DIDA Research Week book

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A walk through the research paths of the Department of Architecture of Florence

BOOK 2018


BOOK 2018

A walk through the research paths of the Department of Architecture of Florence

graphic design

didacommunicationlab Dipartimento di Architettura UniversitĂ degli Studi di Firenze Susanna Cerri Stefania Aimar Federica Giulivo Simone Spellucci

didapress Dipartimento di Architettura Università degli Studi di Firenze via della Mattonaia, 8 Firenze 50121 Š 2019 ISBN 9788833380629

Printed on pure cellulose paper Fedrigoni Arcoset

In February 2018, the Department of Architecture of the University of Florence (DIDA) promoted an open and public analysis and evaluation of the research carried out by the Department during its first five years of existence in order to define its strategy, the relationship with third and second cycle education, the role of experimental research and the DIDALABS laboratory system, as well as of research units and inter-university research centers. The objective of the DIDA Research Week, through the documentation, communication and evaluation of the activites carried out by the Department in national and international research projects or in individual or exploratory projects, is an analysis and an in-depth reflection on the research activites at all levels carried out during the first five years of the Department: a wide and transparent reflection which communicates what the research carried out by DIDA is in all its different forms, calling the most qualified colleagues in Florence, Italy and abroad to discuss and to evaluate it and to contribute to the identification of future goals, strategies and actions. The transparency strategy in scientific communication developed by the Department plays a central role not only concerning the dissemination of knowledge but above all for the effective evaluation by the entire scientific community, certainly more effective than the current assessment procedures.The increasingly international dimension of research and education requires the maximum possible transparency and accessibility of research results. The Department’s commitment to supporting scientific journals, the DIDAPress publishing, the Communication Laboratory and the first DIDA Research Week itself aims to meet this need.

DIDA RESEARCH WEEK 5 YEARS OF RESEARCH BY THE DEPARTMENT DIDA 2013-2017: AN ASSESSMENT FOR THE FUTURE PROGRAM. 19-23 February 2017 Santa Teresa, via della Mattonaia 8, 50121 Florence Monday 19 February Disciplinary research Interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research Tuesday, February 20 Competitive research, horizon 2020, industrial research, design research, research for the third mission Research communication, magazines and scientific publishing Wednesday 21 February The Ph.D. Course in Architecture Thursday 22 February Research, training and profession. DIDALABS, Research Units and Research Centers Applied research experiences Round table: Research, training, profession: DIDA Open perspectives Friday 23 February Research, training and profession in the design area: scenarios and strategies for the design and project area



INTRO DIDA Research Week. Overview of DIDA research environment from 2013 up to 2018 Saverio Mecca


Map 1 Research Map


DIDA RESEARCH STRATEGY | A general view Projects and relations between ďŹ elds of knowledge Giuseppe Lotti


Towards an innovative doctorate Giuseppe De Luca


Didalabs. Clusters and applied research Giorgio Verdiani


Map 2 DIDAlabs. Inside Research


Understanding research through communication. Concept, methodologies and tools of DRW Susanna Cerri


Setting Connections. Inter-university Centres Roberto Bologna, Paola Gallo


Map 3 Internationalisation of research




DIDA Research Systems


Inter-university centres ABITA_CIST_TESIS


ABITA TESIS Laboratories A&P - Architecture & Project cluster

97 99

Architecture and Auto-construction | LAA Prato Laboratory | Laboratorioprato Technologies for the Mediterranean Area Laboratory |TAM Lab Theatre | Architecture Laboratory | TEARC Lab Urban Design Laboratory | UD AHCV - Architectural Heritage Conservation and Valorisation cluster Architectural Heritage Restoration and Conservation | LARC Architectural Survey Laboratory | LRA architecturalsurveylab Cultural Heritage Management Laboratory | CHM_Lab Heritage City Laboratory | Heritage City_Lab Materials and Structures Testing Laboratory | LPMS

table of contents


DSI - Design and Sustainable Innovation cluster


Communication Laboratory | didacommunicationlab Design for Kids Italian Design for the train | DIT lab Ergonomics & Design Laboratory | LED Modelling Laboratory for Design | LMD lab Multimedia Architecture Interaction Laboratory | mailab Reverse Engineering Interaction design | Rei Lab Sustainable Design Laboratory | sustainabilitylab ICT - Information Communication Technologies cluster


Informatic Laboratory of Architecture | informaticlab – LiA Cartography Laboratory | LCart Photography Laboratory | LfA Architectural Model Laboratory | LMA Architecture Video Laboratory | VI.D.A. lab TEL - Territories, Ecosystems and Landscapes cluster


Critical Planning & Design Laboratory of Sociological Research on Design, Architecture and Planning | LabSo Landscape Design Lab Laboratory of Ecological Design of Settlements | LaPEI Plans and Projects for the City and the Territory | PPCT Regional Design Lab PhD Programs


Architectural and Environmental Survey and Representation Design History of Architecture and the City Landscape Architecture Technology of Architecture Urban and Regional Planning and Design Research Units


Cities and Regions Across Local Boundaries | A.VAST Area Vasta COmmunities REsilience | CORE Documentation and Management of Small Historical Settlements | DM_SHS Exploring Landscape Architecture | ELA eu.med. Florence Accessibility Lab | FAL Heritage and Euro-Mediterranean Design | Dar_Med International Group on Urban and Architecture Design | INTEGRO_UAD Landscape, Cultural Heritage. Project | PPcP Local and Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Innovation | INN-LINK-S Projects on Environment, Cities and Territories in the South | ProjECTS Urban Bioregion Project | PROBIUR Sustainable Urban Projects & Research | SUP&R Technology for the Project | TxP_R

dida research week

Scientific Journals


Firenze Architettura Contesti Territori Scienze del Territorio Opus Incertum Ri-Vista DIDA Research Programs A&P - Architecture & Project

359 363

Archtecture & Project


AHCV - Architectural Heritage Conservation and Valorisation


Architectural and Environmental Survey and Representation


Conservation of Architecture and Cultural Heritage


History of Architecture and the City


Materials and Structures


DSI - Design and Sustainable Innovation




Technologies of Architecture


TEL - Territories, Ecosystems and Landscapes


Landscape Architecture


Urban and Regional Planning and Design


table of contents


dida research strategy


titolo • nome


DIDA Research Week

Overview of DIDA research environment from 2013 up to 2018 Saverio Mecca Dean of DIDA | Department of Architecture

The product of fantasy, like that of creativity or invention, comes from relationships that thought does with what it knows. It is evident that thought cannot make connections between what it does not know, nor between what it knows and what it does not know. […] The imagination will therefore be more or less fervid if the individual has more or less chance to make relationships. An individual with a very limited culture cannot have a great imagination, he must always use the means he has, what he knows. (from Bruno Munari, Fantasia, Laterza, Bari 1999 [1a ed. 1977], p. 29)

This book appears one year after the fruitful experience of the first DIDA Research Week (DRW), of which it is the ideal conclusion. Carried out in February, 2018, but dating back in its preparation to the end of 2017, the DRW generated a wide participation from all sectors and “souls” of the DIDA, who responding to the invitation to “open up” toward each other as well as toward the outside world, reacted promptly and with the necessary effort, producing both a large amount of material (approximately 350 thematic posters) and a comprehensive exhibition mounted in the renovated spaces of the premises at Santa Teresa, accompanied by a thematic week that was rich in events and in which the deep significance of the research was placed at the centre of the entire academic activity. Events such as this have the aim of increasing internal and external interconnections to the academic reality and tend to the widening of perspectives in terms of action and thought. It is not only a question of taking stock of the research experiences but also of reflecting on the features of the context in which the research is produced, financed and disseminated. The idea that the integration of the various disciplinary contents and the overcoming of the sectorial barriers which traditionally divide academic knowledge is perhaps the only viable path for the future of research is increasingly gaining ground. Big Data, multi-dimensional models, micro- and macro-simulations and a number of systems for gathering, managing and interpreting data point to new forms of analysis and are clear indicators of a swift re-positioning of the figure of the researcher. In this sense, given the responsibility of universities in the process of training tomorrow’s researchers, it is necessary to ask ourselves straight away what adaptations are possible, given the conditions in which teachers, researchers, and especially students carry out their activities. The DRW has tried to develop this line of thought by placing among its objectives that of stimulating the sharing of contents, opening to reciprocal exchange and debate and the possibility of collaboration and the creation of new research models. Last but not least is the objective of a greater aperture toward students who, through the exhibition and now with this volume, have the opportunity of increasing their awareness regarding the world of post-graduate university research and of developing a systemic and creative idea of academic life. In other words they have the opportunity of perceiving the faculty as a system of relations, on the quality of which depend the development, health and efficiency of the educational and professional environments. Therefore, the motives that guided the creation of this experience are already present in the general approach to the configuration of the educational and training environment, and are closely connected to the concept of creativity and to design thinking. We often think of creative people as having a natural gift, but research has shown that creativity is a skill that can be taught, practiced and developed. The world needs creative thinkers in all disciplines, mostly in design; people who can tackle complex challenges and develop innovative solutions.


The educational system of our department in the field of global design traditionally focuses on teaching students “divergent thinking”, “open minded innovative design”— how to come up with multiple solutions to open-ended, unscripted problems. It is these types of open-ended and complex problems they will face as they pursue future careers as professional architects, designers, planners, or next professionals. Design thinking for us is a methodology that leads students through a process of human-centred problem study, from imagination and idea generation through a recursive “trial and error” process, through experimentation to define and solve problems creatively. In our design courses students are encouraged to develop multiple ideas, to demand feedback, to create a rough prototype, to discuss it with other students, to analyse and defend it from critics, test and refine it through a series of iterative designs. We as department of Architecture are favoured because we inherited the pedagogy taught in art and design studio classes, the tradition of training of the academy of fine arts, which we were part of, and the long tradition of learning by doing, which is how architects have been trained for centuries. A Creative Environment In brief, we are working to offer students a creative environment, an innovation oriented ecosystem to support Florence University students and alumni in their quest to explore, imagine and design the future world. We want to stimulate the innovative power of individuals, of young architects, designers, landscape architects and urban designers through essential disciplinary courses and a network of labs, DIDALABS, offering highly-experienced advisors and mentors, peer collaboration and interaction, and comprehensive resource and programming support. We believe that innovation and talents training needs both knowledge and design-oriented skills design, as well as an open environment where connection and collaboration, sharing different visions and competencies are the keywords. We believe that if we create and manage a similar fluid community bringing together the right mix of diversity of people, of knowledge, of cultures, with shared intentions and similar values, innovative and effective projects can be born. We believe in providing all the necessary support for innovation, including physical security, transparency, empathy, compassion, connection and opportunity for creative production. We believe in unlocking the unrealized value of individual talent that can have a profound impact on the markets, the world and on the individuals themselves who enter the environment they are trying to build and innovate. A strategy for nursing creativity Based on these considerations, the Department has taken the main decisions regarding the promotion of creativity both globally and for individual students, in the belief that professional competition will lie, in particular in the digital development of design and production processes, in the ability to innovate, on creativity based on rigorous methods, on a “reflective and responsible creativity”. We give importance to support creative individuals working in groups, and to prepare graduates to think creatively at work, in their personal life, and in society. We are operating to create an open learning environment, a creative environment characterized by these main factors supporting creativity: • ¥ interdisciplinarity, • ¥ variety of training experiences on the most relevant and progressively complex methods and design problems, • ¥ research and experimentation labs open to all students to support experiments, modelling, testing, by physical and digital technologies for simulation, decision and communication of their projects. Interdisciplinarity Our courses seek to help students learn the mindsets and skills needed to approach ambiguous issues, understand multiple viewpoints, to collaborate across disciplines, and to imagine and realise new solutions. One of our core principles is to nurture connections, to bring students together from different disciplines and different scales of design problems. When we run a class or workshop, we try to have architecture and design, regional planning and landscape architecture along with students from other disciplines students working together on a project, bringing different approaches and perspectives.


dida research week

Furthermore, the students we are enrolling come from different universities and countries in order to generate a mix of people with different backgrounds. In this way the traditional vertical flow of knowledge is balanced and enriched by a horizontal exchange of different languages, experiences, competencies, ways of design thinking and learning, creating a social environment with a high level of cultural diversity. Variety of training experiences applied to the most relevant and progressively complex methods and design problems We found that the more effective and preferred strategies were short duration and high intensive design workshops where the students make design-related decisions through the application of the concepts they have learned, work together with students who most of the time come from other countries or at least other universities, and try to solve real problems with real stakeholders in the frame of research activities of our system of laboratories. These brief workshops foster the ability of rapid decision-making and effective communication on a short time frame. The credit hour for Design Studios normally ranges between six to twelve hours per week, with hours devoted to lecture sessions and hours dedicated to studio critic sessions. The role of the Design Studio critic session is that of ensuring that the design processes are well-informed and thus satisfy the project’s requirements. In the first year, Design Studios begin with basic and elemental design projects, then, in the following semesters of the 2 and 3 years bachelor degrees, students are asked to cope with much more complex projects. Students will complete their degree course with a final dissertation project, after which they are awarded their degree. Research and experimentation labs open to all students to support experiments, modelling digital technologies for simulation and communication Since 2014 we have created a system of laboratories parallel to the master courses, where research, training and knowledge transfer are combined with a proportion that varies according to the theme. The DIDALABS laboratories system consists of more than 30 laboratories on all basic and specific research topics, both supporting technologies and design research. The laboratories are important, as in the case of communication, because the new graduates are measuring themselves, with full responsibility, in real projects that would not have the opportunity to deal with at the beginning of a professional career. Moreover, being followed by university teachers and tutors gives them the opportunity to express themselves in a protected environment that mediates the transition from being students to becoming professionals. The DIDALABS system is a flexible and open system, opening and closing laboratories according to the research development in the project domain. At the same time, DIDALABS System is a resource available to all current students from any school belonging to the University of Florence who are seeking support for their design experiment. Some of labs are open for students who want to explore innovation and entrepreneurship at any stage. The DIDALABS provides all the physical and intellectual resources current DIDA students need to develop and grow, including one-to-one advising by experts, workshops, short courses and lectures. We are working now on new projects for creating open co-working spaces and incubators also available for any Florence student or graduate looking to develop his or her project, meet other students who are working on their start-ups, experts, entrepreneurs and public institutions to get support for project development and fund raising. I wish to take this opportunity to underline the experimental nature of the DRW experience and its potential to become a fixed occasion, perhaps annual, for the dissemination of DIDA research. By consulting this volume, students, researchers, authors, PhD candidates, teachers and readers will get a ‘full picture’ of the research projects undertaken, of their orientation and discoveries, both present and future.

dida research week • s. mecca



19-23, 2018





3 29 8 13 6



Interuniversity Centres • Architecture and Auto-construction • Prato Laboratory • Technologies for the Mediterranean Area Laboratory • Theatre | Architecture Laboratory • Urban Design Laboratory

• Architectural Heritage Restoration and Conservation • Architectural Survey Laboratory • Cultural Heritage Management Laboratory • Heritage City Laboratory • Materials and Structures Testing Laboratory

• Technologies of Architecture • Urban and Architectural Planning and Design

• Structures and Conservation of Architecture and Cultural Heritage • History of Architecture and the City

• International Group on Urban and Architecture Design | INTEGRO_UAD • Sustainable Urban Projects & Research | SUP&R • Technology for the Project | TxP_R • Landscape, Cultural heritage. Project | PPcP

• Documentation and Management of Small Historical Settlements | DM_SHS


PhD Programs

Research Units

Scientific Journals

• Firenze Architettura





• • • • • •

Communication Laboratory Design for Kids Italian Design for the train Ergonomics & Design Laboratory Modelling Laboratory for Design Multimedia Architecture Interaction Laboratory • Reverse Engineering Interaction design • Sustainable Design Laboratory

• Informatic Laboratory of Architecture • Cartography Laboratory • Photography Laboratory • Architectural Model Laboratory • Architecture Video Laboratory

• Critical Planning & Design • Laboratory of Sociological Research on Design, architecture and Planning • Landscape Design Lab • LaPEI | Laboratory of Ecological Design of Settlements • Plans and Projects for the City and the Territory • Regional Design Lab

• Design

• Architectural and Environmental Survey and Representation

• Landscape Architecture • Urban and Regional Planning and Design

• Projects on Environment. Cities and Territories in the South | ProjECTS • Cities and Regions Across Local Boundaries | A.VAST • Exploring Landscape Architecture | ELA eu.med. • Urban Bioregion Project | PROBIUR

• Heritage and Euro-Mediterranean Design | DAR_MED • Florence Accessibility Lab | FAL • Local and Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Innovation | INN-LINK-S • Communities Resilience | CORE

• Opus Incertum

• • • •

Contesti Territori Scienze del territorio Ri-vista


dida research strategy

DIDA Research Strategy

a general view

titolo • nome



dida research strategy

Project and relations between fields of knowledge Giuseppe Lotti President of the Master of Science in Design

Project means innovation. And innovation today is an increasingly complex action, which results from the contributions from a variety of disciplines. The complexity of reality in fact requires complex responses. Human sciences, on the one hand, sociology and anthropology above all, capable of interpreting the variety of societies and their transformations. Psychology that deciphers cognitive processes. Engineering, in its various subdivisions – mechanics, information technology, management -capable of ensuring innovation on various levels. Economy which seeks to understand the rules of the system and looks with a scientific eye at the market. Art with its capacity to read weak signals and foresee the future. In this way the success of an innovation is increasingly linked to the capacity to hold all of these contributions together. But it is not only the sum of these contributions. It is something that necessarily goes beyond, if it wants to emerge from the variety of the offer. It is precisely within this scenario that the contribution of the project – at the various scales of intervention, from the territory to the city, architecture, the project, communication, services – seems essential. Through a systemic approach, the designer manages to hold together the various contributions, renders them immediately usable, and carries out a role as synthesiser and catalyst. A difficult task which goes well beyond individual specialisations which are typical of merely technical contributions, and which is expressed in the capacity of the designer to render thought visible. A project which, when confronted with the various contributions, comes out strengthened by this interdisciplinary approach. As Umberto Eco wrote a few years ago on the occasion of his experience as a teacher at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Florence (Eco, 1968), the architect is condemned, by the nature of his work, to be the only and last humanist in contemporary society: forced to think the totality while becoming a sectorial, specialised technician, devoted to specific operations rather than to metaphysical speculations. Whereas, more recently, Renzo Piano wrote: “That of the architect is an adventurous profession: a frontier profession, caught between art and sciences. At the boundaries between invention and memory, suspended between the courage of modernity and the prudence of tradition. The architect lives of necessity in a dangerous world. He works with all sort of raw materials: and I do not mean only concrete, timber, metal. I refer to history and geography, mathematics and the natural sciences, anthropology and ecology, aesthetics and technology, the climate and society. All the things with which we are measured on a daily basis. Architecture is the most beautiful profession in the world because, in a small planet where everything has already been discovered, to design is still one of the greatest possible adventures.” (Piano, 1997, p. 10)

Thus, apropos of design, Flaviano Celaschi writes: “The design we study today seems to be a knowledge that establishes relationships between other fields of knowledge. A discipline that would seem to consolidate around the sensibility of not producing an autonomous knowledge (or not having yet succeeded in doing so) in competition with the analysis capacity and knowledge belonging to the other historical lines of modern science; if anything, precisely by respecting the statutes and synthesised analytic knowledge of the other disciplines, it seizes and uses them as project input, as the foundation upon which to develop organised transformation actions of the world of products that surround us”.

And later: “Design as a discipline that lies at the crossroads of four knowledge systems (inputs) that do not traditionally communicate with each other: the ‘humanities’ and technology/engineering on one axis, and art/creativity and economy/management on another axis which stands perpendicular to the first”. (Celaschi in Germak, 2008, pp. 21-23) While Alberto Bassi writes: “We certainly know how to move on the ‘edges’ of a vast knowledge and ‘know-how’, drawing from knowledge and competencies that are both multi- and inter-disciplinary, following a ‘lateral’ form of thought and action that is the result of reason, inspiration and feeling simultaneously”. (Bassi, Bulegato, 2014, p. 12)


The section of the DIDA Research week devoted to Inter-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary research, originates precisely from these premises. The various representatives of the different sections of the Department participated in the event, presenting the various “souls� of these sections, from architecture to design, from urban to landscape planning. Academics with competencies in other fields – from technology to sociology -, such as Marco Fioravanti and Leonardo Chiesi, were invited to enrich the discussion and feed the reflection, thus expanding the range and contents of the debate.


dida research strategy

project and relations between fields of knowledge • g. lotti



dida research strategy

Towards an innovative doctorate Giuseppe De Luca PhD Programs Coordinator

The primary strategic aim of the PhD Programme in Architecture is the training of researchers who are highly prepared to carry out their activities with competence at an international level, with an autonomous capacity for critical research and highly scientific specialisation in the fields of the project and sustainable management of the territorial heritage that history has bequeathed to us: from natural landscapes to cities, from buildings to products. A heritage-oriented approach to the project and to management that requires a strong element of interdisciplinarity and dialogue between competencies and fields of knowledge. The educational project is characterized by eight study curricula which express the plurality of the disciplines capable of providing a balanced answer to the complex questions to be addressed both culturally and scientifically in a reciprocally integrated manner. The eight educational areas are those: • Concerning Urban and architectural design, with the specific aim of training researchers whose path is the result of a circular development of both theoretical and critical in-depth analysis and of project experimentation in the three main sectors of study: Architectural design; Urban design; Interior architecture. • Concerning the Technologies of architecture, with the specific aim of training researchers capable of interpreting and governing the processes of transformation of habitats through the project. In an integrated vision of the building process, the various forms of innovation represent the general context of cultural reflection and the objective of doctoral research within the four main study sectors: Quality of dwelling; Architectural, urban and territorial sustainability; Technologies for the built and natural environments; Management in architecture. • Concerning the History of architecture and of the city, with the specific aim of training researchers capable of addressing themes inherent to architecture and the city through history, from antiquity to the present, with the widest possible conception of cultural asset, and through the reflection upon the various research and interpretation methods, and their transformation in time. The refining of critical capacities is aimed to the drafting of scientific texts and to efficiency in the various modes and registers of communication. • Concerning Design, with the specific aim of training researchers capable of operating in research projects at the university level and in collaboration with entities and companies on topics related to strategic design, product design, and communication and services, with an interdisciplinary approach. • Concerning the Survey and representation of architecture and the environment, with the specific aim of training researchers capable of operating in the scientific field related to the analysis, documentation, survey and representation at various scales of both architectural structures and the environment. The educational and training process explores the fields of Design, Geometry and Survey, also through learning how to use digital documentation, archiving and data bank systems, and how to manage them in function of the project, from the scale of the territory to that of architectural buildings. • Concerning the Structure and restoration of architecture and of the cultural heritage, with the specific aim of training researchers capable of carrying out activities regarding five fields of study: the interpretation of the historical built heritage, the diagnosis of architectural and culturally relevant individual buildings or of their additions; the safeguarding of the built heritage through methods capable of linking the investigation of building techniques and materials with compatible choices regarding structural consolidation and strengthening, with specific attention to seismic vulnerability; the restoration, conservation and salivation of architectural assets and the cultural heritage; the structural design and research on materials and techniques, both innovative and traditional, to be used in anti-seismic prevention; the valorisation and safeguarding of


architectural and building cultures, present also in international contexts exposed to anthropic or environmental risks. • Concerning Landscape architecture, with the specific aim of training researchers capable of operating in processes of landscape planning and design and in research projects functional to them. The research fields therefore regard the landscape-related elements of territorial administration plans and the safeguarding of listed assets, as well as to projects involving the conservation, re-qualification and transformation of landscapes, using an inter-disciplinary approach. • Concerning Urban and territorial design and planning, with the specific aim of training researchers capable of exploring the various aspects of urban and territorial design and planning, focusing on the relationship between the design and planning of space and the administration of the territory. The educational programme explores methodologies, approaches, policies and tools for the analysis of contemporary regional urbanisation processes and for the construction of strategic scenarios and territorial projects which are integrated and participative, in an inter-disciplinary approach that includes environmental, ecological and political issues. The educational programme of the eight areas is included in the DiDALABS system, which is used not only as scientific support to research, but also for the transfer of knowledge. Furthermore, the PhD programme avails itself of the long standing cooperation activities undertaken between the various disciplinary fields, both in Italy and abroad, and of the relations with Italian and foreign research institutions, also with the purpose of ensuring the placement of the future researchers in the international scientific community and in production processes. Both the educational offer of the PhD Programme in Architecture and its organisation are therefore polyphonic, because they express the variety of fields into which the School and the Department of Architecture of the University of Florence is articulated. This comprehensive approach has been capable of providing a balanced answer to complex questions connected to the architectural, urban, landscape and product project today. In order to further strengthen this wealth and to better orient it to the new emerging needs and to national and European research and innovation programmes, a repositioning of the educational offer is being undertaken that will be divided into two separate PhD Programmes, organised by a Doctoral School. The idea is hat of designing two innovative ranges of action for the doctorate: one linked to the grouping together of project-related disciplines operating in the different fields; and the other to the project-related disciplines that operate at the specific level and on the product. All of which within a unified strategic objective at the level of the Doctoral School of safeguarding and caring for the cultural heritage and of ensuring the sustainability of every project for the transformation of the environment, both in urban and open-air contexts. Two innovative PhD Programmes: one international, focused especially on the experience of the project of what could be deemed the Italian school of architecture, on the historical dimension of the project, on the survey, restoration and rehabilitation of the heritage, from a perspective of safeguarding, but also of active conservation through applied research; the other intersectorial, focused especially on the project for the creation of a sustainable territorial heritage, on new forms of innovation of the economic-productive system, and on a new promotion of product sustainability and technological innovation, in other words on research in action. The new organisation and the objectives set for it (applied research and research in action), open a more general reflection on the role of the PhD student, and of the Doctor of Philosophy once he has graduated, who from a simple “post-graduate student” will become a “researcher in training”, as envisaged by the European Charter for Researchers, in order to become a source of innovation and of hope for change of the economic and social system of the country. The DIDA Research Week has always represented for the PhD Programme in Architecture, as for the other departmental research contexts, an important occasion for debate and intellectual exchange between the best doctorate research projects produced during the past few years, presented originally as a series of posters and now summarised in the information sheets included in this volume. Experiences of this type increase the opportunity for reflection, both within the doctorate and outside of it, and ensure a ‘continuous’ possibility of growth and learning for graduate and post-graduate students alike.


dida research strategy

towards an innovative doctorate • g. de luca



dida research strategy


Clusters and applied research Giorgio Verdiani DIDAlabs Coordinator

The DIDALABS system is one of the main innovation in the transformation from the former “Facoltà di Architettura” and the new “Dipartimento di Architettura”. Its strength stands not in imposed rules, but in the will of creating a solution and a practical renovation in the approach to research and teaching. In a very short range of time, starting from the 2013 with a system based on a small number of laboratories (about 8) the system quickly grew up reaching about 30 laboratories, linking new disciplines and areas, offering new services, connecting a larger number of researchers and students and creating the full possibility to reach results of excellence. The development of the system, done side by side since the beginning by professors/researches/students has produced a versatile support tool, fully oriented to multidisciplinary approach in problem solving. The characteristics of a DIDALABS laboratory are quite simple: having a specific idea, being linked to a service or research proposal, having a well-defined space/room, being OPEN to students and other researchers/professors, presenting a vocation in hosting and promoting experiences. What it is not a DIDALABS laboratory is being a closed space reserved to single persons or small group activities or being limited by a lack in interdisciplinary interest. From the student in need to learn a tool to an entire research unit, the parts of the DIDALABS system are available to promote and support the possibility to reach a step forward in the reached result. Each laboratory in this system has a scientific director and the whole system has a coordinator, many laboratories have specific technical operators, the all of them are expert in the subject area of each laboratory, so anyone interested in exploiting the opportunity created by the DIDALABS system have more than one reference figure helping to find the proper links between each proposal/need and the system. Each laboratory started from a research or from the idea about offering a service, in this sense the difference between a “service laboratory” like a Modelling Lab (LMA/LMD) or the Informatic Lab (LIA) or the Photographic Lab (LFA) and a “research lab” like the Heritage City Lab or the Sustainability and Design Lab are quite evident, the first kind offers directly services with affordable costs and the possibility of experience practical technologies for all the students/researches, the second kind offers the possibility to enter and collaborate in a specific research field, developing researches, thesis, Ph.D., internships side by side with the activities of the labs. For a DIDALABS laboratory any request should be a challenge to answer with proper solutions, bringing on the subjects at the base of the laboratory itself. In this logic it is possible to foresee “connected” laboratories (“Laboratorio Congiunto” according to the common definition), with specific collaborations with external units/agencies, thus the presence of a “connected laboratory”, created following a research on contract with an external operator, does not necessarily mean that there is the creation of a DIDALABS laboratory. The function of a laboratory in the DIDALABS system is to offer the chance to access solutions, technologies, competencies while learning how to integrate each course or research experience with the specific function of the laboratory. Just to make a simple sample: the LMA (Architecture Modelling Laboratory) offers the opportunity to 3D print or cut CAD models, thus this possibility is not limited to a mere “service”, the users of the lab may ask for assistance, have indication, follow and work directly on the preparation/development of their projects, in case of research proposals, the lab can give consultancy about technologies and procedures to allow more efficient results. In this way the reason at the base of the DIDALABS is offering technologies with a proper competences support, helping the users to benefit from advanced solutions. The high cost of commercial services is compensated by the DIDALABS system effort in limiting from one side the “hidden” cost of learning, allowing the access to basic service like printing, photographing, 3D printing, surveying, scanning, using tools for diagnostics, etc… at very affordable conditions. The whole thing done not accessing to low level solutions, but most of the time to middle range to high range tools and solutions, always supported by appropriate technical operators. The presence


Samples of production of the LIA print center, exhibition panels in Florence.

of specific technical operators, well prepared and always ready to correctly hear the requests from students and researchers/professors, is one of the core of the DIDALABS system, the presence of a range of well skilled professional, well prepared, devoted to their subjects, kind and resolutive when needed operators makes the real strength of the system. The results reached by the DIDALABS system is the introduction of a well working service, parallel to all the learning and research needs of the DIDA. The possibility of accessing to solutions and technologies has expanded the opportunities to all the courses, the technical operators and/or the scientific directors of the labs can meet the students in classes or in the occasion of workshops or can simply be the student to enter the labs and ask for which options are offered to his/her. And the options are numerous and most of the time advanced. Each professor has only to invent or define the solutions about how implement the functions of the DIDALABS in the next course. A talk with the scientific director, with the coordinator or with the technical operators may resolve the last doubts and the course may benefit from a new and interesting integration. In The presence of competencies open to implement a research has simplified the preparation of complex research activities: any scholar can start from a complete set of tools, fully available to the need of the research. A condition capable to move the starting point from the origin to the state of the art, an important step forward in the development of new studies and experience. Recently, the DIDALABS system has started to be directly part of research on commission and research project, creating excellent opportunity in promoting projects and offering the tools and the competencies for making advanced investigations, survey, documentations, designs, giving proper and strategic contributions. The activity in Florence, all around Italy and often abroad, has consolidated the team of operators and disseminated the image of a well working structure, which is not based on the way it appears but on a concrete knowledge and structure. The great potentiality of the system has been showed in the DIDA Research Week in itself: all the materials, contents, graphics, are products of the vital activities of our Department, produced using the machines and supported by the people of the DIDALABS system. Soon, the evolution of the DIDALABS system will see the completion of the ongoing reorganization in several “clusters�, grouping the laboratories according to their specific service and/or vocation/subject area, with a dedicated figure coordinating each cluster and referring to the general coordinator. In This way, the large number of labs will be easier to manage, allowing more efficient common choices and improving more and more the sys-


dida research strategy

Top Samples of production of the LIA print centre, exhibition panels in Pavia. Samples of collaborations in research on commission: the team from the Architecture Photographic Laboratory (LFA) documenting the area of the Florentine Cathedral from a crane. Below The maquette of the Montecastrese fortress for the Camaiore Archaeological Museum, made by LMA.

tem of interrelationships and sharing of resources between laboratories. The logic at the base of the DIDALABS system: “offering technologies trough competencies” should definitively go beyond the condition, quite common before the introduction of the DIDALABS of the “find solutions, do/learn it yourself”, helping the reach of better and more successful results to all the users/participants in the system of laboratories, while stimulating, with new requests, the development of the laboratories themselves. The success of some laboratories, highly request and continuously full of students getting benefit from the specific offer is not the final point of the system, the continuous reinvesting of the gathered resources in promoting new laboratories, little by little is increasing the quality of the system and enhancing the global offer. A process continuously ongoing and capable, if properly supported in the future, to push forward the quality of the teaching and researching of the Department and contributing in a significant measure to the quality of the whole University.

didalabs • g. verdiani



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DIDALABS is the system of laboratories of the Architecture Department in Florence (DIDA), their mission is the scientific and technical support to teaching, research and knowledge transfer from DIDA in the field of Architecture, Industrial Design, Spatial and Landscape Planning.

inside research

1. Architecture & Project Technologies for the Mediterranean Area Laboratory | TAM Lab LABIMED Test Cell An outdoor laboratory to assess energy performances of innovative building components 2. Architectural Heritage Conservation and Valorization Architectural Heritage Restoration and Conservation | LARC The restoration of the “Ancient Duomo of Pisa” Evaluation and monitoring of conservation techniques Villa Garzoni, its garden and the historic hamlet Diagnostic investigation for their preservation and restoration Cultural Heritage Management Laboratory | CHM_LaB Conservation/Maintenance plan of St. John the Baptist Church Campi Bisenzio (Florence)

3. Design and Sustainable Innovation Communication Laboratory | didacommunicationlab DIDApress Graphic project of the editorial identity of the Department of Architecture, University of Florence Wayfinding System Università degli Studi di Firenze Wayfinding System Botanical garden, Natural History Museum Ergonomics & Design Laboratory | LED The Intermodal Bike Multi-modal Integration of cycling mobility through product and process innovations in bicycle design | Project - Wp Ergonomics Ecology and Ergonomics in the Kitchen Technological and usage innovation of the kitchen environment TRIACA Technology solutions to reduce environmental impact of the camper in the usage phase

Survey and design of the Plaza de la Constitución of Yátova Inhabiting the landscape of history

Workstation Brunello Cucinelli factory Ergonomics evaluation and first design phase of the workstations

Development project of the historic centre of Pelago Inhabiting the landscape of history

Smart Running (I Edition) Definition of scenarios and concepts for products and systems related to indoor and outdoor running

Heritage City Laboratory | Heritage City_Lab Documentation of the historical commercial activities of Florence

Smart Running (II Edition) Defining scenarios and concepts of products and systems for the outdoor workout experiences

Heritage Impact Assessment The buffer zone of the «Historic Centre of Florence» UNESCO World Heritage Site FLORENCE Heritage Data HECO project Open Data architecture for the old Town

Modelling Laboratory for Design | LMD lab FYLED project New light in Ponte Vecchio LUA-LESS project LIGHTING EVOLUTION project The light that shows itself







interactions and agreements





Multimedia Architecture Interaction Laboratory | mailab High | Bombastic adaptive skin conceptual prototype Exploratory research (AID) Auxiliary Interface Design Role of Evolutionary Computational Design in Energy saving and Architecture gains exploratory research Reverse Engineering Interaction design | Rei Lab ADA Art Digital Archive MDA Manufacturing Digital Archive Wearable Technologies for fashion Sustainable Design Laboratory | sustainabilitylab DAPHNE Project ERASMUS+ Project





Laboratory of Ecological Design of Settlements | LaPEI The metropolitan city of Florence A polycentric urban system of bioregions self-sustaining and resilient A Geographical Information System on local heritage of Apuan Alps BIORÉGION Project Aquitaine Farming with the Arno River Perifluvial agricultural park Plans and Projects for the City and the Territory | PPCT Follonica Periurban Forests Brownfields Survey of the Metropolitan City of Florence HOPE Home of People and Equality plan of urban innovation VR perceptual evaluation

OD&M Project HIGH CHEST Project New design for energetical and environmental high-efficiency chest-freezers 4. Information Communication Technologies Cartography Laboratory | LCart FIRENZE 1817 | 2017 Project The New Regional Scale Topographic Map of Tuscany 5. Territories, Ecosystems and Landscapes Critical Planning & Design PRIN Post-Metropolitan territories roots | theories Beyond borders: The future of metropolitan territories practices

Regional Design Lab Urban Design beyond the local Urban Regeneration in Port Areas Arcimed | Mediterranean Arcipelago ; Strategic Asset | Port of Livorno Strategic planning for Metropolitan Cities Strategic Plan 2030 | Metropolitan City of Florence Metropolitan Renaissance ; Monitoring of PSM 2030 Planning across local boundaries MAKING THE REGION VISIBLE | RIVER CONTRACTS River Contracts of Calore; River Contracts of Ombrone


dida research strategy

Understanding research through communication Concept, methodologies and tools of DRW Susanna Cerri DIDA Communication Lab coordinator

You want people to learn from you if they’re your students and your staff, and you don’t want to cripple them from getting ahead. You want to do your own work and succeed and grow, and you want everyone else around you to do the same thing. Paula Scher

Paula Scher’s words describe the feelings of a graphic design professional when confronted with the educational context: two worlds which, for many reasons, are not necessarily the consequence one of the other. The designers of Paula Scher’s generation, but also of the person writing this contribution, did not receive an academic education in project culture, and their training was largely personal, occasional, being the result of encounters and opportunities. The men and women who invented graphic design in the 1940s and 1950s were mostly self-taught and yet, in some ways, their work is still interesting, the tangible result of an insatiable curiosity not only about art and design, but also about culture, science and history. Today, an increasing number of high school students aims at pursuing a brilliant career in “graphics”, often without a proper idea of what it really means: an army of eighteen-year-old aspiring designers, who are sometimes only offered the possibility to learn an increasing number of graphic design programmes. The experience developed at the Department of Architecture of the University of Florence is, in a certain way, an attempt to bridge the gap between two worlds, that of theory and of the profession itself, not only through courses, workshops and seminars, but also through the creation of a proper “laboratory” where to develop a cross-fertilization experience by “grafting” a “non-academic” figure with a long experience in the profession within a group of young graduates. The Laboratory works on projects in the various fields of communication (publishing, communication, wayfinding) and allows research to be carried on by developing as much interdisciplinary contexts as possible: the creative process favours innovation and the continuous critical revision of the work makes education and training pass through a process of osmosis. It is in this spirit and in full respect of its own characteristics that the Communication Laboratory has welcomed the experience of the DIDA Research Week, a complex event which only apparently is internal to the School of Architecture as actually being aimed at the dissemination of the results outwards and inspired by the principle of interdisciplinarity. The approach to the DRW has been consistent with the objectives of the laboratory, such as self-sustainability, namely the aim of providing paid services, thus including in the creative process also one aspect which is usually neglected or even omitted in the academic environment: trying to “sell” the finished product and to follow its production processes. However, designing and managing an event which has among its founding principles to provide visibility to an enormous amount of research projects and to organize them into a coherent system, has proved to be not an easy operation. The main problem has originated from the “fragmentation” of research itself, which is mainly due to the previous organisation model of the Department of Architecture that, over the past few years, has undergone a radical and certainly more integrated change. The main difficulty was therefore to bring together and make coexist on the same communication level research projects which were dissimilar both in terms of disciplinary sectors as well as of methodology and tools. The coexistence of such different projects within the same environment is part of the wealth of the Department of Architecture. It fosters debate and deserves being valorised. This is the reason why it was decided to


define an open graphic design that would favour a formal homogenization, not as a form of standardisation but rather a tool to enhance the differences. It is for this same reason that the authors of the research projects (PhD candidates, research fellows, professors) were asked to assembly the information on a graphic layout that has then been processed by the Laboratory. Of course, the assembly of the posters by the authors has highlighted the specific features of each research project, which have been maintained in the later editing stages. The use of thematic textures, the identification of hierarchies within topics, sectors, key words, all contributed to define a general framework that would maintain the idea of diversification into research areas or clusters which, however, share the same space, both physical and conceptual, theoretical and practical (which is why terms such as ‘map’ or ‘environment’ were used). The construction of this scheme was possible thanks to the synergy between the communication competences within the Laboratory and those of the academic and organisational areas of the entire Department. This was the principle upon which both the communication choices and the entire DRW experience were based. In fact, the DRW, since it consists of an exhibition of posters, a week of events and a book, forced the laboratory to work on several levels of communication, thus integrating more closely the activities of the publishing and communication sectors. Experiences such as the DRW have clearly an educational value. Actually working on practical aspects of important projects is an opportunity that most young people seldom have in other contexts, and at the same time it is an opportunity to experience teamwork, to take on responsibilities in the development of products and to be clear as to the motivations, thus learning straight away that design for visual communication is a job with precise rules and procedures, not just creativity or intuition. By taking advantage of the possibilities that the university offers, young graduates are selected through competitions for scholarships or fellowships and remain within the laboratory for relatively long periods, which range on average from 18 months (in the case of scholar-


dida research strategy

ships) to 6 years (in the case of fellowships). An important aspect to highlight is that this learning path is never suggested as an “incubator” for university career, but rather as a personal and professional training to be used “in the outside world”. Finally, there is another and more personal aspect to consider, that is how much the experience at the Laboratory is fundamental also for the professional. Being forced to analyse one’s own creative processes, to transmit the motivations, explain the references, or illustrate what usually is done as “part of the job”, brings about an unexpected, and often surprising process of analysis. And on an everyday basis, the ‘osmotic’ advantages of this relationship find concrete expression in stimulating, innovative and unexpected projects that foster growth, not only in the students. It is fundamental to understand how research-based continuous learning and training opens the doors to new projects in which all the individual experiences of the past can merge, regenerating energies and motivations, and how this is the basis for a new “student / teacher” relationship which both, not just the students, can benefit from.

understanding research through communication • s.cerri



dida research strategy

Setting Connections Inter-university Centres Roberto Bologna Director TESIS Centre Full Professor Paola Gallo Associate Professor

Research is a strategic resource in international purview for the competitive development of a country when it comes to realise new opportunities for economic growth and social well-being through innovation and technological transfer foreseeing the synergetic sharing of heterogeneous subjects: University, Research Centres, public and private subjects, etc. The creation of innovation through research happens more and more under the form of network, which operates according to a reticular structure putting together in an organized form human resources, institutions and companies. The network is the expression of a new collaborative model finalized to the coordinated and organic offer of experiences and competences able to connect and make interact different ambits, political, economic and social, with the aim to elaborate proposals and strategies that would stimulate not only the innovation intended as creation of new knowledge, but also compared to knowledge circulation and diffusion. In this scenario it is placed that the activity of Interuniversity Research Centres (ex art. 91, D.P.R. 382/1980), consisting of more Universities in order to promote the scientific cooperation between professors and researchers to the progress of research activities with considerable commitment explicated on pluriannual-length projects. Professors, researchers and PhD students belonging to different universities venues, national and international, commit themselves in research and training activities in diverse multidisciplinary and trans-disciplinary ambits according to a new advanced form of collective intelligence nourished by synergies and participation spirit that, thanks to a more effective management of the organizational processes typical of network, is able to valorise the specific competences inside the net amplifying the effect and the fallouts of the results of the actions taken at global level. The benefit to scientific innovations is amenable to the contamination of knowledges derived from the constitution of relations between a plurality of actors and is the result of the intensity and quality of relations between different actors even before the contribution of individuals. The three Interuniversity Research Centres (ABITA Centres, TESIS, CIST) present inside the Architecture Department DIDA, each operating on specific interests themes related to Area 08 (Architecture and Engineering), has been established with the aim to promote and encourage, though its own activities, the knowledge exchange and the scientific nature cooperations in the framework of the national and international research in the architecture field. The ABITA Centre, “Architettura Bioecologica e Innovazione Tecnologica per l’Ambiente”, is an Interuniversities Research Centre between Florence University, Milan Polytechnic, Federico II Naples University and La Sapienza Rome University, to which have joined in 2004 the venues of Turin Polytechnic, Genoa University, Second University of Naples, Mediterranean University of Reggio Calabria. The Centre has been conceived to promote the cooperation, the exchange of information, data, methods and programs to develop research and training activities about the themes of sustainability, energy saving and renewable energy integration in architecture and in environmental technologies, elevating the characteristics and the standards of these treatments in academic teaching, in research and in external consulting for Entities and Administrations. ABITA has consolidated in the years a strong bond with the institutions of national and international domain, providing them consulting, technical and scientific support to draw up and realize strategical projects, of integrated planning, of urban revitalization, pointing towards environmental and energetic high quality objectives. TESIS, “Sistemi e Tecnologie per le Strutture Sanitarie, Sociali e della Formazione”, is a Research Centre that takes care about the development of tools, techniques and methods to improve the structural system of health and social services, for the promotion of well-being and citizens’ health, through research activities that inter-


est all the building process’ phases: from the programming, designing and realization to management, use and maintenance. TESIS is structured as a multidisciplinary scientific network, consisting of researchers, designers, environmentalist psychologists, doctors, economists, historians, technical-physical sociologists afferent to Florence University, La Sapienza Rome University and Turin Polytechnic. The scope of TESIS, as delineated in its statuary acts and progressively extended during the years, is to build a permanent exchange network of information with structures, organizations and public and private institutions, and to stimulate the innovation in realization processes of health and social structures with specific reference to hospital and training ones. Centro Interuniversitario di Scienze del Territorio, CIST, established to respond the need for a multi-disciplinary recomposition and coordination in the framework of territorial politics evolution from sectorial planning forms to integrated and multi-sectorial forms of territorial governance, has a precise interest in developing a research activity applied on the training of the landscaping component in the territorial planning ambit cooperating with public institutions to experiment innovative methodologies of intersectoral approach. Between the services offered by the Centre fall the multi-disciplinary methodological and scientific support activities to elaborate knowledge framework, politics and projects about themes related to the different articulations of territorial governance; individuation of innovative development lines for the diverse territorial, environmental, landscaping, urban and building politics. Between the actions that in the last years have contributed to strengthen the trans-disciplinary value of the research carried by DIDA through its Interuniversity Research Centres, we point the emphasis attributed to base and applied research internationalisation, on scientific projects that, through the results’ promotion and diffusion, have aroused a strong interest from the entire scientific international community, opening the field towards new opportunities of collaboration and participation in financing programmes and competitive calls launched by European Frameworks Programmes and Horizon 2020.


dida research strategy

Moreover, support activities for researches and operators’ training join the research through the activation of III level university training paths (PhD Programme, Specialization School and Masters) and supporting actions to research professionalisation, contributing to the spread of a know-how culture between young future researchers, also through internship experiences abroad, so they acquire a wide vision of the meaning of make research, adopting innovative methods on scientific base for new technologies’ production. As important is the contribution provided through the stipulation of convention and third-parties’ agreements to the network active under the profile of cultural exchange and cooperation with institutions (public and private), and with the entrepreneurial world, for what concern those companies that have interest in extending or diversifying their own market through process and/or product innovation. In this perspective, the Interuniversity Research Centres act as facilitators in the technological transferring process, promoting and extending the University and its connection with industry and territory, encouraging cooperation initiatives to support the local productive system. At the end, it makes necessary a reflection about the future prospective, underlying the importance of focusing the role and the functions that the Research Centres cover inside and outside the academic world, also compared to their capacity of integrating research, experimentation and training, opening to industrial and entrepreneurial rules and behaviours to allow our Universities emerging and collocating in competitive positions in the international panorama.

setting connections • r. bologna, p. gallo



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CANADA | YORK UNIVERSITY Prof.ssa Camilla Perrone





















DIDA Research Map 2013-2018

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DIDA, the Department of Architecture of the University of Florence, performed an open and public analysis and evaluation of the scientific research carried out during the first five years of activity since its establishment, in order to define its research strategies, their relationship with the 2nd and 3rd cycle education, the role of experimental research and the system of labs at DIDA (DIDALABS), as well as the role of research units and interuniversity research centers. The aim of the DIDA Research Week is to communicate the results of such research, in all the aspects which were carried out at DIDA during its first five years of activity. The most qualified colleagues, from Italy and abroad, along with professors and researchers of the University of Florence in particular, have thus been called to discuss and evaluate the research so as to highlight future directions and organisations.




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dida research strategy

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The aim of this section is that of setting the basis for a complete compilation of all the research activities carried out by DIDA. The construction of the map was possible thanks to the collection of the thematic posters prepared by the scientific supervisors of the research projects for the occasion of the DRW which took place between December 2017 and February 2018. Every disciplinary section to which the various posters refer was coordinated autonomously by the area supervisors who, in close collaboration with the DRW editorial committee, drafted the lists of participants and established contact with the authors during the realisation both of the posters and of this publication. We are thus re-proposing these posters in a modified version for their publication, collected and organised into thematic sections. The process of synthesis and adaptation of the contents of the posters was carried out in full respect, when possible, of the order of the information and of the materials as they were drafted and handed in. Due to an editorial decision the management, editing and English translation of the texts were considered to be entirely under the responsibility of the scientific coordinators of the individual research projects and of the disciplinary area supervisors. For this reason the minimum necessary modifications were made to the delivered material for preparing the posters and for their publication. The graphic and editing activities were focused on: • the drafting of a common data base (credits column on the left), in which the definitions in the English language were made uniform so as to render them as comparable and integrated as possible; • the editing of the text (UK English), whenever possible, considering possible typographic errors or inaccurate definitions; • the establishment of a layout that maintains the same graphic line than the posters in terms of distribution and hierarchy of information, both internal and between one topic and the other (thematic textures); Out of consideration for the different approaches and applications of the research tools no intervention was carried out for homogenising the bibliographies.


dida research strategy

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DIDA Research System

Inter-university Centres


ABITA Scientific Director Marco Sala Address Palazzo Vegni Via di San Niccolò, 93 Firenze Partnership Università di Firenze Dipartimento DIDA Politecnico di Torino Politecnico di Milano Sapienza di Roma Università di Napoli Federico II Università della Campania Università di Genova Università di Reggio


Bioecological architecture and technological innovation for the environment ABITA (Bioecological Architecture and Technological Innovation for the Environment) is a consortium of eight leading Italian Universities an Inter-university Research Centre in the field of environmental technologies. Members are: University of Florence, Polytechnic of Milan, Polytechnic of Turin, University of Genova, University of Naples “Federico II”, University of Naples-Aversa, University of Rome “La Sapienza” and Mediterranean University of Reggio Calabria. ABITA’s main objectives and activities are to promote, organise and develop research on built systems and architectural technologies fields and on the built and natural environmental transformations. ABITA’s lately promotes collaboration with Municipalities and Public Administrations in order to improve urban environmental policies qualification aiming to introduce new environmental parameters on building standards and urban development.

CIST Scientific Director Stefano Carnicelli Address Palazzo San Clemente Via Micheli, 2 Firenze Partnership Università di Firenze Dipartimento DIDA Università di Siena Università di Pisa Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna di Pisa TESIS Scientific Director Roberto Bologna Address Palazzo Vegni Via di San Niccolò, 93 Firenze Partnership Università di Firenze Dipartimento DIDA Dipartimento DIEF Dipartimento DMSC Sapienza di Roma Dipartimento PDTA Dipartimento CIRPA



science and territory The Inter-University Centre of Territorial Sciences was born in June 2011 between the major Universities and Colleges in Tuscany. The Centre has as its main objective to recompose a unified vision of the different disciplines that address the territorial policies and the regional government, by promoting research applied scientific experimentation that engage in multi-disciplinary areas. The main target of the Centre is to tackle land issues with a unifying approach, developing interdisciplinary methods allowing to respond to cross-sector land and heritage issues. The Centre sets to seek research commissions at international, national and local levels for experimenting and developing interdisciplinary science. research map | dida research system


Systems and Technologies for Social, Healthcare and Educational Facilities

Romano Del Nord, professore Ordinario di Tecnologia dell’Architettura presso il Dipartimento di Architettura (DIDA) dell’Università degli Studi di Firenze, dal 1991 è Direttore del Centro Interuniversitario di Ricerca sui Sistemi e le Tecnologie per le Strutture Sociali e Sanitarie TESIS. Già prorettore all’edilizia dell’Università degli Studi di Firenze, collabora con il Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca per la definizione di standard normativi e di modelli per il calcolo del fabbisogno di edilizia universitaria e scolastica ed è presidente della Commissione Ministeriale per l’attuazione degli interventi di edilizia residenziale universitaria ai sensi della legge 338/2000.

€ 30,00

inter-university centres

Il processo attuativo del piano nazionale di interventi per la realizzazione di residenze universitarie

Il processo attuativo del piano nazionale di interventi per la realizzazione di residenze universitarie, a cura di Romano Del Nord, raccoglie contributi di studiosi che hanno collaborato alla redazione degli allegati tecnici ai decreti di attuazione della legge 338/2000, ai sensi della quale vengono erogati cofinanziamenti statali per la realizzazione di residenze per studenti universitari e di membri del gruppo di supporto tecnico alla Commissione ministeriale, della quale il curatore del volume è presidente, incaricata dell’istruttoria dei progetti per i quali detti cofinanziamenti sono stati attribuiti. Il volume illustra, a uso dei progettisti e di tutti gli operatori coinvolti nella pianificazione, progettazione, realizzazione e gestione di manufatti residenziali universitari, dati inediti inerenti alle varie applicazioni della legge 338/2000, delineando, anche con il supporto di schemi grafici, elaborati progettuali e illustrazioni, un ideale percorso che, partendo dalla fase di programmazione, giunge fino alle fasi realizzativa e gestionale. L’analisi è completata da una selezione di casi studio con documentazione progettuale e fotografica di residenze per studenti universitari realizzate con i fondi della legge 338/2000.

a cura di Romano Del Nord

TESIS develops criteria, methodologies and tools for the improvement of the structural system of health and social services with regard to building and systems design, through research on the whole building process, namely from the planning phase, to the design, construction, property management and related services. TESIS has strengthened its institutional relations with prestigious international organizations. At the national level, it carries out research activities on behalf of, among others, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education, University and Research. On behalf of the Public Health Group (PHG) of the UIA - International Union of Architects, it carries out the dissemination of the culture produced by publishing the Proceedings of the seminars and conferences held.

Il processo attuativo del piano nazionale di interventi per la realizzazione di residenze universitarie

a cura di Romano Del Nord



Bioecological Architecture and Technological Innovation for the Environment

Scientific Director Marco Sala Scientific Coordinator Paola Gallo Address Palazzo Vegni Via San Niccolò, 93 Florence Senior Researchers Leonardo Boganini Lucia Ceccherini Nelli Alessandra Donato Fernando Recalde Leon Rosa Romano Antonella Trombadore Alfredo Di Zenzo Junior Researchers Ilaria Massini Laura Fantacci Partnership Dipartimento di Architettura | Unifi Politecnico di Torino | Polito Politecnico di Milano | Polimi Università di Roma | Sapienza Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II | Unina

ABITA (Bioecological Architecture and Technological Innovation for the Environment) is a consortium of eight leading Italian Universities an Inter-university Research Centre in the field of environmental technologies. Members are: University of Florence, Polytechnic of Milan, Polytechnic of Turin, University of Genova, University of Naples “Federico II”, University of Naples-Aversa, University of Rome “La Sapienza” and Mediterranean University of Reggio Calabria. ABITA’s main objectives and activities are to promote, organise and develop research on built systems and architectural technologies fields and on the built and natural environmental transformations. ABITA’s lately promotes collaboration with Municipalities and Public Administrations in order to improve urban environmental policies qualification aiming to introduce new environmental parameters on building standards and urban development. In particular: • integrate advanced technologies for energy saving into the design process; • develop evaluation tools for the quality control of the built environment transformation interventions; • apply training tools and innovative methodologies on professional training on bioecological architecture filed and the use of innovative technologies for the built environment; furthermore research coordination and experimental activities among associated universities on the above mentioned fields; • develop researchers training through courses, conferences and workshops; • use the results of undertaken activities through “discussion papers” and specific publications in order to improve Bioecological Architecture and Technological Innovation for the Environment’s teaching; • improve human potential in education and cultural diversity (Partnership enhancing content production on Sustainable Development in Developing Countries) using advanced teaching methods and innovative ICT communication web tools.

Università degli Studi della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli | Unina 2 Università degli Studi di Genova | Unige Università degli Studi Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria | Unirc


research map | dida research system

RESEARCHES ABITARE MEDITERRANEO Abitare Mediterraneo is an applied research project,funded by the Tuscany Region under POR CREO FESR 2007-2013, developed by the University of Florence in synergy with some construction companies. TEENERGY SCHOOLS The Teenergy Schools’ partnership has aimed at improving existing secondary schools’ energy efficiency, through the implementation of a common Strategy in four important MED countries, including N. 8 organizations representing different territories and the three typical climate conditions coast, mountain and plain. FINANCING: MED L’Europe en Meditérranée; Programme co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (2013). TECHNOLOGICAL EXPERTISE CENTRE The Technological Expertise Centre has set up a space about innovative components permanent exhibition for sustainable construction, which will be set up research centres, laboratories and university spinoffs, incubators business, start-ups and innovative companies operating in sectors such as ICT, virtual reality, and building environmentally friendly. EULEB The Project “EULEB - European high quality Low Energy Buildings” provides information on existing public non-residential high quality and low energy buildings from all over Europe. Thus, the EULEB CD and website contain data, images, video clips, diagrams etc. of 25 European buildings in use. Besides general descriptions of the buildings, special features of the buildings are described in more detail. The overall energy consumption of the buildings is presented on the basis of monitored values. All information is available in five languages. FINANCING: Intelligent Energy Europe. EX BERTOLLI The project goal was to create a real technological pole including a group of buildings featuring environment-friendly solutions. In this project are developed natural solutions according to the most modern standards of sustainable housing and energy saving so as to really serve innovation. FINANCING: Camera di Commercio Industria Artigianato Agricoltura Lucca.

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LUCCA SCHOOLS These various energy restructuring and energy audits of four school buildings in Lucca district, aim to improve energy performance and the whole building. FINANCING: Provincia di Lucca. REE_TROFIT Aims to contribute to solve the shortage of local qualified and accredited retrofitting experts, as foreseen in the EPBD and its recast - and as indicated by various European countries in an assessment by the EC - for increasing the energy performance of the existing building stock. FINANCING: Intelligent energy EC (2013). HOSPITALS The HOSPITALS initiative aims at demonstrating the exploitation of the significant reduction potential of the total energy demand within the European health care building sector. Furthermore, these energy demand reductions will contribute to significant reductions of CO2 emissions. This brochure gives an introduction to strategies to save energy in buildings with a focus on hospital and health care building. Supported by the European Commission. TRAINING ACTIVITY Master ABITA The aim of the MSc is to supply the increasing necessity of new professional figures with specific competences in the field of innovative strategies for the diffusion of renewable energies in buildings and for their integration through a preliminary design of the planning process and management of the territory using eco-compatibility criteria. This master courses is tailored for professionals working in the built environment who want to acquire specialist skills and knowledge in low energy design, an increasingly important international field. This master gives a practical and theoretical grounding to architects and building professionals. Skills are developed in a range of different methodologies for evaluating environmental conditions and predicting the effects of design solutions. These include data collection and interpretation methods and computer-based simulations of buildings, set within a framework of low energy design principles, and against a background of often conflicting theories of sustainability.



master ABITA

Master in Bioecological Architecture and Technological Innovation for the Environment Build the present, design the future

Director Marco Sala Coordinators Lucia Ceccherini Nelli Alessandra Donato Paola Gallo Rosa Romano Teachers Laura Andreini Antonello Bove Riccardo Iridra Bresciani Caldarone Antonio, Acca Software Mauricio Cardenas Cristina Carletti Chiara Casazza Lucia Ceccherini Nelli Gianfranco Cellai Consuelo Nava Vincenzo Donato Paolo Ermini SCHUECO ETA Florence Riccardo Farina Paola Gallo Marco Ginanni Hans Bloem Andrea Impavidi Velux Marco Pio Lauriola Fabio Iridra Masi Leone Pierangioli Marco Prosperi Leon Fernando Recalde Rosa Romano Marco Sala Marco Scerbo Fabio Sciurpi Alfonso Senatore Erich Trevisiol Michael Tribus Antonella Trombadore Fabrizio Tucci Antonella Violano Rainer Winter Sponsors Derbigum, Eurotherm Lightweb, Metra Permasteelisa Pilkington Sannini, Shueco Velux, Alpewa Campigli Legnami, Lape Manifatture Maiano Palagio Engineering Rubner, Siemens Sto, Wiva, Lucense Cl’a 1921

According with EU policies on energy efficiency in buildings, Master ABITA ‘Bioecological Architecture & Technology Innovation for the Environment’, aims to promote green building design and architecture sustainability principles and methodology, providing students with innovative tools. The course trains building professionals, architects and engineers, in the use and development of competitive methods and solutions for lowering GHG emissions of the built environment in a life-cycle perspective, optimizing environment and energetic performance, and minimizing energy consumptions, considering the overall building design process. Throughout the two year duration of the MSc program, a practical approach is emphasized and students are continuously trained within interdisciplinary collaboration strategies for integrated design method implementation in their professional practices. This program aims to provide specific high-level advanced post degree training, offering a students multidisciplinary educational background, with special focus on environmental sustainability and green building design. Sustainability concept is associated with high quality built environment transformations, from the macro-scale of urban planning, to the micro-scale of technical construction details. This method is oriented to a physical, social and technical approach, going over close specialized ones. International program involves also Workshops, Study trips, Summer schools and Internships. Main objectives of Master ABITA are: • improve architects and engineers awareness of green building strategies, fostering their competencies and skills on energy efficiency and environmental conscious design; • acquire architectural solutions, experimenting technologies, procedures and tools to determine operational and performance modes of green building and renewables; • training of new professionals on climatic and environmental control for use reduction of natural sources and energy consumption. M1-Sustainable architecture and energetic renovation of buildings

M2-Design for Nearly Zero Energy Buildings

M3-Environmental energetic modelling

Master Structure Modules

M4-Build the future: buildings and smart cities ML-Vocational project work


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Energy management course-EGE Master ABITA provides knowledge and skills required for professional energy manager qualification according to the standard UNI CEI 11339:2009 for industrial and civil sector. Students are involved in practical workshops on the use of tools and development of analytical methods, which are directly applied to a design studio project for case studies evaluation. Moreover students learn climate and microclimate analysis and fieldwork methods for measurement of environmental and energy parameters, thermal comfort surveys and post-occupancy evaluations. The EGE qualification allows students to achieve the highest level of competence in energy management. Course students proficiency will allow students to attend certification official exam qualifications according to EGE TUV e UNI EN ISO 50000. Bim and design builder Master ABITA provides theoretical introduction to systematic building energy performance simulation and analysis in relation to different climatic conditions. Typical building responses are analysed under particular climate types and explore the effectiveness of climate modifiers strategies, using predictive modelling techniques. Effects of solar gain, varying ventilation rates, surface finishes, daylighting, and occupancy are analysed to establish a range of effective design strategies. Students will undertake software workshops and design application of parametric massive design, dynamic thermal modelling and day-lighting. BIM’s software will be tailored to the various design process stages and will range from climate data analysis to building form, day-lighting and thermal modelling, in order to maximizing the impact of shadows and solar control systems. These will be directly applied to design studio projects running in parallel to workshops. Project energy analysis will be run under Design Builder software.

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Training on Renewable Energy Solutions and Energy Efficiency reTROFItting

Scientific Coordinator Marco Sala Coordinator Lucia Ceccherini Nelli Partnership Lucense Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Lucca Technological Educational Institute of Crete Chamber of Commerce and Industry Bàcs-Kiskun County Chamber of Commerce and Industry Drôme UNIFI | Inter-university research centre ABITA Engineering College of Aarhus Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry European Labour Institute Funded by EU ‘European Union under the Intelligent Energy for Europe Program’ (Contr. N. IEE/09/886/SI2.558310) Keywords Energy Efficiency, Building Retrofitting, Institutionalization, Training Model, professional qualification


REE_TROFIT aims to contribute to solve the shortage of local qualified and accredited retrofitting experts, as foreseen in the EPBD and its recast - and as indicated by various European countries in an assessment by the EC - for increasing the energy performance of the existing building stock. REE_TROFIT will use in-house know-how and experiences of participants in carrying out vocational courses on innovative eco-building technologies to define best practices for institutionalization and implementation of vocational courses on renewable energy solutions and energy efficiency in retrofitting, set up and implementation of large-scale educational scheme in 6 MS for training more than 450 building professionals and by fostering exchange of knowledge and best practices among stakeholders. Provide suggestion to regional, national and European policy makers on how to incentivise the local retrofitting markets for full implementation of the EPBD, defining an exploitation strategy for assuring the sustainability of training beyond the project duration. Research objectives REE_TROFIT provides information on news and events cases and publications on energy efficient retrofittings in building specifically addressed to the project’s main targets i.e. building professionals, trainers and training institutions, public authorities and citizens. Specific information is provided for the local context by the localized site versions. REE_TROFIT developed a training model which imparts skills and knowledge in low energy retrofitting specifically addressed to building professionals. This extremely innovative model first emphasise the experience of best practices of partnering countries and from there define an integrated training course where the formal and informal approaches coexist and complement each other, with the final objective of creating a training opportunity more adequate to the development of the building sector at a European level. The model, which refined within project three years, will seek to achieve two main objectives: • Identify, define and describe the qualifications of professionals in the building sector, with a particular focus on low energy retrofitting and RES installations; • Identify, define and develop innovative training courses based on a blended approach, which will allow the utilisation of a necessary mix of formal and informal training, utilising modern information technology where applicable. Whether building professionals are preparing for a changing market, maintaining their know-how, seeking support while working on a green building project, or simply looking to expand their green building knowledge, the REE_TROFIT model is available for training events. With the most innovative and highest-quality training program, REE_ TROFIT helps green building professionals across all market sectors build the capacity to build their careers.

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Results REE_TROFIT has disseminated best practices and practical tools for easing the institutionalization and implementation of vocational courses on RES and energy efficiency in retrofitting in the project’s partnering countries and beyond. REE_TROFIT has carried out institutionalized vocational courses based on the defined training model and resources in each participating country with about 450 trained and certified professionals with the goal of extending its training model and resources outside the consortium. REE_TROFIT has raised awareness of regional, national and European policy makers and provide suggestions on how to incentivise, de-bottleneck the local retrofitting markets for full implementation of the EPBD, while implementing an exploitation strategy for assuring the sustainability and massive replication of training during its lifespan and beyond.

PUBLICATIONS Ceccherini Nelli L. 2016, Energy Efficiency in Retrofitting a European Project for Training on Renewable Energy Solutions (REE_TROFIT), in Renewable Energy in the Service of Mankind Vol. II, Springer. Ceccherini Nelli L., Sala M. 2015, An innovative training model for eco-building technologies in retrofitting, Cisbat Congress Losanne, vol. 1, pp 143-148. Ceccherini Nelli L. 2014, Energy Efficiency in retrofitting an European project for Training on Renewable Energy solutions (REE_TROFIT), in World Renewable Energy Congress 2014 - WREC2014, University of Kingston, London, Springer, vol. 2.

Ceccherini Nelli L. 2012, European project for Training on Renewable Energy solutions and energy Efficiency in retrofitting (REE_TROFIT), in M. A. Rosen (a cura di), 2nd World Sustainability Forum, MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. Ceccherini Nelli L. 2012, Retrofit and new PV integrated Buildings in Tuscany, Italy: case studies, in M. A. Rosen (a cura di), 2nd World Sustainability Forum, MDPI, Basel, Switzerlandgy performance and the whole building. FINANCING: Provincia di Lucca.

Gallo P., Ceccherini Nelli L. 2012, An innovative project on Training on Renewable Energy solutions and energy Efficiency in retrofitting (REE_TROFIT) Reetrofit Conference, Salford University, Salford University Press UK, pp. 123-128.


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Urban (Con)Temporary Agriculture

Scientific Coordinator Marco Sala DISPAA Coordinator Anna Lenzi Research Group Leonardo Boganini Chiara Casazza Stefano Secci Partnership UNIFI | Inter-university Centre ABITA UNIFI | Dipartimento di Scienze Produzioni Agroalimentari e dell’Ambiente DISPAA Az. Agricola Cammelli Idromeccanica Lucchini Funded by Bando Regione Toscana Agrifood Budget 209.000 € Number of funded research grants 5 Keywords Urban agriculture, Farm unit, Urban renovation, Social innovation, Hydroponic cultivation


Ur.C.A. - Urban (Con) Temporary Agriculture, a research project developed by UNIFI - ABITA Research Centre and DISPAA, in partnership with “Azienda Agricola Cammelli” financed by Tuscany Region. Target Main target is to define the potential of urban agriculture as new urban regeneration method: through research Ur.C.A system we defined, a strategy to refurbishment unused or marginal city areas. Research aims to improve possibilities and potentials of integrating agriculture in architecture, especially in transitional areas, as brownfield and marginal areas, taking advantage of hydroponic technologies in order to pursue an environmental, architectural and social requalification and re-functionalisation of urban spaces. Main focus is indeed on the design approach, that aims to define the principal criteria useful for both public administration and designers, improving urban agriculture with a temporary perspective. We can divide the design approach of the new urban agricultural space into three areas: urban regulation (planning and functional)relationship, social pattern already present in the area and of its critical points, technical aspects necessary for crop production and functional design. As results, research develop the first prototype of a temporary urban farm inside the city of Florence. With the Project Ur.C.A. and the involvement of the City administration, we have identified a central area where to install the first prototype: Largo Annigoni, near the school of Architecture and then moved the structure inside the Agrarian Institute. Scope was to demonstrate how the same prototype can be used focusing each time on a different characters of urban farming: creating new social enterprises in food production and selling, with local cooperative, involvement, attention will be especially stressed on the producing areas; When focus will be enhancing social participation, inclusion and education, the attention will be especially stressed on the common vegetable garden space, and rural culture dissemination. Temporary urban farming will be used to re-define a new role for the three mentioned areas, to reduce their local decay and to increase their value.

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The prototype, after the inauguration period in the centre of Florence was intended for educational use: the greenhouse will be used for the development of an educational project between the Institute of Agriculture and the University. OPENING IN LARGO ANNIGONI - FLORENCE

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Innovative integrated solutions for the touristic development of the Mediterranean inner area

Scientific Coordinator Marco Sala Technical Reference Antonella Trombadore Research Group Laura Fantacci Ilaria Massini Partnership ASPAL | Agenzia sarda per le politiche attive del lavoro, Italy (leader) UNIFI | Dipartimento di Architettura | Centro Interuniversitario ABITA, Italy REGIONE TOSCANA | Settore politiche locali, Italy LUCENSE SCaRL | Italy FNE PACA| France Nature Environment ProvenceAlpes-Côte d’Azur, France ATC | Agence De Tourisme de la Corse, France

Theme Development of a model of governance and testing of an integrated communication tool (platform) and promotion (living lab) of environmental-cultural quality for Responsible Tourism in the Mediterranean context, stimulating technological innovation, growth of the competitiveness of SMEs in the supply chain and strengthening the interaction of actors on the cross-border territory. Objectives Creation of an international “network of supply chains” to increase eco-compatible tourism offer and development of a Governance Model of innovative processes and of the public / private partnerships, aimed at innovation and the growth of the competitiveness of SMEs in the sustainable tourism sector,, on the one hand through innovative concepts and methods of territorial promotion and the provision of tourism services of high environmental quality and, on the other hand, through systems for upgrading the coastal building heritage and the ancient villages of the first hinterland, often semi-abandoned, using sustainable building redevelopment systems based on the Abitare Mediterraneo model. The aim is to increase the new culture of quality Ecotourism, in line with environmental parameters and, in particular, enhancing and putting existing local resources and supply chains to the system, aiming to analyse and interconnect the aspects that most characterize and define the quality of the tourist offer, such as accommodation facilities and infrastructures, services provided, levels of quality communication. The project objectives are divided into 3 scales of intervention, GOVERNANCE-TOOL-PEOPLE, following an integrated approach, in order to achieve high levels of environmental-cultural quality in the strategic sector of Responsible Tourism in the Mediterranean context. Expected results The desired effects of the project, distributed in each 3 areas, are shown below: • GOVERNANCE “ViviMediterraneo System”: model of an integrated management system of existing brands for helping aware tourism to enhance the synergies of local supply chains on 3 interconnected levels (structures and receptive infrastructures, services provided, levels of quality communication). • TOOL ViviMediterraneo platform, Data network of productive resources, Network of databases of existing supply chains on 3 interconnected levels (structures and accommodation infrastructures, services provided, levels of quality communication • PEOPLE LivingLabs,Network of skills, New professional figures of high interdisciplinary specialization,Seminars, thematic tables, B2B meetings, informative material.


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ABITARE MEDITERRANEO Sustainable technological innovation for Mediterranean Area

Scientific Coordinator Marco Sala Coordinators Romano Del Nord Roberto Bologna Maria Chiara Torricelli Technical Reference Antonella Trombadore Research Group ABITA Paola Gallo Giuseppina Alcamo Milagros Villalta Begazo Leonardo Boganini Lucia Ceccherini Nelli Valentina Gianfrate Maria Grazia Giardinelli Roberta Montalbini Silvia Murgia Rosa Romano Marco Scerbo Alfredo Di Zenzo Winter Rainer Toshikazu Partnership UNIFI | Department of Architecture DIDA Regione Toscana Davini Prefabbricati S.r.l. Lucense Manifattura Maiano S.p.A., I+ S.r. l. Progenia, Targetti Solava, Unibloc Palagio Engineering Mannelli S.p.A. Ciabatti Legnami Consorzio Etruria Funded by Bando Regione Toscana Por Creo Fesr 2007-2013 Budget 1.000.000â‚Ź Number of funded research grants 40 Keywords Energy Assessment, Product Innovation, Energy Saving, Innovation Enhancement, Envelope Energy Performance


ABITARE MEDITERRANEO is a research project funded by the Tuscany Region, developed in collaboration with the University of Florence and 12 Tuscan companies, to create an open system as a platform of knowledge that promotes the improvement of environmental performance of the building as well as, provides participants with a key competitive tool in the promotion. The goal is to create a Centre of Expertise on sustainable architecture in the Mediterranean area increasing of competitiveness in the building sector by fostering the synergic collaboration between university research and regional enterprises, and by stimulating experimentation and continuous innovation in an OPEN SYSTEM: continuous updating of criteria and procedures in order to re-define a quality-based methodology for integrated conservation of existing buildings; defining new building models able to meet changing customers profiles, rising standards of indoor comfort in hot and cold season and the necessity of a more aware management of the available energy resources.

Mediterranean Approach: 5 ideas to share Architecture and Climate condition | The Mediterranean climatic condition requires building appropriate solutions: the problem of energy consumption for summer comfort can not be solved by following the logical construction of Northern Europe. To reduce energy cost, it is necessary to define innovative strategies in the building, which is strongly related to climatic and cultural characteristics. Inclusiveness and Change | The fast and dynamic evolution of social and demographic structure of the population of the Mediterranean area suggests a change, that determines the need for new models of urban spaces and residential use, with typological and technological innovations to support new social and intercultural issues. Identity and Competitiveness | The Mediterranean ecosystems and environmental assets are based on the knowledge of the art of living, the management of the landscape, the ability to stimulate cooperation on issues of sustainable development, for development of regional identity. And ‘on architectural elements and cultural climate in which the distinctive scientific subjects, companies and governments should aim to boost competitiveness at international level. Urban Transformation and Environmental Quality | Forced transition to a sustainable city of strategic importance to revitalize the area. To manage the population growth in the Mediterranean, the resulting increase in energy consumption and increased demand for comfort, it is necessary for the construction market provides appropriate solutions to new social needs and more environmentally friendly technologies. Innovation and Tradition | The Mediterranean architectural traditions of the past, full of potential and interesting cultural influences, represent an important heritage of civilization and it is from these that we must be inspired to develop new building components, high energy performance. There is the need to recover and innovate traditional design principles and increase the level of environmental and architectural quality of the interventions of building retrofitting and new construction.

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abitare Mediterraneo Results



PUBLICATIONS Trombadore A. 2015, Mediterranean Smart Cities. Innovazione tecnologica ed ecoefficienza nella gestione dei processi di trasformazione urbana, Altralinea edizioni, Pistoia. Gallo P. 2014, Sustainable habitat: market trends and testing of innovation products, 30th International PLEA Conference, Ahmedabad, 16-18 December, Cept University Press, vol. 4, pp. 23-25. Trombadore A. 2014, Abitare Mediterraneo. Integrated approach of a sustainable building management in Mediterranean context: think tanks network sharing an open platform to integrate technological and architectural innovation for low energy building, «Housing Policies and Urban Economics», vol. 1, pp. 137-148. Sala M., Trombadore A. 2012, Abitare Mediterraneo. Sustainable innovation in Mediterranean Basin. Sharing an Open System to integrate technological and architectural innovation for low energy building, International Conference Sustainable Environment in the Mediterranean Region: from Housing to Urban and Land Scale Construction, Naples, 12-14 February. Bologna R. 2011. Progetto Abitare Mediterraneo. Un esempio di sinergia tra ricerca e costruzione, «TECHNE», vol. 1, pp. 116-123. M. Sala; R. Romano; L. Boganini (2011). A new database for design in Mediterranean climate. In: GBSC2011* International Conference on Green Buildings and Sustainable Cities, BOLOGNA, ITALIA, 15-16 SETTEMBRE, ELSEVIER, pp. 686-692

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International Research & Consultancy SUSTAINABLE GREEN DESIGN in Latin America_Africa_Asia 2012_2017

Scientific Coordinator Marco Sala Project Coordinator Fernando Recalde Research Group & Internship L. Boganini Alessandra Carta Roberta Montalbini Francesco Simoni Lorenzo Barghini Michele Dostuni M. Giulia Sala Milagros Villata Valentina Gianfrate Perla Brugnoli Sara Mascherucci Sara Naldoni Giuseppe Pullara Silvia Giusti Letizia Gaggoli Camilo Olano Claudia Fussi ABITA’s Internship Erica Fiumalbi Daniela Lujan Julia Bonolo Marco Aiello Stefano Angeloni Bruno Barlassina Teresa Rotondo Tommaso Giomi and local support Peru: Bernardo Aguilar Belice Ego Aguirre Erika Boneff Carlos Ramos Ernesto Delgado Ecuador: Manuel Penafiel, Paul Armas Castillo

ABITA’s institutional support to growing economies in Asia, Africa and Latin America on achieving sustainable development targeting institutional building, training of trainers, development cooperation, energy efficiency & eco technology transfer consultancy: 1.- “TORRE VERDE LIMA” _ Anteproyecto en Consulta & Expedientes Tecnicos para Licencia de Obra (15.000 sqm); 2.- “DISENO ECO SOSTENIBLE PARQUE Sinchi Roca (47 ha) & “Planatario de Lima”, Santa Rosa Urban Park (2.200 sqm); 3.- “COLINAS DEL SOL” Eco_Lux Resort & Agro Productive Country Club Master Plan (102 ha), Tarapoto, Peru; 4.- “CIUDAD SOLAR CENTRO MUNDO/ Green City, Municipio Metropolitano de Quito_ Ministerio de Vivienda, Fundacion Rochdale (3.000 inhabitants 55.000 sqm); 5.- “RENAISSANCE Project” ‘Renewable Energy & Sustainable Environment Social Solar CompoundsS & Green Eco Villages’. Prototype Design of Sustainable Social Housing in Zambia & Democratic Republic of the Congo, 2014_2015 (100 Units over 15.000 sqm); 6.- “SOLAR_ECO_VILLAGE_Ecuador”_ Earthquake Reconstruction applied Research. Government of Ecuador, August 2016. (100 units over 15.000 qsm); 7.- BIOS_THE GREEN BELT EAST_WEST ALLIANCE STREAMING WEBMINARS/ Eco Technology Transfer for Green Architecture, Eco Efficient Cities & Interior Design, from Florence Italy the cradle of Renaissance to China. Keywords Eco Building, Green & Environmental Design, Bioclimatic Architecture, Integral Planning, Landscape Design, Smart Façade, Renewable energies, Green Roof & Urban Farming, Green Infrastructure, Energy Certification, Bio Research Centre, Eco Tourism, AgroProductive Farms, Soilless urban farming, Sustainable & Renewable Energies

Funded by State Institutions, Technology providers, Non Governmental Organizations and Municipalities on destinations countries 2012_2017 Years 2012 -2017


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PROJECTS & PUBLICATIONS TORRE VERDE LIMA Lima, Peru.: Phase1-Torre Zero Energy_2012; Phase 2-Torre Verde Lima_2013; Phase3.-Executive project_2014. Cumsumptions savings=Energy 28%, Air 36%,Water 30% (building), 50%(roof & court gardens) 40% real estate value increase. Link: https://issuu.com/abitaresearchcenter/docs/presentacion_susanavillaran_torre_v.

CIUDAD SOLAR CENTRO MUNDO/ Eco Neigborhood_terrestrial Equator, north Quito`s city in Ecuador. Self sufficient neighbourhood,3.000 inhabitants,24.300 sqm site, 55.000 sqm built area. A mixed use Solar City under Bioclimatic & Sustainable strategies. Link: https://issuu.com/abitaresearchcenter/docs/abita_quito_solar_ city___internship.

PARQUE Sinchi Roca” & “PLANETARIO de Lima” Lima`s Metropolitan Municipality. Parks & Garden Service Department.1.-BioArchitectural & Urban Landscape Design “Parque Zonal Sinchi Roca”.2.-Bio Architectural Design “Planetario” Santa Rosa`s Park downtown Lima. Link: https://issuu.com/abitaresearchcenter/docs/abita_internship_serpar_sinchi_roca .

RENAISSANCE Green Architectural Prototype Design of Sustainable Social Housing in Zambia & Democratic Republic of Congo. 900.000 sqm site, 375,000 sqm built area for 3.500 inhabitant. Italian_Belgium_DRC Consortium, MSA Associated Architectural Studio, Leandro Tollis Pacento Italy. Link: https://issuu.com/abitaresearchcenter/docs/abita_waste_to_energy___zambia_drc_.

COLINAS DEL SOL Eco Resort & Country Club. Integral Planning strategy on Tarapoto`s Peruvian low hills jungle. 102 ha, 237 villas,.30% reserved area for intangible forest, 25% low land built index, 30% energy saving consumption. Link: https://issuu.com/abitaresearchcenter/docs/colinas_del_sol_lux_eco_resort__tar.

BIOS Eco_Village Ecuador_Earthquake Reconstruction-August 2016.Ecuador Government.Master Plan for 100 units of 60sqm. Host 800 people, achieving at least a 60% self-sufficiency development, through renewable energies integration, green infrastructure & greenhouse food cultivation. Link: https://issuu.com/abitaresearchcenter/docs/eco_village_earthquake_ecuador__bus.

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International Research & Consultancy MED_GREEN_FORUM International Conference & Business Sessions 2015_2017

Chair and promoters Ali Sayigh Marco Sala Angela Grassi Fernando Recalde Address School of Architecture Via della Mattonaia Florence Funded by Participation Fees Sponsorships Ministry of Foreign Affairs Trade Agency Italian Ministry of Economic Development Municipality of Florence Polytechnic University of Bucharest University of Bahrain ANCE Italy Springer ISESCO WREN

ABITA’s institutional support to growing economies in the Mediterranean, Middle East, as for Asia, Africa and Latin America on achieving sustainable development goals, targeting institutional building, training of trainers, development cooperation, energy efficiency & eco-technology transfer consultancy: 1.- “MEDGREENFORUM 3” MedGreen Forum www.medgreenforum.com is an International Conference on Sustainable & Renewable Energies, a World Renewable Energy (WREC www.wrenuk.co.uk/index.html) activity commenced in 2010 France followed by Morocco 2012, repeating itself every two years in one of the Mediterranean Countries. MFG_3 Florence – Italy 26- 28 August 2015. Highlight the importance of growing renewable energy applications in two main sectors: Electricity Generation and the Sustainable Building. Mission is to promote enabling policies and to further develop a broad range of renewable energy technologies and applications in all sectors – for electricity production, heating and cooling, agricultural applications, water desalination, industrial applications and for the transport sectors. Hosted by the University of Florence – Department of Architecture www.dida.unifi.it) represented by Professor Marco Sala and Professor Fernando Recalde (ABITA www.centroabita.unifi.it)) as one of the partners, the second partner being Ms. Angela Grassi representing ETA Florence www.etaflorence.it. MGF_3 counted with 160 presentations from 53 countries. MED Green Student Award a Poster International Competition for Student of Architecture was hold with success.

DOBE Group SISIDEC Florence En_ECO ROSSI Celso BERNI Contract West LUCCHINI IGD Florence Years 2015 & 2017


2.- “MEDGREENFORUM_4” Fourth WREN-WREC Med Green Forum, teaming with ABITA from University of Florence and ETA from Renewable Energy Florence. MGF_4 received 87 contributions from 50 countries and 33 students’ posters entries. Presentations from 24 well-known Italian industries and 3 State and 1 Private Enterprises from the Peoples Republic of China with streaming videos nested over 9.000 related industries (Environmental and sustainable built field), coordinated by “IGD Italian Green Design” Florence Italy www.abitagreen.net. Bios focus on Enterprise knowledge & B2B Matching opportunities for Eco European Tech transference (building construction, environmental tech & interior design), focusing over the Mediterranean, Middle East and the Peoples Republic of China.

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Keywords Sustainable & Renewable Energies, Sustainable Architecture, Building construction, Ventilation & air movement, Renewable energies, Eco materials, Policy education & finance, Sustainable transport, Urban agriculture. Projects & Publications The Mediterranean region was chosen to illustrate the viability of using renewable energy to satisfy all energy needs. We are hoping to demonstrate the effectiveness of using renewable energy in these countries to act as a beacon of light for the rest of the world to follow. Renewables are the cornerstones and the foundation of a truly sustainable energy future. Mission is to promote enabling policies and to further develop a broad range of renewable energy technologies and applications in all sectors – for electricity production, heating and cooling, agricultural applications, water desalination, industrial applications and for the transport sectors leading to a better, cleaner ans safer world. MED Green Student Award a Poster International Competition for Student of Architecture was hold with success on both 2015_2017 events, updating and comparing teaching methods on Environmental Design at global scale. MGF3&4_Business Session / Eco Technology for Green Architecture & Eco Efficient Cities in Emerging Economies, target: construction companies & technology providers for dry construction building eco-efficient environmental technologies; National constructions associations, Commerce chambers, School of Architects and Engineers. Full Streaming Webseminar of the MGF4 2017 Business session was properly coordinated by IGD “Italian Green Design” Florence Italy www.abitagreen.net, focusing on enterprise knowledge update & B2B Matching opportunities on Sustainable Eco European Technology transference in the field of Building construction, Environmental Technologies and Interior Design focusing over the Mediterranean, the Middle East and the Peoples Republic of China.

PUBLICATION LINKS http://www.medgreenforum.com/cms/medgreen-forum-2015/. http://www.wrenuk.co.uk/wrec10/Final%20Report%20MGF%20. pdf. http://www.springer.com/it/book/9783319307459?wt_mc=ThirdParty.SpringerLink.3.EPR653.About_eBook. https://issuu.com/abitaresearchcenter/docs/final_report_mgf_3_ wrec_2015.

https://issuu.com/abitaresearchcenter/docs/final_report_mgf-4_ wrec_2017. https://issuu.com/abitaresearchcenter/docs/mgforum4__report_ buss_session_villa. https://youtu.be/gOhJjWe518c. https://youtu.be/FJ4DX1V9z9A.

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Systems and Technologies for Social, Healthcare and Educational Facilities Address Palazzo Vegni Via di San Niccolò 93 50125 Firenze Website www.tesis.unifi.it

Director Roberto Bologna (from 2017) Romano Del Nord (1992-2017) Scientific Board Roberto Bologna Marino Bonaiuto Gianfranco Cellai Tiziana Ferrante Giuseppe Ridolfi Past Romano Del Nord Giacomo Elias Paolo Felli A. M. Giovenale Antonio Lauria Roberto Palumbo Ferdinando Terranova Maria Chiara Torricelli Associated Universities DiDA | UNIFI Marta Berni Sandra Carlini Stefano Carrer Gianluca Darvo Mario Di Benedetto Paolo Felli Giuseppe Fialà Maria G. Giardinelli Lorenzo Marsocci Luca Marzi Francesca Nesi Claudio Piferi Matteo Randazzo Valentina Santi Nicoletta Setola Virginia Serrani Andrea Sichi Fabio Valli Leonardo Zaffi DIEF | UNIFI Cristina Carletti Leone Pierangioli Fabio Sciurpi Simone Secchi DMSC | UNIFI Donatella Lippi Carlo Orefice PDTA | SAPIENZA Luigi Biocca Francesca Giofré Anna M. Giovenale Federica Giuliani Alessia Spirito Teresa Villani CIRPA | SAPIENZA Marino Bonaiuto Ferdinando Fornara


TESIS develops criteria, methodologies and tools for the improvement of the structural system of health and social services with regard to building and systems design, through research on the whole building process, namely from the planning phase, to the design, construction, property management and related services. TESIS was founded in 1992 by an agreement between the University of Florence, the University of Milan and Rome “La Sapienza” in order to create a multidisciplinary scientific network, made up of researchers, architects, environmental psychologists, doctors, economists of universities related to the structure. The Centre was originally set up to exchange knowledge and information between professors and researchers engaged in research and training on systems and technologies for health facilities. Over time, the activity has extended to the field of social housing, intended with a wider exception, in reference to issues as social housing and university buildings on which researches and insights have been developed concerning the question of residences for university students and the definition of criteria of economic management and sustainability in the revision of the principles of planning for university training facilities. The scientific research activities are characterized by an operational approach in which the intersection between research, training and innovation is the fundamental key to competitiveness. Research activities are dealt through a continuous dialogue between different disciplines such as environmental psychology, sociology and environmental physics, which are essential for translating the knowledge inherent to the requirements into a common language. TESIS has strengthened its institutional relations with prestigious international organizations. At the national level, it carries out research activities on behalf of, among others, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education, University and Research. On behalf of the Public Health Group (PHG) of the UIA - International Union of Architects, it carries out the dissemination of the culture produced by publishing the Proceedings of the seminars and conferences held.











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Photo Fondazione CEUR

Photos Alessandro Ciampi inter-university centres



L. 338/2000 National Plan for University Student Residence Halls Evaluation of co-financing requests

Scientific Coordinator Roberto Bologna (from 2017) Romano Del Nord (2001-2017) Coordinator Claudio Piferi Partnership MIUR Ministry of Education, Universities and Research CDP S.p.A. Cassa Depositi e Prestiti Research Group (2013-2017) Adolfo F. L. Baratta Laura Calcagnini Sandra Carlini Gianluca Darvo Mario Di Benedetto Giuseppe Fialà Maria G. Giardinelli Francesca Nesi Matteo Randazzo Valentina Santi Andrea Sichi Alessia Spirito

The Law n°338/2000 “Provisions on housing and residence halls for students” and related implementing decrees establish state co-financing for interventions promoted by both public (Regions, Autonomous Districts, Regional management Authorities for the right to university study, public universities) and private authorities (private universities, colleges and university consortia, NGOs operating in the field of the right to university study) aimed to: • remove architectural barriers in existing buildings used, or to be used, as residence hall; • adapt to current regulations on safety and extraordinary maintenance, energy retrofit, restoration, renovation of existing buildings used, or to be used, as residence hall; • build new constructions and purchase of areas and buildings to be used as residence hall. A list of merit is drawn up by a special commission appointed by the MIUR and a contribution not exceeding 50% of the total cost is granted to the winning projects. The funds are divided among the projects with a three-year plan and are disbursed on the basis of the progress of the works according to the timing and procedures envisaged for each intervention. The Law 338/2000 was implemented with 4 separate calls for proposals: • September 2002 (DD. MM. 116/2001 and 118/2001 - 09 May 2001); • December 2007 (DD. MM. 42/2007 and 43/2007 - 22 May 2007); • July 2011 (DD. MM. 26/2011 and 27/2011 - 7 February 2011); • May 2017 (DD. MM. 936/2016 of 28 November 2016 and 937/2016 - 29 November 2016). The aim An agreement stipulated with the MIUR is in force, through which the TESIS centre: • provides counselling to subjects interested in obtaining co-financing, in the preceding phases to the deadline for submission of applications; • carries out evaluation activities of the projects presented in order to verify the quantitative and qualitative aspects of the project and the respect of the procedural and design criteria established by law.


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For the evaluation activity, detection and verification tools (paper forms, computer database, etc.) have been set up in which the compliance with the temporal terms, the formal correctness of the documentation transmitted, the compliance with the quality and quantity standards, the overall quality, the planning regularity, the verification of the economic data of the project, the temporal feasibility of the proposed intervention are reported and verified. TESIS provides support to the Ministerial Commission set up by the Law 338/2000 and to the MIUR for the activities related to the release of the permits that allow the admission to co-financing and the preparation of the three-year Plan decrees.

PUBLICATIONS Baratta A.F.L. Le più frequenti criticità di processo e le cause di esclusione e rinuncia al cofinanziamento, in: Il processo attuativo del piano nazionale di interventi per la realizzazione di residenze universitarie, in Del Nord R. (a cura di), Il processo attuativo del piano nazionale di interventi per la realizzazione di residenze universitarie, Edifir, Firenze 2014, pp. 95-104. Carlini S., Applicazione della legge 338/2000, in Del Nord R. (a cura di), Il processo attuativo del piano nazionale di interventi per la realizzazione di residenze universitarie, Edifir, Firenze 2014. pp. 69-93 Piferi C., Costi e tempi di realizzazione ai sensi della legge 338/2000 in Del Nord R. (a cura di), Il processo attuativo del piano nazionale di interventi per la realizzazione di residenze universitarie, Edifir, Firenze 2014, pp. 183-194. inter-university centres

PAPERS Calcagnini L., I programmi di finanziamento per le residenze universitarie degli Stati Uniti d’America, in Del Nord R., Piferi C., Baratta A. (a cura di), “Residenze e servizi per studenti universitari – Residences and Services for University Students”, TESIS, Firenze 2016, pp. 43-54. Cellai G., Carletti C., Pierangioli L., Sciurpi F., Secchi S., IAQ e aspetti fisico-tecnici nelle residenze universitarie: criticità e soluzioni progettuali efficienti e sostenibili, in Del Nord R., Piferi C., Baratta A. (a cura di), “Residenze e servizi per studenti universitari – Residences and Services for University Students”, TESIS, Firenze 2016, pp. 105-116. Bologna R., Rapporto tra funzioni abitative e funzioni di servizio, in Del Nord R., Piferi C., Baratta A. (a cura di), “Residenze e servizi per studenti universitari – Residences and Services for University Students”, TESIS, Firenze 2016, pp. 139-140.



L. 338/2000 National Plan for University Student Residence Halls Monitoring of co-financed projects

Scientific Coordinator Roberto Bologna (from 2017) Romano Del Nord (2001-2017) Coordinator Claudio Piferi Partnership MIUR Ministry of Education, Universities and Research CDP S.p.A. Cassa Depositi e Prestiti Research Group (2013-2017) Adolfo F. L. Baratta Laura Calcagnini Sandra Carlini Gianluca Darvo Mario Di Benedetto Giuseppe Fialà PhD Maria G. Giardinelli Francesca Nesi Matteo Randazzo Valentina Santi Andrea Sichi Alessia Spirito


The TESIS Centre has stipulated an agreement with Cassa Depositi e Prestiti S.p.A., with which, in relation to the interventions in the three-year national plans, it carries out monitoring activities through the development of tools and control actions aimed at evaluating the correctness of the procedures, the call for tenders up to the commissioning of the student residence halls. The monitoring process consists of two phases: 1. Verification during the execution of the work: • control of the progress reports; • inspections and visits to construction sites; • assessment of the consistency of variance survey with respect to the co-funded program; • preparation of economic frameworks for the possible recalculation of the amount of co-financing. 2. Verification of full functionality and commissioning of the student residence hall: • verification of the correctness of the documentation proving the full functionality of the work; • final inspection of the student residence hall and verification of conformity between the project that had been co-financed and the student residence hall completed. TESIS provides, within the scope of this agreement, support for the Ministerial Commission set up pursuant to the Law 338/2000 for all the activities related to the release of the permits for the provision of the state contribution, to the verification of the correct progress of the works, to the proposals for withdrawal of co-financing.

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inter-university centres



Humanization of Care Spaces

Scientific Coordinators UNIFI | TESIS Romano Del Nord POLITO| DINSE Gabriella Peretti Partnership UNIFI | TESIS Systems and Technologies for Social, Healthcare and Educational Facilities POLITO | DINSE Polytechnic University of Turin Department of Science and Techniques for Settlement Processes MINISTRY OF HEALTH CIRPA| Inter-university Research Centre of Environmental Psychology TESIS Research Group Gianluca Darvo Alessandra Cucurnia Giuseppe Ridolfi Daniela Sorana Donatella Lippi Marino Bonaiuto

The contest The concept of humanization in healthcare was developed along the evolutionary process that led to a change of the way health is perceived and of the means used to guarantee it. The biomedical approach, in which the diseased organ was to be treated, has evolved into the bio-psycho-social one, introducing a multidimensional view of health, which has shifted the focus from the disease to the individual in all its complexity. The cornerstone of this vision is the patient centricity and, therefore, his relationship with the surrounding space and the people with whom he or she relates. The aims The research Humanization of Care Spaces carried out for the Italian Ministry of Health, by TESIS (University of Florence) and the Department DINSE (Polytechnic University of Turin) under the responsibility of Professors Romano del Nord and Gabriella Peretti, has set as its overall target to systematize in organic form the framework for the design of care spaces in terms of humanization, considering as a priority the needs of psycho-social and physical well-being of users. This fits consistently within the major international guidelines related to hospital design, which recognize in the humanization of social and health facilities a central factor in innovation, both in terms of clinical and medical assistance provided, and from the point of view of the building structures project. The research highlights how, in care spaces for sick people, where the fragile condition of the patient is faced with the frequent absence of comfort, warmth and well-being, focus on humanization can provide conditions that contribute to accelerate the process of healing and alleviating the disease. This is a further proof of what has already been seen in high level projects and buildings, where post occupational evaluations are, in fact, highly positive (Del Nord, 2011). The project guidelines, which are already taken into account by careful and proper planning, were structurally organized in relation to scientific, international and cultural references contributing to the spread of knowledge and cross tools also useful, and mainly to who is not used to face these issues. For an interdisciplinary and pragmatic research, in addition to the group of researchers from the two universities, also qualified teachers and researchers of hospital design, environmental psychology, health statistics, sociology, medicine, medical and nursing staff and managers of the structures had been involved.









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Photos: Archivio Centro Tesis, Alessandro Ciampi, Gabriela Campagnol. PUBLICATIONS AND CONGRESSES Del Nord R., Visioni e strategie nelle costruzioni in ambito sanitario in “Abitare la cura. Lo spazio che cura nelle strutture ospedaliere: interventi per trasformare lo spazio del dolore in spazio di possibile benessere emotivo”, Auditorium di S. Apollonia, Firenze, 1st March 2013. Del Nord R., Darvo G., Architettura, residenzialità e disturbi cognitivi: i quesiti non risolti, in “4° Convegno Nazionale sui Centri Diurni Alzheimer”, Centro Alzheimer di Monteoliveto, Pistoia, 31st Maj – 1st June 2013. Bosia D., Darvo G., Le linee guida per l’umanizzazione degli spazi di cura – The guidelines for the humanisation of care facilities, in “Techne” 9/2015, Florence University Press, Firenze 2015, pp. 140-146.

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Del Nord R., Marino D., Peretti G., L’umanizzazione degli spazi di cura: una ricerca svolta per il Ministero della Salute Italiano – Humanization of care spaces: a research developed for the Italian Ministry of Health, in “Techne” 9/2015, Florence University Press, Firenze 2015, pp. 224-229. Del Nord R., The Multidisciplinary Approach in the Design of a Humanized Hospital, in R. Del Nord. (a cura di), “Healthcare Otherwhere”, TESIS Inter-University Research Center - Systems and Technologies for Social and Healthcare Facilities, Firenze 2015 (Curatela degli atti del 34th UIA/PHG International Seminar on Public Healthcare Facilities, Durban, 03rd – 07th August 2014), pp. 11-16. Del Nord R., “The hospital architecture project as a tool for combining the humanisation of spaces with the efficiency of care services” on the occasion of the study day “Architecture for health: the conscious planning of care spaces”, at the University of Trento, May 20, 2016.



Reducing Hospital costs through better design

Scientific Coordinator UNIFI | TESIS Roberto Bologna (from 2017) Romano Del Nord (2014-2017) Partnership UNIFI | TESIS Systems and Technologies for Social, Healthcare and Educational Facilities IHF International Hospital Federation UIA | PHG International Union of Architects - Public Health Group TESIS Research Group Gianfranco Cellai Sandra Carlini Mario Di Benedetto Paolo Felli Maria G. Giardinelli Luca Marzi Leone Pierangioli Claudio Piferi Matteo Randazzo Valentina Santi Nicoletta Setola Andrea Sichi Alessia Spirito


The contest The increasing importance of cost containment in healthcare following the 2008 financial crisis has added constraints to the sector. Moreover, shifting trends in epidemiology (mostly an increase in multi-chronic conditions and an aging population) demand changes in healthcare and service delivery. There is need therefore to accept that hospital designs of the past are no longer appropriate. The challenge is to be ahead of the curve while avoiding major mistakes with regard to anticipating future needs. The current pace of change in healthcare makes it difficult to reconcile extended periods of time between design and completion, which can still take up to 10 years even in advanced European countries. However, innovation allows for shortened construction times, which should enable designers to think progressively and take advantage of the opportunity. The first step to accelerate the full construction cycle is to re-evaluate the various procedures and stages of decision-making. Rather than prioritizing administrative procedures, decision-making steps should progress with an emphasis on the opportunity cost of delays. There is increased emphasis on providing greater attention to economic impact in the building process. Economic development is rapidly progressing and its impact must be better taken into consideration during the design and the construction process. Well managed finances can contribute to reduced costs. The aims The aspects of experimentation and the prefiguration of future scenarios for healthcare represent a constant reference point for the TESIS Centre as a support for the comparison of ideas and trends perceived by opinion leaders with whom the TESIS Centre constantly interacts. Starting from an international workshop held in Florence in 2014, a joint project, “Reducing hospital costs through better design�, is currently being developed with UIA-PHG (International Union of Architects - Public Health Group) and IHF (International Hospital Federation) in order to develop guidelines and recommendations aimed at directing the planning and design of hospital facilities towards solutions that allow the containment of the costs of initial investment and during the following phases of use, management and maintenance of the structures. A part of research focuses on the definition of specific benchmarks for evaluating the maintenance and energy costs in Hospital Buildings. The identification of benchmarks about hospital maintenance costs has the objective to mapping hospital maintenance consumption, and then to direct economic resources towards those buildings that require intervention priorities.

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Photos: Archivio Centro Tesis, Rob Hoekstra, Alessandro Ciampi.








CONGRESSES Promotion and organization of the international IHF (International Hospital Federetion) – UIA-PHG (International Unions of Architects – Public Health Group) workshop “Containing health costs through Hospital Design” held on 03/05 June 2014 at the TESIS Center, Florence.

Del Nord R., Reducing Hospital Operating Cost Through Better Design, Smart Cities-Healthy Cities (The language of innovation – II Forum; Architecture and Urban Planning IV Forum), TJU Shanghai, Università degli Studi di Firenze, Firenze, 15-16 dicembre 2016.

Del Nord R., The very nature of medicine has been transformed and hospital design must reflect that change, in 2015 UIA-PHG Seminar & GUPHA Meeting Health for All: Cultural, Populational, Operational & Technological Influences, Dalian, 23-25 maggio 2015.

Giardinelli M. G., Marzi L., Collaboration project: reducing hospital operating cost through better design, in 40th IHF World Hospital Congress “Addressing the Challenge of Patient-centered Care and Safety”, Durban, Sud Africa, 31 ottobre, 1-2-3 novembre 2016.

Del Nord R., WS01 Reducing hospital cost through design, in “Sustainable and affordable innovations in Healthcare”, Geneva Health Forum April 19-20-21 2016.

Giardinelli M. G., Marzi L., Collaboration project: reducing hospital operating cost through better design, in Hospital Management Asia 2017 “Designing and building more efficient and relevant hospitals”, Manila, Filippine, 23-24 agosto 2017.

Del Nord R., Hospital Cost Containment Through Better Design, in “VII Congresso Brasileiro para o Desenvolvimento do Edifício Hospitalar”, Salvador, Brasile, 28-29-30 settembre 2016. inter-university centres



Birth Environment

Improving architecture in maternity care

IS1405 B.I.R.T.H. COST | European Cooperation in Science & Technology Chair of the Action Soo Downe, UK Vice Chair Ramon Escuriet Peiro, ES MC Italy Nicoletta Setola Laura Iannuzzi TESIS Research Group Nicoletta Setola Grazia Cocina Eletta Naldi

The research theme concerns birth spaces with the purpose of identifying the best spatial and environmental conditions for users (in terms of both workload management, comfort and care) and supporting a participatory process in order to implement the awareness of birth. Due to the recent increasing of the intervention rates in childbirth, the crucial point of this research is trying to understand how the physical environment affects childbirth outcomes and exploring the connection between birth spaces and users’ experience. Many studies have shown how the designed environment influences patient and staff health outcomes by affecting the behaviour, experiences and interactions of users. This power of the environment has important consequences also in birth spaces, both at the unit and the room scale.

SN-MIRE Scientific Coordinator Nicoletta Setola TESIS Research Group Nicoletta Setola Grazia Cocina Valentina Santi Eletta Naldi Elena Bellini



Layout configuration of the unit

% Intervention rates Staff organization Users’ experience

Birth / labour room

Partnership UNIFI | TESIS

Two different research projects originate from these themes, respectively on international and local scale.

UNIGE | Dipartimento di Scienze della Formazione

IS1405 B.I.R.T.H. (2014-2018) Building Intrapartum Research Through Health. COST Action, EU-funded program promoting interdisciplinary research networks

POLITO | Dipartimento di Architettura e Design ASMN | Arcispedale Santa Maria Nuova, Reggio Emilia

in 36 countries.

AOUC | Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria Careggi, Firenze

SN-MIRE (2017-2018) Research funded by Reggio Emilia Health Trust about users’ needs, organization and spatial design in the new birth centre of the ASMN Hospital.







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Healthy Cities

Promoting healthy neighbourhood in CdS model

Scientific Coordinator Nicoletta Setola TESIS Research Group Nicoletta Setola Valentina Santi Eletta Naldi Partnership UNIFI | TESIS AUSL | Azienda USL Toscana Sud Est TUB | Technische Universität Berlin, Department Architecture for Health Regione Toscana| Direzione Diritti di Cittadinanza e Coesione Sociale Settore Organizzazione delle cure e percorsi cronicità

The built environment plays an important role in preventing and promoting health, especially in our cities. Studies show how the built environment affects public health and in particular chronic diseases at least in two ways: with the presence of toxins and pollution, and because it acts on lifestyles (physical activity, healthy diet, positive social interactions). Healthy Neighbourhoods and Towns means integrated multifunctional settlement systems designed to promote community health and care. The size and the multifunctional character of a neighbourhood and its relationship with a metropolitan area are factors that influence healthy lifestyles for everyone in the respect of specific needs, preferences and choices. The “Casa della Salute” (CdS) model of the Tuscany Region has the potential to coordinate primary care, act in diseases prevention, and favour promotion of healthy lifestyles with structures embedded in the neighbourhood environment. CdS could enhance its role in care activities by promoting health environments both indoors and outdoors. CdSs were established in the regional territory from 2007 and 2015; more are projected to be implemented according to this aim in order to attend health needs of the population, especially chronic patients at the district level. Neighborhood Physical Environment outdoor

Protective Health Behavior


Physical Activity

Active Environment Food Environment

Places and Spaces

Healthy Diet Positive Social Interaction

Social Environment

The research purpose is to enhance the recognizability and effectivity of CdS in especially promoting health and consequently enhance the quality of medical care by evaluating: urban situations that favour the selection of a specific site to develop a new CdS; the potential of the neighbourhood environment in promoting health; the existent environmental conditions of a CdS building in terms of its architectural quality beyond its technical medical layout. +


Health Promotion


5% Home


70-80% Specialized care

Community Care

Home Care

The research will achieve: A Health Promoting Indicators Framework; Findings of the neighbourhood and built environment evaluation; Recommendations on how to develop the physical environment in ways to enforce health-behaviours around and inside CdS, included location of new CdS.


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SEMINARS AND FORUMS PhD Seminar Architecture for Health. A people centered planning & design discussion, with Alvaro Valera Sosa, University of Technology, Berlin. 17th-28th March 2017. Florence University Department of Architecture. Forum The language of innovation II Forum Architecture and Urban Planning IV Forum, TJU Shanghai CHINA - UNIFI ITALY – Confucius Institute, Healthy Cities 6th-7th December 2017. Florence University Department of Architecture, Palazzo Vegni. Forum The language of innovation II Forum Architecture and Urban Planning IV Forum, TJU Shanghai CHINA - UNIFI ITALY, Smart Cities Healthy Cities 15th-16th December 2016. Florence University Department of Architecture, Palazzo Vegni. PhD PROGRAMME IN ARCHITECTURE Curriculum of Architectural Technology

Architecture for Health a people centered planning & design discussion

by Álvaro Valera Sosa

University of Technology, Berlin

Palazzo Vegni | room 2N Department of Architecture Via San Niccolò 93, Florence

17th March 2017 9.00 | 10.30 Health and the Built Environment: Healthy Cities, Medical Neighborhoods, and Healing Architecture Alvaro Valera Sosa 11.00 | 12.30 Urban Walkability and Sustainable Human Development Alvaro Valera Sosa

23 March 2017 rd

9.00 | 12.30 Systematic Research for Health Setting Planners and Designers Alvaro Valera Sosa | Nicoletta Setola | Luigi Vessella



14.00 | 17.30 WORKSHOP Walkability for Health Alvaro Valera Sosa Macro urban factors | Meso-level Patterns | Micro Design Variables

13th |14th - 27th | 28th March 2017 11.00 | 12.30 Architecture for Health Reviews Alvaro Valera Sosa PhD researchers and master students from all clusters at the architecture school are welcome to present and discuss their planning & design for health projects. The review aims to offer a renewed insight on the relevance of problems tackled and the problem solving approach

inter-university centres



Hospital Public Spaces

Assessing flows and accessibility

SPACES Scientific Coordinator Maria Chiara Torricelli TESIS Research Group Nicoletta Setola Sabrina Borgianni Angela Masciullo Partnership UNIFI | TESIS Regione Toscana | FAS Space Syntax Ltd | UK AOUC | Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria Careggi

The presentation of public spaces inside a hospital is one of the most important factors that helps to shape contemporary hospitals and makes the hospital not only a place dedicated to health but also to urbanity and to the relationship between the city and the health facilities as well as between patients citizens and workers. The transitionary nature of public spaces inevitably leads to address the topic of “flow”, a continuous and widespread flow that is then channelled to accompany the user through shifts from mainly public and fluid spaces to private and delimited spaces. The users’ experience during the flow also concerns the accessibility to the building, the possibility of orientation in the building, the comfort perceived in the different areas of the hospital and the familiarity that the user can establish in contact with certain spaces.




AUSL | Firenze AUSL | Siena

TESIS Research Group Nicoletta Setola Sabrina Borgianni Virginia Serrani Partnership UNIFI | TESIS AUSL | Bologna AICare Scientific Coordinator Nicoletta Setola TESIS Research Group Nicoletta Setola Valentina Santi Eletta Naldi Elena Bellini

Chalmers University | Centre for Healthcare Architecture




Access to services Discretion Control/To be controlled Need to receive information Patient/Staff communication Generation of spontaneous social dynamics Quality of waiting


CONFIGURATION PARAMETERS Accessibility Visibility Proximity Intelligibility Relationability










Public spaces are spaces that do not appear as functional areas in traditional design guidelines and whose aspects have still not been fully analysed or studied. The 3 researches here aim to an analysis and assessment of public spaces and their impact on individual actions and behaviours, dealing with spatial indicators for health policies, requirements for spatial layout design, and perception of users.

Partnership UNIFI | TESIS CDSAS | Centro di Documentazione per la Storia dell’Assistenza e della Sanità



Case studies analysis - Multiscale comparisons

FlAA Scientific Coordinator Maria Chiara Torricelli



SPACES (2011-2013) SPACES is an interdisciplinary research project that studied the relationship between the right to health, design and hospital space utilization with the objective of providing criteria and indicators for the evaluation of those spaces and the public policies that affect them. The research was funded by Regione Toscana within EU FAS program and was developed by a UNIFI group of legal experts, architects and sociologists. FlAA (2014-2015) Flow Analysis and Accessibility in the Maggiore Hospital in Bologna is a research funded by the Bologna Health Trust. The aim was an assessment of the pedestrian, vehicular and logistics flows in the public area of the hospital. The research followed these steps: paths surveys, accessibility evaluation, critical points and their impact on users’ experience, defining of new design requirements, and proposal of different designing scenarios.

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USERS Patients Staff Visitors


AICare (2017-2018) Art, Identity and Care in Santa Maria Nuova Hospital public spaces is a research funded by the Centro di Documentazione per la Storia dell’Assistenza e della Sanità. The research purpose is analysing the access area and public spaces of Santa Maria Nuova, recently redeveloped, and particularly investigating the effect of architectural elements and art on identity feeling for residents, wayfinding in the patients and visitors paths, quality of perception for patients, staff and visitors.

AOUC Hospital

SMN Hospital

Ospedale Maggiore C.A. Pizzardi - Bologna Analisi dei flussi e accessibilità

Ospedale Maggiore C. A. Pizzardi - Bologna


Osservazioni traffico veicolare e pedonale

problemi di orientamento all’interno dell’atrio

TRAIETTORIE E ATTIVITÀ NELL'ATRIO Rilevazione in data 04.06.2014 Ora: 09.00


ore 09.00

molti flussi di persone in direzioni diverse

  funzionale

C 06a

leggibilità flussi  interferenza flussi

Accessibilità pedonale all’interno Dalle osservazioni effettuate all’interno dell’atrio sono emersi due fenomeni significativi: il primo, in determinati punti molte persone hanno problemi di orientamento (06a), il secondo, si verificano spesso interferenze fra persone in attesa e flussi di persone in ingresso o in uscita (06b). Con frequenza minore si verificano interferenze fra flussi di persone ed il flusso sanitario barellati dal pronto soccorso al pronto soccorso ortopedico. In parte questi fenomeni possono essere interpretati e compresi grazie alle analisi dell’accessibilità dello spazio.

PUBLICATIONS 2016, Setola N., Borgianni S., Designing public spaces in hospital, Routledge, New York USA.

Le mappe a sinistra rappresentano le traiettorie percorse e le attività svolte dagli utenti osservate durante i rilievi all’interno dell’atrio e nei corridoi limitrofi. Dal confronto delle mappe delle osservazioni con il modello di accessibilità dell’interno si può notare che i punti in cui le persone hanno problemi di orientamento (simbolo persona rossa) corrispondono alle aree più integrate, ovvero più accessibili (colorate in rosso). Questo significa che le persone hanno bisogno di precise informazioni in corrispondenza di determinati punti, i punti più facilmente accessibili dove vi si arriva senza bisogno di ulteriori indicazioni ma dai quali si dipartono più direzioni verso aree meno accessibili. In questi punti le persone hanno bisogno di adeguate informazioni per potersi orientare.

2017 Romano I., Marzi L., Setola N., Torricelli MC, “Analysis of the flows and of the factors that impact the accessibility and identity of public spaces”, Techne Journal n.14/2017 pp. 296-309. 2014 Setola N., “Quality of space and right to health. An interdisicplinary research in hospital facilities”, Techne Journal n.7/2014. pp. 157164. 2013, Borgianni S., Setola N., Torricelli M.C., “Indicatori del flusso ambulatoriale”. In: (a cura di) Simoncini A., Torricelli M.C., Chiesi L., Surrenti S., SPACES. Lo spazio dei diritti. L’effettività del diritto alla salute nelle strutture ospedaliere. Editoscana s.r.l., Firenze. pp. 19-30. 2013 Torricelli, M.C., Setola N., Borgianni, S., “How Architecture promote Right to Health in Hospital”. In: (editors) S. Kajewski, K. Manley & K.Hampson, Proceedings of the 19th International CIB World Building Congress, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane. pp. 1-14.

inter-university centres

i punti rossi, quelli più integrati, sono quelli in cui le persone hanno bisogno di precise informazioni di leggibilità dello spazio per potersi orientare nell'edificio






ore 11.00

Traces traiettorie

persone che hanno problemi di orientamento

49 - 65 33 - 49 16 - 33 1 - 16


Traces attività attesa


interazioni wayfinding

2013, Setola N., Percorsi, flussi e persone nella progettazione ospedaliera. L’analisi configurazionale, teoria e applicazione, Firenze University Press, Firenze.

2015 Setola N., Torricelli M.C. and Bellini E., “Circulation Patterns and the Transformation of a Historic Hospital in the Time Perspective of OB”. In: ETH Conference; The future of open building; ETH E-Collection, Zürich.

persone che hanno problemi di orientamento


le tre traiettorie più percorse AULA MAGNA

aggiornamento | 17.06.2014



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Ospedale Maggio


TRAIETTORIE E ATTIVI Rilevazione in data 04.

modello di accessibilità dell’interno



attesa interazioni CUP © MapInfo


Ospedale Maggiore C.A. Pizzardi - Bologna Analisi dei flussi e accessibilità



Osservazioni traffic


ore 09.00

  funzionale


traiettorie pedonali e attività all’interno dell’atrio di ingresso nelle ore di punta

C 06a

leggibilità flussi

 interferenza flussi

Accessibilità pedonale all’interno Dalle osservazioni effettuate all’interno dell’atrio sono emersi due fenomeni significativi: il primo, in determinati punti molte persone hanno problemi di orientamento (06a), il secondo, si verificano spesso interferenze fra persone in attesa e flussi di persone in ingresso o in uscita (06b). Con frequenza minore si verificano interferenze fra flussi di persone ed il flusso sanitario barellati dal pronto soccorso al pronto soccorso ortopedico. In parte questi fenomeni possono essere interpretati e compresi grazie alle analisi dell’accessibilità dello spazio. Le mappe a sinistra rappresentano le traiettorie percorse e le attività svolte dagli utenti osservate durante i rilievi all’interno dell’atrio e nei corridoi limitrofi. Dal confronto delle mappe delle osservazioni con il modello di accessibilità dell’interno si può notare che i punti in cui le persone hanno problemi di orientamento (simbolo persona rossa) corrispondono alle aree più integrate, ovvero più accessibili (colorate in rosso). Questo significa che le persone hanno bisogno di precise informazioni in corrispondenza di determinati punti, i punti più facilmente accessibili dove vi si arriva senza bisogno di ulteriori indicazioni ma dai quali si dipartono più direzioni verso aree meno accessibili. In questi punti le persone hanno bisogno di adeguate informazioni per potersi orientare.

CUP © MapInfo

ore 11.00

Traces traiettorie

49 - 65 33 - 49 16 - 33 1 - 16

Traces attività


attesa interazioni wayfinding

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traiettorie p nelle ore di



Accessibility monitoring of the hospital Le Scotte - Siena

Scientific Coordinators Maria Chiara Torricelli Luca Marzi Address DIDA San Niccolò AOUS Ospedale le Scotte (SI) Research Group DIDA-UNIFI Maria Chiara Torricelli Luca Marzi Nicoletta Setola Elena Bellini Federica Parente AOUS Silvio Marsicano Filippo Terzaghi Paola Ricci Alessandra Panichi Marco Geddes Cristina Degli Innocenti


The issue of accessibility and safety in public health services is explicitly addressed in many of the analysis and verification procedures for performance and quality assurance, as well as in specific regulatory guidance: are remembered the D.P.C.M. 19 May 1995 (Charter for public health services), the quality assessment systems, like those AGENAS (Agenzia Nazionale per i Servizi Sanitari Regionali) and recent analysis campaigns defined in the framework of specific studies such as the cognitive survey on the hospital pathways of people with disabilities, carried out by the National Observatory on Health in the Italian regions. The Tesis Centre, in agreement with the University Hospital of the Scotte in Siena, has defined an operational plan, realized in 3 macro phases, with the aim of defining a plan of the interventions necessary for the attenuation/overcoming of the “architectural barriers”. The Objectives of the research programme can be summarised as: • Realization of an intervention model (system for overcoming architectural barriers); • Definition of methods of verification and monitoring of the system for overcoming architectural barriers. Coordination with safety planning for users and medical professionals.

research map | dida research system

inter-university centres



Publications Papers Congresses

Scientific Director Roberto Bologna (from 2017)


Romano Del Nord (1992-2017) Scientific Board Roberto Bologna Marino Bonaiuto Gianfranco Cellai Tiziana Ferrante Giuseppe Ridolfi

The language of innovation II Forum Architecture and Urban Planning IV Forum TJU Shanghai CHINA - UNIFI ITALY

Smart Cities 15th December 2016

Past Romano Del Nord Giacomo Elias Paolo Felli A. M. Giovenale Antonio Lauria Roberto Palumbo Ferdinando Terranova M.C. Torricelli

16th December 2016

Florence University Department of Architecture Palazzo Vegni, Aula Magna “Mario Zaffagnini” via San Niccolò 93, Firenze

Scientific advisors Marco Bellandi, Maria Chiara Torricelli, Li Xiangning, Wang Ruiguang

A new urban model - the smart city - is establishing where urban planning is carried out in an integrated way with the scope of the smarter use of resources and cultural, social, natural and technological heritage. In a human centered perspective, the smart city is also a healthy city where the focus on human health and well-being, with its relationship

Organization committee Silvia Scaramuzzi, Nicoletta Setola, Paolo Oliveri, Caroline Maaz Info point info@istitutoconfucio.unifi.it nicoletta.setola@unifi.it Dipartimento di Architettura Università di Firenze via San Niccolò 93 - 50125 Firenze

delay, there are examples of smart cities initiatives for services, transport, networks and apps in the context of historical urban fabrics. The model covers not only big cities but also smaller cities. The attention to the health of citizens is grafted too on smart cities perspectives to enhance effectiveness of health services in the territory.

Conference organized by:

UIA/PHG International Union of Architects (Workprogramme) Public Health Group

contributions of members of the UIA/PHG at the conference.

The second session ‘’Design Issues for Healthcare Buildings’’ provides an overview of design solutions that improve the quality of life of users at all stages of life, from birth to old age. The excursus leads to a reflection on how it is essential for care environments to be safe and ahead of the new technologies, while at the same time they should take into account the social and psychological sphere of patients, family members and staff who attend the facility. The third session ‘’Planning and Design Healthcare in Developing and Newly Industrialized Countries’’ outlines a broad framework of initiatives and activities designed and implemented in developing countries. The situation described emphasizes the important role of the designer in the construction of new buildings and the guidelines for interventions to improve the buildings system, moreover as a researcher a designer can analyze the needs of the local population as well as document the de facto state of existing buildings.

CSIR Council for Scientific and Industrial Research in South Africa

a cura di / edited by Romano Del Nord Adolfo F. L. Baratta Claudio Piferi

The volume is the fourth in a series of UIA/PHG proceedings edited by TESIS, Inter University Research Center University of Florence, Italy, and it was produced in close collaboration with the CSIR, Council of Scientific and Industrial Research in South Africa, program coordinator of the Public Health Group in the 2014 UIA conference.

a cura di Romano Del Nord

CIRPA | SAPIENZA Marino Bonaiuto Ferdinando Fornara


circulation and waiting. Setola and Borgianni have pioneered research into the way that the complex whole of the hospital building works to give access to healthcare. This is essential reading for anyone engaged in the design or commissioning of large and

Health FOR ALL

complex healthcare facilities.”

Health FOR ALL Cultural, Operational & Technological Influences

35th UIA/PHG International Seminar on Public Healthcare Facilities - Dalian, China. May 23-25, 2015 | Edied by Romano Del Nord

Cultural, Operational & Technological Influences 35th UIA/PHG International Seminar on Public Healthcare Facilities Dalian, China. May 23-25, 2015 at Dalian World Expo Center Proceedings edited by Romano Del Nord

Cultural Influences

Conference organized by: UIA/PHG International Union of Architects / Public Health Group GUPHA Global University Program in Healthcare Architecture

Healthcare Design for the Future

Healthy Communities & Healthy Cities

Alan Penn, The Bartlett Faculty of the Built Environment, University College London, UK

Percorsi, flussi e persone nella progettazione ospedaliera

Designing Public Spaces in Hospitals illustrates that in addition to their aesthetic function, public spaces in hospitals play a fundamental role concerning people’s satisfaction and

experience of healthcare. The book highlights how spatial properties such as accessibility,

L’analisi configurazionale, teoria e applicazione

visibility, proximity and intelligibility affect people’s behaviour and interactions in hospital public spaces. Based on the authors’ research, the book includes detailed analysis of three hospitals and criteria that can support the design in circulation areas, arrival and entrance, first point of welcome, reception and the interface between city and hospital. The book is illustrated with 150 black and white images.

Nicoletta Setola

Nicoletta Setola is a researcher at the University of Florence, italy, and a registered architect.

Conference organized by: UIA International Union of Architects UIA/PHG Public Health Group CSIR Council for Scientific and Industrial Research in South Africa

Improvement Processes

Design Issues

Published by TESIS Inter-University Research Centre Systems and Technologies for Social and Healthcare Facilities

She has a PhD in architectural technology and Design (2008) and her work focuses on healthcare building, particularly on spatial configuration related to flow analysis in hospitals. Sabrina Borgianni is a researcher and a registered architect. She holds a PhD in architectural technology and Design (2012) and her work focuses on public spaces in urban context and social buildings, particularly in healthcare and residential buildings.

bUilDiNg tyPeS / arcHitectUre cover image: New entrance to Santa Maria Nuova Hospital, Florence, italy l+Partners architects. Photo: Marina Monaco.

Published by

Design for Vulnerable Populations

TESIS Inter-University Research Centre Systems and Technologies for Social and Healthcare Facilities University of Florence

ISBN 978-1-138-85720-9


9 781138 857209

Nicoletta Setola aND SabriNa borgiaNNi

Contributions concerning alternative approaches tested to ensure adequate assistance for the growing spread of chronic diseases and co-morbidity in elderly people are particular stimulating. This problem, in addition to enhancing awareness of the set up of the entire system of regional public health services for an ever broader range of users, raises some questions on the characterization of spaces where environmental logistical support prevails over the true function of care.

Proceedings edited by Romano Del Nord

Designing Public Spaces in Hospitals

Particular attention was paid to problems deriving from the need for “integration”, for which the hospital must ensure an adequate response given that users of different cultures tend to co-exist with similar health demands while their expectations over treatment methods often vary.


rooms and operating theatres. In this book the focus is on the public spaces of reception,

Percorsi, flussi e persone nella progettazione ospedaliera

As regards the increasingly marked and widespread attention to the “patient centrality” requirement, the existence of very different design solutions was noted, which were particularly stimulating due to the understanding of the impact generated by “lifestyles” on the arrangement of the care environment.

PDTA | SAPIENZA Luigi Biocca Francesca Giofré Anna M. Giovenale Federica Giuliani Alessia Spirito Teresa Villani

34th UIA/PHG International Seminar on Public Healthcare Facilities Durban, South Africa. August 03-07, 2014

University of Florence

“Attention is usually given to the private spaces of the hospital: the wards, consulting

Nicoletta Setola

The design problems addressed in the different sessions and in the individual papers presented concerned aspects of professional benefit and general interest that go beyond the specificities of the geographic and socio-economic contexts of the speakers. The topic of the humanization of care spaces is confirmed as a central issue with respect to the objectives to be pursued in hospital intervention programmes.

healthcare OTHERWHERE

Healthcare in Developing Countries

UIA/PHG International Union of Architects (Workprogramme) Public Health Group

DMSC | UNIFI Donatella Lippi Carlo Orefice

healthcare OTHERWHERE

The volume opens with the first session entitled ‘’Planning, Design and Construction Improvement Processes’’ with a look towards the future, outlining the possible fields of investigation in the area of health planning research and reflecting on the results and dissemination of design approaches such as Evidence-Based Design and Open Buildings.

€ 30,00

This volume documents the results of the 35th UIA/ PHG International Seminar on Public Healthcare Facilities held in Dalian, China, 23-25 May 2015, as part of the more extensive conference entitled “HEALTH FOR ALL, Cultural, Operational & Technological Influence architecture”, organized by UIA Public Health Group- and GUPHA - Global University Program in Healthcare Architecture -. The volume is divided into fouth sessions containing the contributions of members of the UIA/PHG at the conference.

34th UIA/PHG International Seminar on Public Healthcare Facilities - Durban, South Africa. August 03-07, 2014 | Edited by Romano Del Nord

the more extensive conference entitled “architecture RESIDENZE EofOTHERWHERE, SERVIZI PER STUDENTI UNIVERSITARI XXV International Union of Architects World Congress ‘’ organized by UIA. RESIDENCES AND SERVICES FOR UNIVERSITY STUDENTS The volume is divided into three sessions containing the

a cura di / edited by Romano Del Nord, Adolfo F. L. Baratta, Claudio Piferi


a cura di Romano Del Nord

Il processo attuativo del piano nazionale di interventi per la realizzazione di residenze universitarie

Anche grazie all’emanazione della Legge 338/2000 “Disposizioni in materia di alloggi e residenze per gli studenti universitari”, infatti, negli ultimi anni non solo è stato messo a disposizione degli studenti universitari un numero sempre crescente di posti alloggio, ma residenze e servizi esistenti si sono trasformati radicalmente, così come le modalità di programmazione degli interventi e di gestione degli immobili da parte di soggetti pubblici e privati. Operazioni complesse di sviluppo edilizio e gestione immobiliare, contratti unici per l’affidamento dei lavori e della gestione delle residenze, interventi di rigenerazione urbana attraverso il recupero e la riqualificazione di intere aree dismesse o di singoli edifici storici anche di pregio, realizzazione ex-novo di strutture ricettive caratterizzate dai più alti standard in temi di qualità architettonica e ambientale e il confronto con le recenti esperienze europee e internazionali, sono solo alcuni dei temi approfonditi nei contributi pubblicati nel volume che raccoglie le riflessioni di studiosi, professionisti e operatori del settore.

DIEF | UNIFI Cristina Carletti Leone Pierangioli Fabio Sciurpi Simone Secchi

This volume documents the results of the 34th UIA/PHG International Seminar on Public Healthcare Facilities held in Durban, South Africa, 3-7 August 2014, as part

Il processo attuativo del piano nazionale di interventi per la realizzazione di residenze universitarie

Il processo attuativo del piano nazionale di interventi per la realizzazione di residenze universitarie, a cura di Romano Del Nord, raccoglie contributi di studiosi che hanno collaborato alla redazione degli allegati tecnici ai decreti di attuazione della legge 338/2000, ai sensi della quale vengono erogati cofinanziamenti statali per la realizzazione di residenze per studenti universitari e di membri del gruppo di supporto tecnico alla La Giornata di Studi, tenutasi a Firenze il 21 ottobre 2016 su iniziativa del Centro interuniversitario TESIS Commissione ministeriale, della quale il curatore del volume è presidente, incaricata dell’istruttoria dei progetti per i quali detti cofinanziamenti sono stati attribuiti. “Sistemi e Tecnologie per le Strutture Sanitarie, Sociali e della Formazione” del Dipartimento di Architettura Il volume illustra, a uso dei progettisti e di tutti gli operatori coinvolti nella pianificazione, progettazione, dell’Università degli Studi di Firenze, nasce dalla volontà di avviare un confronto teorico, tecnico e divulgativo realizzazione e gestione di manufatti residenziali universitari, dati inediti inerenti alle varie applicazioni della teso un all’ampliamento delle conoscenze su due temi centrali nelle politiche universitarie: la residenza, che legge 338/2000, delineando, anche con il supporto di schemi grafici, elaborati progettuali e illustrazioni, ideale percorso che, partendo dalla fase di programmazione, giunge fino alle fasi realizzativa e gestionale. negli ultimi quindici anni ha conosciuto un rinnovato interesse soprattutto grazie all’emanazione di norme L’analisi è completata da una selezione di casi studio con documentazione progettuale e fotografica di specifiche, e l’offerta dei servizi, che concorre a determinare la qualità delle strutture universitarie. residenze per studenti universitari realizzate con i fondi della legge 338/2000.

Romano Del Nord, professore Ordinario di Tecnologia dell’Architettura presso il Dipartimento di Architettura (DIDA) dell’Università degli Studi di Firenze, dal 1991 è Direttore del Centro Interuniversitario di Ricerca sui Sistemi e le Tecnologie per le Strutture Sociali e Sanitarie TESIS. Già prorettore all’edilizia dell’Università degli Studi di Firenze, collabora con il Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca per la definizione di standard normativi e di modelli per il calcolo del fabbisogno di edilizia universitaria e scolastica ed è presidente della Commissione Ministeriale per l’attuazione degli interventi di edilizia residenziale universitaria ai sensi della legge 338/2000.

to social capital and environmental quality, offers a means to sharpening urban planning for sustainability and quality of life. In China the urbanization is an important phenomenon and it is a clear need to develop new models to cope with the tremendous problem of environmental impact, social guarantees and health of people in the cities. In Italy, despite some


Associated Universities DiDA | UNIFI Marta Berni Sandra Carlini Stefano Carrer Gianluca Darvo Mario Di Benedetto Paolo Felli Giuseppe Fialà Maria G. Giardinelli Lorenzo Marsocci Luca Marzi Francesca Nesi Claudio Piferi Matteo Randazzo Valentina Santi Nicoletta Setola Virginia Serrani Andrea Sichi Fabio Valli Leonardo Zaffi

Healthy Cities

Designing Public Spaces in Hospitals



Routledge titles are available as eBook editions in a range of digital formats


Nicoletta Setola aND SabriNa borgiaNNi

research map | dida research system

PUBLICATIONS Del Nord R., Baratta A.F.L., Piferi C., (a cura di), Residenze e servizi per studenti universitari – Residences and Services for University Students, Centro TESIS, Firenze 2016. Del Nord R., Processi e metodi innovativi per la promozione della qualità architettonica delle residenze universitarie in Del Nord R., Baratta A.F.L., Piferi C. (a cura di), Residenze e servizi per studenti universitari, Centro TESIS, Firenze 2016, pp. 13-16. Borgianni S., Setola N., Designing public spaces in hospitals, New York, Routledge, 2016. Giofré F., Ðukanović Z. (a cura di), Health spaces. Hospital Outdoor Environment, TESIS, Firenze 2015. Del Nord R. (a cura di), Health for All. Cultural, Operational & Technological Influences, TESIS, Firenze 2016 (Curatela degli atti del 35th UIA/PHG International Seminar on Public Healthcare Facilities, Dalian, 23 – 25 maggio 2015). Del Nord R., Il contributo del centro Ricerche TESIS alla progettazione delle strutture ospedaliere, in sezione “Architettura specialistica” in rivista “L’Ambiente Antropico. Territori – Città – Architetture”, Sezione Aurea Editori, n. 07/2015 (gennaio-giugno 2015), pp. 90-103.

Carlini S., Le potenzialità degli spazi esterni e del verde nel modello “integrato” delle residenze universitarie in Del Nord R., Piferi C., Baratta A. (a cura di), “Residenze e servizi per studenti universitari – Residences and Services for University Students”, TESIS, Firenze 2016, pp. 173-180. Darvo G., Campus hall student housing (SDU): low-energy standard 2020, in Del Nord R., Piferi C., Baratta A. (a cura di), “Residenze e servizi per studenti universitari – Residences and Services for University Students”, TESIS, Firenze 2016, pp. 117-124. Piferi C., I costi standard di costruzione delle residenze per studenti universitari, l’esperienza italiana della legge n. 338/2000 in Del Nord R., Piferi C., Baratta A. (a cura di), “Residenze e servizi per studenti universitari – Residences and Services for University Students”, TESIS, Firenze 2016, pp. 69-78. Baratta A; Piferi C. (2015). Le residenze universitarie come strumento di rigenerazione urbana. L’esperienza del programma 338/00. In: 3° edizione di abitare il futuro. Giornate internazionali di studio, Napoli, 1-2 ottobre 2015, Clean edizioni, pp. 485-493.

Del Nord R. (a cura di), Il processo attuativo del piano nazionale di interventi per la realizzazione di residenze universitarie, Edifir, Firenze 2014.

Del Nord R., L’ospedale universitario come centro di eccellenza per la produzione e la diffusione della cultura biomedica avanzata – The University hospital as centre of excellence for the production and dissemination of the advanced biomedical culture, in “Techne” 9/2015, Florence University Press, Firenze 2015, pp. 191-198.

Del Nord R., L’innovazione di processo come strumento per promuovere la qualità delle opere, in Del Nord (a cura di): Il processo attuativo del piano nazionale di interventi per la realizzazione di residenze universitarie, Edifir, Firenze 2014, pp. 17-27.

Del Nord R., Futura tendências para o desenho do ensino e da pesquisa hospitalar (Future trends in teaching and research hospital design), “Revista IPH - Edição Especial: IPH 60 Anos” (electronic journal), 2014, pp. 6-15.

Baratta A.F.L., Domanda e offerta di residenze e alloggi per studenti universitari, in Del Nord (a cura di): Il processo attuativo del piano nazionale di interventi per la realizzazione di residenze universitarie, Edifir, Firenze 2014, pp. 29-51.

Del Nord R., Centro de aprendizaje creativo para personas con discapacidades. En Pisa, Italia, in “Annuario 2014 AADAIH (Asociación Argentina de Arquitectura e Ingeniería Hospitalaria)”, Buenos Aires 2014, pp. 128-133.

Bologna R., Il progetto della residenza per studenti universitari, in Del Nord R. (a cura di), Il processo attuativo del piano nazionale di interventi per la realizzazione di residenze universitarie, Edifir, Firenze 2014. pp. 107-159.

Setola N., Quality of space and right to health. An interdisicplinary research in hospital facilities, “Techne” n.7/2014, Florence University Press, Firenze 2014, pp. 157-164.

Carlini S., Normativa tecnica su residenze e alloggi per studenti universitari, in Del Nord R. (a cura di), Il processo attuativo del piano nazionale di interventi per la realizzazione di residenze universitarie, Edifir, Firenze 2014. pp. 53-67.

CONGRESSES Organization of the international study day: “Residenze e servizi per studenti universitari – Residences and Services for University Students”, Firenze 21 ottobre 2016.

Di Benedetto M., Gestione e manutenzione di residenze per studenti universitari, in Del Nord R. (a cura di), Il processo attuativo del piano nazionale di interventi per la realizzazione di residenze universitarie, Edifir, Firenze 2014. pp. 195-231.

Piferi C., Costi di costruzione delle Residenze Universitarie in “Giornata di Studi Internazionale: Residenze e servizi per studenti Universitari”, dipartimento DIDA - Palazzo Vegni, Firenze 21 Ottobre 2016.

Piferi C., Criticità ricorrenti nelle procedure di esecuzione delle opere in Del Nord R. (a cura di), Il processo attuativo del piano nazionale di interventi per la realizzazione di residenze universitarie, Edifir, Firenze 2014, pp. 161-182. Del Nord R. (a cura di), Healthcare Facilities in Times of Radical Changes, TESIS, Firenze 2015 (Curatela degli atti del 23rd Congress of the International Federation of Hospital Engineering (IFHE)-25th Latin American Congress of Architecture and Hospital Engineering, Buenos Aires, 13 – 16 ottobre 2014). Del Nord R. (a cura di), Healthcare Otherwhere, TESIS, Firenze 2015 (Curatela degli atti del 34th UIA/PHG International Seminar on Public Healthcare Facilities, Durban, 03 – 07 agosto 2014). Del Nord R. (a cura di), Get better! The pursuit of better health and better healthcare design at lower costs per capita, TESIS, Firenze 2014 (Curatela degli atti del 33rd International Seminar UIA – Public Health Group, Toronto, 24 – 28 settembre 2013). Setola N., Percorsi, flussi e persone nella progettazione ospedaliera. L’analisi configurazionale, teoria e applicazione, Firenze University Press, Firenze, 2013. PAPERS Baratta A., Bologna R.; Piferi C., Sichi A., Residenze per studenti universitari. L’evoluzione degli standard quali-quantitativi nella normativa italiana in Del Nord R., Piferi C., Baratta A. (a cura di), “Residenze e servizi per studenti universitari – Residences and Services for University Students”, TESIS, Firenze 2016, pp. 17-28.

Bologna R., Rapporto tra funzioni abitative e funzioni di servizio in “Giornata di Studi Internazionale: Residenze e servizi per studenti Universitari”, dipartimento DIDA - Palazzo Vegni, Firenze 21 Ottobre 2016. Ferrante T., Programmare residenze e servizi per studenti universitari, in “Giornata di Studi Internazionale: Residenze e servizi per studenti Universitari”, dipartimento DIDA - Palazzo Vegni, Firenze 21 Ottobre 2016. Del Nord R., Il progetto dell’architettura ospedaliera come strumento per coniugare l’umanizzazione degli spazi con l’efficienza dei servizi di cura, in giornata di studi “Architettura per la salute: la progettazione consapevole degli spazi di cura”, Università degli Studi di Trento, 20 maggio 2016. Del Nord R., The hospital of excellence. An overview on international trends, in “Second Saudi Forum for Planning and Design of Hospitals”, Riyadh, 22-24 aprile 2014. Del Nord R., Remodelling and Expansion of Monumental Hospitals in Urban Areas: The Approach to Sustainable Culture, in “23rd Congress of the International Federation of Hospital Engineering (IFHE)”, Buenos Aires, 13-16 Ottobre 2014. Del Nord R., A focus on residential university buildings in “Il workout di immobili pubblici”, University of Florence - Laboratory Real Estate Management, Florence, 9 Feb. 2014.

Bologna R., Sichi A., Le residenze per studenti universitari nei programmi attuativi della L. 338/2000, in Del Nord R., Piferi C., Baratta A. (a cura di), “Residenze e servizi per studenti universitari – Residences and Services for University Students”, TESIS, Firenze 2016, pp. 29-42.

inter-university centres
















Architecture and Auto-construction LAA

prototyping | modelling | DIY architecture

Scientific Coordinators Antonio Capestro Leonardo Zaffi Address Santa Teresa, via della Mattonaia, 8 Firenze Lab Technician Aldo Regoli

The “Architettura e Autocostruzione” Lab, belongs to the DIDALABS net, and is focused on research development and students training. The Lab is aimed at developing, increasing and promoting the culture of auto-construction in the architectural design. This cultural activity comprehends all the experiences, at the different scales, including all the steps of the objects fulfilment, from the conceptual design to the final realization. The research activities are made on real models, prototypes and 1:1 scale systems, which are both the final product of the work and in–progress subject of study. The proposed procedure, based on the adoption or models in the design developing and optimization, can be applied from the urban scale, such urban staging and temporary constructions, to the detail scale, such as structural nodes or single components. The “Architecture and Auto-Construction Lab” supports all activities where the adoption of 1:1 models is an essential part of the students training, or research and integrative activities.











research map | dida research system

laboratories | a&p


Prato Laboratory Laboratorioprato

research | teaching | consulting

Scientific Coordinator Giulio Giovannoni Address Palazzo San Clemente via Micheli, 2 Firenze Partnership Comune di Prato Valerio Barberis UNIFI | DIDA Francesco Alberti Serafina Amoroso Giuseppe De Luca David Fanfani Anna Lambertini Flaviano Lorusso Tessa Matteini Saverio Mecca Edilizia Pubblica Pratese Federico Mazzoni Collaborators Uzeir Gasimov Maria Elena Muzio Naief Serrano

The Prato Laboratory, born from an agreement between DIDA and the Municipality of Prato, coordinates the consulting, research and didactic activities carried out by DIDA in the territory of Prato. Prato is the third largest city in Tuscany after Rome and Florence, and the second one in Tuscany after the capital of the region. Despite the crisis of the district, it is still the most important centre of wool manufacture in Italy and is home to the main European district of Pronto Moda. More than 120 ethnic groups live together in Prato, with problems of compatibility between different uses and customs. This city is home to the third largest community of Chinese origin in Europe, after London and Paris. Prato is a real experimentation forge in which new approaches to governance and design are tested. The Laboratory carries out various activities including: • organization of project workshops on themes of particular interest for the administration of Prato, in coordination and with the support of public and private institutions in Prato; • coordination of degree theses that have as their object the territory of Prato; • organisation of thematic conferences and seminars; • research activities, also on agreement with administrations of the Province of Prato. COURSES 2017-18, Architecture and Town Lab, Rehabilitation of public housing neighbourhoods in the periphery of Prato. Proff. G. Giovannoni/Urban Design, Serafina Amoroso/Architectural Design, Antonella Valentini/Landscape Design. Teaching assistants (urban design): Uzeir Gasimov, Maria Elena Muzio. 2017-18, Laboratorio di Architettura e Struttura, Nuova Palestra Scolastica a Prato, proff. F. M. Lorusso/Progettazione Architettonica I, G. Tempesta/Progetto di Strutture, S. Mecca/Progazione di Sistemi Costruttivi. Teaching assistants: Andrea Maltinti, Edoardo Maria Fiecconi. 2016-17, Laboratorio di Architettura e Struttura, Edificio di servizio a Prato nella ex Fabbrica Banci, proff. F. M. Lorusso/Progettazione Architettonica I, G. Tempesta e V. Alecci/Progetto di Strutture, S.Mecca/ Progettazione di Sistemi Costruttivi. Teaching assistants: A. Cambi, L. Gentili, A. Maltinti. 2016-17, Laboratorio di Architettura e Città, Pensare la Città del XXI secolo: generazione urbana a Prato, proff. F. M. Lorusso/Progettazione Architettonica III, P. Bellia/Progettazione Urbanistica, T. Matteini/Progettazione del Paesaggio Urbano. Teaching assistants: Eugenio Salvetti, Emanuele Petrucci, Laura Blanc. 2015-16, Laboratorio di Architettura e Struttura, CDT - Centro del Design Toscana nella ex Fabbrica Banci, proff. F. M. Lorusso/Progettazione Architettonica I, G. Tempesta/Progetto di Strutture, S. Mecca/Progettazione di Sistemi Costruttivi. Teaching assistants: A. Cambi, L. Gentili, A. Maltinti, E. Petrucci, E. Salvetti 2015-2016, Laboratorio di Progettazione dell’Architettura 1, Casa studio per artista al Macrolotto zero, Prof. V. Barberis. Teaching assistants: E. Salvetti, E. Casini, F. Macchioni, A. Meucci. 2014-2015, Laboratorio di Progettazione dell’Architettura 1, Microcosmo Macrolotto, Case torri al Macrolotto zero, Prof. V. Barberis. Teaching Assistants: C. Balestri, E. Barili. 2013-14, Architecture and Town Lab, Designing the Urbanized Countryside Forty Years Later, prof. G. Giovannoni/Urban Design. 2013-2014, Laboratorio di Progettazione dell’Architettura 1, Case a schiera con bottega al Macrolotto zero, Prof. V. Barberis. Teaching Assistants, C. Balestri, E. Barili. THESIS Melani M., A riscatto di una identità assopita. Nuovo polo tecnologico delle arti e dei mestieri nella ex area ‘Banci’ di Prato, 2015. Advisor F. M. Lorusso, co-advisor S. Mecca. Gualtieri L., La trama vibrante di un’identità ritrovata. Riqualificazione ex Lanificio Walter Banci di Prato, 2017. Advisor F. M. Lorusso.


Di Domenico M., Macrolotto 0.2 – La città creativa, 2016. Advisor G. Giovannoni, co-advisors V. Barberis, C. Balestri, E. Barilli (in course of publication). Gori O., Metropolitan Park of the Piana Fiorentina. A journey through Space-Time- Velocity, 2015. Advisor G. Giovannoni (in course of publication).

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WORKSHOPS “La città intermedia. Verso una nuova urbanità. Proposte per il Macrolotto 1 a Prato”, 2-7 October2017, International Workshop DiDA Firenze e ETSAM Madrid, proff. S. Amoroso, G. Giovannoni, F. Lorusso / A. Blanco Herrero, C. Espegel Alonso, A. Ribot Manzano. PUBLICATIONS Serafina A., ed., La città intermedia. Verso una nuova urbanità. Proposte per il Macrolotto 1 a Prato. Firenze: Didapress, 2018, in course of printing. Giovannoni G., ed., Voids, Factories and Homes. Designing the Urbanized Countryside Forty Years Later. Firenze: Didapress, 2018, in course of printing.

Giovannoni G. “Dal policentrismo alla centralità dispersa”. In Angoletti C., Camagni R., Iommi S., Lattarulo P. (eds.), Competitività urbana e policentrismo in Europa. Quale ruolo per le città metropolitane e le città medie. Bologna: Il Mulino, 2015. Giovannoni G., L’urbanistica tecnica e la mixité. In XVII Conferenza Nazionale SIU. L’urbanistica Italiana nel Mondo. Milano, 15-16 maggio 2014. Roma-Milano: Planum Publisher, vol. 5. Le Culture Politecniche dell’Urbanistica, 2014. Giovannoni G., “Ordinary Spaces and Public Life in the City of Fragments”. IN_BO, 2013. Giovannoni G., Spazi pubblici e dispersione insediativa. In: XVI Conferenza della Società Italiana degli Urbanisti, Napoli, 9-10 maggio 2013. Planum Association - The Journal of Urbanism,2013.

Giovannoni G., Agnoletti, C.. Trasformazioni di un distretto: Prato tra crisi e nuova identità. In XVIII Conferenza Nazionale SIU. Italia ‘45’45. Radici, Condizioni, Prospettive, Venezia, 11-13 giugno 2015. Roma-Milano: Planum Publisher, 2015.

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Technologies for the Mediterranean Area Laboratory TAM Lab

Scientific Coordinator Marco Sala Paola Gallo Address Palazzo Vegni Via San Niccolò, 93 Firenze Scientific Board Roberto Bologna Paola Gallo Rosa Romano Lucia Ceccherini Nelli Antonella Trombadore Alessandra Donato Leonardo Boganini Chiara Casazza Alfredo Di Zenzo Ilaria Massini Keywords Innovative Technologies for Mediterranean Area, Renewable Energy, NZEB, Deep Renovation, Building Energy Modelling

The “Technologies for the Mediterranean Area Laboratory” was created to promote knowledge and diffusion of a new building culture based on sustainability principles enunciated in the social-economic-environmental context of the Mediterranean Area. TAM Lab operates in the field of integrated technology development in the Mediterranean Area, in support of the scientific research, teaching, knowledge transfer and services activities of the Department of Architecture, the School of Architecture and the University of Florence, and together with the activities of the Inter-university Research Centre ABITA, as well as in partnership with other departments and research centres both in Italy and abroad. More specifically TAM Lab: • Supports students, professors, researchers in the creation of a multifunctional and multimedia space dedicated to the presentation of the most innovative systems and components for sustainable building, through the realization of 1:1 scale models of quality building components coherent with the issues of Mediterranean Area, in collaboration with students (through traineeships) and companies; • Activates and promotes training courses and teaching support activities in the field of sustainable technologies for Mediterranean Area and continuous training for students and external professionals; • Promotes cycles of conferences/lectures on the sustainable project in the Mediterranean Area, through specific theoretical/monothematic lectures on the topics of Mediterranean Architecture; • Organizes courses on technologies and monitoring instruments, simulations, graphic support, use of dedicated software; • The courses are open to all students enrolled in the Department – School of Architecture.



didaTAM Lab





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Dissemination and communication activities: • Exhibition Seminar, Edilizia Scolastica Sostenibile. L’esperienza del Laboratorio di Progettazione Ambientale della Scuola di Architettura dell’Università di Firenze, 4-10 April 2017, Comune di Lucca; • Cycle of 8 seminars organized under the Environmental Design Laboratory, Department of Architecture - University of Florence, Sostenibilità e progetto. La parola alle aziende, 18 October 2016-2 May 2017, Architecture School - University of Florence; • International Workshop, Sustainable Schools for the Med Area, 24-27 May 2016; • Seminar, Soluzioni d’involucro eco-efficiente per la riqualificazione del patrimonio edilizio esistente: le facciate e i tetti ventilati, 15 January 2016, h.14.3018.30, Architecture School - University of Florence; • Cycle of 8 seminars organized under the Environmental Design Laboratory, Department of Architecture - University of Florence, Sostenibilità e progetto. La parola alle aziende, 20 October 2015-10 May 2016, Architecture School - University of Florence; • Seminar, Soluzioni d’involucro eco-efficiente per la riqualificazione del patrimonio edilizio esistente: le facciate ventilate, 13 November 2014; • Architecture School - University of Florence Seminar, Costruzioni multipiano in legno, 14 March 2014, Architecture School - University of Florence; • Seminar, Sistemi costruttivi innovativi in legno per la riqualificazione del patrimonio edilizio esistente, 14 November 2013, Architecture School University of Florence. laboratories | a&p




An outdoor laboratory to assess energy performances of innovative building components

Scientific Coordinators Marco Sala Paola Gallo Address Engineering School Via Santa Marta, 3 Florence Research Group Alessandra Donato Giuseppina Alcamo Alfredo Di Zenzo Villalta Begazo Milagros Partnership UNIFI | Interuniversity Centre ABITA, Department of Architecture DIDA UNIFI | Department of Industrial Engineering DIEF Regione Toscana Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna di Pisa Brand Management: Ciabatti Legnami Davini Prefabbricati Azienda I+ Manifattura Maiano Mannelli Palagio Engineering Progenia Targetti Lucense LUCCA Solava Consorzio Etruria Unibloc

The proposal of a TEST CELL for the Mediterranean climate has been part of a research project Abitare Mediterraneo, funded by the Tuscany Region as part of the POR CREO Fesr 2007-2013 and developed by the Department of Architecture of University of Florence, jointly with 12 local building sector’s companies. Main project objective is to develop a technological innovation and architectural quality system in which test real application in the construction field, increasing energy saving and promoting a close collaboration between manufacturing companies, builders and research centres. As a significant result of this research, Test Cell LABIMED was realized in order to investigate the overall energetic and thermophysical performances of opaque and transparent façade systems testing full scale products by means of dynamic measurements in real climatic conditions. The project of Test Cell LABIMED moved on from the outcomes of the research activities carried out during PASSYS and PASSLINK projects. They focused on the development of agreed quality procedures for full scale test and dynamic data analysis investigating the energy quality and thermophysical properties of passive solar building components as the thermal transmittance U, the solar factor g-value and the dynamic behaviour. Test Cell LABIMED has been designed likewise the other PASSLINK Test cells, but some improvements were achieved to overcome some critical aspects such as overheating, thermal bridges effects, problems due to infiltrations and heat conductive parts. The advantages offered by using test cells compared to other methods depend on the possibility to test full scale façade systems by means of well-controlled realistic room sized environment equipped with advanced measuring instrumentations providing a high quality of output data coming out from the dynamic monitoring test. Reliable data sets can be largely used for data analysis and to validate the most common building energy simulation tools.

Funded by Bando Regione Toscana Por Fers 2007 - 2013 Keywords Energy Efficiency, Outdoor test, Test facilities, Dynamic measurements, Smart Building Envelope

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PUBLICATIONS Alcamo G. 2012, Sistemi per valutare e comparare in opera le prestazioni energetiche di componenti edilizi. Progetto di una Test Cell per il clima mediterraneo, tesi di Dottorato Di Ricerca in Tecnologia XXIII Ciclo, Università degli Studi di Firenze. Alcamo G., De Lucia M. 2014, A new test cell for the evaluation of thermo-physical performance of façades building components, «International Journal of Sustainable Energy», vol. 33, no. 4, pp. 954-962. Gallo P. 2014, Sustainable habitat: market trends and testing of innovation products, 30th International PLEA Conference, Ahmedabad, 16-18 December, Cept University Press, vol. 4, pp. 23-25.

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Alcamo G., Donato A. 2015, Test facilities for evaluation of building component energy performances - TEST CELL in Florence, in S. Roels, L. Vandaele, etc. Full scale test facilities for evaluation of energy and hygrothermal performances, Gent, pp. 75-79. Donato A. 2016, Analisi e monitoraggio a regime dinamico delle performance energetiche di componenti di involucro mediante outdoor test, tesi di Dottorato Di Ricerca in Tecnologia XXVIII Ciclo, Università degli Studi di Firenze.


Theatre | Architecture Laboratory TEARC Lab

Scientific Coordinator Carlo Terpolilli Art Director Giancarlo Cauteruccio Visual Director Massimo Bevilacqua Communication Pina Izzi with the support of Regione Toscana Comune di Firenze Fondazione CRF


TEARC is a permanent workshop set up by the collaboration between the Department of Architecture and the company TSK | Teatro Studio Krypton. TEARC is aimed to the research, education and knowledge transfer from the architecture field to that of theatre, in order to create the relationship between space and time and resulting into events and performances. The laboratory is made up with operational activities which are applied in the field of architectural and setting design, such as theatrical, exhibition and fair setups and sceneries. From the urban perspective the “mise-en-scene” turns into instruments for enhancing the city itself. The TEARC workshop tackles the scenes machinery, starting from the assessment of the historical theatrical devices and up to the newly technologies. The learning-by-doing activity embedded into the “Nel chiostro delle geometrie” project is developed along with this didactic path, applying a specific methodology in order to combine the didactic and operational activity. The workshop project is formed by a permanent workshop and performing actions. The former involves the architectural students, whilst the second is addressed to realize events as such as poetical and dramatic readings, music and light performances realised by the workshop students.

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Urban Design Laboratory UD

Scientific Coordinator Antonio Capestro Urban and Architectural Design Scientific Board Dimitra Diana Babalis Urban Design Fabio Capanni Urban and Architectural Design Giuseppe De Luca Urban Planning Alessandro Rinaldi Architectural History Ulisse Tramonti Urban and Architectural Design Leonardo Zaffi Architectural Technology Maria Concetta Zoppi Landscape Architecture Partnership CISDU International Centre for Studies in Urban Design Tutors Fulvio de Carolis Riccardo Monducci Cinzia Palumbo Collaborators Jessica Carione Nicola Marmugi Andrea Puri Aida Riahi Gabriele Salimbeni

The Urban Design Laboratory activity is focused on research, education and knowledge transfer on topics applicable to UD that, ranging from architecture to urban design, which are investigated and developed at different levels, dimensions and declinations. It was created in response to the need to face contemporary city problems in an organic-systemic-unitary manner, which takes into account transformations tied to technological innovation processes, environment issues, and social and cultural evolutions that are reshaping future cities and territories. The purpose of the Lab is to elaborate tools and methodologies to formulate design behavioural models able to trigger urban renovation processes and to give a new identity to the cities. Since Urban Design is characterized by a multi-level and interdisciplinary approach, the Urban Design Laboratory has been composed, since its inception in 2016, by professors and academics from DIDA – University of Florence Architectural Department, belonging to different disciplines, such as Architectural Design, Urban Design, Landscape Design, History and Technology. In order to promote and develop its activities, beyond its collaboration with DIDALabs, UD has concluded a partnership with CISDU – International Centre for Studies in Urban Design, sharing activities, actions and the same working space inside the DIDA premises. CISDU is a non-profit association, recognized with Statut Consultatif in 2001 by the European Council and established in Florence in 1986 upon initiative of academics from the Faculties of Architecture of the Universities of Florence, Darmstadt, Stuttgart and Nottingham. With the purpose of deepening, disseminating and promoting Urban Design Culture, Urban Design Laboratory offers a wide range of services to support education, teaching, research, internships, sharing and promotion.

Address Palazzo Vegni via San Niccolò, 93 Firenze A project for Piazza dei Ciompi Design proposal for a system of places for Santa Croce Disctrict








CISDU Centro Internazionale Studi Disegno urbano






Agreements Quartiere 1 Comune di Firenze UD - Urban Design Lab




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Architectural Heritage Restoration and Conservation LARC

Scientific Coordinators Susanna Caccia Gherardini Michele Coppola Address Santa Teresa, via della Mattonaia, 8 Firenze Research Group UNIFI | DIDA Stefania Aimar Francesca B. Giusti Salvatore Zocco


The research and training activities of LARC are in the field of conservation and enhancement of architectural heritage, focused on research methodologies, applied sciences for the study and diagnostics of historical buildings, restoration design. The lab promotes cooperation with other public and private subjects, through agreements and research agreements aimed at developing national and international research projects. It provides assistance and support to the activities of students, professors and researchers of the Department. It promotes and supports cycles of seminars and conferences, visits to restoration sites, and laboratories, thematic workshops, practical activities, meetings with specialists. The skills of the laboratory include: support for historical and archival research, architectural survey, archaeological methods applied to buildings, non-destructive cognitive and diagnostic surveys, dynamic monitoring for the evaluation of degenerative phenomena.

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The restoration of the “Ancient Duomo of Pisa”

Evaluation and monitoring of conservation techniques

Scientific Coordinator Susanna Caccia Gherardini Research Group UNIFI | DIDA Stefania Aimar Francesca B. Giusti Salvatore Zocco CNR | ICVBC Emma Cantisani Fabio Fratini Barbara Sacchi Silvia Vettori Partnership Phase Restauro

The approach to the restoration of the church of San Paolo a Ripa d’Arno by Piero Sanpaolesi, who worked on the building mainly following the damages it suffered as a consequence of the bombings, can be contextualized within the broader scenery of the postwar restoration efforts. The accurate analysis of the historic events from the construction of the building throughout its modifications, resulting from the investigation of historic sources and the direct validation with the construction materials, is the outset to test the operational aspects of the ongoing restoration. It allows to validate the historical events through archives’ research, and to evaluate and monitor the various restoration techniques. The many investigations performed during the examination phase establish the ground for a critical and informed selection of the methodologies to be applied during the working phase. The research aims at identifying the methodologies which are most suitable for the restoration by means of evaluating the technologies and products first in laboratory, then on site, primarily for the consolidation of the external surface of the building. PUBLICATIONS S. Caccia Gherardini, The “Ancient Duomo of Pisa”. From the restoration of Sanpaolesi to the evalutation and monitoring of its restoration techniques, in S. Parrinello, D. Besana (ed.), Reuso 2016. Contributi per la documentazione, conservazione e recupero del patrimonio architettonico e per la tutela paesaggistica, Edifir, Firenze 2016.

S. Caccia Gherardini (Scientific Coordinator), S. Zocco (Temporary Research Associate), Restauro e de-restauro a Pisa. San Paolo a Ripa d’Arno: dagli interventi di Sanpaolesi al nuovo progetto di restauro, 2016-18.

S. Caccia Gherardini (Scientific Coordinator), S. Aimar (Experienced Researcher), Il metodo di indurimento delle pietre: valutazione e monitoraggio di tecniche e prodotti per il restauro lapideo, 2017.

Water absorption before and after the application of different biocides


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Villa Garzoni, its garden and the historic hamlet Diagnostic investigation for their preservation and restoration

Scientific Board Susanna Caccia Gherardini Luisa Rovero Ugo Tonietti Research Group UNIFI | DIDA Stefania Aimar Michele Coppola Francesca B. Giusti Giovanni Minutoli Sara Stefanini Gianfranco Stipo Salvatore Zocco

The cognitive project of the system consisting of Villa Garzoni, its historic garden and the buildings - including Filippo Juvarra’s Summer House -, and the village of Collodi standing behind, has involved many researchers from different academic fields. The complexity of the system has been investigated and analysed according to different, though complementary, points of view so as to define a unitary project with intertwined complementary interpretations. The research will be summarized in a sequence of thematic boards moving from the rendering of the geometrical information, to the reading of the buildings’ and artefacts’ polymatericity as well as their alteration and degradation (an in-depth analysis of the materials’ chemical-physical characteristics has been carried out by the CNR Laboratory in Florence) to the definition of guidelines for restoration interventions.

CNR | ICVBC Emma Cantisani Fabio Fratini Barbara Sacchi Silvia Vettori Collaborators Stefania G. Florea Pier Paolo Lagani Marco Repole Partnership Fondazione Nazionale “Carlo Collodi” Comune di Pescia


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Architectural Survey Laboratory LRA architecturalsurveylab integrated survey l teaching l research

Scientific Coordinator Stefano Bertocci Technical Coordinator Francesco Tioli Address Santa Verdiana, Piazza L.Ghiberti, 27 Firenze Partnership Landscape Survey and Design University Inter joint laboratory, the interdepartmental structure of the DIDA – UNIFI

The LRA is established as a significant opportunity across different disciplines, proposing a practice of doing where students can participate in the process of building knowledge, based on direct experience. The practical application of different methods of survey-from the traditional to the most advanced digital ones- to the knowledge of the architecture, it is aimed to determine the contribution that different tools give to the image of architecture and what each of them offer to the documentation process of the built heritage. The laboratory offers a space specifically equipped and is aimed to create a collaborative space where teachers, researchers, technicians and students, plan, experience and research together.


Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture DICAr University of Pavia


SI∑MA Integrated Systems of Digital Survey for Architectural Monitoring (Florence), Spin-off of the University of Florence CyArk 500 Challenge (USA) Global data bank for digital survey Heritage Sineco (Milano) a leading company in the field of digital survey of large infrastructure systems Laser mobile scanner. Microgeo (Firenze) a leading company in Tuscany for remote sensing equipment (laser scanners, Drone, total station)












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Cultural Heritage Management Laboratory CHM_Lab

documentation l development management

Scientific Coordinator Alessandro Merlo Address Santa Verdiana room L3 piazza Lorenzo Ghiberti, 27 Firenze Established in March 1, 2017 Research Group UNIFI | DIDA Andrea Aliperta Alberto Bove Riccardo Butini Paola Gallo Gaia Lavoratti Alessandro Merlo Emanuela Morelli Iacopo Zetti

The Cultural Heritage Management Lab conducts research in the field of documentation, development and management of cultural heritage. The multidisciplinary skills of the staff allow to work with complex issues, to analyse the interactions between different fields and to share solutions for the management of tangible and intangible heritage. Analysis and documentation, carried with the most advanced technologies, follow project activities and identify interventions that promote the heritage itself, bringing valuable benefits to community. In particular, the laboratory works in the development of research programs based on the documentation of the cultural heritage; in the identification of the most appropriate design solutions for the preservation and protection of the heritage; in the communication and promotion of cultural heritage; in the preparation of economic and financial feasibility studies and management plans.


UNIFI | SAGAS Giuseppina Carla Romby UNIROMA | SPFS ‘Tor Vergata’ Antonino Meo Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore sede di Piacenza | LEL Sandro Danesi Professionals Margherita Cricchio Serena Di Grazia Stefania Franceschi Leonardo Germani Cinzia Jelencovich














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Conservation/Maintenance plan of St. John the Baptist Church Campi Bisenzio (Florence)

Scientific Coordinator Alessandro Merlo Agreement details Autostrade per l’Italia s.p.a. and DIDA (prot. 131761 pos. III/13 del 28/09/2016) Research Group Survey and restitution Alessandro Merlo Gaia Lavoratti Andrea Aliperta Marco Corridori Giulia Francesconi Mattia Genuini Giulia Lazzari Elisa Luzzi Sara Moreno Sánchez Restoration Susanna Caccia Gherardini Leonardo Germani Franco Filippelli Stefania Franceschi Stefania Aimar Salvatore Zocco

In September, 2016 the society Autostrade per l’Italia s.p.a., conferred upon DIDA the task of developing the Conservation Plan of the church of St. John the Baptist, built between 1960 and 1964 by architect Giovanni Michelucci (Pistoia 1891 - Fiesole 1990). The work, carried out by CHM_Lab, was divided into two phases: the first one developed a project proposal aimed at restoring the copper covering mantle of the hall of the Regions, damaged in March 2015 by strong wind; the second one analysed the technical elements of the church and their components, following an accurate historical, morphometric and diagnostics research of its development and history. Finally, the project developed a User Manual, a Technical Manual and a Conservation/Maintenance Program.





History of Architecture Giuseppina Carla Romby Urban Planning and Landscape Iacopo Zetti Emanuela Morelli Debora Agostini Architectural and urban project Riccardo Butini Architectural technologies and building’s structures Alberto Bove Paola Gallo Leonardo Boganini Marketing Sandro Danesi Photography and video Stéphane Giraudeau


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Survey and design of the Plaza de la Constitución of Yátova Inhabiting the landscape of history

Scientific Board Alessandro Merlo Riccardo Butini Giuseppina Carla Romby Iacopo Zetti Agreement details Municipality of Yátova, Instituto de Restauración del Patrimonio de la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia and DIDA (rep. 1029/2017, prot. 51982 III/14 del 05/04/2017) Research Group Survey and restitution Alessandro Merlo Marco Corridori Giulia Francesconi Giulia Lazzari Elisa Luzzi Sara Moreno Sánchez Architectural and urban project Riccardo Butini Giulia Fornai Francesco Girelli Filippo Lisini Baldi

The target of the agreement signed in 2017 by the Municipality of Yátova and the CHM_Lab is to acquire knowledge of the urban form of the Valencian neighbourhood and, in particular, of its main place: the Plaza de la Constitución. For this purpose, the square and its adjacent spaces were firstly carefully documented and analysed, followed by a project proposal based on a considerable historical research of the unpublished documents. Acquisition and data processing have been realized during a students’ and Ph.Ds.’ thematic workshop. Furthermore, in the second half of 2017, two exhibitions were organized, in collaboration with the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, showing the results of the work.





Urban Planning Iacopo Zetti History of Architecture Giuseppina Carla Romby Thematic Seminar “Inhabiting the landscape of history: survey of the Plaza de la Constitución in Yátova” Students Marina di Ienno Ilaria Dino Marco Franchini Cristina Galatà Pietro Gallori Vittoria Ghiselli Sara Marconi Alessia Milano

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Development project of the historic centre of Pelago Inhabiting the landscape of history

Scientific Board A. Merlo, R. Butini G. C. Romby, I. Zetti Agreement details DIDA (rep. 2455/2015, prot. 118144 III/13 del 15/09/2015; amendment rep. 2457/2015, prot. 118152 III/13 del 15/09/2015) Research Group Survey, reverse engineering and 3D modelling A. Merlo, G. Lavoratti, A. Aliperta, M. Corridori, G. Francesconi, G.Lazzari E. Luzzi, R. Montuori

The main goal of the agreement stipulated in 2015 by the municipality of Pelago and the CHM_Lab is to enhance the historic town starting from its most representative place: the Lorenzo Ghiberti square. For this purpose, the square and its adjacent areas were first documented, followed by a project proposal that included interventions such as the recovery of the square’s grounds, the reorganization of the existing networks and a series of territorial marketing actions to bring back life to the urban areas. Data acquisition and processing were possible thanks to a thematic seminar and workshop, attended by students and Ph.Ds. from the School of Architecture. Furthermore, in 2017, the Municipality assigned the Laboratory the museum’s survey of the upcoming “Lorenzo Ghiberti” Interpretation Centre and the Lorenzo Ghiberti Documentation Centre.

Landscape E. Morelli Architectural and urban project R. Butini, G. Fornai F. Girelli, F. Lisini Baldi Restoration L. Germani, S. Franceschi





Structures and building’s static A. Bove Urban Planning I. Zetti History of Architecture G. C. Romby, M.Cricchio Local Marketing S. Danesi Geology S. di Grazia Iconology C. Jelencovich Museography F. Arrigoni,M. Arrigoni Thematic Seminar “Inhabiting the landscape of history: the Piazza Ghiberti in Pelago” Students M. Agnorelli, F. Coppola G. Coviello,D. Fresu C. Galatà, P. Gallori C. Giunti, S. Gradassi M. Lorusso, A. Manghi G. Marsili, L. Meini L. Montioni, M. Paolini F. Rosati, G. Tacchi V. Tavani, G. Toccafondi M. Zacchei


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Heritage City Laboratory Heritage City_Lab

The project for the UNESCO site of Florence

JOINT LAB Scientific Director DIDA Saverio Mecca Responsible and Site Manager UNESCO Carlo Francini Address UNESCO office Comune di Firenze via Garibaldi 7 Firenze


The Historic Centre of Florence, enclosed by a circle of paths that over the old medieval wall of the city, was admitted onto the World Heritage List in 1982 during the sixth session of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee. In February 2005, the desire to preserve and appreciate the city’s great heritage led to the establishment of the specific UNESCO Office of the Municipality of Florence. The Office was created in order to respond to the primary needs of creating a document, the Management Plan, to protect and enhance the UNESCO World Heritage site “Historic Centre of Florence” and to fulfil the provisions of the UNESCO Convention 1972 concerning the protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage. Specifically, the tasks of the Office, with DIDA, include many realization, and coordination of studies and research about the history and the conservation of the city, the territory, and it’s monumental heritage.

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Heritage City_Lab

Documentation of the historical commercial activities of Florence

Scientific Director DIDA Saverio Mecca Responsible and Site Manager UNESCO Carlo Francini Address UNESCO office Comune di Firenze via G. Garibaldi 7 Firenze Research Coordinator Stefano Bertocci (DIDA) Address room B26 Santa Verdiana Piazza L. Ghiberti 27 Firenze

The loss of historical identity in the urban city centres, in particular UNESCO world heritage sites, due to the continued disappearance of commercial activities connected with its social and cultural structure, constitutes a priority for action at national and international level. The evolving of urban fabric it is strictly dependent on the musealisation of art heritage cities and the integration of new requirements amended by the Era of Mass Tourism. The project takes the Historic Centre of Florence as case study, still including a variety of activities deeply connected with its tradition. The project, promoted by the Municipality, concerns the development of a census system that took in consideration, not only the architectural aspects of the activities, but also those connected with the urban and social background. The aim of the census is to define parameters able to develop a reference indexes system, useful to plan renovation, management and promotion plans, through the creation of virtual platforms, promoted by the Municipality, that guaranty accessibility and promotion.

Researchers Federico Cioli Anna Dell’Amico


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CREDITS The project, developed by the “Heritage_CITYLab”, joint research laboratory of the University of Florence and the Municipality of Florence, envisages the documentation of the historic and traditional commercial activities present within the urban fabric of the city of Florence. Scientific Coordinator Stefano Bertocci (DIDA) Collaborators Federico Cioli, Anna Dell’Amico, Valentina Pinzauti, Eugenia Bordini Comune di Firenze Assessore allo Sviluppo Economico del Comune di Firenze: Cecilia Del Re Dirigente del Servizio Promozione Economica Turistica e Lavoro: Dott. Marta Fallani, Carlotta Viviani, Lucia Matassoni UNESCO Carlo Francini, Marco Ricciarini

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Heritage City_Lab

Heritage Impact Assessment

Florence Municipality UNESCO Office started a process of Heritage Impact Assessment for certain projects and their development on the World Heritage site with Heritage City Lab. Such analysis will ensure, in line with the method presented in the ICOMOS Guidance on Heritage Impact Assessments for Cultural World Heritage Properties (2011), measurement of the negative and/or positive impact of one or more projects on the Outstanding Universal Value of the property and the identification of measures required to mitigate any potentially negative impact in a systematic and coherent way. Heritage City Lab members, with UNESCO Council, have specific skills to each site or evaluated project.

Scientific Director DIDA Saverio Mecca Responsible and Site Manager UNESCO Carlo Francini Address UNESCO office Comune di Firenze via G.Garibaldi, 7 Firenze Scientific Board UNIFI | DIDA Stefano Bertocci Giuseppe Centauro Researchers Daniela Chiesi Marco Ricciarini


















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Research strategy The UNESCO World Heritage Centre/ICOMOS Advisory Mission to the world heritage site of the historic Centre of Florence (22-25 May 2017) delineates priorities for preservation and management. The research set itself a goal to: • Develop and maintain a register of buildings (regardless of ownership) with HECO Project that contributes to the OUV of the city. The register includes also heritage buildings that are ‘at risk’ of under-use or decay (R4); • Identify more clearly how the Outstanding Universal Value is expressed through the physical and social fabric, defining the attributes of the site which carry its Outstanding Universal Value (R5). Develop guidelines to evaluate the importance of building heritage; • Edit HIA based on the Guidance on Heritage Impact Assessments for Cultural World Heritage Properties (ICOMOS, 2011) as a process in managing the city. For infrastructure projects, it should begin when concepts are first suggested, with a correspondingly strategic assessment of their potential impacts (both direct and consequential) on cultural heritage, particularly OUV. HIA should then be developed and applied through options appraisal and all subsequent stages of project development (R6); • Arrange an evaluation model that works through macro-contents and set an inter-disciplinary workshop of professional figures; test the model on real transformation projects. ACTIVITIES Research Grant related to the development of a Heritage Impact Assessment for the Historic Centre of Florence, UNESCO World Heritage site, following the ICOMOS guidelines. The grant was issued by the University of Florence - DIDA and the Municipality of Florence – UNESCO Office. A.Y. 2015-2016, 2016-2017.

BIBLIOGRAPHY G.A. Centauro C. Francini (a cura di), PROGETTO HECO Metodologie Analisi Sintesi Apparati – Valutazione d’impatto sul sito UNESCO Centro Storico di Firenze, DIDApress, Firenze, 2017 - contributi di: A. Bacci, C. Bocchio, I. Centauro, D. Chiesi, D. Cinti, M. T. Cristofaro, D. Fastelli, C. N. Grandin, M. Vicini. I. Anatole-Gabriel, P. Drury, Advisory Mission to the world heritage site of the historic centre of Florence, Florence, 22-25 May 2017.

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Heritage City_Lab

The buffer zone of the «Historic Centre of Florence» UNESCO World Heritage Site

Scientific Director DIDA Saverio Mecca Responsible and Site Manager UNESCO Carlo Francini Address UNESCO office Comune di Firenze via G.Garibaldi, 7 Firenze Scientific Board UNIFI | DIDA Marco Bini Carolina Capitanio Collaborators Caterina Aprile Enrico Salvadori Giulia Cotta Laura Aiello Claudia Loiacono


The scientific study carried out by the research group of the University of Florence and the various stages of sharing and comparison between the concerned authorities of the municipalities of Florence, Bagno a Ripoli, Fiesole, Sesto Fiorentino, in the proceedings, led to the proposal and final approval of the buffer zone for the “Historic Centre of Florence” UNESCO site. The buffer zone is that additional level of protection around the property, inscribed in the List, functional to the preservation of its Outstanding Universal Value; we might define the buffer zones as an area around the core zone designed to safeguard and to ensure the integrity of the site, its scenic frame and the main views from and towards the property to be safeguarded. The buffer zone for the Historic Centre of Florence was approved by the World Heritage Committee the 6th July 2015, on the 39th session (Bonn, 2015) with Decision 39 COM 8B.44. The research activities led to refining a critical survey methodology, providing adequate knowledge and project management tools for managing the buffer zone of the UNESCO site. In addition data on the main panoramic viewpoints was collected, supplying a model for cataloguing landscape assets of historical, cultural or aesthetic importance.

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CREDITS Research BUFFER_ZONE BUFFER_ZONE Locating a buffer zone for UNESCO World Heritage Site Historic Centre of Florence Project field: cultural landscapes enhancement Scientific research manager Marco Bini (DIDA) Carlo Francini (Office UNESCO of Florence) Scientific project coordinator Carolina Capitanio Collaborators Caterina Aprile, Enrico Salvadori, Giulia Cotta, Laura Aiello, Claudia Loiacono

PUBLICATIONS Bini M, Capitanio C, Aiello L. (2016). Immagine urbana.Temi e progetti per lo spazio pubblico nel Centro Storico di Firenze. DIDA Press - DIDA Dipartimento di Architettura - F, vol. 1, p. 1-220, ISBN: 9788896080498. https://issuu.com/dida-unifi/docs/unesco_immagine_urbana_issu Bini M, Capitanio C., Francini C (2015). Buffer Zone – l’area di rispetto per il sito UNESCO Centro Storico di Firenze. The safeguarding area for the Historic Center of Florence, UNESCO site. Firenze: DIDA Dipartimento di Architettura, Firenze, p. 1-107, ISBN: 9788896080320 https://issuu.com/dida-unifi/docs/buffer_zone. Capitanio C. (2015). Firenze dal centro alle colline. Belvedere e percorsi panoramici - Viewpoints and panoramic paths. FIRENZE: DIDA - Dipartimento di Architettura - Università d, vol. 1, p. 1-196, ISBN: 9788896080313. https://issuu.com/dida-unifi/docs/unesco_firenze2017

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Heritage City_Lab

FLORENCE Heritage Data

Scientific Coordinator DIDA Saverio Mecca Responsible and Site Manager UNESCO Carlo Francini Scientific Board UNIFI | DIDA Gianluca Belli Stefano Bertocci Giuseppe Centauro Fabio Lucchesi Researchers Daniela Chiesi Chiara Bocchio Marco Ricciarini


Memory and the future are attributes on which we have to work in order to guarantee Florence to preserve, enhance and promote its immeasurable value. Florence is a World Heritage site, represent culture and knowledge and this specific research project aims to develop specific technologies and processes for the realization of a new system of data management and information of the historical centre of Florence, a “narrative path”, which will also be proposed as an example at the national level of integration with historical/scientific/content. That will help ensure that the city maintains its exceptional universal value. The Department of Architecture of the University of Florence together with the UNESCO office of the city of Florence through the Joint Heritage City Lab collaborate constantly to develop targeted research, specifically the critical analysis and enhancement of the urban image of Florence’s historic centre in a coordinated manner with the UNESCO site management plan. The aim of the project is the creation of a single multifunctional data container of various types of uses and the implementation of the digital archive of the georeferential data of the images, the critical surveys, the thematic cartography, the result of research carried out in collaboration with the various institutions.

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Heritage City_Lab

HECO project

Open Data architecture for the old Town

Scientific Director DIDA Saverio Mecca Responsible and Site Manager UNESCO Carlo Francini Address UNESCO office Comune di Firenze via G. Garibaldi, 7 Firenze Scientific Coordinator UNIFI | DIDA Giuseppe Centauro Researchers Andrea Bacci Chiara Bocchio Daniela Chiesi Daniela Cinti Maria Teresa Cristofaro David Fastelli Cristina Nadia Grandin Martina Vicini External Collaborators Irene Centauro Marta Porcile Brunella Sibilia


The objectives of the studies carried out by the research group of the University of Florence as part of the project “Heritage Colours” (HECO), have included the conservation and enhancement of the integrity regarding the landscape and architectural heritage of the UNESCO World Heritage site – The Historic Centre of Florence. This publication shows the scientific study which was carried out to develop innovative methodologies for the analysis and evaluation of urban, historic buildings and green spaces. The results related to the management of the UNESCO World Heritage site were obtained, following the indications expressed in the Guidance on Heritage Impact Assessments which were provided by ICOMOS, through tests and field implementations. These are illustrated within this publication in summarised and detailed frameworks. The HECO Project is based on the critical study of the urban landscape and the existing historical construction through a systematic and detailed reading of the colour of the façades, particularly with regard to the introspection on the surfaces of the buildings of architectural interest (ex Legislative Decree 42 / 2004). It is also based on the urban serial aggregates, and the data revealed information related to: evolutionary and typological historical characters, material and constructive characterisation, geometry and size, state of conservation, visual impairment and morphological vulnerability for seismic purposes. In the measure of the research used in the project, the colour of the façades, catalogued according to chromatic and mineral matrices, acts as a litmus paper for alteration, degradation and incongruous phenomena that distinguish the main threats affecting the transformation dynamics registered at the city level. Data records have been entered and managed through an online data management system linked to Geographic Information Systems (GIS) applications. All the collected data was processed through a series of algorithms to allow information synthesis which was useful to monitor and update databases.

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CREDITS Joint Lab “Heritage_City-Lab” HECO–HIA. Heritage Impact Assessments on the historic built heritage Scientific Board Saverio Mecca (DIDA) Carlo Francini (Office UNESCO of Florence)

PUBLICATIONS G. A. Centauro, C. Francini, PROGETTO HECO – Metodologie Analisi Sintesi Apparati – Valutazione d’impatto sul sito UNESCO Centro Storico di Firenze, DIDApress, Firenze, 2017.

UNIFI | DIDA Scientific Board Giuseppe Alberto Centauro Andrea Bacci Daniela Chiesi Chiara Bocchio David Fastelli Irene Centauro laboratories | ahcv


Materials and Structures Testing Laboratory LPMS

Scientific Coordinator Mario De Stefano Address Piazza Brunelleschi, 6 Firenze Lab Technician Paolo Arcangioli Postdoctoral fellowship Gianfranco Stipo Research Unit SMACS (Material and Structures division) ICAR 08 - ICAR 09 Valerio Alecci Alberto Bove Angelo D’Ambrisi Mario De Stefano Stefano Galassi Raffaele Nudo Michele Paradiso Tommaso Rotunno Luisa Rovero Marco Tanganelli Giacomo Tempesta Ugo Tonietti Stefania Viti


The Materials and Structures Testing Laboratory (LPMS) allows students and researchers of the Florentine University to carry out experimental investigations on building materials, structural elements and scaled models. The laboratory is equipped with testing machines for static and dynamic tests to be performed in the laboratory and with instruments for the in situ mechanical characterization of structural elements of reinforced concrete and masonry existing buildings. In situ tests • double and single flat jacks • slabs loading tests • coring tests • ultrasonic tests • penetrometric tests • sclerometric tests • deformometric test • thermographic tests

Strategic asset of the Laboratory is the research activity carried out by the professors and researchers of the Materials and Structures Section. This activity is aimed at experimenting with materials, identifying innovative structural reinforcement systems, verifying the compatibility and effectiveness of consolidation techniques for Cultural Heritage interventions. Furthermore, also making use of the systematic use of the models, the definition of the most appropriate consolidation strategies for the defence and protection of housing systems and architectural emergencies of seismic risk. The Laboratory also carries out teaching and educational activity, involving students in seminars and workshops concerning the mechanical behaviour of materials and structures. In parallel, activities for third mission constitute an additional asset, aimed at encouraging the direct application and dissemination of knowledge.











In Laboratory tests • compression tests • tensile tests • bending tests • adhesion tests • durability tests • creep tests • tests on scale models • tests on vibrating table




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This organization of the laboratory’s activity has allowed the publication of several papers on peer-reviewed international scientific journals, First Degree and PhD theses, and the activation of several agreements with national and international public administrations and no-profit organizations for the preservation and enhancement of the Cultural Heritage. RESEARCH ACTIVITY



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Communication Laboratory didacommunicationlab graphic design | wayďŹ nding | publishing

Didacommunicationlab offers scientific and technical support for teaching, research and for the transfer of knowledge from DIDA Department of Architecture in fields related to architecture, industrial design, as well as regional and landscape planning and design. The laboratory carries out the graphic design of events and activities of the DIDA Department of Architecture; it handles the design and layout of books and journals edited by didapress, and it is managing a project of coordinated wayfinding for the different locations of the University of Florence. The didacommunicationlab follows a multidisciplinary approach aimed at fostering complementarity of approaches and to stimulate the exchange of points of view belonging to different topics.

Scientific Coordinator Giuseppe Lotti Address Santa Teresa, via della Mattonaia, 8 Firenze Creative Director Susanna Cerri Art Director Jacopo Ammendola Gaia Lavoratti Alice Trematerra Art Junior Dario Borruto Sara Caramaschi Giacomo Dalla Torre Alessandra Marianelli Vittoria Niccolini Ambra Quercioli Lorenzo Quercioli Account Manager Donatella Cingottini


Translator Luis Gatt Editor Matteo Zambelli






















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Graphic project of the editorial identity of the Department of Architecture, University of Florence

The most important task of a University is to spread its research, studies, and daily developments to as many people as possible. It is vital to share what researchers are doing and what they are working on to the wide public. Indeed, “Communicating the Research” seems to be one of the main institutional objectives. Thus, the Department of Architecture (DIDA) decided to create a publishing company which has two lines. The first one is institutional, it deals with the production of brochures and booklet that inform students about the formative offers of the Department. The character of the second line is strictly related to present and promote the work of the professors and students of the Department of Architecture (DIDA) by means of books and journals. Actually, there are three chains of books: the “White” one is devoted to the most valuable results from the courses or the thesis of the students; the “Coloured” one deals with the research of the professors from DIDA; the last chain of books, “Essays”, tackles more theoretical topics.

Honorary Mention – ‘Professionals’ Category Susanna Cerri DIDA EDITORIAL IDENTITY For being able to coordinate, within one single system, the editorial identity of the Department of Architecture at the University of Florence. The project, implemented with the collaboration of junior graphic designers, becomes a major reference point in the world of editorial design for public institutions, thanks to its ability to design different levels and, most importantly, different registers of communication within a single system.






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Wayfinding System

Università degli Studi di Firenze

“Unifi wayfinding system” is a research project aimed at defining an innovative wayfinding system, original and unique, for the buildings of the University of Florence. The input of the research project was the need for a new signage system to be coordinated with the University of Florence identity in all its parts: from the logo to the typefaces and the colours. The signage system is specifically designed to be usable in every situation, from the cityscale banners to the single door signs. One of the main goals of the project is to create a visually unified urban campus by eliminating the graphic clutter created by the wide variety of the pre-existing signs. The primary design idea is to generate all the objects from a single and pure geometric shape: the square. From this starting point, a whole catalogue of user-focused devices has been constructed: not just squared panels and signs, but also modular rectangular banners and plates, square based self-standing totems and hanging or edge-anchored cube-shaped signs. All the details have been accurately devised, from production to installation and use, for each of the aforementioned elements. A carefully crafted and highly flexible graphic system provides the guidelines for placing the information in order to guarantee a perfect readability and a completely coordinated visual result.





characterised by a graphic clutter and a wide variety and condition of pre-existing signs

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8 3 64



modular and easy to upgrade

materials signs function sizes




coherent with the new University visual identity and logo

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recurrent form colours typefaces pictograms



Wayfinding System

Botanical garden, Natural History Museum

Giardino dei Semplici is one of the 5 sites of the Museum of Natural History of Florence. Founded in 1545, it is one of the oldest botanical gardens in the world. It attracts both scholars as well as families with children; indeed, it constitutes a precious green area in the centre of the city. The research project defined the museum’s itinerary with the aim to accompany the visitor without being invasive, without covering the view of the garden, and thus avoids any excessive structures and any redundancy of information: simple and light elements that signal the various areas within the garden, providing for the visitor subtle support and guidance. These light structures support the signage which provides the captions useful to move within the garden, they also indicate the areas to explore according to themes and colours.

Scientific Coordinator Giuseppe Lotti Address Santa Teresa, via della Mattonaia, 8 Firenze Creative Director Susanna Cerri Art Director Letizia Dipasqale Alice Trematerra Salvatore Zocco Art Junior Sara Basile Alessandra Marianelli







2,3 ha





























Selected Project – ‘Professionals’ Category Susanna Cerri WAYFINDING GIARDINO DEI SEMPLICI FIRENZE

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Design for Kids

JOINT LAB Scientific Coordinator Laura Giraldi Address Design Campus via S. Pertini, 93 Calenzano, FI Research Group Isabella Patti Roberta Vita Marta Maini Partnership Magis S.P.A. Eugenio Perazza Simone Indrigo

The “Design for Kids�, joint laboratory between academia and industry, is dedicated to developing research and design of innovative products for children (3-11 years old) related to living environment and to preschool spaces. The highly communicative projects are designed for children, as main users, and at the same time for adults by using different communicative languages. Product communication refers to both the ease of understanding, the use and to the intangible, symbolic, playful, educational and emotional components. Besides, this research is developed with the contribution of interdisciplinary disciplines in the field of training science and education. The general aim of the Design for kids lab is to introduce a design culture, both of tangible and intangible products for children, more conscious and systematic in the production field. Main reference contexts

Jerszy Seymour, Sandberg Instituut Gerrit Rietveld Academy, Amsterdam

Welcome area Atelier

Collaborators UNIFI | SCIFOPSI Romina Nesti UNIFI | DIDA Federica Giulivo Giuseppe Leone Andrea Pellegrini Graphics UNIFI | DIDA Serena Gentile Francesca Morelli

Outdoor area

Play area Canteen



Bathroom Relax area

Indoor area

Connection areas Garden



RELAX Relaxing Reassuring Customizables Adjustables Caring


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Multiple use Proxemic skills Recognizable Relational skills Educational Playful

PRE-SCHOOL Transformable Educational Relational skills Collaborative User experience

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Italian Design for the train DIT lab

JOINT LAB Scientific Coordinator Elisabetta Cianfanelli Address Spazio 12 Coworking, Design Campus via S. Pertini, 93 Calenzano, FI Trenitalia, Piazza della Croce Rossa, 1 Roma Trenitalia, Viale S. Lavagnini,58 Firenze Research Group UNIFI | DIDA Gabriele Goretti Roberta Baccolini, Margherita Tufarelli

DIT lab, Italian Design for the train, is a transdisciplinary design research area where researchers and students experiment and combine design culture with new materials and new technologies. The Laboratory aims at promoting the communication in between design culture and other departments and research centres of UNIFI or other Universities. DIT is a design-driven research laboratory where ‘HARD’ scientific research subjects (as engineering, chemistry and physics) are contaminated by ‘SOFT’ Research topics (as anthropology and sociological studies, ergonomics, and formal references from Italian culture). Through this approach, the laboratory supports on cross-fertilization between design studies and digital technologies, in particular about the management and development of integrated transportation systems and service as sales processes, distribution and communication. The laboratory aims at training of human resources devoted to the study of products and components for the train architecture system. In particular the laboratory is dedicated to coach furnishing, interacting devices for the train and integrated transport systems.

UNIFI | DIEF Benedetto Allotta Andrea Rindi Enrico Meli Alessandro Ridolfi TRENITALIA Federica Santini Marco Caposciutti Paolo Masini Alessandra Bucci Sabrina De Filippis Viorel Vigna Davide Russo Antonio Traina Partnership UNIFI | DIDA TRENITALIA Spa








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DIT lab

Settebello design contest

Examination Board Elisabetta Cianfanelli, RS DIDA | Lab DIT President Saverio Mecca Director of UNIFI | DIDA Luigi Cantamessa Director of Fondazione Ferrovie dello Stato Cecilia Lastei Manager of Progettazione Stazioni - Direzione Produzione RFI Antonino Traina Manager Arredi rotabili Trenitalia


This Settebello design contest, historical train of Trenitalia, selects design works relating to the re-interpretation the coaches 6 and 7 within the re-design project of Settebello train, owned by the FS Foundation. The contest brief invites the students to set an interiors revamping project for the coaches 6 and 7 of the train Settebello ETR 302, by developing innovative interior and interaction design solutions. The projects must present a specific focus on contemporary shapes and user needs, keeping unchanged the original interiors division and their functions. The concept of Settebello must also interpret the Italian lifestyle, considering the tastes and the needs of the 21 Century’s traveller for tourism. The participants must present their works anonymously in a sealed envelope by 30 April 2018. The winners will be rewarded with €30,000 for the two categories of vehicle: €15,000 about the coach 6, €15,000 for the coach 7 that has to include a “Belvedere” space (panoramic view). The third position prize for each category (6 and 7 with coaches) consists in two-day sightseeing trip for two people, offered FS Foundation. The award ceremony will take place on June 15th 2018 at the National Museum of Pietrarsa - Italian Railways Foundation.

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Ergonomics & Design Laboratory LED

Scientific Director Francesca Tosi Scientific Coordinator Alessandra Rinaldi Address Design Campus via Sandro Pertini, 93 Calenzano (FI) Research Group Alessia Brischetto Daniele Busciantella Ricci Mattia Pistolesi Ester Iacono Claudia Becchimanzi

The Ergonomics in Design Laboratory operates in the field of Ergonomics applied to the assessment and design of spaces, products, services and equipment. The scientific and operational aims of the Laboratory are the development and application of ergonomic assessment methodologies, both in the field of traditional ergonomics and in those of usability, Human-Centred Design and Inclusive Design. The Laboratory undertakes its activities in collaboration with the Sustainable Design Laboratory and the Design Modelling Laboratory of the Department of Architecture DIDA, together with the Occupational Medicine section of the Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, and the Department of Education and Psychology of the University of Florence.


Partnership UNI | Ente Italiano di Normazione



INAIL | Toscana GRC | Centro di Gestione del Rischio Clinico della Regione Toscana


SIE | Società Italiana di Ergonomia e Fattori umani



SIFO | Società Italiana dei Farmacisti ospedalieri AIFOS | Associazione Italiana Formatori e operatori della Sicurezza sul Lavoro

Human HUMAN Centered CENTRED Design DESIGN

Work Station







Home Care

Service Design

Medical devices

Product Design User Interface







Sport & Wellness

Urban Environment

Assisted living

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The Intermodal Bike

Multi-modal Integration of cycling mobility through product and process innovations in bicycle design | Project - Wp Ergonomics

Director Alessandro Belli Scientific Coordinator Francesca Tosi Research Group Alessandra Rinaldi Coordinator Alessia Brischetto Collaborator Collaborators Grazia Tucci Valentina Bonora Vincenzo Cupelli Marco Petranelli

The research project, funded by the European Union within the 7 th Framework Programme, was aimed to design a folding bike, super-compact and super-light with electrically assisted pedalling, that is an efficient means of transport for the urban mobility. The work starts from the idea that the synergy between the bicycle and public transport systems and / or private means of transport can increase the modal share of bicycle and also can have an effect to discourage the use of private cars in city centres. The WP Ergonomics provided acceptable range of possible posture configurations, to ensure maximum pedalling efficiency, to protect the spinal column, neck and arms from the effects of stressing, and to ensure the effectiveness and control of the vehicle.

Partnership UNIFI | DIDA Italy TRILIX Italy TICONA Germany Maxon Motors Switzerland ATAF Italy LPP Ljubjana Slovenia Tecnologie urbane Italy


















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Ecology and Ergonomics in the Kitchen Technological and usage innovation of the kitchen environment

Scientific Director Francesca Tosi Development and Coordination Alessandra Rinaldi Research Group Simone Lucii Irene Bruni Partnership UNIFI | Dipartimento di Tecnologie dell’Architettura e Design Italy EFFETI INDUSTRIES Italy

The specific objective was to define new domestic environment scenarios, which put at the centre of the production not only aesthetic aspects and functional and economic development, but also the respect for man and the environment. The analysis of the users’ needs and expectations, based on the human-centred design approach allowed the individuation of typological and technological innovation in the kitchen systems, in its components and the individuation of new services. The identified guidelines in the research project was evaluated and tested with the workshop “Well-living in kitchen: technological and usage innovation in kitchen environment.” The workshop took place within the Effeti company where young creatives produced concepts focused on four categories identified as highly innovative for the kitchen system: the smart table, the wall system and the furniture, the wearable accessory, the smart floor.

POR CreO Regione Toscana















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Technology solutions to reduce environmental impact of the camper in the usage phase

Scientific Director and Coordinator Francesca Tosi Scientific Board Giuseppe Lotti Vincenzo Legnante Research Group Alessia Brischetto Irene Bruni Daniela Ciampoli Stefano Follesa Marco Mancini Marco Marseglia Collaborator Andrea Martelli

The project aimed to create value for camper sector companies by improving the environmental quality of the product. The general objective was to improve the product quality in the term of environmental impact both in the production phase and in the usage phase through the limitation of the consumption. The project was developed in close collaboration with Sustainable Design Laboratory (LDS). The research aimed to evaluate the ergonomics of the products in the camper industry, through the involvement of users and according to the human-centred design principles. All as part of a research conducted on behalf of Trigano-Triaca to provide an innovative camper in terms of environmental sustainability, energy efficiency, and ergonomics. Concept 230” is an innovative vehicle caravan, lighter, where particular attention has paid to the interior and to the energy saving. All in terms of reduced environmental impact extended to the whole product life-cycle.

Partnership UNIFI | DIDA


DISCO | Diparimento di Scienze della Comunicazione, Siena


CPTM | Consorzio Polo Tecnologico Magona CSM | Centro Sperimentale del Mobile e dell’Arredamento CUBIT | Consortium Ubiquitos Technologies TRIGANO S.p.A. Roller team










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Workstation Brunello Cucinelli factory

Ergonomics evaluation and first design phase of the workstations

Scientific Coordinators Francesca Tosi Alessandra Rinaldi Rita Berchtold Collaborators Alessia Brischetto Daniele Busciantella Mattia Pistolesi F. Violante S. Mattioli R. Bonfiglioli

The general objectives of the research project were the improvement of the work environment quality and the optimization/redesign of the workstations in the prototypes laboratory of the factory. The research was based on scientific and methodological approach of the ergonomics for design and its theoretical and operative tools. The purpose was the elaboration of design solutions for the improvement of ergonomic quality of three operating workstations in the factory. The workstations: flat-bed sewing machine, darning, linking machines. All the evaluation phases were conducted in collaboration with the team of the University of Bologna Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences.

Partnership UNIFI | DIDA PERUGIA Check up s.r.l.
















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Smart Running (I Edition)

Definition of scenarios and concepts for products and systems related to indoor and outdoor running

Scientific Director Francesca Tosi Address Design Campus via Sandro Pertini, 93 Calenzano

The “Smart Running” design workshop aimed to define scenarios and concepts for products and systems related indoor and outdoor running experience in collaboration with the company Technogym. 21 young designers were involved to work intensively with a group of designers and engineers of Technogym for four days in two weeks. Project proposals were evaluated and rewarded by the company.

Scientific Coordinator Alessandra Rinaldi Partnership UNIFI | DIDA


TECHNOGYM | Centro studi e ricerche Giuseppe Fedele Francesco Calcaterra


Tutors Alessia Brischetto Irene Bruni Daniele Busciantella Mattia Pistolesi Research Group Francesco Battaglia Arianna Bini Daniele Casano Sara Corsi Elettra Deganello Silvia Favero Ernesto Gravante Kiana Kianfar Giuseppe Leone Lorenzo Maira Laura Marianera Martina Pancani Giuliana Teresa Patti Mario Piramide Elia Pizzoni Giovanni Russo Samir Shirazi Yuri Sperduto Maurizio Toccafondi Fiorella Todaro Alessia Turdo










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Smart Running (II Edition)

Defining scenarios and concepts of products and systems for the outdoor workout experiences

Scientific Director Francesca Tosi Address Design Campus via Sandro Pertini, 93 Calenzano (FI) Coordinator Alessandra Rinaldi

The “Smart Running” workshop was organised in collaboration with the company Technogym. The aim was to define scenarios and concept of product and systems for the outdoor workout activities experiences. A group of 25 young designers were involved and they intensively worked with a Technogym team of designers and engineers for four days in two weeks. The design proposals were evaluated and prized by the company.

Partnership UNIFI | DIDA


TECHNOGYM | Centro studi e ricerche Giuseppe Fedele Francesco Calcaterra Tutors Daniele Busciantella Mattia Pistolesi Research Group Gianluigi Cantanamessa Rosario Lo Turco Angelo Iannotta Wang Haoyu Gabbatore Stefano Cristina De Alfieri Wu Fang Yuan Niccolò Mazzoni Alessio Tanzini Matilde Muscatello Le Diem Huong Vu Tuong Quyen Mariana Motta Ester Nerini Carolina Oliveira Pu Ling Xing Valentina Zamorano Eleonora Didio Rachele Nencioni Wang Xiang Ji Lu Liu Xu Martino Nicola Monica Moggia Soheil Ehsani Maria Borrego Armando Moreno

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Modelling Laboratory for Design LMD lab 3D printing | rapid prototyping | generative design

Scientific Coordinator Gianpiero Alfarano Address Design Campus via Sandro Pertini 93 Calenzano, Firenze Technical Coordinator Alessandro Spennato Research Group Stefano Calza Jurji Filieri Erika Lascialfari Partnership Be-top Comune di Calenzano Comune di Ortignano-ragiolo DGA IDC Industrial Design Consulting IsolaHitech

The Modelling Laboratory for Design is a scientific/educational laboratory that provides the ability to acquire the necessary skills to create three-dimensional models to verify the volumes and proportions of objects from the real, studying their inclusion in the real space giving concreteness to the project presentation, assisting students, teachers and researchers in teaching and research activities. Specifically, the Laboratory works to introduce the most widespread methodologies of realization and solicit the opportunities of experimentation to obtain, with quality, results of formal plasticity effective in understanding the object three-dimensionally; to acquire technical and operational familiarity in the reciprocity between the various executive constraints and the expressive objectives to be achieved; to increase the ability to verify and control the shape through the true yield of the designed isometry. The Laboratory carries out its activities in close collaboration with the laboratories belonging to the Industrial Design Section and makes use of the agreement of convention in place with the ProMoDesign Consortium Company for what concerns the Rapid Prototyping and product development realizations, allowing the development of projects of joint research and the creation of three-dimensional products in an executive form of the research results.

Istituto d’arte di firenze Istituto d’arte di Sesto Fiorentino Nichia Corporation promodesign




Tongji University Viabizzuno Welt Electronic Xicato














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LMD lab

FYLED project

New light in Ponte Vecchio

Scientific Coordinators Gianpiero Alfarano Massimo Ruffilli Research Group Cristina Daini Alessandro Spennato Partnership UNIFI | DIDA Italy COMUNE DI FIRENZE Italy

The research was carried out on assignment of WELT Electronic to experiment an application form the latest technological innovations developed by Nichia Corporation - a world leader company in the production of LEDs for lighting equipment. The research activities were finalized to creating innovative proposals in the field of lighting structures with the possibility of identifying new forms and new types of reinforcement suitable to apply the most advanced lighting techniques to urban lighting. The experimentation was used for the first time in the renewal of the lighting of Ponte Vecchio in Florence, encouraging a considerable reduction in energy savings and a new redevelopment of the prestigious Florentine monument.

SILFI spa | SocietĂ illuminazione Firenze e servizi smartcity Italy DGA srl | SocietĂ di progettazione LED Italy WELT ELECTRONIC spa | Electronic components distribution Italy NICHIA CORPORATION | Sviluppo e produzione LED Japan


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LMD lab

LUA-LESS project

Scientific Coordinator Gianpiero Alfarano Research Group Cristina Daini Alessandro Spennato Partnership UNIFI | DIDA Italy WELT ELECTRONIC spa | Electronic components distribution Italy

The project main aim is to study of an intelligent lamppost capable of performing various services useful for the best efficiency of public lighting in terms of energy saving and interaction with the security and monitoring systems of the urban environment. It is a multifunction street lamp that integrates in a single object various components already on the market and experimental materials of the latest generation such as photoluminescent pigments.

PURPLE INNOVATION spa | Fotoluminescenza promotion and oriented Italy LUCEDENTRO spa | Fotoluminescenza promotion, oriented and production Italy UNIFI | LMD - Modeling Laboratory for Design

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LMD lab

LIGHTING EVOLUTION project The light that shows itself

Scientific Coordinator Gianpiero Alfarano Research Group Alessia Brischetto Annalena Buti Stefano Calza Erika Lascialfari Alessandro Spennato Partnership UNIFI | DIDA Italy WELT ELECTRONIC spa | Electronic components distribution Italy

The Lighting Evolution project - The light that shows itself - in the two versions, Desk and Garden, has carried out design experiments in the field of lighting. The Lighting Division of Welt Electronic SpA provided the basic kit and the technical advice necessary for the design. The students were able to compare themselves with the new technologies of lighting and rapid prototyping, laser cutting and numerical control supplied at the Design Models Laboratory of University of Florence. At the end of the training course, the works - working prototypes - have been presented in the exhibitions at the headquarters of the Design Campus and subjected to evaluation by light designers, experts and companies in the sector. The projects and prototypes have been presented and exhibited in some exhibitions of the sector and international congresses.

NICHIA CORPORATION | development and production LED Japan UNIFI | LMD - Modelling Laboratory for Design


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Multimedia Architecture Interaction Laboratory mailab

Scientific Coordinator Giuseppe Ridolfi

Address Mailab Palazzo Vegni via san Niccolò 93 Direttore scientifico Firenze Giuseppe Ridolfi Sede

Collaborators Palazzo Vegni san Niccolò 93 - Firenze GionbattistaviaAreddia Composizione Maurizio Baldini Gionbattista Areddia Marco Carratelli Maurizio Baldini Lorenzo Giorgi Marco Carratelli Giorgi Lucia LunghiLorenzo Lucia Lunghi Pasquale Malizia Pasquale Malizia Arman Saberi Arman Saberi Partnership

PartnershipAYIMstudio | Firenze AYIMstudio ICVIDEOPRO | Firenze| Pesaro

MAILAB is a site of knowledge exchange and professional cooperation between The University of Florence and the private sector with a specific focus on the cross-hybridization of architecture, design and cultural entertainment with new media and digital technologies. Combining scientific knowledge, technical expertise and extensive experience, Mailab provides opportunities for experimental research, creative projects and advanced business services. Its mission includes support for undergraduate and post-graduate education, professional training, creative conditions for the development of research and new solutions of potential interest to the market.

mailablaboratorio congiunto

multimedia | architecture | interaction

MAILAB è un centro di conoscenza e collaborazione professionale tra l’Università di Firenze e il settore privato focalizzato sull’ibridazione incrociata tra architettura, design, eventi culturali, nuovi media e tecnologie digitali.

Combinando conoscenze tecnico-scientifiche ed esperienze approfondite, Mailab è in grado di offire opportunitòà di ricerca, proget-

Keywords: computational design, digital technologies, education, experimental research, ti creativi e servizi avanzati per l’impresa. La sua missione include l’assisitenza per la formazione universitaria e post-universitaria, erogazione di corsi di aggiornamento, e condizioni per lo sviluppo di ricerche e nuove soluzioni di potenziale interesse per il mercato. interaction, multimedia MAILAB is a site of knowledge exchange and professional cooperation between The University of Florence and the private sector with a specific focus on the cross-hybridization of architecture, design and cultural entertainment with new media and digital technologies. Combining scientific knowledge, technical expertise and extensive experience, Mailab provides opportunities for experimental research, creative projects and advanced business services. Its mission includes support for undergraduate and post-graduate education, professional training, and creative conditions for the development of research and new solutions of potential interest to the market.


IMAGINEM | Incisa Valdarno







stereoscopic videos & documentaries

space syntax

performative architecture

new media art


media buildings

installations & exhibitions

generative & evolutionary design

environmental design

digital scenography and Vjing

conceptual prototyping

computational optioneering

building energy simulation


BIM & parametric design

augmented reality


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MAIWorkshop: Parametric Computation and Digital Prototyping for Environmental Responsive Envelopes

MAIConference: Computational Design and Automated Technologies Beyond Architecture

MAIResearch: Smart materials & Objects laboratories | dsi



High | Bombastic adaptive skin conceptual prototype Exploratory research

Scientific Coordinator Giuseppe Ridolfi Address Mailab Palazzo Vegni via san Niccolò, 93 Firenze Research Group Omid Bakhshaei Marco Carratelli Lucia Lunghi Giuseppe Ridolfi Arman Saberi Partnership AYIMstudio | Firenze Website

High | Bombastic is part of a research on Living Building Envelopes still in progress at Mailab and was presented, for the first time, at the Mediterranean Green Buildings and Renewable Energy 4th Forum. High | Bombastic is a concept of a warping envelope involving dynamic components for a naturally ventilated double-skin façade. High | Bombastic enables responsive adaptations in order to have a better approximation to the optimal energy balance and users’ satisfaction. High | Bombastic adapts itself pursuing Bio-Logic (Bioclimatic & Passive Design), incentivising/blocking irradiation and ventilation; using mutant materiality able to be informed at different physical properties and geometry. Based on a regular grid, the external layer is designed to assume accurate configurations through mechanical gears to get the maximum/minimum sun radiation and to resize the air cavity, as it is an important regulatory device for natural ventilation in double skin façade. A conceptual prototype and an interactive multimedia installation based on Arduino microcontroller and driven via WI-Fi / OSC by Isadora software interface has been undertaken to verify the design hypothesis. Keywords: arduino, building energy simulation, double skin façade, kinetic architecture, performative design, responsive architecture, robotic.


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(AID) Auxiliary Interface Design Role of Evolutionary Computational Design in Energy saving and Architecture gains exploratory research

Scientific Director Giuseppe Ridolfi Scientific Coordinator Arman Saberi Address Mailab Palazzo Vegni via san Niccolò, 93 Firenze

3 1


Today contemporary buildings are exploring new levels of performance and adaptability opening up a brand-new world for architects. Cutting edge invasive technologies reveal previously unseen sets of problems for designers who, together with the complexity of architectural design deriving from the observance of rules and particular requirements in the design process, force them to face different aspects in each stage. Within the discipline of Digital Computing, Evolutionary Design intends to create and develop different design solutions through evolutionary processes employing the so-called ‘flexing’ procedure, that is the ability to generate alternatives, test and run benchmarks parametrically, in a short time, for billions of progressive and consistent options. It is an available skill that, thanks to the growing computational power of computers, now exceeds those of the human brain, offering a powerful tool to improve decision-making processes on an increasingly complex built environment. For this reason there is a strong expansion of Evolutionary Design in different application areas of the design that is facilitated by the diffusion of simulation programs for the optimization of countless aspects such as energy consumption, human well-being, functionality, etc. In this scenario, and in the face of an increase in efficiency and competitiveness in the design market, it is easy to foresee a different scenario in which we will have to be ready for a new modus operandi where Evolutionary Design is not to be seen as a simple tool, but as a collaboration environment that, through intelligent interfaces, is able to provide highly effective and timely assistance. Keywords: Evolutionary design, genetic algorithm, digital computing, optioneering, intelligent interfaces

Urban Analysis Evolutionary Population Distribution. Space Syntax Evolutionary Walkability Optimization.


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Evolutionary Computation

Evolutiona ry Biology

Computer Science

Evolutionary Design ARCHITEC TURE DESIG N



STRUC TURE DESIG N Initial Spa ce distribution


AVIATION DESIG N Site Adaptatio n


1.Adjustments HVAC DESIGN

Masses Design


Space Consisten cy


Layout optimization


Envelope Design


Geometric C onsisten cy

Candidate s

Initial Input



2. Initiatio n Initiate Population

Assign Parameters

Calculatio n


1st Generatio n

Creation of the initial populations

3. Evolutiona ry Process NO

Fitness Check

Terminatio n Criteria met ?


Stagnation Check

Current Candidate

Apply Crossov ers

Select Mutatio n Parents

Apply Mutation

Visualise bes t Individual s

Select new Gene ration

Candidate Population

Generate new Candidates

Analyze candidate s

Terminated by User

Select C rossover Parents

Breed new individuals through crossover and mutation operations

Terminate P rocess

(Re)set Objec tive

4. Result






4705.70 W EST





4179.40 3205.19



4192.13 3343.54

kWh/ year





4500 4000 3500 3000

1500 1000 500 0

1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 43 46 49 52 55 58 61 64 67 70 73 76 79 82 85 88 91 94 97 100

kWh/ year

2500 2000

WWR (%)

Form Finding - Mass Design, Evolutionary Energy Optimization.

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Reverse Engineering Interaction design Rei Lab

Scientific Coordinator Elisabetta Cianfanelli Address Design Campus, via Sandro Pertini, 93 Calenzano (FI) Research Group Gabriele Goretti Renato Stasi Margherita Tufarelli

REI Lab- Reverse Engineering Interaction Design, combines digital technologies with the Italian high-end manufacturing product system and the use and enhancement of the artistic and cultural heritage. Scientific purposes are the application of digital technologies to the user-product relationship, to the processes of survey of the components of a product, the re-elaboration of them in the redesign processes, the use of these technologies for the enhancement and fruition of three-dimensional images and their use in the fashion industry.










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Rei Lab


Art Digital Archive

Scientific Coordinator Elisabetta Cianfanelli Address Design Campus via Sandro Pertini, 93 Calenzano (FI) Research Group Gabriele Goretti Renato Stasi Margherita Tufarelli


The REI lab studies how the use of technological processes (applied to manufacturing) can be transferred with success to the field of Artistic and Historical Heritage, in particular to statuary works of art and small objects. The technology, in the form of the digitization of heritage, allows to combine history, culture and tradition, making available to a wide audience those materials that otherwise, also for conservation reasons, could not be accessible and known. Documentation and archiving of the status of an artwork are essential if there is a need for reconstruction or conservation works. The possibility of detecting very complex geometries with considerable accuracy allows the in-depth study of construction techniques, allowing the perception and analysis of geometric details that are difficult to detect with traditional techniques. Furthermore, a three-dimensional representation allows us to design the fruition of art goods in a synchronic and diachronic way, making this type of documentation exceptional also in the educational field.

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Rei Lab


Manufacturing Digital Archive

Scientific Coordinator Elisabetta Cianfanelli Address Design Campus, via Sandro Pertini, 93 Calenzano (FI) Research Group Gabriele Goretti Renato Stasi Margherita Tufarelli

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The REI laboratory aims to investigate the relationship between advanced digital technologies and the Italian manufacturing product. Scientific and operational goals of the Laboratory are the development and application of information technology to the processes of survey of the components of an object and the re-elaboration of them through redesign processes, in order to: create digital archives for the maintenance of the knowledge of the know-how manufacturing; develop production quality control systems; optimize production processes and time to market; make digital catalogues of 3D models; develop web systems for visualizing the manufacturing product and the values of know-how in a user-centred way.


Rei Lab


Technologies for fashion

Scientific Coordinator Elisabetta Cianfanelli Address Design Campus via Sandro Pertini, 93 Calenzano (FI) Research Group Gabriele Goretti Renato Stasi Margherita Tufarelli


Objectives The fashion area of REI lab investigates on relations between fashion manufacturing and advanced embedded technologies. The laboratory develops user-centred solution for fashion system aiming at highlighting the product values and the excellence of “made in Italy� supply chain in contemporary fashion market. The synergy between research and SMEs highlights on the importance of the relations between textile and leather goods production and high-tech industry, defining high performance artefacts and advanced services. In addition, a design driven strategy is able to enhance technology transfer and fertilizations among different production sectors, as in example new collaboration in between high-performing safety and protection materials and fashion productions, creating new clothing solutions and new fashion concepts.

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Sustainable Design Laboratory sustainabilitylab

environmental | social | cultural sustainability

The laboratory operates in the field of product design and environmentally, socially and culturally sustainable processes. The scientific and operational objectives of the laboratory are to develop and apply the principles and methodologies of Design for sustainability. In particular, it operates in the development of advanced services for public and private research institutions, public administrations and companies, in the development of research programmes on the sustainability of products and services, from the concept to the development and implementation, and in the support activities for the teaching of the three levels of university education.

Scientific Coordinator Giuseppe Lotti Address Design Campus via Sandro Pertini, 93 Calenzano (FI) Research Group Irene Fiesoli Valentina Frosini Debora Giorgi Marco Marseglia Stefano Visconti


Materiali ecosostenibili



COSè. noi e le cose, il festival

Regione Toscana

Educazione alla sostenibilità

LCD - Life Cycle Design Riduzione impatto ambientale

Regione Toscana

Erasmus Plus/UE



Economia solidale

Innovazione sociale OD&M

Regione Toscana

Regione Toscana

Social Design Network



Lega Coop Sociale/MISE

Regione Toscana

Regione Toscana



Unione Comuni


Master Cooperazione Internazionale

Val d’Elsa


Regione Toscana

Marchio territoriale

Design Strategico

Comunità Locali e Territori

Abitare Mediterraneo Casentino







Unione Comuni

Patrimonio DID - Distretto Interni e Design

Casa Toscana Green Home ECOFURNITURE LIFE/UE Regione Toscana

Garfagnana Unione Comuni


Cooperazione MISE + MAECI

Share Design MISE + MAECI



Artimed Elles Peuvent Regione Toscana

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Interculture Life Cycle & Product Design

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New design for energetical and environmental high-efficiency chest-freezers

Scientific Coordinator Giuseppe Lotti Ergonomics and HCD Coordinator Francesca Tosi Innovation Technology Coordinator Vincenzo Legnante Research Group Alessia Brischetto Irene Bruni Daniele Busciantella Ricci Daniela Ciampoli Marco Marseglia Marco Mancini Partnership UNIFI | Dipartimento di Architettura, Italy UNIFI | Dipartimento di Energetica, Italy SSA | Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Italy CPTM | Polo Tecnologico della Magona

HIGH CHEST project - Whirlpool As part of the project, the DIDA Department of Architecture working group at the University of Florence worked on three levels: 1. ergonomic: starting from the theoretical and methodological bases of User-Centred Design, anthropometry, biomechanics, regulatory collection, direct observation and application of the usability verification methods; 2. sustainability expert assessment according to the principles of Life Cycle Design, Life Cycle Analyses of the existing and innovative product concept; 3. product and interface design, with particular attention to formal innovation and usability. The final concept presents an integration of the domotic solutions proposed by the Istituto Superiore Sant’Anna for which a variable arrangement is proposed; the contents of innovation in the materials proposed by the Politecnico di Milano (Department of Chemistry, Materials and Chemical Engineering “Giulio Natta”) and by the Consorzio Polo Tecnologico Magona (with particular attention to the disassembly and recyclability of the product, including packaging). Finally, the design involved the interfaces of the Home automation system that were developed for Istituto Superiore Sant’Anna with methods and tools typical of ergonomics and communication design.

INSTM | Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale per la Scienza e la Tecnologia dei Materiali WE | Whirlpool Europe KW | KW apparecchi scientifici Cassioli S.r.l. Zapet S.r.l. CSM | Centro Sperimentale del Mobile


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OD&M Project

Scientific Coordinators Giuseppe Lotti Debora Giorgi Research Group Irene Fiesoli Valentina Frosini Valentina Stefanini Partnership UNIFI | Department of Architecture, Italy UAL | University of the Arts, London TONJI University, Shanghai DEUSTO | University of Deusto, Spain UDG | University of Dąbrowa Górnicza Poland LAMA | Development and Cooperation Agency, Italy CSM | Furniture and Furnishing Centre, Italy P2P | P2P Foundation TECNALIA | Inspiring business, Spain FAB LAB | Łódz, Poland FAB LAB | London, UK

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The Project “A Knowledge Alliance between HEIs, Makers and Manufacturers to boost Open Design & Manufacturing in Europe - OD&M” is coordinated by DIDA-UNIFI in a strong collaboration with LAMA agency and all European and extra-European partners. Objective The objective of the Project is the creation of a course able to develop a new figure, a catalyst’s agent, that has some important competences to develop a triangle-shaped Alliance between HEIs, traditional manufacturers, and innovation communities of digital-savvy makers. In this way, there will be a chance to create a Alliance Triangle, based on HEIs, traditional manufacturers, and digital communities of Open Manufacturing business (Maker spaces and FabLabs), able to generate knowledge and capacity addressed to: • HEIs, the increased capacity to prepare the next generation of designers, following approaches inspired by the approach of Open Manufacturing and Open Design used to maker movement and Fablabs; • traditional manufacturers, the increased awareness of the potential of Open Design & Manufacturing for innovating business models, production processes and products towards greater sustainability and competitiveness, and new partnerships and collaborations with HEIs and innovation communities; • makers and Open manufacturing businesses, the reinforcement and further development of their identity as a recognised sector able to offer new jobs and entrepreneurship.



ERASMUS+ Project

The 3D Project in Tunisia The Master 3D - Design pour le Développement Durable des Productions artisanales is coordinated by DIDA-UNIFI under the Tempus programme in partnership with 6 European and Tunisian universities and a business support centre. Scientific Coordinators Giuseppe Lotti Saverio Mecca Research Group Alice Cappelli Valentina Frosini Debora Giorgi Partnership UNIFI | DIDA, Italia POLITO | Politecnico di Torino, Italia ESSTED | Université de la Manouba, Tunisia UB | Departemento Disseny y grafica, Spagna ESG | Escola Superiora Gallaecia, Portogallo ISBAS | Université de Sousse, Tunisia ISAM-K |Université de Kairouan, Kasserine Tunisia CSM | Centro Sperimentale del Mobile e dell’Arredamento Italia

Goals The project has as its goal the training of a designer figure who can collaborate with craft enterprises in the definition of innovation strategies, working on product design, communication and services, based on the tangible and intangible heritage of the reference territory, in a socio-cultural, environmental and economic sustainability approach. Combining tradition and innovation is The great challenge for countries such as Tunisia is that are painstakingly leading a journey of reflection and re-appropriation of cultural identity and the preservation of tradition, while maintaining an openness towards contemporary life. The training pathway is characterized by an alternation between theory and practice in an interdisciplinary perspective. The centrality of the project is expressed in the Atelier that take place at the end of each semester, in collaboration with local artisans and businesses. This close relationship with the business world makes it possible to put into practice the notions and methodologies learned as well as to create the conditions for having real spin-offs in terms of innovation and competitiveness of the territories.





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DAPHNE Project

Scientific Coordinator Giuseppe Lotti Research Group Alessia Brischetto DIDALAB LEU Marco Marseglia Stefano Visconti Partnership Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna CNR

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The project aims at the development of an innovative neurologist support system to diagnose Parkinson’s disease objectively, non-invasive and economically favourable compared to clinical procedures currently under vigour. To this end, a new wearable instrumentation has been devised, based on inertial sensors, able to return an objective measure of the motor performance of patients with Parkinson’s disease or of individuals who show other risk factors. The wearability and portability, low cost and ease of use of the system designed allow you to predict the use of instrumentation not only in health care facilities, but also at home, thanks to a control system remotely through a telemedicine service.





Informatic Laboratory of Architecture informaticlab - LiA inkjet printing - laserjet software tuition | dataprocess

Scientific Coordinator Giorgio Verdiani Address Santa Verdiana piazza L. Ghiberti, 27 Firenze Lab Managers Giancarlo Littera Andrea Pasquali

Didainformaticlab - LiA is a scientific and technical support for teaching, looking for the Department of Architecture DIDA. The laboratory offers users an articulated system of IT services for architecture, design and graphics, including a well-equipped printing centre for the production of graphic works. Technical support is provided by specialized personnel with full skills in the field of architecture and representation, aimed at training and making all users operational and independent. The LIA activates and promotes training courses for specific softwares for Graphics, Architecture and multimedia applications. The laboratory hardware is used for editing, printing and as a calculation system for rendering processes aimed at images and animations. Some stations are integrated for virtual reality like Oculus Riff, Leap Motion and Google Cardboard. All the computers in the laboratory are equipped with the most common CAD and graphic rendering softwares. These include: Adobe, Microsoft and Autodesk suites; Maxon Cinema 4D, McNeel Rhinoceros 3d and Agisoft Photoscan.






YEAR 2017

YEAR 2015

YEAR 2016








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Cartography Laboratory LCart

Scientific Coordinator Fabio Lucchesi Address Palazzo San Clemente Via Micheli, 2 Firenze Scientific Board Gianluca Belli Maria Rita Gisotti Iacopo Zetti

LCart – Cartography Lab provide skills and support to create geographic databases and expressive cartographic representations of territorial and urban areas at different scale set. In particular LCart members are active in acquiring, storing, producing and publishing geodatabases and maps. LCart allows partners to experiment new ways for acquire, treat, visualize and publish geographic information. LCart provide the opportunity to ideate and put in practice research and services in the GeoICT field for public or private customers; it assists and cooperates in research activities of the University of Florence Departments system.

Researchers Erika Baldi Francesca Canessa Michele Ercolini Valbona Flora Mariano Gesualdi Bruno Giusti Massimiliano Grava Emanuela Loi Francesco Monacci Michela Moretti Fabio Nardini Chiara Nostrato Paola Raggi Trainees Omobolanle Adebajo Giulia Bartoli Annunziata Centonze Giulio Donati Sarti Enrico Gullì Leonardo Piu Chiara Tanturli Daniel Ladinel Timpu Marco Volpi




















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FIRENZE 1817 | 2017 Project

Scientific Coordinators Gianluca Belli Fabio Lucchesi Experienced Researcher Paola Raggi Partnership UNIFI | DIDA COMUNE DI FIRENZE | Archivio Storico Comunale


Fiscal sources are one of the most interesting tools available to researchers who deal with the urban history. The first geometric cadastres, in particular, provide the possibility of linking information to their precise geographical location, at a time when the cities still maintain the old urban structures, before the contemporary transformations. In order to obtain an analytical framework of the urban structures of the centre of Florence in the nineteenth century, the research focuses on the study of the Catasto Generale Toscano (1817-1835). By comparing this source with the subsequent cadastral changes and the previous documentation, the research aims to reconstruct urban transformations during the space of the last five centuries. The project also aims to create a sort of georeferenced digital container for documents concerning the urban history of Florence, which can be updated continuously. To achieve these objectives, tools were made available by computer sciences and territorial studies. The transformation of the cadastral maps into vectorial drawings, the transfer of data into relational databases, the geo-referencing of historical informations and the use of a geographical information system (GIS) have enhanced the analysis and facilitated the possibility of obtaining synthesis. The analysis is also configurable according to needs, creating a tool useful not only for scholars, but also for professionals (to realize works within the historic centre), for administrations (to plan actions on the urban territory), for the public of citizens and tourists (for the knowledge of the urban history of the city).

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PortoLivorno Laboratory

Integration of port planning instruments | Project

Scientific Coordinator Fabio Lucchesi Address Palazzo San Clemente via Micheli 2 Research Group DIDA Francesca Canessa AdSP_Livorno Claudio Vanni Maurizio Tonelli Andrea Del Corona Stefano Marini Patrizia Innocenti

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Mission The PortoLivorno Laboratory is the product of a collaboration agreement between the Authority of the Northern Tyrrhenian Sea-Port System/Livorno and the DIDA Cartography Lab. The research activities are aimed at improving the quality of port planning activities through the integration of the various information systems (SIT, SIP, SID) already active or in progress at Port Administration. The project also explores the possibilities of coherent integration of port planning with urban and territorial planning. Activities and products The PortoLivorno Laboratory carries out research and services in port and territorial planning through geographical information technologies (GIS). These activities take the form of topographic databases, thematic maps and the definition of spatial indicators typical of the port area, built through the active collaboration of the various offices. The PortoLivorno Laboratory has assumed a coordinating role through the project and the realization of the Topographic Database and the graph of the goods flows of the Port of Livorno (2017). In addition, a model for assessing the spatial efficiency of the port area is being implemented, powered by spatial indexes able to improve planning activities.



The New Regional Scale Topographic Map of Tuscany

Scientific Coordinator Fabio Lucchesi Research Group Bruno Giusti Fabio Nardini Chiara Nostrato Giulia Bartoli Annunziata Centonze Giulio Donati Sarti Leonardo Piu Daniel Ladinel Timpu Partnership UNIFI | DIDA RT SITA | Regione Toscana Sistema Informativo Territoriale ed Ambientale

Purpose The New Regional Scale Topographic Map of Tuscany is a product born from the collaboration between Regione Toscana, and the Cartography Lab of DIDA. The map is designed to be published both in traditional edition and through the web map services of Regione Toscana, in compliance with the guidelines of INSPIRE directive (Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe), the project of the European Commission which aims to establish spatial data infrastructures in the European Community. Geographical databases The project involved the creation of a series of geographic databases obtained through the generalization of the territorial information available in the regional archives, integrated through public domain materials, both institutional (European Environment Agency) and produced through collaborative sharing (OpenStreetMap) and original elaborations of the DIDA Cartography laboratory. The Map is conceived as a multi-scale product and can be consulted on the various scales characteristic of the medium-scale cartographic representation (from 1/25000 to 1/250000). Symbolizations have been designed, optimized for the different forms of use, specific for each display scale. The finalized edition for traditional publication is designed and built to maximize the understanding of the relationships between geography and settlement characteristics of the regional territory.














































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Photography Laboratory LfA photo | photogrammetry

Scientific Coordinator Giorgio Verdiani Address Santa Verdiana piazza L. Ghiberti, 27 Firenze Lab Menagers Filippo Giansanti Paolo Formaglini Collaborators Alessandro Giacomelli Stépan Giraudeau

Dida photography lab is characterized as a place of research and development in the photographic and photogrammetric field as well as representing a scientific and technical support to the teaching of the Department of Architecture DIDA and the University. In addition to the classical photographic shooting activity for Architecture, the photographic laboratory carries out photogrammetric surveying activities for the DIDA, the University and the affiliated institutions, implementing, at the same time, the development of techniques and methods of surveying in order to improve the usability and quality of the data produced. By way of example, the photogrammetric survey of the Cathedral of S. Maria del Fiore in Florence in collaboration with the Opera Del Duomo, the photographic survey of the Museo di S. Marco and the works contained therein as well as the relief photogrammetric of the marble floor of the baptistery of S. Giovanni in Florence. The laboratory is also open to use by students who can use professional equipment for all needs related to the course of study. It is equipped with an equipped room, a darkroom and aims to educate the user to a personal development of new image poetics, whether static, dynamic, digital or analogical through the development of projects able to tell the Architecture. Work that has been realized in the production of the video-documentary “La Cattedrale di Luce. The poetics of the structure, the structure as poetic”. Created by LfA for the Municipality of Pescia as part of the activities related to the figure of Roberto Savioli and the flower markets of Pescia. Laboratory activities are often the subject of national and international publications.



























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Architectural Model Laboratory LMA lasercut | 3dPrint | reverse engineering

Scientific Coordinator Giovanni Anzani Address Santa Teresa, via della Mattonaia, 8 Firenze Lab Technician Eleonora Cecconi Francesco Algostino Experienced Researchers Olimpia Galatolo Elisa Sgherri

Architectural Model Lab is a didactic laboratory for modelling and reverse engineering that aim to provide assistance to students, teachers and researchers, and to support the activities of institutional courses of the Scuola di Architettura by making available a suite of instruments for the construction of static models and reverse engineering. These services offered by the laboratory provide an ongoing activity of interpretation and verification of design drawings to allow the construction of models at different scales: regional, urban, architectural and detail, by helping both the courses of the Scuola di Architettura and individual users in choosing materials, manufacturing techniques and assembly of static maquette as well as it provides assistance on survey activities and acquisition of 3D data.
























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Architecture Video Laboratory VI.D.A. lab

video | editing | communication

Scientific Coordinator Marcello Scalzo Address S. Verdiana, Piazza L. Ghiberti, 27 Firenze Via S.Pertini, 93 Calenzano (FI) Experienced Researcher | Tutor Arber Marra Trainees Letizia Dini Piero Laganà Francesca Parenti

VI.D.A lab is dedicated to support didactic activities, to research, create and produce communication material in audio-video format. The lab also increases the technical language and strategic skills of the lab users. VI.D.A lab works for the research and communication creating video and interactive material about Design and Architecture and, in wider terms, about all the art, fashion, costume Design, cultural and environmental themed projects. VI.D.A lab offers video-audio recordings both in exterior and in studio: the studio is equipped with modern LED lighting system and backdrops of different sizes to satisfy any user’s demand. If required there are lab tutors to support you, and a staff specialized on recording and editing audio-video material. You can also borrow cameras to record videos or take pictures. Design and Architecture students may also have a stage in the lab.












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Critical Planning & Design roots | theories | practices

The Lab of Critical Planning & Design comprises a group of researchers from the Department of Architecture at the University of Florence, in collaboration with a network of international scholars. The laboratory aims to develop a critical view on urban and regional planning, in particular along the following research paths. Roots: critical exploration of the roots of planning; genealogy of the ‘restless’ and radical concepts of planning; emphasis on dissenting imaginations, and eccentric and alternative planning traditions. Theories: critical discussion on planning theories; difference-sensitive planning approach; multi-agent planning and interactive design; the concept of co-evolution applied to the relations between nature, territory and settlements; planning approaches based on self-organization and insurgent urbanism. Practices: interactive design experiences; radical participatory planning practices; involvement of the inhabitants in the rebuilding of shared urban and regional codes. Researches cover the following areas of work: critical planning and design, urban policy, new regional planning paradigms, DiverCity and interactive design, comparative urbanism and planning, research methodology, heritage and sustainable design for cities and regions. The laboratory is geared towards planners, policy makers, community activists, institutions, no profit foundations and third sector, metropolitan governments, individual citizens and disadvantaged communities.

Scientific Coordinator Camilla Perrone Address Palazzo San Clemente via P. A. Micheli, 2 Firenze Research Group UNIFI Giancarlo Paba Mauro Lombardi Marinella Gisotti Iacopo Zetti Research Fellows Chiara Belingardi Massimo Carta Marika Macchi Manuel Marin Nicole Paganini Annalisa Pecoriello Maddalena Rossi PhD Candidates Chiara Agnoletti Anas Shahin Collaborators Antonella Granatiero Flavia Giallorenzo Federico Magenes Federca Torrani Costanza Zaino


















8 16

Lab of Critical Planning & Design



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NETWORK AND COLLABORATIONS York University, University of Toronto (Ca) Faculty of Environmental Studies & City Institute

AESOP | Association of European School of Planning

University of Westminster London, Faculty of Architecture and The Built Environment

RMS (Research Methodology School)

Hosei University of Tokyo

Planners Network SIU (Società Italiana degli Urbanisti)

Geijutsu University of Tokyo, Faculty of Liberal Arts

Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture & the Built Environment

University of Groningen, Faculty of Spatial Sciences,

Technische Universität München

Department of Spatial Planning and Environment

Universität Tübingen - Geographisches Institut

Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, Geographische Institut

Ghent University, Department of Civil Engineering

INURA | International Network for Research

Università Euro-Mediterranea (UEM) di Fez

PUBLICATIONS Paba, Giancarlo; Perrone, Camilla; Lucchesi, Fabio; Zetti, Iacopo; Granatiero, Antonella; Rossi, Maddalena (2017). La Toscana nella transizione post-metropolitana: dalla città policentrica alla ‘new regional city’. In: Alessandro Balducci, Valeria Fedeli, Francesco Curci. Oltre la metropoli. L’urbanizzazione regionale in Italia, pp. 4564, Milano: Guerini e Associati.

Paba, Giancarlo; Perrone, Camilla; Lucchesi, Fabio; Zetti, Iacopo (2017). Territory Matters: A Regional Portrait of Florence and Tuscany. In: Alessandro Balducci, Valeria Fedeli, Francesco Curci. Post-Metropolitan Territories: Looking for A New Urbanity, pp. 95116, NEW YORK: ROUTLEDGE.

Camilla, Perrone; Giancarlo, Paba; Paolo, Perulli (2017). Postmetropoli - tra dotazioni e flussi, luoghi e corridoi, fixity and motion. In: Alessandro Balducci, Valeria Fedeli, Francesco Curci. Ripensare la questione urbana. Regionalizzazione dell’urbano in Italia e scenari di innovazione, pp. 23-52, Milano: Guerini e Associati.

INTERNATIONAL MEETINGS “New sciences and actions complex cities” Collaborative and Interdisciplinary International Design Charrette on Sustainable Urbanism in Florence.

Up: Maps of Florence and Tuscany portrait _ Down: Maps of streams and leevs [Turin, Milan, Venice, Florence, Rome, Naples].

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Critical Planning & Design

PRIN Post-Metropolitan territories roots | theories

Scientific Director Camilla Perrone Scientific Coordinators Camilla Perrone Giancarlo Paba Research Group Fabio Lucchesi Iacopo Zetti Chiara Belingardi Annalisa Pecoriello Maddalena Rossi Antonella Granatiero Manuel Marin Elisa Cappelletti Partnership POLIMI| DAsTU, Milan PRIN, Principal Investigator Alessandro Balducci UNIFI | DIDA, Florence

Research framework Post-Metropolitan Territories: Looking for a New Urbanity is a research project funded by the Italian Ministry for Education, Universities and Research (MIUR). It constitutes a thorough overview of a country that is one of Europe’s most diverse in terms of regional development and performance: Italy. This research brings together case studies of a number of Italian cities and their hinterlands and looks at new forms of urbanization, exploring themes of sustainability, industrialization, de-industrialization, governance, city planning and quality of life. Research focus Processes of multi-scalar regional urbanization are occurring worldwide. Such processes are clearly distinguishable from those of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries due to the shifting concepts of both the city and the metropolis. International literature highlights how what we have historically associated with the idea of cities has long been subjected to consistent reconfiguration, which involves stressing some of the typical features of the idea of “cityness”.

IUAV | IUAV for research, Venice POLITO | DISTE, Turin LA SAPIENZA | DICEA, Rome



Maps: DENSITY OF STABLE COOPERATION Permanent cooperation for services management; DENSITY OF MOBILE COOPERATION Issue–based cooperation; PORTRAIT OF THE GOVERNANCE in Tuscany.








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Food Self-made Share


a pe c S e v


Portrait of diversity in Italy

h r e e T r a ns f o r m a ti

Portrait of diversity in Tuscany.

heterogeneity Maps of density of housing in Tuscany.

Maps of heterogeneity in Tuscany.

regionalisation of the urban density

Maps of density of housing [Turin, Milan, Venice, Florence, Rome, Naples].

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Critical Planning & Design

Beyond borders: the future of metropolitan territories practices

Scientific Coordinator Camilla Perrone Address Palazzo San Clemente via P. A. Micheli, 2 Firenze Research Group Giancarlo Paba Mauro Lombardi Marinella Gisotti Iacopo Zetti Research Fellows Chiara Belingardi Massimo Carta Marika Macchi Manuel Marin Nicole Paganini Annalisa Pecoriello Maddalena Rossi PhD Candidates Chiara Agnoletti Anas Shahin Collaborators Antonella Granatiero Flavia Giallorenzo Federico Magenes Federca Torrani Costanza Zaino

A strategic urban agenda to cross the territorial borders Strategic Scenario of San Giovanni Valdarno Research Program funded by the Municipality of San Giovanni Valdarno (Italy-Tuscany) Coordinator: Prof. Camilla Perrone Collaborators: Flavia Giallorenze, Antonell Granatiero, Maddalena Rossi

SGV: Density of cooperation.

The main aim of the research group was to push an active, shared and aware reflection on the San Giovanni Valdarno territory and its historical centre because now, many courses have made, and they’re still making huge changes on the city and on its economic, social and cultural structures. Trying to embrace the complexity of the present conditions, the research group has organized a structured programme in three work phases: an organizational first step, a second moment of public events in which they’ve reached out peoples voices and opinions, and three final appointments to work with citizens on project laboratories. This work has led to build a Urban Agenda that assumes the time horizon of 2050 for the strategies for the city of San Giovanni Valdarno. A key method to implement this Agenda is to coordinate policies that are actually sector-specific and to connect different actors, both public and private, that invest on the territory. At the end of this long working process (almost two years of field research), a final day-long event, “Cantiere Civico”, delivered many “building sites” around the centre and the periphery of San Giovanni. Local people have then gone on using some facilities made during the “auto-construction site” that livened up the main square during the event.

Urbanity beyond institutional borders From strategic planning to statutory planning in the greater metropolitan area of Florence Research Program funded by the Municipality of San Giovanni Valdarno (Italy-Tuscany) Coordinator: Prof. Camilla Perrone Collaborator: Maddalena Rossi

CM: Density of cooperation.

The research explores the relations among strategic planning, spatial planning and projects/policies on specific topics selected by The Metropolitan City of Florence (CMF) to draw up its metropolitan Agenda. This is made up of measures, tools, policies and actors.


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The interactions between these components require a strategic approach aimed to identify goals and ways to achieve them (effective strategic actions) and geared to finding connections (synergies, complementarity, matching) among different fields, skills and expertises of the metropolitan governance. The studio examines relations of complementary, discrepancy and correlation between current different tools, outlining a new “act� of policies of metropolitan governance (the CMF is working on). It suggests to write a protocol of inter-institutions cooperation to implement the Strategic Plan and, in broader terms, to develop coordinate local Urban Agendas. The aim of the research is to highlight critical issues, chances and work directions of the metropolitan agenda of Florence, and overall, of other Italian metropolitan institutions.

Planetary urbanisation in the hinterland the Greater Metropolitan Area of Florence Project for the regeneration the Santa Barbara mine (Cavriglia, Tuscany) Research Program funded by POLIMI of Milan in collaboration with Enel

This research has addressed the ways the area of Santa Barbara’s mine can be transformed and enhanced in connection with its territory and history. The characteristics of the site have given us the possibility to deal with different issues and themes a mining area, memory, strategies and design for large scale landscapes, connectivity with the agrarian territory and with historic villages, possible ways to deal with the existing landscape and waterfront design. These issues have been treated both at a large scale, paying attention to the strategic dimension, and at the local scale, by dealing with the spatial dimension. Specific attention has been devoted to development.

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Laboratory of Sociological Research on Design, Architecture and Planning LabSo

The LabSo, Laboratory of Sociological Research on Design, Architecture, and Planning, promotes social research applied to design at all scales in a variety of contexts. LabSo in a joint laboratory of both the Department of Architecture and the Department of Political and Social Sciences of the University of Florence. The Labso also promotes learning opportunities for undergraduate, graduate and Ph.D. students of the University of Florence, and for other external candidate who are interested in participating in the Laboratory’s activities. LabSo teaching activities are connected to its research activities, so that participants could get involved in active projects and real-case scenarios where social phenomena are investigated in their relations with the built environment. Labso teaching activities have different formats, such as seminars, workshop, internship, and training courses on specific areas of interest.

Scientific Coordinator Leonardo Chiesi Address Santa Teresa via della Mattonaia, 8 Firenze Creative Director Leonardo Chiesi Research Group Paolo Costa Fabio Ciaravella Paolo Papale Davide Virdis










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Landscape Design Lab

research by design | education by research

Scientific Director Gabriele Paolinelli Scientific Coordinators Anna Lambertini Tessa Matteini Emanuela Morelli Gabriele Paolinelli Address Palazzo San Clemente via P. A. Micheli, 2 Firenze via Pertini, 358 Pistoia Scientific Board Fabio Fabbrizzi Enrico Falqui Francesco Ferrini Biagio Guccione Anna Lambertini Tessa Matteini Alessandro Merlo Emanuela Morelli Gabriele Paolinelli Fabio Salbitano Antonella Valentini Nicoletta Cristiani Lucrezia Iacuzzi Research Fellows Shirin Amini Sara Caramaschi Marinella Carrieri Stella Fabbri Gianni Fedeli Lorenza Fortuna Francesca Granci Giovanni Grapeggia Giulia Mancini Ludovica Marinaro Lorenzo Nofroni Giulia Pecchini Chiara Santi Francesco Tosi Camilla Tredici Paola Venturi Flavia Veronesi Margherita Vestri

The Landscape Design Lab integrates research activities and training in landscape architecture. The design is the main point of view adopted in applied studies and initiatives for dissemination. The preservation and transformation of landscapes are investigated as needs and complementary opportunities in the context of the pursuit of sustainability. The thematic areas intercepted by the studies include the protection and the enhancement of natural and protected landscapes, the care of everyday urban open places, agricultural and rural landscapes, the regeneration of derelict and/or degraded sites, the integration of structures and infrastructures. In the tradition of the discipline, the garden and the urban park are two focal research categories. The studies by design are developed in collaboration with public and private partners and include the coordinated activation of additional Ph.D. trainings, research fellows and master’s degree stages. The initiatives of dissemination and training that support the research are promoted with international partnerships.




2018 PAST IN USE PRIN 2015





2017 PAESAGGI DELLA VALLE CAMONICA Comunità Montana della Valle Camonica, Parco dell’Adamello, Cariplo Foundation


Municipality of Prato

2017 FORTEZZA DA BASSO Municipality of Firenze


Municipality of Civitella in Val di Chiana


Caript Foundation, Uniser Pistoia











International Conferences FLORENCE

2017 URBAN HABITAT & IMAGINATION International Conference PISTOIA

Municipality of Barberino del Mugello

2014-17 PISTOIA ONGOING MASTERPLAN Municipality of Pistoia




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503.3 492.9






2 4.0 0 484.0

5 10 3.9 473.9 473 9

planimetria scala 1:200







20 m

Sistemi di risorse ambientali e paesaggistiche naturali: il corridoio fluviale dell’Oglio e il massiccio della Concarena

Foto: Archivio fotografico Comunità Montana Valle Camonica - Parco dell’Adamello


Lungo il parco situato di fronte al tribunale la pista ciclo-pedonale si interseca con percorsi minori che rendono 3 questa area pubblica oggi 4 poco sfruttata, fruibile e vivibile. Si mantengono i tigli esistenti lungo viale della Repubblica, integrandoli con arbusti, erbacee, creando così un 3 corridoio vegetale. 4




















Articolazione del paesaggio urbano di fondovalle nell’interfaccia con il Lago d’Iseo

Foto: Archivio fotografico Comunità Montana Valle Camonica - Parco dell’Adamello

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Laboratory of Ecological Design of Settlements LaPEI interactive planning | research | education & training | dissemination

Scientific Coordinator Daniela Poli Address via P. A. Micheli, 2 Firenze Research Group David Fanfani, Maria Rita Gisotti, Alberto Magnaghi, Giancarlo Paba, Raffaele Paloscia, Camilla Perrone, Claudio Saragosa, Iacopo Zetti, Alberto Ziparo Collaborators Monica Bolognesi, Elisa Butelli, Elisa Caruso, Angelo M. Cirasino, Sara Giacomozzi, Anna Giani, Gabriella Granatiero, Sandra Hernandez, Agata Miccio, Maddalena Rossi, Adalgisa Rubino, Alexander Palummo, Alessandro Trivisonno Trainees Alessio Tanganelli, Irene Conti, Giacomo Marchiori, Paolo Carrai

The Laboratory of Ecological Design of Settlements (LaPEI), established in the ’90s by Alberto Magnaghi, represents a specialised structure aimed at researching, training and transferring knowledge in the specific area of regional and urban planning and design. Research relationships LaPEI is connected with three Research Units of the University of Florence: Progetto Bioregione Urbana (ProBiUr, Project Urban Bioregion), Projects on Environment, Cities and Territories in the South (ProjECTS) and TreeNexus. Mission LaPEI operates in the field of territorial analysis and planning through a participatory research/action methodology, exploiting the national and international research networks that each of the research units afferent to LaPEI has built over time. LaPEI is active in the construction of public policies at the urban and regional level in cooperation with public bodies, international governmental and non-governmental organisations, self-organised groups, local communities and social stakeholders. Education & training LaPEI offers students, Ph.D. students, interns and trainees the opportunity to follow these processes accompanied by teachers, researchers and tutors in order to foster the understanding of the different process aspects of the urban and regional project built in a participatory and interactive view.

Visiting Professors Kheir-eddine Guerrouche, Ecole Polytechnique d’Architecture et d’Urbanisme, Alger David Arredondo Garrido, Universidad de Granada Partnership Regione Toscana, Città Metropolitana di Firenze, Comuni di Casola in Lunigiana, Fabbriche di Vergemoli, Firenze, Fosdinovo, Gallicano, Lastra a Signa, Scandicci, Ecomuseo delle Apuane, Coldiretti Toscana, Consorzio di Bonifica 3 del Medio Valdarno, Université Bordeaux Montaigne, ADESS CNRS, Région Aquitaine, Ecoles d’Architecture et de Paysage de Bordeaux, Lille, Lyon, PNR Landes de Gascogne, Pays Médoc, Conseil Général de la Gironde, SySDAU Bordeaux, Université de Limoges, Ecole Polytechnique d’Architecture et d’Urbanisme d’Alger, Universidad de Granada, Universidad de Salta


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The metropolitan city of Florence a polycentric urban system of bioregions self-sustaining and resilient

Scientific Coordinator Daniela Poli Research Unit Progetto Bioregione Urbana Scientific Board Alberto Magnaghi (DIDA, President) Marco Benvenuti Giovanni Belletti Iacopo Bernetti Gherardo Chirici Carlo Alberto Garzonio David Fanfan Leonardo Lombard Giancarlo Macchi Research Group Gabriella Granatiero Alexander Palummo Experience Researchers Elisa Butelli Monica Bolognesi Michela Chiti Sandra Hernandez Agnese Turchi Francesca Lanza Angela M. Lo Brutto Antonio Urbano Partnership Metropolitan City of Florence UNIFI | DIDA

Research The research aims to reinterpret the heterogeneous and complex territory of the Metropolitan City of Florence (from the mountains, to the plains, to the hills) through a bioregional methodological approach that is able to highlight and tackle the environmental and territorial criticalities present in the current multi-sectorial actions the peripheral centre model in which it is articulated: strong polarization and congestion on the central Florentine area, high consumption of land, banalisation of periurban contexts, marginalization of internal areas, high ecosystem criticalities. Goals and strategies • Overcoming the functional and polarized vision of the Metropolitan City of Florence towards a polycentric bioregional system based on the enhancement of local specificities; • Rebalancing of ecosystem and territorial exchanges between mountains, hills and plains; • Definition of a complex and participatory model for the public management of ecosystem services; • Environmental, territorial and landscape redevelopment of the metropolitan suburbs of the Florentine plain and reactivation of complementary relations between the city and the countryside; • Rural repopulation of mountain areas and inland areas to ease the pressure on the highly urbanized plains and ensure the protection of the territory; • Valorisation of territorial energy sources for the energy transition in the Metropolitan City of Florence; • Valorisation of short supply chains and food communities to rebalance the food budget of the Metropolitan City of Florence; • Strengthening the continuity of the ecological network in the Metropolitan City of Florence; • Integrated and participated river and river redevelopment.

The deep territorial structure


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The design scenario

The research pattern

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A Geographical Information System on local heritage of Apuan Alps

Scientific Coordinator Daniela Poli Research Unit Progetto Bioregione Urbana Scientific Board Alberto Magnaghi University of Florence President David Fanfani DIDA Massimo Rovai Sismondi Laboratory Research Group Daniela Poli Urban and regional planner, coordinator Monica Bolognesi Planner, research fellow Letizia Palma Archaeologist Martina Masetti Civil engineer Planners Martina Franco Lorenzo Pagnini Lorenzo Spadaccini Dario Zampni Chiara Chiari Paola Caramia Niccolò Daddi Giulia Notarangelo Jessica Leonardi Alessio Sodini Partnership Apuan Alps Ecomuseum

The research goals The research project, called “A Geographical Information System on local heritage of Apuan Alps for the development of the agriculture-craft- tourism-culture chain”, is part of the establishing path of the Apuan Alps Ecomusesum, providing a technical-scientific contribution for the elaboration of an integrated project of local development alternative to the current economic model, focused on the monoculture of marble. Methods and strategies The research analyses at different scales the foundational characters of the Apuan bioregion (in terms of hydro-geo-morphological, environmental, ecological, settlement and agro-forestry settings, energy resources, socio-economic and cultural models) to identify and represent the assets to be redeveloped and reinserted in local and supra-local circuits of value production. In particular, the study focuses on the currently inactive assets (uncultivated lands, rural buildings, paths, woods, pastures, abandoned quarries…) to make it the cornerstone of a new development strategy for Apuan territories, classified as “inland areas” and afflicted by problems of depopulation and abandonment (with all the critical issues that implies, both in environmental/landscape and in social/ economic terms). The research products The cartographic and documentary material related to the patrimonial resources identified along the research (also through the activation of paths for the involvement of local communities) will form the base for the construction of a Geographical Information System of Apuan Alps, apt to support the activities of the Ecomuseum and of the local governments involved in the project. The research model

City of Fabbriche di Vergemoli City of Gallicano City of Casola in Lunigiana City of Fosdinovo SdT ONLUS | Sismondi Rural Studies Laboratory UNIFI | DIDA CIA Confederazione Italiana Agricoltori Provincia di Lucca Coldiretti Provincia di Lucca National Association “Città del Castagno Società dei Territorialisti/e ONLUS Funded by Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Lucca Cities sponsoring the Apuan Alps Ecomuseum UNIFI


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Potential energy resources in the region

The energy scenario

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BIORÉGION Project Aquitaine

Research Unit Progetto Bioregione Urbana Scientific Board Network Université Bordeaux Montaigne, IATU/ADESS CNRS, Région Aquitaine Agnès Berland-Berthon, coordinators Michel Favory Ghilaisne Deymier UNFI | DIDA Daniela Poli, coordinator David Fanfani Alberto Magnaghi Maria Rita Gisotti ENSAP Bx | Ecole d’Architecture et de Paysage de Bordeaux Jean Marie Billa Bernard Brunet DIDA Trainees in Bordeaux Co-tutored PhD student Emmanuelle Bonneau (IATU/DiDA) ADESS Fiorella Angeli Costanza Zaino Pays Médoc Vincenzo Bordino, Pasquale Condò PNR Landes de Guascogne Carlo Giulianelli Valerio Patti Conseil Géneral Hegis Syti Simone Viola Patricia Guerrero Sysdau Luana Giunta DIDA Tutors Elisa Butelli Marco Mancino Partnership PNR Landes de Gascogne

The French-Italian research network, including urban planners, architects and political scientists, carried out the Bioregion research with the primary objective of experimenting in Aquitaine (France), and in particular in the framework of the Regional Natural Parks already existing (PNR Landes-de-Gascogne) or being established in the Pays Medoc, the resources offered by the Italian territorialist school approach in the field of environmental planning and self-sustainable development of regional territories. An urban bioregion is defined as “a set of local territorial systems strongly transformed by man, marked by a plurality of urban and rural centres organised in reticular and non-hierarchical systems. These systems are linked by environmental relationships tending towards the closure of water, waste, food and energy cycles” (Magnaghi, 2010). The bioregional approach seemed pertinent in the framework of an experimental path undertaken by the French PNRs in terms of sustainable land planning, which takes into account the richness and fragility of natural resources. The PNR framework has proved to be an effective operational structure for connecting territorialist analysis and projects to the Schéma Régional de Cohérence Ecologique. Thanks also to the work of co-tutored trainees and Ph.D. students in research institutes such as CNRS or in local governments (PNR Landes Guascogne, Pays Médoc, Conseil Géneral, SYSDAU), important stages of patrimonial analysis and research-action have been developed, frequently intercepting local actors. The research products Patrimonial atlases of the Gironde territories in contexts like Landes-Guascogne, Médoc and the Bordeaux metropolitan area; new narratives on the long-term patrimonial management of territories (forest, swamp, internal and external waters, settlement systems); a recovery and integration of memories and knowledge in the territorial project; a survey on complex critical issues related to local heritage; strategic projects linked to the polycentric reorganisation of the inland and metropolitan areas, to the food system, to the energetic closure of resources, to the socio-economic valorisation of patrimonial assets; the definition of a complex system of urban centralities; projects for the redevelopment and reconstruction of urban margins integrated into the multifunctional ecological network; a project for the agricultural parks in the Bordeaux urban belt; a promotion of the bioregional vision among local authorities; the inclusion of the “bioregional metropolis” action within the territorial government instruments (SCoT) of the Bordeaux agglomeration.

Pays Médoc Conseil Général de la Gironde SySDAU Regione Toscana


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A territorial scenario

The project concept

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The bioregional MĂŠtropole



Farming with the Arno River Perifluvial agricultural park

Scientific Board Alberto Magnaghi (University of Florence) President UNIFI | DISEI Giovanni Belletti UNIFI | DIDA David Fanfani Maria Rita Gisotti Daniela Poli Francesco Alberti UNIFI | GESAAF Federico Preti Fabio Salbitano UNIFI | DST Carlo Alberto Garzonio Marco Benvenuti UNIFI | DISPAA Simone Orlandini Naturalist Consultant Leonardo Lombardi Research Group Daniela Poli Urban and regional planner, coordinator Riccardo Bocci Agronomist, expert in rural animation and participatory processes with farmers Elisa Butelli Planner, for communication and image Elisa Caruso Planner, for the participatory processes with citizens

Background/Context and location The project area coincides with the periurban area among Florence, Scandicci and Lastra a Signa. More specifically, the site covered by the project is the rural/agricultural area, belonging to the three municipalities, included among the rivers Arno, Greve and Vingone. The whole area is strongly urbanised (the overall urbanised surface passed from 23% in 1954 to 60,55% in 2010). Nevertheless, such territories preserve a rural character, hosting proximity agriculture and horticulture. The project is strongly integrated to the forthcoming “Arno” River Contract. Goals and strategies The project aimed at proposing a new cooperative tool for territorial government, a participatory and shared agricultural park, in order to identify regeneration rules for redeveloping, securing, transforming and managing territories apt to overcome the ‘protected areas’ vision, considering them as mere constraints, and to foster actions and projects pointed at creating new integrated economies favouring local markets, living quality and the beauty of places. In the course of work, the project has refined its primary goals, giving them an operational nature through a research-project-action methodology, which has interacted with local actors spreading awareness and knowledge and, most of all, has helped building positive proposals and shared projects, designed to be carried out through twelve (local or vast area) “social contracts” involving active citizenship, institutions and associations. Key actors involved and their role The project has involved many actors – public institutions (municipalities, Basin Authority, Reclamation Consortium, penitentiaries, schools, hospital and so on), associations of

Adalgisa Rubino Architect, expert in participatory processes with citizens Alessandro Trivisonno Forestry expert, for the participatory processes with farmers Maddalena Rossi Planner, for the participatory processes with citizens Lisa Ariani, architect Irene Conti, planner Agata Miccio, planner Partnership Metropolitan City of Florence, Cities of Florence, Lastra a Signa, Scandicci, Coldiretti Tuscany, Consorzio di Bonifica 3 del Medio Valdarno


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citizens (Legambiente, SlowFood, Pro-Loco of the Settimo plain and S. Vincenzo a Torri, UISP, Associations like “Insieme per la terra”, “Orto X Mille” and so on), farmers – through various forms of interaction and negotiation addressed at building ‘social pacts’ for the care and development of rural areas and the promotion of food security. In order to implement the project hints emerged from the participatory process, a Consortium Agreement for a public/private partnership has been signed in September 2016. Funding source In 2014 the project obtained a grant from the Regional authority for the warranty and the promotion of participation, established in 2013 by the Regional Council of Tuscany (Regional law n. 46/2013). The design scenario

Vision of future along the Arno

Strolling in the food forest and the common gardens.

Phytodepuration as an opportunity for a landscape project.

The Arno as a multifunctional ecological corridor for navigating, playing sports, having rest.

Restoration of the local memory in the connection between the two riverbanks.

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Plans and Projects for the City and the Territory PPCT

Scientific Coordinators David Fanfani Claudio Saragosa Address Polo San Giuseppe via Paladini, 40 Empoli Scientific Board Francesco Alberti Iacopo Bernetti Michela Chiti Carlo Natali Marco Paci Camilla Perrone Daniela Poli Maddalena Rossi Alberto Ziparo Research Group Elena Barbierato Lorenzo Bartali Irene Capecchi Giulio Galletti Tiffany Geti Agata Miccio Michela Moretti Alessandra Pacciani Giacomo Rossi Simone Rossi Alessio Tanganelli Marina Visciano Press Office Francesca Oddo Translator and Editor Agata Miccio


The Laboratory “Plans and Projects for the City and the Territory” is a part of DIDALABS, it is a structure aimed at researching, training and transferring knowledge to the territory. Activated within the protocol of understanding between Territorial Organizations with expertise in the field of planning and the DIDA Department, to organize, coordinate and enhance the territorial governance activities developed in the settlements and territories under their jurisdiction; moreover it operates within the coordination of DIDALABS System Workshops, integrating their competences with those referring to the projects and the action lines activated and to the own fields of the PPCT. The Laboratory PPCT promotes and coordinates training activities such as seminars, workshops, project applications, and also operates as a coordination structure between the Territorial Bodies, the DIDA Department and the University of Florence for the participation in Horizon 2020 calls, national and regional calls and scientific management of funded projects. The activities of the laboratory can involve the fields of knowledge and monitoring of urban and territorial phenomena, planning, evaluation, territorial governance, urban planning within the city and territory. Some Laboratories 1_Urban Innovation Project - Empoli Scientific Coordinator: Francesco Alberti The project intends to establish an organic and integrated program among the objectives set by the POR, in this perspective the following objectives are set: reduction of social hardship in the field of social health services and recovery of buildings and areas for social functions; integrated system of services through the recovery of public assets; functional and intelligent connection of public spaces; experimentation in the field of innovative technological systems; involvement of the various social components and management of equipment and services. 2_Urban Regeneration “Senzuno” - Follonica Scientific Coordinator: David Fanfani Redevelopment project of the urban fabric of Senzuno, through the enhancement of local resources and the contextual context of the territory compared to the wider context of the city of Follonica, both at the infrastructural level but also in the context of complex relationships between the Senzuno district and the fabrics adjacent urban areas. 3_Building scheduling - Livorno Scientific Coordinator: Claudio Saragosa The research project aims to rediscover and valorise areas of the city of great value, but a little known, through a paper and computer filing creating an App for smartphones and tablets and an “urban code”, the urban genetic code, that is the quantities and the proportions that make every human settlement pleasant. The purpose of these tools is to collect accurate information on the city’s buildings that are not deductible from cartography. 4_Census of the Brownfields on the territory of the Metropolitan City of Florence Scientific Coordinator: Claudio Saragosa Census and distribution of urban or urbanized disused areas with pollution problems that require reclamation, redevelopment and re-functionalisation, with a view to functional rebalancing of the territory. research map | dida research system

Urban Innovation Project - Empoli

Urban Regeneration “Senzuno” - Follonica

Building scheduling - Livorno

PIT - Pianura Pisana

5_PIT - Pianura Pisana Scientific Coordinator: Claudio Saragosa PIT Pianura Pisana, from the foothills to the sea, is a project that brings together various public and private entities, with the final objective of recreating a territorial structure able to increase its resilience, to improve the conditions that favour conservation and improvement of biodiversity and fertility of agricultural land, conservation and optimal management of water resources and the creation of local networks for the enhancement of the territory and agricultural supply chains. 6_Operational Plan - Cerreto Guidi Scientific Coordinator: Francesco Alberti, Carlo Natali Studies for the revision of the New Operative Plan and for the re-elaboration of the areas and the discipline of the transformations, in compliance with the Regional Law of Tuscany n.65 of 2014 “Rules for the Government of the Territory”. 7_The periurban woods of Follonica Scientific Coordinator: Iacopo Bernetti The research study the theme of planning and management of those public green areas that are configured as periurban woods in relation to the city of Follonica: the forest of Montioni and the coastal pine forest of Levante. The study mainly uses a multi-criteria analytical method aimed at defining the ecosystem services (landscape, naturalistic, historical-cultural, tourism, protection, etc.) that characterize the complexes with the aim of proposing a strategic view aimed at enhancing the main vocations and relations with the nearby urban settlement. 8_PercLab Scientific Coordinator: Iacopo Bernetti The perception laboratory is aimed at identifying and applying the most advanced techniques of territorial analysis, integrating objective and subjective evaluations through modern instruments: virtual reality, eye tracking, saliency map and three-dimensional simulation. The ultimate objective of the activity is to develop guidelines and tools to support public and private decisions, correlating the results of the evaluations with the actions and regulations of planning and territorial management. 9_Structural Plan - Rosignano Marittimo Scientific Coordinator: Claudio Saragosa The research deepens the study of the Statute of the Territory of the Municipality of Rosignano Marittimo as the foundation of the drafting of the new Structural Plan L.R. 65/2014, examining the main concepts and foundations of Territorial Heritage, Structural Invariant, Territorial Statute, Sustainable Development, Elementary Organic Territorial Unit. laboratories | tel



Follonica Periurban Forests

Scientific Coordinator Claudio Saragosa Address Polo San Giuseppe via Paladini, 13 Empoli Scientific Board Iacopo Bernetti Francesco Ferrini Claudio Saragosa Research Fellow Marina Visciano Press Office Francesca Oddo

The research is focused on theme of periurban forests’ planning and management in Follonica: forest of Montioni and east coastal pine forest. First complex is a ‘bridge’ between sea and hinterland. In forest there are a lot of archaeological testimonies of Montioni’s mining history, and it has a high nature value. Second complex is a coastal pine forest near Follonica and it can be divided in three parts: the ‘head’, linked to the city, it’s used as ‘urban park’; second part, is characterized by strong presence of touristic spaces and structures, with consequent anthropic pressures. Finally, third part is characterized by typical environmental role of the coastal pine forest. The research use method of multi-criteria analysis applied to forest types and agro-eco-mosaics of area to define ecosistemic services that characterizes the complexes. Final objective is to propose a strategic scenery to valorise forests’ principal vocations.

Editor Marina Visciano













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Brownfields Survey

of the Metropolitan City of Florence

Scientific Coordinator Claudio Saragosa Address Polo San Giuseppe, via Paladini, 40 Empoli Scientific Board Claudio Saragosa Iacopo Bernetti Research Fellow Giacomo Rossi Press Office Francesca Oddo Editor Giacomo Rossi

The topic of the research carried out within the DIDA Plans and Projects for the City and the Territory, commissioned by the Metropolitan City of Florence, is part of the territorial transformations that have taken place significantly from the 50s to today. After the long processes of structuring of the territory and the phases of development and transformation of the various productive activities disseminated in urban and suburban areas, we are today in the presence of large areas that are variously abandoned with sometimes very complex recovery problems. The so-called brownfields, production areas abandoned or in a state of degradation or under-utilization, with known or perceived environmental pollution, relevant for the urban and territorial regeneration processes. At a time when, at least in Tuscany, work is being done to reduce rural land consumption, so as to limit urbanization according to the provisions of LRT 65/2014, brownfields become strategic for any urban regeneration path and metropolitan. In these areas, once they have been redeveloped, they can be provided in fact those functions that would otherwise have to be located in the external perimeter of the urbanized areas, creating new and deplorable processes of land consumption. At the same time, they offer the possibility of experimenting participatory processes on a subject that is strongly felt by the community.


420 ha

sites surveyed


90 ha




territorio aperto


tessuti della città produttiva e specialistica

frange urbane e città diffusa

valore sociale

tessuti urbani a prevalente funzione residenziale e mista

percezione del sito







TR11 valore culturale

35 sites 60 ha

94ha 131ha 110ha 83ha

valore posizionale valore di mercato









insule specializzate 23



tessuto sfrangiato di margine







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Home of People and Equality plan of urban innovation

Scientific Coordinators Francesco Alberti Carlo Natali Research Group Design Managers Francesco Berni Simone Scortecci Design Group Andrea Borghi Ilaria Massini Lorenzo Nofroni Matteo Benedettelli Michela Ciacci

A research team of the Dipartimento di Architettura of Florence, in collaboration with the municipality of Empoli, has planned a set of urban interventions for the historic centre of Empoli inspired by the idea of an inclusive city, catalyst of urban, economic and environmental regeneration. The project is part of the Urban Innovation Projects of Regione Toscana, supported by the EU’s Structural Funds POR-FESR 2014-2020 for regeneration, and it was selected - through a competitive call - to be financed with 6.1 million Euros, in addition to the 2.9 million Euros co-financed by the municipality.

Data Processing Group Ran Farhi Simona Fusiello Giovanni Leoncini Simone Rossi Carlotta Sergiacomi Francesca Tommasoni Collaborators Antonio Faija Andrea Morbidoni

The intervention is located in a fringe area of the historic centre, near the train station and outside the pedestrian area where the main public spaces and facilities are positioned. The site has not been re-designed yet, and it is poorly permeable due to the fragmented internal pathways. The abandoned building compounds, owned and disposed by the Public Administration to face budgetary problems, allowed the development of projects which increase services that promote inter-generational exchange, social solidarity and the meeting of different communities of the area, in a regenerated and revitalised urban context, safe, accessible and with new functions. The project is a model for the valorisation of public properties, whose greatest strength lies in search for the best match between social needs and available space.


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VR perceptual evaluation

Scientific Director Iacopo Bernetti Address Polo San Giuseppe via L. Paladini 40 Empoli (FI) Scientific Coordinator Claudio Saragosa Research Group Elena Barbierato Irene Capecchi Maria Cipollaro Sandro Sacchelli

The perceptual laboratory is aimed at researching urban and landscape quality, basing on the awareness of the loss of value of some spaces. These particular spaces do not favour the sense of recognizing oneself and the sense of belonging to the place where people live. The cause of the alienation of man with the surrounding environment derives from the inability to reproduce spaces according to coherent structural models that determine a perception of the place faithful to the forma mentis of a given cultural reality. Thus it is necessary to regenerate these places through the identification of those spatial patterns capable of generating emotion and empathy, since each individual acts and behaves according to how the space is composed. For this reason public perception, subjective expression of value judgments, has acquired a strategic importance in the political decisions of the territorial government, considering, therefore, the evaluation operation a fundamental tool in planning and regional planning, which anticipates and supports the real decision-making moment. Therefore some researchers over time have tried to solve this complex issue through two different approaches: objectivist and subjectivist paradigm. The first method, conducted mainly by experts, maintains that quality is inherent in its own components, or the formal rules that make up high quality spaces. The second one is based on the judgment and on the evaluation of the interviewed people taken into consideration and it allows to evaluate the landscape from a visual-perceptive point of view. Consequently the methodological proposal that the laboratory offers to try to integrate the different approaches in a single evaluation framework, which uses advanced tool. In particular big data, social media, virtual reality, eye tracking, saliency map and three-dimensional simulation. The ultimate purpose of the research activity is to develop guidelines and tools to support public and private decisions, correlating the results of the above mentioned assessments with the actions and regulations of regional planning.








URBAN & LANDSCAPE QUALITY laboratories | tel



Regional Design Lab

Scientific Director Giuseppe De Luca Scientific Coordinator Valeria Lingua Address Palazzo San Clemente via P. A. Micheli, 2 Firenze Research Fellows Luca Di Figlia Carlo Pisano Michela Chiti Chiara Farnè Fratini Raffaella Fucile Devid Orlotti Elisa Caruso Collaborators Matteo Scamporrino Patricia Guerriro Damiano Iacopetti Alexander Palummo Caterina Fusi Michela Fiaschi Annarita Lapenna Lara Tozzi

Manifesto 10 points for an adaptive planning

1 CHOOSE THE SOCIAL REFERENCE MODEL Urbanism is an action that refers to practical reason. This is why it is a technological investment to transpose a desired social, economic and environmental structure towards the near future. Before starting any regulatory device, it is necessary to ask ourselves what kind of social model we want to implement. The European Union is the social and economic model of reference and the principles are the European ones acknowledged by the member states: subsidiarity, adequacy and cohesion, on the basis of which it is necessary to find the appropriate scale with respect to urban and territorial functions and policies.

2 OVERCOMETHE PRINCIPLE OF UNIFORMITY Urbanism is the reorganization of the territorial structures. It is an action that outlines organizational modalities among the territories, for this it requires the overcoming of the principle of uniformity of all territorial entities, with respect to urban practices and its spatial “ingredients”. To bring the territory of the various institutions closer to the real economy, new narratives and new inter-institutional cooperative governance are needed.

3 OVERLAY INSTITUTIONAL BOUNDARIES Urbanism is the right spatial dimension for action. The municipal administrative boundaries are no longer able to include the economic and productive factors that underlie the communities. Institutional cooperation to define the right spatial dimension is a necessity for innovative, inclusive and active territorial and urban policies.

4 REDUCE REGIONAL ECLECTISM Urbanism is the interconnection of institutional arrangements. Regional legislative systems have produced a sort of “eclectic” regionalist federalism with the introduction of very diversified tools, procedures and contents, which does not seem to correspond to an interregional and inter-institutional debate on the effective definition of the field of action of the so-called “government of territory” and its concrete anchoring to the practices of action.

5 OVERCOME INEFFECTIVE SECTORIALISM Urbanism is overcoming the separate planning sectors. Urbanism, meant as government of the territory, is a cooperative action, which presupposes the recomposition and


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integration of what concerns the defence of the territory, the protection and enhancement of the environment (landscape, basin, reclamation plans, parks, etc.) and of what has operational content (infrastructure, transport, health, facilities, landfills, quarries, etc.).






Interpreting, selecting and planning is the planner’s operational supply chain. There is no urbanism without social and economic interpretation. There is no urbanism without selection of backgrounds, facts, and contents. There is no urbanism without an efficient, sustainable and fair narrative and vision towards which we should tend.






Urbanism is the construction of the public city and of the common space. The project of the public city requires territorial endowments and performances which are different from the traditional urban planning standard. The territorial endowments constitute that set of equipment, works and spaces which make a site “urban” and determine its quality. For this reason, they must also include intangible infrastructures, without which contemporary society would be limited.

1 8








Urbanism is a management tool for public governance. To govern the territory, one must have inspiring principles: those of equity and efficiency in action. Forms of cooperation and coordination of the instruments, at the different scales of the project, must determine conditions of greater equity and greater efficiency. These are achieved when the project calls for equalization and urban compensation.




Urbanism is a project of territory and city. It is one of the main tools for the formation of urban land rent, but it does not govern taxation, contribution or tariff levy related to the surplus values generated or derived from it, directly or indirectly. The regulatory dimension of the adaptive urban plan must also be used as a fiscal instrument.





Urbanism is a process of research-action, for this reason it is adaptive to the physical-spatial context and to the existing socio-economic circumstances. The behaviour of the actors is tactical, because it is open to the unexpected and to the control of the repercussions that the action produces in reality. An adaptive plan is built with a vision, which aims to regulate the governance needs of cities and territories in an ecosystemic, sustainable and creative perspective.

1 8 4


10 6 5

3 9


Mission The Regional Design Lab carries out research activities and offers educational services in the field of Regional Design and large area planning. Approaching the analysis and practices of spatial planning of large areas from the point of view of the theories of Regional Design, the aim of the Laboratory is to answer some of the common questions regarding the academic debate and satisfy the administrative needs of the regional government, which concern: laboratories | tel



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• the increase in cooperative practices (beyond the traditional administrative boundaries and towards larger problem-areas) and the definition of appropriate policies which respect local differences; • the institutional forms of cooperation (such as planning agreements and protocols, meetings of public agencies and service providers) and the relationship with the urban and regional planning instruments which are in force or undergoing changes in different procedural stages; • the management of possible conflicts or difficulties faced by some agencies when undertaking projects in cooperation with other entities; • the outcomes in terms of shared large area strategies.


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Regional Design Lab

Urban Design beyond the local

The Regional Design approach is tested through studies and explorations that address the concrete aspects of spatial and urban planning: the laboratory provides scientific and technical support to research institutions and public bodies in drafting of guidelines and in development of local urban planning tools. The effectiveness of the Regional Design approach is experienced on a multi-level field: from macro to micro scale, from strategy to tactics (and return). The research interest concerns multiple areas in which it is essential to link wide strategic visions with punctual urban interventions, especially proposing disused and abandoned spaces as case studies.

Scientific Director Giuseppe De Luca Scientific Coordinator Valeria Lingua Address Palazzo San Clemente via P. A. Micheli 2 Firenze Research Fellows Luca Di Figlia Carlo Pisano Michela Chiti Chiara Farnè Fratini Raffaella Fucile Devid Orlotti Elisa Caruso

URBAN REGENERATION IN PORT AREAS: Arcimed | Mediterranean Arcipelago ; Strategic Asset | Port of Livorno ADAPTIVE PLANS: Local Plan | Roccastrada; Local Plan | Certaldo

Collaborators Matteo Scamporrino Patricia Guerriro Damiano Iacopetti Alexander Palummo Caterina Fusi Michela Fiaschi Annarita Lapenna Lara Tozzi

TEN-T 2013 CORRIDOIO Mediterraneo

TEN-T 2013 CORRIDOIO Reno - Alpi

TEN-T 2013 CORRIDOIO Baltico-Adriatico

TEN-T 2013 CORRIDOIO scandinavo mediterraneo

piattaforma transnazionale TI-BRE




Savona La Spezia Vado Ligure

PNLP 2015 ADS Mar Ligure Occidentale

piattaforma transnazionale TOSCO-EMILIANA

Carrara PNLP 2015 ADSP Mar Ligure Orientale

PIT 2007 piattaforma Logistica Toscana











piattaforma nazionale tosco umbra marchigiana

Livorno PRS 2016 Piano di Sviluppo della Costa PNLP 2015 ADSP Mar Tirreno Settentrionale

Piombino Portoferraio

Sistemi infrastrutturali porti sede di autoritĂ portuale porti di interesse nazionale aeroporti interporti

PNLP 2015 ADSP Mar Tirreno Centro-Settentrionale Civitavecchia

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Regional Design Lab

Strategic planning for Metropolitan Cities

Scientific Director Giuseppe De Luca Scientific Coordinator Valeria Lingua Address Palazzo San Clemente via P. A. Micheli, 2 Firenze Research Fellows Luca Di Figlia Carlo Pisano Michela Chiti Chiara Farnè Fratini Raffaella Fucile Devid Orlotti Elisa Caruso

Regional Design is characterized by a communicative and argumentative approach, capable of activating processes of extended interaction, involving social and institutional actors, in order to transpose knowledge into action through cooperative practices. For this reason, the Regional Design approach is appropriate for strategic planning of vast territories, which in the national context has discovered renewed propulsion with the administrative reorganization determined by the law 56/2014 and through the establishment of metropolitan cities. Metropolitan cities, in particular the metropolitan city of Florence, represent the key issue of the laboratory. STRATEGIC PLAN 2030 | METROPOLITAN CITY OF FLORENCE : Metropolitan Renaissance ; Monitoring of PSM 2030 COOPERATION VERSUS CONFLICTS: Metro-Conflicts; Metropolitan Cooperative Tools

Collaborators Matteo Scamporrino Patricia Guerriro Damiano Iacopetti Alexander Palummo Caterina Fusi Michela Fiaschi Annarita Lapenna Lara Tozzi


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Regional Design Lab

Planning across local boundaries

Scientific Director Giuseppe De Luca Scientific Coordinator Valeria Lingua Address Palazzo San Clemente via P. A. Micheli, 2 Firenze Research Fellows Luca Di Figlia Carlo Pisano Michela Chiti Chiara Farnè Fratini Raffaella Fucile Devid Orlotti Elisa Caruso Collaborators Matteo Scamporrino Patricia Guerriro Damiano Iacopetti Alexander Palummo Caterina Fusi Michela Fiaschi Annarita Lapenna Lara Tozzi

Visioning is the fundamental and connotative component of Regional Design that combines the ‘analytical’ and ‘normative’ dimension of planning concepts; moreover, Regional Design assumes a third dimension, the ‘discursive’ one, through which spatial representations assist the analytic process of co-production of knowledge and, at the same time, attribute meaning to the definition of policies, through their spatial transposition. The design effectiveness of the Vision is adopted, in the Regional Design laboratory, in large scale planning: in river contracts and in the strategic planning of Unions of Municipalities. MAKING THE REGION VISIBLE | RIVER CONTRACTS: River Contracts of Calore ; River Contracts of Ombrone VISIONING FOR SPATIAL PLANNING | INTER-COMMUNAL PLANNING: Municipal Union of Valdera; Municipal Union of Tavarnelle V.P. and Barberino V.E. Coesione




Regional Design Lab

Scientific Independence for young Researchers AREA VASTA

A new form of localism in Italy: challenges, risks and opportunities for spatial planning across local boundaries

Scientific Director Giuseppe De Luca Scientific Coordinator Valeria Lingua Address Palazzo San Clemente via P. A. Micheli, 2 Firenze Research Fellows Luca Di Figlia Carlo Pisano Michela Chiti Chiara Farnè Fratini Raffaella Fucile Devid Orlotti Elisa Caruso Collaborators Matteo Scamporrino Patricia Guerriro Damiano Iacopetti Alexander Palummo Caterina Fusi Michela Fiaschi Annarita Lapenna Lara Tozzi


The project aims to understand the forms and outcomes of cooperative spatial planning practices at a supra-local level. Assuming co-operation as one of the key challenges for planning strategically across local boundaries, the research will deal with the rescaling of formal planning activities carried out by joint local authorities, under a cooperative attitude that, in a Localism era, is supposed to replace sub-regional planning strategies. The research focuses on the changes occurring in the Italian planning system after the Law 135/2012 that, in the name of the spending review, aims to abolish the provincial level, obligating municipalities with certain population and territorial surface requirements to come together into “Unions of competences”, including planning, and obligating the 10 main regional cities to form joint metropolitan city governments. Notwithstanding the obvious differences in the institutional systems and planning cultures, the research provides a comparative perspective with other West European countries where this obligation is active since several time (i.e. the “agglomerations” system in France, introduced in 1999) or has just been putted in place (i.e. the obligation for municipalities to face strategic issues under a “duty to cooperate” in England, under the Localism Act 2011) or in other countries where the national or regional governments incentive cooperation (i.e. the “Regionale” in Germany or ongoing sub-regional planning practices in The Netherlands and Sweden). Despite the strong differences between countries, Italy could take advantage from looking to these experiences, that have conveyed to questions and answers very close to the demands for change in place. Of course, the need of co-operation on strategic issues is not new. Institutions have an old history of working together and with other bodies to address planning issues of common concern. Nevertheless, the emergence of cooperation as a duty, i.e. as a new obligation for Local Authorities in all fields (including spatial planning), certainly poses some questions concerning the redefinition of planning spaces, the role of the planner, the access to the cooperative arena. If these are typical problems of collaborative planning, the government expectation for plan-making authorities to undertake joint work on supra-local concerns affects issues of governance rescaling and accountability for planning. The research aims to systematize the lessons learned from the solutions given to strategic issues in previous Italian and European sub-regional/ supra-local co-operative practices, in terms of shared strategies, in order to define: • the pertinent extension of cooperation, in relation to the concerned issues and typologies of agreements; • a model for evaluating the effectiveness of cooperation; • a virtual platform for managing supra-local planning. The expected results are concerned with the definition of policy recommendations for join supra-local planning, addressed to Local Planning Authorities and practitioners. The challenge is the redrawing of inter-institutional relations and spaces of planning on cooperative basis, for defining relevant planning strategies across local boundaries. The research should thus provide guidelines (collected in a manual for planning officers and councillors) aimed to approach supra-local planning practices as co-operative platforms between different councils, capable to really imprint local planning strategies.

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PhD Programs


PhD Programs

PhD Course Coordinator Giuseppe De Luca Address Santa Teresa, via della Mattonaia, 8 Firenze Directors of Curricula Barbara Aterini Mario Bevilacqua Francesco Collotti Giuseppe Lotti Gabriele Paolinelli Camilla Perrone Marco Sala Ugo Tonietti

The primary strategic objective of the PhD program in Architecture, in cultural and economic terms and both at a national and supranational level, is the conservation and sustainable valorisation of the cultural heritage, from landscapes and cities to buildings and artefacts. The purpose is to train highly qualified academics and professionals, capable both of contributing to and transmitting the comprehensive knowledge related to the fields in question, and of collaborating, with a propositive and executive attitude, with the private and public entities involved. All the classical fields related to architecture are present (history of architecture and design, urban planning, landscape architecture, architectural design, architectural restoration, construction technology, physics, science and techniques, industrial design, real estate appraisal), as well as other concomitant subjects (mathematics, social sciences, history, physical sciences). This integration of fields allows doctoral candidates to experiment with various types of research methods using both traditional and innovative technologies. Comparison and contrast with similar international research entities must respond to the transnational nature of the objectives Professional and employment possibilities The first possibility is research, either at a university, at an alternative research centre, or in the industrial sector, in the many fields related to the construction industry and industrial design. The high qualifications offered by the program allow graduates to operate in very interesting and greatly dynamic fields, and in state of the art technological conditions. As for a technical position, the possibilities are manifold and include employment in the various sectors of the public administration, both at the local, regional, state and communitarian levels, as well as in private enterprises.


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phd programs


Urban and Architectural Planning and Design

PhD Thesis

Byzantium, Constantinople, Istanbul: fragments of generous ideas The case-study of Sedad Hakki Eldem

Author: Serena Acciai I Advisor: Francesco Collotti I XXIV Cycle I 2012 The two PhD Thesis consider the relationship with ancient places as contemporary urban issues. The analysed case studies are aimed at proving the modernity of tradition. PhD Program Coordinator Francesco Collotti Scientific Board ICAR 14 Fabrizio Arrigoni Riccardo Butini Fabio Capanni Francesco Collotti Maria Grazia Eccheli Alberto Manfredini Fabrizio Rossi Prodi Paolo Zermani


The research analyses the work of Sedad Hakkı Eldem (1908-1988) and is aimed at showing how the ancient is truly a source of “design” in Istanbul, a city where cultural interactions are rooted in every instance of transformation. With the analytical tools of the architect, but also relying on the graphic and textual documentation that characterizes the work of the historian, the author traces the lines of a poetics of environmental domestication. Eldem’s work is investigated in its continuity against the rich, multi-cultural palimpsest of the urban heritage and landscape, and in its complex articulation of an opus where modernity and sense of place, monumentality and human dimension, institutional space and the concrete experience of place enter in synergy. Eldem’s dialogue with the European protagonists of modern design does not challenge his Turkish identity. In Serena Acciai’s reading, his relationship with Le Corbusier, with Perret and Bonatz are as crucial as his commitment to exploring and reworking the characters of the dwelling model which he himself called ‘Turkish’, but which is actually transnational and multicultural, extending from the Balkans to Anatolia and Egypt. Developed from an architectural point of view, this thesis produced important historical knowledge, drawing on unpublished materials in the Eldem’s archives.

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Garden place composition

Comparative analysis of 17th-20th century East and Central Asia gardens Author: Mostafa Movahedinia I Advisor: Francesco Collotti I XXVI I Cycle 2014 Western and central Asia, given its climate, requires the creation of green and fresh spaces; these spaces, in the history of this area, are built as gardens. These gardens have architectural characteristics and styles so remarkable that they need a detailed historical study. The theme of the research is based on an in-depth analysis of the gardens in western and central Asia over three centuries: between 1600 and 1900 AD. Necessarily, the research extends its field of interest also to previous periods, where the presuppositions of a specific and rooted culture are thrown. The general objective of the research is to identify a “theory for a practice�, searching the compositional codes to approach the making of a garden. Making a garden means being able to control a process that requires mastery over the theory and composition of the gardens in the area under examination, therefore means exercising a discipline that requires specific technical and practical skills, theoretical and compositional knowledge. To achieve this goal we started from the in-depth study of the individual gardens and the reading of their places. An haptic approach, not a theoretical one. In the first part we talk about the problems existing in the study path and the research method.

phd programs


Urban and Architectural Planning and Design

The Doorway Area

A Lesson from travelling in the works of Louis I. Kahn Author: Roberto Bosi I Advisor: Fabio Capanni I XXIX Cycle I 2017 The following doctoral researches deal with the theme of the relationship between space, light and structure, with particular attention to the transitional spaces between interior and exterior in the work of Louis I. Kahn and the importance of the role of light in sacred architecture of Pier Luigi Nervi. PhD Program Coordinator Francesco Collotti Scientific Board ICAR 14

During his several trips to Europe, Louis I. Kahn registered the spatiality of ancient Mediterranean architecture on his travel journals, with as much precision as a seismometer would do. From an analysis of some of his relevant sketches from the first journey (19281929) and the second one (1950-1951), it is clear that the chosen point of view is very significant for him. It allows him to establish a relationship between the architecture and the context, moving from the shade to the light to represent the connection between internal and external areas, as a doorway organized in a sequence of spaces, be they porches, openings or anything else. Louis I. Kahn had already dealt with the doorway theme in his juvenile project on Casa Weiss, where internal and external spaces were managed through a two-dimensional diaphragm. The doorway will then become a central theme in all his later projects, such as for the U.S. Consulate in Luanda, Angola, for the Salk Institute in La Jolla, California, for the Indian Institute of Management in Ahmedabad and for both the Parliament and the Hospital in Dhaka. In these projects, the doorway is considered as a space on its own, encompassing the internal building with another building.

Fabrizio Arrigoni Riccardo Butini Fabio Capanni Francesco Collotti Maria Grazia Eccheli Alberto Manfredini Fabrizio Rossi Prodi Paolo Zermani


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The structurality of space

Light in sacred architecture of Pier Luigi Nervi Author: Angela Benfante I Advisor: Fabio Capanni I XXXI Cycle I 2017 Pier Luigi Nervi, protagonist of the twentieth century architecture, produces during his long career a large number of original and emblematic projects and realizations where the most surprising thing is the essentiality of the architectural space defined exclusively by structure and natural light. G. C. Argan wrote in 1955: “the constructions of Nervi aim above all to define the structurality of the space-light; and since the space-light or, which is the same, the space-phenomenon manifests itself in the luminous sensation, it is clear that the process of formal intuition must move from sensation and tend to produce a sensation, of which the inner structure or coherence is manifested. This explains the continuous variety of the structural textures of this architecture: a variety that tends to reproduce in the form the infinite possibilities of refraction and diffraction of light rays, to develop the whole series of relationships between quantity and luminous quality.“(Argan G.C., 1955, Pier Luigi Nervi, Il Balcone, Milan). The research aims to confirm the statements of Giulio Carlo Argan by analysing the works and projects of sacred architecture by Pier Luigi Nervi, which are little known works but suitable to deepen the theme of natural light and the relationship with the structure as fundamental elements in the definition of space.

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Urban and Architectural Planning and Design

Touching what is invisible

Light and Shadow, architecture design’s fourth dimensions Luis Ramiro Barragan Author: Alessandro Cossu I Advisor: Maria Grazia Eccheli I XXIX Cycle I 2017 PhD Program Coordinator Francesco Collotti Scientific Board ICAR 14 Fabrizio Arrigoni Riccardo Butini Fabio Capanni Francesco Collotti Maria Grazia Eccheli Alberto Manfredini Fabrizio Rossi Prodi Paolo Zermani

The research aims to investigate the role that light and shadow have in the perception of architectural space and in the determination of the character of buildings: if “architecture is the wise, rigorous and magnificent play of the volumes under the light”, it is up to the dialectic element of the shadow the task of identifying the character of the buildings. For an investigation that is not merely theoretical and / or abstract, it has seemed useful to analyse the compositional principles used by those who, among the interpreters of the Modern Movement, have been able to raise the theme of light and shadow to real building material, like lime and cement: Luis Ramiro Barragán Morfín. Starting from the analysis of the theoretical doctrine of the Modern Movement, exhibited by two of the major interpreters, such as Le Corbusier and Louis I. Kahn - whom Barragán has the opportunity to know -, the thesis aims to investigate how the Mexican master, during the course of his composing career, he analysed and put into practice these theoretical statements, transposing them both in the light of his human character of great pathos and spirituality, and also to his conscience as a child of Mexican culture, taking part in the construction of Emotional Architecture. The exile of shadows Emotional architecture turns out to be the synthesis of a careful analysis that, to its veiled shoulders, presupposes a succession of contaminations that border on the field of art, architecture, philosophy and visual perception. What is certain is that, although we can be misled by the definition of the term, it does not appear to be a true architectural current, nor an almanac of compositional suggestions, but rather a long reflection on the methods of composing, which find in Barragán the greatest exponent, but that however they do not have a direct correspondence with words written by the author. All this finds justification in the very personality of the teacher of Guadalajara, extremely introverted and reserved. The transmissibility of the teachings is taken over by Mathias Goeritz, who in his multiple and controversial opportunistic positions, realizes an encroachment from the field of art to that of architecture, realizing, no longer symbolic works without function, but a real and its own architecture, which, in the intent of the author, can become a manifestation of these concepts: the El Eco experimental museum. In this “adventure” apparently Luis Barragán leaves no trace of his presence, but the construction seems to pay constant tribute, even with some apparent “errors”. This intervention, realized by will and by the hand of Goeritz, sums up all the contaminations that will be transformed, at the time of the inauguration, into the Manifesto of Emotional Architecture, written by the German artist, but which contains contaminations and experiences of a whole group that for years shares the principles of composing not only understood as those of the field of architecture, but of composing an emotion.


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phd programs


Urban and Architectural Planning and Design

Urban types in Italian residential complexes since 1970 Author: Tommaso Rafanelli I Advisor: Fabrizio Rossi Prodi I XXVI Cycle I 2014

A few doctorate studies reconsider the contents and methods of urban design, explore in detail the themes of public space and in-between spaces, the evolution of urban types, the features of residential settlements and some typing tools of settlements and neighborhood. PhD Program Coordinator Francesco Collotti Scientific Board ICAR 14

The research explores the problems inherent in the urban analysis of contemporary Italian residence, identifying a methodology for research on the scale of the urban pattern. The difficulties encountered in trying to classify contemporary residence are mainly due to the heterogeneity of building types and settlement rules that determine the disposition of the building on the parcel. The analytical apparatus generally referred to the historical city is then reinterpreted through a “change of typological scale” (C. Aymonino) that allows to identify formal invariants on the scale of the urban pattern, named “urban types”. The proposed classification is based on the observation of the elements that contribute to define the urban pattern: the building, the lot and the road network. The city is therefore understood globally considering as a field of investigation those transformations of “consolidated” districts or recent peripheral expansions that identify precise relationships between these elements, regardless of their extent.

Fabrizio Arrigoni Riccardo Butini Fabio Capanni Francesco Collotti Maria Grazia Eccheli Alberto Manfredini Fabrizio Rossi Prodi Paolo Zermani


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In-between places in the urban project in Netherlands and Italy

Author: Francesca Genise I Advisor: Fabrizio Rossi Prodi I XXIII Cycle I 2011

The design of urban space, understood as a space free from rigid distinctions between public and private property, finds its completeness in the architectural qualification of threshold spaces; the relationship between road and private spaces exists only thanks to the quality of the project on the threshold, understood as an in-between place (A. Van Eyck). From the second post-war period, the road will no longer be conceived as a corridor, but as the first place beyond the doorway where social relations are possible, the urban block will open in search of an intermediate staircase where the relationship between neighbouring buildings can take shape. In this sense, the articulation of the in-between space becomes the most important aspect, since in relation to how the space is articulated a certain plasticity is conferred to the places that is decisive for its perception. The intermediate space becomes, therefore, a complementary element to the buildings in the qualification of the block, but it also becomes part of a system of places held together by flows (polycentric net of K. Lynch) that innervate the city and that allow to keep together at the same time the scale of the house and that of the city.

phd programs


Urban and Architectural Planning and Design

Between place and journey

Angiolo Mazzoni’s architecture from Italy to Colombia Author: Giulio Basili I Advisor: Paolo Zermani I Cycle XXVI I 2014 PhD Program Coordinator Francesco Collotti Scientific Board ICAR 14 Fabrizio Arrigoni Riccardo Butini Fabio Capanni Francesco Collotti Maria Grazia Eccheli Alberto Manfredini Fabrizio Rossi Prodi Paolo Zermani

The research explores the design activity of the architect and engineer Angiolo Mazzoni, in the relationship between Italian production expressed from the mid Twenties until the Thirties and the projects developed in Colombia between 1948 and 1963. The original feature of this story is represented by the emblematic comparison that the architect establishes with the landscape and the architectural tradition of the two countries. Mazzoni is fully placed inside of the typological transformation process of many technically complex buildings. The results of this research oscillate, in both circumstances, between “traditionalist” and “modern” solutions, with the controversial ambition to be included in the Italian tradition of the early twentieth century, also in foreign countries. This aim desired by Mazzoni with the definition of “futurism”, but rather recognizable, especially in Italy, in a good identification with the Dechirichian metaphysical figuration.

Modern Masters at Palazzo Strozzi The exhibitions of Wright, Le Corbusier and Aalto Effects on the Florentine School Author: Lisa Carotti I Advisor: Paolo Zermani I Cycle XXVI I 2014 The research investigates the story of the exhibitions organized at Palazzo Strozzi from 1951 to 1966, dedicated to Wright, Le Corbusier and Aalto and conceived by Ragghianti as part of a post-war political-cultural project, where the re-foundation of the arts and their disclosure represents an opportunity for collective awareness and a means of achieving freedom. A program that assigns to the modern architectural language a cathartic, re-


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generative role, able to trigger a process of rebirth of the Italian culture. Successfully inaugurated by Frank Lloyd Wright’s exhibition, Ragghianti’s project loses its strength as it is realized, because of the reduction of the general program and the time dilation between one exhibition and the other, but also due to the impossibility for Ragghianti to express his own vision through the exhibitions. The weakness of the results is reflected, perhaps, in the architecture built in Florence between the ‘50s and’ 60s, which too often rereads the Masters’ lesson in a superficial way, so much so that it is questionable if this reading would not have been deeper under the guidance of what could be Ragghianti’s exegesis of Modern architecture.

Alvar Aalto and Italy

The ancient roots of New Finland Author: Chiara De Felice I Advisor: Paolo Zermani I Cycle XXIX I 2017 This analysis investigates the bond between Aalto and Italy. It enlightens the permanent knowledge of the ancient Mediterranean world as model and reference during his whole production. The evolution, that leads Aalto’s oeuvre towards an increasing abstraction and deeper synthesis, is presented through the reconstruction of some main episodes of Aalto’s story. The chronicle of his journeys in Italy, combine with Aalto’s photos and sketches of his trips, demonstrates how the Italian journey is always experienced by Aalto with the same feeling, almost reverential, for the Italian dimension. At the same time it represents the metamorphosis of Aalto’s gaze on landscape and architecture: progressively released from formal issues, but closer to universal themes instead. A symbolic journey, nearly Omeric, trough the themes of tradition and human nature.

phd programs


Technology of Architecture

Healthcare architecture and design

PhD Program Coordinator Marco Sala Main Investigators Romano Del Nord Paolo Felli M. Chiara Torricelli Alessandra Cucurnia Nicoletta Setola Luca Marzi Scientific Board ICAR 12 - ICAR 14 - ICAR 22 - ING-IND 11 Antonio Lauria Marta Berni Roberto Bologna Cosimo Carlo Buccolieri Cristina Carletti Stefano Carrer Gianfranco Cellai Alessandra Cucurnia Romano Del Nord Maria Antonietta Esposito Paola Gallo Ilaria Garofolo Marco Sala Simone Secchi Carlo Terpolilli Maria Chiara Torricelli Leonardo ZaffI

The evolution of architectural and urban conception of health and care structures sees the affirmation of a less specialized approach, not only based on functional and technological aspects. The renewed interest in the architectural and urban quality of care places moves in a systemic vision, that aims at promoting structures conceived as a network, from the point of view of the functions to be performed and inserted in the economic, social and territorial context. At the centre of this vision there is no longer the hospital with its technological complexity, but the person with his/her life and needs, people able to provide assistance and care, the social context and the people’s health that should be protected and promoted. Research main objectives, approaches, and methodologies Research in architecture is based on analytical and interpretative methodologies to propose design solutions capable to respond to functional, technological and process requirements, that could be responsible and innovative, in terms of space quality, technological efficiency, social, environmental and economic sustainability. The Technology of Architecture, intended as a discipline of the project, with the development of research and design methodologies, particularly in Italian technological culture, brings a specific, non-specialist contribution, able to coordinate the different skills necessary to design health facilities, starting from the living places and arriving to the places of acute care. The application areas do not materialize in predetermined building types, but rather in places capable of adapting to the evolution of the use and technological requirements and operating on a network, to respond to a changing society, to the new acquisitions of the medical and social sciences, to the plurality of needs of each person, that are exacerbated in the case of fragile, sick or disabled people.

Daily Centre Suitable Enabling and Friendly

Evaluation Tool of environmental quality for people with dementia Author: Gianluca Darvo I Advisor: Alessandra Cucurnia Research purpose is to consider if and to what extent spatial and environmental features can improve quality of life of people with dementia and, consequently, can lighten caregiver burden. The results is a preliminary evaluation tool of spatial and environmental attributes of Daily Centres for people with dementia, according to their influence on well-being and quality of life. Tool is useful both for managers, as a support to consciously direct actions and resources, and for users, as a vehicle to improve their space perception and to promote high quality levels in facilities for people with dementia.


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ASD: architecturAbility

Sensory “therapeutic” environments to make people Able. An integrated life project for people with Autism Spectrum Disorder Author: Elena Bellini I Advisor: Maria Chiara Torricelli ASD is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterised by challenges with social skills, communication, repetitive behaviours and sensory perception. The most recent data estimate autism’s prevalence as 1 in 68 children (CDCP, USA) with a male-to-female ratio of 4:1. This research aims to improve the quality of life of people with ASD in living environments, to make them Able and included in the society. This research affirms also that universal design is not the right answer for ASD, as it can differ a lot from person to person. On the contrary, it is presented a new co-design approach to support the design process based on flexibility, customisation and dynamic space. The autism-friendly waiting room in Careggi Hospital is an application of this method and the first example in Italy of a sensory room in Emergency Department.

FLexible, Universal, and Adaptable system for acute patient room Author: Virginia Serrani I Advisor: Maria Chiara Torricelli Research purpose is to improve services provided by patient room, in the light of the complexity of users’ needs, and to optimize the production system related, in relation to the request for flexibility in short and long term. The analysis of technological and environmental requirements, users’ needs, specific features linked to medical specialities and levels of care, allow the development of a “unique” patient room. The construction of a performance requirements framework and the following development of a fit-out system for the patient room leads to the definition of spatial, technological and environmental features of a new model for acute patient room. It is called FL.U.A, which means FLexible, Universal, Adaptable acute patient room.

PUBLICATIONS Setola N., Borgianni S.,(2016), Designing Public Spaces in Hospitals, Routledge, New York. Del Nord, R., (editor) (2015). Healthcare Facilities in Times of Radical Changes. Proceedings of the 23rd Congress of the International Federation of Hospital Engineering (IFHE), 25th Latin American Congress of Architecture and Hospital Engineering.

Del Nord, R., (2011). Le nuove dimensioni strategiche dell’ospedale di eccellenza / The new strategic dimensions of the hospital of excellence, Polistampa Firenze. Del Nord R., (editor) (2009), The culture for future of Healthcare Architecture, Proceedings of 28th International Public health Seminar, Alinea ed.

Del Nord R., (editor) (2015), Healthcare Otherwhere. 34th UIA/PHG International Seminar on Public Healthcare Facilities, Durban, South Africa. August 03-07, 2014; at UIA 2014 Durban Architecture Otherwhere 2014.

AA.VV. (2008), L’ospedale del futuro, modelli per una nuova sanità, EdA n.4.

Simoncini, A., Torricelli,M.C., Chiesi, L., Surrenti, S. (editors) (2013). Lo spazio dei diritti. L’effettività del diritto alla salute nelle strutture ospedaliere. Firenze - Edi Toscana.

Terranova, F. (editor) (2005), Edilizia per la sanità, UTET, Milano.

Setola, N., (2013). Percorsi, flussi e persone nella progettazione ospedaliera. L’analisi configurazionale, teoria e applicazione. FUP Firenze University Press.

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Del Nord, R., (editor) (2006).Environmantal stress prevention in children’s hospital design, Motta Architettura. Torricelli M.C. (1992), “Edilizia Sanitaria”, in M. Zaffagnini (a cura di) Manuale di Progettazione Edilizia - Fondamenti strumenti e norme, vol. 1 Tipologie e criteri di dimensionamento, Hoepli, Milano.


Technology of Architecture

Project Design Management

PhD Program Coordinator Marco Sala Main Investigator Maria Antonietta Esposito Scientific Board ICAR 12 - ICAR 14 ICAR 22 - ING/IND 11 - ICAR 10 Antonio Lauria Marta Berni Roberto Bologna Cosimo Carlo Buccolieri Cristina Carletti Stefano Carrer Gianfranco Cellai Alessandra Cucurnia Romano Del Nord Maria Antonietta Esposito Paola Gallo Ilaria Garofolo Marco Sala Simone Secchi Carlo Terpolilli Maria Chiara Torricelli Leonardo ZaffI

The research is in the Architecture’s domain and it aims to bridge its holistic view with the concurrent disciplines in Airport Design. The inter-disciplinary project origination calls for contributions in several field, to manage passenger experience through design for all methods, process efficiency and space flexibility management, life cycle thinking, methods for innovating the production chain of large construction projects, integration and access providing of multi- and interdisciplinary data and modelling tools. Research main objectives, approaches and methodologies Airport Design Processes are bound to conventions and standards set by the industry, while the common practices are still somewhat hazy due to design being extremely operation - sensitive in regard to the project context. Literature in general does not cite or develop effective or ground-breaking terminal architectural design methodologies. Airport architectural design study can be defined as a challenging research area due to the constant dynamism of aviation industry and operations complexity. Researchers should get in acquaintance with common practices and obtain useful references for deepening their knowledge regarding Airport Design methodologies. It’s also needed to better understand what are the main inefficiencies of the projects individuated by users and other disciplines previous researched and these have direct and indirect consequences on Airport operation.

Airport Lean Integration - ALI Author: Filippo Bosi I Advisor: Maria Antonietta Esposito, Rafael Sacks The research deals with the methodological aspects of project design development to detect, also on the base of practice, useful elements to define new project design development methodology and its supporting tools, based on the Lean Mind-set. The methodology and tools are aimed to the definition, generation and increment of “value” of

Beijing - Barajas Intl Airport | AAT Exhibition © Fresu D., Lorusso M


Beijing - Capital Intl Airport | AAT Exhibition © Lazzerini M., Masi M. research map | dida research system

the project with the reduction of “wastes” in project design development activities. Reducing wastes allows the design team to focus on the delivery of value to the client. Moreover, the doctoral research proposes to clear the contemporary scenario of Airport Design (AD) and to foresee future tendencies with the evidences emerged from the investigation of current practices, best practices and common issues found in the matrix of contemporary Airport Design Project Development. Two methods have been used in the development of ALI, Design Science Research and Action Research. Design Science Research is aimed to produce an innovative product – an artefact – that allows to better understand the scientific and industrial problem and to develop a methodology to improve the quality of the design process, conveying more value with its final product. Action Research aims to address scientific problems and issues involving the researcher in a “community of practice”, namely a collective whose members share a peculiar interest towards a cause, craft or have the same profession or profile. The common interests of its members lead naturally to the evolution and improvement of the community of practice knowledge base, mainly through information sharing, experiences sharing, side-by-side learning and, on-thejob training. Specific objectives of ALI are: • Transferring Lean process logics typical of the industrial production to the development of airport projects; • Strengthening the knowledge of Airport owners in the industry about Integrated Product Delivery and Lean Processing in Project Design Development; • Integrate aspects related of the Life Cycle in project design development; • Define criteria and measurement unit for Lean evaluation of the design process; • Implement the methodology and tools inside the Project Design process to make it leaner.

Existing body of knowledge representation of Lean Theoretical Framework and AECO Industry Practice worlds as related to Lean Design and Construction [source: Bosi (2016) Airport Lean Integration - ALI, p. 143]. PUBLICATIONS Esposito M.A, Bosi F. (2017) Airport Architectural Technology Re-shaping Design & Fabrication (being printed).

Management – Proceedings of the 2014 ISTeA Conference Bari, 10-11 Luglio 2014, Maggioli Editore, Milano, ISBN 978-88-9160-436-1.

Bosi, F., Esposito, M.A. (2017) The Flight Factory: Terminal Operation Lean Reshaping, in Re-shaping the Construction Industry – Proceedings of the 2017 ISTeA Conference.

Esposito M.A., Bosi F. (2014) Lean-enabling tools for Airport Terminal Design – Overview of the application of tailored Information Modeling Tools to promote team efficiency, support optioneering and project control, Proceedings in Conference of Informatics and Management Sciences, 3rd International Virtual Conference ICTIC, March 24th-28th, 2014, Zilina, EDIS – Publishing Institution of the University of Zilina, ISBN 978-80-554-0865-1.

Bosi F., Esposito M.A, Sacks R. (2016) Lean mindset for the improvement of airport design process, sta in Ciribini et Alii (a cura di), Back to 4.0: Rethinking the digital construction Industry, ISBN 978-88-9161807-8, pp. 192-202. Bosi, F. (2016) Airport Lean Integration – ALI Doctoral Research, Università degli Studi di Firenze. Bosi F., Ferrulli P., Fossi E. (edited by), Looking to methods and tools for the Research in Design and Architectural Technology, ISBN 97888-6655-848-4 (online), © 2015 Firenze University Press. Esposito M.A., Bosi F. (2014) Project Organizational Memories, Data hand-over e BIM per la gestione della fase operativa degli edifici in AA.VV. (2014) BIM – Stato dell’arte in Italia ed esperienze, Edizioni Imready. Esposito M.A., Bosi F. (2014) Achieving Lean Project Design Delivery, Energy, Sustainability and Building Information Modeling and

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Esposito M.A., Bosi F. (2014) Passenger Experience Design, Miradas a la investigación arquitectónica: construcción, gestión, tecnología – Architectural research findings: building construction, management, technology, Proceedings of the CONSTEC2014, I Congreso Internacional sobre Investigación en Construcción y Tecnología Arquitectónicas, Madrid, June 11th-13th 2014, Escuéla Tecnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid, ISBN 978-84-617-0507-7. Esposito M.A., Bosi F. (2013) Strumenti ICT di gestione delle informazioni per l’Airport Design – Information Management tools for Airport Design, Proceedings of the 2013 ISTeA congress ICT, Automation and the Industry of the Built Environment: from the Information Exchange to the Field Management, October 3rd-4th, 2013, Milan, Maggioli Editore, ISBN 978 88 387 6258 1.


Technology of Architecture

Environmental research in Technology

PhD Program Coordinator Marco Sala Main Investigators Romano Del Nord Paolo Felli M. Chiara Torricelli Alessandra Cucurnia Nicoletta Setola Luca Marzi Scientific Board ICAR 12 - ICAR 14 - ICAR 22 - ING-IND 11 Antonio Lauria Marta Berni Roberto Bologna Cosimo Carlo Buccolieri Cristina Carletti Stefano Carrer Gianfranco Cellai Alessandra Cucurnia Romano Del Nord Maria Antonietta Esposito Paola Gallo Ilaria Garofolo Marco Sala Simone Secchi Carlo Terpolilli Maria Chiara Torricelli Leonardo ZaffI


The scientific context is the research applied at the transformation processes of the environment. At different levels, from the building materials to the settlement systems to the landscape, methods and tools of the research proposed are designed to contribute to innovation and scientific and technological development of the architecture. The different fields of inquiry are affected by a similar theoretical base: the performance design approach. In our vision of “conducting research”, the design carries out an educative function thanks both to its role as a speculative and interdisciplinary synthesis tool. Interdisciplinarity is achieved through the promotion of specific educational projects targeting at dialogue among different academic fields designed to strengthen specific competencies and skills.

Urban Agriculture and sustainable city Innovative technologies for urban requalification

Author: Chiara Casazza I Advisor: Marco Sala I Co-advisors: Daniela Poli, Giacomo Pietramellara In the last decades a complex phenomena that involves architectural disciplines is spreading even in European towns: urban agriculture, the practice of growing vegetable “within the city limits for the city itself”.Food production in urban contexts became nowadays a tangible strategy for urban requalification while enhancing a network of social, recreational and commercial activities, private and public space (especially neglected ones) revitalization, shared green spaces creation, integration between built environment and nature, awareness toward sustainable lifestyles, education, social cohesion and new possibilities for a green (productive) infrastructure boosting. On these bases was conducted a doctoral research tackling the theme of sustainable urban renewal and those new strategies and technologies to be adopted. The research aim was pointing to analysing the potential of urban agriculture as an innovative strategy to increase urban green and green infrastructure, defining a range of design possibilities in terms of a new interpretation and function of urban (both built and open) space that it offers to designers, architect, and public administrations.

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Prefabricated timber structures for temperate climates Method for investigating thermal comfort and energy efficiency in residential buildings

Author: Alessandra Carta I Advisor: Marco Sala I Co-advisor: Michele Vio Prefabricated structures are characterized by rapidity, ease of construction and a greater control of quality project: this integrated design involves not only the construction methods and materials but also the HVAC systems. In this scenario is interesting to understand how the choice of light construction structures, with low thermal mass values, affects the variation of energy consumptions and indoor comfort levels for a residential in temperate climate. At the same time the research wants to investigate on heating and cooling strategies suitable for timber structures, in order to avoid overheating in buildings, reducing energy consumptions arise from the use of air-conditioning. This analysis aims to define a comparison of performance and energetic consumptions between two different structures (Cross Laminated Timber and Timber Frame off-site modules), verifying the different configurations for temperate climate. The research develops a method for a comparative analysis and an open catalogue of the results obtained, as guidelines for planning and design integrated system: a tool for support the technical design of residential timber constructions.

An integrated analysis tool for the assessment of Energy and Seismic problems in existing school buildings Author: Maria Grazia Giardinelli I Advisor: Marco Sala I Co-advisor: Mauro Sassu


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The research has defined an operational tool for a synergic evaluation of energy and seismic issues in existing schools buildings. The aim is to identify, through a simplified procedure, the main buildings that need urgent retrofit interventions, both in terms of reducing energy consumption and improving seismic safety. Because of the inadequacy of the existing school buildings at recent norms, the limited public economic resources available, and the urgency of taking preventive action to avoid damage due to earthquakes or other natural disasters, it could be useful to have an expeditious analysis tool, for a rapid investigation of the state of existing schools, in order to direct funding towards those buildings that necessitate of a priority for action. The tool allows to evaluate the necessary measures to be taken and to facilitate the “activation� of an integrated retrofit process, identifying integrated technological solutions.







Technology of Architecture

Housing emergency

PhD Program Coordinator Marco Sala Main Investigators Romano Del Nord Paolo Felli M. Chiara Torricelli Alessandra Cucurnia Nicoletta Setola Luca Marzi Scientific Board ICAR 12 - ICAR 14 - ICAR 22 - ING-IND 11 Antonio Lauria Marta Berni Roberto Bologna Cosimo Carlo Buccolieri Cristina Carletti Stefano Carrer Gianfranco Cellai Alessandra Cucurnia Romano Del Nord Maria Antonietta Esposito Paola Gallo Ilaria Garofolo Marco Sala Simone Secchi Carlo Terpolilli Maria Chiara Torricelli Leonardo ZaffI

Urban growth, economic crises’ relapses and migration phenomena are creating even more economic and social vulnerable populations, which are impacting cities with novel housing emergencies, threatening basic human rights and social cohesion. The shortage of affordable housing solutions is forcing such new inhabitants in informal ways of living, representing both a threat to and an opportunity to rethink urban strategies for inclusive, resilient, safe and sustainable cities, as suggested in the UN HABITAT and EU Urban Agendas 2016. Research main objectives, approaches, and methodologies With the challenge to cope with the right to housing for the most vulnerable of “city seekers”, leaved out from public social housing solutions and forced to turn into informal and self-managed ones, researches explore the intermediate grey zone in between, analysing the emergence of new ways of living and of temporary, flexible and evolutive housing solutions in urban areas, both in regeneration and in new construction. Collecting international best practices (realized or projects), conducting field researches (involving squatters and third sector associations) and “networking” with international field academics (Workshop “New Cities and Migration”, Florence University, September 2016), researchers have focused on proposals for new requirements and guidelines towards more resilient urban responses.

Housing emergency and minimum requirements for Reception: contribution to the strategy of resilience

Author: Ilaria Montella I Advisor: Roberto Bologna I Co-Advisor: Chiara Tonelli The population pressure and the massive urban migration determine a constant housing discomfort in huge masses of population that, in conditions of disadvantage, do not have access to housing, as migrants, low income peoples and those who are already on the waiting list for public housing or not yet enrolled on it. Without a quick response the housing crisis results in informal solutions that become an emergency themselves. The city is called on to face this chronic stress enhancing its resilience, which also includes housing, as highlighted in the Resilience Framework. Developing a complex methodology, based on the analysis of informal settlements and of case studies designed in the world to prevent them, the present study investigates the contribution of architecture to the general Resilience Framework and if any characterising features exist (technological, typological, functional, procedural) that, if preemptively applied to the project, may favour resilient responses. Taking metadesign as a reference, the research drafts a “Framework of technical guidelines for essential new and temporary housing solutions”, structured in “Technical sheets for planning” aimed at helping all the players involved in design processes reach resilient outcomes.


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Reception centres for asylum seekers: from critical spaces to opportunity for the resilient city Author: Gisella Calcagno I Advisor: Roberto Bologna The ongoing Mediterranean refugee/migrant crises are stressing the capacity (numbers) and capability (performances) of EU reception systems to guarantee adequate standards of living (housing), threatening the protection provided by the human right of asylum (local integration). The research focus on the less-described architectural and urban dimensions of “reception centres”, formally instituted by arrival countries to collectively accommodate needy applicants during the asylum procedure and informally spreading in European cities, where the transition from emergency to integration should start, or not. Research methods included literature reviews on the space of asylum; diachronic and comparative analysis of EU and IT reception centres’ standards and conditions; EU best practices’ analysis; stage at the NTNU of Trondheim (NO); field research in reception centres of Florence (mapping and case studies analysis). Results depicted a heterogeneous spectrum of improvised settlement and housing solutions, reflecting the lack of shared/qualitative standards and strategic/contingency urban scenarios: the research proposes architectural and urban guidelines to regenerate reception structures and infrastructures looking at temporary uses and social innovation, even as an opportunity to strength urban resilience.

PUBLICATIONS Bologna R., Gallo P., Romano R., Calcagno G., Living the informal city. Sustainable design education in risk areas, in La Roche P., Schiler M. (eds.), PLEA 2016: 32nd International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture, PLEA, Los Angeles, 2016. Calcagno G., Bologna R., Living in transition: architecture of reception in welcome cities, in Dostoglu N., Eginoz E. B., Kut S., Karacoc E. (eds.), Architecture in Emergency: re-thinking the refugee crisis, Conference Proceedings, Istanbul Kültür University, Faculty of Architecture, Istanbul, 2016.

Calcagno G., Bologna R., Mapping the debate on new cities and migration: a conceptual framework, in Bologna R. (ed.), New Cities and Migration, DIDAPress, Firenze, 2017. Calcagno G., Bologna R., From emergency to integration? The spatial controversy of reception centres in Italy, in Asgary A. (ed.), Resettlement Challenges for Displaced Population and Refugees, Springer, New York, (being printed).

Calcagno G., Bologna R., The refugee reception challenge: call for design, in Galante P. (ed.), Migration and the built environment in the Mediterranean and the Middle Est, Conference Proceedings, Caumme III-Paumme I, Napoli, 2016. phd programs


History of Architecture and the City

PhD Thesis

PhD Program Coordinator Mario Bevilacqua Academics Gianluca Belli Amedeo Belluzzi Alessandro Brodini Ferruccio Canali Emanuela Ferretti Riccardo Pacciani Saverio Sturm Corinna Vasic

The PhD program of History of Architecture and the City investigates themes relating to men and societies, and their architecture, design, urban and environmental planning through history, from Antiquity to our days. Special attention is given to the changing of scientific methods of analysis. The Curriculum of History of Architecture and the City trains young professionals working in the field of historical research, preservation and management of cultural heritage, in cooperation with the operative disciplines of architectural restoration, design, preservation and valorisation. The curriculum offers special activities such as on-site visits, seminars, national and international research teams and publications. Students are invited to contribute with lectures and seminars to the didactic programs of the general courses of History of Architecture.



Brunelleschi Civiltà/Civilization



Città Proibita/ Forbidden City




Las Vegas

Le Corbusier




Mies van der Rohe


Schinkel Rinascimento/Renaissance



Jefferson Liang Sicheng




Renzo Piano Sinagoga/Synagogue




Leonardo da Vinci





Tutela/Preservation Tempio/Temple Vitruvio/Vitruvius



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phd programs


History of Architecture and the City

Architecture, patrons and Spanish presence in Florence in the 16th century Author: Carlos Plaza I Advisor: Amedeo Belluzzi I Co-advisor: Ana Marin Fidalgo I Cycle XXIII PhD Program Coordinator Mario Bevilacqua Academics Gianluca Belli Amedeo Belluzzi Alessandro Brodini Ferruccio Canali Emanuela Ferretti Riccardo Pacciani Saverio Sturm Corinna Vasic

The relationship between politics, court and architectural language in Florence at the time of Cosimo I are the basis of this PhD thesis research which focuses on the study of palaces and villas commissioned by Spanish patrons in the sixteenth century Tuscany. The documental and iconographic research, together with the production of new planimetric schemes, give force to new critical interpretations on Florentine palace’s architecture in the XVI century.

Palazzo Ramírez de Montalvo, Florence. View of the façade from via dei Giraldi (photo Alinari, circa 1890).

Giorgio Vasari and Bartolomeo Ammannati, drawing of the façade of the palazzo Ramírez de Montalvo, 1566-1567 (Florence, GDSU, 958 Orn).

Palazzo Ramírez de Montalvo, Florence. View of the façade from Borgo degli Albizi (photo Ivo Bazzechi, circa 1970) (Photo Library Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz).

Bernardo Bini, a Florentine banker at the court of Pope Leo X

architecture and artistic patronage between Rome and Florence in the early 16th century Author: Alessio Caporali I Advisor: Amedeo Belluzzi I Co-advisor: Emanuela Ferretti I Cycle XXIX The research outlines the figure of Bernardo Bini (1461-1548), a rich Florentine merchant and a clever politician who became one of the most powerful bankers of the State of the Church during Leone X’s pontificate. Through the study of the artistic patronage promoted by this figure, is possible to reconstruct the history of works of art and palaces – not well known – that enter plentifully into the artistic outline of Renaissance.

Rome, Palazzo Bini during demolition, 1888.


Rome, Palazzo Bini, putti of the coat of arms, detached frescoes, circa 1524. research map | dida research system

Bramante’s spiral staircase at the Vatican Belvedere Autor: Marco Di Salvo I Advisor: Emanuela Ferretti I Co-advisor: Francesco Paolo Di Teodoro I Cycle XXXII The subject is the lumaca, i.e. the helix staircase, designed by Bramante in the Belvedere Vaticano (fig. 1): it is a great example of the sixteenth-century culture. This stair is associated with others similar, but not studied, models (figg. 2-3). The study consists of the critical reading of bibliography and documents, the survey of the lumaca and the construction of a parametric model for the structural dimensioning of sixteenth-century architecture (at the CNRS of Marseille).

Bramante’s spiral staircase at the Belvedere Vaticano. Vatican City (Photograph by the author).

Model study of the palace (15th-16th centuries) with helicoidal staircase by ASMi.

The Camaldolese monastery of Santa Maria degli Angeli in Florence

Historical and architectural events from the 17th to the 20th century Author: Chiara Ricci I Advisor: Gianluca Belli I Co-advisor: Cécile Caby - Université Lumière Lyon 2 I Cycle XXX Founded in 1295, the monastery of Santa Maria degli Angeli was for a long time one of the most important centres of culture and artistic production in Florence. The religious and civic role of the monastery was accompanied by the architectural development of the complex, which culminated in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries with many works on the cloisters, the church, the library and the novitiate. The thesis reconstructs the historical and architectural events of the monastery during the last four centuries, in which the complex knows a progressive decline and a series of strong transformations that today prevent recognition of original structures and importance of the complex.

Monastery of Santa Maria degli Angeli, Florence: the east cloister. phd programs

Monastery of Santa Maria degli Angeli, Florence: the west cloister.

Monastery of Santa Maria degli Angeli, Florence: the interior of the church, transformed into a medical library in the second half of 19th century.


History of Architecture and the City

Carlo Francesco Bassi (Turin 1772-Turku 1840) Between Italy, Sweden and Finland

Author: Anna Pichetto Fratin I Advisor: Mario Bevilacqua I Co-advisors: Annalisa Dameri - Politecnico di Torino, Anna Bortolozzi - University of Stockholm I Cycle XXXI PhD Program Coordinator Mario Bevilacqua Academics Gianluca Belli Amedeo Belluzzi Alessandro Brodini Ferruccio Canali Emanuela Ferretti Riccardo Pacciani Saverio Sturm Corinna Vasic

Between the end of the Eighteenth and the first half of the Nineteenth century, Finland experienced a complex political situation - the transition from the Kingdom of Sweden to the Russian Empire - but also a profound urban and architectural transformation. Along with the German architect Carl Ludwig Engel, renowned for turning Helsinki into one of the most interesting European neoclassical capitals, another talented young man worked in Finland: the Italian Carlo Francesco Bassi. Left at the edge of historiography and mostly unknown in Italy, Bassi is one of the leading figure in the birth of Finnish architecture. After spending a short time in Stockholm, Bassi moved to Finland and became the first director of the Intendant Office responsible for public buildings. Before his death in 1840 he produced hundreds of projects for the main Finnish cities, mostly unpublished, and built dozens of buildings. The research aims to reconstruct the life and work of the Italian architect and, analysing drawings and documents, to reconsider his role in the construction of the architectural identity of modern Finland.

Left to right: Carlo Francesco Bassi, design for a residential building. Carlo Francesco Bassi, design for a chapel. Carlo Francesco Bassi, design for an observatory.

The ‘tombeau’ of Jean-Jacques Rousseau at the Panthéon in Paris

From the primeval hut of Vitruvius to its iconographic fortune in architectural theory between the 15th and 18th centuries Author: Eleonora Guzzo I Advisor: Amedeo Belluzzi Co-advisor: Sabine Frommel - Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Parigi I XXVI Cycle The thesis concerns the study of Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s tombeau in the crypt of Pantheon in Paris, a subject still unexploited. The formal characteristics of the wooden monument, a small scale rustic temple, are observed and framed within the context of the iconographic tradition of the origins of architecture with the Vitruvian Hut as its archetype.

Top to bottom: Cover of Il tempio nel tempio. Il monumento ligneo a Rousseau nel Panthéon di Parigi, dalla capanna vitruviana ai Lumi francesi (Firenze 2015). The wooden temple-like tomb of Jean-Jacques Rousseau in the Panthéon, Paris.


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The Market and the City

The Network of Giovanni Mengoni’s new Covered Markets in Florence (1865-1870) Author: Rita Panattoni I Advisor: Mario Bevilacqua I Co-advisor: Emanuela Ferretti I XXXI Cycle The research on the architect Giovanni Mengoni (1829-1877) and on Europe’s covered markets and commercial spaces is very inadequate! The thesis investigates the role of Mengoni in Florence, during the short but lively time when the city functioned as the new capital of the young Kingdom of Italy. Covered markets were essential infrastructures in late-Nineteenth century European cities, and the case of Florence, through the analysis of a wealth of new documentary evidence, is an outstanding example. Studying Florence’s covered markets addresses more general questions: the outrageous destruction of Paris’ Halles Centrales in the 1970s can now be seen against the more recent program of heritage preservation in Florence’s Mercato di S. Lorenzo. A case-study where experience overcomes the archetype?

Left to right: Giuseppe Mengoni, Mercato centrale, Florence. Detail of a vertical support, Mercato centrale, Florence. Giuseppe Mengoni, Galleria Vittorio Emanuela, Milan.

Idea of a City and its Realization

From the Competition for the Layout of the Beach (1924) to the Master Plan of 1941 Author: Antonella Serafini I Advisor: Mario Bevilacqua I Co-advisor: Ulisse Tramonti I Cycle XXX The development of a picturesque marine village into a modern tourist resort. The realization of a plan begun at the end of the Nineteenth-century, accomplished in the 1920s and 1930s according to the complex changes of urban planning. The analysis of the transformations of an urban development almost entirely managed and financed by the public administration, in an attempt to promote public over private interests. The aim was to develop the seaside resort alongside the thriving local naval industry. The idea of a city with a double vocation needed specific infrastructures. The research discovered the existence and emphasised the development of a general idea of the town of Viareggio as a whole, multi-faceted body, where the history of its different areas is read as an interactive historical process.

Left to right: Viareggio, the harbour, vintage postcard (Viareggio, Archivio Comunale). Viareggio in the late 1930s, vintage postcard (Viareggio, Archivio Comunale). phd programs



Studies | Research

PhD Program Coordinator Giuseppe Lotti Academics Gianpiero Alfarano Elisabetta Benelli Elisabetta Cianfanelli Laura Giraldi Vincenzo Legnante Saverio Mecca Alessandra Rinaldi Francesca Tosi

The aim of the course in Design is to train a researcher with a high scientific profile, capable of working both in the academic and productive fields, on the basis of the theoretical methodological knowledge and design propositional skills typical of Design. The acceleration of technological innovation processes, the environmental urgency, the globalization of production processes and the growing maturity of the markets, require the confrontation with new and multiple levels of complexity from which arise both problematic conditions and opportunities for development and innovation. The strategic role of Design in seizing these opportunities is based on its ability to interpret innovation (formal, technological, social) through project management tools, through the transversality of skills, through the creative synthesis ability that characterize the culture and practice of Design. The curriculum is divided into 3 areas of study: • Product design • Interior design • Communication design

INTERDISCIPLINARY DESIGN Today, more than ever, innovation intended as systemic, multidimensional, crossroads of more knowledge, appears to be the only real competitive variable for companies and territories. Within this scenario, design has an important task as a discipline capable of conveying, making acceptable, promoting and enhancing innovative practices. The designer plays the role of mediator between different knowledge, integrating the different contributions and multiplying their effects.


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DESIGN RESEARCH The doctoral thesis presented in this book tell us about the specificity of research in design applied to several disciplinary domains. Design as mediation and catalysis of tacit and codified knowledge, able to make technological innovations immediately applicable and usable, absolutely not referential, but in relation to the needs of society. Design is capable of intervening on the challenges of contemporary life, often of an applied/project nature. Design is instrumental, that is aimed at developing project’s methods and tools and less frequently theoretical.

phd programs



PhD Thesis

Social inclusion in the field of learning technology the “Universal Design� approach

Author: Alessia Brischetto I Advisor: Francesca Tosi I XXVII Cycle PhD Program Coordinator Giuseppe Lotti Academics Gianpiero Alfarano Elisabetta Benelli Elisabetta Cianfanelli Laura Giraldi Vincenzo Legnante Saverio Mecca Alessandra Rinaldi Francesca Tosi

To date, among the Information and Communication Technologies for learning, assistive technologies are increasingly employed to allow anyone to work in a healthy, effective and with equal access to the technology, regardless of any impairment (physical or cognitive) or disability. Nevertheless, people are often not able to perform pre-determined tasks, as many limitation to accessibility can be encountered. To overcome such drawbacks, computer systems as well as hardware and software tools that follow universal access rules should be created, thus allowing to all people an equal access to information. In other words, it is strictly necessary to design for accessibility. Bearing this in mind, the present work is focussed on the study of design and regulatory aspects that may affect the Educational Technology research area by underlying the relationship between Universal Design for Learning, collaborative learning and accessibility standards in the field of inclusive learning. Moreover, thanks to the contribution coming from the sector of Ergonomics for Design, the work wants to analyse what are the main features involved in the development of inclusive learning platforms. Keywords: Social Inclusion, Educational Technologies, ICT, Universal Design for Learning, Human Centred Design.

Verification guidelines: conceptual development of a web platform for learning

Synthesis process - requirements definition platform UD.


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Sustainability and Design

Method and Tools for product design and services Author: Marco Marseglia I Advisor: Giuseppe Lotti I XXVIII Cycle The present study takes into account both methods and tools which are traditionally used as a support to sustainability-oriented design, such as Life Cycle Design and Life Cycle Assessment, and methods and tools which are deemed promising as the Cradle to Cradle concept, the Product Service System, the Biomimicry (biomimicry), the Social Innovation and the Design Thinking. Some of these tools have been applied over the course of two research projects concerning the design of new models of camper (Trigano Spa) and freezer (HIGH CHEST, Whirlpool). A reflection about the methods and the instruments analysed has been made in the end, by integrating them into a hypothetical design flow with the aim of understanding how these do foster the project fertilization. The same action was done for research projects in order to map the design process involved and thus to identify the various contributions given by methods and tools. It is further advanced a hypothesis about how some of these tools can be integrated to facilitate the design flow between multiple participants. Keywords: Sustainability, Design Process | Methods and Tools, Complexity.

Methods and tools applied in the project HIGH CHEST and TRIACA. phd programs



Design for social inclusion

An Analytical Tool for Sharing-Based Services Author: Daniele Busciantella Ricci I Advisor: Francesca Tosi Co-advisor: Alessandra Rinaldi I XXIX Cycle PhD Program Coordinator Giuseppe Lotti Academics Gianpiero Alfarano Elisabetta Benelli Elisabetta Cianfanelli Laura Giraldi Vincenzo Legnante Saverio Mecca Alessandra Rinaldi Francesca Tosi

According to the demographic projections the European and the world’s population is progressively ageing. This condition will lead to profound social changes globally and involves people of all ages. The Active Ageing is a strategy that concerns the process of optimising opportunities for health and participation where it is necessary to involve people of all ages. According to these assumptions, this research defines the hypothesis that contexts and people activities based on ‘sharing’ are particularly appropriate to the promotion of the health in favour to the reduction of the health care during ageing. The main topics of this thesis are related to the health promotion, the social inclusion and exclusion, the social innovation. An in-depth analysis points to the ‘sharing’ concept, the collaborative consumptions and services based on sharing. For this reason specific tools in the filed of service design, human-centred design and inclusive design approaches were analysed. The main result is the development of the analytical tool named ‘Inclusion in Sharing-Based Services’ (I-SBS). The aim of the I-SBS tool is to analyse the exclusion and inclusion concepts in services within the ‘Sharing-Based Services’ (SBS) conceptual framework by the analysis of the service structure. According the hypothesis services within this framework could be helpful to foster inclusive and health-enabling contexts. Furthermore the thesis describes the design and development process, the prototyping and the evaluation phases of the I-SBS toolkit. A discussion about results, limits and future developments of this research is reported in the conclusions of the thesis. In particular it was described a comparison among the results obtained by the evaluation of the I-SBS tool and the hypothesis and the objectives previously identified. Keywords: Design for Inclusion | Design for Services | Sharing.

Actors and processes




Health inequalities



Biological Determinants of Healti (es. Age, Sex, Genetic predispositions)


Differential exposure and vulnerability

Zone of social stratification




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Designed and made in Italy

Towards a new paradigm of craftsmanship excellence Author: Ramona Aiello I Advisor: Elisabetta Cianfanelli I Co-advisor: Luca Toschi I XXIX Cycle The research aims to internationalize the Italian cultural heritage through the craft product. The general objective of the research is to contribute to the dissemination of tacit knowledge that lies in people, artisans, places, and in the history and society as a strategy of competitiveness for a country’s economic system. An e-commerce platform was created in collaboration with luisaviaroma.com with the aim to support the difficulty of internationalization for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). Each product has been selected according to a qualitative tool developed by the research. The monitoring of the effectiveness of the platform has led to the design of a tool for the communication of Italian artisan products. This tool is a practical application of the knowledge transmission model developed by Nonaka and Tekeuchi (1995). In this case the model is applied to the tacit knowledge of artisans which make products “designed and made in Italy”. Applying this tool to communication it does mean considering the Italian artisan product as a vehicle of knowledge-experience for the global user-customer. The main objective is to lead the global user-client to the point of origin of the artisan process by the activation of a transfer of interiorisation from explicit to tacit and making it as a memorable experience. Therefore the hypothesis is to consider a new economy for the Italian manufacturing sector and at the same time supporting a virtuous circle of knowledge. Finally the research proposes an Italian way for the Industry 4.0 focused on the knowledge economy as a real resources for the individual, social, economic and political well-being. Keywords: Tacit knowledge, Communication design, SME Internationalization, Industry 4.0.

Didactic seminar for the tool ‘s validation “Comunicare il pensato e fatto in Italia” CDL Disegno Industriale a.y. 2016-2017.

phd programs


Architectural and Environmental Survey and Representation

PhD Thesis

Break up and redefining the townscape An Analytical Tool for Sharing-Based Services

Author: Francesca Picchio I Advisor: Stefano Bertocci I XXVIII Cycle I 2016 PhD Program Coordinator Barbara Aterini Academics Barbara Aterini Stefano Bertocci Cecilia Luschi Alessandro Merlo Paola Puma


The goal of the research project has been the development of a operating plan that, through an experimental methodology of landscape analysis and survey using of the photographic tool, would be able to lead to credible and reliable representations of the acquired urban context. The experimentation involved the application of the Structure from Motion methodology above five case-studies, on national and international contexts: the village of Korza (Karelia, Russia), the pueblo of Portobello (Panama), the historical centre of Bethlehem (Palestine), the historical centre of Samara (Russia), the historical centre of Pavia (Italy); chosen because of their identity character that makes them recognizable at the territorial level. The research was then aimed at experimenting the ways in which three-dimensional systems obtain, through the separation of the corresponding elements that help to define the “landscape�, a capacity for reading and managing three-dimensional mesh surfaces through the importation of digital data on G.I.S. platforms where, to each graphic element of the three-dimensional drawing, can correspond multiple information levels defined by data connect to the model.

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cornice fregio architrave trabeazione




base cimasa dado


phd programs



Architectural and Environmental Survey and Representation

The Survey of Wooden Architecture Methodological protocols for the documentation of traditional architecture in Northern Europe Case studies of karelian villages in Russia Author: Sara Porzilli I Advisor: Stefano Bertocci I XXVII Cycle I 2015 PhD Program Coordinator Barbara Aterini Academics Barbara Aterini Stefano Bertocci Cecilia Luschi Alessandro Merlo Paola Puma


The research project deals with the topic of surveying and representation methodologies for the documentation and analysis of wooden architecture through the analysis of case studies in Russia: Kizhi island, Kinerma, Yurgilitsa, Korza, Syargilahta. The research wants to determine how to perform survey operations, identifying fundamental aspects for the analysis and for the census of complex timber settlements, through the constant exercise of discretization of the information, from the general to the particular. A comparison of cultural models has been elaborated considering the main elements of the survey, representation of architecture and of the environment. The theoretical approach embraces practical experimentation and vice versa with the aim of establishing guidelines fundamental for the survey of wooden architecture. The use of technological instruments and experimental acquisition methods have contributed to the increase of the relevant techniques specifically applied to wooden structures.

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phd programs


Structure and Conservation of Architecture and Cultural Heritage

Stone Conservation Monitoring

PhD Program Coordinator Ugo Tonietti Scientific Board ICAR 08 - ICAR 09 ICAR 19 Valerio Alecci Alberto Bove Giuseppe Centauro Angelo D’Ambrisi Mario De Stefano Maurizio De Vita Stefano Galassi Luca Giorgi Pietro Matracchi Tommaso Rotunno Luisa Rovero Roberto Sabelli Marco Tanganelli Giacomo Tempesta Ugo Tonietti Stefania Viti

Preventive Conservation, preventing or reducing the potential damage of building heritage, could be, in the long term, more effective and cost efficient than remedial conservation. A large number of studies have been conducted in recent years to investigate this topic as well as the question of the effectiveness of consolidating and conservative treatments for stones. However, a conceptual delineation and systematization of data in view of real utility for Preventive Conservation of Monumental Heritage is lacking. The researches presented below have as their object the study of two monumental complexes of considerable importance: the first one studies Giotto’s bell tower, an integral part of the monumental complex of Santa Maria del Fiore in Florence; the second one studies the San Zeno Cathedral and the San Giovanni in Corte Baptistery in Pistoia. Complex archival research have identified the restoration interventions and the materials that make up the factories in order to highlight and propose useful suggestions for inspection and monitoring activities required by modern maintenance, which, according to the definition of the current Italian Code of Cultural Heritage and Landscape (D.Lgs. 42/2004, art.29, c.3), consists of the “set of activities and interventions aimed at controlling the conditions of cultural heritage and maintaining the integrity, functional efficiency and identity of the asset and its parts”.

The maintenance of the stone vestments of large factories

The materials of the external encrustation and their replacement of the 19th century until today in Giotto’s Bell Tower Author: Antonio Lattuchella I Advisor: Luca Giorgi I 2017 The work has as its object the restoration of the marble ‘incrustations’ and the substitutions which, in the last two centuries, have affected the covering materials of Giotto’s bell tower. The study was carried out on the basis of lengthy and complex archival research in order to trace the photographic material and the documents useful for identifying and reconstructing the marble substitution interventions carried out from the nineteenth century, up to the sixties of the twentieth century and attesting the state of conservation of the bell tower over the decades. The research also attempted to identify the origin and nature of the materials and the period of substitutions in order to achieve an accurate reconstruction of the restorations performed and the mapping of the coating. The collected data have been graphically returned by means of 2D representations of the substitutions that have affected the eastern façade in the last two centuries. The mapping of the façade in question has provided essential data for the development of a system for monitoring the conservation status of all the marble surfaces, which includes, among other things, the periodic verification of the water repellency of the surfaces, of the state of conservation of the materials and the anchoring iron brackets of the marble encrustations to the underlying structure and of the air quality. From the monitoring results will be able to achieve targeted conservation actions. Through the ideas offered by the study of some experiences in the field of maintenance of historic buildings, the research has also made some suggestions on the most suitable strategies for the Florentine monumental complex. In this way, we wanted to contribute to the preparation of a management model that allows to perform in a systematic way all the possible practices of planned conservation, in order to postpone and / or avoid the restorations that, according to the most common practice, are realized when the damage has already occurred, according to a logic based on cyclic replacement programs.


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PUBLICATIONS A. Lattuchella (in corso di pubblicazione). La manutenzione dei paramenti lapidei delle grandi fabbriche: i materiali del rivestimento esterno e la loro sostituzione dal XIX secolo ad oggi nel Campanile di Giotto. Tesi di Dottorato. UniFI. A. Lattuchella, I cori di Santa Maria del Fiore e le proposte di adeguamento liturgico, Mandragora, Firenze, 2013. A. Lattuchella, Il battistero nelle carte del fondo Gori, in Il battistero di San Giovanni. Conoscenza. Diagnostica. Conservazione, a cura di F. Gurrieri, atti del Convegno intern.: Firenze, Centro Arte Cultura, 24-25 nov 2014, Mandragora, Firenze, 2017.

A. Lattuchella, Piazza Santissima Annunziata, in Le piazze di Firenze/The piazzas of Florence. Storia, Architettura e Impianto Urbano/ History, Architecture and Urban System, a cura di F. Gurrieri, Mauro Pagliai editore, Firenze, 2014. A. Lattuchella, Piazza Santa Maria Novella, in Le piazze di Firenze/ The piazzas of Florence. Storia, Architettura e Impianto Urbano/ History, Architecture and Urban System, a cura di F. Gurrieri, Mauro Pagliai editore, Firenze, 2014. A. Lattuchella, Piazza Santo Spirito, in Le piazze di Firenze/The piazzas of Florence. Storia, Architettura e Impianto Urbano/History, Architecture and Urban System, a cura di F. Gurrieri, Mauro Pagliai editore, Firenze, 2014.

Preventive Conservation Issues applied to decorative and sculptural apparatuses of Monumental Heritage

PhD Candidate: Mila Martelli I Advisor: Maurizio De Vita Co-advisor: Carlo Alberto Garzonio - UNIFI Scienze della Terra I 2019 The research project focuses on the possibility of ‘measuring’ and ‘quantifying’ the residual efficacy and therefore the ‘durability’, of conservative / protective interventions on valuable surfaces of Cultural Heritage; it aims to identify the levels beyond which deterioration phenomena are triggered or reactivated, as well as to identify the return period of the crisis phenomena and, consequently, to establish the periodic cycle to implement the minimum conservative actions, in order to prevent the reactivation of new phenomena of degradation. The study of the state of the art confirmed some hypotheses on the basis of this study:• the importance of protecting and reducing the porosity of materials, in order to contain the degradation processes • the substantial lack of data of treatments’ effectiveness in time and the lack of in situ monitoring • the absence of useful data for a concrete planning of actions of Preventive Conservation on Monumental Heritage. The research is conducted according to a double line of inquiry: • The systematization of information regarding methodologies of intervention on Monumental Surfaces • Tests on some monuments, in order to evaluate the residual efficacy of conservative treatments. Two representative case studies have been identified: the San Zeno Cathedral and the San Giovanni in Corte Baptistery in Pistoia. The two monuments are characterized by close proximity, by the presence of the same stones, by the same environmental conditions and by the presence of documentation of the restorations carried out in various periods. The choice was made possible by the partnership between the DIDA and the Soprintendenza Archeologia Belle Arti e Paesaggio SABAP Firenze, Pistoia, Prato. Proposed experimental investigation: non-invasive and / or micro-destructive diagnostic investigations to evaluate the treatments’ effectiveness in time: Colorimetry : in situ Contact Sponge Water Absorption Test UNI 11432: 2011; FTIR spectroscopy. Research main objectives: • Systematization of knowledge concerning Water-Repellent Treatments of Monumental surfaces. • Identification of in situ monitoring methods for the evaluation of treatments’ effectiveness in time. • Determine residual efficacy of conservative treatments for the two monuments. • Provide forecasts on the temporal threshold of treatments’ effectiveness. • Identification of methodologies to program periodic cycles to implement the minimum conservative action, in order to prevent the onset of new degradation phenomena. Reference laboratory for testing: LAM Laboratorio Materiali lapidei e Geologia applicata, dell’ambiente e del Paesaggio - Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra - UniFI.

phd programs


Structure and Conservation of Architecture and Cultural Heritage

Rehabilitation and Reuse

PhD Program Coordinator Ugo Tonietti Scientific Board ICAR 08 - ICAR 09 ICAR 19 Valerio Alecci Alberto Bove Giuseppe Centauro Angelo D’Ambrisi Mario De Stefano Maurizio De Vita Stefano Galassi Luca Giorgi Pietro Matracchi Tommaso Rotunno Luisa Rovero Roberto Sabelli Marco Tanganelli Giacomo Tempesta Ugo Tonietti Stefania Viti

In the contemporary architectural debate, the areas of protection and rehabilitation are mutually linked in the projects on the historical heritage. Rehabilitation that is identified with the measures to ensure the vitality of the cultural heritage that involves the transformation of the building, which, without compromising its historical and architectural characteristics, takes a new use and a different meaning for the society. An enhancement of this type must therefore promote the knowledge of the protected architecture, the compatible use proposal and a sustainable intervention project. Both the doctoral research presented below studies the cohabitation between the heritage and the new architecture through representative case studies: in the first research the conservation and reuse of monumental architecture is evaluated, while in the second the scale is extended to the urban aggregate. What emerges is the constant comparison between the richness of historical signs and the potential of a new project that has as its purpose the respect of historical architecture and whose quality can be assessed in the permanence over time.

Old Buildings, New Museums

The evolution of the dialogue between conservation reuse and museography Author: Elisabetta Matarazzo I Advisor: Maurizio De Vita I 2018 The research deals with the transformation of historical buildings into permanent exhibition spaces, and therefore the topic is the dialogue that takes place in these operations between conservation, reuse and museography. The importance of assigning a function to historical buildings ensures their conservation and re-entry into contemporary reality; it is in this scope that the current cultural reuse is placed, which assigns the museum a fundamental role in the promotion of sustainable development, as an instrument to preserve the cultural heritage. In the first part of the research we will see, in parallel, how the awareness of the importance that a building hosts a certain use grows together with the compatibility of the interventions made in this regard with the historical building. In the second part we enter the contemporary. The convergence of old and new architecture within the theoretical development of the conservation, as well as the necessity of an active protection of the cultural heritage that sees in the museum institution a territorial value, is compared with the profound changes that have invested the museum institution in recent years. And so we choose to start from these changes to identify three thematic areas - related to the museum’s spatiality, to new urban functions and identity and to ways of planning a narration of the collection - to be reported in the study of current museum reuse projects, some of the most important European achievements of the last twenty years. The arguments will be supported, then, by the study of two representative case studies, the Neues Museum in Berlin and the Mountain Museum- Forte di Bard (Aosta), chosen for the critical, conservative and creative component of their restoration and for the recognized effectiveness of their program museum. The overall picture that is drawn, starting from the changes in the issues identified, will ultimately define the design trends in progress in this increasingly rising phenomenon and outline the lines of development. Research main objectives. Analyse how, within a museum re-use project, the relationship between the needs of a historical building to be protected and those of a modern museum to be installed inside has evolved.


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Identify the main reference parameters to describe the characteristics and qualities of contemporary museum reuse. Study, through the reference to representative case studies, the coexistence of different levels: the ancient building, the contemporary intervention that fits into it and the museum that tells a collection, with a view to a compatible enhancement of cultural heritage. PUBLICATIONS E. Matarazzo (2017), Decay as a matter of design. The recomposition of the ruins in Modern Architecture. In proceedings of International Conference “The Asthetics of Decay: From Gothic Spectre to (Post) Modern Anxiety”, 24 February 2018, London.

E. Matarazzo (2016). Rebuilding a memory, where it was - as it was. Italian Restoration after war years: the event of the Bridge of Santa Trinita in Florence, paper for the International Conference “The Place of Memory and Memory of Place”, organized by“Interdisciplinary Research Foundation”, Cracovia, Polonia.

Conservation and Valorization

of the “Salitreras” in the Region of Antofagasta, Chile Methodologies and intervention techniques PhD Candidate: Daniel Pinto Fuentes I Advisor: Roberto Sabelli Co-advisor: Jose Manuel Lopez Osorio - University of Malaga, Spain I 2019 The study is carried out on the recovery of the industrial-mining architecture and their respective smaller “historical” centres in abandonment, addressing the different topics that involve the complexity of their valorisation and management. In the second region of Chile, in a context where the architectural heritage is undervalued and often destroyed through the growth of cities, lack of regulations, and the “need” to introduce the “New”, but especially where the mining identity of the region, responsible for the birth of these cities, is not recognized and in the extension of the regional territory we can find different evidences of the past that make us understand the mining origin. An example of the lack of awareness for heritage and the lack of interest in mining recognition can be found the “Salitreras”, ancient settlements belonging to the extraction period of Saltpeter, extended around the years 1870-1930 having a global boom. These settlements gave rise to a system of territorial structuring that is maintained until today in the region. But, as a result of abandonment, today they are in complete disuse and deficient conservation states, isolated from the main cities in the immensity of the Atacama desert. Therefore, it is necessary to contribute to encouraging the recovery and conservation of our monuments as a fundamental issue and above all to demonstrate that it is possible to coexist architectural heritage with the new architecture through a conscious intervention. As well, it is imperative to disseminate the knowledge of the industrial-mining architecture in Chile, having to begin with its valorisation as a cultural heritage, understanding this not only as a monumental work, but as a “minor” architecture that as a whole takes relevance and carries with it the identity and historical-cultural values of a past and present mining. These arguments frame the development of the study, which has as its general objective the determination of a study methodology for the “Salitreras” construction cultures, through an in depth knowledge of the architecture present in the “Salitrera Chacabuco” and, after the analysing its situation current, propose an instrument for their recovery, reuse and conservation, identifying and classifying the various actions of intervention possible on this site (restoration, reconstruction, structural consolidation, etc.). Research main objectives: To identify their main “architectural and technological typologies”. Document the various constructive techniques present through schemes that provide the key for aspects legacy to the subsequent intervention. Determine the current state of conservation, vulnerability and threats of each architectural type. Propose methodologies of intervention catalogued according to the different requirements. Propose new uses.

phd programs


Structure and Conservation of Architecture and Cultural Heritage

Conservation and Landscape FIMU project

PhD Program Coordinator Ugo Tonietti Project Coordinator Roberto Sabelli Research Group Carlo Alberto Garzonio Fabio Lucchesi Paola Puma Francesco Salvestrini Giacomo Tempesta Guido Vannini Work Group Giuseppe Nicastro Carmela Pinto Jacopo Giuseppe Vitale Partnership UNIFI | Dipartimento di Architettura, Italie COMUNE DI FIRENZE | Open data

FIMU - the city walls and the defensive system of Florence: representation and communication of the urban landscape between tradition and innovation. The city walls of Florence - with its doors, its towers and its ‘deficiencies’ - represent, for their historical importance and their charm, one of the identifying elements of the city. Despite this, however, they have not always been treated in deserved consideration. Responding to an appeal by the Municipality of Florence, since 2012 the Department of Architecture of the University of Florence (DIDA) and the Technical Services Office of the Municipality of Florence, continue the study of the complex of the city walls, with surveying campaigns of the surviving wall sections and with direct and indirect specialist investigations. In 2016 the ‘strategic basic research project’ was approved and funded by the University of Florence under the title “FIMU - The urban walls and the defensive system of Florence: representation and communication of the urban landscape between tradition and innovation”. The interdisciplinary project, with the creation of didactic-traditional and didactic-informatic supports, aims to bring to the knowledge of a wider public the complex of the city walls and to the creation of specific visit routes through a complex system of valorisation. A correct valorisation policy, however, has the obligation to set up control and management systems to maintain the safety levels of the structures and visitors. The Information Technology Development Department of the Municipality of Florence has made available its expertise and the Geonetwork-OpenData platform of the Municipality of Florence, for the creation of a specific archive that can be integrated, to allow various possibility of interface and the development of a management and maintenance plan of the structures. A more modern and efficient data storage, with the possibility of their use for the definition of a ‘Maintenance and management plan’ of the complex of the city walls - with a high ratio between the investment for knowledge (costs) and the possibility of its use (benefits) - will be supported by a Building Information Modelling (BIM), an integrated data management tool, to be jointly developed by the Municipality of Florence and the DIDA-UNIFI.









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Fortifications of Florence the stretch of Oltrarno

PhD Candidate: Carmela Pinto I Advisor: Roberto Sabelli I Co-advisor: Giacomo Tempesta I 2019

A diagnostic data management system

for the conservation project, building information modelling (B.I.M.) PhD Candidate: Jacopo Giuseppe Vitale I Advisor: Roberto Sabelli I Co-advisor: Giacomo Tempesta I 2020

phd programs


Structure and Conservation of Architecture and Cultural Heritage

Restoration and Landscape

PhD Program Coordinator Ugo Tonietti Scientific Board ICAR 08 - ICAR 09 ICAR 19 Valerio Alecci Alberto Bove Giuseppe Centauro Angelo D’Ambrisi Mario De Stefano Maurizio De Vita Stefano Galassi Luca Giorgi Pietro Matracchi Tommaso Rotunno Luisa Rovero Roberto Sabelli Marco Tanganelli Giacomo Tempesta Ugo Tonietti Stefania Viti

The theme of the relationship between restoration and landscape is a very complex subject. It was considered, from a theoretical point of view, also by one of the main figure of Italian restoration, Roberto Pane, who was the protagonist of the Venice Charter of Restoration (1964). The charter dealt with the protection of the urban and landscape environment, in defense of landscape. At a time when Italy was overwhelmed by post-war building speculation, Pane not only took defensive positions, but tried to understand the reasons that led to make quantitative logics prevail on aesthetic ones. According to Pane, landscape is a complex dynamic unit, which contains living and non-living matter, changeable both in time and in subjects and produced by profound interactions of nature, technique, art, culture, human sciences. In these two doctoral researches the theme of landscape is declined from two different points of view, to underline how the restoration project can be multi-disciplinary and multi-scale: one of the two doctoral researches deals with the study of conservation of works of art present at the Celle farm (Pistoia), a great example of environmental art, while the other deals with the theme of the relationship between historic villas -with the case study of the Medici villas- and the landscape.

Metals in contemporary art and architecture the Gori collection - Fattoria di Celle (Pistoia)

PhD Candidate: Tiziana Romiti I Advisor: Maurizio De Vita Co-advisor: Stefania Agnoletti - Opificio delle Pietre Dure - Firenze I 2019 The choice to analyse from a conservative point of view, the artworks in the Gori Collection, that is the first private land art collection in the world, was suggested by the need to try a first approach to degradation contexts that had not been investigated until now, about contemporary art and site specific art in particular, comparing them with the more classical ones of materials’ degradation in historical buildings. There are many similarities with architecture: site specific art means, in fact, the observation of specific context’s factors (light, vegetation, climate) so as to merge very deeply the art with environment, just like in a building. Another aspect of contemporary art, is the presence of polymaterical works, made with the same materials as architecture. In this case, the focus is on metallic materials:Stainless steel - Cor-ten steel - Cast Iron - Bronze and copper alloys - Aluminum. Each material is analysed in the general and particular aspect, related to the single artwork in which is used, and are studied also the processes, treatments, and surface finishes and the sources of deterioration. If interdisciplinarity is the basis of the ‘traditional’ architectonic conservation, the same is for land and site specific art conservation, so that it can’t be the prerogative of a single discipline; this is why the collaboration with the Opificio delle Pietre Dure of Florence has become essential for this job. Research main objectives: Find differences, or similarities, between modern and contemporary architectures and site specific artworks made with the same material (metallic material in particular). Find the action criteria and common guidelines eventually.

PUBLICATIONS T. Romiti, F. Bettini, A. Casaccia, S. Francone, C. Mignani, R. Salis, F. Secchi, C. Toso, (2013) Non Dove di Emilio Vedova in Il futuro del contemporaneo, a cura di L. Montabalno, M. Patti, Edifir, Firenze.


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Villa, garden, landscape

Medicean villas’ system in Tuscany PhD Candidate: Virginia Neri I Advisor: Maurizio De Vita I 2019 The theme of the close link and the continuity between villa and rural landscape is an ancient consciousness that has gradually hardened over time, both in Italian and in European culture. If we consider the system of a villa with its historical garden, it is recurring that also from both the critical reading and the protection point of view, agricultural lands, always considered as an integral part of the complex, such as woods and streets, aren’t part of the same protection regime. This aspect should, however, have a fundamental role within the conservation project. The revision of the boundaries and the original relationship with the landscape context are useful for a redefinition of the borders of a place, initially conceived as an ideal of continuity with all the elements defining the landscape, such as agricultural textures, Roman centuriation, drainage works, and all those systems stratified over the course of history. This research develops this theme both from a theoretical point of view and with the help of case studies. My case study will focus on the Medici villas located in the plain around Florence. In this and many other cases, both in Italy and abroad, the villa with its garden and its landscape, is not a single complex, but it is included in a larger scale system, which involves other villas in the same area, forming a single system. The historical moment in which this phenomenon develops is very important: during the Renaissance, in fact, the great Florentine families invested in agriculture and then in the reorganization of villas, gardens and farms annexed. The relationship between the residential complex (as the set of buildings and gardens) and the surrounding environment, is one of the most amazing innovations of the modern Italian villa’s typology, defined starting from the mid-fifteenth century. In these cases the villa represents the sign of the dominant presence of the city in the countryside. The rural settlement development witnesses the openness and the increasingly symbiotic relationship with the environment, the territory and the surrounding landscape. Research main objectives: Find a new tool for the system’s critical reading. Find a specific tool to investigate the forms of landscape assets’ degradation. Proposal for new conservation’s instruments. PUBLICATIONS V. Neri (2017), Il restauro dei giardini storici: nascita, sviluppo e futuro della disciplina, in D. Fiorani (a cura di), Ricerca, Restauro, Quasar edizioni, 2017 Roma – Atti del I convegno Sira, Ricerca-Restauro, Roma, 26-27 settembre 2016 - ISBN: 978-88-7140-764-7. V. Neri, G. Parri, C. Parisi, F. Giurranna (2015) Paesaggio e restauro: modello di studio e metodologia applicativa per i giardini del castello di Fosdinovo (Ms), in Il capitale culturale - Studies on the Value of Cultural Heritage, n° 11/2015 - ISSN: 2039-2362.

Trebbio villa and farm: historical cadastral and current state.

phd programs

V. Neri (2015), La valorizzazione dei giardini storici e degli spazi aperti nei centri storici: il caso di studio del castello di Fosdinovo, Toscana, Italia, in A. Marmori et al. (a cura di), Architettura e città, problemi di conservazione e valorizzazione, Altralinea edizioni, 2015 Firenze – Atti del convegno, La Spezia, 27-28 novembre 2015 - ISBN: 97888-98743-57-5. V. Neri, Temi, problemi, segni del dialogo fra antico e nuovo, in M. De Vita, Architetture nel tempo. Dialoghi della materia, nel restauro, Firenze University Press, 2015 - ISBN: 978-88-6655-767-8.

Castello medicean villa (Florence), private archive.


Structure and Conservation of Architecture and Cultural Heritage

Eastern Building Cultures, knowledge for earthquake resilience PhD Program Coordinator Ugo Tonietti Scientific Board ICAR 08 - ICAR 09 ICAR 19 Valerio Alecci Alberto Bove Giuseppe Centauro Angelo D’Ambrisi Mario De Stefano Maurizio De Vita Stefano Galassi Luca Giorgi Pietro Matracchi Tommaso Rotunno Luisa Rovero Roberto Sabelli Marco Tanganelli Giacomo Tempesta Ugo Tonietti Stefania Vitii

Protection of cultural heritage against seismic risk constitutes one of the major challenges of the scientific community, which is actually engaged in refining operative solutions for practitioners as well as theoretical mechanical models. The response of special architectural elements, like arches, domes and vaults, has attracted the interest of historic scientists, but still today comprehensive and general formulations lack of a full dynamic perspective. Several investigations are available in the literature on the dynamic response of architectural elements typical of the wester building culture. However, when the constructive background changes, such models can hardly be employed with equal effectiveness. For these reasons, it is necessary to investigate on specific technological solutions widespread in eastern cultures and “translate” them in adequate and dedicated response structural models capable to tackle the structural “genius loci”.

Seismic vulnerability of pointed arches under rigid body assumption Numerical and experimental evaluations

Author: Giulia Misseri I Advisor: Luisa Rovero Co-advisor: Matthew DeJong - Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge I 2017 This dissertation reports on a parametric analysis of the vulnerability of pointed arches made of two circular arcs. The analysis considers variations of arch slenderness and sharpness that result from different positions of centres of circular arcs. Firstly, the arch is addressed as a rigid macro-block system, and limit analysis with the kinematic approach is exploited to determine the collapse acceleration through Non-Linear Programming optimisation. The pattern of hinges at collapse differs considerably from the one that occurs for circular arches. Acceleration necessary to initiate motion grows with the rise, as opposed to what occurs for circular shapes. Dynamic response of pointed arches for rectangular-shaped and harmonic inputs are investigated as well transforming arch mechanisms into four-bar linkages. Systematic integration of the non-linear form of the distinctive differential equation of the problem revealed that failure during second half cycle of motion occurs form most of the profiles. Such a trend would have never been tackled in the framework of linearised motion, which however provides more conservative estimations. Moreover, failure during second half cycle of motion for harmonic inputs, especially for low and medium frequencies, is found to be deeply influenced by the adopted impact model and, more importantly, by position of hinges. Considering also a micro-block approach, a wide experimental campaign addressed the equivalent static and full dynamic response of a set of 11 reduced-scale models of pointed arches made of prismatic Autoclaved Aerated Concrete blocks. The whole experimental campaign was carried out in testing Laboratory of DIDA (LabProvMat). Tilt tests and shake table tests uncovered the inherent sliding vulnerability of these profiles. Thus, a novel and specifically designed kinematic model (two-bars hinged at ground and connected by a slider), capable to consider sliding independently from the adopted friction coefficient, was validated as an effective tool to tackle global sliding mechanism of thick and sharp profiles. The sliding failure was recorded also employing the Distinct Element Method through the commercial code 3DEC with the aim of numerically modelling


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the experimental campaign. Given the stated vulnerability of pointed arches to crown sliding, the four bar linkage model will be always lacking a fundamental aspect, especially for sharp and stocky profiles subjected to high frequency inputs. Future investigations should address vulnerability to complete time histories and in a probabilistic framework, sliding phenomena when overloading is considered and 3D.

Traditional construction techniques in northern Afghanistan

Consolidation of ancient architectures: Noh-Gunbad mosque in Balkh Author: Arash Boostani (PhD Candidate) I Advisor: Ugo Tonietti I Co-advisor: Luisa Rovero I 2019 The study zone in northern Afghanistan is selected along the significant historical Trans-Eurasian root latterly known as “Silk Roads”. Owing to its position, Afghanistan has collected cultural bias from both eastern and western neighbouring cultures, such as from Tibet and Buddhism as well as from ancient Great Persia and Zoroastrianism, resulting in strong and different featuring elements. Also the geographical background of the country can be very different from north to south, consequently affecting the technological solutions developed from place to place; from low hot oasis on the west up to high and cold mountains of Pamir and Hindukush on the east, with related different geology and seismicity. Due to the decennial state of war of the country, begun in 1979 and never ended, not even right now, most of the attention of national and international organizations focused on humanitarian aids and temporary sheltering for the refugees and little attention was devoted to cultural identity of this country. When available, studies on the architectural culture of the country focus on the history of the major monuments and never address a technological point of view, or traditional construction techniques used on ordinary housing or less historically important buildings. In fact, authors of most of the references are art historians and archaeologists. It is only thanks to the archaeological reports from Délégation Archéologique Française en Afghanistan (DAFA) particularly from Roland Besenval and some of the well-known art historians in the field, like Lisa Golombeck and Bernard O’Kane, that we had access to ancient evidences on the construction culture in the area. This documental information is fundamental to understand and investigate the history of many cultural heritage sites, but very limited data about the construction culture in the area are available. Motivations: Lack of research on the issue due to limited access to the country. Dispersed and limited (Art and History) knowledge. Personal concern for seismic risk of cultural heritage Objectives: Recording and systematizing of the existing traditional construction techniques. Detecting inherent weaknesses to build up compatible strengthening solutions. Benchmarking novel, fibre-composite solutions for seismic safety of earthen buildings. PUBLICATIONS Misseri G., Rovero, L. (2017). Response of pointed arches subjected to horizontal loading. Experimental and numerical evaluations. XXIII Congresso - Associazione Italiana di Meccanica Teorica e Applicata. Salerno, 4-7 Settembre 2017.




Misseri, G., Rovero, L. (2017). Parametric investigation on the dynamic behaviour of masonry pointed arches. Archive of Applied Mechanics, 87(3), 385-404.







Boostani, A., Misseri, G., Rovero, L., Tonietti U. (2017). A masterpiece of early Muslim Architecture: the Noh-Gunbad Mosque, Balkh (Afghanistan). Arcades safety assessment and strengthening interventions. 1st Symposium on SEISMIC REHABILITATION of HERITAGE STRUCTURES - The Iranian Research Centre for Conservation of Buildings and Fabrics. Teheran, 2017, 3-4 Jan.









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Boostani A., Fratini, F., Misseri, G., Rovero, L., Tonietti, U. (2017). A masterpiece of early Islamic architecture: The Noh-Gonbad Mosque in Balkh, Afghanistan. Under second stage review at Journal of Cultural Heritage - Elsevier. Misseri, G., DeJong, M.J., Rovero, L. (2017). Experimental and numerical investigation on the collapse of pointed masonry arches under quasi-static horizontal loading. Submitted to Engineering Structures - Elsevier. phd programs


Structure and Conservation of Architecture and Cultural Heritage

Innovative technologies FRCM composite materials

PhD Program Coordinator Ugo Tonietti Address piazza Brunelleschi, 6 Firenze Scientific board ICAR 08 - ICAR 09 ICAR 19 Valerio Alecci Alberto Bove Giuseppe Centauro Angelo D’Ambrisi Mario De Stefano Stefano Galassi Luca Giorgi Pietro Matracchi Raffaele Nudo Tommaso Rotunno Luisa Rovero Roberto Sabelli Marco Tanganelli Giacomo Tempesta Ugo Tonietti Stefania Viti


Recent earthquakes showed the high vulnerability of existing masonry buildings and, for this reason, scientific community is interested in evaluating new materials and techniques for reducing their seismic vulnerability. In this context, composite materials reinforced with long fibers represent a new technology, increasingly suitable for strengthening masonry structures in seismic area. Among them, Fiber Reinforced Cementitious Matrix (FRCM) composites are becoming a valid alternative to Fiber Reinforced Polymers (FRPs), especially for the strengthening of historical and monumental buildings, thanks to their high compatibility with the masonry substrate, low weight, rapidity and ease of application. FRP and FRCM composites present different mechanical behavior and failure mode. Main failure mechanism of FRCM composites is due to a delamination phenomenon at the matrix-fiber interface, while the FRP composites failure is due to a delamination at matrix–support interface. The correct evaluation of the bond performance of such materials plays a crucial role for properly designing a strengthening intervention by using FRCM composites.

Analysis of the mechanical behaviour of cement-based composite materials in the reinforcement of masonry structures Author: Gianfranco Stipo I Advisor: Luisa Rovero I Co-advisor: Ugo Tonietti I 2014 The research objectives: • Understanding of the main resistive phenomena that characterize the reinforcement system; • The interpretation of the behaviour of the fibre/matrix interface; • The evaluation of the effectiveness in terms of both deformation and resistive capacity of structural elements, such as panels and arches; • The calibration of analytical models for the determination of the transmissible force; • The composite materials were tested are PBO, carbon, glass with cement matrix and carbon with polymer matrix. Experimental phases: 1. mechanical characterization of the constituent material; 2. DST- double shear tests; 3. Diagonal test on 8 wall panels in 1:2 scale; 4. 18 tests on reinforced arches in 1:2 scale. The results were experimentally used to be the analytical model that interpret both phenomena of adhesion and the global behaviour of the reinforced models. Bond tests showed that the de-bonding phenomena occurs at the fiber-matrix interface. Sliding, the four bar linkage model will be always lacking a fundamental aspect, especially for sharp and stocky profiles subjected to high frequency inputs. Future investigations should address vulnerability to complete time histories and in a probabilistic framework, sliding phenomena when overloading is considered and 3D.

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Bond behaviour of FRCM composites experimental tests and analytical models

Author: Sara Barducci I Advisor: Mario De Stefano I Co-advisor: Valerio Alecci, Luisa Rovero I 2018 The bond behaviour of FRCM composites applied on a brick support was investigated through both an experimental and an analytical approach. Four different FRCM composites were experimentally tested using four types of bond tests. In particular, the four composites consisted of the same basalt fibre textile and four types of matrix: • a lime-based matrix produced by Kerakoll S.p.a.; • a lime-based matrix produced in laboratory; • a cement-based matrix produced in laboratory; • a cement-lime-based matrix produced in laboratory. Four types of bond test were carried out on 111 specimens consisting of a brick support reinforced with the composites above described: Single-Shear Test; Double-Shear Test-type A; Double-Shear Test-type B; Beam Test. The experimental campaign allowed: 1. to study the bond behaviour of FRCM composites, identifying those characterized by good bond properties and by a lower variability of the results. In particular, lime-based composites showed higher bond properties; 2. to identify mechanical characteristics that affect the bond behaviour. In particular, an influence of the mechanical properties of the matrix on the bond capacity of the lime-based composites was identified: as the mortar’s strength increased, an increase in the debonding load was matched; 3. to evaluate the different bond tests carried out in terms of procedure and results. In particular, it was possible to conclude that the Single Shear Test is the most reliable type of test for the study of the bond behaviour of FRCM composites. Finally, an analytical approach based on fracture mechanics was applied. Five different cohesive laws were adopted, each of them calibrated by an indirect method. In fact, the unknown parameters of each laws were determined based on the experimental results for each specimens. The five analytical applied load-global slip response were then compared with the experimental ones for each bond tests previously performed. The comparisons allowed identifying the most suitable cohesive law to evaluate the load response of the FRCM composites for each type of bond test. PUBLICATIONS Alecci, V., Focacci, F., Rovero, L., Stipo, G., Mantegazza, G., De Stefano, M.,(2017). FRCM Composites for stregthening of brick masonry arches. Key Engineering Materials 747 KEM, 174-181. Alecci, V., De Stefano, M., Focacci, F., Luciano, R., Rovero, L., & Stipo, G. (2017). Strengthening Masonry Arches with Lime-Based Mortar Composite. Buildings, 7(2), 49. Alecci, V., Focacci, F., Rovero, L., Stipo, G., & De Stefano, M. (2017). Intrados strengthening of brick masonry arches with different FRCM composites: experimental and analytical investigations. Composite Structures, 176, 898-909. Alecci, V., Focacci, F., Rovero, L., Stipo, G., & De Stefano, M. (2016). Extrados strengthening of brick masonry arches with PBO–FRCM composites: Experimental and analytical investigations. Composite Structures, 149, 184-196. Alecci, V., Misseri, G., Rovero, L., Stipo, G., De Stefano, M., Feo, L., & Luciano, R. (2016). Experimental investigation on masonry arches strengthened with PBO-FRCM composite. Composites Part B: Engineering, 100, 228-239.

phd programs

Alecci, V., De Stefano, M., Luciano, R., Rovero, L., & Stipo, G. (2016). Experimental investigation on bond behavior of cement-matrix– based composites for strengthening of masonry structures. Journal of Composites for Construction, 20(1), 04015041. Alecci, V., F., Rovero, L., Stipo, G., & De Stefano, M. (2017). Strengthening of masonry structures with cementitious matrix composite. 16th World Conference on Earthquake 16WCEE 2017, Santiago Chile, January 9th to 13th 2017. Alecci, V., De Stefano, M., Luciano, R., Misseri, G., Rovero, L., Stipo, G., Experimental investigations on suitable and innovative strengthening sistems for masonry arches. International Conference on Mechanics of composites, MECHCOMP3. University of Bologna, Italy, 4-7 July, 2017. V. Alecci, M. De Stefano, F. Focacci, R. Luciano, L. Rovero, G. Stipo. Lime mortar-based composites for the strengthening of masonry structures. 17th CIRIAF National Congress Sustainable Development, Human Health and Environmental Protection, Perugia, Italy. April 6-7, 2017.


Structure and Conservation of Architecture and Cultural Heritage

Seismic Vulnerability Assessment at Territorial Scale

PhD Program Coordinator Ugo Tonietti Scientific Board ICAR 08 - ICAR 09 ICAR 19 Valerio Alecci Alberto Bove Giuseppe Centauro Angelo D’Ambrisi Mario De Stefano Maurizio De Vita Stefano Galassi Luca Giorgi Pietro Matracchi Tommaso Rotunno Luisa Rovero Roberto Sabelli Marco Tanganelli Giacomo Tempesta Ugo Tonietti Stefania Viti

Below, from left: 1. Loica church (Colonial). 2. Santo Domingo (Neoclassic). 3. c) Santa Filomena (Neo-gothic). 4. Axonometric view of Basilica del Salvador in Santiago centre, with activated damage mechanisms following the 10 Maule earthquake.



With the aim of developing seismic risk reduction plans, an assessment of seismic vulnerability must be carried out, together with seismic hazard and exposure evaluation. For existing buildings, the problem arises essentially in the evaluation of the current predisposition to damage and the analysis can diversify depending on the quality and quantity of information that can be acquired in the field. The vulnerability analysis for seismic risk mitigation cannot refer to a deep knowledge of the single building but must be based on territorial or urban contexts and therefore on a plurality of buildings. The analysis, based on masonry building techniques, leads to the definition of damage indexes for each considered building and therefore allow to obtain fragility curves that correlate the seismic intensity to the probability of damage. These curves are useful tools for drawing up lists of intervention priorities, for simulating post-simulation scenarios, and finally for managing emergencies. Both the researches presented below deal with the assessment of the seismic vulnerability of buildings on a territorial scale, but they differ in the typology of examined buildings: Palazzi research aims to study the behavior of monumental buildings, while Stefanini research deals with a historical urban aggregate.

Seismic vulnerability assessment

of unreinforced masonry churches in Central Chile PhD Candidate: Chiara Nuria Palazzi Advisors: Luisa Rovero, Juan Carlos de la Llera - Pontificia Universidad Catolica, RCH Co-advisors: Ugo Tonietti, Cristian Sandoval - Pontificia Universidad Catolica, RCH I 2019 The Chilean Built Heritage underwent extensive structural damage during the 2010 Maule earthquake (Mw 8.8), in particular, unreinforced masonry churches, which highlights the importance of implementing effective retrofit and safety strategies. These religious structures exhibit profound typological and constructive peculiarities, which is wholly unique and manifests the synchronism between Chilean constructive culture and European architectural revivalisms. The peculiarity of this heritage and the high seismic hazard of the Chilean territory motivated the need of defining a systematic method to assess the seismic vulnerability of these monuments. Three representative case studies for each homogeneous group have been identified (San Francisco for neoclassic churches, Basilica del Salvador for Neo-gothic churches, and La Viñita for colonial churches) and their seismic behaviour has been assessed through multi-level structural analyses: • As concerning the Local analyses by damage mechanisms, the linear and non-linear kinematic analyses within the rocking analysis have been carried out; • As concerning the FEM Global analysis, Linear Dynamic Analysis has been carried out. Objectives: Generate a complete database with characteristics of a representative stock of 106 URM churches located in central Chile. Calculate geometrical and simplified safety indexes for the seismic vulnerability. Calculate the average level of damage suffered by each church through the global damage index. Provide Damage Probability Matrices, at both global and local level. Determine Fragility Curves to be used in a risk assessment.




The architectural heritage of Mediterranean cultures at risk of disappearance Perception, protection and sustainable innovation in the case of Northern Morocco

Author (PhD Candidate): Sara Stefanini I Advisor: Luisa Rovero, Ugo Tonietti I 2020 The research project intends to develop a strategy of intervention aimed at the recognition and protection of the Architectural Heritage of the Mediterranean basin consisting of historical centres built in earth or masonry, monuments and vernacular settlements at risk of disappearance under two different typologies of threats: • Environmental threats: earthquakes, floods, climate change; • Cultural threats: loss of knowledge and uncritical affirmation of technological cultures incompatible with previous ones. The need to identify a significant and representative field of investigation of the described processes, but at the same time limited and capable to allow direct investigations and plausible relationships with the context, led to choose the Medina of Fès as the field of application of the study. The choice was made easier by the partnership between the DIDA and the School of Architecture at the Université Euro-Méditerranéenne de Fès (UEMF). Until now, the project was divided into two basic phases. On the one hand it was started a survey on the existing literature. In parallel, we started to build, through field-research activities in the Region of Fès, a knowledge framework on a case study surveying its constructive features and their influence on the structural response. Through the study of the state of the art on seismic vulnerability assessment methods at a territorial scale, together with the analysis of researches carried out on historical settlements of North Africa, the choice of the method to be applied and, in particular, its possible modifications on the basis of the local features, is currently under review. Objectives: Systematization of knowledge concerning the fundamental elements of local tacit cultures. Anthropological assessment of the social perception of values related to conservation and enhancement of heritage as well as to the perception of seismic risk. Determine Vulnerability Curves for different macroseismic intensities. Development of codes of practice for structural reinforcement and protection. Identification for new buildings of constructive technologies, which could be sustainable, at low cost and derived from local traditions. PUBLICATIONS N.C. Palazzi, L. Rovero, U. Tonietti, J.C.de la Llera, and C. Sandoval (2018). Kinematic limit analysis of Basilica del Salvador, a significant example of the neo-gothic architecture in Santiago, Chile. In proceedings of 16th European Conference Earthquake Engineering. Thessaloniki, Greece (under review). N. Jorquera, N. Palazzi, L. Rovero, U. Tonietti (2017). The church and convent of San Francisco in Santiago, Chile. Analysis of 400 years of earthquake-resistance behaviour. In proceedings of 16th World Conference of Earthquake Engineering. Santiago, Chile.

F. Brandi, N. Palazzi, L. Rovero, U. Tonietti (2017). Preliminary damage assessment of masonry built heritage after the Amatrice 2016 earthquake. In proceedings of 16th World Conference of Earthquake Engineering. Santiago, Chile. N. Jorquera, G. Misseri, N. Palazzi, L. Rovero, U. Tonietti (2017). Structural characterization and seismic performance of San Francisco church, the most ancient monument in Santiago, Chile. International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 11(8),1061-1085.

Main out-of-plane damage mechanism.

Axonometric view and photograph of selected block in the Medina. phd programs


PhD Program in Landscape Architecture

Studies | Research

PhD Program Coordinator Gabriele Paolinelli Academics Daniela Colafranceschi Gabriele Corsani Enrico Falqui Biagio Guccione Anna Lambertini Tessa Matteini Emanuela Morelli Carlo Natali Caterina Padoa Schioppa Gabriele Paolinelli Carlo Peraboni Fabio Salbitano Maria Cristina Treu Antonella Valentini Students Marta Buoro XXI cycle Nicoletta Cristiani XXXII cycle Beatrice Agulli XXXIII cycle Iacopo Lorenzini XXXIII cycle

The PhD program, established in 1997 with the XII cycle, is dedicated to Landscape Architecture’s disciplinary profile, whose fields of research refer to the landscape conception of the plans for the territory management and for the protection of restricted assets, even projects for conservation interventions, requalification or transformation of the landscapes. Due to the size of the problems faced and the types of tools referred to them, the program includes a wide variability of study types. The complexity and the spatial-temporal transcalarity of the structures proper to the landscape and its functioning, are the main common characteristics to which has been given priority and constant attention during the two decades of studies produced. This complexity induces a demand for trans-disciplinarity intrinsic to the landscape architecture. For this reason, the college of teachers associates the focal discipline with the natural sciences and agricultural sciences, in a tradition of relationships developed in Florence using a consolidated didactic collaboration with teachers of territorial and urban planning and architecture from University of Florence and other universities.



Candidates Ludovica Marinaro XIX cycle Claudia Mezzapesa XXX cycle Doctors of philosophy D. Agostini, E. Berti, C. Bucelli, I. Burzi, I. Caciolli, E. Campus, C. Cassatella, A. Caucci, A. Cazzola, M. Cillis, D. Corsini, G.Costa, L. Cremonini, E. Dall’Ara, F. De Carolis, M. Delendi, M. Felicia Della Valle, I. D’Urso, L. Elli, M. Ercolini, L. Ferrari, F. Finotto, S. Francini, M. E. Giannetti, A. Lambertini, C. Lanzoni, L. Latini, E. Maino, S. Mantovani, P. Marzorati, T. Matteini, Y. Garcia Mendoza, E. Morelli, M. Moretti, A. K. Obwona, S. Olivieri, G. Paolinelli, F. Pastò, M.Pece, C. Pellizzaro, M. Pierattini, A.Piras, S. D.Quattrone, C.Quintarelli, V.Romagnoli, E.Salizzoni, M. Saragoni, A. R. Solimando, M. Storti, G. Tettamanzi, F. Tiberi, S. Tozzini, A. Valentini











CULTURAL ITINERARY research map | dida research system

7.00 6.75 6.50

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phd programs


Landscape Architecture

Open Session on Landscape

Representatives Landscape design Lab UNIFI | DIDA Address Palazzo Vegni, Firenze Palazzina Reale di Santa Maria Novella, Firenze Luigi Pecci Contemporary Art Centre, Prato Scientific editor Enrico Falqui Executive Board Enrico Falqui Gabriele Paolinelli Ludovica Marinaro Marta Buoro Nicoletta Cristiani

Open Session on Landscape is a scientific and professional training program, in line with a teaching and research internationalization process linked to many issues of Horizon 2020. It adheres to a common European platform for vocational training (Professional Qualifications Directive (2005 / 36 / EC). The four cycles of international seminars Open Session On Landscape (2014, 2015, 2016, 2017) are united by a common thread that bonds all four editions: an invitation to dialogue between Architecture, Territorial Planning and Urban Planning and the innovative design culture of Landscape Architecture, in order to educate “new professionals” to a holistic conception of the contemporary city and to an “integrated” design of urban and peri-urban systems, with particular attention to the role of Art in urban landscape design and in the re-identification processes of places or in participatory processes involving the inhabitants. Contributions, most significant reflections and projects presented in each of the international seminars have been collected in separate publications of the DIDAWorkshop series, called “OPLA’, Ongoing Projects on Landscape Architecture”.

Executive Staff Flavia Veronesi Elisa Baisi Chiara Santi Sara Dei Lorenza Fortuna Francesco Tosi Margherita Vestri Giulia Roncucci Giulia Mancini Gael Glaudel Anna Scarfato


research map | dida research system


























PETER WALKER phd programs




PhD Program in Urban and Regional Planning and Design

Studies | Research

PhD Course Coordinator Giuseppe De Luca Scientific Board ICAR 20- ICAR 21 Camilla Perrone Francesco Alberti Leonardo Chiesi Giuseppe De Luca David Fanfani Giulio Giovannoni Valeria Lingua Fabio Lucchesi Giancarlo Paba Raffaele Paloscia Daniela Poli Claudio Saragosa Iacopo Zetti Alberto Ziparo PhD candidates XXVI-XXXIII Chiara Belingardi Elisa Bertagnini Michela Chiti Andrea Saladini Luca Di Figlia Maddalena Rossi Mariano Gesualdi Stefano Reyes Manuel Marin Mohsen Melat Ahmad Shirvani Andrea Alcalini Benedetta Caprotti Alexander Palummo Antonella Granatiero Raffaella Fucile Chiara Agnoletti Gino Peres Lancillotti Massimo Parrini Elisa Butelli Anas Shahin Sandro Ciabatti Andrea Testi Laura Nanni Roberto Lembo Massimo Balsimelli


The program focuses on various aspects related to urban and landscape planning and design, with a special attention to the relationship between spatial planning and design, and regional government. It explores methodologies, approaches, policies and tools for the analysis of contemporary regional urban planning processes (bio-regional dynamics, polycentric models, metropolitan and post-metropolitan morphotypologies), and for the construction of integrated and participative strategic scenarios and regional projects. It also carries out an in-depth analysis of environmental questions with a special focus on the ecology of the region and regional policies regarding sustainability. The program fosters a critical approach to planning strategies, inquiring on the multiplicity of interpretations and scientific contributions, from an international perspective that is both comparative and integrated, aimed at finding those strategies that are more adequately adaptable to the local contexts in question. It orients the educational and training processes towards on-field research methodologies, promoting contact with the various stakeholders active in the region. It focuses especially on the following research areas: • The project of the city,with reference to the subjects of public space, the regeneration of the urban fabric, infrastructures and accessibility, the re-qualification of historical centres, the redesigning of suburbs and fringe peri-urban areas, and the relationship between private and public city; • The project of the territory and the landscape, with reference to the “territorialist project”, which is oriented towards ascribing added value to the region through modes of social governance of the territory’s production, understood as a highly complex living sys-

research map | dida research system



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tem, comprised of places (or regions) which have been distinguished by a specific history, character, and a long-running structure; • Regional Design, as an approach to spatial design and planning, with the purpose of determining extensive regional areas in which to identify a strong and shared strategic vision, that may serve as a reference point for both social and economic development policies and for the government of the region; • Urban and regional policies, with reference to the following fields of study: urban and strategic intervention tools for the contemporary city, theoretical and applied research in the fields related to participative and interactive planning and design; environmental assessment, both in terms of strategies and risks, regarding urban and regional planning and infrastructure programmes; • Critical Planning, with the purpose of developing a critical vision of urban and regional planning and design, through the exploration of the roots, of the theory and practice of planning and design, tracing the radical and unsettled paradigms, and ascribing value to minority and alternative traditions; • Planning for cooperation with the Global South, with reference to educational and research activities related to the subject of the transformation of and interventions in the cities of the Global South, with a direct commitment by partners, in university and extra-university contexts, both in Italy and abroad, to the promotion of, and active participation in projects of cooperation for development.

phd programs


Urban and Regional Planning and Design

PhD Thesis

Self-Organization and collective management and care of places Author: Chiara Belingardi I Advisors: Daniela Poli I XXVI Cycle I 2014 The thesis explored the concept of Commons in relation to urban spaces. These common spaces can be individuate among the urban places which are self-managed by inhabitants. The thesis had two main objectives: the description of the common urban places and the suggestions of policies to deal with them. The description of commons is done through a list of seven characteristics, resulting by an interdisciplinary survey on the concept of commons, the research about traditional urban commons and the review of study cases at national and international level. These characteristics are: 1. Self-determination: the decisions are in charge of the people. 2. Multifactoriality: it is necessary to take into account more factors together. 3. Care. 4. Self-management. Rules collectively decided in horizontal ways. 5. Use: the adapting of the space depending on the use. 6. Relationships among the community members. 7. Inclusiveness. These characteristics are useful to individuate a particular kind of spaces, called Commonalities. In order to give some idea about the consistence of the commonalities, as they are mainly tiny spaces, a Map of the existing and potential commonalities in the city of Rome was drawn. Finally some policies suggestions were formulated. These were based on the characteristics, on municipal rules dealing with citizens self-organization in public spaces and on the current debate about commons at national level. Commonalities can be places by which start to achieve a real right to the city.

PhD Program Coordinator Camilla Perrone Scientific Board ICAR 20- ICAR 21 Camilla Perrone Francesco Alberti Leonardo Chiesi Giuseppe De Luca David Fanfani Giulio Giovannoni Valeria Lingua Fabio Lucchesi Giancarlo Paba Raffaele Paloscia Daniela Poli Claudio Saragosa Iacopo Zetti Alberto Ziparo



I beni comuni possono avere una ricaduta spaziale? Esistono degli spazi urbani beni comuni? letteratura sui beni comuni

casi storici

1. qualsiasi natura 2. prevalenza dell’uso 3. condivisione 4. bene + uso + comunità 5. valore relazionale e simbolico adatti ai bisogni cura conservazione letteratura sui beni comuni urbani




Dove si possono trovare le comunanze urbane? Quali caratteristiche hanno? Quali sono le esperienze di affidamento già adottate? Che elementi ne emergono?



Quali dispositivi/strumenti/politiche si possono adottare per esaltare le capacità delle CU e la loro diffusione? Che indicazioni generali per la gestione della città?

in caso di pubblico: -riconoscimento -convenzioni 1. politiche in grado di gestire il caso -autodeterminazione per caso / contestuali -sostegno 2. politiche in grado di generare

logie degli spazi tipo

1. orti e giardini condivisi 2. spazi in collegamento con un interno 3. spazi comuni in insediamenti autocostruiti 4. piazze, strade, altri luoghi 5. wasteland 6. comunanze temporanee

teristiche carat

autodeterminazione multifattorialità cura autogestione uso relazionalità inclusione

casi istituzionali indicazioni

cooperazione 3. un’agenzia ad hoc che generi competenza a livello istituzionale e cittadino 4. rafforzamento, empowerment, rete

in caso di privato: -funzione sociale della proprietà -terrenni agricoli abbandonati -usi civici

Abitanti e rapporto cooperativo enti-cittadini cittadini come supporto economico o tecnico cogestori dello spazio autogestione urbano all’interno di monitoraggio istituti di decisione problema dell’informalità comune problema dell’empowerment temporaneità Città del Messico Roma

research map | dida research system

PUBLICATIONS Monograph Belingardi C. (2015) Comunanze Urbane. Autogestione e cura dei luoghi. Firenze:Firenze University Press FUP. Essay Belingardi C. (2015) Comunanze urbane. Autogestione e cura dei luoghi. In: (a cura di): Lorenzo Fabian e Mauro Marzo, La ricerca che cambia. Atti del primo convegno nazionale dei dottorati italiani dell’architettura. SIRACUSA: LetteraVentidue Edizioni. Articles Belingardi C. (2016) Diritto alla città e beni comuni. In Contesti. Città, Territori, Progetti, doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.13128/contesti-20367. Belingardi C. (2015) Spazi urbani come beni comuni: le comunanze urbane. In Scienze Del Territorio, p. 186-193. Belingardi C. (2014) Comunanze urbane: cura, costruzione e gestione di città nuove.In La Nuova Città, p. 14-15.

Conference Proceedings Belingardi C. (2015) I beni comuni urbani tra politiche e desiderata. In: Atti della XVIII Conferenza Nazionale SIU. Italia ‘45-’45. Radici, Condizioni, Prospettive, Venezia, 11-13 giugno 2015. p. 1871-1875, Roma/Milano:Planum publisher, Venezia, 11-13 giugno 2015. Belingardi C. (2014) Politiche Partecipative a Città del Messico: il Bilancio Partecipativo e il “Programa comunitario de mejoramiento barrial”. In: (a cura di): Giulia Fini, Claudia Botti, Marina Reissner, Cecilia Saibene, Atti della XVII Conferenza nazionale SIU, L’urbanistica italiana nel mondo. p. 249-253, Roma-Milano:Planum publisher, Milano, 15-16 maggio 2014. Belingardi C. (2013) Comunanze urbane, autorganizzazione e urbanistica. PLANUM, vol. n. 27 vol. 2/2013. Belingardi C. (2012) Città Bene Comune e Diritto alla Città. In: Bellomo M. et al. (Editors) (2012), Abitare il nuovo/abitare di nuovo ai tempi della crisi, Atti delle Giornate Internazionali di Studio “Abitare il Futuro” 2a Edizione, Napoli, 12-13 dicembre 2012, Clean, Napoli. Belingardi C. (2012) Comunanze urbane e domanda di partecipazione. Planum, vol. n.25 vol. 2/2012. Belingardi C. (2012) Collective and Common spaces. In: EURAU12 Porto | Espaço Público e Cidade Contemporânea: Actas do 6º European Symposium on Research in Architecture and Urban Design. Porto:FAUP, Porto (P), 12/09/2012 – 15/12/2012.

phd programs


Urban and Regional Planning and Design

Put into circulation (re-cycle) the drosscape Author: Luca Di Figlia I Advisors: Giuseppe De Luca I XXVII Cycle I 2015 PhD Program coordinator Camilla Perrone Scientific Board ICAR 20-ICAR 21 Camilla Perrone Francesco Alberti leonardo Chiesi Giuseppe De Luca David Fanfani Giulio Giovannoni Valeria Lingua Fabio Lucchesi Giancarlo Paba Raffaele Paloscia Daniela Poli Claudio Saragosa Iacopo Zetti Alberto Ziparo

The research is about the urban vacant space (drosscape, brownfield, greyfield, etc.) and the strategies to regenerate them. The thesis explored spatial, economic and social implications of the theme after the changes occurred with the economic crisis of 2008, because the crisis generated new forms of abandonment in the contemporary urban landscape. The research use two keywords: waste and recycle; the complementary notions have been used in the urban dimension to investigate the new geographies of abandonment in the contemporary cities and to analyse the innovative policies and actions of urban re-use which activate new ‘life cycles‘ in lost spaces.

Matrix: types and dimension of Waste landscapes/types of urban regeneration

Case studies



research map | dida research system

framework: concept of “waste” MATERIA PRIMA

deiezione confessore di un eco-peccatore Heidegger M. Calvino I. (1990) Pearce F. (2003) atto purificativo uomo=scarto Lenoia (Tagliapietra 2009) junkspace atto selettivo Calvino I. (1972) trash track Koolhaas (2001) oblio Ratti C. (2009) Augè M. (2000) abbandono residuo






società dei rifuiti Nebbia G. (1990) rifiuto del rifiuto società dei consumi spazzatura scarti umani Scanlan J. (2006) Bauman Z. (2005) società “usa e getta” scorie della storia Viale G. (1994) Fabbri P. (2008) Packard V. (1957) obsolescenza programmata


framework: concept of “urban waste landscapes” Bartholomew H. (1955) Niedercon H., Haerale E. (1963) Greenberg M., Popper F. (1990) toads EPA (1993) brownfield Augè (1993) Nonluoghi CNU (2001) Bianchetti D. (1985) greyfield Dente B. (1990) aree dismesse metropoli per progetti Indovina F. (1993) città occasionale

Spelman (1993) lost spaces Bowman A.O’M., Trancik R. (1986) Pagano M.A. (2004) terra incognita


AUDIS (1995/2003) Russo M. (1998) Dansero E., Giaimo C., Spaziante A. (2001) Bondomio A. (2005) Innocenti R. (2009) Bianchetti C. (2011) studios cinematografici

Viganò P. (2012) inhabited spaces Lanzani A. (2013) spazi irriciclabili



Koolhaas R. (2001) junkspace Marini S., Bertagna A., (2011)

taxonomy of “urban waste landscapes”




EXTRA-SMALL PROGETTO MINIMUM ABBANDONATO elementi di arredo urbano (PORZIONI) progetti vincitori di concorsi e non realizzati es. progetto per la pensilina degli Uffizi di Isozaki, Firenze

(es. muri di cinta, pannelli pubblicitari abbandonati) o aree residuali o di modeste dimensioni per una superficie massima di 25÷50 mq (rif . casa minima ‘Diogene’= 4mq; sup. per abitante D.M. 1444/’68 25mq, appartamento minimo 28mq )

porzioni o parti di strutture edilizie che sono inutilizzate (ad esempio fondi commerciali sfitti o appartamenti invenduti o vuoti) la cui portata non risulti essere maggiore rispetto alla restante parte della








spazi chiusi o aree libere la cui occupazione di suolo varia da una superficie di 50mq (rif. blocco schiera: 6,25m*8m) a 300mq (rif. corpo di fabbrica case in linea o palazzo 12*25).

si fa riferimento a complessi edilizi di dimensini contenute e accorpamenti di più corpi di fabbrica per una superficie massima di 2.250mq (rif. blocco edificio a linea comprensivo dell’area di pertinenza dato dai distacchi dagli edifici: [10+12+10]*[10+50+10])

si fa riferimento a grandi complessi edilizi che possono occupare una quantità di suolo pari ad un isolato urbano per una superficie di suolo occupato che varia da 2250mq a 10000mq (1ha).

si fa riferimento a grandi aree dismesse solitamente di natura produttiva che eccedono le dimensioni dell’isolato andando a costituire dei brani di città per una superficie che supera i 10000mq (1ha).


< SCARTO TERRITORIALE PAESE ABBANDONATO si fa riferimento a caso estremo quando l’abbandono si estende ad un intero insediamento, a causa di eventi catastrofici o fenomeni di spopolamento.

framework: concept of recycle and “urban recycle of drosscape”

Mollison B., Holmgren D. Hannon B. (1970) PERMACULTURA Stein R. (1978) Fukuoka M. Club di Roma (1968) Indovina F. (1972) agricoltura naturale agricoltura natuale energia grigia Limits of growth Lanzara G.F. ( 1993) spreco edilizio Hazelip E. capacità negativa Dolci D. (1960) agricoltura sinergiaca Dalla culla alla culla Rapporto Brundland (1987) Gruntuch (2006) sostenibilità McDonough W., Braungart M. (2003) SPRECO Ciorra P. (2011) Convertible city WWF (1991) ecologia umana Hild A. (2012) carrying capacity reduce/reuse/ Petzet M. (2012) scuola di Chicago (1914) Reclaim Ferlenga (2013) recycle Wackernagel M. (1980) Tarpino (2013) Morzas J. (2012) riciclo Carta M. (2012) sociologia ambientale ecological footprint “dalla culla alla culla Ciorra P., Marini S. (2011) Dunlap R., Catton W. (1978) paradigma Arte povera re-cycle architetture e città reloaded city ecologico Ecologia Strategia rifiuti Zero riciclare il passato economia dell’austronauta Odum E.P. (1963) Boulding K. (1966) Viganò P. (2011) the closing circle ready-made bio-economia Commoner B. (1971) DADAISMO temporiuso Duchamp M. (1913-16) 100% riciclo Gasperrini C., Russo M. (2012) Georgescu-Roegen N. (1971) British ecological riciclare drosscape Inti I. (2008) Second Hand Spaces stato di stagnazione society(1913) Surrealismo Ricicli-città Ziehl M. et al. (2012) uso temporaneo Daly H. (1973) Man Ray Berger A. (2006) Alessandrini D. (2008) Ecologia Oswalt P. et al. (2013) Economia della natura Hackel E. (1866) Temporary Urban Paesaggi riciclati urbanistica automatica Limeo C. (1749) Spaces


riciclo urbano

Cottino P. (2009) Trasi N., (2004) urban pioneers re-use Oswalt P. (2006) urban catalyst Greenstein R, recycling the city Lehtovuori P., Haydn F., Sungu-Eryilmaz Y. (2004) Overmeyer, K. (2007) Ruoppila S., (2012) Temel R., (2006)

PUBLICATIONS Di Figlia L. (2013) Disused in the re-composition of the urban puzzle. In Perrone C, (a cura di), Living Landscape – Landscape for Living, Policies, Practices, Images Conference Proceedings, Firenze, February – June 2012, in Planum, The journal of Urbanism, n. 27 vol. II, pp. 83-88. Di Figlia L. (2014) Spazialità (in)certe: interpretare la dimensione spaziale delle forme rarefatte ed incompiute nell’urbano. In Atti della XVII Conferenza Nazionale Società Italiana degli Urbanisti SIU, L’urbanistica italiana nel mondo, Milano 15-16 maggio 2014, in Planum, The journal of Urbanism, pp. 1430-1434. phd programs

Di Figlia L. (2015) Vuoti a prendere: riapertura temporanea dei fondi sfitti per riattivare nuove economie e relazioni urbane. In Atti della XVII Conferenza Nazionale Società Italiana degli Urbanisti SIU, Radici, Condizioni, Prospettive, Venezia, 11-13 giugno 2015, in Planum, The journal of Urbanism, pp. 162-167. Di Figlia L. (2016) Turnaround: abandoned villages, from discarded elements of modern italian society to possible resources. In International Planning Studies n. 21/3, special issue: Rural Issue in Urban Planning: Current Trends and Reflections, pp. 278-297.


Urban and Regional Planning and Design

Troubled geographies

The between spaces in post-metropolitan territory Author: Maddalena Rossi I Advisors: Giancarlo Paba I Co-advisors: Camilla Perrone XXVII Cycle I 2015 PhD Program coordinator Camilla Perrone Scientific Board ICAR 20-ICAR 21 Camilla Perrone Francesco Alberti leonardo Chiesi Giuseppe De Luca David Fanfani Giulio Giovannoni Valeria Lingua Fabio Lucchesi Giancarlo Paba raffaele Paloscia Daniela Poli Claudio Saragosa Iacopo Zetti Alberto Ziparo

The contemporary city has undergone profound changes. They are redefining the geography of the borders within and between cities and bringing about the gradual formation, on various levels (physical, political and symbolic) of reality (Calvino 1984), of in-between spaces, undecided and troubled spaces, often unpredictable and sometimes awkward. The research proposes a typological narrative of these in-between spaces aimed at the formulation of new interpretative and lexical categories, which are capable of fixing their nature and particularities, and of requesting specific ‘governance episodes’. PUBLICATIONS Essay Rossi M. (2018), Confini e spazi intermedi nella transizione post-metropolitana. In Giancarlo P. & Perrone C. (Eds) (2018), Transizione urbana. Regionalizzazione dell’urbano in Toscana tra storia, innovazione e auto-organizzazione, Guerini, Milano (being printed).

Article Rossi M. (2016), Gli Spazi INTERmedi nella città contemporanea. In Contesti. Città, Territori, Progetti, n. 1-2/2016, Firenze University Press.

Different types of “in-between” spaces scheme


research map | dida research system

Top to bottom: Unfair Spaces. Crack Spaces. Squelettes Ă habiter. Crack Spaces. Infraordinary Spaces. phd programs


Research Units

Cities and Regions Across Local Boundaries A.VAST Area Vasta

Scientific Coordinator Valeria Lingua Address c/o sede del DIDALab Regional Design Palazzo San Clemente Via P. A. Micheli, 2 Firenze Research Group UNIFI | DIDA Valeria Lingua Coordinator Giuseppe De Luca Fabio Lucchesi UNIFI | DISEI Filippo Randelli Coordinator Francesco Dini Patrizia Romei UNIFI | SAGAS Matteo Puttilli Coordinator Mirella Loda Collaborators Luca Di Figlia Raffaella Fucile Carlo Pisano Patricia Guerriero Marco Tortora Federico Martellozzo Chiara Fratini Sara Bonati


In many European and non-European countries, important changes are taking place in the economic, institutional and planning systems and apparatus. The ongoing transition aims at repositioning the objectives, methods, forms and tools of territorial governance in a context of progressive globalization. The need to realign the institutional levels, the data and the policies to the spatial processes intervened over time, determine the obsolescence of conventional territorial structures and divisions, as well as the need to identify institutional and functional structures more coherent with the renewed economic dynamics to govern the territory in an integrated and multi-scalar perspective. Important changes emerge in the organizational and institutional structures aimed at greater efficiency, effectiveness and legitimacy in the governance of the territory in all its aspects, from the management of services to territorial and urban planning, from environmental and economic policies to technological and infrastructure developments. These changes are expressed through rescaling processes in which the large area emerges as the strategic level of territorial restructuring. Research objectives The research unit aims at the dual purpose of 1) activating reflection paths concerning institutional transformations and emerging issues in territories marked by dimensions and dynamics of a large area, and 2) devising project proposals through which it is possible to support the operation administrations and actors who interact in these areas, at all levels. For this purpose, the A.Vast Research Unit assumes the following scientific objectives: • define a theoretical-methodological and instrumental framework of an interdisciplinary and trans-scalar nature for an advanced research on analytical and planning issues related to the territorial dimension of the vast area • to stimulate research and experimental and innovative projects on the issues of the vast area, creating networks with universities and national and international research centres, also in order to participate in national and international calls • interact with institutions and actors involved in the field of vast area planning, through scientific support to concrete processes of programming and planning • define innovative tools for representation and communication of the vast area, which increase both the recognition and the understanding of spatial, functional and economic dynamics that often go beyond administrative boundaries, and the prefiguration of possible futures.

research map | dida research system

RESEARCH ACTIVITIES METRO-CONFLICTS. Representation and governance of territorial conflicts. Strategic project of University of Florence (2017-209) Progetto Strategico di Ateneo (2017-2019) Scientific Coordinator: Matteo Puttilli (SAGAS) Research group: Matteo Puttilli (SAGAS); Valeria Lingua (DIDA). AREA VASTA 2.0. A new form of localism in Italy: challenges, risks and opportunities for spatial planning across local boundaries SIR-MIUR (2015-2018) Scientific Coordinator : Valeria Lingua (DIDA) Research group: Valeria Lingua, Giuseppe De Luca, Fabio Lucchesi (DIDA); Francesco Dini, Patrizia Romei (DISEI). Metropolitan Renaissance: a Vision for the Metropolitan City of Florence METROPOLITAN CITY OF FLORENCE Project: Strategic Plan of the Metropolitan City of Florence 2030 (2016-2017) General Scientific Coordinator: Saverio Mecca (DIDA) Scientific Coordinator: Valeria Lingua (DIDA) Research group: Saverio Mecca, Valeria Lingua, Giuseppe De Luca, Fabio Lucchesi, David Fanfani, Francesco Alberti (DIDA). TRAINING ACTIVITIES Thematic Workshop Organization Area Vasta - Punti di Vista Febbraio-Marzo 2018 (AA. 2017-2018). PUBLICATIONS De Luca G., Lingua V. (2014), Evolution In Regional Planning: The Italian Path, ICONARP, vol. 2, no. 2, p. 14-33. De Luca G., Lingua V. (2015), Città Metropolitana di Firenze, in De Luca G., Moccia F.D., a cura di, Immagini di territori metropolitani, Inu Edizioni, Roma, pp. 77-91.

research units

Lingua V. (2016), From tactics to strategies and back: regional design practices of contamination, in Urbanistica n. 157. Lingua V. (2017), Cambiamenti di paradigma: il Regional Design per progettare l’area vasta, in Cambiamenti. Responsabilità e strumenti per l’urbanistica a servizio del paese, Atti della XIX Conferenza SIU, Catania, 16-18 giugno 2016, Planum Publisher, Roma-Milano, pp. 1891-1898. Lingua V., De Luca G. (2015), Programmare o pianificare i territori delle città metropolitane? Il caso di Firenze tra vision spaziali e processi di trasformazione economico-produttiva, in AA. VV., Italia ‘45’45. Radici, Condizioni, Prospettive, Planum Publisher, Roma-Milano, pp. 233-239. Randelli, F., Rocchi, B. Stefania G. (2017), Alternative food networks e città in Italia: un’analisi spaziale a partire dai dati del Censimento, Bollettino della Società Geografica Italiana, nn. 1-2 (In corso di stampa). De Rosa S., Randelli F., Salvati L. (2016) Beyond the North-South divide? The geography of strategic alliances in Italy, Romanian Journal of Regional Science, vol. 10, pp. 15-34. De Luca G., Moccia F.D. (2017), a cura di, Pianificare le città metropolitane in Italia. Interpretazioni, approcci, prospettive, Inu Edizioni, Roma. De Luca G. (2017) Ridisegnare un futuro adattivo: il piano strutturale comunale di San Giovanni in Fiore, in Urbanistica, n. 161 (in corso di stampa). De Luca G., Lingua V. (2015) Programmare o pianificare i territori delle città metropolitane? Il caso di Firenze tra vision spaziali e processi di trasformazione economico-produttiva, AA. VV., Italia ‘45-’45. Radici, Condizioni, Prospettive, Planum Publisher, Roma-Milano, pp. 233-239. De Luca G., Moccia F.D. (2015), a cura di, Immagini di territori metropolitani, Inu Edizioni, Roma.


COmmunities REsilience CORE

Scientific Coordinator Stefania Viti Address Materials an Structures section P.zza Brunelleschi, 6 Firenze Scientific Board UNIFI | DIDA Stefania Viti Marco Tanganelli Leonardo Zaffi Pietro Giorgieri Giacomo Pirazzoli Tommaso Rotunno Partnership UNIFI | DICEA Barbara Pintucchi Gianni Bartoli University at Buffalo | Department of Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Prof. Emeritus A. M. Reinhorn


In these years, resilience is assuming an increasing as instrument to check, analyse and improve communities. The resilience is the attitude of a system to recover its functionality after the occurring of a catastrophic event. It moves the focus of the analysis from the integrity of the system to its functionality. To analyse and to measure the functionality of a community, different systems, fields and activities must be faced. The reliability of the buildings has to be evaluated together with the efficiency of the organizational issues, the integrity of the infrastructures, the attitude of people to react and to find a new asset. As a consequence, a meaningful evaluation of the seismic reliability does not involve the seismic engineering only, but requires knowledges regarding economics, statistics, psychology etc. The Research Unit “COmmunities REsilience” (CORE) is aimed at evaluating the resilience of complex urban areas and their sub-systems. This topic, traditionally faced within specific thematic fields, is developing more and more in these years, involving a multi-disciplinary approach. CORE collects researchers of different fields and competences, and it is aimed at creating a multidisciplinary platform for developing resilience projects. Main issues • Multidisciplinary analysis of strategic buildings and setting of procedures aimed at maintenance planning; • Setting of multi-level databases at urban scale with consequent redaction of thematic maps; • Setting of procedures aimed at the evaluation of seismic risk in urban areas and communities; • Seismic risk mitigation of communities. Main activities 01/04/2016 Workshop “Resilienza e Territorio”, https://issuu.com/dida-unifi/docs/resilienza; 24/05/2017 Meeting with Silvio Bartolotti: “Cultura come motore di rinnovamento e sviluppo per la competizione del nuovo millennio”; May 2017 Participation to the 8th i-Rec student competition “People on the move: Housing, infrastructure and services in times of displacement”; 2017-2018 Project “RESIMUS: La valutazione della resilienza e del rischio in un caso di rilevanza internazionale: il Museo del Bargello a Firenze”, patronized by the Foundation “Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze”.

- Conservazione e valorizzazione dei beni culturali -

Progetto RESIMUS La valutazione della resilienza e del rischio in un caso di rilevanza internazionale: il Museo del Bargello a Firenze

Richiedenti: Proff. Stefania Viti e Giacomo Pirazzoli Dipartimento di Architettura (DiDA) Università degli Studi di Firenze

Firenze, Giugno 2016


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Seminario tematico

anno accademico 2016|2017 secondo semestre

Resilienza ealla territorio ricerca di un habitat sicuro:

Seminario tematico

strumenti e tecniche di indagine ed intervento

Resilienza ealla territorio ricerca di un habitat sicuro:

Coordinatori Prof. S. Viti, Prof. M. Tanganelli Prof. M. Ripepe

Il programma del corso

Il corso, di carattere applicativo, si propone di affrontare la valutazione della resilienza di un sistema territoriale, con specifico riferimento al rischio sismico. Il sistema analizzato, concordato all’interno del corso, sarà comunque inquadrato all’interno di un framework territoriale complesso, capace di individuare la corrispondenza, in termini di sicurezza sismica, tra il singolo anno accademico 2016|2017 secondo semestre edificio e il sistema territoriale di appartenenza, comprensivo del comportamento del suolo. Il corso sarà costituito da lezioni frontali e da un’esercitazione da sviluppare in aula. Le nozioni da acquisire per sviluppare la parte esercitativa comprendono elementi di sismologia, metodi sintetici per la definizione dell’azione sismica, metodi di valutazione speditiva del rischio sismico degli edifici, criteri di classificazione tipologica, strumenti sintetici di valutazione della risposta sismica di tipologie edilizie ricorrenti e l’uso di software georeferenziati (GIS) messi a disposizione dai Coordinatori docenti

strumenti e tecniche di indagine ed intervento

Seminario tematico

Resilienza ealla territorio ricerca di un habitat sicuro: strumenti e tecniche di indagine ed intervento

Q efficienza

La Resilienza è la capacità di un sistema di ripristinare la propria efficienza in seguito ad un evento catastrofico 100%



Prof. S. Viti, Prof. M. Tanganelli Prof. M. Ripepe

Il programma del corso Il corso, di carattere applicativo, si propone di affrontare la Qt valutazione della resilienza di un sistema territoriale, con specifico riferimento al rischio sismico. Il sistema analizzato, concordato all’interno del corso, sarà t1 Q(t) comunque inquadrato all’interno = dt di un framework territoriale t0 (t - t ) 1 0 complesso, capace di individuare la corrispondenza, in termini di t1 t tempo sicurezza sismica, tra il singolo edificio e il sistema territoriale di appartenenza, comprensivo del comportamento del suolo. Il corso sarà costituito da lezioni frontali e da un’esercitazione da sviluppare in aula. Le nozioni da acquisire per sviluppare la parte esercitativa comprendono elementi di sismologia, metodi sintetici per la definizione dell’azione sismica, metodi di valutazione speditiva del rischio sismico degli edifici, criteri di classificazione tipologica, strumenti sintetici di valutazione della risposta sismica di tipologie edilizie ricorrenti e l’uso di software georeferenziati (GIS) messi a disposizione dai docenti



La Resilienza è la capacità di un sistema di ripristinare la propria efficienza in seguito ad un evento catastrofico

Coordinatori Prof. S. Viti, Prof. M. Tanganelli Prof. M. Ripepe

Il programma del corso Il corso, di carattere applicativo, si propone di affrontare la valutazione della resilienza di un sistema territoriale, con specifico riferimento al rischio sismico. Il sistema analizzato, concordato all’interno del corso, sarà comunque inquadrato all’interno di un framework territoriale complesso, capace di individuare la corrispondenza, in termini di sicurezza sismica, tra il singolo edificio e il sistema territoriale di appartenenza, comprensivo del comportamento del suolo. Il corso sarà costituito da lezioni frontali e da un’esercitazione da sviluppare in aula. Le nozioni da acquisire per sviluppare la parte esercitativa comprendono elementi di sismologia, metodi sintetici per la definizione dell’azione sismica, metodi di valutazione speditiva del rischio sismico degli edifici, criteri di classificazione tipologica, strumenti sintetici di valutazione della risposta sismica di tipologie edilizie ricorrenti e l’uso di software georeferenziati (GIS) messi a disposizione dai docenti

Q efficienza

La Resilienza è la capacità di un sistema di ripristinare la propria efficienza in seguito ad un evento catastrofico

anno accademico 2016|2017 secondo semestre

PUBLICATIONS Atti dello workshop “Resilienza e territorio” (2016), a cura di S. Viti e M. Tanganelli. 100%


Viti S, Zaffi L (2017). Formazione tecnica e creatività. PROGETTANDO ING, vol. XII, p. 55-60, ISSN: 2035-7125.

t Lacanna G, Deguy P, Ripepe M, Coli M, Paoletti B, Barducci S, TanganelQ(t) Viti S, Tanganelli M, Pianigiani M (2017). A simplified approach for =∫ dt t (t - t ) the seismic assessment of hospital complex networks. In: COMPDYN li M, Viti S, De Stefano M (2016). Seismic hazard of urban areas: a case1 0 th t study. ECCOMAS, Creta. t t tempo2017 – 6 International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquakes Engineering (vol. I). vol. vol. Gambini D, Azzara RM, Tanganelli M, Viti S (2016). Strumenti di gestio 1, p. 2016-2024, M. Papadrakakis, M. Fragiadakis, ISBN: 978-618ne di aree urbane complesse: applicazione ad un caso studio. IV Con82844-1-8, Rhodes Island, Greece, 15-17 June 2017. vegno Internazionale sulla documentazione, conservazione e recupe-







Q efficienza


ro del patrimonio architettonico eQtsulla tutela paesaggistica, Edifir Edizioni, ISBN: 978-88-7970-810-4, Pavia, 6-7-8 Ottobre 2016. 100%

Forcellini D, Tanganelli M,t Viti S (2016). Resilience of isolated bridges Q(t) =∫ dt with soil structure interaction. IWR2016 – 1st International Workshop t (t - t ) 1 0 on Resilience, Turin, Italy: 20-22 September 2016.








t tempo

Tanganelli M, Viti S, Mariani V, Pianigiani M (2016). Seismic assessment of existing RC buildings under alternative ground motion ensembles compatible to EC8 and NTC 2008. Bulletin Of Earthquake Engineering, p. 1-22, ISSN: 1570-761X, doi: 10.1007/s10518-016-0028-z. Tanganelli M, Viti S (2016). Effect of soil modelling on the seismic response of buildings. Insights and Innovations in Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation - Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation, SEMC 2016.

Metelli G, Rotunno T, Tanganelli M, Viti S (2017). Florence: seismic assessment of not-historical masonry buildings population. COMPDYN 2017 – 6th International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquakes Engineering (vol. II). vol. vol. 2, p. 3189-3200, Papadrakakis and Fragiadakis, ISBN: 978-61882844-2-5, Rhodes Island, Greece, 15-17 June 2017. Viti S, Tanganelli M, D’intinosante V, Baglione M (2017). Effects of Soil Characterization on the Seismic Input. Journal Of Earthquake Engineering, p. 1-25, ISSN: 1363-2469, doi: 10.1080/13632469.2017.1326422. Cerri G, Pirazzoli G, Verdiani G, Tanganelli M and Viti S (2017). Role of the new technologies on the artefacts seismic vulnerability. CHNT 2017 Session: New Realities 3. Wien, November 12-15.

Tanganelli M, Viti S, D’Intisonante V, Baglione M, Forcellini D (2016). Effect of soil modelling on Site Response Analysis (SRA). Insights and Innovations in Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation, SEMC 2016.

research units


Documentation and Management of Small Historical Settlements DM_SHS

Scientific Coordinator Alessandro Merlo Address room L3 Santa Verdiana piazza L. Ghiberti, 27 Firenze Date of Establishment April 2, 2014 Research Group UNIFI | DIDA Andrea Aliperta Alberto Bove Riccardo Butini Paola Gallo Gaia Lavoratti Alessandro Merlo Emanuela Morelli Iacopo Zetti UNIFI | SAGAS Giuseppina Carla Romby

Small historical settlements (SHS), typical of the EU urban landscape, require specific analysis and management tools. The close link with the morphological and geological aspects of their landscape, the proximity to agricultural land or forestry, the need to adapt their buildings to contemporary housing needs, the relationships with local economic activities, and the development of public-private partnerships are just few aspects that must consider when undertaking their conservation, management, enhancement and promotion. The Research Unit Documentation and Management of Small Historical Settlements aims to promote the knowledge of historical, environmental, social and economic transformation processes of SHS, in order to support project proposals, that may help job of the dedicated administrations. Specifically, the RU deals with the morphometric documentation of the SHS, the creation of virtual urban models (SIUR) that support the governance, the dissemination of the project outcomes, the provision of economic, financial and urban feasibility studies for specific interventions, the provision of commercial and tourism development plans for the promotion and enhancement of cultural heritage, the evaluation of public funding opportunities at various level.

UNIROMA ‘Tor Vergata’ | SPFS Antonino Meo Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore sede di Piacenza | LEL Sandro Danesi MiBACT | SABAP FirenzePrato-Pistoia Franco Filippelli


Museo della Carta di Pescia Massimiliano Bini External Collaborators Margherita Cricchio Simone De Fraja Serena Di Grazia Stefania Franceschi Leonardo Germani Cinzia Jelencovich









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SPIN-OFF / START UP DM_SHS: Cristoforo Project Spin Off course inside the Florentine University Incubator - CsaVRI (preliminary project) Project scope: enhancement of cultural landscapes Scientific Coordinators | Alessandro Merlo (DIDA); Gaio Cesare Pacini, (DISPAA) Research Group | Alessandro Merlo, Gaio Cesare Pacini, Sandro Danesi, Margherita Santoni, Andrea Aliperta, Marco Corridori, Mattia Genuini, Gaetano Parisi. The project goal is the restoration of the building heritage of Bivignano, creating a receptive structure supported by a farm. This holding will manage the land adjacent to the historic settlement and the other plots owned by the I.D.S.C. (Diocesan Institute for the Maintenance of the Clergy) of Arezzo-Cortona-Sansepolcro, which are located in the immediate neighbourhood, in the valleys of the Padonchia and Cerfone creeks. The I.D.S.C. will give the Spin Off assets free of charge for the number of years necessary to complete the redevelopment and to achieve the pre-set economic results; subsequently it will guarantee its use at the same Spin Off, behind a previously agreed rent, for a period to be determined. TRAINING ACTIVITIES Thematic Seminars Inhabiting the landscape of history From survey to project: la plaza de la Constitución de Yátova (Academic Year 2016-2017). Inhabiting the landscape of history Participatory path for the redevelopment of Piazza Ghiberti in Pelago (Academic Year 2015-2016). Reverse Engineering and Cad Modelling for the study of historical architecture (Academic Year 2014-2015). Masterplan for the new museum of the city of Florence (Academic Year 2014-2015).

research units

PUBLICATIONS Alessandro Merlo (a cura di), La piazza Ghiberti di Pelago. Storia e forma di uno spazio urbano, DIDAPress, Firenze 2016. Alessandro Merlo, Riccardo Butini (a cura di), La cartiera Bocci di Pietrabuona. Documentazione e valorizzazione, DIDAtesi n.1, Firenze 2014. Alessandro Merlo, Gaia Lavoratti (a cura di), Pietrabuona. Strategie per la salvaguardia e la valorizzazione degli insediamenti medioevali, DIDA Workshop, Firenze 2014. Riccardo Butini, Stefania Franceschi, Leonardo Germani, Conservazione e valorizzazione delle castella della Valleriana, in «L’Universo», novembre-dicembre 2014, numero 6, anno XCIV, I.G.M., Firenze 2014. Cinzia Jelencovich, Epigrafi, simboli e segni di lapicidi nelle castella della Valleriana, in «L’Universo», settembre-ottobre 2014, numero 5, anno XCIV, I.G.M., Firenze 2014. Alessandro Merlo, Andrea Aliperta, Metodi e strumenti per il rilevamento, in «L’Universo», luglio-agosto 2014, numero 4, anno XCIV, I.G.M., Firenze 2014. Giuseppina Carla Romby, Tipologie e caratteri dell’architettura nelle ‘castella’ della Valleriana, in «L’Universo», maggio-giugno 2014, numero 3, anno XCIV, I.G.M., Firenze 2014. Alessandro Merlo, Gaia Lavoratti, Fabrizio Mari, Struttura e forma delle castella della Valleriana, in «L’Universo», marzo-aprile 2014, numero 2, anno XCIV, I.G.M., Firenze 2014. Alessandro Merlo, Emanuela Morelli, Caratteri identitari e strutturali del paesaggio della Valleriana, in «L’Universo», gennaio-febbraio 2014, numero 1, anno XCIV, I.G.M., Firenze 2014. Duccio Troiano, Alessandro Merlo, Andrés García-Morro, Eduardo Vendrell-Vidal, From a model of a city to an Urban Information System: the SIUR 3D of the castle of Pietrabuona, in Marinos Ioannides, Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann, Eleanor Fink, Roko Žarnić, Alex Yianing Yen, Ewald Quak (a cura di), Digital Heritage. Progress in Cultural Heritage: Documentation, Preservation, and Protection, Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 8740, Springer, Heidelberg (Germany) 2014.



The early Medieval settlement of Bivignano Arezzo

Scientific Coordinator Alessandro Merlo Agreement details Agreement between Istituto Diocesano per il Sostentamento del Clero and DIDA (rep. 23/2014, prot. 1662 III/19 del 29/04/2014) Research Group Survey and restitution Alessandro Merlo Gaia Lavoratti Andrea Aliperta Marco Corridori Mattia Genuini Giacomo Fabbri Stefano Giusti Isabella Russo Marianna Sangiovanni

In 2014 the Diocesan Institute for the Support of Clergy, owner of the rural settlement of Bivignano (Arezzo), stipulated an agreement with the DIDA in order to realize the digital survey of the entire village and to propose some recovery and re-evaluation formula. The fortified settlement of Bivignano is part of a larger system of castles, developed between the XI and XII century in a minor valley of the Cerfone river, an affluent of the Tiber river. Founded by the family of the Count of Bivignano, the castle has a noble residence (a ‘tower-house’ typology) and the church of Santa Maria (rebuilt in the XVII century on the original early medieval chapel). The rest of the buildings consist of housing and service areas, which have been in use until the mid-seventies. Today the castle is in decline due to the continuous raid it of its architectural elements, easily re-usable elsewhere, which accelerates the processes of weakening. In the last few years, the renewed interest for these scenarios gave the research group the possibility to assess new strategies for the protection and the enhancement of this priceless heritage, as through the introduction of entrepreneurial activities, linked to agriculture.

Restoration Leonardo Germani Stefania Franceschi History of Architecture Giuseppina Carla Romby Archaeology Clara Nerucci Filippo Diara Architectural and urban project Riccardo Butini





Architectural technologies and building’s structures Alberto Bove Geology Serena Di Grazia


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research units



Palazzo della Missione | Florence Survey and historical analysis

Scientific Coordinator Alessandro Merlo Agreement details Agreement between Città Metropolitana di Firenze and DIDA (rep. 86/2014 del 04/04/2014) Research Group Survey and restitution Alessandro Merlo Gaia Lavoratti Andrea Aliperta Marco Corridori Francesco Frullini Elisa Luzzi History of Architecture Margherita Cricchio Archaeology Antonino Meo

Palazzo della Missione is located in Florence, in Santo Spirito district, whose heart has always been the homonymous church. The building was founded around the 11th century by its original owner, the Frescobaldi family. Over the centuries it underwent many transformations and changes of ownership: today it presents a 17th century Baroque façade, the only one of its kind in Florence. The history of this building is deeply intertwined with that one of the city, firstly because of the existence of an ancient access to the Arno, the “porticciuola d’Arno” now lost, and secondly because of the events related to the construction of the bridge in Santa Trinita, wanted by the Frescobaldi family. The reconstruction of historical-architectural events, based on a detailed morphometric survey, has been possible thanks to the collaboration of DIDA with the Metropolitan City of Florence, the current owner of the building, currently hosting the Machiavelli-Capponi International High School. The combination of historical research and three-dimensional modelling created a video (by the Multimedia Service Centre of the University of Florence) that illustrates, in a new way, the changes and the historical evolution of the Palace.





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Survey and decay analysis of the walls in Siena

From Porta Romana to Porta Pispini

Scientific Coordinator Riccardo Butini Agreement details Agreement between Comune di Siena and DIDA (rep. 261/2016, prot. 113320, pos. III/19 del 9/08/2016) Research Group Survey and restitution Alessandro Merlo Gaia Lavoratti Marco Corridori Mattia Genuini Riccardo Montuori Denise Fresu Pietro Gallori

The agreement between the Municipality of Siena and DIDA, concerning the section of the Sienese walls between Porta Romana and Porta Pispini, measured the morphometry and the apparent colours of the walls, the state of conservation, the survey the existing degradations, and the evaluation of the static behaviour. The survey, conducted in April 2016, had the goal to obtain graphic drawings able to show the geometry of the building, and Orto photos highlighting the phenomena of decay and the state of cracking. The data acquisition has been organized in a way to respect the requests of the Municipality: the acquisition of a point cloud with RGB values and relative graphic restitution, to be developed for both sides and the top part of the walls.

Topographic survey Francesco Tioli Restoration Stefania Franceschi Leonardo Germani Angela Luci Structural aspect Alberto Bove






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research units


Exploring Landscape Architecture ELA eu.med.

Scientific Coordination Anna Lambertini Technical and Administrative Coordination Marzia Messini Address Palazzo San Clemente Via P. A. Micheli, 2 Firenze Research Group UNIFI | DIDA Giulio Giovannoni Biagio Guccione Anna Lambertini Tessa Matteini Emanuela Morelli Gabriele Paolinelli Giuseppe Ridolfi UNIFI | DSPS Leonardo Chiesi UNIFI | GESAAF Graziano Ghinassi IUAV | DCP Luigi Latini

The ELA eu.med Research Unit was established in November 2017 to investigate intersections and connections between landscape architecture and other disciplines. The main objective is to experiment with design methodologies and languages, and with technical, cultural, and operational tools, to take up the challenges of territorial and urban transformation as opportunities to create new landscapes and good places, revitalize neglected spaces and territories, and actively maintain outstanding and historic landscapes. The ELA eu.med Research Unit mainly - but non exclusively – investigates in the Euro-Mediterranean area. The ELA eu.med Research Unit’s mission is to: • activate cross-disciplinary projects involving landscape architecture, art, environmental design, urban and territorial planning, social sciences, natural sciences, ecology, etc.; • foster continual collaboration between the academic world, the public administration, professionals, and civil society so as to increase awareness of landscape value at local, national and international levels; • provide a vehicle for cross-disciplinary research-based exploration of landscape design potential. The ELA eu.med Research Unit works in synergy with Landscape Design Lab and DIDA labs.

Collaborators Giulia Bagni Luca Dorbolò Stella Fabbri Giancarlo Fantilli Gianna Fedeli GIovanni Grapeggia Andrea Meli Leonardo Pilati Luigino Pirola Lorenzo Nofroni Antonella Valentini Flavia Veronesi Laura Zampieri Simonetta Zanon


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opentalk 2018 Program coming soon. Student’s Thesis : Riccardo Mosconi, Matteo Passera, Matteo Pro, Laura Tinarelli (Landscape Architecture post-graduate Master program); Malvina Biolcati, Valeria Fedeli, Agnese Orlandi (Architecture post-graduate Master program).

research units






ACTIVITIES COMPLETED/IN PROGRESS/PLANNED Dissemination of cultural and scientific knowledge opentalk 2017 10 Concepts about Landscape Architecture, with Thornbjorn Andersson, Landscape Architect LAR, Swedish University of Applied Life Sciences, Ultuna (SW). Aula 401 Santa Teresa, 11th November 2017.















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Dissemination of cultural and scientific knowledge 2017/2018 Trasformazioni e permanenze dei Paesaggi Camuni. Letture diagnostiche e interpretazioni progettuali Agreement between Dida/Landscape Design Lab and Comunità Montana Valle Camonica/Parco Adamello Scientific coordination: Anna Lambertini (DIDA) Project financed by Comunità Montana/Valle Camonica/Parco Adamello/Fondazione Cariplo Group | Anna Lambertini, Stella Fabbri, Gianna Fedeli, Luca Dorbolò, Giovanni Grapeggia, Lorenzo Nofroni Referenti Parco Adamello/Comunità Montana Valle Camonica | Dario Furlanetto, Guido Calvi.


Florence Accessibility Lab FAL

Scientific Coordinator Antonio Laurìa Address Palazzo Vegni Via San Niccolò, 93 Firenze Research Group UNIFI | DIDA Diana Babalis Stefano Bertocci Antonio Capestro Stefano Carrer Giuseppe De Luca Luca Giorgi Antonio Laurìa Pietro Matracchi Leonardo Zaffi UNIFI | DIEF Benedetto Allotta Monica Carfagni Lapo Governi UNIFI | DSPS Leonardo Chiesi Giovanni Scotto UNIFI | DISEI Luca Bagnoli Mario Biggeri Mauro Lombardi Pier Angelo Mori UNIFI | SCIFOPSI Lucia Bigozzi Research Fellows and Collaborators Junik Balisha Beatrice Benesperi Fabio Ciaravella Paolo Costa Fabio Valli Luigi Vessella

The Florence Accessibility Lab (FAL) is an Interdepartmental Research Unit that was created in 2013 on the basis of more than two decades of research activity about environmental accessibility and social inclusion. The main goals of the Florence Accessibility Lab are to define, consolidate and promote a design culture that considers accessibility to habitat a great collective resource for the autonomy and the well-being of people, in order to make local communities more dynamic, safe and cohesive, for the valorisation of architectural and landscape heritage, and for the development of advanced technologies for people. In short, for the “Human Development”, as intended by the United Nation Development Programme. The cultural framework of the Florence Accessibility Lab is based on the central role of the human being in the processes of transformation of the habitat and on the necessity that those processes are guided by a deep knowledge of the socio-economical dynamics and by a caring attitude to commons. The Research Unit adopts an interdisciplinary approach and works in a wide range of applied fields, at various levels of scale: from cultural heritage to tourism, from urban security and quality to urban mobility, from objects to street furniture, from home adaptation to public buildings. The Florence Accessibility Lab also promotes and organizes several kinds of advanced education projects (training ad refresher courses, workshops, seminars, summer schools, masters, etc.). Since its creation, the Florence Accessibility Lab has hosted Italian and foreigner scholars, PhD candidates and graduate students that share a research interest on accessibility and disability. At the moment, the Research Unit it is composed of 18 Professors of the University of Florence, belonging to the Departments of Architecture (DIDA), Industrial Engineering (DIEF), Economics and Management (DISEI), Political and Social Sciences (DSPS), and Education and Psychology (SCIFOPSI), and of various other research fellows, collaborators and consultants. The Florence Accessibility Lab was the defining model for other “Accessibility Labs” that were officially created in the Universities of Brescia, Naples (Federico II) and Reggio Calabria and in the Polytechnic University of Turin.

Collaborators Giandomenico Amendola Antonio Borgogni Beniamino Deidda Fanny Di Cara Teresa Heitor Antonio Quatraro Stefan von Prondzinsky


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PUBLICATIONS (selection, last two years)

2016 | ongoing The extension of the ADA Project (Home Adaptations of People with Disabilities) to the entire Tuscan Region Research agreement between the Department of Architecture and Regione Toscana (Consorzio Società della Salute Firenze Nord-Ovest) Scientific Coordinator: prof. Antonio Laurìa.

Laurìa, A. (a cura di) (2017), Piccoli Spazi Urbani. Valorizzazione degli spazi residuali in contesti storici e qualità sociale, Napoli: Liguori.

2015 | 2017 The Valorisation of Urban Residual Spaces as an Opportunity for the Inclusive City. Pocket Parks for all Strategic Project of Basic Research, 2014, University of Florence Scientific Coordinator: prof. Antonio Laurìa. 2015 | 2016 Research, technical and scientific activities for the Regional Centre for the Information and Documentation on Accessibility (CRID) of Regione Toscana Research agreement between the Department of Architecture and Regione Toscana (Consorzio Società della Salute Firenze Nord-Ovest) Scientific Coordinator: prof. Antonio Laurìa. 2013 | 2015 DISCIT - Making persons with disabilities full citizens European Commission - 7th Framework Programme - 7FP-SHH-20122-CP, NOVA (Norway), Scientific Coordination PIN S.c.r.l.: Mario Biggeri (DISEI / FAL/ Unifi/) discit.eu. 2012 | 2013 T-Vedo Project. Three-dimensional Reconstruction of Paintings for Blind People P.A.R. FAS REGIONE TOSCANA, Linea di Azione 1.1.a.3. Scientific Coordinator: Monica Carfagni. www.t-vedo.net RESEARCH ACTIVITY The Florence Accessibility Lab has an intense and qualified research and dissemination activity, with many research projects, publications, education and communication projects, and research grants and fellowships financed (in the last three years: 18 research grants ‘borse di ricerca’ and 3 research fellowships ‘assegni di ricerca’).

Laurìa, A., Benesperi, B., Costa, P., Valli, F. (2017), Il Progetto ADA. Un modello di intervento per l’autonomia domestica delle persone disabili, Milano: Franco Angeli. Balisha, J. (2017), Autism Friendly Design, Firenze: DIDApress. Lauria, A. (2017), “Tactile Pavings and Urban Places of Cultural Interest: A Study on Detectability of Contrasting Walking Surface Materials”. The Journal of Urban Techology, 24: 3-33. Biggeri, M., Testi, E., Bellucci, M. (2017), “Enabling ecosystems for social enterprises and social innovation: a capability approach perspective”. Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, 18: 299306. Chiesi, L., Costa, P. (2017), “Ricerca e progetto come innovazione sociale. Modelli di pratiche a confronto in tre casi studio”, Sociologia urbana e rurale n. 113, 2017: 47-64. Chiesi, L., Costa, P. (2016), “Making territory through cultural mapping and co-design. How community practices promote territorialisation”. In Dessein, J., Battaglini, E., Horlings, L., Cultural Sustainability and Regional Development. Theories and Practices of Territorialisation, London: Routledge, pp. 146-161. Bigozzi, L., Tarchi, C., Caudek, C. e Pinto, G. (2016), “Predicting reading and spelling disorders: a 4-year prospective cohort study”. Frontiers in Psychology. 7: 337. Buonamici, F., Carfagni, M., Furferi, R., Governi, L., Volpe, Y. (2016), “Are We Ready to Build a System for Assisting Blind People in Tactile Exploration of Bas-Reliefs?”, Sensors, 16 (9):1-16. COMMUNICATION AND DISSEMINATION ACTIVITY (selection, last two years) Laboratorio Internacional de Accessibilidad en Cáceres, Universidad de Extremadura, Cáceres, (5- 26.4.2017). Thematic seminar: “Pocket Parks for All, Progetti e azioni di agopuntura urbana in autocostruzione”, Firenze, DIDA, (2017). International Workshop “Accessible Tourism in Mondovì”, Politecnico di Torino, 27-30.9.2016.

research units


Heritage and Euro-Mediterranean Design Dar_Med

Scientific Coordinator Saverio Mecca Thematic Coordinators Architecture Francesco Collotti Urban and Regional Planning end Design Maria Rita Gisotti Design Giuseppe Lotti Address Room 2.05, Second Floor, Santa Teresa, Via della Mattonaia 8, Florence Members Alessandro Brodini Susanna Caccia Gherardini Massimo Carta Francesco Collotti Letizia Dipasquale Fabio Fratini Stefano Galassi Debora Giorgi Maria Rita Gisotti Lamia Hadda Anna Lambertini Giuseppe Lotti Saverio Mecca Giovanni Pancani Claudio Piferi Alberto Pireddu Luisa Rovero Ugo Tonietti External Collaborators Eliana Martinelli Claudia Morea Valentina Stefanini Pennucci Giacomo Zuppanti

The Dar_Med originated in a group of teachers and researchers of the University of Florence in accordance with the Shared Declaration of 6 July 2015 made by the Ministers of Education of both Morocco and Italy, aimed at launching the École Euro-Méditerranéenne d’Architecture, Design et Urbanisme de Fès, co-created by the Università di Firenze and the Université Euro-Méditerranéenne de Fès. Stemming from this experience, the Unit operates in the Euro-Mediterranean contexts with the purpose of combining knowledge and competencies related to specific fields within a common vision focused on the role in terms of the project of both material and intangible heritage. The activities carried out by the Unit combine themes that are more directly related to the project, such as architecture, design, urban planning and landscape design with those related to the social sciences, such as anthropology, sociology and economy. The adopted approach combines the instances related to the sustainability, safeguarding, recovery and valorisation of the architectural, urban, landscape and material heritage with those concerning innovation, experimentation in the construction of policies, in terms of the architectural project and its settlement principles, as well as in processes linked to material and intangible culture.







CITY research map | dida research system



S. Bertocci, G. Pancani, P. Puma, A. Ricci, G. Minutoli, Survey, redevelopment and redesign of an urban void in Sefrou.

Carta M., Gisotti M.R. (in press 2018), “Urbanistica e metropolizzazione nei paesi emergenti del Mediterraneo: il caso della nuova ‘ville nouvelle’ di Fès”, in Proceedings of XX Conferenza Nazionale SIU. Urbanistica e/è azione pubblica. La responsabilità della proposta, Roma 12-14 june 2016.

F. Collotti, E. Martinelli, C. Morea, L. Antichi, A. Meliani, Fès: a new meaning to spaces and landscapes. Redevelopment of archaeological area of the Merinidi tombs (C. Signorini, dissertation in Architecture 2017), Recomposition of the walls and access to R’cif square (M. Piol, dissertation in Architecture 2017), Places for culture at Borj South (G. Gioachin, dissertation in Architecture 2017). L. Dipasquale, S. Galassi, G. Tempesta, N. Ruggieri, Timber roof structures in Northern Morocco: constructive analysis and mechanical assessment. L. Dipasquale, S. Mecca, U. Tonietti, L. Rovero, M. R. Gisotti, Architectural heritage and building culture of the Sefrou medina. Analysis, conservation, innovation. L. Dipasquale, S. Mecca, S. Caccia, S. Bertocci, V. Stefanini Pennucci, Built heritage and sustainable development. Research-development-innovation project, financed by Fès-Meknès Region. D. Giorgi (coord.), Projets de Recherche-Développement-Innovation 2016 – Région Fès Meknés: Création d’un Cluster sur le design et l’innovation pour le développement des productions artisanales et manufacturières dans la région Fès – Meknès (2016 in progress), partnership with UEMF and the Centre de Formation dans le Métiers de l’Artisanat de Fès. M.R. Gisotti, M. Carta, Mediterranean neo-metropoles: the great ongoing transformation of Morocco facing sustainability’s challenge. L. Hadda, The minbars in wood of the mediaeval mosques of Fès. G. Lotti (coord.), M’ART: support to the craft production and to the social economy in Fès and Tanger (Morocco) (2017 in progress), partnership with COSPE. G. Pancani, S. Galassi, G. Zuppanti, M. Bigongiari, Survey and seismic vulnerability assessment of the Caracalla’s arch in the archaeological site of Volubilis (Morocco). Research team EMADU-DiDA, Projet du Système de Laboratoires EMADU Labs.

Carta M., Gisotti M.R. (2017), “Urbanizzazioni mediterranee a confronto. La grande trasformazione marocchina e la lezione del cantiere interrotto italiano”, in Talia M. (a cura di), Un futuro affidabile per la città. Apertura al cambiamento e rischio accettabile nel governo del territorio, Planum Publisher, Roma-Milano. Galassi S., Dipasquale, L.; Ruggieri N., Tempesta G. (2018) “Andalusian timber roof structure in Chefchaouen, Northern Morocco: construction technique and mechanical behavior assessment”, in ASCE’s Journal of Architectural Engineering. F. Privitera, M. Métalsi (2016), Le signe de la Mèdina. La morphologie urbaine selon Roberto Berardi, EEM DiDAPress, Firenze. Dipasquale L., Gisotti M.R. (2018), “Material and immaterial heritage as strategic resource facing complex risks: the case of Fès-Meknès region (Morocco)”, Le vie dei mercanti - XVI International Forum, World Heritage and Knowledge. Representation, restoration, redesign, resilience, Naples-Capri 14/16 june 2018. LEARNING ACTIVITIES VII^ Edizione 2nd level Master, December 2017 “PROGETTAZIONE DI ECCELLENZA PER LA CITTA’ STORICA”, By DOMUS, neaPOLIS, DIARC UniNa Federico, II° workshop and lessons “Città mediterranea – conservazione e progetto, casi studio di Medine a confronto”, F. Collotti. Dissertation of S. Zuccari (in progress), “Lo spazio dimenticato. Valorizzazione del patrimonio della città di Sefrou”, supervisor L. Dipasquale, co-supervisor S. Mecca and M.R. Gisotti, CdL Architettura magistrale a ciclo unico. Stage of O. Adebajo, E. Gullì, C. Tanturli (CdL triennale Pianificazione della Città, del Territorio e del Paesaggio), Laboratorio di Cartografia (Unifi, coordinator F. Lucchesi), “Procedure per la sistematizzazione e riorganizzazione dei dati cartografici relativi alla città di Fès”, tutor M.R. Gisotti, M. Carta, 2017.





Resp.: S. Mecca, L. Dipasquale



Informatique pour l’architecture


Survey et Diagnostic

Resp.: G. Verdiani

Patrimoine Bâti Et Durabilité


Resp.: G. Pancani , S. Caccia


Prototypes et Maquettes

Habiter La Méditerranée

Resp.: F. Collotti


Matériaux et Structures pour l’Architecture

Resp.: F. Collotti, C. Piferi


Mediterranean Landscape Architecture

Resp.: C.Piferi, S.Galassi


Communication et Image

Resp.: S. Mecca


Geodesign Resp.: M.R. Gisotti, F. Lucchesi, M. Carta

Resp.: A.Lambertini


Design Et Innovation Durable

Resp.: G. Lotti, D. Giorgi

research units


International Group on Urban and Architecture Design INTEGRO_UAD

Scientific Coordinator Dimitra Babalis Address via di Santa Marta, 3 Firenze Research Partnership Università degli Studi di Firenze, IT Dimitra Babalis Technical University of Athens, GR Helen Maistrou Newcastle University, UK Tim G. Townshend John Pendlebury Strathclyde University, UK David Grierson Slovak University of Technology Bratislava, SV Lubica Vitkova

The international research group aims to provide multidisciplinary research and studies on innovative issues within the “City in Change” and its cultural heritage (tangible and intangible). The research methodologies will address theory and application in urban context of inner and outer areas in order to identify new approaches of intervention, based on ecological and sustainable principles. The way of thinking will define new urban models for new urban scenarios in different European contexts. Aims • To define an innovative research in European Partnership and multidisciplinary; • To provide an international debate for knowledge, education and formation on Cities in Change sharing ecological and sustainable design issues; • To explore the values of cultural heritage and its transformation; • To put “fixed points” in preserving, regenerating and developing tangible and intangible cultural heritage; • To define Masterplanning process in sensitive urban contexts and urban spaces and places.

Eindhoven Technical University, NL Irene Curulli Eindhoven Technical University, NL Ana Pereira Roders Gazi University of Ankara, TR Zeynep Uludag Ecole de Chaillot Paris, FR Chehrazade Nafa University of Lusofona, Lisbon, PT Pedro Ressano Garcia Texas University, USA Gabriela Campagnol Gdansk University of Technology, PL Lucyna Nyka Gdansk University of Technology, PL Justyna Borucka Gdansk University of Technology, PL Jakub Szczepanski Sapienza University of Rome, IT Annamaria De Rosa


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PUBLICATIONS Babalis D. (Edited By), (2017), Waterfront Urban Space. Designing for Blue-Green Places, Altralinea Edizioni, Firenze. Babalis D. (Edited By), (2016), Approaching the Integrative City. The Dynamics of urban space, Altralinea Edizioni, Firenze. Babalis D., (2014), Waterfront City. Waterside Regeneration in Scotland, Altralinea Edizioni, Firenze. Babalis D., (2012), Urban change and sustainability, Alinea International, Firenze.

Recent Research projects POSIT (Public Open Space in Transition), 2017 HERA Research Project Project Leader: Dimitra Babalis. Waterfronts and resilient urban space, 2015-2016 ATE Scientific Research, Scientific Coordinator: Dimitra Babalis. Waterfronts and sustainable urban management, 2014-2015 ATE Scientific Research, Scientific Coordinator: Dimitra Babalis.

Babalis D. (Edited By), (2011), CHRONOCITY. Sensitive Interventions in Historic Environment, Alinea International, Firenze.

Transformation of former cultural heritage and urban quality, 2013-2014 ATE Scientific Research, Scientific Coordinator: Dimitra Babalis.

Babalis D. (Edited by), (2010), CHRONOCITY. The Assessment of Built Heritage for Developable and Creative Change, Alinea International, Firenze.

Sensitive transformation in characterising urban places, 2012-2013, ATE Scientific Research, Scientific Coordinator: Dimitra Babalis.

Babalis D., (Edited by), (2008), CHRONOCITY. The Scale of Sustainable Change. Heritage value and future opportunities and challenges, Alinea International, Firenze.

CHRONOCITY: The Scale of Sustainable Change, 2007-2008-2010 European Project, Scientific Coordinator and Chair: Dimitra Babalis.

Babalis D., (2008), URBAN DESIGN, The Ecological Thinking, Alinea International, Firenze.

EUROPEAN WORSHOP SUMMER SCHOOL EWWUD European Workshop Waterfront Urban Design. Lusofona University Lisbon, March 2014. Waterfront Cascais (coordinator Unifi Dimitra Babalis).

INTEGRO_UAD International Meetings 1st INTEGRO_UAD International Meeting. ECOPOLIS 2020: Approaching the Integrative City, Firenze 21-23 Maggio, 2015. 2nd INTEGRO_UAD International Meeting. Waterfront Urban Space, Firenze 09-10 Giugno, 2016.

Summer School ULHT Lusofona University Lisbon 17-30 June 2017. Architecture and Climate Changes. Strategies in waterfront urban areas (coordinator Unifi Dimitra Babalis).

3rd INTEGRO_UAD International Meeting. Urban Waterfronts and Cultural Heritage, Syros, Greece 26-30 June 2017. research units


Landscape Cultural Heritage | Project PPcP

Scientific Coordinator Alberto Di Cintio Address Palazzo Vegni via San Niccolò, 93 Firenze Research Group UNIFI | DIDA Andrea Bacci Pasquale Bellia Marta Berni Stefano Bertocci Marco Bini Stefania Bolletti Carolina Capitanio Carlo Carbone Giuseppe A. Centauro Gabriele Corsani Alessandra Cucurnia Alberto Di Cintio Manlio Marchetta Roberto Masini Emanuela Morelli Michela Moretti Giuseppe Nicastro Barbara Nozzoli Chiara Odolini Paola Puma Riccardo Renzi Rossella Rossi Ferdinando Semboloni Ulisse Tramonti Erich Roberto Trevisiol Antonella Valentini Fabrizio Violante Stefania Vitali Maria Concetta Zoppi

The research group plans to develop a scientific profile that covers various branches of the study of architecture, in particular environment, the natural and cultural landscape, open spaces, buildings, gardens, and cultural heritage. The study of themes and systems associated with these categories will help to produce insights and proposals for the practical pursuit of sustainable objectives that take account of well-being and aesthetics in ways that support the cultural development of society. The process of exploration will take place in line with the project’s desire to understand, evaluate and support decision making. The research will use both theoretical and experimental methodologies. It will create new areas of reflection on the principal questions associated with modern life, such as environmental and social sustainability, and on the development of models and good practices that help apply the principles and discoveries to reference scenarios. In greater detail, research processes and their applications will refer to: • Quality of the environment for living and relationship with local communities; • Education, awareness and participation; • Evaluation and decision making; • Consumption of resources; • Evaluation and improvement of decision making processes.

UNIFI | DST Carlo Alberto Garzonio UNIFI | DISPAA Riziero Tiberi UNIFI | BIO Alessio Papini UNIFI | DSPS Leonardo Chiesi Vittorio Mete Edoardo Tabasso UNIFI | SCIFOPSI Nadia Breda Website


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Paesaggio Patrimonio culturale Progetto

September 2017 - Conference Urban green: environmental indices, spontaneous green and micro-climates in the city. Case studies and researches in progress, with the City of Florence. Sala Vanni, Florence. June 2017 - Conference From participating to the project. National and local examples in comparison, with the Architects Foundation of Florence. Palazzina Reale, Firenze. March 2017 Presentation of metaproject for Piazza del Carmine. Former Church of Santa Monaca, Florence. October 2016 - Study day Displuvio-Florence and its river at 50 years from the flood. State Archives, Florence. April 2016 - Conference Sustainability and project, with Confcommercio Firenze and the Italian Bio-Architecture Foundation. Klimahouse Tuscany 2016, Stazione Leopolda, Florence.

Un progetto per Piazza del Carmine


Un progetto per Piazza del Carmine Unità di Ricerca Paesaggio, Patrimonio culturale, Progetto in collaborazione con i Cittadini dell’Oltrarno

May 2015 - Conference The contribution of European research on the natural and built environment of the world. Festival d’Europa 2015, former Church of Santa Verdiana, Florence. March 2015 - International study day Cities and historical centres: landscape, cultural heritage, project. Palazzo Medici Riccardi, Florence. November 2014 - Conference Florence 2020. Open discussion on the new Urban planning of the City of Florence. Palagio Parte Guelfa, Florence. May 2013 - Conference Meetings and urban comparisons. Festival d’Europa 2013, Sagas Department, Florence. PUBLICATIONS Alberto Di Cintio (a cura di), Un progetto per Piazza del Carmine, Comune di Firenze, 2017. Barbara Nozzoli, Rossella Rossi (a cura di), Firenze e il suo fiume a 50 anni dall’alluvione. DIspLUVIO, Angelo Pontecorboli Ed., Firenze 2016. Mariella Zoppi, Gabriele Paolinelli (a cura di), Conoscere per progettare. Il centro storico di Firenze, DIDAPress, Firenze 2014.

Invito al Convegno di presentazione del libro



Firenze e il suo fiume a 50 anni dall’alluvione a cura dell’Unità di Ricerca Paesaggio, Patrimonio culturale e Progetto (PPcP) • Università di Firenze

Auditorium Archivio di Stato di Firenze





Unità di Ricerca

Paesaggio Patrimonio culturale Progetto DIDA - Dipartimento di Architettura


Saluti Carla Zarrilli Direttrice dell’Archivio di Stato Coordina Mariella Zoppi Università di Firenze Intervengono Alessia Bettini Assessore all’Ambiente Comune di Firenze Francesco Gurrieri Università di Firenze Erasmo D’Angelis Capo Struttura Italia Sicura David Alexander UCL University College London Valdo Spini Fondazione Circolo Fratelli Rosselli Filippo Grazzini Università della Tuscia Fabrizia Paloscia Olomanager

Venerdì 21 ottobre 2016, ore 15 Verrà proiettato il video Arte e alluvione di Alberto Di Cintio e Barbara Nozzoli

research units



A project for Piazza del Carmine

Scientific Coordinator Alberto Di Cintio Address Palazzo Vegni via San Niccolò, 93 Firenze Research Group Marta Berni Marco Bini Carolina Capitanio Alberto Di Cintio Manlio Marchetta Roberto Masini Michela Moretti Barbara Nozzoli Riccardo Renzi Rossella Rossi Fabrizio Violante Stefania Vitali



The Research Unit “Landscape, Cultural heritage, Project “, in collaboration with the citizens of Oltrarno, organized since June 2016, at the former Church of Santa Monaca, a cycle of meetings and initiatives dedicated to the study and analysis of Piazza del Carmine in Florence, from which it started a participatory project, calling the ward citizenship to collaborate by the expression of needs and ideas and then realize a project as much as possible shared for the redevelopment of the Square. Characterizes this our work both the plant of scientific nature and the phenomenological analysis. The preliminary part of the study was addressed to the analysis of the various physical, historical, cultural, social and environmental parameters of the San Frediano ward, assumed as physical space and reference territorial element. Then we went to collect and systematize the contributions of ideas that came directly from citizenship. Then with the development of the following elaborations we came to elaborate the final project, of synthesis, of the elaborations of the participatory project. Our goal was to improve the life of the square, in terms of quality, the systems of living and relationship. In a ward, San Frediano, where the residence and functions are in equilibrium. An eco-sustainable, zero-impact square that becomes a model for a more general rethink of urban public spaces. A dedicated square, after years of improper use of it as a parking, social and human relations, with particular attention to the weakest subjects, and with a large space dedicated to nature.

research map | dida research system

research units


Local and Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Innovation INN-LINK-S

Scientific Coordinator Saverio Mecca Address Santa Teresa via della Mattonaia, 8 Firenze Research Group UNIFI | DIDA Letizia Dipasquale Giuseppe Lotti Saverio Mecca Raffaele Paloscia Luisa Rovero Roberto Sabelli Ugo Tonietti UNIFI | GESAAF Matteo Barbari Marco Fioravanti Susanna Nocentini UNIFI | DINFO Enrico Vicario UNIFI | DISPAA Piero Bruschi Maria Adele Signorini

The INN-LINK-S Research Unit has the purpose of integrating skills and abilities that are present horizontally in various Departments of the University in order to develop more efficiently research activities in projects and programmes, both at the national and international levels. The activities of INN-LINK-S research unit are devoted to the development of innovative systems for the conservation, valorisation and management of local systems of knowledge as expressions of the cultural relation between society and nature, as well as of a sustainable management of natural resources. Research activities are characterised by a systemic approach directed to the integration of quantitative scientific-experimental research methods and tools with qualitative research tools for knowledge management. This translates into the development of activities such as: • the localisation, identification, representation, modelling and codifying of local and implicit knowledges; • classification, organization and communication; • design of innovative learning and communication skills; • design and experimentation concerning sustainable innovation of local and implicit knowledges.

UNIFI | DISEI Nicolo’ Bellanca Mauro Lombardi UNIFI | SCIFOPSI Giovanna Del Gobbo Paolo Orefice UNIFI | SAGAS Maria Elena Giusti Mirella Loda


research map | dida research system

RESEARCH PROJECTS 2016 | 2018, Patrimoine bâti et développement durable Projets de Recherche-Developpement-Innovation, Royaume du Maroc Conseil Régional Fès-Meknès Scientific Coordinators: Saverio Mecca, Susanna Caccia Gherardini, Stefano Bertocci. 2016 | 2020, 3D PAST Living & virtual visiting European World Heritage, Programma EU Creative Europe. Scientific Coordinator: Saverio Mecca. http://esg.pt/3dpast/ 2014| 2016, 3D Design pour le Développement Durable des Productions Artisanales Locales, TEMPUS programma Trans-European Mobility scheme for University Studies. Scientific Coordinator: Giuseppe Lotti. 2012|2014 VERSUS Lessons from Vernacular Heritage for Sustainable Architecture, Programma EU Cultura 2007-2013. Scientific Coordinator: Saverio Mecca. www.esg.pt/versus 2012 | 2014 ENERPAGLIA Energie rinnovabili e tecnologie ambientali: utilizzo della paglia come materiale da costruzione nella riqualificazione del patrimonio edilizio esistente, Progetto nazionale di alta formazione alla ricerca POR CRO FSE 2007-2013 Asse IV – capitale Umano Scientific Coordinator: Roberto Sabelli. 2012 | 2014 Salvaguarda de los valores patrimoniales y culturales que atesora el Centro Histórico de Ciudad de La Habana, Progetto Europeo CN DCI-NSAPVD/2010/248-711). Scientific Coordinator: Roberto Sabelli. 2016 | 2018 INNOVA CUBA – Intervento internazionale e intersettoriale per la salvaguardia del patrimonio culturale del Paese bando AICS: G.U. S.G. n.119 del 23-5-2016. Scientific Coordinator: Roberto Sabelli. 2015 | 2018 Stabilization of external load bearing walls of the Noh Gunbad mosque and archaeological site, Balkh, Afghanistan Aga Khan Trust for Culture. Scientific Coordinators: Ugo Tonietti, Luisa Rovero. 2015 | 2018, Rediscovering vernacular earthquake-resistant knowledge: identification and analysis of built best practice in Chilean masonry architectural heritage, Fondecyt Program. Scientific Coordinators: Ugo Tonietti, Luisa Rovero. TRAINING ACTIVITY Thematic Workshops AMA. Architettura, Materiali, Ambiente (AA 2013-2017) Salvaguardia e sicurezza strutturale del patrimonio costruito. architetture in muratura, in terra e in materiali tradizionali. PhD Thesis 2014-2017. Seismic vulnerability of pointed arches under rigid body assumption. Numerical and experimental evaluations. Phd student: Giulia Misseri. Tutor: L. Rovero, Co-tutor: M. DeJong. 2016-2019. Vulnerability analysis of patrimonial masonry churches in the Metropolitan Region of Santiago de Chile. Phd student: Nuria Chiara Palazzi. Tutor: L. Rovero. Co-tutor: Ugo Tonietti, Juan Carlos De La Llera. 2017-2020. Il Patrimonio architettonico delle culture mediterranee a rischio di scomparsa, per perdita di conoscenza ed aggressione ambientale. Percezione, tutela e innovazione sostenibile nel caso del Nord del Marocco. Phd student: Sara Stefanini. Tutor: Ugo Tonietti.

Earth/Lands Terra/Terre

2017-2020. The Rural Dwellings and Settlements of Iran Lut Desert with the Approach of Ethno-architecture. Phd student: Farhad Amini. Tutor: S. Mecca. Co-tutor: L. Dipasquale.

Earth/Lands Earthen Architecture in Southern Italy / Architetture in terra nell’Italia del Sud

a cura di / sous la direction de Roberta Morittu Anna Pau Giuseppe Lotti

Tessere conoscenze

Artigianato, Design e Territori. Esperienze di design in Marocco • Artisanat, Design et Territoires. Expériences de design au Maroc

Edizioni ETS a cura di / sous la direction de Giuseppe Lotti Khadija Kabbaj Ilaria Serpente

A quatre mains et plus Design per la ceramica della regione di Tanger-Tétouan in Marocco Design et poterie dans la région de Tanger-Tétouan au Maroc

MAIN PAPERS & BOOKS Dipasquale L., Giorgi D., 2017. Understanding the vernacular heritage to design sustainable habitats in Asni, Morocco. In Vernacular and Earthen Architecture: Conservation and Sustainability: Proceedings of SosTierra 2017. pp.41-53. Dipasquale L., Mecca I. Vernacular architecture as codified model for the contemporary sustainable project, in «TECHNE - Journal of Technology for Architecture and Environment», Nov. 2016, p. 190-198. Dipasquale L., Rovero L., Fratini F. 2016, Ancient stone masonry constructions, in Harries K.A & Sharma B. (a cura di), Nonconventional and Vernacular Construction Materials. Characterisation, Properties and Applications, Elsevier, Kidlington, UKw, pp.301-332. Dipasquale L., Mecca S. 2015, Local Seismic culture in the Mediterranean region, in Correia M., Lourenco P., Varum H. (a cura di), Seismic Retrofitting: Learning from Vernacular Architecture, CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 9781138028920, pp.67-76. Correia M., Dipasquale L., Mecca S. (a cura di) 2014, VerSus: heritage for the future. Vernacular knowledge fo sustainable architecture. FUP, Firenze. Aguilar B., Dipasquale L., Mecca S. 2014, The patio house in Morocco: A sustainable design strategy, in Correia M., Carlos G., Rocha S. (a cura di), Vernacular Heritage and Earthen Architecture Contributions for Sustainable Development, CRC Press-Taylor & Francis Group, London, pp.489-494. Marino, L., Martella, F., Sabelli, R., Tarawneh, A. 2001, Interventi di restauro a Macheronte. Materiali locali e tecnologie tradizionali: verifica nel tempo, «Restauro Archeologico», pp. 127-129. Ricerche, vol. I, pp. 445-455. Sabelli, R. 2013, Technical contributions for the revival of the city of Tyre, in Architectural heritage in Mediterranean port cities - Contributions & procedures for knowledge & conservation, a cura di M. Coppola, C.A. Garzonio, Ospedaletto-PI, pp. 102-140. Sabelli, R. Celiento, I. 2015. The rehabilitation of traditional architecture in Jericho (Palestine), «RESTAURO ARCHEOLOGICO», vol. 2, pp. 80-97. Sabelli R. 2014, Conservation and Rehabilitation of traditional architecture in Jericho for the sustainable development in Palestine. In: Quale sostenibilità per il restauro?, Bressanone (BZ), 1-4 luglio 2014, Edizioni Arcadia, Venezia. Misseri G., Rovero L. 2016, Parametric investigation on the dynamic behaviour of masonry pointed arches, in «Archive of Applied Mechanics», 87, pp. 385–404. Rovero, L., Alecci, V., Mechelli, J., Tonietti, U., De Stefano, M. 2016, Masonry walls with irregular texture of L’Aquila (Italy) seismic area: validation of a method for the evaluation of masonry quality, in «Materials and Structures/Materiaux et Constructions», 49 (6), pp. 2297-2314. Feo, L., Luciano, R., Misseri, G., Rovero, L. 2016 Irregular stone masonries: Analysis and strengthening with glass fibre reinforced composites, «Composites Part B: Engineering», 92, pp. 84-93. Baglioni, E., Rovero, L., Tonietti, U. 2016, Drâa valley earthen architecture: Construction techniques, pathology and intervention criteria,in «Journal of Materials and Environmental Science», 7 (10), pp. 3499-3508. Bove, A., Misseri, G., Rovero, L., Tonietti, U. 2016, Experimental and numerical analyses on the antiseismic effectiveness of fiber textile for earthen buildings, in «Journal of Materials and Environmental Science», 7 (10), pp. 3548-3557. Liberotti, G., Rovero, L., Stipo, G., Tonietti, U. 2016, Mechanical investigation on adobe samples belonging to the archaeological site of Arslantepe (Malatya, Turkey), in «Journal of Materials and Environmental Science», 7 (10), pp. 3656-3666. Omar Sidik, D., Ridolfi, F., Rovero, L., Tonietti, U. 2015, Diagonal tests on adobe panels reinforced by traditional and innovative anti-seismic retrofits, in Vernacular Architecture: Towards a Sustainable Future Proceedings of the International Conference on Vernacular Heritage, Sustainability and Earthen Architecture, pp. 561-566. Fratini, F., Rescic, S., Riminesi, C., Mattone, M., Rovero, L., Tonietti, U. 2015, The vernacular earthen architecture near Turin (Piedmont, Italy), in Earthen Architecture: Past, Present and Future - Proceedings of the International Conference on Vernacular Heritage, Sustainability and Earthen Architecture, pp. 145-150. Rovero, L., Tonietti, U. 2014, A modified corbelling theory for domes with horizontal layers, in «Construction and Building Materials», 50, pp. 50-61.

Edizioni ETS

Edizioni ETS

research units



VerSus project

Lessons from Vernacular Knowledge for Sustainable Architecture

2012-2014 Culture 2007-2013 Programme www.esg.pt/versus/ ref.n. 2012-2792 Scientific Director Saverio Mecca Scientific Coordinator Letizia Dipasquale Research Group Berenice Aguilar Letizia Dipasquale Flaviano M. Lorusso Saverio Mecca Dalia Omar Sidik Bilge Özel Adelina Picone Partnership UNIFI | Dipartimento di Architettura, Italy ESG | Escola Superior Gallaecia, Vila Nova de Cerveira, Portugal (Project Leader) CRAterre | Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Grenoble, France Università degli Studi di Cagliari | DDICAAR, Dipartimento di Ingegneria civile, Ambientale e Architettura, Italy UPV | Universitat Politècnica de València, Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura, Spain

VerSus project Project VerSus is an international research project, financed by Culture 2007-2013 Programme, whose main objective is to gain knowledge from the fundamental principles of vernacular architecture, and to explore new ways of integrating those principles into contemporary sustainable building. The research led to the identification of sustainable strategies and solutions from vernacular architecture, defined on three levels of analysis: the urban-territorial scale, the architectural scale and the technological-constructive scale. These strategies, that have been identified on the basis of a broad comparison between case studies in Europe - and not - of vernacular and contemporary architecture, are analysed, interpreted and evaluated according to the principles of environmental, socio-cultural and socio-economic sustainability defined by the project. Main objectives of the project • to identify fundamental principles of sustainability from vernacular heritage; • to explore ways to integrate those principles into the design of a more appropriate and resilient contemporary architecture; • to improve the recognition of vernacular habitats through the awareness of its values and qualities, focusing on both the heritage aspect and on what it could bring in terms of sustainability; • to disseminate principles, techniques, and solutions of the vernacular heritage, so that they can be adapted to respond to real needs of European societies in terms of culture, identity, quality and environment.










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Urban and Local Strategies and Solutions | LANDSCAPE, WATER AND RESOURCES MANAGEMENT




Urban and Local Strategies and Solutions | LANDSCAPE, WATER AND RESOURCES MANAGEMENT




to respect environmental context and landscape to benefit of natural and climatic resources to reduce pollution and waste materials to contribute to human health and welfare to reduce natural hazards effects

author Silvia Marchegiani

to protect the cultural landscape to transfer construction cultures to enhance innovative and creative solutions to recognise intangible values to encourage social cohesion


OSLO, NORWAY. Architects: Atelier Dreiseitl author Bilge Özel

to support autonomy to promote local activities to extend building's lifetime to save resources


The agricultural landscape of Riudoms, with an area of 32 km2 of gently sloping land and Mediterranean climate in the province of Tarragona, Catalonia (ES), is formed around a system of water mines. This traditional form of water channeling characterized early industrial society: water management regulated the social structure and the relationship with the land in a sustainable way. Heir to an ancient and widespread tradition throughout the Mediterranean, the mine system is not only a technical resource: its use and maintenance involves a complex network of associations that involves the community it serves, and is linked to the technical elements related to the farming system and the landscape matrix. The model of water mines recalls the system of water channeling of the oasis. It consists of a net of underground artificial tunnels designed to transport to the surface the water from the uppermost part of the water table without reducing its level. After reaching the mouth of the mine, the water is distributed through a surface pipeline system to pools where it is stored and from where the irrigation canals of the fields leave. The farmers are organized into irrigation communities in order to collaborate in the construction and maintenance of water mines. Each community has a statute and legal representatives, and every year each community establishes the necessary interventions on the mines, as well as irrigation schedules for the distribution of water among the various agricultural properties, using a system that closes off the water distribution of the surface channels. Today many of these mines are in service, but this does not mean that there are people looking after them. The future of the water mine system and its management has to go through a necessary process of awareness, not only among its users but also among the public in general, in order to recognize its value as an appropriate system for the exploitation of water resources and as a part of the cultural and historical heritage.


VINYOLS water source or mouth of the mine horizontal tunnel or mine rivers streets

direction to the plain



to respect environmental context and landscape to benefit of natural and climatic resources to reduce pollution and waste materials to contribute to human health and welfare to reduce natural hazards effects

SOCIO-CULTURAL PRINCIPLES to protect the cultural landscape to transfer construction cultures to enhance innovative and creative solutions to recognise intangible values to encourage social cohesion

to support autonomy to promote local activities to extend building's lifetime to save resources

to optimise construction efforts



groundwater level

well water sources or mouth of the mine





horizontal tunel or mine

up to 7 kms

� Map of Riudoms and the water mines. Scheme of the water mine's system.

� Water sources or mouth of the mine; general view of the water canals; particular of water sources or mouth of the mine in Riudoms. (photo: S. Marchegiani)

The central Nansen Park, covering an area of approximately 200.000 square meters is situated on a peninsula surrounded by the sea and Oslo’s hilly landscape. This great park was designed by Atelier Dreiseitl to give a new strong identity to the Fornebu district by creating a new attractive gathering place for its inhabitants. The park was opened in September 2008 on the liberated area of former Fornebu airport after its closure in 1998. The liberation of the area enabled one of the city’s largest natural park projects along with a redevelopment of this district. A new community has been created through a new master plan, which offers a series of dwellings, services and infrastructures with an ample unifying recreation area in the centre. The project has been developed in a radial form. Seven arms that cross in the core of Nansen Park constitute the mobility network of the area. The width of these radial arms varies from 30 to 100 metres and they reach out in all directions. The control tower and main building of the former Fornebu airport still exist and they constitute the ‘entry point’ of the park. Starting from this point (northern extreme side of the area), a watercourse runs down on the north-south direction through the park and collects the surface water of the surrounding dwelling areas. The canals are set up in order to take the excessive water down to the central lake where it gets purified by biological sand filters to be used in daily activities. The landscape architects, Atelier Dreiseitl, have developed the Nansen Park project within the frame of a strong ecological sensibility and attempted to introduce the element of water not only as a part of a playground or recreational area but also as an element of ecological infrastructure in order to improve the management of storm water and the water quality.


Scheme of the masterplan of Nansen Park, Oslo (redrawn by B. Özel based on the original master plan designed by ©Atelier Dreiseitl).

Rainwater runoff Swale overflow Lake and wetlands

Existing ex-airport buildings

to optimise construction efforts

View of pedestrian pathways; view from wetlands; view from central lake (photo: ©Atelier Dreiseitl).

Outcomes of the project The main outcomes of the project included two International Conferences, five scientific c workshops, six practical workshops in natural materials, a website, the promotion and development of an international competition and award, a booklet in five languages addressing key-principles of sustainability in vernacular architecture, a scientific and illustrated book, presenting the findings of the project. PUBLICATIONS Dipasquale L., Mecca I. 2016, Vernacular architecture as codified model for the contemporary sustainable project, in «TECHNE - Journal of Technology for Architecture and Environment», Nov. 2016, p. 190-198. Correia M., Dipasquale L., Mecca S. (a cura di) 2014, VerSus: heritage for the future. Vernacular knowledge fo sustainable architecture, FUP, Firenze. Aguilar B., Dipasquale L., Mecca S. 2014, The patio house in Morocco: A sustainable design strategy, in Correia M., Carlos G., Rocha S. (a cura di), Vernacular Heritage and Earthen Architecture Contributions for Sustainable Development, CRC Press-Taylor & Francis Group, London, pp.489-494. Correia M., Gilberto D. C., Mecca S., Dipasquale L., Guillaud H., Vegas F., Mileto C., Achenza M., Castro A. 2014, Lessons learned and VerSus outcomes, in Correia M., Dipasquale L., Mecca S. (eds), VerSus: heritage for the future. Vernacular knowledge fo sustainable architecture, FUP, Firenze, pp.16-20. research units

Dipasquale L., Ovalı P. K., Mecca S., Özel B. 2014, Resilience of vernacular architecture, in Correia M., Dipasquale L., Mecca S. (eds), VerSus: heritage for the future. Vernacular knowledge fo sustainable architecture, FUP, Firenze, pp. 64-73. Dipasquale L, Mecca S., Özel B. 2014, Productive settlements, in Correia M., Dipasquale L., Mecca S. (eds), VerSus: heritage for the future. Vernacular knowledge fo sustainable architecture. FUP, Firenze, pp. 100-110. Dipasquale L., Mecca S., Picone, A. 2014, Courtyard houses, in Correia M., Dipasquale L., Mecca S. (eds), VerSus: heritage for the future. Vernacular knowledge fo sustainable architecture. FUP, Firenze, pp. 150-160. Dipasquale L., Mecca S., Omar Sidik D. 2014, Earthquake resistant structures, in Correia M., Dipasquale L., Mecca S. (eds), VerSus: heritage for the future. Vernacular knowledge fo sustainable architecture. FUP, Firenze, pp. 232-240.



3DPast project

Living & virtual visiting European World Heritage

2016-2020 Creative Europe Programme https://esg. pt/3dpast/ ref.n. 2016-1740/001 -001 Scientific Coordinator Saverio Mecca Research Group Letizia Dipasquale Alessandro Merlo Saverio Mecca Partnership UNIFI | Dipartimento di Architettura, Italie ESG | Escola Superior Gallaecia, Vila Nova de Cerveira, Portugal (Project Leader) UPV | Universitat Politècnica de València, Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura, Spain

World Heritage sites have an outstanding and exceptional significance for humankind. Living and virtual visiting European World Heritage sites would open the minds of citizens to discover the ‘spirit of place’ and the remarkable vernacular heritage held in Europe. The core idea is to work on the inhabited vernacular dwellings of World Heritage sites, and: • to distinguish and share the experience on how the dwellings are inhabited and physically maintained nowadays; • to define and disseminate site processes, regarding case study buildings and their local building culture historical evolution; • to establish the empirical knowledge; • to develop new interactive ways to transfer knowledge to new audiences, considering creative and technological approaches. Main objectives of the project • To share, with European citizens, vernacular architecture quality and its intangible local know-how, regarding preservation of fabric authenticity and integrity in World Heritage sites; • To explore the inhabited heritage experience through different dimensions; • To interconnect architecture, history and immaterial culture with creativity and technology, in a genuine trans-disciplinary way; • Bring to light vernacular know-how to the new generations through interactive and digital technologies; • To enhance and to preserve the immaterial building culture of WHS in Europe; • To stimulate and to improve the cultural sector regarding heritage knowledge across Europe. Working plan The work will be developed throughout 3 Dimensions: • (D1) Architectural Heritage Dimension – Cultural space of today’s architecture – still existent nowadays. Inhabited vernacular dwellings, entailing a unique legacy that requires maintenance; • (D2) Historical Evolution Dimension – Heritage concerning building techniques and materials that can be tackled historically at the buildings; • (D3) Intangible Heritage Dimension – It concerns immaterial culture of the building techniques in-use, and craftsmen empirical knowledge to maintain the vernacular buildings. The established components are part of the way to value and address the different dimensions: • (C1) Digital Component. Digital interactive communication tools presented. New digital realities for people who can not travel and visit the exceptional and unique heritage of the classified sites; • (C2) Creative Component. Develop creative potential, associated with observation drawing, artistic drawing, photo, video, digital image, etc. for different audiences; • (C3) Communication Component. To communicate the development of the work and the dissemination of the project; • (A) Activities – Development of workshops, publications, apps, digital platform, visualisations, associated with sites classified as European World Heritage.


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The project represents a unique opportunity to experience the special character of the world heritage, allowing citizens, students, tourists and virtual visitors to travel through the intrinsic spatiality of these sites and experience the architectural quality experienced daily by its inhabitants.






















research units


Projects on Environment Cities and Territories in the South ProjECTS

Scientific Coordinator Raffaele Paloscia Address Palazzo San Clemente via P. A. Micheli, 2 Firenze Research Group UNIFI | DIDA Francesco Alberti Iacopo Zetti Raffaele Paloscia UNIFI | DISEI Ginevra Virginia Lombardi UNIFI | DSPS Giovanni Scotto

The ProjECTS Research Unit works, in concert with the LabPSM (Laboratory City and Territory in the countries of the South of the world), within a vision centred on an idea of territory full of natural, constructed and anthropogenic resources sedimented in the time and projected into the future with the aim of raising the quality of living at various scales. Qualifying element is an interdisciplinary experimental research - theoretical, methodological and applied - associated with innovative training processes and aimed at providing adequate responses to emerging needs in cities and territories as a consequence of the negative effects of globalization. The field of intervention privileges the countries of the South of the world in their different components, from the larger and richer BRICS to the poorest and most marginalized regions. In all this different countries we see the accentuation of great poverty and inequality, the widening of megalopolis, the growth of informal settlements, the ever-increasing damage caused by climate change. Research objectives: • stimulate experimental and innovative research on urban, territorial and environmental issues in the countries of the South, creating networks with universities, research centres and international organizations; • develop large-scale projects with an interdisciplinary and international partnership in order to elaborate proposals answering European and international calls; • define a theoretical and methodological framework for an advanced research about informal settlements; • enhance the relationship between local knowledge and global tknowledge and between territorial heritage and human potential, in order to define local projects, expression of different contexts; • outline and activate experimentation paths in order to design new practices in urban and rural areas, placing the participation of the settled communities at the centre; • experiment methods and tools for intervention in areas exposed to environmental and climatic transformations and emergencies; • develop innovative tools for representation and communication in order to increase the participation and awareness of the actors involved in research and design activities.


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RESEARCH PROJECTS Coordination of CARITALENTS - Youth and Territory. Inter-university cooperation for the development of skills, innovative tools and training courses in the field of youth policies in the Caribbean Region. Funded by the MAE / DGCS with the collaboration of UWI (University of the West Indies). (2013-2017). Participation in the International Project NMM - New Metropolitan Mainstrams, promoted and financed by INURA - International Network for Urban Research and Action. (AA 2013-ongoing). Participation in the Mn ‘M. International Project Measuring the Non Measurable, funded by Keio University, Japan, with the Universities of Tokyo, Melbourne, Bangkok, Singapore, Belgrade, Hong-Kong, Shanghai. (AY 2011-15). Coordination of WP2 (Territorial Heritage) of the MIUR / INTERLINKPLUS, Human potential and territorial heritage for endogenous sustainable development, with the Department of Education of UNIFI and Italian, Cuban, Guathemaltecal, Brazilian and Nicaraguan universities. (AY 2008-12). Coordination of the urban planning of the La Habana-Ecopolis Project, urban requalification and community development in the Province of Ciudad de La Habana, promoted and managed with three NGOs, Legambiente, ARCI and various Cuban partners, with funding from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation Organizations decentralized. (AA 2000-12).

PUBLICATIONS R. Paloscia, M. Morbidoni, S. Spellucci, Caribbean Unveiled. The Caritalents Youth and Territory Project in Barbados and Dominica, Didapress, Firenze, 2017 (open access https://issuu.com/dida-unifi/ docs/paloscia). R. Paloscia, Planning Education in an International Perspective: Making the Most from Global and Local Knowledge in A. Kumar, D.S. Meshram, K. Gowda (eds), Urban and Regional Planning Education: Learning for India, Springer Science+Business Media, Singapore, 2016. R. Paloscia, B. Caprotti, Città del Messico e le sue acque: usi, culti, tradizioni e bisogni in Archivio per l’Antropologia e la Etnologia vol. CXLIV-2014, 2015. R.Paloscia, Ricercare, partecipare, agire nel Brasile metropolitano in E. Tarsi, Favelas, Ed.it Firenze, 2014. R.Paloscia, D. Moretti, Documentando el patrimonio territorial. primeras etapas del Atlas del Guanabacoa.In Yasser Farres Delgado, Alberto Mataràn Ruiz (eds.) Otro municipio es posible? Guanabacoa en La Habana, Editorial Atrapasueños, Sevilla, 2013. R. Paloscia, E. Tarsi (a cura di), Città e territorio oltre il Nord, Numero monografi co di Contesti n. 1/2012, 2013. R. Paloscia, E. Tarsi (a cura di), Capitale umano e patrimonio territoriale per il progetto locale. Contributi di ricerca interdisciplinare in America Latina e Italia, Ed.It, Firenze, 2012. R. Paloscia, Globalizaciòn y cooperacion internacional. Anotaciones para una pràctica territorialista in Alberto Mataràn Ruiz, Fernando Lòpez Castellano (eds.) La tierra no es muda: diàlogos entre el desarrollo sostenible y el postdesarrollo, EUG, Granada, 2011. G. Scotto, Italia - Europa - Africa: confini, conflitti, diritto d’asilo in E. Alber, A. Engl, & G. Pallaver (eds.),Politika 2017 Süzzzdtiroler Jahrbuchfür 2017 Politik, Edition Raetia, Bolzano 2017. G. Scotto, The Image of Palestine and the Palestinians in Israeli Textbooks in Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 8, 2016. G. Stefani, M. Tiberi, G.V. Lombardi, L. Cei, G. Sacchi, Public food procurement: a systematic literature review. In International Journal on food system dynamics, vol 8, 2017. I. Zetti, Built heritage, local communities and the production of territory. Citizen participation in heritage preservation and improvement in M. Mälkki, K. Schmidt-Thomé (eds), Integrating Aims. Built Heritage in Social and Economic Development. Helsinki University of Technology, Espoo, Helsinki, 2010.

research units


Urban Bioregion Project PROBIUR

Scientific Coordinator Alberto Magnaghi Coordinator David Fanfani Address Palazzo S.Clemente Aula Giusti Via Micheli, 2 Firenze Research Group UNIFI | DIDA Fabrizio Arrigoni Giuseppe Centauro Francesco Collotti Alessandra Cucurnia David Fanfani Maria Rita Gisotti Alberto Magnaghi Daniela Poli Roberto Sabelli Claudio Saragosa Alberto Ziparo UNIFI |GESAAF Iacopo Bernetti Elena Bresci Gherardo Chirici Leonardo Conti Claudio Fagarazzi Marco Paci Federico Preti

Urban settlements growth patterns, led by economic overall exogenous development models, progressively weakened mutuality and relationships of “measure” between cities and surrounding regions with heavy social and environmental consequences and, jointly, the loss of quality of the built environment. That entailed a set of problem no more negligible on behalf of urban and regional studies and design domain, especially in the framework of the impact of the “global change” drivers, as, for example, climate changes or urban sprawl. In such a framework the Research Unity draws on bio-regional approach as method of analysis and design innovation suitable to foster policies, plans and projects aimed to human settlements regional “re-embedding” and for the recovery of a co-evolutionary relationship between anthropogenic, eco-systemic and urban domains. Research goals With such goals the Research Unity “Urban Bioregion Project” –especially supporting the LAPEI and “Plans and Project for City and Region” DidaLabs acitvities- adopts a crossdisciplinary and multi-level methodology, aimed to enhance the underpinning and multidimensional role of territorial heritage (Patrimony), and of related “circular economies” stemming, for example, by local energy or agri-food systems or by the urban/rural eco-systems regeneration; as well as a bottom-up approach, that acknowledges and fosters the values of knowledge, skills and envisioning abilities expressed on behalf of places dwellers.

UNIFI | DISPAA Stefano Benedettelli Edgardo Giordani Gaio Cesare Pacini Carolina Pugliese UNIFI | DST Stefano Carnicelli Carlo Alberto Garzonio UNIFI | DISEI Giovanni Belletti Ginevra Virginia Lombardi Andrea Marescotti UNIFI | DISPS Dimitri D’Andrea Massimo Morisi UNIFI | DICEA Claudio Lubello Enio Paris UNIFI | DIEF Carla Balocco UNIFI | CREAR, Centro Interdip. Energie Alternative e Rinnovabili CRA, Consiglio per la Ricerca in Agricoltura ed Analisi Economia Agraria Luca Salvati


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MAIN ACTIVITIES IN SUPPORT OF TERRITORIAL LABORATORIES • Projet Bioregion Urbain, 2012-2015 Research Agreement DIDA-Département de la Gironde, Regione Aquitaine (Medoc-Bordeaux Métropole), Ambito del progetto | Regione Aquitania Scientific Coordinator | Daniela Poli.

PUBLICATIONS Magnaghi A., Fanfani D., (a cura di), Patto Città Campagna. Un progetto di Bioregione Urbana per la Toscana centrale, Alinea, Firenze, 2010. Fanfani D., Fagarazzi C., (a cura di), Territori ad alta energia. Governo del territorio e pianificazione energetica sostenibile: metodi ed esperienze, Firenze University Press, 2012.

• Progetto Pilota Bioregione Apuana- Strategia nazionale aree interne 2016-2017 Research Agreement DIDA-Ecomuseo delle Apuane Ambito del progetto | Ecomuseo delle Apuane Scientific Coordinator: David Fanfani.

Poli D., (a cura di), Regole e progetti per il paesaggio. Verso il nuovo piano paesaggistico della Toscana, Firenze University Press, Firenze, 2012.

• Laboratorio Montalbano, Obiettivi e Strategie di Sviluppo per il Biodistretto del Montalbano 2016 Research Agreement DIDA - Comuni del Montalbano Ambito del progetto | Biodistretto del Montalbano Scientific Coordinator | Daniela Poli.

Magnaghi A., (a cura di), La regola e il modello. Un approccio bioregionalista alla pianificazione territoriale, Firenze University Press, Firenze, 2014.

• Studio Progettuale strategico ed agro-ambientale per la Rigenerazione Integrata del Compendio Mediceo di Cascine di Tavola a Prato 2017-2018 Research Agreement DIDA-Comune di Prato Ambito del progetto | Parco territoriale Cascine di Tavola Scientific Coordinator | David Fanfani.

asterplan 1: 15.000

• La città metropolitana di Firenze: un sistema di bioregioni urbane, policentriche autosostenibili e resilienti 2017-2018 Research Agreement DIDA-Città Metropolitana di Firenze Ambito del progetto | Città Metropolitana di Firenze Scientific Coordinator | Daniela Poli.

Magnaghi A., Sala F. (a cura di), Il territorio fabbrica di energia, Wolters_kluver, Italia, 2013.

• Fanfani D., “Il progetto del territorio agrourbano per una conversione economica bioregionale”, in Magnaghi A., (a cura di) La regola e il modello. Un approccio bioregionalista alla pianificazione territoriale, Firenze University Press, Firenze, 2014: 69-96, 2014. Poli D., “Pianificazione paesaggistica e bioregione, dalle regole statutarie alle norme figurate”. In Magnaghi A., (a cura di) La regola e il modello. Un approccio bioregionalista alla pianificazione territoriale, Firenze University Press, Firenze, 2014: 97-126. Magnaghi A., La bioregion urbaine. Petit traité sur le territoire bien commun, Etherotopia, Paris, 2015. Fanfani D., “La bioregione urbana come forma e progetto della coevoluzione fra dominio urbano e rurale”, in Proceedings della XVII Conferenza della Società Italiana degli Urbanisti, Milano, pp. 970978 ed. online, 2015. Fanfani D., “Ville mediterraneenne et bioregion urbaine”, in, Bernié-Bossard C., Domenec L., Sistel A., (dir), Quartiers durables en méditerranèe. Architecture urbaine en resilience, Verlag/Editions Universitaires Européennes, Saarbrücken, 2016, 55-76, 2016. Fanfani D. «Le territoire «milieu» d’énergie. Patrimoine énergétique et développement local pour la biorégion urbaine : le cas des Pouilles et de la Toscane», in : Coste A., d’Emilio L., Guillot X., Ruralités post-carbone. Echelles, milieux, acteurs de la transition énergétique. Coll. ERPS, vol. 8. Saint-Etienne, Publications de l’Université de Saint-Etienne, 2018, p. 84-97. Fanfani D., “The Urban Bioregion as Form and Project of the Co-evolution Between Urban and Rural Domain. The Case of the Florence Metropolitan Area”, in International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 2018.

research units


Sustainable Urban Projects & Research SUP&R

Scientific Coordinator Francesco Alberti Address Palazzo S. Clemente via P.A. Micheli, 2 Firenze Research Group DIDA | UNIFI Roberto Bologna Giuseppe De Luca Letizia Dipasquale Pietro Giorgieri Giulio Giovannoni Anna Lambertini Valeria Lingua Fabio Lucchesi Claudio Saragosa Iacopo Zetti Professionals Francesco Berni Stefania Cupillari Sabine Di Silvio Michela Fiaschi Eleonora Giannini Ilaria Massini Sara Naldoni Lorenzo Nofroni Alessandra Pacciani Simone Scortecci


It is becoming increasingly necessary, in academic education and research on urban planning and design, to have a cultural approach in which analytical and interpretational competences match technical and design skills, to correctly understand the issues and address the transformation of space towards a sustainable development of the territory and cities. To answer these questions, SUP&R Research Unit was born integrating diverse skills and competences: analysis of territorial resources; urban, landscape and environmental planning and design on different scales; technological innovation serving the city and the territory. Thematic areas Taking into account the different aspects – environmental, social, economic – of the idea of sustainability, the fields of study the Research Unit are the following: • re-thinking the morphology and uses of the contemporary city (including historic centres); • urban liveability and quality; • the preservation of the historic, cultural, agricultural and landscape heritage; • environmental and energy issues, resilience against climate and social change; • research on the “urban shape”, in relation to sustainability and integration of the issues of the city with the territory; • the role of environmental networks in regenerating urban contexts, both in offering new eco-systems and in redesigning urban fringe areas; • the concept of “smart city” in planning and urban design processes.

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MAIN RESEARCH AND PRODUCTS “Adaptive design and technological innovations for the resilient regeneration of urban districts under climate change” (research project funded by MIUR – Call “PRIN 2015”). Coordinator of the research group of the University of Florence: Roberto Bologna, Member of the research: group: Francesco Alberti. “Sustainable mobility in the inner areas. Public and community transport. Setting up an operational strategy for the territory of Garfagnana in Tuscany” (research project funded by the Foundation “Banca Nazionale delle Comunicazioni” - Call “Research projects on passenger transport, freight transport and logistics and sustainable mobility 2016”. Scientific Coordinator: Francesco Alberti.

research units

“AD ARNUM (ADvanced Accessibility to the River and New Urban Mobility). Strategy for the realisation of a cycle path and the implementation of a pedal-assisted bike sharing service on the river Arno” (contractors: Municipality of Pontassieve, Fiesole, Bagno a Ripoli and Rignano sull’Arno).Scientific Coordinator: Francesco Alberti. In 2017 the Research Unit has developed the project Urban L.I.F.E. (Urban Liveability & Innovation For Everyone), a business projects that has been admitted to pre-incubation services in the 15th IUF (Florence University Incubator) call of the University of Florence to create an innovative start-up (university spin-off). Scientific Coordinator: Francesco Alberti.


Technology for the Project TxP_R

Scientific Coordinator Maria Antonietta Esposito Address Palazzo Vegni 3rd floor - rooms 20-21-22 Via di San Niccolò, 93 Firenze Research Group UNIFI | DIDA Alberto Bove Alessandra Cucurnia Gioia Frappi Degree students Benedetta Acquarelli Melissa Baldeschi Giulia Bandini Michela Cardia Rossella Freggia Martina Lazzerini Giancarlo Monteleone Master Students Tais Scherer (ETS, Montreal) PhD, Experts & Professionals Christiane Boehner Filippo Bosi Elisabetta Fossi Vincenzo Loconsolo Irene Macchi Lorenzo Morandi Ehud Ratner Contacts www.txpresearch. wordpress.com txp.revonline@gmail. com

TxP_R was founded to foster and disseminate the results obtained within the Department and - most recently - between the Departments of Architecture and Engineering at international level universities, thanks to the specific interdisciplinary expertise gained over many years of research in Airport Architecture Design (since 2008). TxP_R deals with studies and research projects, knowledge transfer and innovation, both at national and international level. The Research Unit works with institutions, airport companies and designers to strengthen their specific expertise and interdisciplinary design methodologies, tools and to further disseminate research results. TxP_R executes research and design practice applications on behalf of institutions, the central state regulator and influential Airport Design companies; hosts internships for doctoral research, dissertations and professional training; does consulting for airport operators and project design teams while also offering opportunities for internships and industry placements for recently graduated and postgraduate students. TxP_R fortifies the actions and visibility of the Department in the Airport Architecture Design field, benefiting the University of Florence and its students. Research Targets TxP_R supports all stakeholders - particularly airport management companies and airport project participants - as well as public authorities leading airport project evaluation. TxP_R fosters postgraduate life-long learning, stages and internship opportunities for applied, experimental and action research. The TxP_R team develops and applies new methodologies and tools for airport project planning, design and management, in addition to project verification and approval tools based on the most recent holistic sustainability standards.

Madrid - Barajas Intl Airport | AAT Exhibition, Š Fresu D., Lorusso M


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SPIN-OFF / START UP Laboratorio Università - Impresa con Toscana Aeroporti SpA (negotiation).

AFTER - Age-Friendly airport TERminal 2013 - 2015 Director Esposito M.A., Degree Student D’Amario D., TxP_R staff.

Consulting Aeroporto “C. Colombo” di Genova (work in progress).

ALI - Airport Lean Integration 2013 - 2016 Director Esposito M.A., PhD Student Bosi F., TxP_R staff.

Consulting King & Roselli, February, October 2017. Consulting Francisco Gonzalez Pulido, FGP Atelier, October 2017. Consulting AdR Aeroporto di Roma SpA, February 2017 - May 2014. MOU with ENAC - Ente Nazionale Aviazione Civile, June 2016. Consulting AdF Aeroporto di Firenze SpA, May 2014 - June 2009. COMMUNICATION ACTIVITIES BIM & Social Sciences: Hudderfield, UK, January 2018 Firenze, IT, 2019 (booked) Airport Architecture Technology (AAT) Exhibition, Firenze Peretola Airport, June 2017.

BASIC - Benchmark of Architectural Solutions for the Italian Core-Network 2014 -2017 Director Esposito M.A., Degree Student Fossi E., TxP_R staff. PUBLICATIONS Esposito M.A. (2017) Scientific Director of: ABC - Airport Booklet Collection. Publication pending, volumes: Esposito M.A, Bosi F., et alii (2017) Airport Architectural Technology - Re-shaping Design & Fabrication. Timeline - Airport Design Evolution.

AAA research project presentation, LC3 Conference, Creta, July 2017.

Thinking Flexible in Airport Design.

TxP_R Activities and Results Showcase ORSDCE, PUT, Poznan, PL, April 2017.

Gensler Airport Design. Jahn Architects Airport Design.

Airport Project Developments in Italy, MIT Boston, November 2016.

Foster + Partners Airport Design.

UNIFI stand, Maker Faire, October 2016.

Airport Lean Design - Project Organisational Memories.

TxP_R presentation “L’evoluzione dei Terminal tra esigenze operative e sostenibilità economica”, 30th of GOA Airport Foundation, May 2016.

Aero-metropolis - Asian Vision.

World Architecture Conferences: Gensler Aviation Projects, Firenze, June 2017. Airport Architecture, Master Bocconi, Milano October 2016. Jahn Architects, Firenze, May 2014. One Works Airport Architecture, Firenze, April 2012. Aerometropoli, Trasporti & Cultura, Firenze, January 2012.

Airport System Planning and Design. BIM Handbook: a guide to social building information modelling for airports. Esposito, M.A. (2017) A A T - Airport Architecture Technology, #FLR Airport Exhibit catalogue. Firenze Airport June 6th-July 6th 2017.

Air Place Visioning, Intl Workshop, CYI Airport, October 2016.

Esposito M.A. (2017) I temi dell’architettura aeroportuale, in Arketipo 113, pp. 96-103.

TxP_R presentation at ENAC-Ente Nazione Aviazione Civile: Roma, April, September 2016 & March 2018 (booked). Airport Design Experience (ADE), Firenze, April 2016.

Bosi, F., Esposito, M.A. (2017) The Flight Factory: Terminal Operation Lean Reshaping, in Re-shaping the Construction Industry – Proceedings of the 2017 ISTeA Conference.

BI-IM: “+I” IS FOR INTEGRATED Architectural Concepts of Airport Sustainability seminar, September 2015.

Bertagni S., Esposito M.A. (2016) I terminal passeggeri e merci, in Di Mascio P., Domenichini L., Ranzo A., Infrastrutture aeroportuali, ISBN 978-88-99104-93-1, Edizioni Efesto,cap. XIII.

ACAS - Architectural Concepts for Airport Sustainability workshop with Foster + Partners: Manchester, March 2015. Firenze, November 2014. Airport Architectural Design Workshop, JNAFAU, Hyderabad, IN, 2015 - 2013 - 2011. Copper in Sustainable Architecture Seminar, December 2014. RESEARCH PROJECTS FADO - Flexibility in Architecture Design passenger Oriented 2017 - ongoing (ERC 2017 ADG - ID 787294) Director Esposito M.A., Co-director Boehner C., TxP_R staff. BIM - Impact of Building Information Modelling on Stakeholder Management in an Airport Engineering Project 2017 - ongoing Director Forgues D. (ETS, Montreal), Co-director Esposito M.A., Scherer T. FARE - Flexibility in Airport design in Europe 2016 - 2017 Director Esposito M.A., Co-director Boehner C., TxP_R staff. UP-GRADE 2016 (H2020, MG 2016-2017, RIA SEP-210418421) Director Esposito M.A., Co-director Ko N. (USTUTT, D), TxP_R staff. AAA - Airport Architecture Anatomy 2016 - ongoing Director Esposito M.A., Degree Student Frappi G., TxP_R staff. APE - Airport Passenger Experience 2015 - 2016 Director Esposito M.A., Degree Student Frappi G., TxP_R staff.

Bosi F., Esposito M.A, Sacks R. (2016) Lean mindset for the improvement of airport design process, in Ciribini et alii (a cura di), Back to 4.0: Rethinking the digital construction Industry, ISBN 978-88-9161807-8, pp. 192-202. Bosi, F. (2016) Airport Lean Integration – ALI Doctoral Research, Università degli Studi di Firenze. Bosi F., Ferrulli P., Fossi E. (edited by), Looking to methods and tools for the Research in Design and Architectural Technology, ISBN 97888-6655-848-4 (online), © 2015 Firenze University Press. Esposito M.A., Bosi F. (2014) Project Organizational Memories, Data hand-over e BIM per la gestione della fase operativa degli edifici in AA.VV. (2014) BIM – Stato dell’arte in Italia ed esperienze, Edizioni Imready. Esposito M.A., Bosi F. (2014) Achieving Lean Project Design Delivery, Energy, Sustainability and Building Information Modelling and Management – Proceedings of the 2014 ISTeA Conference Bari, 1011 Luglio 2014, Maggioli Editore, Milano, ISBN 978-88-9160-436-1. Esposito M.A. (2012) Evoluzione dei terminal aeroportuali: funzioni, spazi e tecnologie costruttive, Trasporti & Cultura, 32, p. 15-26. Esposito M.A., Macchi I. (2012) Low carbon airport projects development using the design gap risk threshold approach, International Journal of Design Sciences and Technology, 19:1, p. 45-62. Esposito M.A. (2010) 2nd ed.(2008) 1st ed. Tecnologie di progetto per il terminal aeroportuale. Firenze: FUP – Firenze University Press, ISBN: 9788864531366. Esposito M.A. (2010) Envelope’s Details for the Green Airport Terminal / Dettagli per l’involucro del terminal verde. Firenze: FUP – Firenze University Press, ISBN: 9788884535092.

FAR - Flexibility in Airport Architecture Design 2014 - 2017 Director Esposito M.A., PhD Student Fossi E., TxP_R staff.

research units


Scientific Journals

Firenze Architettura

Editorial Director Saverio Mecca Editor-in-Chief Maria Grazia Eccheli Scientific Board Alberto Campo Baeza Fabio Capanni J. L. Carrilho da Graça Francesco Cellini Maria Grazia Eccheli Adolfo Natalini Fabrizio Rossi Prodi Chris Younes Paolo Zermani Editorial Staff Fabrizio Arrigoni Valerio Barberis Riccardo Butini Francesco Collotti Fabio Fabbrizzi Francesca Mugnai Alberto Pireddu Michelangelo Pivetta Andrea Volpe Claudio Zanirato

Founded in 1997 as a Department of Architecture Design magazine, from the 2/2000 issue, with a new look, with a new management, a renewed scientific committee and editors, the content and issues have been expanded. We have chosen to compare the work of our School of Architecture – theoretical and design research – both with the most relevant contributions from other Italian and foreign Schools and more with projects by some protagonists of contemporary architecture. This was the implicit desire to get back the critical attitude that distinguished, in times not too far, the cultural debate of the best Italian architecture magazines. The magazine became a appreciated tool for promotion, dissemination and comparison in architectural research at the international level. Each FIRENZE ARCHITETTURA issue is monothematic: this feature allows us to welcome, from time to time, interdisciplinary essays related to different areas like aesthetics, art, cinema, with which the world of architecture has always had assonance and references.

Collaborators Simone Barbi Gabriele Bartocci Caterina Lisini Francesca Privitera External Collaborators Gundula Rakowitz Adelina Picone Infographics and DTP Massimo Battista Publisher Firenze University Press Biannual publication Anvur Classe A Settore Concorsuale 08/D1 ISSN 1826-0772 (print) ISSN 2035-4444 (online) Autorizzazione Tribunale Firenze n. 4725 del 25.09.1997


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scientific journals



city | territory | projects

Editor-in-chief Giancarlo Paba Scientific Board Agnès BerlandBethon, Université de Bordeaux, France Arnaldo Cecchini, Università di Sassari Pierre Donadieu, Université de Versailles, France Hidenobu Jinnai, Hosei University of Tokyo, Japan Roger Keil, York University of Toronto, Canada

Contesti is a journal of the Department of Architecture, University of Florence, Italy. Contesti was the Department of Urban and Regional Planning’s journal from 2007 to 2015. The periodical hosted essays and articles in the various fields of urban studies and planning, gaining an important position among the Italian journals owing to its high-quality papers, openness to the national and international debate, elegance and publication standards. The new series of Contesti, launched in 2016 and organised by the University of Florence Department of Architecture, intends to develop the journal’s important tradition, achieve the highest quality standards, guarantee evaluation of the essays and boost its international outlook. The journal is published by Firenze University Press, which makes sure that quality and scientific standards are met. It is a biannual, free access digital journal. Essays for publication in the journal will be assessed by way of a double-blind peer review. The articles will be published in Italian and in the main international languages (English, French, and Spanish).

Philipp Klaus, ETH, Zürich, Switzerland Francesco Lo Piccolo, Università di Palermo Alberto Magnaghi, Università di Firenze Francesco Domenico Moccia, Università di Napoli Giancarlo Paba, Università di Firenze




Raffaele Paloscia, Università di Firenze Gabriele Pasqui, Politecnico di Milano Enzo Scandurra, Università “La Sapienza” di Roma






Namperumal Sridharan, School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi, India Editorial Staff Francesco Alberti Giuseppe De Luca David Fanfani Fabio Lucchesi Giancarlo Paba Raffaele Paloscia Camilla Perrone Daniela Poli Rossella Rossi Iacopo Zetti


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scientific journals


Territori Collection

Editor-in-chief Daniela Poli Scientific Board Alberto Magnaghi Paolo Baldeschi Iacopo Bernetti Luisa Bonesio Lucia Carle Pier Luigi Cervellati Giuseppe Dematteis Pierre Donadieu André Fleury Giorgio Ferraresi Roberto Gambino Carlo Alberto Garzonio Carlo Natali Giancarlo Paba Rossano Pazzagli Daniela Poli Massimo Quaini Bernardino Romano Leonardo Rombai Bernardo Rossi-Doria Wolfgang Sachs Bruno Vecchio Sophie Watson

The collection Territori is published by Firenze University Press. Territori has been created by initiative of researchers and professors of DIDA, teaching in the Bachelor’s degree course in Urban, regional and landscape planning and the Master’s degree course in Urban and regional planning and design provided by the School of Architecture of the University of Florence and based in Empoli. The two Courses, carried out in cooperation with the Schools of Agriculture and of Engineering, develop in a multidisciplinary way topics related to territorial governance and design, urban policies, regeneration, management of complex projects, tools for the involvement of citizens in decision-making processes. The “Empoli school” approach gives a central role to teaching activities in educating professional figures qualified for elaboration and management of territorial planning tools, in which themes like identity, environment, landscape, territorial and urban heritage, social empowerment, local development are mostly relevant. The collection, counting now 27 published titles, promotes a wide range of documents (essays, researches, projects, seminars, conferences, dissertations, teaching tools) developing such themes, and receives frequent proposals coming from the national and international research scene.

Editorial Staff Daniela Poli Iacopo Bernetti Leonardo Chiesi Claudio Fagarazzi David Fanfani Fabio Lucchesi Alberto Magnaghi Carlo Natali Giancarlo Paba Gabriele Paolinelli Camilla Perrone Claudio Saragosa


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PUBLICATIONS Bolognesi M., Donati L., Granatiero G. (2007), Acque e territorio. Progetti e regole per la qualità dell’abitare.

Perrone C., Gorelli G. (a cura di, 2012), Il governo del consumo di territorio. Metodi, strategie, criteri.

Natali C., Poli D. (a cura di, 2007), Città e territori da vivere oggi e domani. Il contributo scientifico delle tesi di laurea.

Carle L. (2012), Dinamiche identitarie. Antropologia storica e territori.

Rovida M.A. (a cura di, 2006), Fonti per la storia dell’architettura, della città, del territorio. Atti della Giornata di Studio, Empoli 4 maggio 2006.

Falorni A. (2013), Sistemi locali ed imprese: un’analisi dello scenario evolutivo italiano.

Chiesi L. (a cura di, 2009), Identità sociale e territorio. Il Montalbano. Paba G., Pecoriello A.L., Perrone C., Rispoli F. (2009), Partecipazione in Toscana. Interpretazioni e racconti. Magnaghi A., Giacomozzi S. (a cura di 2009), Un fiume per il territorio. Indirizzi progettuali per il parco fluviale del Valdarno empolese.

Poli D. (a cura di, 2013), Agricoltura paesaggistica. Visioni, metodi, esperienze. Fanfani D., Berni F., Tirinnanzi A. (a cura di, 2014), Tra territorio e città. Ricerche e progetti per luoghi in transizione. Magnaghi A. (a cura di, 2014), La regola e il progetto. Un approccio bioregionalista alla pianificazione territoriale. Maggio M. (2014), Invarianti strutturali nel governo del territorio.

Fanfani D. (a cura di, 2009), Pianificare tra città e campagna. Scenari, attori e progetti di nuova ruralità per il territorio di Prato.

Corsani G., Rombai L., Zoppi M. (a cura di, 2014), Abbazie e paesaggi medievali in Toscana.

Carta M. (2011), La rappresentazione nel progetto di territorio. Un libro illustrato.

Gisotti M.R. (a cura di, 2015), Progettare parchi agricoli nei territori intermedi. Cinque scenari per la piana fiorentina.

Marcetti C., Paba G., Pecoriello A.L., Solimano N. (a cura di, 2011), Housing Frontline. Inclusione sociale e processi di autocostruzione e autorecupero.

Morisi M. (a cura di, 2016), ‘Guardare’ il paesaggio. Breve vademecum per gli Osservatori del Paesaggio in Toscana.

Perrone C. (2011), Per una pianificazione a misura di territorio. Regole insediative, beni comuni e pratiche interattive. Fanfani D., Fagarazzi C. (a cura, 2012), Territori ad alta energia. Governo del territorio e pianificazione energetica sostenibile: metodi ed esperienze. Magnaghi A. (a cura di, 2012), Il territorio bene comune. Rispoli F. (2012), Progetti di territorio nel contesto europeo. Poli D. (a cura di, 2012), Regole e progetti per il paesaggio. Verso il nuovo piano paesaggistico della Toscana. Gisotti M.R. (2012), Paesaggi periurbani. Lettura, descrizione, progetto.

scientific journals

Magnaghi A. (2016), La pianificazione paesaggistica in Italia. Stato dell’arte e innovazioni. Bellandi M., Magnaghi A. (a cura di, 2017), La coscienza di luogo nel recente pensiero di Giacomo Becattini. FORTHCOMING Natali C., Territori di carta. Leggere le carte per riconoscere i luoghi. Saragosa C, Rossi M. (a cura di), I territori della contemporaneità. Percorsi di ricerca multidisciplinari. Valentini A., Il paesaggio figurato. Disegnare le norme per orientare le trasformazioni.


Scienze del Territorio International academic journal

Editor-in-chief Daniela Poli Associate Editor-inchief Maria Rita Gisotti Scientific Board Alessandro Balducci, Angela Barbanente, Piero Bevilacqua, Stefano Bocchi, Luisa Bonesio, Gianluca Brunori, Lucia Carle, Pier Luigi Cervellati, Françoise Choay, Dimitri D’Andrea, Xavier Guillot, Sylvie Lardon, Pierre Larochelle, Serge Latouche, Francesco Lo Piccolo, Anna Marson, Luca Mercalli, Massimo Morisi, Giorgio Nebbia, Tonino Perna, Keith Pezzoli, Jan Douwe van der Ploeg, Wolfgang Sachs, Enzo Scandurra, Vandana Shiva, Alberto Tarozzi, Robert L. Thayer, Giuliano Volpe Editorial Board Agnès BerlandBerthon, Alberto Budoni, Lidia Decandia, Giuseppe Dematteis, Pierre Donadieu, Alberto Magnaghi, Ottavio Marzocca, Alberto Matarán Ruiz, Giancarlo Paba, Rossano Pazzagli, Luigi Pellizzoni, Massimo Quaini, Filippo Schilleci, Gianni Scudo

Scienze del Territorio / Territorial Sciences is the journal of the Territorialist Society; it is published in digital and printer version by Firenze University Press, Florence. Mission The journal hosts pioneering studies pointed at enhancing territorial heritage, bringing back together the diverse meanings of places, frequently divided by confined institutional sciences and practices, and proposing transformation projects based on these guidelines. Melting knowledge As an identity code of its scientific method and action, the journal promotes forms of meeting and mediation among theoretical thought, technical and local knowledge. It hosts scientific articles as well as contributions from local communities and institutional actors who share this approach and experiment innovation projects and practices. Between theories and practices The journal is intended as an observatory on innovation practices and a place of theoretical reflection on them, providing information, conceptual and practical tools for active citizenship and institutions engaged in various forms of attention to care and government of territories as common goods. The aim is to foster experience exchange and knowledge dissemination and, in a wider perspective, to trigger continuing education and empowerment, by encouraging and strengthening ways of learning and self-learning which can be catalysed by readings. ISSUES Publications vol. 1 (2013) “Ritorno alla terra”, edited by Daniela Poli. vol. 2 (2014) “Ritorno alla terra”, edited by Daniela Poli. vol. 3 (2015) “Ricostruire la città”, edited by Carlo Cellamare and Enzo Scandurra. vol. 4 (2016) “Riabitare la montagna”, edited by Federica Corrado and Giuseppe Dematteis.

Forthcoming vol. 6 “Le nuove economie del territorio bene comune”, edited by Giuseppe Dematteis and Alberto Magnaghi. vol. 7 “Dai territori della resistenza alle comunità di patrimonio”, edited by Luciano De Bonis and Marco Giovagnoli.

vol. 5 (2017) “Storia del territorio”, edited by Anna Maria Colavitti, Rossano Pazzagli and Giuliano Volpe.

Managing Editor Angelo M. Cirasino Editorial Staff Ilaria Agostini, Chiara Belingardi, Monica Bolognesi, Elisa Butelli, Claudia Cancellotti, Flavia Giallorenzo, Luisa Rossi, Maddalena Rossi, Agnese Turchi, Daniele Vannetiello, Luna D’Emilio


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scientific journals


Opus Incertum

Journal of the Department of Architecture

Section of History of Architecture and the City, University of Florence

Editor-in-chief Gianluca Belli, Università di Firenze Scientific Board Amedeo Belluzzi, Università di Firenze Mario Bevilacqua, Università di Firenze Alessandro Brodini, Università di Firenze Joseph Connors, Harvard University, USA Francesco Paolo Di Teodoro, Politecnico di Torino

Opus Incertum is the history of architecture journal of the Department of Architecture of the University of Florence. Founded in 2005, Opus Incertum aims to be a tool for the promotion of research into the field of architectural and urban history, understood in the broadest sense of the term and referred to every chronological, geographical and thematic context. Opus Incertum welcomes contributions from Italian and foreign scholars specializing in the discipline, with the aim of stimulating, encouraging the development and making known the results of original research, without excluding any methodological slant based on a rigorous scientific approach. The aim is to offer new perspectives and unpublished documentary material on general or specific topics concerning the disciplinary field of the journal. The journal, which has an annual frequency, proposes monographic issues. Since 2015 the Journal is published by Firenze University Press.

Emanuela Ferretti, Università di Firenze Roberto Gargiani, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Svizzera Alessandro Nova, Kusthistorisches Institut in Florenz Riccardo Pacciani, Università di Firenze Susanna Pasquali, Università di Roma “La Sapienza” Brenda Preyer, The University of Texas at Austin, USA Alessandro Rinaldi, Università di Firenze Editorial Staff Daniela Smalzi Francesco Cambi (tirocinio formativo) Graphic Design Susanna Cerri Address Via P.A. Micheli, 2 Firenze

Copertina Bianco. Forme e visioni di architetture senza colori (dal numero 9)

Publisher Firenze University Press

The issues printed till now are: 1. Palazzo Pitti (2006). 2. L’architettura italiana dei cinema (2006). 3. Palazzo San Clemente a Firenze (2007). 4. Palazzi fiorentini del Rinascimento (2007). 5. Disegni rinascimentali di architettura (2008).

8. Residenze medievali di villa in Italia (n.s., 2015, FUP). 9. Bianco. Forme e visioni di architetture senza colori (n.s., 2016, FUP). 10. Soffitti lignei a lacunari a Firenze e a Roma in età moderna (n.s., 2018, FUP).

6.-7. Costruzioni e ricostruzioni dell’identità italiana (2009-2010).


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F. Borromini, Oval staircase in Palazzo Barberini, Rome (from issue nr. 9).

R. Meyer, MACBA Museum, Barcelona (from issue nr. 9).

Piero De Crescenzi, De agricultura. Istoriato, Venice 1504, frontispiece (from issue nr. 8).

scientific journals

Wooden ceiling of the Sala grande (now Music Room) of Palazzo Medici, Florence (from issue nr. 10).

San Martino in Soverzano, East elevation of the castle (from issue nr. 8).



Ricerche per la progettazione del paesaggio digital semi-annual scientific journal | second series

Ri-Vista is a semi-annual scientific journal in electronic format open access. It was founded in 2003 and operates through international call for papers and double blind peer review. Editor in charge Saverio Mecca

Ri-Vista deals with landscape architecture in a traditional disciplinary openness to the

Editor-in-chief Gabriele Paolinelli

with the nature of the discipline to which it is dedicated. The rich articulation of scientific

Editorial Board UNIFI Debora Agostini Sara Caramaschi Gabriele Corsani Anna Lambertini Tessa Matteini Emanuela Morelli Michela Moretti Antonella Valentini

category and to the landscapes as reality is therefore the basin in which Ri-Vista is searching

POLITO Claudia Cassatella Emma Salizzoni

contributions of sciences otherwise competent, consolidated over the years according viewpoints, as identified by studies that different disciplines dedicate to the landscape as a for references for the design in the broadest sense of this term that landscape architecture can express. From 2014 Ri-Vista is part of the scientific journals of the Department of Architecture of the University of Florence and in 2015 launched a second series. Ri-Vista accepted for indexing in ERIH PLUS Ri-Vista has been included by Thomson & Reuters to ESCI (Emerging Sources Citation Index).

UNIBO Elisabetta Maino Professional Enrica Campus Scientific Board UNIRC Daniela Colafranceschi, POLITO Pompeo Fabbri Roberto Gambino UNIFI Enrico Falqui Carlo Natali

Planning complexity: order and disorder in landscape design and planning




UDK BERLIN Gert Groening UT TEHERAN Hassan Laghai CNRS UNIVTLSE Jean Paul MĂŠtailiĂŠ UPENN & UNIRC Valerio Morabito,

Scenario and change: multiple scenarios in evolution Parks and landscapes in Europe. A research program

POLIMI Carlo Peraboni Maria Cristina Treu PKU BEIJING Kongjian Yu Professional Christine Dalnoky

Landscapes of biodiversity The agrarian landscape: half a century of changes from the portrait of Emilio Sereni till today

ISSN 1724-6768 (online)

Landscapes of tourism


A journey in the journey between landscapes, words, glances

Landscape: right or responsibility?

Making landscape. Where are the regions?

Landscape: an education tool

research map | dida research system






scientific journals




DIDA Research Programs











DIDA Research Programs



DIDA Research Programs

Architecture & Project

Guidebook as tool

A study on contemporary architecture

Scientific Coordinator Laura Andreini Research Group Sara Benzi Maria Giulia Caliri Elena Catalano Giacomo Dati Elena Ronchi Lara Tonnicchi Partnership DIDA Formaedizioni TecnicheNuove

Traveling has always fed knowledge and stimulated the man’s curiosity. The history of architecture tells us about the great masters, citing only some names like Le Corbusier or Giancarlo de Carlo, who have always been fascinated by the journey and the discovery of new cultures, new ways of living and inhabiting. The itinerary of architecture is in fact a knowledge and curiosity tool, allowing the knowledge of a place, of a city or of a larger geographical area, through its works and its selected buildings and therefore the visit so as the direct experience. Florence: a guide to contemporary architecture in a city such as Florence might seem an oxymoron to certain readers. This itinerary is aimed at showing how one of the Italian cities most strongly linked with its past, in fact the quintessential symbol of the Renaissance period, conceals a myriad of innovative architecture. Florence is not a static city. It has often been guilty of long delays and a certain lack of courage in assimilating new approaches, but its way of introducing contemporary architecture into a consolidated context, is unique. Changes with great impact began in Florence at the end of the 19th century with the urban planning transformations designed by Giuseppe Poggi, and the brief but intense period when Florence was the country’s capital city. In the 1930s, the Rationalist design of the Santa Maria Novella Station introduced a new form of architectural expression into the historic centre and outskirts of the city. Furthermore, it is because of the station that we are able to observe the complexity of the city. Suffice to say that in 1935, in a single day, King Vittorio Emanuele II inaugurated two buildings with completely contrasting design styles: the Station and the Central National Library. Still today, the city has difficulty in adopting a single approach or process, this aspect contributes towards creating an interesting diversity, but also a certain degree of confusion. (Laura Andreini)






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contemporary itinerary: Hong Kong

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Fox Associates (KPF) 17. International Commerce Centre, KPF 18. M+Pavilion, VPANG Architects

37. Domestic Transformer, Gary Chang 38. New Campus for the Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong 39. Siu Sai Wan complex, Ronald Lu &

Recreation Centre, P&T Architects and Engineers 06. Tsuen Wan Adventist Hospital Extension, P&T Architects and

with JET Architecture and Lisa Cheung 19. Kennedy Town Swimming Pool, Farrells 20. Azura, Dennis Lau & Ng Chun Man

Partners 40. New Kai Tak Cruise Terminal, Foster + Partners 41. 133 Wai Yip, MVRDV

Engineers 07. Run Run Shaw Creative Media Centre, Daniel Libeskind 08. Bridged House, Ida&Billy Architects

21. 8 Rednaxela Terrace, Gary Chang 22. Mount Parker Residences, Arquitectonica 23. LHT Tower, Rocco Yim

42. Landmark East Street, Arquitectonica 43. Hong Kong Design Institute, CAAU - Coldefy & Associate Architects Urban Planner

09. Clubhouse Mongkok Skypark, Concrete 10. The Jubilee College, P&T Architects and Engineers

24. The Foru, Aedas 25. HKSAR Government Headquarters, Rocco Design Architects 26. Pacific Place, Thomas Heatherwick

44. Fire and Ambulance Service Academy, Andrew Lee King Fun 45. Science and Technology School of tsing yi north costal rd Business, Woods Bagot

11. Hong Kong Polytechnic University Community College, Wang Weijen Architecture

27. Asia Society Hong Kong Centre, Tod Williams Billie Tsien 28. One HarbourGate,

12. Innovation Tower - Polytechnic University of Hong Kong, Zaha Hadid Architects

Ronald Lu & Partners 29. V Wanchai 2, Gary Chang 30. Indigo Hotel, Aedas

46. Jockey Club Home for Hospice, AGC Design Limited DGE 47. Yasumoto International Academic BRI MA


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Park & Wu Ho Ma Yuen, Andrew Lee King Fun & Associates Architects MA WAN CHANNELDennis Lau 48. Dragons Range,











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04. New Campus Development of Chu Hai College of Higher, Rocco Design Architects 05. Public Library & Indoor

isk tw


33. Blue Pool Road, KPF 34. Cubus, Woods Bagot 35. Hysan Place, KPF 36. Tower 535, Ronald Lu & Partners

ute ro


31. Opus, Frank Gehry 32. THR 350, Aedas

14. I Square, Rocco Design Architects 15. The Camphora, SLHO & Associates 16. K11 Atelier at Victoria Dockside, Kohn Pedersen

yi rd



13. K11, Dennis Lau & Ng Chun Man Architects & Engineers

02. Tung Chung Swimming Pool, Ronald Lu & Partners 03. T Park, P&T Architects and Engineers with Vasconi Associes Architectes






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26 27



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Hong Kong International Airport tipology public architect Norman Foster realization 1998 address Lantau Island, Outlying Islands project

Tung Chung Swimming Pool tipology institutional, recreational, sport architect Ronald Lu & Partners realization 2010 address 5 Tat Tung Road, Tung Chung, Lantau project

03 B

T Park industrial P&T Architects and Engineers with Vasconi Associes Architectes realization 2010-2015 address 25 Nim Wan Road, Tuen Mun project tipology architect

04 B

New Campus Development of Chu Hai College of Higher Education tipology educational architect Rocco Design Architects realization 2016 address 80 Castle Peak Road, Castle Peak Bay, Tuen Mun project










Clubhouse Mongkok Skypark tipology residential architect Concrete realization 2014-2017 address 17 Nelson street project

11 C

project tipology architect

The Jubilee College educational P&T Architects and Engineers realization 2011-2014 address 81 Chung Hau Street, Ho Man Tin, Kowloon




Hong Kong Polytechnic University Community College tipology educational architect Wang Weijen Architecture realization 2009 address Hung hom

12 C




17 C

18 C

19 D

20 D


Innovation Tower Polytechnic University of Hong Kong tipology educational architect Zaha Hadid Architects realization 2013 address 11 Yuk Choi Road, Hung Hom


International Commerce Centre tipology mixed use architect KPF realization 2010 address Union Square, Kowloon

project tipology architect

M+Pavilion exhibition VPANG Architects with JET Architecture and Lisa Cheung realization 2016 address West Kowloon Cultural District, Tsim Sha Tsui


Kennedy Town Swimming Pool tipology public architect Farrells realization 2011-2016 address 2 Sai Cheung St N, Sai Wan

project tipology architect






Azura residential Dennis Lau & Ng Chun Man Architects & Engineers realization 2014 address 2A Seymour Road, Mid Levels West






Sai Yee Street

ground floor 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.





Public Library & Indoor Recreation Centre institutional P&T Architects and Engineers realization 2008-2017 address Ma Tin Road, Yuen Long

Tsuen Wan Adventist Hospital Extension medical P&T Architects and Engineers realization 2008– 2015 address 199 Tsuen King Circuit, Tsuen Wan



tipology architect

tipology architect

no drawings


07 C

Run Run Shaw Creative Media Centre tipology cultural centre architect Daniel Libeskind realization 2010 address Cornwall street, Kowloon Tong project

08 C

project Bridged House tipology residential architect Ida&Billy Architects realization 2015 address 5A & 7, York Road, Kowloon Tong

entrance elevators welcome desk signage seating area


13 C

K11 shopping centre Dennis Lau & Ng Chun Man Architects & Engineers realization 2009 address 18 Hanoi Road, Kowloon project tipology architect


project I Square tipology commercial architect Rocco Design Architects realization 2009 address 63 Nathan Road, A&A Works at 4/F, Kowloon


project The Camphora tipology public architect SLHO & Associates realization 2015 address 51-52 Haiphong Road, Tsim Sha Tsui


K11 Atelier at Victoria Dockside mixed use Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates (KPF) realization 2017 address Location 18 Salisbury Rd, Tsim Sha Tsui project

tipology architect


project 8 Rednaxela Terrace tipology residential architect Gary Chang realization 2010 address Mid Levels


Mount Parker Residences tipology residential architect Arquitectonica realization 2014 address 1 Sai Wan Terrace, Quarry Bay project


project LHT Tower tipology mixed use architect Rocco Yim realization 2011 address 31 Queen’s Road Central

178 itinerario contemporaneo: hong kong contemporary itinerary: hong kong

ming kum rd



01. Hong Kong International Airport, Norman Foster


project The Forum tipology office architect Aedas realization 2014 address Exchange Square

no drawings


Architecture & Project


THE DEPTHS OF SURFACE Lab Scientific Coordinator MATERIALS project Laura Andreini Research Group Marco Casamonti Giovanni Polazzi Collaborators Elena Catalano Giacomo Dati Marco Gamberi Lara Tonnicchi

“Beauty is Italy’s petroleum, the country’s primary export, whether in the form of fashion, furniture and industrial design, or building materials such as ceramics, stone woods and glass. Other than for its stones and ceramics, the beauty that Italy produces does not spring from the ground but from a complex ecosystem ultimately accountable to the country’s matrix of medium-sized family-based enterprises, which have an artisanal capacity that, paradoxically, operates in an industrial context. Open to discussion … the manufacturers willingly modify materials in a hybrid hand-andmachine made industrial process. This unique cultural and fabrication ecosystem, Italy’s economic engine, has long proved a creative testing ground for our research and creativity. Italy’s ecosystem represents an opportunity to reach beyond the drawing and the computer to the production line, where raw materials are transformed into components of construction adapted to the unique circumstances of a building design. It is possible to ask to brick manufacturers make new kinds of bricks: no material, no matter how traditional or humble, was beyond reconsideration and reinvention….. “ (Joseph Giovannini)




Facing page, top to bottom: BBPA B3-2 pavilion World Expo 2010, Shanghai, Archea associati. Perfetti Van Melle factory renovation, Archea associati, 2005. Facade of new stadium, Udine, Archea associati, 2016. Nembro library, Archea associati, 2007. Church of Mercy, Terranova Bracciolini, Archea associati, 2014. Curno library and auditorium, Archea associati, 2009.


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Architecture & Project


Landscapes, settlements, architectures, things, times

La linea sospesa Landscape design Cutigliano - Pistoia (I) 2016 Design Group Arrigoni Architetti Marco Arrigoni Fabrizio F. V. Arrigoni Damiano Dinelli

Relationships of descent One of the major ways humans have of organizing their world is through genealogy or relations of descent. In theogonies, or tales of the origin of gods, or in legendary lists of human offspring relations of descent and the association of characteristics, territories, and spheres of influence with descendants provide a means of mapping the cosmos and the human world. In traditions concerning animals and plants, relations of descent are most prominent in myths of human origin and in totemic materials.

Atelier Valerio Cerri Valentina Satti Marinella Spagnoli

Ten points (as an introduction) 01 architecture is presence, station of a built form 02 form, morphe kaÏ tò eÏdos, is the rational expression of a thought 03 form is rhythm, structure, of materials 04 one builds because one inhabits 05 architecture is the juncture of grace and necessity 06 architecture is a collective thing, in any case a res publica 07 architecture is a moral system, that is to say une promesse de bonheur 08 architecture actuates the place by rewriting its face and its destiny 09 architecture actuates memory by reorganizing its voice and its meaning 10 architecture actuates the three modes of time but its end - its aim and its termination - is ruin. On San Vito stroll The bridge over the Pianone river separates the medieval village of Cutigliano from the cemetery and from the last houses to the south. From here, after the ancient church of San Bartolomeo, a promenade begins which ends on a small-sized open space called the San Vito hillock. The road, in just under two kilometres, disposes of its urban garb and gradually approximates the rusticity of the mountain path: only a thin shadow between beech and white fir trees. An end closed by an abrupt ascent sanctions the end of the path; here there is a clearing crowned by dense vegetation and marked by the light of the sky, the remains of an oratory and a slender iron cross. The project detects and consolidates the inclinations, the latent inclinations in the place, trying to fix more precisely its most original features. An incision reveals a passage between two dark walls: the extreme offshoot of the journey completed and suspended line of the slope: the construction of a point from which the look of the traveller will slip between the Ximeniana, the torrent of the Lima, the azure profiles of the Apennines.


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Architecture & Project


Landscapes, settlements, architectures, things, times

UNIVERSITY-FOUNDED RESEARCH AGREEMENT UNIFI | DIDA School of Architecture Second Cycle Degree DIDA Research Unit DM_SHS Documentation and Management of Small Historical Settlements Geometric Survey City walls northeast sector Magliano in Toscana ScientiďŹ c responsible Alessandro Merlo Research Group Marco Corridori Giulia Francesconi Mattia Genuini Giulia Lazzari Elisa Luzzi Riccardo Montuori Impronte project for Magliano in Toscana Students Francesco Rega Alessandro Sordi Daniele Vanni


Sutures Old stone to new building, old timber to new fires T.S. Eliot, East Coker (Four Quartets n. 2), 1940

Without resigning the discussion to a narrow path and the rigidity of terminological orthodoxy or to a universe of obligatory cross references (the organ, the plant, the city as a tree, etc.) Suture/s is understood explicitly here as the will to sew, to repair, to recuperate; it makes manifest a common condition shared by a large portion of European and urban environments (and not only them), that the act of transformation involves places already densely constructed, where it is easy to see a chain of [human] manipulation in excavated layers. The palimpsest of existing obstacles to a romantic ideology of creation, ex-nihilo, invites less ingenuous action and more wariness and consciousness. This immanent, unrepentant presence of the past, determines a strategy that is primarily observed and a study of facts, of the physical and social conditions that give structure to sites. Among the first: orientation, natural light, materials, weavings, temperature, colours, vegetation, the right to a view. Among the second: collective expectations and needs, the social environment, culture, architectonic typologies, technological knowledge and histories. The suture indicates a cure and a recovery (the recover from a sick state) but it is not consolation. In contemporary times, we have lost our way home and the perfection of our origins. This loss is connected to the restoration of Kultur which is definitively broken; not least of all, one can’t possibly find a street that is capable of taking us into a radiant future and palingenetic progress. A successful project constructs a concrete condition from which it has grown, not hiding or worse, erasing the inherent contradictions: similar to the destiny of bios, art sutures produce noble scars.

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Architecture & Project


Landscapes, settlements, architectures, things, times

UNIVERSITY-FOUNDED RESEARCH AGREEMENT UNIFI | DIDA School of Architecture Single Cycle Degree in Architecture Academic year 2015-2016 Tutor Fabrizio F. V. Arrigoni Technology Consultant Roberto Bologna “Onde as águias pousam” Cultural center in Montemor-o-Novo Évora (P) Project Martina Calcinai

Finis studiorum This graduation thesis confirms a very complex and diversified course of study; while on the other hand, it is always, if done with correctness and radicalism, a conflictual exercise, an exercise of Krisis. As such we note a tension and friction between the characters which is the student’s contribution, between the collection of knowledge that the transmission has the task of protecting and preserving in continuity - the inevitable premise of any cognitive process - and the entry of an unexpected/destabilizing sense/sensibility. It is a contrast, a friction, analogous to that created by the same project between the objective conditions found and its horizon of modification, but which unlike the latter is often reduced, masked by overestimated and immediate constraints of identity or academic affiliation. The drafts of this thesis show magisterium and at the same time they measure the possible metamorphoses: suspended between adhesion and flight, obedience and freedom, proximity and distance, they are the most mature and responsible expression of the spirit and of the practice of a design school and the first independent exercise of the future Baumeister. Onde as águias pousam “Em Montemor-o-Novo, o viajante começa por visitar o castelo, que da longe, visto de nascente, parece uma sólida e intacta construção. Mas, por trás das muralhas e das torres desde lado, não há mais do que ruínas.” José Saramago, Viagem a Portugal, 1981

Among the soft undulations of the ground that marks the landscape of Alentejo, on a rise that fractures the monotonous horizon there are the first traces of the city of Montemor-o-novo. The castle, which has been progressively abandoned over the years, contains within its walls the eldest testimonies of the city. In this place full of memories are located the two buildings of the new Cultural Centre arranged along the path that runs from Porta Vila Santarem towards Porta del Anjo. The first part of the building is confused with the ones of nearby convent of Nossa Senhora da Saudação and guides the visitor towards the view of the south; the second presides over the portal of Igreja de Santa Maria and offers itself as an instrument for recomposing the soil and the existing scattered ruins.


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Architecture & Project

Designing the archaeological landscape

Scientific Coordinator Riccardo Butini Address Palazzo Vegni via San Niccolò, 93 Firenze Research Group Giulio Basili Giulia Fornai Francesco Girelli Filippo Lisini Baldi

The design project in archaeological areas is stratified by its nature, and invites to a transversal reading of the events that produced that set made of overlapping architectures, different languages and construction techniques, new materials alternate with reused materials to which it has been given the task to save and reiterate a necessary material continuity of man’s work over time. A fragmented landscape that communicates a sense of eternal and temporary together. The difficult task of reconstruction cannot be achieved except through a principle of “transmission” from the old to the new. We can therefore think to continue our delicate work, looking at the contemporary landscape as a collective work, never completed, on which we are called to intervene, to modify it, without and however, conclude it. PUBLICATIONS R. Butini, A. Merlo, Which is the possible relationship between architecture and archaeology?, in Architecture, Archaeology and contemporary cityplanning, G. Verdiani, P. Cornell, 2014. R. Butini, Progetto contemporaneo nel paesaggio archeologico, DIDAPRESS, Firenze, 2016.


WORKSHOP Architecture, Archaeology and contemporary cityplanning, realized in collaboration between Department of Architecture DIDA, Department of Historical Studies, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, MOLA (Museum of London Archaeology), Florence 16-18 of June 2014.

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Architecture & Project

The look, the material

Building in the Italian landscape

Scientific Coordinator Riccardo Butini Address Palazzo Vegni via San Niccolò, 93 Firenze Research Group Giulio Basili Giulia Fornai Francesco Girelli Filippo Lisini Baldi

Every time we have to design, falling into the landscape complexity, understood in its urban and rural dimension, we must search through the practice of the gaze and leaning on the rough material of ancient architecture, the traces of an “archaic structure” that still persists, alive and well impressed, working within a certain ancient architecture measure, with the will to make the new rules to join to the old ones,renewing, even in face to the degraded contemporary sensibility, the merger and continuity principle as the only one possible. The research, lead through the design practice and the building experience, identifies the look and the matter as indispensable tools to which the design act should still be intimately linked. PUBLICATIONS R. Butini, Casa nel Chianti, in Identità dell’architettura italiana 11, Diabasis, Parma, 2013. R. Butini, Progetto per uno spazio ricettivo a Roccatederighi, in Identità dell’architettura italiana 12, Diabasis, Parma, 2014.

R. Butini, Centro per le arti visive Ex distilleria Lo Stellino, in Identità dell’architettura italiana 14, Diabasis – Diaroars s.r.l., Parma, 2016. R. Butini, Cinque architetture, Casa Editrice Librìa, Melfi, 2016.

R. Butini, Tra campagna e città, in «Firenze Architettura», n. 01/2016, Firenze, 2016


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Architecture & Project

The project in the historical context

Scientific Coordinator Riccardo Butini Address Palazzo Vegni via San Niccolò, 93 Firenze Research Group Giulio Basili Giulia Fornai Francesco Girelli Filippo Lisini Baldi

The architectural design, whether intervenes on an existing system or creates a new one, requires a continuous comparison with the history, with the tradition and the places deepest essence. There, we might believe that the project still resides, and have the ability, updated to our time, to suggest functions and shapes capable to restore the subversive balance, or more precisely to identify new possible others. CONFERENCES, SEMINARS, WORKSHOPS Convegno Potsdam e l’Italia. Perdita e ricostruzione della cultura architettonica, Potsdam, 01-02 Novembre 2013; organizzato da Fachhochschule Potsdam e Dipartimento di Architettura DIDA.

PUBLICATIONS R. Butini, Michelucci e la ricostruzione dell’area di Ponte Vecchio, in Potsdam & l’ Italia. Perdita e ricostruzione della cultura architettonica, a cura di A. Burg e P. Zermani, FHP, Potsdam, 2013.

Seminario internazionale Recuperare un bene culturale: la Imprenta Vila, Valencia 26-28 marzo 2015 – Firenze 8-10 luglio 2015; organizzazione DIDA Dipartimento di architettura (Università degli Studi di Firenze), Escuela Tecnica Superior de Arquitectura (Universitat Politècnica de València).

R. Butini, Progettare nel costruito. Alcune brevi considerazioni, in La Cartiera Bocci di Pietrabuona. Documentazione e valorizzazione, a cura di R. Butini e A. Merlo, DIDA, Firenze, 2014 .

Workshop internazionale Costruire nel costruito. Una residenza per studenti universitari, Roma, 09-13 maggio 2016; organizzato da Dipartimento di Architettura (Università degli Studi Roma Tre), Universidad de Boyacà.

R. Butini, Nella città rosa: Michelucci e Siena, in Giovanni Michelucci e la sede della Contrada di Valdimontone a Siena 1974-1997, a cura di Roberto Dulio, Mondadori Electa s.p.a., Milano, 2017.

R. Butini, Progetto nella città storica in Italia, «Urbanform and Design» n. 03/04, 2015.

RESEARCH AGREEMENTS Convenzione di ricerca Il Castello di Montemassi: documentazione e valorizzazione, Dipartimento di Architettura DIDA, Parco Tecnologico e Archeologico delle Colline Metallifere, Comune di Roccastrada. Convenzione di ricerca Progetto PARCO DELLE MURA, Dipartimento di architettura DIDA, Comune di Siena.


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Architecture & Project

Space Light Architecture

ScientiďŹ c Coordinator Fabio Capanni

Architecture and light, basic principles for designing with daylight

Research Group Simone Barbi

Research published in April 2017 by LetteraVentitdue, in the Italian and English versions, within the LUMINA series conceived and directed by Fabio Capanni.

Publisher LetteraVentidue edizioni s.r.l. Series Lumina First edition Italian version (2017) English version (2017) Partnership Velux s.p.a.

Light is the soul of space, a breath that runs through it and gives it life. It chases the shadows relentlessly in a ritual that makes the passing of time visible. Architecture is, above all else, the implementation of this ritual, which ignites the dialectic between the immobility of space and the dynamic action of light, between the finiteness of the dimensions and the incommensurablity of the natural element, and between the concreteness of the material and the abstraction of the vacuum. This book attempts to outline some basic principles that govern the relationship between daylight and architectural space to place it at the centre of the architect’s work.

light and space

light and surface


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Architecture & Project

Space Light Architecture

Scientific Coordinator Fabio Capanni Address Palazzo Vegni via San Niccolò, 93 Firenze Extension of Stefanacci Primary School San Piero a Sieve (Fi) Extension of Tagliaferro Nursery School San Piero a Sieve (Fi) Gheri House Prato La Fonte Gymnasium Sesto fiorentino (Fi) Archaeological section of Sant’Agostino Museum Montalcino (Si)


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Architecture & Project

Space Light Architecture

Scientific Coordinator Fabio Capanni Research Group UNIFI | DIDA Andrea Azzanesi Simone Barbi Alberto Becherini Angela Benfante Roberto Bosi Gianluca Buoncore Beatrice Conforti Cornell University | APP Architecture Art Planning Fernando Tabuenca ETSAM | Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid José Ignacio Linazasoro GSD | Harvard University Carles Muro Politecnico di Milano Federico Bucci Università IUAV di Venezia Maria Bonaiti Francesco Cacciatore UNIFE | Dipartimento di Architettura Marco Mullazzani UniZar | Escuela de Ingenieria y Arquitectura Jesùs Leache USI | Accademia di Architettura - Mendrisio Manuel Aires Mateus Roberto Cremascoli

Space Light Architecture is a research project that also feeds itself of experimental controls in the context of seminars, workshops, educational workshops involving internationally renowned partners and architects: The Shape of Light_book “The Shape of Light”, published by noèdizioni on March 2015, present a summary of some results of the work carried out in the Architectural Design Workshop III (third year) at DIDA. Space Light Architecture_workshop (partners: Casabella Formazione, VELUX Italy) 2015 La Tourette (Eveux, France), con M. Aires Mateus, M. Bonaiti, F. Cacciatore, A.Impavidi. 2016 Bauhaus (Dessau, Germany), I. Linazasoro, F. Bucci, A. Impavidi. 2017 Sabbioneta (Italy), con F. Dal Co, J. Leache, A. Impavidi. 2018 Fondazione Serralves (Porto, Portugal), con A.Siza, R. Cremascoli, M. Mulazzani, C. Muro. Rethink Daylight_workshop ReThink Daylight is dedicated to architects who believe in the value of natural light in the design of spaces. The workshop is an opportunity to forget the computer and go back to working with the hands, to build models and to test them inside a natural light simulator. Daylight Challange_seminar Research project which involved 10 architecture practices from Sicily in experimentations using daylight as an instrument to compose architectural space.

Francesco Dal Co Andrea Impavidi Alvaro Siza Partnership Casabella Formazione VELUX Italia


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Architecture & Project

Galleria dell’architettura italiana Exhibitions

Scientific Board Fabio Capanni Paolo Zermani Research Group Duccio Ardovini Simone Barbi Giulio Basili Luca Barontini Gabriele Bartocci Alessio Bonvini Lisa Carotti Eleonora Cecconi Alessandro Cossu Chiara De Felice Giuseppe Dell’Orco Emanuele Ghisi Caterina Lisini Alessandro Masoni Francesca Mugnai Michelangelo Pivetta Salvatore Zocco


Galleria dell’architettura italiana has been, since 2010, opportunity for debate and comparison on themes, places and personalities of the Italian architecture. The Galleria hosts exhibitions dedicated to the most relevant contemporary architects and to some significant interpreters of cinema and photography, such as Andreij Tarkowskij, Luigi Ghirri, Giovanni Chiaramonte. The exhibitions always focuses on the peculiar features of the Italian architecture, even observed from an international perspective. The twelve exhibitions - among which five were organized from 2012 to 2017 - offered the opportunity for a direct critic dialogue with the authors on display.

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Andrej Tarkovkij’s houses. Photos and drawings 29 November - 19 December, 2012 Even in Italy, when he decides to build a new house in Roccalbegna, Tuscany, Tarkovskij remembers the Russian House, his mother’s house. A continuous sequence of arches, a consideration on roofs and porches, an almost albertian façade, a tower, elements observed and photographed during his “Viaggio in Italia” shoot before “Nostalghia”, alterating the prevalence of remembrance, grafting it in a new land.


Giovanni Chiaramonte. Lost interior 28 November - 12 Dicember, 2013 Pictures taken by Giovanni Chiaramonte at the destroyed architectures of this land, gave rise to a book and an exhibition. These photographs are the result of a travel to Emilia in the days after the slash, when nothing had been removed yet, nor quickly forgotten, and when the immanence of both life and earthquake was presented in all its truth before vanishing and transforming forever the original features of the land, the original souls of men.

Adolfo Natalini. Drawings 16 - 30 May, 2013 If I look at my drawings after many years they look like they were drawn by different hands. They are traced on different kind of papers, using different techniques. Sometimes they are sketches, or complex illustrations, sometimes they are technical drawings. Every time the hand is heavy or light. Signs are gentle or strong. They switch from the darker graphite to multicoloured watercolours. I spent my whole life drawing in the attempt to understand the world (representing it) in order to change small parts according to needs and desires (designing them). 2

Monestiroli Architetti Associati. Halls 29 May - 11 June, 2014 In Monestiroli’s sacred halls, the correspondence between space and ritual - meant as the movement of the believers and the representation of the Eucharist - results in a subtle typological contamination that assimilates the hall to a theatre. This one, even more than a temple, can be considered the place of the community, where the “human” and the “real”, which are peculiar themes of Monestiroli’s poetics, sublimate towards the drama.



Architecture & Project


Florence, the City and its River

Scientific Coordinator Antonio Capestro Research Group Nicola Marmugi Riccardo Monducci Federica Monfardini Cinzia Palumbo Partnership Autorità Idrica Toscana Comune di Firenze UNIFI | DIDA Publiacqua s.p.a. Collaborators Hadis Ansari Lorenzo Gentili Lodovica Pizzetti Allegra Santini Mirco Tilli Consultants Infographic Nicola Torpei Video Direction Giancarlo Torri Video editing Claudia Usai Lighting design Patrizio Travagli Installation Rafael Taboada Plasencia


The research agreement “CASADELLARNO_Information-Promotion-Communication Project for a new culture on the river as a meaningful environmental resource for the territory”, signed between DIDA and Comune di Firenze – Publiacqua – Autorità Idrica Toscana for the period 2013-2014, has been an opportunity to retrace, deepen and develop study, research and academic activities on the river, since 2004 until today. The purpose of the research is to develop a new perspective on the river Arno through three thematic phases Knowledge - Sharing - Design, in order to deepen its understanding as a cultural, urban, social and natural resource: The purpose of the research is to develop a new perspective on the river Arno through three thematic phases Knowledge - Sharing - Design, in order to deepen its understanding as a cultural, urban, social and natural resource: KNOWLEDGE. Proposal of CASADELLARNO (an exhibition area realised during 2014 inside the Centro Visite at the Piazzale del Re in the historical Parco delle Cascine in Florence), an interactive museum that hosts stories, projects, researches with the aim of disseminating knowledge on the river, so to recover an active relationship with it and to propose projects based on the river as a urban structural system which can be implemented over time. The exhibition is based on four thematic areas – The river and the city, The river and the territory, The Arno’s tales, Water precious resource - that allow to explore the river through videos, interactive installations and posters. SHARING. Interaction and sharing activities involving public and private actors, local authorities, stakeholders, citizens and experts. A platform to discuss ideas and proposals on how to build a state of the art on the Arno in order to broaden the existing knowledge and promote a renovation process for the river adopting an organic and shared perspective. PROJECT. Activities carried out by the Architecture Department of the University of Florence from 2004 to 2017, deepening the vocation of the Arno river both as a place to be regenerated and a generator of relations between the city and its territory.

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KNOWLEDGE The river and the city This section collects historical, environmental, scientific, artistic and cultural informations which can be implemented over time. The section is introduced by a conceptual video on CASADELLARNO, starting from a cognitive route of the Arno river as related to Florence’s urban settlement and its many features. The river and the territory The focus of this section is on the river course from its source on Monte Falterona, on the tosco-romagnolo Apennine, to its mouth located at Marina di Pisa, in the Ligure sea, through the provinces of Arezzo, Firenze e Pisa along 241 Km. The Arno’s tales This section allows an immersive dive in the exploration of the river-related issues. Videos are used to tell stories and suggestions about the river, proposing new visions and narratives on the genius loci and offering brand new ideas on the infrastructure. Water precious resource It is the interactive section. A touchscreen allows to customize informations about the river as an integrated infrastructure, in order to promote a water culture that conceives water as a precious resource and to educate to its the correct use. SHARING Publications Capestro A. 2016, Per una nuova cultura dell’Arno, «Rivista. Ricerche per la progettazione del paesaggio», vol. 2. Capestro A. 2014, Casadellarno. Progetto di informazione-promozione-educazione per una nuova cultura del fiume come significativa risorsa ambientale del territorio, «Opere», vol. 38. Exhibitions A. Capestro, Tra Natura e Città: un progetto di riqualificazione per le Cascine di Firenze, Laboratori in Mostra, Firenze 2012/2013. A. Capestro, R. Nudo, A. Rinaldi, Altrarno_Un fiume di opportunità per Firenze,Centro_Progetti e strategie di rigenerazione per il centro storico di Firenze, Firenze 2013. A. Capestro, Altrarno_Un fiume di opportunità per Firenze,Open Workshop, Firenze 2013. A. Capestro, E. Falqui, M. Marinelli, Il fiume e la città_Progetto del parco fluviale dell’Arno, Work in progress, Firenze 2014.

PROJECT Labs Abitare l’Arno_Progetto di un sistema residenziale e di servizi sul Lungarno Ferrucci a Firenze | Laboratorio di Architettura II - A.A. 2004/2005. Altrarno_Un fiume di opportunità per Firenze | Laboratorio di Architettura III - A.A. 2012/2013. Il fiume e la città_Progetto del parco fluviale dell’Arno | Laboratorio di Architettura e Città - A.A. 2013/2014. Firenze e il suo fiume_Progetto di spazi per attività sull’Arno | Laboratorio di Architettura III - A.A. 2014/2015. Thematic seminars Tra natura e città: un progetto di riqualificazione per le Cascine a Firenze | Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Architettura - A.A. 2012/2013. Thesis 8 Thesis produced by: Corso di Laurea Magistrale a ciclo unico in Architettura | Corso di Laurea Specialistico Biennale in Architettura | Corso di Laurea Triennale in Scienze dell’Architettura.

Conferences A. Capestro, Altrarno_Un fiume di opportunità per Firenze, Centro_ Progetti e strategie di rigenerazione per il centro storico di Firenze, Firenze 2013. A.Capestro, Arno, città_visioni e strategie, Firenze 2015. A. Capestro, Arno: visioni-strategie-progetti, Architetture in H20. Costruzioni galleggianti e realtà acquatiche, Firenze 2017. A. Capestro, Infrastruttura - Natura - Città, Incontri del terzo giardino_Comunità e nuovi paesaggi, Firenze 2017. a&p


Architecture & Project

Heritage Design

Triennial research, 2016_2018

Scientific Coordinator Antonio Capestro Research Group Fulvio De Carolis Riccardo Monducci Cinzia Palumbo Nicola Marmugi Andrea Puri Partnership CISDU Centro Internazionale di Studi sul Disegno Urbano (International Centre for Studies in Urban Design) UD-Urban Design Lab (DIDALab)

Il “progetto del patrimonio – Heritage Design” is the title of a three-year research started in 2016 and ending in 2018. It investigates issues regarding urban/architectural heritage enhancement, both material and non-material, with the purpose to highlight possible methodological frameworks able to picture new relationships among historical contexts, contemporary project and community. The research is structured through the detailed study of thematic channels defined by two main conceptual couples, complementary and interdependent: MEMORY AND CITY – this section deals with the recovery, enhancement and regeneration of spaces, places and architectures in historical contexts with the purpose of elaborating an operative/methodological framework for the promotion of the territory through strategies that, between resource renewal and reinvention, between memory and future perspective, will shape a proper and unique urban situation for venues considered, enhancing their attractiveness and competitiveness on a global scale and their architectural-environmental recovery on a local scale. Keywords: stratification and memory, innovation and tradition, historical centres. EPHEMERAL AND CITY – this section deals with “temporary” projects, highlighting, with regard to the city, a different perspective on urban spaces and providing a new cross-cutting perspective within a field – that of architectural and urban design - that is usually concerned with permanent structures rather than with temporary ones. This theme focuses on the possible theoretical and operational perspectives that, although generated in a transitory way, can intersect with material and non-material heritage, prefiguring new and possible perspectives on a permanent urban tissue. Keywords: Ephemeral project, Contemporary architecture, Urban acupuncture The research has been carried out with regard to specific contexts through protocol agreements, program agreements, Conventions and Research grants signed by public and private Institutions. It has elaborated projects through Design Laboratories, seminars, workshops and theses. It has been disseminated through conferences, exhibitions and publications. Keywords: Heritage, UNESCO, Urban Design, Architectural design

Fortezza da Basso a Firenze. Renovation Project. Agreement between: Comune di Firenze, DIDA.


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MEMORY AND CITY Researches Recupero, valorizzazione e rigenerazione del centro storico della città di Firenze. Protocol Agreement: Quartiere 1 Comune di Firenze and DIDA 2014/2016. Lo spazio espositivo temporaneo come luogo di relazione fra arte, produzione e ambiente urbano: un concept progettuale e tecnologico per l’evento. “Materia prima: ceramica e arte contemporanea a Montelupo fiorentino”. Agreement between Fondazione Museo Montelupo and DIDA. Scientific directors: A. Capestro, L. Zaffi. 2016/1017. La valorizzazione degli spazi residuali in abbandono come opportunità per la città inclusiva_Pocket Parks for All. Winning research proposal financed by Ateneo di Firenze inside the Call: Progetti strategici di ricerca di base – 2014. Research Group: Antonio Laurìa (scientific director), D. Babalis, A. Capestro, L. Chiesi L. Zaffi. Collaboratori: P. Costa, L. Vessella. Publications Capestro A. 2017. Strategie di progetto urbano per la valorizzazione degli spazi residuali e il miglioramento della vita in città. “Piccoli Spazi Urbani Valorizzazione degli spazi residuali in contesti storici e qualità sociale”, Antonio Lauria (edited by). Liguori. Labs Memoria e città_Progetto di riqualificazione della Fortezza da Basso a Firenze, Laboratorio di Architettura e Struttura, A.A. 2013/2014. Memoria e città_Spazi effimeri per la città contemporanea. Progetti per la Villa del Poggio Imperiale di Firenze, Laboratorio di Progettazione Architettonica III A.A. 2015/2016.

EPHEMERAL AND CITY Researches Memoria e città_Spazi effimeri per la città contemporanea. Progetti per la Villa del Poggio Imperiale di Firenze, Convenzione alternanza scuola-lavoro between: Educandato Statale SS. Annunziata-Villa del Poggio Imperiale di Firenze and DIDA. Capestro A (Scientific Director). C. Palumbo (Activities Coordinator). 2016/2017. Publications Capestro A., Verso una progettualità strategica per gli spazi residuali del centro storico di Firenze - Patrimonio Mondiale UNESCO. ”Piccoli Spazi Urbani. Valorizzazione degli spazi residuali in contesti storici e qualità sociale” (edit by Lauria A.). Liguori, 2017. Conferences A. Capestro, Florence, we have a problem! Riqualificazione urbana: conoscere e valorizzare angoli dimenticati della città, in un’ottica di collaborazione tra pubblico e privato, C. Francini (edit by), Piazza dei Tre Re - Firenze 2017. Projects Made in China - CHINESE CONTEMPORARY ARCHITECTURE exhibition design, A. Capestro, L. Zaffi. (design by). Le Murate, Sala Ottagono – Firenze, 2014. DIDA_La Cultura del Progetto - “Firenze creativa: la creatività fiorentina si racconta, con i suoi prodotti e le sue eccellenze, nel campo dell’architettura, della moda, del design e del patrimonio culturale”, III UNESCO Worldwide Forum exhibition design. A. Capestro, L. Zaffi. (design by). Palazzina di Forte di Belvedere - Firenze 2014.

Project Capestro A., Zaffi L. Partial renewal of Palazzo Podestarile complex, Montelupo Fiorentino - Firenze, 2016.

Labs Effimero e Città_Firenze: un progetto per Piazza dei Ciompi, Laboratorio di Progettazione Architettonica III - Corso di Laurea in Scienze dell’Architettura - A.A. 2016/2017.

Dentro la materia - “Materia Prima: leoncillo, Spagnulo, Mainolfi, Cerone, Ducrot” exhibition design. A. Capestro, L. Zaffi with Sauro Guarnieri (design by).

Thematic seminars Pocket Park for all! Progetti e azioni di agopuntura urbana in autocostruzione. Coordinators: A. Capestro, L. Zaffi.

Palazzo Podestarile, Montelupo Fiorentino – Firenze 2016.

Thesis 5 Thesis produced by: Corso di Laurea Magistrale a ciclo unico in Architettura Corso di Laurea Specialistico Biennale in Architettura Corso di Laurea Triennale in Scienze dell’Architettura.

Thesis 14 Thesis produced by: Corso di Laurea Magistrale a ciclo unico in Architettura Corso di Laurea Specialistico Biennale in Architettura Corso di Laurea Triennale in Scienze dell’Architettura.



Architecture & Project

The Culture of Urban Design Triennial research, 2013_2015

Scientific Coordinator Antonio Capestro Research Group Fulvio De Carolis Riccardo Monducci Cinzia Palumbo Nicola Marmugi Partnership CISDU-Centro Internazionale di Studi sul Disegno Urbano (Internation Centre for Studies in Urban Design) Keywords Progetto Urbano Urban Design Sistemi urbani Disegno Urbano

Cultura del Progetto Urbano – Culture of Urban Design is the title of an Academic Research carried out during the 2013/2015 three-year period that, building on and developing previous researches, investigates the relationship between some of the main urban systems (settlement systems, mobility systems, naturalistic systems) and inhabited environment, with the purpose of figuring and outlining visions and strategies for the contemporary city in its many aspects, and of building new possible scenarios for the community. The Research is developed through specific thematic channels, defined by three main binomial terms, complementary and interdependent: ARCHITECTURE AND CITY - includes themes concerning the identification of new architectural functional and semantic categories in relationship with the environment. Keywords: contamination, hybridisation, urban fabric, emergence. NATURE AND CITY - includes themes concerning natural systems at different scales in relationship with the city and its territory. Keywords: ecological culture, sustainability, natural and artificial ecosystem. INFRASTRUCTURE AND CITY - includes themes concerning the role of infrastructure in urban renewal, starting from the assumption that these may generate new urban realities for the contemporary city and trigger new strategic urban forms. Keywords: innovation, speed, continuity, fluidity, rhythm, dynamism. The research has been carried out in specific contexts through Protocol agreements, Program agreements, Agreements and Research grants signed in partnership with private and public Institutions. Projects have been elaborated through design laboratories, thematic seminars, workshops and theses. It has been disseminated through conferences, exhibitions and publications. ARCHITECTURE AND CITY Publications Capestro, A. 2016. Architecture of relationships. In: P. Laudati, K.Zreik (Edited by). City Temporalities. Capestro A. 2013. Paesaggi urbani. In: AA VV., Architettura & Città: Competitions. Conferences A. Capestro, FIRENZE_Una visione per il futuro. FIRENZE 2020_DISCUSSIONE APERTA SUL NUOVO REGOLAMENTO URBANISTICO. Salone Brunelleschi Palagio di Parte Guelfa, Firenze, 2014. A.Capestro (edit by), FIRENZE. Palazzina Reale, Piazza stazione SMN – Firenze, 2016. Exhibitions Chinese Contemporary Architecture, International exhibition, L. Xiangning (edit by) with: A. Capestro, M.C. Torricelli, L. Zaffi, Z. Ziye. Le Murate, Sala Ottagono-Firenze, 2014.


Labs Architettura e Città_Un progetto per Tirana. Università di Architettura di Tirana “Nostra Signora del Buon Consiglio” - Laboratorio di Architettura III - A.A. 2017/2018. Workshop Workshop Overseas Summer School, Tongji University – Università di Firenze A.A. 2012-2013. Thesis 16 Thesis produced by: Corso di Laurea Magistrale a ciclo unico in Architettura - Corso di Laurea Specialistico Biennale in Architettura | Corso di Laurea Triennale in Scienze dell’Architettura.

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NATURE AND CITY Publications Capestro A. 2016, Per una nuova cultura dell’Arno, «RI-VISTA. Ricerche per la progettazione del paesaggio», vol. 2. Conferences A. Capestro, ALTRARNO_Un fiume di opportunità per Firenze. “Centro_progetti e strategie di rigenerazione per il centro storico di Firenze”. Palagio di Parte Guelfa, Firenze 2013. A. Capestro (edit by), ARNO. “Città_visioni e strategie”. Palazzo Vegni - Firenze, 2015. A. Capestro, ARNO: visioni-strategie-progetti. “Architetture in H2O. Costruzioni galleggianti e realtà acquatiche”. Firenze, 2017. A. Capestro, Infrastruttura - Natura - Città. “Incontri del terzo giardino_comunità e nuovi paesaggi”. Le Murate - Firenze, 2017. Exhibitions ALTRARNO_Un fiume di opportunità per Firenze, A. Capestro, R. Nudo, A. Rinaldi (edit by), “Centro_progetti e strategie di rigenerazione per il centro storico di Firenze”. Palagio di Parte Guelfa, Firenze 2013. Labs ALTRARNO_Un fiume di opportunità per Firenze. Laboratorio di Architettura III, - A.A. 2012/2013. IL FIUME E LA CITTÀ_Progetto del parco fluviale dell’Arno. Laboratorio di Architettura e Città - A.A. 2013/2014. FIRENZE E IL SUO FIUME_Progetto di spazi per attività sull’Arno. Laboratorio di Architettura III - A.A. 2014/2015. Thematic seminars Tra natura e città: un progetto di riqualificazione per le Cascine a Firenze, Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Architettura A.A. 2012-2013. Thesis 25 Thesis produced by: Corso di Laurea Magistrale a ciclo unico in Architettura | Corso di Laurea Specialistico Biennale in Architettura | Corso di Laurea Triennale in Scienze dell’Architettura.


INFRASTRUCTURE AND CITY Publications Capestro A. 2014, Da infrastruttura a città_esperienze a Bologna, Firenze, Genova, Glasgow, Livorno, Milano, Pisa, Prato, Shenzhen, «AA. VV., La freccia del tempo. Ricerche e progetti di architettura delle infrastrutture». Capestro A. 2013. Il parco e la città: progetto della linea tranviaria 4 a Firenze, FIRENZE ARCHITETTURA, vol. 1. Conferences Arezzo_La Città e la Ferrovia, Capestro A. (edit by). Urban Center – Arezzo 2014. A. Capestro, Da infrastruttura a città. Esperienze a Bologna, Firenze, Genova, Glasgow, Livorno, Milano, Pisa, Prato, Shenzhen. Architettura del mondo. Ricerche e progetti dal mondo universitario – Sessione: Infrastrutture urbane, Triennale di Milano - Milano 2013. Exhibitions Il parco e la città: progetto progetto della linea tranviaria 4 a Firenze. “LABORATORINMOSTRA”, A. Capestro (edit by),Plesso di Santa Verdiana e Santa Teresa – Firenze 2012/2013. Thematic seminars Da infrastruttura a Città_Proposte di rigenerazione urbana per le aree ex ferroviarie di Pontassieve. A.A. 20012/2013. Research Strumenti a supporto dei processi di valorizzazione e rigenerazione urbana delle aree ex ferroviarie di Borgo Verde e Borgo Nuovo a Pontassieve. Research convention between Comune di Pontassieve and DIDA - 2013/2014. Research Group: L. Zaffi (scientific director), A. Capestro, L. Chiesi, G. Verdiani. Project Zaffi L., Capestro A. 2013, Masterplan per la valorizzazione e la rigenerazione urbana delle aree ex ferroviarie di Borgo Verde e Borgo Nuovo a Pontassieve. Thesis 16 Thesis produced by: Corso di Laurea Magistrale a ciclo unico in Architettura | Corso di Laurea Specialistico Biennale in Architettura | Corso di Laurea Triennale in Scienze dell’Architettura.


Architecture & Project

Cultural Heritage in Turkey

Scientific Coordinator Francesco Collotti Address Santa Verdiana stanza 2.06 Via della Mattonaia, 14 Firenze Research Group UNIFI | DIDA Serena Acciai Francesco Collotti Eliana Martinelli BU | Boğazici University Asli Özyar Paolo Girardelli Professionals Giovanni Calabrese Göze Üner

Reconstructing the Cambel’s Yalı and Estate at Bosporus Bosphorus University/UNIFI Archaeology, History of Architecture and Cultural Heritage 2011/2016 Agreement + Research and pilot project in cooperation UNIFI with Bosphorus University - (Bebek, Istanbul)

We like to imagine that this place was the Sultan’s gardener’s garden. One of many terraced gardens along the Bosphorus, stretching to climb on the steep slopes and surrounded by terraced walls. The architecture is here made of thick walls that time has swallowed as part of the leisurely homes that since the end of the XVII century have been sprawling east to expand the city of Byzantium-Constantinople-Istanbul. The ground climbs up a steep ridge, dotted with terraces and dry, retaining walls, niches, fountains, two-people benches to lose yourself staring at the sun setting towards Marmara, and again, water tanks, right after the ancient stream coming from the woods, right before the stream follows its natural seaward course. Walls, like made by the farmers, in the way before architects took the stage: Greek walls, Byzantine walls, Ottoman walls, all according the nature of this place, and never against it. Stepped walls placed orthogonally from the slope, closed by a large stone slab in the same material to preserve them from cracking in the frost. These gardens are sometimes public spaces, mesire, spaces that belong to the landscape and are not private, but find a reason to be in serving no other function that the collective beauty of this place, which is open to visitors lost among the terraces, gazing in awe at the other shore while tiny, rust-coloured ships glide back and forth. In the amidst, water and its peacock-green hue in sunny spring days or molten lead in the winter.

Tarsus-Gözlükule Heritage Walk and Exhibit Bosphorus University/UNIFI Archaeology, History of Architecture and Cultural Heritage 2011/2016 Agreement + Research and pilot project in cooperation UNIFI with Bosphorus University - (Bebek, Istanbul)

Tarsus Gözlükule is the hill above Tarsus. The hill so far has turned its back to the city now becomes our point of arrival. The project takes the visitor by the hand from St. Paul’s Basilica or the Arch of Cleopatra to gradually lead them to leave the crowded, thickly built city to reach a plethora of small objects, a master wall and an ancient tomb (turbe), a rough, yet clearly marked track, a grove of eucalypti and the canopy of maritime pines. A floor made of large stone slabs, connecting into one another as Pikionis had done for the Acropolis, supports the gait from its point of origin, a small fountain. The work ahead of


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us to restore the alliance between the city and the site is still long. Gradually, then, sketching standpoints and listening to contour lines in the freshly dug soil recently moved by the archaeologists from the Bosphorus University led by Asli Özyar, to understand, more than ever, that a town is not only a for-the-tourists set-up showcase. In this way we sought to let re-discover the beloved Gözlükule, the hill overlooking the city, as the place where to seek some evening fresh air, chasing the wind from the not far away sea.

LECTURES, CONFERENCES, THESIS, FELLOWSHIPS E. Martinelli, PhD Thesis in Architectural Composition, Turgut Cansever and the school of Sedad Eldem. Unity and tectonics in the design for Istanbul, School of Doctorate Studies IUAV. Supervisors: Prof. E. Mantese, Prof. G. Rakowitz, Prof. F. Collotti. Dissertation: Venice, June 06, 2017. E. Martinelli, Bysance Constantinople Istanbul. Architecture de la ville, Atelier d’Architecture 02 (Prof. F. Collotti), École Euro-Méditerranéenne d’Architecture, de Design et d’Urbanisme de Fès, March 23, 2017. E. Martinelli, Turgut Cansever in Istanbul, identity and utopia of urban design, Study day Bernardo Secchi. Utopia and the project for the city and the territory (IUAV). Venice, November 18, 2016. V. Ruggiero, Master Thesis, Istanbul e il Bosforo: riqualificazione della riva di Kadiköy nei pressi della stazione di Haydarpasa, UNIFI. Supervisors: Prof. F. Collotti, PhD S. Acciai. Dissertation: Florence, September 18, 2015. E. Martinelli, Turgut Cansever. An interpretation of urban complexity, PhD Summer School Anthropology of Complexity: material, space and society (EPF Lausanne, ETH Zürich). Lausanne, August 27, 2015.

S. Acciai, Research Fellowship for Archaeological Park of Tarsus, UNIFI and Boğazici University Istanbul, 2011. F. Collotti and S. Acciai, Venezia, Spalato, Istanbul, città messe in opera sulla facciata? Palazzi sulle rive del Mediterraneo, International Summer School Plätze in Venedig (TU Dortmund, HCU Hamburg, IUAV, UNIFI). Venice, September 16, 2010. PUBLICATIONS S. Acciai, Sedad Hakkı Eldem, an aristocratic architect and more, FUPress, Firenze 2018. S. Acciai, The Ottoman-Turkish House according to Sedad Hakkı Eldem, A refined domestic culture suspended between Europe and Asia, «ABE Journal» 11/2017. E. Martinelli, From Sedad Eldem to Turgut Cansever. The legacy of a School of Architecture, «International Journal of Architecture and Urban Studies», vol.2 (1), DAKAM publishing, Istanbul 2017, pp. 2031. S. Acciai, Divanhane, the receiving room, «Firenze Architettura» 2/2016, pp. 146-151.

F. Collotti, Traguardando l’altra riva, i mari che non abbiamo attraversato, Study day ¿Turchia/Europa? Istanbul Theatrum Mundi (IUAV). Venice, June 5, 2015.

E. Martinelli, Turgut Cansever, an interpretation of the Turkish city, «Turkey Studies ’16 Proceedings», DAKAM publishing, Istanbul 2016, pp. 41-48.

E. Martinelli, Turgut Cansever. I segni nella città: architettura e progetto nella Turchia degli anni ’60, Study day ¿Turchia/Europa? Istanbul Theatrum Mundi (IUAV). Venice, June 5, 2015.

E. Martinelli, From Sedad Eldem to Turgut Cansever. The legacy of a School of Architecture, «Archtheo ’16 Proceedings», DAKAM publishing, Istanbul 2016, pp. 94-107.

S. Acciai, L’esperienza di Sedad Hakkı Eldem, Study day ¿Turchia/Europa? Istanbul Theatrumz Mundi (IUAV). Venice, June 5, 2015.

F. Collotti e S. Acciai, Reconstructing the Cambel’s Yali at Bosporus, in M. Bovati, M. Caja, G. Floridi, M. Landsberger (eds.), Cities in transformation Research & Design, Il Poligrafo, Padova 2014, pp. 465-461.

S. Acciai, Postdoctoral Fellowship at InVisu USR 3103 INHA (National Institute for Art History): The Ottoman-Turkish House according to Architect Sedad Hakki Eldem, A refined domestic culture suspended between Europe and Asia. COST for the European project “European Architecture beyond Europe: Sharing Research and Knowledge on Dissemination Processes, Historical Data and Material Legacy (19th20th centuries)”. Supervisor: M. Volait. Paris 2014. S. Acciai, Ultima Fermata Costantinopoli, il caso studio di Sedad Hakkı Eldem, in Remo Leuzinger’s class, SUPSI. Lugano, November 11, 2012. S. Acciai, Type and principle in Turk Bahceleri: Sedad Hakkı Eldem and the terraced gardens along the Bosporus in comparative perspective, Workshop Çambel-Cakirhan Residence (Boğazici University Istanbul). Istanbul, May 9, 2012. S. Acciai, Research Fellowship for the restoration of Halet Çambel’s mansion and garden in Istanbul, UNIFI and Boğazici University Istanbul, 2012. a&p

F. Collotti, Disvelamento per levare del giardino dello Halet Cambel Yali, Istanbul, «Identità dell’Architettura Italiana 12», Ed. Diabasis, Parma 2014. S. Acciai, Architecture as public liability, «Achhist ‘13 Proceedings», DAKAM publishing, Istanbul 2013, pp. 466-473. S. Acciai, Sedad Hakkı Eldem e il Bosforo, il progetto per la riva di Kuruçesme, in Valentina Orioli (eds.), Milano Marittima 100: paesaggi e architetture per il turismo balneare, Mondadori Ed., Lodi 2013, pp. 101-104. S. Acciai, The Turkish house as latitude, «Archtheo ’12 Proceedings», DAKAM publishing, Istanbul 2012, pp. 104-109. S. Acciai, La casa ottomana e il savoir vivre, introduzione a Sedad Hakkı Eldem, «Firenze Architettura» 1/2012, pp. 94-101. S. Acciai, Ultima fermata Costantinopoli, «Firenze Architettura» 1/2011, pp. 136-143.


Architecture & Project

Houses for the human cities

Scientific Coordinator Francesco Collotti Address Santa Verdiana room 2.06 Via della Mattonaia, 14 Firenze Research Group UNIFI | DIDA Serena Acciai Lavinia Antichi Francesco Collotti Federico Coricelli Ilaria Corrocher Eliana Martinelli Professionals Mauro Boasso Nicola Cimarosti Valentina Fantin Katrin Schoess Anna Worzewski

Research Social Housing in Europe (2014/2017 Agreement + Research project in cooperation UniFi with Unitec/Auckland New Zealand) In our work, anticipations of future use and appropriation of ancient solutions live side by side. The house is a tool, perfected through use over the course of time, but it is also the mirror of the transformations of daily life. We are not talking about stylistic exercises nor about oddities which have, unfortunately, often accompanied the building of low-cost housing, masking a dearth of ideas about dwelling with beautician’s make-up. We are presenting projects worked on houses as living spaces trying to establish a practical ideal and, at the same time, interpreting the changes in the use of spaces. Once the public spaces of the city, the piazzas and streets, were more beautiful than the houses of ordinary people while only the houses of the nobility were always exceptional. Now everyone wants a piece of that beauty for themselves. The projects illustrate those cases where this beauty isn’t to be found in a nicely tiled bathroom designed by a famous fashion stylist, but rather in the richness of the spaces, with their capacity to give light, air and well-being; in order to allow children to grow up safely, in a calm and protected environment. In the specific case of Western Europe, the relationship between public places and home is a gradation of collective, semi-collective, common, semi-private and also private spaces. A narrow alley, an ever-open door which still acts as a threshold, a paved courtyard, a garden, a pergola giving shade, a lobby, a few steps, a vestibule; these are the architectural elements (sometimes types) through which the complex filter that takes us from the city to the house expresses itself. The richness, and often the charm, of these houses is in their capacity to find ‘spaces to be’ and not only ‘spaces to go to’ in all the elements of connection and relationship. The richness of these houses is often in the glance from a window out over the splendours of the city or of the unspoilt countryside. The richness of these houses is in searching for forms of living which are compatible with the contemporary city, but also reminiscent of a slower pace of life which recognizes and acknowledges places, which gives the feeling of hope and that natural aspiration towards a better life for oneself and one’s children and yet which does not forget the past toils of our ancestors. Adriano Olivetti called it La città dell’Uomo (1959). The future city is an idea, a dream, a plan which does not cancel the preceding city but should adds, repairs, corrects and continue with it. MASTER THESIS Urbanism is everybody’s business. A densification act in Le Piagge (Florence, IT), Federico Coricelli, Supervisor: Prof. Francesco Collotti PhD Architect. Discussed Unifi: 21.12.2015.


WORKSHOP Reorganization of the Milan Expo 2015 area, Francesco Collotti with Lavinia Antichi, Federico Coricelli, Ilaria Corrocher, Eliana Martinelli. Expo after Expo – Design workshop of the Italian Design Schools for Milan / Expo dopo Expo - Workshop di progettazione Scuole di architettura italiane per Milano.

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WORK International competition, construction/reconstruction Dom-Römer Areal Frankfurt am Main (2nd prize ex aequo), building of Haus Markt 34 and urban resizing of the Krönungsweg, 2011-2017. Competition and preliminary draft: Francesco Collotti with S. Acciai, M. Boasso, N. Campanini, N. Cimarosti, K. Schoess | Final design and works supervision: Francesco Collotti with I. Corrocher, V. Fantin and A. Worzewski | Photos: U. Dettmar. Developer: DomRömer GmbH, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the City of Frankfurt am Main (Direction/governance M. Guntersdorf, M. Spanier-Hessenbruch, M. Leissner).

F. Collotti, Progetto della direttrice Nordovest per il workshop di progettazione Expo dopo Expo, Milano, «Identità dell’Architettura Italiana 14», Edizioni Diabasis, Parma 2016. F. Collotti, E. Collotti, Casa collettiva e città socialista, il Karl-Marx-Hof a Vienna – Collective housing and the socialist city, the key-case of the Karl-Marx-Hof in Vienna, «Firenze Architettura», vol. 1/2016.

PUBLICATIONS AND CONFERENCES F. Collotti, Is the presence of the past project forming?, conference at “IFAU Tirana 2017 - 1st International Forum on Architecture and Urbanism. Cities in Transition”. Polytechnic University of Tirana, December 2017.

F. Collotti, CONSTRUCTING-RE-CONSTRUCTING, «Buducnost je sada / Future is now», proceedings of the 11. BINA Beogradska internacionalna nedeljia arhitekture / 11th Belgrade International Architecture Week (2016), Publisher Association af Belgrade Architects/Cultural Centre of Belgrade, Beograd 2016.

F. Collotti, Ricostruzione del Dom-Römer a Francoforte sul Meno casa M34, «Identità dell’Architettura Italiana 15», Edizioni Diabasis, Parma 2017.

F. Collotti, Ricomposizione dell’antico Krönungsweg, Francoforte sul Meno (Germania), «Identità dell’Architettura Italiana 13», Edizioni Diabasis, Parma 2015.

F. Collotti, CONSTRUCTION / RE-CONSTRUCTION? Refunding memory at Dom-Römer in Frankfurt am Main, in «Memory of place in architecture and planning vol. 1», proceedings of the ICONARCH III International Congress of Architecture (2017), Selçuk University and Chamber of Architects Konya Branch, Konya 2017.

F. Collotti, T. Van Raat, N. Campanini, Building Social Housing Vol. 1 – Europe, publishers Università degli Studi Firenze – Unitec, Firenze – Auckland – Hong Kong 2014.



Architecture & Project

Walled Landscapes

Scientific Coordinator Francesco Collotti Address Santa Verdiana stanza 2.06 Via della Mattonaia, 14 Firenze Research Group UNIFI | DIDA Serena Acciai Cristiano Balestri Giada Cerri Ilaria Corrocher Francesco Collotti Eric Medri Giacomo Pirazzoli Professionals Mauro Boasso Sandro Aita

Like in the stone of the Alps sunken battleships, just before WW1 the Austro-Hungarian empire built a fortresses’ crown on the southern border to prevent the former allied Italy invading Tyrol. We started the refurbishment of these sites at the end of the 90’s and realized the most of the projects in the last years, using - among others - European co-financing programmes Leader II targeted to improve cultural exploitation and tourism in the mountain’s rural areas (projects several times awarded and published). All these works were commissioned by the Autonomous Province of Trento and several local municipalities, in the Italian speaking Südtirol, along the former border between the two States. Originally built for the war, now in peacetime these places had the chance of an overall landscape refurbishment, connecting the land’s military transformations due to immediate tactical needs with a long lasting experience of the men who lived here anyway, who since thousand years established settlements, slowly fitting environment and nature to agriculture. Back to the nature scenarios took finally place of barbed wires and mined battlefields. Once not to be seen and well camouflaged strong points to watch troops and artillery moving on the opposite side of the trenches, now spectacular point de vue toward the surrounding landscape. In this way the ancient fortresses become to new “machines à voire (le paysage)”.

Park of Belvedere/Gschwent Fortress Agreement + Research and pilot project, in cooperation UniFI/Cultural Heritage Council of Autonomous Province of Trento (PAT – IT) 2000/2015. Cultural landscapes, walled landscapes, fortresses, historical parks dedicated to the memory of WW1.


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Pozzacchio Fortress Agreement + Research and pilot project, in cooperation UniFI/Comune di Trambileno 2012/2015. Cultural landscapes, walled landscapes, fortresses, historical parks dedicated to the memory of WW1.


Master Thesis

San Martino fortress in Mugello. Rehabilitation hypothesis PhD Serena Acciai, 2015-2017

L’occhio degli Altipiani, un progetto di recupero per il forte di Cima Vezzena. Giovanni Zorzi, Tutor: Prof. Francesco Collotti PhD Architect. Discussed Unifi: 12.07.2017.

LECTURES, CONFERENCES, THESIS, FELLOWSHIPS S. Acciai, Le Fortezze Medicee in Toscana, in F. Collotti’s class, UNIFI. Florence, December 12, 2017.

S. Acciai, Research Fellowship for the Park of Pozzacchio Fortress, Trentino/South Tyrol, UNIFI, 2012-2013.

G. Zorzi, Master Thesis L’occhio degli Altipiani, un progetto di recupero per il forte di Cima Vezzena, UNIFI. Supervisors: Prof. F. Collotti, Phd S. Acciai. Dissertation: Florence, July 12, 2017.

F. Collotti and S. Acciai, Paesaggi Fortificati in Edy Quaglia’s class, Mendrisio Academy, Switzerland. November 11, 2011.

F. Collotti, Guardare senza essere visti, le ragioni del belvedere rispetto a quelle del panorama, Workshop Parma Citta’ Futura. Parma, 2016.

PUBLICATIONS G. Cerri, A. Positano, Collotti e Pirazzoli, Forte Pozzacchio, an observation machine, «Abitare la terra» n. 41, 2017.

F. Collotti, Terra dove non annotta, guardare senza essere visti, International Workshop Fortezze e vie d’acqua/Fortresses and water routes (Politecnico di Milano, Unesco Chair in Architecutral Preservation and Planning in World Heritage Cities). Mantova, 2014. F. Collotti, Paesaggi fortificati: guardare senza essere visti. Site Specific Museums (with G. Pirazzoli and S. Aita), Conference Recupero Delle Fortificazioni Alpine: progetti di architettura e paesaggio (Museo Storico Italiano della Guerra, Università degli Studi di Trento, OAPPC della Provincia di Trento). Trento, 2014. F. Collotti, Progetto per il recupero e la riqualificazione di Forte Pozzacchio / Werk Valmorbia, Galleria gorani8 - Archivio Nanda Vigo, Milan, 2016. Raffaella Barresi, Master Thesis Verde deriva d’isole approdo di velieri, riqualificazione del porto di Trapani, UNIFI. Supervisors: Prof. F. Collotti, Phd S. Acciai. Dissertation: Florence, March 26, 2013.


A.C. Bierrenbach, F. Calabrese, Watch without being seen. Reuse of Pozzacchio Fort, «Compasses» n.25, July 2017. F. Collotti, Corazzate sepolte in cima al monte / Like warships buried at the top of the mountain, «Fortezze e vie d’acqua, esperienze di recupero in italia e in Europa / Fortification architecture and waterways», Maggioli Editore, Santarcangelo di Romagna (RN) 2016. M. Ferrari, La misura ritrovata. Francesco Collotti / Giacomo Pirazzoli, Restauro e recupero della fortezza ipogea austro-ungarica Forte Pozzacchio/Werk Valmorbia, Trento, «Casabella» n.863-864, July-August 2016. F. Collotti, Il Paesaggio dei caduti. Dieter Oesterlen, il cimitero militare germanico, «Casabella» n.825, May 2013. N. Braghieri, Il ferro dei vinti. Francesco Collotti, Museo della Grande Guerra Werk Gschwent, Lavarone, Trento, «Casabella» n.795, November 2010.


Architecture & Project

Edoardo Detti

Architect and Urban Planner (1913-1984)

Scientific Board G. Corsani, V. De Lucia, G.F. Di Pietro, M.G. Eccheli, R. Fuda, A. Godoli, C. Greppi, R. Innocenti, E. Insabato, M. Massa, E. Salzano, P. Zermani Promoting Committee UNIFI | DIDA Regione Toscana Provincia di Firenze Comune di Firenze Comune di Sesto Fiorentino Archivio di Stato di Firenze Soprintendenza Archivistica per la Toscana Soprintendenza per il Polo museale fiorentino

Held on the occasion of the birth centenary of the Florentine architect, between 2012 and 2013, the research had the objective to deepen the figure of Edoardo Detti in its various components, as an architect and planner in the first place, but also as a man of culture, the protagonist of strenuous political and civil battles in defence of the landscape, a prominent figure in the debate over transformation of Florence. The first phase of the study consisted in inventory and cataloguing Detti’s archive; next phase was the scientific organization of a number of initiatives aiming at documenting and promoting the knowledge Edoardo Detti’s huge theoretical and practical activity in its various fields of intervention. Given the uniqueness of the figure, in its complex role as architect, academic professor, man of culture, politician and public administrator, many Institutions (such as Soprintendenza archivistica per la Toscana) were involved as partners, promoters and funders. The project gave rise to the following initiatives: a two-day conference, with a critical and interpretive address on the figure and work of Edoardo Detti; an exhibition focused mainly on Detti’s architectural works, based on the rich archive documentation; a documentary film aimed at rendering Detti’s biography and its various aspects; the exhibition catalogue; the publication of the inventory of Detti’s archive.

Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze Banca Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica Fondazione Giovanni Michelucci Fondazione Giorgio La Pira Fondazione Carlo Ludovico Ragghianti Coordination Committee for the Exhibition and Conference M.G. Eccheli, R. Innocenti, M. Massa P. Zermani Exhibition Curators C. Lisini, F. Mugnai collaborators: L. Carotti, C. De Felice, P. Ricco Exhibition design C. Lisini, F. Mugnai with: L. Carotti, C. De Felice Catalogues Curator C. Lisini, F. Mugnai Maquettes UNIFI | DIDA Workshop “Modelli per Edoardo Detti” tutors: E. Cecconi, C. Lisini


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Architecture & Project

Central Italy Earthquake Giano dell’Umbria Primary School

ScientiďŹ c Coordinators Mario De Stefano Stefano Bertocci Topographic and Architectural Survey Stefano Bertocci Giovanni Pancani Architectural Design Michelangelo Pivetta Technological and Environmental Design Paola Gallo Structural Design Mario De Stefano Paolo Spinelli Maurizio Orlando Ersilio Vitolo Collaborators Matteo Bigongiari Alessandra Donato Massimo Lapi Davide Lucia Elisa Monaci Vincenzo Moschetti Luisa Palermo Giacomo Razzolini


This project is the result of the synergy between the University of Florence and the Government Commissioner for Reconstruction that with the Extraordinary Program for the schools has given the responsibility to some universities for the design of 21 school buildings located in the areas affected by the earthquake. This activity has been an example of integrated planning carried out following the restrictive guidelines imposed by the commission procedures to create a building able to meet the requirements of safety, durability and sustainability according to the high standards for school buildings provided by the guidelines, in addition to the prediction of the viability of the intervention in 100 days. The design represents a court building, reminiscent of the nearby archaeological excavations of the Roman villa on the Via Flaminia, and proposes a further solution in the configurational choice of independent modules, no longer arranged in a linear way as in previous research about schools, now around a central courtyard under a slab made by steel for economy of workmanship and production times. The planimetric system is purified, by necessity, of translations and rotations that would have made the realization more complex and onerous. This choice concentrates all the dynamics in an extremely simplified system in which the obsessive repetition of the planimetric and volumetric conditions, according to a synchronous code, determines spatiality with an almost domestic lexical character. Nothing more than three independent elements: a basement, some stereotomic blocks and a flat covering. Above the unitary podium and under the large steel roof, therefore, independent functional modules will be built using steel-frame techniques that respond to the complex needs of teaching, gathering around a large protected courtyard for outdoor activities. Spaces are organized in such a way as to allow children to procure diversified information autonomously through unconventional methods, as dictated by contemporary pedagogical methods. A deliberately simple building that, however, is able to enclose and regulate precise typological solutions with cutting-edge technical expedients.

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Architecture & Project

Archaeology and Design Ruins in Istanbul and topographies of Castelnuovo in the Montefeltro

Scientific Coordinator Maria Grazia Eccheli Collaborators Arba Baxhaku Luca Barontini Claudia Cavallo Caterina Lisini Elena Pazzaglia Alberto Pireddu


RE_WRITE, BUILD WITH THE SOIL AND IN THE GROUND Every Italian city, every place, is only the stratifications palimpsest deposited by the succession of ideals and needs that re-write the sense and the face with a continuity that builds their own polymorphous individuality. The stratifications, temporal and physical at the same time, which made those places unique, poses the problem of the design in the ancient city; in archaeological areas, in the abandoned villages. Every modification on which we work is the occasion of a metaphorical excavation, where history and traces become the substance for new ideas, following the ancient wisdom of “continuing the existing”. This relationship with ARCHAEOLOGY reveals itself to be the basement of the architecture nature, in its most important historical passages, from Piranesi to Alberti. At ISTANBUL Sinan completes and builds new aqueducts: scenes of landscape transformation. The MaglovaKemer, is the protagonist of the project, metaphor of the city suspended between east and west. Notes and pauses mark the mathematical rhythm of architecture that is revealed in SECTION: geometric shapes re-draw the ridges of the Kemerburgaz hills. CASTELNUOVO, in MONTEFELTRO, yesterday boundary between ancient ducats, today meeting point between hills and the coast. The acropolis, the church without a roof, the abandoned houses are suspended in space and time, ruins whose section is a scene of a broken past, ruins whose plan draws new archaeologies.

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Architecture & Project

Building with soil in the ground

The red lands of Asni and the clays of Urbino

Scientific Coordinator Maria Grazia Eccheli Collaborators Eleonora Cecconi Alessandro Cossu Debora Giorgi Irene Magni Elena Migliorini Alberto Pireddu Alessia Romani


In Marrakech, as in the very poor houses in ASNI, the IMPLUVIUM distributes, illuminates and gives ventilation to the house, and changing its size, dictates the measures of the rooms, whose indifference to the functions is the charm of the rooms of our ancient buildings; in the Spanish or Pompeii houses. Going along the road to ASNI, you could meet mountains crossed by canyons, old villages, red as the land around them. The design comes out by the cob, between ancient measures and atmospheres of contemporary living, channelling water between inhabited walls. The innumerable squares enclosed by the walls (roof-terrace) give back an archaeological image almost, where short shadows swap with black holes of different sizes. In Urbino, the oxymoron city/palace, summarizes the secret of a single architecture, guardian of centuries-old stratifications. The invisible layout of the Roman walls guides and unify the distribution of the three new courtyards, in the area enclosed by the medieval walls the building sinks into a UNDERGROUND WORLD - of the city and of the Francesco di Giorgio’s treaty. A theatrical hollow, located between the Poggio and the San Donato hill - inhabited by the Volponi’s brik-kiln ruins – that’s the area chosen for the project. For that HOLLOW THAT LOOKS and is LOOKED the issue is to put on the scene the nature… to continue the construction in the ground… the EXEMPLUM is in the city of Urbino. The architecture tools are THE DIG / THE LIGHT / THE SHADOW / THE GROUND / THE CONCRETE. And the INFINITE.

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Architecture & Project


The reconstruction of the Berlin Castle

Scientific Coordinators Maria Grazia Eccheli Riccardo Campagnola Silvia Malcovati Michele Caja Collaborators Michelangelo Pivetta Luca Barontini Alessandro Cossu


The competition design project for the re-construction determinates a complex relationship between HISTORY, MEMORY and PROJECT. The Berlin Castle: a CASE of demolition more ideological than a result of war, replaced by the Palace of the Republic in turn demolished. The announcement, for the elevations, obliged the WHERE IT WAS / HOW IT WAS: this is why our design traces almost the steps of the city’s architecture according to the inextricable relationship with the Altes Museum colonnade/gallery from the perspective of the Unter der Linden as well. Once again the double courtyard, the age-old dialectic between OLD/NEW is declined in the UN-FINISHED way: an evocative, almost, emptying brought out by zenithal lights that cross the section. About the historical relationship with the Sprea river, the new MUSEUM goes deeper in the monumental connection between Neuer Marstall and the Dome, proposing once again THE WATER DOOR, the well-known historical Castle and the baroque Schluter’s courtyard origin. Forms stolen from the famous, never realized, project of the Reichsbank of MIES van der ROHE, become pure volumes that arise from the water and regress the measures of the ancient Castle ruins. The idea of the “stone mask” is founding: a ROAD/THEATRE inhabited by the immense surviving statues, a promenade that unites parts of the ISLAND OF MUSEUMS according to the Altes Museum steady scene. This is an almost unmodifiable relationship – perhaps “the ultimate reason for the necessity of the (new) Castle” - inscribed in the forms of the Schinkel’s museum, according to which the dimensions of the one originate the measurements of the other.

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Architecture & Project

Around the walls

Four projects for Jerusalem

Scientific Coordinator and Project Fabio Fabbrizzi Project Coordinator Giacomo Fondelli Collaborators Tommaso Romani Jacqueline Pernici Contribution of Franco Cardini David Cassuto Cecilia M. Roberta Luschi Andrea Ricci Francesco Taormina Guido Vannini Yair Varon

In its delicate religious crossroads, with its reflections of political issues which here assume the size of a more physical than moral fact, and in its division of its unity, Jerusalem is a city capable of carrying the strength of a remote spatiality whose traces become one with the re-worked topography over time from architecture. There is an underlayer which has had the force of various moments of conquest overlapping on top of it, transforming it, over the centuries, with regards to its topological fortuity of a living organism. Within this teeming vagueness, we can catch sight of “fires” of urban recognizability. This is a city where the perspective is absent, where a glimpse is a conquest, where everything is not announced but “found” in its compactness of an absorbing mass – with some rare and impressive exceptions- every emergence within a uniform body, where empty space are nothing more than its subtractions. This city, made of walls: Walls that protect and limit, yet also walls that are lived, that open and offer themselves to us. Walls that close but that also guide. Impenetrable walls yet welcoming walls, walls that mark the perimeter of the city and walls that carry on into the landscape. Walls that brush the ground and that offer themselves as overlapping traces of past times to bear witness to the ancient visions of the world. With these walls and the theme of mass, in which Jerusalem stands out as the main figure, we have here the four projects developed within the presented research. In particular, the study and research areas of the project are actually found opposite the Western Wall, then the Givati area there are the ruins probably belonging to the Palace of Queen Helena of Adiabene, then the small parallel valley on the western part of the city walls and finally, the area of the Pool of Siloam, found at the foot of the City of David The intent is to establish dialogues and relationships, interpreting themes, materials, geometries and measurements from them in such a way as to sensitively insert themselves within the evolutionary flow of the city; yet, at the same time, declaring their necessary modernity. It is, in fact, as if the imagined architectures were the levers capable of bringing back order to the stratification of the extraordinary contexts for which they were projected, by simply re-focusing on the different places in an overall circling, capable of distancing itself from that inevitable oblivion where every historical and archaeological memory is destined, unless it is placed inside a general refurbishing system of its senses and meanings. fabio fabbrizzi

Around the walls Four projects for Jerusalem

F. Fabbrizzi, Around the walls. Four project for Jerusalem, DIDAPRESS, Firenze, 2017.


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Siloam Pool

Givati-Queen of Adiabene

Museum of the Walls

Western Wall



Architecture & Project


Community space

Scientific Coordinator and Project Fabio Fabbrizzi

Calenzano is a town with nearly 18,000 residents near the city of Florence and has been the object of a vast process of urban growth in the last decade. The administration has shown, time and again, great care and sensitivity in projects and in the management of the territorial spaces, thus showing a rare attention to the quality of constructed architecture. Upon these assumptions we find a fruitful collaborative rapport with the DIDA that has resulted in two distinct Research Agreements whose themes include investigation, studies and research on two areas destined to the community. They are feasibility studies relative to a Centre of Multifunctional Services inside the Parco del Neto and for the new Primary School for Calenzano. In both research agreements, work has been approached by appealing to the synergy of specific expertise, assisted by young collaborators involved who are scholarship recipients. This romantic park contains an unexpected and thriving nature nestled between the city and surrounding hill. There is a definite need to give this place an architecture that will serve the various activities which take place there but are only some of the ingredients at the base of the first project course chosen which has led to a series of hypothesis regarding localizations and formalizations. It is from these hypothesis that the possible vision of a sensitive architecture in a natural context has arisen, whose sustainability is tied to different compositional, technological and finished material choices At the basis of the second project, on the other hand, we find different hypothesis of localization in the territory, whose analysis has resulted in the choice of a plot of land found between a compact built environment yet integrated within a pre-existing school complex. Moreover, there is a need to give the school a multipurpose space that can function as an autonomous place and be independent from the school functions, together with further consideration regarding the themes of passive bioclimatics of the architectonic shape. These elements have led to the start of this project, attained by different formal hypothesis which are all focused on idea of a school as a “children’s home”, in other words, a place to study, socialize and get to know one another.

Technical Consultant Claudio Piferi

1. Feasibility studies for the new Primary School in Calenzano

1. RESEARCH AGREEMENT DIDA|UNIFI Municipality of Calenzano “Feasibility studies for the new Primary School in Calenzano” Scientific Coordinator and Project Fabio Fabbrizzi Project Consultant Andrea Ricci Technical Consultant Claudio Piferi Collaborator Giacomo Fondelli 2. RESEARCH AGREEMENT DIDA|UNIFI Municipality of Calenzano “Studies of relative feasibilities at a Centre of Multifunctional Services within the Parco of Neto”

Collaborators Nico Fedi Paolo Oliveri


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2. Studies of relative feasibilities at a Centre of Multifunctional Services within the Parco of Neto



Architecture & Project

Piranesi Prix de Rome

Project for the new Via dei Fori Imperiali in Rome

Mentioned Project UNIFI |DIDA Scientific Coordinator and Project Fabio Fabbrizzi Research Group Andrea Ricci Cecilia M. R. Luschi Laura Aiello Fabiola Gorgieri Nico Fedi Paolo Oliveri Michele Coppola Roberto Sabelli Francesco Alberti Giacomo Tempesta Collaborators Giacomo Martinis Alessandro Menghana Luca Pasqualotti Francesco Rappelli Domenico Rivetti Beatrice Stefanini Alessandra Venturoli Alessandra Vezzi Paredes Pedrosa Arquitectos Coordinator Ignacio G. Pedrosa Research Group Angela G. De Paredes Avaro Rabano Clemence Eichner Roberto Lebrero Luis Gallego Alfonso G. Gaite Collaborators Vicente Bellosta Edoardo Solito Consultants Alessandra Muntoni | History of Architecture

The main idea of this project proposal is rethinking the actual area of Fori Imperiali, from a simple archaeological portion to a part of the city that needs to be revitalised. For this reason, the interested area is supposed to be brought back to its condition of an urban portion, permeable to fluxes that come from the surrounding city. The entire archaeological level is thought as a “stone garden”, no longer just enjoyed visually from above, thanks to the recovery of the unitary character and the orthogonal geometry of the Forum. To underline the unitary wholeness of the structure and the various archaeological episodes in the Forum, currently Via dei Fori Imperiali and via Alessandrina are eliminated. However, in order not to lose its historical memory, new temporary structures will be dislocated along the traces of the Forums; their different heights will enhance the presence/absence of via dei Fori Imperiali without blocking the direct view from Piazza Venezia to the Colosseum. Pursuing the idea of a “stone garden”, the Forums will be accessible from the street level and all the fragments, now scattered in a romantic configuration, will be reallocated in specific structure that we can denominate “archaeological cabinets”. These entities, realized with removable metal structures and grill surfaces that protect and safeguard, classify and show the stone fragments dislocated on the site, and will be positioned on the outer limit of each Forum, reiterating the geometry and integrating with the archaeological existences. A new abstracted geometrical structure indicates the Auditorium di Adriano in Madonna di Loreto’s place. The central space is made by a temporary textile-similar covering, realised with zinc elements organized in a catenary; this structure enhances the idea of “object inside the object”. A nodal point for the entire project is located among the wall of Basilica di Massenzio and the wall that sustains the Velia hill. Here, the interventions build the connection between the city and the system of Fori, the Roman and the Imperial ones, providing a new pavilion for expositions that links together the metro station access, the archaeological area and hosts the Forma Urbis, the ancient stone plant of Rome. At the street level, in the area between Basilica di Massenzio and the new museum, the access to Fori Imperiali will be guaranteed thanks to a ramp, meanwhile, another ramp traces the external semi-circular wall of Basilica di Massenzio and leads to the internal space of the Basilica, resulting in new access to Foro Romano.

Marcello Barbanera | Archaeology Francesca Cremasco | Light Designing Richard Ingersoll | History of Art

L. Basso Peressut, P.F. Caliari (edited by), Piranesi Prix de Rome, Progetti per la nuova via dei fori imperiali, AION EDIZIONI 2017. (ISBN 978-88-98262-48-9)


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Architecture & Project

Thesis of Architecture

Tutor Flaviano Maria Lorusso

Designing means thinking, acting, expressing on the border: it is a border problem. Effect of the most authentic desiring ability of a society, a culture, an individual, it implies and pursues the giving shape to the transformative attitude. Design involves an epiphany, an apparition, even a utopia. The project can only be a limit place, it can only happen on the limit: temporal, conceptual, expressive. It can only inhabit, by its literal nature, the border line, the margin: between ideas, forms, techniques, between real and possible, between what it was said and what it might be said, between constituted and configurable, between memory and future. The project is a tension towards overcoming the reality, through the irruption of a possible and unprecedented reality. It is displacement, test and expansion of the limit, art of anticipation, of mutation. In the city, always the greatest of the works of art. The thesis of architecture is inherently field and exploratory wording: it is a shape of research.

Edoardo M. Fiecconi, A new face for Copenhagen. Sydnhavn Area and Strait Church, Thesis 2017.


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Dario Tripponcini, LPL - London Public Library, Thesis 2016.

David Tripponcini, SFHM - San Francisco House of Music, Thesis 2017. a&p


Architecture & Project


Architettura_Materiali_Ambiente (“Architecture_Materials_Environment”)

INTERSCHOOL INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP Scientific Coordinators Flaviano Maria Lorusso Saverio Mecca Fabio Sciurpi Letizia Di Pasquale Integrated Course 2007-08 2008-09 Thematic Seminars 2009-10 | 2010-11 2011-12 | 2012-13 2013-14 | 2014-15 National Workshops San Vero Milis 2008 Oristano 2011 Cenaia 2013 International Workshops Jericho (Palestine) 2009 Essaouira (Morocco) 2010 Tamesloht (Morocco) 2012

Earthen architecture can fully satisfy a series of functions, performances and aesthetic concerns. The efficiency of the material and of the technical and constructive historical know-how can be taken into consideration today to offer an adequate answer to the pressing needs for sustainable building strategies. A new central role that ratifies both its unexpected technological modernity and its responsible and innovative compositive and linguistic-formal updating. The interpretative passage from traditional building uses and con-figurative results to the new possibilities for technical manipulation and as technological-structural support permits defining new horizons for architectural creation. A central role in the contemporary landscape, marked by specific implications in environmental terms, but also of formal investigation: terra nova, not in-tended as a return to the picturesque or the vernacular, or as rétro nostalgia, but rather as a different repetition, paradoxical cultural and practical territory of another present, which is just as efficient and poetic. PUBLICATIONS F. M. Lorusso, Architecture of earth and shade, in: SMC MAGAZINE N. ONE/2014, Luciano Editore, Napoli, pagg. 44-49 (Online Edition: <http://www.sustainablemediterraneanconstruction.eu>). F. M. Lorusso & S. Mecca, Design in Jericho: Contemporary earthen architecture and local cultural landscape, in: Earthen Architecture: Past, Present and Future – Mileto, Vegas, García Soriano & Cristini (Eds) - 2015 Taylor & Francis Group, London, pp. 233-238.

F. M. Lorusso & S. Mecca, Terra Nova - Earthen Architecture and Modernity, in: Vernacular and Earthen Architecture: Conservation and Sustainability: Proceedings of SosTierra 2017, 2017 Taylor & Francis Group, London, pp. 383-392.

Marrakech (Morocco) 2012 Italian and Palestinian Architectural Design Cooperation for Jericho 2010: “A pilot project of an adobe brick village for Jericho: a Centre for Scientific and Cultural Communication” 2009-2017 School of Architecture University of Florence: Flaviano M. Lorusso Saverio Mecca Roberto Sabelli Fabio Sciurpi Giacomo Tempesta School of Architecture Birzeit University: Shadi Ghadban Ghada Abed Rabbo


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Architecture & Project


International Workshop on Industrial Heritage

INTERSCHOOL INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP Partnership UNIFI | DIDA Florence, Italy Flaviano Maria Lorusso VUT FA Brno, Czech Republic Helena Zemankova ENSA Nancy, France Cristian François Jennifer Didelon HTW Saar Saarbrücken, Germany Klaus Dieter Köehler

Re-FACT is the name assigned by partner universities to their long-time experience of international workshops on the recovery of industrial heritage in the broader context of urban regeneration, with the intention to renew their commitment and shared path for their research. The purpose of Re-FACT is to strengthen the international partnership extending the scientific debate and confrontation, and to structure with unitary character the didactic experiences of the past and the future research activities in a constantly evolving organic project. Indeed, the activity of Re-FACT extends to multiple didactic and research activities, such as master thesis initiated by the annual workshops, or its link to the individual research of the participating teachers. The name Re-FACT is the result of a brainstorm on the major research objectives, more than ever up-to-date in a scenario of necessary methodological reflections on historical and cultural, social-economical and environmental sustainability of any urban and architectural development. It is therefore the synthesis of terms such as re-use, re-functionalise or re-activate, but also re-design in order to re-admire.

ETSA Sevilla, Spain Benito SánchezMontañés Luis Gonzalez de Boado Coordinator of Re-FACT: Jennifer Schaub


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Silos granari Calata Punta Franco, Livorno. Una porta per la cittĂ , Workshop 2015.

Beatrice Giorni, Giada Pelini, Da contenitore a contenuto, Tesi 2017. a&p


Architecture & Project


Scientific Coordinator Alberto Manfredini Address Santa Teresa via della Mattonaia, 14 Firenze Research Group Sara Romano Giovanni Manfredini Andrea Manfredini

The architecture of the city (a cemetery is the city of the dead) is for the long duration. His language must avoid fads. And even more so in a cemetery, where the concept of long duration is measured with the concept of eternity. The design of a cemetery structure can not ignore some symbolic and figurative values, able to signify the timelessness linked to the concept of eternity. It is a simple and rational project in which the order is expressed through the measure. PUBLICATIONS A. Manfredini, La condizione della progettazione architettonica nell’Italia contemporanea, Alinea, Firenze, 1998. G. Strappa, Edilizia per il Culto: Chiese - Moschee - Sinagoghe, Strutture cimiteriali, UTET, Torino 2005, pp. 318-320.

L. Franciosini, Cimiteri, Roma, Mancosu 2011, pp.54-67. A. Manfredini, Architetture 1978-2018, Altralinea, Firenze 2018, pp. 20-23.

“Architettare”, n.1, pp. 76-77, 2009.


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Architecture & Project

Spaces for Health

Scientific Coordinator Alberto Manfredini Address Santa Teresa via della Mattonaia, 14 Firenze Research Group Sara Romano Giovanni Manfredini Andrea Manfredini

First of all Architecture has to be a rational construction. A construction in which “every element is in its place and whose interconnections obey the laws of reason”. This also happens with the use of equal, fixed and repeated elements able to identify the identity of the architectural complex with tools and spatial organizations typical of the architecture of all times, also through a unitary constructive process that metaphorically recalls the primordial act of edification. PUBLICATIONS F. Teranova, R. Palumbo, Edilizia per la Sanità, Torino, UTET, p. 229, 2005.

F. Rossi Prodi, L’intelligenza degli edifici, «Firenze Architettura», vol. 1, pp.24-29, 2011.

L. Molinari, Reggio Emilia Scenari di qualità urbana, Skira, Milano, pp. 150-153, 2007.

N. Setola, Costruire in laterizio, vol. 143, pp.48-53, 2011.

Architettare, n.1, pp.88-89, 2009.

A. Manfredini, Architetture 1978 - 2018, Altralinea, Firenze, pp. 86-89, 2018.

P. Zermani (a cura di), Identità dell’Architettura Italiana, vol.8, pp.72-73, Diabasis, Reggio Emilia, 2010.

Architettare, vol. 12, pp.52-53, 2012.

L’Ospedale di Reggio Emilia: Progetti e realizzazioni 1945-2011, Alinea, Firenze, 2010. Tecnica Ospedaliera, vol. 10, giugno luglio, pp. 30-37, 2011.


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Architecture & Project

Urban renewal in historic centres

Scientific Coordinator Alberto Manfredini Address Santa Teresa, via della Mattonaia, 14 Firenze Research Group Sara Romano Giovanni Manfredini Andrea Manfredini

The architecture of contemporaneity, in a historical context, is a “memory of the past” and an “omen of the future”. It must use the economy of technical and expressive means (the only possible condition in contemporary society), it must be “timeless architecture” (which always seems to have existed), must be in continuity with the city and carefully read the context. PUBLICATIONS Recupero ex Cinema Boiardo a Reggio Emilia, Alinea, Firenze 2010, pp. 1-16. P. Zermani (a cura di), Identità dell’Architetura Italiana, vol. 10, Diabasis, Parma 2012, pp. 80-81. A. Manfredini, Architetture 1978 - 2018, Altralinea, Firenze 2018, pp. 118-121.


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Architecture & Project

À rebours

The roots of architecture

Scientific Coordinator Francesca Mugnai Research Group Chiara De Felice Valentina Ronzini David Vezzosi Collaborators Giuseppe Cosentino Silvia Poggiali Camilla Tinti


In this work architectural design is intended as a cognitive path that traces back the history of places, resulting in a process of assimilation of the local architectural features. Design of a rural building in Bagnolo di Sopra, Montemurlo (PO) Published in Identità dell’architettura italiana XIII, Diabasis, Parma 2015. The design rereads features and figures of the Tuscan rural architecture, whose examples are still numerous in this land. The building has a rectangular plan and is formed by a passing space and a great “hall”. The façade is achieved by the mandolato technique with special 30 x60 cm bricks – pianelle – vertically arranged in order to gain an optimal light and, at the same time, to reduce the wall thickness. The brick weft is set back from the stone wall box, to determine a lodge and highlight the peculiar nature of the various constructive elements.

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House in ZhangGuanTun (China) Published in Identità dell’architettura italiana XIV, Diabasis, Parma 2016. The house continues a row of other houses whose type, dimensions, material and building techniques the new building recalls. The lot has a rectangular shape: along one side there is the volume of the actual house, along the other sides there is a two meter wide gallery-library. The entrance – a portal on the wall down the alley- leads to the library, which is not linked to the house but symbolically carries out the function of a traditional yingbi, the apotropaic wall beyond the entrance. The next space is a courtyard where is a jujube tree. Finally the house is arranged around a central living room.



Architecture & Project

Building memory

Both architecture and memory are the result of a continuous swing between an immaterial and a material dimension: consciousness and the gray matter for memory, concept and construction for architecture. But between architecture and memory also exists a close relationship of mutual dependence: on one hand the ability to persist over time allows architecture to be the guardian of memory, on the other hand the need to remember, and memory that is the effect, are factors of significance for architecture.

Scientific Coordinator Francesca Mugnai Research Group Lisa Carotti Giuseppe Cosentino Chiara De Felice Valentina Ronzini

PUBLICATIONS F. Mugnai, La costruzione della memoria, Libria, Menfi 2017. F. Mugnai, In memoria. Sette progetti per ricordare l’eccidio di Cercina, Didapress, Firenze 2017.

Francesca Mugnai

La costruzione della memoria

La costruzione della memoria

Francesca Mugnai

Il monumento alla memoria è testimonianza del vincolo col quale una comunità decide di legarsi al proprio passa­ to e la sua costruzione rappresenta un atto rilevante nell’ambito della definizione identitaria di una società. Esso risponde a un bisogno di significazione che oggi è tanto più vivo quanto rapidi sono i mutamenti nell’asset­ to sociale di tutti i paesi del mondo. Questo volume è dedicato ad alcune questioni che riguar­ dano il ruolo della figura simbolica come matrice del pro­ getto e la trasformazione del sito operata dal monumento quando è eretto nel luogo dell’eccidio.



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Architecture & Project

The Italian way to Modernity

Scientific Coordinator Francesca Mugnai

The research on Italian Architecture of 20th century aims at investigating the compositional processes underlying the site-specific architectural design. The ability to dialogue with the “classic” - and broadly with the “ancient” - is known to be a feature of Italian architects and sometimes is identified as a “complex”. The Italian way to Modernity consists in a laic rationalism that considers architectural design a link between the past and the future. Within the limits marked by the constitutive and permanent rules of architecture, modern Italian architects reach the transgression not by means of a mere invention, but searching for the reason of things. A bourgeois retreat. The houses at Arzachena by Marco Zanuso, «Firenze Architettura», n. 1, 2015, pp. 82-89. The image of the squat shapes on the seashore, the thick granite walls and the great gate - more like a fortress than a house - evokes an archaic and fabulous world of shepherds with their flocks, of sorceresses and shipwrecked sailors. With the explosive force of deja-vu (meant truly as psychological phenomenon), Zanuso’s landscape represents the Mediterranean Homeric myth. In this synthesis, built into the Arzachena’s houses, we can actually recognise an image that we have never seen, not in Sardinia, nor anywhere else. Nevertheless it appears familiar because it is able to encapsulate - in a modern way - centuries and layers of our History.

About masters and pupils. Le Corbusier lessons in the work of Edoardo Detti «Firenze Architettura», n. 2, 2015, pp. 70-79. Contrary to his lack of passion towards the elusive urban utopias, regardless of who has fathered them2, for Detti, Le Corbusier’s volumes, forms, spaces and complex organisms represent the expression of a difficult and precarious balance between the ideal and reality. Detti writes in his notes: “the whole architectural practice of Le Corbusier, from the small house to the villa (…) from students’ accommodations, to the apartment buildings, are details of a vast system to which the architect contributes, stone after stone, to construct with rationalism. Neither his coherence, nor his stubborn loyalty to its principles, prevent [the architect] from constantly controlling and adjusting to bring the ideal concepts into reality”.


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A margin for Genoa. The residential area of Forte Quezzi by Luigi Carlo Daneri «Firenze Architettura», n. 1, 2016, pp. 44-49. Due to its “experimental” nature, the fascinating solution proposed by Daneri, may not be particularly reassuring, not for the common inhabitant nor for contemporary architects, yet it has the undeniable force and courage of the idea, understood as the expression of a deep reflection on the city and its constant transformation. An important lesson for our era as well, which on the one hand has forsaken planning for the suburbs, and on the other has chosen, as Gregotti points out, “the provisional nature and the mutating calligraphy as values, as well as the abandonment of every dialogue with the design of the city and its history”.

Classicism in a room. The Salone della Vittoria at the 6th Milan Triennale «Firenze Architettura», n. 2, 2016, pp. 50-57. The last of Edoardo Persico’s known works, the Salone della Vittoria (Victory Hall) for the 6th Milan Triennale of 1936, may be considered as the architectural testament of the Neapolitan critic and graphic artist before the Fascist regime’s turn toward Academicism. A testament not only because the Salone was inaugurated after Persico’s death, but because it outlines with programmatic force the features of an Italian Rationalism which looks at Europe through the filter of Classical tradition.



Architecture & Project

Back to live in the Old City Social Housing in Taranto

ScientiďŹ c Coordinator Michelangelo Pivetta Collaborators Luca Barontini Stefano Buonavoglia Giampiero Germino Davide Lucia Giacomo Marchionni Vincenzo Moschetti Giacomo Razzolini with the support of Comune di Taranto

michelangelo pivetta


Taras Abitare la CittĂ Vecchia

In Taranto is even more evident than anywhere else the piercing step of the different conditions of urbanity, where to a compact city, perspective, medieval/renaissance, built in a continuum of overlapping and concretion, from the Greek to the modern era, has opposed a anti-perspective city, widespread, de-hierarchized that consists of satellites, banlieue, over the edge that if in a modernist time could have something heroic for social and formal aspirations projected towards a new type of city dweller, now, devoid of geometries implementation which have given rise, have become an abandoned and border territory. Rethinking the Old City, the great ill, has not only a value of social emancipation possible through the tools of architecture, but also acquires the value of the symbol towards a restoration of some healthy identity values that society too abruptly wanted abandon in a race to the bottom in a single thought. Contrary to what may seem it is not a problem of housing density but rather of housing identity. The choice of places, shared with the owner Administration of the same ones, as of the large part of the island (maybe that’s another issue), has undergone a long series of tests and questions in the field that have emphasized how people there want to finally become inhabitants. The image of a city that can evolve without increasing its volume suggests the need for action to fill and consolidate the structure, drawing on these new built structures all the strains able to propagate an idea of architecture newly and proudly considered the centre of the urban phenomenon. The hypothesis of giving rise to new realities of life dedicated to socializing, tourism and temporarily living students, has produced design experiences with deliberately powerful and evocative character. On this track born the idea of objects made to be able to meet the needs of daily life playing their role of tools for work, teach, live, show the arts and welcome tourism in its most recent forms of informality. A public gym, a theatre, a place to create and exhibit art, places for study, for collective and transversal education, may be the real answers, minimal and simple, to the questions that this city has. This new architectural apparatus should aspire to be items for discussion, cells of a beneficial virus which, inoculated into the urban texture of the Old City, should propagate a new perspective on the opportunity to interact with it, according to new rules based on the quality of living and the sense of appearance that this community has to find in the architecture forms of which are the expression.

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Architecture & Project

Made of vines and stone

Architectural and environmental design for a winery

RESEARCH AGREEMENT ScientiďŹ c Coordinator Michelangelo Pivetta Collaborators Davide Lucia Elisa Monaci Luisa Palermo


Bacchus is known to be an insidious god. The rituals dedicated to him for someone, usually, did not end well. The dynamics of the land east of Verona, compressed between the Pre-Alps and Lake Garda, carved by the wound of the Adige, communicate a healthy resistance of the farmer to open the oak doors of his cellar and spread the secrets of his work. He has nothing to hide but the wine he produces is the fruit of his land, his work, the ancient wisdom of his families. There is an acute sense of ownership linked to the sense of roots among those who make wine for passion as well as for work. In Valpolicella the cellars are hundreds years old and are the caveau where the purest part of their bond with the land and the stone that built them is collected; the substance of everything. These aspects have found a way to channel into critical thinking, becoming the basis for this architectural design. The cellar designed is the result of a work whose project is only the last offshoot, it summarizes an ideal position of architecture in its broad comparison with the themes of industry and territory, settlement and landscape, agricultural work and its proud manifestation. The cellar, the productive part, is only a trick to talk about something else, to show off not only itself as too often happens. The design aims to be the tool through which to tell millennia of wine culture and stone excavation, modification of the natural landscape in agricultural landscape, human work on a context that from the agricultural and quarries built the Arena traces have made a true archaeologies. What emerges in the end is just another wall, another among many others, made of the same stone that was always quarried but built according to new rules of technology. Next, by necessity, to the discourse of non-form. This wall is not substructure of earth like its progenitors but container; temple of the peculiar art of the withering of the berries. A functional transit as for the gestation of Bacchus, from the womb of Semel to the leg of Jupiter, from the land of the vine to the stone of the building. Architecture needs to express itself through opportunities for dialogue with the elements that determine its boundaries, whatever nature they are made, because only in this way it is able to tell, like in this case, true and great stories.

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Architecture & Project

Brunelleschi’s legacy in Giovanni Michelucci’s sacred architecture

Scientific Coordinator Francesca Privitera Address San Niccolò via San Niccolò, 87 Firenze

The classic expression of Filippo Brunelleschi’s sacred architecture, and the expressionist one of the Church of Saint John the Baptist in Campi Bisenzio (1960–1964) and of the Sanctuary of the Blessed Virgin of Consolation in Borgo Maggiore (1961–1967) by Giovanni Michelucci (1891-1990) are joined in a vision of the sacred which transcends the confines of architecture and spreads beyond, pervading the world. This interpretation of a sacred space reminds us of Michelucci’s critical reading of Brunelleschi’s work, brought together in the book “Brunelleschi Mago” (1972) (“Brunelleschi as a Magician”). In Michelucci’s interpretation, Brunelleschi’s sacred architecture shows the intimate relationship between Man and Nature, postulated in the Christian concept of Creation, thereby expressing its own spirituality, though keeping Man and his action in history as its measuring rod. Brunelleschi’s legacy, as expressed in Michelucci, is the meaning of “Christian humanism,” which substantiates itself in the design of a Sacred Space in which the centrality of Man and transcendence are reconciled. The study uses direct written and iconographic sources, including unpublished sources: Giovanni Michelucci Foundation Fiesole. PUBLICATIONS F. Privitera, L’eredità di Filippo Brunelleschi nell’architettura sacra di Giovanni Michelucci: Chiesa di San Giovanni Battista a Campi Bisenzio (1960–1964), Santuario della Beata Vergine della Consolazione a Borgo Maggiore (1961–1967), in Conoscere, Conservare Valorizzare il Patrimonio Religioso Culturale, Conference proceedings, Aracne Editrice, Rome, 2017, pp 130–136.


International conference: Conoscere, Conservare Valorizzare il Patrimonio Religioso Culturale, Verona-Vicenza, March 9, 10, 11, 2017, organizers, Istituto Superiore di Scienze Religiose-Pontificia Facoltà Teologica Marianum.

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Architecture & Project

Mannerism’s legacy in Leonardo Savioli’s architecture

Scientific Coordinator Francesca Privitera Address San Niccolò via San Niccolò, 87 Firenze

This study takes off from suggestions by Bruno Zevi and Giulio Carlo Argan that some expressions of Leonardo Savioli (1917-1982) post-war work can be linked to a Mannerist approach. The first part of the study investigates the origins of this approach and identifies it in his early years. Biographical elements are intertwined with studies on 16th-century architecture and painting that Savioli pursued at the time through sketches, drawings, and readings. The second part of the study suggests why and how these interests re-emerged ten years later. Historical and critical studies on Mannerism published in the 1960s, including by Arnold Hauser (1964) and Manfredo Tafuri (1966) serve as a counterpoint to the compositional interpretation of some of Savioli’s works. From the Flower Market (1949) to the House on Piagentina Street (1964), we find many co-existing aspects of 16th-century Mannerism emerging with increasing strength, including a conflictual relationship with history, revolt against imposed rules and cannons, a cross-pollination between different, often contrasting forms of expression, and turbulent experimentalism seeking complex spatial and compositional solutions. The study uses direct written and iconographic sources, including unpublished sources: State Archives of Florence, Leonardo Savioli collection; Region of Tuscany libraries and archives, Leonardo Savioli book collection.

PUBLICATIONS F. Privitera, Leonardo Savioli. Manierismi, ed. Lulu, 2015. F. Privitera, Key Figures in Postwar Italian Architecture: The Mannerism of Leonardo Savioli (1950- 1966), «Journal of Engineering and Architecture», Vol.3, n. 2, December 2015, pp. 148156. Published by American Research Institute for Policy Development. F. Privitera, Utopia e topos nella Città ideale di Leonardo Savioli (1943-1945), «edA-Esempi di Architettura», june 2017. Aracne Editrice, Rome.


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Architecture & Project

Roberto Berardi’s studies on the Medina of Tunis

Scientific Coordinator Francesca Privitera Address San Niccolò, via San Niccolò, 87 Firenze

Through archival research, we were able to build an unprecedented portrait of Roberto Berardi (1937-2008), an architect and scholar of Arab-Muslim cities. The study focused on the years Berardi spent in Tunis, first at the Bureau Quaroni De Carlo (1964-1968), and then as director of the Atelier d’Urbanisme (1968-1969) at the Association Sauvegarde de la Medina (ASM). For ASM, Berardi made the first systematic study of the historical centre of Tunis and formulated an original method for analysing urban space in an Islamic setting. Berardi’s architectural-urbanistic analysis was powerfully multidisciplinary, balancing between urban sociology and anthropology. The foundation of his analytical method, structural in orientation, was influenced first by Michel Foucault’s philosophical perspectives and then by Pierre Bourdieu’s ethno-sociological studies. The study was an opportunity to reflect more broadly on the conservation, improvement, transformation, and design of Arab-Muslim cities. Its publication was the first in the “Études Euro-Méditerranéennes” series from DIDAPRESS. The study uses unpublished iconographic and written sources: Archives of the Library of Technological Sciences-Architecture, University of Florence, Roberto Berardi collection.

PUBLICATIONS F. Privitera, M. Métalsi, Le signe de la Médina. La morphologie urbaine selon Roberto Berardi, FLORENCE, DIDAPRESS / UNIFI, 2016. F. Privitera, La casa come microcosmo. ‘La maison ou le monde renversé’ e lo spazio domestico arabo-musulmano nell’interpretazione di Roberto Berardi, «Firenze Architettura», no. 2, 2016, pp. 104–109. F. Privitera, La morfologia della Medina di Tunisi come narrazione urbana negli studi di Roberto Berardi, in Archiletture - Forma e narrazione tra architettura e letteratura. Conference proceedings (in preparation for publication).


International conference, Archiletture - Forma e narrazione tra architettura e letteratura, Bologna, May 3–5 2017, organizers, University of Bologna – Department of Architecture – Research Doctorate in Architecture, SICL – Società Italiana di Comparatistica Letteraria; COMPALIT – Associazione per gli Studi di Teoria e Storia comparata della Letteratura; Consulta di Critica letteraria e letterature comparate.

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Architecture & Project

Exposition architecture Museums, fair trade centres

Scientific Coordinator Riccardo Renzi Collaborators Elena Ceccarelli Alessandra Marchetti Francesca Brugi Elena Ceccarelli Valentina Cerofolini Anna Dorigoni Margherita Falcioni Chiara Giuseppini Valentina Guarino Shiva Khostinat Alessandra Marchetti Gabriele Marinari Jovana Markovic Arokiagracy Sagayam Giacomo Troiani

The research started in 2011 with a funded book and continue now with an agreement (Dida-Firenze Fiera 2016) on preliminaries studies for the construction of the new Rastriglia pavilion and the reorganization of open spaces inside Fortezza da Basso in Florence. The research has two main topics: exhibition space, (its evolution and distributive features) and typology (museum and the fair architecture). The research focus now on the relationship between architecture and city (design competitions) and project design (preliminary studies for the Rastriglia Fortezza da Basso pavilion and partial realization inside the Piaggio Museum, Pontedera). It has also been the subject of didactic paths (Laboratory of Recovery in the SSBAA; Architecture Structural Design Lab iCad) as well as Degree Theses (Museum of the Knowledge, Chandigarh, New Bauhaus Museum Dessau, New Architecture Museum Budapest, New music Museum Budapest, New City Museum Copenhagen). The results of the research are partially published on a monograph (2011), exhibited in exhibitions (2015) and awarded (2014, 2015, 2016, 2017).

Spazio fiera e stand

Allestire per la moda

works, the section on non-ferrous metals stand. This is the last work of Gropius in Germany before moving to England, and it is characterized by the qualities of interior design very innovative, which take advantage of the capabilities of plastic materials present in the exhibition. The environment is delimited by a curve that joins floor and ceiling, which, placed on a platform, presents the various types of non-ferrous metal, bent and lit to make intriguing game that is developed by the rhythm of their combinations. Interesting then it is a plastic composition of a circle extruded through a continuous spiral coil, all the while metal. The amazingly intuition of the brilliant of German architect is to have understood the potential of the product to be displayed so as to make it not only participates in the project but the main element around which revolves the whole composition. The Italian situation is set in Milan as a reference. To the trade fair, in fact, the city gives spaces since the beginning of the century on a large area dedicated to exhibits. Firenze, thanks to the figure of Alessandro Pavolini, mayor of the city, sees opening (in the late twenties) a positive cultural season with some events that are still going on today like the Maggio Musicale and the Fiera dell’Artigianato. Gherardo Bosio, a brilliant architect and engineer, was first to design an exhibition center for the city, to be placed at the Cascine park along the river Arno. The proposed course is too expensive and the organization prefers to have plans for the pavilions of the Fiera dell’Artigianato, (which takes place together with S. Guarnieri,

renderlo, non solo partecipe del progetto ma elemento principale attorno a cui tutta la composizione ruota. La situazione italiana vede Milano come riferimento principale per le fiere campionarie, la città infatti si dota fin dagli inizi del secolo di una vasta area dedicata alle mostre. Firenze grazie alla figura di Alessandro Pavolini, podestà della città, vede aprirsi sul finire degli anni venti, una florida stagione culturale da cui sbocciano iniziative che vedono ad oggi una continuità ininterrotta quali, il Maggio Musicale e la Fiera dell’Artigianato. Gherardo Bosio, ingegnere ed architetto fiorentino, per primo si trova a progettare un centro espositivo per la città, da collocarsi all’ingresso delle Cascine lo storico parco lungo il fiume Arno. La proposta evidentemente risulta troppo dispendiosa e gli vengono affidati i progetti per i padiglioni della Mostra dell’Artigianato, (che svolge insieme a S.Guarnieri, P.N.Berardi e G.Michelucci) al Parterre di Porta San Gallo.7 Pensati come provvisori i padiglioni rimangono per tutti gli anni trenta ed ospitano altre occasioni fieristiche, in cui lo stesso Bosio avrà occasione di allestire. La Triennale di Milano, organizzata da Gio Ponti, trova invece sua collocazione stabile all’interno del Palazzo dell’Arte di G.Muzio, inaugurato per l’occasione nel 1933. L’immenso contenitore rispecchia le caratteristiche ideate in occasione del Crystal Palace, fornendo alla esposizione la possibilità logica di essere allestita ai lati dei percorsi centrali, illuminati dall’alto, e segna un profondo cambio di rotta nella poetica muziana, passata ad un forte accento novecentista ad una razionalità mediata dalla presenza di archi e di strutture in vista. Sono da notare in ambito milanese, gli allestimenti di un altra figura di riferimento per l’architettura italiana, Franco Albini. Albini, formatosi a contatto con Ponti, che lo invia a Barcellona durante la realizzazione del padiglione italiano, ed a contatto con l’ambiente di casabella negli anni trenta, ha la possibilità di lavorare sia nel campo dell’allestimento che dell’interio design, alla triennale di Monza come in quella milanese ed in altre occasioni. Per il progetto della mostra dell’oreficeria in seno alla VI Triennale milanese, lo spazio viene traguardato da leggere strutture verticali

Fig.27/28 - G.Bosio,S.Guarnieri,P.N.Berardi,G.Michelucci - Padiglioni per la Mostra dell’Artigianato, Firenze1932

Fig.29 - G.Muzio - Edificio per esposizioni, Milano 1933

Fig.30 - BBPR - Sala del volo a vela, Mostra dell’Aeronautica, Milano 1934

Fig.31 - F.Albini - Mostra dell’Oreficeria,VI Trienn. Milano1936



R. Renzi, Allestire per la moda. Architettura città moda, Edifir, Firenze, 2011 (with full English text).

Preliminary design for new Rastriglia Pavilion, Fortezza da Basso, Firenze 2016.


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Competition design for new contemporary art and Ludwig gallery, Budapest, 2014. Shortlisted project.

Competition design for Riga Traid Fair complex, Lithuania, 2017. Selected project.

Competition design for Poveglia Island, Venice, 2016. Finalist project.



Architecture & Project

Italian Architecture of the XXth century Gherardo Bosio

Scientific Coordinator Riccardo Renzi

The research on Gherardo Bosio was born in the doctorate (architectural and urban design XXII° cycle) and has been carried out to highlight one of the most important figures of the Florentine school of architecture in the period between the two world wars. The research was based primarily on the role of the architectural project and its multi-level declination in relation to the linguistic characteristics of the moment in which Gherardo Bosio expressed himself through theoretical writings, projects and realizations. The results of the research are collected in monographs (2010, 2016), publications of unpublished sources (2012), conference proceedings (2011, 2014), presented in conferences and conferences (2011, 2014, 2016, 2017), exhibitions (2014, 2017) and information systems of Mibact (2017). The research on Bosio has also allowed the definition of new areas of investigation on the Florentine school (collaboration agreement between DIDA and Gabinetto Vieusseux for the study of the design work of the architect Ferdinando Poggi).

R. Renzi, Gherardo Bosio. Le Ville, Alinea, Firenze, 2010.

R. Renzi, Gherardo Bosio. Opera Completa 1927-1941, Edifir, Firenze, 2016.


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Exhibition Sulle tracce dell’Italia in Albania, section Le ricerche delle Università italiane sull’architettura moderna in Albania, Politecnico di Tirana, 2014. 20/4/2017

Architettura e Urbanistica nelle terre d’oltremare | CASABELLA

Architettura e Urbanistica nelle terre d’oltremare 21 aprile – 18 giugno 2017 mostra Architettura e Urbanistica nelle terre d’oltremare. Dodecaneso, Etiopia, Albania (1924­ 1943) 21 aprile – ore 17 inaugurazione ex GIL | viale della Libertà 2 | Forlì

immagine homepage palazzo del governatore di Rodi credits Bernard Gagnon CC BY­SA 4.0

Exhibition and catalogue Architettura e urbanistica nelle terre d’oltremare. Dodecaneso, Etiopia, Albania (1924-1943), Ex-Gil, Forlì, 2017.   condividi






Architecture & Project

Social housing

Italian roots and contemporary approach to the project

Scientific Coordinator Riccardo Renzi Collaborators Elena Ceccarelli Alessandra Marchetti

The research on social housing, started from an agreement between DIDA and the municipality of Calenzano in 2011 (renewed in 2015). The subject of the research was redevelopment of social housing neighbourhoods. The research was carried out between the theoretical profile (the search for characters and invariants that allowed a series of readings on the heritage built in Italy after the second post-war period) and design effects (preliminary studies for the replacement project of social residential buildings in Calenzano; to design competitions on the topic, involvement of the Design and Development Thesis Labs on the topic). The research also produced two books (2013 and 2017), a conference dedicated to the first results (2014), two participations at international conferences (2016), two essays on collective volumes (2012, 2014), an article in a class magazine A (2016) and other articles in scientific journals. In addition, two articles in the magazine in class A (2018) are going to be published. PUBLICATIONS R. Renzi, Caratteri e invarianti del progetto architettonico e urbano nell’abitare sociale in Italia. 1945-1983. Edifir, Firenze, 2017, (ISBN 9788879708906). R. Renzi, Adalberto Libera e la dimensione domestica dello stare insieme. L’unità d’abitazione orizzontale al quartiere Tuscolano. (Adalberto Libera and the domestic dimension of being together. The Horizontal Housing Project in the Tuscolano Area), «Firenze Architettura», n. 1, 2016, pp. 76-81, (ISSN 1826-0772). R. Renzi, 1946-1956. La ricerca di un lessico comune ed il tema della struttura per Mario Ridolfi e Adalberto Libera, «Bloom», n. 18, 2014, pp. 54-57, (ISSN 20355033). R. Renzi, Laboratorio di Progettazione Architettonica Specialistica, «Firenze Architettura», n. 1, 2013, pp. 8485, (ISSN 1826-0772). R. Renzi, Abitare Sociale. La cultura del progetto in Italia dal Dopoguerra ad oggi. Verifiche progettuali per un nuovo insediamento sociale nel Comune di Calenzano, Edifir, Firenze, 2013, (ISBN 9788879705967). R. Renzi, Il complicato intreccio delle trame della città nei molteplici percorsi del progetto urbano, in F. Fabbrizzi (a cura di), Sinergie, Edifir, Firenze, 2012, pp. 6467, (ISBN 9788879705226). R. Renzi, Abitare Sociale. Percorsi di analisi e proposte progettuali per l’area de Il Pino a Calenzano, in F. Fabbrizzi (a cura di). Sinergie, Edifir, Firenze, 2012, pp. 8285, (ISBN 9788879705226).


CONFERENCES Abitare sociale: un’occasione per riqualificare la città, Aula magna del Dipartimento di Architettura, sede Design, Calenzano (FI), 18 Luglio 2014. Università degli studi di Firenze, Regione Toscana, Comune di Calenzano, Ministero delle infrastrutture e dei trasporti, Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica, Unica cooperativa, Casa spa. Organizzazione del convegno a cura di Riccardo Renzi. Due interventi dal titolo: Abitare sociale in Italia nel dopoguerra; la ricerca sul territorio. R. Renzi, Rammendo urbano: prassi operative di un caso studio, titolo del convegno : L’influenza sui percorsi valutativi dell’enciclica “laudato sì”. Le aree urbane tra conflitto e solidarietà, tra degrado e rigenerazione, tra esclusione e partecipazione, Roma, Sala Promototeca del Campidoglio e Sapienza Università di Roma, Facoltà di Architettura aula Magna (Valle Giulia), 14 e 15 Aprile 2016. La Sapienza, Enea, Aisre, Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica, comunità di Sant’Egidio, Siev. R. Renzi, M. Berni, R. Rossi, Pianificare, progettare, valutare il rammendo urbano, titolo del convegno : L’influenza sui percorsi valutativi dell’enciclica “laudato sì”. Le aree urbane tra conflitto e solidarietà, tra degrado e rigenerazione, tra esclusione e partecipazione, Roma, Sala Promototeca del Campidoglio e Sapienza Università di Roma, Facoltà di Architettura aula Magna (Valle Giulia), 14 e 15 Aprile 2016. La Sapienza, Enea, Aisre, Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica, comunità di Sant’Egidio, Siev.

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General view from preliminary studies for a new residential dwellings in Calenzano (near Florence), 2015.

Main civic space, from preliminary studies for a new residential dwellings in Calenzano (near Florence), 2015.

ricerca LaLa ricerca


R. Renzi, Abitare Sociale. La cultura del progetto in Italia dal Dopoguerra a oggi. Verifiche progettuali per un nuovo inserdimento sociale nel Comune di Calenzano, Edifir, Firenze, 2013.


>> Aldo Rossi, Edificio al complesso Monte Amiata, Gallarate, Milano 1969

della stessa in relazione alle dinamiche urbane. A Roma lo conferma Mario Fiorentino con il Corviale. A questa scala, che dopo le esperienze dell’abitare sociale tornerà ad essere la scala usuale del progetto architettonico, corrisponde una adesione a parametri dettati in alcuni casi dalle soluzioni tecnologiche, avvicinando il panorama tecnico italiano a particolari impieghi di materiali semilavorati o prefabbricati. E allora in questa fase il progetto architettonico diviene meno spontaneo, Corviale, risente forse troppo del processo di standardizzazione adottato divenendone prigioniero. Puntando l’attenzione sulla trasformazione dell’architettura in urbanistica e non viceversa il progetto tende a modificare la propria condizione linguistica per favorire ciò che agli albori del fenomeno la guida di Libera cercava di esorcizzare, ossia la monotonia creata dalla ripetizione degli elementi che compongono gli edifici nei loro prospetti24. Ma è grazie al progetto d’architettura che nel tempo muta i suoi riferimenti, le sue influenze, la sua dimensione che il panorama linguistico e tipologico che l’abitare sociale in Italia si caratterizza. Indipendentemente dalla singola realizzazione i caratteri distintivi dell’edilizia sociale emergono con forza e permettono la creazione di un insieme collettivo delle esperienze seppur così distinte fra di loro geograficamente. Il fenomeno nella sua globalità si distacca dalla gestione politica per assumere identità propria e soluzioni operative solo determinate dalle gesta e dalle ricerche di quegli attori, principali, che ne hanno nel tempo gestito l’andamento attraverso realizzazioni sul territorio e progetti di ricerca25.



Riccardo Renzi | Caratteri e invarianti del progetto architettonico e urbano nell’abitare sociale in Italia. 1945-1983

Caratteri ed invarianti del progetto architettonico e urbano


R. Renzi, Caratteri e invarianti del progetto architettonico e urbano nell’abitare sociale in Italia. 1945-1983, Edifir, Firenze, 2017.


Architecture & Project

The figures of the Sacred Space

UNIVERSITY-FUNDED RESEARCH PROJECT (EX 60%) Scientific Coordinator Andrea Ricci Research Group Silvia Bellelli Bruno Mario Broccolo Andrea Cavicchioli Cristiano Cossu Andrea Piatti Ada Toni Domenico Zamagna

The main objective of our research project was to find a possible compositive evolution of some Christian religious spaces, focusing on both their functional aspects and their historical representative figures. This research means an important first experimental phase in which it’s possible to find a common point between the new religious needs and the ancient traditions through a metamorphosis process of contemporary. The project is the centre of the research: it’s not just an instrument of work, but it becomes the union centre of each figurative inventions that concur to create a unique and recognizable formal dimension. For this reason the project idea is to work on real architecture episodes, represented here by some concurs of new churches and religious centres. PUBLICATION 21 per XXI - Nuove Chiese Italiane/6, «Casabella», n°825.

EXPOSITION Exposition of the “National competition for new parish centres in Italy organised by Episcopal Conference of Italy (C.E.I.)” at MAXXI museum, 2 May -2 June 2013.

2011/2013 | National competition for new parish enters in Italy organised by Episcopal Conference of Italy (C.E.I.) Parrocchia S.Maria Goretti in Mormanno (CS) - Second Prize. Architects: A. Cavicchioli, C. Cossu, R. Parlangeli, A. Ricci, A. Toni | Liturgist: don A.U. Accogli | Artist: N. Biondani.


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2014 | National competition for the new parish centre “Regina Pacis� in Velletri (Rome) - First Prize. Architects: A. Cavicchioli, C. Cossu, A. Ricci, A. Toni | Liturgist: don A.U. Accogli | Artist: N. Biondani.



Architecture & Project

Abitare sociale Milano, via Cenni

Scientific Coordinator Fabrizio Rossi Prodi Research Group UNIFI | DIDA Giuseppe De Luca Maria De Santis Gianfranco Gorelli Saverio Mecca Camilla Perrone Stefano Stanghellini IUAV Consorzio Edilcoop Federico Bettarini Comune di Grosseto Marco De Bianchi Ance Grosseto Mauro Carri Serenissima Società Coperativa Roberto Gucci Comune di Prato Riccardo Pecoraio Francesco Caporaso Fondazione Housing Sociale Sergio Urbani Regione Toscana Adriano Poggiali Other Collaborators Elisa Cappelletti Jacopo Favara Alessandro Flaminio Francesca Genise Valeria Lingua Alessandra Pizzetti Tommaso Rafanelli Valeria Ruaro Lara Tozzi Tommaso Vergelli

ABITARE SOCIALE is an interdisciplinary research funded by the Region of Tuscany, whose outcome consists in the identification of good practices among those that contribute to urban rehabilitation and regeneration, to soil conservation, to the form and functionality of urban space, to environmental equilibrium and eco-sustainability, to the richness of in-between spaces, to the search for architectural quality, to the creation of a social equilibrium and an ideal of community, to the endowment of privacy, to the living dignity, to the positive management after construction. The published guidelines, main result of this research, avoid the usual rigid regulatory or performance approach and are instead proposed as a useful suggestion, analogy, reference, design model, acting on a more intuitive plan and thematic elaboration, typical of any design approach. An example Social Housing Via Cenni Milan First prize winner entry to an international design competition. The principles of social architecture, eco-district and smart-city are all contained in this experimental and innovative project: green roofs, responsible community, pedestrian zones, integration of the various urban functions, green space equipment and centrality, environmentally friendly materials; in particular, the cross laminated wooden load-bearing panels were used, making them the largest and highest building in Europe, realized with this innovative wood technology that has allowed a 50% reduction in construction time and at the same cost of building traditional residential buildings. EXHIBITIONS AND PUBLICATIONS Urbanpromo Torino, Italia Oggi, Geomagazine, Erlenkoetter, Milano che cambia, Villa e case prefabbricate, Giornale dell’Architettura, Itinerari italiani della residenza, Paesaggio Urbano, Nuovo cantiere, Wired, Edicom edizioni legno architettura, Industria delle costruzioni, Karlstads universitet svezia, Arketipo ilsole 24 ore, Opere, Urbaner Holzbau, EAST, Bioecogeo, Ottagono, Nextbuilding, Smart Density, Swedish magazine Tra, Die Wohnungswirtschaft, Designcontext, Detail, My business media, Perkins+Will Canada, Progettare, AMC French magazine, Legno onweb, Abitare il futuro, Etages, Abitare oggi, AR architetti Roma, Civiltà di cantiere, Legnolegno, Repubblica, Firenze Architettura.

PRIZES Premio Legambiente 2014, Premio Gyproc Saint Gobain 2014, Premio European Collaborative Neighborhood 2018, Nomination al Mies Van Der Rohe Award 2015. SCHOLARSHIP: n. 7 LECTURES Milano, Venezia, Napoli, Roma, Reggio Calabria, Pisa, Verona, Udine, Bologna, Ancona, Medrisio, Colonia, Londra, Tallinn, Santiago del Cile, Pechino.

SOCIAL HOUSING VIA CENNI MILAN Architectural Design Fabrizio Rossi Prodi Marco Zucconi Simone Abbado Emiliano Romagnoli Francesca Genise Tommaso Rafanelli Maria De Santis


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Architecture & Project

Architecture And Nature

Scientific Coordinator Fabrizio Rossi Prodi DESIGN COMPETITION FOR A PRIMARY SCHOOL Project Leader Fabrizio Rossi Prodi Design Group Leopoldo D’Inzeo Marco Zucconi Simone Abbado Francesca Genise Tommaso Rafanelli Emiliano Diotaiuti Consultant Maria De Santis Collaborators Monica Viti Thomas Michielin Sebastian Pitoni Jacopo Todisco

A line of research concerns theoretical thought on the fundamentals of architectural design, which has led to an updating of its contents and methods, it has led to the creation of a grammar and syntactic system based on a hermeneutic vision and a linguistic approach. The new and urgent environmental and sustainability issues are an occasion to enrich this figurative heritage of architecture and urban space, they stimulate a work on the settlement, spatial, functional and formal elements of architectural organisms and urban systems, they introduce a new interdisciplinary approach to research and design. In addition to theoretical studies, projects and above all the numerous competitions have been a remarkable test of these studies. Participation in University Research: “ABITARE MEDITERRANEO” Scholarships: N. 6 First Prize Design Competition Entries: • Multifunctional building for sports facilities in Gambassi Terme (Florence) • Scientific library and two Agricultural school departments for Udine University • Social Housing settlement in Milan – via Cenni “Una comunità per crescere” (“A growth community”) with wood structure towers • Sports and multifunctional halls in Majano (Udine) • Primary School in Poggibonsi (Siena) An example First Prize Winner Entry in International Design Competition for a Primary School Like a shell, the school welcomes, protects the children, but is divided into two parts that look at each other. In that void rises the landscape, a hill rises and looks towards the Fortress and the city. Greenery and environment occupy the centre of this school: they are a metaphor for context and environmental awareness. Thus, agorà is internal and external, transforms the staircase into a rampant square, creates different, stimulating relationships and visuals, always expanding in the core garden. It is a vector of belonging. Wood, terracotta and colours derive from the historical context and its traditions of work, but dry assembling, passive systems, geothermal energy, water recovery, domotics, renewable energy systems create a sustainable organism that also has an educational value. School and Civic Centre are separate and open to the city. In the educational spaces, shapes, buffers, furniture and an equipped wall create adaptable areas for different activities/groups: an inclusive school.


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Architecture & Project

Public Space

DESIGN COMPETITION Scientific Coordinator Fabrizio Rossi Prodi Design Leader Fabrizio Rossi Prodi Design Group Simone Abbado Marco Zucconi Francesca Genise Tommaso Rafanelli Emiliano Diotaiuti Restoration and Refurbishment Design Maurizio De Vita Christiane Ulrike Schultze Federica Stagni Federica Bonifazi Urban Design and Planning Silvia Viviani

The decades-long research on methods and techniques of urban design updates the tradition of Italian type-morphology studies, they come out enriched thanks to a humanizing and phenomenological interpretation. Its founding principles are conceived in public and urban space, in-between spaces, urban types, thresholds, public/private domains, interaction schemes, environmental relations: they are tools for understanding urban places and are continuously tested in projects and above all in design competitions. The rehabilitation of deprived areas, the regeneration of central areas, main urban axes entering urban neighborhoods, the new urban natural areas and for leisure time, have become a field of experimental studies also through collaborations with local councils, numerous design competitions, and in classes at the University, besides in Master of Territory Government and Master on the Smart City. Urban studies carried out for local Administrations • Urban design for the development and resettlement of Viale Adua and Viale Fermi areas in Pistoia • Awareness and project analysis of some architectural and urban aspects for detailed plan drafting of Serravalle Pistoiese, Castellina and Vinacciano centres in Pistoia • Drafting of the urban design guidelines for new building areas in Orbetello • Urban studies for the new port area of Talamone • Urban project for a sector of the central area of Cintolese fraction (Monsummano – Pistoia) • Urban regeneration of big hospital complexes areas Urban Design Competitions - First Prize Winner Entries • New Civic centre along with the City Hall, Chamber of Commerce and public square in Grosseto • New Arezzo Province headquarters • Public park, houses and facilities throughout the rehabilitation of the ex juvenile prison of Pesaro • Social Housing settlement in Milan – via Cenni “Una comunità per crescere” (“A growth community”) • New Livorno Hospital • Isolotto Square in Firenze • Rehabilitation of the San Gallo ex Military Hospital area in the historical center of Florence First Prize Winner Entry for the Rehabilitation of ex-Ospedale Militare San Gallo Area in the Historic Centre of Florence: The morphology of the complex outlines some long-lasting elements along via San Gallo and a system of spaces along via Cavour amid a historical and continuously re-organized pattern. Via Cavour was abruptly introduced in the middle of nineteenth century, interrupting the delicate morphological and spatial system of San Gallo neighbourhood and gardens: it was a cut of modernity that helps measuring the distance from historical city. The concept design interprets the “cut” theme as a spatial instrument to reconnect places and masses, it reopens a few city passages and courts, but it is above all a way to compare historical buildings to our nowadays condition: the comparison enhances its identity. The project envisages a system of spatial reconnections (paths, courts, places) between via Cavour and via San Gallo and a physical system of cuts (new blocks), occupying the recent, weak and poor parts of the complex: their modernity gives value to pre-existing places, they reflect and enhance surrounding architecture.


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Architecture & Project

Build on built

Mutation | Transformation

ScientiďŹ c Coordinator Carlo Terpolilli

Carlo Terpolilli

Progettando Edifici Considerazioni sul progetto di architettura come arte della tecnica

The refurbishment of the existing building stock is a key point in the related economic policies, in Italy and in Europe. To make this strategy sustainable it is necessary to go through new research path on the renewal themes, as well as architectural grafts and architectural assets development. Every contemporary city prioritizes urban development politics entailing conversion, refurbishment, energy saving measures. The new performances of the existing building stock should reflect the spontaneous vocation of transforming city and the resulting adaptation of the city itself to new behaviours. Acting in urban contexts requires attentive assessment, precision and balance. The copious real estate market technological innovations make available a wide design options/strategies range. The architectural design research investigates real opportunities of balanced, subtle and clear architectural graft actions, undertaken to answer to the contemporary cities’ need of transformation.



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NEW MUSEO DEGLI INNOCENTI. International Design Competition. a&p


Architecture & Project

The community-house Architecture / Communities

ScientiďŹ c Coordinator Carlo Terpolilli Research Group Mariagiulia Bennicelli Pasqualis Luigi Vessella

The community-house topic relates to an heterogeneous set of typologies, starting from the ancient model of the certosa up to the contemporary student housing and nursing homes for the elderly people. The community-house, then, represents the architectural typology which entails the coexistence of different level of life, such as the most private of the individual spaces and the collective and community ones, in order to realise a gradual range from that of the housing units individual autonomy, up to the opening feature and multifunctionality of those addressed to group activities and to the other communities outside.

PHD RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS Temporary Houses. New Strategy for Post-Earthquake housing Emergency, Mariagiulia Bennicelli Pasqualis. Supervisor: Prof. Carlo Terpolilli | XXV Cycle. Open Prison Architecture. Design Criteria for a New Prison Typology, Luigi Vessella. Supervisor: Prof. Carlo Terpolilli | XXVII Cycle.


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STUDENT HOUSING VILLA VAL DI ROSE ScientiďŹ c Director and Coordinator: Paolo Felli | Architectural Design: Carlo Terpolilli, Massimo Gennari Research Group and Design Team: Adolfo Baratta, Shira Brand, Tommaso Chiti, Alba Lamacchia, Claudio Piferi, Chiara Remorini.




Architecture & Project

Understanding by Design

Scientific Coordinator Carlo Terpolilli

“Understanding by Design” is a specific research strategy in which design thinking and practical experimentation are fully part of the methodological design of the inquisition processes. Complex urban phenomena can be understood and analysed through construction of synthetic models of meta-design, which break down complex phenomena into parts by reconstructing the possible interrelations between them. The conceptualizations of the hypotheses defined can be made tangible and verified with design experimentation.

Memorandum of Understanding between DIDA Department and Municipality of Barberino del Mugello, “New Realities for the Bilancino lake”.


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2 International Architectural Workshop Padova, Ospedale Giustinianeo.

Design Workshop Grosseto.



Architecture & Project

Heritage and design

Historic building renovation, architecture and interior design

RESEARCH AGREEMENT Architects Andrea Innocenzo Volpe Giuseppe De Leo Yoichi Sakasegawa Collaborators Nicola Tenerani Salvatore Zocco 3D Digital Survey Giorgio Verdiani Survey Collaborators Martina Carrara Stefano Lami


“The architecture of the past and that of the present are not opposed to one another but on a par, resembling each other in the fundamental conditions through which they have been produced”. With these words Ignaci de Solà Morales introduces the architectural work of Giorgio Grassi, focusing on projects which pursue a clear continuity with historical buildings or locations. Not just restorations neither just new designs, those works by Grassi represents the peculiarities of our Italian architectural culture at its best. Likewise we consider the relationship between our cultural heritage, architecture design and restoration projects as integral components of architectural practice, in which interest in the cultural, site-specific and material aspects is central. This research has been conducted over the specific case study of the expansion of the Civic Archaeological Museum of Camaiore. Enlarged with a new underground level, the Archaeological Museum interiors have been totally redesigned integrating new contemporary materials and forms into the preserved features of the 16th century fully restored palazzo. As a further step a 15.000€ worth research agreement has been set up between the city of Camaiore and our Department in order to start the digital survey of the ruined castle of Montecastrese and the production of a series of touchable models for blind visitors based on such digital data then included in the museum display.

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Architecture & Project

Revitalizing villages in Southern Japan Architecture and urban design

INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP Coordinators Andrea Innocenzo Volpe Toru Ajisaka Makiko Masudome Tutors Edoardo Cresci Yoichi Sakasegawa Students Yuko Kitanosono Hirotaka Matsuda Shogo Motoyama Alexander Palagano Valentina Raggi Mayu Sasaki Michele Tobia Partnership City of Kimotsuki


The Department of Architecture and Architectural Engineering at Kagoshima University, Japan, has been working on preservation of local architectural heritage for many years. Kyushu island and Kagoshima prefecture are particularly rich of traditional homes indeed, mostly set in progressively abandoned countryside villages. An important architectural patrimony condemned to decay and oblivion since the status of protected cultural asset is not very easy to get in Japan. Lack of preservation laws, high costs of maintenance and prohibitively expensive inheritance taxes induce the owners to sell their homes to developers rather than to restore and protect them. This architecture design workshop developed together with Kagoshima University colleagues has sought effective solutions to correct this apparently relentless process introducing a new vision for the economical redevelopment of such regions. The village of Koyama, in the Kimotsuki area, has been the first case study. Three undergraduate students and one PhD student from our Department have worked with four Master class ones from KU to design a possible reuse for an old dismissed railway line. The proposal imagines the former infrastructure as a new bicycle path linking the village to Kanoya city and to the regional public transformation system. Conceived as the pivotal element of the new linear park, Koyama finds through a series of punctual interventions of restorations and architecture projects a new image and a new life.

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Architecture & Project

Cross-cultural design

Japanese & Italian architecture anti-seismic housing

UNIVERSITY-FUNDED RESEARCH PROJECT EX 60% Architects Andrea Innocenzo Volpe Yoichi Sakasegawa Collaborator Uema Ayaka Partnership Sanyo House L.t.d.


Conceptually fluctuating in the uncertain territory where Far Eastern and European identities can meet, this house is the built outcome of a research based on the comparative study of two important building traditions. As Bernard Rudowsky sustained in the 1938 February issue of Domus, the ideal home is the combination of the Italian and Japanese architecture. According to this statement this project explores the possibility of an ‘Italian’ mass produced low cost house for the Japanese market, built with a namely traditional anti-seismic wood structure walled with sandwich wood panels: a combination offering a thickness of ten centimetres only. The research has been further developed through the analysis of a series of iconic examples of houses built and designed by Japanese and European architects during the first years of the 20th century. The book Promessa del Dorico (Dida Press, 2017) exposes such series of case studies focusing on a theoretical design approach conceiving simplicity (wabi in Japanese) as the keyword for a sustainable contemporary building strategy.

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Architecture & Project

Into Sand City Research

UNIVERSITY-FUNDED RESEARCH PROJECT (EX 60%) Scientific Coordinator Claudio Zanirato Address Santa Teresa via della Mattonaia, 8 Firenze Cultori della Materia Michela Contini Annunziata Robetti


The coastline forms an unusual cityscape: because it is linear, developing and outlining an unstable fringe of land, caressed and disputed by the sea; because it offers the ambiguous precarity of bathing facilities on one side of the shoreline and the fixed bulk of residential buildings on the other; because it is a frenetic city in one part of the year – summer – and abandoned in the other, winter; it doesn’t have many inhabitants but mainly just guests; and it undergoes seasonal renewal with rites and rituals to set the stage for the holiday scene. A road, the promenade, traces a cleft between that which appears and that which remains, between the city of sand and of stone, the space of spontaneity and the place of representation, nature and the attempt to dominate it. This work follows an almost unbroken route along the Italian coastline, in search of the hidden signs of an improvised city, the ‘sand city’: it could be the raw material for an imminent and singular city, or the discarded material of an accelerated and wasteful moment of development. The ‘seafront linearity’ forms an indefinite, densely built-up space, as the edge of adjacent historical towns and centre of new conurbations. This is how it appears, as a form of landscape unto itself. ‘Sand cities’ are often disputed territories: by the sea, in the case of the beaches; by the regimental and imprisoned rivers in the Riviera; by the cliffs, by the ports and the marine, maritime and production activities; by the abandoned countryside, the coastal scrub and pine-woods; by the imperturbable masses of the railways and roads. Natural beaches are mobile, unstable. Shorefront ‘cultivation’ has taught to consolidate them, defend them from erosion, level them out, removing their shape, in practice denaturing them. The work starts with a historical examination of the birth and establishment of seaside customs, and the success of the pioneering resorts, to then make considerations prompted by the geographical dimensions assumed today by the coast’s exploitation for holiday purposes. An analysis of the layouts of the seaside towns - the few planned ones and the many spontaneous ones – leads to a series of considerations on how, in nearly the same settlement conditions, the most varied urban solutions have been reached, making the different stretches recognisable upon closer examination. In architectural terms, we can also consider the singular features of the building designs, especially those traditionally found along the seafront, such as the children’s summer camps or colonies, spas, hotels and residences, guest-houses and villas… as

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oblivious components of an exceptional linear landscape. As its cross-section varies, the very promenade itself, a sort of vehicular road that mainly becomes a piazza/pedestrian route, the spatial interface between the buildings and the beach, provides many cues for observation on its scenographic implications and environmental connotations. Lastly, it is also interesting to investigate the logics with which the beach establishments, seen as urban micro-organisms, are set out and built, and also to look at their design, making a figurative analysis of the elements of beach furniture, in particular the cabins and huts. These are the ‘miniatures’ of a hidden city where we find a smaller version of the somatic traits of the consolidated urban organisms, and the same manner of depiction. This is above all a synthesis of a very long photographic project which followed the line of Italy’s seaside towns for over twenty years, in the intent to grasp their significance for our times as well as the distinctive features of the single places passed through. Looking from the sea towards the urbanised front-line and from this towards the blue horizon, from Trieste to Pescara, with some gaps along the way, to other stretches of the Mediterranean. PUBLICATIONS Nuovi Lidi, Colonizzazioni e Rinaturalizzazioni, C. Zanirato, «RI-VISTA» n.16, 02/2017, “Paesaggi Costieri”, su antiche e nuove forme di sfruttamento balneare delle coste italiane, pagg. 54-67, FUP, Firenze, ISSN 1724-6768. Into sand city. Nella città di sabbia, C.Zanirato, il paesaggio le architetture e gli scenari della città balneare italiana in evoluzione, pamphlet, Bologna, 2014, 254 pagg., (ISBN 97888907068-06).


Promenade. Into sand city, C. Zanirato, gli scenari le architetture e le installazioni del lungomare della città balneare lineare adriatica, pamphlet, Bologna, 2014, 250 pagg., (ISBN 97888907068-06). Miniatures. Into sand city”, C. Zanirato, scenari e installazioni delle spiagge della città balneare come paesaggio di microcittà, pamphlet, Bologna, 2014, 304 pagg., (ISBN 97888907068-20).


Architecture & Project

Lines on the water boundary Project

Scientific Coordinator Claudio Zanirato Research Group Studio Plicchi Open Project Client CIPNES Comune di Olbia Design Masterplan Preliminary and Final Project First and second lot 2012-14 Under construction Area: 112.000 m2 Built area: 39.772 m2


The settlement of P.T.E., the Multifunctional Centre to serve the Nautical and Technological District of North-East Sardinia, situated on a stretch of coastline north of the Gulf of Olbia, forces us to think about what kind of relationship could be established between the architecture and surrounding environment, strongly characterized on an urbanistic and landscape level. The extension of the productive area denotes the hard strokes of the intensive anthropisation of the land, in one of the most beautiful and evocative places found in the Gulf. This undefined stretch of coast is the only one to be left undeveloped in the area and this is because it still evokes the original natural landscape. The rigorous and elementary geometry of the industrial area defines the rules of the various buildings as an inevitable emanation in perfect harmony. The buildings are designed with the same logic “box” of the urbanity production, made up of many hangers, but this volumetric preserves a partial integrity of what there once was before. The disposition of the buildings is also influenced by the irregular and indented coastline and by the will to define a visual screen against industrial settlements and buildings, and to produce a purifier around the new complex. A distinguishing characteristic that involves the entire architecture marks the uniqueness and rarity of this project: a large blue canopy, suspended in the sky, hovering and resting on buildings, setting the whole complex in a unitary gesture, otherwise fragmented. It is simultaneously a dividing line and threshold, giving evidence to the area of transition between the city and the industrial-technological trade fair grounds, between the city’s architecture and the nature of the sea, between the shadows and the light. It is the path that connects everything and everyone, in an unmistakable way, from one extreme to another where the two entrances can be found. It’s an introductory episode, as the doorway and threshold, because it descends to the ground at each end, emphasizing the “brackets”, the exceptional nature of this settlement, the “window”, from which we can look into and see out of it, depending on ones point of view.

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RELATED RESEARCH Il progetto aggiudicatario di un affidamento d’incarico pubblico si confronta e mette in pratica ricerche svolte negli anni sul rapporto tra architettura e l’acqua nelle sue diverse forme, presentate in queste pubblicazioni.

PUBLICATIONS Architetture dei paesaggi commestibili, «RI-VISTA» n.12, 02/2015, “Cibo e Paesaggio”, sul rapporto tra la cultura del cibo ed i territori di produzione con il tramite dell’architettura, pp.86-99, FUP, Fi-renze, ISSN 1724-6768.

di Terra e di Acqua, C. Zanirato, pamphlet, Bologna, 2016, 108 pp., (ISBN 97888942344-11).

Parentesi, linee sul limite dell’acqua, «TRIA» Rivista Internazionale di Urbanistica, n.12, 1/2014, “Il mare e la città”, Edizioni Scinetifiche Italiane ESI spa, Napoli, 2014; print ISSN 1974-6849, e-ISSN 2281-4574, DOI 10.6092/2281-4574/2054.

Promenade. Into sand city, C.Zanirato, Bologna, 2014, 250 pp., (ISBN 97888907068-06). Luoghi e Connotazioni. Un progetto per il Lusenzo, C.Zanirato, pamphlet, Bologna, 2012 (ISBN 97888907068-13). a&p


Architecture & Project

Urban settlements Research and teaching

RESEARCH AGREEMENTS Scientific Coordinator Claudio Zanirato Address Santa Teresa via della Mattonaia, 8 Firenze Research Unit UNIFI | DIDA PhD Students Palma Pastore Cultori della Materia Alberto Stazio Saverio Napoletano Michela Contini Marco Benevelli

The 2012 earthquake in Emilia has affected the city’s urban fabric by altering the relationship between full and empty spaces: demolitions have revealed the relationship between unexpected parts, while unedited areas have acquired a strategic value for delocalisation of parts of the city, triggering a reversal of value between full and empty spaces, inside and out of the city. New construction or simple reconstruction works alone will never solve the problem of regeneration of affected centres: so, in 2014, the Region has established the Organic Plans and Area Special Programs. The ancient model of urban square has been taken over many urban centres affected by 2012 earthquake in Emilia as the main occasion for the revival of cities and communities, envisaging unpublished scenarios and urban reconfiguration. Within these worthy of note are the many proposals for the upgrading and construction of new squares, as a re-evaluated urban model: Novi of Modena with piazza I Maggio has proposed to finally shape a single square, reconstructing also in a different way half of the buildings that delimit it; Concordia on the Secchia has invented a new square, deciding to reconstruct only partially a central building. Cities can grow only when something changes from within, by continuously updating with the times and through innovation. We’re talking about a qualitative growth, the only thing able to give the city a higher status. The post-earthquake reconstruction plan for a town or city hit hard, like Mirandola, San Felice sul Panaro, Novi di Modena, Concordia sulla Secchia, Camposanto, Concordia sulla Secchia, is a great opportunity to reflect on such dynamics. Even though it is difficult to think of a physical transformation of a city, it is possible to intervene in its functional form, relatively intangible, but nevertheless effective. The earthquake of 2012 had a strong impact on the urban fabric of the town, altering the relationship between “full” and “empty”: the ruins have left a glimpse of the unexpected relationship between these two elements, and uninhabited areas have acquired a strategic value for the relocation of parts of the city.

RESEARCH CONTRIBUTIONS Convezione di Cooperazione Scientifica Assestamenti Urbani: Novi di Modena, tra il Comune di Novi di Modena ed il Dipartimento di Architettura di Firenze, su ipotesi di ricostruzioni per il centro urbano di Novi di Modena e di Rovereto sul Secchia danneggiati dal sisma, 2013. Convezione di Cooperazione Scientifica Assestamenti Urbani: Camposanto, tra il Comune di Camposanto ed il Dipartimento di Architettura di Firenze, su ipotesi di ricostruzioni per il centro urbano del capoluogo danneggiato dal sisma, 2013.

TEACHING ACTIVITIES Laboratorio di Architettura 3, A.A. 2012-13, Corso di Laurea in Scienze dell’Architettura, aree d’intervento: Novi di Modena, Rovereto sul Secchia, San Felice sul Panaro, San Biagio in Padule, Camposanto. Laboratorio di Architettura 3, A.A. 2013-14, Corso di Laurea in Scienze dell’Architettura, aree d’intervento: Sant’Agostino, Mirabello, Mirandola. Tesi di Laurea: 22

Convezione di Cooperazione Scientifica Assestamenti Urbani: San Felice sul Panaro, tra l’Unità Pastorale di Rivara-San Felice-San Biagio ed il Dipartimento di Architettura di Firenze, su ipotesi di ricostruzioni degli edifici di culto di San Felice sul Panaro e di San Biagio danneggiati dal sisma, 2013.

PUBLICATIONS Vuoti ed Assestamenti urbani, C. Zanirato, in «Urbanistica-Informazioni» n.272 s.i., 2017, “Crisi e rinascita delle città”, sulle potenzialità di rigenerazione urbana dei centri terremotati emiliani, 205-209 pp., INU edizioni, Roma, ISSN n.0392-5005.

Tutor nel Workshop progettuale Fatti il Centro tuo!, Percorso Partecipativo per la Ricostruzione, con i progettisti degli edifici privati coinvolti nella ridefinizione della Piazza I Maggio, Novi di Modena, 0709/2014;

Assestamenti urbani, C. Zanirato, progetti e proposte per la ricostruzione urbana negli insedimaneti urbani terremotati dell’Emilia, pamphlet, Bologna, 2017, 178 pp., (ISBN 97888942344-04).


Urban Adaptation post heartquake, C. Zanirato, M. Contini, «The Sustainable city IX», vol.191, 9th International Conference on Urban Regeneration and sustainability, Wessex Istitute of Technology-UK, WITpress,Southampton-EN, 2014, 1766pagg., ISBN 978-184564-820-6, eISBN 978-1-84564-821-3, pp. 1731-1747.


Architecture & Project

Identity of the Italian architecture Architectural Design Research

Scientific Coordinator Paolo Zermani Address Santa Verdiana room L3 piazza L. Ghiberti, 27 Firenze Research Group Gabriele Bartocci Giulio Basili Riccardo Butini Lisa Carotti Edoardo Cresci Giuseppe Cosentino Chiara De Felice Francesca Mugnai Andrea Volpe


The research project on the theme Identity of Italian architecture, focused on a critical attention to the transformations of the Western and Italian landscape, has led to a complex mosaic of design results published by important international and Italian magazines. The built projects, like the Temple of Cremation in Parma, the Chapel in the Woods in Varano, the Chapel of Prayer at the Fortezza da Basso in Florence, the Reconstruction and Restoration of the Castle of Novara, represent topics of debate toward a definition of an “architectural measure” of the present. In The Flame of a Candle Gaston Bachelard reminds us that for a long time, on the table of every wise man “next to the objects, which are prisoners of their own form, next to the books that instruct slowly, the flame of a candle drew thoughts and evoked images without limits”. The similarity of the flame, as applied to architecture, is an exercise in possible daydreams. In the flame, as in architecture, there must be a double fire: one is stronger and it devours the other. “The flame that rises has two sources: one is white, and shines continuously, with its blue roots at the top; the other is red, joined to the wood and the wick from which it burns. “The white part rises straight up, while below the red part burns steadily without giving up substance and nourishing the other while it blazes and shines”. In this dialectic of the active and the passive, of the active and the agent, of past and present participles, it is the sense of the conquest of light, which cannot live, obviously, without historical time and without a subject. Within a horizon of values that gives meaning to things hitherto considered insignificant, a transformation takes effect, not only in time but also of substance, of the red flame becoming the white flame. The white flame must come to exterminate the materiality that nourishes and feeds it. Here, each time the novelty, the only novelty desired. “This light is destroyed by a Breath, and a spark e rekindles it. Therefore the flame is easy birth and easy death. Life and death are placed here next to each other ”. Moral conscience must become white flame “burning impurities that are lodged there. And he who burns well burns high”. Conscience and flame have the same fate as virtue. The simple candle flame illustrates this fate well, “deliberately rising up and returning to its starting point after having accomplished its action below, without ever changing its brilliance to a colour other than white”. The flame rises above itself beyond its own tip. Every time a flame is lit, it is made up of measures. In The Chemical History of a Candle, Faraday tells how the candle can he re-lit by blowing on the vapour alone. We must not let the light go to sleep, in needs time to awaken. The light must not be allowed to extinguish itself; it must he relit quickly.

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1. Conference of Paolo Zermani, in Lezioni di architettura, Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio, Università della Svizzera Italiana, 2017. 2. Zermanis heilighe Orte, «Bauwelt», N.13, 2015. 3. Cappella di preghiera, Fortezza da Basso, Firenze, «Domus», N.1016, 2017. 4. Cappella nel bosco, «Casabella», N.819, 2013. 5. Castello sfrozesco-visconteo, Novara, «Casabella», N.881, 2017.



Architecture & Project

Identity of the Italian architecture Theoretical Research

Scientific Coordinator Paolo Zermani Address Santa Verdiana room L3 piazza L. Ghiberti, 27 Firenze Research Group Gabriele Bartocci Giulio Basili Riccardo Butini Lisa Carotti Edoardo Cresci Giuseppe Cosentino Chiara De Felice Francesca Mugnai Andrea Volpe

The theoretical research work on the theme Identity of Italian architecture has produced a significant group of contributions in conferences, workshops and seminars in Italy and abroad, in addition to important publications like the volume Architecture: place, time, earth, light, silence (Mondadori Electa, Milan, 2015). The reproducibility, over time, of the founding characteristics of Western architecture compared to hybridizations of the contemporaneity, constitutes the nucleus of a theory of architecture that has to measure itself with the elements of the material and immaterial landscape. Place I often tell my students about the time l met Jorge Luis Borges in 1979. As he was blind, he was being accompanied to the Piazza del Duomo in Parma by Franco Maria Ricci, the publisher for whom he was directing a book series called La Biblioteca di Babele. Borges wanted to visit the Baptistery of Parma with its alto-rilievo personifications of the months, sculpted by Benedetto Antelami. Borges was fascinated by the monuments of the Po Valley, and knew their mysterious geography by heart. According to him, books distance us from and bring us closer to life and place. Time What is the structure of architectural time? What is the plane upon which everything rests? In architecture, this subject bears an unexpected analogy to two elements: the base and the tomb. The former crumbles gradually, losing its material unity. The latter is formed precisely at the moment when the usefulness of the former evidence is terminated by the adventure of the human body and by the decline of civilisation that marks its existence, meaning the usefulness of the former evidence. Between these two states, architecture resists the mutations of its condition to continue nourishing our need for beauty, belonging and identity. Earth The earth guards the measurements of architecture. In his movie Nostalghia (1988) the film director Andrei Tarkovsky stages his characters (the Russian intellectual Gorchakov and his guide and translator Eugenia) on a grand tour in search of truth in time and in Italian space. Gorchakov and Eugenia’s visit to Monterchi, Tuscany to see the Chapel of the Madonna del Parto painted by Piero della Francesca, a depiction of a pregnant virgin Mary born and raised in the midst of fields, is emblematic in this sense. When they arrive in front of the chapel, reconstructed by the Russian director as an archaic crypt, the man refuses to enter, saying: “I want nothing more just for myself. I’m tired of seeing these sickeningly beautiful sights”. Light Each year, I take the students to see the temple at Bassae in the Peloponnese. It was designed by lktinos between 450 and 425 before Christ and dedicated to Apollo. The temple is aligned north-south against the steep slope of a mountain, and is unusual for featuring all three of the classical orders used in ancient Greek architecture. Like most major temples it has three “rooms”, the pronaos, a naos and an opisthodomos, although an atypical element is given by the fact that the entire layout of ionic and Corinthian columns is completely independent from the external structure in that the pitched roof and the frame rest on the perimeter walls. But the relevant fact, as l make the students notice, is an opening on the east side, positioned in wall of the small room that extends from the naos. Toward where does the door look? Where does it lead? Silence As shadow sustains light, silence sustains the necessary words. I always show my students a scene from the movie Four Adventures of Reinette and Mirabelle by Eric Rohmer (1987) where two girls wake up before dawn to see the “blue hour”, the moment when the night animals stop singing and the day animals have not yet started. The interval of absolute silence is full of life; it presides over the breaking day and introduces the activity of nature and the humans who inhabit it. It is a condition of creation that brings us back to earth, contains the flow of time, and places it in suspension to favour the revelation of things.


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1. P. Zermani, Architettura: luogo,tempo,terra,luce, silenzio, Mondadori Electa, Milan, 2015. 2. Coordinator of the Congress Potsdam und Italien. Verlust und Rekonstruktion unerere baukultur. Perdita e ricostruzione della cultura architettonica, Giornate di studi italo-tedesche, 1 and 2 November 2013, Facoltà di architettura di Potsdam. 3. Introduction to the Conference Identität der Architektur, 26 e 27 Gennaio 2017, Fakultät fur architektur RWTH, Aachen. 4. Participation to the Workshop Internazionale di architettura, Padova, 18 Settembre- 11 Ottobre 2015. 5. Contribution to the International Conference of Architecture and Archaeology, Piranesi Prix de Rome XV edition, Rome, August 28, 2017.



Architecture & Project

Identity of the Italian architecture Conference

Scientific Coordinator Paolo Zermani Scientific Board Fabio Capanni Francesco Collotti Maria Grazia Eccheli Fabrizio Rossi Prodi Paolo Zermani Research Group Giulio Basili Michela Bracardi Lisa Carotti Silvia Catarsi Giuseppe Cosentino Edoardi Cresci Chiara De Felice Francesca Mugnai Carlotta Passerini Francesca Privitera Salvatore Zocco

The conference, organized in Florence with “Casabella”, has hosted for fifteen years some of the most significant proponents of the Italian architectural culture from eighteen School of Architecture. The conference theme is the research of some kind of new “measures” for the architectural design, to be founded on the analysis of the Italian landscape that is such in a rapid transformation. Together with architects the debate has been enriched by the contribute of some of the most representative Italian intellectuals such as Giuseppe Galasso, Massimo Cacciari, Pupi Avati, Luciano Canfora, Marc Augè, Chrystztof Zanussi, Sergio Givone, Tullio Kezic, Giovanni Reale, Gianni Celati, Salvatore Settis, Daniele Del Guidice, Guido Ceronetti, Carlo Sini, Sebastiano Vassalli, Remo Bodei, Franco Cardini.

The new and the eternal 3-4 December 2013 In his booklet The flame of a candle Gaston Bachelard reminds us how, for such a long time, on the table of each wise man, next to the objects that are prisoners of their own shape, beside those books that slowly educate, the flame of a candle used to recall thoughts with no measure, to evoke limitless images. The simile of the flame is not just - applied to architecture – an exercise of possible rêverie.

The great delicate plane 9-10 December 2014 What is the structure of the architectural time? Which is the plane everything rests on? In architecture this theme bears a striking similarity between two elements: crepidoma and tumulus. The former gradually flakes, loosing its unity of substance. The latter arises at the very moment the former ceases to be useful in his evidence. Between this two states architecture resists against the changing of conditions in order to keep feeding our need of beauty.


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Still life 10 -11 December 2015 Giorgio Morandi clearly demonstrated, just since the beginning of that 20th century when true Nature started to die, how a natura morta is again part to life. Isolating measures and lights according to a precise selection of the visible things. If the true subject of Western art is the competition with nature and light - without hurting them, but trying to equal and surpass them - this is, even today, the great challenge of the contemporary landscape, where light should illuminate a modified nature.

The dance of time 13-14 December 2016 When the New used to embrace the Antique, time offered us its dance, and every time it was possible to renew our ambition to contemporaneity. Is this desperate and fascinating research over? Today chronicle would convince us that time has exhausted its capacity. Nevertheless for architecture other measures can be grafted on the Earth, which is no longer untouched. Blending one into another those measures become fertile, illuminating only the necessary part of the past, critically detecting new distances and changing identities.

The immortal land of the dead 4-5 December 2017 Already forty years ago, Guido Ceronetti reminded us, in a passage of his brilliant A travel in Italy, that as long as fragments of beauty will survive, something of the world will be still comprehensible. As they disappear, the mind loses ability to grasp and to dominate. This great sinking wreck, whose ancient name is Italy, thanks to its remaining beauty, is still a clear help for the conceivability of the world. Italy, in its present, is still a living land of dead.



Architecture & Project

The measure of the new in the Italian architectural landscape

Scientific Coordinator Paolo Zermani Scientific Board Gabriele Bartocci Giulio Basili Riccardo Butini Lisa Carotti Chiara De Felice Francesca Mugnai Salvatore Zocco

This project considered the Italian architectural landscape as an exemplary context of avant-garde and innovation. The research was conducted at the Department of Architecture, via both internal and external projects, and its outputs were published in prestigious journals, such as “Domus”. Our project shed light on the dialectics between pre-existing architectural elements of the Italian landscape and their possible new uses, by critically examining the fundamental role of “time”.

Masters Thesis Project for Archaeological Museum of Velia (SA) Author: Rossella Scola Supervisor: Paolo Zermani Academic year 2013-2014 Project for the new Mommialla thermal baths (FI) Author: Matteo Capecci Supervisor: Paolo Zermani Academic year 2015-2016


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DIDA Research Programs

Architectural and Environmental Survey and Representation

Reading of the compositional geometries for the knowledge of the architectural work The integrated survey of the bell tower of the Pietrasanta Cathedral

RESEARCH AGREEMENT Scientific Coordinator Barbara Aterini Address Santa Teresa via Mattonaia 8 Firenze, Italy Research Group Barbara Aterini Mauro Giannini Cecilia Luschi Laura Aiello Alessandro Nocentini Enrico Venturini

The exterior of the bell tower of Pietrasanta is in bricks but the irons on the façade suggest that the marble cladding similar to that of the cathedral was envisaged. In the inner part a singular spiral staircase, carved in the wall section, ascend in a helical path and it’s wraps around the ideal axis of the bell tower. So this spiral generates an eye that behaves like the stem of a column, represented here by the void: a grandiose sculpture in negative to volume coclide. A Renaissance architecture (1519) of the highest value; an invention in which the extraordinary geometrical complexity that accompanies a brilliant technological-constructive wisdom makes Michelangelo Buonarroti hypothesize as its architect, given also the congruity of this architecture with its sculptural principles, as well as its presence on site in those years. The research has dealt with the integrated survey of the tower bell with the aim of research its precise geometries, analysing it since from the construction site thanks also to the measurement system used. The agreement with the Curia of Lucca was stipulated for the three-dimensional survey as a control carried out for the purpose of restoration that the bell tower must undergo. PUBLICATIONS Barbara Aterini, Geometria e misura nella torre campanaria di Pietrasanta: una conferma dal rilievo tridimensionale, in Bartoli, M.T. (a cura di), Le ‘Misure’ dell’architettura, Disegnare Con, volume 8/n.15-Luglio 2015, pp. 17.2-17.14. Barbara Aterini, Il Campanile del Duomo di Pietrasanta: dalla complessità alla semplicità dell’idea progettuale’ - English text: ‘The bell tower of the Cathedral in Pietrasanta: from the complexity to the simplicity of the design concept’. In: ‘DISEGNARE Idee Immagini’, n.47/2013, Gangemi Editore, Roma. Barbara Aterini, Michelangelo e la visione scultorea dell’architettura’.In: E. Venturini ‘Michelangelo. Il segreto del campanile di San Martino. A Pietrasanta la mano di un genio nell’innovativa scala dall’architettura rivoluzionaria?’, Petrartedizioni, Pietrasanta (LU), febbraio 2013, pp. 432-437.

Barbara Aterini, Il vuoto svela il progetto. Prefazione. In E. Venturini, Michelangelo. Il segreto del campanile di San Martino. A Pietrasanta la mano di un genio nell’innovativa scala dall’architettura rivoluzionaria?, Petrartedizioni, Pietrasanta (LU), 2013, pp. 36-39. Barbara Aterini, Le geometrie nascoste nel campanile del Duomo di San Martino a Pietrasanta. In AA.VV., ‘Actas 13 Congreso Internacional de Expresion Grafica Arquitectonica’, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia editorial, Valencia (Es), maggio 2010, pp. 59-64. Barbara Aterini, Il vuoto svela il progetto. In Firenze Architettura, Architettura e ambiente: rilievo e documentazione, n. 1, anno XIII, 2009, pp. 110-115, english text: The Empty discloses design (pp. 143-144); a stampa e in http://www.unifi.it/unifi/progarch/fa/ fahome.htm.

Barbara Aterini, La rappresentazione scientifica del rilievo in architettura. In E.Venturini, Michelangelo. Il segreto del campanile di San Martino. A Pietrasanta la mano di un genio nell’innovativa scala dall’architettura rivoluzionaria?, Petrartedizioni, Pietrasanta (LU), 2013, pp. 438-441.


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Architectural and Environmental Survey and Representation

Analysis of the vault system of the monumental staircase inside the University of Pavia

JOINT LABORATORY LS3D Scientific Board UNIFI | DIDA Stefano Bertocci Address room B26 Santa Verdiana Piazza L.Ghiberti, 27 Firenze UNIPV | DICAr Sandro Parrinello Address Via Ferrata, 3 Pavia UNIFI | DISPAA Riziero Tiberi

The Laboratory of Landscape, Survey and Design of the University of Florence and the University of Pavia, deals with the topic of the analysis of the vault system aimed at the restoration project of the monumental staircase inside the University of Pavia complex. The project included an integrated laser scanner survey campaign aimed at acquiring the spaces occupied by the monumental staircase situated in the historic main building of the University of Pavia and in particular and analysing the degradation of the decorative elements of the vault and ornamental panels. CREDITS Scientific Board: Marco Morandotti (UNIPV | DICAr), Stefano Bertocci (UNIFI | DIDA), Sandro Parrinello (UNIPV | DICAr) Technical Coordinators: Francesca Picchio

Collaborators: Giovanni Minutoli, Emanuele Zamperini, Valentina Cinieri, Pietro Becherini, Matteo Bigongiari, Raffaella De Marco, Ksenia Mezenina, Federico Cioli, Antonio ChilĂ , Liliya Fardieva, Ewelina Gorminska, Pavel Kangowski, Maurizio Risso, Veronika Rupniewska, Bulat Umarov, Dominika Wozniak, Magdalena Zebrowska.

Address Piazzale delle Cascine, 18 Firenze Partnership SISMA s.r.l.s. Piacenti S.p.a. Microgeo s.r.l. SINECO S.p.a. Digitarca s.a.s.


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Architectural and Environmental Survey and Representation

Antonelli’s Fortresses

The survey of the fortresses of Portobello

JOINT LABORATORY LS3D Scientific Board UNIFI | DIDA Stefano Bertocci Address room B26 Santa Verdiana Piazza L.Ghiberti, 27 Firenze UNIPV | DICAr Sandro Parrinello Address Via Ferrata, 3 Pavia UNIFI | DISPAA Riziero Tiberi Address Piazzale delle Cascine, 18 Firenze Partnership SISMA s.r.l.s. Piacenti S.p.a. Microgeo s.r.l. SINECO S.p.a. Digitarca s.a.s.

In 1586 Battista Antonelli, at the service of the Spanish crown, undertook a voyage to inspect the bay of Portobello and the mouth of the Chagre river in the Isthmus of Panama and, positively impressed by the natural features that protected the bay of Portobello, also for the anchoring galleons for trade, he suggested that the port of Nobre de Dios be moved to Portobello, to concentrate all commercial activities with the Pacific. Later, on 23 November 1588, Battista Antonelli was appointed by means of a royal coupon for the construction of the fortifications of Portobello and the river Chagre. Today in these places are the ruins of military architecture to which we owe a primary role in the colonization of the new world. The research project studies the works of the Antonelli, detecting the fortresses and the bastions still visible on the territory and studying the defensive system and the military strategies designed by the Italian engineer and his successors. The research has been expanded with studies on the current village of Portobello through the cataloguing of buildings and the survey of the urban area in order to integrate the archive on the cultural heritage of this area. CREDITS Scientific Board: Stefano Bertocci (UNIFI | DIDA), Sandro Parrinello (UNIPV | DICAr) Technical Coordinator: Francesca Picchio (UNIPV | DICAr) Collaborators (UNIFI | DIDA): Sergio di Tondo, Graziella Del Duca Graduands (UNIFI | DIDA): Benedetta Masiani, Chiara Gambassi, Laura Ercoli. PUBLICATIONS Sandro Parrinello, Francesa Picchio, Sistemi di documentazione per l’analisi ed il progetto di recupero del Forte San Lorenzo el Real del Chagre, Colon, Panama. RESTAURO ARCHEOLOGICO, Firenze, 2017. Sandro Parrinello, Francesca Picchio, The complex of San Lorenzo del Chagres in Panama: historical development and survey project for the documentation of the Caribbean fortress. In: Defensive Architecture of the Mediterranean XV to XVIII Centuries. vol. II, Valencia, Spagna, 2015.


Sandro Parrinello, Francesca Picchio, Il paesaggio costruito attraverso la fotografia digitale per la realizzazione di archivi dinamici sul patrimonio culturale. Edizioni Grifo, Ambiente Territorio Paesaggio, Lecce, 2014. Sandro Parrinello, Francesca Picchio, Dalla fotografia digitale al modello 3D dell’architettura storica From digital photography to the 3D model of the historical architecture. DisegnareCon, Firenze, 2013. Sandro Parrinello, The Documentation of Antonellis’ Fortresses,a research between two worlds.. In: Parrinello S., Bertocci S.,Pancani G.. Between East and West Transposition of cultural systems and military technology of fortified lanscapes. Poppi (Ar), 2012. Sandro Parrinello, La documentacion sobre las fortalezas de Portobelo en Panama. Estudio para la proteccion de la imagen historica. Las investigaciones para el conocimiento y recuperacion del Patrimonio. In Atti del Convegno internazionale VII Encuentro Internacional Ciudad, Imagen y Memoria. Valencia, 2011.

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Architectural and Environmental Survey and Representation

Architectural Documentation and 3D laser scanner survey of Al-Jazzar mosque in Acre

JOINT LABORATORY LS3D Scientific Board UNIFI | DIDA Stefano Bertocci Address room B26 Santa Verdiana Piazza L.Ghiberti 27 Firenze, 50122 UNIPV | DICAr Sandro Parrinello Address Via Ferrata 3, Pavia, 27100 UNIFI | DISPAA Riziero Tiberi Address Piazzale delle Cascine 18, Firenze, 50144 Partnership SISMA s.r.l.s. Piacenti S.p.a. Microgeo s.r.l. SINECO S.p.a. Digitarca s.a.s.


The White Mosque of Al-Jazzar, located in the city centre of Acre, is the biggest complex in Israel outside the city of Jerusalem. In the centre of the fleeing state of coexistence between the Muslim community and the Jewish community, the complex, part of UNESCO protection area, in currently involved in a redevelopment project promoted by the Taawon (Walfare Association) ans carried forward, in 2017, Experimental Research Laboratory DAda Lab (Drawing Architecture and Document-Action) of Pavia University and the University and Enterprise Joint Laboratory “Landscape Survey & Design” of University of Florence and Pavia. The research activities has provided a digital survey of the complex and a diagnostic survey based on relevant data and aimed at identifying any structural problems. The aim of the research is to create a databases useful for the diagnosis of the walls structural instabilities ant to propose a master-plan of hypothesis for the restoration activities for the promotion of the architectural complex in the Cultural Heritage of the city of Acri. CREDITS Scientific Board: Sandro Parrinello (UNIPV | DICAr) Technical Coordinator: Francesca Picchio Collaborators (DIDA UniFI): Pietro Becherini, Monica Bercigli, Matteo Bigongiari, Mariangela Canestrale, Raffaella De Marco, Anna Dell’Amico, Najati Fitiani, Raef Ahmad Touri.

PUBLICATION Francesca Picchio, Metodologie di rilievo integrato per indagini diagnostiche non invasive: la documentazione della Moschea Bianca di Al-Jazzar a San Giovanni d’Acri, Israele,in Restauro Archeologico rivista online, Firenze University Press, in corso di pubblicazione.

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Architectural and Environmental Survey and Representation

Digital 3D restitution of the Baptistery of Pisa

AGREEMENT Scientific Coordinator Stefano Bertocci Address Santa Verdiana room B26 Piazza L. Ghiberti, 27 Firenze Partnership Opera della Primaziale Pisana

Piazza dei Miracoli in Pisa is one of the symbols of Italy’s artistic heritage and genius; it has inspired many travellers since the time of the Grand Tour, and continues to capture the attention of thousands of visitors today. The baptistery, dedicated to St. John, is morphologically articulated in a cylindrical shape, which differs in each of the three orders composing it. The laser scanner survey, begun in 2002 as a methodological experimentation, was updated with subsequent in-depth campaigns both in 2012 and in 2013 with a more detailed survey campaign of the entire square. The unusual articulation of the Baptistery required the creation of a specific scanning protocol and reconstruction method. The two-dimensional representation of the large cylindrical building was particularly complex and articulated and required planning ahead of the print outs to be reproduced in life-size. The issue was addressed and overcome by splitting the monument into the three architectural orders and into the “minimum formal elements” composing it. The inal part of this process was to share the work and make it available online — namely to insert the data collected in the SICAR, Web-Gis programme (geographic information system) for cataloguing and managing the architectural heritage of MiBACT. CREDITS Project scope: enhancement of cultural landscapes Scientific Board: Stefano Bertocci (DIDA), Giovanni Pancani (DIDA), Giuseppe Bentivoglio (OPAPisa) Collaborators: Silvia Francardi, Silvia Barducci Students: Giulia Bernacchi, Alessandra Casotti, May Daher, Giulia Pagliazzi, Giacomo Nocentini, Alessandra Pieri, Luisella Taralla, Giulia Terrosi, Margherita Paoletti, Cristina Rabatti, Marco Valentini, Ilias Zervos, Ilias Zogos .


PUBLICATIONS Giovanni Pancani, Piazza dei Miracoli a Pisa: il Battistero. Metodologie di rappresentazione e documentazione digitale 3D. Edifir, Firenze 2016 (ISBN:978-88-7970-788-6). Giovanni Pancani, Il Battistero di Piazza dei Miracoli a Pisa, metodologie per la restituzione e la documentazione dei paramenti esterni. In: Stefano Bertocci, Silvio Van Riel. La cultura del restauro e della valorizzazione, Temi e problemi per un percorso internazionale di conoscenza, Atti del 2° Convegno internazionale sulla documentazione, patrimonio architettonico e sulla tutela paesaggistica ReUSO (Firenze 6-8 novembre 2014), Vol. I, pp. 501-508, Alinea Editrice, Firenze 2014 (ISBN:978-88-6055-829-9).

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Architectural and Environmental Survey and Representation

Digital Survey experiences in the historical centre of São Paulo The Barauna building in Av. São Joao

INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION ACTIVITIES Scientific Coordinator UNIFI | DIDA Stefano Bertocci Address room B26 Santa Verdiana Piazza L. Ghibert,i 27 Firenze

This research aims to experiment a specific knowledge path for the contemporary city of San Paolo taking as one of the main streets of the centre: Avenida São João. The building fabric present on this artery is due to the expansions of the first decades of the twentieth century made on a path before the first urban settlement. It has been realized a campaign of relief of the urban fronts characterized in this part by the presence of medium buildings proportions dating back to the early ‘900 and the first skyscrapers built in the centre of Sao Paulo as the Building Martinelli. The results of the survey, in addition to explaining the morphological and technical construction characteristics of the first reinforced concrete buildings through historical and archival surveys, have produced a first evaluation for the construction of a map of the values of the urban territory. As regards the technological and more specific aspects of the architectural restoration, the Barauna building was analysed with greater attention in detail.

CREDITS Scientific Board: Stefano Bertocci (DIDA UniFI), Luciano Migliaccio (FAU USP) Technical Coordinator: Arch. Regina Helena Vieira Santos (FAU USP) Survey Coordinator (DIDA UniFI): Pietro Becherini, Monica Bercigli, Matteo Bigongiari Collaborators: Alice de Almeida Americo, Barbara Ferronato, Ieda Maria Nolla, Maria Vitoria Fischer, Pedro Auguso Vieira Santos, Valeria A.C. Bonfim, Yasmin Darviche Graduants (DIDA UniFI): Anastasia Cottini, Chiara Alessi.


PUBLICATIONS Stefano Bertocci, Esperienze di Rilievo Digitale nel centro storico di Sao Paulo, Mostra, Chiesa di Santa Verdiana, Firenze, 2017. Regina Helena Vieira Santos, Edifcio Barauna: parte di un progetto di restauro urbano da un frammento nella città di Sao Paulo, in “UID 2016. Le ragioni del disegno”. Firenze 2016. Regina Helena Vieira Santos, ARQUITETURA DA DÉCADA DE 1920: um quarteirão da Avenida São João, SP. Icomos, 2017. Regina Helena Vieira Santos, Architecture from 1920’s in a block of Avenida São João. Atiner, 2017.

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Architectural and Environmental Survey and Representation

Digital survey of Hadrian’s Villa in Tivoli

JOINT LABORATORY LS3D Scientific Board UNIFI | DIDA Stefano Bertocci Address Santa Verdiana room B26 Piazza L. Ghiberti, 27 Firenze UNIPV | DICAr Sandro Parrinello Address Via Ferrata, 3 Pavia UNIFI | DISPAA Riziero Tiberi Address Piazzale delle Cascine, 18 Firenze Partnership SISMA s.r.l.s. Piacenti S.p.a. Microgeo s.r.l. SINECO S.p.a. Digitarca s.a.s.

The documentation project for the digital representation of Hadrian’s Villa represents a multi-year survey program promoted by Joint Laboratory “Landscape Survey & Design” with the aim of providing to the Superintendence a three-dimensional database of Villa’s rooms, capable to describe the state of places both in terms of the conditions of walls and of the relationships between architecture and landscape. Hadrian’s Villa represents the highest expression of imperial architecture, combining spaces linked both to political needs and to recreational and leisure activities in a complex with urban articulation immersed in the harmony of a landscape where nature permeates the structures with pools, water games and visual cones that open up to Rome. The documentation and survey activities of the ruins, organized in several campaigns, have produced today a partial database of the Villa made up of high density point clouds from which 3D models are processed to study morphological systems, construction details and walls to identify the architectural relationships between elements and landscape systems, from the large scale to the single wall detail. CREDITS Scientific Board: Stefano Bertocci (DIDA), Luca Cipriani (UniBo), Sandro Parrinello (DICAr) Technical coordinators: Filippo Fantini, Sergio di Tondo Tutors: Andrea Arrighetti, Monica Bercigli, Sara Bua, Raffaella De Marco, Francesca Picchio, Giacomo Talozzi Partnership Public Institutions: Department of Architecture - DIDA - University of Florence, Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture - DICAr - University of Pavia, Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna, Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici del Lazio, Area Archeologica di Villa Adriana Partnership for technical support: Microgeo srl.

PUBLICATIONS Adembri B., Bertocci S., Bua S., Di Tondo S., Fantini F., Parrinello S., Picchio F., (2013) Villa Adriana, Storia, archeologia, restauro e conservazione, in Forma Urbis n°8. Bertocci S. Minutoli G. (2016) Villa Adriana, esperienze di rilievo digitale ed analisi per il restauro e la musealizzazione dell’Edificio dei Pilastri Dorici. In RA Restauro Archeologico Vol.25, No 1. Firenze University Press. Bertocci S., Parrinello S., 2015, Digital Survey and Documentation of the Archaeological and Architectural sites. UNESCO World Heritage list, Edifir, Firenze. Bertocci S. (2017) Methodology of digital survey for the documentation of the archaeological heritage, three projects for UNESCO world heritage sites: Villa Adriana in Tivoli (Rome), the fortress of Masada (Israel), and the Basilica of the Nativity in Bethlehem (Palestine). In Adriana Rossi (Ed.) Immersive high resolution photographs for cultural heritage Vol.2. Libreriauniversitaria. it edizioni. pp. 55-65. Bertocci S. (2016) Beni archeologici e tecnologie digitali per la documentazione. In Navarro P.C., Cardone V. (Eds.) Dibujo y architectura 1986-2016, treinta años de investigación. Universidad de Alcalà, Servicio de Publicaciones. pp. 16-31.


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Architectural and Environmental Survey and Representation

Documentation for Restoration of the Nativity Church in Bethlehem The Survey of Nativity Church

JOINT LABORATORY LS3D Scientific Board UNIFI | DIDA Stefano Bertocci Address room B26 Santa Verdiana Piazza L. Ghiberti, 27 Firenze UNIPV | DICAr Sandro Parrinello Address Via Ferrata, 3 Pavia UNIFI | DISPAA Riziero Tiberi Address Piazzale delle Cascine, 18 Firenze Partnership SISMA s.r.l.s. Piacenti S.p.a. Microgeo s.r.l. SINECO S.p.a. Digitarca s.a.s.


The restoration of the Basilica of the Nativity began in September 2013 and covered the roofs, the walls, the mosaics and the narthex. The Basilica is one of the oldest Christian churches in the world, built by St. Helena and modified by Justinian and has many layers in medieval times and stratifications till the present day. The digital survey was conducted to provide the restoration team the necessary graphic drawings to conduct diagnostic tests and develop the specifications and the necessary documentation of the construction. In addition to the survey for the restoration team were conducted site studies for the understanding of the masonry stratigraphy and to develop descriptive apparatuses of the mosaic surfaces highlighted by the restorations. CREDITS Architectural survey of the Complex of the Basilica of the Nativity in support of the restoration and consolidation work of the church Scientific Board: Stefano Bertocci (UNIFI | DIDA), Sandro Parrinello (DICAr UNIPV) Participants (UNIFI | DIDA): Francesco Tioli, Francesca Picchio, Sara Porzilli, Pietro Becherini, Monica Bercigli, Matteo Bigongiari Employer: Palestinian Presidential National Committee Contractor: Piacentie S.p.A.

PUBLICATIONS Pietro Becherini, The Basilica of the Nativity. Significant experiences integrated to the documentation of the restoration site, II° Convención Internacional de Ciencias Sociales y Ambientales, Universidad de Oriente, Cuba, 2017. Stefano Bertocci, Beni archeologici e tecnologie digitali per la documentazione. Tre progetti per il Patrimonio Mondiale Unesco: Villa Adriana a Tivoli, Roma; La Fortezza di Masada (Israele); La Basilica della Natività a Betlemme. Disegno e Architettura 1986 - 2016, trenta anni di investigazione. Alcalà de Henares, 2016. Sandro Parrinello, Disegno in Terra Santa: esperienze di rilievo e di analisi per la documentazione ed il recupero di siti in Medio Oriente. in “UID 2016. Le ragioni del disegno”. Firenze 2016.

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Architectural and Environmental Survey and Representation

Documentation project for the rehabilitation of Maqam Al-Nabi Musa in Jericho (Palestine)

JOINT LABORATORY LS3D Scientific Board UNIFI | DIDA Stefano Bertocci Address room B26 Santa Verdiana Piazza L. Ghiberti, 27 Firenze UNIPV | DICAr Sandro Parrinello Address Via Ferrata, 3 Pavia UNIFI | DISPAA Riziero Tiberi Address Piazzale delle Cascine, 18 Firenze Partnership SISMA s.r.l.s. Piacenti S.p.a. Microgeo s.r.l. SINECO S.p.a. Digitarca s.a.s.


In the sphere of the defence of the occupied Palestinian Territories and valorisation of local culture and heritage, it fits this project which aims at safeguarding and promoting the maqam al-Nabi Musa in the desert of el-Bariyah, candidate for UNESCO nomination, conducted with digital technologies. Laser scanner survey and photogrammetric modelling are useful to integrate the historical, typological and morphological documentation, aimed to operations of rehabilitation and promotion of the site. The survey has produced numerous sections of the complex, plans and a high resolution three-dimensional model used to create multimedia platforms for navigation in real time and for three-dimensional printing of a scale model. The project agreement between LS3D and UNDP is supported by the EU and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Palestine. CREDITS Scientific Directors: Stefano Bertocci (UNIFI | DIDA), Sandro Parrinello (DICAr) Project coordinator: Michelangelo Pivetta, Francesca Picchio Coordinator Assistant: Monica Bercigli Technical Staff: Andrea Arrighetti, Giovanni Minutoli, Andrea Pagano Collaborators: Raffaella De Marco, Pier Paolo Lagani, Davide Lucia, Vincenzo Moschetti, Elisa Pierini, Giacomo Razzolini, Marco Repole, Ludovica Rio, Giacomo Talozzi.

PUBLICATIONS Parrinello S. (2017) Il complesso di al-Nabi Musa in Palestina. Documentazione e analisi dell’oasi edificata. In Disegnare idee immagini 54/2017. Gangemi Editore, Roma, pp. 68-79. Parrinello S. Picchio F. Bercigli M. (2016) La “migrazione” della realtà in scenari virtuali: Banche dati e sistemi di documentazione per la musealizzazione di ambienti complessi. DisegnareCON vol.9, n. 17, pp.14.1-14.8. Pivetta M., Razzolini G., Lucia D. (2016) Rehabilitation of Maquam En-Nabi Musa Complex. In Proceeding of Conference REUSO 2016, Pavia. Edifir Edizioni Firenze. pp. 950-959.

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Architectural and Environmental Survey and Representation

Karelia landscape and traditional wooden architecture

JOINT LABORATORY LS3D Scientific Board UNIFI | DIDA Stefano Bertocci Address room B26 Santa Verdiana Piazza L. Ghiberti, 27 Firenze UNIPV | DICAr Sandro Parrinello Address Via Ferrata, 3 Pavia UNIFI | DISPAA Riziero Tiberi Address Piazzale delle Cascine, 18 Firenze Partnership SISMA s.r.l.s. Piacenti S.p.a. Microgeo s.r.l. SINECO S.p.a. Digitarca s.a.s.


The survey work on the Karelian landscape and traditional architecture, embedded within the European research project entitled “Wooden Architecture. Karelian Timber Traditional Architecture and Landscape”, is intended to enable understanding of how Karelian culture and history have led, over time, unique urban landscapes. The context of transformation, in which they were involved in both the behavioural habits of local populations both traditional architectural ones, which are mixed inevitability with models and with the administrative Soviet structures, were analysed in this scientific field in order to not compromise the conservation and enhancement of the historic, architectural and landscape of this country. CREDITS Scientific Board: Sandro Parrinello (DICAr) Partnership: University of Florence, DIDA; Università of Pavia, DICAr; University of Petrozavodsk; University of Oulu. Summer School students a.a 2013-2014 Professors: University of Pavia, Prof. Sandro Parrinello; University of Oulu: Prof. Anna-Maija Ylimaula, Prof. Kari Niskasaari, Prof. Petri Vuojala Tutor: University of Florence: Arch. Ph.D. Student Francesca Picchio, Arch. Ph.D. Sara Porzilli University of Petrozavodsk: Arch. Aleksey Borisov, Arch. Aleksander Kosenkov

Students: University of Florence: Francesca Betto, Leonardo Fabbri, Fiulia Franceschi, Pietro Galli, Eva Gelli, Giampiero Germino, Teresa Giglio, Maria Angelica Guareschi University of Perm: Kseniya Mezenina, Anastasia Kuznetsova University of Petrozavodsk: Ann Malykhina, Inna Tsulaya, Roman Shekovstov,Ksenia Veselova University of Pavia: Lorenzo Porcelli Kazan State University: Sophie Agisheva Shenkar College of Engineering and Design: Albert Buchkov, Igor Davidovych, Luise Kopp University of Oulu: Harri Ryynänen, Anu Säilynoja, Jaakko Pöytäniemi.

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PUBLICATIONS S. Parrinello, Attività di ricerca e documentazione dell’Architettura del legno in Carelia (Russia), in: P. Giandebiaggi, C. Vernizzi (Eds.), Italian Survey & International Experience (pp. 687-694), Gangemi Editore, Roma 2014. S. Parrinello, F. Picchio, Recomposing the landscape using structure from motion survey in the village of Korza, Karelia (Russia), SCIRES, Volume 4, Issue 2014. S. Bertocci, S. Parrinello, 3D laser scanner application in documentation of heritage risks: some experiences, historical towns and monuments in Italy, Malta and Russia, In Proceedings of 15th International conference and laser optics “LO-2012” (p. 78). St. Petersburg, Russia 2012. S. Parrinello, F. Picchio, S. Porzilli, Architettura tradizionale lignea e paesaggio in Carelia. Considerazioni metodologiche per l’analisi ed il censimento, DISEGNARECON, [S.l.], pp. 279-284, nov. 2012. S. Parrinello, Documenting of Objects of Traditional Wooden Architecture of Russian North, Vestnik Tomskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta. Kulturologiâ i Iskusstvovedenie, pp. 89-96, vol. 1, 2011. ahcv

S. Parrinello, Documentation of wooden architecture in Kizhi Island, in J. Saporiti Machado, P. Palma, P.B. Lourenco (eds.) Proceedings of Shatis’ 11, International Conference on Structural Health Assessment of Timber Structures, pp. 243-244, Lisbona 2011. S. Bertocci, S. Parrinello, Carelia: segni, immagini, momenti, Sezam Print, San Pietroburgo, 2011. S. Bertocci, S. Parrinello, Wooden Architecture in Karelia II. Timber architecture as a phenomenon of National Culture, Edifir, Firenze 2009. S. Bertocci, S. Parrinello, Il villaggio di Bolshaya selga. Architettura lignea in Carelia, publishing house karelia, Petrozavodsk, Russia 2009. Stefano Bertocci, Sandro Parrinello, Wooden Architecture in Karelia. A collaboration programme for the preservation of the traditional Karelian timber architecture, Edifir, Firenze 2007. S. Parrinello, Villaggi ed architetture di legno della Carelia, in R. Corazzi, B. Aterini (a cura di), La geometria tra didattica e ricerca, pp. 391-394, DIDA, Firenze 2008.


Architectural and Environmental Survey and Representation


The survey as a tool of knowledge of the structural deficiencies of sport facilities

AGREEMENT Scientific Coordinator Stefano Bertocci Address room B26 Santa Verdiana Piazza L.Ghiberti, 27 Firenze Researcher UNIFI | DIDA Marco Ricciarini

Among many issues affecting the territory of our country we must consider the difficult conditions of the sports facilities representing the daily theatre where we are facing the growth of thousands of children and youth. It is emblematic the huge gap that exists between the quality of the structures in relation to the amount of children, teens and adults who benefit from these places. This research critically deals with the analysis of some sports facilities of the territory of the Tuscan Region, presents the results of all the 3D laser scanner survey and the articulation of volumes and compositional geometry of the catalogued objects. The charts and process produced have been prepared by different methodologies and techniques of the discipline of the Survey. The documentation produced, made up of scale surveys, has been prepared through various operating methodologies and mainly through the use of 3D laser scan. An experimental analysis of 25 sports facilities has been produced aimed at highlighting the state of preservation and the organizational needs of the sports facilities themselves. CREDITS Research Project in collaboration with Comitato Regionale della Federazione Italiana Giuoco Calcio and Comitato Regionale della Federazione Italiana Ciclismo. Scientific Coordinator of the project: Stefano Bertocci (UNIFI | DIDA) Scientific Coordinator of the survey project: Marco Ricciarini.

PUBLICATIONS Stefano Bertocci, Marco Ricciarini, Impiantistica sportiva in toscana. Il rilievo come strumento di conoscenza delle carenze strutturali degli impianti sportivi per attivare un processo di valorizzazione e recupero, in atti del convegno REUSO2016_Pavia. Stefano Bertocci, Marco Ricciarini, Il rilievo integrato come strategia metodologica per la conoscenza delle frequenti criticita’ riscontrabili nell’impiantistica sportiva, in atti del convegno UID2017_Napoli. Stefano Bertocci, Marco Ricciarini, Tradizione ed innovazione nel disegno di rilievo per la conoscenza del costruito. il caso studio dell’impianto sportivo della “juventus academy” polisportiva Margine Coperta a Massa e Cozzile, Pistoia, in atti del convegno REUSO2017_Granada.


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Architectural and Environmental Survey and Representation

Le pietre del mito

Analysis of the monumental complex of the Capo d’Orlando promontory

AGREEMENT Scientific Coordinator UNIFI | DIDA Stefano Bertocci Address Santa Verdiana room B26 Piazza L. Ghiberti, 27 Firenze Partnership SISMA s.r.l.s. Piacenti S.p.a. Microgeo s.r.l. SINECO S.p.a. Digitarca s.a.s.


The study is aimed at discussing the historical, architectural and archaeological aspects of the Sanctuary of the Promontory of Capo d’Orlando and of the ancient castle, whose ruins are still visible on the promontory, in the province of Messina. It collects the research of various authors on the aspects of history, the architectural survey of the sanctuary carried out with today’s laser scanner and photogrammetric technologies, on the archaeological survey of the ruins of the ancient castle on which the current building of the sanctuary insists, up to the aspects of the diagnostic evaluations, of the static conditions and of the state of conservation of the buildings and of the ruins present on the summit of the promontory for the purpose of their conservation and valorisation. CREDITS Scientific Board: Stefano Bertocci (DIDA), Giovanni Minutoli (DIDA) Historical Research Coordinator: Fauzia Farneti (DIDA) Restoration Analysis Coordinator: Silvio Van Riel (DIDA) Laser Scanner Survey: Mario Manganaro, Alessio Altadonna Survey Restitution: Joni Alizoti, Stefano Lacala, Pier Paolo Lagani Students: Joni Alizoti, Stefano Lacala, Pier Paolo Lagani, Elias Terzitta, Lorenzo Rabizzi, Riccardo Sinni, Marco Repole, Daniele Gaoli, Stefano Iozzi, Riccardo Meriggioli, Giovanni Moraldi.

PUBLICATION Stefano Bertocci, Giovanni Minutoli, Giacomo Miracola (a cura di), Le pietre del mito. Analisi del complesso monumentale del Promontorio di Capo d’Orlando. Altalinea ed. Firenze 2014.

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Architectural and Environmental Survey and Representation

Montepulciano 3D

JOINT LABORATORY LS3D Scientific Board UNIFI | DIDA Stefano Bertocci Address room B26 Santa Verdiana Piazza L. Ghiberti, 27 Firenze UNIPV | DICAr Sandro Parrinello Address Via Ferrata, 3 Pavia UNIFI | DISPAA Riziero Tiberi Address Piazzale delle Cascine, 18 Firenze Partnership SISMA s.r.l.s. Piacenti S.p.a. Microgeo s.r.l. SINECO S.p.a. Digitarca s.a.s.


The research work carried out by the Department of Architecture of Florence and the Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture of Pavia for the administration of Montepulciano (SI) was aimed to study new methods of analysis and promotion of the city. The representation of the street fronts of the historic centre, realized in a decade of analysis in which it is carried out the study for the planning, has formed a corpus of documents useful for the realization of a three-dimensional model of the city itself. The model which allows a dynamic interaction with the urban structure, has been designed to develop tools for valuation of the activities and the historical and cultural heritage. It is possible through the determination of a structure of a visual interface and interactive multimedia which would transform the model in a real emotional space. CREDITS Scientific Board: Stefano Bertocci (DIDA), Sandro Parrinello Participants: Francesca Picchio, Sara Bua, Filippo Bardini IDEM ADV for the develop of Montepulciano Tour app. PUBLICATIONS Stefano Bertocci, Sandro Parrinello, Sara Bua, Francesca Picchio, Montepulciano 3D: modelli virtuali per l’urbanistica e lo sviluppo dell’ambiente urbano, in DISEGNARECON vol. 7 n, 13,Bologna, 2014.

Stefano Bertocci, Lorenzo Bianchini, Sandro Parrinello, La schedatura del centro storico di Montepulciano, in Piano Strutturale. Comune di Montepulciano, Montepulciano, 2004. Stefano Bertocci, L. Bianchini, Sandro Parrinello, La documentación y la valorizatión del centro histórico de Montepulciano. Nuevas tecnologias al dervicio de la planificatión urbana, in «Noveno Seminario International Forum UNESCO, 11-15 Ottobre 2004, Buenos Aires.

Stefano Bertocci, Sandro Parrinello, Rilievo e Piano di Gestione per il Centro storico di Montepulciano, in P. Clini, N. Lsncioni, R. Quattrini, (a cura di) atti del convegno EARCOM 07 Sistemi informativi per l’Architettura, Alinea editore, Firenze,2007.

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Architectural and Environmental Survey and Representation


Masada Research Project Digital Survey in Archaeology

JOINT LAB LS3D Scientific Board UNIFI | DIDA Stefano Bertocci Address room B26 Santa Verdiana Piazza L. Ghiberti, 27 Firenze UNIPV | DICAr Sandro Parrinello Address Via Ferrata, 3 Pavia UNIFI | DISPAA Riziero Tiberi Address Piazzale delle Cascine, 18 Firenze Partnership SISMA s.r.l.s. Piacenti S.p.a. Microgeo s.r.l. SINECO S.p.a. Digitarca s.a.s.

MRP-Masada Research Project has been developed by Joint Laboratory University-Enterprise LS3D Landscape Survey & Design of University of Pavia and University of Florence in collaboration with Shenkar College of Tel Aviv. The project, still under study, has a multidisciplinary nature, started in 2013 and it is still ongoing. It has the primary objective of experimenting various digital technologies in order to make a complete documentation of the archaeological site now protected by UNESCO. The research program for the documentation of the archaeological site of Masada has provided measurement campaigns organized in a three-year cycle of activity and thematic seminars in which the research is integrated to teaching and involving students, that usually are in the last years of degree course, PhD students, researchers and professors. The aim of the project is the development and systematization of a methodology for acquiring and processing data related to the site documentation and morphometric characteristics of the entire archaeological area. The research has led to the creation of a database which, together with the geometric data, allows to reconstruct the complex image of this interconnected system of different historical reality, from the archaeological site till the modern museum, in which even the most modest element is organized according o historical features that the survey must be able to know how to interpret. CREDITS Scientific Board: Stefano Bertocci (DIDA), Sandro Parrinello (DICAr), Rebeka Vital (Shenkar College) Professor: Maria Teresa Grassi Technical Coordinators: Monica Bercigli, Sara Bua Tutors: Daniele Bursich, Filippo Fantini, Luiz Kropp, Francesca Picchio, Sara Porzilli, Reut Rabia, Mattia Ventimiglia Students: Maria Bazzicalupo, Ella Yajira Barel, Marco Benedetti, Benedetta Bertoglio, Albert Buchlov, Niccolò Centrone, Shanni Cohen, Anastasia Cottini, Ori Eliyahu, Matan Golan, Noam First, Adi Magen, Eleonora Mariotti, Andrea Scalabrelli, Trent Sherman, Arnon Shissel, Adi Ticho.

PUBLICATIONS Monica Bercigli, Progetto di documentazione per la valorizzazione dell’altopiano di Masada: il disegno tridimensionale come strumento di conoscenza per il quartier generale del Palazzo di Erode, in Le ragioni del disegno, Atti di Convegno UID - Unione Italiana Disegno 2016, Gangemi Editore, 2016. pp.91-98. Monica Bercigli, La trasparenza dei modelli 3D: il caso della chiesa Bizantina a Masada in Israele, in Tommaso Empler (a cura di) 3Dmodeling&BIM. Progettazione, Design, proposte per la ricostruzione. DEI Tipografia del Genio Civile, 2017. pp.164-177. Stefano Bertocci, Un progetto per il rilievo digitale del sito archeologico di Masada, patrimonio UNESCO, in Israele, In Italian Survey & International experience, Atti di Convegno UID - Unione Italiana Disegno 2014, Gangemi Editore, 2014. pp. 549-556. Stefano Bertocci, Sandro Parrinello, Rebeka Vital, Masada Notebooks, Report of the Research Project 2013, Vol.1., Edifir Edizioni Firenze, Pisa 2013. Stefano Bertocci, Sandro Parrinello, Rebeka Vital, Masada Notebooks, Report of the Research Project 2014, Vol 2., Edifir Edizioni Firenze, Pisa 2014.


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Architectural and Environmental Survey and Representation

P.d.R. Acciano

The reconstruction plan of Acciano

JOINT LAB LS3D Scientific Coordinator UNIFI | DIDA Stefano Bertocci Address room B26 Santa Verdiana Piazza L.Ghiberti, 27 Firenze Partnership SISMA s.r.l.s. Piacenti S.p.a. Microgeo s.r.l. SINECO S.p.a. Digitarca s.a.s.

The constant, continuous presence of seismic activity in Italy presents, once again, the theme of prevention; the earthquake in Abruzzo, as well as the one in Emilia, is a demonstration of how fragile our country is, but also of how an earthquake can hit indiscriminately both old and new structures, including manufacturing plants which are more controlled and controllable than residential buildings. The problem of studying, registering, cataloguing and recording information about historical centres and their stratification is well known; in fact, often a quantity of information, gathered while drafting research and analysis data, or also simply while copying the paperwork attached to building plans that were put forward, is lost because it is not filed correctly, or because not all the possible filing systems are known to us. CREDITS Scientific Board: Stefano Bertocci (UNIFI | DIDA), Sandro Parrinello (UNIPV | DICAr) Scientific Board for seismic vulnerability: Mario De Stefano (DIDA) Technical Coordinator for seismic vulnerability: Giovanni Minutoli (DIDA) Technical Coordinator: Carlo Raffaelli (DIDA) Collaborators: Sara Porzilli, Matteo Pasquini, Graziella Del Duca Laser Scanner survey: Digitarca S.a.s. PUBLICATIONS Stefano Bertocci, Il contributo del rilievo urbano dei centri storici italiani per il recupero e la prevenzione della vulnerabilità sismica: alcuni casi studi in Abruzzo, Toscana ed Emilia. In «UID 2015. Disegno e città. Drawing and city. Cultura arte scienze informazione.», Torino 2015.


Carlo Raffaelli, Metodologie di rilievo integrato in contesti urbani storici post-sisma. Il rilievo e il disegno come fondamenti del processo di documentazione e analisi per la Ricostruzione, Firenze 2013. Stefano Bertocci, A survey database for the control of the seismic vulnerability: Acciano in the earthquake area of Abruzzo (Italia). In «ReUso, Congreso Internacional sobre Documentaciòn y Reutilizaciòn del Patrimonio Arquitectònico.», Madrid 2013. Stefano Bertocci, Giovanni Minutoli, Un database per il controllo della vulnerabilità sismica: il caso studio di Acciano. In «Disegnare con», 2012. Parrinello Sandro, Raffaelli Carlo. El levantamiento integrado de los agregados urbanos en el centro historico de L’Aquila para la consolidacion sismica. In “IV Conferencia Internacional de Peligrosidad, Riesgo Geologico e Ingenieria Sismica y de Desatres” Cuba 2012.

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Architectural and Environmental Survey and Representation


Productivity and Urban Renewal in East Jerusalem

JOINT LAB LS3D Scientific Board UNIFI | DIDA Stefano Bertocci Address room B26 Santa Verdiana Piazza L. Ghiberti, 27 Firenze UNIPV | DICAr Sandro Parrinello Address Via Ferrata, 3 Pavia UNIFI | DISPAA Riziero Tiberi Address Piazzale delle Cascine, 18 Firenze Partnership SISMA s.r.l.s. Piacenti S.p.a. Microgeo s.r.l. SINECO S.p.a. Digitarca s.a.s.

The research activities for the documentation of a section of urban context in East Jerusalem is a part of the program “PURE: Productivity and Urban Renewal in East Jerusalem” and it has been developed through an agreement of cooperation between the laboratory LS3D and UNDP (United Nation Development Programme). The project concerns the main quarter of East Jerusalem, an area detected by the old city walls, between Herod’s and Damascus Gate, and by two urban roads (Salah Eddin and Sultain Suleiman st.) with the famous Bab Azhar’s cemetery rising on what the protestants consider to be the Golgotha. In addition to a careful assessment for the structural analysis of the buildings, the project foresees a census of the elements of the urban landscape with the creation of an interactive database and the development of a GIS system based on the 3D model. The project led to the proposal of a master plan of the entire area aimed at the redevelopment and also to the development of the tourist attraction of the area that lies close to the monumental part of the old city. CREDITS Scientific Board: Stefano Bertocci (DIDA), Sandro Parrinello (UNIPV | DICAr) Technical Coordinator: Francesca Picchio (UNIPV | DICAr), Michelangelo Pivetta (DIDA), Giovanni Minutoli (DIDA) Participants: Pietro Becherini, Raffaella De Marco, Francesca Galasso, Monica Bercigli, Matteo Bigongiari, Davide Lucia, Giacomo Razzolini, Emiliano Morvillo. PUBLICATIONS Sandro Parrinello, Monica Bercigli, Raffaella De Marco, Gerusalemme est: sistemi cartografici 3D per il censimento urbano e di siti monumentali islamici. In «Reuso Granada 2017. V Congreso Internacional sobre documentación, conservación y reutilización del patrimonio arquitectónico y paisajístico.», Granada 2017. Sandro Parrinello, Francesca Picchio, Pietro Becherini, Metodologie integrate di documentazione per una proposta di urban renewal a Gerusalemme est. In «Reuso Granada 2017. V Congreso Internacional sobre documentación, conservación y reutilización del patrimonio arquitectónico y paisajístico.», Granada 2017.


Stefano Bertocci, Giovanni Minutoli, Matteo Bigongiari, Il rilievo strutturale per l’analisi della stabilità e vulnerabilità degli edifici lungo Salah Eddin street e Sultan Suleiman street a Gerusalemme Est. In «Reuso Granada 2017. V Congreso Internacional sobre documentación, conservación y reutilización del patrimonio arquitectónico y paisajístico.», Granada 2017. Stefano Bertocci, Monica Bercigli, Matteo Bigongiari, Vincenzo Moschetti, Rereading to Rewrite: Documentation and Requalification of Mediterranean Historical Centers, Jerusalem and Taranto Case In «Abstracts 7th Annual International Conference on Urban Studies & Planning 5-8 June 2017, Athens, Greece», Atene 2017. Sandro Parrinello, Disegno in Terra Santa: esperienze di rilievo e di analisi per la documentazione ed il recupero di siti in Medio Oriente. In «UID 2016. Le ragioni del disegno», Firenze 2016.

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Architectural and Environmental Survey and Representation

Samara and its urban landscape

JOINT LAB LS3D Scientific Board UNIFI | DIDA Stefano Bertocci Address room B26 Santa Verdiana Piazza L. Ghiberti, 27 Firenze UNIPV | DICAr Sandro Parrinello Address Via Ferrata, 3 Pavia UNIFI | DISPAA Riziero Tiberi Address Piazzale delle Cascine, 18 Firenze Partnership SISMA s.r.l.s. Piacenti S.p.a. Microgeo s.r.l. SINECO S.p.a. Digitarca s.a.s.


Within an activity that covers a period of a decade, the DIDA, Department of Architecture of Florence, together with the Laboratory of Landscape, Survey and Design of the University of Florence and the University of Pavia, addresses the issue of the protection of Cultural and Environmental Heritage of our cities, with the main purpose of analysis and understanding of the formal organization of Historic Centres and foreign countries, physically far but culturally neighbours. Cultural links between the Department of Architecture of the University of Florence and some of Universities and territorial administrations and institutions in the North-Eastern of Russia, developed during a period ranging from 2006 to 2016, have helped to bolster or establish relations with customers at different levels, able even nowadays to generate interesting interdepartmental collaboration projects. The researching project about the historic centre of the city of Samara is focused on the descriptive understanding of the aspects that characterize it, a critical and analytical attitude that sees the choice of a possible methodological approach able to individuate the unique aspects and relationship of the public space. The research path tries therefore to provide through a methodological proposal to explain in a single representative system the criticality and potentiality aspects of the landscape. CREDITS Scientific Board: Prof. Stefano Bertocci, University of Florence, Prof. Sandro Parrinello, University of Pavia, Prof. Efim G. Vyshkin, University of Samara Tutors: Dott. Arch. Francesca Picchio, Univeristy of Florence, Stafeev Ivan, University of Samara,Trebunskikh Andrew, University of Samara Students: Maria Romanova, Diana Shabalova,Andrei Savinov, Alfiya Chametova, Katia Tuisheva, Kirill Sidorov, Veniamin Trifonov Olga Ceccherini, Elena Bernini,Kim Alexander, Maria Mokhova, Pima Baskakov, Oksana Plieva, Maria Shakhna-Zarova, Kate Ilyashenko,Nigar Mirzoyera, Hlena Linuytina, Misha

Myatezhin, Margherita Bacci, Federico Cioli, Polina Surina, Jenia Presnyakova, Oxana Vlasova, Nastya Pisareva, Alexander Lietovchenco, Nastya Filimonova, Lena Bratishova, Anya Undina, Xenia Malcova, Irena Stankovic, Tommaso Laezza. PUBLICATION Francesca Picchio, Samara e il suo paesaggio urbano, metodologie di analisi e acquisizione dello spazio pubblico, Edifir, Firenze 2016.

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Architectural and Environmental Survey and Representation

Santa Maria La Reàl Cathedral in Sasamòn

INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION Scientific Coordinator UNIFI | DIDA Stefano Bertocci Address room B26 Santa Verdiana Piazza L.Ghiberti, 27 Firenze Partnership SISMA s.r.l.s. Piacenti S.p.a. Microgeo s.r.l. SINECO S.p.a. Digitarca s.a.s.

For a first approach to the territorial system of the path to Santiago, so rich of magnificent examples of architecture, it was considered Santa Maria La Real Cathedral, situated near Burgos on one of the paths of the Way. It is a large religious building, which over time has undergone changes during its first building and with the successive restorations, as you would expect in an existing building since at least the XII century. The study of the monument comes primarily from the real need to draw up a project for the restoration and consolidation of the whole complex. The design on one hand puts it in a static safety and on the other allows its use to the visitors through the organization of the museum, that today is partly decommissioned. Combining different experts in the various subjects concerned it was possible to meet this need: implementing a 3D laser scanner survey campaign, has been necessary as a preliminary basis to understanding the monument; with the creation of architectural 2D restitution (plans, section and elevation of the building) a series of thematic tables for the registration of subsequent diagnostic investigations on the degradation, stratigraphy and the instabilities and deformations of the walls have been carried out. CREDITS La Cattedrale di Santa Maria La Reàl a Sasamòn Scientific Board: Stefano Bertocci (DIDA), Susana Mora (ETSAM), Giovanni Minutoli (DIDA) Survey Coordinator: Giovanni Pancani (DIDA), Matteo Bigongiari (DIDA) Concept Design coordinators: Paola Puma (DIDA), Andrea Ricci (DIDA) Archaeology Coordinator: Andrea Arrighetti (DSSBC) Participants: Lorenzo Agliana, Giovanni Biscarini, Valeria Borghi, Arianna Borreca, Vincenzo Bruni, Camilla Danise, Francesco Di Ielsi, Marco Lombardini, Ilaria Luisotti, Irene Magni, Sara Marchini, Eleonora Mariotti, Elena Migliorini, Giulia Novelli, Andrea Pegoraro, Sara Penalver, Marta Perellò, Emanuele Petrilli, Maria Benedetta Quadri, Jorge Recreo, Adele Rossi, Marco Sabatino, Francesco Tesi, Gabriele Tori, Omar Hazael Valazquez, Teresa Valente


Tutors: Dott. Arch. Francesca Picchio, Univeristy of Florence, Stafeev Ivan, University of Samara,Trebunskikh Andrew, University of Samara Students: Maria Romanova, Diana Shabalova,Andrei Savinov, Alfiya Chametova, Katia Tuisheva, Kirill Sidorov, Veniamin Trifonov Olga Ceccherini, Elena Bernini,Kim Alexander, Maria Mokhova, Pima Baskakov, Oksana Plieva, Maria Shakhna-Zarova, Kate Ilyashenko,Nigar Mirzoyera, Hlena Linuytina, Misha Myatezhin, Margherita Bacci, Federico Cioli, Polina Surina, Jenia Presnyakova, Oxana Vlasova, Nastya Pisareva, Alexander Lietovchenco, Nastya Filimonova, Lena Bratishova, Anya Undina, Xenia Malcova, Irena Stankovic, Tommaso Laezza.

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PUBLICATIONS Stefano Bertocci, Giovanni Minutoli, Susana Mora, Giovanni Pancani (a cura di), Complessi religiosi e sistemi difensivi sul cammino di Santiago de compostela: rilievi ed analisi perla valorizzazione e il restauro della cattedrale di Santa Maria la Real a Sasamòn. Firenze, 2015.

Matteo Bigongiari, La Cattedrale di Sasamón: analisi diagnostiche e rilievo strutturale preliminari al progetto di consolidamento. In Sandro Parrinello, Daniela Besana (a cura di),”ReUSO 2016. Contributi per la documentazione, conservazione e recupero del patrimonio architettonico e per la tutela paesaggistica”. Pavia 2016.

Matteo Bigongiari, La cattedrale di Santa Maria La Reál a Sasamón, dal rilievo laser scanner 3D alla restituzione architettonica e strutturale per la conservazione del complesso religioso. In Stefano Bertocci, Marco Bini (a cura di), “Le ragioni del disegno. Pensiero, forma e modello nella gestione della complessità. The reason of drawing. Thougth, shape and model in the complexity management”. Firenze, 2016.



Architectural and Environmental Survey and Representation

Shanghai Shikumen Dong Siwenli Integrated survey for knowledge, reuse, and refunctionalisation

INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION Scientific Coordinator UNIFI | DIDA Stefano Bertocci Address room B26 Santa Verdiana Piazza L. Ghiberti, 27 Firenze

The project is born from an international collaboration between the survey laboratory of Professor Stefano Bertocci of the University of Florence and the Restoration Laboratory of Professor Cao Younkang of the Faculty of Architecture of the Jiao Tong University in Shanghai, with the intention to strengthen international relations between the two institutions and to achieve the common intent to understand and study the Shikumen of Shanghai. The Shikumen will be analysed from various points of view: historical, being this typology building the input of the urban development of the city; compositional, identifying itself in the uniqueness of western and eastern stylistic union; social, because by studying the needs of the population in the various historical periods we understand the architectural transformation; culture, having conferred an identity of its own and unique to the city. Keeping the deductive director, from the general to the detail, you will discover in detail the district of Dong Siwenli in the district of Jin‘An, so to know the state of degradation and the current situation of the area. The reason why the attention falls on this Shikumen resides in its antiquity and in its size, since always the largest complex of the city. Entering into the live project will be displayed the proposals for a correct and coherent redevelopment of the site examined, to give dignity and vitality to a district currently uninhabited and degraded. CREDITS Scientific Board: Stefano Bertocci (DIDA), Cao Youngkang (JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY) Technical Coordinators: Marco Ricciarini Students: Filippo Neri, Giulio Petri, Xie Ziming, Qian DU, Xinyan JI, Xiangfei Kong.


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Architectural and Environmental Survey and Representation

Surveying and diagnosing in the historic centre of Poppi

AGREEMENTS Scientific Coordinator Stefano Bertocci Address Santa Verdiana room B26 piazza L. Ghiberti, 27 Firenze Partnership UNIFI | DIDA

Within the activities of historic centre of Poppi that cover the period between 2011 and 2017, the historic centre was studied as a case study to address the question of analysing historic centres in terms of their documentation, preservation and safety. The work was divided into three areas: the realization of a reliable survey, an appropriate reconstruction of the current state and the identification of the critical elements of the building fabric. The survey was carried out using 3D laser scanning technology to obtain high quality documentation of the artefacts and a graphic display able to show their architectural value. Cataloguing was used to gather the information needed to identify the building system. The question of safety was also addressed both through the analysis of street fronts to identify possible deformations, and by examining the inclination of the straight sides of the arcades. A thematic summary map was realized using this data system. CREDITS Project scope: enhancement of cultural landscapes Scientific Board: Stefano Bertocci (DIDA), Giovanni Pancani (DIDA), Giovanni Minutoli (DIDA) Participants: Andrea Arrighetti, Matteo Bigongiari, Sara Giorgi, Francesco Tioli, Marco Tocchi, Gianluca Santoro Students: Valentina Fontanelli, Nausicaa Gatti, Marianna Landi, Alessandra Fratini, Francesca Romana Gentili, Elisabetta Bistocchi, Cristina Ferretti, Duccio Fiorini, Giammaria Gianferrari, Glenda Gianmatteo, Riccardo Leprai, Niccolò Bargagli, Margherita Basso, Giulia Chiti, Mattia Ciardullo, Martina Falleri, Irene Ferrara, Claudia Fusi, Niccolò Lippi, Daniele Galleni, Barbara Guastini, Lorenzo Leonelli Federico Cioli, Beatrice Conforti, Marco Grechi, Paola Chiriatti, Chiara Caroli, Lorenzo Fecchio, Bianca Amerini, David Artini, Elena Migliorini, Eleonora Mariotti, Valerio Mascia, Michele Giannini, Noemi Gangi, Irene Magni, Simone Betti Ferramosche, Giacomo Parrini, Matteo Innocenti, Gianluca Bigiarini Alessia Panella, Irene Poggi, Elisa Petruccioli, Giulia Schaller, Stella Venturini, Livia Di Maria, Silvia Francardi, Vittorio Galvagno, Annalisa Franchi, Lorenzo Rabizzi, Riccardo Sinni, Elias Terzitta, Marco Repole, Ilektra Anichini, Eugenia Bordini, Filippo Tiso, Alessandra Manzi, Cecilia Marcheschi, Martina Locchi, Lorenzo Albizi, Edoardo Larini, Francesco Lel-


li, Lorenzo Losi, Filippo Frediani, Diego Iacono, Lorenzo Loup, Alessio Gasbarro, Pantaleo Troia, Sebastian Page, Marta Gentili, Lucia Montoni, Anna Maccagli, Elena Baldi, Edoardo Tempestini, Alice Zaffarana, Marco Paolini, Leonardo Meini, Francesca Piana, Valeria Borghi, Stefano Amato, Tommaso Francucci Collaborators: Raffaella De Marco, Pier Paolo Lagani, Davide Lucia, Vincenzo Moschetti, Elisa Pierini, Giacomo Razzolini, Marco Repole, Ludovica Rio, Giacomo Talozzi. PUBLICATIONS Giovanni Pancani, Il Castello dei Conti Guidi a Poppi, la certificazione nel rilievo laser scanner quale base morfologica di indagini diagnostiche per la conservazione e la valorizzazione del monumento. The Conti Guidi Castle in Poppi, in Bertocci S., Bini M. (a cura di), Le Ragioni del Disegno, Pensiero, Forma e Modello nella Gestione della Complessità, pp. 1217-1224. Cangemi Editore, Roma 2016 (ISBN 978-88-492-3295-0). Giovanni Pancani, Il centro storico di Poppi, analisi a livello urbano per la valutazione del rischio sismico, “DisegnareCon”, Vol 10, No 18 (2017), PDF 9.1-9.10. (ISSN 1828-5961).

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Architectural and Environmental Survey and Representation

Survey of the historical centre of Pontedera




Scientific Coordinator Stefano Bertocci Address Santa Verdiana room B26 piazza L. Ghiberti 27 Firenze, 50122 Partnership UNIFI | DIDA

The historic centre of Pontedera has a regular urban plot and a mainly nineteenth-century building fabric, with numerous post-World War II insertions. The city during the Second World War was interested by heavy bombing, caused by the presence of the Piaggio aeronautical industries. The following reconstruction, together with the development, due in large part to the reconversion to the civil transport on two wheels of the Piaggio industries, has contributed to giving the city the today’s appearance. The metrical survey along the road axis, about 650 meters, which goes from Piazza Unità d’Italia passing through Dante Alighieri to Piazza Caduti di Cefalonia, was realized thanks to the agreement between the municipality of Pontedera and the Department of Architecture DIDA. The 3D laser scanner survey was performed to provide morphological metrical information of the facades and sidewalks that guarantee a linear development of about 1500 meters. The purpose of the survey was to create a digitized 2D and 3D database to form the basis for the project for overcoming architectural barriers in the city center. CREDITS Project scope: enhancement of cultural landscapes Scientific Board: Stefano Bertocci (DIDA), Giovanni Pancani (DIDA) Participants: Francesco Tioli, Matteo Pasquini


Students: Grassini Federico, Gherardi Michele, Fabbro Nikolas, Bientinesi Enrico Andrea, Gingillo Silvia, Hamiti Sonila, Landi Tea, Fontana Simone, Giannini Alessio, Fornai Filippo, Messeri Fabio, Monaci Elisa, Martelli Francesco, Moretti Chiara, Gazzei Mattia, Lotti Giulio, Francini Mirko.

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Architectural and Environmental Survey and Representation

The digital survey of the historical city centre of Brolo (ME)

AGREEMENT Scientific Coordinator UNIFI | DIDA Stefano Bertocci Address room B26 Santa Verdiana Piazza L. Ghiberti, 27 Firenze Partnership SISMA s.r.l.s. Piacenti S.p.a. Microgeo s.r.l. SINECO S.p.a. Digitarca s.a.s.

The project shows a research on the historical centre of Brolo, which is affected by methods of investigation but also by considerations born from the analysis of national and regional regulations in force. The project develops following detection methods for the protection of historic centres, addressing various themes that contribute and are indispensable for the preparation of a correct cognitive framework of the historical centre of Brolo, but also for the drafting of a redevelopment plan. The documentation and knowledge of the heritage, especially if aimed at the planning of restoration and conservation, requires the setting up of numerous knowledge and numerous investigation practices; the “drawing”, in its wide and open concerns, is the tool through which to collect this information, both during the survey phases in the countryside and in the technical drawings, where the graphics and the drawing reproduce this same method of reading through signs and symbols from which to read the forms of the building. The research project on the historic centre of Brolo becomes part of a research path that in the same territory has already seen the analysis of the centres of Naso, Ficarra, Capo d’Orlando, Messina. With a view to protection and knowledge that wants to become a model of development for a territory with significant potential. CREDITS Scientific Board: Stefano Bertocci (DIDA), Giovanni Minutoli (DIDA) Survey coordinator: Matteo Bigongiari (DIDA) Archeology coordinator: Andrea Arrighetti (UNISI) Partecipants: Marco Repole, Pierpaolo Lagani Students: Chiara Livi, Ilaria Luisotti, Sara Marchini, Viola Mugnai, Claudio Re, Giulia Salanitri, Marianna Testa, Corrado Vella, Luisa Vincenzo Graduants (UNIFI | DIDA): Anastasia Cottini, Chiara Alessi.


PUBLICATION Andrea Arrighetti, Salvatore Gentile, Giovanni Minutoli, Bianca Terra. Studio per la valorizzazione e il recupero del centro storico di Brolo. Armenio editore, Brolo, 2017.

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Architectural and Environmental Survey and Representation

The district of Usolye in the territory of Perm

JOINT LABORATORY LS3D Scientific Board UNIFI | DIDA Stefano Bertocci Address room B26 Santa Verdiana Piazza L. Ghiberti, 27 Firenze UNIPV | DICAr Sandro Parrinello Address Via Ferrata, 3 Pavia UNIFI | DISPAA Riziero Tiberi Address Piazzale delle Cascine, 18 Firenze Partnership SISMA s.r.l.s. Piacenti S.p.a. Microgeo s.r.l. SINECO S.p.a. Digitarca s.a.s.


The aim of the research is to document the traditional architecture in Upper Kama region (Russia), in the districts of Cherdyn’, Solikamsk and Usolye. In collaboration with the DAda Lab. - University of Pavia and the Department of Architecture of Florence and the Perm National Research Polytechnic University, summer schools were held with the intention of completing documentation campaigns involving many students focused on the census of Usolye, where a commercial outpost of the Stroganov family is located. The industrial sector has many churches and remarkable architectures, which require restoration and consolidation works, placed in a romantic landscape, now facing the city of Berezniki. The project concerns the study of the construction methods and the census of the architecture, in order to understand the mutations of the landscape that characterized the transformation of the old town of Usolye. CREDITS Scientific Board: Sandro Parinello, Svetlana V. Maksimova Partnership: University of Pavia – Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture, PNRPU – Perm National Research Polytechnic University – Architecture and Urban Planning Department, Municipality of Usolye, Usolye Historic Architectural Museum “Stroganov Chambers”. Summer School Professors: Prof. Sandro Parrinello, Prof. Svetlana V. Maksimova Tutors: Anna Shamarina, Iulia Bushmakova, Kseniia Mezenina, Ekaterina Meltsova Students: Federico Cioli, Andrea Campotaro, Giulia Montanaro, Luca Frigerio, Federico Gugliotta, Giulia Porcheddu, Anastasia Kuznetsova, Daria Davydova, Anastasia Parfievich, Alyona Pikalova, Elena Tokareva, Mariia Merkusheva, Raisa Nigmatulina, Iulia Pavlova, Alyona Pirutskaya, Alfia Sadykova, Iulia Shaikhislamova, Ekaterina Morar, Alexey Zaitcev, Yiu-

lia Shaykhislamova, Valeriya Kashevarova, Yuliya Lapitskaya, Maria Permyakova, Pavel Khriashchikov, Elizaveta Nizhelskaya, Elina Falakhova, Ekaterina Shaidurova, Olga Iscelimova, Maria Mushmacova, Julia Kazakova, Anna Abramova, Aleksay Leybehik, ARtem Maksmovskikh, Julia Shorkina, Yuliya Bushmakina, Anna Kalitina, Raya NIgmatullina, Maksim Androsov, Mariia Malinskaya, Tatiana Adamenko, Yuliia Ryzhkova, Polina Surina, Deena El-Mahdy, Omneya ElMogey, Rawda Aziz, Waled Shehata, Kareem Daef. PUBLICATION Federico Cioli, The district of Usolye in the territory of Perm (Russia): Experience of documentation for the valorisation of cultural heritage, in 2da Convención Internacional de Ciencias Sociales y Ambientales, 2017.

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Architectural and Environmental Survey and Representation

The documentation for the analysis and replanning of some historic buildings in Capo d’Orlando

AGREEMENTS Scientific Coordinator Stefano Bertocci UNIFI | DIDA Address room B26 Santa Verdiana Piazza L.Ghiberti, 27 Firenze Partnership SISMA s.r.l.s. Piacenti S.p.a. Microgeo s.r.l. SINECO S.p.a. Digitarca s.a.s.

The issues related to the restoration and reuse of historical architecture today appear more and more often at the centre of the academic and cultural debate. The new restoration and musealisation interventions that are taking place in Italy and abroad emphasize the issues related to the comparison between ancient buildings and modern interventions with a view to a better readability of the historical architecture and a better use by users of public buildings and museum spaces. To redesign an ancient space requires the realization of a cognitive path of the places and of the building that can be realized only starting from the practice of drawing with a systematic attention aimed at the technical knowledge of the places. Only through an accurate documentation of the building, completed by the structural and diagnostic analysis of the building, can one consciously design, to consider the restoration or recovery of the Heritage without distorting it but sensing its vocations and enhancing its characteristics. CREDITS Scientific Board: Stefano Bertocci (UNIFI | DIDA), Maurizio De Vita (UNIFI | DIDA), Giovanni Minutoli (UNIFI | DIDA), Sandro Parrinello (UNIPV | DICAr) Technical Coordinator: Giovanni Minutoli (UNIFI | DIDA) Laser scanner survey: Alessio Altadonna, Giuseppe Martello Participants: Michael Albanese, Ferdinando Aprile, Thomas Franci, Marco Grossato, Marina Ianiro, Mariagiulia Longo, Giulia Luongo, Francesca Messeri, Lorenzo Porcelli, Maddalena Riboni, Luisa Romboni, Pietro Rosso, Ambra Stivaletta,Gaia Nerea Terlicher, Francesca Tolomei, Francesco Zonca.


PUBLICATION Giovanni Minutoli, Capo d’Orlando. Il palazzo municipale e la città, studi per la valorizzazione e il restauro, Edifir, Firenze 2016.

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Architectural and Environmental Survey and Representation

Arezzo, Colle del Pionta Survey and digital restitution

Scientific Coordinator Giorgio Verdiani Partnership Associazione Culturale Academo “Roberta Pellegrini�, Arezzo Mauro Mariottini Research Group Giorgio Verdiani Francesco Tioli Andrea Pasquali Angela Mancuso Mirco Pucci Iacopo Giannini Giulia Chiti Anna Frascari Carlo Gira

The Pionta Hillock, near the actual train station and the San Donato Hospital in Arezzo, was once the place of a small fortified citadel, destroyed in the sixteenth century and literally razed to the ground to the point of making any trace disappear. In the twentieth century the archaeological excavations have begun to bring to light the remains of some buildings, making manifest the presence of important remains, the ‘iconographic apparatus that has documented through time this place, even if valuable, is often contradictory and unclear. Starting from 2014, following a research agreement between the Department of Architecture of the Florence University and the Cultural Association Academo, Arezzo, an articulated activity of survey, documentation and digital reconstruction of this place began. A process that allowed to begin rethinking the value of these place and the communication and valorisation formulas to transmit the historical and artistic value of this citadel reduced to rubble.


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Architectural and Environmental Survey and Representation


Emergency Limit Condition in Poppi

AGREEMENT Scientific Coordinator Giovanni Pancani Address Santa Verdiana, piazza L. Ghibert,i 27 Firenze

The analysis for the Emergency Limit Condition of the Municipality of Poppi began as a result of the agreement between the Municipality and the Department of Architecture University of Florence DIDA. The documentation work of the historical centre of Poppi has been realized with three progressive campaigns of metrical survey. Emergency has followed the indications of the Integrated Provincial Plan of Civil Protection of the Municipality of Poppi, drawn up in 2009. Strategic Buildings have been identified, to which has been assigned a progressive number, the identification of the strategic function, then reported in the ES tab. Once the ES have been indicated, the Emergency Areas have been included in the map, subdivided into: Areas of accumulation, hospitalization areas and waiting areas, which although not required by the C.L.E., are included in the Civil Security Plan. Once identified on the map the Strategic Buildings and the Emergency Areas have been traced. CREDITS Project scope: seismic prevention of small Italian villages Scientific Board: Giovanni Pancani (DIDA), Giovanni Minutoli (DIDA) Participant: Federica Pizzimenti.


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Architectural and Environmental Survey and Representation

Survey and analysis for the restoration of the fortress of Bagni di Petriolo




Scientific Board Stefano Bertocci Giovanni Minutoli Research Group Andrea Arrighetti Giovanni Pancani President Giovanni Minutoli Members Andrea Arrighetti Stefano Bertocci Andrea Pagano Giovanni Pancani Address Santa Verdiana, piazza L. Ghiberti, 27 Firenze Partnership UNIFI | DIDA


The fortress of Bagni di Petriolo (Monticiano – SI) has been documented since the medieval period, as attested by historical sources. The project made in 2016 moves within the framework of contemporary knowledge and methodologies developed by the disciplinary scientific sector of conservative restoration, following the criteria of archaeological restoration, using tested operational methodologies, with mainly non-invasive features and interventions with good reversibility characteristics over time. All preliminary investigations of the project have been carried out on the entire fortress, in order to have a good knowledge framework for the conservative restoration. On the basis of the acquired knowledge, the interventions to be carried out on the masonry that previously provides for the consolidation of the palimpsests and after for the protection of the masonry. Activities to support the specific construction were: envisaged, consisting primarily of cleaning, vegetation, debris and small collapses of masonry, for the scaffolding area. The stratigraphic surveys, carried out during the preliminary design phase, will be aimed at sampling the mortars identified in the individual stratigraphic units, so as to constitute a database that will be used to choose the mortars suitable for intervention. CREDITS Project scope: conservation of the landscape and cultural heritage Scientific Board: Stefano Bertocci, Giovanni Minutoli Participants: Andrea Arrighetti, Giovanni Pancani Collaborators: Matteo Bigongiari, Ilenia Caini, Giulia Ciampolini, Marta Gentili, Pierpaolo Lagani, Marco Repole, Francesco Tioli.

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Architectural and Environmental Survey and Representation

Survey and seismic vulnerability assessment of the Caracalla’s arch in the archaeological site of Volubilis, Morocco

INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION Scientific Coordinator Giovanni Pancani Address Santa Verdiana piazza L. Ghiberti, 27 Firenze Partnership UNIFI | DIDA UEMF EM | ADU

To the limits of the Roman empire, the ruins of Volubilis are witnesses of the glorious past of the settlement. In the first century B.C., the ancient capital of the kingdom of Mauritania, was recognized as municipium by the will of Emperor Claudius; in a period after to this statement, Volubilis was the subject of a process of urban reform that culminated with the transformations of the Severian era. In the III century AD, the city reached the apex of the splendour, with the construction of imperial buildings, such as the Temple of the Campidoglio and the arch of Caracalla. The arch, which can be seen in the skyline of the Volubilis plain, was built with stone blocks of the nearby mountain and is located at the intersection of the decumanus, the porticoed axis to the Tangier Gate, and the road that leads to the area of the foro. The work carried out by the scientific team, concerned the survey of the monument and the study of its seismic vulnerability. The survey was made by Structure from Motion (SfM) techniques, interconnected by the direct survey that was used for the control and verification of 3D models and its relative restitutions. The datas obtained from the geometric and material analysis were integrated with the historical investigations related to the seismic events. This process permit to identify the possible mechanisms of collapse activated by earthquakes during the time. The numerical simulations were finally provided plausible on the intensity and direction of the seismic events. CREDITS Project scope: conservation of artistic and cultural heritage Scientific Board: Giovanni Pancani, Stefano Galassi Participants: Matteo Bigongiari, Giacomo Zuppanti Collaboraors: Ilenia Caini, Giulia Ciampolini, Michelangelo Gadducci, Marta Gentili, Filippo Romani.


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Architectural and Environmental Survey and Representation

The documentation of the alleys and the streets of the city of Florence

AGREEMENTS Scientific Board UNIFI | DIDA Stefano Bertocci Address room B26 Santa Verdiana Piazza L. Ghiberti, 27 Firenze UNIPV | DICAr Sandro Parrinello Address Via Ferrata, 3 Pavia UNIFI | DISPAA Riziero Tiberi Address Piazzale delle Cascine, 18 Firenze Partnership SISMA s.r.l.s. Piacenti S.p.a. Microgeo s.r.l. SINECO S.p.a. Digitarca s.a.s.

The research project for the documentation of the alleys and the streets of Florence is aimed at the study and description of the urban network related to the area of the historical centre. This network is generated by a multitude of streets, hubs and paths, which intertwine irregularly and to which correspond specific spatial and dimensional characteristics. The alleys form part of this network and produce the most intimate dimension of the public space, allowing to cross the city from the inside, entering the ravines where “the rear” of the Renaissance urban fronts, are shown. The alleys show historical, social peculiarities and structural characteristics from which the documentation of the places can not be ignored. In these narrow and restricted spaces the visitor finds a particular concentration of intricate perceptual processes. The fields of application of architectural, structural, typological, geometrical and formal investigations have long found fertile and profitable applications integrating with extremely sophisticated survey methods such as laser scanners or immersive photography (spherical photos) with very high resolution and the related research methods developed in the field of architectural documentation and design. CREDITS Scientific Director: Stefano Bertocci (UNIPV | DICAr) I vicoli di Firenze Technical coordinators: Andrea Pagano, Sandro Parrinello Collaborators: Dania Mappa, Matteo Pasquini, Antonella Zanni. Via Calzaiuli a Firenze Technical coordinator: Monica Bercigli Collaborators: Pietro Becherini, Matteo Bigongiari, Chiara Odolini, Niccolò Olivotto, Francesco Tioli, Duccio Toti.

PUBLICATIONS Bertocci S. (2014) I percorsi nascosti: immagini e paesaggi della Firenze storica. In (Vv. Aa) Conoscere per progettare. Il centro storico di Firenze. Dida Ricerche, Firenze. pp. 143-147. Valentina Pinzauti (2017) I vicoli di Firenze, spazi urbani dimenticati. Sperimentazione di un metodo di documentazione per valorizzare i vicoli del centro storico di Firenze. Tesi di Laurea AA. 2016/2017, Relatore: Prof. Stefano Bertocci. Università degli Studi di Firenze - DIDA, Dipartimento di Architettura.

Via Palazzuolo a Firenze Technical coordinator: Monica Bercigli Collaborators: Pietro Becherini, Federico Cioli, Chiara Odolini, Francesca Picchio.


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Architectural and Environmental Survey and Representation

The documentation of the urban centres of the municipality of Terranuova Bracciolini

JOINT LABORATORY LS3D Scientific Board UNIFI | DIDA Stefano Bertocci Address room B26 Santa Verdiana Piazza L. Ghiberti, 27 Firenze UNIPV | DICAr Sandro Parrinello Address Via Ferrata, 3 Pavia UNIFI | DISPAA Riziero Tiberi Address Piazzale delle Cascine, 18 Firenze Industrial Partners SISMA s.r.l.s. Piacenti S.p.a. Microgeo s.r.l. SINECO S.p.a. Digitarca s.a.s.


The realization of an extensive documentation of the historical centres of the municipality of Terranuova Bracciolini through a system of cataloguing and census-sheets arises from the need to control the process of redevelopment of these areas, currently subject to a building regime exclusively binding but also, and especially, to understand how and with which tools to manage the operations of conservation, recovery and redevelopment of small historical centres that are part of the municipal territory. Therefore, the identification of the actions necessary to start a process of recognition of the urban systems of the municipal area appears to be a priority, through a detailed study of urban aggregates, building types, services, infrastructures, open areas, traffic, up to the analysis of the urban furnishing system to build a sort of value map that can positively guide the planned redevelopment process. The wide range of information thus obtained, reworked and organized in a digital way, allows to provide the local municipal structure with a complex and updated database. CREDITS Scientific Directors: Stefano Bertocci (UNIFI | DIDA) Building census Scientific coordinators: Marco Sani Technical coordinators: Graziella Del Duca Collaborators: Giacomo Bruschetini, Sara Bua, Andrea Pagano, Matteo Pasquini. Open Areas census Technical coordinators: Monica Bercigli Collaborators: Pietro Becherini, Eleonora Mariotti.

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Architectural and Environmental Survey and Representation

The hermitage architecture design systems and cultural landscapes

JOINT LABORATORY LS3D Scientific Board UNIFI | DIDA Stefano Bertocci Address room B26 Santa Verdiana Piazza L. Ghiberti, 27 Firenze UNIPV | DICAr Sandro Parrinello Address Via Ferrata, 3 Pavia UNIFI | DISPAA Riziero Tiberi Address Piazzale delle Cascine, 18 Firenze Partnership SISMA s.r.l.s. Piacenti S.p.a. Microgeo s.r.l. SINECO S.p.a. Digitarca s.a.s.

The hermitage is a place of difficult access, where hermits retreat voluntarily excluding themselves from society to lead a life of prayer and asceticism. If the realization of isolated places of prayer is common to many religions, above all Christianity is due to the diffusion in Italy of a large number of hermitages which, from the Middle Ages to today, constitute a large part of the cultural heritage of historical and architectural interest of our country. The Department of Architecture of Florence, together with the Joint Laboratory of Landscape, Survey and Design of the University of Florence and the University of Pavia, deals with issues related to documentation for the conservation and enhancement of the most important monastic centres and hermitages of Tuscany. In particular, the research, taking as a case study, the sanctuary of Monte Senario has expanded the documentation project of the holy places of Tuscany such as Vallombrosa, Camaldoli, La Verna and the Certosa del Galluzzo. A series of international conferences were organized, entitled “Eremitic Architecture, design systems and cultural landscapes” in order to show the researching result that were held in 2010, 2011, 2012 with the expectation of a final conference in 2019. CREDITS Santuario di Monte Senario Scientific Board: Stefano Bertocci (UNIFI | DIDA), Sandro Parrinello (UNIPV | DICAr) Participants: Francesca Picchio, Giovanni Pancani, Andrea Pagano, Tommaso Cianti, Maruska Nocenti, Riccardo Ceccarelli, Aurora Sorini, Rossella Moscatelli, Antonella Zanni, Filippo Bardini, Alberto Cappè, Azzurra Parigi, Matteo Pasquini, Carlo Raffaelli. Abbazia di Vallombrosa Scientific Board: Stefano Bertocci (UNIFI | DIDA), Sandro Parrinello (UNIPV | DICAr) Participants: Tommaso Cianti, Rossella Moscatelli, Antonella Zanni, Barbara Isoletti, una tesi su capelle, una tesi su chiesa.

Eremo e Convento di La Verna Scientific Board: Stefano Bertocci (UNIFI | DIDA), Sandro Parrinello (UNIPV | DICAr) Participants: Andrea Pagano, Raffaella De Marco, Francesca Galasso, Filippo Fantini, Silvia Bertacchi, Giovanni Minutoli, Luca Cipriani, Carlo Raffaelli, Sara Porzilli,Elisabetta Venco. Certosa del Galluzzo Scientific Board: Stefano Bertocci (UNIFI | DIDA) Technical Coordinators: Francesca Picchio, Andrea Pagano Participants: Pietro Becherini, Monica Bercigli, Francesco Mattioli, Michela Bigagli,Giacomo Talozzi, Francesca Betto, Salomé Sodini.

Eremo e Monastero di Camaldoli Scientific Board: Stefano Bertocci (UNIFI | DIDA), Sandro Parrinello (UNIPV | DICAr) Participants: Andrea Pagano, Lorenza Racano, Francesco Matta, Michel Quintavalle, Sara Bua, Riccardo Ceccarelli, Matteo Pispico.


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PUBLICATIONS Sandro Parrinello, Il santuario di Monte Senario, Edifir, Firenze, 2014. Stefano Bertocci, Sandro Parrinello, (a cura di), Architettura Eremitica sistemi progettuali e paesaggi culturali, atti del convegno nazionale di studi La Verna, 20-22 Settembre 2013, Edifir, Firenze, 2013. Stefano Bertocci, Le chiese del Sacro Eremo e del Monastero di Camaldoli: rilievo e documentazione per la costruzione di un “sistema delle conoscenze, atti del convegno nazionale di studi Camaldoli, 21-23 Settembre 2012, Edifir, Firenze, 2012. Stefano Bertocci, Sandro Parrinello, (a cura di), Architettura Eremitica sistemi progettuali e paesaggi culturali, atti del convegno nazionale di studi Camaldoli, 21-23 Settembre 2012, Edifir, Firenze, 2012.

Stefano Bertocci, Graziella Del Duca, Il primo insediamento dei certosini in Italia: la Certosa di Serra S. Bruno, in Architettura Eremitica. Sistemi progettuali e paesaggi culturali, atti del convegno nazionale di studi Camaldoli, 21-23 Settembre 2012, Edifir, Firenze, 2012. Stefano Bertocci, Il centro storico di Montepulciano, in Montepulciano perla del Cinquecento, (a cura di) Paolo Bacucci, Effegi, Grosseto,2011. Stefano Bertocci, Sandro Parrinello, (a cura di), Architettura Eremitica sistemi progettuali e paesaggi culturali, atti del convegno nazionale di studi Vallombrosa 24-25 Settembre 2011, Edifir, Firenze, 2011. Stefano Bertocci, La documentazione delle decorazioni delle chiese monastiche in epoca barocca: Monte Senario, Vallombrosa e Camaldoli,in, Architettura Eremitica sistemi progettuali e paesaggi culturali, atti del convegno nazionale di studi Monte Senario 19-20 Giugno 2010, Edifir, Firenze, 2010. Stefano Bertocci, Sandro Parrinello, (a cura di), Architettura Eremitica sistemi progettuali e paesaggi culturali, atti del convegno nazionale di studi Monte Senario 19-20 Giugno 2010, Edifir, Firenze, 2010.



Architectural and Environmental Survey and Representation

The survey monitoring activities of the monumental complex of the Podestà’s palace in Mantua

JOINT LABORATORY LS3D Scientific Board UNIFI | DIDA Stefano Bertocci Address room B26 Santa Verdiana Piazza L. Ghiberti, 27 Firenze UNIPV | DICAr Sandro Parrinello Address Via Ferrata, 3 Pavia UNIFI | DISPAA Riziero Tiberi Address Piazzale delle Cascine, 18 Firenze Partnership SISMA s.r.l.s. Piacenti S.p.a. Microgeo s.r.l. SINECO S.p.a. Digitarca s.a.s.


Many monumental buildings of the cities in northern Italy were damaged by the earthquake happened on May 20,2012. The Department of Architecture of the University of Florence started a collaboration with the Laboratory of Landscape, Survey and Design of the University of Florence and the University of Pavia participated in the monitoring activities of the monumental complex of the Palazzo del Podestà following the 2012 earthquake. The monumental complex of the Podestà’s Palace, connected to the adjacent Palazzo della Ragione and the Torre dell’Orologio, is located in the city centre of Mantua, and has been declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The Podesta’s Palace in Mantova was surveyed in 2007 by the Research Centre of University of Ferrara (D.I.A.PR.e.M), after the 2012 earthquake, the Department of Architecture of the University of Florence was commissioned to produce a new post-earthquake laser scanner survey to be compared with the previous one for the monitoring and detection of different deformation of the external fronts. CREDITS Scientific Coordinator: Stefano Bertocci (UNIFI | DIDA) Participants: Carlo Raffaelli, Giovanni Minutoli, Luca Cosimi, Francesco Tioli, Matteo Pasquini.

PUBLICATION Stefano Bertocci, Sandro Parrinello, (a cura di) Digital Survey and Documentation of Archaeological and Architectural sites UNESCO World Heritage List, Edifir,Firenze, 2015.

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Architectural and Environmental Survey and Representation

Cultural Rupestrian Heritage in the Circum-Mediterranean Area Common identity, new perspective

RESEARCH UNIT PROJECT CRHIMA-cinp Scientific Coordinator UNIFI | DIDA Carmela Crescenzi Address Santa Verdiana room D22 piazza L. Ghiberti, 27 Firenze Research Group UNIFI | DIDA Stefano Bertocci Carmela Crescenzi Marcello Scalzo Ulisse Tramonti Giorgio Verdiani Administrative Office Laura Cammilli Cabiria Fossati Gioi Gonnella Angela Quartulli Vincenzo Russo UNIME | DiSIA Alessio Altadonna Mario Manganaro Giuseppe Martello Stakeholders Comune di Massafra Comune di Palagianello CSS - Genova Museo del Territorio di Palagianello Comune di Sorano Centro Unesco di Firenze Onlus

The project activity of CRHIMA-cinp has been financed by Culture Programme 2007-2013 funds, Budget 2010, Strand 1.1 Multi-annual cooperation projects, Strand 1.2.1 Cooperation measures. The purpose of the Culture Programme 2007-2013 is to propose the revaluation of the cultural area shared by Europeans through the cooperation between creators, operators and cultural institutions of the countries participating in the Programme. Specifically, the Action of Cooperation 1.2.1 is devoted to the development of multi-sectored cultural cooperation, creativity and innovation and possibility of long-term cooperation. The project “Rupestrian cultural heritage in the circum-Mediterranean area. Common identity, new perspectives” has been ranked at the first place amongst the 108 candidate projects, with a rating of 95/100. - The total investment amounts to € 394,000.00; the Financing is equal to € 194,742.67 with a ratio of 49.80% co-financing. - The program of the project was completed in 24 months; the activities began 01/10/2010 and ended on 29/09/2012. The rupestrian culture - General information. The troglodyte architecture, rupestrian or underground, is a heritage cross and contemporary culture subdiva, implemented over time with variations and it is connected to all cultures. Living in caves is still present in many parts of the world, at all latitudes, with different climates and different types of soils. Climatic factors, integration or mimesis of the landscape architecture, economics based on the use of local materials, the variety and richness of the living space, tricks of light, are all factors that characterize rupestrian architecture and are to be considered. The energy crisis of the last decades, has led technologists and scholars of the built environment, to inform about the passive methods of air conditioning and bioclimatic solutions adopted in the ancient “houses of man”. In addition, the attention of multidisciplinary operators for the environment, collapsing in many areas, has focused attention on rupestrian sites. The project CRHIMA-cinp turns its attention to the some regions and municipalities of the partner countries: the island of Santorini in Greece, Andalusia and the Ebro Valley in Spain, the Loire Valley in France, Italy and Puglia in Cappadocia in Turkey.

Partnership UNIFI | DIDA (coordinator) ARCHEOGRUPPO “E. JACOVELLI” onlus, Italia ENSAPLV | Siences del’Hmme et de la Sociètè pour l’Architecture, France khas| Virtu Art Faculty, Turkey NKUA | Department of Energy Physics National, Greece UPV| Departamento Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica, España


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PUBLICATIONS The Specific activities of the partners are published in: The rupestrian settlements in the circum-Mediterranean area, DAdsp, Il David, Florence, 2012. Journey through the rupestrian cultures (CD rom). Music for bagpipes in the Mediterranean Area, with sounds and music of the Mediterranean area (CD audio). Website: www.rupestrianmed.eu.

Crhima Cultural Rupestrian Heritage in the Circum-Mediterranean Area, Conference Firenze 21-23 Giugno 2012, Abstracts. DAdsp, typ. Il David, Firenze, 2012. Rupestrian Landscapes and Settlements Chrima Cinp Project Workshops and Survey Results, DAdsp, typ. Il David, Florence 2012. EXHIBITIONS Massafra (Puglia), 2010.

Rupestrian settlements in the Mediterranean region. From archaeology to new practices for its protection and recovery. Massafra 2931 October 2010. Antonio Dellisanti, 2012.

Massafra (Puglia); Ortahisar, Mustafapaşa (Cappadocia), 2011.

Days of Study on the Jonica Earth. Rupestrian habitat in the Mediterranean. From archaeology to new practices for its protection and recovery. Massafra April - May 2011, DAdsp, typ. Il David, Florence, 2012.

Massafra, Palagianello, Sant’Eramo (Puglia), 2013.


Firenze, Sorano (Toscana), 2012. Thessaloníki (Thessalía), València (Comunitat Valenciana), 2014.


Architectural and Environmental Survey and Representation

Representation for knowledge preservation and improvement of the Mediterranean rupestrian habitat

RESEARCH UNIT PROJECT PRIN_2010/13 (13/15) Scientific Coordinator UR UNIFI | DIDA Carmela Crescenzi Address Santa Verdiana room D22 piazza L. Ghiberti 27 Firenze, 50122 Research Unit UNIFI | DIDA C. Crescenzi, M. Scalzo, G. Verdiani, F. Tioli, S. Di Tondo, C. Giustiniani A. Pasquali, A. Charalambous, A. Leonardi, T. Pignatale, L. Cammilli (admin.), C. Fossati (admin.), G. Gonnella (admin.) UNIME | DICIEAMA A. Altadonna, C. Marchese, F. Todesco, G. Martello css - Genova A. Bixio, R. Bixio, A. Maifredi, A.De Pascale, M. Traverso

From February 2013 to February 2016, DIDA has been a partner in the project “Rupestrian art and habitat in Cappadocia (Turkey) and in Central and Southern Italy. Rock, excavated architecture, painting: between knowledge, preservation and enhancement”. Funded by PRIN (2010/11) it was coordinated by Prof. Maria Andaloro of Tuscia University. The project, based on an interdisciplinary approach combining humanistic and scientific knowledge, has used innovative technologies chosen among the most suitable contemporary communication media applied to cultural heritage. Mainly, has been examined two areas in the European-Mediterranean context, of the most representative of Medieval Rock Heritage: the Cappadocia, which is the first of UNESCO World Heritage sites in Turkey, and the South-Central Italy, with the settlements of Puglia, Basilicata, Sicily and the case of the Sassi of Matera, declared World Heritage in 1993. Therefore, the habitat, a singular and natural anthropic opera union, is the core theme of the project, whose objectives are set out in the title: knowledge, conservation and enhancement. The Florence DIDA Unit Research has pursued its goals with the tools of “representation” and specific to the rocky habitat. Particularly, the Unit Research worked in Cappadocia in a not investigated area, located on the eastern side of the Göreme Valley, in the north of the Open Air Museum. The DIDA Unit Research, especially, has achieved a territorial survey of his landscape and architectonical unity, with its settlement structures in rock, that are on the ridge, and dug in natural cones, that characterise the Cappadocian landscape. Also, had been documented the Italian site Santa Marina Village, near San Marco’s ravine at Massafra, Puglia, and the east front of Palagianello ravine and its medieval and XVI century part of village settlements.

Stakeholders Italy Archeogruppo E. Jacovelli - Massafra Comune di Massafra Comune di Palagianello Museo del Territorio di Palagianello Comune di Sorano Turkey General Direction of Monuments and Museums of the Turkish Republic Archeological Museum of Nevşehir Department of Archaeology of the General Direction of Monuments and Museums Archaeological Museum of Çorum Belediye Kayseri Erciyes Üniversitesi


Göreme - Landscape Open Air Museum.

Göreme - Landscape Open Air Museum.

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Massafra - The ravine landscape

WORKSHOPS Survey in Cappadocia -Turkey 2015 • Antico Bazar della città di Kayseri • La casa Museo di Mimar Sinan • Soğanlı Valley e Tokalı Kilise Survey in Toscana - Italy 2015 • Rilievo del Villaggio di Vitozza • Via Cava di Sorano • Tomba di Ildebranda, Parco Archeologico di Sovana • Promozione e valorizzazione del Cultural Heritage del Comune di Sorano per Expo Milano 2015 Survey in Cappadocia, Göreme Valley - Turkey 2014 • Water system in the Kılıçlar valley • Complex aniconic Church XIII, Church 9, aniconic Church V • Landscape survey of Göreme and Kılıçlar valleys. Survey in Puglia - Italy 2014 • Landscape survey of Palagianello ravine and Massafra Survey in Cappadocia, Göreme Valley - Turkey 2013 • The pinnacle of St Daniel and aniconic Church 11 • Ortahisar: Chiesa Madre, Ali Torun complex Survey in Cappadocia, Göreme Valley - Turkey 2012 • St. Eustache Pinnacle, Church and settlement • Meryem Ana Church INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES The heritage of rocky landscapes: urban and rural parks. Tourism And Sustainable Development. Sorano, Settembre 2017 Insediamenti rupestri. Paesaggi Culturali. In FESTIVAL D’EUROPA. Firenze, Maggio 2015. DISBEC/UNITUS


Rock painting in Cappadocia. For a project of knowledge, conservation and enhancement. Research line from 2006.

PUBLICATIONS C. Crescenzi, The expeditious survey of Tokalı kilise in Soğanlı Valley. In Hypogea 2017, Proceedings of International Congress of Speleology in Artificial Cavities, Cappadocia 2017. C. Crescenzi, M. Scalzo, G. Verdiani, 3D Laser Recording and the “Naturalised” Urban Landscape of Göreme, Kapadokya, Turkey. In “LAC 2014 proceedings. Multi-, Inter- and Transdisciplinary Research in Landscape Archaeology”, Roma 2016. C. Crescenzi, A promenade in rupestrian landscapes of Cappadocia. Survey, notes and new technologies, in UNISCAPE_EN_ROUTE, a.I n. 4 2016. M. Scalzo, C. Giustiniani, Knowledge and fruition of the rupestrian monument between past and present. In “Contemporary problems of Architecture and Construction”, Pitagora Editore, Firenze 2015. C. Crescenzi, C. Giustiniani, G. Ricchera, Religious buildings in Ortahisar (Turkey). The Survey of the complex of Saklı and Ali Torun kilise. Hypogea 2015, Proceedings of International Congress of Speleology in Artificial Cavities, Rome 2015. G. Verdiani, C. Gira, A Trial of Digital Preservation: the Meryemana Rupestrian Church in Goreme, Turkey. In XIII Conference Culture and Computer Science, Bode-Museum, Berlin 2015. G. Verdiani, Bringing Impossible Places to the Public: Three Ideas for Rupestrian Churches in Goreme, Kapadokya Utilizing a Digital Survey, 3D Printing, and Augmented Reality. Open Archaelogy, vol. 1, 2015. M. Scalzo, Immagini come strumento di analisi. Una chiesa rupestre a Göreme (Turchia): dal film “Medea” di P.P. Pasolini ad oggi. In Italian Survey & International Experience, Gangemi Editore, Parma 2014. M. Andaloro, T. Pignatale, G. Verdiani, The Church of Meryem Ana in Göreme, Cappadocia, correct documentation for a meaningful heritage at risk. Proceedings of the 18th CHNT, Vienna 2014. C. Crescenzi, Rilievo e documentazione di paesaggi e insediamenti del patrimonio culturale rupestre del Mediterraneo. In Italian Survey & International Experiance, UID, Cangemi, Parma 2014.

EU Project CHRIMA/CIMP 2010-2012

M. Scalzo, Architetture rupestri di Marche e Romagna. Un esempio: la grotta Ricotti a Camerano. In Patrimonio e siti Unesco. Memoria, misura e armonia, Gangemi Editore, Matera 2013. M. Andaloro, R. Bixio, C. Crescenzi, The complex of S. Eustachius in Göreme, Cappadocia reading the relationship between the landscape and a very articulated under-ground settlement. Proceedings of the 18th CHNT, Vienna 2013.

Preliminary “on the field” collaboration Cappadocia 2012

M. Andaloro, C. Crescenzi, P. Pogliani, G. Verdiani, The St. Eustache and the Meryemana churches in Göreme. Two case studies of documentation about rupestrian heritage in Cappadocia, technical approach from the digital survey to the restoration hypothesis. In Digital Heritage International Congress, Marseille 2013.

PRIN 2010-11 (active from 2013) Rupestrian art and habitat in Cappadocia (Turkey) and in central and southern Italy. Rock, excavated architecture, painting: between knowledge, preservation and enhancement









G. Verdiani. Il vuoto e la sostanza: breve visione sul paesaggio della Cappadocia. NETWORK IN PROGRESS, vol. 13, 2013. M. Scalzo, L’eremo di Düdingen a Friburgo (Svizzera): alcune considerazioni sul culto della Maddalena in Europa. In Architettura eremitica. Sistemi progettuali e paesaggi culturali. 4° Convegno, La Verna (AR), Edifir 2013.


Architectural and Environmental Survey and Representation

Castles and Cathedrals

Santa Fiora and Arcidosso 2014-2015 From skin to hearth – Survey of the “Museo del Palazzo comitale di Santa Fiora”

UNIVERSITY-FOUNDED RESEARCH PROJECT (EX 60%) 2013-2017 Scientific Directors UNIFI |DIDA Cecilia Maria Roberta Luschi UNIFI |SAGAS Michele Nucciotti

Behind an architectural survey there is a complex knowledge path based on a real architectonic fact with a own historical truth. The survey means to emancipate yourself from the normal contest already seen and accepted to achieve a new dimension of “no-knowledge”. It’s possible to try to confirm its identity only if you don’t know anything about the object. “From the skin to the heart” means this: only continuing to ask the right questions you find answers to uncover the magister’s face, the building site’s fatigue and the technological strategies.

Scientific Coordinator UNIFI |DIDA Laura Aiello

EDUCATION ACTIVITIES Santa Fiora Project (AA. 2014-2015)

ACTIVITIES Laboratorio di Disegno e Rappresentazione dell’Architettura (AA 2014-2015).

Address Santa Verdiana, room C9 piazza L. Ghiberti, 27 Firenze

Arcidosso Project (AA. 2014-2015)

FUNDINGS Comune di Santa Fiora – Università di Firenze SAGAS: “Progettazione Museologica, Museografica e interventi di restauro del Palazzo Sforza Cesarini di Santa Fiora”, 2015, 8 mesi.

Research Group UNIFI | DIDA Cecilia Maria Roberta Luschi Laura Aiello Marta Zerbini Novella Lecci Alessandra Vezzi Francesco Rappelli UNIFI | SAGAS Michele Nucciotti Comune di Santa Fiora Comune di Arcidosso


The project has been developed as external activity of the “Laboratory of Drawing and Representation of Architecture” at the University of Architecture of Florence. The students have learnt the basic principles of survey and how to represents an architectural object by drawing. The subject of the study was “Sforza-Cesarini Palace”, the castle of Santa Fiora. With the University of Archaeology of Florence (SAGAS), the castle has been studied as centre point of a museum project, as it has been done for the castle of Arcidosso. The museum project of the castle of Santa Fiora has been delivered to the municipality of the city, and the museum project of Arcidosso has been realized and open to public.

Regione Toscana, Comune di Arcidosso, Università di Firenze SAGAS – Fondi EU-PIC: “Centro di documentazione sul paesaggio medievale del Monte Amiata”, 2007-2013, 48 mesi.

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Architectural and Environmental Survey and Representation

Silk Road

Armenia 2014-2015-2016-2017

Scientific Coordinator UNIFI | DIDA Cecilia Maria Roberta Luschi Scientific Director UNIFI | SAGAS Michele Nucciotti Address Santa Verdiana, room C9 piazza L. Ghiberti, 27 Firenze Research Group UNIFI | DIDA Cecilia Maria Roberta Luschi Laura Aiello UNIFI | SAGAS Michele Nucciotti Margherita Azzari Guido Vannini Paola Zamperlin Yerevan State University Hamlet Petrosian Tatiana Vardanesova

In accordance with the Erasmus+ application for the exchange programme between Florence University (UniFi) and Yerevan State University (YSU) the teaching programme focused on the subjects of Survey methodology and analyses of architectural heritage in the middle age, two main areas of research of the Chair of Medieval Archaeology of UniFi for which YSU requested a specific transfer of knowledge. The methodological and analytical tools of Architecture were presented taking into consideration case studies selected from the sites of Vaiots Dzor Region, where UniFi and YSU with the sponsorship of MAECI are conducting a wide territorial survey for studying the formation of landscapes around the Silk Road, mainly in Mongolian period (cc. 13th14th). In particular ARATES was taken as an example of a multi-period architectural complex (cc. 9th-16th) and the teaching program focused on the concepts of: site, architectural complex and building structure. Workplace training has developed on territorial bound sites. Areni, whose architect seems to have worked with Arates and Noravank too. The castle of Sbadaberd, where the use of manuelances from the site of the Tsagatskar monastery is suspected; and ultimately the Tsagatskar monastery, where the church of Sang John presents the usual metric characteristics of Sions of Arates. The constructive typological confrontation between the monastic sites and their territorial relations has laid a general picture on the territory of Vaiotdzor, becoming the basis of interdisciplinary developments. SILK ROAD (AA. 2015-2016) The activities of the project included: - Meeting with the Scientific Coordinator of the Erasmus+ Project at Yerevan State University Prof. Hamlet Petrosyan and with the staff and students; - Research cooperation with the Yerevan State University for the study of the Silk Roads in Vaiots Dzor and visit to the study areas; - Erasmus + Kick-off meeting.


The DIDA Department of the University of Florence, participating in co-ordinated research by SAGAS, became available to promote exchanges and relationships with YSU, graceful to the research activity begun in 2013 for the architectural sector.

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PIANO DI INTERNAZIONALIZZAZIONE DI ATENEO (PIA) A. Vezzi, B. Zamboni, B. Stefanini, L. Camilli, S. Piacentini, D. Rivetti. ERASMUS EXTRA-UE E. Pupi, E. Musolino, E. Corrias, R. Massaro, C. Santoni. ERASMUS EXTRA-UE TEACHING 2017 Cecilia Maria Roberta Luschi. PUBLICATION Galiela e gavit: parallelismi architettonici del mondo cristiano, 2017 The Making of the Silk Road in Armenia (C7th-C14th): Vaiots Dzor and Arates Monastery, 2015. ahcv

INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES International Youth Forum Yerevan University, Yerevan, Dicembre 2016. Convegno Conoscere, conservare, valorizzare il patrimonio religioso culturale, Verona, Marzo 2017. FUNDINGS Ministero degli Affari Esteri Missioni Archeologiche Italiane: “The Making of the Silk Road in Armenia: a light archaeology”, Italy | Armenia, 2014-2017, 48 mesi. EU Erasmus+ KA107, Università di Firenze - Yerevan State University: “International Credit for Mobility”, 2017, 26 mesi.


Architectural and Environmental Survey and Representation

Solomon Project

Italy-Israel 2015-2016-2017

Scientific Director UNIFI | DIDA Cecilia Maria Roberta Luschi Scientific Coordinator UNIFI | DIDA Laura Aiello Addresses Firenze Università degli studi di Firenze, Facoltà di Architettura Jerusalem Ariel University, Facoltà di Architettura Teaching Staff UNIFI | DIDA Cecilia Maria Roberta Luschi Laura Aiello Andrea Ricci Fabio Fabbrizzi ARIEL UNIVERSITY Yair Varon David Cassuto Yoram Gizburg Michael Rona ROMA TORVERGATADICII Francesco Taormina ACCADEMIA DI BELLE ARTI DI FIRENZE ABAFI Claudio Rocca


Salomon project ‘s goals are the study and the comparison between two different academic institutions. The common purpose is to train professionals able to meet other cultures and make living together in one city project. Florence and Jerusalem have in common unexpected matrices. The work that we are going to do is just to recognize the urban spaces structures and the city limits in order to design a shared social space. The structure from the Cardo and Decuman, now in a deep mark two historic towns. From this information, we must begin to educate new designers and architects new to a culture of contamination as the ages and history have made beyond the contingent. INTERNATIONAL ACTIVITY OF EDUCATION SOLOMON PROJECT 2015-2017 Solomon Project is the result of a work of years of dialogue between two schools of architecture from Università degli Studi di Firenze in Italy and Ariel University in Israel. This project consists on an international exchange between Italian and Israeli students that alternately stay in the two different countries, for a period of ten days or more, during which they work on two different architectural projects: one for a site in Florence, one for a site in Jerusalem. The students work together in mix groups, giving their contribution to the projects - a contribution based on a personal experience and planning method of their original university. The teaching staff is composed by six leading professors of each institute, specialised in different aspects of architectural planing and research. Therefore, the seminar structure allows students to get in touch with different cultures and different kinds of architec-

ture - from the historical point of view, planning methods, until theory and personal approach. In the last three years we investigated different issues and aspects of architectural planning linked to the two cities: City Walls (2015), Urban Square (2016), Architecture and Water (2017). These themes were examined for both Jerusalem and Florence, resulting in fascinating architectural projects. The constant comparison encourages the students to grow a new creativity, flexibility, awareness, and self-confidence that will be essential for a new generation of architects. Notably, the experience developed in small time eases and forces a superior and more profitable approach of two cultures that have many points of touch but also many differences. All these factors contribute to creating a fertile terrain for the professional and personal growth of the students.

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PIANO DI INTERNAZIONALIZZAZIONE DI ATENEO (PIA) F. Prodi, B. Stefanini, C. Santoni, R. Massaro, E. Pupi, S. Piacentini, L. Innocenzi, S. Aversa, G. Emilio, M. Quaresima.

PUBLICATION Idee progettuali tra Firenze e Gerusalemme, C. Luschi, 2018.

ERASMUS EXTRA-UE L. Pasqualotti, A. Keqi, M. T. Paciolla, F. Vestita, N. Giardino.

EXHIBITIONS “Solomon Project 2015: Museo delle Mura” Jerusalem Municipal City Hall, 2015.

THEMATIC WORKSHOP 2015-2017 M. Zerbini, N. Lecci, A. Vezzi, F. Rappelli, D. Rivetti, A. Coppini, B. Zamboni, A. Venturoli, E. Palestra (SAGAS), M.Pasqual, D. Toti, C. Noli, E. Costa, G. Romani, E. Narducci.

Around the walls, F. Fabbrizzi 2017.

“Solomon Project 2016: La Piazza e il Mercato” Jerusalem Ariel University, 2016. “Solomon Project 2017: Archietett” Jerusalem Ariel University, 2017.

EXTRA-UE TEACHING 2015/16/17 AT ARIEL UNIVERSITY Cecilia Maria Roberta Luschi, Laura Aiello, Andrea Ricci, Fabio Fabbrizzi.



Architectural and Environmental Survey and Representation

Food Markets in Florence

Scientific Coordinators UNIFI | DIDA Alessandro Merlo UNIFI | SAGAS Giuseppina Carla Romby Survey and restitution Alessandro Merlo Gaia Lavoratti Andrea Aliperta Agreement details Agreement between P.O. Archivi e Collezioni Librarie e Storiche del Comune di Firenze and DIDA (prot. 249541 del 14/09/2015) Thematic Seminar “Reverse Engineering and Cad Modelling for the study of historical architecture” Students Alessandro Bernardini Lorenzo Fecchio Flavia Fuochi Marica Gasperini Xavier Godia Marco Pescini Laura Serafini Valentina Tavani Carolina Tozzi Sara Verrazzani Marta Zacchei


From the documents prepared for the construction of the new ‘Mercati delle Vettovaglie’ in Florence, it was possible to recreate, with the use of infographic tools, an unpublished image of the urban form demolished by the end of the 19th century in order to make space to new pavilions. The analysis of the documents host at the Historical Archive of the City of Florence, together with data obtained from digital survey campaigns concerning the existing built heritage, permitted the realization of 3D models that illustrates the events related to these interventions. The combination of historical analysis and three-dimensional modelling gave the chance to create a video (by the Multimedia Service Centre of the University of Florence) that shows, in new ways, the evolution of the urban form during the construction of the 19th century market.





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Architectural and Environmental Survey and Representation

Survey and documentation of Mayan Architecture Guatemalan Petén

Scientific Coordinator Alessandro Merlo Research Group Survey and restitution Alessandro Merlo Andrea Aliperta Riccardo Montuori Agreement detail Proyecto La Blanca (Universitat de Valencia, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia)

From 2012 a DIDA research group has been collaborating with La Blanca Project — a program originated within the framework of international cooperation and aimed at the safeguarding cultural heritage of the ancient Mayan settlements of La Blanca and El Chilonché, parts of an archaeological area of the south-west of the Departamento de Petén (Guatemala) — documenting through the most recent digital technologies the architectural artefacts that emerge during the excavation campaigns. The 3D models are an increasingly indispensable tool in archaeological research too, because they support the excavation campaign, allow a ‘desk analysis’ of collected data and effectively disseminate the results, with irrefutable impact on their intelligibility.






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Architectural and Environmental Survey and Representation


Documentation and enhancement

Scientific Coordinator A. Merlo Research Group Survey, restitution and 3D modelling L. Aiello, A. Aliperta, S. Bertacchi, S. D’Amico, E. Del Grande, F. Fantini, G. Galeotti, E. Ganghereti, M. Gasperini, F. Grillotti, G. Lavoratti, A. Merlo, D. Troiano, U. Velo, G. Verdiani, M. Zucconi Topographic survey F. Tioli

Valleriana has an extremely recognizable landscape, characterized by the presence of ten early medieval settlements that still today show their very flourishing past. In 2012, the urbanistic tools used by the Municipality of Pescia recognized the historical, environmental and cultural value of the Valleriana and signed its integral protection identifying this area as a structural invariant. The enormous patrimony kept in the valleys of the torrent of Pescia and its tributaries, however, is continually threatened by carelessness, incorrect uses and lack of funding. The Municipality, sensitive to these issues, have been welcoming the initiatives promoted by the DIDA that is trying to analyse scientifically the settlements and to promote an integral project aimed at recovery, conservation and enhancement of the urban form.

History E. Bechelli, G. Benvenuti, E. Maccioni, F. Mari, G. C. Romby, R. Vanni Archaeology F. Andreazzoli, A. Meo Landscape I. Agostini, S. D’Amico, E. Morelli Iconology and Iconography C. Jelencovich, E. Pellegrini





Geology S. Di Grazia Architectural technologies and building’s structures A. Bove, P. Gallo Restoration S. Franceschi, L. Germani Architectural and urban project R. Butini Agreement details Progetto Valleriana (Comune di Pescia, Museo della Carta di Pescia) Thematic Seminar “Documentation and Management of Small Historical Settlements” students (A.Y. 2011/2012 | 2012/2013)


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Architectural and Environmental Survey and Representation

Archaeological restoration of the site of Rocca San Silvestro




President Giovanni Minutoli Members Andrea Arrighetti Stefano Bertocci Andrea Pagano Giovanni Pancani Scientific Board Andrea Arrighetti Stefano Bertocci Work Group Giovanni Minutoli Andrea Pagano Giovanni Pancani Address Santa Verdiana, piazza L. Ghiberti, 27 Firenze Partnership UNIFI | DIDA Parchi Val di Cornia S.P.A.


The castle of Rocca San Silvestro is located in the mountains of Campigliese, inside the Colline Metallifere; in this area, rich in historical-archaeological and naturalistic point of interest, was created the Mining Archaeological Park. The project of the open-air archaeological and mining museum of San Silvestro, which covers an area of 450 hectares among the hills of Campiglia Marittima, in southern Tuscany (Italy), derived from a specific research background. The first season of excavations at the castle of Rocca San Silvestro dates to 1984, and was carried out by the Medieval Archaeology department at Siena University, in collaboration with the Town Council of Campiglia Marittima, and departments at several European universities. Right from the start, the archaeological research set itself two main aims: a - The reconstruction of the history of this settlement by examining the material sources, in order to understand both the major phases of the development of the castle, in relation to the economy of medieval Tuscany, and the daily life of its inhabitants, and the way production was organized, with reference to the mineral resources present in the area. b - Enhancing a site which crystallized at the time when it was abandoned, surviving the deep, and sometimes dramatic transformations of the surrounding landscape unharmed. The exceptional state of preservation of the settlement turned the excavation into a unique opportunity to be able to reconstruct a social history of the technology in use, and to come up with a better interpretation of a number of aspects of medieval life. CREDITS Project scope: conservation of artistic and cultural heritage Scientific Board: Andrea Arrighetti, Stefano Bertocci Participants: Giovanni Minutoli, Giovanni Pancani, Andrea Pagano Collaborators: Matteo Bigongiari, Ilenia Caini, Giulia Ciampolini, Marta Gentili, Pierpaolo Lagani, Marco Repole, Riccardo Rubegni.

PUBLICATION Andrea Arrighetti (2017). Rocca San Silvestro. Archeologia per il restauro, Firenze.

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Architectural and Environmental Survey and Representation

Detection of the tombstones of the monumental cemetery of Pisa




President Giovanni Minutoli Members Andrea Arrighetti Stefano Bertocci Andrea Pagano Giovanni Pancani Scientific Coordinator Giovanni Pancani Work Group Andrea Arrighetti Stefano Bertocci Giovanni Minutoli Address Santa Verdiana piazza L. Ghiberti, 27 Firenze Partnership Opera della Primaziale Pisana UNIFI | DIDA


The research is aimed at a new photogrammetric survey to tackle the restoration of the gravestones of the Pisa’s monumental cemetery. It is situated in “Piazza del Duomo” and it occupies the north side of the extensive complex. The architecture opens into the square with a large marble wall interrupted with a series of blind arches. Inside, the building is arranged around a cloister (110 x 20 meters), over which the four galleries are overlooked, that are the illustrious Pisan burials. The cemetery, built from 1277, was completed in the mid14th century. During the Second World War, it was heavily bombed and it suffered a fire that caused massive damage. The survey was addressed to using a methodological approach aimed at integrating multiple data acquisition system. Through a 3D laser scanner, a metric-morphological basis was developed on which the subsequent processing was calibrated. A photo capture campaign has been conducted to meet two different types of needs. In the first, a 2D orthophoto was created calibrating the straightened photographic images on the point cloud. In the second a series of partial 3D Mesh models have been performed using Structure from Motion technologies (SFM), where for better evaluation of gravestones degradation it is possible to observe the morphology along with the colour. CREDITS Project scope: conservation of artistic and cultural heritage Scientific Board: Giovanni Pancani (UNIFI | DIDA), Giuseppe Bentivoglio (OPAPisa) Participants: Andrea Arrighetti, Stefano Bertocci, Giovanni Minutoli Collaborators: Matteo Bigongiari, Ilenia Caini, Giulia Ciampolini, Marta Gentili, Pierpaolo Lagani, Sara Porzilli, Marco Repole, Riccardo Rubegni.

PUBLICATION Giovanni Pancani (2017). Rilievo delle lastre tombali del Camposanto Monumentale di Piazza dei Miracoli a Pisa. RESTAURO ARCHEOLOGICO, vol. 2, pp. 74-89 (ISSN:1724-9686 DOI).

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Architectural and Environmental Survey and Representation

Survey of the frescoes and sinopias in the cloister of San Miniato al Monte




President Giovanni Minutoli Members Andrea Arrighetti Stefano Bertocci Andrea Pagano Giovanni Pancani Scientific Board Andrea Arrighetti Research Group Stefano Bertocci Giovanni Minutoli Address Santa Verdiana, piazza L. Ghiberti, 27 Firenze Partnership UNIFI | DIDA Parchi Val di Cornia S.P.A.


San Miniato al Monte with its geometric and typical Romanesque flavour, dominates the city of Florence from above. Historically it has been a religious and cultural centre of great influence, and it has also been a source of inspiration for the Renaissance stylistic flowering. In the upper open gallery of the cloister, a long and careful work of architectural restoration was carried out also in relation to the alarming deterioration of the state of conservation of the frescoes by Paolo Uccello. Their separation has allowed the extraordinary recovery of a series of spectacular sinopias, the restoration of frescoes and the discovery of further fragments of painting of high qualitative value. In particular SISMA S.r.l.s took care of the Texturised Scanning of the frescoes and the sinopias of the cycle of “Storie dei santi Padri del deserto“ (Stories of the holy Fathers of the desert) of Paolo Uccello, about 200 meters, with an acquisition mesh of less than 05 x 05 cm. including recording of the scans. Also Orthographic photos have been realized of frescoes and of very high resolution sinopias with photographic acquisitions of at least 15 pixels per cm, calibrated on the point cloud of the laser scanner survey. CREDITS Project scope: conservation of artistic and cultural heritage Scientific Coordinator: Andrea Arrighetti Participants: Andrea Arrighetti, Stefano Bertocci, Giovanni Minutoli,Giovanni Pancani Collaborators: Matteo Bigongiari, Ilenia Caini, Giulia Ciampolini, Marta Gentili, Pierpaolo Lagani, Marco Repole, Riccardo Rubegni.

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Conservation of Architecture and Cultural Heritage

Le Corbusier’s Heritage

Studies for its preservation and restoration

Scientific Coordinator Susanna Caccia Gherardini Research Group UNIFI | DIDA Stefania Aimar Francesca B. Giusti Salvatore Zocco Partnership Fondation Le Corbusier, Paris

The process of recognition as heritage has interested all social sciences, at least during the past thirty-five years. A process of recognition that, in the case of Le Corbusier, is closer to legend than to human or social history, and in which the name of the author takes the place of the objects themselves. Le Corbusier represents in fact a case study of particular interest: the study of the restoration of Le Corbusier’s works is a field of research which is, however, relatively “marginal” in the extensive historiographic production on Le Corbusier. The research attempts to analyse how restoration establishes a decision-making process, a mise en scène of social and heritage recognition processes that attribute meaning to the work and reconfigure techniques which carry in their core a fundamental querelle. The debate being between the conservation of the work as memory, as opposed to the function that architecture must exercise in order to be considered as such and not reduced to the simulation of an architecture. The restoration of Le Corbusier’s works places the crucial topic of the analysis on modern architecture at the centre of the critical and theoretical debate. Its theme and interpretation regard originality and authorship. The restoration of works such as those of Le Corbusier have reopened the debate on the subject of authorial architecture. The challenge of values presented precisely during those years by Villa Savoye and the maisons La Roche and Jeanneret, shifts the attention on the process that transforms paintings, novels and cement architectures into icons, with the reductionism and the survivals that this implies. A process that has not been studied much, even in the case of Le Corbusier, in comparison to literature, where the reception and critical fortune of the work follow more widely explored paths. After decades in which the scene was dominated by historiographic, critical and political interpretations, today it is restoration that entirely re-proposes the issues related to Le Corbusier’s architecture. PUBLICATIONS S. Caccia Gherardini, Un restauro circolare: la villa Savoye 1970-1986, in Studi su Le Corbusier, «Rassegna di Architettura e Urbanistica», n. 152, Quodlibet, Roma 2017. S. Caccia Gherardini, C. Olmo, La villa Savoye. Icona, rovina, restauro (1948-1968), Donzelli, Roma 2016. S. Caccia Gherardini, The “mise en patrimoine” of the Modern. Safeguarding and Restoring Le Corbusier’s Heritage, DIDA Press, Firenze 2016. S. Caccia Gherardini, La posizione delle immagini. Restauration fidèle fotografia cinema nell’opera architettonica di Le Corbusier. About images position. Restauration fidèle photography cinema in Le Corbusier works, in A. Berrino, A. Buccaro (a cura di), “Delli Aspetti de Paesi. Vecchi e nuovi Media per l’Immagine del Paesaggio. Old and New Media for the Image of the Landscape”, CIRICE, Napoli 2016. S. Caccia Gherardini, Trasformare una testimonianza in patrimonio universale, «Domus», n. 1006, 2016. S. Caccia Gherardini, C. Olmo, Metamorfosi americane. Destruction through Neglect. Villa Savoye tra mito e patrimonio, Quodlibet, Roma 2016.


S. Caccia Gherardini, Questioni di memoria, restauro e patrimonio collettivo. L’Unité d’Habitation di Firminy-Vert/Memoty, restoration and collettive heritage. L’Unité d’Habitation in Firminy-Vert, «Firenze Architettura», n.1, 2016. S. Caccia Gherardini, Parigi Lucca Firenze – Celebrazionismo e patrimonializzazione dell’opera lecorbuseriana, «Firenze Architettura», vol. 2, 2015. S. Caccia Gherardini, C. Olmo, Microstoria di un’icona, «Domus», n. 992, 2015. S. Caccia Gherardini, C. Olmo, Le Corbusier e il fantasma patrimoniale. Firminy-Vert: tra messa in scena dell’origine e restauro del non finito, «Quaderni Storici», 2, 2015. S. Caccia Gherardini, C. Olmo, The villa savoye (after Le Corbusier, une longue historie), «Do.co.mo.mo. Journal», 2015. S. Caccia Gherardini, Le Corbusier dopo Le Corbusier. Retoriche e pratiche nel restauro dell’opera architettonica, Franco Angeli, Milano 2014. S. Caccia, Le Corbusier restaurato, «ANANKE. Quadrimestrale di cultura, storia e tecniche della conservazione per il progetto», 70, 2013.

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Conservation of Architecture and Cultural Heritage

Le moderne est fatigué

About the preservation of Modern Heritage

Scientific Coordinator Susanna Caccia Gherardini Research Group UNIFI | DIDA Stefania Aimar Susanna Cerri Francesca B. Giusti Salvatore Zocco

Many researches have addressed the subject of the restoration of modern heritage and perhaps it is also for this same reason that modern heritage is fatigué. In the field of modern heritage we are often confronted with buildings that are still secluded in a limbo of criticism and history, and for which we even often lack adequate categories and evaluation criteria. Many of us are familiar with cases of architectural works that have finally been recognized as unique, whereas having previously been accounted as losses for not having met the “history” and their interpreter on time. Developing a self-awareness which allows to think about, at the same time, both the object in front of us and the historical-critical tools to understand this same object is, as a matter of fact, already a project. Thus, asking ourselves how cultural heritage, in the case of 20th century architecture, is being defined is an essential question to effectively contribute to its same patrimonialisation. The events and transformations pertaining to the concept of cultural heritage, including the notion of values according to which it is established which architectures and parts of a city are to be preserved, become a crucial point in order to understand the fortunes related to the restoration of Modern architecture. Therefore, the proposed researches aim at initiating a multidisciplinary dialogue without seeking at all costs specificities and barriers that identify even let alone timeframes. This way, it opens to those contributions that are suggested by the broad epistemological debate on the recognition of 20th century architecture. Such investigations are experimental, designed to include know-how, techniques, knowledge and practice. A small intellectual and training ground aiming at improving the project of restoration and developing a toolbox for the restorer. PUBLICATION AND CONFERENCES S. Caccia Gherardini (ed.), Le moderne est fatigué. About the preservation of Modern Heritage, DIDA Press, Firenze (being printed).

Le moderne est fatigué. About the preservation of Modern Heritage, series of conferences, Florence, April-June, 2016. Guest speakers: E. Pellegrini (IMT, Lucca); C. Olmo, M.A. Giusti (Politecnico di Torino); M. Dezzi Bardeschi, F. Albani (Politecnico di Milano); R. Fabbri (Università di Ferrara); R. Grignolo (Accademia di Architettura Mendrisio).


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Conservation of Architecture and Cultural Heritage

Piazza Anfiteatro | Lucca

Studies for its preservation and restoration

Scientific Coordinator Susanna Caccia Gherardini Research Group UNIFI | DIDA Stefania Aimar Francesca B. Giusti Salvatore Zocco Digital Survey Marco Corridori Alessandro Merlo Photographic Survey Paolo Formaglini Filippo Giansanti CNR | ICVBC Emma Cantisani Fabio Fratini Barbara Sacchi Silvia Vettori


The amphitheatre is one of the monuments part of the heritage grid of Lucca. The amphitheatre is a form-symbol of the identity of the city which has been preserved through the continuous transformations of the urban space. Having the old cunei been converted into dwellings during the centuries, the entire Roman structure amplified its oval shape, becoming urban space and the referential matrix for the connection to Fillungo street and the complex of San Frediano. The continuity of the cunei - simple units developing in depth - and the versatility of the load-bearing structures allowed the spaces to be used, through simple adaptations, as dwellings, storehouses or shops. Regularly spaced beams, common to adjacent cunei and set on the load-bearing walls above the vaults, allowed these spaces to gain height through the addition of wooden floors. By the end of the 18th century the amphitheatre, except for the perception resulting from the amplification of its shape within the urban space, was inexorably losing its legibility as independent architecture. Thus, in contrast with the idea of aesthetic isolation of noble architecture which had become dominant especially in France with the so called urban planning of the age of Enlightenment, according to which the expected isolation originates in part for identity reasons and not only from a rising hygienism. The intervention on the amphitheatre underlines not only a continuity in its use but also, and especially, a historical continuity which connects Antiquity to the Middle Ages, and unravels, through so many legible “stories”, the “recovered” monument. The choice to perpetuate the Medieval tradition is the tangible expression of a symbolic assertion of the values of the past, aimed at planting the principle of identity in the civic consciousness. The amphitheatre of Lucca is a unique case on the national scene. Having survived, albeit with modifications, the passing of the time its physical matter reveals the transformation it has undergone and its structure the evolution, while its appearance reveals the choices that have been made in response to the evolving needs of those who, through their use, have marked its path to preservation.

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PUBLICATIONS S. Caccia Gherardini, L’Anfiteatro di Lucca nel palinsesto urbano. Studi e indagini per la conservazione, DIDA Press, Firenze 2016. S. Caccia Gherardini, “… large and misshapen bones from notable bodies”. The amphitheatre of Lucca: ruin, spontaneous reuse and restoration, in «RA. Restauro Archeologico», 2, Firenze 2015.


S. Caccia Gherardini, “La bella curva dell’anfiteatro di Lucca”. Il ripristino della forma nei restauri setteottocenteschi, in H. Burns, M. Mussolin (a cura di), Architettura e identità, vol. II, Olschky, Firenze 2013. S. Caccia Gherardini, Reimpiego e restauro dell’antico: l’anfiteatro di Lucca nel palinsesto urbano, in F. P. Di Teodoro, L. Corrain (a cura di), Architettura e identità, vol. I, Olschky, Firenze 2013.


Conservation of Architecture and Cultural Heritage

The Chapel of Sant’Agata in Pisa Project of restoration

Scientific Coordinator Susanna Caccia Gherardini Luisa Rovero Ugo Tonietti Research Group UNIFI | DIDA Stefania Aimar Francesca B. Giusti Giovanni Minutoli Sara Stefanini Gianfranco Stipo Salvatore Zocco Collaborators Stefania G. Florea Pier Paolo Lagani Marco Repole

The chapel of Sant’Agata in Pisa represents a compendium of problems covering various fields and disciplines, thus offering a rare opportunity to investigate methodological issues in restoration. A building whose limited size only magnifies the problems arising when multiple material and immaterial components of a monument are to be managed. The intersections which the project of restoration has been based on are multiple: those proper to the object to be investigated and to the wide spectrum of material and structural competences, but also the points of view and the attention given to the building. Attention that emphasizes the relationship between the observer and the object, thus raising the question of how a restorer, a chemist, a geologist, a specialist in construction can conduct the analysis and create a shared dialogue at the same time.

UNISI | DSSBC Andrea Arrighetti CNR | ICVBC Emma Cantisani Fabio Fratini Barbara Sacchi Silvia Vettori Partnership Comune di Pisa


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Conservation of Architecture and Cultural Heritage

Architectural conservation in Florence City walls | Forte Belvedere S.M. Novella | Monastero Nuovo

Sistema Mura Firenze Drawings Chiara Benvenuti Gaia Bianchini Alessandra Caccialupi

The research began in 2015 thanks to the collaboration agreement with the Servizi Tecnici, Servizio Belle Arti e Fabbrica Palazzo Vecchio Department of the Municipality of Florence. The research aim is to gain knowledge regarding the maintenance and conservation management for the restoration of the public architectural heritage, in particular that owned by the Municipality. The project has been developed through research grants and theses. The monumental complexes involved in the project are: the urban walls system, Forte di Belvedere and the Monastero Nuovo of Santa Maria Novella. The research development includes the following: study for restoration, functional rehabilitation for the future conservation and enhancement of the wall system, towers and linked urban spaces (2015); study for planned maintenance, museum enhancement and functional rehabilitation for the future conservation and enhancement of the Forte Belvedere, the integrated system of walls and paths in the Oltrarno (2016); study for restoration, functional rehabilitation for the future conservation and enhancement of the complex of Santa Maria Novella and Monastero Nuovo. The in-depth themes concern the museum destination of the buildings already belonging to the former school of the Ex scuola dei Marescialli e dei Brigadieri di Firenze, together with the Chiostro Grande, the Dormitory of the Convent and the refectory and the Monastero Nuovo (2017).

Chiostro Grande (S.M.Novella) Drawings Anastasija Kuzniastova Roberta Ricci Federico Rocchi Ana Stojiljkovic

PUBLICATION Centauro G.A. et al. (ed.) 2011, Centro Storico di Firenze. Metodologie ed applicazioni di restauro nella manutenzione dei fronti edilizi urbani, Opus Studiorum/5, Lalli, Poggibonsi.

Scientific Coordinator Giuseppe A. Centauro Collaborators Andrea Bacci Federica Bilotta Giorgio Caselli Irene Centauro Daniela Chiesi David Fastelli Nadia Cristina Grandin Erica Ventrella Forte Belvedere Drawings Alice Casarin Giulia Ciani Mimmi Koponen Mehrnaz Partow Margherita Pelosi

Partnership Municipality of Florence Belle Arti and Fabbrica di Palazzo Vecchio Departement Translation Chiara Bocchio


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Conservation of Architecture and Cultural Heritage

Heritage planning for preservation of ancient villages Historic centres data management a restoration methodology in Campania

Scientific Coordinator Giuseppe A. Centauro Collaborators Irene Centauro David Fastelli Guido Iannone Giuseppe Scocca Antonio Tizzani Partnership Comune di Pietrelcina Translation Chiara Bocchio

The problems related to the conservation and management of the architectural heritage of historic centres are derived in large part from the difficulty of recomposing the complex urban fabric and the great amount of information drawn from it. Only by having reliable and up-to-date data, the governments and institutions can make balanced and effective choices in the allocation of resources. Thus, they can develop budgets for programs related to the protection and requalification of heritage, from the single building to the entire village. The research activity on the historic village of Pietrelcina (BN), as part of the Rural Development Program 2014-2020, has aimed at studying the surfaces and materials of the residential area to enhance the local architectural and landscape features. The research is also aimed at identifying programmatic-normative strategies regarding the redevelopment of the urban centre and the landscape with regards to the criteria and guidelines for the maintenance and restoration of the faรงades. In support of the research, an innovative management and data management system regarding the buildings and the faรงade units of the Pietrelcina historical building fabric have been introduced. This has been executed by monitoring the ongoing transformations and the state of conservation, and by assisting the development of more appropriate design choices, respecting the Urban Planning Regulations and the context.

State of conservation, Pietrelcina.


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Facade orthomosaic (drone aerophotogrammetry).

3D mesh and textured 3D mesh (drone aerophotogrammetry).

DEM - Digital Elevation Model (landscape analysis obtained with drone).



Conservation of Architecture and Cultural Heritage

Urban Landscape Preservation Colour restoration for safeguarding the cultural identity in Elba Island

Scientific Coordinator Giuseppe A. Centauro Collaborators Irene Centauro Daniela Chiesi David Fastelli Nadia Cristina Grandin Guido Iannone Alessandro Pastorelli Partnership Comune di Capoliveri Comune di Marciana Marina Translation Chiara Bocchio

The colour of architectural surfaces is the first evidence of the authenticity of the building matters, the structure and its eventual covering, through which it is possible to read the identity of the belonging factory. The restoration of the urban landscape considers the co-existence between colour, matter, monuments, relationships and aesthetic-perceptive aspects, treating the colour matter at several levels: • at an environmental and urban scale: in the relationship with the surrounding territory (morphology, visual impact, etc.) and with the urban fabric (streets, squares, etc.); • at an architectural scale: in the relationship between constructional, material and typological details of the same building. In the 2014-2017 period, research was carried out to safeguard and enhance the landscape and urban context of the Elba Island. The studies for the redevelopment of the historical centres within the Elba Island, such as Marciana Marina and Capoliveri, has been aimed at gaining knowledge of the mineral and chromatic matrices of the territory and of the environmental and architectural peculiarities, and at the protection of the cultural identity of the locations. The study of both structural and aesthetic-perceptive aspects has been possible through the use of different research methodologies and techniques, combining traditional study techniques (historical research, archives, etc.) with an advanced use of innovative IT tools for data collection, survey and representation (SQL Database, Data Analysis, Lines of Sight, etc.). PUBLICATION G.A.Centauro (a cura di), Progetto colore del Lungomare di Marciana Marina, Lalli, Poggibonsi (SI), 2015.


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Conservation of Architecture and Cultural Heritage

Fortification in North Puglia Medieval & Modern age structures surveys and diagnostics

Scientific Coordinator Michele Coppola Address Sezione di Restauro room 11 Via P. A. Micheli, 8 Firenze Research Group UNIFI | DIDA Michele Coppola Politecnico di Milano Cristina Tedeschi CNR | ICVBC Emma Cantisani

This project aims to give a strong contribution to the knowledge of the northern boundary of Puglia through the study of the fortifications. An interesting aspect is represented by the transformation and the changing of the defensive network moving through the middle age and the modern age. The investigation carried by the Dida in collaboration with the Politecnico di Milano is providing at first the digital documentation of these buildings. Typological and stratigraphic analysis clarified some construction sequences and technical features of the building’s life stages. We also identified all materials (limestone, brick, mortar, wood) and launched a campaign of instrumental investigation for the evaluation of decay phenomena and the monitoring of their progress. In particular we are trying to understand the role of the sea spray attack in the weathering of the stone materials, both along the sea and the inner land. In the studies of the coastal defences of the Kingdom of Naples, there is a widespread tendency to focus attention on the viceroy phase, extending its unitary nature, which in some cases does not correspond to what really happened. Built in the second half of the 16th century, for more than three centuries they have been exposed to weather and earthquakes suffering different levels of damage. The natural isolation of many of these buildings helped to prevent contemporary additions and interferences. On the “defensive minorities” of the north coast of the Capitanata, from the mouth of Fortore to Peschici. In particular we have investigated some of the towers of the Viceroys period, which don’t look to follow the standard architectural model provided by the decree of Pedro Afàn de Ribera: the Tower on the Fortore (Lesina, Italy) and the Tower of San Menaio (Vico del Gargano, Italy). Some interesting aspects emerged about material history and the transformations of the structures over time, but also significant relationships with buildings of the same period. The tower is located in an unique natural context. Whatever project aimed at the conservation and revitalization of this building should integrate the peculiarities of the environment and landscape of which it is part. PUBLICATIONS Coppola M., Tedeschi C. 2017, Ruins by the sea. Spanish towers in northern Puglia, between knowledge and risk of loss, in RIPAM 7. Rencontres Internationales du Patrimoine Architectural Méditerranéen. International Conference. Genova 20-22 settembre 2017. Coppola M., 2017, Before and after Ribera. Coastal defenses of Northern Capitanata in the early Modern Age in Gonzales Avilès A. B. (ed.), Defensive Architecture of Mediterranean. XV to XVIII centuries, vol. VI. Proceedings of the International Conference on Modern Age Fortifications of the Mediterranean Coast FORTMED 2017 - Alicante (Spain), October 2017, Universitat d’Alacant - pp. 183-190. Coppola M., 2016, Fiorentino in Capitanata. Cronache da un abitato medievale in Restauro Archeologico 1/2016, Florence University Press, Firenze. pp. 78-95. Coppola M., 2016, Torre Scampamorte on lake Lesina. Half-light zones in the maritime defenses of the Kingdom of Naples in G. Verdiani (ed.), Defensive Architecture of the Mediterranean. XV to XVIII centuries. vol. III, International Conference on Modern Age Fortifica-


tions of the Mediterranean Coast - FORTMED 2016 Florence, 10th-12th November 2016, Didapress, Firenze. pp. 419-426. Coppola M., Marino L., 2014, Stone Architecture in the Belus limestone massif (Syria): knowledge and conservation problems in 9th International Masonry Conference (July 7, 8, 9 2014 - Guimarães, Portugal) – Universidade do Minho. Coppola M., Marino L., 2013, Reading a building-techniques archive. Investigations on the Citadel of Tartous in Coppola, M., Garzonio C. A. (ed.) - Architectural heritage in Mediterranean port cities. Contributions and procedures for knowledge and conservation - Firenze: EDIFIR Edizioni. Marino L., Coppola M., Ognibene S., 2011, La difesa costiera di epoca crociata nel Vicino Oriente. Materiali e tecniche costruttive in Castellum (n 52, dicembre 2010), Verona, Cierre Edizioni – pp. 5-16.

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Conservation of Architecture and Cultural Heritage

Ramesside Architecture Stone Buildings & Decoration Knowledge & Conservation

Scientific Coordinator Michele Coppola Address Sezione di Restauro room 11 Via P. A. Micheli, 8 Firenze Research Group UNIFI | DIDA Michele Coppola UNIFI | SAGAS Gloria Rosati Istituto Papirologico “G. Vitelli” Firenze James Heidel MiBACT | Museo Egizio di Firenze Cristina Guidotti CNR | ICVBC Susanna Bracci Emma Cantisani Donata Magrini UNIFI | Dip.to di Chimica “Ugo Schiffi” Marilena Ricci

Conservation, knowledge, documentation and data-sharing are more and more essential in contemporary research on pharaonic architecture. This project is developed in order to contribute to the study and conservation of in-situ pharaonic architecture. The first part of this research is developed in collaboration between the Department of Architecture of the University of Florence, the Florence Egyptian Museum and the ICVBC-CNR of Florence. The main case study is the project of knowledge and conservation of the temple of Ramesses II at Antinoe is carried out by an interdisciplinary team of the Italian Archaeological Mission. The goal is to identify the stages of the building life cycle, through the study of its original formal and technological characters and subsequent transformations. Complete plans and elevations of still-on-place remains have been drafted. Stratigraphic investigations and analysis of the materials have been carried out on the columns of the court and of the hypostyle hall. Standard formal models and main technological processes have been identified, as well as specific solutions. Attention has been paid to the study of mortars and painting layers, especially with the analysis of pigments used in different decoration phases. The systematic recording of the scattered pieces is leading to a significant knowledge of the collapsed parts of the building. The project aims to reach its goals also through the study of the architectural fragments in museums around the world. Integrated methodologies for documentation and non-invasive investigation were applied to a fragment of a wall of Seti I tomb (KV17), kept in the Florence Egyptian Museum. This represents just a starting point for the identification of the further developments of the research. The primary goal is to achieve the best level of knowledge and documentation of this artefact which really needs an appropriate level of investigation after many years. The evaluation of the quality of data allows to define the extent of any laboratory analysis. In another way, the verification of the potential applications of this interdisciplinary approach, can bring together results in an integrated protocol, for the survey of similar artefacts. PUBLICATIONS Coppola M., 2017, Procedimenti costruttivi e disegno nel tempio di Ramesse II ad Antinoe. Il contributo dei metodi archeologici per lo studio delle colonne in <<Archeologia dell’Architettura>>, XXII, All’Insegna del Giglio, Firenze. Coppola M., Bracci S., Cantisani E., Magrini D., 2017, L’Egitto fuori dall’Egitto. La tomba di Seti I (KV17) a Firenze in <<Ananke >>, 82, Altralinea Edizioni, Firenze. Coppola M., Bracci S., Cantisani E., Magrini D., 2017, The tomb of Seti I (KV17) in the Florence Egyptian Museum. Integrated non-invasive methods for documentation, material history and diagnostics in Tucci G., Bonora V. (eds.), Geomatics & Restoration. Conservation of Cultural Heritage in the Digital Era. The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences (Volume XLII-5/W1), 22–24 May 2017, Florence, Italy, pp. 127-135. Coppola M., 2017, Notes for a building history of the temple of Ramesses II at Antinoe: the architectural investigation in G. Rosati, M. C. Guidotti (eds.) Proceedings of the XI International Congress of Egyptologists. Florence, Italy, 23 - 30 August 2015, Archaeopress Publishing Ltd, Oxford. pp. 124-130.


Coppola M., Rosati G., 2014, Il Tempio di Ramesse II ad Antinoe. Rapporto delle ricerche 2008-2012 in Pintaudi, R. (ed.) – Antinoupolis II. Scavi e Materiali - Firenze: Firenze University Press – pp. 121-152. Coppola M., 2014, Problematiche conservative del patrimonio archeologico in Egitto. Casi studio nell’area di Antinoe in <<Restauro Archeologico>> (1, 2014) – pp. 11-35. Coppola M., 2013, Declinazioni del metodo stratigrafico. Resistenze di prassi e studio di stratificazioni architettoniche complesse in contesti archeologici in <<Restauro Archeologico>> (1-2, 2013) – Firenze, Alinea – pp. 46-48. Coppola M., Taccia M., Tedeschi C., 2013, Analysis and Conservation of Ancient Egyptian gypsum based binders and mortars from the temple of Ramesses II in Antinoe in Boriani M., Gabaglio R., Gulotta D. - Online Proceedings of Conference Built Heritage 2013 - Monitoring Conservation and Management. Milan - Italy, 18-20 November 2013 - Politecnico di Milano, Centro per la Conservazione e Valorizzazione dei Beni Culturali, Milano – pp. 1382-1390.

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Conservation of Architecture and Cultural Heritage

La Villa Bourbon del Monte di Piancastagnaio History | Survey | Project

Scientific Coordinator Maurizio De Vita Address Santa Teresa via della Mattonaia, 14 Firenze Researcher Luca Pammolli

The Palace of the Tuscan noble Bourbon del Monte family was built at the beginning of the seventeenth century following to the concession of Piancastagnaio feud to the marquis Giovan Battista Bourbon by Ferdinando I° de’ Medici Grand Duke of Tuscany, a territory on the border with the Papal State. The Palace represents a great example of XVII Century architecture. It is an important building with high artistic and cultural value that currently is unused and in bad state of conservation. The studies conducted for this research are the result of the collaboration between the Municipality of Piancastagnaio and the Postgraduate School of Architectural and Landscape Heritage of the University of Florence - Department of Architecture (DIDA). The Palace shows several cracks located in the southeast corner, where the foundation leans against the clayey soil, whereas the remaining structure exhibits different alterations and degradations caused by the bad use of the building during the twentieth century. The outcomes and objectives of this work include: the bibliographic and unpublished archival researches, the integrated surveying, the mapping of the surface degradation, attribution idea of the Opera to Jacopo Barozzi da Vingola and the project for the enhancement of the monumental complex.















Facing page, top to bottom: Laserscanner 3D: prospective view from south-east. West elevation, description of the alteration forms. North and west elevation (in glimpse) of the Palace notified since 1902 by Ministry of Education, photo 1910.


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Conservation of Architecture and Cultural Heritage

Restoration and Sustainability

Scientific Coordinator Maurizio De Vita Research Group Maurizio De Vita Margherita Vicario


The relationship between historic architecture and sustainability is a significant field for experimentation and research; the possible outcomes should be sought in the updated practice of restoration and conservation and, therefore, in the substantial contribution that architecture, the urban fabric and the historicised territory can give to sustainability and energy saving. The careful study of historicised construction features is always necessary for restoration projects as is the careful study of traditional materials and building techniques, useful for tracing their changes over time. The introduction of increasingly effective ways of interpreting these factors, in themselves bearers of sustainability, combined with the systematic analysis of the environmental features of historic buildings can provide significant information for new-generation restoration projects. This information should be applied when deciding whether to replace existing parts or when assessing the sustainability of materials and construction techniques to be used for integrations and additions. The operative translation of these ideas serves to integrate research and the analytical descriptions of the artefacts and historicised sites and their parts, with an accurate record of the aforesaid environmental features which should be considered as fixed references for the restoration project and for choices related to the so-called technological upgrading of our cultural heritage. Comparison with the results of advanced diagnostics: the most recent applications of diagnostic imaging (such as thermo-vision) make it possible to systematically identify relevant data for assessing the energy content (for instance wall thickness, wall cavities, energy dispersion from the various elements and from the masonry), and to monitor the dispersion of energy. Interaction between the restoration project and technological research on renewable energy sources: the technology has to be compatible and adaptable to the fragile features of historicised architecture. solar and photovoltaic technologies, advanced types of insulation, geothermal energy and other innovative technologies should be a part of restoration projects but they should always be used in accordance with the basic principles of compatibility and respectful positioning within the historicised context.

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Conservation of Architecture and Cultural Heritage

Urban Renewal of the Northern Section the City Wall of Nanjing China

Scientific Coordinator Maurizio De Vita Students Emma Amidei Brando Barni Roberto Coppa Antonela Dedja Cécile Ketcheian Universities UNIFI | Department of Architecture, Italy Beijing University | Department of Architecture, China Dongnan University | Department of Architecture, China

This workshop has been created in order to gather ideas and projects propositions for the architectural and urban restoration of the ancient City Walls of Nanjing, former capital of China. Teachers and students from four different Chinese and Italian universities compared ideas, techniques, and proposed new designs for the renewal of an extraordinary urban historic context, currently characterized by different forms of degradations. The chosen area for the workshop defines a fracture both of the continuity of the restored part of the ancient city wall and of the quality of the urban spaces. The intervention includes therefore an part of stony materials conservation, as an urban restoration of the abandoned areas and buildings. The design proposal of the students of the University from Florence, “Open your wall”, emphasizes the notion of memory with a public “culture park” that redefines the relationship between the line of the ancient City Wall and the line of the river. The need of urban connections faces the theme of the architectural addition in a restoration approach.

Tianjin University | Department of Urban planning, China





















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Conservation of Architecture and Cultural Heritage

The Villa and garden of Castello in Florence

Historical research and enhancement projects

RESEARCH AGREEMENT Scientific Coordinators Emanuela Ferretti Pietro Matracchi Address Sede di Restauro Via P.A. Micheli, 8 Firenze Research Group Head Researchers Emanuela Ferretti Pietro Matracchi Contract Resercher Marta Castellini

The DIDA Department (University of Florence) signed up an agreement with the University for Foreigners of Siena - International University and the “Polo Museale per la Toscana” (the principal office for the State Museums in Tuscany) in 2016, with the aim to study the Ville Medicee, placing a specific focus on the Villa Medicea at Castello, in order to enhance both the full cultural potential and the museum features. In 2017, the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Tourism agreed to provide a first financing for the research project “Studies, drawings, analysis for design transformations focusing on museum features of an area in the garden of Castello”, by Emanuela Ferretti, Pietro Matracchi as chief advisors. The Villa was born as “casa da signore” (simply medieval residence for the nobility) in 14th century and, from 1538 to the end of the century, was re-designed by Cosimo I (the first Grand Duke of Tuscany) and his son Ferdinando I. The Castello’s garden constitutes, with Villa d’Este at Tivoli, one of the most important example of the “formal garden” in Renaissance Italy: here we can see wide terracing, articulated aqueduct and marble complex fountains (recently replaced with copies in order preserving them). There are some service buildings, as the two “Limonaie” (the buildings for winter protection of citrus trees), which are relevant example of that kind of eighteenth-century architecture. The research project focused on these buildings and feasibility studies will be conducted to re-design one of the “Limonaia”, to create a new museum space for the fountains that are now located in a storage.







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Conservation of Architecture and Cultural Heritage


San Gimignano Towers

Scientific Coordinator Luca Giorgi Address Sede di Restauro Via P. A. Micheli, 8 Firenze Research Group Head researchers Luca Giorgi Pietro Matracchi Research Fellow Alessia Nobile Contract Researchers Francesca Venturini Francesca Zanetti

The RiSEM project was financed by PAR FAS REGIONE TOSCANA. The Civil Engineering and Environmental Department (project coordinator Gianni Bartoli), the Department of Electronics and Telecommunication of the University of Florence, the Department of Earth Sciences of the University of Siena and the Municipality of San Gimignano, all participate in the project. They have set as their objective investigating, analysing and diagnosing the techniques which would define (even in an expeditious way with non-contact techniques) the seismic risk to the monumental heritage, or even to the collective urban structures of historical interest. San Gimignano was selected as a case study as it represents a unique case in the world panorama regarding the density of towers present in the various structures of the antique centre of town. The study proposes analysing all the towers as they are the monuments most “at risk” in the case of seismic events and because of their potential vulnerability to such events. While most have disappeared, the surviving towers are even today a very interesting example of ancient simple but high buildings. The construction is surprising, the method is based on very thick stone masonries and extraordinary mortars, with just a few later exceptions where bricks were used. Equally surprising is the inner space, as rooms are sometimes smaller than the wall thickness. For each of the 14 studied towers, detailed surveys were made on internal and external parts. The survey was carried out with laser scanner and traditional instrumentation. For each tower’s exposed masonries, materials and discontinuities were examined in detail, identifying demolitions and reconstructions that occurred over time. Deformations in vertical and horizontal planes and main cracking phenomena were recorded. Remarkable data on all dimensional and construction features of the medieval towers was obtained. PUBLICATIONS L. Giorgi; P. Matracchi, RISEM - seismic risk in monumental structures. The San Gimignano case. In: COST Strategic Workshop, Florence, July 11th-13th, 2011. L. Giorgi; P. Matracchi, Seismic Risk in Monumental Structures. The San Gimignano RiSEM case, in: Safeguard of Cultural Heritage: a Challenge from the Past to the Europe of Tomorrow, COST Strategic Workshop, July 11th-13th, 2011, Florence, Italy. L. Giorgi; P. Matracchi, The towers of San Gimignano. Architectural diagnostic for knowledge and conservation. In: Built Heritage 2013 Monitoring Conservation and Management, Milano, 2013, Politecnico di Milano,

Centro per la Conservazione e Valorizzazione dei Beni Culturali. P. Matracchi, Masonry structures in the Medieval towers of San Gimignano, Italy. In: 9th International Masonry Conference 2014, Guimarães, July 7-9 2014, University of Minho, 2014. L. Giorgi; P. Matracchi, Architectural evolution. Modifications/Alterations/Restorations along centuries, Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities DOI:10.1061/(ASCE)CF.1943-5509.0001014, 2017.








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Conservation of Architecture and Cultural Heritage

The structure of Baptistery of Florence The walls as box structures at the base of the dome

The dome of the Baptistery of San Giovanni is the significant precedent of the Brunelleschi dome of Danta Maria del Fiore, which replicates its octagonal plan and angular and intermediate diaphragm walls on each side connecting the dome to the outer shell. The medieval dome has double corner walls and two intermediate diaphragm walls on each side. The lower part of the dome and the surrounding walls were built with stone ashlars in “Pietraforte” sandstone, laid in coursed masonry technique. Above the doors of the attic corridor, the continuity of masonry beds between dome and transverse partitions also extends to the outer wall of the attic. Higher up, where the stone blocks of the dome begin to bend, the coursed masonry of transverse walls is equally inclined in the areas close to the dome, while in the more distant parts has horizontal beds. This is a constructive solution implemented to obtain a masonry box structure, a particular construction technique that gives to the base of the dome greater stiffness. In the dome spring zone, all masonries were thus involved in the stability, improving at the same time the distribution of loads on the underlying structures.

Research Group Luca Giorgi Pietro Matracchi Address Sede di Restauro Via P. A. Micheli, 8 Firenze

PUBLICATIONS L. Giorgi, La curvatura degli spigoli della cupola [del Battistero] e le strutture dei contrafforti indagate attraverso la sezione diagonale dell’edificio. In: Rocchi G. et al., Santa Maria del Fiore. Piazza, Battistero, Campanile, Firenze: Il Torchio, 1996.

L. Giorgi, P. Matracchi, Le murature a cassone alla base della cupola del Battistero e altri aspetti costruttivi. In: Battistero di San Giovanni. Convegno Internazionale. Conoscenza, diagnostica, conservazione, Firenze, 2425 novembre 2014, Firenze, La Mandragora, 2017.

L. Giorgi, Il sistema voltato del Battistero. In: Rocchi Coopmans De Yoldi G.. S.Maria del Fiore e le chiese fiorentine del Duecento e del Trecento nella città delle fabbriche arnolfiane, Firenze: Alinea, 2004.




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Conservation of Architecture and Cultural Heritage

Giotto’s Tower Florence

RESEARCH AGREEMENT Scientific Coordinator Pietro Matracchi Address Sede di Restauro Via P. A. Micheli, 8 Firenze Research Group Head Researchers Luca Giorgi Pietro Matracchi Contract Researcher Elisa Targetti

The bell tower of the Florentine cathedral is one of the most famous monuments in the world. In addition to its artistic and architectural value, one of its characteristics is the exceptional quality of the external marble cladding and of the finishing of the interior ‘Pietraforte’ stone masonry. However, neither the inner structure of the wall nor quality and type of its foundations are known. The bell tower, begun by Giotto in 1334, was continued by Andrea Pisano and completed around 1359 by Francesco Talenti; however, the real points identifying the passage from one building phase to the following one are unknown, nor if this involved differences in the wall structure and the materials working. The research tries for the first time to give an answer through new surveys and instrumental investigations to these questions. This activity is carried out, on behalf of the Opera of Santa Maria del Fiore, by an interdisciplinary group composed of architects restorers, archivists, geologists, geotechnicals, structuralists of several Universities, with the aim of determining the building degree of the seismic vulnerability.






PUBLICATIONS P. Matracchi,Il campanile laparelliano del Duomo di Cortona. Contesto, architettura, restauri/ The Laparelli bell tower of the cathedral of Cortona. Context, architecture, restoration. In: E.Mirri (ed.), Francesco Laparelli, architetto cortonese a malta/Francesco Laparelli, cortonese architectat Malta, Cortona: Tiphys edizioni, 2009.

L. Giorgi,Aspetti costruttivi del Campanile di Giotto. In: F. Gurrieri (ed.), Il Campanile di Giotto. Atti del ciclo di Conferenze, Firenze, maggio-giugno 2015, Firenze: Mandragora, 2017.

L Giorgi,Towers and bell towers in Tuscany between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Building techniques. In: 9th International Masonry Conference 2014, Guimarães, July 7-9 2014, University of Minho, 2014.


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History of Architecture and the City

History of Architecture and the City

Scientific Coordinator Alessandro Brodini Academics Gianluca Belli Amedeo Belluzzi Mario Bevilacqua Ferruccio Canali Emanuela Ferretti Riccardo Pacciani Corinna Vasic

The Section of History of Architecture and the City specializes in architecture, the city and designed landscape in their historical development, from the ancient Mediterranean civilizations to issues of our complex globalised world. Architecture is analysed as a creative expression and cultural activity of societies that produce and need them, modifying them in time. Patrons, artists, building sites, means and instruments of survey and architectural representation are among the issues that are to be taken into account with specific methodologies. Buildings as well as urban spaces, city and land infrastructures, green areas, theories and creativity are among the issues analysed by architectural historians, essential tools to any sound, sustainable and reversible intervention of preservation and promotion of our cultural heritage.




















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History of Architecture and the City

“Di Getto” and “Intagliate Vaults” in the Work of Giuliano da Sangallo

Scientific Coordinator Gianluca Belli

Giorgio Vasari, in the IV chapter of his introduction to the Lives, provides a detailed description of a technique for “di getto” vaults, largely in use during antiquity. He credits Giuliano da Sangallo with restoring this technique to life, and with bringing it from Rome to Florence. In Florence, this technique is documented already in the 1470s to build more antiquo the dome of the tribune in the Santissima Annunziata. It then became a more common practice than one might think. Giuliano, in particular, uses it in different contexts and with different modalities, in some cases associated with stucco ornamentation of the intradoses. Giuliano employed white stucco on various occasions, directly spreading it on intradoses, or realising stucco decoration together with the casting of concrete vaults through an impressed layer of mouldable material placed on the centrings. The analysis of the vaults in palazzo Scala, in palazzo Ximenes da Sangallo – where Giuliano and Antonio il Vecchio lived –, in the villa at Poggio a Caiano, and in palazzo della Rovere in Savona allow for a better understanding of execution techniques of these structures and of their decoration. It is astonishing, nevertheless, that Giuliano abandoned the technique that combined structural shell with superficial ornamentation in a sole casting. Technical problems related to the dimensions of the vaults probably induced this separation between structure and ornamentation. Expectedly, 15th and 16th century architectural treatises completely neglect the technique of a sole casting (getto), and in building site praxis only the casting of decorative works survives, connected to a more traditional structure in brick or stone. CONVENTIONS, CONFERENCES, RESEARCH OUTCOMES Vicenza, 7-9 June 2012 La casa di Giuliano e Antonio da Sangallo in borgo Pinti, 26° Seminario Internazionale di Storia dell’Architettura Giuliano da Sangallo, organised by Centro Internazionale di Studi di Architettura Andrea Palladio in collaboration with Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz.

PUBLICATIONS G. Belli, La casa di Giuliano e Antonio da Sangallo in via di Pinti a Firenze, in Giuliano da Sangallo, edited by A. Belluzzi, C. Elam, F.P. Fiore, Milano, Officina Libraria, 2017, pp. 408-420.

Siena, 12-13 December 2016 Le volte di getto e decorate a stucco di Giuliano da Sangallo, Conference Centri storici e monumenti tra studio, conservazione e restauro, organised by Dipartimento di Scienze Storiche e dei Beni Culturali, Università degli Studi di Siena.

G. Belli, Per una biografia di Giuliano e Antonio da Sangallo, “Archivio Storico Italiano”, forthcoming.

G. Belli, Volte di getto e volte “intagliate” nell’architettura di Giuliano da Sangallo e nei trattati rinascimentali, “Aedificare. Revue Internationale d’Histoire de la Construction”, II, 2017, 2.

1. Giuliano da Sangallo stuccoed vault in the house of Bartolomeo Scala, Florence. 2. Giuliano da Sangallo, a cast vault in the bastion of San Martino, Fortezza Nuova, Pisa. 3. Giuliano da Sangallo stuccoed cast vault of the sala in the villa of Poggio a Caiano. 4. Giuliano da Sangallo, carved vault of the vestibule of the villa in Poggio a Caiano. 5. Giuliano da Sangallo stuccoed vault in the house of Bartolomeo Scala, Florence. 6. Giuliano da Sangallo, detail of the carved vault of Giuliano and Antonio da Sangallo house in Borgo Pinti, Florence.


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History of Architecture and the City

Florence between the Grand Duchy and the Kingdom Urban transformations in the nineteenth century

Scientific Coordinator Gianluca Belli

The 150th anniversary of the proclamation of Florence as the capital of the Kingdom of Italy (1865) produced a series of new research on the role of the city during the nineteenth century, and in particular on the urban, social and economic transformations triggered off by that institutional role. As part of the celebrations, the exhibition Una capitale e il suo architetto, held at the Archivio di Stato of Florence (February 3-June 6, 2015) was an opportunity to re-evaluate the main episodes of urban policy affecting Florence during the central decades of the century. Another part of the research, on the other hand, concerned the works planned to adapt the ancient urban structure to the new dignity of capital. In fact, the municipal administration of Florence puts the plan of Giuseppe Poggi, concerning the expansion of the city, together with a general urban plan that aims to improve the hygienic conditions and the road layouts within the medieval walls. The forecasts of the plan, characterized by episodic interventions, concern the enlargement and rectification of many roads, the rehabilitation of the Old Market area and the identification of areas for the construction of the new central market and two peripheral markets. The plan will be reduced to a more modest size when, after the transfer of the capital to Rome, Florence can no longer hope to bring it to completion. CONVENTIONS, CONFERENCES, RESEARCH OUTCOMES Firenze, Archivio di Stato, 3 febbraio-6 giugno 2015 Mostra Una Capitale e il suo Architetto. Eventi politici e sociali, urbanistici e architettonici. Firenze e l’opera di Giuseppe Poggi, general coordination by C. Zarrilli and P. Marchi, Scientific Committee G. Belli, M. Bencivenni, F. Bertelli, L. Brogioni, M. Cozzi, C. Di Benedetto, A. Giuntini, M. Laguzzi, L. Maccabruni, M. Maffioli, R. Manetti, P. Marchi, C. Paolini, G.C. Romby, I. Spadolini, C. Zarrilli. Firenze, Accademia delle Arti del Disegno, 23 June 2015 Conference Firenze capitale al di là del piano Poggi, organised by Accademia delle Arti del Disegno di Firenze.

PUBLICATIONS G. Belli, R. Innocenti, Le trasformazioni urbanistiche entro la cerchia muraria fra l’età leopoldina e il periodo di Firenze capitale, in Una Capitale e il suo Architetto. Eventi politici e sociali, urbanistici e architettonici. Firenze e l’opera di Giuseppe Poggi, catalogue of the exhibition (Firenze, Archivio di Stato, 3 February-6 June 2015), edited by L. Maccabruni, P. Marchi, Firenze, Polistampa, 2015, pp. 97-104. G. Belli, Piani, progetti e trasformazioni entro la cerchia muraria nel periodo di Firenze capitale, in Il Piano Poggi per Firenze capitale e le trasformazioni delle città europee tra Ottocento e Novecento, proceedings of the conference (Firenze, Archivio di Stato, 15 May 2015), edited by P. Marchi, forthcoming.

Firenze Archivio di Stato, 15 May 2015 Piani, progetti e trasformazioni entro la cerchia muraria nel periodo di Firenze capitale. Conferenza Il piano Poggi per Firenze capitale e le trasformazioni delle città europee tra Ottocento e Novecento, organised by the Department of Architecture of the Università degli Studi di Firenze and Archivio di Stato di Firenze.

1. F. Chiesi, Enlargement Project of Via dei Calzaioli in Florence, 1842. 2. L. Del Sarto, Demolition project of part of the monastery of San Domenico and of the San Clemente palace for the construction of the Maglio district in Florence, about 1865. 3. E. Guidotti, Block of the popular housing of Barbano in Florence, about 1867-1868. 4a. L Del Sarto, Plan for urban arrangement of the Florence area within the walls, 1866. 4b. L Del Sarto, Plan for urban arrangement of the Florence area within the walls, 1866. 5. L. Del Sarto, Enlargement project of Porta Rossa in Florence, about 1868. 6. L. Del Sarto, Projects of urban arrangement in the areas of Mercato Vecchio, via Torta, arch of San Piero and sdrucciolo dei Pitti in Florence, about 1867.


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History of Architecture and the City

Charles Percier and the Drawings of Palazzo Te in Mantua

Scientific Coordinator Amedeo Belluzzi

In 1791, after a sojourn at the French Academy in Rome, Percier returned to Paris. On his journey, he executed hundreds of sketches. The sheets devoted to the Gonzaga villa focus not on the most famous frescoes, but rather on the relation between the architectural space and the decorative scheme, consisting of stuccoes and little painted scenes. Palazzo Te was regarded as a source of ancient compositional motifs, suited to the requirements of the period. Some forty years later, for teaching purposes Percier commenced a large-size sketchbook, characterized by detailed, polychrome illustrations that integrate and revise the early sketches. PUBLICATIONS A. Belluzzi, Palazzo Te nei disegni di Charles Percier, in Charles Percier e Pierre Fontaine dal soggiorno romano alla trasformazione di Parigi, edited by S. Frommel, J.P. Garric, E. Kieven, Silvana Editoriale, Cinisello Balsamo Milano 2014, pp. 73-83.

Mantova, palazzo Te, in I disegni di Charles Percier 17641838 Emilia e Romagna nel 1791, edited by S. Frommel, J.P. Garric, Campisano, Roma 2017, pp. 152-158.

A. Belluzzi, Schizzi mantovani di Charles Percier, in I disegni di Charles Percier 1764-1838 Emilia e Romagna nel 1791, edited by S. Frommel, J.P. Garric, Campisano, Roma 2017, pp. 48-56.



1. Charles Percier, Palazzo Te in Mantua, east facade with exedra. 2. Section of the loggia of David.


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3. Sketch of Camera degli stucchi (stuccoed chamber). 4. Sketch of Camera delle aquile (chamber of the Eagles).



5. Drawing of Camera delle aquile. 6. Camera delle Aquile.


History of Architecture and the City

Florence injured

The destruction and reconstruction of the city centre | 1944 -1959

Scientific Coordinators Gianluca Belli Amedeo Belluzzi

The debate that develops around the post-war reconstruction of the centre of Florence is a document of great interest on the cultural trends of Italian society at the time. The vulnus suffered by Florence consists above all in the annihilation of the urban environment of the lungarni, one of the most significant places in the city. Restoration interventions tend to favour single monumental architectures, among which the bridge to Santa Trinita, the Romanesque façade of Santa Stefano al Ponte, a series of medieval towers, leaving in the background not only the minor architecture but many palaces, some of them of great quality. The kind of values that guide reconstruction proposals is also interesting. Bernard Berenson advises to reproduce exactly the external appearance of the destroyed buildings, but freely modifying the interiors. For Gillo Dorfles or Giovanni Michelucci, instead, the mines have provided the opportunity for a new urban structure that reflects the aspirations and hopes of the Italian society out of the war and fascism. The research analysed causes, ways and outcomes of destruction; the heated and extensive debate on how to rebuild; the competition for the reconstruction project; the slow and difficult process that has defined, in an unsatisfactory way, the new image of an essential part of the centre of Florence. CONVENTIONS, CONFERENCES, RESEARCH OUTCOMES Udine, 4 March 2010 Il dibattito sulla ricostruzione del Centro di Firenze, 1944-1950. Conference Hostium Rabies Diruit. Ricomporre l’infranto, organized by Facoltà di Ingegneria dell’Università degli Studi di Udine. Roma, auditorium dell’Ara Pacis, 15 Setember 2010 Firenze 1944-1968. La ricostruzione della zona presso ponte Vecchio distrutta dalla guerra. Conference L’invenzione del passato e la memoria dell’Antico nell’architettura italiana (XIX-XXI sec.), organized by Centro Studi Classica dell’Istituto Universitario di Architettura di Venezia.

PUBLICATIONS G. Belli, Il dibattito sulla ricostruzione della Firenze demolita dalla guerra, 1944-1947, “Opus Incertum”, 6-7, 2011, pp. 85-99 (ISSN 2035-9217). G. Belli, Costruzioni e ricostruzioni dell’identità italiana. Presentation of the monographic issue n.6-7 of the journal Opus Incertum, “La Rivista di Engramma”, 97, marzo-aprile 2012, <http://www.engramma.it/eOS/ index.php?id_articolo=846>. G. Belli, A. Belluzzi, Una notte d’estate del 1944. Le rovine della guerra e la ricostruzione a Firenze, Firenze, Polistampa, 2013.

Venice, 20 June 2012 Firenze offesa. La distruzione e la ricostruzione del centro cittadino, 1944-1947 Lecture, organised by the IUAV Doctoral School.

1. The houses of Borgo San Jacopo facing the Arno before the war destruction. 2. The remains of the Santa Trinita bridge after destruction (August 1944). 3-4-5. The area near Ponte Vecchio destroyed by German mines (August 1944). 6. The southern head of Ponte Vecchio before the war destruction. 7. Giovanni Michelucci, sketch for the reconstruction of the via dei Bardi buildings (1945). 8. Lando Bartoli, Italo Gamberini and Mario Focacci, project “I Ciompi”, 1946. 9. Lando Bartoli, Italo Gamberini and Mario Focacci, project “I Ciompi”, 1946.


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History of Architecture and the City

Renaissance Architecture in Florence

Scientific Coordinator Amedeo Belluzzi

Ospedale degli Innocenti The study on the Ospedale degli Innocenti investigates the origins of this institution: its funding, the purchasing of a plot of land for it, the stages of construction in the early 15th century, and the role played by Brunelleschi and the representatives of the Arte di Porta Santa Maria. Villa di Poggio a Caiano New documents and surveys of the structure of the villa at Poggio a Caiano suggest that part of the pre-existent Ambra Villa was incorporated within Lorenzo Il Magnifico’s villa while, based on an analysis of testimonies from the period, the traditional dating of the work is called into question. Villa dei Collazzi Built by the Dini family in the environs of Florence in the late 16th century, the Collazzi Villa vies with the Medici one in terms of monumentality and rich stonework. The attribution of the villa to painter Santi di Tito is based on documentary evidence and on a comparison with other buildings designed by the artist. PUBLICATIONS A. Belluzzi, Alle origini dell’Ospedale degli Innocenti, in M. Mulazzani, L’Ospedale degli Innocenti di Firenze. La fabbrica brunelleschiana. Gli Innocenti dal Quattrocento al Novecento. Il nuovo Museo, Electa, Milano 2016, pp. 12-19. A. Belluzzi, La villa di Poggio a Caiano e l’architettura di Giuliano da Sangallo, in Giuliano da Sangallo, edited by A. Belluzzi, C. Elam, F. P. Fiore, Officina Libraria, Milano 2017, pp. 374-386.

A. Belluzzi, Un caso storiografico: la villa fiorentina dei Collazzi, in “Quaderni dell’Istituto di Storia dell’Architettura di Roma”, 2013, pp. 173-182. A. Belluzzi, La villa dei Collazzi. L’architettura del tardo Rinascimento a Firenze (with G. Belli), Olschki, Firenze 2016, pp. 1-176, 234-248.

1. Portico of the Innocenti hospital. 2. 18th century plan of the Innocenti hospital. 3. The villa of Poggio a Caiano in the Annunciation of Franciabigio, about 1515. 4. Giusto Utens, Villa of Poggio a Caiano, detail. 5. Great hall of the villa dei Collazzi. 6. Chapel of the villa dei Collazzi. 7. Villa dei Collazzi, entrance façade. 8. Back side of the villa dei Collazzi.


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History of Architecture and the City

The Palazzo Vecchio in the 16th Century

Scientific Coordinator Amedeo Belluzzi

The gonfaloniere Soderini in the Palazzo dei Signori In the early 16th century, Palazzo Vecchio became the permanent abode of Piero Soderini, gonfaloniere for life, and of his wife Argentina Malaspina. Their presence brought about a change in the use and very image of the 14th-century palace, which was linked to the hall of the Consiglio Maggiore. The residences of Cosimo I dei Medici and Eleonora di Toledo The first real princely court in Florence was set up in the Palazzo Vecchio from 1540. The fact that Eleanor of Toledo’s apartments display a décor comparable in quality and size to that of Duke Cosimo’s constitutes an unprecedented privilege for a woman in Florence. PUBLICATIONS A. Belluzzi, Il gonfaloniere Soderini nel palazzo dei Signori, Proceedings of the International Conference (being printed) La sala Grande di Palazzo Vecchio e i dipinti di Leonardo. La configurazione architettonica e l’apparato decorativo dalla fine del Quattrocento a oggi, edited by E. Ferretti, R. Barsanti, G. Belli, C. Frosinini, A. Nova, Firenze-Vinci, 14-16 December 2016.

Palazzo Vecchio, northern elevation (from Bartoli 2007).


Le residenze di Cosimo I dei Medici e di Eleonora da Toledo a Firenze, in Le prince, la princesse et leurs logis, proceedings of the International Congress in Paris (27-30 June 2011), edited by M. Chatenet, K. De Jonge, Picard, Paris 2014, pp. 191-206.

Apartments of Cosimo I (blue), Maria Salviati (red), Eleonora of Toledo (green), survey of M.T. Bartoli.

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Portal of red marbles.

Vault of the Tesoretto of Duke Cosimo.

Chapel of Eleonora of Toledo.

Cameo with portraits of Duke Cosimo I, Eleonora di Toledo and their sons (Museo degli Argenti, Florence).



History of Architecture and the City

Capitals of Europe

Centres and peripheries of the Baroque

Scientific Coordinator Mario Bevilacqua

PUBLICATIONS M. Bevilacqua, I progetti per la facciata di Santa Maria del Fiore (1585-1645). Architettura a Firenze tra Rinascimento e Barocco, Firenze 2015. M. Bevilacqua, A. Capriotti (edited by), S. Andrea al Quirinale. Il restauro della decorazione della cupola e nuovi studi berniniani, Roma 2016. M. Bevilacqua, Conventi di clausura a Firenze: architettura e topografia tra Controriforma e Barocco, in S. Bartocci, S. van Riel (edited by), ReUSO. La cultura del restauro e della valorizzazione. Temi e problemi per un percorso internazionale di conoscenza (proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Documentation, Preservation and Restoration of Architectural Heritage and Landscape protection), Firenze 2014, pp. 967-974.

M. Bevilacqua, Cartografia e immagini urbane. Giovanni Battista Falda e Cornelis Meyer nella Roma di Innocenzo XI, in Innocenzo XI Odescalchi. Papa, politico, committente, Roma, Viella 2014, pp. 289-308. M. Bevilacqua, Roma alla fine dell’età barocca e la sua rappresentazione: Lione Pascoli, Giovanni Gaetano Bottari e Giambattista Nolli, in M. Fagiolo, Roma barocca. I protagonisti, gli spazi urbani, i grandi temi, Roma 2013, pp. 631-653. M. Bevilacqua, Il sacello del cardinal Giovanni Francesco Guidi di Bagno in S. Alessio all’Aventino, in Curiosa Itinera. Scritti per Daniela Gallavotti Cavallero, edited by E. Parlato, Roma 2015, pp. 347-367.

Left to right: Bernini, church of S. Andrea al Quirinale, Rome, apse mosaic. Gherardo Silvani, wooden model of the facade of the cathedral of Florence, 1636. Gherardo Silvani, back side of the wooden model of the facade of the cathedral of Florence, 1636.


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Top to bottom: Milano, palazzo Clerici, Tiepolo gallery. Borromini, palazzo Barberini, Rome, elliptical staircase.



History of Architecture and the City

Learning how to build in a New Language: early modern architectural books and prints

Scientific Coordinator Mario Bevilacqua

PUBLICATIONS M. Bevilacqua, Mura di luce, facciate di diamanti. Metafore del bianco nell’architettura del Quattrocento, in “Opus incertum”, 9, 2016, pp. 34-47. M. Bevilacqua, An Etching of the Cappella dei Principi in Florence, in “Print Quarterly”, 30, 2013, pp. 144-154. M. Bevilacqua, Roma antica: produzione e circolazione dell’immagine a stampa in Europa tra Rinascimento e Barocco, in Roma antica. Piante topografiche e vedute generali, catalogue of the exhibition (Vicenza, CISA Palladio, 2014), Vicenza 2013, pp. 13-32. M. Bevilacqua, Learning how to Build in a New Language: Italian Architectural Prints in Renaissance Europe, in K. Ottenheym (edited by), Architects without Borders. Migration of Architects and Architectural Ideas in Europe 1400-1700, Mantova 2014, pp. 91-110.

M. Bevilacqua, Tra Roma e Venezia: l’incisione di architettura a Firenze nel Cinquecento, in Architettura e arte del Principato mediceo (1512-1737). Firenze e la Toscana, Vasari e gli Uffizi. Per i 500 anni dalla nascita di Giorgio Vasari (1511-2011) e del ‘Principato mediceo’ (1512-2012). Studi in memoria di Gabriele Morolli, in “Bollettino della Società di Studi Fiorentini”, 22, 2013, pp. 184-193. M. Bevilacqua, Insegnamento d’architettura, pratica, collezionismo e studio del disegno architettonico nelle capitali del Barocco italiano tra 1670 e 1730. Firenze, in S. De Cavi (edited by), Giacomo Amato.I disegni di palazzo Abatellis. Architettura, arredi e decorazione nella Sicilia Barocca, Roma 2017, pp. 473-480.

Left to right: Arch of Constantine, Rome, engraving, 1540. Percier and Fontaine, Arc du Carrousel, Paris, 1806. Triumphal arch, Pyongyang, 1982.


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Top to bottom: Pirro Ligorio, map of ancient Rome, 1560. (a) Le Corbusier, drawing after Ligorio’s map of ancient Rome. Assembling the map of Naples by the Duke di Noja. Rome, Istituto Centrale per la Grafica. ahcv


History of Architecture and the City

The World’s Academy: Piranesi and Rome

Scientific Coordinator Mario Bevilacqua

PUBLICATIONS M. Bevilacqua, Giovanni Battista Nolli, in Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani, 78, Roma, Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, 2013, pp. 688-692. M. Bevilacqua, Giovanni Battista Piranesi, in Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani, Roma, Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, 84, Roma 2015, pp. 151-159. M. Bevilacqua, Piranesi 1778. Ricerche interrotte, opere perdute, in V. Cazzato, S. Roberto, M. Bevilacqua (edited by), Il teatro delle arti. Saggi in onore di Marcello Fagiolo per 50 anni di studi, II, Roma 2014, pp. 766-771. M. Bevilacqua, Piranesi, crolli e rovine, in M. Barbanera, A. Capodiferro (edited by), La forza delle rovine, Milano 2015, pp. 126-141.

M. Bevilacqua, Piranesi e la decorazione egizia, in Piranesi prima e dopo. Italia-Russia XVIII-XXI secolo, catalogue of the exhibition (Moscow, Museo Pushkin, September-November 2016), Treviso 2016, pp. 195-206 (original edition in Russian); pp. 95-100 (Italian edition). M. Bevilacqua, Piranesi’s Ironies. The Egyptian and Etruscan Dreams of Margherita Gentili Boccapaduli, in Giovanni Battista Piranesi. Predecessori, contemporanei e successori. Studi in onore di John Wilton-Ely, edited by F. Nevola, in “Studi sul Settecento romano”, 32, Roma 2016, pp. 211-244.

Left to right: Aldo Rossi, “La città analoga”, 1976. Tommaso Buzzi, La Scarzuola, Umbria, Italy.


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Top to bottom: Piranesi, Campus Martius of ancient Rome, 1762. Piranesi, piazza Cavalieri di Malta, Rome. Thomas Cole, Architect’s dream, 1840.



History of Architecture and the City

Architecture and engineering in Rome (second half of the 20th century)

Scientific Coordinator Alessandro Brodini

Sergio Musumeci and Francesco Palpacelli, colleagues and friends Sergio Musmeci (1925-1981) was one of the most important XXth century Italian architects who aimed at overcoming the clear division between architecture and civil engineering. Documents and drawings held in his archive (Maxxi Museum, Rome) allow us to study both his theoretical research, and his projects as bridges and long span structures designer. His wide interests led him to build a professional relationship with other architects, some of which were also close friends. Among them was professor Francesco Palpacelli (1925-1999). As an architect, he designed a lot, but he had little opportunity to build what he had designed. Palpacelli loved contemporary art and, together with his wife, he collected a number of art works from the 1960s and 70s. Their collection was exhibited for the first time in 2015. CONFERENCE A. Brodini, Forme senza nome. Sergio Musmeci ingegnere e architetto, conference at Bibliotheca Hertziana, Max-Planck-Institut für Kunstgeschichte, Roma 24 June 2013.

EXHIBITION Il segno astratto. La collezione Palpacelli da Avenali a Scialoja, exhibition curated by A. Brodini and M. Fratarcangeli, Frascati, Museo Tuscolano – Scuderie Aldobrandini, 8 February – 1 March 2015.

PUBLICATIONS A. Brodini, “Ricordati la corteccia, avvolgimi sempre”. Il diario di un architetto da giovane, in F. Palpacelli, Divagazioni in bosco. Diario di un giovane architetto. 19511954, edited by A. Brodini, Campisano Editore, Roma 2016, pp. 7-16.

A. Brodini, “A cominciare da Ictino”. Sergio Musmeci, l’architettura e la storia, in The Gordian Knot. Studi offerti a Richard Schofield, edited by M. Basso, J. Gritti, O. Lanzarini, Campisano, Roma 2013, pp. 309-319.

A. Brodini, “Io voglio essere architetto”. Francesco Palpacelli e l’architettura; Conversazione con Gabriella Riccio Palpacelli. Architettura; Catalogo. Palpacelli architetto, in Il segno astratto. La collezione Palpacelli da Avenali a Scialoja, catalogue of the exhibition (Frascati, Museo Tuscolano – Scuderie Aldobrandini, 8 February – 1 March 2015), edited by A. Brodini and M. Fratarcangeli, Vanillaedizioni, Albissola 2015, pp. 8-1; 1519; 25-53.

A. Brodini, Le coperture a grande luce nell’opera di Sergio Musmeci, in La concezione strutturale. Ingegneria e architettura in Italia negli anni cinquanta e sessanta, edited by P. Desideri, A. De Magistris, C. Olmo, M. Pogacnik, S. Sorace, Allemandi, Torino-Londra-New York 2013, pp. 253-264.

1. Three friends: Sergio Musmeci (left), Francesco Palpacelli (right) and Carlo Scarpa (centre). 2. S. Musmeci and A. Libera, Formwork for a pillar in the Palazzo della Regione in Trento, 1956-1962. 3. S. Musmeci, Interior of the Raffo factory in Pietrasanta, 1956. 4. S. Musmeci, Project presented to the competition for the Palazzo dello Sport in Florence, 1965. 5. S. Musmeci, The Basento Bridge under construction in Potenza, ca. 1968. 6. S. Musmeci, The Basento Bridge in Potenza, 1967-1980. 7. S. Musmeci, Project presented to the competition for the bridge over Strait of Messina, 1969. 8. F. Palpacelli, Project presented to the competition for the new Camera dei Deputati in Rome, 1967. 9. F. Palpacelli, Project presented to the competition for a centre in Dar es Salam, Tanzania, 1971. 10. F. Palpacelli, Interior of the Golf Club House in Fiuggi, 1971-1977. 11. F. Palpacelli, Apartment complex “Al Rifigio” on Monte Livata (Subiaco), 1975.


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History of Architecture and the City

Architecture, art and literature

Gabriele d’Annunzio, the Renaissance and Michelangelo

Scientific Coordinator Alessandro Brodini

During the fifty years of his long career as a poet and a novelist, Gabriele d’Annunzio (1863-1983) was strongly attracted by Renaissance, as we can see both in his writings, and in his houses, where he displayed a lot of photos and plaster casts of famous art works. Less well known is his interest in architecture, even though in his writings he describes a lot of Renaissance buildings that were built in the most important cities (like Florence, Rome or Venice) and in the smaller centres (like Prato, Orvieto or Rimini). Amongst his beloved Renaissance artists, Michelangelo is the most frequently mentioned. We find him in his novels, poems and even quoted in the letters to his lovers. It is however the Vittoriale, d’Annunzio’s last abode, the place where the poet created the “myth” of Michelangelo by displaying some copies of the famous artist’s art works.

Tali m’ebb’io maestri. O Giuliano da San Gallo, il tuo tempio fu misura dell’arte a me che la sua grazia pura mirai caldo del fren vergiliano. La croce greca l’ordine soprano reggea della pacata architettura, spaziandosi in ritmo ogni figura come il bel verso al batter della mano. La cupola dai dodici occhi tondi il bianco-azzurro fregio dei festoni i fiori i frutti gli òvoli i dentelli 1

i dorici pilastri dai profondi solchi eran come nelle mie canzoni fronti sìrime volte ritornelli. (Gabriele d’Annunzio, Prato. VI, in Città del silenzio, 1902)




1. Basilica of Santa Maria delle Carceri in Prato. 2. Palazzo Loredan Vendramin Calergi in Venice. 3. Aerial view of the Vittoriale in Gardone Riviera by the Garda Lake. 4. Napoleone Martinuzzi, Bust of Michelangelo, 1926-27. 5. The Portico del Parente at the Vittoriale. 6. The Stanza della Leda at the Vittoriale, with the cast of the Dying Slave. 7. D’Annunzio’s bed with the cast of the Dawn. 8. The bedroom in the Schifamondo palace, with the casts of the Slaves . 9. The Blue Bathroom with pictures of the Ignudi at the Sistine Chapel. research map | dida research programs







CONVENTIONS AND CONFERENCES A. Brodini, “Colui che m’è parente”. Gabriele d’Annunzio e il mito di Michelangelo, conference at Ateneo di Scienze, Lettere e Arti, Brescia 3 November 2017.

PUBLICATIONS A. Brodini, Il sorriso di Michelangelo. Gabriele d’Annunzio e la creazione di un mito, in Antworten auf Michelangelo, edited by G. Satzinger, S. Schütze, being printed.

A. Brodini, Michelangelo negli occhi di d’Annunzio, conference at Centro Studi Leon Battista Alberti e LAC, Laboratorio di Architettura Contemporanea, Mantova 7 June 2017.

A. Brodini, “E così io cercai le Sibille”. Gabriele d’Annunzio e la cappella Sistina, in Il giovane d’Annunzio e la fascinazione del teatro, edited by M.P. Pagani, being printed.

A. Brodini, “E allora io cercai le Sibille”. Gabriele d’Annunzio e la Cappella Sistina, relazione al convegno Un Michel-Ange, des sixtines? L’histoire de l’art à l’épreuve de la voûte de la chapelle Sixtine, Institut National d’Histoire de l’Art, Parigi 9-10 November 2015.

A. Brodini, Dentro e fuori i palazzi: le architetture del Rinascimento di Gabriele d’Annunzio e Maria Bellonci, in Ein Dialog der Künste: Das Verhältnis von außen und innen. Beschreibungen von Architektur und Raumgestaltung in der Literatur der Frühen Neuzeit bis zur Gegenwart, edited by B. von Orelli-Messerli and B. Kurmann-Schwarz, Imhof Verlag, Petersberg 2016, pp. 80-90.

A. Brodini, “Il sorriso di Michelangelo”. Gabriele d’Annunzio e la costruzione di un mito, paper at the International Conference Antworten auf Michelangelo, organised by Università di Bonn and Vienna, Bundeskunsthalle Bonn, 29-30 April 2015. A. Brodini, Dentro e fuori i palazzi: le architetture del Rinascimento di Gabriele d’Annunzio e Maria Bellonci, paper at the Conference Ein Dialog der Künste, Kunsthistorisches Institut, Zurigo 23-24 October 2014. ahcv

A. Brodini, Atlante del Rinascimento. Gabriele d’Annunzio e l’architettura del XV e XVI secolo, in Renaissance italienne et architecture au XIXe siècle. Interprétations et restitutions, (coll. Hautes Etudes histoire de l’art) edited by A. Brucculeri and S. Frommel, Campisano, Roma 2015, pp. 191-202.


History of Architecture and the City

Studies on Michelangelo as an architect

Scientific Coordinator Alessandro Brodini

Michelangelo’s architecture in Rome Michelangelo (1575-1564) often claimed that architecture was not “his profession”, even though in his Roman period, and above all by the 1540s, architecture had become almost his only activity. My research focuses on one of the last assignments he received from pope Pius IV, that is the transformation of the Diocletian Baths into the church of Santa Maria degli Angeli. Here Michelangelo applied a very modern minimalist approach, by working more on the volumes of the building than on the architectural language of the details. In this church and in other Roman buildings, together with bricks and travertine stone, Michelangelo used also other “immaterial materials” such as light, shadow and time. CONVENTIONS, CONFERENCES, RESEARCH OUTCOMES A. Brodini, Paper, clay, and stone. Michelangelo in Rome between architecture and poetry, paper at the conference Kunst- und Architekturgeschichte, ETH Zürich, 10 December 2015. A. Brodini, 1546-1557. Le architetture per Paolo III; lecture at the course Michelangelo. Una vita, Università degli Studi di Milano, 16 Apr 2014. A. Brodini, La basilica di Santa Maria degli Angeli a Roma da Michelangelo a Vanvitelli, lecture at the Seminar of History of Modern Architecture , Università degli Studi di Pavia, 10 aprile 2014. A. Brodini, Daemones aufugite. Dalle terme alla certosa: trasformazioni della basilica di Santa Maria degli Angeli a Roma, paper at the conference San Camillo de Lellis e i suoi amici. Ordini religiosi e arte tra Rinascimento e Barocco, Pontificia Università Gregoriana di Roma, 22-23 ottobre 2013.

PUBLICATIONS A. Brodini, La carta, la terra e la pietra. Materia e lavoro in alcune architetture romane di Michelangelo, in Michelangelo: arte–materia–lavoro, edited by A. Nova, V. Zanchettin, in corso di stampa. A. Brodini, Daemones aufugite. Le terme di Diocleziano e Santa Maria degli Angeli al tempo di san Camillo de Lellis, in San Camillo de Lellis e i suoi amici. Ordini religiosi e arte tra Rinascimento e Barocco, edited by L. Salviucci Insolera, E. Sapori, Rubettino editore, Soveria Mannelli 2016, pp. 127-138. A. Brodini, Le architetture per Paolo III: palazzo Farnese e San Pietro. 1546-1557, in Michelangelo. Una vita, edited by di P. Aiello, Officina libraria, Milano 2014, pp. 235-252.

1. Light and shadow in a detail of St. Peter’s exteriors, Rome. 2. A bay of the Palazzo dei Conservatori in Campidoglio, Rome. 3. Michelangelo, Drawing for Porta Pia, Rome. 4. Sebastiano Serlio, Reconstruction plan of the Baths of Diocletian, 1540. 5. Antonio Dosio, External view of the remains of the Baths of Diocletian, around the middle of 16th century. 6. Hieronimus Cock, View of the remains of the Baths of Diocletian, etching, 1575. 7. Antonio Dosio, Internal view of the great hall in the Bath of Diocletian. 8. Gregorio Guglielmi, Saint Camillo at the Bath of Diocletian, ca. 1742. 9. The cross vaults of the Basilica of Santa Maria degli Angeli, Rome.


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History of Architecture and the City

Giuseppe Terragni | Album 1925

The Years of his Training between Historical Identity and the Quest for Modernity

Scientific Coordinator Emanuela Ferretti

The disciplinary “statutes” governing the history of contemporary art and architecture include archive sources as leading research tools. It is within this framework that we should view the reopening of the Giuseppe Terragni Archives in Como (2016), which have marked the beginning of a collaborative effort to produce a critical edition of the sketchbook Terragni kept during his study trips to Florence and Rome in the winter of 1925, before discussing his thesis at the Polytechnic of Milan. This plan to develop an edition of the sources has entailed the cataloguing of individual sheets, the identifying of the subjects portrayed, and the drafting of critical essays. An analysis of the themes explored by Terragni in his sketchbook, which will be published for the first time in full (March 2018), reveals an extensive reflection on specific issues pertaining to the architecture of the past: plasticity, stylistic spareness, and chiaroscuro. The present study springs from the scientific project at the basis of the exhibition Michelangelo e il Novecento (Modena, Galleria Civica - Florence, Casa Buonarroti, 2014; E. Ferretti, M. Pierini and P. Ruschi, eds., Silvana, Milan 2014). CONVENTIONS, CONFERENCES, RESEARCH OUTCOMES Firenze, Casa Buonarroti - Università di Firenze; Modena - Galleria Civica, 18 luglio – 20 ottobre 2014 concept and curatorships of the exhibition Michelangelo e il Novecento, with Pietro Ruschi and Marco Pierini.

PUBLICATIONS E. Ferretti, M. Pierini, P. Ruschi (edited by), Michelangelo e il Novecento, catalogue of the exhibition (Firenze, Casa Buonarroti and Biblioteca di Scienze Tecnologiche, Università di Firenze; Modena, Galleria Civica 18 June-20 October 2014), Cinisello Balsamo (MI), Silvana Editoriale, 2014 - Italian and English text.

Carrara, Palazzo Binelli, 25 luglio 2014 Marble Weeks 2014 E. Ferretti, Michelangelo e il Novecento. Uno sguardo tra arte, architettura e design: Giuseppe Terragni.

E. Ferretti, A. Terragni, D. Turrini, Giuseppe Terragni. Album 1925, Firenze, Edifir, 2018 [Series “PRESENTESTORICO”-Edifir].



“PRESENTESTORICO Narrazioni e documenti di architettura e design”, director Claudia Conforti, Edifir - Firenze

1. Giuseppe Terragni (1904-1943). 2. Cover of Giuseppe Terragni’s book. Album 1925, Firenze, Edifir, 2018. 3. Event on the occasion of the inauguration of the new headquarters of the Archivio Terragni in Como. 4. G. Terragni, Pronaos of San Clemente and Porta Lateranense, Roma, Album 1925, Como, Archivio Terragni. 5. G. Terragni, Study of late 16th century architectural elements, Album 1925, Como, Archivio Terragni. 6. G. Terragni, First project for the monument to the fallen in Como, Como, 1926-27, Archivio Terragni. 7. G. Terragni, Photomontage of Casa Giuliano Frigerio in Como placed alongside a detail of the facade of the Duomo of Cremona, Como, Archivio Terragni.


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History of Architecture and the City

Leonardo da Vinci and Architecture Critical-Historical Research, the Digital Humanities, and Museum Projects

Scientific Coordinator Emanuela Ferretti

Since 2010, the Biblioteca Leonardiana and the Architectural History Department have been working together to catalogue Leonardo da Vinci’s drawings, within the framework of the international project “E-Leo”, Leonardo digitale. An original picture has emerged: Leonardo’s approach is marked by a specific focus on the science of construction, on forms of construction, and on the study of construction details, whereas the artist would appear to have been less interested in the Classical style and in strictly stylistic matters. Hence the collaboration established with the Opificio delle Pietre Dure to study the architecture in The Adoration of the Magi. As regards museum projects, one might mention the interactive “table” developed for the Water Room of the Museo Leonardiano in Vinci and the exhibition at Romorantin, France, which was devoted to the plans for Francis I’s royal palace and featured some model reconstructions. Between 2015 and 2017 these themes were explored within the framework of a new collaboration with the EPHESorbonne-Paris, the CNRS of Marseilles, and the Technische Universität of Berlin, leading up to the international conference “Leonardo and Architecture”, Paris 2019.








1. Vinci, Museo Leonardiano, Sala delle acque, Interactive screen. 2. Leonardo da Vinci, Planimetric study of the Royal Palace at Romorantin, Codice Arundel f.263r. 3. Leonardo da Vinci, Planimetric study of the Royal Palace at Romorantin, CA, f.583r. 4. Leonardo da Vinci, Study of the facades of the Royal Palace at Romorantin, Windsor, RL. 5. E. Ferretti, D. Turrini, Leonardo’s reconstructive-interpretative model of the Royal Palace at Romorantin (Romorantin, France). 6. E. Ferretti, D. Turrini, Leonardo’s reconstructive-interpretative model of the Royal Palace at Romorantin (Romorantin, France).


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CONVENTIONS AND CONFERENCES, RESEARCH OUTCOMES Paris, 25 November 2015, l’Académie de l’Architecture International Workshop, Dessins, modèles, architecture, histoire de l’art: l’étude historique et la restitution d’hypothèses à l’âge du numérique, coordination of Sabine Frommel and Livio de Luca. Promoting Institutions: École pratique des hautes études et le Laboratoire MAP (UMR 3495 CNRS/MCC) with the support of the Programme des Humanités numériques de l’EPHE (Sorbonne) and the Académie de l’Architecture. E. Ferretti, D. Turrini, The architectural culture of Leonardo da Vinci: the drawings. The E-Leo digital interface as a new model of immaterial heritage experience. Marseilles, 13-14 June 2016 Campus del CNRS MAP International Workshop, Modèles et simulations pour l’ Architecture et le Patrimoine. Dessins, modèles, architecture, histoire de l’art: l’étude historique et la restitution d’hypothèses à l’âge du numérique. II, Scientific Directors Sabine Frommel and Livio de Luca. Promoting Institutions: Dipartimento di Architettura – Università di Firenze; Biblioteca Leonardiana di Vinci; École Pratique del Hautes Études Sorbone - Paris; CNRS Marseille. E. Ferretti, D. Turrini, Complessità e contraddizione nel progetto leonardiano. Temi e problemi interpretativi verso la ricostruzione 3D per l’allestimento museale.

PUBLICATIONS E. Ferretti, The res aedificatoria by Vasari reflected in the figurative art. Notes on the painted architecture, in From the Flood to New Life: Restoration of the Last Supper by Giorgio Vasari in Santa Croce fifty years after (1966-2016), edited by Roberto Bellucci, Marco Ciatti, Cecilia Frosinini, Firenze, Edifir-Opificio delle Pietre Dure, 2017, pp. 33 - 41 (Series OPD, Problemi di conservazione e restauro. 51).




Firenze, 19 October 2017, Dipartimento di Architettura -Università di Firenze International Conference, Disegni, modelli, architettura, storia dell’arte: lo studio storico e la restituzione virtuale nell’era delle digital humanities, by E. Ferretti, S. Frommel. Promoting Institutions: Dipartimento di Architettura – Università di Firenze; Biblioteca Leonardiana di Vinci; École Pratique del Hautes Études Sorbone - Paris; CNRS Marseille. E. Ferretti, D. Turrini, La sala delle acque del Museo Leonardiano di Vinci: documentare, visualizzare, progettare l’interazione. Firenze, 16 January 2018, Gallerie degli Uffizi International Conference, Dopo il restauro dell’Adorazione dei magi di Leonardo da Vinci: contenuti e riflessioni, giornate di studi - 15 e 16 January. Promoting Institutions: Gallerie degli Uffizi, Opificio delle Pietre Dure. E. Ferretti, L’architettura.

E. Ferretti, L’architettura nell’Adorazione dei Magi di Leonardo da Vinci tra morfologia, fenomenologia e gerarchizzazione dello spazio. Alcune considerazioni, in L’Adorazione dei Magi di Leonardo da Vinci, edited by R. Bellucci, M. Ciatti, C. Frosinini, Firenze, Edifir-O.pificio delle Pietre dure, 2017, pp. 109-121 (Series OPD, n. 50 Problemi di conservazione e restauro).


History of Architecture and the City

The Renaissance of Water

Art, Architecture and Water Resources in 16th Century Italy

Scientific Coordinator Emanuela Ferretti

What clearly emerges from a study of the architecture of 16th-century Italy is the territorial – as opposed to merely urban – dimension of water-related issues, from both an aesthetic and functional perspective. The demographic boom in big cities went hand in hand with the dichotomy between urban centres and agricultural areas, which largely revolved around the issue of water: water to be contained, channelled, distributed for drinking purposes, preserved for public health, and “shaped” and made the most of in its dynamic quality as a sign of the prince’s liberality. The marble fountains and complex aqueducts built over the course of the 16th century – at first in the microcosm of gardens – represent a significant aspect of a broader policy focusing on public works of this kind, and which also concerns the management of rivers and torrents. The approach to the study of the relation between water and architecture which I developed through my fellowship at Villa I Tatti - The Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Study, consisted precisely in this: in addressing the issue of water by examining fountains in relation to the urban context and viewing the patronage of works of this nature within the framework of the broader actions of princes with regard to hydraulic projects, territorial engineering, and the development of urban infrastructures. CONVENTIONS, CONFERENCES, RESEARCH OUTCOMES Berlin, 26 March 2015 International Workshop, Renaissance Society of America, organisation of the panel «Water and City», and introductory paper. Promoting Institutions: Renaissance Society of America; Humboldt-Universität, Berlin. Firenze, Palazzo Alberti, 9-10 June 2017, Water in Early Modern Tuscany, 1500-1750, curated by Alessio Assoniti. Promoting Institutions “Medici Archives Project”, Monash University. E. Ferretti, Cosimo I e il primo acquedotto di Firenze. Architettura e città. Roma, Accademia di San Luca, 18-19 December 2017, International Conference, Sospendere l’effimero, a cura di S. Frommel, J. Ferdinand, G. Cicali. Promoting Institutions: Accademia di San Luca, Roma, EPHE - Paris, Sorbonne. E. Ferretti, Le fontane effimere per gli ingressi trionfali di Carlo V e gli sviluppi delle fontane marmoree nella città del Cinquecento.

PUBLICATIONS E. Ferretti, Da mirabilia a monumenta: Vincenzio Borghini, la memoria dell’acquedotto romano e il mito fondativo dell’origine di Firenze nelle fonti letterarie dal XIII al XVI secolo, in Architettura e identità locali, edited by H. Burns, M. Mussolin, Firenze, Olschki, 2013, pp. 533-555. E. Ferretti, Cosimo I, la magnificenza dell’acqua e la celebrazione del potere: la nuova capitale dello Stato territoriale fra architettura, città e infrastrutture, in Cosimo I de’ Medici: itinerari di ricerca tra arte, cultura e politica, “Annali di Storia di Firenze”, IX, 2014 (2015), pp. 9-33. E. Ferretti, Acquedotti e fontane del Tardo Rinascimento in Toscana. Acqua, architettura e città nella Firenze di Cosimo I, accolto nella collana “Aquae” diretta da Paolo Viti, Olschki, Firenze, 2016: ISBN 978 88 222 6415 2. (Grant “Villa I Tatti - The Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies”).

Castello (Firenze), Villa Medicea, 22 February 2018 Il Rinascimento delle grotte: arte e architettura nell’Europa del Cinquecento.


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1. G. Montorsoli, Orion’s Fountain, Messina. 2. T. Laureti, Giambologna, Neptune’s Fountain, Bologna. 3. The remains of the Roman aqueduct in Florence (bottom right) in a page of the Codice Rustici (second half of the 15th century). 4. B. della Volpaia, Hydraulic machine for feeding a fountain, first half of the 16th century, Venice, Biblioteca Marciana. 5. Ducts and other elements for the construction of an aqueduct in a 17th century drawing, Florence, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale. 6. Geocoding on regional maps of the pathways of ancient aqueducts in Florence (Massimo Coli, Emanuela Ferretti). 7. Opere di contenimento delle esondazioni dell’Arno a monte di Firenze, late 16th century, ASF, Cartoni dei Capitani di Parte 6. L. Ricci, palazzo di Giustizia di Firenze (prog. 1987; postumo 1998-2012). 8. N. Tribolo, Study of a fountain, Madrid, Biblioteca Nazionale, 1540 ca. ahcv


History of Architecture and the City

‘Homage’ to Leonardo Ricci (1918-1994)

Cinema and Architecture

Scientific Coordinator Corinna Vasić Vatovec

‘Homage’ to Leonardo Ricci (1918-1994) Leonardo Ricci (1918-1994) is an important figure for the research of Corinna Vasić Vatovec. Since Vatovec’s earliest work (Leonardo Ricci “existentialist” architect, Florence 2005), she has been involved in the global recovery of this multi-faceted and complex creative personality. Vatovec has placed emphasis on Ricci’s international culture, his profound debt to his teacher Giovanni Michelucci and the importance of his contributions from the diverse sectors of his activity. These include Ricci’s contributions to architectural and urban design, his hegemonising role in the organic tendencies of Italy during his time; as a painter of the avant-garde from the 1950s to the 1970s, and within a broader and longer-lasting experience in theoretical matters, academic education. In the last years Vatovec has explored some of the lesser studied—or entirely uncharted—problems and thematics of Ricci’s poetics. Cinema and Architecture Corinna Vasić Vatovec has held an interdisciplinary seminar on “cinema and architecture,” between the academic years of 2013 and 2017. The initiative, which has included a series of lectures and conferences by various historians of architecture and cinema, architects, and urbanists, has provided an important occasion for the participants to engage in dialogue. The results of the seminar were very positive given that the scholars’ reports, disseminated as papers, were joined to the student’s projects produced by technical means for images and historical-critical sources for their comments. PUBLICATIONS C. Vasić Vetovec, Leonardo Ricci tra Giovanni Michelucci e Albert Camus. Esistenza, “Esistenzialismo” versus Organicismo, in Salvaguardia del patrimonio del XX secolo, proceeding of “Tre giornate d’Architettura” (Pistoia, Palazzo Comunale 8-10 November 2012), edited by Paolo Caggiano, Fabiola Gorgeri, Firenze 2013.

C. Vasić Vetovec, Leonardo Ricci e Le Corbusier: “…amo Ronchamp ma… non la posso accettare”, in “Firenze architettura”, 2, 2015.

C. Vasić Vetovec, Una ricognizione, contestuale e specifica, sul rapporto di Leonardo Ricci con il Futurismo e con l’opera di Sant’Elia, in Il Manifesto dell’Architettura Futurista di Sant’Elia e la sua eredità, proceedings of the one-day conference (Grosseto, Camera di Commercio, 18 luglio 2014), edited by M. Giacomelli, E. Godoli, A. Pelosi, Mantova 2014.

1. Leonardo Ricci (Rome 1918 - Venice 1994). 2. L. Ricci, Studio and Home, Monterinaldi, Florence. 3. . L. Ricci, Macrostructure known as “The Ship” in Sorgane neighbourhood, Florence (1962-66). 4. L. Ricci, Palace of Justice in Savona (1981-87). 5. New Cemetery in Jesi (project 1984). 6. L. Ricci Palace of Justice in Florence (project 1987- posthumous). 7. “Metropolis” by Fritz Lang (1927). 8. Skyscraper design in “The Fountainhead” by King Vidor (1949). 9. The mansion of the “bad guy” P. Vandamme in Hitchcock’s “North by northwest” (1959). 10. Capri, Malaparte’s villa in “Contempt” by Jean Luc Godard (1963). 11. The Palace of the Italian Civilization located in Rome, EUR district, in “Boccaccio ‘70”, movie by F. Fellini (1962). 12. The industrial landscape in the Ravenna’s territory “Red Desert” by M. Antonioni (1964). 13. View of the metropolis of the future in “Minority Report” by S. Spielberg (2002).


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History of Architecture and the City

Agreements and Conferences

Academics Gianluca Belli Amedeo Belluzzi Mario Bevilacqua Alessandro Brodini Ferruccio Canali Emanuela Ferretti Riccardo Pacciani Corinna Vasic

The Section of History of Architecture actively collaborates with Italian and foreign institutions in research projects on outstanding artists and architects, single monuments, issues of urban history, from the Middle ages to the 21st century. Academics share their interests and expertise in the analysis of historical architecture (typologies, construction history, materials, etc.) together with the study of archival sources, historical iconography, and all other specific means of analysis and interpretation of architecture and urban design. Within the frame of such cooperative projects, the Section co-sponsors research grants, and organizes seminars and conferences, museum and exhibition projects, all relating to the promotion of cultural heritage. AGREEMENTS • Memorandum of understanding between the Dipartimento di Architettura dell’Università di Firenze, the Archivio Storico del Comune di Firenze and the Archivio di Stato di Firenze for an institutional cooperation aimed at the study, imaging, and reproduction with digital technologies of map and text-based documents about the city of Florence. Agreement of 12 November 2015, in effect. Faculty sponsor Gianluca Belli. • Agreement between the Dipartimento di Architettura dell’Università di Firenze and the Opera di Santa Maria del Fiore of Florence for the provision of a research grant on the subject of the architectural work of Francesco Talenti and his activity at the building site of the cathedral of Florence. Agreement of 20 February 2017, in effect. Faculty sponsor Gianluca Belli. • Agreement between the Dipartimento di Architettura dell’Università di Firenze and the Biblioteca Leonardiana di Vinci for the provision of a research grant on the subject of the Sala Grande of Palazzo Vecchio and Leonardo’s paintings: the architectural configuration and the decorative scheme from the end of the Quattrocento until today. Academic year 2013-2014. Faculty sponsor Amedeo Belluzzi. • Agreement between the Dipartimento di Architettura dell’Università di Firenze and the Ministero dei Beni e delle Attività Culturali e del Turismo - Gallerie degli Uffizi for the provision of a research grant on the Vasari Corridor: aspects of the construction and transformation of the building from the Cinquecento to today, 2017– 2018. Faculty sponsor Mario Bevilacqua, recipient: architect Francesca Funis. The research aims to enrich our technical and structural understanding of the building, the historical events of the project, and the building and transformation of the Vasarian structure and its immediate urban surroundings, from its construction in 1565 to today. • Agreement for cultural collaboration between the Dipartimento di Architettura dell’Università di Firenze and the Universidad de Minas Gerais, Departamento de História, aimed at research on the migration of real and painted architectural elements from the Baroque and late-Baroque periods from Europe (Italy and Portugal) to Brazil (Belo Horizonte and its territory). Interdisciplinary study aimed at the understanding of artefacts for their conservation and preservation. Agreement made in 2011 and renewed in 2016, in effect. Faculty sponsors Fauzia Farneti, Mario Bevilacqua, Stefano Bertocci, Silvio Van Riel, coordinator Magno Mello Moraes, with Adalgisa Arantes Campos, Eduardo França Paiva. In Brasil, the elements of Bolognese and Florentine quadraturismo, mediated through Portuguese culture, are employed widely, with adaptions to local decorative traditions. The research is structured in several phases: study of the painting techniques and analysis of the deterioration, architectural and structural surveys of the building and the architectural trompe-l’oeil decorative schemes, and proposals for the restoration and preservation of the building and decoration. • Agreement between the Dipartimento di Architettura dell’Università di Firenze and the Associazione Culturale Metamorfosi (Rome) for the creation of a museum exhibition for the Museo Michelangelo a Carrara (third quarter 2017). Faculty sponsor Emanuela Ferretti. • Agreement between the Dipartimento di Architettura dell’Università di Firenze, the Università per Stranieri di Siena, and the Polo Museale per la Toscana for research and promotion of the Medicean villas with special attention to the villas of Castello and Petraia. Currently in effect (a three-year project). Faculty sponsor Emanuela Ferretti. • Research fellowship at the Università degli Studi di Firenze, Area per la valorizzazione del Patrimonio Culturale, Sistema Museale, academic coordination, Dipartimento di Architettura - architectural history section. Research on the origins of the construction of Palazzo Bini-Torrigiani (15 September 2017 – 14 March 2018). Faculty sponsor Amedeo Belluzzi, fellowship recipient: Alessio Caporali. • Research fellowship at the Polo Museale per la Toscana, coordination, Dipartimento di Architettura on the subject of a historical investigation and feasibility study on the Limonaias of the Medici villa at Castello as functional museum spaces within the project “Studi, rilievi, indagini spaziali e valutazioni di rifunzionalizzazione a fini museali di una parte del giardino della Villa di Castello” (15 December 2017 – 14 June 2018). Faculty sponsor Emanuela Ferretti, Pietro Matracchi, fellowship recipient: Marta Castellini.


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1. Frontispiece of the Atlante delle mappe del territorio comunitativo di Firenze, c. 1833 (Archivio Storico del Comune di Firenze). 2. Florence, Uffizi and corridoio vasariano. 3. Giotto, A. Pisano, F. Talenti, Campanile of the cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore. 4-5. Florence, Uffizi and Vasari Corridor. 6. Tribolo, Grotto of the Animals, Villa di Castello, Florence. 7. Study of the ceiling of the nave of Santuário de Nossa Senhora da Divina Pastora, Divina Pastora, Sergipe. 8.Study of the ceiling of the nave of the church of São Francisco by Manuel da Costa Ataíde, 1801-1812, Ouro Preto (photo credit Eduardo Gotijo). 9. Poster of the 6th International Conference of History of Art held in Brasil (Mariana, Minas Gerais, 27-29 October 2017). 10. José Soares de Araújo, Ceiling of the main chapel of the church of Nossa Senhora do Carmo, Diamantina, Minas Gerais. 11.Poster of the 3rd International Conference of History of Art held in Brasil (Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais, 16-21 November 2015). ahcv


History of Architecture and the City

Agreements and Conferences

CONFERENCES AND SEMINARS Map collections and the history of the city, research seminar led by G. Belli and F. Lucchesi, Archivio Storico del Comune di Firenze-Dipartimento di Architettura dell’Università di Firenze, 25 March 2015. The Poggi plan for Firenze capitale and the transformations of the European city between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, research seminar led by G. Belli and R. Innocenti, Archivio di Stato di Firenze, 15 May 2015. Santa Maria degli Angeli: The monastery and the university, conference organized by G. Belli, M. Bevilacqua, C. Bianca, Sala Comparetti, Dipartimento di Lettere e Filosofia dell’Università degli Studi di Firenze, 1 June 2016. The history of the city through catasti, conference organized by G. Belli, F. Lucchesi, P. Raggi, Aula Magna at the Università degli Studi di Firenze, 24 November 2017.

Drawing, models, architecture, art history: the historical study and virtual recreation in the era of the digital humanities, international conference organized by E. Ferretti, S. Frommel, Dipartimento di Architettura, Ex-Biblioteca di Storia dell’architettura. In collaboration with the Biblioteca Leonardiana di Vinci, École Pratique des Hautes Études Sorbonne - Paris, CNRS Marseille, Florence, 20 October 2017. The Renaissance of the Grotto: nature, art and architecture between Italy and France in the Cinquecento, international research conference organized by E. Ferretti, S. Frommel, A. Giannotti, M. Mozzo. In collaboration with the Polo Museale per la Toscana, Università per Stranieri di Siena, Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e paesaggio per la città metropolitana di Firenze, École Pratique de Hautes Études Sorbonne, Paris. Villa Medicea di Castello-Accademia della Crusca22 February 2018.

The Sala Grande of Palazzo Vecchio and Leonardo’s paintings: the architectural arrangement and the decorative scheme from the Quattrocento to today, international conference organized by E. Ferretti, with the collaboration of R. Barsanti, G. Belli, C. Frosinini, A. Nova, Firenze Palazzo Vecchio, Aula Magna of the Università degli Studi di Firenze; Biblioteca Leonardiana di Vinci, 14-17 December 2016.

Facing page Above, left to right: Conference poster, The Poggi plan for Firenze capitale and the transformation of European cities between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries (15 May 2015). Poster from the seminar, Santa Maria degli Angeli: the monastery and the university (1 June 2016). International conference poster, The Sala Grande of Palazzo Vecchio and Leonardo’s paintings: the architectural configuration and the decorative scheme from the end of the Quattrocento until today (14–17 December 2016).


Below, left to right: International conference poster, Drawings, models, architecture, art history: historical research and virtual recreation in the era of the digital humanities (20 October 2017). Conference program, A history of the city through the catasti (24 November 2017). International conference poster, Renaissance in the grottoes: nature, art, and architecture in Italy and France in the Cinquecento (22 February 2018).

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History of Architecture and the City


History of Architecture and the City

Academics Gianluca Belli Amedeo Belluzzi Mario Bevilacqua Alessandro Brodini Ferruccio Canali Emanuela Ferretti Riccardo Pacciani Corinna Vasic

Marta Bianchi Tutor: Amedeo Belluzzi Synagogues of Florence: 1572-1882 Year: 2016

Irene Fei Tutor: Amedeo Belluzzi Palazzo Mozzi and Bardini museum in the history of piazza de’ Mozzi in Florence Year: 2016

Rachele Lombardo Tutor: Amedeo Belluzzi The 1925 Paris Exhibition: a comparison between architectures Year: 2016


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Rebecca Carrai Tutor: Amedeo Belluzzi Finn Juhl, architect Year: 2017

Edoardo Paolo Ferrari Tutor: Mario Bevilacqua High altitude houses Year: 2016 Dissertation selected to be published, being printed. The house is the centre of the material and spiritual life of a family in the millenary crossroad land of Ladakh in the Himalayas. The buildings’ solid mass emerges in the vast rocky landscapes. Villages are the only green oasis, irrigated by melting snow in summer. Every house grows in time, it is modified and its parts are demolished and rebuilt until they become part of the barren landscape again, once abandoned. Any domestic space is the indivisible result of nature and local cultures, imbued with symbolic meanings. The immaterial legacy of construction techniques has always been transmitted orally, from one generation of master craftsmen to the next one.

Lorenzo Fecchio Tutor: Mario Bevilacqua Co-Tutor: Francesco Repishti The Sacromonte at Varallo Sesia (1560-1593) Year: 2016 The Sacro Monte of Varallo Sesia, founded in 1491, reproduces in a mountain landscape the monuments of the Holy Land. Sacri Monti have an enormous fortune in catholic Europe until the 18th-century, in the Alps as well as in other areas such as Tuscany and the Kingdom of Naples. In 2003 Varallo was included in the UNESCO World Heritage list. The research demonstrates the impact of the great Renaissance architect Galeazzo Alessi (1512-1572) in the design of several parts of the Sacro Monte.



History of Architecture and the City


Academics Gianluca Belli Amedeo Belluzzi Mario Bevilacqua Alessandro Brodini Ferruccio Canali Emanuela Ferretti Riccardo Pacciani Corinna Vasic

The publications of the academics of the Section of History of Architecture and the City deal with the wide range of their scholarly research: Italian and Western architecture from the early 15th to our days, the great masters of the Renaissance, from Brunelleschi to Leonardo and Michelangelo, the Baroque and the 18th Century (Bernini, Piranesi), the Italian 19th and 20th century in a wider, international context. In a close confrontation with other great non-western architectural civilizations, research focuses on the temple, the square, the ideal city and the metropolis of advanced capitalism, the political meanings of architecture in early modern society and the totalitarian regimes of the 20th and 21st centuries, the changing concept of cultural heritage and intellectual responsibility and ethics of the architect.














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History of Architecture and the City

Books,documents and architecture

The cooperation between the Technology Library of the School of Architecture and the Section of History of Architecture and the City, University of Florence. The University Library of Technology and DIDA’s Section of History of Architecture and the City work closely together in the organization of exhibitions and seminars, promoting the knowledge and evaluation of the Library’s rich collection of rare books, drawings, archives, photographs and videos.

Library Director Maria Luisa Masetti Responsible for Archives Gianna Frosali Responsible for History of Architecture Section Mario Bevilacqua

Michelangelo e il Novecento: Immagini in movimento curated by Emanuela Ferretti and Maria Luisa Masetti Biblioteca di Architettura, via Micheli 2 6–20 October 2014


On the occasion of the four hundred fiftieth anniversary of the death of Michelangelo, the Fondazione Casa Buonarroti and the Galleria Civica di Modena have held an exhibition entitled “Michelangelo e il Novecento”. The Biblioteca di Scienze Tecnologiche of the Università di Firenze, in collaboration with Emanuela Ferretti and Davide Turrini, have participated in the initiative with the screening of films from the RAI Teche archives, alongside displaying volumes from the collection of the Library that document the fortunes of Michelangelo in art historical studies from the first half of the twentieth century.

Catalogo della modernità e marchio nazionale: le esposizioni universali da Londra 1851 a Milano 2015 curated by Gianna Frosali and Gabriella Vagnarelli Biblioteca di Architettura, via Micheli 2 21 October –13 November 2015 For the initiative ‘In Biblioteca 2015’ organized by the Regione Toscana, an exhibition was organized that presented documents on the World’s Fairs of the nineteenth, twentieth, and twenty-first centuries. These were rare period documents with remarkable illustrations. On display were official catalogues, illustrated publications, technical records, and explanatory brochures and guidebooks for the halls and host cities. Film clips from the period were also shown. 2


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Le Corbusier e i suoi scritti curated by Gianna Frosali and Gabriella Vagnarelli Biblioteca di Architettura, via Micheli 2 19 November – 11 December 2015 For the symposium entitled ‘Attualità del pensiero di Le Corbusier’, sponsored by DIDA, an exhibition of library materials was set up dedicated to the writings of Le Corbusier. From the collection of materials by Le Corbusier in the possession of the Biblioteca, original editions, facsimile reproductions, and the earliest translations into foreign languages were presented. On display were also original documents from the archive collections of Papini and Piacentini, architects from the twentieth century. 3

Tesori inesplorati. Le biblioteche dell’Università di Firenze in mostra curated by the Università degli Studi di Firenze (catalogue of the exhibition edited by Stefano Mazzoni) Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, piazza San Lorenzo 9 15 February – 29 September 2017 “Unexplored treasures: these two words distil the originality, the essence, and the wonder of this exhibition which for the first time offers the public a sampling of the exceptional heritage held in the libraries of the Università di Firenze” (Luigi Dei, Rector of the Università degli Studi di Firenze) 4

The library, in collaboration with the Department of Architecture, History Section, has organized the display of treatises from the seventeenth century and a selection of journals from the early 1900s.

“Wendingen”. Storia di una rivista olandese 1918-1931 curated by Gianna Frosali, Chiara Razzolini, Gabriella Vagnarelli Biblioteca di Architettura, via Micheli 2 10 October –15 December 2017 Wendingen, a well-known Dutch art and architecture magazine and model of refined twentieth-century typographical design, was donated to the Biblioteca di Scienze Tecnologiche dalla Provincia di Firenze in 1982. In the exhibition of 2017, in addition to the most representative issues, all one hundred sixteen covers were reproduced from the twelve series of Wendingen as well as the texts of Ezio Godoli that illustrated the origins, the editorial history, and the themes handled by the magazine.


1. Sections and plans of the dome of San Pietro and of Santa Maria del Fiore (from Milani 1921, pl. 32). 2. L’Esposizione di Torino 1911: giornale ufficiale illustrato dell’Esposizione Internazionale delle industrie e del lavoro, no. 4, April 1910. 3. Pierrefeu, F., & Le Corbusier, La maison des hommes, Paris, Librairie Plon, 1942. 4. Umberto Bottazzi, Emporium, Bergamo dall’Istituto italiano di arti grafiche, Agosto, 1899. 5. Cover of Wendingen, series V, no. 2, 1923, illustrator J. Sluijters.



Materials and Structures


Mitigating the impacts of natural hazards on Cultural Heritage sites, structures, and artefacts

PRIN | Progetto di Ricerca di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale (Research Projects of National Relevance) National Scientific Coordinator Mario De Stefano UNIFI | DIDA Research Group UNIFI | DIDA Valerio Alecci Angelo D’Ambrisi Giulia Misseri Raffaele Nudo Luisa Rovero Marco Tanganelli Partnership UNIFI | DICeA Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Fabio Castelli UNIBO | DICAM Civil, Chemical, Environmental, and Materials Engineering Tomaso Trombetti UNIPI | DESTEC Department of Energy, Systems, Territory, and Construction Engineering Mauro Sassu UNIROMA1 | DISG Department of Structural and Geotechnical Engineering Franco Bontempi

Italian cultural heritage, one of the most relevant worldwide, with 51 listed sites among the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage, is still being lost at an alarming rate, due to either natural or human-induced disasters. MICHe targets the development of new and efficient strategies to protect cultural heritage from different risks. In particular, MICHe proposes new analysis methods, strategies, intervention solutions and management tools to increase the resilience of cultural heritage assets against multiple hazards, like earthquakes, floods, landslides, and fires. An interdisciplinary approach is adopted with the final aim of proposing more efficient multi-risk management policies. The project focuses on specific case studies, selected to encompass the most typical hazards of the Italian territory. Modena Cathedral, Florence city center, S. Miniato hill (FI), urban city walls of Volterra (PI) and the Norman Tower in Craco (MT) will be used to test and validate the proposed strategies and methodologies. The project is grounded in a bottom-up approach, which starts from the stakeholders’ requirements, and aims at solving the real issues and challenges affecting the conservation of cultural heritage. On the one hand, hazard estimation procedure still requires a research effort and thus, significant scientific advancements that can be achieved through a multi-disciplinary research effort. On the other hand, the applicability of already available intervention techniques for built heritage and the effectiveness of hazard prediction chains require a sharing of experiences and fruitful cooperation among professionals involved in the process to make academic research fully effective. As for social and economic impacts, a more robust safety assessment and an enhanced knowledge base of the sites for vthe selected study cases will undoubtedly increase the touristic potential and the social resilience of the analysed sites that will benefit from the adoption of the MICHe innovative approach. To this purpose, MICHe results, including technical reports, scientific papers, tests results and practical recommendations, will be available and accessible through a web portal for five years after the conclusion of the project.

POLIBA | DICAR Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture Dora Foti Website

POLICY BUILDING Preparedness and Knowledge



POLICY MAKING Effective & Compatible Interventions



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urban area

diffuse architecture

outstanding masterpiece 1









1. Craco (MT), Volterra (SI). 2. The hill of San Miniato, southern Florence. 3. Apses of Modena Cathedral. 4.-5. Modena Cathedral: central nave and cracks on the groin vaults. 6. Landslide-induced collapse of Volterra urban walls. 7. Long-term landslides on the hill of San Miniato, southern Florence. 8. Tower in Craco. 9. Florence city centre. ahcv


Materials and Structures

Seismic assessment of the Accademia Museum in Florence Monumental Heritage

Scientific Coordinator Mario De Stefano Address piazza Brunelleschi, 6 Firenze Research Group UNIFI | DIDA Valerio Alecci Giampiero Barbetti Maria T. Cristofaro Angelo D’Ambrisi Mario De Stefano Alessandra La Brusco Valentina Mariani Maria Pianigiani Tommao Rotuno Marco Tanganelli Partnership Università eCampus Francesco Focacci UNIFI | DICEA Grazia Tucci CNR | IVALSA Nicola Macchioni MiBACT | SABAP Firenze-Prato-Pistoia Giuseppe Giorgianni Georisorse Gianfranco Gensini

The seismic assessment of Museums and monumental buildings requires an additional effort to engineers and designers; indeed, before proceeding with the standard analyses, as provided by the current Technical Code (NTC 2008), a careful and detailed preliminary investigation should be pursued, to achieve a satisfactory knowledge of the construction. The mechanical description of complex and historical buildings requires the comprehension of their history, with the consequent changes occurred in each of their components. The seismic assessment of Museum of Academia has been made on the basis of a wide investigation, which lead to reconstruct the architectural and constructive history of the building from its construction to nowadays. A detailed and careful investigation has been made on both masonry walls and timber beams in order to identify the mechanical properties of materials. Three different levels of assessment, respectively named “LV1”, “LV2” and “LV3” by the Italian Code, have been pursued. With the first level of assessment, LV1, the safety index of the building has been found by representing the building through simplified mechanical models. The second level of assessment (LV2) has been pursued by considering possible local collapse mechanisms, related to single portions of the structure. In the third level of assessment (LV3), the global response of the complex to a seismic input compatible to the site hazard has been checked, by representing the whole structure as the sum of the sub-systems found in the previous steps of analysis. This work represents a benchmark in the seismic analysis of monumental buildings in the Italian scenario, since it retraces all the steps of analysis provided by the Code.

Collaborator Thayla Biagi DISSEMINATION ACTIVITIES Fair of the Conservation, Technology and Promotion of Cultural and Environmental Heritage Valutazioe e riduzione del rischio sismico del patrimonio culturale: un’applicazione sperimentale per il Museo della Galleria dell’Accademia di Firenze (Ferrara, 23 March 2013).

ACKNOWLEDGMENT The research project “ Applicazione sperimentale della direttiva P.C.M. per la valutazione e riduzione del rischio sismico del patrimonio culturale del 12 ottobre 2007 e ss.mm.ii al Museo della Galleria dell’Accademia di Firenze - Seconda fase” has been funded by Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Tourism (MIBACT).

Public meeting for the presentation of: Linee Guida per la valutazione e ridizione del rischio sismico del patrimonio culturale. Un’applicazione sperimentale per il Museo della Galleria dell’Accademia di Firenze (Firenze, 16 December 2013).

1. Map of masonry types and in-situ tests. 2. Vibrational model - 3D model. 3. Maximum stress values - 3D model. 4. Comparison between Code and site specific spectra. 5. Capacity (SDOF) and demand spectra. 6. Collapse mechanism on a single macro-element. 7. Penetrometric test. 8. Flat jack test.


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7 ahcv



Materials and Structures

Seismic Behaviour and Design of Irregular Buildings Seismic Design

Scientific Coordinator Mario De Stefano Address piazza F. Brunelleschi, 6 Firenze Research Group UNIFI | DIDA Valerio Alecci Mario De Stefano Stefano Galassi Alessandra La Brusco Valentina Mariani Marco Tanganelli Stefania Viti Partnership Università eCampus Fabrizio Comodini UNIFI | DICEA Massimo Lapi Maurizio Orlando

Post-earthquake surveys invariably show that structural irregularity is one of main causes of severe damage and collapse of buildings under strong earthquakes. Structural irregularity is caused by economical, functional, aesthetical-formal factors and it’s impossible to avoid them. The evaluation of the seismic performance of irregular building is a complex operation, especially when this type of structures is an existing one. Existing buildings are the result of several transformations closely connected with the evolution of the building life which can become source of irregularity and damage during a seismic event. They can exhibit irregular seismic response even when they do not present noticeable irregularities, since strength and stiffness eccentricities can be induced by many aspects which are usually neglected. The assessment of seismic performance of irregular buildings is based on a wide knowledge process. All the documents describing the original design and the foundation soil have to be studied and a large number of experimental tests have to be performed to evaluate material mechanical properties. Indeed, the choice about material behaviour and type of performed analysis strongly affects the analytical reproduction of the seismic behaviour of structures and, consequently, their performance prediction. Solely a nonlinear approach can represent a reliable tool for an in-depth assessment of the seismic behaviour of the structure avoiding the risk of too conservative results even if the adoption of nonlinear procedures involves several choices concerning the modelling strategy and the nonlinear behaviour of structural materials that imply a deep awareness of the complexity of the problem and require very qualified staff. Research objectives This research group deals with: • Types of irregularity • Effects on seismic behaviour • Research in the field • European/Italian code specification for irregular buildings • Interventions to mitigate irregularity conditions










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ACKNOWLEDGMENT This project research has been financially supported by the project “ReLUIS-DPC 2014-17” and by the Region of Tuscany through the health Agency USL8 of Arezzo. BOOKS Lavan & De Stefano (eds): Seismic Behaviour and Design of Irregular and Complex Civil Structures, 2013, Hardcover. ISBN 978-94-0075376-1 . Zembaty & De Stefano (eds): Seismic Behaviour and Design of Irregular and Complex Civil Structures II, 2016, Hardcover. ISBN 978-3-31914245-6. PUBLICATIONS De Stefano M, Tanganelli M, Viti S (2013). On the variability of concrete strength as a source of irregularity in elevation for existing RC buildings: a case study. Bull Earthq Eng 11(5): 1711–1726, ISSN: 15731456. De Stefano M, Tanganelli M, Viti S (2013). Effect of the variability in plan of concrete mechanical properties on the seismic response of existing RC framed structures. Bull Earthq Eng 11(4):1049–1060, ISSN: 1573-1456. De Stefano M, Tanganelli M, Viti S (2014). Variability in concrete mechanical properties as a source of in-plan irregularity for existing RC framed structures. Eng Struct 59:161–172.



Comodini F, De Stefano M, La Brusco A (2017). Seismic assessment of an existing R.C. irregular hospital building with N2 method extended to plan irregular buildings. In: Eighth European Workshop on the Seismic Behaviour of Irregular and Complex Structures 19-20 October, Bucharest, Romania. Alecci V, De Stefano M, Galassi S, Lapi M, Orlando M (2017) An assessment of American criterion for detecting plan irregularity. In: Eighth European Workshop on the Seismic Behaviour of Irregular and Complex Structures 19-20 October, Bucharest, Romania. De Stefano M, Tanganelli M, Viti S (2017). Effect of the mechanical properties of concrete on the seismic assessment of RC irregular buildings. In: Eighth European Workshop on the Seismic Behaviour of Irregular and Complex Structures 19-20 October, Bucharest, Romania. De Stefano M, Tanganelli M, Viti S (2015). Torsional effects due to concrete strength variability in existing buildings. Earthq Struct 8(2):379–399. La Brusco A, Mariani V, Tanganelli M, Viti S, De Stefano M (2015). Seismic assessment of a real RC asymmetric hospital building according to NTC 2008 analysis methods. Bull Earthq Eng 13: 2973-2994, ISSN:1570-761X. Ruggieri N. The Borbone «Istruzioni per gli ingegneri» a Historical Code for Earthquake-resistant constructions, International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 2016.

Mariani V, Tanganelli M, Viti S, De Stefano M (2016). Combined effects of axial load and concrete strength variation on the seismic performance of existing RC buildings. Bull Earthq Eng 14: 805-819, ISSN:1570-761X.

1. Northridge Earthquake (January 17, 1994) California (credit: Boris Yaro, Los Angeles). 2. L’Aquila Earthquake (April 6, 2009), Italy (credit: www.reluis.it). 3. Amatrice Earthquake (August 25, 2016), Italy (credit: www.reluis.it). 4. Bhuj Earthquake (January 26, 2001), India (photo: C. V. R. Murty). 5. Kobe Earthquake (January 17, 1995), Japan (photo: Ryuji Miyamoto). 6.-7. The research is carried out with reference to some case-studies, i.e. irregular hospital RC buildings. 8. Geophysical site investigation. 9. Destructive and not-destructive tests for mechanical properties of structural material determination. 10. Views of the 3D model performed by using the computer code CSI-Sap2000. 11. The 1st and 2nd vibrational mode deformations of one case study. 12. Views of the 3D model performed by using the computer code Seismosoft-Seismostruct. 13. Seismic response of a case-study in terms of global response parameters. 14. Seismic performance of a case-study along the X and Y directions obtained by nonlinear dynamic analysis. ahcv


Materials and Structures

SISMED models of evaluation of the seismic vulnerability of complex urban areas Urban Vulnerability

Scientific Coordinator UNIFI | DIDA Mario De Stefano Address piazza Brunelleschi, 6 Firenze Research Group UNIFI | DIDA Marco Tanganelli Stefania Viti Barbara Paoletti Maria Teresa Cristofaro Partnership UNIFI | DST Earth Sciences Department General Coordinator Maurizio Ripepe Research Group UNIFI | DST Massimo Coli Giorgio Lacanna Pauline Deguy Letizia Orti UNIFI | DISIA Scientific Director DISIA Bruno Bertaccini UNIFI | DST Giulia Biagi

The research projects SISMED and SISMED SECOND YEAR come from the collaboration between the departments of Earth Sciences (DST), Architecture (DIDA) and Statistics Information Technology and Applications (DiSIA). The case of the city of Florence Florence has historically been subject of moderate seismic activity. Florence has historically been the subject of moderate seismic activity. In past centuries, eight earthquakes have affected the city with a magnitude between 4 and 5 ML. The most important events that have affected the city have had epicentres in Mugello (in 1542 and 1919), in Impruneta (1895) and in the Valdarno (1770). The Earthquake of 1895 with ML estimated 5.4 and Imax = VII MCS is remembered as “the great earthquake” and represents the strongest earthquake that historically hit the Florentine area. Objective The purpose of SISMED project is to estimate the seismic vulnerability at a large scale of the city of Florence and evaluate the percentage of risk for population. During last years, the Department of Earth Sciences of University of Florence has analysed in detail the geological and geophysical settings of the Firenze underground. These studies have produced a profound knowledge of the seismic hazard, and they have revealed that part of the city is subject to an amplification of the seismic energy, which is due to the geological characteristics of the subsoil. The present project aims to define the effects of seismic amplification on infrastructures and buildings. Today again, we still have an incomplete knowledge of seismic vulnerability of the Florentine building, which is estimated at around 30.000 buildings (data ISTAT 2014). From the first year of SISMED, we know that almost 40% of the total buildings of Firenze were built after 1955. These structures have never suffered the “testing” of an earthquake and most of their were not built according to any anti-seismic regulations. The final objective is the improvement of the statistics reliability of the vulnerability index divided for homogeneous classes with the ambition of delivering the first Map of Urban Seismic Vulnerability of the City of Florence. The impact of such a Map would be large both in terms of seismic risk prevention, urban risk assessment and civil protection decision maker. PUBLICATIONS Ripepe M., Lacanna G., Deguy P., De Stefano M., Mariani V., Tanganelli M., Large-scale seismic vulnerability assessment method for urban centres. An application to the city of Florence. International conference “S.M.ART. BUIL.T. Structural Monitoring of Artistic and Historical Building Testimonies”, Bari 27-28-29 March 2014, p. 6.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The research projects SISMED and SISMED SECOND YEAR are funded by CARIFI foundation (Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze).

Lacanna G., Deguy P., Ripepe M., Coli M., Paoletti B., Barducci S., Tanganelli M., Viti S., De Stefano M., Seismic Hazard of urban areas: a case study. ECCOMAS Congress 2016 VII European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering M. Papadrakakis, V. Papadopoulos, G. Stefanou, V. Plevris (eds.) Crete Island, Greece, 5–10 June 2016.


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6 1. 3D Map. 2.-3. Historical Classification. 4.-5. Heights Classification. 6. Risonance Map. ahcv


Materials and Structures

Experimental investigation on FRP external systems for the mechanical restoration of RC elements Innovative technologies

Scientific Coordinator Raffaele Nudo Address piazza Brunelleschi, 6 Firenze Research Group UNIFI | DIDA Raffaele Nudo Francesco Capani Angelo D’Ambrisi Mario De Stefano Partnership Università eCampus Francesco Focacci Università di Cassino | DiMSAT Raimondo Luciano

The issues of upgrading buildings with structural deficiencies and repairing structures damaged by seismic events determined in recent years a growing interest towards fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) composites. Several researches have shown the effectiveness of FRP systems for strengthening of beam-column joints in terms of shear strength and energy dissipation capacity. The overall structural ductility also increases, since the failure mode can be shifted from the joint to the adjacent members. Furthermore, the failure mechanism can be modified from shear to flexure, fulfilling the requirements of modern codes on strength hierarchy. Based on these remarks, an experimental campaign has been developed at the Laboratorio Ufficiale Prove Materiali e Strutture (LPMS) of the DiDA Department, aimed at studying the cyclic response of RC specimens previously damaged and then repaired by carbon fibre wrappings. The research project The project deals with the experimental results of an investigation aimed at studying cyclic response of RC specimens previously damaged and then repaired with externally bonded carbon fibre reinforced polymer (CFRP) sheets. The research involved ten specimens; two of them were tested without any external strengthening material in order to provide a reference for the response of repaired specimens. These latter were tested after a previous damaging procedure and a subsequent repair intervention with CFRP reinforcing systems. The parameters under investigation were the level of initial damage, the strengthening configuration, and the level of axial load. Test results have pointed out effectiveness of the adopted strengthening systems since repaired specimens exhibited better mechanical performances if compared to companion unstrengthened specimens. The FRP materials bonded at critical regions prevented spalling of concrete cover, buckling of longitudinal bars and an excessive damage of concrete, so allowing a greater number of loading cycles with respect to control specimens. This outcome was more evident for specimens repaired by strengthening systems with unidirectional and quadriaxial carbon fibre sheets. Conversely, specimens reinforced by quadriaxial fibre sheets only allowed a better dissipation capacity due to their capacity to oppose shear mechanisms. Concerning the effects of the axial load, specimens which took greater advantage of the adopted reinforcing systems were the ones subjected to the higher value of axial force.

Facing page: 1. Test setup and arrangement of the steel bars and the FRP reinforcing systems. 2-3. Specimen FRP100-A (a) after the damaging and (b) after the repair intervention. 4. Specimen REF50: cracking pattern at a critical region. 5. Specimen REF100: bar buckling at a critical region. 6. Stiffness decrease during the loading cycles. (a) Specimens with N = 50 kN, (b) Specimens with N = 100 kN. 7. Hysteresis energy during the loading cycles. (a) Specimens with N = 50 kN, (b) Specimens with N = 100 kN. 8. Comparison between the load-displacement curves of the repaired specimens subjected to the axial force N = 50 kN and N = 100 kN and the companion un strengthened specimens. (a) Strengthening system A. (b) Strengthening system B. (c) Strengthening system C. (d) Strengthening system D.


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strengthening with unidirectional CFRP sheets diameter 8 mm diameter 4 mm strengthening with quadriaxial CFRP sheets

bending moment

18 mm

arrangement of steel reinforcement









PUBLICATIONS Capani F, D’Ambrisi A, De Stefano M, Focacci F, Luciano R, Nudo R. Experimental investigation on cyclic response of RC elements repaired by CFRP external reinforcing systems. Composites Part B, 2017; 112: 290-299.

Nudo R, Acciai A, Capani F. Effectiveness of externally bonded FRP systems in restoration of RC structures in seismic areas. Proc. 14th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering. Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia, 2010.

Acciai A, D’Ambrisi A, De Stefano M, Feo L, Focacci F, Nudo R. Experimental response of FRP reinforced members without transverse reinforcement: Failure modes and design issues. Composites Part B, 2016; 89: 397-407.

Nudo R, Capani F. Indagine sperimentale sulla risposta inelastica di campioni in c.a. danneggiati, riparati con CFRP. Atti del Workshop “Materiali ed Approcci Innovativi per il Progetto in Zona Sismica e la Mitigazione della Vulnerabilità delle Strutture”, Fisciano (Salerno), 2007, CD Rom.

Carloni C, Focacci F. FRP-masonry interfacial debonding: An energy balance approach to determine the influence of the mortar joints. European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids, 2016; 55: 122-133. D’Ambrisi A, Francesco F, Luciano R, Alecci V, De Stefano M. Carbon-FRCM materials for structural upgrade of masonry arch road bridges. Composites Part B, 2015 ; 74: 355-366. Focacci F, Carloni C. Periodic variation of the transferable load at the FRP-masonry interface. Comp. Struct., 2015; 29: 90–100. D’Ambrisi A, Focacci F, Luciano R. Experimental investigation on flexural behavior of timber beams repaired with CFRP plates. Comp. Struct., 2014; 108: 720-728. ahcv

Nudo R, Capani F. Indagine sperimentale sulla risposta inelastica di elementi in c.a. riparati con tessuti in fibra di carbonio. Atti del XII Convegno Nazionale “L’Ingegneria Sismica in Italia”, Pisa, 2007, CD Rom. Nudo R, Capani F. Experimental behaviour of asymmetrically damaged RC columns repaired by CFRP. Proc. 8th International Symposium on Fiber Reinforced Polymer Reinforcement for Concrete Structures, Patras (Greece), 2007, CD Rom.v


Materials and Structures

Experimental response of FRP reinforced members without transverse reinforcement Innovative technologies

Scientific Coordinator Raffaele Nudo Address piazza Brunelleschi, 6 Firenze Research Group UNIFI | DIDA Andrea Acciai Angelo D’Ambrisi Mario De Stefano Raffaele Nudo Partnership Università eCampus Francesco Focacci UNISA | DICIV Luciano Feo

In the field of new concrete constructions the use of pultruded FRP bars in place of conventional steel bars in RC elements is a promising technology, especially for concrete structures subjected to aggressive environments or to electromagnetic fields. Advantages of these materials are their good corrosion resistance, high tensile strength and low weight. However, the intrinsic brittleness of both concrete and FRP materials may induce problems at the ultimate conditions due to premature failure modes; the performance under service loads is a critical issue as well. To investigate response of concrete members reinforced with longitudinal FRP bars without shear reinforcement, an experimental program has been developed at the Laboratorio Ufficiale Prove Materiali e Strutture – LPMS of the DIDA Department. Sixteen specimens were designed and cast within this project, characterized by different study variables concerning cross section geometry, concrete grade and type of reinforcement. The research project The research project presented herein concerns an experimental campaign aimed at studying flexural response of concrete members without shear reinforcement and longitudinally reinforced with glass or carbon FRP bars (GFRP and CFRP, respectively). The experimental program involved sixteen specimens, conceived according to three main variables: the cross section geometry, the compressive strength of concrete and the type of reinforcement. Response of FRP-reinforced specimens has been compared to that of control specimens reinforced with conventional steel bars. Results of tests pointed out the following aspects: • Specimens reinforced with FRP bars behaved according to a nearly bilinear relationship characterizing the uncracked and the cracked phases. • FRP-reinforced specimens of the series 1 (shallow cross section) failed all in flexure. Corresponding control specimens, reinforced with steel bars, behaved according to a ductile response until failure. • FRP-reinforced specimens of the series 2 (deep cross section) experienced an early collapse due to shear. Control specimens behaved according to a ductile behaviour. • Under load levels representing both the service and the ultimate conditions, FRP-reinforced specimens always exhibited deeper cracks and larger crack spacing than the control specimens reinforced with steel bars. PUBLICATIONS Capani F, D’Ambrisi A, De Stefano M, Focacci F, Luciano R, Nudo R. Experimental investigation on cyclic response of RC elements repaired by CFRP external reinforcing systems. Composites Part B, 2017; 112; 290-299. Acciai A, D’Ambrisi A, De Stefano M, Feo L, Focacci F, Nudo R. Experimental response of FRP reinforced members without transverse reinforcement: Failure modes and design issues. Composites Part B, 2016; 89; 397-407. Carloni C, Focacci F. FRP-masonry interfacial debonding: An energy balance approach to determine the influence of the mortar joints. European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids. 2016;55:122-133.


D’Ambrisi A, Francesco F, Luciano R, Alecci V, De Stefano M. Carbon-FRCM materials for structural upgrade of masonry arch road bridges. Composites Part B 2015;74:355-366. D’Ambrisi A, Focacci F, Luciano, R. Experimental investigation on flexural behaviour of timber beams repaired with CFRP plates. Comp. Struct. 2014; 108:720-728. Rovero L, Focacci F, Stipo G. Structural Behaviour of Arch Models Strengthened Using Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Strips of Different Lengths. J. Comp. Const. 2013;17(2):249-258. Focacci F, Nanni A, Bakis CE. Local bond-slip relationship for FRP reinforcement in concrete. J. Comp. Const. 2000;4(1):24–31. research map | dida research programs










1. Test configuration and geometry of specimens (dimensions in mm). (a) Specimens of the series 1: shallow cross section. (b) Specimens of the series 2: deep cross section. 2. Material properties of reinforcing bars. 3. Adopted FRP bars: (a) GFRP bar (13 mm diameter); (b) CFRP bar (9 mm diameter). 4. Force-displacement curves of specimens of the series 1 (a) and series 2 (b). 5. Crack patterns of specimens (a) S-G1×13, (b) S-C1×9, and (c) S-ST1×14 close to the failure conditions. 6. Failure modes of specimens (a) D-G2×13, (b) D-C2×9,and (c) D-ST1×14. 7. Load-deflection curves of specimen S-C1x9(a) and of specimen D-G1x13 (b). ahcv


Materials and Structures

Historical building material and techniques of Latin America for intercultural dialogue Intercultural studies

Scientific Coordinator Michele Paradiso Address piazza F. Brunelleschi, 6 Firenze Research Group COLOMBIA Juan M. Sarmiento Nova José Fernando Muñoz Robledo, Ricardo Cruz GERMANY Elena Perria ITALY Francesca Bizzeti Antonio Farigu Olimpia Lotti

Latin America, and particularly Central America, suffer from a very strong territorial disintegration, both in terms of built habitat and economic and social points of view. In particular, Colombia is in a post-conflict process and urgently needs to reconstruct these differences, with particular attention to the city-country relationship and the housing condition of desplazados. In this process, many studies and projects are in progress, to which the research described here is linked, to identify low-cost housing solutions, through the recovery of the ancient construction techniques, such as earth constructions and those in bamboo. The research started from the study of these traditions, concentrated for the bamboo in the area of the Eje Cafetero of the Department of Caldas, and for the earth constructions in the Department of Santander. The Universities Colombian partners are the Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Manizales) and the Universidad Industrial de Santander with the Universidad Santo Tomás, both in Bucaramanga. Research objectives The objective of the research is the constructive, functional and mechanical validation of a single-family, low-cost house prototype, in earth and bamboo, for the objectives of the Colombian post-conflict peace process. Phases • Study in technical literature about the materials and construction techniques, concentrated in the Departments of Caldas and Santander, and their historical use; • Architectural project of a single-family house in reinforced adobe and bamboo; • Tests campaign in the laboratory on the earth material, on bamboo material, on related structural elements, and on a prototype of adobe panel bordered with a bamboo grid, using natural fibres such as rhododendron and yuta for the connections between the bamboo beams (Materials and Structures Laboratory of Architectural universities Departments in Florence, Manizales, Bucaramanga); • Architectural project of an human settlement (asentamiento humano), contextualized in the Camino Real of Baricharaara-Guane.


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Training and teaching Course on Historical building material and techniques of Latin America for intercultural dialogue, School of Architecture, Florence, (2013-2018). Course on Materials and historical building techniques of Latin America for the preservation of historical memory, Facultad de Arquitectura de la Universidad Santo Tomas de Bucaramanga (2013, 2014, 2017). Results The research, still in progress, has obtained, from the technical point of view, highly encouraging results for the achievement of the final purpose. It has also produced an intense exchange of knowledge within the partners, with the drafting of 4 degree theses dedicated to the topic, and teachers and student international mobility for a total of 100 students. PUBLICATIONS Michele Paradiso, Francesca Bizzeti: Analisi sperimentale di pannelli in adobe e bambù. Un esempio di recupero di antiche tecniche costruttive latinoamericane, in Proceedings of International Congress VI Rehabend Congress – Rehabend 2016 Euro-American Congress. Burgos (Spain), 2016, pages. 1332-1340, ISBN 97884608794911. Michele Paradiso, José Fernando Muñoz Robledo, Martina Dal Savio: El estilo temblorero y el baraheque: arquitecturas patrimoniales con tierra en el paisaje cultural cafetero de Colombia. in Revista Construcción con tierra, vol. 7, pagg. 103-114, 2016, CD-ROM. ISSN 1669-8932. ahcv

Michele Paradiso, Elena Perria, Francesca Bizzeti, Antonio Farigu, Olimpia Lotti: Low-cost adobe structure with bamboo additives and bamboo-frames strength tests, in Proceedings of International Congress “Vernacular and earthen architecture, conservation and sustainability”, CRC Press Balkema, Taylor and Francis Group, Valencia (Spain), September 2017, pagg.777-782, ISBN 9781138035461.


Materials and Structures

Past, present and future of the Havana Art Schools Conservation of Modern Architecture

Scientific Coordinator Michele Paradiso Address piazza F. Brunelleschi 6 Firenze Research Group ITALY Elena Perria

The research, which began in 2003, is in the general idea of studying the contaminations between the European historical constructive techniques and Latin America. Particularly referred to the construction technique of the bóvedas catalanas, which dates back to the XIV century, they had the most important interpreter in Antoni Gaudì. And it was precisely in Gaudì that Ricardo Porro, Vittorio Garatti and Roberto Gottardi were inspired, when, in 1962, he designed, on the recommendation of Fidel Castro Ruz, Las Esculeas de Arte de Cubanacàn. This splendid architecture, never completely finished, remains the best example of the use of this construction technique in Latin America. They are still in a situation of strong decay, although a timid restoration was done by the Cuban government (2003-2011). The research is carried out in collaboration with the Minister of Culture of Cuba and with Universidad de La Habana and with Instituto Tecnólogico José Antonio EchevarrÍa de La Habana. Research objectives The research, which is still ongoing, aimed at finalizing the revitalisation, recovery, restoration and consolidation of the five Schools, each one dedicated to an Art: Ballet, Theatre, Dance, Music, Plastic Art. Phases • Knowledge of the story, of the territory and of the problem; • Field survey work; • Sharing results in progress with local communities; • Project and post monitoring. Training and teaching Magisterial conference (invited) on the Art Schools of La Habana, Firts Seminar on University Cultural Heritage, Universidad de La Habana, March 2015. Conferences on the Art Schools of La Habana at the Semana de la Cultura Italiana en Cuba, organized by the Italian Embassy in La Habana, November 2015 and November 2016 I(invited lectures).

The three architects awarded at the Quirinale (2012).


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1. Entry of the Ricardo Porro School of Plastic Art. 2. The bóvedas catalanas: entry of the Vittorio Garatti School of Ballet. 3. The bóvedas catalanas: the Roberto Gottardi School of Theatret

4. The pasillo of the Ricardo Porro School of Plastic Art. 5. Ricardo Porro School of Dance. 6. Degradation of brick walls in the Roberto Gottardi School of Theatre.

Cycle of Conferences on the Art Schools of La Habana at the Faculty of Architecture of the Santo Tomás University of Bucaramanga, Colombia, March 2014 (Visiting professor). Magisterial conference (invited) on the Art Schools of La Habana, Firts Seminar on University Cultural Heritage, Universidad de La Habana, March 2015. International Worhshop on the future of the Art School of La Habana, organized by the Cuba Ministry of Culture and Michele Paradiso (DIDA), January 2016. Workshop about the presentation of the book Las Escuelas Nacionales de Arte de La Habana. Pasado, presente y futuro, Ed. DiDAPress, 2016, at Casa de las Tejas Verdes, La Habana, November 2016. Workshop about the degradation situation of the School Ballet of E.N.A. with the students of the Course on Historical building material and techniques of Latin America for intercultural dialogue, School of Architecture, Florence, a.a. 2016-2017, La Habana, January 2017. Seminar in memory of Roberto Gottardi, School of Architecture, University of Florence, 22 November 2017. Results Two degree theses in Architecture were supported and the student mobility of our students towards La Habana was supported, with a total number of about 20 students. There were many publications in conferences and in international journals and congresses. The most important result achieved so far, is the financing by the Italian Development Cooperation Agency of our Ministry of Foreign Affairs (AICS), 2.5 million Euro, for the restoration of the first one of the five Schools, the Escuela de Arte Escénica by Roberto Gottardi. The Ministry of Culture of Cuba indicated as international partner for the work of technical consultancy and related human development activities, thanks to the decades of work done by this research group, the Department of Architecture DiDA of Florence. PUBLICATIONS Michele Paradiso: Storia recente, uso, degrado e restauro de Las Escuelas Nacionales de Arte de Cubanacán (1999-2014), in Revista M, Ed. Usta Universidad Santo Tomás, 2014, pages 4–23, ISSN 25907883. Michele Paradiso: Le Scuole d’Arte de La Habana: un problema lungo 55 anni…., in Area magazine, n. 150, 2017, pages 120-121, ISSN 03940055. ahcv

Michele Paradiso (editor), AA.VV.: Las Escuelas Nacionales de Arte de La Habana. Pasado, presente y futuro, Ed. DiDAPress, 2016, pages n. 145, ISBN 978886080610. Michele Paradiso: Historia reciente, uso, degradación, restauración, in Las Escuelas Nacionales de Arte de La Habana. Pasado, presente y futuro, Ed. DiDAPress, 2016, pages 57-72, ISBN 978886080610.


Materials and Structures

Researches of partnership in human development cooperation projects International cooperation and historical heritage

Scientific Coordinator Michele Paradiso Address piazza F. Brunelleschi 6 Firenze Research Group ITALY Sara Bucelli Noemi Cascella Marta Del Sere

The researches concerns the partnership activities for two projects of international cooperation for human development, in the geographic area of Central America. The first project, Ciudad y Mujeres: Enfoque de género in urban planning and territorial management, was financed by the European Union and ended in 2014, with the n.g.o. Medina (Association for Cooperation among Peoples) as its leader. From the technical point of view, the research has been related to the development of natural techniques for the mitigation of the hydrogeological risk of the zone where the barrio de invasión de El Hato is located, in the immediate suburbs of Antigua Guatemala (Guatemala), and has developed with the typical participatory strategies of human development cooperation projects. The second project, entitled Estrategías de gestión sustentable y participada of the histórico de León Nicaragua, was also funded by the European Union with the same local Italian partner (Medina). The work of partnership was related to the diagnostic analysis and in the project of consolidation of the ancient Catedral de Sutiaba, in the city of León, joint with the colonial buildings around the same Cathedral. Research objectives Identification of innovative, sustainable and natural techniques for the conservation of the built historical heritage and for the prevention of natural disasters. Phases • Knowledge of the territory and the problem; • Field survey work; • Sharing results in progress with local communities; • Project and post monitoring. Training and teaching Conference on mitigation of hydrogeological risk. Antigua Guatemala, 2014, May. Conference on historical heritage in Tuscany, Antigua Guatemala, 2014, October. Training brief course on built historical heritage conservation, León Nicaragua, 2016, march. Participation at the International workshop Estrategías de gestión sustentable y participada del centro histórico de León Nicaragua, 2016, March Participation at the final International Workshop Estrategías de gestión sustentable y participada del centro histórico de León Nicaragua, 2017, October. Results The researches have successfully reached what was requested by the cooperation project. There have been intense exchanges between the international partners. Two degree theses were produced, one of has won a prize dedicated to human development. Three of our students spent long periods in Guatemala and Nicaragua, for a total of 15 months.


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1. Participatory workshops with the women of El Hato in Antigua Guatemala. 2. The ancient Cathedral of Sutiaba in León Nicaragua. 3. Earthquake collapse mechanisms in Antigua Guatemala. 4. Sector plan of the cultural heritage area of the Municipality of León. 5. Hydrogeological risk mitigation works in El Hato. 6. Classification of historic buildings in the historic centre of León.

PUBLICATIONS Michele Paradiso, Sara Bucelli: Las obras de mitigación de riesgos hidrogeolócico en la aldea de El Hato, in “Ciudad y Mujeres. Enfoque de genero en la planificación urbana y gestión del territorio”, Ed. Medina, Firenze 2014, pages 116-118, ISBN 9788897119029. Michele Paradiso, Francesca Bizzeti, Sara Bucelli, Paolo Milani, Greta Costantini, Paola Andreotti: Los saberes constructivos locales para el mejoramiento de las viviendas en los barrios de invasión: la aldea de El Hato en Antigua Guatemala, in “Acciones transversales en arquitectura y cooperación al desarrollo”, edited by Martí Núñez Paz, Proceedings of Tercer Congreso Internacional sobre Acciones Transversales en Arquitectura y Cooperación al Desarrollo, Madrid, 2014, pages 105-120, ISBN 9788461728176.


Michele Paradiso, Francesca Bizzeti, Sara Bucelli: Los saberes constructivos locales oara el mejoramiento de las viviendas en los barrios de invasióm barrio Galán y El Hato, in proceedings of III Congreso Internacional MACDES Medio Ambiente Construido y Desarrollo Sustentable, CD-ROM, La Habana 2014, pages 742-752, ISBN 97895926146731. Michele Paradiso, Paolo Milani: Involvement and empowering of local communitues in the processo of conservation of heritage assets. Expe--rience in Latin America, in Eredità culturale e paesaggio come diritto dell’uomo, Proceeding of 18th Icomos General Assembly,. Ed. by Maurizio De Stefano & Monica Luengo (Icomos Italia), Firenze, 2014, pages 109-115, ISBN ICOMOS 97829180860204, ISBN ESI 978888849530575.


Materials and Structures

Masonry Arches with CFRP Reinforcements: a numerical method Innovative technology

Research Group Tommaso Rotunno Mario Fagone Silvia Briccoli Bati Address piazza Brunelleschi, 6 Firenze Collaborator Angela Soraci

Recent decades have seen a considerable increase in the use of composite materials such as Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) strips to reinforce masonry structures. As is well known, proper analysis of masonry structures with CFRP reinforcements requires the processing of complex non-linear relations and the identification of mechanical parameters, which are often extremely difficult to determine by experimental tests. At the same time, in normal practice these composite materials are applied to masonry structures according to the results obtained by simplified models. For instance, technicians involved in the strengthening of an arch using CFRP strips generally needs a simple calculation tool, designed to predict solely the failure load and corresponding mechanism. It is precisely for this reason that limit analysis represents a useful approach, as it involves common computational tools and requires the determination of only a limited number of mechanical parameters. J. Heyman is the leading proponent of the use of limit analysis on unreinforced masonry arches. Livesley was the first to apply limit analysis theory to unreinforced masonry structures by modelling them as rigid blocks and using the static approach and linear programming. An ample body of literature, by various researchers, exists, regarding the application of limit analysis to the study of masonry structures reinforced with CFRP strips. The key aspect characterizing masonry structures strengthened with CFRP strips is the capacity that they acquire to bear tensile stresses. Therefore, the structural behaviour of an arch reinforced with CFRP strips is completely different from that of an unreinforced arch: the presence of the reinforcement profoundly changes both the value of collapse load and especially the corresponding failure mechanism. Unreinforced masonry arches generally collapse primarily by the opening of four hinges, or five in symmetrical arches. Instead, masonry arches with CFRP strips bonded on their intrados may collapse due to different local mechanisms: hinged modes; masonry crushing; debonding or peeling of the CFRP reinforcement; sliding; CFRP rupture. Project This research presents a numerical procedure able to predict the failure load and the corresponding collapse mechanism of CFRP-reinforced masonry arches. The collapse load is evaluated using limit analysis by the lower bound approach applied to a rigid-block model. The feasible domain of the static variables is defined by imposing equilibrium conditions and taking in account only the local collapse mechanisms, i.e. hinged modes, masonry crushing, debonding and peeling of the CFRP reinforcement. These mechanisms can be modelled, in an approximated way, under the assumption of rigid-plastic behaviour of the mortar joints and of the voussoir-CFRP interface. In doing so, the treatment of brittle phenomena of these interfaces is precluded and, consequently, the collapse load can be overestimated. However, as will be seen, the predictions of the numerical model compare well with the experimental data obtained by laboratory tests performed at the Department of Architecture of the University of Florence. PUBLICATIONS Briccoli Bati, S, Fagone, M., Rotunno, T. Lower Bound Limit Analysis of Masonry Arches with CFRP Reinforcements: A Numerical Method. J. Compos. Constr. 17(4), 543–553 (2013).


Briccoli Bati, S., Rotunno, T., Soraci, A. Indagine sperimentale sul comportamento strutturale di archi in muratura rinforzati con SRP e SRG. Proc., Workshop on Design for Rehabilitation of Masonry Structures, Edizioni Polistampa, Ischia, Italy, 441–451 (2009). research map | dida research programs






subject to : pc + l pl = [C] r T

φ(r ) £ 0

Failure Load (N)

= 8155

Hinge Compressive failure Trust line



1. Degrees of freedom and generalized deformations. 2. External loads and stress resultants. 3. Static approach linear programming problem. 4. Results of the numerical analysis: failure load and collapse mechanism. 5. Experimental curve and failure load lower bound. ahcv


Materials and Structures

The Groin Vaults of St. John Hospital in Jerusalem

an experimental and numerical analysis on a scale model Monumental Heritage

Research Group Tommaso Rotunno Mario Fagone Silvia Briccoli Bati Address piazza Brunelleschi, 6 Firenze Collaborators F. Scampitilla Falco Federica Loccarini Guido Morelli


The St. John Hospital is located in a strategic position in the Old City of Jerusalem, between the King David street and the suq spine; therefore, even if located in the Christian Quarter, it is close to the other three quarters: Muslim, Jewish and Armenian. In spite of its strategic position, the building is nowadays largely underutilised since currently partially serves as storage for the adjacent shops. The St. John Hospital was significantly changed over time, even through heavy demolition interventions. At present it looks like an irregular volume both in height and in plan, covered by ten groin vaults resting on very stocky pillars. In view of its historical significance, its architectonics features and its strategic position in the heart of the old city, UNESCO has included the St. John Hospital in a list of buildings subjected to “Adaptive reuse projects�. These project profiles include architectural surveys and structural analysis at different scale and an early assessment of the structural condition, mainly aimed at the evaluation of the possible reuse options. In particular, conservation interventions have been recommended for the St. John Hospital, in order to preserve, reinforce and restore the structures of the building. A possible strengthening technique of vaulted structural systems, already partly standardized, consists in bonding Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymers (CFRP) sheets at extrados. CFRP sheets have become very widespread technique for the reinforcement of masonry structural elements. These light strips are able to improve the structural capacity and to reduce seismic vulnerability of masonry buildings, providing tensile strength, feasibility and versatility in application and corrosion resistance. At least as far as author’s knowledge, although this technique of intervention is recommended, experimental investigations in the literature refer to unreinforced groin vaults and very few verify experimentally the effectiveness of this strengthening technique.

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1. Load-displacement diagram: horizontal displacement: arch C-D. Unstrengthened vault (a) and Strengthened vault (b).

Project This research is a study of the structural behaviour of the vaulted system of St. John Hospital by an appropriate experimental investigation carried out on a representative 1:5 scale groin vault, built with materials and construction techniques similar to those of the real building. The load bearing capacity and the collapse mechanisms of the scale model, resulting from a combination of a constant vertical load and a cyclic horizontal load (to simulate a seismic action), are determined from the experimental analysis. Bearing in mind that retrofitting and reinforcement interventions are often required on damaged structural elements, the damaged scale model was strengthened and tested using the same combination of vertical and horizontal load, in order to verify the effectiveness of the considered CFRP strengthening system. The scale model and the tests were performed at the “Laboratorio Ufficiale Prove Materiali e Strutture” of the Department of Architecture, University of Florence. PUBLICATIONS Fagone, M., Rotunno, T. & Bati, S. B. The Groin Vaults of St. John Hospital in Jerusalem: An Experimental Analysis on a Scale Model. Int. J. Archit. Herit. 10, 903–918 (2016). Fagone, M. & Rotunno, T. Experimental and numerical analysis of the structural behaviour of the groin vaults system of St. John Hospital in Jerusalem. in 2nd International Conference on Recent Advances in Nonlinear Models – Design and Rehabilitation of Structures, CoRASS 2017 1–2 (Barros, H.; Ferreira, C.; Adam, José M.; Delatte, N., 2017). ahcv

Briccoli Bati, S., Fagone, M. & Rotunno, T. The dome-behaviour analysis of the groin vault in the St. John Hospital in the Old City of Jerusalem. in Domes in the world 1–10 (Nardini Editore, 2012). Briccoli Bati, S., Fagone, M., Ranocchiai, G. & Rotunno, T. Analisi sperimentale di un modello in scala, rinforzato e non, del sistema di volte a crociera dell’Ospedale di St. John a Gerusalemme. in Atti del Workshop WONDERmasonry 2011 1–12 (Edizioni Polistampa, 2012).


Materials and Structures

Bond Behavior of FRCM Composites for Strengthening of Masonry Structures Innovative technologies

Scientific Coordinator Luisa Rovero Research Group ICAR 08 - ICAR 09 Valerio Alecci Sara Barducci Mario De Stefano Giulia Misseri Luisa Rovero Gianfranco Stipo Ugo Tonietti ECAMPUS Francesco Focacci UNICAS Luciano Raimondo

In recent years, innovative composite materials with cement-based matrices have been used for structural reinforcement of masonry constructions, overcoming drawbacks associated with polymeric matrices. In fact, fabric-reinforced cementitious matrices (FRCMs) are becoming a viable alternative to fibre-reinforced polymers (FRPs) especially for strengthening of historic masonry constructions. Cementitious matrix composites are easy to apply, have a resistance against high temperatures comparable with the support, can be applied to damp surfaces, and have excellent physical–chemical compatibility with the masonry substrates. Furthermore, if compared with FRP composites, FRCM composites permit higher vapour permeability, lower costs, and a complete reversibility of the installation. These qualities assume a major relevance for ancient masonries retrofitting, where both the seismic safety and the conservation criteria need to be met. Although FRCM systems have attracted growing interest in the strengthening of masonry structures, few studies are available on mechanical properties and bond performance, which directly affect the strengthening effectiveness. Experimental investigations have shown that failure mechanisms of FRCM systems concern the fibre–matrix interface. As bond performance is a key factor in the behaviour of reinforced structures, it is important to deepen the experimental knowledge on fibre-matrix interface behaviour and it to developed appropriate analytical models. Focus of research The research dealt with the following topics: 1. experimental investigation of the bond behaviour of FRCM composites and evaluation of their bond performance when applied to masonry substrates: • comparison among different types of composite materials: - carbon fabric reinforced cementitious mortars (CFRCM) - glass fabric reinforced cementitious mortars (GFRCM) - PBO fabric reinforced cementitious mortars (PBOFRCM) - basalt fabric reinforced cementitious mortars (BFRCM) - basalt fabric reinforced lime mortars (BFRLM) • identification of the parameters that influence the global response of the reinforcement–brick systems, in terms of both maximum load and strain capacity; • comparison among different types of bond tests in therms of procedure and results, with the aim of identifying the most reliable type of test: - Single Shear Test (SST) - Double Shear Test - type A (DST-A) - Double Shear Test - type B (DST-B) - Beam Test (BT) 2. analytical study of the bond behaviour of FRCM composites based on the fracture mechanics approach, with the aim of identifying a bond-slip model calibrated with the experimental data, able to predict the experimental load responses.


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PUBLICATIONS Alecci, V., De Stefano, M., Luciano, R., Rovero, L., & Stipo, G. (2015). Experimental investigation on bond behaviour of cement-matrix– based composites for strengthening of masonry structures. Journal of Composites for Construction, 20(1), 04015041.

CONFERENCES Alecci, V., F., Rovero, L., Stipo, G., & De Stefano, M. (2017). Strengthening of masonry structures with cementitious matrix composite. 16th World Conference on Earthquake 16WCEE 2017, Santiago Chile, January 9th to 13th 2017.

Alecci, V., Focacci, F., Rovero, L., Stipo, G., Mantegazza, G., De Stefano, M.,(2017). FRCM Composites for strengthening of brick masonry arches. Key Engineering Materials 747 KEM, 174-181.

Alecci, V., De Stefano, M., Luciano, R., Misseri, G., Rovero, L., Stipo, G., Experimental investigations on suitable and innovative strengthening systems for masonry arches. International Conference on Mechanics of composites, MECHCOMP3. University of Bologna, Italy, 4-7 july, 2017.

Alecci, V., De Stefano, M., Focacci, F., Luciano, R., Rovero, L., & Stipo, G. (2017). Strengthening Masonry Arches with Lime-Based Mortar Composite. Buildings, 7(2), 49. Alecci, V., Focacci, F., Rovero, L., Stipo, G., & De Stefano, M. (2017). Intrados strengthening of brick masonry arches with different FRCM composites: experimental and analytical investigations. Composite Structures, 176, 898-909.

V. Alecci, M. De Stefano, F. Focacci, R. Luciano, L. Rovero, G. Stipo. Lime mortar-based composites for the strengthening of masonry structures. 17th CIRIAF National Congress Sustainable Development, Human Health and Environmental Protection, Perugia, Italy. April 6-7, 2017.

Alecci, V., Focacci, F., Rovero, L., Stipo, G., & De Stefano, M. (2016). Extrados strengthening of brick masonry arches with PBO–FRCM composites: Experimental and analytical investigations. Composite Structures, 149, 184-196.

PHD THESIS Stipo, G., Analisi del comportamento dei compositi a matrice cementizia nel rinforzo delle strutture murarie, 2014.

Alecci, V., Misseri, G., Rovero, L., Stipo, G., De Stefano, M., Feo, L., & Luciano, R. (2016). Experimental investigation on masonry arches strengthened with PBO-FRCM composite. Composites Part B: Engineering, 100, 228-239. ahcv

Barducci, S., Il comportamento di adesione dei compositi FRCM: indagini sperimentali e modelli analitici, 2017. (expected dissertation march 2018).


Materials and Structures

Structural behaviour of masonry arches strengthened through composite materials Innovative technologies

Scientific Coordinator Luisa Rovero Research Group ICAR 08 - ICAR 09 Valerio Alecci Mario De Stefano Giulia Misseri Luisa Rovero Gianfranco Stipo Ugo Tonietti ECAMPUS Francesco Focacci UNICAS Luciano Raimondo UNISA Luciano De Feo


Masonry arches are important structural and architectural components of the historical buildings. The load-carrying and seismic capacities of these structures often need to be improved due to the increase of the applied loads and to meet the requirements of the modern codes. Since ancient times, steel profiles placed at the intrados, insertion of steel rebars, cementitious mortar injection, or reinforced concrete elements cast at the intrados or at the extrados were employed for repairing and improving the static and seismic capacity of arches and vaults. In the last two decades, Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) composites were effectively used, as an alternative to traditional techniques, for increasing the load-carrying capacity and the displacement capacity of masonry arches. Furthermore, FRP sheets, applied at intrados or extrados of vaulted structures, demonstrated their effectiveness in preventing the typical four hinges mechanism. Due to the well-known low compatibility between FRP materials and masonry substrate, innovative composites made of a fabric embedded in inorganic mortar (FRCM, Fabric Reinforced Cementitious Mortar - FRLM, Fabric Reinforced Lime Mortar) have been recently proposed as an alternative to FRP composites for strengthening of reinforced masonry structures, especially in case of application on historical and monumental buildings. FRCM composites comply with the principle of reversibility, have a good resistance against high temperatures, can be applied to damp surfaces, permit a good vapour permeability and have a high physical-chemical compatibility with the masonry substrate. For these reasons, there is a great attention towards the use of FRCM composites to strengthen masonry members. Focus of research The research dealt with the following topics: • experimental validation of effectiveness of composite materials applied on masonry structures to increase load bearing capacity and displacement capacity • comparison among different types of composite materials: - carbon fibre reinforced polymer (CFRP) - glass fabric reinforced cementitious mortars (GFRCM) - PBO fabric reinforced cementitious mortars (PBOFRCM) - carbon fabric reinforced cementitious mortars (CFRCM) - basalt fabric reinforced lime mortars (BFRLM) • validation of structural analysis for arches reinforced with composite materials. In particular, the arches experimental tested are analysed with the approach of the limit analysis of the collapse mechanisms. For the FRCM strengthened arches the maximum fibres strain has been assumed equal to the maximum strain attained by the fibres during double shear bond tests previously performed, while for the FRP strengthened arches the maximum fibres strain has been assumed equal to the debonding strain evaluated according to the CNR (Italian National Research Council) guidelines. The employed approach allowed to accurately estimate the collapse load of the arches strengthened with FRP material, while the collapse loads of the arches strengthened with FRCM materials evaluated based on the results of the double shear tests underestimate the failure loads of the arches. research map | dida research programs

PUBLICATIONS Alecci, V., Focacci, F., Rovero, L., Stipo, G., Mantegazza, G., De Stefano, M.,(2017). FRCM Composites for strengthening of brick masonry arches. Key Engineering Materials 747 KEM, 174-181. Alecci, V., De Stefano, M., Focacci, F., Luciano, R., Rovero, L., & Stipo, G. (2017). Strengthening Masonry Arches with Lime-Based Mortar Composite. Buildings, 7(2), 49. Alecci, V., Focacci, F., Rovero, L., Stipo, G., & De Stefano, M. (2017). Intrados strengthening of brick masonry arches with different FRCM composites: experimental and analytical investigations. Composite Structures, 176, 898-909.

CONFERENCES Alecci, V., F., Rovero, L., Stipo, G., & De Stefano, M. (2017). Strengthening of masonry structures with cementitious matrix composite. 16th World Conference on Earthquake 16WCEE 2017, Santiago Chile, January 9th to 13th 2017. Alecci, V., De Stefano, M., Luciano, R., Misseri, G., Rovero, L., Stipo, G., Experimental investigations on suitable and innovative strengthening systems for masonry arches. International Conference on Mechanics of composites, MECHCOMP3. University of Bologna, Italy, 4-7 July, 2017.

Alecci, V., Focacci, F., Rovero, L., Stipo, G., & De Stefano, M. (2016). Extrados strengthening of brick masonry arches with PBO–FRCM composites: Experimental and analytical investigations. Composite Structures, 149, 184-196.

V. Alecci, M. De Stefano, F. Focacci, R. Luciano, L. Rovero, G. Stipo. Lime mortar-based composites for the strengthening of masonry structures. 17th CIRIAF National Congress Sustainable Development, Human Health and Environmental Protection, Perugia, Italy. April 6-7, 2017.

Alecci, V., Misseri, G., Rovero, L., Stipo, G., De Stefano, M., Feo, L., & Luciano, R. (2016). Experimental investigation on masonry arches strengthened with PBO-FRCM composite. Composites Part B: Engineering, 100, 228-239.

PHD THESIS Stipo, G., Analisi del comportamento dei compositi a matrice cementizia nel rinforzo delle strutture murarie, 2014.

Rovero, L., Focacci, F., & Stipo, G. (2013). Structural behaviour of arch models strengthened using fibre-reinforced polymer strips of different lengths. Journal of Composites for Construction, 17(2), 249-258. ahcv


Materials and Structures

Florence seismic assessment of not-historical masonry buildings population Innovative technologies

Scientific Coordinator Marco Tanganelli Address Sezione Materiali e Strutture piazza Brunelleschi, 6 Firenze Scientific Board UNIFI | DIDA Marco Tanganelli Tommaso Rotunno Stefania Viti Leonardo Zaffi Vieri Cardinali Collaborators Giulia Metelli Serena Germani


The city of Florence, whose historic centre has been declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1982, is known all over the world for its historical and artistic heritage. However, more than half of its buildings was made in the XX century, therefore presenting the typical problems and weaknesses proper of pre-normative “recent” constructions. The XX century buildings population is made both by RC and masonry constructions. This work deals with the seismic assessment of masonry buildings made in Florence after the II world war. In those decades, indeed, a large number of masonry buildings has been made, both as private and public projects. The public interventions, belonging to housing national projects, were aimed at providing homes for needing citizens; they cover a large number of buildings all over the town (over 22’000 buildings, about 15% of the total residential buildings), having similar features and material. In the project, a brief description of the development of the public housing in Florence has been presented, and some building—types have been assumed to represent the public buildings population. The case-study has been represented through different models, in order to consider the different variations experienced by this building type, such as walls arrangement, number of storey, and slight irregularities in plan. The seismic input has been described according to the Italian Code prescriptions, by considering the effective soil stratigraphy, and assuming different hypotheses for the mechanical properties of each layer. The seismic performance of the case-study has been checked by performing a nonlinear static analysis. The results are expressed in terms of seismic performance, defined as the ratio between the seismic capacity and the corresponding demand. The obtained results evidenced the role of both building and soil variability on the seismic assessment of the case-study. Contents The project deals with the seismic performance assessment of urban areas. The analysis is aimed at providing meaningful information regarding the seismic capacity of specific types of residential buildings. The majority of the residential buildings of Florence, indeed, has been made in few decades, therefore presenting similar features. A wide investigation on the main buildings type will provide site-specific fragility curves to use for seismic assessment at urban scale. • Fulfilment of a database referred to the buildings constructed in Florence within public housing interventions; • Increase of the information regarding the seismic performance of the investigated building-classes. The meaningful of the obtained results is related to the quality of the performed buildings classification, which should be detailed enough to account for the specificities of the considered buildings but general enough to cover a significant number of cases; • Assessment of a large number of individual buildings, through the analysis of proper case-studies, representative of buildings classes appositely found; • Assumption of the seismic input considered in the analysis with reference to the National hazard classification for the site of the area; • Editing of a vulnerability map by adopting the hybrid methodological approach, which joints the numerical assessment of the adopted case-studies and the available thematic maps. research map | dida research programs

1 PUBLICATIONS Metelli G, Rotunno T, Tanganelli M and Viti S (2017). Florence: seismic assessment of not-historical masonry buildings population. COMPDYN 2017 6th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering M. Papadrakakis, M. Fragiadakis (eds.) Rhodes Island, Greece, 15–17 June 2017, Vol. 2, pp. 3189-3200. Metelli G., Zaffi L. (2017). Interventi di edilizia pubblica in muratura nella Firenze del XX secolo, in V Congreso Internacional sobre docu-

mentación, conservación y reutilización del patrimonio arquitectónico y paisajístico, Universidad de Granada, REUSO Granada 2017, Vol. 2, pp. 317-323, ISBN: 978-84-338-6131-3. Tanganelli M, Metelli M, Rotunno T, Zaffi L, Germani S (2017). Interventi di edilizia pubblica in muratura a Firenze: analisi sismica di un edificio tipo. In: ReUSO Granada 2017, Sobre una arquitectura hecja de tiempo, Granada, pp. 487-492, ISBN: 978-84-338-6131-3.



4 1. Interventions in a specific neighbourhood considering the block-type. 2. Assumed soil profiles and shear velocity (vs) of the constituting layers. 3. Values of vs,30 and consequent NTC 2008 classification. 4. Elastic spectra of the ensembles representing the seismic input (LS limit state). ahcv


Materials and Structures

Mechanical Characterization of Concrete from Existing Buildings Investigation of materials

Scientific Coordinator Marco Tanganelli Address piazza Brunelleschi, 6 Firenze Research Group UNIFI | DIDA Sara Barducci Maria T. Cristofaro Angelo D’Ambrisi Mario De Stefano Raffaele Nudo Marco Tanganelli Partnership UNIRC | PAU Raffaele Pucinotti

The research project has as its main objective the seismic evaluation of the Italian building heritage, with particular reference to RC constructions. In this context, the mechanical characterization of concrete is a key moment. A method widely used to estimate mechanical properties of concrete is based on laboratory tests performed on specimens obtained by coring, both in compression (direct) and in tension (indirect – splitting tension test). However, it is known that the strength values obtained from these tests are conditioned by several factors mainly related to the extraction modes, to the concrete quality and to the core dimensions. For this reason many studies, both theoretical and experimental, have been developed to obtain a reliable prediction of the actual concrete strength. Alternatively, non-destructive investigation methods are also widely used. The research group has focused its work on both the destructive and non-destructive tests. Research objectives Italy has a large building heritage mainly consisting of old masonry and RC buildings located in seismic areas. These buildings, realized without specific aseismic measures, have an intrinsic vulnerability against earthquake. As regards the assessment of RC existing buildings, the method of extracting cores is widely used in order to obtain mechanical characteristics of in-situ concrete. Among the developed research project, a sample consisting of 1190 cores belonging to RC public buildings was used; these buildings were subjected, by the Regione Toscana, to a preliminary investigation aimed at assessing the quality of materials, as a part of the Program on Seismic Vulnerability of RC buildings (VSCA, 2004). The investigated buildings were built between the 50s and 80s in areas characterized by the highest seismic risk of the Tuscan territory. In particular, the sample consisted of 896 cores belonging to 134 school buildings, 67 cores belonging to the hospital complex of Sansepolcro (Arezzo) and 227 cores belonging to structures of a secondary school in San Godenzo (Firenze). Diameters of cores varied between 44 mm and 150 mm, as reported in Table 1. All specimens were subjected to compression tests; some of them were subjected to indirect tension and non-destructive tests (SONREB method). Preparation and test procedures were performed by authorized laboratories according to requirements of the current Italian technical code.

1. Tuscany Region: location of investigated buildings. 2. Load-Displacement experimental relationship. 3. Estimated error of fc_mean vs coefficient of variation. 4. Compressive strength fcore vs D/dmax,a. 5. Relationship between fc_mean and dmax,a. 6. Splitting test.


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PUBLICATIONS M.T. Cristofaro, R. Nudo, M. Tanganelli, A. D’Ambrisi, M. De Stefano, R. Pucinotti (2017). Issues concerning the assessment of concrete compressive strength in existing buildings: Application to a case study. Structural Concrete, ISSN: 14644177, DOI: 10.1002/suco.201700070. Accesso ONLINE all’editore. M.T. Cristofaro, A. D’Ambrisi, M. De Stefano, R. Nudo, R. Pucinotti, M. Tanganelli (2016). Factors affecting mechanical strength of concrete cores: an investigation concerning public buildings located in Toscana. In: 4th Workshop on The New Boundaries of Structural Concrete, Universitày of Naples, Federico II – ACI Italy Chapter, 29 settembre 1 ottobre 2016, Capri, Italia.

M.T. Cristofaro, S. Barducci, R. Nudo, M. Tanganelli, A. D’Ambrisi, M. De Stefano, R. Pucinotti (2015). Influenza del diametro della carota per la definizione della resistenza a compressione del calcestruzzo. In: Conferenza Nazionale sulle Prove non Distruttive Monitoraggio Diagnostica 16° Congresso AIPnD Biennale PND-MD, 21-23 ottobre 2015, Milano, Italia. M.T. Cristofaro, S. Barducci, R. Nudo, M. Tanganelli, A. D’Ambrisi, M. De Stefano, R. Pucinotti (2015). Prove sperimentali di resistenza di calcestruzzi in opera. In: Conferenza Nazionale sulle Prove non Distruttive Monitoraggio Diagnostica 16° Congresso AIPnD Biennale PND-MD, 21-23 ottobre 2015, Milano, Italia.

M.T. Cristofaro, S. Barducci, R. Nudo, M. Tanganelli, A. D’Ambrisi, M. De Stefano, R. Pucinotti (2016). Influenza del diametro della carota nella stima della resistenza a compressione del calcestruzzo in opera. In: Il giornale delle prove non distruttive, monitoraggio, diagnostica, ISSN:1721-7075, vol. 2/2016.

MT. Cristofaro, R. Pucinotti, M. Tanganelli, M. De Stefano (2015). The dispersion of concrete compressive strength of existing buildings. In: Geotechnical, Geological and Earthquake Engineering-Volume 33. p. 275-285, Svizzera:Springer International Publishing, ISSN: 15736059, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-06394-2.

M.T. Cristofaro, S. Barducci, R. Nudo, M. Tanganelli, A. D’Ambrisi, M. De Stefano, R. Pucinotti (2016). Prove sperimentali di resistenza di calcestruzzi in opera. In: Il giornale delle prove non distruttive, monitoraggio, diagnostica, ISSN:1721-7075, vol. 1/2016.

M.T. Cristofaro, M. De Stefano, M. Tanganelli, R. Pucinotti (2014). Resistenza meccanica del calcestruzzo in-situ. In: IN CONCRETO, vol. 118, URL: http://www.inconcreto.net.


M.T. Cristofaro, M. De Stefano, R. Pucinotti e M. Tanganelli (2013). Caratteristichemeccaniche del calcestruzzo in-situ. In atti: Conferenza Nazionale sulle Prove non Distruttive Monitoraggio Diagnostica 15° Congresso AIPnD Biennale PND-MD, 23-26 ottobre 2013, Trieste, Italia.


Materials and Structures

Berber and Andalusian timber roof structure in Northern Morocco construction technique and structural behaviour Architectural Heritage

Scientific Coordinator Giacomo Tempesta Address piazza Brunelleschi, 6 Firenze Research Group Stefano Galassi Letizia Dipasquale Luisa Rovero Ugo Tonietti Partnership Nicola Ruggieri Parco Archeologico di Pompei

The most recurrent traditional roofs in the Medina of Chefchaouen are of the double pitched type. These roofs, as can be deduced from observation, on-field surveys as well as from interviews with local master builders (maâlem), are classifiable into two structural categories: the Berber structure and the Andalusian structure. The structural behaviour of the Andalusian roof timber structures surveyed in the Medina of Chefchaouen was analysed in depth. The analysis, carried out using finite element models, has allowed the assessing of the structural behaviour of the structure but also highlighted some weaknesses that are inherent to this building system. These weaknesses are primarily due to the presence of unilateral connection elements which assure efficiency only under specific stress conditions, but also to the lack of efficiency of the connection between load-bearing elements of the roof and the surrounding walls. The detected horizontal displacement of supports explains the cracking pattern that is usually visible at the top of walls just under the level of the gutter. A parametric analysis was performed that reveals that the weaknesses of the system do not present specific criticalities in the geographic context in which the system is developed. Nevertheless, some crucial strengthening interventions are proven to be necessary for assuring that all timber elements can suitably contribute to the overall equilibrium of the structure in the case of an earthquake. PUBLICATIONS Galassi S., Dipasquale L., Ruggieri N., Tempesta G. Andalusian timber roof structure in Chefchaouen, Northern Morocco: construction technique and structural behaviour, ASCE Journal of Architectural Engineering, 2018. Tampone G. and Ruggieri N. State-of-the-art technology on conservation of ancient roofs with timber structure, Journal of Cultural Heritage, 22, 2016. Rovero L. and Fratini F. The Medina of Chefchaouen (Morocco) : A survey on morphological and mechanical features of the masonries, Construction and Building Materials, 47, 2013.

Dipasquale L. and Volpi V., Le coperture in Mecca S., Dipasquale L., Rovero L.,Tonietti U. and Volpi V. (a cura di) «Chefchaouen. Architettura e cultura costruttiva». Pisa: Edizioni ETS, 2009. Dipasquale L., Mecca S., Rovero L., Tonietti U. Technical knowledge and traditional architecture in Medina of Chefchaouen (Morocco), Proc.of 2nd Int.Conf.on Mediterranean Heritage, RIPAM, Universitè Cadi-Ayyad, Marrakech, October 24-26,2007.

Andalusian timber roof - Structural behaviour assessment


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Berber timber roof - Construction investigation



Materials and Structures

Equilibrium analysis of masonry domes The Eddy-Lévy graphical method Graphical Methods for Historical Architecture

Scientific Coordinator Giacomo Tempesta Address piazza Brunelleschi, 6 Firenze Research Group Stefano Galassi Giulia Misseri Luisa Rovero

Protection of cultural heritage is an essential commitment to future generations for the transmission of People identity and a major challenge for scientific research. Intervention design must pivot on a full understanding of the mechanical behaviour of masonry buildings characterized by various construction techniques and tough to be interpreted and modelled. Inherent heterogeneity and the slight tensile strength indeed induce the non-linear response. The most ancient studies on masonry domes, from Vitruvius, in 25–23 BC, Palladio in 1570, Leon Battista Alberti in 1472, to Scamozzi in 1615, focus on methods for the definition of the geometry and the construction techniques. Regarding specifically structural studies, Huerta in 2008 presented a comprehensive investigation of the historical evolution of theories on vaulted structures. He himself reports that initial studies on dome design are related to the construction of St. Paul Cathedral dome in London authored by Hooke, who first also highlights the analogy between the thrust line of a compressed arch and the shape of an inverted catenary. Bouguer in 1736 conducts the first scientific study on domes, providing a solution for the problem on the best geometry of a dome bearing its own weight. The detected shape corresponds to the rotation of a non-homogeneous catenary, assuming the dome as composed of independent arches of variable thickness. Successively, Bouger focused on the definition of the stress state of a hemispherical masonry dome foreseeing the bi-dimensional nature of the problem, although without providing any solution to it. The contribution of Henry T. Eddy and Maurice Lévy

The 19th century graphic method of Eddy-Lévy is analysed and proposed in an analytical form as an assessment tool for masonry domes. The method determines the neutral hoop that separates the upper part of the dome that behaves as a compressed membrane from the bottom that behaves as independent arches, due to the presence of vertical cracks. This method allows determining a no-tension equilibrated solution, accounting for the natural behaviour of masonry domes of fracturing along meridian planes. Six case studies were investigated, considering spherical and pointed dome, complete, with hole and with hole and lantern. A modified version has been studied to model the biaxial stress of upper part properly through the membrane theory, and compared to the solution obtained by a numeric discrete block model. Limit thickness-to-radius ratio was identified, and a parametric analysis was carried out to investigate the extension of meridian fracture varying dome shape and thickness.


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Case study: San Biagio Abbey in Montepulciano

Analytical formulation of Eddy - Lévy graphical method

Solution of the hemispherical dome

PUBLICATIONS Galassi S., Misseri G.,Rovero L., Tempesta G. Equilibrium analysis of masonry domes. On the analytical interpretation of the Eddy-Lévy graphical method,International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 11 (8), 2017. Tempesta G., Paradiso M., Galassi S., Pieroni E. Maurice Lévy’s original contribution to the analysis of masonry domes, Domes and Cupolas, 2 (2), Angelo Pontecorboli Editore, 2015. ahcv

Solution of the pointed dome

Tempesta G., Paradiso M., Galassi S., Pieroni E. Structural analysis of polygonal masonry domes. The case of Brunelleschi’s dome in Florence, Domes and Cupolas, 2 (2), Angelo Pontecorboli Editore, 2015. Tempesta G., Paradiso M. Archi, volte e cupole: Analisi e calcolo, in Borri A., Bussi L. (a cura di) «Archi e volte in zona sismica. Meccanica delle strutture voltate», Doppiavoce Edizioni, Napoli, 2011.


Materials and Structures

Seismic performance evaluation of timber-framed masonry walls

Cyclic tests of full scale wood framed specimens

Scientific Coordinator Giacomo Tempesta Address Piazza Brunelleschi, 6 Firenze Research Group Nicola Ruggieri Stefano Galassi Raffaele Zinno Gennaro Tampone Partnership CNR | IVALSA Trento National Research Council of Italy Trees and Timber Institute University of Calabria Dimes

The Borbone constructive system used in Calabria at the end of 1700, consisting of a particular composite structure realized through a timber frame suitably embedded inside masonry walls, used with similar purposes, although in different ways, in other places in the world (especially in seismic regions), can represent, with good reason, the synthesis of scientific knowledge in eighteenth century seismic engineering. The aim of the research is to investigate and evaluate the seismic performance of the structure described above through a comparison between experimental tests, carried out by means of cyclic tests on 1:1 scale models, and the results obtained by the numerical modelling of the mechanical system that is able to interpret the actual contribution of the wooden structure, like that too of the masonry, to the overall stiffness of the wall. In the numerical procedure the masonry infill is modelled by a rigid blocks connected by unilateral elastic contact constraints. A convenient way to define the contact device which links the blocks, through which a mortar joint or dry joint could be simulated, is to consider a set of elastic links, orthogonal to the contact surface between two adjacent blocks, and an additional link, parallel to the interface, through which the shear forces can be transmitted. Reasonable hypotheses can be assumed for the link parallel to the contact surface in order to calibrate both the shear behaviour and the influence of the friction between the blocks. Furthermore the timber frame is modelled by using finite elements with elastic and bilateral behaviour. In the contact interfaces between elements in wood and masonry blocks are again used unilateral contact constraints which take into account the actual contribution of friction. The Borbone constructive system

Experimental tests and numerical modelling


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Two specimens, timber framing with infill masonry frame and empty timber framing, which reproduce the Mileto panel in real scale, were tested at the CNR Ivalsa in Trento according to the UNI EN 12512:2003 “Timber structures – Test methods – Cycling testing of joints made with mechanical fasteners” protocol. The samples were tested with positive and negative horizontal displacements applied at the top of the wooden framing, using an hydraulic actuator with a 500 KN capacity.6A uniformly distributed load (18.7 KN/m) was applied to the models with the aim to replace the self weight of the timber post king truss bearing on the wall of the Bishop’s building. Tests were interrupted at a maximum displacement of around 80 mm, consequence of excessive deformation.

Masonry in fill modelled by rigid blocks with unilateral elastic joints

PUBLICATIONS Galassi S., Ruggieri N.,Tempesta G., Zinno R. Stability and Stiffness Contribution of the Masonry in the Borbone Anti-seismic System, Proc. of 9th International Masonry Conference IMC, Guimaraes,Portugal, July 7-9, 2014. Galassi S.,Tempesta G., Ruggieri N. Seismic performance evaluation of timber-framed masonry walls. Experimental tests and numerical modelling, Nicola Ruggieri, Gennario Tampone, Raffaele Zinno (a cura di) «Historical Hearthquake-Resistant Timber Frames in the Mediterranean Area», Springer, Cham, 2015, pag. 95-103, Proc. of 1st International Symposium on Historic Earthquake-Resistant Timber Frames in the Mediterranean Area, Cosenza, Italia, 4-5 novembre, 2013. ahcv

Ruggieri N. The Borbone «Istruzioni per gli ingegneri» a Historical Code for Earthquake-resistant constructions, International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 2016. Ruggieri N., Tampone G., Zinno R. In-plane vs Out-of-plane “Behaviour” of an Italian Timber Framed System: the Borbone Constructive System. Historical Analysis and Experimental Evaluation, International Journal of Architectural Heritage, V.9, I 6, August 2015.


Materials and Structures

Vulnerability assessment of archaeological sites to earthquake hazard the case study of Pompeii Stabian Bath Monumental Heritage

Scientific Coordinator Giacomo Tempesta Address piazza Brunelleschi, 6 Firenze Research Group Stefano Galassi Luisa Rovero Ugo Tonietti Giorgio Verdiani Collaborators Giovanni Di Maio Rossella Pace Partnership Nicola Ruggieri Parco archeologico di Pompei MiBACT Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism

The eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD buried and preserved the Stabian Baths building in the exact configuration which the archaeological excavations carried out in the second half of the 19th century recovered. By combining archaeologists’ studies with the analysis of deformations and cracking pattern due to the 1st century seismic events, in this study numerical models have been formulated which allowed the formation of some hypotheses consistent with the timeline of the events, the damage to as well as the change of the shape and stylistic language of the thermal building. Specifically, through global seismic analyses and kinematic analyses of masonry portions of the “destrictarium� block, it is proven that during the 1st century not only a sole catastrophic earthquake occurred but, at least, two important seismic events took place. The purpose of the research was to identify and parameterise the responsible earthquake by the analysis of seismic effects detectable in the damages and archaeological remains of the masonry walls of the Stabian Baths. The identification of the earthquake and the grading of provoked damages represent a useful knowledge tool that provides information about the vulnerability of ancient buildings and can be suitably used also to safeguard architectural heritage from seismic risk.

Mechanical behaviour assessment in the 1st century seismic events


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Seismic analysis: nonlinear static and local kinematic approach

PUBLICATIONS Ruggieri N., Galassi S., Tempesta G. Pompeii’s Stabian Baths. Mechanical behaviour assessment of selected masonry structures during the 1st century seismic events, International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 2018. Galassi S. and Tempesta G. Analysis of masonry block structures with unilateral frictional joints, Proc. of 2nd International Conference on Materials, Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering (MMME 2017), Phuket, Thailand, December 29-30, 2017.

Ruggieri N. Seismic vulnerability of the ancient Pompeii through the evaluation of the 62 A.D. earthquake effects. International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 11 (4), 2017. Ruggieri N. Seismic protection in Pompeii during the age of Nero and Nespasian, Journal of Architectural Engineering, 23 (4), 2017. Pugi F. and Galassi S. Seismic analysis of masonry voussoir arches according to the Italian building code, Int. Journal of Earthquake Engineering, PATRON, 30 (3), 2013.

Galassi S., Ruggieri N., Tempesta G. Ruins and archaeological artefacts. Vulnerabilities analysis for their conservation through the original computer program BrickWORK, Proc. of 11th International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions (SAHC 2018), Cusco, PerĂš, September 11-13, 2018. ahcv


Materials and Structures

Seismic Vulnerability of Small Historical Settlements Architectural / Vernacular Heritage

Scientific Coordinators Luisa Rovero Ugo Tonietti Address piazza Brunelleschi, 6 Firenze Research Group Jacopo Mechelli Maria Teresa Miele Giulia Misseri Nuria Chiara Palazzi Luisa Rovero Gian Franco Stipo Ugo Tonietti Partnership Comune di Sant’Eusanio Forconese

The work shows a methodology of investigation that takes into account the fact that the traditional heritage of inner area of Italy is deeply linked to the tradition, territory, environment and materials, including a strong modification process happened in the last decades. Therefore, historical settlements must be evaluated in each individual case or linked to a similar building culture. Firstly, several investigations were conducted on the old village of Sant’Eusanio Forconese, Casentino (L’Aquila), heavily damaged by the 2009 earthquake. Accurate surveys were carried out to analyse local features, in order to define the most appropriate strategies for structural strengthening, and, simultaneously, for the preservation, as much as possible, of architectural heritage. This phenomenological approach is based on the evaluation of different topics: the urban setting and the arrangement of bearing walls; the peculiar constructive technique; the use of buildings: in Casentino is predominant the presence of typical rural buildings or hybrid solution (rural cells converted in dwellings); the aggregate’s changing process; the mechanical structure response; the main damage mechanism encountered or expected. The approach, based on qualitative and quantitative criteria, permit to identify the factors decisive for the design of conservation and consolidation of widespread historical masonry settlements. PUBLICATIONS AA.VV. Problematiche strutturali dei centri storici esposti al rischio sismico in Centauro G.A. (a cura di) «Lineamenti per il restauro postsismico del costruito storico in Abruzzo. Piano di Ricostruzione di Casentino (AQ)». Roma: DEI-Tipografia del Genio Civile, 2014. Rovero L.; Alecci V.; Mechelli J.; Tonietti U.; De Stefano M. Masonry walls with irregular texture of L’Aquila (Italy) seismic area: validation of a method for the evaluation of masonry quality, In: «Materials and Structures», Springer Netherlands, 2015. Alecci V.; De Stefano M.; Rovero L.; Tonietti U. Morphological and mechanical features of the masonries of Casentino and Sant’Eusanio Forconese (L’Aquila). In: «La cultura del restauro e della valorizzazione. Temi e problemi per un percorso internazionale di conoscenza», Alinea. Firenze, 2014

Master thesis in Architecture, University of Florence 2012. Palazzi N. C., Soldaini S., Advisor: Rovero L.; Co-Advisors: Tonietti U., Centauro G.A., Misseri G. Conservazione e recupero del costruito storico danneggiato dal sisma. Indagini strutturali e ipotesi di intervento nell’abitato di Casentino (L’Aquila), Master thesis in Architecture, University of Florence 2014. Miele M.T., Advisor: Tonietti U.; Co-Advisors: Rovero L., Centauro G.A. Conservazione e recupero di un borgo storico esposto al sisma. Il recupero con presidi premoderni a struttura lignea di un isolato di Casentino (AQ), Master thesis in Architecture, University of Florence 2014.

Mechelli J., Advisor: Rovero L.; Co-Advisors: Tonietti U., Centauro G.A. La questione sismica nell’architettura storica. Insegnamenti e riflessioni dal terremoto de L’Aquila: un caso di studio della frazione di Casentino,


Urban setting


Building tecnology

Local features


Conservation issues

Mechanical response


Damage typology

CRITERIA Structural strengthening design

Presence of A-seismic devices


Aggregate cell type

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Use of buildings

Building tecnology (i.e. masonry quality) Stone masonry. Irregular stone blocks of similar size

Dwelling use

Stone masonry. Irregular stone blocks of variable size

Rural use

Mixed masonry. Chaotic texture of small irregular stone blocks, roof tiles, bricks and rubble

Hybrid use Aggregates homogeneous (red) according to the bearing wall disposition Aggregate cell type

Presence of Anti-seismic devices Contrast arches

Primitive cells

Encountered or expected damage typology Out of plane mechanism. Overturning of faรงade Out of plane mechanism. Composite overturning of faรงade and corner collapse


Aggregate 20

Global Analysis, Nonlinear static analysis (pushover)

Vertical arch mechanism

Materials and Structures

Stabilization of perimeter walls of Noh Gonbad mosque Balkh, Afghanistan Monumental Heritage

Scientific Coordinator Ugo Tonietti Address piazza Brunelleschi, 6 Firenze Research Group Arash Boostani Giulia Misseri Luisa Rovero Gianfranco Stipo Ugo Tonietti CNR | ICVBC Fabio Fratini Partnership UNIFI | Dipartimento di Architettura, Italy AKTC | Aga Khan Trust for Culture, Afghanistan DAFA | Délégation Archéologique Française en Afghanistan US Embassy | Embassy of the United States of America, Kabul MoIC | Ministry of Information and Culture, Afghanistan

History & Characteristics The Noh Gonbad mosque, one of the earliest standing monuments of Islamic era in central Asia (II H./ VIII AD century), is located in open country near the old town of Balkh (north Afghanistan). The name Noh Gonbad (nine domes) is derived from the number of masonry domes that once covered the mosque. All the domes, that rested on a system of arcades, bricks made, collapsed, together with most of the arches, after a terrible earthquake in 819 AD. The remaining two great weak arcades were consolidated in a first phase of the Conservation Project completed in 2013. But the particular value that characterizes the architecture of the mosque is the carved gypsum decoration that once covered all the surfaces and still survived in the interior part of the monument. A great part of the decoration is still concealed under one meter and half of debris due to the downfall of the domes. A second conservation phase started in 2016 with the aim to remove the debris and to make the architecture of Noh Gonbad visible, in its original shape and all the extraordinary gypsum decoration hidden underground. The project has to face with the purpose of showing such a masterpiece in its integrity but, in the meantime, needs to guarantee an improvement of the structure that will be more vulnerable to dynamic action if the bearing masonries are deprived of the important constraint provided by the debris that covered the bases of the walls and columns. A great experimental campaign was carried out to define how to consolidate the perimeter walls, made of adobe and rammed earth, now very weak, and to confer to such walls the capacity to face with possible seismic actions. At the same time the challenge is to restore and safeguard the integrity of such fundamental monument, so important for the history of central Asia architecture. Project The main threats for the structure, depending on seismic exposition, are based on damage mechanisms recognized as: • Overturning of the perimeter walls; • Activation of flexional mechanisms in the niches; • Over turning of the columns. Main Intervention consist on masonry consolidation and walls retrofitting by application of compatible composite materials, able to be affective and almost invisible.


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Un‐Reinforced Adobe Wall ‐ Displacement

2G8E Reinforced Wall ‐ Displacement 600




500 700

450 400

Load (kg)

Load (kg)

600 500 400

300 250




100 0




50 0 0













PUBLICATIONS Boostani A., Tonietti U.,History and Crucial Aspects of Strengthening the Arch System,in The Nine Domes of the Universe. The Ancient Noh Gonbad Mosque, the study and conservation of an early Islamic Monument at Balkh, Bolis Edizioni, Milan, 2017.












Displacement (mm)

Displacement (mm) D1






Submitted Publication: Boostani A., Fratini, F., Misseri, G., Rovero, L., Tonietti, U. (2017) A masterpiece of early Islamic architecture: The Noh-Gonbad Mosque in Balkh, Afghanistan. Under second stage review at Journal of Cultural Heritage - Elsevier.


Materials and Structures

Stabilization of the damaged arches in Noh Gonbad Mosque Balkh, Afghanistan Monumental Heritage

Scientific Coordinator Ugo Tonietti Address piazza Brunelleschi, 6 Firenze Research Group Arash Boostani Giulia Misseri Luisa Rovero Gianfranco Stipo Ugo Tonietti Collaborator ICVBC-CNR Fabio Fratini Partnership UNIFI | Dipartimento di Architettura, Italy AKTC | Aga Khan Trust for Culture, Afghanistan DAFA | Délégation Archéologique Française en Afghanistan WMF | World Monument Found AGSS | Associazione Giovanni Secco Suardo US Embassy | Embassy of the United States of America, Kabul MoIC | Ministry of Information and Culture, Afghanistan


History & Characteristics The Noh Gonbad mosque (II h. /VIII AD century) is one of the oldest known monuments of Islam. Its modern name, Noh Gonbad, refers to the nine domes that covered the original structure. These domes believed to collapsed during the terrible 819 AD earthquake, and the walls and columns of the mosque are buried in a more than one and half meter of roof rubble. The mosque squared plan measures twenty-meters per side. Inside, the prayer hall is divided into nine bays - three rows and three aisles - with triple archways. The arches rest on four rounded brick columns at centre and pairs of columns (single at the corners), all made by bricks, that are embedded into the adobe and rammed earth walls. Only the columns and two arches remain today of the interior arcade, while the exterior mud walls have crumbled down in many places. The mosque was richly decorated on the interior with deeply carved decorated patterns (originally painted in the background by lapis blue) covering the capitals, imposts, spandrels and soffits of the arcades. This stucco decoration, although weather-worn, has largely remained and represents a real masterpiece of enormous importance for ancient Central Asian iconography. Project The crack pattern in both the arches revealed the activation of similar mechanisms, certainly determined by the collapse of the domes in ancient times and a recent increase. An immediate intervention did not seem deferrable. The damage pattern, partly dependent on the thrusts present in the structure, could be better justified thinking of dynamic actions (caused by an earthquake). The projected intervention designed as “light” as possible, compatible with the existent materials and the historical building techniques, and where appropriate, distinguishable in relation to the original architecture. And a very delicate issue is the seismic exposure. The consolidation program was based on 3 main steps: a) Consolidating the desperately weak and cracked masonry; b) Controlling the thrusts in the arch and restrict the deformation process; c) Limiting the possible evolution of the mechanisms (considering moderate seismic activity). After tests on materials, a series of experimental test on the effectiveness of the conceived operations tested on a full-scale and a scaled replica arches. Masonry was consolidated by special gypsum grout, by insertion of new gypsum added mortar, and by the reconstruction of destroyed or broken parts with old bricks. FRP composite strips were applied on the extrados of the arches, deeply anchored at the top of the columns with stainless steel bars. For improvement in the mechanical behaviour and also from a spatial point of view the top of the columns with a light truss steel structure connected in order to avoid differential displacements in the supports. Enthusiasts local skill masons and workers allowed to carry out the project. research map | dida research programs

©Harvard Uni.

©Simon Norfolk

PUBLICATIONS Boostani A., Tonietti U.,History and Crucial Aspects of Strengthening the Arch System,in The Nine Domes of the Universe. The Ancient Noh Gonbad Mosque, the study and conservation of an early Islamic Monument at Balkh, Bolis Edizioni, Milan, 2017. Submitted Publication: Boostani A., Fratini, F., Misseri, G., Rovero, L., Tonietti, U. (2017) A masterpiece of early Islamic architecture: The Noh-Gonbad Mosque in Balkh, Afghanistan. Under second stage review at Journal of Cultural Heritage - Elsevier. ahcv

©Simon Norfolk

CONFERENCE Boostani, A., Misseri, G., Rovero, L., Tonietti U. (2017). A masterpiece of early Muslim Architecture: the Noh-Gunbad Mosque, Balkh (Afghanistan). Arcades safety assessment and strengthening interventions. 1st Symposium on SEISMIC REHABILITATION of HERITAGE STRUCTURES - The Iranian Research Centre for Conservation of Buildings and Fabrics. Teheran, 2017, 3-4 Jan.


Materials and Structures

Structural Characterization and Seismic Performance of San Francisco Church Santiago, Chile Monumental Heritage

Scientific Coordinators Luisa Rovero Ugo Tonietti Address piazza Brunelleschi, 6 Firenze Research Group Giulia Misseri Nuria Chiara Palazzi Luisa Rovero Sara Stefanini Ugo Tonietti Partnership FAU - Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo, Universidad de Chile Natalia Jorquera Silva Project FONDECYT n° 11130628

Taking part of the FONDECYT Project “Rediscovering Vernacular Earthquake-resistant Knowledge: Identification and analysis of best practices built in Chilean masonry architectural heritage” (2013-2016) coordinated by the Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo, Universidad de Chile, the research project conducted by the DIDA Unit studied the seismic strengthening capacity of San Francisco’s church (XVII century) in Santiago, Chile. The Church of San Francisco is the oldest religious building in use in Chile and an iconic and historical heritage landmark of the capital Santiago. The church, result of joint work between the Spanish and local indigenous people, was built in stone and brick masonry and has been modified by additions and constructive changes since its initial construction in 1586. The building has shown a remarkable resilience, withstanding about 15 destructive earthquakes. As part of the research, a safety assessment of the monument was carried out based on a multi-disciplinary approach. The work involved historical research, archaeological investigations, in-situ surveys, crack pattern analysis, physical and mechanical characterization of materials and multi-level structural analyses. The results highlighted the particularities of the building and the current seismic vulnerabilities in order to provide a robust knowledge basis on which possibly pivoting future consolidation and safeguarding strategies. A complete analysis of San Francisco mechanical behaviour has been carried out using methodologies for the structural evaluation of historical masonry buildings. Research main objective Discover the basis of the structural behaviour of the church. Research steps • Discover the basis of the structural behaviour of the church; • Identification of construction phases; • Study of architectural elements and constructive features; • Mechanical characterization of materials proprieties; • Assessment of crack patterns; • Structural Analysis: Local and Global Response Models.

PHASE 1 1586 - 1647


PHASE 2 1647 - 1698

PHASE 3 1698 - 1799

PHASE 4 1799 - 1857

PHASE 5 1857 - nowadays

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due to the hammering action of the transverse walls

OVERTURNIG OF THE NORTH TRANSEPT due to the lack of connection with the longitudinal walls



OVERTURNING OF THE SOUTH TRANSEPT due to the lack of connection with the longitudinal walls



DAMAGES OF ARCHES made worse by the reinforced concrete


made worse by the thrusting roof

due to the longitudinal action of the earthquake


due to the lack of connection between longitudinal walls and transversal walls

not coherent with the masonry



1. Exploded Axonometric view of resistant structure. 2. Thrusts line of wall portion in North transept transverse arcade (a); Capacity and demand curves of incremental kinematic analysis of North transept walls (b). 3. Critical aspects and damage mechanisms. 4. Linear dynamic FEM analysis output: displacement mode3 and mode7.

RESULTS OF THE INVESTIGATION The study showed the relationship between the San Francisco church and the original Andean churches according to the striking similarity of architectural features and the cyclopic stonework of walls and their implementation technique. In addition, evidence of direct connections with pre-Columbian building technology, traditionally and inherently anti-seismic, appeared evident during excavations along foundation walls, carried out with archaeological support. The study allowed the identification of key factors that prevented the collapse of the monument, although recurrent damages caused by strong earthquakes occurred: • suitable size ratios of structural and architectural elements; • efficient constructive technique; • efficient transverse connection provided by the wooden beam; • addition of side aisles, operating as buttresses for the original Latin cross plan and use of triangular buttresses in the extrados of the arcades to ensure a better transverse response; • uninterrupted use and maintenance work. Local-level evaluations have provided a robust assessment of the out-of-plane behaviour, identifying some critical situation, but suggesting that vulnerability could be successfully reduced through targeted interventions. Regarding in-plane capacity, the main vulnerability is connected to the transverse response of the church. Global-level evaluations confirmed the prominent by-part response of the church. PUBLICATIONS Jorquera N., Palazzi N.C., Rovero L., Tonietti U. The church and convent of San Francisco in Santiago, Chile. Analysis of 400 years of earthquake-resistance behaviour. In proceedings of 16th World Conference of Earthquake Engineering. Santiago, Chile, 2017.

Stefanini S. Advisor: Tonietti U., Co-Advisor: Palazzi N.C, Jorquera N. La Chiesa di San Francisco a Santiago del Cile - 400 anni di resistenza ai terremoti. Analisi ed ipotesi per interventi di consolidamento, Master Thesis in Architecture, University of Florence, 2016.

Jorquera N., Misseri G., Palazzi N.C., Rovero L., Tonietti U. Structural characterization and seismic performance of San Francisco church, the most ancient monument in Santiago, Chile. International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 11(8), 2017. ahcv


Materials and Structures

SIte REsponse ANalysis Seismic hazard

Scientific Coordinator Stefania Viti Address piazza Brunelleschi, 6 Firenze Scientific Board UNIFI | DIDA Marco Tanganelli Stefania Viti Vieri Cardinali Partnership UNIRSM-Univeristà di San Marino Davide Forcellini Regione Toscana Ufficio sismica Massimo Baglioni Vittorio D’Intinosante Delft University of Technology Department of Structural Engineering Valentina Mariani INGV - sez. Arezzo Riccardo Maria Azzara Collaborator Maria Pianigiani

The earthquake is one of the most intense actions that a building may have to face during its service life. Of course, it is commonly accepted that the properties of ground motions which will occur in a certain area cannot be exactly foreseen. The seismic input is conventionally assumed, on the basis of the instructions provided by the Technical Code (NTC 2008), based on the site seismic hazard and the soil classification, which is defined after the shear velocity waves of the uppermost 30 meters (vs,30). Anyway, there are cases which do not comply to this approach regarding the seismic input assumption. The first case concerns the soil profiles which do not comply the classification provided by the Code. Together with the vs,30 values, indeed, the soil stratigraphy should comply a number of requirements not always respected. In this case the standard approach provided by the Code cannot be followed, and a Site Response Analysis is required. Another, more discretional, case concerns the opportunity to overestimate the seismic input in the seismic assessment of existing constructions. The classification proposed by NTC 2008, indeed, assumes a large vs30 interval for the B-class soil, which represents the majority of the foundation soils. Since the seismic spectrum provided by Technical Codes is the locus of the maximum accelerations expectable for the assumed soil at the varying of the Period, the largest is the soil-class range, the most overestimated is the assumed acceleration amount. When the seismic assessment of existing buildings is pursued, a too conservative approach in the seismic input definition may be unsuitable, since it leads to reject seismic performance which could be accepted, with a consequent waste of sources. The Site Response Analysis (SRA), consists in “filtering” the time history acceleration defined at the bedrock as a function of the site hazard through a soil profile defined according to the site one. This approach leads to accurately describe the effective soil profile, and to achieve a “customized” seismic input, site-specific and more likely to occur. Main issues • Importance of the soil characterization: main methods for soil investigation • Effects of a site-specific seismic input on the seismic assessment of buildings • Effects of the ground motions selection for dynamic analysis

PUBLICATIONS Pianigiani M., Mariani V., Tanganelli M., Viti S. (2015). The effects of the seismic input on the seismic response of RC buildings. In: COMPDYN 2015 - 5th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering. p. 4114-4125, National Technical University of Athens, ISBN: 978-960-99994-7-2, Creta Maris Conference Centre, grc, 2015. Tanganelli M., Viti S. (2016). Effect of soil modelling on the seismic response of buildings. In: Insights and Innovations in Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation. PROCEEDINGS AND MONOGRAPHS IN ENGINEERING, WATER AND EARTH SCIENCES, vol. Insights and Innovations in Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation, p. 284-290, Alphose Zingoni, ISBN: 978-1-138-02927-9, Cape Town, South Africa, 5 - 7 September 2016.

Tanganelli M., Viti S., Forcellini D., D’Intisonante V., Baglione M. (2016). Effect of soil modelling on Site Response Analysis (SRA). In: Insights and Innovations in Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation. PROCEEDINGS AND MONOGRAPHS IN ENGINEERING, WATER AND EARTH SCIENCES, vol. Insights and Innovations in Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation, p. 364-369, Alphose Zingoni, ISBN: 978-1-138-02927-9, Cape Town, South Africa, 5 - 7 September 2016. Tanganelli M., Viti S., Mariani V., Pianigiani M. (2016). Seismic assessment of existing RC buildings under alternative ground motion ensembles compatible to EC8 and NTC 2008. BULLETIN OF EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING, p. 1-22, ISSN: 1570-761X, doi: 10.1007/s10518-0160028-z. Viti S., Tanganelli M., D’Intinosante V., Baglione M. (2017). Effects of Soil Characterization on the Seismic Input. JOURNAL OF EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING, p. 1-25, ISSN: 1363-2469, doi: 10.1080/13632469.2017.1326422.


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Seismic refraction Test.

HVSR Test. Performed investigations SRT MASW ESAC DHT HVSR


Seismic Refraction test


Multi-channel Analysis of Surface Waves


Extended Spatial AutoCorrelation


Horizontal to Vertical Spectral Ratio

Use of the buildings belonging to the Hospital complex 1. Emergency room, 2. Recovery rooms, 3. Surgery rooms, 4. Recovery rooms, 5. Connection, 6. Radiology Department, 7. Recovery rooms, 8. Recovery rooms, 9. Recovery rooms, 10. Reservation centre, 11. Technological Office, 12. Morgue, 13. Connection, 14. Emergency rooms, 15. Entrance

Down hall Test.


Different soil profiles in the same area.





DIDA Research Programs



Skoda SUPERB International Workshop

SKODA SUPERB INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP Scientific Coordinators Elisabetta Benelli Laura Giraldi UNIFI Supervisor Massimo Ruffilli SKODA Supervisor Jozef Kaban Work Group Jurji Filieri Isabella Patti Roberta Vita Partnership UNIFI | Department of Architecture, Italy SKODA DESIGN | Mladá Boleslav, Czech Republic

The workshop During the Italian presentation campaign of new Skoda Superb (flagship car in the Skoda fleet), the Skoda Design Centre and Skoda Italia collaborated with DIDA UNIFI and in particular with the Bachelor in Design, realizing a workshop on the cultural characterization and customization of the car body. The SUPERBLY DRESSED workshop took place at the Design Campus during the months of April and May 2015 and ended on May 23 with the exhibition of selected projects and the presentation of the prototype, at the Design Lab Museum and then at the Skoda museum. Objectives The workshop suggested the reinterpretation of the bodywork through “re-dressing” operations, tank to the use of fabrics, films and/or other suitable materials (elastic, shiny, light, etc.) to communicate the values of Made in Italy and above all of the Tuscan territory, enhance the car’s lines through the design of the surfaces and the graphic processing of the coverings.

SKODA ITALIA | Verona, Italy ZEIT | Zeit Design Research Laboratory, Italy





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Masters in Architecture and Design

Scientific Coordinator Alberto Di Cintio

Collaborator Elisa Segoni

Too frequently the scientific and academic world does not re-read and re-propose with the necessary and useful attention the thought, teaching activity and the works of our teachers and masters. The research project that develops through the realization of a cycle of films, aims at the investigation and analysis of a period of contemporary architecture through the documentation and the critical re-reading of the work of great professors and Architects who worked in Florence, mainly as teachers of our university, thus contributing both to the formation of students and also as theoretical and inspiring and creators of the architectural production of our years. This means, through the creation of individual, specific audiovisual products, to illustrate, document, re-read and re-propose with autonomous interpretation the didactic, scientific and creative activity. After the films dedicated to GIOVANNI KLAUS KOENIG, ROBERTO SEGONI and MARIO ZAFFAGNINI, in 2016 a fourth film has been made about PIERLUIGI SPADOLINI.







Dipartimento di Architettura

Mercoledì 21 settembre 2016 Ore 10:00

Aula Magna del Polo di Scienze Sociali - Edificio D6 - Via delle Pandette, 9 - Firenze

Anteprima del Film



SPADOLINI di Alberto Di Cintio

Luigi Dei Rettore Università degli Studi di Firenze Aldo Norsa Università IUAV di Venezia

Progetto grafico: ELISA SEGONI


Alberto Di Cintio Regista del film


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Designing for the next generation Children urban design as a strategic method to improve the future in the cities

Scientific Coordinator Laura Giraidi Research Group Elisabetta Benelli Isabella Patti Roberta Vita Juij Filieri Francesca Filippi Design Marta Maini Alberto Maccherelli Graphics Serena Gentile Francesca Morelli Partnership UNIFI | DIDA Comune di Pistoia

Aims The aim of this research is to propose a methodological system to design elements for public spaces in the cities able to orient, inform, communicate, entertain, interact, educate, and include all kind of children (and their parents) belonging to different cultures with one universal language.

Multidisciplinary Approach URBANIST Kevin Lynch


3-6 / 7-11 years old


Maria Montessori



and adults




years old 3-6

Play Curious Not autonomous Distracted Forget Objectives Not understand danger

Skills / Abilities

s old ear 1y


Jean Piaget

Play Curious More autonomous Keep the focus Interested to know/learn improve skills

Use Case: Pistoia


the elements able to guide and interact are: Landmark coloured walls, waste bins,advertising board, shop-sign, kiosk,bus shelters, etc Path flooring with tile (leaks to jump and walk) curbs and steps to walk over Nodes pedestrian crossing, trees, advertising boards, shop windows, railings,graffiti, railing.


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Results 1. to identify in the urban environment: • spaces to design wayfinding routes; • existing elements to redesign. 2. to define new elements to improve children perception of the city 3. to decide strategic functions and communicative purpose of elements: • basic function (orientate, inform..); • experiencing function (excite, entertain, explore, educate…) Elements’ features



exiting and able to arouse positive emotion and desire of repetition

flexible solutions not definite to stimulate creativity in different aged groups


child attitude of playing/ to improve relationship to communicate values and educate though the dynamics of games



Design proposal




La ricerca condotta Design in questo campo di studi riguarda un raggruppamento di interessi culturali che hanno come matrice generativa la scala minore. Con questo termine, che allude in metafora al sistema tonale

In “A” minor

contrapposto al maggiore, si raccolgono tre aree di indagine sull’architettura caratterizzate da questa condizione. In particolare: a) i centri storici minori e i borghi di eccellenza, come luoghi emblematici, b) gli questions of Architecture spazi urbani minori small e insignificanti nelle dinamiche urbane di scala superiore, c) i manufatti minori rispetto all’architettura, sia nello spazio urbano che nell’ambiente naturalistico e che ne agevolano la fruizione. In queste tre situazioni di minorità si studiano approcci più misurati e discreti rispetto al contesto di riferimento. Nel primo caso il centro storico è minore più per dimensione che per qualità e spessore culturale

e Scientifico nante

erca mato - spazi

trangelo - de-

rispetto al centro storico di una città di maggiori dimensioni. Ciò ne distingue l’originalità, sia nel senso di origine che di stratificazione storicizzata dei suoi spazi. Nel secondo caso la dimensione minore riguarda spazi casuali e indeterminati, ritagli imprevisti di altri processi e residuali rispetto alla crescita urbana. Sono occasioni preziose per intervenire con strategie di progetto migliorative e qualificanti, come i pocket park o il progetto della piccolissima scala nella trama urbana. Il terzo caso riguarda il sistema degli oggetti

Scientific Coordinator The present research is focused on cultural interests that have a minor scale as generrrilla - centri diLegnante servizio, microarchitetture o allestimenti di piccola scala la cui presenza qualifica lo spazio ove sono inVincenzo

PUS, 93

ative matrix. This term, metaphorically related with the musical tonal system opposed


Address to the major, includes three areas of architectural research focused on this condition: a) Design Campus The present research is focused on town cultural interests have minor scaleasasemblematic generative matrix. This small historical centres and that villages ofaexcellence, places; b) minor Via S. Pertini, 93 Calenzano (FI) term, metaphorically related with the musical tonal opposed toan the major, includes c) three areas and insignificant urban spaces in system the higher scale of urban dynamics; objects which

ofGroup architectural research focused on the thisarchitecture condition: a)and small historical town and of excelare smaller than which improve itscenters use, both invillages the urban space and Research Francesco Armato lence, as emblematic places; b) minor and insignificant urbanminor spacessituations, in the higher scale of an urban dyin the natural environment. In these three more measured and discreet Spazi urbani namics; c) objects which are smaller than the architecture and which improve its use, both in the urban

approaches are studied with respect to the reference context. In the first case the hisAntonio Mastrangelo Design space and in the natural situations, more discreet aptoricalenvironment. town centre In is these small,three moreminor for dimension than for measured quality andand cultural thickness, Francesco Parrilla are studied with respect to the reference context. In the first case the historical town center is proaches if compared to the historical centre of a larger city. This distinguishes its originality, both Centri storici minori

small, more for dimension than for quality thickness, if compared to the historical centercase, of a the in the sense of its originand andcultural of its historical spaces stratification. In the second larger city. This distinguishes its originality, both in the sense of its origin and of its historical spaces strasmall dimension concerns random and indeterminate spaces, which are unexpected clips tification. In the second case,processes the smalland dimension concerns random and indeterminate spaces, which are to of other residuals in the urban growth. These are precious opportunities unexpected clips ofcatch otherwith processes and residuals in the urban growth. These are precious opportunities qualifying project strategies, such as pocket parks or other small scale project to catch with qualifying such asthird pocket parks or other small scale projectobjects, in the urban in theproject urban strategies, environment. The case is about the system of service micro-arenvironment. The third case is about the system of service objects, micro-architectures or small-scale inchitectures or small-scale installations, which qualify the space where they are inserted. stallations, which qualify the space where they are inserted.













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Regione Toscana (R&S: 2015-18) con il partenariato di tre aziende e due Università per le competenze di R&S, SW, HW, schede elettroniche, modelli di organizzazione del cantiere, tecnologie meccatroniche, design ecosostenibile, applicazione ITC al ciclo costruzione. Le finalità riguardano il controllo dei Design processi, l’efficienza di gestione e l’incremento della sicurezza. Gli effetti saranno la riduzione dei costi di fabbricazione, l’introduzione di tecnologie informatiche, il miglioramento d’uso dei macchinari, dei sistemi di gestione e operativi dei cantieri. Il complessivo risultato consentirà di superare la condizione attuale dove i SW e i macchinari in uso danno soluzioni alle specifiche problematiche ma non sono integrati tra loro.

SCY - Smart Construction Yard

SCY si articola su 4 direttrici: a) configurare in ottica BIM un sistema composto da SW gestione e HW a rete che integra i dati dei macchinari tra loro e con il centro di gestione; b) prototipi di macchinari meccatronici per taglio e mescolamento e azionamento brushless integrati con riduttori armonici per sollevamento, relazionati al sistema ICT; c) revisione dei livelli di sicurezza e di usabilità Scientific Coordinator SCY proposes to improve the construction site according to the smart factory methodVincenzo Legnantedell’impatto ambientale con la riduzione di impiego di risorse, l’incremento di efficienza e d) riduzione ologies. It foresees the introduction of an IT system capable of managing the entire conattraverso l’applicazione dell’analisi del ciclo di vita. processes through the usage of interconnected maAddress struction cycle and the individual Santa Teresa chinery. DIDA’s research is part of the most comprehensive project funded by the Tusvia della Mattonaia, 8 SCY proposes to improve the construction site according to the smart factory methodologies. It foresees the Firenze cany Region (R&D: 2015-18) with the partnership of three companies and two Universi-

introduction of an IT system capable of managing the entire construction cycle and the individual processes

Research Group Marco Mancinithe usage through Antonio Mastrangelo

ties with competences in R&D, SW, HW, electronic boards, site organization models, me-

ofchatronics interconnected machinery. DIDA’s research is part ofITC theapplication most comprehensive technologies, environmentally sustainable design, to the conproject funded by the struction Tuscanycycle. Region (R&D: 2015-18) with the partnership of three companies and two The aims of SCY are to increase process control, management efficiency, Account Manager DIDA Universities with competences in R&D, SW, electronic boards, site organization models, mechatronics security. The effects willHW, be the reduction of manufacturing costs, the introduction of inGioi Gonnella formationsustainable technology, the improvement in the usetoofthe machinery and ancycle. evolution the of technologies, environmentally design, ITC application construction Theinaims Partnership management operations in aefficiency, construction site. TheThe overall resultwill willbe allow inteUNIFI SCY| DIEF are to increase process control,ofmanagement security. effects theto reduction Federico Rotini grate the SW and the machinery in order to give solutions to specific problems.

of manufacturing costs, the introduction of information technology, the improvement in the use of

UNIPI | DESTEC SCY is divided into 4 directions: Romano Giglioli and an evolution in the management of operations in a construction site. The overall result machinery

a) configuration of a Bim data system composed of SW management and HW network; IMER International SPA will allow the SW and the machinery in order to give solutions to specific problems. Antonio Bertinito integrate b) realization of prototypes of ICT mechatronic machineries: cutting, mixing and brushAltaquota srl SCY is divided into 4 directions: less drive integrated with harmonic reducers for lifting; Alessandro Di Muro

a)Elettronica configuration of a Bim data systemofcomposed of SW management and yard; HW network; c) improvement safety and usability in the construction MB srl Paola Massarelli d) reduction of the environmental impact through the control of the resource use, the in-

b) realization of prototypes of ICT mechatronic machineries: cutting, mixing and brushless drive integrated

CSM - Poggibonsi of efficiency, the Life Cycle Analisys. with harmonic reducerscrease for lifting; Irene Burroni

c) improvement of safety and usability in the construction yard; d) reduction of the environmental impact through the control of the resource use, the increase of efficiency, the Life Cycle Analisys.



SCY (2015 - 2018)

THE BACKGROUND SCENARIO - Construction yard typologies - Distinctive factors - System invariants

ANALYSYS MODEL AND THE STRUCTURE BY PROCESSES - Operating sequences - Quality improvement strategies - Information management - Languages analysys PLAN PLAN






IBACS model for data management - Basic Information available access-key research mapon | selected dida research programs


STRUCTURE BY PROCESSES - Operating sequences - Quality improvement strategies - Information management - Languages analysys PLAN PLAN




IBACS model for data management - Basic Information available on selected access-key

A specific website for each construction yard is where all the kind of files are kept: text, images, drawings, videos, documents -Dynamic and interactive - People > people - People > things - People > documents - People > procedure - Things > things -

A system to manage processes and interaction, integrated with drawing and management existing softwares, dynamic, available on selected access-key

DESIGN OF EQUIPMENT Product Innovation factors related to new technologies and incremental innovations


Mixing machines Cutting machines Lifting machines

Problems analysis Innovation factors Product concepts


19-23 febbraio

Access based on the competence and the responsibility, regarding: - All the processes - All the people - All the machineries - All the construction materials - All the corresponding documents


23/01/2018 10:08:05


SH - Smart Construction System SMART HOUSING® Light pre-fabricated system

Scientific Director Vincenzo Legnante Address Design Campus, via S. Pertini, 93 Calenzano (FI) Research Group Pablo Feijoo Reis Marco Mancini Antonio Mastrangelo Account Manager Gioi Gonnella Partnership Florinnovation Srls


SMART HOUSING® is a simplified construction system, made with assembled steel components and high performance technological completions. The external walls have insulation levels (U = 0,24 W/m2K) suitable also for climatic environments and thermal intervals that require high levels of thermo-hygrometric performance. The surface module is 23 m2. A 70 m2 apartment is contained within a 40 ft container and can be set up in 5 days by a team of three people. Designed for emergency interventions or for situations where it is necessary to quickly set up the housing availability as a result of disasters or war, SMART HOUSING ® is also suitable for standard ordinary use to achieve building systems that host communities: campuses, motels, diffused settlement, work housing. It is based on a single type of normalized frame that realizes the vertical structure, a mixed wood / steel covering system, 20 cm external closures with layers of vegetable wool and mineralized wood fibre panels, inner panel in plasterboard and external closure in magnesium plate. The external closure can be completed with screenings in plasticwood, wood or porcelain stoneware. The system envisages different levels of preparation: from the basic model, suitable for low-cost operations requiring immediate availability of the accommodation, up to the most advanced options with full-system plant completion. These include the energy capture systems, the energy flow management system, remote control and the most advanced home technologies.

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COS’è festival

Scientific Coordinators UNIFI Giuseppe Lotti Laura Giraldi LibLab Gloria Refini Stefania Guerri Convoi onlus Federica Fantacci Valentina Corsinovi Technical Coordinators UNIFI Irene Fiesoli Ambra Quercioli Marta Maini Designer Alberto Maccherelli

COSè is a cultural event related to the “Culture of Things” and communicates it using different methods to get each visitor its message. The edition of 2016 was dedicated to rediscovering and rethinking the emotional relationship between people and their objects, beyond consumerism, with a view to achieve a greater awareness. The edition of 2017 was instead dedicated to give values to the work behind the objects. The main goal of the festival is to bring people closer to the “Culture of Things”, and to think on their relationship with them, which it is not always correct. The event aims to introduce the Design approach, starting from children and then reaching the more heterogeneous and broad public as possible. The events are divided into topic areas, the various activities include: exhibitions, workshops, meetings, guided tours and shows. Some of them dedicated specifically to schools, organized in various age groups and others open to all the citizens.

Scientific Board UNIFI Elisabetta Benelli Gianpiero Alfarano Massimo Grandi Vincenzo Legnante Francesca Tosi Massimo Ruffilli Elisabetta Cianfanelli Paolo Costa Francesca Filippi Debora Giorgi Roberta Baccolini Marco Marseglia Marco Mancini Valentina Frosini Alessandro Spennato Convoi onlus Eleonora Cecca Morandini Antonella Bartoli Martina Casini Irene Santi Corporate Identity and Graphics UNIFI Irene Fiesoli Ambra Quercioli didacommunicationlab



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International Architecture Video and Film Festival

Address Palazzo Vegni via San Niccolò, 93 Firenze Scientific Board Saverio Mecca DIDA Director Cosimo Carlo Buccolieri President Alberto Di Cintio Artistic Director

Mediarc is a journey through the city, starting from the experiences of the masters of modern architecture up to the new visions of the urban landscape. Is a window open on the world of communication, an adventure media rich of cultural influences that collects through visual research themes and projects from all over the world, from authors, productions, and professional studies, schools of architecture and design. The Festival was founded in 1992 and is now at its 17th edition. Mediarc is a key event on the representation of vision and reflection on architecture, design and sustainability. The Festival is organized by the Department of Architecture of the University of Florence.

Cristina Jandelli Roberto Masini Franco Montanari Paola Puma Rossella Rossi Grazia Tucci Fabrizio Violante


Design and Communication Elia Menicagli Administrative Office Lucia Galantini







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Technologies of Architecture

Adaptive design and innovation Technology for resilient regeneration of urban districts depending on climate change PRIN2015 (in progress)

Scientific Coordinator Roberto Bologna Research Group UNIFI | DIDA Francesco Alberti Rossella Rossi Paola Gallo Rosa Romano Giulio Hasanaj CNR | Institute of Biometeorology Alfonso Crisci Marco Morabito Consorzio Bonifica Toscana Centrale Daniele Vergari Agreements Comune di Firenze Protezione Civile Regione Toscana

Introduction The 3 year research project PRIN 2015 “Adaptive design and innovation technology for the resilient regeneration of urban districts in climate changes conditions” it is a research project that, through a competitive selection procedure on a national scale, has been co-financed by the Ministry of University and Research (MIUR). The national research group consists of the University of Naples “Federico II”, the Polytechnic of Milan, the University of Florence, the University of Rome “La Sapienza”, the Second University of Naples, the “Mediterranean” University of Reggio Calabria, participating through the components of the departments of Architecture and Urbanism. Research focus (national, local) The general research intends to investigate the applicability of strategic directions and technological and environmental design solutions with consequences on the reduction of exposure to climate risks and socio-economic sustainability through experimental demonstration projects. The research focuses on innovative processes and projects of adaptive regeneration, as an added value for a sustainable and resilient approach to the effects of climate change. Results of the research will be demonstrative projects located in urban contexts with specific critical issues for indicate projections, lines of development, scenarios of innovation, design and systemic experiments. The research unit of University of Florence participates through the Department of Architecture (DIDA) and contributes to the national program with the development of a experimental design project carried out in the territory of the Metropolitan City of Florence, working in particular in those peripheral and marginal urban areas where it is necessary to activate regenerative processes to increase their resilience. The research group of University of Florence intends to develop an experimental requalification project according to an “holistic” approach in which the response to the problems related to climate change are integrated with the themes of social inclusion, the development of urban economies, production widespread energy, advanced mobility. The research takes as its scientific reference scenario the indications on the future of the cities contained in the reports of the major international organizations (UN, EU) and in the Manifesto of the Green Economy for Architecture and Urbanism in Italy, but also wants to incorporate the programmatic objectives of city planning, urban design and architectural planning defined by the regulatory instruments in the area that is indicated as sensible for the design experimentation. 1° YEAR_2016 RESEARCH MAP (FIRST YEAR)









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Territorial physical data

Soil data

Demographic data

Climatological data

Planning tools

Risk data



2° YEAR_2017


3° YEAR_2018



Technologies of Architecture

Informal Settlements

International research seminar and design workshop

INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION PROJECT Scientific Coordinators UNIFI | DIDA Roberto Bologna UFSC Fernando Barth Workplace Firenze | Italy Florianopolis | Brazil Research Group UNIFI | DIDA Paola Gallo Camilla Perrone Rosa Romano

Introduction An international cooperation agreement between the University of Florence, Department of Architecture, and the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina in Brazil, Departamento de Arquitetura e Urbanismo, started in 2012 leading to a collaboration concerning habitability in risk areas and the requalification of informal urban settlement. In 2013 and 2015 an international research seminar and design workshop were held focussing on typological and technological design strategies for the sustainable requalification and increased resilience of a Brazilian favela. Research focus At the base of the research stands the reality of informal urban settlements growth, followed by the pressing demand of new dwellings and uncontrolled expansion of poor urban areas with sever demographic, social, economic, and environmental effects. The research focuses on one of the most critical favelas of the city of Florianopolis in the State of Santa Catarina. The fieldwork was conducted with the participation of local people through the analysis of the environmental conditions, the relation between the urban settlement and the territory and the “formal city”; building materials and techniques; social structure, work conditions, livelihood economy of the locals’ needs. The study was locally supported, both trough the fieldwork and direct interview by the working group, and by professors and researcher of the Brazilian university and the technical office of the municipality of Florianopolis. The international cooperation and the results of the design research on this specific topic presented in an international contest, have been the occasion for further developing other research and educational activities with other national and international institutions.



I International Seminar and design workshop , University of Florence, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina Participation at International competition “Houses for Change” IE School of Architecture and Design.

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2015 2016

II International Seminar and design workshop , University of Florence, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina Participation at “Biennale Session” in Biennale of Architecture 2016 in Venice

Legend: Popular market Civic center Health care center Recreation center Kindergarden Incremental housing Professional school Container houses


Participation at “Kibera,urban infiltration”, International workshop on Informal Settlements University of Pescara, Department of Architecture.

Results At the first step (2013) the research design was based on the concept of “infrastructure” as supporting element for the requalification of the urban settlement, capable of providing the essential network services (road network, energy sources, supply and waste disposal network etc.) and the supporting structure for housing. The interventions for the new housing infrastructure of the favela come from the need of building new dwellings, replacing the extremely decay buildings, and dislocating the existing ones which are in the hydrogeological risk areas. The infrastructure considers the realization of only the structural part of the constructive system which is designed with essential safety criteria; this increases the level of resilience of the settlement in relation to the growing hydrogeological risks due to climate change. The significance of the accomplished results has been highlighted by the outcomes of an international contest, getting placed among the 15 finalist projects from a total of 148 proposals from all over the world. At the second step (2015), the research design’s scope was to define a master plan defining rather a process than a product, involving the community and his capacity. The goal is therefore to realized those overall strategies to promote social, economic and environmental development in a sustainability perspective. In particular, the design research aims to solve a series of criticisms and to promote virtuous and self-sustainable processes arising from the community; the design approach focuses on a series of punctual and limited insertions, as connection’s point of an infrastructural network, in order to establish the relationship between the formal and the informal city. The project’s results were presented within the Biennale Sessions of the International Architectural Exhibition “La Biennale di Venezia” in 2016. PUBLICATIONS Bologna, R. (2016). The requalification of the informal city. The favela Serrinha in Florianopolis. TECHNE, vol. 11.

Gallo, P., Bologna, R. (2017). Riqualificazione urbana tra resilienza e sostenibilità. ECO WEB TOWN, vol. I-II.

Bologna, R., Gallo, P., Romano, R., Barth, F. (2016). Teaching environmental design in risk areas. In: EDULEARN16 8th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, Barcelona (Spain), IATED Academy.

Bologna, R., Barth, F., Hasanaj, G. (in corso di stampa). Rigenerazione spaziale e sociale della città informale, in Fabietti V., Potenza D., Pozzi C. (a cura di), Rigenerare Kibera, LetteraVentidue, Siracusa.

Bologna, R., Gallo, P., Romano, R., Calcagno, G. (2016). Living the informal city. Sustainable design education in risk areas. In: PLEA 2016: 32nd International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture, Los Angeles, PLEA. dsi


Technologies of Architecture

COABITARTE IN RETE New Models for the E.R.P. inclusion | adaptability | sharing

COMMISSIONED RESEARCH Scientific Coordinator Maria De Santis Address Santa Teresa, via della Mattonaia, 8 Firenze Funded by Commissioned Research DIDAPublicasa Spa Years 2013-2016, research project completed Research Group Elena Bellini Marco Benvenuti Alessia Macchi Luisa Otti Stakeholders Publicasa Spa Unione dei Comuni Circondario Empolese Valdelsa LABAA Laboratorio Architettura Ambiente


“Coabitare in rete� could nowadays be defined as a reinterpretation of urban settlement features diffused in a large part of the Italian territory, characterized by a network of small local communities. The partnership between DIDA and Publicasa Spa, local authority designate to manage social housing in the administrative areas of Unione dei Comuni Empolese - Valdelsa territory, created the circumstance to start investigate that reinterpretation. From this point on the research project sets its goals in the constitution of a network of innovative housing services, with an integrated management, based on an analysis of the real needs of the inhabitants and developed through a mix of architectural typologies, matching tradition and innovation in social housing experiences, and introducing cohousing models in a public sphere. The initial analysis phase examined the housing needs in the Empolese-Valdelsa area and underlined the complexity of the situation, expressed by the requirements of a new user typology searching for innovative answers to the housing emergency. The principal goal of the research project is to give the Municipality the possibility to satisfy the request of that part of population excluded from the current social housing layout, using tools to support the design process and achieve urban renovation. The research focused also on the existent dichotomy between the actual law system that regulates the social housing sector and the drive for innovation, with the aim to create connection points. In the aim of creating a new housing concept, characterized by sharing options and users mobility to offer a larger range of house typologies, the design process has to enlarge its functional tools introducing cultural and social mediation features to support the management of these new communities. The research promoted also self-construction and self-renovation methodologies: the participation of the inhabitants as the main actors of the process is an answer to their need of belonging to the society, that makes them first owners of their common public heritage. The research lead to a dissemination phase, through publications and participation to conferences, and to an action-research phase, with five elaborated projects and one case study. According to that perspective the housing problem won’t be faced anymore as a simple matter of numbers and persons will regain the centre of the collective housing debate.

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Castelfiorentino Fucecchio Cedrtaldo Montaione Vinci

“CoHousing - Analisi di casi studio per l’individuazione di profili ed aree di criticità dei modelli abitativi e dei processi”

CONFERENCES “Abitare il Futuro”, Naples 2015


“53rd International Making Cities Livable Conference”, Rome 2016

Ponte a Elsa, Empoli

PUBLICATIONS De Santis, M. Bellini, E. Macchi, A. (2015) Cohousing in rete, DIDA Workshop, Pubblicato on line (31 marzo 2015), ISBN 978886080283. De Santis, M. Bellini, E. Macchi, A. Otti, L. (2015) Dall’abitare nella città all’abitare diffuso - Coabitare in rete, Abitare Insieme, Atti delle Giornate Internazionali di Studio, 3° Edizione di “Abitare il Futuro”, Clean Edizioni, ISBN 9788884975447. De Santis, M. Bellini, E. Macchi, A., Otti, L. (2015) Coabitare in Rete: dall’Abitare la Città all’Abitare Diffuso, in BDC. Bollettino Del Centro Calza Bini,Vol.15, n.2 (2015), FeDOAPress - Federico II University Press, E-ISSN 2284-4732 | Print ISSN 1121-2918. Bellini, E. Macchi, A. (2015) Housing sociale in Toscana: confronto tra innovazione e Società, i Quaderni Urbanistica tre, Pubblicato on line (15 ottobre 2015), ISSN: 1973-9702. Bellini, E. Macchi, A. (2016) Architectural adaptability: constructing resilient cities , Atti di Caring for Our Common Home: Sustainable, Healthy, Just Cities & Settlements 53rd International Making Cities Livable Conference, Rome, June 13-17, 2016, pubblicato on line.



Technologies of Architecture


Smart and Efficient Layers For Innovative Envelope

Scientific Coordinator Paola Gallo Technical Coordinator Rosa Romano Research Group Alessandra Donato Alfredo Di Zenzo Rosa Romano Partnership UNIFI | Inter-university Centre ABITA, Department of Architecture DIDA UNIFI | Department of Industrial Engineering, DIEF Cooperativa L’Avvenire Colorobbia Consulting s.r.l. MAVO Soc. Cop. ERGO s.r.l.

Multi-functional and adaptive building envelopes can provide step-change improvements in the energy efficiency and economic value of new and refurbished buildings, while improving the well-being of building occupants. They therefore represent a significant and viable contribution meeting the EU 2020 targets. Innovative façade systems research, finally, opens new scenarios for innovation of envelope systems for nZEB, in the field of technological research. They foreshadow the possibility of experimentation for the future, with the goal to define a general evolution in the way to design, to build and to manage smart buildings future generation. Project SELFIE aims, who involved a construction company owner, companies producing material and building systems, university and national research centres, was to develop novel adaptive envelope systems for nZEB facilitating the exploitation of RES at building scale and simultaneously, to improve indoor environmental quality in non residential buildings. Adaptive envelope have showed a significant technological evolution on last decade thanks to the possibility of integrating smart materials and building management systems. Adaptive façades are able, in fact, to change their architectural configurations and energy features in order to answer in real time to climatic conditions. SELFIE concept is foreseen to be like an adaptive system where it will be possible to integrate modular components developed with smart materials, to produce renewable energy, reducing the total thermal value of the envelope and increasing building energy and environmental performances.





Rober Glass s.r.l. Funded by BANDO MIUR e Por Creo Fesr 2014-2020 Budget 552.000 € Number of funded research grants 7




Keywords Adaptive Envelope, Renewable Energy, NZEB, Smart Materials


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Keywords Adaptive Envelope, renewable energy, NZEB, smart materials.

• Sistema di ventilazione Schüco VentoTherm • Griglia di areazione • Vetro stratificato 66.2 con PVB trattato con IR reflect coatings

• Veneziana motorizzata • Griglia di areazione

• Griglia / veletta

• Pannello fotovoltaico

• Vetrata isolante doppia con camera da 16 mm e PVB IR reflecting coats

• Intercapedine • Pannelli in honey-comb ceramico (singola mattonella: 150x150 mm)

• Intercapedine • Pannello isolante termoacustico

• Panello isolante termoacustico

• Vetro stratificato 66.2 con PVB trattato con IR reflect coatings

• Pannello fotovoltaico

• Vetrata isolante doppia con camera da 16 mm e PVB IR reflecting coats

• Componenti in schiuma ceramica caricati con PCM 1200 mm • Telaio di supporto per pannelli in honey-comb ceramico • Intercapedine • Griglia di areazione

• Intercapedine • Griglia di areazione

• Sistema Schüco AWS75 SI

PUBLICATIONS Gallo P., Romano R. 2017, Adaptive box window, developed with innovative nanomaterial, for a Sustainable Architecture in the Mediterranean Area, in CISBAT 2017 International Conference - Future Buildings & Districts – Energy Efficiency from Nano to Urban Scale, Energy Procedia, vol. 122, Edited by Jean-Louis Scartezzini. Gallo P., Romano R. 2016, The Selfie Project. Smart and efficient envelope; system for nearly zero energy buildings in the Mediterranean Area, in Advanced in Architecture and Civil Engineering Conference, 25-26 April 2016, Singapore, 4th Annual International Conference on Architecture and Civil Engineering. Gallo P., Romano R. 2017, Adaptive facades, developed with innovative nanomaterials, for a Sustainable Architecture in the Mediterranean Area, in International High - Performance Built Environment Conference – A Sustainable Built Environment Conference 2016 Series (SBE16), iHBE 2016, 17-18 November, 2016, Sydney, Elsevier, Procedia Engineering no. 180 pp. 1274 – 1283. Romano R., Gallo P. 2016, The SELFIE Project. Smart and efficient envelope system for nearly zero energy buildings in the Mediterranean Area, «GSTF Journal of Engineering Technology», vol. 4 no. 4.



Technologies of Architecture

Oltre Bambè

Energy and functional renovation of Primary School buildings in Lucca

Scientific Coordinator Paola Gallo Technical Coordinator Rosa Romano Research Group Simone Secchi Gianfranco Cellai Alessandra Donato Alfredo Di Zenzo Rosa Romano Antonia Sore Partner Comune di Lucca Years 2015-2017 Budget 15.000 € Keywords Sustainable Schools, Energy Saving, Deep Renovation, Energy Analysis

Poster presents teaching methodology, research results and didactic experience developed on Oltre Bampè research, financed by Lucca’s Municipality, which focus on deep renovation of school buildings, located in Med Area. Seminar goal was to promote the challenges of sustainability and retrofitting, developing a new design approach and new professional skills for the architect of the future who will be called to work in these design areas. During Seminar students analysed three schools case studies provided by the of Lucca’s Municipality Public Administration (LU), which has supported academic work, offering the opportunity of real projects developments of deep building renovation. Projects outcomes were innovative design solutions that could be replicated on other school buildings retrofitting projects. Work developed during the seminar was linked to specific geographical,economic, cultural and social condition of Europe’s School Buildings stock targeting in particular EU Energy Efficiency Performance Building directives focusing the build towards Nearly Zero Energy Buildings new generations. Project excellent results developed and obtained during Seminar activities, showed how theory applied to design phase development, led students to re-think project approach on the basis of environmental thinking, assessing architectural composition, formal and technological choices; a new professional awareness which is independent of the simple aesthetic and dimensional results. In addition, the possibility of verifying technological solutions through the use of appropriate software and the constant reference to Environmental Control Techniques disciplines, allow young architects to understand the need to combine creative design phases with quantitative validation ones. Therefore, effective and environmentally sustainable technology solutions become closely linked and integrated into architectural design ones, often justified by a cost-benefit analysis indicating students’ sensitivity to issues related to managing costs and maintenance of public assets. Since project concerns school buildings, it was in fact fundamental to reflect on the necessity to adopt materials, systems, components and equipment that guarantee durability and easy maintenance, as well as an excellent level of indoor comfort in both existing and new school spaces.

Ground-roof section | axonometric cross section.


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Renovation project and new construction Renovation project and new construction Primary school San Marco, Lucca Primary school San Donato, Lucca (Designed by G. Bandini, G. Bellini, M. Bozzi). (Designed by P. Artini, V. Brogi, A. Pucci).

Renovation project and new construction Primary school C. Piaggia, San Cassino a Vico, Lucca (Designed by T. Pignatale, I. Tramentozzi).

Suspended ceiling plan.

Daylighting Analysis.


Photo of the refectory ante operam

Acoustic and energy renovation of School Canteen Saltocchio, Lucca.

PUBLICATIONS Gallo P., Romano R. 2017, Educare al progetto sostenibile. Rapporto uomo ambiente e tecnologia, DIDAPRESS, Firenze, https://issuu. com/dida-unifi/docs/gallo_romano, ISBN 9788896080788. Gallo P., Romano R. 2017, Sustainable school for Med area: an international design experience in the environmental design course of the architecture school at the University of Florence, in EDULEARN17 Proceedings 9th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, Edited by: L. Gómez Chova, A. López Martínez, I. Candel Torres, IATED Academy.


Photo of the refectory post operam.

Gallo P., Romano R. 2017, Sustainable architecture and innovative technologies for deep renovation of school buildings: the design experience in the environmental design course of the architecture school at the University of Florence, in Proceedings of 33rd PLEA International Conference, vol. II, DESIGN TO THRIVE, Published by NCEUB 2017. Casini S., Lunardi M., Masci D., Torracchi C., Romano R., Secchi S. 2015, L’uso della fibra di poliestere riciclato per la correzione acustica degli ambienti interni, in 42° Convegno Nazionale dell’associazione Italiana di Acustica, Firenze, 16-17 July.


Technologies of Architecture

ADA Project

Home Adaptations for the Autonomy of People with Disabilities

Scientific Coordinator Antonio Laurìa Funded by Regione Toscana Years 2014 ongoing Research Group UNIFI | DIDA Beatrice Benesperi Paolo Costa Antonio Laurìa Fabio Valli Junik Balisha (coll.) Chiara Angioli Enrico Cibei Lucas Frediani Giordana Gregori Marco Mariotti Nadia Recca Lulghennet Teklé REGIONE TOSCANA Andrea Valdrè (coord.) Annaugusta Alimenti Cecilia Lombardi Alessando Lussu Anna Chiara Marini Laura Rosiello ISTI-CNR PISA Giuseppe Fusco Barbara Leporini CRID Regione Toscana Chiara Bondielli David Burgalassi Adriana Ferrara Partnership Regione Toscana Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) (Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie per l’informazione “A. Faedo”, Pisa)

Description The ADA Project is an action-research project promoted and funded by Regione Toscana that aims to ameliorate the quality of living in the home environment of people with severe disability and their caregivers. The project proposes and funds highly personalized interventions of home adaptation and home automation, to overcome or reduce the people-environment conflicts. The ADA Project can be seen as a “common” that promotes collective social well-being, through the activation of cultural processes and its high social and educational impact. This impact can be perceived considering that the ADA Project so far has involved 362 people with severe disability, their families and more than a hundred other people (i.e. physicians, social workers, sociologists, architects, physical therapists, experts in assistive and home automation technologies, and administrative staff) from three public institutions: Regione Toscana, University of Florence (DIDA) and the National Research Council CNR - Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie per l’Informazione of Pisa. The ADA Project developed in two phases: a pilot phase (2014-2016), performed in two Tuscan Health Areas (Società della Salute “Fiorentina Nord Ovest” and “Pratese”); and a second phase, still ongoing, in all the 34 Tuscan Health Areas. The three main operative stages of the ADA Project are: • the Interdisciplinary Survey, that takes place at the homes of the participants, to define their specific health, social and environmental conditions; • the Technical Consultancy, to suggest personalized home adaptations; • the Evaluation of each case, to allow the comparison of very different conditions in order to orient the distribution of the regional funds to support the home adaptation interventions. The main areas of intervention of the Florence Accessibility Lab to the ADA Project are the development of the general methodological framework of the project, the creations of all its operative tools, and the support to the interdisciplinary activities of the project with its scientific knowledge about accessibility. The book is made of three parts. The first part addresses the general framework of the project and the various aspects of the people-environment relationship: the characteristics and the specific conditions of the main subject of the project, the persons with severe disability; the evolution of the concepts of “disability”, “personal autonomy” and “independent life”; the relationship between home adaptation and the activities performed by the persons with disability and their caregivers. The second part of the book shows the pilot phase of the ADA Project, analysing its goals, the final users, the procedures, the methodological tools, and the various actors involved in the project and the relationship among them; this part also addresses the outcomes of the project, highlighting its successes but also its main limits and some proposals to overcome (or reduce) them. At last, the third part of the book illustrates the development of the ADA Project from its pilot phase to the extension to the entire Tuscan region, addressing how the procedures and operative tools have been adapted to the new goals and challenges of the project and to its wider scope.

The book Il Progetto ADA. Un modello di intervento per l’autonomia domestica delle persone disabili (Milano: Franco Angeli, 2017, pp. 320) covers the ADA Project in all its main aspects.



Technologies of Architecture

Pocket Parks for all

Scientific Coordinator Antonio Laurìa Funded by UNIFI Call: “Progetti Strategici di Base, 2014” Years 2015-2017 Research Group Dimitra Babalis Junik Balisha Antonio Capestro Leonardo Chiesi Paolo Costa Antonio Laurìa Emanuela Morelli Paolo Oliveri Mirko Romagnoli Luigi Vessella Leonardo Zaffi


Description This research project addresses the topic of the urban public space: in short, all the urban spaces, public or of public use, that are freely accessible and usable by everybody. In particular, the research deals with urban residual spaces, often run-down places that are barely usable due to their location, size, morphology and semantic value (i.e. abandoned public spaces, unbuilt areas, residual spaces along watercourses, roads, urban walls, etc.). The general goal of the research is the definition of a theoretical and methodological framework that can help to understand, read and interpret residual spaces to regenerate them for public use. In particular the research project focuses on residual spaces in historical contexts. This further definition of the research scope is related to several reasons. On one side, residual spaces have often been studied in relation to peri-urban and suburban contexts. On the other hand, it is relevant that the residual condition of a space is not necessarily related to its location, but more to its low or lacking relevance in the life of the city and to its weak significance for the inhabitants. In this respect, the residual spaces of a historical centre are not different from the suburban ones: both can have the same effects in terms of social fragility and marginality, as they are both forgotten, inactive, run down places. The specific goals of the research are then linked to the definition of methods and tools for the analysis and interpretation of residual spaces, with the purpose of their regeneration. These goals can be summarised as follows: • to define a methodology to identify urban residual spaces in historical contexts, and to interpret the causes of their residual condition; • to understand the usage patterns, the behaviours and the habits that are produced by introducing liveable micro green spaces (pocket-parks) in the city centre; • to search for viable regeneration strategies of urban residual spaces in historical context; and to test those methods, research tools and design strategies in the UNESCO area of the historical centre of Florence.

research map | dida research programs

One of the outcomes of the research is the book Piccoli Spazi Urbani. Valorizzazione degli spazi residuali in contesti storici e qualità sociale (Liguori, Naples, 2017, pp. 372), that defines a framework to clarify the nature and the meaning of urban residual spaces. The book is structured in three parts. The first one (“Methods and scenarios”) frames the research topic. This part is a first attempt to deal with urban public spaces and their inhabitants usage patterns and to link them to the main transformation trends of contemporary cities. The topics analysed describe a series of aspects of an extremely complex and continuously changing reality, that shows several issues difficult to be addressed, but that also includes hope, opportunities and positive experiences. The second part (“Urban residual spaces: from issues to resources for the community”) goes to the core of the topic. After a deep historical analysis of the meaning of open spaces, this part starts reflecting on the nature and the meaning of the “residual spaces” concept, describing a method to identify and analyse them. The following chapters of this part make a further step, showing some possible strategies that act on residual spaces to activate urban and social regeneration processes; then, a number of cases of regeneration of residual spaces is described and analysed, highlighting the most relevant and interesting approaches and trends. In the third part (“A case study. Florence and its historical centre”), the framework developed in the previous parts is applied to the Florence UNESCO area, with the implementation of analysis, empirical studies, and methodological tools to read, interpret, and act on its urban residual spaces.



Technologies of Architecture

International Research & Consultancy

HABITAT II & III_United Nations Centre for Human Settlements International Conference 2015_2016

Scientific Coordinator Marco Sala Project Coordinator Fernando Recalde Research Group Domenico Patassini Maurizio De Lucia Vincenzo Cuomo Vincenzo Vespri Paul Bierman Lytle Erick Trevisiol Chaira Odolini Dimitri Dello Buono Michele D’Ostuni Pablo Recalde Leonardo Boganini Chiara Cazzaza Maria Giulia Sala Funded by Presidency of the Republic of Ecuador Yatchay University Italian National Research Council Goesdi Italy HABITAT United Nations Municipality of Cuenca Ecuador Self Finance by Internship Michele Dostuni Pablo Recalde World Food Program_United Nations Partnership Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, CNR, ABITArGreen Business®, MSAAssociates, WAVES, ANCE, LATTONEDIL, FRANGERINI GEOSDI, ERA, ETA FLORENCE, PAPINI, FEROTECH, SANNINI, STO, ZECO, MSA, PAGAEON, Regional Governmental Council of Galapagos, Charles Darwin Foundation.

1.- “ABITAR GALAPAGOS”: Bio Research Center_Green Solar Eco Tourism & AgroProductive Farm/ Supporting Sustainable Development of the Galapagos Island, Galapagos, Ecuador. 2.- “RESILIENT CITY & GREEN URBAN INFRASTRUCTURE”/ Green Infrastructure & Urban Eco Technologies towards Agri-cities / Resilience, Recycling & Refurbishment of Urban spaces and natural resources\ HABITAT III United Nations International 2015 Seminars INTERMEDIATE CITIES _Cuenca Ecuador. 3.- “SUSTAINABLE ISLAND DEVELOPMENT & GREEN URBAN INFRASTRUCTURE”/ Sustainable Self Sufficient Development of the Galapagos Islands”. Forum on Sustainable Development _ Galapagos _ Presidency of The Republic of Ecuador 2015 – HABITAT United Nations II. Projects and Publications Sustainable Development Conference promoted by the Presidency of the Republic of Ecuador, support training and knowledge transfer to Galapagos Regional Government Council and local Municipalities for the “Sustainable Development of the Galapagos Islands”. Targets a Re_Naissance alliance in Nexus with natural resources protected areas and resilience of fragile ecosystems. Poster 1_BioCenter Incubators for Green Development in Fragile Ecosystems. Poster 2_New Planning Paths for Fragile Ecosystems: Territorial Collaborative Planning based on Green Bionomic Infrastructures. Poster 3_Renewable Energies, Water & Waste Recycling, Vertical Green & Urban Farming, Eco Technologies. Poster 4_Eco Dry Construction Technologies & Advanced Bio Composite Material for Eco Tourism. Poster 5_Off Grid High Country Eco-Lodge, Eco Adventure Resort & Organic Food Production Farm for Agri-Tourism. Poster 6_Guardian Integrators/ Galapagos Preserving World Island_Advanced Eco Adventure Tourism Model. HABITA III International conference a Training Research Parallel session share Methods & Best Practices targeting the new green paradigm: with urban low emission strategies Resilient City & Green Infrastructure. Resilience_Recycling_Refurbisment of Urban spaces & natural resources based on Green Infrastructure & Urban Eco Technologies strategies, based on Italian consistent history Middle Size cities planning and govern-

Years 2014 & 2016


research map | dida research programs

ance, recently focusing on “Climate Change” and targeting the “Resilient Smart City”. Keywords Eco Building, Green Design, Bioclimatic Architecture, Integral Planning Landscape Green Design, Smart Façade, Renewable energies Green Roof & Urban Farming, Green Infrastructure Energy Certification Prefabricated Dry construction technologies Environmental Design Teaching Methods.

PUBLICATION LINKS http://unsdsn.org/news/2015/05/15/ecuadors-galapagos-islands-to-host-international-conference-on-sustainable-development/. http://w w w.presidencia.gob.ec/29-06-2015-inauguracion-de-la-conferencia-internacional-de-desarrollo-sostenible-quito/.

http://habitat3.org/the-new-urban-agenda/preparatory-process/ regional-thematic-meetings/. https://issuu.com/abitaresearchcenter/docs/ptt__conference_ habitat_iii_galapag. https://issuu.com/abitaresearchcenter/docs/recalde_wrec_abitar_ galapagos_full_.

http://cds.yachay.gob.ec/?q=en, http://cds.yachay.gob.ec/?q=es/ event-created/day_sche/2015-06-29.






Technologies of Architecture

Deep renovation of school buildings Three case studies: Carrara, Vallisneri and Majorana High Schools in Lucca

Scientific Coordinator Marco Sala Technical Coordinator Rosa Romano Research Group Rosa Romano UNIFI | DIDA Mario Sassu Università di Pisa Mario Lucio Puppio Università di Pisa Partner Provincia di Lucca Years 2012-2015 Keywords Sustainable Schools, Energy Saving, Deep renovation, Precast façades

Schools and academic buildings represent 17% of the European building stocks, approximately 12% of average for not-residential energy consumption buildings in Europe. Europe’s school building stock is relatively old, often dilapidated with poor energy performance standards. The European Energy Efficiency Directive (27/2012/EU) provides that, from 1 January 2014, 3% of public buildings should be refurbished every year, under energy efficiency strategies. On this same proposal, the memorandum on schools and kindergartens explicitly mentions that this type of infrastructure should be renovated with a high standard of envelope and roof insulation, installing double-glazing and replacing inefficient or obsolete heating systems. However, to achieve the objectives of the European energy standards legislation we are still too much focused on continental climatic conditions and poorly adapted to Mediterranean ones. In particular, in order to reduce the time and the cost of retrofitting actions and to answer EU energy requirements directives, it is necessary to design and develop new adaptive and precast façades. These technological solutions, in fact, guarantee to regulate the solar radiation in summer and heat losses in winter and to increase natural ventilation and daylighting inside the school buildings located in the Med Area. Research activity shows result of Lucca’s Public Administration collaboration focusing on the revamp project of three schools (Carrara, Vallisneri and Majorana High Schools) chosen as case studies for a responsible retrofitting strategy. In all buildings, innovative envelope systems have been integrated as a dynamic environmental filters regulates airflows, solar radiation and heat flows.

Carrara High School Institution


research map | dida research programs

Vallisneri High School Institution

Majorana High School Institution

31. ilProgettoSostenibile Recuperare Riqualificare Rigenerare

ilProgettoSostenibile Ricerca e tecnologie per l’ambiente costruito Rivista trimestrale Anno 11 - n° 31 settembre 2012 ISSN 1974-3327 Registrazione Trib. Gorizia n. 5/03 del 9.9.2003 Numero di iscrizione ROC: 8147 Direttore responsabile: Ferdinando Gottard Coordinamento editoriale: Anna Raspar Comitato scientifico Focus: Isabella Amirante, Carlotta Fontana, Robert Hastings, Virginia Gangemi, Rosario Giuffrè, Mario Grosso, J. Lopez de Asiain, Fabrizio Orlandi, Rossanna Raiteri, Marco Sala, Mat Santamouris, Rafael Serra, Willi Weber, Simos Yannas

Verso quale sviluppo futuro? Editoriale di Carlo Cecere

Recupero edilizio ed urbanistico di un’area rurale Building and urban restoration of a rural area Giorgio Garau Il progetto di riqualificazione di aree pedonali e centri storici The requalification project of pedestrian zones and old towns Gabriella Verardi


Nuovi territori per una nuova sostenibilità. La rigenerazione territoriale New areas for a new sustainability. The territorial renovation Carlo Patrizio


L’approccio tecnologico per l’efficienza energetica e la sostenibilità del progetto Technological approach to energy efficiency and sustainability in a project Giuseppe Alaimo, Daniele Enea


Criteri e modelli per la riqualificazione energetica del patrimonio edilizio scolastico Criteria and models for energy retrofitting of existing schools Luca Boiardi, Annarita Ferrante, Riccardo Gulli


Involucro edilizio energeticamente efficiente ed edilizia scolastica Energy efficiency in a building envelope and school building Rosa Romano

Distribuzione in libreria Joo Distribuzione via F. Argelati, 35 – Milano

Pubblicità: EdicomEdizioni

La direzione lascia agli autori piena responsabilità degli articoli firmati.

Stampa: Grafiche Manzanesi – Manzano (UD) Stampato interamente su carta riciclata da fibre selezionate

È vietata la riproduzione, anche parziale, di articoli, disegni e foto se non espressamente autorizzata dall’editore.

48 _ ilProgettoSostenibile 31


Rosa Romano assegnista di ricerca Dipartimento di Tecnologia dell’Architettura e Design “Pier Luigi Spadolini “ Università degli Studi di Firenze

Involucro edilizio energeticamente efficiente ed edilizia scolastica

Focus _ 49

Figura 2. Sezione longitudinale. Figura 3. Pianta del piano terra. Figura 4. Prospetto nord primo lotto.

Nuove modalità di gestione del patrimonio pubblico: l’ampliamento del Liceo Scientifico Majorana (LU)





8. 16.

Prezzo di vendita: euro 20,00 Abbonamenti: Italia: euro 60,00 – Estero: euro 120,00 Gli abbonamenti possono iniziare, salvo diversa indicazione, dal primo numero raggiungibile in qualsiasi periodo dell’anno.

Editore: EdicomEdizioni – Monfalcone (GO) Redazione e amministrazione Editore: Via I Maggio 117 – 34074 Monfalcone (GO) tel. 0481.484488, fax 0481.485721 e-mail: redazione@edicomedizioni.com



Sistema a bassa intensità energetica per la conservazione dell’ambiente rurale Low energy intensity system to preserve rural environment Rossella Franchino


Best practices sulla riqualificazione energetica e urbanistica di aree produttive miste Best practices for energy and urban requalification of industrial mixed use zones Angela Molinari


MED in Italy. La casa mediterranea sostenibile a Solar Decathlon Europe 2012 MED in Italy. The Mediterranean sustainable house at Solar Decathlon Europe 2012 Gabriele Bellingeri, Mario Grimaudo


Tecnologie innovative per un involucro edilizio opaco evolutivo New technologies for evolving opaque building envelope Alessandra Battisti


La nuova specifica tecnica UNI/TS 11445 – Impianti per la raccolta e l’utilizzo dell’acqua piovana New technical specification UNI/TS 11445 – Gathering and reusing rainwater Anna Frangipane


Giuseppina Alcamo Università degli Studi di Firenze



Giovanni Avosani Università degli studi di Ferrara



Giacomo Cassinelli Università degli Studi di Genova



Lukia Fais Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”


Marianna Rotilio Università degli Studi di L’Aquila, sede consorziata di Pavia


Emanuele Mura Università degli Studi di Cagliari


Amedeo Squarzoni Ferrara, Venezia, Bologna Università consociate

Alessandra Pierucci Politecnico di Bari Luca Rocchi Università degli Studi di Ferrara

Anche un intervento di ampliamento può diventare occasione di sperimentazione per realizzare edifici energeticamente efficienti, che permettano di limitare l’impatto ambientale ed i consumi energetici a fronte di un ottimo comfort interno.





Figura 1. Prospetto sud primo lotto. 1

50 _ ilProgettoSostenibile 31

Focus _ 51


Figura 5. Sezione trasversale.

per trasformare anche gli edifici scolastici in edifici ad energia zero, poiché solo progettando e realizzando involucri architettonici altamente prestazionali si riesce a ridurre il fabbisogno di energie fossili per il condizionamento di ambienti che necessitano di un numero frequente di ricambi d’aria e di temperature adeguate per non incidere sul comfort indoor degli utenti. Anche negli edifici scolastici l’involucro dovrà essere pensato come una “pelle”, ovvero come un elemento assimilabile ad un filtro ambientale dinamico, capace non solo di regolare i flussi di calore, radiazione, aria e vapore, ma anche di convertire la radiazione in energia (termica ed elettrica) utilizzabile per il “metabolismo” dell’edificio. Negli edifici scolastici, forse più che in altre categorie di edifici, nel futuro potranno essere sperimentati componenti di involucro che attraverso l’uso delle energie rinnovabili garantiscono il mantenimento ed il controllo dei molteplici fattori che incidono sul comfort indoor, inteso come comfort termico, visivo ed acustico. Alle nostre latitudini geografiche, caratterizzate da un clima temperato, con temperature sempre più elevate nei periodi intermedi, dovranno essere proposte tipologie di chiusure opache e trasparenti capaci di regolare i flussi termici non soltanto nei mesi invernali ma anche e soprattutto in primavera ed autunno, quando le temperature interne negli spazi per la didattica potrebbero diventare problematiche per gli studenti ed i loro insegnanti, e in estate, nella previsione di un utilizzo esteso degli edifici scolastici oltre il calendario scolastico. A tale scopo, assumono particolare importanza le tecnologie che permettono di attenuare i valori massimi di temperatura negli ambienti e ritardare l’immissione di energia termica negli stessi, spostandola verso le ore notturne quando la temperatura dell’aria esterna è ai valori minimi e il fenomeno del reirraggiamento raffredda

La recente direttiva europea in materia di risparmio energetico, la 2010/31, riprendendo nell’articolo 13 comma 2 quanto già previsto dalla 2002/91 Energy Performance Building Directive in merito all’obbligo per gli Stati Membri di adottare misure per migliorare l’efficienza energetica degli edifici che forniscono servizi pubblici a un ampio numero di persone e a esporre negli stessi edifici in luogo chiaramente visibile per il pubblico un attestato di certificazione energetica risalente a non più di dieci anni prima, ricorda nell’art. 28 comma 1, che entro il 9 gennaio 2013, tutti gli Stati membri devono varare politiche nazionali inerenti la ricerca e lo sviluppo tecnologico che permettano di realizzare dal 31 dicembre 2018 edifici di nuova costruzione occupati da enti pubblici e di proprietà di questi ultimi che siano ad energia quasi zero (art. 9, comma 1, b). Gli obiettivi comunitari in materia di efficienza energetica degli edifici impongono di fatto una riflessione sui modelli tecnologici fino ad ora adottati nella progettazione degli edifici scolastici che non devono più rispondere, in termini di efficienza energetica, solo all’esaustiva normativa nazionale1 ma devono e possono diventare laboratorio per l’adozione di nuove tecnologie che permettano di rendere realmente queste tipologie edilizie esemplari per la collettività in termini di riduzione ed addirittura azzeramento delle emissioni di CO2 dovute alle fasi di costruzione, gestione e dismissione dell’edificio stesso. Le scelte legate alle prestazioni energetiche dell’involucro architettonico diventano, quindi, fondamentali

Katia Perini Università Degli Studi di Genova

Credits: © Alessandro Cingolani


Redazione: Lara Bassi, Lara Gariup Progetto grafico: Marco Klobas

Figura 6. Analisi delle prestazioni energetiche della parete ventilata.


52 _ ilProgettoSostenibile 31

Figura 7. Analisi della distribuzione della luce naturale all’interno di una delle aule. Illuminamento medio 267 lux.

Focus _ 53

Figura 9. Analisi della distribuzione della luce naturale e artificiale all’interno di una delle aule. Illuminamento medio 541 lux.

Figura 8. Analisi della distribuzione della luce artificiale all’interno di una delle aule. Illuminamento medio 500 lux.

54 _ ilProgettoSostenibile 31

Figura 12. Rendering della facciata sud.

Figura 10. Analisi della percentuale di ore nelle quali la luce naturale garantisce l’illuminamento richiesto.

Figura 13. Rendering della facciata nord.

Figura 11. Analisi del risparmio in euro che si può ottenere utilizzando un sistema di controllo elettronico che gestisce l’illuminazione di un’aula. 12

Descrizione strato

Adduntanza interna Intonaco di calce e gesso Blocco in laterizio norma tris 8 Polistirene espanso Blocco in laterizio norma tris 21 Strato d’aria verticale Alluminio Adduttanza esterna

s (mm)

Lambda (W/mK)

C (W/m2K)

M.S. (kg/m2)

P<50*10 12 (kg/msPa)

C.S. (J/kgK)

R (m2K/W)

0 15 80 60 210 25 5 0

– 0,700 0,209 0,033 0,136 0,150 220.000 –

7,7 46,66 2,612 0,550 0,648 6,000 44.000,00 25,000

21,00 69,68 2,10 158,97 0,03 13,50

18,00 19,30 0,940 12,06 193,00 0.00

0 1000 1000 1200 1000 1008 900 0

0,13 0,021 0,383 1,818 1,544 0,167 0,000 0,040

adottata è di 0,28 W/m2K di trasmittanza termica a fronte di un fattore di sfasamento di 11 ore e un’attenuazione pari a 0,16. Nel secondo lotto d’intervento saranno rimossi la guaina e l’isolante e realizzato il pavimento radiante. 7

La soluzione di progetto proposta per il primo piano è identica a quella appena descritta per il piano terra; il nuovo volume sarà realizzato in una fase successiva in concomitanza con la costruzione della copertura ventilata in elementi di alluminio.

Resistenza = 4,103 m2K/W Trasmittanza termica = 0,244 W/m2K Trasmittanza termica periodica = 0,01 W/m2K Massa superficiale = 244 kg/m2 Sfasamento = – 6,55 h 5

rapidamente le superfici esterne. Anche per gli edifici scolastici possono essere adottate quindi le seguenti strategie per la riduzione dei consumi energetici, gran parte delle quali utilizzabili anche in interventi di riqualificazione: • Regolare l’irraggiamento solare attraverso l’adozione di schermi, pellicole solari assorbenti per le componenti di involucro trasparente; • Prevenire la conduzione di calore aggiungendo isolamento termico all’involucro per incrementare la sua resistenza termica; • Progettare l’edificio in un modo più compatto per ridurre la superficie complessiva, attraverso la quale il calore può essere trasmesso; • Aggiungere barriere al flusso di calore radiativo attraverso, per esempio, la posa di fogli in alluminio dietro i radiatori e usando vetri isolanti ed a bassa emissività come pure isolare i cassonetti delle finestre e delle porte laddove sono presenti avvolgibili esterni; • Utilizzare la massa termica per incrementare l’inerzia termica delle pareti opache dell’edificio, quantificabile in base all’attenuazione (s) dell’ampiezza delle variazioni della temperatura superficiale interna rispetto a quella ambientale esterna, e al ritardo di fase (f ), cioè all’intervallo di tempo con cui le variazioni di


temperatura esterna si trasmettono all’interno (ore). Buone prestazioni sono assicurate, sotto questo punto di vista, da pareti opache in grado di fornire come valori orientativi s < 0,05 e f > 8 ore, relativamente a una ipotetica oscillazione sinusoidale della temperatura esterna avente periodo di 24 ore. • Adottare sistemi di riscaldamento a bassa temperatura alimentati da caldaie ad alta efficienza energetica o pompe di calore alimentate da pannelli solari termici, sonde geotermiche o combustibile vegetale; • Favorire i ricambi d’aria all’interno degli ambienti per evitare pericolose concentrazioni di CO2 adottando soluzioni d’involucro che permettano un ricambio continuo attraverso l’apertura controllata degli infissi e eventualmente una corretta integrazione di scambiatori di calore a piastre che garantiscono di recuperare nei mesi invernali il calore dell’aria in uscita per ridurre i consumi energetici per il riscaldamento.

L’Ampliamento del Liceo Scientifico Majorana a Capannori (Lucca) L’ampliamento del Liceo Scientifico Majorana può essere letto come l’efficace contributo

dato da un’Amministrazione Pubblica Italiana, la Provincia di Lucca che è stata committente e progettista dell’opera, alla promozione di un nuovo modo di gestire il patrimonio scolastico, finalizzata al contenimento dei consumi energetici ed alla realizzazione di nuovi edifici che per le scelte tecnologiche ed impiantistiche adottate diventano esemplari nel variegato panorama di esperienze nazionali, dove spesso l’emergenza di intervenire per rispondere ad esigenze prevalentemente funzionali non lascia il tempo per sviluppare progetti realmente efficaci in termini di sostenibilità ed impatto ambientale. L’ampliamento del Liceo Scientifico Majorana, otto aule più spazi di connessione, si è reso necessario al fine di rispondere ad una domanda crescente di spazi, mantenendo adeguato l’edificio esistente agli standard edilizi previsti per l’edilizia scolastica dalla norma contenuta nel Decreto Ministeriale 18 dicembre 19752. L’intervento, può essere considerato, quindi, come il primo di una serie di realizzazioni che attualmente3 la Provincia di Lucca ha avviato per ridurre i consumi energetici degli edifici scolastici di sua competenza. Il nuovo corpo di fabbrica è stato pensato come un volume di due piani, collegato al vec-

chio edificio da una serra bioclimatica che ospiterà il vano ascensore ed un blocco servizi, mentre le scale saranno collocate in un volume posto in prossimità del fronte ovest. La serra è stata concepita come il nuovo ingresso dell’edificio scolastico, attualmente collocato sul fronte ovest del vecchio corpo di fabbrica; i tamponamenti opachi verticali del blocco servizi saranno realizzati con mattoni pieni così da funzionare come massa di accumulo nei mesi invernali: caratterizzati da una massa superficiale elevata assorbiranno il calore della radiazione solare incidente, rilasciandolo poi all’interno dell’ambiente nelle ore più fredde della giornata contribuendo così a ridurre il fabbisogno energetico per la sua climatizzazione. Per incrementare i contributi solari passivi le aule sono state orientate tutte a sud collocando in corrispondenza del fronte nord gli spazi da destinare ai collegamenti orizzontali. In questo modo è stato possibile isolare il prospetto nord, soggetto a maggiori dispersioni termiche, e massimizzare l’illuminazione naturale all’interno delle aule con un notevole incremento dei guadagni solari passivi. Per realizzare gli elementi di separazione degli spazi interni sono state utilizzate pareti assem-

blate a secco con interposto isolante in lana di roccia così da garantire un adeguato livello di isolamento acustico tra uno spazio e l’altro. La scelta di adottare partizioni leggere nasce dalla volontà di garantire nel tempo la flessibilità degli spazi, che potranno essere articolati in relazioni alle reali esigenze della scuola. L’opera sarà realizzata in due lotti funzionali successivi, il primo dei quali si è concluso con la realizzazione del piano terra nel febbraio del 2011. Con il primo lotto sono state costruite le prime quattro aule del piano terra per una superficie totale di m2 280,00, nel secondo lotto saranno invece realizzate le rimanenti aule del piano primo, la copertura, il corpo scale e la serra di raccordo tra vecchio e nuovo edificio. Linearità costruttiva e scelta di soluzioni preassemblate e prefabbricate per la realizzazione dei tamponamenti, dei solai e delle partizioni interne, unite a buona qualità esecutiva, hanno consentito di realizzare l’opera con un budget di circa 1.000,00 euro a m2, nel pieno rispetto del tempo e dei limiti economici di partenza.

Materiali, tecnologie e sistemi innovativi ed ecocompatibili L’edificio è caratterizzato da un involucro opaco altamente prestazionale, con ampie superfici

vetrate orientate a sud e una facciata ventilata in doghe di alluminio adottata nei fronti est, nord e ovest. Tutti gli elementi strutturali, in cemento armato, sono stati rivestiti con 8,00 cm di isolante in lana di roccia per limitare i ponti termici che potevano formarsi in loro prossimità. L’involucro opaco è stato realizzato con una soluzione del tipo a facciata ventilata in doghe di alluminio, caratterizzata dalla realizzazione della muratura interna con blocchi preassemblati costituiti da due elementi in laterizio ed interposto isolante termico in polistirene ad alta densità. Questa scelta tecnologica ha permesso di raggiungere elevate prestazioni in termini di trasmittanza termica (0, 26 W/m2K) e sfasamento (0.05) ed inerzia termica (– 6,55 h.), riducendo la trasmissione di calore dall’interno dell’edificio verso l’esterno nei mesi invernali ed evitando il surriscaldamento degli ambienti confinati nei mesi estivi. La scelta di adottare degli elementi in laterizio preassemblato ha permesso di ridurre i tempi di messa in opera, nonostante in una fase iniziale il direttore dei lavori abbia dovuto seguire costantemente le fasi di montaggio per evitare che venissero compiuti errori nell’assemblaggio dei blocchi che potessero pregiudicare le prestazioni ener-

Tutte le aperture del fronte sud sono state realizzate con telaio a taglio termico e vetro camera basso emissivo, dotato di pellicola assorbente ai raggi solari e con prestazioni di isolamento acustico di 50 dB. Gli infissi, quadripartiti orizzontalmente e tripartiti verticalmente, sono caratterizzati dalla presenza di un’anta centrale apribile a battente ed a vasistas ed hanno un valore di trasmittanza termica pari 1,2 W/m2K; garantiscono una buona protezione alla radiazione solare incidente nei mesi più caldi grazie alla presenza dell’aggetto orizzontale esterno e della pellicola assorbente posta in corrispondenza della superficie trasparente esterna.



getiche dell’involucro, come ad esempio l’inversione degli spessori e l’errata collocazione dell’isolante in corrispondenza degli elementi strutturali (fig. 6). Come precedentemente ricordato anche i solai sono stati realizzati con elementi prefabbricati scegliendo le seguenti soluzioni: • Solaio contro-terra isolato e addossato ad un vespaio areato realizzato con cupolex di polistirene riciclato. La prestazione raggiunta in

termini di trasmittanza termica di questo elemento di chiusura orizzontale è di 0,28 W/m2K e la scelta di adottare un vespaio areato ne incrementerà le prestazioni nei mesi estivi evitando pericolosi fenomeni di umidità di risalita. • Solaio di copertura con isolante termico di 12,00 cm di spessore in pannelli di XPS con pelle (massa volumica 38/42 Kg/m3) e finitura esterna in guaina impermeabilizzante, la prestazione energetica della tipologia di solaio

PUBLICATIONS Sassu, M., Puppio, M. L., Mannari, E. 2017. Seismic Reinforcement of a R.C. School Structure with Strength Irregularities throughout External Bracing Walls, in Buildings, 7, pp. Sala, M., Romano R. 2015, A green school for the med area: the responsible retrofitting of the high school Vallisneri in Lucca, in 31th INTERNATIONAL PLEA CONFERENCE 09 – 11 September 2015, Bologna University, Bologna ISBN: 978-88-941163-0-4. dsi

Le soluzioni tecnologiche di involucro proposte rispettano i requisiti relativi all’isolamento acustico degli edifici scolastici così come previsto dal DM 18/12/19754 e dal DPCM 5 dicembre 19975, con il raggiungimento dei seguenti obiettivi: • l’indice del potere fonoisolante delle strutture divisorie interne verticali è di R’w (DM 18/12/1975) 40 dB • l’indice dell’isolamento acustico standardizzato di facciata D2m,nT,w (DPCM 5/12/97 categoria E tab. 2) è di 48 dB


• l’indice del livello di isolamento del rumore di calpestio dei solai normalizzato L n,w (DPCM 5/12/97 categoria E tab. 2) è di 58 dB. L’approccio progettuale ha privilegiato tutte quelle scelte finalizzate all’ottenimento di un sistema architettonico capace di interagire con l’ambiente e che, attraverso soluzioni tecnologiche ed impiantistiche semplici, fosse in grado di consentire il controllo delle fluttuazioni interne della temperatura e dell’umidità


assicurando buone condizioni di comfort termo igrometrico durante tutto l’arco dell’anno. Uno degli obiettivi principali del progetto per l’ampliamento del Liceo Scientifico Majorana è stato, infatti, quello di garantire che tutte le aule avessero adeguati ricambi d’aria attraverso sistemi di ventilazione naturale. Le aule sono state dotate di infissi che si aprono a battente ed a vasistas verso l’interno, e sono stati integrati dei condotti dedicati alla

ventilazione in corrispondenza delle pareti interne ed esterne perimetrali al corridoio che permettono un ricambio continuo dell’aria ed evitano la concentrazione di CO2 che limita la facoltà di apprendimento, contribuendo al calo di attenzione degli studenti. Nel progetto per le nuove aule del Liceo Majorana tutte le aperture sono state dimensionate per garantire ottimi livelli di illuminazione naturale all’interno degli spazi di lavoro

in modo da ridurre il più possibile il ricorso all’impianto di illuminazione artificiale. Le grandi aperture verticali rendono possibile anche la visione diretta dell’esterno, migliorando la percezione dello spazio da parte dei giovani utenti; questa scelta è stata possibile perché il copro di fabbrica si affaccia verso un’area non edificata, caratterizzata dalla presenza di grandi alberature poste a circa sette metri dalla facciata sud. La dimensione delle aperture e le caratteristiche delle schermature sono state progettate in relazione all’area geografica di progetto. Tutte le superfici trasparenti sono caratterizzate dalla presenza di pellicole assorbenti che permettono di ridurre l’apporto termico della radiazione luminosa garantendo tuttavia una buona e diffusa illuminazione degli spazi interni. L’ottimizzazione dell’uso della luce naturale, verificata in fase progettuale attraverso l’analisi dell’illuminamento sul piano di lavoro effettuata con il software Relux ha, infine, permesso di ridurre i consumi elettrici dell’edificio, limitando il ricorso a fonti luminose artificiali grazie all’adozione di un sistema di controllo dei corpi illuminanti, tutti dotati di lampade a risparmio energetico, che ne permette l’accensione a zone in funzione della luminosità dell’ambiente esterno (figg. 7, 8, 9). Con l’obiettivo di controllare e regolare la radiazione solare incidente sono state integrate nell’involucro schermature, interne ed esterne al fine di favorire la rifrazione diffusa della radiazione solare all’interno delle aule per evitare fenomeni di abbagliamento. È stata prevista una mensola esterna sul fronte sud la cui lunghezza è stata calcolata in funzione dell’inclinazione del raggio solare nei mesi invernali ed estivi così da evitare fenomeni di surriscaldamento e favorire invece l’illuminazione nei mesi invernali. Il nuovo corpo di fabbrica sarà climatizzato nei


mesi invernali da un sistema di riscaldamento a pavimento radiante, che garantisce una buona distribuzione del calore a fronte di consumi energetici contenuti; l’impianto è collegato alle caldaie a condensazione che alimentano l’edificio scolastico esistente. Il nuovo edificio destinato ad ospitare le nuove aule del Liceo Scientifico Majorana, caratterizzato dalle scelte tecnologico-costruttive sopra elencate sarà un edificio di classe B, con consumi energetici pari a circa 28 kWh/m2 anno.

Note 1 - Nel DPR 59/2009, art. 4 comma 15, sono introdotti obblighi più restrittivi in materia di trasmittanza termica dell’involucro architettonico ed efficienza dell’impianto di condizionamento. 2 - Decreto Ministeriale 18 dicembre 1975 “Norme tecniche aggiornate relative all’edilizia scolastica, ivi compresi gli indici di funzionalità didattica, edilizia ed urbanistica, da osservarsi nella esecuzione di opere di edilizia scolastica”. 3 - Contemporaneamente la Provincia di Lucca sta ultimando la stesura del Piano Strategico per l’Edilizia scolastica sostenibile ed avviando una serie di interventi per la ristrutturazione energetica di alcuni edifici scolastici tra i quali ricordiamo la ristrutturazione totale di uno dei padiglioni del Liceo Scientifico Vallisneri di Lucca, che sarà caratterizzato dall’adozione di pannelli prefabbricati coibentati prodotti

Scheda progetto

appositamente per l’edificio, e la demolizione e ricostruzio-

Progetto: ampliamento Liceo Scientifico Ettore Majorana

Tecnico nautico Artiglio di Viareggio, caratterizzato dall’ado-

Indirizzo: via Rossa 1, Capannori – Lucca Committente: Provincia di Lucca Progettisti: Provincia di Lucca Consulenza alla progettazione: Centro ABITA, prof. Marco Sala, arch. Alessio Rullani, arch. Rosa Romano Direzione generale dei lavori: Provincia di Lucca Strutture: Provincia di Lucca Impianto elettrico: Provincia di Lucca Ditta appaltatrice: Michele Bianchi S.p.A. Durata dei lavori: Marzo 2010 – Febbraio 2011 Numero totale degli utenti: Realizzate 4 aule per 20 alunni, 5 insegnanti per aula Superficie coperta: 280,00 m2 Superficie utile: 280,00 m2 (realizzata) Importo dell’opera: 380.000,00 euro Fotografie e disegni: Rosa Romano

ne di uno dei padiglioni destinati a laboratorio dell’Istituto zione di strategie per incrementare l’illuminazione naturale degli spazi destinata alla didattica. 4 - DM 18/12/1975 “Norme tecniche aggiornate relative all’edilizia scolastica, ivi compresi gli indici minimi di funzionalità didattica, edilizia ed urbanistica da osservarsi nella esecuzione di opere di edilizia scolastica” (punto 5.1). 5 - DPCM 5 dicembre 1997,“Determinazione dei requisiti.acustici passivi degli edifici”

Energy efficiency in a building envelope and school building The new building for Majorana High School has been developed with the aim of spreading sustainable construction methodology in Italy. The European Union established these regulation through the Energy Performance Building 2002/91/CE and EU Directive 2010/31. These aim to diffuse local and national regulations to guarantee high the efficient buildings, using appropriate policies which consider local climate conditions. From 31st December 2018, we must start building zero energy public buildings. The reduction of energy consumption and the attention to environmental requirements are the main objectives of the Majorana Hig School Project. The design concept of the building has

Romano, R. 2015, Chapter 65. Smart envelope for nearly zero energy schools. The case study of Vallisneri secondary school in Lucca, in A. Sayigh (ed.) Renewable Energy in the Service of Mankind Vol. I, Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015, ISBN 978-3-31917776-2.


Technologies of Architecture

Smart Skin Envelope

Innovative and dynamic façade systems

Smart Skin Envelope research analyses the evolution of smart façade system in design and industrial production area, in order to investigate technological, functional and qualitative dynamic façade standards and evaluate buildings envelope energy performance. Furthermore, research project has been developed for spreading research topics identified by Cordis a& European Directive 2002/91 and 2010/31, which objective is to design smart façade systems able to increase building energy performances by 2020. Envelope system can be developed, in fact, as dynamic systems that are able to interact between indoor and outdoor environment, decreasing building energy consumption as well as producing renewable energy. Finally, aims to increase design knowledge and adaptive envelopes energy performance for hot climate through energy performance assessment analyses developed within dynamic energy simulations.

Scientific Coordinator Marco Sala Technical Coordinator Rosa Romano Partnership UNIFI | Inter-university Centre ABITA Regione Toscana Provincia di Lucca DAVINI s.r.l. Funded by POR CRO FSE 2007-2013 Budget 90.000 €

Keywords Innovative Technologies for Mediterranean Area, Adaptive Envelope, Renewable Energy, NZEB, Smart Materials.

Number of funded research grants 1











research map | dida research programs


DATABASE FACT SHEETS Distrito C, telefóniCa’s HeaDquarters, MaDriD, sPaGna, 2008 Rafael de la-Hoz aRcHitects 2 Il complesso architettonico nasce dall’esigenza di dare nuova collocazione alla società telefonica Spagnola creando un polo urbano che ospiti gli spazi per il lavoro e delle attività ricreative e sociali ad esso connesse. Da questo incipit nasce la conformazione del nuovo insediamento architettonico caratterizzato da sei edifici disposti intorno ad un grande spazio a corte centrale. Il progetto è sviluppato con la volontà di ridurre l’impatto ambientale del nuovo insediamento e si caratterizza per l’uso di sistemi tecnologici prefabbricati e di tecnologie per la produzione di energia da fonti rinnovabili: la copertura ospita il più grande impianto fotovoltaico esistente in Spagna, che produce il 40% dell’energia elettrica necessaria all’edificio. La facciata evanescente, scandita per tutta la superficie da un sistema di schermature a lamelle verticali, è caratterizzata dalla presenza di un doppia pelle realizzata con un nuovo tipo di vetro sviluppato proprio per questo edificio: si tratta di una superficie che risulta trasparente dall’interno e opaca dall’esterno.

analisi delle caRatteRisticHe della facciata Pelle esterna

Pelle interna

Vetro stratificato extrachiaro da 10 +10 mm o da 12x12 mm in alcune zone

Vetro extratrasparente 8 mm temperato serigrafato (superdualt), camera d’aria 16 mm, stratificato incolore da 5+5 mm con trattamento riflettente 73/39 in faccia 3

tipologia di facciata

sistema di ventilazione

Direzione ventilazione




celle + canali






Tutta Superficie

sisteMi di scHeRMatURa







orizzontale fisso Mobile opaco

tetto fotovoltaico

Mediamente traslucente altamente traslucente


Influenza sul comfort termico integrazione di sistemi per la produzione di energia

sisteMi di Ventilazione

tipologia edilizia

Edificio isolato

orientamento del corpo di fabbrica

est - ovest

tipologia costruttiva

struttura in acciaio e tamponamento in vetro


area di espansione urbana, adiacente all’autostrada

Destinazione funzionale

Spazi destinati ad uffici

intelligent featURes


fattori funzionali

caldo - mediterraneo. inverni miti, estati calde




analisi dei fattoRi di pRogetto

fattori ambientali Clima

Bocchetta di ventilazione in basso


Bocchetta di ventilazione in alto


Ventilatore di estrazione in basso Ventilatore di estrazione in alto scambiatore di calore integrato finestra

Illuminazione Artificiale Controllata

Controsoffitto in allumino microforato

ReQUisiti peR la pRestazione di coMfoRt VisiVo

sistemi di schermatura mobili

spazio di lavoro EM 500 lux, lavoro PC EM 300 lux

Rilevatori di presenza

1. 2. 3.

Riduzione dei fenomeni di abbagliamento

sistemi per la generazione di energia elettrica (pV/cHp/eolico)

distribuzione uniforme della luce naturale

4. 5. 6. 7.

Visibilità interno/esterno

sistemi per la ventilazione notturna sistemi per il riscaldamento dell’acqua

Buona visibilità sul piano di lavoro

caRatteRisitcHe dell’inVolUcRo

coMponenti integRati al sisteMa

Percentuale superficie trasparente

Dispositivi per la ventilazione dell’intercapedine

l’intercapedine di 163 cm è ventilata naturalmente

Dispositivi di controllo solare

sistemidi controllo solare esterni corrispondenti alle lamelle vertivali ed interni costituiti da tende in tessuto









u-values Muri

0,30 W/mqK

solaio copertura (tetto giardino)

0,30 W/mqK

facciata trasparente

pilastri in acciaio

Bocchette di ventilazione fisse Bocchette di venitlazione mobili

facilità d’uso sensori climatici

1,2 W/mqK

sistema di collegamento diretto dei vani con l’intercapedine

l’intercapedine non è accessibile dagli ambienti interni, ma solo dall’esterno per garantire la manutenzione della facciata

Vista di una delle facciate con l’illuminazione notturna Analisi dell’illuminamento Assonometria del sistema di facciata con indicazione dei vari elementi trasparenti che la costituiscono Veduta esterna dell’involucro trasparente Sale di attesa in rossimità della facciata Uffici Uffici



8. 9.

Spazi di ristoro e uffici Schema di assemblaggio del modulo costruttivo degli spazi ufficio

sezione di un modulo prefabbricato

9 Riferimenti Bibliografici Raphael de La Hoz, Telefonica’s district C, Area n.99, luglio-agosto 2008 Croce S., Il gioco illusionistico della luce. Telefonica Headquarter Madrid, Frames n.45, novembre-dicembre 2008 TRASPARENTE SU TRASPARENTE





Latitudine 40,23 Longitudine 4,1

PUBLICATIONS Rosa Romano, Adaptive envelopes to reduce the energy consumptions in the university buildings, in residences and services for university students, Giornata Internazionale di Studi, 21 Ottobre 2016, Firenze, Centro di Ricerca Interuniversitario TESIS .


Rosa Romano, Innovazione tecnologica e sostenibilità ambientale per la progettazione di nuovi sistemi di involucro adattivi ed energeticamente efficienti, in Federica Ottone, Monica Rossi (edited by) Teorie e sperimentalismo progettuale per la ricerca in tecnologia dell’architettura / Theories and experimental design for research in architectural technology, Firenze, University Press, 2013. Rosa Romano, Cap.22. Sistemi di chiusura a comportamento dinamico, in G. Scudo (A cura di) Integrazioni di tecnologie da fonti energetiche rinnovabili nell’ambiente costruito. Processi, progetto/ strumenti, sistemi e componenti. Wolters Kluer Italia, Milanofiori Assago, 2013.

MOVEN: Mobile Envelope. An innovative facade solution for the deep renovation of the Industry and Energy Building in Aosta. Authors: Gabriele Tiezzi, Nico Ferrettini, 2012.

Rosa Romano, Sistemi di facciata innovativi per la riqualificazione NZEB, Azero, n. 18, marzo, 2016. Rosa Romano, Il nuovo Centro di Ricerca medica Belfer della Cornell University. Sostenibilità e innovazione tecnologica, Il progetto sostenibile, n. 33, dicembre, 2013. Rosa Romano, Soluzioni d’involucro innovative: HB Heatsink Brick, in Costruire in Laterizio n.169, 2017.

Climate Adaptive Building Shell. Architectural Integration of an adaptive envelope for the deep renovation of residential buildings. Author: Carlotta Pelli, 2016. dsi


Technologies of Architecture


Integrated retrofitting of existing buildings Structural and Energetic

Scientific Coordinator Marco Sala Research and Technical coordinator Rosa Romano Researcher Leonardo Boganini Partnership UNIFI | Inter-university Centre ABITA UNIFI|Dipartimento di ingegneria civile e ambientale DICEA Municipality of Pistoia | U.O. Edilizia Pubblica e Patrimonio Funded by Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Pistoia e Pescia Budget 73.000 â‚Ź Number of funded research grants 2 Keywords Integrated retrofitting, seismic improvement, energy saving, sustainable school

Research wants to integrate energetic and seismic refurbishment of existing buildings, especially for schools. Starting from schools energetic and seismic assessment, research aims to investigate the different possible actions in order to simplify design decision making and buildings construction. Main research goal is to create tools for public administrations which are able to integrate structural and energetic strategies, reducing timing and costs from construction assessment. Central research project consist in the analysis and validation of a case study: the Secondary School Raffaello on Pistoia Municipality. Objectives and research product First research objective aims to develop a tool that allows you to easily integrate the energetic and structural approaches in refurbishment buildings process, with particular attention to educational buildings. Therefore research product is a practical tool, aimed to simplify the process of redevelopment of existing buildings, with particular attention to school buildings. Research can be divided in two parts: the first concerns direct analysis on buildings affected by a refurbishment program. Thanks to analysis results, it’s possible to define its performance and critical issues in terms of energy and structural behaviour on which we are going to adopt specific building interventions: the second parts connects these critical issues with building types and the set refurbishment target Therefore it’s possible to define building interventions inside the technical data sheets provided by tool instrument. At this stage we want provide to PA and designers with several possibilities of refurbishment, in accordance with major critical points already analysed under the performance and economic profile. Main goal is to collaborate in retrofitting reduction costs and times process. Secondary objective is to provide a tool: application, in this case the aim is tool validation and diagnostic system through comparison between benefits achieved and standard design process, also providing an integrated refurbishment project on study case. This

Case Study: Raffaello Middle School The application of the integrated guide lines aims to prove, inside a real case, to define a specific refurbishment scenario, without develop a double analysis of buildings.


research map | dida research programs

actions can be useful in the post-project phase: with an integrate project on a scholastic building study funded by Tuscan Region or by the national government within state Agrarian Institute. Scope is to show how the same prototype is adapted each time on different characters of urban farming: when focus will be the creation of new social enterprises in food production and selling, with the involvement of local cooperative, attention will be especially stressed on the productive area; When focus will be enhancing social participation, inclusion and education, attention will be especially stressed on common vegetable garden space, and the dissemination of rural culture. Temporary urban farming will be used to re-define a new role for the three mentioned areas, to reduce local decay increasing their added value.



Defining Seismic comportment, to prevent damage and collapse of the structure





Frazione/Località: ____________________________________________ (denominazione Istat) |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| 1 VIA 2 CORSO |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| Num. Civici |__|__|__|__| 3 VICOLO

Defining building energy performance, through specific analysis of technological elements 4 PIAZZA 5 ALTRO

___________________________________________ (Indicare contrada, località, traversa, salita, etc.)

COORDINATE piane UTM geografiche altro

IDENTIFICATIVO SOPRALLUOGO Squadra |__|__|__|__| Scheda n. |__|__|__|

giorno mese anno Data |__|__|__|__|__|__|

IDENTIFICATIVO EDIFICIO Istat Reg. |__|__| Istat Prov. |__|__|__|

Istat Comune |__|__|__|

N° aggregato |__|__|__|__|__| Cod. di Località Istat Sez. di censimento Istat


N° edificio |__|__|__|

|__|__|__|__| |__|__|__|

Tipo carta ______________ N° carta |__|__|__|__|





ED50 WGS84

Dati catastali Foglio |__|__|__| Allegato |__|__| Particelle |__|__|__|__| |__|__|__|__| |__|__|__|__| |__|__|__|__|




Posizione edificio


Isolato Interno D’estremità

D’angolo Codice Uso S |__|__|__|

DENOMINAZIONE EDIFICIO O PROPRIETARIO |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__ | |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| MAPPA DELL’AGGREGATO STRUTTURALE CON IDENTIFICAZIONE DELL’EDIFICIO

SEZI0NE 2 - DESCRIZIONE EDIFICIO Dati metrici N° Piani totali con interrati

1 9 2 10 3 11 4 12 5 >12 6 7 8

Altezza media di piano [m]

di piano [m 2]

1 < 2.50


2 2.50 ÷ 3.49


3 3.50 ÷ 5.00


4 > 5.00


Piani interrati

0 B 1


Età (max 2)








< 50 50 ÷ 69 70 ÷ 99 100 ÷ 129 130 ÷ 169 170 ÷ 229 230 ÷ 299 300 ÷ 399


400 ÷ 499 500 ÷ 649 650 ÷ 899 900 ÷ 1199 1200 ÷ 1599 1600 ÷ 2199 2200 ÷ 3000 > 3000

A) SUBTRACTION elimination of superfluous parts, or substitution


B) REINFORCEMENT consolidation and structural reinforcement

Uso - esposizione

Costr. e ristr.

Superficie media

< 1919 2 19 ÷ 45 3 46 ÷ 61 4 62 ÷ 71 5 72 ÷ 75 6 76 ÷ 81 7 82 ÷ 86 8 87 ÷ 91 9 92 ÷ 96 10 97 ÷ 01 11 02 ÷ 08 12 09 ÷ 11 13 > 2011 1


N° unità d’uso





Produttivo Commercio Uffici Serv. Pubbl. Deposito Strategico Turist-ricett.

|__|__| |__|__| |__|__| |__|__| |__|__| |__|__| |__|__|






|__|__|__|__| > 65% 30÷65% < 30% Non utilizz. In costruz. Non finito Abbandon.




|__|__|__| %



|__|__|__| %

C) ADDITION elements for improving energy performance


Technologies of Architecture

MON.LAB AOU-CAREGGI Monitoring lab | ICT systems for building management support

RESEARCH AGREEMENT Scientific Coordinator Maria Chiara Torricelli Address DIDA San Niccolò AOU CAREGGI Area Tecnica Pad. 70 N.I.C. Pad. 3 Research Group UNIFI | DIDA Maria Chiara Torricelli Luca Marzi Massimo Mariani Giovanni Di Benedetto Participants: Francesca Reale Sergio Leone Angelo Del Negro Claudia Verrecchia Rita Barone LAB_FAQE - UNIFI Gianfranco Cellai Leone Pierangioli Roberta Cecchi Streamer - EU 7°PQ Beatrice Turillazzi Stefania Pinzarotti SPACE - DIDA - R.T. Nicoletta Setola Sabrina Borgianni DINFO - UNIFI Alessio Luschi Ernesto Iadanza AOU CAREGGI Monica Calamai Filippo Terzaghi Daniele Novelli Andrea Belardinelli Fabrizio Niccolini Claudio Carpini Massimo Mocali Andrea Giuntini Matteo Curiardi Matteo Tomaiuolo Paolo Licari Mario Macchia


In 2004 Careggi University Hospital, in the context of an extensive functional reorganization program of its own building heritage, defined a research convention between the Faculty of Architecture (today DIDA) and the Information Engineering Department (DINFO) to create a monitoring lab to support the planning and monitoring of the redevelopment program through ICT systems development. Among the various activities developed by the laboratory in 14 years of cooperation, we illustrate the creation of a suite with which the hospital is managing its building, technological and organizational heritage since 2008. This software, called S.A.C.S.*, has been recently chosen by Regione Toscana to define the entire structural analysis of the regional health building heritage, about maintenance and data collection thematic. The S.A.C.S. system, acronym for Structural Consistency Analysis System, belongs to management systems defined as Computer Aided Facility Management, computerized management methodologies for complex building assets designed to facilitate the actors involved in administration activities. The SACS system, developed in its first version in 2004, manages and supply information about typological-environmental consistencies of the building patrimony of the University Hospital of Careggi by piloting digital maps. S.A.C.S. consists of two main operating suites. The first suite operationally manages the phase of data feeding and implementation, the second one gives the information framework to system’s users in a synoptic or detailed form. The data management suite it’s composed of the IT platform that pilots the digital cartography. The information flow starts from the definition of the single space unit as a basic information unit (record) of the management system. The digital cartographic archive therefore represents the database core, while the geographic-dimensional information are the real data processed by the system. Data are correlated through space unit codes, health organization or activity areas, enabling S.A.C.S. to extract integrated georeferenced information about staff registry, Electro-Medical Equipment, building-technical Asset, components related to energy management systems. Therefore S.A.C.S. is able to extract structured information, correlate it to others coming from external information systems, and create integrated reports. The suite generates a dynamic information flow by exporting data in standard formats such as HTML, DWF, SVG and PDF, ready to be published on the company intranet and consulted with a common web browser. The second suite provides the information on the WEB platform. The module includes three main products which allow the user to have a specific or synoptic view of all information processed by S.A.C.S. through graphical-numerical reporting. SACSWEB interface, through dynamic navigable maps in SVG format, provides information aggregating specific queries such as health organization, use destinations and usage classes. CAREGIS processes information of the whole hospital heritage, and allows the visualization and quantification of data related to external areas, hypogeal connective paths and territorial surfaces typologies. Both CAREGIS and SACSWEB export floor plans in pdf format, published by layer with the semantic definitions attributed by S.A.C.S. Eureka is a search engine: it interrogates the entire information assets of S.A.C.S. and allows specific or organized searches for thematic groups, exportable in graphic format (PDF) or in XLS tables. research map | dida research programs




























Direct Relief

Digital Cartographic Archive




Wayfinding Management Signaling Management



Business organization DAI-SOD-AA


N° SUPPLIES N°of beds, N°of clinics N° operating theater, etc ..


2d model B.I.M. Model G.I.S. Map



Verification and Counts Clean Management LICENSE accreditation and authorization



Individua l’edificio PERSONAL PATHS DAI-SOD-AA Maps



Careggi Smart Hospital







Scegli il piano




Technical staff

AOUC staff

All Users


View on EXTERNAL DB Esegui la query

*S.A.C.S. is a SIAE registered software. AOU-Careggi is the property owner, Luca Marzi (DIDA), Ernesto Iadanza and Alessio Luschi (DINFO) are certified developers. dsi


Technologies of Architecture

From infrastructure to urban space A masterplan for the regeneration of the ex railways areas of Borgo Verde and Borgo Nuovo in Pontassieve

Scientific Coordinator Leonardo Zaffi Scientific Board Antonio Capestro Leonardo Chiesi Giorgio Verdiani Research Group | Tutors Sabrina Borgianni Paolo Costa Fulvio De Carolis Sauro Guarnieri Nicola Marmugi Riccardo Monducci Andrea Pasquali Nicoletta Setola Professional Partners Vincenzo Bentivegna Claudio Corti Paolo Felli Richard Ingersoll Emanuele Masiello Collaborators | Students Enis Agaj Gadamekale Amare Greta Andriuolo Andi Balza Alessandro Capannacci Irene Cioni Lorenzo Gentili Davide Marchetti Armando Ormeni Klajdi Ormeni Skender Sejdi Mirko Tilli


The research was aimed at checking, developing and specifying goals and design contents of the masterplan of the Pontassieve town for the urban regeneration of about 90,000 square meters of brownfield areas. The area was located along the railway axis, and it had a length of 1.5 kilometres. The intervention comprehended 78,000 m2 of residential surface, 80,000 m3 of productive volume and 30,000 Sm of public area, resulting one of the main interventions in the metropolitan area of Florence. In the first step the main goals and requirements have been defined, and the possible scenarios – in terms of environmental and urban planning - related to the possible choices in the design, have been analysed. As a result, a clever and simple masterplan was prepared, having few main themes, related to as much urban systems, like the planning around Via Aretina, the artificial soil and the railway park. For each urban system, the goals to achieve and the roles to respects have been provided. The masterplan, defined through different multi-disciplinary contributions, proposed even a global view regarding the social and economic development of the area, and it has been adopted as operational experience for the training of the students. The final guidelines “Linee Guida per l’Attuazione delle ex-aree ferroviarie di Pontassieve” have been adopted by the municipality to integrate the existing masterplan. REFERENCES http://www.comune.pontassieve.fi.it/sites/www. comune.pontassieve.fi.it/files/linee_guida_per_lxattuazione_delle_ex-aree_ferroviarie_pontassieve.pdf. Gori G. (2013),Stazione futuro a Pontassieve; progetto dell’Università per l’area ferroviaria: case, industrie, cinema. E anche un parco, Corriere della Sera- Corriere Fiorentino del 29-10-2013.

http://www.sievenotizie.it/2013/07/02/pontassieve-luniversita-di-firenze-studiera-come-valorizzare-lex-area-ferroviaria/. Zaffi L. (2013), Le reti ferroviarie come opportunità per la riqualificazione e la valorizzazione del territorio, In: Ottone F., Rossi M., Teorie e sperimentalismo progettuale per la ricerca in tecnologia dell’architettura, Firenze, Firenze University Press, pp. 155-159.

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Technologies of Architecture

Materia prima The temporary exhibition space as meeting place among art production and urban space a conceptual and technological design for the event “Materia prima: ceramic and contemporary art in Montelupo Fiorentino”

Scientific Coordinators Leonardo Zaffi Antonio Capestro Professional Partner Sauro Guarnieri Promoters Comune Di Montelupo Fiorentino Fondazione Museo Montelupo Onlus Partnership UNIFI | DIDA STRADA DELLA CERAMICA Montelupo Fiorentino Under the auspices of Presidenza del consiglio dei Ministri Città metropolitana di Firenze Camera di commercio di Firenze AiCC I Associazione italiana città della ceramica

The Department of Architecture, together with the Foundation “Montelupo Onlus”, has promoted a operative research for the restoration part of the Palazzo Podestarile di Montelupo, whose rooms have been rescued and set up for the staging of the contemporary art show “Materia prima: Leoncillo, Spagnulo, Mainolfi, Cerone, Ducrot”, curated by Marco Tonelli. The research group has developed a staging aimed at evidencing many different issues, like the artists potentiality, the spatial properties of the rooms, the design effectiveness of the global stage, the chromatic theme of the rooms, the suitability of the pedestal materials, the effectiveness of the informational panels. Special attention has been paid to the clay in its chromatic and plastic properties, the theatrical contrast between light and shadow, the role of material in the architectural design and in the space perception. The aim at releasing the space from the material conditioning has brought at developing a basic design for the external staging, made with welded mesh and untreated iron plates, whose red evoked the tones of “Rosso di Montelupo”, i.e. the famous ceramic basin made in the XVI century. REFERENCES Tonelli M.,(ed.),(2016), Materia Prima; Leoncillo, Spagnulo, Mainolfi, Cerone, Ducrot, Gli Ori, Pistoia.

with the support of Regione Toscana Centro per l’arte contemporanea Luigi Pecci_Prato Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze


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Technologies of Architecture


Scientific Coordinators Leonardo Zaffi Stefania Viti Research Group Sauro Guarnieri Ciro Perino Simone Ulivieri Ilaria Vannini Francesca Fornari Luciana Bizzini Professional Partner Massimo Viviani

This research focuses on the instrument of the model linked to the development of a creative approach to the detail design. Starting with a didactic experience carried out for some years at the School of Architecture of Florence we address the relationship between two main types of modelling: “physical”, we could say traditional, modelling carried out manually which we have defined as “poor” insofar as it can be achieved with low cost materials, and one which we have defined as “rich”, namely modelling that involves computerized tools and uses sophisticated programmes. This clearly involves an instrumental difference in reasoning and that cannot be attributed to a question of cost, but rather to technological knowhow of the very equipment necessary for the modelling and the knowledge required for its effective use. The didactic experience referred to as a case study is that of the Architecture and Construction Laboratory which, since 2010,integrates the two disciplines of Architectural Technology (Prof. Leonardo Zaffi) and Construction Techniques (Prof. Stefania Viti). The development of the attitudes necessary for the establishment of competitive professionalism in the field of architecture on the international scene is certainly connected to the enhancement of creativity and intuition. The ability to leave and experiment outside the established patterns and traditional construction systems is a factor now universally regarded as strategic for the mindset of new architects. Practicing design through modelling is one of the most potent tools in the learning processes linked to the development of intuition within the scope of construction and detail design. In this context the value of the model is not the “representation” of the design as in the classic case of the scale model of architecture or of solely verifying the design idea, but it becomes the way in which experimenting occurs and through which mental processes are activated and relationships are established with the reality of the process of constructing architecture. The effectiveness of the model however does not necessarily seem to depend on the level and the intrinsic quality of the tools used but rather on the appropriate formulation of the problems and objectives. We can in part observe that intuition and creativity unfold better if students use tools they already have good mastery of, and that are “simple” for this reason. In this sense, we could say that in the educational process there are no “rich” modelling tools or “poor” modelling tools, there is no distance between the two but rather integration and the former, in our opinion, do not make the others obsolete. REFERENCES Zaffi L. (2008), Architettura in costruzione, SEF, Firenze.

Viti S., Zaffi L., (2017), Formazione tecnica e creatività, in Progettando Ing , vol XII.

Zaffi L. (2013), “poor” and “rich” modelling in the development of detail design, in: Rich and poor detailing: addressing the m-shape phenomenon in detail design” Proceedings of the 11th International Detail Design Conference ,21-22 October 2013, Tungfang Design Institute, Kaohsiung, Taiwan pp. 169-180.


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DIDA Research Programs

Landscape Architecture

landscape architecture An evolving field of research

Biagio Guccione Associate professor of Landscape Architecture, he has committed himself to promoting landscape architecture in Italy through lecturing, research and scientific diffusion, as well as through professional practice.

Anna Lambertini Ph.D., she is associate professor of Landscape Architecture. Director of the Master Degree Program in Landscape Architecture Unifi. Editorin-chief of the AIAPP journal Architettura del Paesaggio.

Tessa Matteini Ph. D., she is associate professor of Landscape Architecture and director of UNISCAPE, the European network of Universities for the implementation of the European Landscape Convention. , coordinator of the Ph.D. programme in Landscape Architecture and director of the professional master in Landscape Architecture of the University of Florence.

Emanuela Morelli Ph.D. and researcher in Landscape Architecture, she has published many works on Landscape Architecture. In the professional she dedicated her works to landscape design and planning for private and public agencies.

Gabriele Paolinelli Ph.D. and professor of Landscape Design, is coordinator of the Ph.D. programme in Landscape Architecture and director of the DIDA Landscape Design Lab. Editor in Chief of Ri-Vista. Research for Landscape Planning.

AIAPP | IFLA | International Federation of Landscape Architecture.

ECLAS | European Council of Landscape Architecture Schools. UNISCAPE | European Network of Universities for the implementation of the European Landscape Convention.

“Landscape architecture is the discipline concerned with mankind’s conscious shaping of his external environment. It involves planning, design and management of the landscape to create, maintain, protect and enhance places so as to be both functional, beautiful and sustainable (in every sense of the word), and appropriate to diverse human and ecological needs. […] Over recent decades the discipline has expanded to encompass wider environmental concerns, by combining approaches from the natural sciences and the planning disciplines, developing strategies, methods and techniques for the assessment and amelioration of environmental impacts and also for the treatment of issues associated with sustainability and the conservation of the cultural landscape heritage.” (from ECLAS definition, 2018)













Landscape Architecture


Park&Public Landscapes in the lake environment of Bilancino

The Lake of Bilancino, in the Municipality of Barberino, department of Mugello, is the largest reservoir in Tuscany, which became operational in 1999, to prevent the risk of flooding along the Arno basin upstream of Florence and t o distribute drinking water to the populations of the Florence metropolitan area. This function, until now, has prevented from considering the territory of the Lake as an economic, cultural and ecological resource, available to the populations of Mugello and the Florence area. The project intends to enhance the spectacular landscapes of water and land that surround the lake, improving accessibility and beach uses, now impracticable. The project creates new opportunities for social camping in the most suitable areas of the river Sieve, promotes a sailing activity and canoeing on the lake, creating a nautical club of regional rank. The project connects the settlement system of Barberino with an urban park (Andolaccio) and the ecological corridor of the river Stura, creating a large area for cultural and artistic events, a system of gardens, paths and rest areas for leisure and sports to the open area by the lake. The project creates an Adventure Park, equipped with playgrounds, picnic areas for families, an area for hippotherapy and a farm with educational facilities for children and teenagers. In addition, the project provides for the landscape redevelopment of the naturalistic oasis of Gabbianello, improving the paths and sighting points of the nesting birds.

Scientific Directors Enrico Falqui Gabriele Paolinelli Scientific Coordinator Paola Venturi Research Group Giulia Mancini Francesco Tosi Antonella Valentini Margherita Vestri Environmental Engineering Consultant Ing. Alessandro Balbo (Studio Majone ingegneri associati) Partnership Comune di Barberino del Mugello

82.000 m2







8.500 m2



69.000.000 m3





500.000 m2 URBAN PARK


10 km






Landscape Architecture

Pistoia MILLEFIORI Project

Scientific Coordinator Gabriele Paolinelli Research Group Sara Caramaschi Marinella Carrieri Camilla Tredici Flavia Veronesi Botanical and Agronomic Consultant Marco Cei Partnership CARIPT | Foundation UNISER |Pistoia GIARDINERIA ITALIANA | Pistoia

The project Pistoia Millefiori takes its name from a great value Renaissance tapestry coming from Flanders. Pistoia Millefiori aims to reopen to the city some unbuilt urban areas, once cultivated and flourishing and particularly extended within inside the old city walls and that give to Pistoia the fame of “the city of orchards”. These spaces are currently closed or accessible to a few, this situation has prompted the programme to reactivate and restore them through focused projects and training courses direct to a people with social, mental and/or physical discomfort. As part of the project, the experience of Social Cooperatives that have already carried out courses of accompaniment to the work is essential, as well as the presence of the newborn Landscape Design Lab and, of course, of the participant of a client who is a banking foundation that has always been active in the social issues.



















TALKSCAPE research map | dida research programs



Urban and Regional Planning and Design

Sustainable mobility in the inner areas

Public and community transport in Garfagnana

UNIVERSITY-FOUNDED RESEARCH PROJECT Scientific Coordinators Francesco Alberti Elisabetta Mennucci Address Santa Teresa, via della Mattonaia, 8 Firenze Technical Partner Gianluca Cristoforetti (Smart city) Lorenza soldani Maria Fabbri Sociolab (participation) Claudio Salvucci Daniele Mirani (Simurg) GIS Elaborations Giulio Galleti Collaborators Maria Del Sere Ilaria Menichetti External Collaborators Riccardo Luca Breschi Coordinator Giannino Biaggini Benedetta Biaggini Anfrea Giraldi


The Partnership Agreement for Italy 2014-2020 adopted by the EC has highlighted the importance for the country’s development of “inner areas”, which include a large number of minor centres, settled in different historical phases and in various regions. The recognition of the inner areas as a “national issue” of strategic importance leads to identify the improvement of regional accessibility as one of the priority axes of intervention, either as a lever of territorial cohesion or a driver of economic development. Moving from these assumptions, a research project by the Research Unit SUP&R, funded by the Fondazione Nazionale delle Comunicazioni, is focused on the “smart” reuse of old railroads now in decline – by mean of innovative services on the line and towards the stations - as the key element for “territory projects” aimed at the enhancement of local territorial capital (heritage, landscape, agriculture, etc.). The territory object of study is Garfagnana, an inner area in Tuscany located on its border with Emilia. The objective of the research project is to set out a model of mobility based on the optimization of the existing railway running in the central valley, that is on the route which collect all traffic flows affecting the area. This shall be accompanied by a complete reorganization of services by road as feeder services to the main route, resultant of a process of public participation. The key elements of the project, that got the endorsement of the Union of the Municipalities of Garfagnana, are: - the study of more affordable operating modes for the railway line, to ensure on one hand an adequate service for locals, and support on the other the development of quality tourism; - the optimization of feeder services by road to the railway stations, that should combine more rational and flexible public transport services with innovative forms of collective or shared transport at low-cost, that see the active involvement of the community, according to the principles of pooling economy; - the development of a smart ICT platform for moving in Garfagnana, to provide citizens with an interactive information tool aimed at facilitating the integrated use of fixed and flexible services, so that to meet the mobility needs of each user.

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Urban and Regional Planning and Design


Urban Liveability & Innovation for Everyone

SPIN OFF ScientiďŹ c Coordinator Francesco Alberti Address San Clemente via P. A. Micheli, 2 Firenze Research Group Stefania Cupillari Sabine Di Silvio Eleonora Giannini Ilaria Massini Sara Naldoni Lorenzo Nofroni Alessandra Pacciani Simone Scortecci


Urban LIFE is a business project admitted to the pre-incubation training for the academic year 2017/2018, as part of the 15th call of the IUF (Incubatore Universitario Fiorentino) of UniversitĂ degli Studi di Firenze with the purpose of creating an innovative start-up (academic spin-off). Urban LIFE was born within the activities of SUP&R Research Unit (Sustainable Urban Projects & Research) of the Dipartimento di Architettura (DIDA) of Florence and offers urban marketing strategies through the development of integrated tools and consulting services to manage urban centralities according to the diverse typologies of urban patterns and clients. Urban LIFE works on the elaboration of projects with reference to technological innovation, sustainability, resilience, security and social inclusion. From detailed analyses to the definition of a global vision of the constraints of the existing city, the work team elaborates project themes and actions (temporary or permanent, from macro to micro scale), constraints and possible solutions, either with reference to the peculiarity of local contexts and adapting innovative actions experimented in other contexts.

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Urban and Regional Planning and Design

Cities, Design & Sustainability The New Series

This Series seeks to present some new concepts concerning current and future roles of cities in supporting sustainable communities. It will discuss the latest issues in planning, designing and building a better future, achieving sustainability through urban and architecture design. CITIES, DESIGN & SUSTAINABILITY. THE NEW SERIES attempts to understand better some factors and principles that condition a range of choices about future urban life. It will address new ways of managing cities and responding to current issues that are key to urban change. The making of real sustainable cities has to be considered as a cultural issue concerning the reconciliation between community living, urban environment and nature. Evolving themes on urban, architectural and climate change matters will be further explored in order to share insights and build a more integrative urban environment.

Editor-in-chief Dimitra Babalis Scientific Board Università degli Studi di Firenze, IT Dimitra Babalis Technical University of Athens, GR Helen Maistrou Newcastle University, UK Tim G. Townshend John Pendlebury Slovak University of Technology Bratislava, SV Lubica Vitkova

Cities, Design and Sustainability. The New Series is a peer-reviewed Series. It cooperates with a qualified International Scientific Committee and a qualified Editorial Advisory Board with high standards of advice that each member acts with competence and integrity in order to set out an excellent approach to the wider scientific research. This Series includes special editions of INTEGRO UAD Annual Meetings, International Conferences and brings together all the fundamental scientific topics on eco-sustainable urban and architecture design from a comparative and advantageous international perspective.

Eindhoven Technical University, NL Irene Curulli Eindhoven Technical University, NL Ana Pereira Roders Gazi University of Ankara, TR Zeynep Uludag Ecole de Chaillot Paris, FR Chehrazade Nafa


Editorial Board Strathclyde University, UK David Grierson

ApproAching the integrAtive city


Cities, Design & Sustainability | The New Series This Series seeks to present some new concepts concerning current and future roles of cities in supporting sustainable communities. It will discuss the latest issues in planning, designing and building a better future, achieving sustainability through urban and architecture design. CITIES, DESIGN&SUSTAINABILITY.THE NEW SERIES attempts to understand better some factors and principles that condition a range of choices about future urban life. It will address new ways of managing cities and responding to current issues that are key to urban change. The making of real sustainable cities has to be considered as a cultural issue concerning the reconciliation between community living, urban environment and nature. Evolving themes on urban, architectural and climate change matters will be further explored in edited by Dimitra Babalis order to share insights and build a more integrative urban environment.

The Dynamics of Urban Space

University of Lusofona, Lisbon, PT Pedro Ressano Garcia


Designing for Blue-green Places

Texas University, USA Gabriela Campagnol Gdansk University of Technology, PL Lucyna Nyka Cities, Design & Sustainability | The New Series 1 Justyna Borucka Jakub Szczepanski

This Series seeks to present some new concepts concerning current and future roles of cities in supporting sustainable communities. It will discuss the latest issues in planning, designing and building a better future, achieving sustainability through urban and architecture design. CITIES, DESIGN&SUSTAINABILITY.THE NEW SERIES attempts to understand better some factors and principles that condition a range of choices about future urban life. It will address new ways of managing cities and responding to current issues that are key to urban change. The making of real sustainable cities has to be considered as a cultural issue concerning the reconciliation between community living, urban environment and nature. Evolving themes on urban, architectural and climate change matters will be further explored in order to share insights and build a more integrative urban environment.

Sapienza University of Rome, IT Annamaria De Rosa

WATERFRONT URBAN SPACE. Designing for Blue-green Places explores potentialities and emerging issues to strategies and waterside planning and design. The book develops research results and detailed cases of interest in response to city change, to promote sustainable development in a variety of ways. It seeks to include some key waterfront matters in linking new spatial patterns to social dynamics and climate change. It stresses conceptual development and implications for future practice. The book is structuring into two parts: Part One: ‘Advancing Riverfront Transformation’ examines proposals on urban waterfronts and relations between urban spaces and social dynamics to revitalise and re-appropriate urban environment; To restore and define urban form; To re-locate new uses and functions with sustainable design solutions. Part Two: ‘Outlining Blu Green Opportunities’ develops proposals on waterfront urban spaces and places with promotion of sociability and enjoyment, integrating cultural and economic values, health and wellbeing. Specifically, are taken into consideration waterfront landscapes with a great potentiality for regeneration and understanding of project methods and design principles.


edited by Dimitra Babalis


Dimitra Babalis is an Assistant Professor at the University of Florence and, an Architect-Engineer. She is a Visiting Academic Scholar at various European Universities; Co-ordinator and Chair of European Programmes and International Workshops; Co-ordinator of the International Research Group on Urban and Architecture Design (INTEGRO&UAD). Her research interests and funded European and Italian projects lie on ecological and sustainable planning and urban design; Multi-disciplinary inquiries concerning sustainable urban form; Urban regeneration and re-use of cultural heritage; Innovative polices and strategies to urban transformation and masterplanning. She is currently developing research on sustainable waterfront regeneration; Sustainable design of urban micro spaces and places in shaping change. She is Editor of a number of scientific books and Author of the books: URBAN DESIGN. The Ecological Thinking. A Compendium (2008); URBAN CHANGE and Sustainability. A Collection (2012); WATERFRONT CITY. Waterside Regeneration in Scotland (2014).

€ 20,00

New Perspectives and Opportunities

University of Westminster, UK Marion Roberts

Approaches to urban waterfront conservation have been much debated in recent decades. Early schemes focused on leisure and commercial exploitation, however more recently greater attention has been paid to environmental and ecological conditions, historic preservation and human wellbeing. But how do we balance these competing interests and yet ensure sustainable change? How can we preserve identity yet allow for new development? And how do we involve local people? Urban Waterfront and Cultural Heritage: New perspectives and opportunities, aims to provide some answers to these important questions. The book is divided into three parts: Part One - Historic Environment and Waterfront Challenges - provides an overview for regeneration of built and historic environment and awareness of managing and developing historic waterfronts. Part Two - Waterfronts and Industrial Heritage argues for the sustainable reuse of important sites to preserve their character and special identity. Part Three - Waterfront Design Studio and Architectural Education shows the importance of introducing students to the complexities of designing waterfronts for sustainable lifestyles.

edited by Dimitra Babalis and Tim G. Townshend

Publisher Altralinea Edizioni Cover Design and Layout Dimitra Babalis Adriana Toti

Dimitra Babalis is Associate Professor of Urban Planning and Design at the University of Florence, Italy. She is a Visiting Academic Scholar at various European Universities; Co-ordinator and Chair of European Programmes and International Workshops; Co-ordinator of the International Research Group on Urban and Architecture Design (INTEGRO&UAD). Her research interests and funded European and Italian projects lie on ecological and sustainable planning and urban design; Multi-disciplinary inquiries concerning sustainable urban form; Urban regeneration and re-use of cultural heritage; Innovative polices and strategies to urban transformation and masterplanning. She is currently developing research on sustainable waterfront regeneration; Sustainable design of urban micro spaces and places in shaping change. She is Editor of a number of scientific books and Author of the books: URBAN DESIGN. The Ecological Thinking. A Compendium (2008); URBAN CHANGE and Sustainability. A Collection (2012); WATERFRONT CITY. Waterside Regeneration in Scotland (2014). Tim G. Townshend is Professor of Urban Design for Health at Newcastle University, UK. He has established an international profile in interdisciplinary health/built environment work through a steady output of publications that cross disciplinary divides. He has delivered keynote addresses at a number of international conference and sits on the editorial board of a number of journals including Journal of Urban Design and Cities and Health.

€ 20,00


3 research map | dida research programs

Dimitra Babalis

cities role in supporting ing and building a better &SUSTAINABILITY SERIES, e everyone and condition s of managing our cities alues to the regeneration management of natural architects an alternative s to be considered as a onment and nature. The ting the sustainable city.



welve-First Century society. w and Edinburgh. The two

City and its relationship to deas on research that can results seek to develop a to underline these themes ook also underlines some and how its preservation dustrial landscapes are of on can create new charac-

Waterside Regeneration in Scotland

dology of masterplanning

and an Architect-Engineer. She Programmes and International o sustainable urban form and s and principles of ecological and international reviews and for Sustainable Development and Design (2005), ECOPOLIS. Design (2007), CHRONOCITY. sessment of Built Heritage for (2011). CHANGE and Sustainability. A

WATERFRONT CITY Waterside Regeneration in Scotland

tion in the City of Glasgow. approaching development

generation and the making ssues. opment along Edinburgh’s ocal community.

Dimitra Babalis

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Urban and Regional Planning and Design

Industrial heritage

in the landscape and in the history of sites

Scientific Coordinator Pasquale Bellia


The Brick Kiln Penna in Pisciotto – One of the places of the movies inspired by the Camilleri’ novels Despite the numerous rehabilitation projects concerning the ruined Brick kiln and the surrounding landscape, we should let time take its course by modelling and consuming the building. Even if ruined, the Kiln appears as a new architecture, different in its essence from the original shape of which however it certifies the existence, as an autonomous artefact, being an artwork in itself! An artwork which continues both to die and to grow into a new life. We must contemplate the architectural “rest” of the Kiln in its crude utility, as an aesthetic category of the historic landscape, rich in connotations and meanings freed from functional use. The Kiln and its surrounding area are now the space of beauty spreading a special beneficial magic, which overcomes decay, indifference and uniform style. Because giving up beauty is the true misery of nothingness.

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Urban and Regional Planning and Design


Mapping Hyper-local Communities


















Address Viale dei Pini, 24 Firenze


Members Giovanni Ruffini Director Massimo Carta Sara Giacomozzi Anna Giani Anna Lisa Pecoriello Adalgisa Rubino


Scientific Coordinator Fabio Lucchesi

MHC [Mapping Hyper-local Communities], academic Spin-Off of the University of Florence, is a cooperative founded in 2012. The mission of MHC is to innovate methodologies and tools for the representation of places through collaborative mapping and collective storytelling, in order to increase the effectiveness of participatory processes applied to planning at different scales. The cooperative is composed of 7 members, all of them architects and urban planners, with a background as researchers in three laboratories of the former Department of urban planning (now DIDA, Department of Architecture) of the University of Florence: LAPEI - Laboratory for ecological transformation of settlements, LARIST – Laboratory for the representation of identity and statute of places, LabPSM – Laboratory city and territory in the south of the world. By the integration of two different research fields – representation and participation – MHC has developed an original approach to the management of community planning processes and to community mapping, by combining Geo-ICT applications with public meetings and events. These techniques are used to encourage interaction among different individual perceptions and different stakeholders and to make visible and understandable the territorial values involved and the consequences of transformative actions under discussion, in order to achieve a more sustainable local development.



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Urban and Regional Planning and Design


SPIN OFF Scientific Coordinator Giuseppe De Luca Members Luca Di figlia Director Simone Landi Vice-President Matteo Scamporrino Tommaso Stigler Valeria Lingua UNIFI


Who we are ARTU ‘is an academic Spin-off of the University of Florence, approved in 2014, where academic skills and technological innovation come together to create tools and services for future planning. The main mission is to provide, together with “traditional” services in the field of urban planning and advanced computerized geographic systems, also online collaborative products to support public or private operators. Thanks to its “digital” soul, and to the GisCake product in particular, ARTU’ constantly works on developing innovative and advanced solutions to simplify and revive online collaboration processes between organizations and / or people. The GisCake Product GisCake is a real-time online co-working platform that allows multiple remote actors to share, review, comment, modify and safely store their files (text documents, maps, pictures). It gives people the possibility to access documents and organise a precise and certified workflow in a collaborative way. Users will be able to track and optimize their workflows through time thanks to its powerful versioning tools. It’s an open source standardization that applies to activities such as organising, commenting and editing shared objects.



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Services - Project and Urban Planning

2015 Rosignano Marittimo PIU - Urban Innovation Project. Regional Council of Tuscany

2016 Certaldo PO - Piano Operativo Comunale


2017 Rosignano Marittimo PUMS - Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan


Urban and Regional Planning and Design

Designing the ECO-CITY the shape and the structure

Sustainable Cities Scientific Coordinator Pietro Giorgieri Research Group Francesca Nuti Francesco Alberti Mauro Marinelli Carlo Carbone Arianna Becherucci Partnership UNIFI | DIDA RT | Regione Toscana

In this period, a new interest in urban themes and physical and morphological aspects of the city is growing. More precisely the focus is on “ how“ to built a real and vibrant city. From the recent experiences, we have learned that is necessary to think again about the city made by buildings, streets, squares, parks and gardens. Smart or ecological cities have their own physical structure. This question cannot be reduced to a functional scheme or material element. As written by Aganben (1994)”the structure is the shape”, like in thought Gestalt. The same overall theme of the urban density, that has been considered with suspicion for long time, must be re-evaluated in order to achieve the functional “mixite”, a city with a central core, short distances a from the compact form and an efficient transit system. We need to rethinking the urban project. New attention must be put on the contemporary experiences that show good examples. These can be chosen as the “paradigmatic cases” to compose the new rules that should give more positive solutions than simple prescriptions. In order to achieve this, we must look for a long tradition of urban planning that is richer and more articulated than we usually think. With a new point of view we need to read again the experience of modern age that has been cut off and put too drastically away. Principles (see images below) By the open and inclusive observation of this wide range of experiences we can find many indications and define - although very schematically – some important “principles”: 1. Designing the urban shape and the morphological structure; 2. Organize the city on several levels as a network of small cities with a system of central places; 3. Provide for dense and articulated settlements, including high or medium-density areas; 4. Arrange the complexity of the activities and functions; 5. Plan the city on the basis of an efficient public transport system linking cycle and pedestrian paths; 6. Have a great attention to the open space that is the real essence of the city.








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Contemporary experiences

Asia_United Arab Emirates _Masdar city.

Europe_Germany, Hamburg _HafenCity.


Europe_Sweden, Stockolm _Hammarby sjรถstad. tel


Urban and Regional Planning and Design

FI_PO: Cycle Super Highway

a grate linear “centrum”of the metropolitan city

Sustainable Mobility Scientific Coordinators Pietro Giorgieri Francesca Nuti Research Group Antonella Fantozzi Arianna Becherucci Partnership UNIFI | DIDA CMF |Metropolitan City of Florence

The main goal of this project is to develop a new cycling highway for extra-urban mobility, just like it happens in other European countries. Being this kind of infrastructure planned to cover distances between 5-20 Km, it looks very appropriate in order to connect Firenze and Prato downtowns (15-19 Km). The new cycle path will have the properties of a large green line with a wide route at least 4 metres in the middle and priorities on other roads. New trees, parking, pedestrian and service areas for cyclists will be located on both sides of the path. The new infrastructure will be closely interconnected with the railway stations along the Florence Prato line and cities, in Sesto fiorentino, Calenzano and Campi Bisenzio. The Main Purposes As the urban system formed from Firenze, Prato, Sesto Fiorentino, Calenzano and Campi Bisenzio looks like a town with about 800,000 inhabitants, this project guidelines suggest the new cycling super road could be a great chance to develop a huge and very important linear park linking every urban pole of the area, contemporary making urban connectivity more efficient. In fact, the cycling highway connects and combines many important public and private functions: different university sites such as Novoli, Scientific Pole of Sesto, Dida of Calenzano and School of Carabinieri; important cultural structures: from the Pecci Museum to the archaeological site of Gonfienti up to the Florence museographic system; various recreational and entertainment facilities, parks and sports centres including the future stadium of Fiorentina football club.




The metropolitan cycle system

Study of the Layout_Current situation.


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Ciclovie veloci d’interesse metropolitano Ciclovia veloce Firenze-Prato-Pistoia Ciclovia veloce Firenze-Prato- Pistoia-variante Osmanoro

Ciclovie veloci d’interesse turistico-ricreativo Ciclopista del sole Verona-Firenze EV 7


Ciclopista dell’Arno

Ciclovie di riconnessione


Ciclovia di riconnessione esistente Ciclovia di riconnessione prevista Principali passerelle di riconnessione

Ciclovie locale


Ciclovia esitente Ciclovia prevista


Poli di attrazione R

Attrezzature pubbliche Regione C Comune G Palazzo Gustizia Ospedale Centro sportivo Parco naturale/agricolo Parco attrezzato Cinema Multisala Centro commerciale Mercafir


Università Sito Unesco



Museo Zona di interesse archeologico Aeroporto Progetto Nuovo Aeroporto Scuola Allievi Ufficiali Carabinieri

Viabilità Ferrovia Tramvia esistente



Tramvia progetto Autostrada

Sistemi Urbani Centro storico Urbanizzazione

Rete idrologica Fiume Zona umida G R


Roads section.

Bike stations.

Interchange points.

International experiences




5 1. New Zeland_Auckland_CycleWays. 2. China_Xiamen_Bicycle Skyway. 3. Europe_Germany, Berlin_Radbahan. tel


6 4. Europe_Germany, Ruhr_CSH. 5. Europe_Holland, Eindhoven_Floating Circular Cycle Bridge. 6. Europe_London_Bicycle Skyway.


Urban and Regional Planning and Design

Inhabiting Modernity

Everyday Life and Urban Design in Modernist Mass Housing

UNIVERSITY-FOUNDED RESEARCH PROJECT Scientific Coordinator Giulio Giovannoni Research Group Uzeir Gasimov Maria Elena Muzio Kerstin Schlenker Naief Serrano

Modernist public housing districts pose a major challenge to urban theory. In the course of the 20th century, modernist architecture underwent a process of rise and fall. Until the early 1960s it was the main model of public housing in the West. Later, it was blamed by scholars such as Jane Jacobs, Oscar Newman and Charles Jencks - for being the main cause of the urban crisis that affected of many Western cities. However, the critique of modernism was based on its own fundamental assumption: that social behaviour was easily determinable through the design of space. Many modernist public housing districts in the world have been demolished on the basis of this criticism. Although a correlation between urban space and social behaviour certainly exists, this is much more complex than Jane Jacobs or Oscar Newman imagined. Careful comparative and historical research on these public housing districts can make an essential contribution to urban theory, questioning the credibility of simplistic approaches based on environmental determinism. Such research must be based on socio-anthropological approaches and on the accurate study of the social and symbolic dynamics of space production. The policy implications of this research are of vital importance for planning the upgrading of these neighbourhoods. Main research goals • questioning the dominant paradigm according to which modernist architecture is a failure in terms of social life; • providing an updated literature review on socio-anthropological research on modernist mass housing neighbourhoods; • redefine the spatial policy agenda for the rehabilitation of modernist mass housing districts.

COURSES | SEMINARS | EXHIBITIONS Exhibition Inhabiting Modernity, Galleria Santa Teresa, June 2018. Organiser - Giulio Giovannoni, with Uzeir Gasimov, Maria Elena Muzio, Naief Serrano. Architecture and Town Lab, 2015-16: Prof. Giulio Giovannoni (Urban Design), Prof. Giacomo Pirazzoli (Architectural Design), Prof. Antonella Valentini (Landscape Design). Architecture and Town Lab, 2016-17: Prof. Giulio Giovannoni (Urb an Design), Prof. Kerstin Schlenker(Architectural Design), Prof. Antonella Valentini (Landscape Design).

PUBLICATIONS Giulio Giovannoni, ed., Inhabiting Modernity: Everyday Life and Urban Design in Modernist Mass Housing Neighborhoods, book in course of publication, Firenze, 2018. Giulio Giovannoni, “Eterotopie della deambulazione. ‘Retorica del camminare’ e decostruzione dello spazio progettato in Pas à Pas di Jean-François Augoyard”. In Giovanni Caudo, Janet Hetman, Annalisa Metta, Compresenze. Corpi, azioni e spazi ibridi nella città contemporanea, Roma, Roma Tre Press, 2017. Giulio Giovannoni, “Beyond the Modernist Failure Myth”. In Archdesign ’15, Istanbul, Dakam, 2015. Giulio, Giovannoni, 2015, “Trzy lekcje” [Tre quartieri]. Autoportret, vol. 51.


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Urban and Regional Planning and Design


Inter-University Cooperation Program for the Development of Skills, Innovative Tools and Training Pathways within Youth Policies in the Caribbean Region

COOPERATION PROJECT Scientific Coordinator Raffaele Paloscia Steering Committee Emanuela Benini Sheron Johnson Raffaele Paloscia Francis Severin Gladstone Yearwood Training activities Coordinators Michele Morbidoni (General and Barbados) Simone Spellucci (Dominica) Funded by MAECI Ministero degli affari Esteri e della cooperazione Italiana. AICS Agenzia Italiana per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo

The clear, steady, peaceful water of the Caribbean sea, customary depicted in old postcards or in touristic advertises, doesn’t account properly of the turbid tides and waves which are shaking the human and physical landscape of the Lesser Antilles. Unavoidable social, economic, cultural and natural transformations appear as local echoes of the major impulses of climate change and markets globalisation. In different ways, the islands of Barbados and Dominica share the common duty of keeping the course on that stormy sea made up of threats and opportunities; this by caring of not losing inadvertently the huge treasures hidden by the centuries of a tough history to be safely kept in their territories, nowadays progressively disregarded to forgotten. Deprived of the references provided by the local heritage, the uneasy enhancement of the composite identity of the islands is at risk. Their fault can lead to territorial fragility, cultural impoverishment, economic vulnerability and social disintegration. The breakdown of the legacy affects mainly the younger generations, forced to seek shelter elsewhere or to suffer from disadvantaged living conditions. By co-founding the Caritalents project, the MAECI/Italian Agency for Development Cooperation relied on the interaction between the consolidated tradition in territorial studies of the University of Florence/DIDA/LabPSM and the deep knowledge of the local context and the experience in innovative research of The University of the West Indies/EBCCI experts. The encounter between different cultures was entrusted with the task of engaging the youths of Barbados and Dominica in exploring with a fresh sight the Territorial Heritage of their islands. Through laboratory activities spread across the islands, young people were able to unveil the main resources for innovative ventures directed to the improvement of the quality of life.












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ORGANIGRAM: Functions/countries























































Urban and Regional Planning and Design

Reading the city

Helping children discover a square and its architecture

Research Group ADA | Associazione Donne Architetto UNIFI | DIDA DIDA/ADA Rossella Rossi Daniela Chiesi Barbara Nozzoli ADA Cristina Bardelloni Margherita Pelosi Geraldina Petronici Marta Porcile Brunella Sibilia Florentine Primary Schools Involved in the Project Don Minzoni Classe 3A Giotto Classi 4C e 5A Petrarca Classi 5A e 5B

This project has been established by members of the Association of Women Architects (ADA - Associazione Donne Architetto), who are self-employed architects or university teachers in the fields of restoration and urban planning. The project (21 March-15 May 2017) involves a collaboration with DIDA (the University of Florence Department of Architecture), the Historical Urban Centres Office of UNESCO, and the Educational Projects Office of the Municipality of Florence. The object of the project is to develop a sensitivity to architectural heritage among primary school children. This will be achieved by reading, story-telling and experimentation in some of Florence’s most characteristic places. The aim will be to create an understanding of the value of public spaces as a common good and of the need to safeguard them. The project concentrates on one particular example of an urban space, namely, Piazza Santa Croce. The programme involves a cycle of four meetings. The first lesson will be introductory and will be held in a classroom equipped with an interactive multimedia whiteboard and animated slides. It will give the children a basic understanding of the issues and encourage them to look at urban spaces and architecture with a fresh point of view. The following meetings will take place directly in the square and will involve the children in discovery and laboratory experimentation.

in collaboration with Tradeco Modding & Performance Expert Associazione Esercizi Storici Tradizionali e Tipici Fiorentini


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Urban Walk: experience of public space

NEW SK ILLS! Orienteering Measurement of space and rendering at scale Reading of architectural elements

Laboratory: sharing of the experiences ‌ and knowledge



Urban and Regional Planning and Design

Three projects for self-sustainable local development

Scientific Coordinator Alberto Ziparo Address Palazzo S. Clemente via P. A. Micheli, 2 Firenze Research Group UNIFI | DIDA Andrea Alcalini, Daniela Anceschi, Enrico Ciccozzi, Angelo M. Cirasino, Antonluca Di Paola, Tiffany Gety, Sandro Giuntoli, Andrea Marçel Pidalà, Letizia Recchia Partnership Università “Mediterranea” di Reggio Calabria Università di Messina Società dei Territorialisti/e ONLUS

1. Infrastructure environmental planning and sustainable mobility in Florence metro area The research project is the continuation of the previous research on planning and evaluation of policies and projects at the national level. It is carried out in cooperation with the MOVITALIA program (an observatory on the Major Projects promoted by the so-called “Objective Law”) coordinating relevant studies on the impact of large infrastructures and publishing several reports. Over the recent years, the work has also been aimed at the construction of sustainable mobility scenarios for the Florentine area, towards the metropolitan area plan. Funded since 2012 with UniFI funds. 2. Observatory on territorial laboratories The project represents the continuation of a previous research work carried out within the activities of “Rete del Nuovo Municipio”, until the dissolution of the same. It cooperates with the “Territorial Observatories” promoted by the Territorialist Society, but adds, when necessary, a direct participation in the training or consolidation of already active or nascent laboratories. The research already produced articles and essays, among which it is worth mentioning the forthcoming book The urbanism of reuse: traces of territorial innovation, about to be published by Firenze University Press. Funded with contributions from the Calabria (2010) and Tuscany (2012) Regions, then with agreements with institutions and participants in the laboratories. 3. Permanent workshop for the sustainable development of the Messina Strait area Project promoted in 2014 by groups of lecturers and scholars in the Universities of Reggio Calabria and Messina together with LaPEI, which had already coordinated the studies on the impact of the Strait Bridge project, aims at verifying the potential of local growth scenarios in the Strait Area, based on a sustainable development of the territorial and eco-landscape heritage. The general coordinator is Giuseppe Fera, UNIRC. The first research report was published in the book Lo Stretto in lungo e in largo, edited by Fera together with Alberto Ziparo for the CSUNIRC (2016), with contributions from several members of the research group. Funded so far with UniRC and UniME Funds.


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Urban and Regional Planning and Design

Territorial redevelopment, reuse of heritage, social housing and widespread hospitality

UNIVERSITY-FOUNDED RESEARCH PROJECT Scientific Coordinator Alberto Ziparo Address Palazzo San Clemente via P. A. Micheli, 2 Firenze Research Group UNIFI | DIDA Andrea Alcalini, Daniela Anceschi, Angelo M. Cirasino, Antonluca Di Paola, Sandro Giuntoli, Andrea Marçel Pidalà, Letizia Recchia Partnership Università “Mediterranea” di Reggio Calabria | DArTe Giuseppe Fera Università della Calabria | DiSPeS Piero Fantozzi

Distribuzione geografica delle segnalazioni


In Italy there should not be any housing problems, nor need of houses. The elaborations from the ISTAT 2011 census data and ensuing datascape (e.g. research projects like “Reuse Italy” and “The recycling Italy”) speak of over eight million underused houses and apartments, about a quarter of the entire Italian housing stock, of which almost five million actually empty or unused. It seems clear that all this, at the different national, regional, local levels, represents an enormous economic and environmental waste. That strengthens the terms of territorial degradation, due to land consumption, irrational overbuilding, instability, pollution and abandonment. The research is aimed at verifying the potential of the recovery and re-use of the territory in terms of social housing and the construction of strategies for integration and widespread hospitality of migrants. Currently, the “Osservatorio sul Disagio Abitativo della Calabria” has been promoted together with a survey on some situations in which the interrelation between local self-sustainable development and reception and integration of migrants is already being implemented. The research is carried out with various associations and groups active on the mentioned issues, with the Department of Social and Political Sciences of the University of Calabria, the Department of Architecture of the “Mediterranean” University of Reggio Calabria and with ONGs like the Territorialist Society. Funded with UNIRC and UNICAL funds, as well as UNIFI. Tipologia proposta di riqualificazione

Fattori di rischio aree segnalate

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Urban and Regional Planning and Design


urban planning and legality

UNIVERSITY-FOUNDED RESEARCH PROJECT Scientific Coordinator Alberto Ziparo Address Palazzo San Clemente via P. A. Micheli, 2 FIrenze Research Group DIDA | FIRENZE Andrea Alcalini Angelo M. Cirasino Laura Fortuna Raffaella Fucile Antonio Pacino DARTE | Reggio Calabria Giuseppe Fera DCPS | Torino Rocco Sciarrone DSPS | Firenze Vittorio Mete GSSI | L’Aquila Francesco Chiodelli La Sapienza | Roma Daniela De Leo POLIMI | Milano Paolo Pileri SCIENCESPO | Paris Marco Cremaschi Collaborators Giuseppe Baldessarro, Paolo Berdini, Alessandro Calzavara, Davide Cornago, Fulvia Cortese, Giuseppe Creazzo, Mario De Gaspari, Roberto Di Palma, Luciano Gerardis, Antonio Lombardo, Marina Marino, Domenico Nasone, Giuseppe Priolo, Gianfrancesco Turano PhD course Coordinators DIDA | Firenze Giuseppe De Luca Camilla Perrone

The interdisciplinary research unit “Urban planning and legality” was launched in 2015 together with experts from the academic community and professionals in the urban planning, journalism, justice, civil society sector and with the contribution of administrators and public security operators. The team aims at building a disciplinary field of reference for doctoral research and graduation thesis, following the example of the research “Territorial governance and the threat of the mafia”, carried on by Andrea Alcalini. The intent of the group is, primarily, to analyse the possible spaces of interaction between the presence of groups linked to organized crime and the practices/policies of territorial governance, investigating the role played by the figures responsible for assessing and checking the legitimacy of actions of territorial governance, assessing the real effectiveness of some prefectural anti-mafia control devices on the sector of construction companies. Equally important is the goal of setting up a new reflection on the issue of local governments put under administration for alleged mafia infiltration, deeply analysing the roles and actual weights of the mafia organizations within the urban planning processes. TRAINING ACTIVITIES Seminar Series Urbanistica e legalità – 12/03/2015 – Alberto Magnaghi, Carlo Natali, Alberto Ziparo, Marina Marino, Marco Cremaschi, Davide Cornago, Yodan Rofè, Alessandro Calzavara, Giancarlo Paba, Andrea Alcalini. Effetti del consumo di suolo: la distruzione di un sistema complesso – 04/03/2016 – Camilla Perrone, Alberto Ziparo, Paolo Pileri, Andrea Alcalini. La territorializzazione del potere mafioso: controllo del territorio e nuove geografie di espansione – 10/03/2016 – Alberto Ziparo, Rocco Sciarrone, Andrea Alcalini. Infiltrazioni mafiose negli enti locali: urbanistica e controllo del territorio - 22/04/2016 – Massimo Santoro, Vittorio Mete, Massimo Calzolari, Alberto Ziapro, Andrea Alcalini. Mafie&urbanistica – 10/05/2016 – Camilla Perrone, Claudio Saragosa, Franco Mori, Alberto Ziparo, Daniela De Leo, Andrea Alcalini. Grandi opere: distorsioni gestionali, corruzione e criminalità. Il caso del sottoattraversamento ferroviario di Firenze – 8/06/2016 – Claudio Saragosa, Franco Mori, Alberto Ziparo, Ivan Cicconi, Tiziano Cardosi, Roberto Budini Gattai, Andrea Alcalini. Urbanistica, corruzione e criminalità organizzata: il caso lombardo – 21/10/2016 – Camilla Perrone, Francesco Chiodelli, Luigi Fregoni, Nicola Leoni, Giuseppe Creazzo, Andrea Alcalini. Urbanistica e legalità in Calabria - 19-20/05/2017 – Alberto Ziparo, Andrea Alcalini, Vittorio Mete, Giuseppe Creazzo, Roberto Di Palma.


Publications Alcalini A., Ziparo A. (2014), “Un mare di case vuote: suolo consumato per un patrimonio inutilizzato e fortemente sovrabbondante; strategie di recupero”, in Report WWF 2014 – Riutilizziamo l’Italia, WWF, Roma, pp. 137-144. Alcalini A., Ziparo A. (2015), “Vicende urbanistiche nazionali e trasformazioni del suolo”, in Atti - sessione poster vol. II - Recuperiamo terreno, ISPRA, Roma, pp. 225-236. Alcalini A., Ziparo A. (2015), “Vicende urbanistiche e trasformazioni del suolo”, L’ambiente antropico. Territori, città, architetture, n.8, Sezione Aurea Editori, pp. 78-93. Alcalini A., Berni F. (a cura di, 2016), “Le municipalità sciolte per mafia e gli urbanisti”, Urbanistica informazioni, n. 269-270, INU Edizioni, Roma, pp. 6684. Alcalini A., Ziparo A. (2017), “Abusivismo edilizio e mafie: convergenze e distanze”, in Atti della XIX Conferenza SIU, pp. 1746-1755. Alcalini A., Ziparo A. (2017), “Abusivismo come progetto mafioso. Castel Volturno (Caserta), complesso Parco Faber”, in Curci F., Formato E., Zanfi F. (a cura di), Territori dell’abusivismo. Un progetto per uscire dall’Italia dei condoni, Donzelli, Roma, pp. 161-171. Alcalini A. (2017), “Mafie e urbanistica: non è tutto oro quello che luccica” in Atti del XXXII Congresso geografico, S05 - Cultura, legalità, territorio. Il contributo della geografia e delle discipline storicosociali agli studi sulla criminalità organizzata.

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INTERACTION TAMCLAB Research laboratory on the territories of illegal building in the contemporary Mezzogiorno

LAPEI Eco-design of settlement laboratory

URB&LEG “Urban planning and legality� research group



Printed by Rubbettino Print | Soveria Mannelli (CZ) for didapress Dipartimento di Architettura UniversitĂ degli Studi di Firenze April 2019

DIDA, the Department of Architecture of the University of Florence, performed an open and public analysis and evaluation of the scientific research carried out during the first five years of activity since its establishment, in order to define its research strategies, their relationship with the 2nd and 3rd cycle education, the role of experimental research and the system of labs at DIDA (DIDALABS), as well as the role of research units and interuniversity research centers. The aim of the DIDA Research Week Book 2018 is to communicate the results of such research, in all the aspects which were carried out at DIDA during its first five years of activity.

ISBN 978-8833-38-062-9

ISBN 978-88-3338-062-9

9 788833 380629

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