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For More Cash Generating, No B.S Online Marketing Strategies; Visit: Hey, whats up?
So in the last post I talked about how you can get traffic to your website/offer. In this update, I am going to tell you how to make sure that you make the maximum money possible for every second spent online working on the marketing of your product/service.
This is the next part of the equation (after traffic) and this is where a lot of new people fail‌. Let me explain!
The way most new people try to make money online is directly sending traffic to sales pages/offers and then WHINE when they don’t make money!
That is not the correct way to do it, the best way to do it is like this:
For More Cash Generating, No B.S Online Marketing Strategies; Visit:
This way, even if the visitors didn’t buy the product on the first go, we can follow up with them via email to try and make a sale.
That is the purpose of the optin page – collect the visitor’s information so that we can contact them with the same offer or another offer and make sales at a later date.
Think from the point of the view of the visitors: They are sent to a website which is a blatant pitch trying to sell them something. Nobody likes to be sold to, most people will close that tab immediately.
For More Cash Generating, No B.S Online Marketing Strategies; Visit:
‌. that is why optin pages are so essential. They are a subtle way to build an extra step into the conversion(sale) process.
When the visitor opts in to your email list, they are giving you permission to email them, and THEY ARE COMMITTING TO YOUR PROCESS.
This concept is called MICRO-COMMITMENT and it increases the conversions.
Why? By entering their email addresses on your optin page they made a MICRO-COMMITMENT & therefore they are going to be
For More Cash Generating, No B.S Online Marketing Strategies; Visit: more receptive to your offer – they chose to see your offer, they weren’t forced.
So always remember, that whenever you’re getting traffic, send it to an optin page and try to get the contact information of the visitor so that you can follow up with them and make sales at a later date.
1. Don’t Send traffic directly to the sales page.
2. Collect visitor information to get return traffic/follow up to make sales.
3. Use Micro-commitment to increase the visitors engagement and you’re conversion rates will sky-rocket.
For More Cash Generating, No B.S Online Marketing Strategies; Visit:
4. Come back to this blog tomorrow, I’ll have another piece of the puzzle solved for you.
See you tomorrow.