International Art Machines

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international art machines

Naomi Devil aka. Josina den Burger aka. Laszlo Ă–rdĂśgh Diabolus aka. Jan van der Woning aka. Sven Vikokel aka.


Caravaggio Bonetto Josina Burgess Velazquez Bonetto Janpanno Novi Junivers Stockholm

edited by velazquez bonetto artspace diabolus cybernetic art research project 2010 12


international art machines

international art machines

Credits: Project coordination: Naomi Devil aka Caravaggio Bonetto photos: László Ördögh Diabolus SL creative director, build & scripting: László Ördögh Diabolus aka.Velazquez Bonetto

artspace diabolus cybernetic art research project 2010 2010



international art machines

international art machines

Artist: Junivers Stockholm Sven Vikokel is the man behind junivers Stockholm. Sven has always had a very big interest in music. Guitar has been his main instrument for about 45 years. In a young age he formed bands, made records but also ran a recording studio where he was a recording technician, producer and composer. 1984 he got the chance to start one of Europes first local TV stations. He took the opportunity to do so for many reasons. One of the big reasons was that he was able to make a change concerning the understanding of the powerfull media and also let “the people� get access to this power. 1986 he discovered the interactive multimedia. The longing for working with this new media made him finally move on. 1993 he formed his own company - Inco media&Network AB. 1994 he started a branch of this company in Thailand and 1996 he initiated the same in China. Due to personal reasons he was back in the localTV business 1997. 1998 he was headhunted to build a mediacentre in Sweden. The times were tough and unemployment rate grew high. By teaching from his forefront repetoair he got all of the participants at the mediacentre, that were unemployd, a job. 2001 he took a job at the biggest commercial TV

station in Sweden. That was TV4. This was in a time when the Internet started to grow a lot and became a big competitor to TV. 2006 He tried to start a forefront WebTV station. The webTV was supposed to help spread ethical values. Svens awareness about a planet in destress became an urgent driving force - even more than before. The WebTV channel is still not launced but is still an active as a potential project amongst other projects. 2005 was the year he got his first avatar. 2006 he got an avatar in Second Life. During all years and all jobs he was still active as an musician in many ways, but 2006 the avatar of Sven, junivers Stockholm, was the name of his music career. Both Sven Vikokel and junivers Stockholm are valid when registering the copyrights at the Swedish organisation STIM. -----------------------------------------------------------Junivers Stockholm in Secondlife Works there as composer, gives now and then live concerts. He cooperates with various people on this international arena. His music career in SL started by using only playable SL instrument. He formed 2 bands, SL ART Ensemble & Worldpeacejammers. Sometimes the jammers come together and do some SL jams. Works together with the international team CARP. (Cybernetic Art Research Project) wrote the endsong for The Wall together with Josina Burgess(Director Debbie Trilling). Composed the music for the Rings with lyricks of Medora Chevalier, Josina Burgess and himself (Director Velazquez Bonetto). Both shows ran for many months. The latest music production is a version of the Bolero by RavĂŠl made for CARP.



international art machines

Performs live in the lightshow “Follow the Light”, a show with the lightshow master Jannne Janus, choreographer Medora Chevalier and the international Imaginals dance group. Backtracks which he composed and plays/programmes all instruments are used in many projects. He has a wide rang of styles - some with vocals and some instrumental. He works a lot for social and environmental justice. Worked with the 6 days Human Rights festival and the 9 days Earth Week and the Imagine Festivals. His goal and interest is to “make the world a better place” both as an arranger and a musician. php?id=100001545814105 CDBaby iTunes Amazon h t t p : / / w w w. a m a z o n . c o m / s / r e f = n b _ s b _ noss?url=search-alias%3Dpopular&field-keyword s=junivers+stockholm&x=0&y=0 Spotify h t t p : / / o p e n . s p o t i f y . c o m / artist/0CPctYSBArUPCOexh9BKj6

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international art machines

Josina studied at the Famous Artists Schools of America and graduated in illustration, advertisement,free painting and drawing. She studied under Ben Stahl, Al Parker, Jon Witcomb, Fred Ludekens, Peter Helck, got her papers in 1967 and then decided to become a ...singer.. She studied under Beb Ogterop and as a professional singer she worked successfully in the Netherlands especially in the 70ties (was the first female protestsinger) . Made several albums, was a member of the Knokke Songfestival Team and had her own Radio and Personality show on the Dutch Television. Performed in all Dutch Theaters and was a guest in many radio and television shows. Later on she traveled around the world and performed in many international television shows. Worked for the Spanish television and after that she became the leading lady of the well known close-harmony trio “The New Shepherds”, later in “Close Encounter” and “September” were she had her own 7 mans band. Made several albums again and performed on Dutch Radio and Television. During all those years of traveling she continued painting and drawing. Once a painter, always a painter. The work has many facets. Feelings and impressions, sometimes subtile, but also powerful and above all the use of bright colors are specific for her art. Expressionism, Abstract as well as Figurative paintings, explosions of color, gold and bronze, memories and emotions are telling their story. Josina uses mixed techniques, some developped herself, in a very personal style, abstracts, flowers and landscapes, recognizable or with free expression. The composition,technique, the colors and the shapes are giving an extra dimen-

sion to her paintings. They have to be “beautiful” not boring and always a pleasure to look at. In the end of 2006 she started working in Secondlife, looking for new possibilities in the Metaverse. Experimenting with New Art, building hyperformal, animated and interactive sculptures, Founded C.A.R.P (Cybernatic Art Research Projects) together with Lazlo Oerdoegh a Hungarian Professor and started working together with international artists from all over the globe, new Theatrical shows and performences were developed with the team, like the WALL, The RINGS, Metropolis, Cybernetic Schoeffer Tour, Alien Bolero Show, V-Jazz and much more. Creativity (or “creativeness”) is a mental process involving the generation of new ideas or concepts, or new associations between existing ideas or concepts. Creative innovation might require co-activation and communication between regions of the brain that ordinarily are not strongly connected. Creativity techniques are heuristic methods to facilitate creativity in a person or a group of people. Generally, most creativity techniques use associations between the goal (or the problem), the current state (which may be an imperfect solution to the problem), and some stimulus (possibly selected randomly). A random image, sound, or article can be used instead of a random word as a kind of creativity goal or provocation. In Secondlife collaboration of Art and science is a need the outcome is just beautiful.



international art machines

IAM Picture Exhivbition 3: photography Josina Burgess is a way of life by Artistide Despres (2010. 05 artspace diabolus benvolio)

international art machines



international art machines

IAM (International Art Machines ) RL artwork exhibition Josina den Burger 2010

international art machines

IAM (International Art Machines ) RL artwork exhibition Josina den Burger 2010



international art machines

IAM (International Art Machines ) RL artwork exhibition Josina den Burger 2010

international art machines

IAM (International Art Machines ) RL artwork exhibition Josina den Burger 2010



international art machines

IAM (International Art Machines ) RL artwork exhibition Josina den Burger 2010

international art machines

IAM (International Art Machines ) RL artwork exhibition Josina den Burger 2010



international art machines

IAM (International Art Machines ) RL artwork exhibition Josina den Burger 2010

international art machines

IAM (International Art Machines ) RL artwork exhibition Josina den Burger 2010



international art machines

IAM (International Art Machines ) RL artwork exhibition Josina den Burger 2010

international art machines

IAM (International Art Machines ) RL artwork exhibition Josina den Burger 2010



international art machines

IAM (International Art Machines ) RL artwork exhibition Josina den Burger 2010

international art machines

IAM (International Art Machines ) RL artwork exhibition Josina den Burger 2010



international art machines

international art machines

About Velazquez Bonetto aka. László Ördögh Diabolus RL profession: Industrial Avatar programmer, Industry Designer, Virtual Human Engineer php?lang=en php?lang=de My artistic activity is an integrated part of a wider carrier. It is nourished by more than thirty years of professional experience gathered in such different fields as industrial design, computer graphics, virtual reality and ergonomics. It has multiple influences on my art. Firstly, owing to years in software production I have developed several new techniques that can be roughly classified as mixed media. On the other hand, industrial scenes, structures and objects have become substantial parts of my artistic language. My industrial experience has helped me to a deeper insight into the entangled economic and political connections that are the propelling forces of our world. I’ve got a vivid picture of the looming problems that may lead us toward a sinister future. It is my main concern as an artist to call the public attention to questions where further thinking and searching for solutions is needed. The message of an artwork comes on several channels and addresses both the emotional and the rational side of the viewer. Every work may have many different interpretations. There is nothing more boring than explanations at how it should be understood and nothing more exciting and thrilling than a simple and

clear artistic language that can talk in a a second of visual delight about human questions of huge magnitude. My works are all reflections of such moments that have forced me to think and to talk in my own language. I have achieved my goal if my artworks have launched a chain of thoughts in the viewer’s mind. About the Art Space Diabolus The Art Space Diabolus was founded in SL on the 24th june 2007 by Caravaggio Bonetto, Velazquez Bonetto, and Josina Burgess for Experimental Cybernetic Art. Locations: Benvolio, Malvolio & Jourdain simulators in Second Life, CARP1, CARP2, Yoshiwara and Rotwangs_labor simulators in Metropolis Metaversum and Craft Metaversum in collaboration with MdM (OSG). About the CARP (Cybernetic Art Research Project) The miracle that we are experiencing today: the Cyberspace, the dematerialized virtual timespace, the worldwide webbed society. where we surf around with lightspeed. An artist that is NOT using this virtual universe as a challenge and a goal doesnt deserve the name Avantgarde. ART space Diabolus CARP Team stand since its founding for Experimental Art on the most modern medium for Art. Our goal is: to produce technicaly and contentualy attempting and innovating ART with the possibilities of the worldwide web virtual media. In one word we call this: HyperArt (HAtr). The artistic creations we represent we name: Hyperfunktionalism. CARP Creators have created since then many innova-



international art machines

tions like: Virtual Architecture, Audio Art, Interactive Kinetic Art, complex Cybernetic Art, Worldwide collaborative Audiovisual Improvisation, Presentation Technics, Virtual Theatre, immersive 4D Cinema, Video, Collaborastive Creations and Art-scripting. The CARP Team has published all their work, creations and developments in the CARP e-book Series .

e-book publications of the diabolus/carp:

hyperform follows hyperfunction “It is the pervading law of all things organic, inorganic or generic, Of all things physical, metaphysical or virtual, Of all things human and all things avatar, Of all true manifestations of the intellect, Of the heart, of the soul, That the life is recognizable in its expression, That form ever follows function. This is the law in the real world. That hyperform ever follows hyperfunction. This is the law in the metaverse.” Henri Labrouste (* 11. Mai 1801 in Paris; † 26. Juni 1875 in Fontainebleau) Louis Henri Sullivan (* 3. September 1856 Boston; † 14. April 1924 Chicago) hyperfunctional extensions by Velazquez Bonetto aka Laszlo Oerdoegh Diabolus

international art machines



international art machines

IAM (International Art Machines ) RL artwork exhibition Lรกszlรณ ร rdรถgh Diabolus 2010

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international art machines

IAM (International Art Machines ) RL artwork exhibition Lรกszlรณ ร rdรถgh Diabolus 2010 Global players

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IAM (International Art Machines ) RL artwork exhibition Lรกszlรณ ร rdรถgh Diabolus 2010 Thomas faber



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IAM (International Art Machines ) RL artwork exhibition Lรกszlรณ ร rdรถgh Diabolus 2010 Hermes Lab. triptichon

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IAM (International Art Machines ) RL artwork exhibition Lรกszlรณ ร rdรถgh Diabolus 2010 Time- Life



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IAM (International Art Machines ) RL artwork exhibition Lรกszlรณ ร rdรถgh Diabolus 2010 Time- Life

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IAM (International Art Machines ) RL artwork exhibition Lรกszlรณ ร rdรถgh Diabolus 2010 Rafael



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IAM (International Art Machines ) RL artwork exhibition Lรกszlรณ ร rdรถgh Diabolus 2010 Dorka

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IAM (International Art Machines ) RL artwork exhibition Lรกszlรณ ร rdรถgh Diabolus 2010 FABEX



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IAM (International Art Machines ) RL artwork exhibition Lรกszlรณ ร rdรถgh Diabolus 2010 FABEX

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IAM (International Art Machines ) RL artwork exhibition Lรกszlรณ ร rdรถgh Diabolus 2010 Commercial TV



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IAM (International Art Machines ) RL artwork exhibition Lรกszlรณ ร rdรถgh Diabolus 2010 Hommage a Miro

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IAM (International Art Machines ) RL artwork exhibition Lรกszlรณ ร rdรถgh Diabolus 2010 Hommage a Miro



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international art machines

gliano name: Noémi Ördög artist name: Naomi Devil

works in museums: Museum of Young Art Vienna Karton Gallery and Museum Budapest K-ARTS KÈSZ Müvészeti Gyüjtemény

graduated as Master of Art in Academy of Fine Arts Vienna 2008 living in: D-Stuttgart, A-Vienna, H-Budapest e-mail: website:

art faires:

studies: 2002,2003,2006: Sommerakademie für Bildende Kunst Salzburg : Caroline Broadhead (London)/Andrea Fogli (Rome)/Rivka Rinn (Rome, Berlin) 2004-2008: Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, Kontextuelle Malerei: prof. Muntean/Rosenblum, Elke Krystufek,Hans Schreil 2006-2010: Technisches Universität Wien, Architektur: prof. William Alsop grants: 2006:Sommerakademie Salzburg Leistungsstipendium 2007:Second Life Architecture Award: Best 40 organisation: 2008, 2009: Changing Strategies Architecture Symposium, graphic and speaker, initiator:prof. William Alsop teaching: 2009: Sommeracademy Villa Floreal, Cade-

1.Art.Fair Cologne 2006 Galerie Exner 2.Budapest Fair 2008 KARTON Gallery solo exhibitions: 1.Gallery Tetõ: The Digital Oil, 2004,Budapest 2.Gallery Mucius, The PINKFERNO, 2005, Budapest 3.Gallery Nagyhàzy, 2005, Budapest 4.Galery Art Position, 2005, Wien 5.MOYA, 4 Einzelaustellungen: Naomi Devil,Adam Bota, Jaye, Stylianos Schicho 2005-2006, Wien 6.Gallery Mucius, DOWNLOAD::MEDIA, 2006 7.Hungaryan Cultural Center Prague,SACE WARP, 2007, Prague 8.Museum Postsparkasse, X-ist resists x-cite, during [changing_strategies] 2008, Wien 9.Gallery Artitude, 2008-2009, Budapest 10. Gallery Bast, Sells like teen spirit, 2010, Marbach am Neckar



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group exhibitions: 1.The closing exhibition of prof. Caroline Broadhead’s class, 2002, Salzburg 2.The closing exhibition of prof. Rivka Rinn’s class, 2003, Salzburg 3.Gallery Vertigo: The Vertigo Chroniucle, 2003-2004, Canada 4.Gallery Vinopolis: Art In MIND Part 4, 2004,London 5.Gallery Zsidró: Zsuzsa Gesztelyi Nagy’s, Márta Kucsora’s, Naomi Devil’s and Melitta Németh’s paintings , 2004, Budapest 6.Mucius Gallery Coffee: 9 artists of Gallery Mucius, 2004, Budapest 7.Selfportait UK 14-19 2005 Touring exhibition: Sunderland Museum & Winter Gardens, Manchester Art Gallery, National Museum & Gallery Cardiff, Peterborough Digital Arts Museum & Gallery, The New Art Gallery Walsall, National Portrait Gallery London, London Underground 8.Gallery Mucius, Budapest, 2005 A könyv utóélete 9.Art Position 2005, Ottakringer Brauerei, Wien 10.II. Keruleti Alkotok Tarlata 2005, Budapest (Exhibition of the artists from the 2. district) 11.MOYA (Museum Of Young Art)- New Romantics- from 2005 Selfportrait with avatar August- Wien 12.IZD Tower Vienna- Naomi Devil, Garcia Pozo, 2005 13.With Adrien Kiss and Istvan Szanto, Akademie der Bildenden Künste Wien, Projektraum, 2005, Wien 14.Mucius & Diabolus Contemporary Fine Art Gallery (László Fehér,András Halász, András Koncz, Mucius, Naomi Devil, István Orosz),2006, Budapest 15.Exhibition Room of Ernst Museum Budapest: Dorottya Galeria,Dorottya Open Show, 2006 June 6-10., Budapest 16.II. Keruleti Alkotok Tarlata 2006, Budapest (Exhibition of the artists from the 2. district) 17.The closing exhibition of prof. Andrea Fogli’s class, 2006, Salzburg 18.Galerie Exner: Junge Sommer 2006, Wien 19.Galerie Exner: POP 07, Wien 20.Exhibition of prof. Andrea Fogli’s class, 2007, Rome 21.Embodyment, Klasse Kontextuelle Malerei, Akademie der Bildenden Künste-Aula,2008, Wien 22.Diplomaustellung, Akademie der Bildenden Künste, Semperdepot, 2008, Wien 23. „NÖNEM“ Kovács Lola, Nagy Kriszta, Szépfalvi Ágnes, Fabricius Anna, Naomi Devil, Tóth Ágnes, Udvardy Emese, Varga Zsófi a, Erdei Krisztina, Babinszky Csilla, Chilf Mária, Jóna Gudvardardóttir (Izland), Péter Ágnes, Deli Ágnes, Samira Sinai, Kecskeméten az Erdei Ferenc Kulturális és Konferencia Központ, 2009, Kecskemét 23. Wir leben und arbeiten in Wien, Area 35, 2010, Wien 24. Nord Art 2010, 2010-2011, Büdelsdorf-D

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publications: 1. Gent Sanat 114, Daha 17. , 2004, Istanbul 2. Nepszabadsag, 2004 Május 2. , Budapest 3. Újbuda: Digitális olaj és poszt-popart, 2004 Május 26. , Budapest 4. MTV1 (Hungaryan Television): Galéria, 2004, Budapest 5. : Diák Art, 2004, Budapest 6. Gent Sanat 117, Tetõ Gallery’ de „Dijital Yagliboyalar“,2004,Istanbul 7. Gent Sanat 119, Artshole’ dan yaz sergisi, 2004, Istanbul 7. Rapscallion 16, She is 17 and paint like an angel..she is Naomi Devil, 2004, London 8. Pro Arts, Close Up Portait:Chronistin der Jugendkultur,Portraitmalerei einer jungen Frau 2005, Wien 9. ST/A/R Magazin- Buch 11, 2005 Vienna 10. Linguablanca Webmagazine issue #1 ( 11. Szines Mailap, 2005.11.23, Budapest 12. Blikk, January 06, 2006, Budapest 13. Blikk, February 06, 2006, Budapest 14. Interview with MOYA, January 2006, Wien 15. First catalogue of Naomi Devil, 2006 16. Interview with Extreme-Art (, June 2006, Budapest 17. Interview Foggygrizzly (,November,2006 18. The Great Fashion Illustration Book, by Martin Dawber, 2007 19. Second Life Architecture Award: Best 40, München 20. Uj Muveszet, Budapest Fair review ,December 2008, Budapest 21. Terezvarosi Ujsag,December 2008, Budapest 22. Budapest Sun ,December 2008, Budapest 23. Domino TV,December 2008, Budapest 24. Klubradio Interview in Mecenas,December 2008, Budapest 25. Book illustration, Andras Gregorik: Basic Fault, 2009, Budapest 26. Studienarbeit TU Wien, EMOTICON, 2010


international art machines

IAM (International Art Machines ) RL artwork exhibition Naomi Devil 2010

international art machines

IAM (International Art Machines ) RL artwork exhibition Naomi Devil 2010



international art machines

IAM (International Art Machines ) RL artwork exhibition Naomi Devil 2010

international art machines

IAM (International Art Machines ) RL artwork exhibition Naomi Devil 2010



international art machines

IAM (International Art Machines ) RL artwork exhibition Naomi Devil 2010

international art machines

IAM (International Art Machines ) RL artwork exhibition Naomi Devil 2010



international art machines

IAM (International Art Machines ) RL artwork exhibition Naomi Devil 2010

international art machines

IAM (International Art Machines ) RL artwork exhibition Naomi Devil 2010



international art machines

IAM (International Art Machines ) RL artwork exhibition Naomi Devil 2010

international art machines

IAM (International Art Machines ) RL artwork exhibition Naomi Devil 2010



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international art machines



international art machines

IAM (International Art Machines ) RL artwork exhibition Naomi Devil 2010

international art machines

IAM (International Art Machines ) RL artwork exhibition Naomi Devil 2010



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international art machines

made an expedition to the Antarctic as part of an art project.

wanted to become a photographer when he made his first picture at age sixteen and became a professional at the age of 25 when he got his grade for photography from the Dutch “Fotovakschool”. the Dutch Academy for Photography. He also studied at Hans Goetze, now the Academy for Photography. Most of his work is commercial but in 1999 he started to make 396 degrees panoramic images and the work shifted more to editorial and interactive photography for websites and CD-Roms and DVDs. His photos are printed with the latest techniques and in the highest quality, mostly in large formats and are sold at artmarkets, galleries and museums. He is in the ING artcollection. Expositions have been in The Panorama Mesdag Museum in the Hague Netherlands, Artkite Museum in Detmold Germany, Photokina Cologne Germany, Macworld San Fransisco USA and others. He speaks 3 languages fluently and 3 fairly well so communication during travel is not a problem. He travelled through many countries in Europe, North and Central Africa, Asia and the United States including Alaska. There he photographed the consequences of Climate change. Currently he is involved in an project called Awareness, website He also was in Middle and South America and in Borneo, Indonesia for WWF and Greenpeace to make panoramas of illegal logging. And he

Advertisement agencies like Publicis use his photography for campaigns for example for Renault, where Jans articity and commerciality are combined. About panoramic photography The photos are more then 360 degrees, so a repetion of the part that allready has been taken takes place. But changes that happened in the time that passed, result in a shift in time, a transformation of time and space. Left is behind, but so is the rigth. Where am I myself, a new reality is created. The images give an “impossible” view of our world. About his style Jan likes to shoot landscapes and people. He thinks the nicest moment of the day is the twilight zone between sunset or rise and the darkness of the nigth and a lot of his pictures are taken in this short but beautiful period. The attraction lies in the in the strange and different character of the ligth combined with the extraordinary to see the whole world around you with a surplus two dimensionaly. On the Antarctic and in Alaska the sun rise and set lasted for hours or did not even occur because the sun stayed above the horizon so this was a real “Eldorado”. He travels a lot, always to places where a normal tourist does not go, to get the best pictures possible. Look at !



international art machines

IAM (International Art Machines ) RL artwork exhibition Jan van der Woning 2010

international art machines



international art machines

international art machines



international art machines

IAM (International Art Machines ) RL artwork exhibition Jan van der Woning 2010

international art machines



international art machines

IAM (International Art Machines ) RL artwork exhibition Jan van der Woning 2010

international art machines



international art machines

IAM (International Art Machines ) RL artwork exhibition Jan van der Woning 2010

international art machines



international art machines

IAM (International Art Machines ) RL artwork exhibition Jan van der Woning 2010

international art machines



international art machines

IAM (International Art Machines ) RL artwork exhibition Jan van der Woning 2010

international art machines



international art machines

IAM (International Art Machines ) RL artwork exhibition architecture by Velazquez Bonetto 2010

international art machines



international art machines

IAM (International Art Machines ) RL artwork exhibition architecture by Velazquez Bonetto 2010

international art machines

IAM (International Art Machines ) RL artwork exhibition architecture by Velazquez Bonetto 2010



international art machines

IAM (International Art Machines ) RL artwork exhibition architecture by Velazquez Bonetto 2010

international art machines

IAM (International Art Machines ) RL artwork exhibition architecture by Velazquez Bonetto 2010



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international art machines



international art machines

IAM (International Art Machines ) RL artwork exhibition architecture by Velazquez Bonetto 2010

international art machines

IAM (International Art Machines ) RL artwork exhibition architecture by Velazquez Bonetto 2010



international art machines

IAM (International Art Machines ) RL artwork exhibition architecture by Velazquez Bonetto 2010

international art machines

IAM (International Art Machines ) RL artwork exhibition architecture by Velazquez Bonetto 2010



international art machines

international art machines



international art machines

IAM (International Art Machines ) RL artwork exhibition architecture by Velazquez Bonetto 2010

international art machines

IAM (International Art Machines ) RL artwork exhibition architecture by Velazquez Bonetto 2010



international art machines

IAM (International Art Machines ) RL artwork exhibition architecture by Velazquez Bonetto 2010

international art machines



international art machines

IAM (International Art Machines ) RL artwork exhibition architecture by Velazquez Bonetto 2010

international art machines



international art machines

IAM (International Art Machines ) RL artwork exhibition architecture by Velazquez Bonetto 2010

international art machines



international art machines

IAM (International Art Machines ) RL artwork exhibition architecture by Velazquez Bonetto 2010

international art machines



international art machines

IAM (International Art Machines ) RL artwork exhibition architecture by Velazquez Bonetto 2010

international art machines



international art machines

IAM (International Art Machines ) RL artwork exhibition architecture by Velazquez Bonetto 2010

international art machines

IAM (International Art Machines ) RL artwork exhibition architecture by Velazquez Bonetto 2010



international art machines

IAM (International Art Machines ) RL artwork exhibition architecture by Velazquez Bonetto 2010

international art machines

IAM (International Art Machines ) RL artwork exhibition architecture by Velazquez Bonetto 2010



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international art machines



international art machines

international art machines



international art machines

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