Annual Report 2021

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Letter to the audience by President of CD DIACONIA strategic information About DIACONIA Institutional approaches to development Our field of intervention Development projects Joint programme for the promotion of sustainable family farming sustainable agriculture and social economy for a fairer world.

3 4 5 6 8 9 10

SIA Programme. C-17-25, Productive sustainable peach - Huánuco


Strengthening of agro-ecological farming families in the right bank of the the right bank of the Marañon River - FORFAGRO


Health emergency response projects


Humanitarian assistance to vulnerable families affected by the COVID-19 in Breña and Callao


Strengthening the response of the health services of the IPRESS Tucunaré in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic


Strengthening the health care response of the Camisea health network in the context of the health network in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.


Improving accessibility to virtual classes for primary school students in the upper basin primary school students in the upper Marañon river basin, Huanuco region Huánuco


Facilitating accessibility to virtual classrooms for primary school students in the primary school students in the district of Jacas Grande - Huanuco.


Financial report 2021


Income statement from January to December 2021


New funding opportunities


Management team


Our board of directors


Our human capital


Our strategic partners




Letter to the AUDIENCE Dear audience:

We are very pleased to greet you and thank you for your participation in the different activities that Diaconía carried out in 2021. In the following pages we will give an account, in a brief summary, of the achievements and obtained results. Although as of December we had more than 28 million people between children and adults already vaccinated against COVID-19, the new variants have shown greater ease for infection and; therefore, we all were forced to keep biosafety protocols. We want to record that everything achieved would not have been possible without the organized response of the local population, its leadership and coordination with municipal and regional authorities. This third year of pandemic, we have achieved a greater and better approach to families than we had in 2020. The Diaconía technical team managed to hold meetings in open spaces more frequently and resolve difficulties in health and safety agricultural production. Likewise, pandemic has highlighted the multiple needs that limit the development of families in the rural sector; for example, 80% of the 2 million 300 thousand productive units that exist in Peru have less than five hectares. Despite this, families made it possible to have our food in the different regions of Peru in times of pandemic. On the other hand, thanks to the solidarity of ECLOSIO and Islands of Peace from Belgium, Bread for the World and FKI from Germany, we managed to maintain the presence of technical teams that accompanied the improvements in production and productivity; they advised on quality control and commercialization processes in the Ancash and Huánuco regions, and generated conditions for primary health care and food safety in the Loreto region. To sum up, 897 families were assisted in all Diaconía interventions, most of them dedicated to food production in the Ancash and Huánuco regions, and continued working on food security and maternal and child health care approach with native communities of Urarina origin in the Loreto region. The activities carried out by the projects, in 2021, could be placed within the expectations of five of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals: End of Poverty, Zero Hunger, Quality Education, Gender Equality, Health and Well-being. We are all stewards of this creation and the task of serving is also valuing and caring for all the natural resources that allow us to live. Thank you for the opportunity to put our Faith in Action and be part of this solidarity network and concern for the well-being of those individuals and families who live in the hope of better living conditions. Sincerely, Ángel Pedro Véliz Márquez



DIACONIA strategic information

Photograph 1. Sample of pest control traps in the passion fruit crop.




DIACONIA is a non-profit, non-governmental development organization formed in 1983 as a social arm of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Peru. During these almost 39 years of work, it has promoted the comprehensive development of the most vulnerable families, supporting healthy homes and facilitating processes that improve their quality of life, respecting interculturality and favoring more equitable relationships in the family. In addition, it has strengthened institutionalist, democracy and sustainable economic development, promoting the exercise of citizen rights. DIACONIA considers it a priority to promote climate change management through mitigation and adaptation actions, placing special emphasis on water management and the promotion of clean energy.

Our vision We aim to a fair, inclusive, proactive and supportive society that values and respects its cultural diversity, protects its environment and strengthens a dignified life.

Our mission Inspired by the faith of Christ, we strengthen the resilience of vulnerable and at-risk populations, in the face of economic and ecological changes and disasters, as part of their sustainable development processes and the full exercise of their rights. Based on this commitment, we prioritize work with men and women, young people, boys and girls, from peasant and native communities, who live in rural areas of Peru in situations of exclusion, poverty and inequality.

Principles and values that guide the Mission DIACONIA's vision and mission, as well as its institutional trajectory, is based on a set of conduct rules. For the presentation of principles and institutional values, expressions have been taken that in one way or another have been collected from the visits made in each area we intervene. It is not the classic answer of how the members of DIACONÍA define their values, but how we are qualified by the different people, men and women, who had been present in our projects during the last years. a) Principles Love of neighbor, the Christian service of DIACONIA is based on this love; it is what drives our work to support the development of people who do not have opportunities to achieve a decent life by their own means. Support is provided unconditionally, without asking for anything in return. Love has a divine origin, because God loved us first. There is no Christianity without love. Faith, believing in God, trusting his word and being faithful to his will, in institutional and personal activities. b) Values Wisdom, to be facilitators of the shared management of knowledge, to contribute to the construction of a fair society. Solidarity, assuming the problems of others as our own, taking into account their aspirations. It supposes attitudes of detachment, humility, service, will, commitment and sensitivity towards others. Hope, sow the confidence of a better future, with greater justice and protection for those most in need.




DIACONIA subscribes a series of premises that have to do with the particular way of seeing and appreciating the development of people, peoples and nations. These approaches provide support and should illuminate the adoption and development of more specific conceptual frameworks that guide and offer the theoretical and technical arguments of our intervention proposals in the communities and local spaces where we carry out our mission. Human Rights Approach Part of the principle of respect for human dignity, therefore, recognizes that the human being has faculties or rights inherent to his nature, which are essential for his subsistence, full development and a dignified life. Likewise, in correspondence with each of his rights, the human being also has duties or responsibilities that must be fulfilled. The exercise of rights and the fulfillment of duties are the basis for the construction of a fairer and democratic society. Sustainable Development Approach Part of the principle of balance between environmental, social and economic factors. Its central concern is to "satisfy the needs of current generations, without compromising the possibilities of future generations to meet their own needs." When there is no balance, development can generate serious consequences such as: -

Economic growth with environmental depredation.


Economic growth with social exclusion.


Social inclusion with environmental depredation.


Social inclusion with economic precariousness.


Environmental preservation with economic precariousness.


Environmental preservation with social exclusion.

Intercultural Approach Interculturality is the dialogue between different cultures. It is not simply a contact between cultures, but a comprehensive and respectful exchange that is established on equitable terms, with mutual respect for the characteristics and expressions of the cultures represented. Interculturality must be understood as a permanent process of relationship, communication and learning between people, groups, knowledge, values and different traditions, aimed to generate, build and foster with mutual respect and the full development of capacities of individuals, recognizing their cultural and social differences. Interculturality is related to cultural diversity, which characterizes the countries of the current world and particularly those of Latin America. Diversity is what forms the Peruvian peoples; not only different languages are spoken, but there are differences in ways of life, customs, in the way of perceive the world, nature, values and knowledge. The right to diversity is one of the fundamental principles of equity. Promoting its recognition involves overcoming the invisibility of ethnic, cultural, linguistic and gender diversity, among others; understanding that invisibility is, historically, one of the most effective ways to promote and legitimize inequalities, privileges and oppression between cultures, genders and inside them.



Understood as a relationship based on mutual respect between people or groups that have different cultural identities and traditions. This respect has its origin in the recognition of cultural diversity; the necessary peaceful coexistence between cultures based on respect for human dignity and the criterion that no culture is above the others. Interculturality does not annul our relationship with God, based on the criterion that God is love and this love is manifested in love of neighbor, above any cultural difference. Gender approach Gender refers to characteristics that identify men and women expressed in roles, behaviors, ways of thinking and ways of perceiving themselves, which are socially and culturally constructed taking biological difference as a starting point. Gender equity is the way to equality between genders. It refers to equal opportunities that women and men should have in all processes of personal, social, economic, political and cultural development; that is, equal rights for men and women in access to education, work, remuneration, health, recreation, training, technology, etc. DIACONIA has established its gender equity policy that is implemented in institutional management (hiring of staff with gender ratio, salary equality, etc.) as well as in the execution of projects with specific participation and training methodologies. Democracy Approach Democracy is a way of organization of groups of people whose predominant characteristic is that the ownership of power resides in all of its members, producing that decision-making respond to the general will. Strictly speaking, democracy is a way of government, of state organization, in which collective decisions are adopted by people through mechanisms of direct or indirect participation that confer legitimacy on the representative. In a broad sense, democracy is a form of social coexistence in which all its dwellers are free and equal before the law and social relations are established according to contractual mechanisms. For DIACONIA, democracy goes beyond a political or government regime that implies the designation of power, either to the government in power or to the people. Democracy is proposed as a way of life that seeks justice, equality and freedom from the point of view of human rights, which must be equally accessible to all. It is proposed to promote a participatory democracy that leads to good governance, fundamentally at the local and regional level; therefore, citizen participation in public management matters is considered a priority, in order to guarantee the rights to basic services and good governance.

Photograph 2. DIACONÍA members







Lima Cusco











Chavín de Pariarca Jacas Grande


La Merced




Loreto Nauta



La Convención








Photograph 3. Health promoters and agricultural promoters trained in a centralized workshop in Tucunaré.





he SIA program was carried out with the participation of 250 families from 27 hamlets: Chachaspata, Cruz Punta, Tambillo, Eucaliptopampa, Chagllapampa, Hoyada, San Juan, Huayopata, Pavina, Montehuasi, Ushumayo, Cangra, Huanin, Mantacocha, Raco-carancho, Cucho, Challhuayog, Huancaturpa, Pinkiray, Willca, Huiyan, Panaococha, La Punta, Cachigaga, Tungra and Goyllarpunta in the district of Umari, province of Pachitea, in the Huánuco region. It was financed by the Belgian Islands of Peace for a period of 4 years (February 2017 to February 2021), and was articulated with the partner organizations IDMA and IDEL. Photograph 4. Agroecological promoters of the SIA Program Two components were implemented: the first focused on promoting the consolidation of integrated agroecological farms working on production systems (agricultural, livestock and forestry) and the second, related to the improvement of housing, through the implementation of improved kitchens and the organization of internal spaces, in order to ensure suitable living conditions for families.


The adoption of the new sustainable production techniques of the families was staggered because the farmers came from a conventional production, so that they broke paradigms to develop an agroecological production. For the fourth year of project intervention, 125 male and 105 female producers were able to implement agroecological production techniques in their farms, considering the preparation and incorporation of organic fertilizers, ethological control, living barriers, dead barriers, infiltration trenches, contour lines, incorporation of crop biomass, mulch, use of biofertilizers (sulfocalcic broth, Bordeaux mixture, MM), preparation of biocides, repellent plants, hosts and varieties of local seed species for their preservation and conservation, as well as flowers and aromatic plants. Likewise, the farmers received the technical and humane support of 25 agroecological promoters (7 women and 18 men), trained with agroecological principles, who provided constant support with knowledge, experiences and innovations in the local exchanges that took place between farmers.

The sustainable management of integral farms by the 230 farmers was carried out based on the territorial zoning of their plots, which allowed them to have the identification of the risk zones and inventory the natural resources (soil, water, forest), respecting the productive vocation of their plots. Then, they began the improvement planning stage, in which the farmer is responsible for establishing their agroecological production system, considering the main crop, the associated crops that optimize soil conservation, the

¹ Peasant agroecological farms are characterized by using organic matter to replenish nutrients and maintain soil fertility.



installation of irrigation infrastructure, among others. The management tools used were the following: activity plan, property design (future projection), talking map, zoning map and "radar" graph (simple and practical methodology used to evaluate progress). To summarize, families have reduced dependence on external supplies, so they produce healthy •

Food agrochemicals free, under the new approach of sustainable and environmentally friendly production.

Recognition with the certification of the Participatory Guarantee System (Sistema de Garantía Participativa SGP in Spanish) to Photograph 5. Agroecological producer Gabriel Lino 86 farmers (53 men and 33 women), who sells his products at the local products at the local fair in Umari. satisfactorily complied with an agroecological production system in their integral farms, has made it possible to offer healthy products to the organic markets or consumers. To do this, they organized themselves into local groups and were evaluated, where the production process that each farmer has been carrying out is verified, taking into account the use of various organic fertilizers.

The promotion of healthy homes, as a necessity and a right that allows families to live with dignity and in good habitability conditions, caused 250 families to reorganize their homes by installing improved kitchens, cupboards, ecological refrigerators, laundries, toilet corners, study areas and the division of their bedrooms (all essential elements of an improved home). This progress was possible thanks to the decision of each family that surpassed, in some cases, more than what was foreseen in the "family improvement plan" that was worked with the purpose of generating skills and commitments to adopt a healthy practices series (hygiene habits, access to safe water and hand washing) in family members.


The process of agroecological systems has addressed gender inequalities, through an articulated work of the members of the family units, dialogue, the development of soft skills and self-esteem, values, horizontal treatment and compliance of roles and functions of each member of the families.

The main role in this whole process of change has been the family nucleus, where they learned to manage the tools of productive, family, economic planning, as well as the evaluation of their progress with the purpose of improving their quality of life, self-esteem and interfamily relationships.

Women contribute to the process of agroecological reconversion —an important role away from subordination and machismo. Many of the activities they carry out focus on active participation in agroecological production and Photograph 6. Production of vegetables in agroecological farm



determination of products to be planted in the following agricultural campaigns. Likewise, they are the ones who participate directly in the commercialization of their products in Saturday and itinerant fairs. •

Women farmers play an essential role in the development of agriculture and are the main responsible for ensuring household food security, health and the continuity of the family organization, as well as decisionmaking and participation with opinions in skills building activities.

Articulated work with the Umari Health Micro Network and the health techniques in the hamlets have made it possible to Photograph 7. Agroecological producer strengthen the healthy food consumption, Victoria Ubaldo shows her improved kitchen due to the availability of crops in their family gardens, creating a nutritional and health habit – hand washing in particular, a practice of utmost importance during the health emergency due to COVID-19.

The empowerment and the message of the facilitators of our institution towards the families has allowed to create loyalty, coexistence and family integration, solidarity and personalized technical assistance, with a horizontal treatment throughout the process of implementation of the agroecological system during these years of intervention. •

Coordinated work has been carried out with the NGOs: Instituto de Desarrollo de Medio Ambiente (Environment Development Institute), Instituto de Desarrollo Local (Local Development Institute) and Islands of Peace, the Municipality of Umari and the Health Micro Network in complementary work, to strengthen activities of political incidence, joint to the market, families and healthy homes with the agroecological approach and a holistic view.

The use of sociodramas with adult families has promoted the ideas fluency, the active participation of members and, greater ease and exchange of opinions between young people, adults and children, which has created an atmosphere of familiarity among the participants.

Photograph 8. The farmer shows the progress of his agroecological farm with the "radar" tool.



TESTIMONIO Mi nombre es Hilario Santos Miraval, durante el 2017 al 2021 me desempeñé como responsable del programa SIA. El proyecto fue una propuesta integral, es decir se consideró los ejes del componente social, económico productivo y medio ambiental. Se ejecutó con un equipo de facilitadores comprometidos, obteniendo buenos resultados en 27 caseríos del distrito de Umari con familias que venían de un proceso de reconversión productiva a un sistema de producción más amigable con el medio ambiente (diversificación de cultivos, no al uso de agrotóxicos, uso de recursos disponibles por las familias y elaboración de productos alternativos en control fitosanitario e insumos de nutrición a los suelos y el empleo de la biomasa que producen los componentes del sistema agroecológico. Los cambios al finalizar el proyecto se visualizan con la adopción de las prácticas agroecológicas desarrolladas, familias que vienen articulando sus productos a mercados locales, puntos verdes, ferias itinerantes, bajo la certificación del Sistema de Garantía Par ticipativa-SGP, garantizando su seguridad alimentaria y el bienestar de la calidad de vida de sus integrantes. En la parte social, las familias emplean Photograph 9. Ing. Hilario Santos Miraval herramientas de gestión, planificación shows avocado production on an agroecological farm. ordenamiento territorial de sus chacras integrales, vivienda y el monitoreo a través del “radar” de sus diferentes actividades. La participación activa de hombres y mujeres ha permitido la buena convivencia, el bienestar familiar y un ordenamiento de habitabilidad dentro de sus viviendas. En la parte ambiental las campañas de recojo de envases de agroquímicos durante tres años consecutivos permitió crear conciencia en los pobladores y estudiantes, la participación activa de los involucrados y el testimonio de los mismos en comer alimentos saludables y diversificados permitió participar en eventos a nivel de la provincia, quedando ganador el distrito de Umari, como distrito de comunidad saludable, lo cual hizo que muchas familias de Umari por propia iniciativa construyan sus propios reservorios para su riego tecnificado y así diversificar su producción. En lo productivo económico, los espacios de intercambio de conocimientos y revaloración de conocimientos ancestrales han permitido un trato horizontal con las familias, lo cual ha fortalecido la asistencia técnica personalizada y muchas familias escalaron en sus actividades por propia iniciativa, debido al valor de los conocimientos que los dejaron sus antepasados. Finalmente, resaltar que con la implementación del programa SIA, se ha consolidado la actividad productiva comercial, social, ambiental, organizacional, y territorial, y la participación activa de hombres y mujeres bajo un modelo de agricultura familiar, permitiéndonos visualizar nuevos retos e implementar estas experiencias validadas en una forma más integral y holística bajo el enfoque Agroecológico.





he project was carried out for 2 years (August 2019 to July 2021), with the participation of 173 peach producers from eleven locations: San Juan de Pampa, San Sebastián de Micarín, Chavín de Pariarca, Quipran, Mesapata, Andas, Mishquej, Vista Alegre, Nueva Granada, Cascanga and Quivilla, from the districts of Chavín de Pariarca and Jacas Grande in the province of Huamalíes in the Huánuco region. The intervention was financed by the National Fund for Labor Training and Employment Promotion – FONDOEMPLEO, and contributions from the district municipalities of Chavín de Pariarca and Jacas Grande. Photograph 10. Peach producer prepares his product The goal of this project was to contribute the for the market. improvement of quality life of peach-producing families in the districts of Chavín de Pariarca and Jacas Grande and, as its purpose, the sustainable increase in net income and the generation of employment in a sustainable way of peach growers. To achieve the goal and purpose, three components were proposed: marketing, organizational management and production.

ACHIEVEMENTS • During the two agricultural campaigns for peach cultivation, 173 producers sold 694 tons (117 in the first campaign and 577 tons in the second campaign) to identified markets, for which the required technical specifications were fulfilled: fruits harvested from timely manner (with physiological maturity, and commercial "pintones"), selected fruits, separating the healthy ones (free of spots) from those damaged or deformed caused by pests and those resistant to handling and transportation; fruits classified by sizes (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, zero, double zero, triple zero) and presentation of fruits in cardboard boxes of 10 kilos. Likewise, prices were standardized according to sizes, allowing producers to negotiate prices with buyers according to the category of the fruit – the larger caliber, better prices. • In each production units of the 173 producers, an environment/space called “improvement center” was installed and conditioned with the purpose of standardizing (uniformizing) the peach fruits during harvest, selection, classification, packing, weighed and labeled. The environment has a sorting table, crates and harvest baskets, an electric scale, cardboard boxes (for packaging) and a tub for fruit treating. These goods facilitated the obtaining of quality products. In the same way, the producers handle business management tools, which allow them to carry out suitable planning and administration of the productive units, organized in a field notebook that includes the following: the annual production plan, the input purchase record, the registration of the volume of commercialization and the registration of production costs.



The membership register was updated and the new members of the board of directors of the Association of Agroecological Producers of the Upper Marañón River BasinAPACARMA were elected, the same as ones who were registered with SUNARP to continue with the various negotiations in favor of producers from the districts of Chavín de Pariarca and Jacas Grande. For example, preparing a proposal to AGROIDEAS and obtaining financing to continue improving the competitiveness of the peach value chain. Likewise, a collective brand has been created and registered with INDECOPI for APACARMA with the slogan “ P ro du cto s agro e co l ó gi co s de l A l to Photograph 11. Producer harvests peaches in his field. Marañón” in order to promote the production of healthy products that care for and protect the environment. Subsequently, APACARMA signed commercial contracts with local, regional and national buyers (Huánuco Fruit Market, Lima Fruit Wholesale Market, Go Fresch Online Market, Felles EIRL Imports and Exports and local groceries) to supply peaches throughout the year. • At the indicators level, the following results were obtained: a) peach crop yields increased from 7.5 t/ha to 9.5 t/ha on average, b) monthly net income increased from S/ 346.57 soles to 673 soles, c) 17,927 daily workers were hired to carry out cultural tasks in 73 hectares of peach per agricultural campaign, generating 31 permanent jobs, d) 173 peach producers implemented improvements in their production units in marketing, business management of their peach plots and technical management of the crop, and e) 80 modules of drip irrigation systems installed have a family reservoir of 3 x 4 x 2m, covered with a 0.5 mm geomembrane, a box of keys, dripper hose and drippers for irrigation approx. 200 peach plants. Finally, two unforeseen results were achieved in the intervention: installation of a fruit stand on behalf of the APACARMA association in the Huánuco fruit market and management of the acquisition of 15 modules of drip irrigation systems with the contribution of the District Municipality of Chavín de Pariarca. These modules are additional to the 80 installed in the project. LEARNINGS • The peach plantations are located in three well-marked ecological zones: high, medium and low zone. This geographical location allows sunlight to directly illuminate the bushes for more hours, which promotes the formation of “reddish” veneers on the fruits (characteristic of the huayco variety). In turn, there are water sources and reservoirs that, with an efficient distribution, would irrigate all the plantations to obtain higher yields and volumes of peaches to sell at any time of the year. For this reason, we believe that the Economic Development Department of the local governments should continue to promote the consolidation of the peach value chain on the right bank of the Alto Marañón.

Photograph 12. Producer classifies peaches by caliber.



• Peach is a fruit that has multiple health benefits, it has a high content of minerals such as potassium, which regulates blood pressure; phosphorus, essential for nervous system and brain; magnesium, which helps prevent states of fatigue, anxiety and stress. Furthermore, it facilitates good digestion, skin cares and strengthens the immune system; therefore, local authorities must propose various strategies to promote peach consumption. • Skills developed by peach producers: technical management of fruit, drip irrigation systems, post-harvest management, commercial articulation and use of business and organizational management tools should be transferred to young people, since this product is a generating source of income and employment for families in the countryside — increasingly, more producers in the project area have begun to install plantations on their plots. Additionally, investors, who want to start peach production, are looking for plots. In short, the peasant family economy continues to be the main source of income in the countryside. • Peach has a high demand in the local, regional and national market, so it is necessary to continue working on strengthening the productive skills of producers in order to obtain larger-sized fruits (1st., 2nd. and 3rd.) and guarantee better prices. One fact that we have is that the larger-sized fruits should be destined for the Lima fruit market, where there is a large unsatisfied demand.

TESTIMONIO Soy Delina Concha Rumaldo, tengo 40 años, casada con 2 hijos de 22 y 3 años, natural del barrio de Mitubamba del distrito de Chavin de Pariarca, logré estudiar hasta el tercer grado de secundaria, me considero ama de casa y agricultora siembro desde muy joven papa, maíz, trigo haba, olluco y oca, pero desde el 2009 comencé a producir frutal (durazno) ingresando a la asociación APACARMA, el 2010 instale en campo definitivo los plantones del vivero, el 2019 ingrese al proyecto durazno y actualmente tengo instalado 250 plantas conducidas con los sistemas de riego por goteo, he construido mi reservorio con capacidad de 12 metros cúbicos para almacenamiento de agua el cual demora en llenar 3 horas, esta cantidad de agua utilizo para el riego cada dos días, tan solo abriendo las llaves por 3 horas y es más que suficiente para las 250 plantas. Este sistema de riego es muy importante y me facilita el tiempo, me siento satisfecho porque bastante me ayuda y me da tiempo para hacer otras labores en la chacra. Antes todo el día estaba jalando agua y me Photograph 13. Producer Delina at her peach orchard. cansaba. El 2020 me consideraron como promotora porque me gusta aprender y compartir con mis socias, tengo mis libros, manuales y folletos que nos entrega el proyecto, cuando me olvido de algo reviso y así estoy al pendiente de mi parcela. En cuanto a la venta he comercializado en mercado local y a Huánuco. Para esta campaña 2021-2022 voy a tener buena producción y hemos acordado con APACARMA vender organizados a un buen precio.





he FORFAGRO project has been carried out with the participation of 209 members (143 men and 66 women) from the Asociación de Productores de la Cuenca Alta del río Marañón – APACARMA, in the location of Andas, San Juan de Pampas, Cascanga, Chavín Pariarca, Mishquej, Nueva Granada, Quiprán, San Martin, San Sebastián de Micarin and Vista Alegre; districts of Chavín de Pariarca and Jacas Grande in the province of Huamalíes, Huánuco region. The intervention is financed by Bread for the World Protestant Development Service of Germany, for the period July 2019 to September 2022. This project aims to improve the living Photograph 14. Quinoa-producing family threshing in their plot of land. conditions of small farmers in the headwaters of the Marañón River, for which three components were proposed: first, APACARMA partners successfully apply improved practices on their small-scale plots scale; second, APACARMA successfully market agricultural products of quinoa and golden berry with organic certification; and third, the women members of APACARMA increase their economic security with productive entrepreneurship.

ACHIEVEMENTS • Nine reservoirs were built in communal tasks to store water due to the shortage of water resources. Subsequently, 172 members (138 male and 34 female members) installed technified irrigation systems on their plots, either by sprinkler or drip to irrigate 65 hectares of quinoa and 9 hectares of golden berry. The purpose of these systems is the efficient use of water for irrigation, based on the proper use of technology. Likewise, the irrigation committees were formalized before the Alto Marañón Local Water Administrator in order to channel, in an organized way, the participation of irrigation committees' users in the different actions promoted by the institutions, which ensure the conservation and protection of water sources, through a multisectoral management of water resources. • For the production of quinoa and golden berry crops, APACARMA partners have been implementing adaptive practices such as soil rotation, planting against slopes, agroforestry, zero tillage, incorporation of organic fertilizers and technical irrigation. In this sense, in the 2020-2021 agricultural campaign, 146 partners (102 men and 44 women) installed 69.25 hectares of quinoa. Farmers recognize the importance of offering the market quality products, so they carry out planting, weeding, hilling, pest and disease control, nutrition and harvesting activities, trying to guarantee the quality standards that the market demands; as a result, the yield increased from 1535 kg/ha to 1809 kg/ha on average. In relation to golden berry, 31 partners (19 men and 12 women) transferred the fruit seedlings from the nurseries to the final field, considering a density of 2,500 plants/ha, at a distance of 2m x 2m, which favors the weeding, semi-hilling or ridges preparation, pruning, fertilization, "T" tutoring system and irrigation. These activities were properly done on 9 hectares, which managed to increase



the golden berry yields from 4,804 kg/ha to 6,055 kg/ha on average. • The commercialization of quinoa and golden berry is in charge of APACARMA, for which contracts were signed with two potential companies, one for quinoa with the company Agro Export J&J SAC and another for golden berry with Cooperativa Agraria Agropia Ltda. During the 2020- 2021 campaign, 114 t of quinoa and 23 t of golden berry were sold. At this point, it is important to highlight that the flow that has been carried out to organize the quinoa offer is as follows:

Photograph 15. Entrepreneurs sell quinoa breads at the local fair.

First step: Producers carry out the harvest and post-harvest considering quality standards (varietal purity, grain size and color) and quantity (30% of the harvest is destined for consumption and seed). Second step: Promoters from each committee control the quality, register in the reception guide and record an identification code of the product that enters the collection point. Third step: Members of the APACARMA board of directors (president and treasurer) receive the product in the central warehouse, verify the information found in the reception guide and give product approval. Fourth step: Directors start negotiations with possible buyers and seek a fair price in favor of the association's members. In this sense, representatives of the companies OLAM GLOBAL AGRI PERU S.A.C., interested in buying organic quinoa, trained APACARMA partners and managers on digital purchases and sales. This new form of marketing is done through an application created by the company, which can be downloaded to cell phones, where the purchase and sale can be done. Digital technology is being well accepted by managers, who are considering selling large volumes of quinoa, just by clicking on their cell phones. Rural business initiatives for processed products in the project area are very limited. However, 47 women members of APACARMA have started selling products based on quinoa, golden berry, wheat and corn, which are offered in their locations and local fairs. The products they present are quinoa cakes, cookies and breads, quinoa flour and flakes and dehydrated golden berry (raisins). For this reason, for the success of entrepreneurships, improvements and conditioning of the spaces required for the products preparation are being carried out. LEARNINGS • The result of organic production makes that the products obtained in the area of intervention have organoleptic characteristics different from those of other localities, such as colour, flavour, appearance, smell and durability. This "added value" of clean and environmentally friendly production has been generating the preference of consumers for acquiring Photograph 16. APACARMA members show the quinoa stored in the central warehouse.

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quinoa, golden berry and other products from the upper basin of the Marañón River – a great advantage to position the products offered by APACARMA members in the markets identified at the local, regional and national levels. • Formalization of the irrigation committees before the water authority (ALA) is to channel, in an organized way, the participation of water users in the multisectoral management of water resources, for which it is necessary to promote and continue with the accompaniment and advice on the organization of irrigation committees of the area of intervention. In the same way, it is important that users promote the culture of water (values, attitudes, customs and habits) in their localities in order to create a responsible awareness in the population for the efficient use of water on the right bank of the Marañón River. • The strengthening and development of skills in the group of women entrepreneurs, who have been promoting the commercialization of processed products based on quinoa, golden berry and other products, is a high priority; therefore, training, group consulting, exchange of experiences and technical support must continue, in order to obtain quality products, only in this way we will ensure that rural business entrepreneurships led by women generate income that allows them to have economic Independence. • The women members of APACARMA, when doing heavy work, such as carrying hoses and digging for the irrigation systems installation, demonstrated who they are, as they worked in the same way as men. Likewise, they promoted, programmed and controlled the participation of partners in the work days (tasks). For this reason, the Association must continue to give greater prominence to female members because they are a important piece in the organization's decision-making. •

The directors of APACARMA have been assuming greater responsibilities and functions, in order to position the organization at a local and regional level, as Photograph 17. Women producers make organic fertilizers. well as the promoters of each committee, who have been fulfilling a very important role in organizing the products offer demanded by the market. This organizational structure must continue to be strengthened with the appropriate and simple handling of some organizational and commercial management tools, which will allow them to obtain greater competitive advantages when offering their products to potential markets in relation to quality, quantity and frequency.



Photograph 18. Producer Marcos performs agronomic work on his quinoa plot.

TESTIMONIO Mi nombre es Marcos Vela Rosales, tengo 50 años, casado con 4 hijos, natural del barrio Quiprán del distrito de Chavín de Pariarca - Huamalíes, estudié hasta concluir con el nivel primario, tuve la oportunidad de ser parte del ejército peruano y servir a la patria en Huánuco. Posterior a culminar mi servicio, retorne a mi distrito para poder dedicarme a la agricultura y a mi familia, el 2016 ingresé a la asociación APACARMA con la finalidad de mejorar la producción de los cultivos de quinua, aguaymanto y durazno, el 2019 tuve la oportunidad de ser considerado como promotor agroecológico de mi comité en la asociación APACARMA, la finalidad de la asociación es de organizar a todos los socios para producir productos de buena calidad y vender organizadamente, además de tener beneficios en equipos y materiales para la producción de los cultivos, Ya son 5 años que estoy produciendo quinua orgánica y puedo decir que ya conozco su manejo y cada año voy incrementado el rendimiento en mis parcelas, esta última campaña 2021 he aportado para la venta organizada con APACARMA, 2.1 toneladas al precio de S/. 4.20 soles. La quinua a diferencia de los otros productos nos da ganancia para nuestros gastos en la casa, así también para educar a mis hijos. Ahora me siento bien porque produzco sanamente con abonos orgánicos que yo mismo preparo, así no contamino el producto y estoy seguro que no tendré enfermedades como otros agricultores que siembran con químicos, por otro lado, ya tengo mi sistema de riego por aspersión en mi parcela y hago uso cuando la planta lo necesita. Lo que me motiva con este tipo de producción y pertenecer a APACARMA, es que ya contamos con compradores de nuestra quinua cada campaña y estamos seguros de vender todos juntos.





he project has funding from Freundeskreis Indianerhilfe e V. – FKI of Germany, for the period September 2020 to June 2022, with a target group of 115 families from the Urarina people. It is implemented in 12 communities: Pijuayal, San Fernando, Santa Carmela, Santa Beatriz, San Pedro, Nuevo Porvenir, Pijuayal-La Hormiga, Camituyo, Nueva Esperanza, 28 de Julio, Santa Cecilia and Nuevo Zapotal, in the Urarinas district, Loreto-Nauta province, Loreto region. The goal is to improve the health of the mother/child binomial through a proper medical care during pregnancy and childbirth, and an adequate supply of food that allows the intake of nutrients from traditional crops produced in the communities. To achieve this goal, two components have been proposed:

Photograph 19. Health promoters participate in the 1st centralized workshop in Tucunaré.

• The health component that expects to benefit women of reproductive age and children under 5 years of age from indigenous communities, through health training, prenatal check-ups, hemoglobin, height and weight screening; talks and application of family planning methods and control of growth and development. In turn, women leaders will be trained as midwives/nutrition promoters able to attend to minor problems with pregnant women, children and people who require it. • The agricultural component that will work on training the management and better use of traditional crops such as cassava, banana, corn and chicken raising, mainly oriented towards self-consumption and sale of surpluses. Likewise, male leaders will be identified to be trained as agricultural promoters. ACHIEVEMENTS • In the health component, training is being carried out for women on topics related to disease prevention during pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium, as well as improving the intake of nutritious foods for pregnant women and children under 5 years of age. In this sense, until now, 26 women have received prenatal control and 67 women who use contraceptive methods are being attended. In addition, 162 women were trained in family planning issues, 99 women in sexually transmitted diseases and 131 women in hygiene and hand washing; 21 midwives/nutrition promoters are being trained, chosen by their communities, who were trained in the topics of physiological pregnancy, warning signs and symptoms in pregnancy, newborn care, neonatal resuscitation and the importance of food produced in the communities; 430 boys and girls also received ferrous sulfate, 278 families were dewormed, and 444 boys and girls received screening for hemoglobin, arm circumference, height and weight. • In the training of midwives/nutrition promoters, the project has focused on developing capacities for signs and symptoms during pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium, to avoid risk situations. However, the need to constantly reinforce what is taught has been noted, since these are topics that require greater follow-up. In



addition, the interest of promoters learning these topics was observed, which shows the autonomy they take to mobilize and attend the centralized training that was carried out in the rural clinic "Tucunaré", without male presence. • In the agricultural component, residents are being trained in various topics: management of cassava and banana crops, poultry farming, and management of plant nurseries for seedlings production with Amazonian species. In this process, 22 promoters have been identified, with whom they have been working to improve cassava, banana, corn and peanut crops in their Photograph 20. Training for agricultural promoters in communities. A demonstration farm has composting been implemented in the rural clinic "Tucunaré", where products from the area are being cultivated, as well as seedlings of Amazonian fruit species such as Pouteria sapota sapote, Pouteria caimito star apple, Mauritia flexuosa taperiba, Annona muricata soursop, cacao Theobroma cacao, Psidium guajaba guava, and peach palm Bactris gasipaes. Due to the interest of promoters from three communities: Santa Beatriz, San Pedro and San Fernando, Amazonian fruit trees seedlings, promoted by the project, have been installed in the definitive field, the same ones that are in vegetative development. Likewise, corn has been planted in six communities: Santa Carmela, 28 de Julio, Caimiyuto, Nuevo Zapotal, San Fernando and Santa Beatriz. • Creole bird modules (2 roosters and 8 hens) were delivered to 30 beneficiary families who fulfilled the coresponsibility of building a 3 x 3 m chicken coop with materials from the area and materials provided by the project such as metal mesh, nails and plastic blankets to be covered from drafts. The interest shown by the Urarina families is also noted, for which they have been training in the following topics: shed size; feeding based on local inputs such as cassava, ripe plantains and various fruits; grazing; fresh and clean water every day; control the plastic blanket and care of natural predators. 8 of the 30 families correspond to agricultural promoters. • Ethnographic visits were made to the indigenous communities of Santa Cecilia and Santa Carmela. The intention was to analyze, record and contrast activities related to feeding (food moments, food networks and their achievement, as well as participation in other subsistence events). This activity is carried out by the project's anthropologist, who is hosted in the house of one of the residents of each community. She has been recording the food harvested, mammals, birds, fish, amphibians and reptiles consumed, through observation and interviews. The purpose is to prepare a document that records the ancestral knowledge in local food production and consumption practices of the Urarina families. LEARNINGS • Since the beginning of the project, the field staff has developed the interventions trying to respect at all times the schedules and activities of the Urarina people. In this way, we act horizontally, seeking reciprocal respect and trust for all dwellers. We do not seek to force changes; we aim to offer alternatives, through the pedagogical approach, so that the dwellers autonomously decide the changes and innovations they consider will benefit their lives. We believe that bonds of trust have been established with many residents of the intervened communities and has allowed people to get close the staff to clear up doubts, request information, request seedlings and seeds; overcoming the shyness and shame that they initially manifested. However, this does not mean total achievement, the Urarina people need their own space, and their own needs make them reach the people they consider necessary and important. In this sense, the interventions will continue in this way, trying to achieve greater benefits in favor of the interest group, as much as possible.



• In the health component, through the pedagogical talks, a subtle shift has also been noted in some Urarina women towards the treatments suggested by the biomedical system. In the executed brigades, pregnant women and mid-term and late postpartum women were monitored. It has been observed that many women are volunteers to planning with the choice method and the number of women who went to the health post due to problems related with childbirth increased. • A characteristic that strongly influences the project activities is the minimal participation shown by the women during the talks. That is, although there is a considerable women attendance to the talks, their public participation within the session is very scarce. Although there is a variation of this feature from community to community, this is presented as a constant due to the marked distinction of spaces and roles between genders, the mistrust of women to people who are not part of their interactions and the shame (feeling highly valued by this human group). Although this situation makes it difficult to know how much and how women are receiving knowledge, it also suggests the challenge of seeking methodological strategies for a more effective approach. • The movement and/or migration of inhabitants between communities is a strongly marked cultural pattern. These constant movements constitute one of the main reasons that motivate the change in the visits programming. The reasons may be several: death of a close relative, search for new land, internal problems in the community, collection of social programs and/or search for spouses, among other aspects.

TESTIMONIO Soy Robinson Joguista Macusi, líder de la comunidad de Pijuayal. Me parece muy bien el trabajo que está haciendo Diaconía en mi comunidad y otras comunidades de la cuenca. En mi comunidad sembramos 18 plantones de árboles frutales de especies nativas amazónicas de guanábana, caimito, guayaba, anona y cacao. En los próximos años vamos a tener muchos frutos para el bien de los niños. Es bueno que las personas que integran el proyecto vengan a mi comunidad para hablar sobre la salud de los niños, gestantes, nutrición y de agricultura.

Photograph 21. Promotor Robinson accompanied by Diaconia facilitator Manuel





he project was financed by the Belgian Development Cooperation, through the Belgian NGO ECLOSIO, from January 2017 to December 2021. The project is located in the Cordillera Negra, at the head of the Huarmey river basin, in the districts of La Merced and Aija, province of Aija, Ancash region. The target population of the project is made up of producers participating in community organizations such as peasant communities, irrigation committees, water and sanitation administrative boards - JAAS, Association of ecological producers of the province of Aija - APEA and producer committees. Photograph 22. Recovery of amunas in the Chakras sector, Mallacayán The objective was to strengthen peasant families in the exercise of their economic, social, cultural and environmental rights, in order to live with dignity from family farming and other activities linked to the sustainable development of their territories, under the approach of gender and intercultural.

ACHIEVEMENTS • The territorial planning process was developed through the elaboration of the Communal Territorial Management Plan for the Pescado river micro-basin and the village of Ullucurán (PGTC), where the participating population prioritized specific actions for planting and harvesting water, reforestation in the headwaters of the micro-basins and installation of technified irrigation systems; in order to recover the hydric recharge and improve the efficiency in the use of water for irrigation, the crops and livestock productivity, and contribute to the scaling in the agroecological transition of families from La Merced and Aija. • The implementation of the communal territorial management plan was carried out through the execution of microprojects, among which are: the forestation of the headwaters of the basin with 19,000 seedlings of queñuales Polylepis spp., the installation of 7,500 seedlings of Pinus pine spp. in the community of Santa Cruz for the use of wild mushrooms and the construction of solar dryers to dehydrate them, the installation of seven technified irrigation systems with the irrigation committees of Ketayanpampa, Wishlacc, Huantall, CC Santa Cruz-Chúcaro, Ullmacuta, Quihuán and Illahuain; the recovery of five lakes to store rainwater and two amunas for water recharge, the improvement and expansion of the carriageway to facilitate water planting actions in Ullucurán and the implementation of 120 family technified irrigation systems. In addition, agroecological practices were promoted with 156 producers, 15 guinea pig breeding enterprises were consolidated and 20 improved kitchens were installed. • To contribute to the scaling of agroecology, producers were trained in the construction of sheds for raising small animals, management, health, nutrition and genetics, crop management, technical sprinkler irrigation, soil care, rotation of crops, production and use of organic fertilizers (biol, bocashi, mountain microorganisms and compost) and biopreparations for phytosanitary control (sulfocalcic broth and ecological insecticide M5).



In the same way, agroecology was spread as an alternative to produce healthy food, reduce the environmental impact of agrochemicals, protect health and obtain better income in differentiated markets for the sale of their products. In this regard, the population was motivated to change the production system and more producers joined the agroecological transition. • Within this framework, the progress made in the agroecological transition of 80 producers was evaluated. To do this, a simple and practical methodology was developed which allowed producers to monitor their progress. As a result of the Photograph 23. Exchange of knowledge about the results of the IAP in Ullucuran. evaluation, we can affirm that 62 producers are dedicated to raising small animals (guinea pigs, rabbits, chickens, etc.), 80 producers have vegetable gardens, 60 producers prepare their organic fertilizers, 20 producers have implemented homes improvements, referring to improved kitchens and 43 producers were certified with the Participatory Guarantee System-SGP, since they have been advancing in the agroecological transition with a simple and practical methodology that allows producers to monitor their progress. • Support was provided in the organization of the Ecoferia de Huaraz, with the formation of a driving committee made up of the Provincial Municipality of Huaraz, IDMA, AGRORURAL, the DRA, ECOKALLPA and the business group of Huaraz. At the local level, two seed exchange fairs were held, led by the board of directors of the CC of Tian Ayllu and the municipalities support of La Merced and Aija, the Lincuna mining company and local authorities. In this event, the outstanding producers in the conservation of productive and food diversity were recognized with inputs. LEARNINGS • Territorial planning, as an initial tool in rural development processes, allows comprehensive solutions to be proposed based on prospective reflection on territory's problems. This process generates appropriation of the solutions and allows the population, in an articulated way with their leaders, to involve the local government in the implementation of its actions, through municipal management instruments. • Recognition of the binding nature of territorial planning or territorial ordering processes, both at the formal processes level, where territorial ordering is promoted, and at the local governments level, is relevant for the development and implementation of investment projects, since it makes it possible to improve the efficiency of these investments and respond to real needs prioritized by the local population. • Women actively participate in agricultural activities and family businesses, mainly when men migrate to other places looking for a job; so they are the ones who have Photograph 24. Mavel Camones leads reforestation in the sector Cochacancha - La Merced.



been promoting and implementing agroecological changes in families, and above all, they value biodiversity, either directly or indirectly. • During the field activities, there is a continuous process of learning and exchange of knowledge, based on the interaction of the producers with the technical team, as well as with the participation of volunteers, thesis students and external specialists or technicians. • Internships, workshops and exchanges are important tools for producers and leaders (technified irrigation committees, mayors and communities), since they allow learning from actions carried out and concrete, also promoting the realization of replicas in the cultivation fields and the territory. • Water is the priority for rural populations. The concern of producers for the scarcity of rains and the periods of drought should be channeled towards concrete actions for implementation of adaptation measures such as planting and harvesting of water (forest plantations, improvement of lakes and implementation of sprinkler irrigation systems) executed by the ITV project. • In the Andes, mainly in potato production areas, the most detrimental problem faced by producers is the damage caused by the Andean weevil and the potato Phytophthora infesting. Looking for solutions in a participatory manner, IAPs were carried out. This joint learning process between the producer and the technician allows building knowledge and obtaining favorable results or discarding possible solutions. This tool must be replicated and incorporated into development projects.

PARTICIPATORY ACTION RESEARCH EXPERIENCES (IAP) Within the framework of the Interacting with Living Territories project, 9 Participatory Action Research - IAP actions were developed, with the purpose of solving some bottlenecks or technical-productive difficulties that arose in the agroecological transition process (control of potato Phytophthora infesting and Andean weevil in potato crops, low crop yields, low quality seeds). These IAPs had the participation of producers from the districts of La Merced and Aija, during their development they provided innovative knowledge through collective and participatory inter-learning. Exchanges of local experiences between agroecological producers were also implemented to execute the joint evaluation of the IAP results installed in the field in situ: "Control evaluation of the Andean weevil in organic potato cultivation (Solanum tuberosum) through the plastic barrier around the farm in the Methuselah neighborhood of C.P. from Ullucuran – La Merced - Aija 2020, producer AE Florentín Polo Albino”. In addition, a seed exchange fair event was held between producers in the district of La Merced and Millmichicu (Tian Ayllu community) with the participation of leaders and researchers. To support the results of the IAP, gigantographs, posters, photographs, etc., were used for dissemination and replication purposes.

Photograph 25. Evaluation of results of the IAP "Andean weevil control" with plastic fence in potato crops, native varieties, in the Ullucuran C.P. with the participation of agroecological producers.



TESTIMONIOS Testimonio 1 Soy Oswaldo Torre García, presidente del comité de regantes Machaycancha, Gracias al apoyo de la ONG que viene trabajando con nosotros. Hemos hecho mantenimientos y refacciones de estas cochas de Utcu, para poder dar avances a nuestro pueblo de Mallacayán. Hemos contribuido todos con nuestro trabajo personal, nuestra mano de obra. Es una mejora muy importante para el futuro de nuestros hijos y un esfuerzo productivo. Es un avance muy importante para mantener nuestras cementeras, nuestros animales, para nuestra vida. Esto lo han hecho nuestros abuelos, yo ya lo he Photograph 26. President of the Irrigation Committee conocido y desde que ingresé, hace años, como usuario de Machaycancha, in the task of recovering the riego no lo hemos mantenido. Invoco a los jóvenes de mi oxbow lakes in the Utcu Sector pueblo y de los pueblos vecinos a contribuir y pensar en el futuro, unirnos a pensar y a salvar el agua, que a veces, desperdiciamos, y construir cochas que verdaderamente almacenen el agua.

Testimonio 2 Mi nombre es Marcelo Polo Romero del sector El Carmen. Yo me dedico a pequeñas plantaciones de hortalizas agroecológicas. El proyecto es muy beneficioso para el ser humano porque nos enseña a cultivar ecológicamente, siempre nos brinda apoyo para cubrir ciertas necesidades que nos faltan y me siento satisfecho; también, agradezco que me han ayudado a elaborar abonos como el bocashi, caldo sulfocálcico y el biol, me entregaron rollos de manguera y malla para mis cuyes. Estoy agradecido y quisiera que me sigan apoyando. Photograph 27. Producer Marcelo Polo shows his family garden.

Testimonio 3

Photograph 28. Producer Olimpia Polo directs the application of organic liquid fertilizers on your plot.

Mi nombre es Olimpia Nemecia Polo Albino, de la localidad de Ullucurán, La Merced-Aija. Soy una productora agroecológica muy responsable, activa, que me gusta trabajar en equipo de manera organizada en mi comunidad; con la institución de la ONG DIACONÍA vengo trabajando desde el año 2014 en los diversos proyectos que viene ejecutando en la provincia de Aija; manejo mis cultivos (hortalizas, papa, habas, quinua, etc.), me dedico a la crianza de animales menores (cuy, conejo, gallinas), además vengo implementando prácticas agroecológicas como la elaboración de abonos orgánicos (biol, bocashi) empleando insumos locales, diversificación de cultivos (papa, oca, olluco, chocho, habas, quinua) y entre otros, con el apoyo y asesoramiento técnico de los profesionales de campo de la ONG Diaconía.



En mi comité de riego de Ketayanpampa se implementó microproyecto de riego tecnificado por aspersión, actualmente tengo agua suficiente para realizar mis riegos en mis cultivos y puedo realizar mis sembríos durante todo el año, incrementando mis rendimientos. E participado con mis compañeros productores/as en la implementación de IAPs. Me siento muy agradecido de la ONG Diaconía por el apoyo que nos brinda con insumos, materiales, asistencia técnica, capacitaciones, talleres, para poder mejorar la producción agroecológica de nuestros productos, para un consumo sano y saludable.

Testimonio 4 Soy el productor Glicerio Palacios Castillo, de la localidad de Aija. He cumplido todas las recomendaciones de los técnicos de campo para poder lograr mis metas en la agroecología, son muy importantes los proyectos.El uso de abonos orgánicos es muy importante, lo utilizo y aplico a mis cultivos en la chacra; donde como resultado, obtengo buenos rendimientos sanos sin pesticidas. En los talleres que participe, aprendí los conocimientos y aplique en mis parcelas poniendo en práctica las enseñanzas. Al intercambio de semillas entre productores que asistí, es muy buena y debe impulsarse más; yo no tenía mashua negra ahora ya produzco en mi parcela, producto del intercambio que realizamos.

Photograph 29. Producer Glicerio Palacios performs positive selection of potato seed.

Como promotor agroecológico de la ruta he conducido mis hortalizas, abonos orgánicos, crianzas, etc., con el apoyo de los ingenieros del proyecto ITV.En el proyecto ITV he obtenido buenos resultados y con el apoyo que se me ha brindado he logrado desarrollar en mi agricultura y crianza de cuyes. Se debe realizar más trabajos de investigación en abonos orgánicos y en cultivo de papa para el manejo del gorgojo de los andes.Me siento agradecido del proyecto ITV y de los técnicos que nos apoyaron de la Diaconía.

Photograph 30. Producer implements his moth attracting traps as a preventive control measure.



Health emergency response projects emergencia sanitaria

Photograph 31. Students of the primary level of the Educational Institution of Vista Alegre in the delivery of the tablets, in the district of Jacas Grande.





IACONÍA, in the health emergency framework in 2021, knowing about the Bread for the World humanitarian aid fund for caring of families affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, presented a microproject to provide support to families affected by the virus, to the institution that manages the funds of the Center of Studies for Development and Participation - CEDEP, which was approved. In this framework, humanitarian aid was directed mainly to families that had been directly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic in the districts of Breña and Callao, Lima region. 23 of them were selected due to their vulnerability degree, represented by 15 women Photograph 32. Delivery of food to Mr. Máximo Miranda, Breña and 8 men, from which 6 people are elderly (4 women and 2 men). Likewise, in the group, 26 boys and girls under 10 years of age (10 men and 16 women) and 37 adults (20 men and 17 women) were treated. When making a brief diagnosis of the treated families, we can mention that the 23 families were infected with the virus, 4 of them were hospitalized and the rest underwent their treatment at home. In some cases, all family members were infected, the relatives of 3 of them died. Similarly, it should be noted that, from the group of treated people, 6 are older adults and 12 families have among their members people with a high risk of contagion due to chronic diseases (type II diabetes, cancer, TB, hypertension, HIV) and others typical of age (Parkinson's, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis); a disabled person, single mothers and a Venezuelan migrant family. In compliance with the requirements of the call, the microproject proposed humanitarian aid in two lines: food safety and biosafety implements. For that purpose, the following actions were implemented: • Identification and selection of families Carried out through the representatives of the Evangelical Lutheran congregations of Breña and Luz Divina from AAHH Márquez (Callao), prioritizing the most vulnerable families of both districts. • Acquisition and delivery of goods to 23 beneficiary families In the line of food security, proceed with the purchase of basic staple foods required by families to fight hunger under minimum conditions. In the line of biosecurity implements, mica face shields were acquired, as they are mandatory not only in public transport, but also in shopping centers, markets, banks or other closed physical spaces, where there was a risk of infection due to the crowding. 2 gallons of bleach were also delivered to disinfect home environments and accessories, and 2 liters of 70° liquid alcohol to be used as a disinfectant on food packaging, door handles and others.



• Delivery of humanitarian aid It was carried out in two parts, the first on May 24 and the second on June 21, 2021. The delivery of baskets to the 6 families of Breña was carried out in the DIACONÍA office and the goods for the 17 families from district Callao were transferred to the premises of the Luz Divina Lutheran congregation for their respective delivery. LEARNINGS • The COVID-19 pandemic has shown us the fragility of family economies, especially those that support their income on a daily basis through informal jobs, so facing the need to feed themselves, they left the "confinement" and took the risk of getting the virus which, in many cases, unfortunately affected the most vulnerable. •

Photograph 33. Delivery of food supplies to Mrs. Clorinda Arias, Callao

The organized work that representatives of the evangelical congregations have been performed is a practice that stands out because they know firsthand the situation and the needs that each family, churches members are going through, for which they have been seeking support from different organizations.

• Given the urgency of generating income for buying food and access to health services, mental health remains a non-essential issue for many, so it is an issue that should have greater importance in the population in order to guarantee comprehensive well-being for the most affected families. • DIACONÍA, by belonging to the Humanitarian Network, has contacts with local, national and international logistics operators-suppliers that facilitate the acquisition of goods during an emergency situation (database that was put together after the Ica earthquake). These providers offer products at competitive market prices; therefore, we believe that our experience allowed to achieve the objectives of the microproject in a short time.

TESTIMONIO Buenas tardes mi nombre es Miguel Angel Silva, primeramente, agradecer por el apoyo por canasta familiar que nos brinda, porque a raíz de esta pandemia casi no la vivo para contarla, yo y mi madre estuve muy mal como un mes y medio a raíz de esto también perdí mi trabajo perdí todo, gracias aquí a la gente, tenemos este apoyo, gracias a ustedes que nos han ayudado bastante para que, decirles a todos que se cuiden, que no bajen la guardia, porque los que hemos estado con esta enfermedad lamentablemente es algo muy muy terrible en carne y hueso, gracias a Dios, gracias para todos.

Photograph 34. Delivery of food supplies to Miguel Silva, Callao





his microproject was financed by the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany Lima, for a period of four months (June to September 2021), in the Tucunaré rural clinic, Urarinas district, Nauta province, Loreto region. The Tucunaré Health Service Provider Institution (IPRESS) is part of the IPRESS system of the Loreto Regional Health Directorate (DIRESA) with the REANES code 21486. It is a health post categorized as establishment I-II, belonging to the Micro Maypuco Network, Loreto-Nauta Health Network. It is located on the Chambira River and has under its jurisdiction the uppermiddle basin of the Chambira River and the Patoyaco and Pucayaco streams, where approximately 4,200 indigenous people belonging to the Urarina ethnic group are treated.

Photograph 35. Basic induction of the operation of the new system photovoltaic in the Tucunaré health post

The Tucunaré clinic in 2020, during the health emergency due to COVID-19, acquired two oxygen concentrators, in order to care for patients who might require a continuous supply of oxygen, since if they chose to evacuate a patient to Nauta, it would be risky due to the distance and the ways of transportation (approx. 8 hours of navigation on the Marañón River). However, for the proper operation of the equipment, a fairly high electrical demand was required, which could not be fed by the small photovoltaic plant installed more than 8 years ago and, due to its age, showed a series of failures. Likewise, when it was required to use the oxygen concentrators, which demand high energy, two generator sets that worked with fossil fuel were used, generating a greater use of fuel, constant maintenance, and a counterproductive engine noise in the patients recovery. Within this framework, the objective was to install a photovoltaic plant with a capacity of at least 5 kW for the IPRESS Tucunaré, located on the Chambira River, in order to operate the various equipment installed in the rural clinic without no setbacks and having to use generators that pollute the environment, and attend to the number of patients who require health services, mainly oxygen supply. ACHIEVEMENTS • The new Off Grid Hybrid photovoltaic system was installed, with a nominal output power of 10 kW. This system is 220 V low voltage single-phase and covers the energy demand required for the proper operation of the equipment, with energy savings and, most importantly, reduces the carbon footprint. It is made up of solar modules that fulfill the function of an electric power generator, with a galvanized iron support structure and aluminum fixing hooks (stainless), which ensure the duration of the photovoltaic system. It has a bank of solar batteries that store the energy collected during the day to be used at night and the installed hybrid solar inverters are responsible for managing the energy in order to respond to the required demand.



•The photovoltaic system is composed by the following: a) 16 monocrystalline photovoltaic solar modules of 320 Wp (Watt peak) of power, making a total of 5120 Wp of installed capacity. The modules fulfill the function of electrical energy, with a galvanized iron support structure and aluminum fixing hooks (stainless), which ensure a long life of the photovoltaic system; b) 2 hybrid solar inverters with a capacity of 10 kW (each one has a nominal capacity of 5 kW) that are responsible for managing the energy generated and responding to the required demand. The system is single-phase low voltage 220 V; c) a bank of 24 2V batteries, each one with 1120 Ah capacity, making a total of 53 kWh/day. The batteries are connected in series for a 48V system, which implies a useful life of 10 to 12 years; d) a DC/AC Photograph 36. Installation of the new photovoltaic system in Tucunaré photovoltaic electrical panel, which has 2 DC 500 VDC and 40 kA surge suppressors, 2 batteryinverter electromagnetic switches of 250 A, 2 magneto-thermal switches of 100 A and 1 3-switch toggle; e) a general panel with differential switches and grounding. Additionally, a lightning rod was installed; a grounded for the clinic, as a safety measure to prevent harmful discharge to health staff and others; a remote monitor, which facilitates real-time monitoring of kWh/day consumption production, battery charge voltage, output power, etc., and allows remote configuration of the inverters and has a feedback signal fault alarm. • The new system allows the simultaneous use of specialized medical equipment such as oxygen concentrators, portable ultrasound, nebulizer, refrigerator, microscope, hemoglobinometer, blood and fluid centrifuge, computer and printer. LEARNINGS • The measures applied to achieve the objective were given in a period not exceeding 120 days. These are detailed below: a) evaluation of bidders that would provide the photovoltaic system installation service, the company ENERGY S.A.C. was selected; b) permanent coordination with the company on the completion of the system and determine the date for its installation in Tucunaré; c) the technicians in charge of the installation traveled by river from Yurimaguas to Iquitos, for their subsequent entry from Iquitos to Ollanta and Tucunaré. For this, DIACONÍA supported the required logistics (boat rental, fuel) and loading and unloading services; d) technicians stayed in Tucunaré for 20 days to install the new photovoltaic system, then they tested its operation and gave a basic induction talk to the staff of the rural clinic.

Photograph 37. Completed structure of the photovoltaic system





his microproject was financed by the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany Lima, for a period of three months (September to December 2021). The beneficiaries were 10 Health Service Provider Institutions - IPRESS from the district of Megantoni, province of La Convención in Cusco region. The Camisea health network is located in the district of Megantoni, province of La Convención, Cusco region. It is made up of 46 localities where 8,427 inhabitants live together. The vast majority of the population is indigenous from four ethnic groups: Photograph 38. Representatives of the German Embassy and DIACONIA show the equipment purchased for the Camisea health network. M a t s i g u e n g a , Yi n e - y a m i , K a k i n t e a n d Asháninka, and an indigenous territorial reserve (Kugapakori-Nahua-Nanti Territorial Reserve) where the Kugapakori-Nanti and Nahua-Yora ethnic groups live. The population of Megantoni does not have drinking water, drainage, or electricity 24 hours a day, mainly in times of torrential rains. The telephone line falls between 15 to 20 days. Regarding the health system, the pandemic has exposed the precariousness of health posts in indigenous communities. Even though there are 16 health posts, seriously ill COVID-19 patients are transferred to Ucayali or Pucallpa because these health centers lack equipment, medicines and stretchers, and due to the remoteness of the communities, evacuating a seriously ill patient to Quillabamba results risky and expensive because it can take up to 18 hours to travel by river and road to get the capital city of the province of La Convención. For that reason, the objective was to provide equipment to ten IPRESS of the Camisea health network, in order to guarantee appropriate and comprehensive care for the dwellers of the district of Megantoni, province of La Convención, Cusco region. ACHIEVEMENTS - Ten oxygen concentrators were acquired (each one equipped to connect two patients simultaneously with a flow of up to 10 liters/minute) and ten 2000-watt electric generators. This equipment was delivered to ten IPRESS: Kirigueti, Camaná, Tangoshari, Timpia, Segakiato, Montetoni, Puerto Rico, Cashiriari, Puerto Huallana, and Megantoni; in turn, they are registered and codified in the inventory of patrimonial assets of the Regional Health Directorate and assigned to the Camisea Micro Network, which will allow them better control.



• The basic equipment of each IPRESS is of utmost importance for the treatment of COVID-19 and its "Delta" and "Omicron" variants, so that the population will receive timely and proper care when required. Similarly, the equipment will be used to deal with all kinds of respiratory diseases, which are very common in the Amazon. LEARNINGS • Oxygen concentrators with their respective generator sets constitute a sustainable and effective source for medical establishments in the Megantoni district, so local authorities should ensure the proper functioning and operability of each of them because they are very useful to provide proper care to the dwellers of the district.

Photograph 39. Representatives of the German Embassy and microproject manager show the equipment.

Photograph 41. Verification of equipment acquired at the Camisea communal

Photograph 40. Dr. Lender Huarca thanks the donation of equipment to the Camisea health network.

Photograph 42. Delivery of equipment at IPRESS Montenoni.





his project was financed by the Center for Development and Participation Studies CEDEP with funds from Bread for the World. It was carried out for a period of six months (July to December 2021) in five localities of the Chavín de Pariarca district, with a target group of 78 parents of 86 students in the first, second and third grade of elementary school. The health emergency due to the presence of COVID-19 has shown us in a crude and real way the shortcomings and weaknesses in various sectors of our country, mainly in health, education and work. In the education sector, the closure of schools generated detrimental effects for the most vulnerable students, such as Photograph 43. Ariana Bazán, 1st grade primary school student, learning loss, an increase in school dropouts and uses her tablet, San Sebastian de Micarin. greater inequity in access to quality education (gaps between an education in the city and the rural area), where the most affected, students from rural areas, could not regularly access remote classes because they were far from the cities, had limited economic, technological and connectivity resources or had problems with the internet service, among others. In this framework, the local presence of DIACONÍA, by executing productive projects, allowed us to learn about a series of circumstances that had been taking place in the province of Huamalíes, mainly with the students of the first three grades of the elementary level; therefore, a proposal was designed, presented and approved in the call for the “Initiative Fund for families affected by COVID-19” in the Education line. The objective was to improve the accessibility conditions (technologies, connectivity and infrastructure) to the virtual classes of students enrolled in the first, second and third grade of the elementary level of five educational institutions: San Juan de Pampas, Micarin, San Martin, Huamanripa and Queropata. For that reason, the following actions were proposed: a) acquisition and implementation of a device and school materials for the development of virtual classes, since MINEDU only delivered tablets to students in 4th, 5th and 6th grade of elementary school, so that the project considered the acquisition of a tablet for each student and the delivery of school materials that facilitate their learning lessons; b) carrying out the monthly programming of recharges of the devices so that the students connect to the internet service without restrictions; c) enabling and conditioning of spaces or study areas, considering the materials of the area. The purpose was to provide students with a suitable place to study, and d) training in digital technologies for parents, in order to handle the technological tools and be an important support for the students in the fulfillment of the tasks assigned by teachers. ACHIEVEMENTS • 86 students developed their educational activities (classes) through virtual platforms and social networks: 31 students (17 girls and 14 boys) from the Queropata locality use Google Meet and 55 students (23 girls and 32



boys) from San Juan de Pampas, Micarin, San Martin and Huamanripa localities use WhatsApp and video calls. • 344 virtual recharges were made during the months of August, September, October and November, so that the 86 students have mobile data and access the Internet to participate in their virtual classes without any setbacks. • 78 parents (65 mothers and 13 fathers) enabled the study areas for their children with materials from the area, where the students carry out their school activities. • 20 workshops were performed (4 in each locality) on the use and management of the tablet and access to educational platforms, with the participation of 78 parents (65 women and 13 men), who developed and strengthened their skills on these issues.

Photograph 44. Yazmin Soto, 1st grade student primary school, he does his homework with the tablet, San Sebastian de Micarin.

• 2 video tutorials have been prepared about how to use the tablet and installation of applications, access and use of educational platforms, which were disseminated to mothers/fathers and students in each training workshop. • The tutorial videos have been downloaded on the tablets of the 86 students (27 from the first grade, 25 from the second grade and 34 from the third grade), so that they can review the files again when they have any questions. • Educational and didactic games have been downloaded to each student's tablet, in order to accompany, guide and reinforce the learning of mathematics and communication courses. In addition, some educational application websites have been placed in direct access. For example, YouTube kids, Liveworksheets, so that children can practice some exercises according to their age. • There was the commitment of 12 educational promoters made up of 11 mothers and one father: three in San Juan de Pampas, two in San Martín, two in Micarin, two in Huamanripa and three in Queropata. The promoters supported the follow-up of the activities in their localities so that the parents comply with the enabling/construction of the study area and coordinate with the teachers on the fulfillment of duties and homework of each student in a timely manner. LEARNINGS • The computing devices (tablets) that were delivered to the students have allowed them to access virtual classes and enter virtual platforms or social networks such as Google Meet, WhatsApp and/or video calls, as well as improve learning, development of cognitive skills and the acquisition of basic digital skills of students. • The virtual recharges favored the students to enter the digital platform "Aprendo en casa" at the time indicated by the teachers, and handing in homework and assignments in a timely manner. Likewise, having the internet made it easier to download some office programs and educational games; therefore, we consider that the internet is a tool that allows access to important information and, at the same time, facilitates immediate communication with several people. • The implementation of study areas has provided students a comfortable and pleasant place to develop their homework. These spaces have been fitted out with materials from the project area and have a table and a chair, necessary conditions for students to organize themselves and show their interest in their studies. • The directors and teachers from the five educational institutions facilitated the registration of students' attendance and scores of the target group of the project. This information was very useful for monitoring the academic progress of the boys and girls.



• The mothers and fathers of families actively participated in the training, accompanied their son and daughters in the development of homework and educational work, conditioned the study areas and organized themselves to attend to their daily work (going to the field to work land, graze animals, prepare food, etc.). They understood that the education of their sons and daughters is an important factor for the development and progress of their families and, consequently, of their locality.

TESTIMONIOS Testimonio 1 Soy Aida Soto Martel, tengo 44 años de edad, vivo en la localidad de San Juan de Pampas, madre soltera de 2 niños. El microproyecto educativo me enseñó a perder el miedo a usar “estas tecnologías nuevas”. No llegué a culminar mi secundaria y pensé que no estaba capacitada para manejar esta Tablet. Cuando me comentaron que el taller sobre el manejo de la Tablet iba a hacer dirigido a los padres y que nosotros mismos íbamos a manipularla, pues no asistí al primer taller por miedo. Pero las demás madres de familia que son mis amigas me dijeron que es fácil y que la señorita consultora es muy paciente y amable, ¡aprenderás!!! Me dijeron. En estos meses he aprendido mucho, no soy una experta al manejar la Tablet, pero “me defiendo” Photograph 45. Aida Soto Martel learns how to handle the tablet in San Juan de Pampas.

Testimonio 2 Soy Jairo Cienfuegos Anchillo, tengo 9 años de edad, estoy en 3° grado, alumno de la Institución Educativa Queropata N° 32440.

Photograph 46. Jairo performs the tasks in his bed, before the execution of the project, Queropata village.


Trabajamos en el microproyecto con mi mami Olinda Anchillo, cuando empezaron las clases virtuales, mis tareas las hacía en el cuarto o cocina. Pero cuando inició el microproyecto educativo nos dijeron que los papas tenían que construir un espacio adecuado para hacer nuestras tareas y estar más cómodos. Entonces mis papas construyeron mi espacio de estudio, donde guardo mi Tablet y kit de materiales que nos entregaron. Ahora realizo mis tareas de manera cómoda y lo decoro a mi manera, con los dibujos que me gustan. Gracias.




his project was financed by the Center for Development and Participation Studies, CEDEP with funds from Bread for the World. It was executed for a period of four months (September 2021 to January 2022) in six locations in the Jacas Grande district, with a target group of 92 parents of 99 students in the first, second and third grades of elementary school. The suspension of face-to-face classes d u e t o t h e CO V I D - 1 9 p a n d e m i c generated school dropouts of students at the elementary and high school level, many of them did not have the conditions Photograph 47. Neymar Lastra, 3rd grade elementary school required for virtual classes since they were student receives his virtual classes, Cascanga location. geographically far from the cities, not have computing equipment or devices to access virtual platforms or have problems with the internet connection. To this was added that the Ministry of Education did not consider the delivery of tablets to elementary level students of the first, second and third grade. Given this situation, since DIACONÍA was intervening in the province of Huamalíes, and knowing these circumstances closely, it presented a proposal for the district of Chavín de Pariarca to the first call for the “Fondo de Iniciativas para las familias afectadas por el COVID-19” in the line of education, which was approved. During the execution period of the aforementioned microproject, CEDEP launched its second call for the same Initiatives Fund, for which a new proposal was presented to attend the students of the first three grades of the elementary level of six educational institutions of the district of Jacas Grande, which was approved. Within this framework, the objective was to facilitate the conditions of accessibility (technological, connectivity and infrastructure) to the virtual classes of first, second and third grade students of the elementary level of six educational institutions: Cascanga, León Pampa, Nueva Granada, Vista Alegre, Andas and Mesapata. To achieve the objective, the following actions were planned: a) acquisition of a tablet for each student and the delivery of school materials that facilitate their learning lessons, b) monthly programming of device recharges so that students can connect without no difficulty to the Internet service and they can participate in their classes without setbacks, c) preparation of spaces or study areas, considering the materials of the area, in order to provide students with an proper place to study, d) group sessions with in order to promote the participation and commitment of parents in educational and emotional learning (conflict management, assertive and affective communication) of students, with the support of a specialized professional, and e) training in digital technologies to parents, to handle technological tools and be an important support for students in fulfilling the tasks assigned by teachers.



ACHIEVEMENTS • 99 elementary level students, from the 6 educational institutions, received a tablet, Advance brand, size 8 inches. Each student has on their tablet the necessary applications for virtual classes and interacting with teachers such as WhatsApp, Facebook and office programs (Word, Excel, PPT, PDF). • 99 students develop their virtual classes through virtual platforms and social networks: 19 students (12 girls and 7 boys) from the locality of Vista Alegre use Google Meet and 80 students (42 girls and 38 boys) from the Cascanga, León Pampa, Nueva Granada, Andas and Mesapata localities use WhatsApp and video calls.

Photograph 48. Training in emotional support for students and parents, town of Mesapata

• 297 virtual recharges were made during three months so that the 99 students have mobile data, access the Internet and participate in their virtual classes without any setbacks. • 92 parents (76 mothers and 16 fathers) enabled the study areas for their children with materials from the area, where the students carry out their school activities. • 6 group sessions were carried out (1 in each locality) with the participation of 92 parents (76 women and 16 men), who developed and reinforced their abilities on these issues to establish their commitment to their children's education, • 18 workshops (3 in each locality) were carried out on the use and management of the tablet and access to educational platforms, with the participation of 92 parents (76 women and 16 men), who developed and reinforced their abilities on these issues. The tutorial videos have been downloaded on the tablets of the 86 students (27 from the first grade, 25 from the second grade and 34 from the third grade), so that they can review the files again when they have any questions. • Educational and didactic games have been downloaded to each student's tablet, in order to accompany, guide and reinforce the learning of mathematics and communication courses. In addition, some educational application websites have been placed in direct access. For example, YouTube kids, Liveworksheets, so that children can practice some exercises according to their age. • There was the commitment of 12 educational promoters made up of 11 mothers and one father: three in San Juan de Pampas, two in San Martín, two in Micarin, two in Huamanripa and three in Queropata. The promoters supported the follow-up of the activities in their localities so that the parents comply with the enabling/construction of the study area and coordinate with the teachers on the fulfillment of duties and homework of each student in a timely manner. LEARNINGS • The students of the first three grades of the primary level of six educational institutions: Cascanga, León Pampa, Nueva Granada, Vista Alegre, Andas and Mesapata, from the district of Jacas Grande, who did not receive the tablets delivered by the MINEDU, received from the microproject a computing device (tablet) and a kit of school supplies. Having the device and school materials allowed students to receive their virtual classes through the "Aprendo en casa" platform and to communicate more easily through instant messaging with teachers.



• Parents acquired a prepaid chip from the operator that has the greatest coverage in the project area so that children can have internet on their tablets. A provider was sought and facilitated virtual recharges for each student for a period of three months. Having internet meant that the students did not have difficulties in the development of their classes and that handing tasks was timely. • Regarding the areas of study, it is a very noticeable change since before the project the boys and girls took their classes in some room of the house (kitchen, patio, bed, farm). However, with the conditioning that each parent of family carried out using the materials of the area, the students now have a comfortable and calm environment, where they have been doing their homework. • The development of sessions, to provide educational and emotional support aimed at parents and their minor sons and daughters, has allowed the participants to share their emotions through the dynamics proposed by the facilitator. In the sessions, the fathers/mothers learned to express their affection towards their children, through non-verbal language (looks, smiles, gestures, hugs, etc.), which is very important in the emotional development of each one. • The educational videos were made in the first microproject for fathers/mothers training, but when addressing the same topics, they were of great support for training mothers and fathers of Jacas Grande, because it was explained to them step by step how to enter applications and websites of educational and didactic games according to the age of their children. Likewise, through the videos they learned more about the "Aprendo en casa" platform and the various activities that can be carried out in each subject assigned for each grade. In this regard, the local authorities of the districts should continue developing digital skills in the rural population since it is a process that is still in an initial stage.

Photograph 49. Study area of the student Fernanda Espinoza from the town of Mesapata

Photograph 50. Study area of the student Yeli Cierto from the town of Andas



Testimonio 1 Soy Yanina Osorio Ramos, tengo 40 años de edad, vivo en la localidad de Vista Alegre, tengo 2 hijos, uno de ellos es “especial”, el cual me motiva como madre a salir adelante cada día. Con la ejecución del microproyecto educativo he aprendido a manipular de manera correcta la Tablet, “tengo la habilidad de aprender muy rápido”. Gracias a este microproyecto mi hijo lleva una vida más ordenada, tiene más responsabilidad, todas sus tareas lo realiza en su espacio de estudio, cuida su Tablet y fue mejorando sus notas de manera significativa. Photograph 51. Mrs. Yanina shows the study area of her youngest son Jhinno Espinoza, a first grader in the city of Vista Alegre.

Testimonio 2 Soy Naymi Rivera Yanca, tengo 54 años de edad, vivo en la localidad de Nueva Granada, soy viuda, tengo 4 hijos. Cuando inicio el microproyecto educativo entregaron a nuestros hijos una Tablet y un kit educativo, mi hijo Rusbel me rogaba para que le dé la Tablet y empiece a hacer sus tareas, pero yo me negaba por temor a que lo rompa, estuve así por una semana, cuando tuvimos nuestro primer taller era la única madre que no había sacado la Tablet de su caja desde aquella vez que nos entregaron. Les decía que era por temor a que mis hijos lo malogren, porque yo no sé ni leer y nunca he manipulado este tipo de equipos. Llegó el día del taller y resultó que nosotros los padres teníamos que aprender a manipular la Tablet para apoyar a nuestros hijos con sus tareas. Mi mano es un tanto “torpe” para manejar la Tablet, recuerdo que le daba click a una imagen de manera tosca o varias veces, pero con paciencia la señorita me fue enseñando y de a poco me ponía menos nerviosa y ya manipulaba la Tablet, no sé leer, pero me guio por las imágenes que la señorita nos enseñó. Gracias.

Photograph 52. Ms. Naymi, learns how to use the tablet in a training workshop in Nueva Granada



Financial report 2021

Photograph 53. Accountability in the town of Mishquej, APACARMA directors participate, DIACONIA promoters and staff




INCOME 2021 39 525.56

37 631.46 27 865.40

Pan Para el Mundo - PpM ECLOSIO

1 486.47 360 552.49

1 571.89 192 492.59

Ilex de Paix FONDOEMPLEO Iglesia Sueca Global Giving Freundeskreis Indianerhilfe e V. – FKI


Embajada Alemana en el Perú Préstamos La Llave

401 185.71

Fortalecimiento Ins tucional Instrumentos financieros

Diferencia de cambio 4 937.60

157 281.95

16 382.66

Fondo de reserva

22 114.30

EXPENSES 2021 11 941.13


108 080.78 360 552.49

78 542.05

ITV Programa SIA Productivo sostenible-durazno

401 185.71 Respuesta integral al COVID-19 en países andinos Ollas populares 113 950.54

364 457.91

4 937.60

22 114.30


16 382.66 157 281.95

Instalación sistema fotovoltaico clínica Tucunaré Salud materno infantil indígenas Urarina Fortalecimiento red de salud camisea SAMA Gastos administrativos/balance



Colaborate with us We accept monetary donations at:

M.E. Dólares Americanos

M.N. Soles

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N° 0011-0138-0100006279

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CCI: 011 - 138 - 000100006279 - 52

CCI: 002-193-00-1150364-037-14



We offer:

Proof of donation to companies for tax deduction (Recognition by SUNAT of up to 10% of your annual net profit (Art.37° of the Income Tax) to be deducted from taxes in the tax return of the fiscal year). Accountability report of the donation. Dissemination of the actions in our media and social networks.



Managemente team

Photograph 54. Members of the Board of Directors and partners, after a working meeting at DIACONIA's headquarters in Lima.




Ángel Pedro Véliz Márquez

Ydalia Nelita Crisóstomo Pañera



Leena Tellervo Hokkanen Hokkanen

María de los Angeles La Torre Cuadros

Roxana Jacoba Carrasco Hernández




Benjamín Navarro Piminchumo

Máximo Pedro Contreras Lobato



Robert Jacob Funk Rymann Miembro Honorario




Oficina central (Lima) Ángel Pedro Véliz Márquez


Edelvis Rodríguez Cadillo

Directora Ejecutiva

Marleny Arango Lanazca

Gestión de Proyectos y Monitoreo

Jackelin Castillo Chávez


Pedro Aliaga Delgado

Auxiliar de Oficina

Melisa Salas Tacsa


Maricelly García Bautista


Oficina Regional Huánuco Programa SIA

Oficina Regional Áncash Proyecto ITV

Hilario Santos Miraval

Christian Isael Florencio Saavedra

Victoria Soledad Liberato Cori

Willi Clodomiro Valverde Salazar

Daniel Samuel Rodríguez Rayo

Yomer David Osorio Torre Kori Castellano Moreno

Proyecto FORFAGRO continuación Dany Villanueva Ayuque

Oficina Regional Loreto Proyecto Salud materno infantil

Raimundo Céspedes Santillán

Manuel Gordon Ríos

Feliciano Vicente Melgarejo Rodriguez Adler Lino Justo

Leda del Carmen Gonzales Tapullima Juana Lucia Cabrera Prieto Rolin López Cunaya

Proyecto Productivo Sostenible de Durazno

Jerry Inuma López

Fidel Crisostomo Paucar

Victor Inuma Vela

Yessenia Romero Alvino

Richard Castayon Macusi

Maximo Cierto Japa

Karito Ihuaraqui Carives Milldred Rojas Ruiz




Our work is possible thanks to the support of:



Jr. General Orbegoso 728 Breña, Lima 5, Perú (511) 423 5245 / 658 1873

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