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INBOUND MARKETING September 19, 2017

Inbound marketing is a systematic approach focused on attracting customers through content and interactions that are relevant and helpful and not interruptive. Its a form of PULL Marketing through content marketing, blogs, events, search engine, social media and through other means. Its basically creating social imprint TO BE FOUND rather than find customers,through inbound marketing you earn customer’s attention and makes the company to be easily found. We live in a world of information abundance and attention scarcity – and the pace of information creation is accelerating. According to IBM, we now create 2.5 quintillion bytes of data each day — so much that 90% of the data in the world today has been created in the last two years alone. Now the web has the power to answer all your questions instantly. In fact web is making doctor’s life tough to give the right prescription to their patients. When people gets fever nowadays or other symptoms they jump on GOOGLE to search and match their symptoms to some disease and associate themselves with that and expect the doctor to prove them right or wrong instantly. I’m taking you to wrong direction to prove you that the Information utilization can be done by domain experts effectively and it’s better to allow them to do their duties. Let’s get back to Inbound Marketing. The traditional ways of marketing used to be door to door campaigns, roadside banners, mobile trucks with banners, television advertisement etc. All are costly and may not be that effective these days. Inbound Marketing takes time but its very effective. Let’s look at what it can do for you. 1) Create an impression in people’s mind and influence their thoughtprocess on a particular product of subject.

2) Create BRAND awareness and provide options to their current portfolio. 3) Put Customer’s at the front and make them aware the VALUE that you can bring to them . 4) Ideate the very concept lead generation at lowest expense. 5) Convert leads into followers and Brand Ambassadors. A few ways of achieving Inbound Marketing – a) SEO – This is one of the effective way of reaching out to customers as you turn out at the top for the product search that you sell. Using effective keyword analysis, well-structured site design and other SEO “best practices” to launch your company to the top of search results will ensure that your content is being seen by the right audience and bring in the right leads. b) Blogging – The most common form of inbound marketing, blogging can play a powerful role in driving traffic and nurturing leads. c) Social Media -With 67% of online adults using social media to share information, you can’t afford to neglect widely popular online communities such as Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. ATTRACT – CONVERT – CLOSE – DELIGHTING Creating content specifically designed to respond to the desires of your customers, you can also capture the interest of those who do not know you yet, or potential customers that finding your quality content, will be interested to read them and to return to your site over time.

WHAT TO DO ?  Create and diversify the content: you have to create content designed to answer the questions and needs of the client, so diversify and share anywhere in the network.  Provide an action for each stage of marketing (product orientation, sales orientation, customer orientation, market-driven management).  Study your audience and define your target. The study activities to create a good reflection on the public is based on a set of qualitative and quantitative data (Google Analytics, Google searches for clients, social discussions and forums).  Determine and optimize your business goals: choose where you want to go, and describe it as much as possible. Then tries to point out and improve.  Engage your audience: once established your strategic objective and determined your ideal target, you will certainly be easier to understand how to involve and how to bring it to reading and to an interaction with your content which can then turn into conversion.  Measuring results. What is the future of the web? How does it move the user experience? What are people searching for? Smartphone penetration is increasing and is suitable for use of new codes of digital communication: a large screen, excellent resolutions, processors capable of crunching data with a new speed. There are multiple platforms you can use to create content and make it flow in the media to your prospective customers. Don’t PUSH, PULL. MAY BE WE CAN HELP? DigiSciFi is a company specialized in Digital Marketing, Website Development, Data Science approach for Marketing to increase customer engagement.

Connect with us – we might be able to change your Marketing Perspective completely. Director – DigiSciFi A Software Company providing solutions in Digital Marketing with Data Science Intelligence, Website Development, Software Testing, Performance Engineering and CRM Consulting.

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