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27 Maart 2019
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27 Maart 2019
Saldanha hosts Airstrip Assault
The Saldanha Airstrip Assault was in the making for a long time. And last weekend the quaint little town of Saldanha had its heart jumpstarted with speed hungry racers coming down from all over South Africa. Why were they here? They were here for glory. They were here for bragging rights. Most importantly they were here to enjoy responsible motorsport in what is undoubtedly the most well-attended top end drag racing event in the Southern Hemisphere. Saldanha Airstrip Assault was a collaborate event between West Coast Racing and RaceSA from Johannesburg. The event was dubbed JHBvsCPT and the idea was to have some fun by pitting the best cars and drivers from up North against the best from Cape Town. Prior to the gates opening on Friday at 5pm, trucks with cars from up North had already set up their spots in the pits while West Coast Racing and RaceSA crews set up the track, ensuring that all safety criteria were met. During the day a few of the bigger, more high powered cars from Cape Town and Johannesburg were given the opportunity to do some shakedown runs on the open track to tune their cars for the madness that would ensue the following day. Friday night was the customary Outlaw Quarter Mile Drags. This allowed anyone a chance to take their car down the legendary Saldanha Drags Airstrip for a 400m timed run. It also gives all the drivers who entered for the main event a chance to test their cars one last time before the 804.6m assault the following morning. People in the know might notice the strange 804.6m number. Well spotted, if you caught that. Usually Saldanha Drags is run over a distance of 800m. This, however, was not a regular Saldanha Drags. This time around a true half mile track was run which measures exactly 804.6m. This was to stay in line with what is the international norm and gives the drivers a good indication of how they compare to cars abroad with regards to speed and times. The Outlaw Drags proved to be invaluable to some of the teams. Joburg Autotech in particular had new found appreciation for having a shakedown with their 2J Powered BMW E46. On one of their runs they grenaded their gearbox and worked through the night repairing the car. With the sun peaking over the horizon on
race day, most out of town teams were already on track baaring the two Porsche GT3R’s from ACS Motorsport, one of which had a puncture, forcing the crew to wait for Porsche road side assist to come and repair it. The local Cape Town boys who had not opted to run Outlaw Drags started rolling in to get scrutineered and ready to assault the 1/2 mile strip. The NXGEN crew from up North had taken full advantage of the previous evening’s track time with the 2 Lamborghini Huracans, Porsche 911 Turbo S and army of Nissan GTR R35’s. Maistry Motorsport was on the scene early with their R35, Mercedes Benz C63 and VW Polo’s. As always, the Pertamina Fastron GTR was on the scene with their Nissan GTR R35 and pitted next to the CPI Innovations Crew who rolled in with their Nissan GTR R35 and a squadron of AWD Volkswagens. It was also hard to miss RMZ Motorsport`s stunning Audi TTRS. Saying that this car is quick,
is a massive understatement. Another car from up North was the BB Motorgroup Nissan GTR R35. In the pit we also had the two-wheeled demons of Kampi1, Pretoria North Motors and Racing Mayhem. The day was kicked off with the customary parade lap just after the drivers` briefing. The parade lap is a firm tradition with the drags and really gets the fans excited and gives them a taste of what’s to come. Racing kicked off shortly after and it was not long before some big numbers were seen on the board. Achmat Israel took his Kawasaki zx 14 on gas down the strip to set a top speed of 308.6km/h. Due to issues with the Kawa he was unfortunately unable to go out again. It was of little consequence though, because no one was able to fetch his speed, which stayed until the end of the day making him the fastest rider with the fastest bike on the day. Grant Steenfeld
27 Maart 2019
Denmar Jacobs, `n leerder van Hoërskool Hopefield, het die afgelope naweek deelgeneem aan die Suid-Afrikaanse Atletiekkampioenskappe wat in Port Elizabeth aangebied is en `n derde plek behaal in die 110m hekkies s/17. Denmar was die enigste Wes-Kaapse deelnemer aan die spesifieke item. Denmar het die afstand in `n tyd van 00:14.32 sekondes afgelê. Fotokrediet: Maryna Jacobs
Moksh Indian Restaurants wins“Best Indian Cuisine”
Truly authentic Indian Restaurant, Moksh, took first place as the Best Indian Cuisine at the Cape Town Experiences Awards 2019 for Restaurants & Dining recently. One of these award-winning restaurants is found in Langebaan at the Laguna Mall. Moksh Indian Restaurants are finedining Indian restaurants offering guests a truly traditional Indian experience, exotic cuisine prepared with artful and exquisite combinations of spices. The name ‘Moksh’ has a double meaning – to attain the highest level of satisfaction, and ‘freedom’, both of which will be experienced when dining at Moksh! Cape Town Experiences Magazine (CTeX) assistant editor Kim Lopes said this award acknowledges the celebration of Indian Cuisine which is so popular amongst the fine diners of Cape Town and surrounds. “CTeX and our affiliates have had the privilege to be exposed to over 4000 great brands, businesses and individuals in the Cape that we have found were best of the best in Cape Town and the greater Cape. These are brands which have made Cape Town the number one tourist
destination in the world and deserve to be celebrated.” “When our panel of judges returned names for possible nomination, we cross referenced and found that Moksh Indian Restaurants’ name came up in every list, just as most of the nominees did. For this reason it was a clear candidate for nomination in the Best Indian Cuisine category. The rest was up to points and votes. Judges separately scored the booking system, food and service delivery, which made up 60% of the final decision. The remaining 40% of the decision was up to the public who voted on the CTeX website.” Moksh was announced the official winner. Accepting the award, Moksh Owner Operator Sunil Krishnan said it was an honour to receive the accolade for the 9 years of hard work his team has put into the brand. Moksh has gained its popularity in Cape Town through great Indian food, professional service and attention to detail. Guests can expect an expansive menu of dishes from scratch using honest Indian ingredients all skillfully prepared by authentic Indian chefs.
27 Maart 2019
Buurtwag- en plaaswaglede woon oriënteringsessie by
Kontak ons • Contact Us Redakteur: Izélle Joernalis: Madi Pieterse Bemarkers: Desiré Kriel Karin Neethling (Piketberg) Marietjie Nel (Porterville) Web: Facebook: @diecourant Tel: 022 487 3221
Lede van die Hopefield Buurtwag en Hartebeesfontein-plaaswag het die afgelope Saterdag `n oriënteringsessie bygewoon, wat dit ten doel gehad het om lede voor te berei vir situasies wat moontlik op hulle kan wag tydens ontplooiing. Die dag se gebeurlikhede is geopen met skriflesing en gebed deur Vader Tommy Adam en die verwelkoming is gedoen deur die voorsitter van die Gemeenskapspolisiëringsforum, kaptein Adams, wat ook die SAPD-stasiebevelvoerder is op Hopefield. Die sessie het afgeskop met `n bespreking oor die regte en verantwoordelikhede van die burgers van die land. Daarna is stilgestaan by amptelike beleidsdokumente wat verduidelik waar buurtwagte se mandaat vandaan kom. Heelwat tyd is gewy aan wetgewing wat van toepassing is op buurtwaglede en bepalings van die Nasionale Grondwet en die Strafproseswet is hanteer. Aspekte van burgerlike arrestasie en gebruik van geweld teen verset het diep bespre-
kings ontlok. Een van die lede het opgemerk dat hy nie geweet het dat wetgewing so ingewikkeld is nie. Verdere besprekings het gehandel oor misdaad en msdaadvoorkoming en watter elemente nodig is om misdaad te voorkom. Praktiese oefeninge is tydens die sessie oor beplanning en ontplooiing van patrollies gedoen, wat `n simulasie van hoe om `n voertuig met insittendes te benader gedoen behoort te word, ingesluit het. Die belangrikheid van korrekte kommunikasie is ook uitgestippel. `n Verdere simulasie het getoon hoe die inhoud van `n boodskap afgewater kan word wanneer dit van een persoon na `n volgende oorgedra word en die korrekte gebruik van handradio`s is geïllustreer. Die bewaring van `n misdaadtoneel is deur middel van `n opvoering geoefen en lede kon sien hoe dit hanteer behoort te word sodat bewyse nie vernietig word nie. Voormalige lid van die Melkbosstrand GPF en Buurtwag, Gerda Nilsson, het verduidelik hoe DNA-bewyse ver-
steur kan word en aangedui dat opleidingsessies aangebied word sodat die publiek kennis het om sulke bewyse te beveilig op misdaadtonele. Die sessie is afgesluit met `n aanbieding oor rekordhouding van insidente en patrollies. Die fasiliteerder van die dag se program, Niels Nilsson, het agterna gesê dat die groep se gees en gesindheid deur die loop van die dag besonders was. Hy voel dat die gemeenskap van Hopefield trots op hulle buurtwagte kan wees. Niels het ook aangedui dat Saterdag se oriënteringsessie `n voorloper is van amptelike opleiding wat binnekort deur die Departement van Gemeenskapsveiligheid aangebied gaan word, waartydens kursusgangers amptelike opleidingsertifikate sal ontvang. Hy het bygevoeg dat `n opvolgsessie gehou gaan word vir nuwe lede asook lede wat nie die afgelope sessie kon bywoon nie. Indien enigiemand enige navrae het, kan hulle met kaptein Adams skakel op (022) 723 800 of Marlene Olivier op 072 805 6181.
27 Maart 2019
Rekords spat by gewilde Langebaan Country Estate se marathon-wedloop Alhoewel Saterdag se hitte dinge bietjie moeilik gemaak het vir die vol-marathonhardlopers, was vanjaar se Langebaan Country Estate Weskus Marathon steeds `n opwindende gebeurtenis en het die LCE net positiewe terugvoer ontvang. Vir die organiseerders en atlete het die dag reeds om 04:00 begin met die registrasie van die marathonners en die laaste gelukkige trekking het eers baie ure later, omstreeks 13h00, plaasgevind. `n Lang maar suksesvolle dag. `n Rekordgetal atlete het ingeskryf vir die verskillende afstande, die marathon van 42,2km was vol bespreek en altesaam 4666 atlete het op die verskillende tye weggespring. Verlede jaar was daar 4512 deelnemers. Op die koop toe is twee nuwe rekords die dag opgestel. Lungile Gongqa het die 42,2km in 02:23:17 kafgedraf en Annie Bothma het die 10km-wedloop in 00:36:38 onder haar voete laat verbybeweeg. Albei atlete is van die WP Nedbank Running Club. Heart FM het `n groot verhoog opgeslaan en omroepers en `n DJ het gesorg vir groot vermaak deur die loop van die dag. Duisende rande se gelukkige trekkings is oorhandig en pryshampers ter waarde van tot R5000+ het van hande verwissel. `n Aantal gelukkiges het ook met splinternuwe Asics-skoene huistoe gekeer. Langebaan Country Estate, Langebaan Strandlopers en die Weskus Nasionale Park is spesiaal bedank vir borgskappe, die organisering van die geleentheid en beskikbaarstelling van die verskillende terreine. Die LCE Weskus Marathon was vanjaar vir die agtiende keer aangebied en atlete kon uit vier verskillende afstande kies, met die grootmeneer natuurlik die 42,2km marathon. Die ander afstande was die halfmarathon van 21,1km, die 10km-afstand en die 5km pretdraf/stap.
Uitslae van die verskillende afstande en afdelings is as volg (slegs die eerste drie plekke word aangedui): Mans 42,2km Lungile Gongqa – 02:23:20 Bernard Rukadza – 02:24:45 Siyabonga Sakwe – 02:26:39 Dames 42,2km Danette Smith – 03:03:34 Sesethu Melamene – 03:14:59 Elme Middlemost – 03:16:27 Mans 21,1km Duane Fortuin – 01:09:37 Akhona Makila – 01:11:40 Danzil Paulse – 01:11:56
Gongqa Lungile
Dames 21,1km Obertina Kanyongo – 01:29:39 Annerien van Schalkwyk – 01:30:18 Tanya Posthumus-Fox – 01:32:05 Mans 10km Alantino Belillie – 00:32:44 Masande Ganyaza – 00:32:56 Bulelani Bhepha – 00:34:53 Dames 10km Annie Bothma – 00:36:38 Mariette Strauss – 00:43:59 Imihle Nthuthu Mans Junior 10km Vicky-Hano Julies – 00:35:00 Dustine Kanyonga – 00:36:22 Jayden Lesch – 00:37:31 Dames Junior 10km Imihle Nthuthu Caity Schlehmeyer – 00:47:22 Anika Valentyn – 00:50:55
Annie Bothma
Swimmers set the pace in Blue Lagoon Triathlon The inaugural Blue Lagoon Triathlon took place on 16 & 17 March at the pristine Langebaan Lagoon on the West Coast. Since the early 90’s, up to 2011, Club Mykonos was effectively the home of African triathlon, previously hosting African, South African and Western Province Championships on numerous occasions. With the construction of new roads and new management at the resort, the Blue Lagoon Triathlon has brought the legendary triathlon back home. The various distance triathlon events started at Super Paradise beach on a cool overcast morning with ideal 18’4 degree glassy sea-swim conditions. The juniors started proceedings with a shorter 400m swim, 10km cycle and 2,6km run. They were followed by the Olympic distance triathlon - a 1,5km swim, followed by a flat and fast 40km cycle before the hilly and picturesque 10km run course through the paths and plakas of the Greko family holiday village. The finish was on the harbour wall flanked both sides by the turquoise Atlantic fed lagoon waters. Current Ironman World Record holder, British triathlete Tim ‘the man with the halo’ Don, took the win, with rising star Namibian Champion and Ironman Amateur Champion, JP Burger, on his heels in second. Ironman 70.3 Age Group winner Rohan Meyer, rocking his retro speedo, was third. On the women’s side SA Team athlete Vicky van der Merwe was first, with Xterra winner Hayley Preen in second and young bike ace Kelsey Nel in third. The Sprint distance triathlon followed the Olympic with a 750m swim, 20km cycle and 5km run. Andrew Le Roux won the men’s race
and Birgitte Ouweneel the women’s. While the inaugural race was a resounding success, the local spectators and traffic may have found the sudden influx of bicycles and runners a disruption to their holiday plans. The organisers plan to work on ways to accommodate spectators better over years to come. The first of the open water swim events on Sunday started at the famous fishing village styled Strandloper Restaurant. Swimmers began the 3,8km “Albatross” iron distance swim after a tin mug of hot, fire roasted moerkoffie or Rooibos and rusks, swimming in one direction along the lagoon shoreline to Mykonos, followed by a victory lap of the serene Marina. First man onto dry land was MTD’s Riaan Shaw in 52 minutes. The first lady was Lauren Justus in 60 minutes. The shorter 1 mile “Cape Gannet” swim began halfway along Hobie beach, with many athletes choosing to walk to the start either from Mykonos or Strandloper before setting off on the swim to Mykonos. The beginners` half mile or “Oyster Catcher” swim started at Super Paradise beach. “One of the highlights of the weekend was the kiddies splash & dash on Sunday. Younger kids, who didn’t have the opportunity to compete in triathlons and swims, had their own race that included a beach dash and a foamy slippery slide. It was a standout event of the weekend for kids and their folks,” said event founder Paul Ingpen, who is also editor in chief of Triathlon SBR magazine. Overall, the feedback has been immensely positive, and Blue Lagoon Triathlon is excited to come back better and bigger next year.
27 Maart 2019
Minister vier Wêreld Waterdag saam met die Weskus
Vrydag, 22 Maart, het die adjunk-minister van Waterwese en Sanitasie, Pam Tshwete, `n besoek aan die Weskus gebring om Wêreld-Waterdag, wat saamval met Nasionale Waterweek, saam met lede van die gemeenskap te vier. Me Tshwete het die gemeenskap van George Kerridge toegespreek na aanleiding van die tema van die dag, “Laat Niemand Agterbly Nie”.
Die vieringe het dit ten doel gehad om beleid- en besluitnemers binne en buite die watergemeenskap in te lig oor hoe verbeterings in waterhulpbronne en toegang tot watertoevoer en sanitasiedienste noodsaaklik is om armoede te oorkom asook verskeie ander maatskaplike en ekonomiese ongelykhede aanspreek. Die gemeenskap is ook ingelig oor die be-
Renew your liquor licence Liquor licence holders are left with only 4 days for a chance at renewing their liquor licences. Failure to renew a liquor licence will lead to its lapsing and selling liquor without a liquor licence is a criminal offence. Further, according to the Western Cape Liquor Act (2008) a licensee who has failed to pay the prescribed renewal fee on or before the last day in February 2019, may follow the below mentioned procedure in order to renew their licence. • On or before 31 March 2019, apply in writing to the Chief Executive Officer for condonation of failing to pay the renewal fee, and
• The Chief Executive Officer may condone the failure and allow the late payment of the prescribed renewal fee which would be comprised of the renewal fee plus a penalty of 150%. • If the licensee fails to pay the prescribed renewal fee and penalty imposed, then the licence will be deemed to have lapsed on 01 January 2019. For any clarity regarding the renewal processes or for the amount you need to pay for your type of liquor licence, you can contact the Western Cape Liquor Authority's offices on 021 204 9805 or 021 204 9700 or Liquor.Enquiries@
langrikheid daarvan om water te spaar en te bewaar. Adjunk-minister Tshwete het na `n besoek verlede jaar die maatskappy JoJo Tanks genader vir `n bydrae sodat twee watertenks in George Kerridge opgerig kon word. Die tenks is deur Saldanhabaai Munisipaliteit opgerig en word daagliks deur hulle vol gemaak
vir huishoudelike gebruik vir inwoners. Die amptelike oorhandiging van die tenks aan die gemeenskap het ook tydens Vrydag se verrigtinge plaasgevind. Die adjunk-minister se besoek het `n vol saal van betrokke gemeenskapslede getrek. -Madi Pieterse
Kontak ons • Contact Us Redakteur: Izélle Garcia Joernalis: Madi Pieterse Bemarkers: Desiré Kriel
5 Karin Neethling (Piketberg) Marietjie Nel (Porterville) marietjie@diecourant.
Finansies: Jane Gouws accounts@diecourant.
Web: www.diecourant. Facebook: @diecourant Tel: 022 487 3221
Maak jou eie feetjietuin
Nog altyd daarvan gedroom om jou eie, eie feetjietuin te hê of te maak? Drome word waar. En om jou eie feetjietuin te maak, is nou binne jou bereik. Want Estelle Haward van Velddrif weet hoe en sy gaan belangstellendes leer om dit self te doen. Komende Saterdag, 30 Maart, tussen 10h00 en 14h00 word die eerste feetjietuinklas aangebied en die koste is slegs R250 per persoon. Elkeen kry `n feetjietuinpakkie (vir `n mini-tuintjie) wat insluit `n bak, grond, klippies, `n plantjie,
`n huisie en `n paddastoel. Die huisie is ongeverfde klei en elkeen kan lekker sit en verf om dit kleurvol te maak na eie smaak. Verf, ‘hardener’ en kwaste word verskaf. Feetjietuinbouers kan ook ekstra feetjietuingoetertjies koop wat die oggend beskikbaar sal wees. En vir droë kele en honger kolle op die maag is daar koffie en soet en sout om aan te peusel. Om te bespreek, kontak Estelle op 083 656 3872. Daar is slegs `n beperkte aantal plekke beskikbaar.
Blackhawk welcomed
Fire fighting capability in the Western Cape got a boost recently when Working on Fire’s aerial support fleet was bolstered by the arrival of a Blackhawk fire fighting helicopter. “This is an incredible and very welcome addition to the existing aerial capacity we have in the province. "The Blackhawk was deployed to the Franschhoek fires upon its arrival in our province and it made an immediate impact,” says Anton Bredell, the minister of Local Government, Environmental Affairs and Development Planning in the Western Cape.
27 Maart 2019
Bredell states that the Blackhawk helicopter, which is owned and operated by Leading Edge Aviation, carries a water bucket (also known as a Bambi bucket) with a 3000 litre capacity. “The Huey helicopters have a 1000l capacity. In addition, the Blackhawk is simply a faster helicopter with better all-weather capability. The helicopter will be in the Western Cape till the end of the current fire season and will be based in Stellenbosch.” The Franschhoek fires were contained thanks to the incredible efforts by all the partners and fire fighters active in the region.
Lightning Leon conquers Gymkhana enthusiasts were treated to another stunning event on Thursday, 21 March when Wheel Tech added their name in support of the 132nd Witzenberg Motorklub Gymkhana at the home of Western Cape motorsport, the Killarney International Raceway. Thirty-one entries were declared ready for action after documentation and scrutineering had been completed and with the Jayen Timer/ Scoring combination of André Mitchell and Neville Gleeson ready, it was Sean Pretorius (solo) and Leon Engelbrecht/Izak van Zyl Jnr that tackled the challenging routes. The latter combination did sound rather odd as the Dynotech VW Golf MkII GTi 2.0 16v Turbo have become the L&M Automotive Performance VW Golf MkII GTi 2.0 16v Turbo and new owner, Leon Engelbrecht, had its creator as navigator. Four constant velocity joints later “Lightning” Leon Engelbrecht looked extremely pleased with his Mini Cooper replacement whilst Izak van Zyl Jnr did his level best not to look too shaken as navigator. The Golf pairing playing a strong iron as they dominated the event. The ever consistent husband and wife combination of Günther and Louise Appelgryn impressed with a solid second position in the Spiderman class B VW Golf MkI 1.8. Johann and Petra Zulch, another husband and wife combination in determined frame of mind as the big (in gymkhana terms) Ceres Toyota class E BME E30 325iM surprised many with a fighting third overall. Having just sold his car to the navigator Izak van Zyl Jnr and Leon Engelbrecht finished fourth overall in the L&M Automotive Performance VW Golf MkII GTi 2.0 16v Turbo. And you thought only F1 had team orders! Top newcomers for the day put their superb class G VW Golf GTi Type R Turbo 4x4 to good use, Guilaume and Marjorie Cillie driving neatly towards a great gymkhana debut result. They were, however, kept very honest by sixth placed Marco dos Santos and Abdul Sayed in the black class G Subaru Impreza STi 4x4 Turbo 2.5, just 0.09sec separating their cars after four entertaining runs. Voted Most Spectacular Driver of the Day it was Barend Haasbroek and Jolene Reynolds 13th overall in their DRS Auroworx class G Subaru
Impreza STi 4x4 Turbo 2.5. The Halli Trust accepted an invitation from the Witzenberg Motorklub to not only attend the 21 March Wheel Tech Gymkhana but six children enjoyed the opportunity to actually complete the route as “navigators” and given the smiles all round they certainly enjoyed the day. Many members availed themselves in assisting with this project but a special thanks went to Barend Haasbroek for his valued support. Sean Pretorius have become somewhat of a single seater specialist in his Powerbrake class G Subaru N14 4x4 Turbo 2.5 and should he have had the services of a navigator, he would have finished the event second overall. However, the Witzenberg Motorklub series is based on the basic principles of rallying and as such want to promote good cooperation between driver and navigator as crew with class H actually intended for the pure single seater cars ie Karts, Formula M. It does also, however, present the opportunity for those brave enough to simply drive without the aid of a navigator. Günther Appelgryn, one of those who enjoys challenging himself was placed second in the Spiderman VW Golf MkI 1.8 with Huckleberry Finn alias Sean Stevens an entertaining third in the former Clubmans Daihatsu Charade. Vernon Galp, fouth, opted to drive alone in his neat Audio Smith Toyota 86 2.0 and is slowly but surely beginning to master the integrate routes. The ever-enthusiastic Byron Hite came home in 5th spot with the standard Toyota Tazz 1.3. A number of teams opted for additional nonscoring entries but all were of the opinion that the event was very well run. This is motorsport for the people, by the people! Get involved as marshal or competitor and you will undoubtedly enjoy being part of the gymkhana family. Just keep an eye on social media for the individual reactions. A special word of thanks to Ryno de Kock as official photographer and Colin Brown for his contribution as photographer. Diarise 1 May as round two of six in the 2019 Witzenberg Motorklub Gymkhana Championship presented in association with the WPMC Killarney International Raceway. -Patrick Vermaak
Porterville-ramlam wen by SAVM-kampioenskap Die SA Vleismerino Nasionale Kampioenskappe wat op 12 - 13 Maart by die Bloemfontein Skougronde plaasgevind het, het soos ouder gewoonte weer groot kampioene vanuit die Swartland streek opgelewer. Daar was altesaam 371 ramme wat deur 30 telers ingeskryf is. Die nasionale kampioenskappe vind jaarliks in Bloemfontein plaas. Die Wes-Kaap het feitlik skoonskip gemaak tydens vanjaar se geleentheid. Loutjie Hanekom van die Welgemeen Vleismerinostoet van Clanwilliam het baie sterk vertoon. Behalwe vir die drie kampioene wat uit vyf kampioenskappe opgelewer is, verkoop Hanekom boonop ook die ram, ISH 7089 vir R50 000 aan twee van die bekendste stoete in die land. Hanekom het verder die “BKB meeste punte” verwerf en was ook vanjaar aangewys as die
“BKB teler van kampioene” vir 2019. Die Wolkampioen Ramlam onder 12 maande was 8005 JER wat vertoon is deur die mede-eienaars Hannes Kotze van Moorreesburg en Gawie Carstens van Porterville saam met Dirk Jaars. Carstens se ramlam 8155 GEC (ramlam: 75.1kg 82kg) het ook eerste in sy klas gepronk. Kotze se ramlam 8243XK was die klaswenner vir ramlam 67kg en ligter onder tien maande. Sy speenlam 8222XK, was ook die naaswenner in die klas vir speenlam 55kg en ligter. Sommige van die wenramme, asook van die lammers van die kampioenram, ISH 7089 (Welgemeen) sal later vanjaar op 22 Augustus op die Swartland Lenteveiling op Moorreesburg te koop aangebied word. Die beoordelaars by vanjaar se kampioenskappe was Riaan Myburgh van Moorreesburg en Gerrie Muller en Danie de Wet van Frankfort.
For SANRAL, road safety is about more than preventing crashes on the freeways and to this end we continue to invest in securing the freeways with appropriate fencing. Furthermore, SANRAL ensures that the Freeway Management System (FMS) cameras are permanently monitoring 165km of the busiest freeways in the Western Cape, which include sections of the N1, N2, N7, R300 and M5. Vandalism of the fencing that is erected to keep both motorists and pedestrians safe on our freeways remain a huge concern and while SANRAL continues to replace damaged or stolen fences as quickly as possible, an urgent appeal is made to the public to help safeguard our roads and report vandalism and theft of fencing. “Between December 2018 and January 2019, we have seen a spike in the vandalism, and our Routine Route Maintenance teams are repairing damaged fences at least once a week. "Furthermore, we have deployed security personnel to patrol the areas most frequently affected, particularly the N2 and R300, in a bid
to deter would-be vandals,” said Randall Cable, SANRAL Western Region Manager. While the cost of continuous asset repairs are soaring, of bigger concern is the loss of life as a result of pedestrians crossing our freeways, whether to get to work or school. “Recent research conducted by the FMS operators, found that approximately 17 000 pedestrian activities occur on our freeways on a daily basis. "Of that, about 10 000 include pedestrians walking along the road, while a staggering 7000 pedestrians are crossing the freeway at -grade. "This has resulted in 185 pedestrian crashes of which 57 were confirmed pedestrian fatalities in 2018,”continued Cable. Currently there are at least 20 pedestrian bridges constructed over the various freeways and contrary to the perception that pedestrians ignore those bridges, approximately 26 000 pedestrians use those bridges as a safer alternative on a daily basis. Any acts of vandalism to road infrastructure or incidents along freeways may be reported to the TMC call centre at 0800 65 64 63.
Safety first with Sanral
27 Maart 2019
Dagboek • Diary • Dagboek • Diary • Dagboek •
Geleenthede Donderdag 27 Maart: Vredenburg Tuinbouklub. Die Tuinbouklub besoek Scotts Kwekery om 09h30. Plae en ander tuinprobleme word bespreek. Alle lede en nie-lede is welkom. Navrae Elsabé Kruger 082 416 6305. Donderdag 28 Maart: Weskus Sakekamer-funksie, Juffroushoogte Gasteplaas, Vredenburg, 07h30 vir 08h00. Die gasspreker is Donné Nieman van Workforce Staffing. Navrae Saterdag 30 Maart: NG Kerk Hopefield basaar. Ontbyt 07h30-10h30; stalletjies open om 09h00 tot so middeldag. Vleistafels, poedings, braaivleis, gebak, plantjies, ‘crafts’, kindertafel. Almal is welkom - Engela 076 696 3570. 5km pretloop saam met NG Kerk Hopefield Basaar – inskrywings om 07h30 en wegspring om 08h00 vanaf kerk se parkeerterrein. R10 volwassenes, R5 kinders o/12. Loop of hardloop saam in jou mees kleurvolle klere en kleure. Pryse “Best Dressed” asook gelukkige trekkings. Navrae Sumarie Dettmer 071 537 3308. Rooibosteefees, Clanwilliam – Sanet (027) 482 1007 / Lambertsbaai Boeremark. Navrae Jacky Valentine 082 920 8886 / Ian Turner 0833 700 400 / P.L.A.Y. Denlyn Park Country Craft Market, Langebaan, 09h00-13h00. Groot verskeidenheid produkte, speelplek vir kleingoed. Kontak Denise (022) 772 0638 / Lynne 082 935 5497 vir meer inligting. Piket-Bo-Berg Boeremark, Plaas Kruisementvlei, Piketberg, 09h00-12h00. Kontak Jane Paterson 083 208 6873 / Sondag 31 Maart: Langebaan Country Estate MTB 15km Funride - (022) 772 2112. Groote Post Country Market, Darling, (022) 451 2202 / Saterdag 6 April: Velddrif Netbalklub jaarlikse Gholfdag, 4-bal beterbal. Enige navrae kan gerig word aan Ige Theron op 078 893 0747. Car boot market, Catholic Church premises, Suffren Street, Langebaan, 09h00-12h00. Looking for an outlet to sell your unwanted goods, homemade craftwork or farm fresh produce? Contact Heidi 083 779 5127/ to book your spot. Art workshop @ Pumpkin House Langebaan. Contact Hanli Theron 082 853 8187 / arts2gether@gmail. com Piquetfees, Piketberg. Navrae Piketberg Toerisme (022) 913 2063 / / Paasfees Blommemark, Goedverwacht – 083 872 7149 / 073 957 9549 / Sondag 7 April: Mykonos Mark, Langebaan, (022) 707 7000. Saterdag 13 April: Badisa Aan Oewer Dienssentrum Velddrif basaar. Navrae (022) 783 0048. Sondag 14 April: NG Kerk Hopefield bied aan PASSIESPEL: die Lyding en Kruisiging van Jesus, geskryf deur Willa Kapp. Almal welkom, 19h00. Navrae 083 443 4742. Dinsdag 16 April - Vrydag 19 April: St Christopher’s Velddrif United Church, services in preparation for
Passion Week. All welcome to attend. Contact Ivan 072 458 7705 for further info! Saterdag 27 April: Fun & Wine Run & Spore Oppi Sand Fees, Plaasmol Padstal, Hopefield. Kontak Fransie Rossouw op 074 924 8478 om `n stalletjie te bespreek Lambertsbaai Boeremark. Navrae Jacky Valentine 082 920 8886 / Ian Turner 0833 700 400 / P.L.A.Y. Denlyn Park Country Craft Market, Langebaan, 09h00-13h00. Groot verskeidenheid produkte, speelplek vir kleingoed. Kontak Denise (022) 772 0638 / Lynne 082 935 5497 vir meer inligting. Piket-Bo-Berg Boeremark, Plaas Kruisementvlei, Piketberg, 09h00-12h00. Kontak Jane Paterson 083 208 6873 / Sunday 28 April: Langebaan Country Estate MTB 15km Funride - (022) 772 2112. Groote Post Country Market, Darling, (022) 451 2202 / Dinsdag 30 April: Weskus Fotografiese Stigting Maandvergadering by Ou Stalle, NG Moedergemeente-terrein, Vredenburg, 18h30. Navrae admin@ weskusfotoklub / 084 577 7752. Onderwerp vir Mei Plastic. Sondag 5 Mei: Mykonos Mark, Langebaan, (022) 707 7000. Thursday-Sunday 23-26 May: Presidence Trophy Air Race, Saldanha Airfield – 082 460 4970. Saturday-Sunday 25-26 May: Darling Brew Extreme – (021) 286 1099 / / www. Saterdag 25 Mei: Lambertsbaai Boeremark. Navrae Jacky Valentine 082 920 8886 / Ian Turner 0833 700 400 / P.L.A.Y. Denlyn Park Country Craft Market, Langebaan, 09h00-13h00. Groot verskeidenheid produkte, speelplek vir kleingoed. Kontak Denise (022) 772 0638 / Lynne 082 935 5497 vir meer inligting. Piket-Bo-Berg Boeremark, Plaas Kruisementvlei, Piketberg, 09h00-12h00. Kontak Jane Paterson 083 208 6873 / Sondag 26 Mei: Langebaan Country Estate MTB 15km Funride - (022) 772 2112. Dinsdag 28 Mei: Weskus Fotografiese Stigting Maandvergadering by Ou Stalle, NG Moedergemeente-terrein, Vredenburg, 18h30. Navrae admin@ weskusfotoklub / 084 577 7752. Onderwerp vir Junie Panning or motion blur. Saterdag 1 Junie: Car boot market, Catholic Church premises, Suffren Street, Langebaan, 09h00-12h00. Looking for an outlet to sell your unwanted goods, homemade craftwork or farm fresh produce? Contact Heidi 083 779 5127/ to book your spot. Sunday-Tuesday 2-4 June: Vans Surf Pro Classic, Lambert`s Bay – (022) 921 3292 / 079 529 7137. Sondag 2 Junie: Mykonos Mark, Langebaan, (022) 707 7000. Dinsdag 25 Junie: Weskus Fotografiese Stigting Maandvergadering by Ou Stalle, NG Moedergemeente-terrein, Vredenburg, 18h30. Navrae admin@ weskusfotoklub / 084 577 7752. Onderwerp vir Julie Macro.
Vrydag-Saterdag 28-29 Junie: Snoek- en Patatfees, Goedverwacht – 078 316 3988. Saterdag 29 Junie: Lambertsbaai Boeremark. Navrae Jacky Valentine 082 920 8886 / Ian Turner 0833 700 400 / P.L.A.Y. Denlyn Park Country Craft Market, Langebaan, 09h00-13h00. Groot verskeidenheid produkte, speelplek vir kleingoed. Kontak Denise (022) 772 0638 / Lynne 082 935 5497 vir meer inligting. Piket-Bo-Berg Boeremark, Plaas Kruisementvlei, Piketberg, 09h00-12h00. Kontak Jane Paterson 083 208 6873 / Sondag 30 Junie: Langebaan Country Estate MTB 15km Funride - (022) 772 2112. Saterdag 6 Julie: Badisa Aan Oewer Dienssentrum, Velddrif het `n pannekoekstalletjie by die Bergrivier Winterkarnaval as fondsinsamelingsprojek vir die dienssentrum. Darling Winter Beerfest – (021) 286 1099 / / Sondag 7 Julie: Mykonos Mark, Langebaan, (022) 707 7000. Saterdag 27 Julie: Lambertsbaai Boeremark. Navrae Jacky Valentine 082 920 8886 / Ian Turner 0833 700 400 / P.L.A.Y. Denlyn Park Country Craft Market, Langebaan, 09h00-13h00. Groot verskeidenheid produkte, speelplek vir kleingoed. Kontak Denise (022) 772 0638 / Lynne 082 935 5497 vir meer inligting. Piket-Bo-Berg Boeremark, Plaas Kruisementvlei, Piketberg, 09h00-12h00. Kontak Jane Paterson 083 208 6873 / Sondag 28 Julie: Langebaan Country Estate MTB 15km Funride - (022) 772 2112. Dinsdag 30 Julie: Badisa Aan Oewer Dienssentrum Velddrif hou konsert. Weskus Fotografiese Stigting Maandvergadering by Ou Stalle, NG Moedergemeente-terrein, Vredenburg, 18h30. Navrae admin@weskusfotoklub / 084 577 7752. Onderwerp vir Augustus From Above. Saterdag 3 Augustus: Car boot market, Catholic Church premises, Suffren Street, Langebaan, 09h0012h00. Looking for an outlet to sell your unwanted goods, homemade craftwork or farm fresh produce? Contact Heidi 083 779 5127/ heidi.engelbrecht@ to book your spot. Sondag 4 Augustus: Mykonos Mark, Langebaan, (022) 707 7000. Saterdag 24 Augustus: Piket Uitdaag, Piketberg – Annelle Vercuiel 073 031 4922. Sondag 25 Augustus: Langebaan Country Estate MTB 15km Funride - (022) 772 2112. Groote Post Country Market, Darling, (022) 451 2202 / Dinsdag 27 Augustus: Weskus Fotografiese Stigting Maandvergadering by Ou Stalle, NG Moedergemeente-terrein, Vredenburg, 18h30. Navrae admin@ weskusfotoklub / 084 577 7752. Onderwerp vir September Exploding Things. Saterdag 31 Augustus: Hopefield MTB Ride Your Best Ride. Inksrywings vanaf 1 Junie. Lambertsbaai Boeremark. Navrae Jacky Valentine
082 920 8886 / Ian Turner 0833 700 400 / P.L.A.Y. Denlyn Park Country Craft Market, Langebaan, 09h00-13h00. Groot verskeidenheid produkte, speelplek vir kleingoed. Kontak Denise (022) 772 0638 / Lynne 082 935 5497 vir meer inligting. Piket-Bo-Berg Boeremark, Plaas Kruisementvlei, Piketberg, 09h00-12h00. Kontak Jane Paterson 083 208 6873 / Sondag 1 September: Mykonos Mark, Langebaan, (022) 707 7000. Vrydag-Sondag 6-8 September: Darling Voorkamerfest – Saterdag 7 September: Piket-Bo-Berg Cycle Challenge & Trail Run – Delanie Jooste 074 117 5743. Saterdag 14 September: Kardoesie N7, Piketberg Track/Cycle Challenge – Hanri Theron 076 508 3523. Vrydag-Sondag 20-22 September: Darling Veldblommeskou – Goedverwacht Erfenisfees – 083 872 7149 / 073 957 3549 / Dinsdag 24 September: Saldanha Erfenisfees – 083 697 4897. Weskus Fotografiese Stigting Maandvergadering by Ou Stalle, NG Moedergemeente-terrein, Vredenburg, 18h30. Navrae admin@weskusfotoklub / 084 577 7752. Onderwerp vir Oktober Low Light. Saterdag 28 September: Lambertsbaai Boeremark. Navrae Jacky Valentine 082 920 8886 / Ian Turner 0833 700 400 / P.L.A.Y. Denlyn Park Country Craft Market, Langebaan, 09h00-13h00. Groot verskeidenheid produkte, speelplek vir kleingoed. Kontak Denise (022) 772 0638 / Lynne 082 935 5497 vir meer inligting. Piket-Bo-Berg Boeremark, Plaas Kruisementvlei, Piketberg, 09h00-12h00. Kontak Jane Paterson 083 208 6873 / Sondag 29 September: Langebaan Country Estate MTB 15km Funride - (022) 772 2112. Groote Post Country Market, Darling, (022) 451 2202 / Saterdag 5 Oktober: Car boot market, Catholic Church premises, Suffren Street, Langebaan, 09h0012h00. Looking for an outlet to sell your unwanted goods, homemade craftwork or farm fresh produce? Contact Heidi 083 779 5127/ heidi.engelbrecht@ to book your spot. Sondag 6 Oktober: Mykonos Mark, Langebaan, (022) 707 7000. Friday 18 October: The U MTB Stage Race, Piket-B-Berg – Delanie Jooste 074 117 5743. Vrydag-Sondag 18-20 Oktober: Peter Tosh-fees, St Helenabaai – 062 182 6716. Vrydag-Saterdag 25-26 Oktober: Madeliefie Makietie, Strandfontein – Cindy Schade 071 151 6526 / Vrydag-Maandag 25-28 Oktober: Harley Davidson Biker`s Rally, Lambert`s Bay – Hannes Coetzee 079 148 1315. Saterdag 26 Oktober: Lambertsbaai Boeremark. Navrae Jacky Valentine 082 920 8886 / Ian Turner 0833 700 400 /
courant 27 Maart 2019
Tel: 022 487 3221
27 Maart 2019
Piketberg is krieketkampioene
Piketberg Krieketklub se tweedespan het in die T20-finaal gespeel teen die span van Malmesbury. Malmesbury het die loot gewen en gekies om eerste te boul. Piketberg het 142 lopies in die 20 beurte aangeteken. Danfred Stevens was vir Piketberg uitstaande met die kolf en het 61 lopies van 45 balle aangeteken. Hy is goed ondersteun deur Granville Dirks wat 29 lopis van 35 balle geslaan het. Piketberg het Malmesbury se span uitgehaal vir slegs 58 lopies in die 16.1de beurt. Piketberg se beste bouler was Lorenzo Adams wat vier lopies vir 16 paaltjies laat kantel het en het ook 'n driekuns met sy laaste drie balle aangeteken. Piketberg se tweede span het die Boland-Weskus se tweede afdeling in die T20-reeks met 85 lopies gewen.
Atletiek: Atlete van die Salkoriane Atletiekklub laat hulle nie onderkry deur wind en weer nie en hulle word oral raakgesien waar hulle besig is met voorbereiding vir `n volgende wedloop. Die afgelope naweek het hulle weer hulle staal gewys toe lede van die klub in ideale hardloop-weersomstandighede weggespring vir deelname aan die jaarlikse Weskus Marathon se onderskeie afstande. Die volgende atlete was deel van die duisende deelnemers dié dag: Azel Boois - 21.1km - 1.36.12; Rivaldo Vigaro - 10km - 36.17; Nicholas Mentoor- 10km stap - 1.10; Lethesia Mentoor – 10km stap - 1.12; Walter Diedericks - 10km stap. Daar was ook `n klomp nuwelinge in die 5km pretloopspan wat hul eerste padwedloop aangepak het en baie opgewonde is oor hulle eerste padmedalje. Hulle is Jenecke Titus, Tadiwa Kamowa, Emile Lombaard, Leigthon Rhodes, Clive Junior, Veron Leroux, Hennie Basson en Wena Burgess. Dit was Azel se debuut in die 21.1km en sy het met trots haar silwer medalje in ontvangs geneem. Die atlete het die Departement Sport en Kultuur bedank vir hulle nuwe sweetpakke. Op die foto spog Jonathan, Veron, Jenecke, Azel, Rivaldo, Clive, Jogayn, Marlin, Emile, Walter en Tadiwa met hul medaljes en sweetpakke. Hennie, Wena, Nicholas, Lethesia en Leigthon was afwesig tydens die neem van die foto.