For More Cash Generating, No B.S Online Marketing Strategies; Visit :
For More Cash Generating, No B.S Online Marketing Strategies; Visit :
Hello Tribe member, how’s it going?
Today I am going to talk about how to set yourself up for failure, yes, you read that right! But the advantage of this post is that once you know what the mistakes are that would cost you your online dreams, you can avoid them and be successful instead….
…. but for some people, it is inevitable. You’re smart though, you’re part of the DigiFloss Tribe (Trumpet sounds) LOL!
Here are the 6 Major Reasons Why People Fail Online:
1. Trying to be perfect the first time around:
Nobody gets it perfect the first time. The more time you spend on getting perfection in your first attempt the more you’re pushing away your chances of any success at all….
For More Cash Generating, No B.S Online Marketing Strategies; Visit :
….to get somewhere, you first have to start. This is more of a disease if you really think about it. I know you like to think of yourself as a perfectionist but I truly truly suggest that you change that for your own good.
Get started at once, get some momentum under your belt and then keep on practicing your perfectionism. Once you’re at a certain stage, perfection is appreciated. But if you’re still sitting in your butt trying to figure out a perfect plan – NEW ALERT – There are no perfect plans online!
It just gets better the more you implement, learn, adapt and implement again. What is working now was not working 2 years back and won’t work 2 years in the future.
Your best bet is to GET STARTED NOW!
For More Cash Generating, No B.S Online Marketing Strategies; Visit :
2. Not building an email list:
This is a major mistake that most online businesses make during their first few months (some even take years). Not building a list is like shooting yourself in the foot. You got some traffic but you did not collect their emails‌. had you collected emails you would have got:
New Traffic + Returning Traffic + Returning Traffic From Email Broadcasts!
And you probably know that traffic is the lifeblood of your business. The more you have, the better it is. So start building an email list as soon as you get your site up.
For More Cash Generating, No B.S Online Marketing Strategies; Visit : ….Look at the webform on; does it look fancy to you? I just used NVU Editor to create it but it gets the job done.
I will probably make it better in the future (if it’s already looking fancy, you’re a late addition to our tribe); but the point is I practice what I preach. I didn’t strive for perfection but got everything going, things will improve as I work on this more and the tribe grows.
3. Focusing on SEO, Social Media and promotions BUT NOT ON PEOPLE!
I understand that you want free traffic and traffic from social media sites but for god’s sake stop writing content for Google bots! At the end of the day IT IS ALL ABOUT PEOPLE!
People are going to pay you money, people are going to love you or hate you. Google Bots are what they say they are – BOTS!
For More Cash Generating, No B.S Online Marketing Strategies; Visit : Start creating content that resonates with the audience and stop worrying about SEO, the traffic will grow if your content is good.
‌.there is almost an irresistible energy that attracts people to good content.
4. Following the advice of some drug junkie in his basement.
This is one mistake I made when I was starting out. I took advice from all the wrong people. Bloody snake oil sellers that gave me all sorts of wrong business advice.
For More Cash Generating, No B.S Online Marketing Strategies; Visit : And it was not their fault, IT WAS MY FAULT! At the end of the day I am the one responsible for the success or failure of my business.
….If you’re following someone, make sure you’re not following broke businesses. It just plain sucks when you take advice from people you thought ‘GOT IT’ and you realize that they did not ‘GET SHIT’!
Don’t take investment advice from the homeless guy outside Walmart, chances are he doesn’t get it :)
5. Not taking enough action:
This is going to be a major slap in the face of a few reading this blog right now. But ask yourself 2 questions:
Are you taking enough action to achieve the $ amount target that you have in your head?
For More Cash Generating, No B.S Online Marketing Strategies; Visit : Are what you doing right now, the best use of your time? (I’ll write an entire blog post about this).
I am not really going to write much about this point because I want YOU to do the work here. I want you to answer the questions above and in doing so I would have made my point.
6. Spreading yourself to thin!
Now the contradictory point to the one I made above is taking a very big bite. Its funny how some people never really work and some just take on everything they can get their eyes on…
….the result, you spread yourself too thin. There is no focus on goals, you just keep doing stuff and you APPEAR BUSY but in reality you’re not getting much done at all. Is this you?
For More Cash Generating, No B.S Online Marketing Strategies; Visit : If yes, stop working on projects that are not fun and add little profits and focus all your time, resources and energy on the projects you love and see good growth in.
You only have a limited time here on Earth, make sure you work on the most important things THAT MATTER TO YOU and don’t waste time on the things you think are important.
(a) Don’t try to be perfect the first time around, you’ll get better as you get going;
(b) Always build an email list because that is an instant source of traffic or reaching out to your audience;
For More Cash Generating, No B.S Online Marketing Strategies; Visit : (c) Focus on delivering the best content you can, it is satisfying and helps build your tribe. SEO can go to hell, if you have a following, Google or not, you’re going to win!
(d) Take advice from people who have achieved what you want to achieve;
(e) Take massive action – GET SHIT DONE! And FAST!
(f) FOCUS!
That is it for now, if you liked the content please share and comment. Once again, thanks for being a part of the DigiFloss Tribe, if you’re not in yet, please enter your name and email address in the sidebar and be a part of this revolution.