Rinascimento Virtuale ARENA volume 2

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rinascimento virtuale 2008




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The word: „Cyberspace“ is known now as an artword, its born from the word „Cyber“ (a shortform from the english word „Cybernetic“ that again comes from the greek word „Kybernetike“; „The art of navigate“ and the word „Space“. On the worldfamous Macy-Conferences in the years 1946 till 1953 Cybernetik was something of high interest. Wellknown and famous scientists as Alan Turing, John von Neumann and Heinz von Foerster started here from scratch the modern computertechnics and the programm-architecture, today the basics for the Cyberspace. The real Cyberspace was opened by Secondlife. So you speak of web 3-D or so called Metaverses. The Metaverses are Internet-based virtual timespace-infrastructures. The miracle that we are experiencing today: the Cyberspace, the dematerialized virtual time-space, the worldwide webbed society. where we „surf around„ with lightspeed. An artist that is NOT using this virtual universe as a challenge and a goal doesnt deserve the name „Avantgarde“ This e-book dedicated to

Giorgio Vasari

(30 July 1511 – 27 June 1574) He was an Italian painter and architect, who is today famous for his biographies of Italian artists, considered the ideological foundation of art-historical writing. Vasari‘s Vite de‘ più eccellenti architetti, pittori, et scultori Italiani (1550-68, The Lives of the Artists) is perhaps the most important book on the history of art ever written. In this work Vasari made famous the term ‚Rinascita‘, or Renaissance.


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diabolus artspace arena 2008

rinascimento virtuale 2008

arena 2 edited by velazquez bonetto in collaboration with arco rosca & roxelo babenco a CARP 7 edition virtual artspace diabous



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21-23 december 2008 Bryn Oh 20-22 december 2008 AOM (Avatar Orchestra Metaverse) Performers: Bingo Onomatopoeia (Andreas Mueller), (D) BlaiseDeLaFrance Voom (Biagio Francia), (I) Carolhyn Wijaya, (Carolyn Oakley), (USA) Humming Pera (Tina Pearson), (CAN) Lizsolo Mathilde (Liz Solo), (CAN) Maxxo Klaar (Max D. Well), (D) Miulew Takahe, (Bjรถrn Eriksson) (S) North Zipper (Norman Lowrey), (USA) Paco Mariani (Chris Wittkowsky), (D) Xisuthra Lomu (Erik Rzepka), (CAN) Zonzo Spyker (Viv Corringham), (USA, UK) 26-28 december 2008 Luce Laval 29-31 december 2008 Evaluna Sperber 29-31 december 2008 Millamilla Noel 30 december 2008 - 02 january 2009 2lifephotos Aura Manamiko, Marinu Gausmann, Eleonora Porta, Redmoon Balut, Attilio Meili, Alii Vella, BolbShine Allen, Canguro Willsmere,

Chianera Cioc, Fiona Saiman, Gulia Janus, Katia Kirax, Kei Kojishi, Koinup Burt, Majla Kjeller, Manoji Yachvili, Marypink Cortes, Morgause978 Merlin, Paol Oh, Petronio Theas, Rachele Delgado, saint Torok, sceky Koba, Silvy Noel, simba Schumann, toytony Runo, Sherdan Bergamasco, Pavo Baxter, nexuno Thespian, Mony Zhora, Kerubina McMillan, Kalista Hartshon, Julian Pick, Fenton Maurer, ElenaMaria Dagostino, DeaAthena Helendale, Crissy Anatine, Astarte Alter. 04-06 january 2009 Comet morigi 07-09 january 2009 Four Yip 09 january 2009

arena 2008 Wirxli Flimflam 11-13 january 2009 Sarima Giha 13-15 january 2009 Db Bailey 15-17 january 2009 Dancoyote Antonelli 19-21 january 2009 Chen Pitney 23-25 january 2009 Alan Sondheim 27-29 january 2009 Holy888 Skjellerup 27 january - 03 february 2009 Humming Pera Gumnosophistai Nurmi 28 - 30 january 2009 Sowa Mai 31 january - 02 february 2009 cinega soon 04-06 february 2009 Bingo Onomatopoeia

08-10 february 2009 Mosmax Hax 11 february 2009 Georg Janick 13-15 february 2009 evo szuyuan 16-18 february 2009 Double Skin Performance Ida Aabye Miulew Takahe Velazquez Bonetto 20-22 february 2009 Nicolas Sack



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bryn oh 21 decemberr - 23 december 2008 Bryn Oh is the online ghost artist of a real life oil painter. She is a concept really. The idea is to see if an entity that exists only online can succeed as an artist. Can a digital character step forward from the second life and enter the first life. Could she exhibit in real life shoulder to shoulder with flesh and blood artists? The visual artist essentially has one main purpose, to make the viewer look at or interact with their creation for as long as possible. When the viewer has moved away then you may have lost them so essentially don‘t let them leave. A good artist will subtly employ different techniques to keep the eye of the viewer traveling within the piece. For example, generally (and all art „rules“ are general) the viewer’s eye will enter a painting starting in the bottom right hand side. The eye tends to travel counter clockwise in a circular manner moving from focal point to focal point. The artist will then try to lead the eye to areas of importance. This can be done through colour theory, composition or a multitude of other methods. The artist wants to capture the viewer and suspend their disbelief. Make them feel like they are within the painting. I like to work on large paintings to block out the viewer’s peripheral vision. Don‘t let them see a light switch or another painting or even another person in their peripheral because that only anchors them to the know-


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ledge that they are in fact within a gallery setting looking at a 2D image. Those elements prevent the viewer from becoming fully immersed. And this is where Second Life comes in. I believe the next big art movement will be immersive art, and I think second life is the start to this. We still look at a computer screen and can be distracted by our peripheral, by the need to use a keyboard, by our cat or by the phone ringing. But we have taken the step to be immersed in a 3D environment rather than viewing a 2D image. When space is available I create a story to catch the viewers attention. I create mysteries or environments for participation, and I am constantly trying to think of other ways to further immerse the viewer. We are at the beginnings now but I imagine the art of the future to be when someone comes home from work and plugs into an environment. They might be transported to a canoe on a lake with calling loons or their grandmothers’ kitchen. But perhaps the real test of an artist will be drawing out the shiver one feels when their virtual lover caresses their cheek. The feeling of love for an entity that does not exist in the real world, but was able to draw forth such an emotion due to the viewer’s full immersion into a storied environment. http://uqbararena.blogspot.com/

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20 decemberr - 22 december 2008 Avatar Orchestra Metaverse (AOM) is a global collaboration of musicians, media artists and sound artists who meet in the virtual space of Second Life to explore the boundaries of culture, geography and technology in creating music together. Although globally dispersed (North America, Europe, Scandinavia and Japan), orchestra members meet and perform together in real time. AOM does not aim to imitate a conventional orchestra, but uses this new virtual medium as an instrument itself, one where the generation of sound can also trigger movement and graphics. The result is a new audi-visual experience, where the music is experienced visually as well as sonically, and where the audience is witnessing a live event created by performers located thousands of miles apart.


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Avatar Orchestra Metaverse Performers and Associates Performers Bingo Onomatopoeia (Andreas Mueller), Regensburg, Germany BlaiseDeLaFrance Voom (Biagio Francia), Agropoli, Italy Carolhyn Wijaya, (Carolyn Oakley), Boulder, Colorado, USA Humming Pera (Tina Pearson), Victoria, BC, Canada Lizsolo Mathilde (Liz Solo), St. John‘s, Nfld., Canada Maxxo Klaar (Max D. Well), Regensburg, Germany Miulew Takahe, aka Björn Eriksson (Sollefteå, Sweden) North Zipper (Norman Lowrey), New Jersey, USA Paco Mariani (Chris Wittkowsky), Regensburg, Germany Xisuthra Lomu (Erik Rzepka), Vancouver, BC, Canada Zonzo Spyker (Viv Corringham), Minneapolis, USA, London, UK Associates DeThomas Dibou (Detlev Thomas), Architect Evo Szuyuan, aka Brigit Lichtenegger (Rotterdam, Netherlands), Videographer Coordinated by Maxxo Klaar (Max D. Well), Regensburg, Germany SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20 Slippery Slope (2007) Composer: Wirxli Flim Flam (Jeremy Turner), Vancouver, Canada Set: DeThomas Dibou (Detlev Thomas), Regensburg, Germany Instruments and Animations: Bingo Onomatopoeia, Regensburg, Germany The Heart of Tones (2007) Composer: Free Noyes (Pauline Oliveros), Kingston, New York, USA Instruments, Panels and Visual Animations designed and built by Bingo Onomatopoeia (Andreas Mueller), Regensburg, Germany Circles built by Gunmosophistai Nurmi (Leif Inge), Oslo, Norway

Aleatricity (2008) Composer: Bingo Onomatopoeia (Andreas Mueller), Regensburg, Germany Instruments, set and visual animations designed and built by Bingo Onomatopoeia SUNDAY, DECEMBER 21 Fragula (2007) Composer: Miulew Takahe Instuments and Visual Animations designed and built by Bingo Onomatopoeia (Andreas Mueller), Regensburg, Germany Sculture by Gazira Babelli New Economy (2008) Composer: BlaiseDeLaFrance Voom (Biagio Francia), Agropoli, Italy Instruments and Visual Animations designed and built by Bingo Onomatopoeia In Whirled (Trance)formations (2008) Composer: North Zipper (Norman Lowrey), New Jersey, USA Singing Masks, Instruments, Animations and Set designed and built by North Zipper MONDAY, DECEMBER 22 PwrHm (2008) Composer: Humming Pera (Tina Pearson), Victoria, BC, Canada Instruments and field recordings by Bingo Onomatopoeia Particles designed by Goodwind Seiling (Sachkio Hayashi), Stockholm, Sweden Avatars‘s Brew (2008) Composer: Gumnosophistai Nurmi (Leif Inge), Oslo, Norway Pataphone designed and built by Pata Mayo (the late Michel Waiswicz), Amsterdam Pianos by Elixer Aero

arena 2008 Virtual Cello by Robbie Dingo Floating Sound Cube by AngryBeth Shortbread AOM instruments by Shintaro Miyazaki, North Zipper and Bingo Onomatopoeai Wee.No.Kresh (2007) Composer: Bingo Onomatopoeai (Andreas Mueller), Regensburg, Germany Instruments, Visual animations and Sound installation (onomatophone) designed and built by Bingo Onomatopoeai Dance animations courtesy Sine Wave Island Avatar Orchestra Metaverse is happy to invite you to a journey through a thrilling 2 year history of the orchestra in 3 concerts at ARENA. Please also tour our exhibition gallery, designed and built by DeThomas Dibou, which includes information about the complete list of orchestra works to date, with photos of performances and members.



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luce laval 26 decemberr - 28 december 2008

I was born into this virtual world on March 14 2007. I flew and wandered without a goal for some time to find a reason for „this life‘‘ until I discovered INDIRE (Italian sand box ) and a window opened into the world of unlimited imagination and creativity and I found my reason. In the Indire sandbox I met welcoming friends who helped me along this discovery of the ‚‘build.‘‘ They were there with me the first time I showed my work to the Pyramid of Indire Museum and this inspired my creativity to explode. It was also here that I met Jeb Söderström (artist and scripter) who helped me complete my training. The colors, the reflection and movement are the‘‘whole‘‘of my sculptures and, although not a scripter, I create scripts to use in my work. I like to get extreme and and experiment which sometimes results in unexpected effects I had not planned -- „happy accidents.“ I create much of my work on the Platform Kastalia in the Vulcano sim, a fantastic island which provides room for me to explore creatively. I have found wonderful synergy here with some wonderful artist friends. More recently, I have been creating pieces on Caerleon Isle (an American sim) with wonderfully generous artists where I continue experimenting with other forms of art.


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evaluna sperber 29 decemberr - 31 december 2008 LUNE EMOTIVE (EMOTIONAL MOONS) Purpose: 1) promote the dissemination of creative expressions of authors at their debut in synergy and collaboration, in other words, give impetus to a new form of virtual entertainment. 2) supporting these creative expressions about social issues unknown by the most part of people , providing information through the principle of pleasure using metaverso as a communications medium of issues deliberately ignored by the press and television. 3) create listening routes as a new treasure hunt among Italian lands, leading ultimately to the Pyramid CafĂŠ, the real meeting place and cradle of creative collaborations and exchanges. FEATURES OF THE PROJECT: Born from the genetic of Pyramid the microcosm of the EMOTIONAL MOONS follow the principles. Does not require a lot of prims as the various environments will be individually rezzed. This is in specific, locations contained inside giant spheres in which you can listen in evocative atmosphere erotic poetry and music. This spheres or emotional moons , in fact, will be rezzed by a jukebox that will also contain different informations. The project will have its permanent seat in a little part of Kastalia near the Pyramid Cafe, also plans to be connected through teleports to lands where they will be housed individual spheres in which will be simply incorporated the erotic stories or erotic poems to be heard and that in turn will lead


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to Kastalia / Vulcano. In each location will also be given an invitation to those who have musical graphical skill wants to create new locations for listening to stories and poems spy from the moon, of which I am the author. The project lune emotional are associated raising funds for victims of uranio impoverito (impoverished uranium) promoted by the blog of Franca Rame followed by italian military observatory i played in extracts of lune were presented to second lyfe pistoia a pride of june 2007. A special mention for many friends that I love who helped me for the implementation of the project.Each of them as I, wanted to give his creativity with no profit, for the pleasure of creating beauty and the desire to use it to disseminate information: technical support): JonnyBee Cioc , magicflute Oh, Dracoita ferrentino. Antosperandeo Allen, Tololl Lane, textures and environment support: Eymerich Oh, Aloisio Congrejo, Luce Laval musical support: Macy Barzane , Ingmar Koba, Rokkemasky Rolls

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millamilla noel 29 decemberr - 31 december 2008 Ogni qualvolta guardo le foto di MillaMilla Noel penso al concetto di umanità accresciuta.Questa splendida artista ha fatto della costruzione dell‘avatar un‘arte, con la quale esplora le possibili espressioni del sè di una umanità mutante e in continua trasformazione.Grazie alle sue opere cogliamo più drammaticamente il senso del nostro essere contemporanei.I suoi lavori non sono mai banali, mai scontati, e ci parlano della maniera visionaria e poetica con cui Milla si guarda attorno.Volti delicatissimi e mostri, sensazioni impalpabili e contrasti forti, alieni e cyborg con sentimenti e atteggiamenti umani, Milla non è interessata all‘aspetto realistico di questo nostro mondo di pixel e immerge i suoi soggetti in uno spazio che non è mai convenzionale, come la scelta, molto particolare, di luci e colori. - Marinù Gausman L‘espressività di MIlla si traduce e intrerpreta attraverso una mutevolezza di colori e scenari. In alcune foto il protagonista assoluto è l‘avatar, con una ricchezza di particolari che lo rendono quasi tridimensionale, come per dargli la possibità di uscire dalla fotografia stessa. Altre volte invece, i colori degli sfondi catturano gli occhi con una sorta di ipnosi psichedelica dove il personaggio centrale non è percepibile nell‘immediatezza e dà spazio alla ricerca, al gioco dello scoprire, comprendere, immedesimarsi , interagire aggiungendo o togliendo attraverso la propria immaginazione colori o oggetti, a quelli della foto. L‘essenza delle opere di Milla è l‘essere completamente liberi. - AtmaXenia Giha


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2lifephotos 30 decemberr 2008 - 02 january 2009 Fondata il 31 gennaio 2008 da ChrisTower Dae, la 2LifePhotos è l‘associazione di fotografi di Second Life che offre un servizio di ripresa fotografica adatto a qualsiasi esigenza. Qualità, puntualità ed efficienza sono la prerogativa dell‘associazione.La 2LifePhotos si dedica anche allo sviluppo della fotografia a livello tecnico e artistico, attraverso corsi, seminari e alla promozione di mostre ed esposizioni. Il nostro punto di forza è la qualità che si ottiene solo con la passione. Alcuni dei 51 associati della 2LifePhotos : Aura Manamiko, Marinu Gausmann, Eleonora Porta, Redmoon Balut, Attilio Meili, Alii Vella, BolbShine Allen, Canguro Willsmere, Chianera Cioc, Fiona Saiman, Gulia Janus, Katia Kirax, Kei Kojishi, Koinup Burt, Majla Kjeller, Manoji Yachvili, Marypink Cortes, Morgause978 Merlin, Paol Oh, Petronio Theas, Rachele Delgado, saint Torok, sceky Koba, Silvy Noel, simba Schumann, toytony Runo, Sherdan Bergamasco, Pavo Baxter, nexuno Thespian, Mony Zhora, Kerubina McMillan, Kalista Hartshon, Julian Pick, Fenton Maurer, ElenaMaria Dagostino, DeaAthena Helendale, Crissy Anatine, Astarte Alter.


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comet morigi 04 january - 06 january 2009 My work is made of the basic elements of the inworld - its land, clouds, water, and trees. That exists inside/outside a gallery. I do Art to consider what is OutWorld/InWorld, through consideration of what is outside/inside. „inworld“ is a type of „real life,“ and not its opposite, that is the only premise of Art/life to be inworld. I hope the day will come when the residents will be proud to live inworld, free from a business dictatorship. BIO: Born and live in Tokyo, Japan. Exhibited in many outworld galleries and museums , and wrote essays in books. Inworld, her work has been supported by galleries Overfoto, Man-a-hatta, Weard Wealty‘s, Limoncero, Lars‘, and Gotter‘s.


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four yip 07 january - 09 january 2009 four Yip come inworld 1/7/2007 she is called Yip Next to building and making clothes in sl she makes drawings off sl avatars. In her drawings she mixes her fantasie off the person behind the avatar with the avatar it self Photos on Flickr http://www.flickr.com/photos/ 26414255@N06/ Blog http://nwn.blogs.com/nwn/2008/08/the-mixedreali.html


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wirxli flimflam january - 09 2009 Wirxli Flimflam aka Jeremy Turner (Vancouver, CANADA) was a co-founder of the performance art group, Second Front from 2006-2008. Wirxli also composed and performed for the Avatar Orchestra Metaverse from 2007-2008. In Real Life (RL), Wirxli has been an avatar performance artist, curator, and writer since 2001, an online performance artist since1 996 and an active music composer since 1992. Blog http://www.wirxliflimflam.blogspot.com/


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[13:18] Roxelo Babenco: hi Wirxliiiiiiiii [13:18] Roxelo‘s translator: hi Wirxliiiiiiiii [13:18] Wirxli Flimflam: Hi everybody [13:18] Geni Figaro ist online [13:18] Wirxli Flimflam: feel free to press play on your clothes [13:19] Wirxli Flimflam: the news is laggy today but I have today‘s news headlines too [13:19] lizsolo Mathilde: press play in the media player [13:19] Wirxli Flimflam: feel free to walk around [13:19] aurel Miles: hey wirx [13:19] Brad Monnett ist online [13:19] Wirxli Flimflam: Hey [13:19] Roxelo Babenco: yes we press [13:19] Roxelo‘s translator: yes we press [13:19] Wirxli Flimflam: ok... [13:19] Wirxli Flimflam: feel free to walk around [13:19] Xandria Bellic: Hello. [13:20] Wirxli Flimflam: and I will see who is worth interviewing [13:21] Tim Deschanel: oui, il y a des vidéos partout :-)) [13:21] Tim‘s translator: sì, ci sono video ovunque :-)) [13:21] Starshine Halasy ist online [13:21] aurel Miles: that‘s it [13:21] aurel Miles: that‘s all [13:21] Sowa Mai: cnn on the clothing [13:22] aurel Miles: and walking doesn‘t help. [13:22] aurel Miles: suggestions? [13:22] Wirxli Flimflam: This is Wirxli Flimflam reporting from CNN [13:22] Sowa Mai: lol [13:22] Roxelo Babenco: click on media button [13:22] Roxelo‘s translator: click on media button [13:22] Peli Dieterle: Hi Comet [13:23] Wirxli Flimflam: CNN - your trusted name in news [13:23] Nora Koltai: I like this music, very calm [13:23] Wirxli Flimflam: there should be only news [13:23] Laurel Leavitt: i hear only news [13:23] Wirxli Flimflam: CNN requests that you turn off the audio channel [13:23] MinDBlinD Setsuko: ora va :-) [13:23] zeusdinne Baroque ist online [13:24] Wirxli Flimflam: due to budget constraints, even

our live news is pre-recorded [13:24] Wirxli Flimflam: but we promise the news is recent [13:24] Atthosz Amiot ist online [13:24] Wirxli Flimflam: so here I am reporting „live“ [13:25] Wirxli Flimflam: ahhh..news coming in from Lebanon [13:25] Wirxli Flimflam: Josina, what is happening on the ground in Lebanon? [13:25] Wirxli Flimflam: I am hearing about rockets [13:26] Wirxli Flimflam: Josina, are you there? [13:26] Wirxli Flimflam: I am reporting live from CNN [13:26] Josina Burgess: i am here yes [13:26] Wirxli Flimflam: I would like to ask you a few questions [13:26] Josina Burgess: listening and watching [13:26] Josina Burgess: go ahead [13:26] Wirxli Flimflam: Josina, can you tell us what is happening? [13:26] Wirxli Flimflam: there seems to be some panic or something [13:27] Josina Burgess: some coveradge from libanon and whats happeneing in gaza [13:27] Wirxli Flimflam: what do you think of this escalation [13:27] Peli Dieterle: Hi Misprint [13:27] Wirxli Flimflam: do you see any civilian damage yet? [13:27] Josina Burgess: well I am questioning myself why all the w=eyes are all of the sudden only on gaza and israel [13:27] luce Laval: hi sowa [13:27] luce‘s translator: hi Sowa [13:27] luce Laval: :-)) [13:27] comet Morigi: hi, MP. [13:27] luce‘s translator: :-)) [13:27] luce Laval: evaluna [13:27] luce‘s translator: Evaluna [13:27] Wirxli Flimflam: yes, I am sure the world is asking that [13:27] Ginevra Lancaster: hello everybody :) [13:28] luce Laval: doesnt‘ speak english [13:28] luce‘s translator: doesn‘t ‚speak english [13:28] Josina Burgess: where in the same time in africa, darfur, mozambique, congo, etc genocide is happening

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[13:28] Wirxli Flimflam: thank you for your time [13:28] zeusdinne Baroque ist offline [13:28] Wirxli Flimflam: former ambassador on the phone from Tel Aviv [13:28] Wirxli Flimflam: Velaquez, can we ask you a question about the situation unfolding now? [13:28] Hardwarehacker Hoch: ah ther u are [13:29] comet Morigi: ohh, a great idea. [13:29] Wirxli Flimflam: whoa! I seem to have lost Velaquez [13:29] Wirxli Flimflam: Velaquez, can you read me? [13:29] comet Morigi: I remember a classic video art work „Video Bra“. [13:29] Wirxli Flimflam: I am an embedded reporter [13:29] Wirxli Flimflam: what is happening on the ground? [13:30] arco Rosca ist online [13:30] Wirxli Flimflam: sounds like alot of chaos is going on [13:30] Josina Burgess: chaos comesbefore order [13:30] Wirxli Flimflam: Wirxli Flimflam reporting live from CNN [13:30] Geni Figaro ist offline [13:30] Wirxli Flimflam: CNN - your trusted name in news [13:30] Moti Moody: its a caos yeah stones against rockets [13:30] Josina Burgess: yes so? [13:31] Wirxli Flimflam: Moti, can you elaborate? [13:31] Joff Fassnacht ist offline [13:31] Wirxli Flimflam: where are you Moti? [13:31] Wirxli Flimflam: I am losing contact [13:31] Josina Burgess: are the isrealies not intitled to defend their citicents against years of rockets dropped just to harm civilians? [13:31] Wirxli Flimflam: might be the rockets happening now [13:31] Moti Moody: eyes world are there because of money [13:31] Sarima Giha: ciao roxelo scusa se ti disturbo [13:31] Moti Moody: jewish people u know [13:31] Sarima Giha: ho capito che gli abiti bianchi sono stati dati dall‘artista [13:31] Wirxli Flimflam: hello Moti [13:31] Moti Moody: hi [13:32] Sarima Giha: epoi c‘è un video da vedere?

[13:32] Wirxli Flimflam: what is your opinion on the situation happening now? [13:32] Moti Moody: its unbelievable [13:32] Wirxli Flimflam: how so? [13:32] luce Laval: ciao arco [13:32] Core Tatham: ciao a tutti! [13:32] luce‘s translator: hello arc [13:32] Josina Burgess: what about the genocide in africa on a major scale?????? [13:32] Sarima Giha: I listen to happy music then see many people white dressed [13:32] Humming Pera: Ciao Arco [13:32] Wirxli Flimflam: do you think the Obama administration will solve the problems when he is in office on Jan 20th? [13:32] Wirxli Flimflam: Americans want to know [13:32] Core Tatham: ciao arco [13:32] Nora Koltai hat Ihr Inventarangebot akzeptiert. [13:32] Nora Koltai hat Ihr Inventarangebot akzeptiert. [13:33] Moti Moody: i told u this is a problem stonesagainst rockets [13:33] Moti Moody: its unfair [13:33] Wirxli Flimflam: our viewers at CNN want to know [13:33] Sarima Giha: then I hope to see a video but up to now I see nothing [13:33] arco Rosca: ciao [13:33] Josina Burgess: this is a probklem already existing since the stone age [13:33] Velazquez Bonetto: hi arco [13:33] Wirxli Flimflam: any word about larger stones being thrown to counter the rockets? [13:33] Moti Moody: yeah poor people wearing bombs [13:34] Geni Figaro ist online [13:34] Moti Moody: israel is not a country [13:34] Wirxli Flimflam: BREAKING NEWS: „Obama is not god“ - Sowa Mai [13:34] Moti Moody: they never had u know [13:34] Moti Moody: it was apresent for the second world war [13:35] Josina Burgess: well seems you know it all moti [13:35] Wirxli Flimflam: „The Lebanese Government is Responsible“ - AMbassador [13:35] Moti Moody: imagine someone decided give ano-

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ther one half or canada [13:35] Moti Moody: what do u think? [13:35] Moti Moody: of [13:35] Wirxli Flimflam: Moti, what do you mean? [13:35] Wirxli Flimflam: What is the situation in Canada? [13:35] Josina Burgess: what wouldd you thionk after 6 million of your own pwo[ple were gassed or killed in another wya? [13:35] Moti Moody: i mean if i was palestine i would be angry [13:36] Misprint Thursday: asks a moose [13:36] Wirxli Flimflam: „If I was Palestine, I would be Angry“ - Moti Moody [13:36] Josina Burgess: they were not in the beginning it was just all desert then [13:36] Sowa Mai: this just in_feel free to walk aroundWirxli Flimflam [13:36] Wirxli Flimflam: „Nasrallah has been blasting Israel daily“ [13:36] Core Tatham: ecco qua :-)) [13:36] Moti Moody: and do u know [13:36] Humming Pera: the moose are feeding on branches and making their brown droplets on the white snow [13:36] Wirxli Flimflam: - commentary to follow [13:36] Moti Moody: taht when they arrived there [13:36] Misprint Thursday: back to you bob [13:37] Moti Moody: they took the best part of the country [13:37] Wirxli Flimflam: Bob, are you on the line [13:37] Ux Hax ist online [13:37] Moti Moody: where the water is [13:37] Josina Burgess: nothing was „taken [13:37] Misprint Thursday: I have bob yes [13:37] Sowa Mai: b [13:37] Wirxli Flimflam: Bob Compton reporting line from CNN [13:37] Sowa Mai: are we rolling Bob? [13:37] Moti Moody: many porblems are for the water [13:37] Misprint Thursday: bobnods.com [13:37] Wirxli Flimflam: Bob, are we rolling? [13:37] Sowa Mai: lol [13:37] Misprint Thursday: Bob says we are on [13:37] Peli Dieterle: I want my MTV [13:38] Humming Pera: moose are walking on frozen

water [13:38] Wirxli Flimflam: Bob, what is the situation in Gaza as we are seeing it now? [13:38] Wirxli Flimflam: Bob? [13:38] Wirxli Flimflam: I think Bob‘s line dropped out at CNN‘s central news command centre in Qatar [13:38] Wirxli Flimflam: more news coming [13:38] Misprint Thursday: Bob is working on the poetic parsing of static and eating a sand smoothie [13:38] Wirxli Flimflam: sorry, I will have to cut you off, ambassador [13:38] Sowa Mai: its a perfect storm [13:39] Wirxli Flimflam: er..Professor [13:39] Wirxli Flimflam: BREAKING NEWS coming in on a live feed! [13:39] Sowa Mai: we need to downsize, inject capital, and bailout the hybrid [13:39] Misprint Thursday: Bob says there is no beauty in the coverage [13:39] Wirxli Flimflam: embedded opinion commentators...please wait for the next news video feed [13:39] Terri Woodward ist online [13:39] Xandria Bellic: lol [13:40] Misprint Thursday: what about unwedded ones [13:40] Wirxli Flimflam: I will stream it in and then we will go live again [13:40] Wirxli Flimflam: Bob is currently reporting while I set up [13:40] Roxelo Babenco: clap clap Wirxliiiiiiiiiiii [13:40] Roxelo‘s translator: clap clap Wirxliiiiiiiiiiii [13:40] Wirxli Flimflam: I will turn off the stream currently on [13:40] Roxelo Babenco: ***** APPPPPPPLLLLAAAUUUSSSSEEEEEEE*********** [13:40] Roxelo‘s translator: ***** *********** APPPPPPPLLLLAAAUUUSSSSEEEEEEE [13:40] Wirxli Flimflam: no, it is not over [13:40] Misprint Thursday: bob off on off on toggle me [13:40] Sowa Mai: lol [13:40] Wirxli Flimflam: there is more news [13:40] maria Grot ist offline [13:40] Wirxli Flimflam: please wait [13:40] Misprint Thursday: bobtoggle.com [13:40] Ginevra Lancaster: we are living the news uh?

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[13:40] Wirxli Flimflam: 2-3 minutes [13:41] Wirxli Flimflam: for the next news feed [13:41] Sowa Mai: no, it is not over--Wirxli Flimflam [13:41] Humming Pera: virgin moose hide in the snowy shrubs [13:41] Misprint Thursday holds up hands like antlers and shuffles feet [13:41] Evaluna Sperber: ohhh finalmente vedo anche iuo+ [13:41] Evaluna‘s translator: ohhh finally evident iuo + [13:41] Evaluna Sperber: io [13:41] Evaluna‘s translator: i [13:42] Therese Carfagno ist offline [13:43] zeusdinne Baroque ist online [13:43] Free Radar HUD v1.1 by Crystal Gadgets [13:43] Wirxli Flimflam: ok, opinionated embedded reporters... [13:43] Ginevra Lancaster: it stopped [13:43] maria Grot ist online [13:43] Wirxli Flimflam: please be on stand-by to go live [13:43] Wirxli Flimflam: I am uploading the breaking news feed [13:43] Sowa Mai: k [13:43] Misprint Thursday: Boob says the bandwidth is not good [13:43] Ginevra Lancaster: oki [13:44] Wirxli Flimflam: yes Ginevra [13:44] Wirxli Flimflam: it might take a few minutes to get the live feed [13:44] Sowa Mai: got it [13:44] Ginevra Lancaster: now i have got CNN [13:44] Misprint Thursday: in the mean time we can play rock paper scissors [13:44] Humming Pera: small rock [13:45] Misprint Thursday: moose beats rock [13:45] Wirxli Flimflam: embedded opinionaters, is the news ready for you yet>? [13:45] Josina Burgess: yes watching [13:45] Wirxli Flimflam: I am ready to go live at the signal [13:46] Humming Pera: moose eats rock [13:46] Roxelo Babenco: io vedo e sento [13:46] Roxelo‘s translator: I see and feel [13:46] Misprint Thursday: moose cuts paper

[13:47] Ginevra Lancaster: there it goes again it‘s a loop [13:47] Wirxli Flimflam: Ths isWirxli Flimflam - reporting live from Second Life in CNN [13:48] Wirxli Flimflam: CNN - Your trusted name in news [13:48] Therese Carfagno ist online [13:48] Ginevra Lancaster: wearing the news lol [13:48] Misprint Thursday: and I am misprint thursday woth the Second Live Union Tribune [13:48] Humming Pera: moose prints on snow [13:48] Wirxli Flimflam: „there it goes again, it is a loop“ Ginevra Lancaster on the endless cycle of violence in Gaza [13:49] Ginevra Lancaster: you are right wirsli [13:49] Sowa Mai: „there it goes again, it is a loop“ - Wirxli Flimflam at ARENA [13:49] Ginevra Lancaster: wirxli [13:49] Misprint Thursday: We at the S.L.U.T. find the coverage inadequate [13:49] Feathers Boa: hello everyone [13:49] Wirxli Flimflam: Evaluna, are there really 6 of them on the ground? [13:49] Misprint Thursday: enter feathers [13:49] Feathers Boa: howdy! [13:49] Wirxli Flimflam: we just heard about there being 6 explosions [13:49] Feathers Boa: how is everyone [13:49] Wirxli Flimflam: what is your opinion? [13:49] Josina Burgess: we watch the news, hear radio, read papers but the question is: WHAT IS THE TRUTH! [13:50] Ziget Tammas ist online [13:50] Misprint Thursday: im being radically silly in the midst of the poignant moment [13:50] Hardwarehacker Hoch: money is the truth [13:50] Sowa Mai: mose references aside [13:50] Feathers Boa waves to the room [13:50] aurel Miles: the truth is whatever you decide [13:50] Wirxli Flimflam: „WHat is the truth?“ Josina Burgess and you CNN viewers want to know! [13:50] Xandria Bellic: Hello, Feathers. [13:50] Misprint Thursday: set the truth loose like a moose [13:50] Ginevra Lancaster: the truth sis whatever you believe [13:50] Wirxli Flimflam: CNN - The Truth is Whatever you decide

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[13:51] Feathers Boa: truth is objective lies are subjective [13:51] Josina Burgess: „believing is bleieving“ [13:51] Sowa Mai: Truth is not „anti” anything. Falsehood and ignorance are not enemies of truth. They merely represent its absence. [13:51] Fawna Anatine: Truth is relative [13:51] Terri Woodward ist offline [13:51] Misprint Thursday: truth is a distnat relative [13:51] Wirxli Flimflam: in a moment, we have yet anoher news feed [13:51] Humming Pera: birds sing and drop feathers on rocks in Gaza [13:51] Ginevra Lancaster: misèrint lol [13:51] Wirxli Flimflam: yes, a news feed is coming through our news centre in Qatar [13:52] Wirxli Flimflam: it is a classified newscast from Al Jazeera! [13:52] Feathers Boa: nobody is dropping me anywhere [13:52] Xandria Bellic: It is impossible for truth to be objective by standards of human comprehension [13:52] Wirxli Flimflam: BREAKING NEWS: CNN has access to an alternative news source! [13:52] Misprint Thursday: the possibilities are endless [13:52] Wirxli Flimflam: I will get this feed uploaded right away [13:52] Wirxli Flimflam: we need you to comment on it [13:52] Feathers Boa: you can‘t spell truth without Ruth [13:52] Starshine Halasy ist offline [13:52] Wirxli Flimflam: this breaking news is looping anyway ;-) [13:53] Josina Burgess: we base our opinions from what we hear and read [13:53] Josina Burgess: who tells us its the truth [13:53] aurel Miles: ruth is dead but the mist lives on [13:53] Ginevra Lancaster: waiting to see that wirxli [13:53] Wirxli Flimflam: I will interview you next - if you have something to say [13:53] Xandria Bellic: This news feed is hijacked by CNN [13:53] Feathers Boa: my opinions are based on what i feel with my fingers not on what i hear or read [13:53] Evaluna Sperber: se le donne potessero mettere in sciopero il proprio utero per una ventina d‘anni non avrebbero più ragazzi da assassinare

[13:53] Wirxli Flimflam: no no..AL jazeera exclusive is coming up [13:55] Wirxli Flimflam: ok, embedded opinionators... [13:55] Wirxli Flimflam: the news feed from Al Jazeera should be here any minute now [13:55] Rober1236 Jua ist online [13:55] Ginevra Lancaster: oh i was making friend wih the girl in red fom cnn [13:55] Feathers Boa: opinons are like asses everyone‘s got one [13:55] Wirxli Flimflam: please be prepared to speak as soon as I go live again [13:55] Sowa Mai: are we rolling Bob? [13:55] Josina Burgess: liol!feathers:) [13:55] Wirxli Flimflam: no, Bob has been fired... [13:55] Wirxli Flimflam: shhh... [13:55] Josina Burgess: who is coughing? [13:55] Wirxli Flimflam: we are not on the air, are we? [13:55] Feathers Boa coughs [13:56] Velazquez Bonetto: in SL [13:56] Velazquez Bonetto: here is no air [13:56] Wirxli Flimflam: ok Ginerva [13:56] Wirxli Flimflam: let me find you [13:56] Josina Burgess: so true [13:56] Ginevra Lancaster: i am now chatrting woth the al jazeera repoprter [13:56] Ginevra Lancaster: chatting [13:56] Wirxli Flimflam: we are going live momentarily [13:57] Josina Burgess: then you must cough also [13:57] Feathers Boa: everything is true and nothing is true [13:57] snowbody Cortes ist online [13:57] Wirxli Flimflam: great! [13:57] Wirxli Flimflam: I need to ask you some questions [13:57] Misprint Thursday: the truth is out there and distant relatives are better than none [13:57] Misprint Thursday: goodbye [13:58] Wirxli Flimflam: sorry I had a bit to drink... [13:58] Feathers Boa: i am Saddam‘s illegitimate daughter! [13:58] Wirxli Flimflam: it is hard to find people without stumbling [13:58] Josina Burgess: awww feathers my heart goes out to you

arena 2008 [13:58] Wirxli Flimflam: any word from Al Jazeera yet? [13:58] Wirxli Flimflam: I am not getting the news feed yet [13:58] Josina Burgess: just a lot of goughing [13:59] Wirxli Flimflam: Ginevra, can you meet me here? [13:59] Feathers Boa: i know i am because i have a huge bushy mustache and i wanna invade Kuwait!!!!! [13:59] Ginevra Lancaster: i am getting it [13:59] Ginevra Lancaster: yes coming [13:59] Wirxli Flimflam: This is Wirxli Flimflam reporting live from CNN [13:59] Josina Burgess: lol do your best feathers [13:59] Wirxli Flimflam: CNN - The Most Trusted Name in News [13:59] Ginevra Lancaster: hello :) [13:59] Wirxli Flimflam: we have Ginevra Lancaster on the line [13:59] Wirxli Flimflam: Ginerva, what is happening? [13:59] Ginevra Lancaster: can i sasy hello to my mum? [13:59] Wirxli Flimflam: sure..quickly [14:00] Ginevra Lancaster: „hello mum“ [14:00] Ginevra Lancaster: :) smiles [14:01] Wirxli Flimflam: hypothetically, what would those dying civilians say? [14:01] Conny Colman ist offline [14:01] Wirxli Flimflam: would they be saying the same thing? [14:01] Roxelo Babenco: bye Mind [14:01] Roxelo‘s translator: bye Mind [14:01] Wirxli Flimflam: ooops [14:01] Josina Burgess: :) [14:01] Ginevra Lancaster: i gues they would say domething like [14:01] Ginevra Lancaster: „shit“ [14:01] Ginevra Lancaster: and yes more or less they would all say the same [14:02] Wirxli Flimflam: „shit“ - Ginevra Lancaster on what a dying civilian would say [14:02] zeusdinne Baroque ist offline [14:02] DeThomas Dibou: there´s probably no god. so, stop this war and enjoy life. [14:02] Wirxli Flimflam: Ginevra, at this point in time? will Obama‘s inaugration be able to solve this problem? [14:02] Feathers Boa: George W just invaded my Bush!


[14:02] Roxelo Babenco: non credo [14:02] Roxelo‘s translator: I do not think [14:02] Josina Burgess: who can tell the future? [14:03] Ginevra Lancaster: well everything will be over fro taht day [14:03] Roxelo Babenco: sono 50 anni che dura la guerra in palestina [14:03] Roxelo‘s translator: are lasting 50 years the war in Palestine [14:03] Ginevra Lancaster: so in a sense yes [14:03] Ginevra Lancaster: obama inauguration will sollve the problem [14:03] Ginevra Lancaster: or [14:04] Ginevra Lancaster: the war was possible because there was some time left before obama inauguration [14:04] Wirxli Flimflam: This is Wirxli Flimflam reporting from CNN [14:04] Feathers Boa: thats what his wife says in bed each night „Oh oh oh oh....yes....oh oh OH OH OH OHHHHHHHHHHBAMA!!!“ [14:04] Wirxli Flimflam: NEWS: Obama‘s inaugration will solve the Gaza crisis - Ginevra Lancaster [14:04] Moti Moody: r u a clown feathers? [14:04] Moti Moody: they r not jokes [14:05] Feathers Boa: yes i am part of the ringling brothers circus of the absurd [14:05] Moti Moody: maybe u think u r very funny [14:05] Wirxli Flimflam: ok...I think we can cut off the Al Jazeera now [14:05] Moti Moody: absurd its too much for u [14:05] Feathers Boa: i am terribly unfunny [14:05] Wirxli Flimflam: I think they had too much airtime [14:05] Wirxli Flimflam: ok, I will now pass on the reporting to John Simmons - Fox News Correspondent [14:06] Josina Burgess: fox? [14:06] Josina Burgess: hm [14:06] Ginevra Lancaster: no israeli television available? [14:06] Wirxli Flimflam: BREAKING NEWS FROM ITaly! [14:06] Wirxli Flimflam: PROTESTS IN MILAN! [14:06] Moti Moody: its like the cnn [14:06] Wirxli Flimflam: live footage coming in [14:07] Ginevra Lancaster: berlusconi will solve the gaza crisis


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sarima giha january - 11 january - 13 2009 Maria Luisa Grimani is an artist who lives and works in Monza, Italy. In 1975 she began her activity by “translating” chess games in visual design. Bruno Munari appreciated these works and put two of them in his book “La scoperta del quadrato” (ed. Zanichelli). From 1977 Grimani embarked on a long path to find out the connections between word and image by studying in depth the semiotic interpretation of poetic texts. In 1981 she started a series of interpretation of Christmas poems, a visual ermeneutica about the relations between nature, mankind and divinity. She chose lines from G. Ungaretti, T. S. Eliot, R. M. Rilke, G. Apollinaire, Boris Pasternàk and Luis De Gongora. In 1985 she worked on Italo Calvino’s novel « Se una notte d’inverno un viaggiatore “ creating ten works on canvas exhibited for the first time at the Villa Reale di Monza then at the Palazzo dei Diamanti in Ferrara. Then she expanded her artistic research looking for the connections between music and images to achieve a gesture-sign inspired particularly by dance. In 1990 she presented “Il vuoto meraviglioso”, Zen inspired works in Lisbon (Portugal). Grimani was also attracted by the relations between macro and micro aspects of the world. Invited by an Italian Aircraft Company, she created a series of pictures on the vision of the earth from the moon. These works were presented in 1993 at the Aeronautic Exibition Le Bourget, Paris (France). The year after she was invited to an exhibitions dedicated to the 25° anniversary of the moon-landing at the Aeronautic Museum Caproni in Trento, for which she realized three triptyches called “Mappaluna 3x3”. In 1994 she presented her “Giardino dei segni” at the Festival of the Dance Oriente Occidente in Rovereto (Italy). Again, in the Museum of Modern Art (MART) of Rovereto, in 1996, she presented a series of paintings called “Dialoghi Visionari”, together with the artist Laura Pitscheider, inspired by the architectural


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vaults of an ancient palace. On 1999 she was once again in Rovereto at the Civic Library to present “Quadri per una biblioteca”, paintings inspired by her readings of Calvino, Perec, Pessoa and other writers. In 2002 she realized a series of pyrographic woodworks, trying to interpret the grain and veins of different trees. These works were shown at the Ladin Museum in Ortisei and are present on an American Museum on line. The same year she presented her first series of art-books at the exhibition “Lire en fête” in Marseille (France), invited by the Atelier Vis-à-Vis. In 2004 the exhibition “L’albero racconta” takes place in the Park of Monza invited by Italia Nostra together with a concert by the harpist Elena Cordublas and poetry reading. At the end of 2006 she starts a dialogue on Internet with an international community “Password”, a group of poets and visual artists that exchange poems and images on line: Up to now Password has presented its works in Graz, Austria, in Washington, at the Art Fair of Beijin and next shall be in Milan. In 2007 the Civic Art Gallery of Monza gave her the opportunity of presenting her artistic itinerary including her last works elaborated by the computer, together with four events of dance, music, poetry reading, and creative experiences. a.k.a. Sarima Giha is an avatar that lives and works in Second Life, Tomcorsan Place, 235.167.32. She was born the 9th of September 2007. She gave herself an aim: to present Maria Luisa Grimani’s artistic work to people who travel in this digital world and whose sensibility and creativity is particular. A supporting structure, a permanent exhibition created by the avatar Core Tatham, stands out against the sky, showing her visual lines inspired by the poems of password’s writers. Then, she set out to discover this virtual world coming into the details of the landscapes, of the scultures, of the objects created by the avatars and collecting a series of snapshots as “prove d’artista”. New visual poems, picture postcards, virtual and mental travels are described in her personal blog “il fogliomondo di Sarima“, born to tell her experiences and adventure in second life.

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db bailey january - 13 january - 15 2009 DB Bailey in Second Life is David Denton, architect in real life. David’s architectural practice includes commercial buildings, urban planning, public art, and exhibition design. His office/studio is located in Marina del Rey, California (www.daviddenton.com). Before starting his own architectural practice David was a principal in other firms, including the office of Frank Gehry. In Second Life David has been designing projects for almost two years, including a conference center for an international management consulting firm. Currently David is building a large mixed-use project called LOCUS (http:// slurl.com/secondlife/Uqbar/45/225/722 ), which is devoted to strengthening the connection between the SL and RL art and design worlds. This project – a community of creative people – is nearing completion and will feature such artists as Robert Wilson and Daniel Maltzman as well as others. David was featured in a recent article in The New York Times about architecture in the virtual world. Many articles and blogs have been written about his work. (Google “DB Bailey.”)


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dancoyote antonelli january - 15 january - 17 2009 The avatar DanCoyote was created as the proxy for David “DC” Spensley in the virtual world of Second Life. The name DanCoyote is derived from Cervantes’ Don Quixote and in honor of a coyote that Joseph Beuys lived with for a time at the René Block Gallery in New York during his 1974 action, “I like America and America Likes Me”. DanCoyote’s costume is intended to be simple and low bandwidth, placing the emphasis on work outside of the avatar. Each detail of DanCoyote’s garb, however, has significance. Yellow and black are high visibility colors and also the official colors of the City of San Francisco. The gold bands on his arms and legs symbolize a release from the bonds of gravity and physicality. The wand in the left hand is called a “caduceus”, which refers to the transformational nature of the Greek god Hermes. Caduceus .03 is also a one of a kind virtual tool, custom programmed to project commands to metamorphosize objects and installations from a distance. DC Spensley An alumni of the San Francisco Art Institute, DC Spensley has lived and worked in Northern California since 1986. Spensley wears the hat of writer, director, cinematographer, composer, performance artist and most recently has appeared as the avatar DanCoyote Antonelli in the virtual reality simulation of Second Life. While most people jea-


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lously guard their pseudonymity inside this alternate reality, Spensley attempts parity in both worlds and has exhibited internationally at the ZeroOne/ISEA conference in 2006, the Dutch Electronic Arts Festival 2006 and Ars Electronica 2007. About the work on exhibition at ARENA: I call this grouping „Recent Retrospective“ because it contains art from different bodies of my work done in the last three years as an artist in residence in the virtual world. Most prominent is the nearly kilometer tall assembly entitled „Drawing“. Drawing is neither a drawing or a sculpture, but is rather a conceptual tongue and cheek reference to both kinds of artifact that ironically cannot exist in simulated space. Drawing informs viewers about scale in the virtual world in a way unlike most constructions found in SL by negating the figurative context and pointing out the „avatar powers“ of a viewer. This encourages a viewer to become more aware of their configuration options and invites the viewer realize a new level of proficiency in experiencing simulated space. The mute monoliths animate glacially, too slow for the eye to perceive and foreground a sense of the volume of space displaced by the work. Viewers take a chair conveyance available at the „Drawing“ sign which carries them up to a vantage point high about the sim. Also on display: „Pixel Board“, a binary feedback social sculpture. Viewers click squares on the smaller panel and this input appears as output on the larger display, which is then visible from a great distance. Pixel Board explores the social urge to leave graffiti, but in a one-bit, black and white icon format. „Mutant Hossies“. These three weird quasi-horse artworks are remediations of a classic sculptural form and displayed like bronze statues on marble platforms. They are a „mashup“, or reworking of an original horse sculpture give away free by Second Life artist Nomasha Syaks. Mutant Hossies have embedded scripting that causes subtle animations to play that support the fanciful variation of horse depicted.

„Tomb Maze“ Tomb Maze uses embedded reflexive scripting to create a tomb-like maze that people are encouraged to navigate their avatar through. The maze is possible. It does take some patience, so there is always the chance an impatient avatar might become trapped and need to find other means of escape! „Very Silly Militude“ is not what it seems. Very Silly Militude characterizes the quality of verissimilitude superficially. But when set to midnight, a viewer walking through will see light cast in unusual ways. The exterior layer of the work is a deliberate misdirection and while it appears to be about the movement of heavy objects in space, it is really about the way light is occluded by them. Thanks for viewing! David „DC“ Spensley is DanCoyote in SL

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chen pitney january - 19 january - 21 2009



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alan sondheim january - 23 january - 25 2009 Debris Field is composed of all the objects I have worked with for the past eight months in Odyssey; it‘s an archaeology of one site by another - an archaeology that constructs something new out of the ruins. It‘s not ruins: It‘s compressed history. It‘s a history of compression, of textures, of objects, of mistakes, of failures, of errors, of misery, of language/sex/body, of avatar sheaveskin. It what happens when an insomniac gets hold of a virtual world. Architecture for a new year: - shapes matter less than the comfort that coheres within them. - outside assume vagaries and opposition. - architectures as transitional objects. - living within the teddy-bear. - in the Second Life installation: dynamic micro-architectures of - deconstruction and enclosure. - no entrances, no exits: one appears, disappears. - what constitutes coming and going are virtual particles = people. - virtual to the extent that one passes through doors and walls: one passes through flats, nodes, and textures. nothing is comfortable


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when the transitional turns on you. - Second Life = transitional object = preparation for virtual life. - real life = virtual life; body = inscription; wryting = body; - uncanny = inscription; world = word; word = idiotic. - micro-architectures of the visible: setting up the camera image just so: harboring time of day, weather, height, distance from avatar or avatar viewpoint, location beneath the ground or water surface or clothing, location in collusion with sheave-skin, moment of capture = arrangement of objects in flight. - micro-architectures within objects in flight: buildings escaped from occupants, homes escaped from families, dwellings escaped from inhabitants, bodies escaped from inscription. - bodies escaped from inscription: debris of the body, abjection. - abjection in micro-architecture: no place to sit, no place to lie: an avatar never lies. no place to sleep: an avatar never sleeps; no place to declare: an avatar tells the truth. - coordinates, program, language, protocol, code, alphanumerics, binary oppositions: the truth of anything unforsaken in the saying of it. - micro-architectures: between code and architecture. For Arena installation in Second Life: 1. Dropping those objects which have been taken - piled, flight: everything flees, there‘s always clear space. 2. Physical objects: non-phantom, but dropped, held in position, but whatever for? 3. Something tawdry, indigestible. 4. Flight to such a degree that they soon tunnel out of site (for most settings), head out of world - the site has to be _tended,_ constantly refurbished. Tended = a tendency to _disappear._ 5. To work on _inpenetrable_ sound. 6. To work on transparent non-phantom objects: another position. 7. Intensities as things meld into one another - in the form

of a debris field. 8. Debris field = Gaza-slaughter. (title?) 9. Particulation of objects. 10. Object rings with internal physical objects can‘t get out. 11. None of the above. 12. Try and reach 4098m with pile. (Got to 2327.) How to view here and in the Odyssey show suggestions 1. Try turning the glow off. Go to preferences, graphics, and uncheck basic shading, if it‘s on. Basic shading seems to use up more resources than anything else with the rendering engine. You can also set things like rendering distance; the lower the distance, the faster the loading. 2. Turn the video media button off. This on the lower righthand corner of the screen. If you turn it on, the texturemapping consumes a huge amount of resources. On the other hand, the audio for the parcel (the audio button) runs fairly lean. 3. If you find the space too cluttered to enter, try flying in. 4. If you find flying in too cluttered, fly higher, and drop in. There is a dome in the center of the space which you can enter. 5. Most objects on the ground level (and some beneath the ground, on the seafloor) will flee from you - what looks crowded from a distance might well clear out. 6. If it clears out, look up - you‘ll see all sorts of things above you. 7. Fly vertically to see the rest of the exhibition. If you can‘t fly as high as you want, click control-alt-d, which opens up an advanced menu. Open the menu and get rid of camera constraints. You can then move the camera at a great distance from your avatar body - your

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viewpoint moves independently, and you can move at least to the top of the exhibition, which is maybe a mile or so up, SL measurement. 8. If you get stuck anywhere, teleport back in. 9. Try moving inside the objects; the interior textures are often different from the exterior ones (this is almost always the case with the spheres). 10. You can push objects vertically into the sky by moving beneath them and flying; they flee upwards. 11. You can see the exhibition ‚differently‘ by using the advanced menu, going to render, and then looking for info - clicking on any one of the info options will give you different viewpoints. 12. You can often sit on moving objects, which will whirl you around; if you sit on an object that moves vertically as a result of your proximity, you can ride it up. When you stand up again, you can fall down back into the space. The riding height seems to be around 4098 SL units, but unless you have a flight bracelet or feather, you probably won‘t go that high. (Gaz can go anywhere.) 13. Moving about on the ground level, keep the sound turned on (lower right), and you‘ll hear a variety of songs about SL and language. These mix with a number of looping sound modules embedded in the space. 14. Go to http://www.kippiefriedkin.com/resources/ secondlife-viewer-cheatsheet.pdf for shortcuts for all sorts of rendering possibilities; most of these are also available in the menu or advanced menu. 15. If you‘ve been moving around SL a lot, go to preferences, and empty your cache; this might speed things up. You‘ll have to restart SL again. 16. If you see a sign for teleporting, try it. Sometimes it will

lead back to the ground level, sometimes to the seabed, sometimes to a skysphere. All of these locations have clickable objects which will take you else- where (or back to the same space but at a slightly different location). You might have to rightclick on the object, then click on teleport - or you might just left click - it depends on the object. 17, Try different ‚lenses‘ - click on control-8 to make the image wide- angle, control-9 to return to normal, control-0 for telephoto. Repeated clicks work as well - with control-8 you can create extreme distortions. 18, Try moving into ‚small‘ spaces and look about. You can save snapshots of anything you see, on your hard drive. 19. That‘s about it. The general idea is to run lean, fly about, teleport back if you‘re stuck, play with the controls. The architecture is constantly changing and deconstructing itself – play. original exhibition http://slurl.com/secondlife/Odyssey/48/12/22

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Holy888 Skjellerup january - 27 january - 29 2009



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Humming Pera & Gumnosophistai Nurmi january - 27 february - 3 2009 Humming Pera performs with Gumnosophistai Nurmi. Real time sonic art made with prototypical sine tone and colour-emitting instruments built in Second Life. Humming Pera puts her avatar self up against her musical self in an admission that she is seeking experiences of true and moving musical beauty in a virtual world. 25 minute Program: Hummonica Solo by Humming, PwRHm Duo by Humming and Gumno; and Metanaut Duo - Plundered Sound and Sine Tones. Instruments built by Bingo Onomatopoeia, with particle design by Goodwind Seiling. Tina Pearson / Humming Pera www.myspace.com/lasammusic http://hummingpera.blogspot.com/ http://hummingpera.podomatic.com/


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Sowa Mai january - 28 january - 30 2009 No Man Is An Island Aequitas is a non-profit multinational conglomerate of dada intellectuals involved with the exploration of biological impulses and their effect on modern psyche through the medium of anti-conceptual physics and minor abstractions. The intent is not to make a clear statement, but to overwork and overwhelm with endless details and muddled effects thereby confusing the viewer in to believing they are witnessing something beyond their grasp and therefore true, fine art. No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as if a manor of thy friend‘s or of thine own were: any man‘s death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee (Devotions upon Emergent Occasions, #17). -- 17th-century English poet John Donne If people allowed themselves to experience the pain of others -- they would not be able to inflict it: no bombs, no murders, no tortures, no attacks of any kind. If people allowed themselves to remember that the bell of judgment, like Donne‘s bell of death, tolls for them, and that their guilt would cause them to pay the price of their vengeance and hatred, of the pettiness of their projections -- there would be only peace and no judgment of others.


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If people recognized that air, water, and nuclear pollution symbolize caring only for the satisfaction of their greed to the blatant disregard of others, and that such selfishness but hurts them -- they would cease to pollute in an instant. For who would rape minerally rich lands, wresting in righteous wrath treasures that were not theirs, knowing it was their own treasure of love they were losing? For who would willingly choose the murderous thought system of specialness, inflicting pain and suffering upon another, knowing it was their own death they were plotting? Finally, which government would willingly choose the murderous thought system of imperialism, inflicting pain and suffering upon others, knowing it was their own riches they were plundering? -- Kenneth Wapnick, Ph.D. A Journey to One through two. An awakening from a dream of death. Please keep arms and legs inside at all times. There exists in the wall of fear A keystone clear A message spoken only you can hear Aequitas thanks: Carleon Franz Kafka Glyph Graves John Donne luce Laval Innula Zenovka Remnant Ashbourne Davy Maltz Neil Young ArchTx Edo Roxelo Babenco Arco Rosca

But in the darkness he can now perceive a radiance that streams inextinguishably from the DOOR OF THE LAW. Now his life is drawing to a close. Before he dies, all that he has experienced during the whole time of his sojourn condenses in his mind into one question, which he has never put to the doorkeeper.… “Everyone strives to attain the Law,…how does it come about, then, that in all these years no one has come seeking admittance but me?” The doorkeeper perceives that the man is nearing his end and his hearing is failing, so he bellows in his ear: “No one but you could gain admittance through this door, since this door was intended for you. I am now going to shut it.” -- Franz Kafka

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Cienega Soon january - 31 february - 02 2009 Cienega Soon Arrived in Second Life® 12/2/2006. logs in from southern California USA www.cienegasoon.com Cienega’s RL artwork runs through many mediums; Oil and acrylics, sculpting with metal and wood on a large scale. Soft Leather and feather work mixed with glass, and her stained glass work. Cienega‘s reason for not bringing her RL work to the grid, is her view of the differences of each environment. She sees a special beauty in Second Life® and believes it should be celebrated in its environment without her RL stuff hanging around in an unnatural view. Art to Cien is alive everywhere she creates it, an expression of her need to sing with her hand and eyes. Cienega Soon‘s Second Life® became exciting after she discovered the snapshot feature at the bottom of the screen in June of 2007. Experimenting with her newly purchased PScs2 program launched her Second Life® career. Opening her first Gallery in Valeriya, August 2007. ARENA exhibit Saying emotion and feelings with art is like music. There is a flow of sound through out my work. A little on the dark side, but still light enough to find a connection. Rancor is my most important piece so far. I have a need to convey the pain of betrayal. The over reaction of jealousy and the feeling of retaliation. Here Rancor is a reminder that hate and un-forgiveness causes scars in both directions. The one holding the hate, and the one receiving it. Walk through Rancor ... there is a small moment of a break through when you walk into love. If you carry any un-forgiveness I hope you can see a bit better. Just release it and feel free for a moment.


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Bingo Onomatopoeia february - 04 february - 06 2009

Bio Andreas Mueller / Bingo Onomatopoeia, Regensburg, Germany Andreas Mueller, member of the media-art group Pomodoro Bolzano, started exploring the sonic universe with a tape recorder as early as during elemantary-school, when he tried out things from a book on tape-experiments from the school‘s library. During his teenage years in the eighties, while playing in noisy bands, he started publishing experimental tracks through the international tape-trader scene. Despite some detours into other fields of performing arts (mainly painting) his main focus has stayed on audio-art. His latest works were contributions for Das kleine Fieldrecording Festival in Regensburg and Berlin, Ljudrum in Eskilstuuna/Sweden and several Placards, mainly under the name Transponderfish. With his avatar Bingo Onomatopoeia he researches the creative potential of the virtual reality in Second Life: by networking, collaborating with other artists, building instruments for the Avatar Orchestra Metaverse and by performing with these.


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mosmax hax february - 08 february - 10 2009

„Opera Automatica“ der nTrivialmaschinen Actors: Sapiosexual Ferraris, Hardwarehacker Hoch, Cosima Snook, Cinzia Zanzibar, Schwanzlurch Salamander, Falsche Hoffnung, Hirnhaut Suppenkraut, Erdbeermund Schnute, Inworld Zapatero, Inworld Placebo, Hegemon Maximus. Adolf Svoboda. Act always so as to increase the number of choices. The world, as we perceive it, is our own invention.(Heinz von Foerster) You will get a Landmark of the Play by the SL-groups Synthetic Event / Not Possible IRL, ARENA uqbar. media art culture, Odyssey Art and Performance. BIO http://mosmax.wordpress.com/ Max Moswitzer lives and works in Vienna and Zurich. Moswitzer‘s output is in Fine Art and the construction of playful situations, for which he has used dérive and détournement as a methodology for the transformation and reverse engineering of networked computer games and art systems. He has been his own server provider since 1996, via www.konsum.net where you can see several projects and collaborations. In the last years he is teaching Game Desing and Second Life.


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georg janick february 11 2009



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evo szuyuan february 13 - february 15 2009 Bio Evo Szuyuan is a new media artist, programmer, curator and machinimatographer. With a main interest for Virtual Reality and Immersive and Networked Environments she contributed to numerous international collaborative Art and Research projects that have been awarded and presented at festivals, galleries and musea all over the world, including Ars Electronica, DEAF and the Swiss National Museum. In 2006 she started exploring the potential of the Second Life platform as the avatar Evo Szuyuan. There she got involved in creating movies with and for music groups, performance and installation artists. These movies have been screened at, among other places, the Rome Filmfest and at the European Machinima Festival, where they received nominations in 3 award categories. She is currently finishing the machinimatography for the feature lengh movie „Fly me/ Volavola“, which is shot entirely in Second Life. More info at http://www.creativemachinery.org and http://www.evolutie.org


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ida aabye february 16 - february 18 2009 Nathalie Fougeras aka ida Aabye DOUBLE_SKIN versus „choreography for one hand“ 2 live performances sessions each day at 09 and 10 PM CET - 12AM SLT and 01 AM SLTlimited at 5 persons in each session DOUBLE_SKIN versus „choreography for one hand“ Double_skin project was in the Residency program at the bains connective::art laboratory, Brussels, 01& 02 2008 , supported by the Communauté française de Belgique, Arts numériques , partner in SL: Diabolus Carp BIO http://nathaliefougeras.org/ Nathalie Fougeras studied the contemporary art and she obtained a post-diploma ARI (interactive research) at the School of Art E.N.S.A.D. in Paris.She began to explore new media with interactive cinema, exhibited her works in several festivals like Jouable Geneve-Kyoto-Paris. From 2007 she performs in two online remote groups where she explores the performing art and the mixed reality.Also she curated ‘Stream On You’ at the Centre for the Digital Cultures and Technology in iMAL Bruxelles. She is co-producer of the Upgrade! Ostersund-Stockholm.Her last project ‘double_skin’ explores the identity, the bodies, the spaces and the avatar. http://uqbararena.blogspot.com/ Credits: Overall concept & performance: Nathalie Fougeras aka ida Aabye Sound concept & soundtrack: Björn Eriksson aka Miulew Takahe Environment & set design, LSL scripts: László Ördögh Diabolus aka Velazquez Bonetto


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nicolas sack february 20 - february 22 2009 Nicolas Sack nasce in Second Life il 4 aprile 2007. Ben presto si dedica al disegno di moda ed al building, senza peraltro ancora intuire le potenzialità creative insite nel Metaverso. Dopo una pausa di inattività e di lontananza da SL, rientra e comincia la collaborazione col Museo del Metaverso, che prosegue fino ad oggi. Durante questo periodo, aiutato e sollecitato dalla viva ed interessante attività del MdM e dei suoi collaboratori, subisce il fascino delle textures e dei suoi colori, cimentandosi nella creazione di opere che riscuotono un valido consenso già dal primo momento. Tutta la sua opera è influenzata dal colore e dal suo movimento, integrati in strutture semplici e geometriche, che ne esaltano con variazioni cromatiche semplici, l‘effetto suggestivo. Cubi, griglie e coni, se da un lato sembrano suggerire un riferimento alle luci vivide e multicolori della metropoli con le sue insegne, dall‘altro si mescolano e si intrecciano in un arcobaleno presente già in natura. Nicolas Sack attualmente frequenta ed è tester anche nella OpenSim italiana di Cyberlandia, dove questa stessa esposizione è presentata in contemporanea con Second Life. Per accedere a Cyberlandia, bisogna registrare un avatar, alla pagina http://www.cyberlandia.net/ quindi teleportarsi all isola „Cyberlandia“. Oppure da qualunque grid opensim abilitata all hypergrid utilizzare la slurl: secondlife://grid.cyberlandia.net:9000/ Cyberlandia è una grid italiana basata sul simulatore Opensim. dove chiunque puo creare gratuitamente un avatar o inserire una propriaisola estendendo in maniera collaborativa il mondo virtuale.


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