, and design DHV, Communications +31 33 4682015 Printing and binding Van Amerongen, the Netherlands Paper FSC Fastprint Gold 120 gr/m2 (exterior 200 gr/m2) Publication date April 2010 Photography cover: SSI, DHV inside: Ubuntu Foundation, DHV, DHV, DHV, DHV page 2: SSI page 4: DHV page 6: Hollandse Hoogte page 8: DHV, DHV page 10: DHV page 12: Hollandse Hoogte page 14: DHV, page 16: DHV MLD, Fotopersburo van de Meulenhof page 17: DHV, private property, Delcan, DHV MLD, SSI back: DHV This Corporate Responsibility Summary 2009 is also available in Dutch. A copy can be requested by e-mail to or call +31 33 4682015.
<< Building futures DHV staff members, such as Mona Gustina (Indonesia) and Erik de Vries and Rob Krabbenborg (Netherlands), help underprivileged kids build a better future. On Saturdays, Mona Gustina gives lessons to homeless children under the Grogol bridge in Jakarta, while Erik de Vries – and a number of his colleagues in Eindhoven – contribute by coaching kids who need a little extra help to find their way. Like SSI’s Saturday school instructors, they contribute their own time to make a difference.
“My personal passion is that I can contribute to a new world in which I can see my kids learn and grow and I help shape an even better world for their children!” Sander Vorselman, DHV the Netherlands, member of the core team 'Sustainable Building' “As a human being, it is my profound conviction that we have to care for the world we are living in.” Jerri Wu, DHV Shanghai, Coastal Development Unit Manager “In my work as an architect and urban designer, I am inspired by the opportunities for innovation, collaboration and integrated design inherent in developing sustainable, energy-efficient and universally accessible design solutions.” Diana Hamilton, Delcan Corp. Canada, Principal, Senior Architect “I am obsessed to enhance my skill and knowledge to involve in designing and implementing CR activities for our clients, especially in applying GRI 3 (third generation Global Reporting Initiative) standard and/or ISO 26000.” Adam Yazid, MLD Indonesia, Quality Management System/Environment Dept. “At home I try to instill a culture of caring and giving within my family to those in need e.g. financial contributions to Hospice, Cansa Association and supporting our church charities.” Pauline Makama, SSI South Africa, Corporate Social Responsibility Manager
Sander Vorselman
Jerri Wu
Diana Hamilton
Adam Yazid
Pauline Makama
Our mission is to provide multidisciplinary services for the sustainable development of our living environment, in a close relationship with clients, employees, and partners, based on mutual loyalty, while providing a solid return to our shareholders.
DHV Group P.O. Box 219 3800 AE Amersfoort The Netherlands T +31 33 468 37 00 E