The voice of the student body Hackley School, Tarrytown, NY 10591
Physics Olympiad
Spring AP Artshow
June 5, 2018
Hannah’s 3x4
Hacktors take the stage for their final showcase in NYC By Lei Anne Rabeje
Nothing screams off-broadway more than a 50-seat theatre squeezed between a restaurant and a New York City Deli. But on May 6th, the 50-seat Royal Theatre at Producer’s Club was jam-packed with Hackley parents, families, students, and alumni for the annual Senior Actors Showcase, a tradition begun four years ago by drama teacher Willie Teacher. This year’s showcase, titled “OH! Before I Go...”, featured a compilation of ten different scenes, and took the audience on a journey from a New York City diner to the seaside at midnight. The show featured various senior Hackley actors, or “Hacktors”, some making their on-stage debut at the showcase, while others returned for their fourth or fifth Upper School production. Senior Hannah Goodwin-Pierce joined the “Drama Dirty Dozen” following the showcase– a title for students who complete a show for each trimester
during their four years in the Upper School– a feat achieved by only a small number of Hackley seniors. Though many of the Hacktors performed in several productions prior to the showcase, the drastic stage difference offered a new experience for many. Even after nine Upper School productions at the PAC, senior Beatrice McColl was still frightened by the prospect of performing on an off-broadway stage. “I have gotten so used to the PAC that being on a stage that’s real and in a theatre that’s real was sort of scary. I get stage fright as is, so beforehand I was pretty much just trying not to panic. It was super exciting to be performing in what felt like the real world– granted it’s still Hackley-based but like it was at a real theatre.” For senior LiliAnna Khosrowshahi, the showcase marked her first appearance on stage, joining the Acting program only this school
year. “I ultimately joined acting because I wanted to try something new. I had never really done anything aside from athletics and kind of just wanted something to try out for fun. I also thought that I just shouldn’t graduate without having Mr. Teacher as my teacher!” LiliAnna explained that she was scared of being on stage for the first time and intimidated by the talented group of Hacktors around her. When she got on stage, her nerves disappeared, replaced by enthusiasm and excitement of being surrounded by the supportive acting community. “It was so scary, but I loved it! I would 100% recommend taking acting. I feel like I’ve definitely grown from the class, the showcase, and the more experienced actors and Mr. Teacher could not be more welcoming and supportive!” exclaimed LiliAnna. “My biggest tip is just to have a positive attitude and really have fun with it.”
Seniors pursue their passions via internships By Tyler O’Brien
interest in cooking, the project directors After four years of high school, Hackley will attempt to find a match with a local Seniors are given the opportunity to pursue their business that is related to that interest. Due to the fact that these internships passions through Senior Internships over the only last three weeks, the course of three weeks in May. students work in mostly Instead of attending school every day, members of the Seniors are eager to observatory positions. Senior Senior Class intern at local show the world what Michael Mezzacappa said businesses that are related to they can do and show that during his internship their future career plans or the world what Hackley he will “mostly shadow and observe the employees one of their passions, many has done for them. so he can learn the ropes.” of which were discovered Senior Project co-director during their time at Hackley. Wi l Lobko thinks that Wil Lobko These internships these internships are a great give this year’s seniors an opportunity to further their interests. opportunity for the seniors, explaining Despite the fact that the internships begin in that, “Seniors are eager to show the May, the process begins back in the fall when world what they can do and show the the Seniors take a survey on what they are world what Hackley has done for them.” The Senior Internships are one of interested in pursuing for their internships. Hackley’s most exciting and enriching English teacher Wil Lobko and Math teacher programs due to both its helpfulness for Karen Casper take those interests and begin to make connections between businesses and figuring out career plans and excitement the students based on what they are interested in spending the last month of your high in. For example, if a student expresses an school experience doing something you love.
Photos by Lei Anne Rabeje For the past four years, senior acting students have performed in the annual Senior Acting Showcase. This year’s showcase was comprised of ten different scenes, a showcase of what skills the “Hacktors” have been working on the past four years. Pictured from left to right: Hanna Mark, Hannah Goodwin-Pierce, and Angel Torres
Architecture - Michael Mezzacappa
Guitars - Raimondo Carofano
Senior Michael Mezzacappa is doing his internship at Gisolfi Associates, a local architecture firm known for building structures connected to open space and adapted to the local environment and surroundings. The firm designed the rebuilt Goodhue Library. “I discovered this passion while taking an Architecture Class at Hackley and am excited to work with such an accomplished firm”, said Mezzacappa, “I’m using this internship as a trial run to see if this is something I would like to do in the future.”
Senior Raimondo Carofano is working at Rock Island Sound in Tarrytown, where he will spend his days building and repairing guitars. Ray is using this internship as an opportunity to explore one of his favorite hobbies at the professional level. Ray said,“I will continue my hobby of building guitars as I get older.” Ray Carofano’s passion for guitars was developed during his time at Hackley. The senior guitar player explained, “Hackley’s coffeehouses have increased my interests in music and guitar, which prompted me to do this project.”
Photo courtesy of Michael Mezzacappa Michael Mezzacappa is working with Gisolfi Associates on the new Preforming Arts Center at Rye Counrty Day.
Photo courtesy of Raimondo Carofano Raimondo Carofando works to build and repair acoustic guitars at Rock Island Sound in Tarrytown, NY.