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For More Cash Generating, No B.S Online Marketing Strategies; Visit: Hey,
Today I am going to tell you about a new software I’ve been playing around with for a couple of days. But first, let me tell you WHY I experiment with new methods of mailing all the time:
1. The big companies like GetReponse and Aweber regularly BAN accounts of people who send out multiple emails per week & then they give you a canned reply as to why they did it.
2. I like to be in control of my list, and although they are good for delivery, I do not rely on them 100% for the delivery.
3. Even their inbox rates is going down so I don’t know what I am paying them for :P
For More Cash Generating, No B.S Online Marketing Strategies; Visit: 4. I have a huge list of over 300,000 subscribers and that means I spend over 4 figures every month just on my list maintenance with them, even if I don’t ever mail to these leads!
5. It sucks when they ban your accout and you have an upcoming promotion (you’re stuck).
I am not kidding, if they haven’t closed your account yet and you’re an email marketer in the make money online niche, it is GOING TO HAPPEN!
Take a look at these account, I can show you more but I think this is enough to make my point.
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And so, since I HAVE SUFFERED! I am going to give you a solution. Coz no matter what they try, nothing can stop me :)
(a) A Software capable of using SMTP Relays. After having used Interspire for years now, I finally ditched it a few days back because the same emails were getting better delivery from a tool called MAIL JEET.
I am not sure but I think it has to do with the fact that Interspire is one of the most popular tools for emailing in the market today and has been the best for a long long time. It has been used by a lot of SPAMMERS too; which may have resulted in, all email from it going to Gmail Spam Box!
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I did an experiment by sending the exact same email, using same sender details and link via Mail Jeet & Interspire. Guess which inboxed? Mail Jeet!
(b) An SMTP Relay Server You need some infrastructure to inbox your emails. Fortunately, there are companies that specialize in email delivery and they usually have a better delivery rate than the autoresponders companies we use.
Advantage: You can upload any list that you have and send emails to them using these companies. They don’t FORCE you to double optin. You shouldn’t spam though, only send to people who want & expect emails from you.
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Major SMTP Companies are:
SendGrid Mandrill by Mailchimp Amazon SES MailJet
1. You Get Your Email Delivery Software – Get it Here if you Don’t have one! 2. You Create an Account with Any/All of the SMTP companies listed above. 3. You fill in the information the SMTP companies give you into Mail Jeet.
For More Cash Generating, No B.S Online Marketing Strategies; Visit: 4. Upload Your Lists – View How To Do it Here. 5. Start Sending Emails. Simple.
Using this same system, I have sent out more than 672,544 emails this month and with 99.9% Inboxing rate.Aweber/GetResponse don’t come close to this and this is truly the long term solution you have since YOU ARE IN CONTROL.
For More Cash Generating, No B.S Online Marketing Strategies; Visit: … don’t have to worry about your accounts getting banned because YOU OWN YOUR LIST! Even if one of the companies that you use to send out an email goes crazy on you, there are tens of other services that you can just plug into and start sending emails within minutes!
1. Mail Jeet – Highly Recommended & If you buy from this blog, I’ll personally provide support for your questions.
2. SMTP Servers – SendGrid and SMTP have the best delivery, so start with those first.
For More Cash Generating, No B.S Online Marketing Strategies; Visit:
Sign up for multiple SMTP services so that you always have plenty of options. You only get charged IF YOU USE the emails, so no harm in registering with as many providers as you can.
It is possible to do this in Mail Jeet, you can add any number of SMTP services and when you send, just choose any one of those :)
1. If you want complete control of your mailing, this is your best option. PERIOD!
2. Even if you’re a person who uses Aweber or GetResponse as a primary email tool, you must have this as a backup.
For More Cash Generating, No B.S Online Marketing Strategies; Visit: I cannot tell you how many times I have had a promo in process, just to find out that my mails are not going out because the account was shut down. It sucks and you lose money!
3. If you buy Mail Jet because I made a recommendation on DigiFloss, I will provide support for it. I only recommend things I use and find awesomely useful. I haven’t promoted anything through this blog till date and will never do it again unless something like Mail Jeet comes along :)
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See Mail Jeet in Action – Discount Code: Prashant20