Inner Peace Parenting March 2014

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March 2014, Issue 18

Meditate with MEANING

The Key to Bring Peace, Love & Energy into Your Family

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March 2014, Issue 18


Meditate with Meaning By Diana Dentinger

page # 6

A Simple Way to Peace The Many Benefits of Meditation

page # 7

Your Energy Influences Radiate Vibrant Loving Energy

page # 9

Connected from Top to Bottom Rooted in the Ground and Up to the Sky

page # 11

Energy Vortexes The Circulation in and out of Your Body

page # 12

Meditate with Meaning page # 13 A 6 Week Hourly Session starting March 10th Join the Facebook Group Now: 3

March 2014, Issue 18


Bad Behavior & Bullies Could Energy Determine Who Does What

page # 14

Look at Energy Flowing Diagrams that Chart Out Energy

page # 16

Know Yourself at the Core Understand Your Talents for Energy

page # 18

Like our Facebook Page Thanks for Your Support

page # 20

Interested in Contributing? Write to the Editor for Article Suggestions

Interesting in Family Coaching? Write to the Editor for Parenting Programs 4


In the northern hemisphere it is starting to look and feel like Spring! “Spring is the time to fill your life with new energy and new beginnings.” How do we do this? Well, the sun does some of it for us. With more light and the longer days then we become more active by absorbing the sun energy through our eyes and retina. Another way is to do some Spring cleaning and get rid of old stuff and make room for the new. This is not just getting rid of junk but actually getting rid of stagnant energy drains our home and our life of vitality. Another way is to meditate. I have had lots of experience with meditation and the various techniques stemming from different cultures and belief systems. Many I have found too “difficult” for the western world person busy juggling all their family and work responsibilities.

March 2014, Issue 18

FEEDBACK Your feedback is welcome. This is your magazine too. Let us know what would help you find inner peace in parenting your children. Contact Inner Peace Parenting Magazine Magazine Privacy Policy Copyright 2012 Diana Dentinger Inner Peace Parenting Magazine Sviluppo CCT sas - Italy All rights reserved under the International and Pan American Copyright Conventions. Reproduction in whole or part is prohibited without written permission from the publisher. The publisher assumes no responsibility for the unsolicited materials.

HAPPY SPRING! Diana Dentinger, Editor Inner Peace Parenting Magazine

So this issue is about how to “Meditate with Meaning” and make sense of it all. New “planetary” and “universal” energy has arrived so many of the “old” ways have become “obsolete”... as in, there are new ways to gain greater benefits from the time you dedicate to meditation. And also, the time you dedicate can be shortened! Read and listen on to the articles and videos here in this issue. Then join the private Facebook group to learn amazing meditation techniques that fill your life with this new energy!



Do you meditate? If you do, there is a more effective way to gain greater benefits. If you don’t, then it is time to start a rapid daily practice towards more inner peace. JOIN THE PRIVATE FACEBOOK GROUP


Diana Dentinger As a neurobiology therapist, Corporate Trainer and Personal Development Coach Diana Dentinger helps people find meaning and energy to create the life they desire. She works with parents too to help them get into the deeper sense of their children. She offers coaching to improve couple and family relationships. Sign up to have a conversation with Diana:


A Simple Way to Peace The Many Benefits of Meditation By Diana Dentinger

This issue of the Inner Peace Parenting Magazine is dedicated to Meditation. And our wish for you is that it will inspire you to find inner peace in your parenting through the use of your energy... Meaning, that the meaning you give to the 5 minutes you can dedicate to meditating is to raise your energy vibration, to clear any blocks that inhibit your thoughts to be of self love, and that allow you to express more freely the sentiments of love for those around you... especially your family. If you already meditate, then we hope you are reaching all the benefits. We feel that you can have even more though. If you don’t have the practice of meditating then we would like to take away the exotic myths about meditation and even explain the advantages that meditating can have for you. To meditate you do not have to: sit in a funny position, wear certain clothes, chant in a strange language, sit for a long time or belong to a certain religious group. All of these are simply stereotypes but have nothing to do with the practice

of a simple daily practice of meditation. And unfortunately if you believe you even have to empty your mind and think of nothing on top of all the other “rules” then you might have decided not to give it a try or made up excuses not to. Most people think that meditation takes a lot of time, that you need to isolate yourself in a silent space where you are not disturbed... what busy parent has that luxury!!! Let’s go through the benefits and see if they are interesting enough for you to join the Meditate with Meaning group and adventure into a new way to access your energy through simple techniques.

Those who meditate regularly, and even science, state these as valid reasons why you might want to start meditating soon. 1. For your happiness One of the main pieces of meditation is about breathing and staying calm. This in itself is an anti stress. When you breathe deeper and slower then you are naturally peaceful. This decreases your anxiety and increases positive emotions. Could you use less stress in your life? Maybe it is how you are feeling the stress!

it is your emotions first that influence your thoughts... well this doesn’t matter what comes first. It is important that when you perceive stress that you don’t fly off the handle or lash out or close up. All these behaviors weigh on your self esteem and especially as parents, ruin your relationship with your children. With meditation, you are offered the opportunity for introspection and therefore can see yourself and how to improve who you are. Everyone loves to be proud of the way they act... kids and adults too.

2. For your health 4. For your brain Another advantage of meditating is that it increases your immune functions. Having less stress flow through your body and more positive energy circulating makes you stronger and less susceptible to those things like the flu and common cold. With your immune system more active then you actually decrease possible inflammations and have faster recovery from pain or injuries. 3. For your behavior When you live more positively, then how you act reflects this. Whether it is having more positive thoughts and an ability to brainstorm for better ideas or whether

Meditation is proven to increase the grey matter in your brain and even increase the volume of the areas related to emotion regulation and self control. Then too there is an increase in the cortical areas that are related to paying attention. This improves even your memory and ability to think out of the box, to focus more attentively on tasks and even multitask. WOW with all these benefits, how about teaching your kids to meditate too!!!

Diana Dentinger As a neurobiology therapist, Corporate Trainer and Personal Development Coach Diana Dentinger helps people find meaning and energy to create the life they desire. She works with parents too to help them get into the deeper sense of their children. She offers coaching to improve couple and family relationships. Sign up to have a conversation with Diana:


Your Energy Influences Radiate Vibrant Loving Energy

Have you ever felt another person’s energy? Everything is made of energy! You are made of energy. What kind of energy do you have? On a bad day you might have a low amount of energy, feel sad or angry, be less motivated or more tense. On a good day, you might feel great, full of super ideas and focused action, be fun to be with and create harmony all around you. One of the most important things for you to manage daily is your energy and how compact it is around you!!! Hop to it now!!!

But often we let our energy be managed by others, by circumstances, by the weather outside, or by situations out of our sphere of control. This is the best way to have more bad days! Instead how about more good days? The good days are created by you when you manage your energy and your energy field. As an adult this is so important! It means the difference between allowing others or situations take control over your life. Instead those who meditate and manage better their energy, mood, emotions, and thoughts have success in their career and have relationships work. As a parent, this is vitally important too! You always radiate energy on to your children, they are still “connected” to your energy when they are small so every one of your thoughts and emotions influence them. When you have a positive energy field, vibrating with love, joy, enthusiasm, peace and harmony, you might find that your kids behave better. Is it the children who are really such angels? Or is it that they live in an environment where there is well balanced energy?

Instead what happens when the energy is off? Maybe you have seen this among new parents. Often their babies will have upset tummies or unexplained crying. Could it be because the baby picks up on the parent’s energy filled with anxiety? How often do you see wonderfully glowing parents who have terrible kids? I would say rarely. And it is often the “strength” of the strong energy field of the parents that can keep the children balanced too. And even in the case of special needs children, they perform so much better when parents are balanced and emanating a relaxed energy. What are you doing for your energy field right now? What can you do to improve it today?

Diana Dentinger As a neurobiology therapist, Corporate Trainer and Personal Development Coach Diana Dentinger helps people find meaning and energy to create the life they desire. She works with parents too to help them get into the deeper sense of their children. She offers coaching to improve couple and family relationships. Sign up to have a conversation with Diana:


Connected from Top to Bottom Rooted in the Ground and Up to the Sky By Diana Dentinger

Do you ever feel a tingling under your feet? If you concentrate can you feel a tingling on top of your head? There are these 2 entry points of energy that are maybe the most important. We must be grounded into the earth to be able to manifest things in this physical reality. Just like we must have access to a higher energy. Through these 2 extreme points, energy enters and exits our body.

Diana Dentinger As a neurobiology therapist, Corporate Trainer and Personal Development Coach Diana Dentinger helps people find meaning and energy to create the life they desire. She works with parents too to help them get into the deeper sense of their children. She offers coaching to improve couple and family relationships. Sign up to have a conversation with Diana:


Energy Vortexes The Circulation In and Out of Your Body By Diana Dentinger

Have you ever felt low on vitality? Have you ever felt hyperactive? When energy circulates in a harmonious way, then you feel rightly energized. Instead if energy is blocked then it does not come into your body through your vortexes (just through your food and drink intake). Instead if there is “too much� it could be nervous tension that leaves you drained.

Diana Dentinger As a neurobiology therapist, Corporate Trainer and Personal Development Coach Diana Dentinger helps people find meaning and energy to create the life they desire. She works with parents too to help them get into the deeper sense of their children. She offers coaching to improve couple and family relationships. Sign up to have a conversation with Diana:

A special group organized for readers of the Inner Peace Parenting Magazine

Starting Monday March 10th - 6 Sessions in Weekly 1 hour Training Calls Information and Recorded Calls in the Private Facebook Group Click Here to Join Now It’s your time to create and maintain a better flow of energy within yourself and all around you. Your energy influences others and so does theirs on you. Get the best meditation techniques so you manage your energy and life. Diana Dentinger leads you in using newer, simpler and more effective meditation techniques for greater energy and happiness.


Bad Behavior & Bullies Could Energy Determine Who Does What By Diana Dentinger Do you notice if there is a difference in the way you act on the days you have more energy or those in which you have less? How often do you feel you have great energy? How often do you feel you are not acting at your best? Not only do kids misbehave, but even adults! So many parents now are stressed. And so many kids are being diagnosed with disorders! Could there be a correlation?

Nowadays there is a lot of talk about bullying. Let’s take a look at it from an energy point of view. Let’s say the “bully” is not just imitating behavior that he or she sees at home. Let’s say the bully has an “irregular flow of energy”. This could mean that instead of having the energy flow coming into the body up from the ground and down from the sky the child has it congested or blocked somewhere and this influences the kind of energy relationship with other kids. Maybe the energy needs to come out somehow and the only way it can is through anger towards another child. And how does this “bully” chose who to bully? Could it be that energy determines who is the “victim”? What about the child who gets “bullied”? Could it be that he or she has a low energy flow and somehow that attracts a more overpowering energy? Could it be that little energy from the vortexes is entering the body on the back and little is flowing out and around the body too? Could it be that this makes him or her weak - not just muscle wise but even personality wise? Self confidence is so important for everyone. But if energy is low so is self confidence!

There is no saying that bullying is right but how about visiting this growing phenomenon from an energy perspective. Maybe we can find an easier solution to it than psychology has found so far. Just as a thought here, what if meditation and other “balancing practices” were put into a family’s daily schedule. Could that help a child with self confidence and lower the chances of being bullied? What if meditation was a specific class or practice at school along with recess? Could then the children and teachers (who are also stressed like parents) share a common activity that brings benefits even to the classroom environment? How can you work now on your child’s energy to offer them the self esteem and confidence and strong flow of energy so they are not “victims” of their own “poor energy”?

Diana Dentinger As a neurobiology therapist, Corporate Trainer and Personal Development Coach Diana Dentinger helps people find meaning and energy to create the life they desire. She works with parents too to help them get into the deeper sense of their children. She offers coaching to improve couple and family relationships. Sign up to have a conversation with Diana:


Look at Energy Flowing Diagrams that Chart Out Energy By Diana Dentinger

Often when kids act up, we parents try things like disciplining them, time outing them or giving them consequences. Sure some type of “measurement” needs to be taken to “train” them into better behavior habits. But if behavior really depended on energy flow and not just a child’s character? Does a child always observe and imitate a parent or role model’s behaviors? Or could it be that the “energies” are similar between the observed and observer therefore they act the same? Here is the first illustration of different kinds of energies.

Look at the one on the far left. This is the ideal flow that we all need for inner peace, problem solving abilities, resourcefulness, better health - moods! In this one the energy flows down from the point on top of the head, enters the body, and connects a person to the earth. Compare that to the person who is “choked” on the right. Already in the names of the energy types you understand where the energy blocks are. Here no energy comes to the head so the person will not have the ability to have clear thoughts. The energy is blocked in the throat - tummy.

Any of you ever get stomach aches? Could it just be blocked energy?

As with any “cure”, there is first a “diagnosis of the current situation.

Look at the middle one called Distracted? Might you have thought this was your teenager who has a new crush on someone at school? Well, maybe it is the energy flow?

1. Notice behavior and posture in yourself and your children.

We talked about bullying and the bullied in the previous article. Look at the Self Defeating energy. Could you imagine the kind of posture a child would have with this energy flow? Probably with low hanging shoulders, wouldn’t you say? So what should we do when our kids seem off balance, out of gear or upside down? Maybe some meditation or yoga or energy treatment is more effective than pills or punishment.

2. Try to see it as an energy imbalance. 3. Take up a meditation practice or yoga or energy work. 4. Visualize the ideal flow of energy. 5. Use your talents to maintain a positive self value and self esteem. 6. Keep a positive attitude that things can be changed and transformed, and that some things are just a passing phase to remind us to keep evolving and improving.

Diana Dentinger As a neurobiology therapist, Corporate Trainer and Personal Development Coach Diana Dentinger helps people find meaning and energy to create the life they desire. She works with parents too to help them get into the deeper sense of their children. She offers coaching to improve couple and family relationships. Sign up to have a conversation with Diana:


Know Yourself at the Core Understand Your Talents for Energy By Diana Dentinger

How well do you know yourself? What words do you use to describe who you are? Are they about your personality traits or about your talents? In the end they are both the same. Defining who you are and what you are good at helps you feel good about yourself. Being clear about how to use your traits and talents in everyday life, in relationships, in school and in work really energizes you. This makes you feel more satisfied with yourself and opens you to opportunities that bring even more fulfillment.

Just as food energizes us with all the nutrients, vitamins and minerals that our body uses, so do our talents. The mix of our talents is our recipe for happiness, success, fulfillment and meaning in our lives! Often “visualization” is part of meditation practices. But if you visualize a you that is not you then where does it get you? Instead the clarity of who you are are makes the visualization more effective. You can see yourself realistically and “exaggeratedly” being more of who you are in very specific areas of your personality. Let’s take children. They are so good at visualizing and formulating what they see for themselves in the future. It goes beyond just the “when I grow up I want to be a dancer, doctor, astronaut, pilot etc.” There are some children who feel such a deep yearning to be this or that and access that talent inside that later takes shape into a future career. What happends when teens are asked what to study in college. Why is it that often there is so much confusion and doubt about a major?

For sure it is easier for children to be stimulated to visualize in their day to day life if their parents are also doing visualizations for their lives. Have you ever asked yourself and even answered these questions? Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Who do you want to become? What do you want to have accomplished? What else would you like to see happen? These questions are not meant to stress but rather to tie into your talents. When you know who you are then the rest is easy. You feel deeply connected to what you are naturally able to do and then you simple ask, during meditaton, for chances to be given to you to use your abilities!

Diana Dentinger As a neurobiology therapist, Corporate Trainer and Personal Development Coach Diana Dentinger helps people find meaning and energy to create the life they desire. She works with parents too to help them get into the deeper sense of their children. She offers coaching to improve couple and family relationships. Sign up to have a conversation with Diana:

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