For More Cash Generating, No B.S Online Marketing Strategies; Visit:
For More Cash Generating, No B.S Online Marketing Strategies; Visit: Hey, Today I am going to talk about what I think is one of the most crucial online skills; I think this is what can make you really successful. I might be wrong and some might consider other things to be top priority but I think this is #1 on my list. What is the skill? Copywriting!
If you’re going to be selling stuff online you are going to do it either by the written word (sales letters) or by audio/video. Eitherway, if you’re SELLING you need to know what will push the right buttons, which result in a sale. …without copywriting you’re dead in the water, even before you start!
For More Cash Generating, No B.S Online Marketing Strategies; Visit:
Ofcourse you can. And sometimes, even if you’re a copywriting superstar you’d want to do that, to get a second opinion from other superstars but copywriting gives you clarity of thought! I can’t tell you how much my sales process has improved because I study copywriting. You don’t have to be an expert at it. Just read a couple of books on this topic and your brain will start thinking differently. Communicating with your customers would be much easier and you’d be at ease ASKING FOR MONEY!
For More Cash Generating, No B.S Online Marketing Strategies; Visit:
The online world is crazy! There are all these websites like Facebook, Twitter and others that are much more attractive than your squeeze pages/sales pages etc. Why would someone spend time on your page? Copywriting answers that! It tells you how you can MAKE visitors STAY on your page for longer thereby increasing your chances of making a sale. Isn’t this what we all want? Sales….
1. Learn Copywriting because it will help you communicate better.
2. You’ll also structure your ideas better because you’ll think from the other person’s point of view too.
For More Cash Generating, No B.S Online Marketing Strategies; Visit: 3. If you native language is not English, you need this even more. I am from India and without learning how to structure my thoughts, ideas and process well in the best possible way, I wuld never be able to make any money online.
4. Copywriting = Sales = Money!
5. If you get really good, you could even start charging MAJOR MONEY to write copies for other people.
6. Trust me – Do this!
For More Cash Generating, No B.S Online Marketing Strategies; Visit:
1. The Irresistable Offer.
2. Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion.
3. Cashvertising.
4. The Copywriters Handbook.