DHV brochure Waterbehandeling

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Water Treatment

Gateway to solutions Gateway to solutions

Wastewater DHV has a world wide recognized and outstanding record

on the collection and treatment of wastewater. Whether

it concerns a complex wastewater treatment plant in a metropolis, or optimizing an existing treatment plant; our solutions are fit and necessarily tailor-made. We support

projects with our outstanding knowledge, the best

suitable technology, enhanced equipment, smart process automation and IT solutions, and take care of dedicated project implementation.

Throughout the years we have left our signature behind

with ground-breaking innovations and numerous process

improvement solutions. We have a keen eye for the balance between water quality, environmental effects and total

costs of ownership. In whichever contract form you prefer.

In order to protect our living environment, adequate treatment of wastewater is crucial to protect our most important natural resources.

Water supply DHV uses its outstanding drinking water knowledge to

generate and implement reliable and cost-effective solutions.

We have decades of experience in treatment plant design, distribution and construction. This experience resulted in

the development of ground-breaking innovations like the

Crystalactor速 technology for water softening and OPIR速 (Optimal Production through Intelligent Control).

Our expertise goes way beyond technical consultancy. It

also includes the design and build, and the operation and

maintenance of drinking water treatment plants and the further optimization of internal organizations.

Sufficient and perfect drinking water is essential for our future.

Industrial (waste)water DHV has always been closely involved in all water aspects

of industries and businesses. It concerns the improvement, the extension or complete replacement of water treatment

plants, and the realization of new treatment plants. Our expertise also extends to optimizing internal water

management, water recycling, cooling & process water

systems and sewerage. The DHV experts always have a reliable and cost-effective solution.

We render a full range of services in whatever partnership or contract form you prefer: from consultancy and pilot

trials, to the turn-key delivery of the installation and its operation and maintenance.

Industrial water treatment requires profitable plants that guarantee availability and quality of water.




Operation&Maintenance | We work for water companies, public authorities, water boards, investment companies and businesses | Carrousel®, Oxyrator®-Star, Nereda®, Membrane Bio-Reactor, Crystalactor®, Aquasuite®, OPIR®, Moving Bed Trickling Filter, Sustænergy, Sequencing Batch Reactor,

| Cost-effective solutions, the right

expertise and the most innovative technologies.

DHV stands for quality and sustainability in water treatment and wastewater purification. We offer innovative and high-quality services and technologies. Our focus lies on

partnership and looking after our clients’ interests.

We aim for cost-effective solutions using state of the art expertise and technologies. Executed by an outstanding and committed group of international experts. We offer multidisciplinary services, regardless of the scope or complexity. From tailor made Consultancy to Design&Build and Operation&Maintenance, and if needed, by taking Risks&Responsibilities.

DHV strongly believes in local delivery of world class solutions, in close cooperation with our clients and partners. Based on mutual trust and loyalty.

DHV provides services and innovative solutions in Transportation, Building & Manufacturing, Urban & Regional Development, Environment & Sustainability and Water. Our range of services cover the entire project cycle, including management consultancy, advice, design and engineering, project management, contract management and asset management. DHV, headquartered in the Netherlands, is part of the DHV Group. Being able to call upon the extensive expertise network of the entire DHV Group, our projects benefit from an integrated approach and are geared towards the development of a sustainable living environment. The DHV Group has a staff of about 5.500, and its turnover in 2008 was EUR 468 million. For further information visit www.dhv.com

DHV B.V. | Laan 1914 no 35 | 3818 EX Amersfoort | P.O. Box 1132 | 3800 BC Amersfoort | T +31 33 468 23 90 | F +31 33 468 28 01 | info-water@dhv.com | www.dhv.com/water

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