technological systems, digital tools, and smart grids serving urban communities
systems, including microgeneration and energy storage plants, electric or hybrid mobility systems, domestic sensors on lights as well as heating and cooling systems, thermostats, boilers, household appliances, and, in general, all equipment able to generate, consume and control energy within the domestic environment; • district, to interconnect the meters in neighborhoods or buildings, in order to manage the energy balance at an aggregate level; • metropolitan or extended, to redirect data to energy suppliers; it includes all management e-platforms for both energy distribution and ICT; • Inter-Grid, to enable smart grids in different countries to intercommunicate dynamically, managing energy on a consumption basis, but also relying bilateral agreements and policies14. Sustainable mobility technologies Cities and metropolitan areas are today also considered major driving forces for national economies. This implies that a country’s competitiveness is also measured by assessing the efficiency of services (mostly those connected to mobility), livability, and opportunities offered by major cities. Those sectors have direct influence on the quality of life in urban areas, as well as on air quality, road traffic and general accessibility to services. This is the reason why a cutting-edge infrastructural policy must start from a few basic objectives, such as:
Elettronica Oggi 2021, Smart Grid and distribution networks, Fiera Milano Media SpA., n. 491, Milano.