Metaverse Artists: shellina Winkler

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metaverse artists shellina winkler


shellina winkler front COVER

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edited by velazquez bonetto artspace diabolus cybernetic art research project 2010 10


shellina winkler

shellina winkler

Copyright: shellina Winkler & Artspace Diabolus 2010



shellina winkler

metaverse artists

shellina winkler edited by velazquez bonetto artspace diabolus cybernetic art research project 2010. 11. 28.

shellina winkler

3 language bio:

I was born as an artist in Sl on the 3rd of April 2007, I love the versatily of prims and the infinite number of shapes I can get from them.Colors, Lights, Interaction, Immersion, Exaltation of Shape, Passion and Emotion: the ingredients of my works. (E) I initially joined the SL community out of curiosity; I wanted to check the potential of education in the metaverse via self-training. After looking at other avatars’ works I decided to put building first and the creation of works of art became my main goal. I started building by chance and, once I learnt how to do it, I applied these simple rules to my creativity trying to create what my fantasy sug-

gested while I experienced this world. The great versatility of prims gave me the opportunity to try different forms and techniques. At the beginning I mainly created geometrical works; later, I experienced the creation of “paintings of prims” (Primpaintings) by the application of objects on a board thought as a canvas, using textures in order to create visual effects. In my last period I’ve studied to maximize the potential of a single prim. Through this technique I’ve tried to obtain simple works in their complexity, by using textures or merely colours. Since then being an artist on Second Life is my main purpose. Creating “Primpaintings” and “sculptures”, being able to exhibit in some galleries and, the last but not the least, my friends’ appreciation of my work, all allowed me to understand what it feels like living as an artist. In my last phase I’ve been working on “Immersive” works and my taking part at the Burning Life 2008 and 2009 and it has been a great chance to show them as most of immersive works can’t be seen inside galleries but need big space to be enjoyed at their best. In October 2008 I had the honour to be at “Virtual Renaissance” in Florence, with one of my work “Second Star to the Right” printed on 4 curtains decorating one of the room of Museum of Natural Sience - Anthopological Section. In March 2009 some of my works have been shown in big monitors at the Adriano’s Temple in Rome during an exhibition about Digital Art and in April 2010 an Immersive work on video has been exhibited in Nice (France) at MUSEAAV for the mixed reality art exhibition “Through The Virtual Looking Glass”. Since June 2007 I’ve exhibited my works in



shellina winkler

some of the most important galleries and museums in Second Life, such us: Pirats Gallery, AHO Museum, Crescent Moon Museum, Piramide Art Gallery, Museo del Metaverso, Diabolus Art Space - UWA Gallery (University West Australia), Karuna, Virtual TreeLine, Man-a-hatta Gallery, AngelGate, Caerleon, Sun Escape Arts Center, .... and many more. (I) Sono entrata su Sl per curiosità e per approfondire, attraverso l’auto apprendimento, le potenzialità didattiche del metaverso. Ma col tempo, vedendo i prodotti realizzati dagli altri avatar nel metaverso, ho privilegiato la via della costruzione ed in ultima analisi la realizzazione di opere d’arte. Ho cominciato a costruire per caso e, una volta acquisito l’uso degli strumenti fondamentali, è scattata l’applicazione di semplici regole alla creatività provando a realizzare tutto quello che la fantasia mi suggeriva man mano che vivevo questo mondo. La grande versatilità di modelazione dei prim (il “primitive”: un oggetto tridimensionale, un blocco costruttivo di base con cui è stata creata tutta SL) mi ha dato la possibilità di sperimentare varie forme e tecniche. Partendo dalla creazione di sculture basilarmente geometriche, ho sperimentato la possibilità di creare quadri di pittura simulata applicando oggetti bidimensionali su un piano che rappesenta la tela gestendo le texture in modo da creare effetti visuali (Primpaintings). Nell’ultima fase ho provato a massimizzare le potenzialità di un singolo prim cercando di tirar fuori, con la sola applicazione di texture o soltanto di colori, opere semplici nella loro complessità.

Da quel momento l’essere artista su Second Life è diventato il mio impegno prioritario. La realizzazione di quadri e di sculture, la possibilità di esporre in varie gallerie e, cosa più importante, il riconoscimento di ciò che esprimi attraverso la tua arte da parte di chi ti circonda, mi ha spinto a sperimentare cosa si prova a vivere da artista. Nella mia ultima fase ho realizzato opere immersive e la partecipazione al Burning Life del 2008 (“Shellina’s Art Lab” - Immersive Works A Journey Through Elements) e del 2009 (Towards the future) è stata una grande opportunità per metterle in mostra, considerato che le opere in quanto fruibili dall’interno, hanno a volte bisogno di ampi spazi per essere vissute al meglio. Nell’ottobre del 2008 ho avuto l’onore di essere al “Rinascimento Virtuale” a Firenze, con uno dei miei lavori “Second Star to the Right” stampato su 4 tende esposte nel Museo di Scienze Naturali - Sezione Anthopologia. Nel marzo 2009 alcuni dei miei lavori sono stati esposti in grandi monitor al Tempio di Adriano a Roma, durante una mostra sull’arte digitale e in Aprile 2010 un’ Immersive work su video “Colors from the Void” è stata in mostra a Nizza (Francia) alMUSEAAV per una “mixed reality art exhibition” “Through The Virtual Looking Glass” . Dal giugno 2007 ho esposto le mie opere in alcune delle più importanti gallerie e musei in Second Life, come noi: Pirats Gallery, AHO Museum, Crescent Moon Museum, Piramide Art Gallery, Museo del Metaverso, Diabolus Art Space - UWA Gallery (University West Australia), Karuna, Virtual TreeLine, Man-a-hatta Gallery, AngelGate, Caerleon, Sun Escape Arts Center, ....

shellina winkler



shellina winkler

(F) J’ai d’abord rejoint la communauté SL par curiosité, j’ai voulu vérifier le potentiel de l’éducation dans le metaverse par auto-formation. Après avoir examiné d’autres avatars des travaux, j’ai décidé de mettre la construction première et la création d’œuvres d’art est devenu mon principal objectif. J’ai commencé par hasard, a construir et, une fois que j’ai appris comment faire, j’ai appliqué ces règles simples pour ma créativité essayant de créer ce que ma imagination pendant que je vivais l’expérience de ce monde. La grande versatilité de Prims m’a donné l’occasion d’essayer différentes formes et techniques. Au début, j’ai travaillé principalement sur forme géométriques, plus tard, j’ai connu la création de “tableaux de Prims” par l’application d’objets sur un tableau pensée comme une toile, en utilisant des textures afin de créer des effets visuels (Primpaintings). Dans ma dernière période que j’ai étudiée pour maximiser le potentiel d’un seul prim. Grâce à cette technique, j’ai essayé d’obtenir de simples travaux dans leur complexité, en utilisant des textures ou des couleurs seulement. Depuis lors, être un artiste sur Second Life est mon objectif principal. La création de “peintures de Prims» et «sculptures», le fait de pouvoir exposer dans des galeries , le dernier mais non le moins, l’appréciation de mon travail de la part de mes ami, tous m’ont permis de comprendre ce que c’est la vie d’artiste. Dans ma dernière phase, j’ai travaillé sur “immersives” et le parteciper Burning 2008 a été une excellente occasion de les montrer. Comme la plupart de ces travaux peuvent être considérés dans leur intérieur ils ont grand besoin d’espace pour vivre au mieux. En Octobre 2008, j’ai eu l’honneur d’être à “Virtual

Renaissance à Florence, avec un de mes travaux “ SECOND STAR TO THE RIGHT “, imprimée sur 4 tableau comme décoration de la salle de Museum of Natural Sciences - Anthopological Section. A mars du 2009 quelqun de mes oeuvres ons eté exposé sur des grands écrans a Rome au Temple de Adrien pendant une exibition de Digital Art. J’ai partecipé a beaucoup de exibitions sur SL au pres des plus important place de l’art de SL :Pirats Gallery, AHO Museum, Crescent Moon Museum, Piramide Art Gallery, Museo del Metaverso, Diabolus Art Space - UWA Gallery (University West Australia), Karuna, Virtual TreeLine, Man-a-hatta Gallery, AngelGate, Caerleon, Sun Escape Arts Center, .... et beaucoup d’autre galleries. source: shellinas Facebook

shellina winkler


shellina Winkler: Second Star to the Right


shellina winkler

shellina Winkler: Big Fire

shellina winkler


shellina Winkler: Luminescence


shellina winkler

shellina Winkler: Turn the Lights Off!

shellina winkler


shellina Winkler: Turn the Lights Off!


shellina winkler

shellina Winkler: Mess

shellina winkler


shellina Winkler: Mess


shellina winkler

shellina PictureWinkler: 3: photography Angel is a way of life by Artistide Despres (2010. 05 artspace diabolus benvolio)

shellina winkler



shellina winkler

shellina Winkler: Sounds of Silence

shellina winkler


shellina Winkler: Pyramid


shellina winkler

shellina Winkler: Web Cube

shellina winkler



shellina winkler

shellina Winkler: City Lights

shellina winkler


shellina Winkler: Beehive


shellina winkler

shellina Winkler: Fragments of a Mirror

shellina winkler



shellina winkler

shellina Winkler: Elements

shellina winkler


shellina Winkler: Elements


shellina winkler

shellina Winkler: Heaven and Hell

shellina winkler



shellina winkler

shellina Winkler: Frailty - PrecarietĂ

shellina winkler


shellina Winkler: Frailty - PrecarietĂ


shellina winkler

shellina Winkler: Green Tower

shellina winkler


shellina Winkler: Green Tower


shellina winkler

shellina Winkler: Green Tower

shellina winkler



shellina winkler

shellina Winkler: Brief Encounter

shellina winkler


shellina Winkler: Brief Encounter


shellina winkler

shellina Winkler: Brief Encounter

shellina winkler


shellina Winkler: Brief Encounter


shellina winkler

shellina Winkler: Brief Encounter

shellina winkler



shellina winkler

shellina Winkler: Freedom Bound

shellina winkler


shellina Winkler: Freedom Bound


shellina winkler

shellina Winkler: Cube

shellina winkler



shellina winkler

shellina Winkler: Cube

shellina winkler


shellina Winkler: Cube


shellina winkler

shellina Winkler: Rays

shellina winkler



shellina winkler

shellina Winkler: Rays

shellina winkler



shellina winkler

shellina Winkler: Love&Psyche

shellina winkler


shellina Winkler: Butterfly


shellina winkler

shellina Winkler: Sparkle (inside view)

shellina winkler



shellina winkler

shellina Winkler: Ectoplasma

shellina winkler



shellina winkler

shellina Winkler: Ectoplasma

shellina winkler

shellina Winkler: Ectoplasma



shellina winkler

shellina Winkler: Revolving Doors

shellina winkler



shellina winkler

shellina Winkler: econd Star to the Right

shellina winkler



shellina winkler

shellina Winkler: Luminescence

shellina winkler



shellina winkler

shellina Winkler: Somewhere (a place in my heart)

shellina winkler


shellina Winkler: Beehive


shellina winkler

shellina Winkler: Cube

shellina winkler


shellina Winkler: Cube (inside view)


shellina winkler

shellina Winkler: Pregnancy

shellina winkler



shellina winkler

shellina winkler



shellina winkler

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