January 2019

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The voice of the student body Vol 121, No 4

Stars on the Rise


B&G Profile


Hackley School, Tarrytown, NY 10591, January 31, 2019

Local Art and Theater



Diversity vs. Decolonization: Teachers discuss diversity in the school’s faculty and curricula

News Analysis

include different voices that enables students to not only see themselves but feel selfempowered. Hackley is a place that prides itself on its He further explained saying, “[In a] inclusivity, an idea illustrated by the Hackley decolonized mindset, you start thinking motto: “Enter here to be and find a friend”. about what are the structures that have led Hackley not only strives to be an inclusive to a narrative and how can we use those community, but also a diverse one that structures to talk about things like whiteness represents a large number of economic, racial, in fiction, people of color, othering, [etc]”. and ethnic groups. He mentioned that power structures were The student body is composed of many important to keep in mind when making voices where numerous races, classes, and decisions about which books to include. nationalities can be found engaging in In terms of room for improvement, he discussions about identity, politics, or current stressed the importance of considering things events. Students have numerous options to relatively saying, “I think we do a nice job of dive deeper into some of these topics, whether offering a relatively diverse curriculum in the it is through taking minors 11th grade [but] I think we like History of the Middle need [to do] a lot of work... East, or attending the [In a] decolonized mindset, [you in the 10th grade.” meetings of one of the “It is about recentering diversity organizations like start] thinking about what are the conversation.” UNITY. the structures that have led to [a] Steele Sternberg, an Despite the richness narrative and how can we use those Upper School histor y of diversity that already teacher, brings these exists at Hackley, through structures to talk about [things like] c o n v e r s a t i o n s t o h i s reflection in the strategic whiteness in fiction, people of color, department by discussing plan, a plan created to othering, [etc]. the history curriculum and e v a l u a t e H a c k l e y ’s its ability to include diverse James Flanigan future growth, an voices. acknowledgment has been “I think our curriculum made that there is room for even more very much still embraces a western canon,” opportunities to explore multiple perspectives. he said, “There is a set core knowledge about The plan briefly mentioned the desire to have the History of Europe and the United States... an emphasis on diversity, and due to the broad that [our current curriculum implies] you phrasing, an opportunity arises for members need to learn.” of the community to share their thoughts and This description of the current approach define what this could mean for the future. better brings into focus where Hackley stands Diving deeper into specific departments like diversity-wise within the history curriculum. the English department, James Flanigan, an He continued with examples saying, “You’re Upper School English teacher, spoke about not talking about African kingdoms his efforts to have conversations about race, independent of European colonization. The class, and gender, and described the process reason African kingdoms make it into the 9th of doing so. He mentioned that, “Whenever grade curriculum is because of the Europeans, I talk about curriculum and whenever I talk because they’re part of the European story.” about diversity, I like to distinguish between In terms of room for improvement, diversifying things and decolonizing things.” Sternberg left this up to the community to The difference between these ideas is that decide through responding, “Whether we decolonizing is a more conscious effort to say that this western centeredness of our By Sophie Thomas

Photo by Sophia Thomas Steele Sternberg teaches Upper School History to the ninth and tenth grade, and has an elective focusing on the Middle East. The ninth grade curriculum focuses on world history from various periods and perspectives, and tenth grade is American history leading up the the 20th century. Sternberg explained that the curriculum embraces a western canon.

curriculum is a good thing because it provides that core foundation, or whether we say that it’s a bad thing because it cuts certain students off from their ethnic or cultural heritage, that’s a debate people are gonna have all the time.” Another area for growth within the Hackley community is in regards to faculty. While they represent a qualified group of people with different upbrings and stories, there exists a lack of racially diverse members. When asked about the lack of racial/ethnic diversity within the faculty, Amanda Esteves-Kraus, an Upper School biology teacher and faculty advisor of UNITY, mentioned room for improvement. “I think for students, it’s a huge weakness because [students] learn better from a diverse set of humans. You think better, you’re pushed, and it opens everyone’s minds,” she said. “It’s [also] important for students to see themselves in people that teach them.” This brings attention to the pre-existing need for more

representation within the faculty, to benefit and more accurately reflect the student body. While Hackley does a relatively good job in creating a diverse student body and attempting to include diversity in the curriculum, it is still the responsibility of any school to continue to grow and change with the times. The world is ever shifting and morphing daily into a different place, and it is important that Hackley does the same, possibly through diversifying the faculty and adding to the curriculum in order to include more voices and perspectives. Willie Teacher, a Middle/Upper School acting teacher and faculty advisor of UNITY, ends the conversation in a thoughtful way saying, “It’s a love movement, because, as I recently heard a speaker say, ‘justice is what love looks like in action’. I am proud that Hackley, in its own way, is seeking to be a more than just community.”

Annual Advisory Fashion Show incorporates new house system By Lauren Ahern

Photo by Lauren Ahern Ms. Stanek’s Advisory won this year’s Fashion Show with their Ghostbuster’s dress-up. They won the last show with a dress-up inspired by “Pokemon Go.”

Photo by Lauren Ahern Community Council President Zaya Gooding was the announcer for the event in which eight advisories participated. This year’s winners and runners-up won house points.

Upper School Students gathered in the PAC to view eight advisories who participated in the Community Council Advisory Fashion show. Participants had to dress up and strut down the runway in front of three judges. Community Council president, Zaya Gooding, explained that this year the new house system will be incorporated into the event through “house points,” given to the two placing advisories. She also noted that the house with the most points at the end of the school year will win a prize, although the prize has yet to be determined. This year’s first place winner was Ms. Stanek’s advisory, who dressed up as “Ghostbusters” and pretended to exterminate the ghosts on Hackley’s campus. They even carried around the cardboard cut-out of Mrs. Hackley.

Their advisory also won two years ago when they dressed up as Pokemon characters inspired by the “Pokemon Go” craze. The second place winner was Mr. McLay’s advisory, who dressed up as “Oren’s Nightmare.” Junior Oren Tirchwell walked onto the runway with a pillow and lay down pretending to take a nap when his fellow advisees ran onto the runway, dressed in white sheets, pretending to be ghosts and circled around him holding cardboard cutouts of cellos. This was a continuation from their previous dress-up two years ago when their theme was “Oren and his Eight Cellos”. The third place winner was Ms. Kaplan’s advisory, who dressed up as characters from the movie “Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory.” When they walked down the runway they threw out candy to the crowd.

“I had fun planning it with my advisory it really helped us bond,” junior Jacqueline Deila, a member of Ms. Kaplan’s advisory, said. “It was something that we could all do together.” Ms. Stanek’s advisory and Mr. McLay’s advisory are in Gildersleeve, meaning that Gildersleeve received a total of 120 points, Ms. Kaplan’s advisory is in Wheelwright and won 70 points for their house. Randalls gained 10 points for participation, and Nichols recieved none. All participants who did not place gained 10 points for participation towards their houses.

Results of the Advisory Fashion Show: Gildersleeve: 120 points Wheelright: 70 points Randall: 10 points Nichols: 0 points

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