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EDGE COMPUTING October 3, 2017

Edge computing is a method of enabling small processing units near to the source of the data from sensors and central data servers. It utilizes cloud computing systems by performing data processing at the edge of the network, near the source of the data. This reduces the communications bandwidth needed between sensors by performing analytics and data processing. This approach requires leveraging resources that may not be continuously connected to a network such as laptops, smartphones, tablets and sensors. Edge Computing

covers a wide range of technologies including IOT data platforms, mobile data, and continuous stimulus of data from numerous sensors from the heavy machinery round the clock. Edge computing pushes applications, data and computing power away from centralized points to the logical extremes of a network. It replicates the fragments of information across distributed networks. Why is it needed? To ensure acceptable performance of widely dispersed distributed services, large organizations typically implement edge computing by deploying Web servers with clustering. Though technology advances made edge computing available for small and medium businesses also. Edge Computing brings numerous benefits –  Edge application services significantly decrease the volumes of data that must be moved across the network, the data traffic, thereby reducing transmission costs, shrinking latency.  This technique actually decentralizes and localize the processing units and reduce dependency on the centralized servers and network bandwidth.  Improved application performance: as apps that don’t tolerate latency can achieve lower latency levels on the edge, as opposed to a cloud or data center. The edge computing is growing now with IOT and Big Data. If you decentralize and localize the processing of vast data locally and just pass on the results to the centralized units for further processing and consolidation can reduce the heavy load on network traffic, can lower the costs of data processing, chances of data compromise can reduce, and finally you can see your results faster to take quick decisions. For example an aircraft company can improve its efficiency if it can analyze the HUGEdata from its sensors correctly from all its flight paths effectively and identify the patterns which are common across – let’s say the aircraft when flies at 15000 feet consumes the lowest fuel and almost all the flight paths suggest this phenomenon. f the aircraft company spend time in passing terabytes of data from 1 flight path and take it to the centralized server so just imagine the amount of data that will travel through the network, how long it will take, cost of data transfer etc. Its always good that we can have edge computing solutions locally so that the one aircraft data from its thousands of sensors is processed locally and the results are transferred to the centralized unit for comparison and consolidation to come to conclusion to take decisions. M A Y B E WE C AN H E LP ?

DigiSciFi is a company specialized in lot of cutting edge technologies and we can help you with our expertise on cloud and edge computing. Connect with us – we might be able to provide VALUE from our experience and Service Model We at DigiSciFi Technologies deliver services in following areas –  Digital Marketing and Web Development  Data Science and Analytics  Software Development and Testing  Performance Engineering  CRM Consulting We take projects and also fulfill outsourcing needs for our customers across the world. Pls reach out to us at info@digiscifi.com www.digiscifi.com

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