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2018 has started and hence the new year has brought some of the biggest revolutions in terms of digital business 2018 and much more is to be seen throughout the year. It is necessary to understand the trends that are going to rule the web design world in the existing year. In the world of competition, each and every company is trying to prove themselves better than others. So, it has become the more important thing to take a look at what will be trending in 2018 so that you have that deep knowledge and skills which make you stand out from the rest.We, being one of the best web design company in

Bangalore, will take you through the latest trends of 2018 which will help you boost up your businesses and their tactics. Here are some of the web design trends which are going to rule in 2018: ATTRACTIVE YET SIMPLE WEBSITE IS BACK Simple Websites has been always preferred by businesses and their clients and actually, it will never be off because this is the format which usually attracts the users a lot.But this does not mean that bright and bold concept has washed out from the web designing concept. So, now comes the time when bright and bold yet minimal styles will prevail. color, saturation, and brightness will bring a different side of websites apart from being Simple. POLISHED WEB APPLIC ATIONS ARE THE KEY A website is one such factor which is the most demanding irrespective of any business. Each and every business demands a website and so the high expectation is of user experience. You cannot always serve same old concept to users each time. This needs to be redefined from time to time with the help of creative designs, analytical AI or any other innovative concept. User experience is the most important thing to be kept in mind while creating websites. So this is the next thing which is going to trend in 2018. INTERACTIVE CONTENT IS MUST Content is the medium through which a user understand what you actually want to say. 2018 is going to be the year for interactions among customers and the websites. A content should be simple yet the one which communicates to users at its own level where a user has got a great approach to understand the content and website is yielding such content which is familiar to the user’s phenomenon dictionary. In other words, this is not negligible. Connecting with brands and engaging with customers has never been so easy in the business world. 2018 will see a lot of business happenings online and so will be the interaction.

SYMMETRIC WEB DESIGN IS ON THE WAY Website design is going to be changed completely by the fact that they will be symmetric and will give a great feel and meaning to the business work.In other words, it simply means that there will be no more asymmetric websites which disrupt the look of websites and so affects the user engagements. In 2018, you will be having a great concept of symmetric websites which are going to be simple yet bold. ILLUSTRATIONS EFFECTS





Simple words and contents are never going to form a website which engages users effectively. Some of the factors which will be ruling in 2018 are illustrations and animations. These 2 factors cannot be ignored in the world of digitization. Illustrations have their own market value which brings huge advantages while conversion process. Apart from that, it’s going to give completely a new look and feel to the design of websites. Similarly, Animations have their own significance in terms of business and personal perspectives. The animation is that way which engages users effectively at a great speed. Animated graphics and videos interact well with the users and hence brings conversion with them. VIDEOS, FLUID SHAPES, AND TYPOGRAPHY Videos convey all that thing which you want to write for a user. It gives the user a quality thought and engages the user. Now the days of keeping a video or no video on the website are over. In this digital era, 2018 has brought some new changes to websites with putting lots and lots of videos on several pages of the websites to interact and attract the users effectively. 2018 is also going to see a huge change in digital market with fluid shapes and typography utilization.

CONCLUSIONS: Web design is a very important part of any business. to engage with the users and to maintain your online presence web designing is a must. Without a website, your online presence is equal to zero. You need to have a website which acquires all the quality and which is as per the trend of the current time. We are one of the renowned web design company in Bangalore and offer our services in following domains:  Digital Marketing and Web Development  Data Science and Analytics  Software Development and Testing  Performance Engineering  CRM Consulting We take projects and also fulfill outsourcing needs for our customers across the world. Reach out to us at info@digiscifi.com or visit us at our website for more information. www.digiscifi.com

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