DigitAG& 2011

Page 1


2011 http://andreagraziano.blogspot.com/

From Blog t o Book.

We are all neurons of a big brain and our links are electric signals we send trying to get some magnificent collective thought.

I remember to the DigitAG& followers that I post more and more links here: http://www.facebook.com/arch.a.graziano








Contents 1 2011 1.1


9 January . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



FORMFARM (2011-01-04 12:30) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



TAC shifts forward! (2011-01-05 16:37) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Stuart Fingerhut (2011-01-10 09:48) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



NEWS 059 (2011-01-10 11:32) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



’DigitAG& 2010’ e-book (2011-01-11 10:54) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



RhinoNest within Grasshopper (2011-01-12 13:54) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Joao Albuquerque | Architect (2011-01-13 09:25) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Algorism (2011-01-13 09:41) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



MAST-STUDIO (2011-01-14 10:20) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



POINT CROWD (2011-01-17 16:43) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



MOB-ILITY (2011-01-20 08:55) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



User Data Manager for Rhino (2011-01-20 09:10)

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




2011 workshops wishlist (2011-01-21 09:25) . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Living Light [pavilion] (2011-01-21 11:22) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



DUMO (2011-01-24 10:28) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



DAAP Community Wiki - Digital Fabrication Links (2011-01-28 16:48) . . . .



NEWS 060 (2011-01-31 15:30) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


February . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Co-de-iT - ”Moltitudine - Power of the many” GH workshop - Firenze - 25-27 feb 2011 (2011-02-02 09:27) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Rhino + (2011-02-09 12:35) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Ming3D (2011-02-09 12:37) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Digital Design & Computation (2011-02-09 12:48) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



[n]igma (2011-02-11 07:51) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Spatial Slur (2011-02-11 08:02) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



AA Istanbul Visiting School 2011 (2011-02-11 08:08)

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .



(C)ODE-(C)OLLECTIVE (2011-02-16 09:24) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



WE-DESIGNS.ORG (2011-02-16 09:58) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

22 3

1.2.10 1.3







Technology 23

March . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


”Generative Algorithms - Concepts and Experiments: Porous Shell” by Zubin Khabazi (2011-03-01 15:55) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



NEWS 061 (2011-03-03 14:11) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



[AGENTWARE] workshop (2011-03-04 11:02) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Dreamation Workshop (2011-03-04 18:09) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



GH kinect (2011-03-07 10:36) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



VITRUALITY (2011-03-07 14:00) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Organicités (2011-03-07 14:19) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



MRGD (2011-03-08 12:29) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



100.000 (2011-03-08 13:48) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Digital [Sub]stance (2011-03-09 15:35) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



i-TAC | Intro to Technically Advanced Construction (2011-03-09 15:37) . . . .



crisp and fuzzy (2011-03-10 10:22) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Elise Elsacker (2011-03-10 10:30) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



DigiBAG - support DigitAG& trip to LaN-Flight (2011-03-11 12:45) . . . . . .



Jenny Sabin (2011-03-20 12:03) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



I Eat Bugs For Breakfast (2011-03-23 11:44) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Buro Happold SMART Solutions (2011-03-23 11:51) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Breaking the blanks (2011-03-23 12:11) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



XXL workshop 2011 - TU Delft (2011-03-28 11:28) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



adapa - adapting architecture (2011-03-28 11:44) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



PROJECTiONE (2011-03-28 17:28) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Rhino.Python Programmer’s Reference (2011-03-30 14:57) . . . . . . . . . . .



Responsive Acoustical Surf (2011-03-30 15:31) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



NEWS 062 (2011-03-31 15:46) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


April . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .





(2011-02-16 10:02) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




madMeshMaker :: a generative surface modeler with output to cnc router (2011-04-01 16:27) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Genoform (2011-04-14 13:15) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



n-fold geometry (2011-04-15 09:33) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



n-fold geometry (2011-04-15 09:37) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



curvlabs (2011-04-19 14:58) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



F(r)iction Machines 2.0 (2011-04-20 17:36) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Digital Fabrication for Designers (2011-04-27 18:32) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



NEWS 063 (2011-04-28 14:10) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Architecture in Combination (2011-04-29 09:19) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



May . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5.1





Co-de-iT - ”INFLECTIONS Affecting Aesthetic” Maya ws - Firenze 24-29 maggio 2011 (2011-05-02 15:59) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



ECO LOGIC HABITAT WS - June 27th - July 9th 2011 (2011-05-12 08:51) .



Slingshot! Grasshopper + MySQL (2011-05-12 09:38) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Centipede - Animation Timeline for Grasshopper (2011-05-12 10:14) . . . . . .



AA Summer DLAB // 18-29 July 2011 (2011-05-12 16:52) . . . . . . . . . . .



iaac global summerschool self(a)rchitecture - torino workshop 13-28 july 2011 (2011-05-18 09:22) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



hoopsnake: Iteration in Grasshopper (2011-05-19 14:09) . . . . . . . . . . . . .



GarciaDelCastillo.es (2011-05-23 11:06) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



NEWS 064 (2011-05-23 13:29) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Metamorphic Architecture (2011-05-24 09:38) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



PROTO/E/CO/LOGICS// SPECULATIVE MATERIALISM IN ARCHITECTURE | 2 day Symposium | Rovinj Croatia | 6-7 August 2011 (2011-05-24 10:03)


June . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



YETI (2011-06-01 16:14) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Arduino Camp - Milano 18-19 Giugno 2011 (2011-06-08 10:47) . . . . . . . . .



apomechanes 2011 computational design studio (2011-06-21 13:08) . . . . . . .



borse di studio per master IAAC (2011-06-21 13:18) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



IAAC summerschool Torino

8 scholarship (2011-06-21 13:29) . . . . . . . . .



HYbrid BIOstructures (2011-06-21 13:42) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


July . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



”Sliced Surfaces” GH ws - Torino 8-9-10 luglio (2011-07-03 08:01) . . . . . . .



RhinoPython¹º¹ Primer (2011-07-03 11:54) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



NEWS 065 (2011-07-13 12:26) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



LaNd SANDS IN˜FORMATION Workshop - August 2011 (2011-07-16 13:37)



Digital MED: prorogato il termine ultimo per le iscrizioni (2011-07-18 10:14) .



designedbyenergy (2011-07-18 17:16) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



onformative (2011-07-19 09:47) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



DA HAN ÇAM (2011-07-19 10:06) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



SustainableDesignResearch (2011-07-22 15:29) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



flowL - grasshopper plug-in (2011-07-22 20:35) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



CAST | Center for Architecture and Situated Technologies (2011-07-22 22:32)


August . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Formologix (2011-08-03 10:21) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Decker Yeadon - NY (2011-08-03 16:12) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



NEWS 066 (2011-08-10 14:20) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Relational Geometries (2011-08-14 23:29) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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MetaMaticZoo (2011-08-14 23:45) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Generative Algorithms - Concepts & Experiments: Strip Morphologies� by Zubin Khabazi (2011-08-18 22:43) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Atelier Yukio Minobe | Architectural Ecologies (2011-08-31 10:11) . . . . . . .


September . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Concrete Fabrication (2011-09-09 14:00) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Urbana (2011-09-12 14:42) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Computational Matter (2011-09-12 14:45) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Fucture.org (2011-09-25 00:07) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


1.10 October . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


1.8.7 1.9



Atmos studio (2011-10-01 11:47) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



designtopology (2011-10-01 11:52) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Stochastic Simulation and Lagrangian Dynamics (2011-10-01 11:57) . . . . . .



W:BLUT (2011-10-01 12:05) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



New Fabrications for Architecture (2011-10-01 12:11) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Studio AION architecture (2011-10-01 13:10) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Radical Craft (2011-10-06 08:51) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Immersive Kinematics (2011-10-06 18:46) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



algorithmic design (2011-10-07 00:01) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Designing the Dynamic (2011-10-07 09:48) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



CodeQuotidien (2011-10-11 22:26) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



ROBOFOLD (2011-10-11 22:41) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Machinators (2011-10-12 15:09) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Kruysman | Proto (2011-10-14 13:45) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



ENCODE - Egyptian Node for COllaborative DEsign (2011-10-24 22:24) . . .



KUKA|prc - parametric robot control for Grasshopper (2011-10-24 23:02) . . .



Clever Algorithms - book (2011-10-24 23:09) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



{arc:ode} (2011-10-25 12:16) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



ianCode - Dynamo: Visual Programming for Revit (2011-10-26 12:57) . . . . .



NEWS 067 (2011-10-26 18:11) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



PLETHORA PROJECT (2011-10-26 21:37) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Tomasz Starczewski (2011-10-27 10:46) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Parametric Production (2011-10-27 14:09) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



MRGD (2011-10-28 10:28) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



FABRICATION METHODOLOGIES (2011-10-28 10:33) . . . . . . . . . . . .



VERTEX DIGITAL DESIGN (2011-10-28 10:39)

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



iGeo - Java Computational Design Tool (2011-10-28 10:54) . . . . . . . . . . .


1.11 November . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



srpLAB (2011-11-01 17:00) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



BREAD (2011-11-05 00:02) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



OTA+ (2011-11-05 22:18) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



UnitedVisualArtists (2011-11-07 17:29) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Responsive Skins (2011-11-14 10:09) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



sketches[of]code (2011-11-15 09:14)



DigitAG& Twylah - news aggregator (2011-11-15 11:59)

. . . . . . . . . . . .



LaN + SOLIDO hands-on workshop (2011-11-18 16:27) . . . . . . . . . . . . .



NEWS 068 (2011-11-28 15:40) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Block Research Group (2011-11-29 16:55) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



CRESCIT architectural research & design (2011-11-29 17:00) . . . . . . . . . .



Nikolas Weinstein Studios (2011-11-29 17:28) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Endemic (2011-11-30 16:28) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



PARA(noid)module (2011-11-30 16:31) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


1.12 December . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Hyperbody workshop - Robotic Facade Fabrication (2011-12-01 17:24)

. . . .



High-Low Tech (2011-12-01 18:12) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



HAL V0.01 - ABB robots (re)programming (2011-12-01 22:27) . . . . . . . . .



Maysam’s Blog (2011-12-07 12:03) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Smart Art (2011-12-07 12:11)



LAN-FLIGHT EUROPE - January 9-16/17 2012 // innsbruck // stuttgart // barcelona// (2011-12-07 12:13) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



RESONATE Festival - Belgrade, 16-17 March 2012 (2011-12-09 15:09) . . . .



Open Energy (2011-12-14 10:21) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



PackRat - Bin Packing in Grasshopper (2011-12-21 10:15) . . . . . . . . . . .



Christopher Whitelaw (2011-12-29 17:29) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Chapter 1

2011 1.1 1.1.1

January FORMFARM (2011-01-04 12:30)

[1] �Formfarm is the design portfolio for Daniel Ramirez. Daniel Ramirez is a Designer located in Brooklyn, NY.� Disponibili nel sito alcune utili definizioni di grasshopper [2]Link al sito 1. http://www.formfarm.net/ 2. http://www.formfarm.net/


TAC shifts forward! (2011-01-05 16:37)

[1] Since we did not reach the minimum number of participants, TAC calendar shifts from January to April 2011. New applications will start in January 2011. Stay tuned for upcoming news! 1. http://www.tac.polimi.it/index.html



Stuart Fingerhut (2011-01-10 09:48)

[1] [2]Link al blog [3]Link al progetto di tesi ”Droma” [4]Link a ”droma” sul forum di GH 1. http://stuartfingerhut.com/ 2. http://stuartfingerhut.com/ 3. http://stuartfingerhut.com/2010/11/droma-thesis-project/ 4. http://www.grasshopper3d.com/photo/albums/droma-thesis-midpoint


NEWS 059 (2011-01-10 11:32)

[1] [2]The geometry of bending - Tapeworm script [3]Rhinoscripting Resources - A new scripting language for Rhino: Python [4]Geometry Gym - BIM: Importing IFC to Grasshopper [5]Geometry Gym - IFC Shape Representations [6]wework|4her - ideaStudio [7]Digital crafting - DigitalCrafting Symposium 1 - videos of all lectures online [8]Z4d - Mantis v0.2 [9]Eat a bug - Extraction of Real Estate Rent Data [10]Eat a bug - Advances in Free-Form Masonry [11]P &Alab - PathForm by grasshopper [12]P &Alab - ColorTreeBall [13]make a hybrid - CURVE PATTERN GENERATION [14]make a hybrid - FOLD EXPETRIMENT [15]Nervous system - ammonite suture patterns [16]NeoArchaic.com - Choice: Evan Douglis Studio [17]NeoArchaic.com - NIC NAC [18]NeoArchaic.com - ReVal [19]NeoArchaic.com - FLUX [20]NeoArchaic.net - GH-Excel Suite [21]MadeInCalifornia - P55 UI 01 [22]Live Components NY - STUDY : HEXAGONAL WEAVING [23]ModeLab - Vb.Net | Subs/Functions/Recursion Intro. [24]ModeLab - Vb.Net | Iteration Intro. 10

[25]ModeLab - Vb.Net | Algorithmic Processes Intro. [26]PIXELWHORE - 3-axis CNC ’Weaving’ 1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/TSrhBFaxPEI/AAAAAAAAB5c/q7lWH5xUzr0/s1600/NEWS_059.jpg 2. http://thegeometryofbending.blogspot.com/2010/12/tape-worm-script.html 3. http://rhinoscriptingresources.blogspot.com/2010/12/new-scripting-language-for-rhino-python.html 4. http://geometrygym.blogspot.com/2010/12/bim-importing-ifc-to-grasshopper.html 5. http://geometrygym.blogspot.com/2010/12/ifc-shape-representations.html 6. http://www.data-tribe.net/wework4her/index.php?entry=entry101221-085547 7. http://www.digitalcrafting.dk/?p=1626 8. http://zaghloul4d.blogspot.com/2010/12/mantis-v02.html 9. http://eat-a-bug.blogspot.com/2011/01/data-extraction-of-real-estate-rents.html 10. http://eat-a-bug.blogspot.com/2010/12/advances-in-free-form-masonry.html 11. http://pandalabccc.blogspot.com/2010/12/pathform-by-grasshoppergrasshopper.html 12. http://pandalabccc.blogspot.com/2011/01/colortreeball-grasshopper.html 13. http://www.makeahybrid.org/2010/12/curve-pattern-generation/ 14. http://www.makeahybrid.org/2011/01/fold-expetriment/ 15. http://n-e-r-v-o-u-s.com/blog/?p=1176 16. http://neoarchaic.com/2010/12/choice-evan-douglis-studio/ 17. http://neoarchaic.com/2010/12/nic-nac/ 18. http://neoarchaic.com/2010/12/reval/ 19. http://neoarchaic.com/2010/12/flux/ 20. http://neoarchaic.net/2011/01/gh-excel-suite/ 21. http://madeincalifornia.blogspot.com/2011/01/p55-ui01.html 22. http://livecomponents-ny.com/2011/01/06/study-hexagonal-weaving/ 23. http://modelab.nu/?p=4133 24. http://modelab.nu/?p=4122 25. http://modelab.nu/?p=4106 26. http://www.pixelwhore.com/computation/3-axis-cnc-weaving/


’DigitAG& 2010’ e-book (2011-01-11 10:54)

[1] I collected all the 2010 links into a new pdf e-book! Hope it will be appreciated and useful. [2]Link to the ’DigitAG & 2010’ pdf 11

1. http://www.box.net/shared/e59gmtljdj 2. http://www.box.net/shared/e59gmtljdj


RhinoNest within Grasshopper (2011-01-12 13:54)

[1] [2]Link al post su GH forum [3]Link al video 1. http://www.grasshopper3d.com/forum/topics/rhinonest-within-grasshopper 2. http://www.grasshopper3d.com/forum/topics/rhinonest-within-grasshopper 3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KE1KFZeA62I


Joao Albuquerque | Architect (2011-01-13 09:25)

[1] Interessantissimo blog dell’architetto JOAO ALBUQUERQUE. ”This blog is an online repository of my work as an architect/designer. It displays projects developed over the past 5 years of practice, both as independent (freelance and Y Design Office) and office practice (BIG, MAD, ReD and MarcosandMarjan). This blog also exposes personal interests in computational systems that explore the emergence of design in architecture and other realms.” [2]Link al blog [3]Link al post ”CNC STAMP” [4]Link al post ”INTERLOCKING HEXAGONS” [5]Link al post ”BOXes” [6]Link al post ”PLAYNEST” 1. http://jnpalbuquerque.blogspot.com/ 2. http://jnpalbuquerque.blogspot.com/ 3. http://jnpalbuquerque.blogspot.com/2011/01/cnc-stamp.html 4. http://jnpalbuquerque.blogspot.com/2011/01/interlocking-hexagons.html 5. http://jnpalbuquerque.blogspot.com/2010/10/boxes.html 6. http://jnpalbuquerque.blogspot.com/2010/10/playnest.html



Algorism (2011-01-13 09:41)

[1] Blog di [2]shohei matsukawa e [3]yasushi sakai dedicato alla sperimentazione e all’uso di algoritmi in SketchUp tramite script in linguaggio Ruby. [4]Link al blog

1. http://synctokyo.org/algorism/ 2. http://www.000studio.com/main/works.php 3. http://yasushisakai.com/ 4. http://synctokyo.org/algorism/


MAST-STUDIO (2011-01-14 10:20)

[1] Sito dello studio danese MAST-STUDIO dove appaiono alcuni interessanti progetti e sperimentazioni. [2]Link al sito

1. http://www.mast-studio.net/ 2. http://www.mast-studio.net/



POINT CROWD (2011-01-17 16:43)

[1] ”The window for Rhino Script workshop Using [2]Python at MIT” by [3]Ari Kardasis & Masoud Akbarzadeh. [4]Link al sito 1. http://www.pointcrowd.com/ 2. http://www.rhino3d.com/5/ironpython/index.html 3. http://www.pointcrowd.com/pages/bio.html 4. http://www.pointcrowd.com/


MOB-ILITY (2011-01-20 08:55)

[1] Interessantissimo blog di Sahar Fikouhi di cui raccomando i post: - [2]ARCHI-MATON - [3]Archi-Maton Application [4]Link al blog 1. http://saharfikouhi.blogspot.com/ 2. http://saharfikouhi.blogspot.com/2010/11/archi-maton.html 3. http://saharfikouhi.blogspot.com/2010/12/archi-maton-application.html 4. http://saharfikouhi.blogspot.com/


[1] 14

User Data Manager for Rhino (2011-01-20 09:10)

”The User Data Manager (UDM) plug-in for Rhinoceros 4.0 provides an easy management of any object data stored as object’s attributes. You can use it for example to store any object properties (material, color...) and filter your objects for selection.” [2]Link al sito 1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/TTfwex8WUWI/AAAAAAAAB68/GUSVo3Wa7mQ/s1600/udm.png 2. http://rhino3d-udm.blogspot.com/



2011 workshops wishlist (2011-01-21 09:25)

[1] Would you like to attend a [2]Co-de-iT workshop? Tell us where and when! We have set up a form for your preferences & It contains some proposals but we are happy to join you wherever and whenever you propose ! This bottom-up form is totally inspired by LaN ”LaN FORECAST WINTER 20113 [3]Link to ”Co-de-iT 2011 workshops wishlist” 1. http://www.co-de-it.com/wordpress/co-de-it-2011-workshops-wishlist.html 2. http://www.co-de-it.com/ 3. http://www.co-de-it.com/wordpress/co-de-it-2011-workshops-wishlist.html


Living Light [pavilion] (2011-01-21 11:22)

[1] ”Living Light is a building facade of the future that displays air quality and public interest in the environment. It is a permanent outdoor pavilion in Peace Park, across from World Cup Stadium in Seoul, Korea.” [2]Link to website 1. http://www.livinglightseoul.net/ 2. http://www.livinglightseoul.net/



DUMO (2011-01-24 10:28)

[1] �Dumo is a young, emerging study of architecture, engineering and research currently based in Barcelona. Is focused on finding new forms of experimental design and processes of new material practices. Their projects and initiatives intended to use new technologies for exploring: data management in architecture, programming of new design tools, more efficient materials and systems for an architecture consistent with our time.� [2]Link al blog 1. http://dumo.tumblr.com/ 2. http://dumo.tumblr.com/


DAAP Community Wiki - Digital Fabrication Links (2011-01-28 16:48)

[1] Collettore di risorse completo ed aggiornato inerente sia la digital fabrication che lo scripting. [2]Link al sito 1. http://wiki.daap.uc.edu/groups/daap/wiki/98515/ 2. http://wiki.daap.uc.edu/groups/daap/wiki/98515/



NEWS 060 (2011-01-31 15:30)

[1] [2]thispointon - truss demo [3]thispointon - Rhino, Ansys&..Grasshopper [4]Interactive Environments minor - more Minor images [5]Interactive Environments minor - Building the fish [6]P &Alab - PANDA MASS(Maya Mel) [7]P &Alab - PANDA MASS 02l(Maya Mel) [8]ModeLab - Processing | Introduction pt.3 [9]ModeLab - Firefly | Interaction [10]the geometry of bending - Tapeworm script with sliders [11]LMNts - DIY Glowflake [12]Design Reform - Rhino Grasshopper - External Solar Shade [13]a-ngine - [MAX] - getHigh [14]Generative Design - Design by DLLs [15]Generative Design - What is generative design ? [16]Grasshopper Resources - many posts [17]Ben Coorey - Self Organising Spaces [18]parametric model - ”many new components” [19]Heumann Design/Tech - New Components, ParametricModel.com [20]Blog Binturong - many posts & GH tutorials [21]MadeInCalifornia - P55 + PeasyCam [22]@[uto] - Geco for Grasshopper 08 update v1.0.19.0 [23]make a hybrid - Bamboo pattern [24]digital crafting - Workshop 4 report [25]biothing - Phosphorescence Pop Music Centre Kaohsiung Taiwan [26]urban future organization - particles for GH3D 101: part 4 (networks) [27]eat a bug - Fabrication of Carlo Borer’s Sculpture 1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/TUbImOW5IPI/AAAAAAAAB_M/4kaXxN2qLf0/s1600/NEWS_060.jpg 2. http://www.thispointon.com/?p=401 3. http://www.thispointon.com/?p=409 4. http://studiolab.ide.tudelft.nl/ie/?p=1126 5. http://studiolab.ide.tudelft.nl/ie/?p=1157 6. http://pandalabccc.blogspot.com/2011/01/pandamassmaya-mel.html 7. http://pandalabccc.blogspot.com/2011/01/pandamass02lmaya-mel.html 8. http://modelab.nu/?p=4147 9. http://modelab.nu/?p=4195 10. http://thegeometryofbending.blogspot.com/2011/01/tapeworm-script-with-md-slider_15.html 11. http://lmnts.lmnarchitects.com/fabrication/diyglowflake/ 12. http://designreform.net/2011/01/rhino-grasshopper-external-solar-shade/ 13. http://www.a-ngine.com/2011/01/max-gethigh.html 14. http://generativedesign.wordpress.com/2011/01/22/design-by-dlls/ 15. http://generativedesign.wordpress.com/2011/01/29/what-is-generative-desing/ 16. http://grasshopperresources.blogspot.com/ 17. http://www.bencoorey.com/2011/01/self-organising-spaces/ 18. http://www.parametricmodel.com/


19. http://heumanndesigntech.wordpress.com/2011/01/27/new-components-parametricmodel-com/ 20. http://www.atelierbinturong.com/ 21. http://madeincalifornia.blogspot.com/2011/01/p55-peasycam.html 22. http://utos.blogspot.com/2011/01/geco-for-grasshopper-08-update-v10190.html 23. http://www.makeahybrid.org/2011/01/bamboo-pattern/ 24. http://www.digitalcrafting.dk/?p=1671 25. http://www.biothing.org/?p=421 26. http://www.au-urbanfuture.org/blog/?p=1543 27. http://eat-a-bug.blogspot.com/2011/01/fabrication-of-carlo-borers-sculpture.html

1.2 1.2.1

February Co-de-iT - ”Moltitudine - Power of the many” GH workshop - Firenze - 25-27 feb 2011 (2011-02-02 09:27)

[1] Parametric Strategies workshop series Moltitudine Power of the many Grasshopper Advanced workshop Firenze 25-27 febbraio 2011 Tutors: Alessio Erioli + Andrea Graziano [.] Descrizione Moltitudine power of the many è un corso advanced level che studia la produzione di effetti complessi a partire dalla modellazione di comportamenti semplici su un insieme strutturato con un numero alto di elementi. Attraverso un approccio generico e scaleless sarà possibile affrontare la tematica generale su più fronti e in una molteplicità di declinazioni possibili. Il corso è rivolto a chi,indipendentemente dal proprio background (urbanistica, architettura, ingegneria, design, arte o altro) già possiede una esperienza di base con Rhinoceros e Grasshopper, e desidera sviluppare aspetti di gestione avanzata del flusso di articolato di informazioni attraverso una strategia guidata basata su esempi pratici e sull’implementazione di un progetto personale sul tema generale del ”field behaviour”. Sarà trattato anche l’utilizzo di alcuni plug-ins quali gHowl e WeaverBird. Il numero dei partecipanti è fissato a un massimo di 20 per offrire un tutoraggio proficuo ed una effettiva esperienza di learning ad ogni iscritto. [.] Temi: teoria . complessità, emergence, effetti di campo (field behaviour), sensibilità, efficienza multiperformance tecnica . dati:gestione e manipolazione avanzata del data tree, streaming e visualizzazione; transizione, blending e modulazione delle geometrie; generazione e controllo multiperformance di popolazioni di componenti; attrattori, drivers e tecniche di modulazione avanzate; uso delle mesh con WeaverBird; ottimizzazione con Galapagos [.] Dettagli : Tutors: Alessio Erioli + Andrea Graziano Co-de-iT Si richiede esperienza di base nella modellazione in Rhino (equivalente a Rhino training Level 1, il Level 2 è gradito la documentazione per il training è disponibile gratuita18

mente all’indirizzo: [2]http://download.rhino3d.com/download.asp?id=Rhino4Training &language=it) e nell’uso di Grasshopper (la suddivisione di una superficie NURBS in componenti tramite isotrim è data come base assodata) . luogo: IreCoop via Vasco De Gama 27 Firenze . durata: 25-27 febbraio 2010 3 giornate consecutive orario 9:00 18:00 . costo: professionisti 450.00 ¬ studenti 280.00 ¬ . note: scadenza iscrizioni: 20 febbraio 2010 il corso sarà attivato con un numero minimo di 15 iscritti al termine sarà rilasciato un attestato di frequenza gli iscritti dovrano venire muniti dei propri laptop con software installato. una versione free per 30 giorni è disponibile sul sito [3]www.rhino3d.com . contatti: iscrizioni + info alloggi: [4]www.irecooptoscana.it (Cosa offriamo > formazione > altri corsi) ”applications page will be available soon” info sul corso: info@co-de-it.com 1.


jpg 2. http://download.rhino3d.com/download.asp?id=Rhino4Training&language=it 3. http://www.rhino3d.com/ 4. http://www.irecooptoscana.it/


Rhino + (2011-02-09 12:35)

[1] ”Rhino+ is a new site where you can find Rhino commands that are simple but increase your work efficiency. They are free to download and use.” [2]Link al sito 1. http://www.rhino-plus.kaga-sozo.co.jp/index.html 2. http://www.rhino-plus.kaga-sozo.co.jp/index.html


Ming3D (2011-02-09 12:37)

[1] Sito del Prof. Ming Tang, [2]Assistant Professor at School of Architecture and Interior Design, University 19

of Cincinnati. Numerosissime risorse al suo interno. [3]Link al sito 1. http://ming3d.com/ 2. http://www.daap.uc.edu/said/ 3. http://ming3d.com/


Digital Design & Computation (2011-02-09 12:48)

[1] Una �tutorial library� inerente numerosi software redatta dal Prof. Ming Tang. [2]Link al blog 1. http://ming3d.com/videotutorial/ 2. http://ming3d.com/videotutorial/


[n]igma (2011-02-11 07:51)

[1] Sito del designer Luis Quinones di cui consiglio la visione dei lavori nella categoria Code Research. [2]Link al sito 1. http://luisquinonesdesign.com/ 2. http://luisquinonesdesign.com/



Spatial Slur (2011-02-11 08:02)

[1] Blog con alcune interessanti sperimentazioni. [2]Link al blog 1. http://spatial-slur.blogspot.com/ 2. http://spatial-slur.blogspot.com/


AA Istanbul Visiting School 2011 (2011-02-11 08:08)

[1] In spring 2011, the AA will hold its first Istanbul Global School in collaboration with Istanbul Technical University. This 10 day long intensive team-based workshop, taught by recent AA graduates/ AA staff, will explore tall structures through vertical growth algorithms by focusing on local crafts. The parametric toolset for the studios will be Rhino, Grasshopper, scripting within Grasshopper using VB.net, and Processing. The exploration of diverse parametric platforms and their associated outcomes will enable the participants to grasp the discrete approaches taken towards parametric design. The students are expected to organize themselves into teams of 3-4 people. After a brief common module that introduces students to Rhino, Grasshopper, Processing, and a scripting crash course, the studio will be split into units, focusing on the same objectives with different briefs. Invited lecturers include Patrik Schumacher (Partner/ Zaha Hadid Architects), and Michael Weinstock (Director, AA Emtech Programme). During workshop visits and sessions, students will benefit from getting a hands-on experience towards the integration of analog and digital tools in a context specific brief. Being the integration of crafts and computation, latest fabrication techniques will be explored based on specific briefs. Model making and the testing of different digital fabrication methods will be integral to the core of the course throughout the workshop. The course will take advantage of Istanbul s geographic and historical diversity by organizing tours to different parts of the city. The unique artistic and historical periods of Istanbul will be explored through its crafts. In accordance with the team work carried out in studios, a series of seminars and lectures relating to computational design and Istanbul s contemporary architecture will be organized. The deadline for applications is 18 March 2011. A late deadline of 1 April 2011 is also in effect, but this 21

will incur a £50 surcharge. Application forms and additional information are available online at: [2]www.aaschool.ac.uk/istanbul and applications can be submitted to: [3]visitingschool@aaschool.ac.uk The microsite for the AA Istanbul Visiting School is: [4]http://istanbul.aaschool.ac.uk/ 1.


jpg 2. http://www.aaschool.ac.uk/istanbul 3. mailto:visitingschool@aaschool.ac.uk 4. http://istanbul.aaschool.ac.uk/


(C)ODE-(C)OLLECTIVE (2011-02-16 09:24)

[1] ”(C)ODE-(C)OLLECTIVE: GH + Digital Script + Code Collective is a collection forum for Grasshopper, Rhino, Parametric Modeling, and other digital design tools, which pose as an educational and developing archive site to formulate the critical utility of digital tools.” [2]Link 1. http://code-collective.org/ 2. http://code-collective.org/


WE-DESIGNS.ORG (2011-02-16 09:58)

[1] ”WE-DESIGNS.ORG is an international multi-disciplinary creative group. As a developmental and collaborative team of creatives (architectural + design) individuals, all our designs are established within the 22

international standard, detailed orientated, quality within multiple design functions, but not limited to: material research, alternative fabrication methods, sound design, interactive installation, architectural, urban planning, and research-based design schemes.” [2] Link

1. http://www.we-designs.org/ 2. http://www.we-designs.org/


C.A.S.T. - The Centre for Architectural Structures and Technology (2011-02-16 10:02)

[1] ”The Centre for Architectural Structures and Technology is an architectural research laboratory that embraces both the poetic and technical dimensions of architectural design. The work of C.A.S.T. seeks new boundaries for creative thought, design, and building technology. We do this work through physical explorations of materials, tools and building methods, the study of natural law, and the free play of imagination.” [2]Link

1. http://www.umanitoba.ca/faculties/architecture/cast/index.html 2. http://www.umanitoba.ca/faculties/architecture/cast/index.html


1.3 1.3.1

March ”Generative Algorithms - Concepts and Experiments: Porous Shell” by Zubin Khabazi (2011-03-01 15:55)

[1] Nuovo manuale rilasciato da Zubin Khabazi [2]link al post 1. http://morphogenesism.blogspot.com/2011/02/generative-algorithmsconcepts-and.html 2. http://morphogenesism.blogspot.com/2011/02/generative-algorithmsconcepts-and.html


NEWS 061 (2011-03-03 14:11)

[1] [2]Arquitectura & Programacion - Who is using Rhinoscripting / Grasshopper? [3]Blog Binturong - Lazycutting Grasshopper Component Update [4]Blog Binturong - Lazycutter all wrapped up [5]Blog Binturong - How to use the Lazycutter [6]Generative Design - What CAD companies mean by generative design [7]Generative Design - Code against Code: a Darwinian theory of software development? [8]Generative Design - Nature of Order [9]the technology of sustainable design - form follows performance [10]Thomas Buseck - structuralDesignM Final [11]Live Components NY - 7 1 MINIMAL SURFACE MODULE [12]Live Components NY - 7 2 MINIMAL SURFACE PANELING [13]Tectonicas Digitales - Unfolding polygons definition [14]ParaMod.net - Folding tutorial uses assembly model [15]paraPATRICists - x + y = boat + villa [16]P &Alab - FractalBall (Processing) [17]Simon Schleicher’s Blog - Curved-line folding analysis through FE simulation 24

[18]a-ngine - [MSc1] - C:Strip [19]The proving ground - Introduction: USC Arch 517 Galapagos Course [20]nervous system - making an awesome tradeshow booth attempt #2 [21]Responsives Architectures - [Open Energy Simulation] [22]Cerver.org - Grasshopper Parametric Schoen F-RD [23]Cerver.org - Reactavision for GC [24]Cerver.org - Kangaroo for GC Public Release 1 [25]AA EMTECH - AA-ETH Pavillion 2011 [26]Rhinoscripting resources - Archive: Rhino Python By Ari Kardasis and Masoud Akbarzadeh [27]digital toolbox - what does a brick want to be [28]archimorph - HAIRS [29]blog4ofseven - 1011M4 SZ [30]blog4ofseven - 1011M4 RJ [31]Geometry Gym - IFC Generating Quantity Measurements [32]Geometry Gym - GH to GSA Finite Elements from Area and Regions [33]Geometry Gym - SCIA and Grasshopper [34]eat a bug - Rhumblr - Blogging from Rhino to Tumblr [35]atelier ngai - AMPS Mockup [36]atelier ngai - Ecophysiological Architecture [37]dfabnus - Lattice Domes [38]dfabnus - P1 exercise: Building Radial ribs from Revolved Surface [39]dfabnus - P2: Interlocks [40]dfabnus - Solar Exposure Responsive Sun Shades [41]dfabnus - P2: Fragments [42]dfabnus - mass-customized voronoi grid system [43]dfabnus - grasshopper density exploration (octree) [44]eat a bug - Carlo Borer’s Sculpture ’422’ Completed [45]The geometry of bending - Try the Tapeworm [46]The geometry of bending - Bending simulation in Kangaroo [47]The geometry of bending - Kangaroo Physics ”Drop shape” [48]The geometry of bending - Realtime curvature analysis of a Kangaroo bending curve [49]The geometry of bending - Kangaroo Bending + Reactivision 1. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-lLefGETUPK8/TW-ViXCRlNI/AAAAAAAACA8/GKqIgrbjMRk/s1600/NEWS_061.jpg 2. http://arquitecturayprogramacion.blogspot.com/2011/02/who-is-using-rhinoscripting-grasshopper.html 3. http://www.atelierbinturong.com/2011/02/lazycutting-grasshopper-component.html 4. http://www.atelierbinturong.com/2011/02/lazycutter-all-wrapped-up.html 5. http://www.atelierbinturong.com/2011/02/how-to-use-lazycutter.html 6. http://generativedesign.wordpress.com/2011/02/03/what-cad-companies-mean-by-generative-design/ 7. http://generativedesign.wordpress.com/2011/02/12/darwinian-theory-of-software-development/#more-1357 8. http://generativedesign.wordpress.com/2011/02/27/nature-of-order/ 9. http://alexwebb.com/2011/02/02/form-follows-performance/ 10. http://thomasbuseck.blogspot.com/2011/02/structuraldesignmfinal.html 11. http://livecomponents-ny.com/2011/02/06/8_1-minimal-surface-module/ 12. http://livecomponents-ny.com/2011/02/06/7_2-minimal-surface-paneling/ 13. http://www.tectonicasdigitales.com/?p=116 14. http://paramod2.blogspot.com/2011/02/folding-tutorial-uses-assembly-model.html 15. http://parapatricists.blogspot.com/2011/02/x-y-boat-villa.html 16. http://pandalabccc.blogspot.com/2011/02/fractalball-processing.html 17. http://simonschleicher.wordpress.com/2011/02/14/curved-line-folding-analysis-through-fe-simulation/ 18. http://www.a-ngine.com/2011/02/msc1-cstrip.html 19. http://nmillerarch.blogspot.com/2011/02/introduction-usc-arch-517-course.html 20. http://n-e-r-v-o-u-s.com/blog/?p=1292 21. http://blog.francastillo.net/?p=671


22. http://www.cerver.org/?p=432 23. http://www.cerver.org/?p=456 24. http://www.cerver.org/?page_id=470 25. http://emtech.aaschool.ac.uk/2011/02/16/aaethpavillion/ 26. http://rhinoscriptingresources.blogspot.com/2011/02/archive-rhinopython-by-ari-kardasis-and.html 27. http://digitaltoolbox.info/blog/what-does-a-brick-want-to-be/ 28. http://archimorph.wordpress.com/2011/02/15/hairs/ 29. http://blog.4ofseven.com/1011m4-course/3401/ 30. http://blog.4ofseven.com/1011m4-course/1011m4-rj/ 31. http://geometrygym.blogspot.com/2011/02/ifc-generating-quantity-measurements.html 32. http://geometrygym.blogspot.com/2011/02/gh-to-gsa-finite-elements-from-area-and.html 33. http://geometrygym.blogspot.com/2011/02/scia-and-grasshopper.html 34. http://eat-a-bug.blogspot.com/2011/02/rhumblr-blogging-from-rhino-to-tumblr.html 35. http://www.tedngai.net/experiments/amps-mockup.html 36. http://www.tedngai.net/teaching/ecophysiological-architecture.html 37. http://dfabnus.wordpress.com/2011/02/22/lattice-domes/ 38. http://dfabnus.wordpress.com/2011/02/18/p1-exercise-building-radial-ribs-from-revolved-surface/ 39. http://dfabnus.wordpress.com/2011/02/18/p2-interlocks/ 40. http://dfabnus.wordpress.com/2011/02/15/solar-exposure-responsive-sun-shades/ 41. http://dfabnus.wordpress.com/2011/02/13/p2-fragments/ 42. http://dfabnus.wordpress.com/2011/02/10/mass-customized-voronoi-grid-system/ 43. http://dfabnus.wordpress.com/2011/02/09/grasshopper-density-exploration-octree/ 44. http://eat-a-bug.blogspot.com/2011/03/carlo-borers-sculpture-422-completed.html 45. http://thegeometryofbending.blogspot.com/2011/02/try-tapeworm.html 46. http://thegeometryofbending.blogspot.com/2011/02/bending-simulation-in-kangaroo.html 47. http://thegeometryofbending.blogspot.com/2011/02/kangaroo-physics-drop-shape.html 48. http://thegeometryofbending.blogspot.com/2011/02/realtime-curvature-analysis-of-kangaroo.html 49. http://thegeometryofbending.blogspot.com/2011/02/kangaroo-bending-reactivision.html


[AGENTWARE] workshop (2011-03-04 11:02)

[1] [2]Agentware is a seven-days workshop in Rovinj, Croatia. Its focus is generative algorithmic design, in particular multi-agent computational systems that can read external feedback for applications in complex design ecologies. The workshop will be followed by a two-day symposium entitled Proto/e/co/logics. The symposium will bind together ideas of speculative realism in philosophy, expanding developments in science and shifting modes of production as it pertains to design, towards a redefinition of materiality and adaptation in complex environments. Invited speakers include Slavoj Zizek, Wolf Prix, Reza Negarestani, Olafur Eliasson, Sanford Kwinter, Francois Roche, Sylvia Lavin, Ed Keller, Tom Kovac, Adrian Lahoud, Brett Steele, Jeff Kipnis, Yoshiharu Tsukamoto, Usman Haque and others. Imminent future developments within still largely untouched stretches of Adriatic Coast offer opportunities for speculative approaches to ecological in architecture, going beyond innocent and reductive approaches to ecology as in notions of sustainability” and ”green”. In relation to increased computational intelligence with the introduction of adaptive agent-based systems and large data sets in architecture, 26

the workshop will explore rewriting material and organizational protocols within design and planning sequences, towards larger sensitivity to host ecologies. Speculative agent-based proposals will be tested through pilot locations found within rich cultural and natural resources of Istria. During the workshop participants will gain access to Biothing’s extensive code library consisting of advanced code sequences accumulated through Biothing’s professional and academic research (at the AA, Columbia and Pratt Institute). Participants will engage closely with the rich ecology of computational resources and explicit strategies for cross-breeding code within the design process. Outputs of the workshop will become part of an exhibition initially presented to local developers and visiting international design critics, after which it will travel to other locations. APPLICATIONS The deadline for applications is 8 July 2011. A late deadline of 22 July 2011 is also in effect, but this will incur a £50 surcharge. Application forms and additional information are available online at:[3] www.aaschool.ac.uk/rovinj and applications can be submitted to: visitingschool@aaschool.ac.uk. All participants traveling from abroad are responsible for securing any visa required, and are advised to contact their home embassy early. After payment of fees, the AA can provide a letter confirming participation in the workshop. SCHEDULE & VENUE The school runs from 30 July to 5 August, followed by a two-day symposium and will be hosted at Hotel Park in Rovinj. MORE INFORMATION Programme Directors Alisa Andrasek Jose Manuel Sanchez Visiting School Director Christopher Pierce Visiting School Coordinator Sandra Sanna [4]Link to website 1. http://www.genware.org/agentware/blog/ 2. http://www.genware.org/agentware/blog/ 3. http://www.aaschool.ac.uk/rovinj 4. http://www.genware.org/agentware/blog/


Dreamation Workshop (2011-03-04 18:09)

[1] Blog di Victor Leung di cui segnalo il post ”[2]2D Wood Bending with Teeth for CNC”. [3]Link al blog 1. http://www.dreamationworks.com/ 2. http://www.dreamationworks.com/?p=346 3. http://www.dreamationworks.com/



GH kinect (2011-03-07 10:36)

[1] ”precedent, progress and potentials in the kinect + grasshopper mashup” [2]link al blog

1. http://ghkinect.blogspot.com/ 2. http://ghkinect.blogspot.com/


VITRUALITY (2011-03-07 14:00)

[1] ”Vitruality is a website and blog owned and maintained by Paul N Jeffries. Paul is a structural engineer and programmer specialising in advanced computational design techniques. He works in London for Arup Associates and also teaches a course on algorithmic approaches to architecture at the Architectural Association.” [2]link al blog

1. http://www.vitruality.com/ 2. http://www.vitruality.com/



Organicités (2011-03-07 14:19)

[1] ”This site documents the research and design activities of the [2]Ras Al-Khaimah studio, part of the Organicités masters-level architectural option studios offered by the Media x Design Lab at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne.” [3]Link al sito 1. http://design.epfl.ch/organicites/2010b/ 2. http://design.epfl.ch/organicites/2010b/what 3. http://design.epfl.ch/organicites/2010b/


MRGD (2011-03-08 12:29)

[1] ”MRGD is a design research collaboration of young architects MELIKE ALTINISIK, SAMER CHAMOUN and DANIEL WIDRIG dedicated to developing an innovative approach towards architecture, urbanism and design. Since it was founded in 2004, MRGD researches on various parametric design tools exploring in parallel the ideas of form finding, self organization and digital manufacturing.” [2]Link al blog via [3]Davide del Giudice 1. http://studio.mrgd.co.uk/ 2. http://studio.mrgd.co.uk/ 3. http://madeincalifornia.blogspot.com/



100.000 (2011-03-08 13:48)

[1] Thanks very much to everyone of you !!! 1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-lVpCVO06NfA/TXYl3_CjVAI/AAAAAAAACB0/2xqjTtauap4/s1600/100000.jpg


Digital [Sub]stance (2011-03-09 15:35)

[1] ”Digital [Sub]stance is a platform developed to host and promote an interdisciplinary approach on Architecture, initiated by Marios Tsiliakos in 2010. The primary aim of Digital [Sub]stance is to provide a synergetic logic between Architecture, Design and Computation while enabling the exploration and experimentation on computational-based approaches related the latest developments in generative design. Digital [Sub]stance’s content will be populated by Designs, Ongoing Research, Code, Tutorials and Issues regarding morphogenetic techniques, associative modeling, self-organizational systems, artificial intelligence, biomimetics and physical computing.” [2]Link al blog 1. http://digitalsubstance.wordpress.com/ 2. http://digitalsubstance.wordpress.com/


i-TAC | Intro to Technically Advanced Construction (2011-03-09 15:37)

[1] The new format of the i-TAC course offers the opportunity to limited number of students and professionals (10 seats available) to participate only to the first phase of the course, for a total period of four weeks. This option, which is to implement the original teaching formative offer, is called i-TAC, or Intro to Technically Advanced Construction. Those wishing to attend only the first phase of the program will be able to accurately investigate a series of innovative theoretical approaches (design strategies, emergent systems and self-organization, information theory, computation material, and form finding) in an integrated specific software environment. 30

i-TAC will be held from April 4 to May 7, 2011, and includes the first four weeks of teaching: - Evan Greenberg [AA London, EmTech] - Christina Doumpioti [AA London, EmTech] - Matias del Campo [SPAN Architects] - Sandra Manninger [SPAN Architects] - Oliver Tessmann [Bollinger + Grohmann] COST: The cost of i-TAC is ÂŹ 2000. APPLICATION: To apply send an email to apply.tac@polimi.it enclosing the [2]application module by March 28, 2011. [3]Link to i-TAC webpage [4]Link to TAC website

1. http://www.tac.polimi.it/i_TAC_short_formula.html 2. http://www.tac.polimi.it/downloads/TAC_application_form.pdf 3. http://www.tac.polimi.it/i_TAC_short_formula.html 4. http://www.tac.polimi.it/


crisp and fuzzy (2011-03-10 10:22)

[1] Blog di [2]Kristina Schinegger e [3]Stefan Rutzinger con alcune interessanti sperimentazioni. [4]Link al blog

1. http://www.crispandfuzzy.com/ 2. http://www.crispandfuzzy.com/?page_id=116 3. http://www.crispandfuzzy.com/?page_id=215 4. http://www.crispandfuzzy.com/



Elise Elsacker (2011-03-10 10:30)

[1] Interessantissimo blog di Elise Elsacker di cui segnalo sia le sperimentazioni ”[2]Kinect & Grasshopper” che lo sviluppo del ”[3]Kinetic Pavilion” fatto in collaborazione con [4]Yannick Bontinckx. [5]Link al blog [6]Link al sito ”Kinetic Pavilion” [7]Link al blog di Yannick Bontinckx[8] 1. http://eliseelsacker.wordpress.com/ 2. http://eliseelsacker.wordpress.com/2011/02/19/kinect-grasshopper/ 3. http://www.kineticpavilion.com/ 4. http://yannick.bontinckx.be/blog/ 5. http://eliseelsacker.wordpress.com/ 6. http://www.kineticpavilion.com/ 7. http://yannick.bontinckx.be/blog/ 8. http://yannick.bontinckx.be/blog/


DigiBAG - support DigitAG& trip to LaN-Flight (2011-03-11 12:45)

[1] Yesterday talking with [2]Monika Wittig ... she said to me ”would be great to have you joining our [3]LaN-Flight” and i replied as a joke ”i could make a paypal widget to support my trip”. Thus the joke became real and she did the ”JOIN LaNFLIGHT or DONATE for live feed by DigitAG &” paypal. Using it you can join LaN-Flight with a special ”DigitAG &” discount or directly support my travel to USA for the first DigitAG & on site live report of the event. Actually we are focusing on ”more digital <> more physical” issue .... trying to explore the physical-real emergent effects of increasing digital interactions. 32

This maybe can be a good test for it! So if you want to join the [4]LaN-Flight or support this first attempt ......”push the Pay Now button on the side ”!!! 1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-eS9DepyXYx8/TXoMVMwKOJI/AAAAAAAACCc/LmxSxqDKTKk/s1600/DigiBAG.png 2. http://www.livearchitecture.net/monika 3. http://www.livearchitecture.net/lanflight 4. http://livearchitecture.net/lanflight


Jenny Sabin (2011-03-20 12:03)

[1] ”This site features the work and research of Jenny E. Sabin, an architectural designer, artist and educator. Her research, teaching and design practice focus on the contextual, material and formal intersections between architecture, computation and science. ” [2]Link al blog 1. http://jennysabin.com/ 2. http://jennysabin.com/


I Eat Bugs For Breakfast (2011-03-23 11:44)

[1] The new blog of [2]David Rutten ! (It doesn’t needs other words) [3]Link 1. http://ieatbugsforbreakfast.wordpress.com/ 2. http://www.grasshopper3d.com/profile/DavidRutten 3. http://ieatbugsforbreakfast.wordpress.com/



Buro Happold SMART Solutions (2011-03-23 11:51)

[1] ”[2]SMART Solutions Network is a social media site for anyone engaged with the built environment and interested in the latest computational technologies to solve complex architectural, planning, engineering, and fabrication problems.” Check out the just released beta versions of: [3]SMART Form: the real time form finding and sculptural design tool [4]SMART Move VIZ: crowd modelling tool 1. http://smartsolutions.ning.com/ 2. http://smartsolutions.ning.com/ 3. http://smartsolutions.ning.com/profiles/blogs/smart-form-beta 4. http://smartsolutions.ning.com/profiles/blogs/smart-move-viz-beta


Breaking the blanks (2011-03-23 12:11)

[1] ”A few unorganized thoughts about parametric design in Grasshopper and Bentley GenerativeComponents.” [2]Link 1. http://breakingtheblanks.blogspot.com/ 2. http://breakingtheblanks.blogspot.com/



XXL workshop 2011 - TU Delft (2011-03-28 11:28)

[1] ”The XXL Workshop is an elective course held at the Faculty of Architecture of Delft University of Technology. It is concerned with the design, computation, engineering, and production of a horizontal large span building structure. This design process is done as a collaborative digital design in a multidisciplinary group of students in which each student has his/her own different responsibility. The collaborative digital design requires an integrated 3D approach based on BIM (Building Information Modeling) principles, performance analysis, and file to factory processes.” [2]Link 1. http://xxl2011.blogspot.com/ 2. http://xxl2011.blogspot.com/


adapa - adapting architecture (2011-03-28 11:44)

[1] ”ADAPA is a cross disciplinary company where the focus is on adapting technology and materials that have untapped potentials into an architectural context. We are a small research based architectural practice, where we use research both to reposition ourselves and simultaneously to create projects that give us a completely different approach than other architectural firms. We believe that the ability to design free, affordable and sustainable lies in the ability to understand and make full use of the latest technologies and production methods and introduce them as the basis for modern architecture. ”We make advanced architecture available to building partners by rationalising designs in synergy with digital technologies and modern production techniques” ADAPA was founded by Mathias Kræmmergaard Kristensen and Christian Raun in summer 2010.” [2] Link 1. http://adapa.dk/ 2. http://adapa.dk/



PROJECTiONE (2011-03-28 17:28)

[1] ”1. a collaborative; a network engaging cooperative relationships between analog and digital in design and fabrication. 2. a new understanding of tools, processes, methods that reveals innovative solutions to design problems and expressions of craft.” [2]Link

1. http://www.projectione.com/ 2. http://www.projectione.com/


Rhino.Python Programmer’s Reference (2011-03-30 14:57)

[1] [2]Link 1. http://www.rhino3d.com/5/ironpython/index.html 2. http://www.rhino3d.com/5/ironpython/index.html



Responsive Acoustical Surf (2011-03-30 15:31)

[1] Smart geometry - ”Responsive Acoustic Surfacing” blog [2]Link [3]Link to ”Virtual Anechoic Chamber” video 1. http://www.responsive-a-s-c.com/ 2. http://www.responsive-a-s-c.com/ 3. http://vimeo.com/21491775


NEWS 062 (2011-03-31 15:46)

[1] [2]neoarchaic - Adobe ASE to Grasshopper CMYK / RGB [3]P &Alab - photoGraph Che Guevara ( processing ) [4]SoftRigid - The Dynamic Performance of Nature 06 [5]arch:digital - My first attemps to the Genetic Algorithms [6]S:YUAN - SWARM ORNAMENT [7]JOAO ALBUQUERQUE - LampSYSTEM [8]the geometry of bending - Work by Maarten Kuijvenhoven and Matthijs Toussaint [9]the geometry of bending - Kangaroo Curvature Analysis [10]LMNts - PDX Video: ScriptJigs [11]object-e architecture - Thess Bic Seat EEE? [12]spatial slur - Duals [13]Ben Coorey - Grasshopper Reading Values from Excel: Part 1 [14]Ben Coorey - Grasshopper Reading Values from Excel: Part 2 [15]Ben Coorey - Smart Geometry 2011: Creating Variable Behaviours [16]Ben Coorey - Smart Geometry 2011: Development of Parametric Rig [17]neoarchaic.net - many new posts [18]GH kinect - OSCeleton GHowl Kinect Grasshopper [19]GH Kinect - Install for OSCeleton [20]GH Kinect - Kinect OSCeleton to GH test-01 [21]Geometry Gym - Grasshopper-GSA Form Finding and Structural Analysis [22]Geometry Gym - Galapagas and GSA solver 37

[23]Geometry Gym - GH GSA Form Finding Tesegrity [24]AA Emtech - many new posts [25]Vitruality - AADRL Term 2 - Class 6: Genetic Algorithms [26]P &Alab - StringPattern (Arduino + Servo) [27]SEED - Avances: Investigaci贸n Algoritmos para la construcci贸n con ca帽a mediterranea [28]SEED - CANE STRUCTURES WITH FEM [29]urban future organization - sustainable pavilion + parametric versioning [30]Cerver.org - Kangaroo for GC R2 and RecTIVision for GC [31]@ [ u t o ] - Geco for Grasshopper 08 update v1.0.21.0 [32]Heumann Design/Tech - More Grasshopper-Enabled Drawing [33]Heumann Design/Tech - Unfolding Surface Strips [34]I Eat Bugs For Breakfast - Colours Everywhere [35]Legil Design - Grasshopper Basics [36]Legil Design - Curve Branching [37]Legil Design - Recursion RhinoScript [38]Legil Design - Darboux Curve Evolution [39]Legil Design - Rhombic Disphenoid [40]Legil Design - Facade-O-Matic! [41]MadeInCalifornia - many new posts [42][n]Codon - Shingles flow [43][n]igma - Mr. Blue Balls [44]Digital Fabrication in Architecture Group - Lounge + Workshop Extension [45]StudioMode - many new posts 1. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-4FluUHTvzWA/TZSHe9jm7aI/AAAAAAAACDs/rCmzr2rvI0M/s1600/NEWS_062.jpg 2. http://neoarchaic.net/2011/02/adobe-ase-to-grasshopper-cmyk-rgb/ 3. http://pandalabccc.blogspot.com/2011/03/photograph-processing.html 4. http://softrigid.com/2011/03/04/the-dynamic-performance-of-nature_06/ 5. http://archdigital.blogspot.com/2010/12/my-first-attemps-to-genetic-algorithms.html 6. http://yuan322002.blogspot.com/2011/03/proto-architecture-swarm-ornament.html 7. http://jnpalbuquerque.blogspot.com/2011/03/lampsystem.html 8. http://thegeometryofbending.blogspot.com/2011/03/work-by-maarten-kuijvenhoven-and.html 9. http://thegeometryofbending.blogspot.com/2011/03/kangaroo-curvature-analysis.html 10. http://lmnts.lmnarchitects.com/parametrics/pdx-video-scriptjigs/ 11. http://object-e.blogspot.com/2011/03/thess-bic-seat-eee.html 12. http://spatial-slur.blogspot.com/2011/03/duals.html 13. http://www.bencoorey.com/2011/03/grasshopper-reading-values-from-excel-part-1/ 14. http://www.bencoorey.com/2011/03/grasshopper-reading-values-from-excel-part-2/ 15. http://www.bencoorey.com/2011/03/smart-geometry-2011-creating-variable-behaviours/ 16. http://www.bencoorey.com/2011/03/smart-geometry-2011-development-of-parametric-rig/ 17. http://neoarchaic.net/ 18. http://ghkinect.blogspot.com/2011/03/osceleton-ghowl-kinect-grasshopper.html 19. http://ghkinect.blogspot.com/2011/03/install-for-osceleton.html 20. http://ghkinect.blogspot.com/2011/03/kinectosceletontoghtest-01.html 21. http://geometrygym.blogspot.com/2011/03/grasshopper-gsa-form-finding-and.html 22. http://geometrygym.blogspot.com/2011/03/galapagas-and-gsa-solver.html 23. http://geometrygym.blogspot.com/2011/03/gh-gsa-form-finding-tesegrity.html 24. http://emtech.aaschool.ac.uk/ 25. http://www.vitruality.com/?p=596 26. http://pandalabccc.blogspot.com/2011/03/stringpattern-arduino-servo.html 27. http://krfr-1.com/seed/?p=908 28. http://stochasticandlagrangian.blogspot.com/2011/03/cane-structures-with-fem.html 29. http://www.au-urbanfuture.org/blog/?p=1561 30. http://www.cerver.org/?p=498


31. http://utos.blogspot.com/2011/03/geco-for-grasshopper-08-update-v10210.html 32. http://heumanndesigntech.wordpress.com/2011/03/28/more-grasshopper-enabled-drawing/ 33. http://heumanndesigntech.wordpress.com/2011/03/26/unfolding-surface-strips/ 34. http://ieatbugsforbreakfast.wordpress.com/2011/03/19/colours-everywhere/ 35. http://www.legildesign.com/archives/577 36. http://www.legildesign.com/archives/580 37. http://www.legildesign.com/archives/583 38. http://www.legildesign.com/archives/585 39. http://www.legildesign.com/archives/587 40. http://www.legildesign.com/archives/590 41. http://madeincalifornia.blogspot.com/ 42. http://ncodon.com/2011/03/28/shingles-flow/ 43. http://luisquinonesdesign.com/1217120/Mr-Blue-Balls 44. http://dfabnus.wordpress.com/2011/03/31/the-other-corner/ 45. http://studiomode.nu/

1.4 1.4.1

April madMeshMaker :: a generative surface modeler with output to cnc router (2011-04-01 16:27)

[1] ”The madMeshMaker is a generative surface modeling environment, intended to be an intuitive and fun introduction to fabrication with computer-numerically-controlled (CNC) table routers. CNC routers have become a staple of institutions related to digital design and manufacturing for their ability to rapidly fabricate models, furniture, interior systems, and other prototypical assemblages. However, because of the inherent 3D-modeling knowledge needed to both virtually and physically design, the machinery still remains an ’advanced topic’ in academic curriculum. The madMeshMaker dissolves this notion, allowing any novice to digital technologies to easily create a virtual model embedded with the information necessary to communicate with a CNC router.” [2]Link 1.


//golancourses.net/2011spring/03/23/madmeshmaker-a-generative-surface-modeler-with-output-to-cnc-router/ 2.





Genoform (2011-04-14 13:15)

[1] Interesting tool developed by Sivam Krish �Genoform is generative design software that lets your computer generate designs based on genetic models that you create. This is different from creating models that you drive. Genoform is about getting your computer to generate 10002s of designs from which you can choose. There are many news issues that you will face when you embark on generating designs. But, before you face those issues you need to first generate designs. Genoform can help you get started.� Link to [2]Genoform website Link to [3]Open Generative Design social network Link to [4]Generative Design blog 1. http://genoform.com/ 2. http://genoform.com/ 3. http://www.opengenerativedesign.com/ 4. http://generativedesign.wordpress.com/


n-fold geometry (2011-04-15 09:33)

Very interesting blog about Patterns by Caglar Yazici, an architect based in Istanbul,Turkey.


n-fold geometry (2011-04-15 09:37)

[1] Very interesting blog about Patterns by Caglar Yazici, an architect based in Istanbul,Turkey. [2] Link 1. http://nfoldgeometry.blogspot.com/ 2. http://nfoldgeometry.blogspot.com/



curvlabs (2011-04-19 14:58)

[1] ”Brian Harms is a fifth-year architecture student at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo. This site is dedicated to the documentation of thesis work completed during the 2010-2011 academic year. Thesis: Industrial Urbanity and the Robotic Aesthetic Parametric design software has been a key component in contemporary architectural design. It has allowed designers the freedom to digitally explore a multitude of design alternatives with relatively immediate feedback. This mode of exploration allows for a fluid and dynamic process of experimentation and analysis. Typically this potential has been employed by designers as a means of optimization. Once a combination is found which maximizes performance and efficiency it is chosen as the final result. In the actualization of this specific set of parameters the fluidity and potential for variation that the software provided is lost, and the seemingly infinite potential of the object is narrowed down to a single state. I am interested in prolonging the life of the parametric model beyond it’s digital existence into the built environment. Hopefully this will imbue a higher, more complex level of interaction between building and participant which is more congruent with the current level of interaction the designer has with his parametric model. I am investigating the typology of the factory to explore the possibilities of an adaptable, responsive, highly parametric architecture made possible by the population of its space with the latest in robotic technologies (which are already present in many modern manufacturing operations). The primary challenge of this thesis will be to reconsider the role of this production-oriented technology in a way that allows the factory’s program, atmosphere, and phyical presence to be constantly renegotiated by the same technology it houses.” [2]Link

1. http://curvlabs.com/ 2. http://curvlabs.com/



F(r)iction Machines 2.0 (2011-04-20 17:36)

[1] �Advanced Architecture Laboratories #W/S11.23ARCH794.001: Digital Fabrication Method and Representation� [2]Link 1. http://www.daapspace.daap.uc.edu/%7Eringlebt/ 2. http://www.daapspace.daap.uc.edu/%7Eringlebt/


Digital Fabrication for Designers (2011-04-27 18:32)

[1] Very interesting blog about digital and robot fabrication. [2] Link 1. http://mkmra2.blogspot.com/ 2. http://mkmra2.blogspot.com/



NEWS 063 (2011-04-28 14:10)

[1] [2]Blog Binturong - Growing the Hyperbolic Soccer Ball [3]Blog Binturong - Growable Surfaces Update [4]The Proving Ground - Slingshot! Preview [5]The Proving Ground - USC Arch 517: Spring 2011 Featured [6]The Proving Ground - Slingshot! GH+MySQL Released for Testing! [7]ben coorey - Smart Geometry 2011: Improving the Interface [8]Digital Morphogenesis - Live Programming in Rhino [9]Far From Equilibrium - Bristle Chair [10]XXL Workshop 2011 - many posts [11]LIFT architects - Smart Geometry - Follow Up [12]LMNts - Grasshopper Analysis Key [13]fabulously fabricated - Blend -> Rhino -> Magic [14]modeLab - 2011SP Pratt | Digital Crafting | Field Trip [15]modeLab - 2011SP Pratt | Digital Crafting | Final Milling [16]muehlseife.de - processing particle library [17]Make a Hybrid - Maya Fluid to Grasshopper link by Matthijs la Roi [18]PYC/WELBOG - WIP // graphical relationship script sequencer [19]AltN - Responsive Polymer Research [20]AltN - Folding Fabrication: RoboFold + Studio Laarman [21]urbanfuture organization - urban future + acne jeans [22]n-fold geometry - Eight Point Star [23]n-fold geometry - Interlocking Arrows 2 [24]n-fold geometry - Cross Pattern 2 [25]Spatial slur - Self Organizing Cont. [26]Spatial slur - Self Organizing [27]z4d - Mantis v0.3 [28]Live Components NY - 1 4 GRADIENT PIXELIZATION [29]NeoArchaic - relativeˆn(shape) [30]NeoArchaic - Fabrication 01 [31]Digital Fabrication in Architecture Group - Design to Fabrication Flow Tutorial [32]Nervous System - video: laplacian growth [33]OPENSYSTEMS - KTH Workshop Exhibition | May 6-27 2011, Stockholm [34]P &Alab - Processing and Android (P &A) [35]Woo Jae’s blog - Component Packing (VB+Galapagos) [36]digital toolbox - schindlersalmerón Create Simple Tool to Fabricate Complex Curves 1. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-YNUz5WZJ7wo/TblarfdkIlI/AAAAAAAACFU/y2ITpobeeN0/s1600/NEWS_063.jpg 2. http://www.atelierbinturong.com/2011/04/growing-hyperbolic-soccer-ball.html 3. http://www.atelierbinturong.com/2011/04/growable-surfaces-update.html 4. http://nmillerarch.blogspot.com/2011/04/slingshot-preview.html 5. http://theprovingground.wikidot.com/usc-spring2011-featured 6. http://nmillerarch.blogspot.com/2011/04/slingshot-ghmysql-released-for-testing.html 7. http://www.bencoorey.com/2011/03/smart-geometry-2011-improving-the-interface/ 8. http://www.nzarchitecture.com/blog/index.php/2011/04/12/live-programming-in-rhino/ 9. http://farfromequilibrium.blogspot.com/2011/04/bristle-chair.html


10. http://xxl2011.blogspot.com/ 11. http://www.liftarchitects.com/journal/2011/4/12/smart-geometry-follow-up.html 12. http://lmnts.lmnarchitects.com/featured/ghanalysis-grid/ 13. http://fabulouslyfabricated.wordpress.com/2011/04/14/blend-rhino-magic/ 14. http://modelab.nu/?p=4680 15. http://modelab.nu/?p=4697 16. http://muehlseife.blogspot.com/2011/04/processing-particle-library.html 17. http://www.makeahybrid.org/2011/04/maya-fluid-to-grasshopper-link-by-matthijs-la-roi/ 18. http://pycheung.com/weblog/?p=624 19. http://altnresearch.com/?p=385 20. http://altnresearch.com/?p=354 21. http://www.au-urbanfuture.org/blog/?p=1626 22. http://nfoldgeometry.blogspot.com/2011/04/eight-point-star.html 23. http://nfoldgeometry.blogspot.com/2011/04/interlocking-arrows-2.html 24. http://nfoldgeometry.blogspot.com/2011/04/cross-pattern-2.html 25. http://spatial-slur.blogspot.com/2011/04/self-organizing-cont.html 26. http://spatial-slur.blogspot.com/2011/04/self-organizing.html 27. http://zaghloul4d.blogspot.com/2011/04/mantis-v03.html 28. http://livecomponents-ny.com/2011/04/24/1_4-gradient-pixelization/ 29. http://neoarchaic.com/2011/04/relativenshape/ 30. http://neoarchaic.com/2010/12/fabrication/ 31. http://dfabnus.wordpress.com/tutorials/ 32. http://n-e-r-v-o-u-s.com/blog/?p=1560 33. http://www.opensysdesign.com/2011/04/blog-post.html 34. http://pandalabccc.blogspot.com/2011/04/android-x-processing.html 35. http://woojsung.com/2011/04/26/component-packing-vbgalapagos/ 36. http://digitaltoolbox.info/blog/schindlersalmeron-create-simple-tool-to-fabricate-complex-curves/


Architecture in Combination (2011-04-29 09:19)

[1] Very interesting blog held by Daniel Hambleton, a mathematician working in the AEC industry. �Since the official launch of the SPM - Studio for Progressive Modelling, Daniel has worked on projects both locally and abroad, collaborated with established and emerging architects, organized an interdisciplinary discussion series, lectured at the University of Toronto, presented at international conferences, written technical papers, and generally been incorrigibly interested in the interaction between mathemat44

ics, engineering, and architecture.” Link to ”[2]Architecture in Combination” blog Link to ”[3]Studio for Progressive Modelling” blog Link to ”[4]SPM Custom GH Components” post Link to ”[5]SPM Vector Components: New Release!” post 1. http://architectureincombination.wordpress.com/ 2. http://architectureincombination.wordpress.com/ 3. http://blogs.halcrow.com/spm/ 4. http://architectureincombination.wordpress.com/2010/11/22/spm-custom-gh-components/ 5. http://architectureincombination.wordpress.com/2011/04/26/spm-vector-components-new-release/

1.5 1.5.1

May Co-de-iT - ”INFLECTIONS maggio 2011 (2011-05-02 15:59)

Affecting Aesthetic” Maya ws - Firenze 24-29

[1] Parametric Design with Maya, MELscript & Plug-ins Maya workshop Firenze 24-29 maggio 2011 Tutors: [2]Ludovico Lombardi & [3]Fulvio Wirz ([4]Zaha Hadid Architects, London) + [5]Niccolò Casas [.] Descrizione [6]Co-de-iT organizza, un workshop rivolto a studenti, architetti, designer e modellatori 3d digitali. Il workshop analizzerà ed approfondirà l’utilizzo del software Autodesk® MAYA come strumento di modellazione per il design di forme fluide e complesse tramite l’approfondimento di tecniche generative, fornendo la possibilità di parametrizzarne i processi logici e investigando nuove possibili strategie progettuali. Il workshop sarà suddiviso in due moduli correati di 3 giorni ciascuno: .1. introduzione e basi del software: modellazione mesh, NURBS, rendering .2. parametric design with MelScript & plugins: utilizzo del software e personalizzazione delle tools per strategie progettuali innovative [.] Dettagli . partners [7]IreCoop Toscana . tutors: [8]Ludovico Lombardi & [9]Fulvio Wirz ([10]Zaha Hadid Architects, London) + [11]Niccolò Casas . luogo: IreCoop - via Vasco De Gama 27 Firenze . durata: 5 giornate consecutive orario 9:00 18:00 . costo: professionisti 500¬ studenti 300¬ . note: scadenza iscrizioni: 9 maggio 2011 il corso sarà attivato con un numero minimo di 16 iscritti 45

al termine sarà rilasciato un attestato di frequenza. Gli iscritti dovrano venire muniti dei propri laptop con software (Autodesk Maya 2011 o 2012) installato una versione free per 30 giorni è disponibile sul[12] sito Autodesk®. . contatti: iscrizioni + info alloggi: [13]www.irecooptoscana.it [Cosa offriamo > formazione > altri corsi] info sul corso: mail - info@co-de-it.com website: [14]www.co-de-it.com scarica la [15]locandina del corso. 1. http://www.co-de-it.com/wordpress/inflections-affecting-aesthetic.html 2. http://www.ldvc.net/ 3. http://www.e-techture.com/ 4. http://www.zaha-hadid.com/ 5. http://www.niccolocasas.com/ 6. http://www.co-de-it.com/ 7. http://www.irecooptoscana.it/ 8. http://www.ldvc.net/ 9. http://www.e-techture.com/ 10. http://www.zaha-hadid.com/ 11. http://www.niccolocasas.com/ 12. http://www.autodesk.it/adsk/servlet/download/item?siteID=457036&id=14868391 13. http://www.irecooptoscana.it/ 14. http://www.co-de-it.com/ 15. http://www.box.net/shared/hjgxu3zday


ECO LOGIC HABITAT WS - June 27th - July 9th 2011 (2011-05-12 08:51)

[1] ECO LOGIC HABITAT workshop of performative self-construction June 27th - July 9th 2011 by Paolo Cascone/[2]CodesignLab 2 weeks of full immersion at Casa dell’Architettura di Roma in collaboration with: Fabrizio Carola - NEA e Aga Khan Award Architect [3]AKT engineering (London) 46

High-tech design / low-tech-construction Given the urgent need for a sustainable design able to respond to emergency conditions (social/environmental) this workshop is a concrete opportunity for building a scale 1 to 1 prototype of an eco logic habitat. The design to manufacture process intends to speculate on temporary and environmentally responsive architectural solutions using low-tech and fast deployment construction techniques. Thanks to Paolo Cascone’s innovative approach in the field of ecological design, the 30 years experience of self-construction projects in Africa of Fabrizio Carola and the tremendous experience of AKT engineering in the field of complex structures, this workshop proposes a new way to bridge high-tech design process and low-tech construction. This workshop will involve both students and tutors on a two phases project: phase 1 / studio based (parametric modelling and environmental simulations) and phase 2 / self-construction based. This with the aim to explore the cause-effect relations between the material system and its performances according to programmatic and spatial needs. The construction of the scale 1 to 1 eco logic habitat prototype will be the output of the environmental parametric design master class directed by Paolo Cascone with the aim of unifying theory with practice trough a self-construction experience. The final prototype will be realised in the garden of the House of Architecture in Rome, the opening of the installation will be the 9th of July with a ceremony open to the public. Admission Requirements Eligible individuals must be graduate students in architecture, urban design, engineering, or related disciplines. Deadline The deadline for submitting an application is May 25th, 2011 Info website: [4]Inarch email : inarch@inarch.it 1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-KTUrk7fy-JM/TcuFdwFm5kI/AAAAAAAACGc/6Eyl3DPoXMA/s1600/Eco_logic_habitat.jpg 2. http://www.co-design-lab.net/ 3. http://www.akt-uk.com/ 4. http://www.inarch.it/default.aspx?pag=


Slingshot! Grasshopper + MySQL (2011-05-12 09:38)

[1] Slingshot is a powerful [2]Grasshopper plug-in developed by [3]Nathan Miller which combines the power of parametric design with the most popular open source database: [4]MySQL. Link to [5]wiki page Link to the post ”[6]Slingshot! Demo: Querying a Mesh” 47

1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-2PeesG8ocoQ/TcuPPLsNKvI/AAAAAAAACGk/Egi-GqjpgS4/s1600/Slingshot.jpg 2. http://www.grasshopper3d.com/ 3. http://nmillerarch.blogspot.com/ 4. http://www.mysql.com/ 5. http://slingshot-dev.wikidot.com/grasshopper-mysql 6. http://nmillerarch.blogspot.com/2011/05/slingshot-demo-querying-mesh.html


Centipede - Animation Timeline for Grasshopper (2011-05-12 10:14)

[1] Centipede is a new plug-in developed by CEED Studio that allows the user to keyframe the animation of multiple objects in Grasshopper along a single slider. Link to [2]CEED Studio website Link to [3]Centipede grasshopper group 1. http://www.grasshopper3d.com/group/centipede 2. http://www.ceedstudio.com/ceed3/ 3. http://www.grasshopper3d.com/group/centipede


AA Summer DLAB // 18-29 July 2011 (2011-05-12 16:52)

[1] AA Summer DLAB //18-29 July // Architectural Association, London. Summer DLab experiments with digital design tools and rapid prototyping techniques as integrated systems of design development. Taking advantage of its unique location within the AA premises in the heart of the London, the workshop will create a vibrant atmosphere not only through its rigorous studio work, but also by its public lecture programme that will share the diverse expertise of professionals from London s leading offices in the areas of digital design and fabrication techniques. Experimentation with digital tools and physical assembly techniques will be demonstrated through projects that explore a workflow between computational software, engineering-related analysis and digital assembly procedures leading to physical fabrication. 48

Participants will have full access to the AA Digital Prototyping Lab for the fabrication of prototypes and models in various mediums and materials, such as 2D milling (laser cutting), 3D milling (CNC), 3D printing and other forms of physical production. The deadline for applications is 27 June. A late deadline of 11 July is also in effect, but this will incur a ÂŁ50 surcharge. Application forms and additional information are available online at: [2]http://www.aaschool.ac.uk/STUDY/VISITING/d lab.php and [3]http://dlab.aaschool.ac.uk/ . Applications can be submitted to: [4]visitingschool@aaschool.ac.uk 1. http://dlab.aaschool.ac.uk/ 2. http://www.aaschool.ac.uk/STUDY/VISITING/d_lab.php 3. http://dlab.aaschool.ac.uk/ 4. mailto:visitingschool@aaschool.ac.uk


iaac global summerschool 2011 (2011-05-18 09:22)

self(a)rchitecture - torino workshop

13-28 july

[1] [2]IAAC (Barcelona) is organizing a workshop in Turin within its[3] IAAC global summerschool self(a)rchitecture program. Local tutors will be: [4]Cesare Griffa, [5]Davide Gomba, [6]Alessio Erioli, [7]Andrea Graziano It s a 2 weeks intensive program, from (13 to 28 july 2011) during which we will be thinking architecture in terms of: life sustainable systems, energy consumption, parametric design, software coding, hardware hacking, fabbing, and much more& for more info: read below and click [8]here to download full program (pdf) APPLICATIONS ARE OPEN: [9]click here to apply! &.. SUMMER SCHOOL 2011 *part of the IAAC Global School Project - Barcelona-Turin-Mumbai Self(a)rchitecture Key words: ecology, metabolism, responsive architecture, artificial intelligence, datadriven structures, open data, multiscalarity, digital fabrication, parametric design Abstract: The IAAC Summer School for the 2011 academic year will continue to investigate multiscalar strategies for the (re) construction of our inhabiting environments (home, city, planet). The last few years of technological, social, political, economic and cultural changes (at both the global and the local scale) demand that we rethink what kind of habitat humanity will live in in the coming decades, given that space in all its aspects (landscapes, cities, places, buildings and bodies) is undergoing dramatic transformations. The growing interest in managing climate change, in embracing of the green agenda in urban development, in the development of techniques for local energy generation, in the incorporation of information 49

technology into the physical space and other relevant situations, call for a new vision of the evolution of the city and architecture. This opens up a wide range of possibilities for the development of projects and initiatives that will help transform habitable spaces in keeping with the new requirements of both global and local users. Self(a)rchitecture is an agenda with research and education goals that combines science and technology with architecture and urban planning. Self-Sufficiency, Self-Fabrication, Self-Organization, Self-Design and Self-and Collective Intelligence are some of the key words on which the academic agenda of the programme will focus. The final outcome of the programme will include design proposals and the testing of Self(a)rchitecture at three scales: Scale 1. 1000 people (urban block) Scale 2. 100 people (urban building) Scale 3. 1 person (home, shelter) Producing Self-Sufficient architectural products means, above all, producing more effective organizational systems. The design of the buildings will have special relevance, equipping them to generate the totality of the energy they consume and creating, where necessary, new physiological and metabolic delimitations of the building. The proposed buildings will be related to a variety of uses (residential, work, commercial, etc) and their users needs (micro scale) as well to the specific context and the sum of groups of information (macro scale) Building structures on all three scales will be defined by a set of parameters, which will drive the final designs. These parameters will be generated by geographical characteristics of the specific sites: latitude and longitude, environmental data (temperature, CO2 emissions) and urban context (density, flow of people). The building is thus converted into a micro-city, with all of the strata of a small city, and is understood as a complete organism, plugged into a substratum by the managing of the input and output of local data and characteristics. The final structures will be treated not only as independent nodes but also as parts of a network a new urban layer. Such networks and their dynamics will be explored with a view to understanding how information affects the construction of the physical world, and how cities and their built elements can be seen as informational architecture systems. The intention is not simply to interface with the built environment but to implement strategies that will transform built environments themselves into information systems. Distributed educational model: The IAAC Global Summer School is part of the IAAC Global School project. The IAAC GS (Global School) aims at generating a dynamic network based on distributed knowledge and collective actions. As part of this initiative, the IAAC Summer School will take place simultaneously at three different sites: Barcelona, Turin and Mumbai. All of the sites will be connected 24 hours a day via videoconferencing to develop the Self(a)rchitecture project through the sharing of knowledge, techniques and experiences. IAAC Summer School participants will have the opportunity to enjoy a unique distributed academic experience, collaborating with fellow students, faculty and researchers from all over the world in an effort to transform Architecture into a tool/platform for rethinking inhabitation (at the planetary, metropolitan, urban, building and habitat scale) by way of a series of new ideas for creating space for human habitation. Participants: The programme is aimed at students from a variety of compatible fields, such as Architecture, Engineering, Fine Art, Design, Landscape Architecture, Programming, etc. Calendar: Programme duration: 13-28 July 2011 The programme is structured in three sections: 1 - Digital Design and Parametric Modelling Wednesday 13 July: Introduction 14-15 July: Design proposal development, Grasshopper Tutorials 16-17 July: Design proposal development, Ecotect Tutorials 2 - Interactive and Informational Development 18-19 July: Special workshop, Living Buildings with Enric Ruiz-Geli, project development 20-21 July: Interaction proposal development, Arduino/Programming Tutorials 50

3 - Digital Fabrication Prototyping 22-24 July: Project Development, Digital Fabrication Tests, Digital Fabrication Tutorials 25-27 July: Global Workshop (all tutors on site), Final Project Development, Prototype Fabrication (scale of prototype to be announced) Thursday 28 July: Final Presentation, Guest Jury Faculty: Fab Lab BCN, Fab Lab Network, more to be announced Experts: Urbiotica, I2Cat, McNeel, Autodesk, Thales Alenia Space Guest faculty: Vicente Guallart, Willy Muller, Marta MalĂŠ-Alemany, Nikos Salingaros, Antoni Brei, Enric Ruiz-Geli, Massimo Banzi and more to be announced Local Instructors: Barcelona: Areti Markopoulou, Tomas Diez Turin: Cesare Griffa, Davide Gomba, Alessio Erioli, Andrea Graziano Mumbai: Dipal Kothari-Chhaya, Atrey Chhaya, Renu Gupta, Hemant Purohit Software: Rhino 4, RhinoCam, Grasshopper, Ecotect, Arduino Programme Activities: Lectures, Master Classes, Building Visits, Exhibition Visits References/Bibliography: Successful applicants offered a place at the IAAC Summer School 2011 will be provided with the relevant bibliography, which should be looked through before arriving in Barcelona. Application Documents: Applications must be accompanied by the following documents: -A completed IAAC Summer School Application Form (available from applications@iaac.net) -Current Curriculum Vitae -A photocopy of a valid passport or other accredited I.D. -Proof of payment of the non-refundable application fee of 50 euros, payable by bank transfer to the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalunya Bank: Caja de Arquitectos, Barcelona (Spain) Account Number: 3183-0800-8200-0064-8636; IBAN: ES86 3183 0800 8200 0064 8636; BIC/SWIFT: CASDESBB Language: The course language is English, and all sessions, classes, lectures and meetings with supervisors are in English; knowledge of Spanish is not required. Fee: The tuition fee for the IAAC Summer School 2011 is 2,000 euros. Scholarships: IAAC will be offering seven special scholarships, to be awarded on the basis of the applicant s portfolio: Three special scholarships of 100 % of the total tuition fee Three partial scholarships of 30 % of the total tuition fee One special scholarship (Mohamed Omer Scholarship) of 100 % of the total tuition fee Certification: All participants will receive an official certificate from IAAC and the Fab Lab BCN testifying to their participation in the course and accrediting their knowledge of the software used and expertise in Digital Fabrication techniques. People IAAC Director - Vicente Guallart Global Summer School Director - Areti Markopoulou, areti@iaac.net Global Summer School Coordinator - Tomas Diez tomasdiez@iaac.net Global Summer School Scientific Commitee - Vicente Guallart, Architect Willy Muller, Architect Marta MalĂŠ-Alemany, Architect Artur Serra, Anthropologist I2CAT Nikos Salingaros, Mathematician, University of Australia Florian Foerster, Engineer, BuroHappold Antony Brei, Engineer, Urbiotica Gonzalo de la Camara, Economist Site Coordinators - Barcelona: Areti Markopoulou Turin: Cesare Griffa Mumbai: Dippal Chhaya 51

Local Instructors - Barcelona: Areti Markopoulou, Tomas Diez Turin: Cesare Griffa, Davide Gomba, Alessio Erioli, Andrea Graziano Mumbai: Dipal Kothari-Chhaya, Atrey Chhaya, Renu Gupta, Hemant Purohit Collaborative Companies - Urbiotica, McNeel Europe, Autodesk, Thales Alenia Space Communication advisor - Pati Nuñez General Coordination/Admission department - Nota Tsekoura, coordinator@iaac.net Administration/Communication - Laia Pifarre, laia@iaac.net Tom Zydel. tom@iaac.net For more detailed information: [10]Global School Summer Workshop 2011 1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-GYSusBPGiFk/TdN094rW2cI/AAAAAAAACG8/uH_FmcK-mq4/s1600/iaac_global_school.jpg 2. http://www.iaac.net/ 3. http://www.iaac.net/educational-programms/summer-school-2011-9 4. http://cesaregriffa.com/ 5. http://arduino.cc/blog/?lang=it 6. http://www.co-de-it.com/wordpress/info 7. http://www.co-de-it.com/wordpress/info 8.


0BxapDU9Ar04sMjNhNjAwNzYtNzE2ZS00Y2QxLTkyZGItMDg5ODBlNmUxY2Vi&hl=en 9. http://www.iaac.net/educational-programms/summer-school-2011-9 10. http://www.iaac.net/educational-programms/summer-school-2011-9


hoopsnake: Iteration in Grasshopper (2011-05-19 14:09)

[1] ”HoopSnake, apart from a legendary creature, is simple component for Grasshopper. What it does in principle is to create a copy of the data it receives at it’s input upon user request and store it locally. This duplicate is made available through a standard Grasshopper parameter output. What turns this operation from mundane to actually promising is the fact that the input of the component includes some custom pro- gramming to escape Grasshopper’s recursive loop avoidance check. What this means in practice is that it is possible through the use of HoopSnake to send the output of a set of components back to it’s input in a looping fashion. With the help of a little bit of Data Tree / Data List manipulation, this should open up some new possibilities for iterative process modeling.” 52

Link to [2]Volatile Prototypes website Link to [3]hoopsnake post 1. http://www.volatileprototypes.com/projects/hoopsnake/ 2. http://www.volatileprototypes.com/ 3. http://www.volatileprototypes.com/projects/hoopsnake/


GarciaDelCastillo.es (2011-05-23 11:06)

[1] Blog held by Jose Luis García del Castillo y López. Inside you can find some interesting tests about the [2]HoopSnake Grasshopper plug-in released by [3]Volatile prototypes. Link to the [4]blog Link to the ”[5]Recursive iteration Iin Grasshopper HoopSnake tests” 1. http://www.garciadelcastillo.es/ 2. http://www.volatileprototypes.com/projects/hoopsnake/ 3. http://www.volatileprototypes.com/ 4. http://www.garciadelcastillo.es/ 5. http://www.garciadelcastillo.es/?p=202


NEWS 064 (2011-05-23 13:29)

[1] [2]SoftRigid - Arduino+Metaball [3]Architecture in Combination - SPM Vector Components: Update [4]Architecture in Combination - Principal Curvature Orbits [5]Architecture in Combination - Multidimensional Interpolation [6]Architecture in Combination - SPM Vector Components: Major New Release! [7]The proving ground - Slingshot! Demo: Querying a Mesh [8]The proving ground - Slingshot!... to the web??? [9]The proving ground - SQL Code: Create a Mesh Database [10]Digital Morphogenesis - Threading Grasshopper [11]Digital[sub]stance - Siphonophore Physical Computing + Architecture [12]Digital[sub]stance - HoneyComb Update [ + Hexagon Centroids ] [13]GH Kinect - Integrating Kinect with AutoCAD [14]Geometry Gym - Grasshopper - Solver Results [15]eat-a-bug - Möbius Loop-Pasta [16]Generic Explorations - Voronoi 3D - GH definition [17]IaaC blog - MAA Projects: Areaña [18]SOFTlab - Packed Cubes GH Definition [19]LMNts - 3D Printing Flexible Grids [20]digital toolbox - Revised 53

Waffle Definition [21]notion parallax - Ecotect tutorial [22]sac3’s digital plastic - RhinoScript | Rainbow color RGB table [23]Woo jae’s blog - Component Packing (VB+Galapagos) [24]Volatile Prototypes hoopsnake: Iteration in Grasshopper [25]P &Alab - Pixel eyes fish sharks(grasshopper + T-spline) [26]peer produced space - NEX Architecture: Times Eureka Pavilion [27]eat-a-bug - RhinoVAULT - Shell Design for Rhino [28]Space Symmetry Structure - Pseudo-Physical Materials [29]Theoremas - Bunny [30]Cerver.org - Intro to Kangaroo for GC [31]ArchiBureau - Fabrication of Complexity 2.0 [32]n-fold geometry - Cross Pattern 3 [33]eat-a-bug - Attila Csorgo

1. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-hDSZlCCVHgk/TdpGIkMGcxI/AAAAAAAACHc/PgA1_kMmgnc/s1600/NEWS_064.jpg 2. http://softrigid.com/2011/05/03/arduinometaball/ 3. http://architectureincombination.wordpress.com/2011/04/29/spm-vector-components-update/ 4. http://architectureincombination.wordpress.com/2011/05/10/principal-curvature-orbits/ 5. http://architectureincombination.wordpress.com/2011/05/13/multi-dimensional-interpolation/ 6. http://architectureincombination.wordpress.com/2011/05/20/spm-vector-components-major-new-release/ 7. http://nmillerarch.blogspot.com/2011/05/slingshot-demo-querying-mesh.html 8. http://nmillerarch.blogspot.com/2011/05/slingshot-to-web.html 9. http://nmillerarch.blogspot.com/2011/05/create-mesh-database.html 10. http://www.nzarchitecture.com/blog/index.php/2011/05/07/threading-grasshopper/ 11. http://digitalsubstance.wordpress.com/2011/04/29/siphonophore/ 12. http://digitalsubstance.wordpress.com/2011/05/05/honeycomb-update-hexagon-centroids/ 13. http://ghkinect.blogspot.com/2011/05/integrating-kinect-with-autocad.html 14. http://geometrygym.blogspot.com/2011/05/grasshopper-solver-results.html 15. http://eat-a-bug.blogspot.com/2011/05/mobius-loop-pasta.html 16. http://genericexplorations.blogspot.com/2011/05/voronoy-3d-gh-definition.html 17. http://www.iaacblog.com/blog/2011/maa-projects-areana/ 18. http://softlabnyc.com/lab/?p=541 19. http://lmnts.lmnarchitects.com/fabrication/printed-flexgrids/ 20. http://digitaltoolbox.info/blog/revised-waffle-definition/ 21. http://www.notionparallax.co.uk/blog/index.php/2011/05/ecotect-tutorial/ 22. http://sac3.blogspot.com/2011/04/rhinoscript-rainbow-color-rgb-table.html 23. http://woojsung.com/2011/04/26/component-packing-vbgalapagos/ 24. http://www.volatileprototypes.com/projects/hoopsnake/ 25. http://pandalabccc.blogspot.com/2011/05/pixeleyesfishsharksgrasshopper-t-spline.html 26. http://michalpiasecki.com/2011/05/16/nex-architecture-times-eureka-pavilion/ 27. http://eat-a-bug.blogspot.com/2011/05/rhinovault-shell-design-for-rhino.html 28. http://spacesymmetrystructure.wordpress.com/2011/05/18/pseudo-physical-materials/ 29. http://theoremas-gabe00fab.blogspot.com/2011/05/bunny.html 30. http://www.cerver.org/?p=516 31. http://archibureau.com/blog/?p=443 32. http://nfoldgeometry.blogspot.com/2011/05/cross-pattern-3.html 33. http://eat-a-bug.blogspot.com/2011/05/attila-csorgo.html



Metamorphic Architecture (2011-05-24 09:38)

[1] ”Metamorphic Architecture - Study of architecture design with metamorphosis The world is filled with metamorphic behaviors. A caterpillar metamorphoses into a butterfly, and a tadpole metamorphoses into a frog. Besides these individual behaviors, collective behaviors, such as the optimization of ant colony, is also metamorphic (and sometimes emergent). Our trial is to design the architecture of metamorphic artifact by making full use of IT, robotics and smart material technologies. Our vision is to generate the totally new world in which, products lithely react to environmental changes, products create the cosmos through the movement, and products live in symbiotic relationship with human beings. ” Link to the [2]website 1. http://metamo.sfc.keio.ac.jp/index.html 2. http://metamo.sfc.keio.ac.jp/index.html


PROTO/E/CO/LOGICS// SPECULATIVE MATERIALISM IN ARCHITECTURE | 2 day Symposium | Rovinj Croatia | 6-7 August 2011 (2011-05-24 10:03)


SYMPOSIUM / ROVINJ / CROATIA / 6-7 AUGUST The symposium will tease out speculative directions for architecture that move beyond innocent and reductive approaches to ecology as in notions of ”sustainability” and ”green”. As Slavoj Zizek reminds us, the so called ”balance of nature” is in itself a myth since catastrophes have always been an integral part of natural history. Rather than acting from a position of idealization with regards to nature, can we conceive of agency within a condition that isalready artificial, accepting noise and errors, embracing true face of complexity? Recent tendencies in architecture take a unique point of view, with aesthetically novel and unnatural sensibilities emerging from a close scrutiny and study of apparently natural systems. These speculative tendencies are being driven by mathematical and computational abstractions that transform the way we understand the matter-information relationship. Instead of form being imprinted upon matter, matter is understood as an active agent in its own formation. It promotes dissolution of linear hierarchies, enabling heterogeneous and non-linear nature of complex agencies to hybridize and be incorporated into increasingly complex fabric of architecture. Under this accelerated convergence of matter-information, architecture can begin to speculate its own possible futures within denaturalized material ecology and conditions far from equilibrium. Symposium is sponsored by Maistra d.d and the Region of Istria FREE ENTRANCE” Link to the [2]website

1. http://www.proto-e-co-logics.com/ 2. http://www.proto-e-co-logics.com/




YETI (2011-06-01 16:14)

[1] ”Yeti is a live-programming interface for Rhino3d. Using Yeti you can build a parametric model through code and see changes instantly.” Link to the [2]website

1. http://yeti3d.com/ 2. http://yeti3d.com/



Arduino Camp - Milano 18-19 Giugno 2011 (2011-06-08 10:47)

[1] [2]Link to website 1. http://arduinocamp.com/Events/MilanoJune2011 2. http://arduinocamp.com/Events/MilanoJune2011


apomechanes 2011 computational design studio (2011-06-21 13:08)

[1] Ahylo Lab is happy to announce the launch of the apomechanes 2011 computational design studio, to be held from the 25th of July until the 5th of August. Apomechanes is an international intensive computational design studio held each summer in athens, Greece. The studio is devoted to furthering techniques and concepts of algorithmic processes as means for design and fabrication. Apomechanes brings together individuals from divers backgrounds and fields of study to discuss, exchange and collaborate on projects that investigate modes of algorithmic and machinic processes in architectural design. Please find attached our press release and advertising poster for the coming studio. We would be delighted if you were willing to post an announcement of the launch of apomechanes 2011. Further material and the works from apomechanes 2009 & 2010 can be found at : [2]www.apomechanes.com 57

1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-68I4gOrpHlE/TgB8SfdWYgI/AAAAAAAACII/HrhqMEL9Fmw/s1600/Apomechanes%2B2011.jpg 2. http://www.apomechanes.com/


borse di studio per master IAAC (2011-06-21 13:18)

[1] Anche quest’anno la Santa & Cole Italia mette a disposizione due borse di studio per studenti / neo architetti italiani che coprono il 50 % delle fee di iscrizione al master in Advanced Architecture dello IAAC di Barcellona. Per maggiori info, leggete il flyer qua sopra, leggete [2]il programma del master, o scrivete una mail a [3]info@iaac.net. [via [4]Cesare Griffa] 1.


scholarships-santacole-2011_12.jpg 2. http://www.iaac.net/educational-programs/master-in-advanced-architecture-2 3. mailto:info@iaac.net 4. http://cesaregriffa.com/2011/06/15/borse-di-studio-per-master-iaac/


IAAC summerschool Torino

8 scholarship (2011-06-21 13:29)

[1] 8 new scholarships for the IAAC Global Summerschool Torino workshop beginning july 13th: • 1 covering 100 % of the fee (it gets free!) 58

• 1 covering 50 % of the fee (2,000

1,000=1,000¬ fee)

• 6 covering 40 % of the fee (2,000-800=1,200¬ fee)

APPLY [2]HERE NOW! (organization deadline june 30th) To apply for the scholarships you need to fill the application documents that you find here ([3]http://www.iaac.net/educational-programms/global-summer-sc hool-2011-9) and a letter of intention for the scholarship. The revision committee will review your documents and decide on the scholarship The total payment must be made before the course starts (deadline to pay July 9). more info [4]here. 1.


scholarship.jpg 2. http://www.iaac.net/educational-programms/summer-school-2011-9 3. http://www.iaac.net/educational-programms/global-summer-school-2011-9 4. http://cesaregriffa.com/2011/05/16/iaac-global-summerschool-selfarchitecture-torino-workshop-july-2011/


HYbrid BIOstructures (2011-06-21 13:42)

[1] Blog done by Riyad Joucka and Jack Francis. ”A record of the thesis proposal entitled ’Hybrid BioStructures’, a dissertation in pursue of an MArch degree at the Emtech program of the Architectural Association.” [2]Link to the blog 1. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-cNrM2Q87IsY/TgCEShwcbpI/AAAAAAAACIg/R_YTGEOCrXY/s1600/HYbrid%2BBIOstructures. jpg 2. http://hybios.blogspot.com/


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July ”Sliced Surfaces” GH ws - Torino 8-9-10 luglio (2011-07-03 08:01)

[1] Sono molto lieto di essere stato invitato dai ragazzi di ”[2]ToDo - interaction & media design”, nella persona di Giorgio Olivero, ad inaugurare con il workshop di GH ”[3]Sliced Surfaces” una serie di workshop di ”[4]Better Nouveau”. Il workshop si terrà nei giorni 8-9-10 Luglio a Torino. Per informazioni [5]”Sliced Surfaces - Workshop introduttivo all’uso di Grasshopper e alla Digital Fabrication” ”I workshop di Better Nouveau sono dedicati alle strategie computazionali applicate al design. Sono corsi intensivi in cui ricerca e formazione affrontano da vicino design generativo, interaction design, digital fabrication e physical computing.” [6]Link al sito di ”Better Nuoveau” [7]Link ai ws di ”Better Nuoveau” 1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Ui393wL8iK4/ThANXFVDIAI/AAAAAAAACJA/xw8FGSP23OE/s1600/Sliced%2BSurfaces%2BWS. jpg 2. http://www.todo.to.it/ 3. http://www.betternouveau.com/workshop/grasshopper_workshop.php 4. http://www.betternouveau.com/workshop/ 5. http://www.betternouveau.com/workshop/grasshopper_workshop.php 6. http://www.betternouveau.com/ 7. http://www.betternouveau.com/workshop/


RhinoPython¹º¹ Primer (2011-07-03 11:54)

[1] Available on the Rhino3D website the first release of the ”RhinoPython¹º¹ Primer” [PDF]. 60

[2]Link to download webpage 1. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-d2fe3UPYqwc/ThA90_VOjhI/AAAAAAAACJI/A0GDAa8_6ec/s1600/RhinoPythonPrimer.jpg 2. http://download.rhino3d.com/IronPython/5.0/RhinoPython101/


NEWS 065 (2011-07-13 12:26)

[1] [2]Architecture in Combination - New SPM Vector Components release coming up and a New Project& [3]Architecture in Combination - SPM Vector Components: Tutorials and Examples [4]n-fold geometry - Snowflake Pattern [5]n-fold geometry - Arcs Across Hexagons [6]n-fold geometry - 5 &10 Point Stars [7]n-fold geometry - Swirl Pattern [8]Bios Design Collective - Reprap 2D G-code writer in Grasshopper [9]Blog Binturong - Acoustics for Grasshopper/Rhino [10]Generative Design - Why co-creation and mass customisation will rely on genetic modelling [11]Generative Design - Why design will float to the cloud [12]Geometry Gym - Rhino v5 Extrusions, GeomGym Plugins [13]Geometry Gym - Grasshopper GSA Form Finding Examples [14]Geometry Gym - Grasshopper Catalogue Profiles [15]Geometry Gym - BIM Advancements for Rhino/Grasshopper [16]LMNts - Med Mart 1: Generation of Facade Geometry [17]LMNts - Med Mart 2: Panel Texture and Geometry [18]LMNts - Med Mart 4: Facade Design Coordination [19]LMNts - Med Mart 5: Panel Fabrication [20]yet another script? - Daylight Design|Deformation parameter [Computational design] [21]DesignReform - RHINO GRASSHOPPER - FUN WITH SETS [22]Robots in Architecture - Robots in Architecture @ ACADIA 2011 [23]complexitys - Smart Material Aided Architectural Design [24]Dreamation Workshop - Batch View Capture [25]Dreamation Workshop - Double-curved Paper Models Double-Layer Diagrid Unfold Method [26]Improved.ro - [GH] 3D Voronoi for Grasshopper Update [27]Improved.ro - [GH] SuperConnect [28]S.YUAN - 2011 PROTO-ARCHITECTURE | FCU 4th Design Studio [29]S.YUAN - 2011 PROTO-ARCHITECTURE | TKU 4th Design Studio [30]S.YUAN - 2011 TKU GECO WORKSHOP [31]The Proving Ground - Grasshopper > AutoCAD v0.1 Open Source Plug-in! [32]The Proving Ground - GH+MySQL v0.7.2 Released (w/ ODBC) [33]peer produced space - ”Putting nature to work: Minimal surface porcelain” at DMY in Berlin [34]peer produced space - Joris Laarman Lab: Digital Matter [35]the leda atomicus - Blob Detection in vb.net [36]the leda atomicus - Vb.net curve splitting [37]the leda atomicus - Unroll, Cells, Mesh Polylines, Reparametrise components [38]the leda atomicus - Image Based Vector Fields [39]P &Alab - flower Window Pattern(rhinoScript + grasshopper + weaverbird + pointReconstruction) [40]P &Alab - RUYI-2D Pattern (Processing) [41]Digital[sub]stance - Radiolarion Echinoid Version Script Added 61

[42]Digital[sub]stance - Flock to Howl Transferring Data from Processing to Grasshopper [43]Digital[Sub]stance - Generative Fluid Dynamics by Angelos Chronis [44]Digital[Sub]stance - Diagrid Panels in VB.net Grasshopper Definition [45]Digital[Sub]stance - Tatami + Cairo Tessellation in VB.Net Grasshopper Definition [46]Digital Morphogenesis - DesignScript Autodesk [47]Digital Design + Fabrication - Grasshopper: Training Modules [48]Heumann Design/Tech - GH-Only Catmull-Clark Subdivision [49]Lift Architects - Projection One [50]Lift Architects - Firefly + Kinect [51]Lift Architects - Firefly 1.006 New Features [52]Spatial slur - A Wooly Example [53]Spatial Slur - Spatial Binning [54]Thomas Buseck - emergentTechnologies [55]eat a bug - OpenStreetMaps for Rhino [56]@[uto] - Geco for Grasshopper 08 update v1.0.23.0 [57]Urban Future Organization - usyd2011-iain blampied & oliver hessian [58]Theoremas - Diaphanus [59]Theoremas - Diaphanus Script [60]Space Symmetry Structure - New Kangaroo release [61]Reza Ali - Magneto: An Exploration of Lorentz Force [62]PROJECTiONE - Riley Sunrise [63]Nervous System - Hyphae Lamps an infinite series of lighting designs [64]muehlseife.de - correlations library [65]matter design - Temporal Tenancy Installation [66]NeoArchaic - Tongji RPI: Collaborative Workshop 1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-FkOk1ZzbaGQ/Th12gNW_qaI/AAAAAAAACL4/bKpjRNzRYnk/s1600/NEWS_065.jpg 2. http://architectureincombination.wordpress.com/2011/06/19/348/ 3. http://architectureincombination.wordpress.com/2011/05/26/spm-vector-components-tutorials-and-examples/ 4. http://nfoldgeometry.blogspot.com/2011/05/snowflake-pattern.html 5. http://nfoldgeometry.blogspot.com/2011/06/arcs-across-hexagons.html 6. http://nfoldgeometry.blogspot.com/2011/06/5-point-stars.html 7. http://nfoldgeometry.blogspot.com/2011/07/swirl-pattern.html 8. http://biosarch.wordpress.com/2011/05/27/reprap-2d-g-code-writer-in-grasshopper/ 9. http://www.atelierbinturong.com/2011/05/acoustics-for-grasshopperrhino.html 10.


why-co-creation-and-mass-customisation-will-rely-on-genetic-modelling/ 11. http://generativedesign.wordpress.com/2011/07/04/why-design-will-move-to-the-cloud/ 12. http://geometrygym.blogspot.com/2011/06/rhino-v5-extrusions-geomgym-plugins.html 13. http://geometrygym.blogspot.com/2011/06/grasshopper-gsa-form-finding-examples.html 14. http://geometrygym.blogspot.com/2011/06/grasshopper-catalogue-profiles.html 15. http://geometrygym.blogspot.com/2011/06/bim-advancements-for-rhinograsshopper.html 16. http://lmnts.lmnarchitects.com/featured/mm-geometry/ 17. http://lmnts.lmnarchitects.com/featured/mm-panels/ 18. http://lmnts.lmnarchitects.com/featured/mm-documentation/ 19. http://lmnts.lmnarchitects.com/fabrication/mm-fabrication/ 20.


//yetanotherscript.wordpress.com/2011/06/04/daylight-designdeformation-parameter-computational-design/ 21. http://designreform.net/2011/06/rhino-grasshopper-fun-with-sets/ 22. http://robotsinarchitecture.blogspot.com/2011/06/robots-in-architecture-acadia-2011.html 23. http://complexitys.com/software/smart-material-aided-architectural-design/ 24. http://www.dreamationworks.com/?p=475 25. http://www.dreamationworks.com/?p=494


26. http://improved.ro/blog/2011/06/gh-3d-voronoi-for-grasshopper-update/ 27. http://improved.ro/blog/2011/06/superconnect/ 28. http://yuan322002.blogspot.com/2011/06/instructor-shih-yuan-wang-student.html 29. http://yuan322002.blogspot.com/2011/06/field-conditions-move-from-one-toward.html 30. http://yuan322002.blogspot.com/2011/06/instructor-ursula-frick-thomas-grabner.html 31. http://nmillerarch.blogspot.com/2011/06/grasshopper-autocad-v01-open-source.html 32. http://nmillerarch.blogspot.com/2011/07/ghmysql-v072-released-w-odbc.html 33. http://michalpiasecki.com/2011/05/24/putting-nature-to-work-minimal-surface-porcelain-at-dmy-in-berlin/ 34. http://michalpiasecki.com/2011/07/07/joris-laarman-lab-digital-matter/ 35. http://ledatomica.wordpress.com/2011/06/17/blob-detection-in-vb-net/ 36. http://ledatomica.wordpress.com/2011/06/24/vb-net-curve-splitting/ 37. http://ledatomica.wordpress.com/2011/06/24/unroll-cells-mesh-polylines-reparametrise-components/ 38. http://ledatomica.wordpress.com/2011/06/30/image-based-vector-fields/ 39. http://pandalabccc.blogspot.com/2011/07/flowerwindow-patternrhinoscript.html 40. http://pandalabccc.blogspot.com/2011/07/ruyi-2d-pattern-processing.html 41. http://digitalsubstance.wordpress.com/2011/05/26/radiolarion-echinoid-version-script-added/ 42.


flock-to-howl-transferring-data-from-processing-to-grasshopper/ 43. http://digitalsubstance.wordpress.com/2011/06/10/generative-fluid-dynamics-by-angelos-chronis/ 44. http://digitalsubstance.wordpress.com/2011/07/06/diagrid-panels-in-vb-net-grasshopper-definition/ 45.


//digitalsubstance.wordpress.com/2011/07/08/tatami-cairo-tessellations-in-vb-net-grasshopper-definition/ 46. http://www.nzarchitecture.com/blog/index.php/2011/06/27/designscript-autodesk/ 47. http://www.i-m-a-d-e.org/fabrication/?p=589 48. http://heumanndesigntech.wordpress.com/2011/06/24/gh-only-catmull-clark-subdivision/ 49. http://www.liftarchitects.com/journal/2011/6/14/projection-one.html 50. http://www.liftarchitects.com/journal/2011/7/7/firefly-kinect.html 51. http://www.liftarchitects.com/journal/2011/7/7/firefly-1006-new-features.html 52. http://spatial-slur.blogspot.com/2011/06/wooly-example.html 53. http://spatial-slur.blogspot.com/2011/06/spatial-binning.html 54. http://thomasbuseck.blogspot.com/2011/07/emergenttechnologies.html 55. http://eat-a-bug.blogspot.com/2011/06/openstreetmaps-for-rhino.html 56. http://utos.blogspot.com/2011/06/trial-extended-trial-version-valid.html 57. http://www.au-urbanfuture.org/blog/?p=1791 58. http://theoremas-gabe00fab.blogspot.com/2011/07/diaphanus.html 59. http://theoremas-gabe00fab.blogspot.com/2011/07/diaphanus-script.html 60. http://spacesymmetrystructure.wordpress.com/2011/07/04/new-kangaroo-release/ 61. http://www.syedrezaali.com/blog/?p=1744 62. http://www.projectione.com/riley-sunrise/ 63. http://n-e-r-v-o-u-s.com/blog/?p=1701 64. http://muehlseife.blogspot.com/2011/07/correlations-library.html 65. http://www.matterdesignstudio.com/2011/06/temporal-tenancy-installation/ 66. http://neoarchaic.com/2011/07/tongji-rpi-collaborative-workshop/


LaNd SANDS INËœFORMATION Workshop - August 2011 (2011-07-16 13:37)

This is a workshop that me and [1]Monika Wittig - LaN we are dreaming and thinking of doing since last year. Now we have the right chance to do it and I hope some (many) of you are interested to join us. 63

[2] Boulder Colorado USA > Great Sand Dunes National Park > Denver A ten day migrating summer workshop ultimately exploring digital design & fabrication of structures influenced by live forces primarily fluid associations between wind & sand & resultant land formations. Can we quantify analyze and engage with the enormous migrating land masses of the great sand dunes national park in Southern Colorado. Early days in boulder center around outdoor field studies introducing topics of complex geometries and data flows of analog-to- digital mediums. Internationally renown research site visits will compliment these sessions. Denver provides us with cnc fabrication possibilities @ club workshop denver. Participants will become familiar with lasercutting / cnc routing & 3d printing. A prototype will be fabricated for our live sand studies in the desert. Some of nature’s most dramatic forms will be at our disposal as we migrate south to the great sands national park. LaN is curating a series of stopping points en route. Current plans include reaching just beyond great sands desert to visit one of the nation’s largest adobe brick manufacturers. Workshop finale in Boulder, Colorado pm saturday august 19th at a local public event of global proportions& entrepreneurial in spirit. Workshop Tutors: ——————————————— Monika Wittig - LaN Co-Founder Shane Salisbury - LaN Co-Founder Andrea Graziano - Co-de-iT Co-founder Lorenza Carà - LaN Assistant Info at: [3]http://www.livearchitecture.net/sands 1. http://www.livearchitecture.net/ 2. http://www.livearchitecture.net/sands 3. http://www.livearchitecture.net/sands


Digital MED: prorogato il termine ultimo per le iscrizioni (2011-07-18 10:14)

[1] Prorogato a venerdì 22 luglio il termine ultimo per le iscrizioni al workshop internazionale [2]Digital MED, che si svolgerà a Vietri sul Mare, dal 24 al 31 luglio 2011. Sette giorni in più, dunque, per dare la possibilità a quanti vogliano avvicinarsi alla conoscenza e all utilizzo delle più innovative metodologie di progettazione esistenti, di partecipare all unico laboratorio di progettazione in Italia basato sui processi di fabbricazione digitale e i software di disegno parametrico. Gli interessati possono scaricare il bando di concorso all’indirizzo [3]www.digitalmedworkshop.com e compilare il modulo di preiscrizione presente sullo stesso non oltre il 22 Luglio 2011. 64

———————————–——————— The deadline for entries for the [4]DigitalMED international workshop is extended to Friday 22 July. The workshop will be held in Vietri sul Mare, from 24 to 31 July 2011. This gives seven more days to all those who want to learn the most innovative existing design methodologies and to participate in the one planning workshop in Italy based on the processes of digital fabrication and parametric design software. Interested parties may download the Notice of Competition at the address [5]www.digitalmedworkshop.com and fill the pre-registration no later than July 22th 2011. Link al [6]PDF del comunicato stampa 1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-e6mLiHd-bHY/TiPsj7RSFiI/AAAAAAAACNM/3Oq4DXzt52M/s1600/DigitalMed_banner.jpg 2. http://www.digitalmedworkshop.com/ 3. http://www.digitalmedworkshop.com/ 4. http://www.digitalmedworkshop.com/ 5. http://www.digitalmedworkshop.com/ 6.




designedbyenergy (2011-07-18 17:16)

[1] Blog held by the architect Giulio Castorina with some interesting tutorials inside about Revit-Ecotect. ”DesignedByEnergy is a place where to share and explore design concepts and theories primarily about environmental design. Regardless of scale the aim is to provide useful insights to architects, engineers, researchers, design consultants and anyone interested in sustainable design strategies, technologies, industry standards and regulations. DesignedByEnergy foresees to establish an open collaborative platform where everyone can contribute to enrich the content. A particular glimpse is devoted to the power of computation to control and achieve energy optimisation, environmental balance and morphogenetic efficiency. DesignedByEnergy ventures novel approaches to analysis and simulation modelling thus enabling high-perfomance energy efficient, environmentally responsive architecture and systems. The content will be mainly delivered through blog news, tutorials and articles.” Link to [2]DesignedByEnergy blog

1. http://www.designedbyenergy.com/site/ 2. http://www.designedbyenergy.com/site/



onformative (2011-07-19 09:47)

[1] ”onformative, founded by Julia Laub and Cedric Kiefer in Berlin, is a studio specialized in generative design solutions covering various types of media and topics.” Link to [2]onformative website 1. http://www.onformative.com/ 2. http://www.onformative.com/


DA HAN ÇAM (2011-07-19 10:06)

[1] Very interesting blog about material computation and multi-agent systems in architectural design process held by architect and researcher DA HAN ÇAM. [2]Link to blog 1. http://daghancam.blogspot.com/ 2. http://daghancam.blogspot.com/


SustainableDesignResearch (2011-07-22 15:29)

[1] Interesting blog held by Enrico Crobu about sustainable design. [2]Link to ”SustainableDesignResearch” blog 66

1. http://www.fluidspace.it/test/ 2. http://www.fluidspace.it/test/


flowL - grasshopper plug-in (2011-07-22 20:35)

[1] @[UTO] guys (Thomas Grabner and Ursula Frick) have just released a new Grasshopper plug-in. ”flowL is a plug-in to visualize a vector field, generated trough positive and negative point charges. The path lines are calculated with the ”Runge-Kutta 4th Order Method” short ”RK4”, developed by the German mathematicians C. Runge and M.W. Kutta. around 1900.!” [2]Link to @[UTO] flowL post [3]Link to @[UTO]blog P.S. Thx very much guys! 1. http://utos.blogspot.com/2011/07/gh-plugin-to-visualize-vectorfields.html 2. http://utos.blogspot.com/2011/07/gh-plugin-to-visualize-vectorfields.html 3. http://utos.blogspot.com/


CAST | Center for Architecture and Situated Technologies (2011-07-22 22:32)

[1] ”The Center for Architecture and Situated Technologies [CAST] is located within the Department of Architecture at the University at Buffalo. CAST is devoted to work on the evolving and growing implications of new technologies within the built environment: social, political, ecological, and material. Our various research efforts address the impact of mobile and embedded computing, wireless networks, responsive systems and cybernetics on architecture and the city today. We consider issues like context, embodied interaction and performance as important, rapidly evolving characteristics to contemporary architecture and the city. We study issues of techné and of technology that are ever-present in architectural discourse, but which have taken on new meanings and questions with the advent of new forms of human-computer interaction. These forms often originate in computer science and in engineering, and include the development of ubiquitous computing, physical computing, as well as parametric modeling and digital fabrication techniques. One result of these new technologies is an opportunity and a demand for architectural study and practice to reshape their disciplinary boundaries and methods. With this shift, the role of research in the design studio historical and theoretical as well as material and technological research grows vitally important and must be rethought. Our Center’s research, pedagogy, design work and discourse are unique as a single 67

group within a major research university, devoted to methodically addressing these emerging issues.” Link to [2]CAST website 1. http://cast.ap.buffalo.edu/site/ 2. http://cast.ap.buffalo.edu/site/

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August Formologix (2011-08-03 10:21)

[1] ”Formologix is an experimental design and research laboratory specializing in exploring digital tectonics and fabrication through the intersection of design, computation, and science. In this website, you will find about our researches,services and collections of our projects as well as a blog documenting the work of our networks.” [2]Link to Formologix blog 1. http://formologix.com/ 2. http://formologix.com/


Decker Yeadon - NY (2011-08-03 16:12)

[1] ”Decker Yeadon is a Brooklyn, New York-based architectural research firm that is as comfortable entering competitions as it is with nanotechnology. Trained as architects but fascinated by chemistry, co-founders Martina Decker and Peter Yeadon are using carbon nanotubes to experiment with new building materials that move without a motor. Their research could lead to innovations such as window shades that open and close depending on the room temperature, no mechanical parts needed. Watch their NanoINK transform an ordinary strip of printer paper into a flexible electrical conductor.” 68

Link to [2]Decker Yeadon website Link to [3]GOOD website inteview to Decker & Yeadon 1. http://www.deckeryeadon.com/ 2. http://www.deckeryeadon.com/ 3. http://www.good.is/post/carbon-nanotubes-will-make-buildings-that-move/


NEWS 066 (2011-08-10 14:20)


[2]neoarchaic - Radial Hexagon [3]Parametric model - many posts [4]Buildz - Iron Python Scripting in Revit [5]BIOS - BIOS-FIN system = Algae Biofiltration to Biofuel Building Facade System [6]PROJECTiONE - HYPERLAXITY [7]Urban Future organization - uts open agenda honourable mention [8]n-fold geometry - Cross Pattern 4 [9]Volatile Prototypes - Reaction-Diffusion in Processing [10][n]igma - semi rigid car [11]@[UTO] - Mesh Analysis and Utility Component UPDATE v1.0.9.0 [12]the proving ground - IronPython with Vasari [13]the proving ground - The Supershape Returns... with Vasari and IronPython [14]the proving ground - Genome Database using Slingshot! [15]LMNts - ACADIA/FLATCUT Competition Entry [16]LMNts - Grasshopper Canvas with Kinect Interaction: Part 1 [17]4ofSeven - 1011AA ¶• Inconsistencies [18]Cerver.org - MultiExtrude Maya Python Script Added [19]Alt N research - Project BlackBox Development [20]digital[sub]stance - AgentTropism - Agent Responsive Canopy Structures [21]John Locke - light it up [22]Hybrid BioStructures - Fabric / Concrete Cloth Testing [23]Hybrid BioStructures - More CC Testing/ Manipulating Form [24]I Eat Bugs For Breakfast - On getting lucky in higher dimensions [25]Generative Design - Digital Sketching [26]Generative Design - End of the road for the turbo-charged drawing board? [27]P &Alab - DDD 127 Exhibition Poster :City God Image (Processing) [28]SoftRigid - Dynamic Performance of Nature 13 [29]ModeLab - Grasshopper | Algorithmic Processes [30]ModeLab - Grasshopper | Object Types [31]Performative Design - Analytical Space Inspection [32]PARAsite - AAC Fabrication Workshop 69

[33]Digital Morphogenesis - CAAD Futures 2011 [34]Heumann Design/Tech - GH Unit Conversion Script [35]complexitys - Flash and Flux RSS paramĂŠtriques [36]Robots in Architecture - Parametric Robot Control Workshop @ CAAD Futures 2011 [37]the leda atomicus - LoveLace

1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-8yqGD9B2g78/TkJ5JNnyI0I/AAAAAAAACOg/Dp97Y5mqSXI/s1600/NEWS_066.jpg 2. http://neoarchaic.net/2011/07/radial-hexagon/ 3. http://www.parametricmodel.com/ 4. http://buildz.blogspot.com/2011/07/iron-python-scripting-in-revit.html 5.


bios-fin-system-algae-biofiltration-to-biofuel-building-facade-system/ 6. http://www.projectione.com/hyperlaxity/ 7. http://www.au-urbanfuture.org/blog/?p=1812 8. http://nfoldgeometry.blogspot.com/2011/07/cross-pattern-4.html 9. http://volatileprototypes.com/topics/reaction-diffusion/ 10. http://luisquinonesdesign.com/1748046/semi-rigid-car 11. http://utos.blogspot.com/2011/07/mesh-analysis-and-utility-component.html 12. http://nmillerarch.blogspot.com/2011/07/ironpython-with-vasari.html 13. http://nmillerarch.blogspot.com/2011/07/supershape-returns-with-vasari-and.html 14. http://nmillerarch.blogspot.com/2011/07/genome-database-using-slingshot.html 15. http://lmnts.lmnarchitects.com/fabrication/acadia-flatcut/ 16. http://lmnts.lmnarchitects.com/interaction/grasshopper-canvas-meet-kinect/ 17. http://blog.4ofseven.com/1011aa-tehran-visitng-school/1011aa-%DA%A9%D8%B4-incosistencies/ 18. http://www.cerver.org/?p=532 19. http://altnresearch.com/?p=446 20. http://digitalsubstance.wordpress.com/2011/07/31/agenttropism/ 21. http://gracefulspoon.com/blog/2011/07/28/light-it-up/ 22. http://hybios.blogspot.com/2011/07/fabric-concrete-cloth-testing.html 23. http://hybios.blogspot.com/2011/08/more-cc-testing-manipulating-form.html 24. http://ieatbugsforbreakfast.wordpress.com/2011/07/31/on-getting-lucky-in-higher-dimensions/ 25. http://generativedesign.wordpress.com/2011/07/25/digital-sketching/ 26. http://generativedesign.wordpress.com/2011/07/28/end-of-the-road-for-the-turbo-charged-drawing-board/ 27. http://pandalabccc.blogspot.com/2011/07/ddd127-exhibition-poster-citygodimage.html 28. http://softrigid.com/2011/08/01/dynamic-performance-of-nature_13/ 29. http://modelab.nu/?p=5002 30. http://modelab.nu/?p=5009 31. http://www.andrewmarsh.com/scripts/analysis-and-simulation/analytical-space-inspection 32. http://parasite.usc.edu/?p=831 33. http://www.nzarchitecture.com/blog/index.php/2011/08/07/caad-futures-2011/ 34. http://heumanndesigntech.wordpress.com/2011/08/06/gh-unit-conversion-script/ 35. http://complexitys.com/software/flash-and-flux-rss-parametriques/ 36. http://robotsinarchitecture.blogspot.com/2011/08/parametric-robot-control-workshop-caad.html 37. http://ledatomica.wordpress.com/2011/08/07/lovelace/



Relational Geometries (2011-08-14 23:29)


Blog of the course: ARC 440/640: Computer Applications Relational Geometries Spring 2011 University at Buffalo The State University of New York Instructors: Omar Khan and Nicholas Bruscia �Course Description This techniques seminar introduces students to the next generation of computer aided design tools that facilitate movement between modeling and material prototyping. It will explore methods and techniques of parametric modeling; an approach to design that frames the problem of form-making as an interaction of multiple material systems. We will take the topic of parameters and variables as a theme to be interrogated through different types of computing , including NURBS modeling in Rhinoceros 4.0, scripting in Grasshopper 0.8 (or newest release), physical computing with the Arduino microcontroller and rapid prototyping with the Universal Laser Cutter, ZCorp 3D printer, CNC Router and Plasma Cutter. The semester will be broken into 2-3 week problems that will focus on specific methods and technologies. We will take inspiration from formal organizations found in nature that aggregate, cluster, crowd, flock, and flow. These will be studied carefully to understand how their dynamic behavior articulates itself into form. Course Objectives and Outcomes The course’s objective is to use current digital design tools to develop productive techniques for architectural design. Students will become proficient in the use of these tools as well as cognizant of their 71

potential affordance within the design and fabrication process.” Link to [2]Relational Geometries blog Link to [3]”Reservoir Wall” post

1. http://cast.ap.buffalo.edu/courses/s11/arc640/ 2. http://cast.ap.buffalo.edu/courses/s11/arc640/ 3. http://cast.ap.buffalo.edu/courses/s11/arc640/?p=1509


MetaMaticZoo (2011-08-14 23:45)


Blog with some interesting experiments about Grasshopper, dig-fab and arduino. Link to [2]MetaMaticZoo blog

1. http://metamaticzoo.wordpress.com/ 2. http://metamaticzoo.wordpress.com/



Generative Algorithms - Concepts & Experiments: Strip Morphologies” by Zubin Khabazi (2011-08-18 22:43)


Very interesting and useful pdf manual (with Grasshopper tutorials inside) about Strip Morphologies released by Zubin Khabazi. Link to [2]MORPHOGENESISM blog Link to ”[3]Strip Morphologies” post

1. http://morphogenesism.blogspot.com/2011/08/generative-algorithmscaestrip.html 2. http://morphogenesism.blogspot.com/ 3. http://morphogenesism.blogspot.com/2011/08/generative-algorithmscaestrip.html



Atelier Yukio Minobe | Architectural Ecologies (2011-08-31 10:11)


A very interesting website. ”Atelier Yukio Minobe was founded by Yukio Minobe as the design studio which explores a new kind of environments integrating of nature and artefact, ARCHITECTURAL ECOLOGIES, in the interface between architecture, biology, ecology, environmental engineering and computer science. The atelier has regarded architecture as organisations through materials’ adaptations, emergences and metamorphoses under their environments in nature. ARCHITECTURAL ECOLOGIES has been defined as organisations being specific to material constituents and their environments, which are emerged through the reciprocity between materials’ own behaviours and external influences by environments. Based on the definition of ARCHITECTURAL ECOLOGIES, Atelier Yukio Minobe believes not only that investigations into methodologies for generating such ecologies facilitate higher performances in built environments, but also that they lead us towards a new environment integrating artefact with nature. Currently Atelier Yukio Minobe has embarked on attempts to instrumentalise the wisdoms of nature for generating performative built environments through developing advanced digital methodologies whereby we can replicate the natural system. The methodologies have linked together from extractions of geometries, material arrangements and generative methods in nature, reconstructions of them as computational programmes and algorithms, and searching into artificial environments asymptotic to nature in terms of performances through digital simulations. With essential developments of digital tools and new design processes, Atelier Yukio Minobe has pursued integrated design methodologies whereby a new kind of artificial environment can be emerged along the natural system.” Link to ”[2]Atelier Yukio Minobe” website Link to ”[3]A Study on Architecture in Moving Air” post 1.


//1.bp.blogspot.com/-TkiYP_gxuXI/Tl3tl3v6dUI/AAAAAAAACPE/gk5jZWGxicg/s1600/Atelier%2BYukio%2BMinobe.jpg 2. http://architecturalecologies.com/


3. http://architecturalecologies.com/projects/A-Study-on-Architecture-in-Moving-Air/

1.9 1.9.1

September Concrete Fabrication (2011-09-09 14:00)

[1] Very interesting blog held by Richard Bush. ”&It’s the topic for this blog: ’Concrete Fabrication’, so called because the present project is investigating fabric formwork in the production of concrete structures. I’m a Master of Architecture student at the University of Edinburgh and myself and two other students are beginning a studio module that researches ’Disruptive Technologies’ within the sphere of architecture. What are ’Disruptive Technologies?’ I shall explain in the first proper entry. But briefly, we shall be looking at two absorbing yet contrasting subject areas where new technological techniques and advances are occurring within the world of Materiality and Immateriality (i.e the physical and digital frontiers) and their influence and incorporation into the field of architecture.” [2]Link to ”Concrete Fabrication” blog 1. http://richardbush.wordpress.com/ 2. http://richardbush.wordpress.com/


Urbana (2011-09-12 14:42)

[1] [2]Link to ”Urbana” website 1. http://www.urbanaarch.com/ 2. http://www.urbanaarch.com/



Computational Matter (2011-09-12 14:45)

[1] ”Computational Matter is a series of geometry studies through the use of computational tools + sculpting software” [2]Link to ”Computational Matter” website

1. http://www.computationalmatter.com/ 2. http://www.computationalmatter.com/


Fucture.org (2011-09-25 00:07)

[1] ”Space dedicated to share code, work, study experience and information that could be of interest to architects, programmers, developers or any other freaks around the world who think that future is bright for open source and intelligent computational environments.” [2]Link to Fucture.org

1. http://brain-grid.lt/fucture/ 2. http://brain-grid.lt/fucture/





Atmos studio (2011-10-01 11:47)

[1] ”Atmos synthesise art & architecture for a better world. We create beautiful, articulated spaces merging meaning with sensuality, digital with physical, micro with global. We prioritise content and connectivity, real-time responsiveness and technological innovation, spatial sensuality and articulation. We design across the scales, from furniture to cities, installations to public buildings. We use the best available media to do the job in hand, whether timber or LED, concrete or video, text or food. We aim to sate all the senses, immersing people in ground-breaking kinaesthetic experiences. We are constantly in search of ways to make the world more pleasurable.” [2]Link to ”Atmos studio” website 1. http://www.atmosstudio.com/ 2. http://www.atmosstudio.com/


designtopology (2011-10-01 11:52)

[1] Interesting website held by [2]Joseph Choma. ”Design Topology Lab is a research platform dedicated to the ontology of space defined by mathematics. Unlike typical parametric methodologies based on fixed linear hierarchical structures, DTL focuses its work on developing and manipulating flexible generative engines which allow computational worlds to be embedded inside one another. DTL also designs; emphasizing that design is computation. The ruled based logics are made explicit, and used as the primary constraint to design within.” [3]Link to ”designtopology” website 1. http://www.designtopology.com/ 2. http://www.designtopology.com/about.html 3. http://www.designtopology.com/



Stochastic Simulation and Lagrangian Dynamics (2011-10-01 11:57)

[1] ”This is the blog-diary created to monitorize the evolution of Rabindranath Andujar’s thesis on Stochastic Simulation and Lagrangian dynamics applied to Structural Design. It is intended to extend collaboration with other people, allow the register of the studies, and force a discipline on recording references, lines of study, and whatever else appears.” [2]Link to this blog

1. http://stochasticandlagrangian.blogspot.com/ 2. http://stochasticandlagrangian.blogspot.com/


W:BLUT (2011-10-01 12:05)

[1] ”On this site you’ll find a collection of code experiments exploring generative graphics, complexity, geometry, chaos, particles and any- thing else that catches my interest. It’s hard to find a suitable name for this, art is way too pretentious, algorithms too cold. Constructs seems to be suitable, sufficiently mechanical but with a touch of craft.” [2]Link to ”W:BLUT” website

1. http://www.wblut.com/ 2. http://www.wblut.com/



New Fabrications for Architecture (2011-10-01 12:11)

[1] Very interesting blog held by Zachary Schoch about masters thesis at sci-arc in Los Angeles, CA. [2] Link to ”New Fabrications for Architecture” blog

1. http://xahkdesign.tumblr.com/ 2. http://xahkdesign.tumblr.com/


Studio AION architecture (2011-10-01 13:10)

[1] ”AION is an architectural practice engaging with the complexity of built environments through an integral approach. Matter, technique and function are treated as a continuum through a design process triggering novelty out of sistematicity and assessing praxis as a form of creative engineering of life. Understanding architecture as essentially involved in the material organization of the living, the office operates within urban and environmental processes seeking for higher system performance across scales and domains.” [2]Link to ”AION” website

1. http://www.a-i-o-n.com/index.php 2. http://www.a-i-o-n.com/index.php



Radical Craft (2011-10-06 08:51)

[1] ”Radical Craft is a Los Angeles-based research and design studio operating between the fields of architecture, art, and urbanism. Through collaborations with other specialists both inside and outside of this disciplines, radical Craft locates and reworks the exsting logics into unexpected solutions. This method of research/production takes the sensibility of craft steeped in tradition, expertise and intuition, and injects a critical investigation into emerging technologies and typologies creating new situations which appear both logical and novel.” [2]Link to ”Radical Craft” website 1. http://radical-craft.com/ 2. http://radical-craft.com/


Immersive Kinematics (2011-10-06 18:46)

[1] ”Immersive Kinematics is a Research Group at the University of Pennsylvania directed by professors Simon Kim and Mark Yim. This group is a collaboration between Penn Engineering and Penn Design and expands the roles of architecture and engineering focusing on integrating robotics, interaction, and embedded intelligence in our buildings, cities, and cultures. The group offers a class teaming architecture and engineering students in mechatronic projects.” [2]Link to ”Immersive Kinematics” webiste [3]Link to ”Immersive Kinematics” blog 1. http://www.immersivekinematics.com/ 2. http://www.immersivekinematics.com/ 3. http://immersivekinematics.tumblr.com/



algorithmic design (2011-10-07 00:01)

[1] ”This body of work is computational craft that creates consistency and precision within formal explorations. There is a conscious redefining of material constrains through pattern and code, which incubates a search for progressive manufacturing methods. Pure algorithmic design encapsulates the potential for new patterns, which manifest around generative procedures through scripted logic. This abstract material logic embodiment enables an engagement with the complexities of organizational space. Drawn from the purgatory of design, these examples demonstrate a state in computation.” [2]Link to ”algorithmic design” website 1. http://code.algorithmicdesign.net/ 2. http://code.algorithmicdesign.net/


Designing the Dynamic (2011-10-07 09:48)

[1] Designing the Dynamic, workshop and symposium, 21-25th November, Melbourne. ”Designing the Dynamic will bring together built environment designers with specialists from mathematics, engineering, computer and material science to explore the design and representation of dynamic systems. The aim is to build virtual and physical design prototypes and simulation tools and that represent complex trade offs in ways that support intuitive design decision-making. Multidisciplinary teams of architects, designers, engineers, mathematicians, and scientists will address design challenges that engage the extreme dynamics of air, water and real time response and anticipation. For immersion in space of extreme change and complexity this event will work from the context of sailing and sail boat design and the complementary pairing within that world of sailor and scientist. In sailboat racing tiny increments in boat performance are critical to the chance of winning, recorded and tacit knowledge of the experienced sailor are as critical to success as scientific analysis, the fastest route is never the shortest. Architects, engineers, designers, mathematicians are invited to sharpen their wits together by considering the playoff of hydrofoil and aerofoil, system behaviour and real time tuning.” [2]Link to ”Designing the Dynamic” website 81

1. http://designingthedynamic.com/ 2. http://designingthedynamic.com/


CodeQuotidien (2011-10-11 22:26)

[1] ”CodeQuotidien · a collection of Computational Geometry for Architecture.” [2]Link to ”CodeQuotidien” blog 1. http://codequotidien.wordpress.com/ 2. http://codequotidien.wordpress.com/


ROBOFOLD (2011-10-11 22:41)

[1] [2]Link to ROBOFOLD website 1. http://www.robofold.com/ 2. http://www.robofold.com/



Machinators (2011-10-12 15:09)

[1] ”Machinators documents research and provides resources for design studios, seminars, and degree projects directed by Peter Testa and Devyn Weiser.” [2]Link to ”Machinators” blog

1. http://www.machinators.org/ 2. http://www.machinators.org/


Kruysman | Proto (2011-10-14 13:45)

[1] [2] Link to ”Kruysman | Proto” website

1. http://www.thecognomen.net/ 2. http://www.thecognomen.net/



ENCODE - Egyptian Node for COllaborative DEsign (2011-10-24 22:24)

[1] ”ENCODE is a design by research studio created by the collaboration of young architects dedicated to explore innovative design systems on different scales from object to field aiming for a more significant Egyptian presence in the global design market. Based on the mathematical and material logic of natural systems Encode investigate various digital and physical computational tools exploring the potentials of digital design and fabrication techniques to correlate education, profession and design industry. ENCODE team believes in research as a catalyst of innovation in the design industry. During last few years, ENCODE team conducted a series of workshops, seminars and lectures in computational design and fabrication in Alexandria, London, Vienna, Beijing. Also they have been involved in academic, organizational and professional collaborations with specialists in digital design and fabrication industry in Egypt, Germany, Italy, Palestine, China and UK. During these collaborations ENCODE has found nature as a rich world of inspiration through its mathematical and material logic. With strategic industry partners and collaborators, we would be able to develop this knowledge through exploratory workshop environments that focus on learning through making with the latest digital design and fabrication systems through team based projects, dealing with the translation of ideas into atoms, shifting scales between study models & 1:1 fabrication prototypes.” [2]Link to ENCODE website 1. http://www.encodestudio.net/ 2. http://www.encodestudio.net/


KUKA|prc - parametric robot control for Grasshopper (2011-10-24 23:02)

[1] KUKA|prc is a new parametric robot control plugin for Grasshopper developed by ”Robots in Architec84

ture”. [2]Link to ”Robots in Architecture” new website 1. http://www.robotsinarchitecture.org/ 2. http://www.robotsinarchitecture.org/


Clever Algorithms - book (2011-10-24 23:09)

[1] Clever Algorithms - Nature-Inspired Programming Recipes ”The book ”Clever Algorithms: Nature-Inspired Programming Recipes” by Jason Brownlee PhD describes 45 algorithms from the field of Artificial Intelligence. All algorithm descriptions are complete and consistent to ensure that they are accessible, usable and understandable by a wide audience.” The book is free in the on-line or PDF version. [2]Link to ”Clever Algorithms” website 1. http://www.cleveralgorithms.com/ 2. http://www.cleveralgorithms.com/


{arc:ode} (2011-10-25 12:16)

[1] Very interesting blog about ”architecture, geometry, computation & code”. [2]Link to ” {arc:ode }” blog [3]Link to ”Fabrication Oriented Parametrics” post 1. http://arcode.blogspot.com/ 2. http://arcode.blogspot.com/ 3. http://arcode.blogspot.com/2011/10/fabrication-oriented-parametrics.html



ianCode - Dynamo: Visual Programming for Revit (2011-10-26 12:57)

[1] Dynamo is Visual Programming for Revit ”This project was started by Ian Keough. The intent of this project is to provide a code playground for building interesting parametric functionality on top of that already offered by Revit, and to do so with a graphical interface that allows you to share your work with others less inclined to write code themselves. It has been developed based on feedback from several parties inlcuding Buro Happold Engineers, and students and faculty at the USC School of Architecture.” [2]Link to ”ianCode” blog 1. http://iankeough.com/wordpress/ 2. http://iankeough.com/wordpress/


NEWS 067 (2011-10-26 18:11)

[1] [2]Dima’s blog - Thesis M.Arch [3]Dima’s Blog - Random Stuff - Randomizer for Revit [4]Digital[Sub]stance - Point Attractor Grasshopper GHUser Object [5]Digital[Sub]stance - Digital [Sub]stance Grasshopper User objects [6]Arch:Digital - Kinect + Grasshopper [7]Arch:Digital - Kinect + Grasshopper + Arduino (updates) [8]Heumann Design/Tech - Aluminum Folding for Sarah Oppenheimer [9]Ernesto Bueno’s Blog - Growing a new L-E-G [10]Morphogenesism - Generative Algorithms CaE Strip Morphologies [11]P &Alab - Pixel Lions(grasshopper) [12]The proving ground - An Energy Model... of Earth? ASHRAE + Slingshot! [13]ArchitectureInCombination - Dragonfly: New AI Agent engine based only on Perception [14]Spatial Slur - BifurMoire [15]P &Alab - snake Form (processing) [16]NeoArchic - Project GT [17]Eat a Bug - Experimental Wood Structures at ETH [18]Eat a Bug - Open Source Architecture? [19]n-fold geometry - Floral Pattern On Hex Grid [20]Woo Jae’s blog - Design Thesis, Cornell M.Arch - REORGANIZING PROCESSOF UNITE 86

D’HABITATION [21]The Geometry of Bending - Hinge Force in Kangaroo [22]Architecture In Combination - Emitters and Sprites [23]Space Symmetry Structure - Patents, Precedents and Geometry [24]Breaking the blanks - Miura-Ori Grid on Vimeo [25]Elise Elsacker - Osceleton & Kinect in Grasshopper [26]Digital Design & Computation - Galapagos for Wing Optimization [27]Geometry Gym - Mesh False Color [28]Generative Design - Are we like bacteria now ? [29]The proving ground - Blender Particle Systems with Grasshopper [30]n-fold geometry - Four Point Stars [31]z4d - Mantis v0.4 beta [32]Digital Morphogenesis - Datamining Grasshopper [33]Cerver.org - Remote Sliders [34]Cerver.org - Qhull for GC updated [35]P &Alab - Swarm Mesh [36]P &Alab - SinCosSin ( processing ) [37]PARAsite - USC wins NASA grant to design structures on Moon [38]peer produced space - Super Super: Przemiany Festiwal [39]PROJECTiONE - Black Acre Prototype [40]Make a Hybrid - Swarm system with Grasshopper+Ghowl+Kangaroo [41]MadeInCalifornia - rh PhyTower wip01 [42]BIOS - Parking Day with Studios Architecture and Holmes-Culley Engineers [43]Live Components NY - 4 6 PANELIZED FOLDING [44]The leda atomicus - 20,000 Agents on Meshes [45]Digital Morphogenesis - DesignScript Autodesk [46]P &Alab - SwarmCell (processing + grasshopper + gHowl + weaverBird) [47]P &Alab - Swarmy (processing + grasshopper + + gHowl + weaverBird ) [48]Generative Design - Post Parametric Revolution [49]ahylo - eˆzCos(y)=Cos(x) [50]designedbyenergy - Performative Topologies [51]Digital Design & Computation - Galapagos for Wing Optimization [52]Elise Elsacker - EEG and biofeedback architecture [53]a-ngine - [P5] - swarming [54]Generative Design Computing - Parametric Origami [55]Generative Design Computing - Data Trees [56]Hybrid BioStructures - HYBIOS 4.0/ Modeling Construction Logistics [57]I Eat Bugs For Breakfast - Obfuscation, fear and loathing. [58]Performative design - Real-Time Site Analysis - For Android [59]Volatile prototypes - 2011 / ReactP5 for Processing [60]A-ngine - [P5] - aggregation [61]Geometry Gym - Rhino/Grasshopper to Tekla [62]Dima’s blog - In-Place Masses as Utility Elements / Helpers. Part 1 (no API) [63]Urbana - reef [64][n]Codon - Free-form & flat quads with Rhino.Python [65]New Fabrications for Architecture - Thesis video, sci-arc [66]The proving ground - Force-Based Data Visualization [67][n]igma - emergen[cy] [68]Live Components NY - PROJECT : La Fabrique Sonore [69]LMNts - DIVA is Awesome and Everyone Should Use It [70]MadeInCalifornia - many posts [71]Digital[Sub]stance - Curve Attractors + Ascending-Descending Attractor Values GH User Objects [72]The leda atomicus - Mesh Colour Components 87

[73]The leda atomicus - Vertex Paint -> Grasshopper Extrude [74]The Proving Ground - What’s New in Slingshot! Database v0.8? [75]Lift Architects - A Five-Axis Robotic Motion Controller For Designers [76]Eat a bug - Modelling Funicular Structures [77]Eat a bug - 3D Printed Stone Vault [78]Geometry Gym - IFC MEP and Reinforcement [79]Spatial Slur - Smells Like Stigmergy [80]Blog Binturong - Some Thoughts from Acadia [81]complexitys - Re-Thinking CAD Standards: Why there’s never a good time, and never a better time& [82]Computational Matter - Pleat Diddy [83]Computational Matter - Big Bird [84]Computational Matter - ”Hey Nice Tube” [85]DesignEmergente - Spatial distribution in buildings through Genetic Algorithm, micro scale [86]DesignEmergente - Genetic algorithms as Generative Design System, half scale [87]generative design computing - origami | rhinoscript - python [88]Digital[Sub]stance - Parametric HoneyComb Boundary / 3d Print [89]Lift Architects - A Five-Axis Robotic Motion Controller For Designers [90][n]igma - puffer pleatness [91]Michal Piasecki - WWAA: private gallery mock-up

1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-9MBe1Jf6ONA/Tqg1mnNeZkI/AAAAAAAACUM/z8fIOYKUsak/s1600/NEWS_067.jpg 2. http://dimak1999.blogspot.com/p/thesis-march.html 3. http://dimak1999.blogspot.com/2011/08/random-stuff-randomizer-for-revit.html 4. http://digitalsubstance.wordpress.com/2011/08/13/point-attractor-grasshopper-ghuser-object/ 5. http://digitalsubstance.wordpress.com/2011/08/13/digital-substance-grasshopper-user-objects/ 6. http://archdigital.blogspot.com/2011/08/kinect-grasshopper.html 7. http://archdigital.blogspot.com/2011/09/kinect-grasshopper-arduino-updates.html 8. http://heumanndesigntech.wordpress.com/2011/08/12/aluminum-folding-for-sarah-oppenheimer/ 9. http://ernestobueno.blogspot.com/2011/08/growing-new-l-e-g.html 10. http://morphogenesism.blogspot.com/2011/08/generative-algorithmscaestrip.html 11. http://pandalabccc.blogspot.com/2011/08/pixelgrasshopper-pixel-render-these-are.html 12. http://nmillerarch.blogspot.com/2011/08/energy-model-of-earth-ashrae-slingshot.html 13.


dragonfly-new-ai-agent-engine-based-only-on-perception/ 14. http://spatial-slur.blogspot.com/2011/08/bifurmoire.html 15. http://pandalabccc.blogspot.com/2011/08/snakeform-processing.html 16. http://neoarchaic.com/2011/08/project-gt/ 17. http://eat-a-bug.blogspot.com/2011/08/experimental-wood-structures-at-eth.html 18. http://eat-a-bug.blogspot.com/2011/08/open-source-architecture.html 19. http://nfoldgeometry.blogspot.com/2011/08/floral-pattern-on-hex-grid.html 20. http://woojsung.com/2011/08/19/design-thesis-cornell-m-arch/ 21. http://thegeometryofbending.blogspot.com/2011/08/hinge-force-in-kangaroo.html 22. http://architectureincombination.wordpress.com/2011/08/30/emitters-and-sprites/ 23. http://spacesymmetrystructure.wordpress.com/2011/09/03/patents-precedents-and-geometry/ 24. http://breakingtheblanks.blogspot.com/2011/09/miura-ori-grid-on-vimeo.html 25. http://eliseelsacker.wordpress.com/2011/08/28/osceleton-kinect-in-grasshopper-2/ 26. http://ming3d.com/videotutorial/?p=511 27. http://geometrygym.blogspot.com/2011/09/mesh-false-color.html 28. http://generativedesign.wordpress.com/2011/08/21/we-are-all-bacteria-now/ 29. http://nmillerarch.blogspot.com/2011/09/blender-particle-systems-with.html 30. http://nfoldgeometry.blogspot.com/2011/09/four-point-star.html 31. http://zaghloul4d.blogspot.com/2011/09/mantis-v04-beta.html 32. http://www.nzarchitecture.com/blog/index.php/2011/09/20/datamining-grasshopper/


33. http://www.cerver.org/2011/remote-sliders/ 34. http://www.cerver.org/2011/qhull-for-gc-updated/ 35. http://pandalabccc.blogspot.com/2011/09/swarmmesh.html 36. http://pandalabccc.blogspot.com/2011/09/sincossin-processing.html 37. http://parasite.usc.edu/?p=861 38. http://michalpiasecki.com/2011/09/06/super-super-przemiany-festiwal/ 39. http://www.projectione.com/black-acre-prototype/ 40. http://www.makeahybrid.org/2011/09/swarm-system-with-grasshopperghowlkangeroo/ 41. http://madeincalifornia.blogspot.com/2011/09/rhphytower-wip01.html 42. http://biosarch.wordpress.com/2011/09/26/parking-day-with-studios-architecture/ 43. http://livecomponents-ny.com/2011/09/28/4_6-panelized-folding/ 44. http://ledatomica.wordpress.com/2011/09/20/20000-agents-on-meshes/ 45. http://www.nzarchitecture.com/blog/index.php/2011/06/27/designscript-autodesk/ 46. http://pandalabccc.blogspot.com/2011/09/swarmcell-processing-grasshopper-ghowl.html 47. http://pandalabccc.blogspot.com/2011/09/swarmy-processing-grasshopper.html 48. http://generativedesign.wordpress.com/2011/10/04/post-parametric-revolution/ 49. http://studio.ahylo.com/2012480/e-zCos-y-Cos-x 50. http://www.designedbyenergy.com/site/?p=202 51. http://ming3d.com/videotutorial/?p=511 52. http://eliseelsacker.wordpress.com/2011/10/04/eeg-and-biofeedback-architecture/ 53. http://www.a-ngine.com/2011/10/p5-swarming.html 54. http://www.generativedesigncomputing.net/2011/10/parametric-origami.html 55. http://www.generativedesigncomputing.net/2011/09/data-trees.html 56. http://hybios.blogspot.com/2011/10/hybios-40-modeling-construction.html 57. http://ieatbugsforbreakfast.wordpress.com/2011/10/03/obfuscation-fear-and-loathing/ 58. http://www.andrewmarsh.com/scripts/analysis-and-simulation/real-time-site-analysis-for-android 59. http://www.volatileprototypes.com/libraries/ReactP5/ 60. http://www.a-ngine.com/2011/10/p5-aggregation.html 61. http://geometrygym.blogspot.com/2011/10/rhinograsshopper-to-tekla.html 62. http://dimak1999.blogspot.com/2011/10/in-place-masses-as-utility-elements.html 63. http://urbanaarch.com/1035748/Reef 64. http://ncodon.com/2011/10/05/free-form-flat-quads-with-rhino-python/ 65. http://xahkdesign.tumblr.com/post/10235270412/thesis-video-sci-arc-the-final-video 66. http://nmillerarch.blogspot.com/2011/09/force-based-data-visualization.html 67. http://luisquinonesdesign.com/285112/emergen-cy 68. http://livecomponents-ny.com/2011/09/28/project-creation/ 69. http://lmnts.lmnarchitects.com/featured/diva-review/ 70. http://madeincalifornia.blogspot.com/ 71.


curve-attractors-ascending-descending-attractor-values-gh-user-objects/ 72. http://ledatomica.wordpress.com/2011/10/09/mesh-colour-components/ 73. http://ledatomica.wordpress.com/2011/10/06/vertex-paint-grasshopper-extrude/ 74. http://nmillerarch.blogspot.com/2011/10/whats-new-in-slingshot-database-v08.html 75. http://www.liftarchitects.com/journal/2011/10/20/a-five-axis-robotic-motion-controller-for-designers. html 76. http://eat-a-bug.blogspot.com/2011/10/modelling-funicular-structures.html 77. http://eat-a-bug.blogspot.com/2011/10/3d-printed-stone-vault.html 78. http://geometrygym.blogspot.com/2011/10/ifc-mep-and-reinforcement.html 79. http://spatial-slur.blogspot.com/2011/10/smells-like-stigmergy.html 80. http://www.atelierbinturong.com/2011/10/some-thoughts-from-acadia.html 81.


re-thinking-cad-standards-why-theres-never-a-good-time-and-never-a-better-time/ 82. http://computationalmatter.com/2186397/Pleat-Diddy


83. http://computationalmatter.com/2182372/Big-Bird 84. http://computationalmatter.com/2182314/-Hey-Nice-Tube 85.


spatial-distribution-in-buildings-through-genetic-algorithm-micro-scale/ 86.


genetic-algorithms-as-generative-design-system-half-scale/ 87. http://www.generativedesigncomputing.net/2011/10/origami-rhinoscript-python.html 88. http://digitalsubstance.wordpress.com/2011/10/19/parametric-honeycomb-boundary-3d-print/ 89. http://www.liftarchitects.com/journal/2011/10/20/a-five-axis-robotic-motion-controller-for-designers. html 90. http://luisquinonesdesign.com/2176085/puffer-pleatness 91. http://michalpiasecki.com/2011/10/20/wwaa-private-gallery-mock-up/


PLETHORA PROJECT (2011-10-26 21:37)

[1] ”Plethora-Project.com is an initiative to accelerate computational literacy in the frame of architecture and design. It aligns with the ”show me your screens” motto of the TopLap live-coding group attempting to get rid of Obscurantism in digital design.” An impressive ongoing serie of tutorials about rhino-python and processing done by Jose Sanchez. [2]Link to ”Plethora-Project” website 1. http://www.plethora-project.com/ 2. http://www.plethora-project.com/


Tomasz Starczewski (2011-10-27 10:46)

[1] Very interesting works and research on Tomasz Starczewski website. [2]Link to website 1. http://www.tomasz-starczewski.com/ 2. http://www.tomasz-starczewski.com/



Parametric Production (2011-10-27 14:09)

[1] ”Parametric Production researches state of the art digital planning and production technologies in architecture. Parametric Production is a blog focussing on innovations in digital architecture. It is managed by Ante Ljubas and Prof. Rüdiger Karzel, the authors of Digitale Prozesse (DETAIL Publishers 2010).” [2]Link to ”Parametric Production” website

1. http://parametricproduction.de/ 2. http://parametricproduction.de/


MRGD (2011-10-28 10:28)

[1] ”MRGD is a design research collaboration of young architects dedicated to developing an innovative approach towards architecture, urbanism and design. Since it was founded in 2004, MRGD researches on various parametric design tools exploring in parallel the ideas of form finding, self organization and digital manufacturing.” [2]Link to ”MRGD” website

1. http://studio.mrgd.co.uk/ 2. http://studio.mrgd.co.uk/




[1] [2]Link to ”Fabrication Methodologies” blog 1. http://architektur-fabrikation.blogspot.com/ 2. http://architektur-fabrikation.blogspot.com/


VERTEX DIGITAL DESIGN (2011-10-28 10:39)

[1] [2]Link to ”Vertex Digital Design” blog 1. http://vertexdigitaldesign.com/blog/ 2. http://vertexdigitaldesign.com/blog/


iGeo - Java Computational Design Tool (2011-10-28 10:54)

[1] ”iGeo is free and open source 3D modeling software library in Java for computational design in architecture, product design, interaction design and more. It includes libraries of vector math operations, 92

NURBS curve and surface geometries, polygon meshes and 3D model file I/O. It also has an interface specialized for processing.” [2]Link to ”iGeo” website 1. http://igeo.jp/ 2. http://igeo.jp/




srpLAB (2011-11-01 17:00)

[1] ”Established in 2006 by Santiago R. Perez, srpLAB is focused on rethinking Design + Making in the 21st century, with an interdisciplinary approach towards Architecture and Design. srpLAB is an interdisciplinary design collaborative promoting research and discovery through MAKING. The confluence of emerging fabrication technologies, generative modeling and interactive architecture, forms the core of our research. The development of new modes of practice linking these forms of experimentation with Environmentally Innovative Strategies for Design & Fabrication, informs our teaching, research and practice. Santiago R. Pérez, is the 21st Century Chair Assistant Professor of Architecture at the University of Arkansas School of Architecture. Professor Pérez teaches advanced studios and seminars focusing on emerging modes of practice, exploring fabrication technologies, generative modeling and interactive architecture.” [2]Link to ”srpLAB” website 1. http://www.srplab.net/ 2. http://www.srplab.net/


BREAD (2011-11-05 00:02)

[1] ”The Bureau of Research, Engineering, Art & Design Ltd a.k.a BREAD are a collective of multidisclipinary individuals with a wide array of skills and talents. We engage with people from small scale artists to major business to develop products and engagements for the physical world” [2]Link to ”BREAD” website 93

[3]Link to ”BREAD” blog [4]Link to ”Designing Hybrid Variable Materials” post 1. http://www.breadltd.com/ 2. http://www.breadltd.com/ 3. http://freshlybakedbread.tumblr.com/ 4. http://www.breadltd.com/?p=80


OTA+ (2011-11-05 22:18)

[1] ”OTA+ is an architecture, design and research office specializing in the application of advanced digital technologies for the visualization and fabrication of projects of all types and scale. OTA+ treats every project as an opportunity to use current design software and CNC (computer numerical controlled) machine tools to both generate and construct conceptually rigorous and formally unique design proposals. We are constantly in search of new tools and techniques to inform our design process and actively look for cross-disciplinary collaborators to push all design related fields forward. OTA+ is based in San Francisco, CA and is led by partners Kory Bieg and Alexa Getting.” [2]Link to ”OTA+” website 1. http://kbieg.com/ 2. http://kbieg.com/


UnitedVisualArtists (2011-11-07 17:29)

[1] ”Established in 2003, United Visual Artists are an art and design practice based in London. UVA produce work at the intersection of sculpture, architecture, live performance, moving image and digital installation. UVA’s team members come from many disciplines including fine art, architecture, communication design, moving image, computer science and engineering. The cross-pollination of diverse skills inspires new fields of exploration, which is core to their ethos. Pushing the boundaries of research, software and engineering with every project, UVA’s work aims above all to be meaningful and engaging.” [2]Link to ”UVA” website [3]Link to ”Linnaeus” post 94

1. http://www.uva.co.uk/ 2. http://www.uva.co.uk/ 3. http://www.uva.co.uk/work/linnaeus#/0


Responsive Skins (2011-11-14 10:09)

[1] This blog documents an investigation of responsive building facades conducted by the Yazdani Studio as part of the Cannon Design research initiative. The primary focus is to explore systems which allow individual surface components to vary in their responses to particular local stimuli. We refer to these systems as Paratonic Surfaces, derived from the biological term used to describe adaptive movement in plants. [2]Link to ”Rasponsive Skins” blog 1. http://yazdanistudioresearch.wordpress.com/ 2. http://yazdanistudioresearch.wordpress.com/


sketches[of]code (2011-11-15 09:14)

[1] This is the blog of Alessandro Zomparelli a student of Building Engineering/Architecture at Università degli Studi di Bologna (Italy). He is also a [2]Co-de-iT collaborator, Blender3d user, very capable coder and digi-friend. He is developing a tool to connect Blender3d to processing and others software as Grasshopper. [3]Link to ”sketches[of]code” blog [4]Link to ”Blender Real-time Exporter” post 1. http://sketchesofcode.wordpress.com/ 2. http://www.co-de-it.com/wordpress/info 3. http://sketchesofcode.wordpress.com/ 4. http://sketchesofcode.wordpress.com/2011/11/15/blender-real-time-exporter-simple-version/



DigitAG& Twylah - news aggregator (2011-11-15 11:59)

[1] During the last 2 years I have posted a lot onto DigitAG & blog, but more and more onto my [2]Facebook and [3]Twitter accounts. More than 6000 links about generative architecture, computational design, scritping, tools but also science, biology, network, digital fabrication, technology, robots, datavisualization and education. Now I have collected all my news into a unique webpage. If you are interested check it out. [4]DigitAG & twylah page 1. http://www.twylah.com/digitag 2. http://www.facebook.com/arch.a.graziano 3. http://twitter.com/digitag 4. http://www.twylah.com/digitag


LaN + SOLIDO hands-on workshop (2011-11-18 16:27)

[1] LaN + SOLIDO hands-on workshop // Rhino-to-Rhinocam / 3 & 5 axis CNC Milling / 3d Scanning 96

4 evening sessions & 2 weekend day sessions with on-site equipment This workshop is intended to suit a range of levels those with no Rhinoceros modeling or CNC machining experience will gain experience working with between modeled geometeries and designing tool-paths for production. Those with previous experience will have hands-on access to taking their understanding further. Sessions are co-instructed by Solido Founder Filippo Moroni & LaN Co-director Monika Wittig. Workshop will focus on the potential to design in parallel with CNC fabrication technologies. RhinoCam will allow participants to simulate CNC milling effects in the friendly Rhinoceros environment. Instruction will encourage how to add design value without extending economies of time and material. Participants will be introduced to an array of real world examples where a clear understanding of production parameters has driven design potential. Weekend session will be production-intensive utilizing Solido s on-site Belotti 5 axis mill. Understand the difference and implications between 3 & 5 axis milling. SOFTWARE All instructed software is available for free trial downloads instructions will be sent to registered participants Rhinoceros Use & brief instruction in the workshop will focus on modeling for fabrication precision, control of free-form surfaces, file organization for machining & iterative design explorations of tool-paths greatly affecting the fabricated form. RhinoCAM RhinoCAM is a Rhinoceros plug-in that runs completely inside of Rhino 4.0/5.0. Combining the freeform modeling power of Rhino and the legendary machining capabilities of VisualMILL, this plug-in offers an easy to use yet powerful general purpose machining program for the general machinist. RhinoCAM includes 2-1/2, 3, 4 & 5 axis milling and hole making operations. It comes with hundreds of free postprocessors as well as a post-processor generator to create user definable post-processors) HARDWARE Belotti 5-axis Milling TRIM Series automatic tool changer (on-site) Artec 3d Color scanner For info: [2]http://www.livearchitecture.net/solido 1. http://www.livearchitecture.net/solido 2. http://www.livearchitecture.net/solido


NEWS 068 (2011-11-28 15:40)

[1] [2]Computational Matter - Paintermetric [3]urban future organization - mesh closed lines vb script [4]Robots in Architecture - Robotic Punching - Revisited [5]Architecture in Combination - SPM Vector Components: New Release! [6]Improved - Constructal Theory and Infrastructure [7]Improved - Swarm Behaviours Workshop Material [8]urban future organization - quad mesh subdivisions vb script [9]The Leda Atomicus - Implicit [10]Michal Piasecki - WWAA: Polish Pavilion for ITU 2011 [11]The Proving Ground - iGeo: Open Source 3D Software Library for Java [12]Digital[Sub]stance - Rectangular Panels VB Grasshopper User Object 97

[13]Digital[Sub]stance - Ora Ito LookAlike Image HeightField + Attractors + Tesselation GH [14]MadeInCalifornia - too much posts [15]Geometry Gym - Grasshopper Mesh to Finite Elements [16]Geometry Gym - SAP2000 Point Local Axis [17]ModeLab - APPLIED | Research Through Fabrication [18]LMNts -Energy Monitoring 101: Open Standards [19]LEGil Design - Recursive Triangular Image Tessellation [20]LEGil Design - TIMEless [21]ianCode - Dynamo and Kinect [22]n-fold geometry - Bab al-Mansur [23]Cerver.org - The Locust are here! [24]tobesch - Subdivision in GH [25]Digital[Sub]stance - Twirl Attractor! New GH User object [26]CodeQuotidien - Medial Axis [27]Eat a bug - Watch Prof. Block s Lecture Online [28] {arc:ode } - Mirror, Mirror on the Wall... [29]The Proving Ground - Processing: Custom Paneling Interface [30]algorithmic design - many new posts [31]Architecture In Combination - SPM VC: Small But Important Update [32]Digital[Sub]stance - Multiple Point Attractors GH User Object! [33]The Proving Ground - Secret Agent Men [34]nCodon - Cell-f assembly [35]Geometry Gym - Tributary Areas and Variable Loading [36]Michal Piasecki - 137kilo: Exhibition of Andrzej Heidrich s work [37]Nervous System - Becoming Lichenized 1. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-Z04uOQX4pVs/TtOe1p7AqEI/AAAAAAAACbY/miOG-qbpwq0/s1600/NEWS_068.jpg 2. http://computationalmatter.com/2210831/Paintermetric 3. http://www.au-urbanfuture.org/blog/?p=1844 4. http://www.robotsinarchitecture.org/772/robotic-punching-revisited 5. http://architectureincombination.wordpress.com/2011/11/04/spm-vector-components-new-release-2 6. http://improved.ro/blog/2011/11/constructal-theory-and-infrastructure/ 7. http://improved.ro/blog/2011/10/swarm-behaviours-workshop-material/ 8. http://www.au-urbanfuture.org/blog/?p=1878 9. http://ledatomica.wordpress.com/2011/11/04/implicit/ 10. http://michalpiasecki.com/2011/10/28/wwaa-polish-pavilion-for-itu-2011/ 11. http://nmillerarch.blogspot.com/2011/11/igeo-open-source-3d-software-library.html 12. http://digitalsubstance.wordpress.com/2011/11/09/rectangular-panels-vb-grasshopper-user-object/ 13.


ora-ito-lookalike-image-heightfield-attractors-tesselation-gh/ 14. http://madeincalifornia.blogspot.com/ 15. http://geometrygym.blogspot.com/2011/11/grasshopper-mesh-to-finite-elements.html 16. http://geometrygym.blogspot.com/2011/11/sap2000-point-local-axis.html 17. http://modelab.nu/?p=5182 18. http://lmnts.lmnarchitects.com/featured/energy-monitoring-101-open-standards/ 19. http://www.legildesign.com/archives/680 20. http://www.legildesign.com/archives/668 21. http://iankeough.com/wordpress/?p=107 22. http://nfoldgeometry.blogspot.com/2011/11/bab-al-mansur.html 23. http://www.cerver.org/2011/the-locust-are-here/ 24. http://tobesch.wordpress.com/2011/11/13/subdivision-in-gh/ 25. http://digitalsubstance.wordpress.com/2011/11/15/twirl-attractor-new-gh-user-object/ 26. http://codequotidien.wordpress.com/2011/11/17/medial-axis/ 27. http://eat-a-bug.blogspot.com/2011/11/watch-prof-blocks-lecture-online.html


28. http://arcode.blogspot.com/2011/11/mirror-mirror-on-wall.html 29. http://nmillerarch.blogspot.com/2011/11/processing-custom-paneling-interface.html 30. http://code.algorithmicdesign.net/ 31. http://architectureincombination.wordpress.com/2011/11/25/spm-vc-small-but-important-update/ 32. http://digitalsubstance.wordpress.com/2011/11/25/multiple-point-attractors-gh-user-object/ 33. http://nmillerarch.blogspot.com/2011/11/secret-agent-men.html 34. http://ncodon.com/2011/11/23/cell-f-assembly/ 35. http://geometrygym.blogspot.com/2011/11/tributary-areas-and-variable-loading.html 36. http://michalpiasecki.com/2011/11/25/137kilo-exhibition-of-andrzej-heidrichs-work/ 37. http://n-e-r-v-o-u-s.com/blog/?p=1950


Block Research Group (2011-11-29 16:55)

[1] ”The BLOCK Research Group has five core areas of research: analysis of vaulted masonry structures, computational form finding and structural optimization, fabrication and construction innovation, appropriate construction technologies, and innovation in teaching and learning. This research project introduces 3D-printed structural models for exploring equilibrium (i.e. bending-free) structures. It will further the fields of safety assessment of historic vaulted structures in unreinforced masonry, and design of novel, but efficient shells out of discrete elements. The project is developing a state-of-the-art testing laboratory at ETHZ for structural testing of complex assemblies of discrete elements using rapid prototyping and digital fabrication technologies.” [2]Link to ”Block Research Group” website 1. http://www.block.arch.ethz.ch/ 2. http://www.block.arch.ethz.ch/


CRESCIT architectural research & design (2011-11-29 17:00)

[1] [2]Link to ”CRESCIT” website 99

1. http://www.crescit-rd.net/ 2. http://www.crescit-rd.net/


Nikolas Weinstein Studios (2011-11-29 17:28)

[1] ”Nikolas Weinstein established his sculpture studio in San Francisco in 1991. His site-specific installations lie at the intersection of art, architecture and the natural world, leveraging new technologies to build works in glass. The sculptures respond sympathetically to the definition of architectural space, and range in scale from small and intimate to very large works.” [2]Link to ”Nikolas Weinstein Studios” website [3]Link to ”Nikolas Weinstein Studios” blog 1. http://www.nikolas.net/ 2. http://www.nikolas.net/ 3. http://blog.nikolas.net/


Endemic (2011-11-30 16:28)

[1] [2]Link to ”Endemic” website 1. http://www.endemicarchitecture.com/ 2. http://www.endemicarchitecture.com/



PARA(noid)module (2011-11-30 16:31)

[1] ”PARA(noid)module is a digital display platform devoted to parametric design, scripting and digital modeling. Computation tools like grasshopper, scripting, processing, digital project and maya are used to calculate and simulate the geometry fabrication and biology relations. Beyond scenarios, a deeper understanding of the logic from nature reference, context, trajectory, morphology and robotic construction to final appearance is established.” [2]Link to ”PARA(noid)module” blog 1. http://paranoidmodule.blogspot.com/ 2. http://paranoidmodule.blogspot.com/




Hyperbody workshop - Robotic Facade Fabrication (2011-12-01 17:24)

[1] The Hyperbody workshop series presents: Robotic Facade Fabrication 12th-16th December 2011 - Hyperbody Robotic Lab, RDM Campus Rotterdam Five days of folding, simulation and robotic fabrication When changing a paradigm, it is best not to even try and improve the old one in any way. It is best to start from scratch. RoboFold is an attempt to completely re-think how metal can be formed. It is system that works with the material and not against it. It is a system built around the gentle bends and sharp crease lines of curved folding in sheet material. It is a system that allows a product to exist 101

at many scales through an iterative design and development process, letting hand folding of paper and other materials naturally exist alongside the robotic folding of metal. Element: Facade Leaders: Gregory Epps (RoboFold) and Daniel Piker (Kangaroo) Material: Aluminium sheet Hardware: 3-axis CNC router and 6-axis industrial robots Output: Profiled and folded sheets Software: Kangaroo and Lobster (Grasshopper plugins) Computation: Physics engine/ inverse kinematics Info at: [2]http://www.hyperbody.nl/about/news/news/?tx ttnews[tt news]=94 &cHash=858cdff47bad72e74d7e285452f66fa2

1. http://www.hyperbody.nl/about/news/news/?tx_ttnews[tt_news]=94&cHash=858cdff47bad72e74d7e285452f66fa2 2. http://www.hyperbody.nl/about/news/news/?tx_ttnews[tt_news]=94&cHash=858cdff47bad72e74d7e285452f66fa2


High-Low Tech (2011-12-01 18:12)

[1] ”High-Low Tech, a research group at the [2]MIT Media Lab, integrates high and low technological materials, processes, and cultures. Our primary aim is to engage diverse audiences in designing and building their own technologies by situating computation in new cultural and material contexts, and by developing tools that democratize engineering. We believe that the future of technology will be largely determined by end-users who will design, build, and hack their own devices, and our goal is to inspire, shape, support, and study these communities. To this end, we explore the intersection of computation, physical materials, manufacturing processes, traditional crafts, and design. Watch a recent video about High-Low Tech [3]here.” [4]Link to ”High-Low Tech” website

1. http://hlt.media.mit.edu/ 2. http://media.mit.edu/ 3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4FSjeEC6_ho 4. http://hlt.media.mit.edu/



HAL V0.01 - ABB robots (re)programming (2011-12-01 22:27)

[1] ”Hal is a new Grasshopper plugin which allows to prototype RAPID code (programmation language for ABB Robots) very quickly. It is then possible to set entirely parametric code generation for robotized non-standard fabrication of your grasshopper based designs.” [2]Link to ”thibault.schwartz ” website [3]Link to ”Hal // ABB Robots (re)programming” post

1. http://wp.thibaultschwartz.com/ 2. http://wp.thibaultschwartz.com/ 3. http://wp.thibaultschwartz.com/2011/11/22/hal-abb-robots-reprogramming/


Maysam’s Blog (2011-12-07 12:03)

[1] [2]Link to ”Maysam’s Blog” blog

1. http://maysssam.wordpress.com/ 2. http://maysssam.wordpress.com/



Smart Art (2011-12-07 12:11)

[1] ”Smart Art - A following of Inter-discipline work dealing with the Arts and Technology.” [2]Link to ”Smart Art” blog 1. http://www.smartsculpture.com/ 2. http://www.smartsculpture.com/


LAN-FLIGHT EUROPE - January 9-16/17 2012 // innsbruck // stuttgart // barcelona// (2011-12-07 12:13)

[1] LAN-FLIGHT EUROPE January 9-16/17 2012 // innsbruck // stuttgart // barcelona// LaN FLIGHT is a seminar / tour of digital fabrication practices & programs. This en-route experience draws a diverse group of design participants from afar for a full schedule of exchanges with leading practitioners, practices, fabrication labs& all while exposed to European transit infrastructure... trains planes & even a few mountain roads. LaN FLIGHT EUROPE marks LaN’s fifth initiative on-the-fly & our first in EUROPE. JOIN us for the full trip or the leg that suits your interests. LaN is looking to attract a geographically diverse group of students & professionals with various design backgrounds. LaN FLIGHT 2012 EU is co-piloted by [2]LaN Monika Wittig & [3]Co-de-iT Andrea Graziano LaN FLIGHT is looking for highly ambitious-adaptable-endurance oriented participants to fully embrace the nature of this curated experience. Please take a look at our 3 previous editions to best judge if this type of experience suits you. If you are willing to allot 8 days of your life to this pursuit and have no allergies to extreme mobility & group dynamics& welcome to LaN FLIGHT. For INFO and registration: [4]http://www.livearchitecture.net/flight 1. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-h6_sToti8Og/Tt9M6j9EUMI/AAAAAAAACdo/2QYk5DCAYQ0/s1600/LANFLT_poster.001.jpg 2. http://www.livearchitecture.net/ 3. http://www.co-de-it.com/ 4. http://www.livearchitecture.net/flight



RESONATE Festival - Belgrade, 16-17 March 2012 (2011-12-09 15:09)

[1] ”Resonate is setting new standards in the arts industry by creating a new platform for networking, information, knowledge sharing and education. It will bring together distinguished, world class artists, with an opportunity of participating in a forward-looking debate on the position of technology in art and culture. International festival dedicated to technology, visual arts, music, architecture, design and interactive media that will include installations, exhibitions, concerts and DJ sets, expert lectures, workshops and round tables& RESONATE is more than just a music festival, expert seminar or exhibition of visual arts. It is a project broad enough to encompass areas ranging from software engineering to visual arts theory, but also to create a bridge between culturally separated segments of the artistic and intellectual scene through a comprehensive, multidisciplinary approach.” [2]Link to ”RESONATE Festival” website 1. http://resonate.io/2012/#home 2. http://resonate.io/2012/#home


Open Energy (2011-12-14 10:21)

[1] Open Energy Visualization intends to develop a platform to explore new visualization systems and interaction of energy. The system is structured around two dimensions: Open Energy Monitor (Energy 105

Monitoring Device), investigates open hardware devices to monitor electrical consumption and a second dimension, Open Energy Visualization (Data Visualization / Spatial Data Visualization), explores visualization systems in real-time on electricity consumption, allowing us to amplify the awareness around energy. Open Energy Visualization (OEV) is a software to visualize, in real-time, the electricity consumption in the city. OEV explores visualization and interaction systems on different scales (urban/domestic), what enables new forms of energy-human relationship. Augmentation system for energy data infrastructure will enable a new form of consciousness evolved, that allows us to redefine the energetic systems. OEV proposes, as a visualization prototype, exploring the electricity consumption of Kitchen Budapest Lab @KIBU by monitoring devices DIWO/Open Hardware. OEV tries to be an Open Sofware Platform from which any citizen could visualize electricity consumption of their home-environment. Real-Time Visualization on Pattern Electricity Consumption in Kitchen Budapest Lab @KIBU. Open Energy is a project to develop and build open source energy monitoring and analysis visualization tools for energy efficiency and distributed renewable micro-generation. To the next stage of evolution of the Internet of Things, Open Energy considers the design of a visual system that is inserted into a new energy distribution model (Smart Grids, Tom Raftery) where the invention of technologies will enable a decentralized redistribution production electricity on a global scale, defining new frameworks for sustainable balance. Open Energy (OE) is a real-time visualization of electricity consumption (kWh) and levels of CO2 (g) issued in the city. OE intends to implement the Smart Grid system design (Intelligent Electric Distribution Networks) through the invention of visualization technologies and autonomous production of energy, allowing greater optimization of the distribution of global electric energy. These visual structures enable new forms of energy-human relationship. The real-time visualization of electricity consumption patterns and the simulation in predicting consumption, constitute new information systems through which to view energy consumption, CO2 levels, nodes with a surplus production energy, real-time value of electricity. Open Energy Visualization by Fran Castillo Collaborator : Christian Szucher (KIBU Researcher) Open Energy Visualization is licensed under a Creative Commons. [2]Link to �Open Energy� website 1. http://openenergy.francastillo.net/ 2. http://openenergy.francastillo.net/


[1] 106

PackRat - Bin Packing in Grasshopper (2011-12-21 10:15)

Another interesting component made by Volatile Prototypes Volatile Prototypes [2]Volatile Prototypes ”PackRat is a component for Grasshopper that facilitates the arrangement of rectangular items within rectangular containers with the aim of improving efficient use of space. In other words, it attempts to approximate optimal solutions to the 3D bin-packing problem.” [3]Link to ”Packrat” post 1. http://www.volatileprototypes.com/projects/packrat/ 2. http://www.volatileprototypes.com/ 3. http://www.volatileprototypes.com/projects/packrat/


Christopher Whitelaw (2011-12-29 17:29)

[1] Very interesting website with a lot of Maya, MEL and Grasshopper tutorials and definitions. [2]Link to ”Christopher Whitelaw” website 1. http://www.christopherwhitelaw.us/ 2. http://www.christopherwhitelaw.us/


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