The 3 Step Formula For GETTING SHIT DONE! Heylo there! I am writing a blog post after a long long time. Its not that I got lazy or anything, it is just that I had my hands in a lot of other bigger projects that I wanted to complete ASAP. Anyway, the good news is that I am back and plan to write this blog regularly for the next few months
I got a lot of good feedback on my blog when I started writing regularly and I intend
to create that environment (where we help each other grow) again. Today’s Topic? GETTING SHIT DONE! Believe me, this is THE ONLY way you’re ever going to succeed in anything that you do. If you think, day dream or plan without any implementation – You will get NOWHERE! And there is a very simple formula to getting stuff done. I use a 3 step formula and here it is for you to take advantage of:
1. Have a Goal: Unless you have a goal you will never know what you want to achieve and where you want to go and also you won’t be able to measure your movement. Think of it as point A and point B. Unless you know you want to go from A to B you will keep wandering unnecessarily and even though you might end up at point B, it will NEVER be the most efficient way to get there. So have a goal, be it:
Becoming the #1 affiliate for XYZ product;
Have a list of 100,000 subscribers;
Achieve a residual income of $10,000 per month; or
Anything else.
Once you have a goal, think about all the ways you can achieve the goal. Write it down on a sheet of paper….. all of the methods you think can get you there WITHOUT questioning yourself. Then encircle the 3 methods that are most likely to produce the best results and you now know what you need to be spending most of your time doing….
Simple right?
2. Make a Checklist For Daily Tasks A.K.A The To-Do List!
Once you know what you need to do in order to achieve your goal, you need to derive a checklist from it. I don’t really care how you do it, on paper or on the computer. Personally I love the feeling of pen on paper and then the feeling of striking things off on paper (once its done) But whatever works for you – DO IT! After you have made a checklist make sure you assign priority to the tasks. I like to write 1,2,3,4 on each of the tasks and then do them in order. Complete your checklists for the day WITHOUT FAIL! This will create a super powerful habit and always keep you in SUPER-PRODUCTIVE mode…. believe me, it is the best habit you could ever form – GETTING SHIT DONE!
Quick Tip: Do creative things first thing in the morning leave the repetitive/mechanical tasks for later in the evening. The point is to get the creative tasks done with a clear head
3. Use the MODIFIED Pomodoro technique: Without getting into great detail, the Pomodoro technique is basically doing tasks in 25 minute slots of time. So it looks something like this:
You spend 25 minutes doing a task and then take a short 5-10 minute break.
After three 25 minute sessions you take a slightly longer break of 20-30 minutes.
Squeeze in at least SIX of these sessions while working on your list and YOU WILL KILL IT! I use a slightly modified version because I think that it works better for me. Instead of 25 minute sessions I squeeze in 42 minute sessions….. don’t ask why its 42 minutes! It just sounded right Anyway, I squeeze in 4-5 of these super productive sessions and I get more shit done than most people working 9-5 get done in 3 days! Its powerful…… REALLY POWERFUL!
If you’re an iPhone user you can download an app called ‘Pomodoro Focus Booster’ and you will have an instant timer that you can keep in front of you while working (always reminding you that time is running out)….. That is really all you need to do to take things to the next level. You might be a genius but you won’t get where you want to go UNLESS you put in the time…..
And finally the fourth step……yea yea….. I know its a 3 step thing but that is exactly what it is. The fourth step is:
4. Reward Yourself! Reward yourself for being awesome, productive and having the courage to complete the entire checklist. There is nothing better than striking every single task in your to-do list. Trust me, it will also improve your sleep quality, because knowing that you are moving swiftly in the direction of your goal gives you a certain HIGH that not a lot of other things can match. And you know what to do the next day – RINSE, REPEAT AND DOMINATE.
About The Author Prashant Sharma is the founder of and (#1 Solo Ads Directory in the World). He is 23 years old and runs a Digital Marketing Agency. He loves reading and believes he has succeeded in making sales worth hundreds of thousands of dollars because he NEVER F'IN QUITS.... DigiFloss is going to be his permanent address for a long long time to come so visit us often to check out all the new awesome stuff we post here! Visit My Website: