Metaverse Artists Josina Burgess

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edited by velazquez bonetto artspace diabolus cybernetic art research project 2010 06


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josina burgess

metaverse artists

josina burgess edited by velazquez bonetto artspace diabolus cybernetic art research project 2010 06

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EXPERIMENTS scripts by Velazquez Bonetto, particle scripts by Josina Burgess avatars: Medora Chevalier

Working for a while in SL now (3 years) together with Velazquez Bonetto, I can say that I learned a lot. The absolute need of Science and Art working together in the metaverse is proved loud and clear. A sculpture thats just standing there is not really interesting anymore, a work made in SL needs to “do� something. At least thats my humble opinion. With all the different scripts Velazquez wrote and that I played with by using and changing them in many ways I thought I would experiment a little more and add inland sounds as well to Installations or Sculptures. Here are some results in pictures ( I know pictures are static, but use your imagination)


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FIND YOUR THOUGHTS On a platform high in the sky of Benvolio (our sim we use for exhibitions and experiments ) I started building a installation with many cubes in bright transparant colours. I added a breathing script that allowed them to grow bigger and smaller in every side. Then I added a script to each cube to dissapear and appear again when you walk through. I created transparant “Ghostlike” figures that start to follow you when you come near and wrap themselves around you when you stand still. Inland sounds gaved all a etheric atmosphere, some cubes had the same sound, some different. Little silent bells or a deep “hmmm” sound (Junivers Stockholm created some of these sounds for another installation I made in the past) I called the Installation; “Find your Thoughts”, or “You never can run away from your thoughts” .

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Picture 3: photography is a way of life by Artistide Despres (2010. 05 artspace diabolus benvolio)

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OBSTACLES In a 10x10 meter Cube I did build several cones and half spheres that by approach dissapear and when past them appear again. Also some bigger spheres hanging and rotating in the air. On each corner a pillar that was “breathing” Different sounds added inside cones and spheres gaved the emotion of fear or quietness. I named it “Obstacles”referring on the obstacles everybody finds in their life in RL or in SL and have to face or overcome.

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MOTHER OF THUNDERS Velazquez wrote a recorder program, that allows to move prims, change their shape, and record those movements and changes. When done the movements are written on a notecard and when added to the recorder script it can be played in a loop or just played back. The prims I moved around in some kind of choregraphy together with texture change scripts or rotating scripts showed then a certain “performence”. I did build a huge sphere and inside I added a recorded “performence” with textures of lightning. Then I added thunder,rain and blizzard sounds. It looked great and the experience with the sound was good. So I thought to place another record performence next to it and then a “happy accident” appeared. Both “performences” started to stream towards and away again from each other. That was really spectaculair and I placed both performances not next to each other but facing each other. So the streaming was going from one side to the other. When you stood in the middle of the streaming the prims gaved thunder sounds when passing you and also gaved you a “push”so you fell down or moved from your feet. A experience!

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BECOME YOUR OWN IDOL! This was fun to make, ment as a mirror to the audience..a little “tongue in cheek” humor, just like “what many do in SL” (the dancing puppets). Click on the sculpture and find yourself in a nice elegant pose slowly turning, with a “star” particle behind you and all around the sound of a big applause from a crowd not to be seen. Deep inside everybody is the wanting to be special and the need for compliments, well here you can get some?))))

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NOTHING CAN HARM YOU I made a big 10 x 10 sphere and added a animation script that makes you fly. Around and through the sphere I did let many smaller and different sized spheres rotate and fly at random. When you clicked on the sphere you found yourself flying inside a swarm of many smaller spheres but they did not touch you. Together with the added sound it made again a nice impression of feeling free. I named it; “Nothing can harm you�.

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INTO THE CLOUDS From different sized spheres I made a istallation with textures of clouds. Transparant and not transparant, rotating, changing textures and with a particular “atmospheric�sound. Inside 3 smaller spheres animations for flying. The experience gaved a happy and free feeling.

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INSIDE THE DARK Inside a black tower, build from linked tubes, transparant black. I added a particle script I wrote myself with up and downgoing white lights. Also 5 rings with a different texture rotating differently. Inside a animation script that let you fly up towards the lights. Deep rumbling but soft sounds added. Named it ;� Inside the dark you can always find light�

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WIRBLE WHITE A bunch of highly flexified and streched out cubes all moving in different directions. Linked together, a slow rotation script in the root prim. Inside a animation that allows you to fly up.

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JUST ABSTRACT AND 3-D 2 huge flattened cube prims, on them several halve and whole spheres in different bright, slightly transparant colors, a slow rotating script on the root-prim (one of the huge flat cubes) texture color-change scripts in different speeds in the spheres and a poseball that makes you fly inside. You find yourself inside a abstract painting and can enjoy the changing colours around you together with a soft sound.

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CENTRE OF A UNIVERSE Several rotating rings all rotating differently around a sphere in the middle. The texture here is very important then it creates the impression of some sort of planet. Changing texture scripts and a flying inaimation inside the sphere. The sound inside makes the feeling of being alone somewhere in “a� universe complete.

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WHAT MANY DO IN SL In Sl many avatars just love to party and dance, in fact thats all what they do‌ so with that in mind (and also a little sarcastic) I made big puppets and dressed them in flexi skirts. Everey puppet got a script to let them jump or move in collision with each other and on command. By saying: #dance, the puppets started to dance and hop around on the sound each puppet had in their content. All sounds together formed a kind of “musicâ€? at #stop all movements and sound stopped.

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MOVING SCULPTURE 129 This was a simple sculpture I wanted to upgrade a bit, by using the puppeteer script, a simple form of recording movements and play back again I did let flexi cubes move in a certain way. The texture here was more importent then the sculpure itsself. I added some “Rainlike� sounds and when standing inside you stand inside art.


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I am sure I will continue experimenting with using scripts in all their ways and this is just a start. Velazquez and me will continue working on bigger projects also like we did so many times before already. These experiments were solo works where I had a lot of fun by building them and also looking at other people experiencing what I created made it all very worth.

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