Update 05/2010 Reactivating Orangina in Switzerland Subiaco People & dieb端ndner Werbeagenturen Zurich, 1st June 2010
UPDATE MAI More then 20 entries and 4 finalists in first draft.
UPDATE MAI 2.554 unique visitors from over 167 places in Switzerland.
UPDATE MAI 781 mail-registrations on local website.
UPDATE MAI 845 active members in FB Fan Group
UPDATE MAI 6 Press Clippings
UPDATE MAI Budget Act April 2010
Excl. Subiaco people & promotion costs.
UPDATE MAI Follow up to be discussed Our Suggestions for event promotions in June • • • •
Newsletter invitations to all registered web users FB promotion engine to generate a stronger viral effect Newsletter invitation to all registered web users professional content management team @ Festivals to generate interactions in target group • PR Showcase with first finalists preferably @festivals