Checklists for effective web

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C H EC K LI S T S F O R EF F EC T I V E WE B D ES I G N May 3, 2018 Web design is the first thing which a user goes through. If the user interface is not attractive and interactive, there is no meaning of the website. “The first impression is the last” gets along in the case of web designing. Using proper graphics and interface designing is the best way to approach leads for your businesses. Improper web designs may lead to the loss of the business whereas proper web design which speaks well through the design itself helps in the growth of the business. Web design has different types of skills and disciplines in the maintenance and production of websites.Web design areas will have, graphic designing, interface designing and many more. A web designer should always have awareness of roles and usability and should be updated to the date of web accessibility guidelines. Here we have some Do’s and Don’ts of effective web design:

I MA G E Q UA L I T Y Images are one such thing which speaks a lot without uttering a single word. So, while designing your website use the images of high quality. Compromising with the quality of images will bring bad impact to your business and to your website as well. make sure you are always going for high quality compressed images. create attractive, interactive and compressed images for your website. B A CK G RO U N D V I S U AL S When you’re designing a website, choose a background that admires the visitor who visits the websites.The background color that is chosen should not distract the users while they are going through your website. Background color should be beautiful that attracts the users but it should not be dominant.The main idea behind having an attractive and interactive background is to get the support for browsing experience. There must be a proper contrast between the background color and the text color because if the background overlaps text color, the audience will not be able to read what they want to. R E S P O N S I V E DE S I G N When you have your web design ready, make sure, you have also formed the responsive layout of the website. responsive web designs help the users to access the website with ease through their mobile phones, tablets, laptops, and desktops with proper designing configurations. Optimize the images, texts, and all other components according to the system i.e. make it mobile friendly. W E B S I T E L AYO UT While designing a website layout for the friendly browsing you need to use UX standard.For the user to enjoy the smooth browsing you should design the website using UX recommendations. The items that clicked on the website should be easy and straightforward to understand.Site navigation should be clear and intuitive. Make it easy for users to go to your website. Don’t make things too complicated that they need to search where is one component and where is another for which they are looking out your website.

W RI T T E N CO NT E N T The content on a website shows the best part of the website owner. Users get to know the skills and ability of the businessman who is offering them their services. Make sure the texts are readable, fonts are good enough with standard font-size. Create content strategy which indulges users and drive them towards your website. C O L O R S CH E ME : Color combination is the most important factor while you design your website. where a bad color combination can make your website look dull, the good color combination gives it an attractive visual. With good color schemes, users get influenced. Drive and engage your audience with a proper composition of colors on your website. Keep it simple and attractive and choose the color which can help you in bringing leads for your business. A NI M AT I O NS , G I FS , A N D E FFE CT S We all like animation, gif and fun effects use them on your website that will enhance your website impression.But don’t use irrelevant music video. Don’t make your website to look like zombie website by using more animations. use animations and gifs wherever required. Give the motion to your website but not make it stand alone on gifs and animated effects. F O NT S You should have the idea how a font will work on your website so that right font can be chosen for designing your website. You should do research on the fonts that suits your website. Don’t make an assumption that all the fonts are same. Different fonts provide different that you can provide a proper atmosphere for your website. check out the fonts which look best and engaging. Don’t go for such fonts which can’t be read at all. Take the simple yet attractive fonts. There are several checklists which you need to go through before you decide to go for web design. These are few checklists which you need to go through while you wish to create the design for your website. We will keep other checklists soon. What do you think about these checkpoints? Do you go through them before starting web designing?

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