3 years of DigitAG&

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3 years of DigitAG&


From Blog to Book.


To my family


Tre anni di blog ... non mi sembra vero.

Ho deciso di farne un book-pdf per alcuni motivi: innanzitutto perchè può essere comodo per chi arriva sul mio blog per la prima volta in modo da farsi una idea del tutto senza non doversi necessariamente navigare tutto il blog. perchè è una collezione di link sempre a portata di mano. perchè nella sua semplicità è uno specchio (in)fedele di ciò che è successo in questi tre anni nel campo della ricerca architettonica digitale, del suo sviluppo, delle sue mutazioni e della vasta proliferazione sul web di siti e sperimentazioni inerenti. per ringraziare tutti coloro che ho linkato e che sono i veri protagonisti del blog. Grazie a tutti! Andrea



Chapter 1

2007 1.1


Come al solito (2007-04-05 12:38) Come al solito per decidermi a pubblicare questo blog ci ho messo dei mesi, ma sono fatto cosĂŹ! Devo essere sicuro di tutto, dal nome, al colore, al fatto di aver tempo per gestirlo e non lasciare il blog vuoto e poi quando inizio..... Vedremo! Spero possa essere un blog interessante per chi è curioso nel campo dell’architettura digitale e delle mille cose che vi ruotano attorno. 6

Link del 05 04 2007 (2007-04-05 14:27) Dell e GNU/Linux in avvicinamento http://www.ossblog.it/post/2279/dell-e-gnulinux-in-avvicinamento Jellyfish House by IwamotoScott http://bldgblog.blogspot.com/2007/04/of-jellyfish-loops-site-constra ints-and.html LISA IWAMOTO & CRAIG SCOTT http://www.iwamotoscott.com IwamotoScott’s MoMA/PS1 entry 2007 - Set foto e video http://www.flickr.com/photos/isar/sets/72157600023967187/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kvKkbQ65EJA Nuovo blog interessante http://archidose.blogspot.com/ Howeler + Yoon Architecture / MY Studio http://www.hyarchitecture.com/ PS1 MoMA YAP 2006 Howeler Yoon http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8n–3Jywr4E &mode=related &search= Liquid Sky by BALL-NOGUES in P.S.1’S COURTYARD MOMA http://www.ps1.org/ps1 site/content/view/38/76/ Ball-Nogues Studio http://www.ball-nogues.com/ Sito Prefabbricati http://www.fabprefab.com

Rhinoscript (2007-04-06 09:45) Credo che rhino in questo momento offra la maggior maneggevolezzza e libertà creativa nel campo del digitale. Chi ha voglia di cimentarsi con questo incredibile strumento troverà in questi link molto materiale. Consiglio per chi è interessato di perderci un po di tempo e guardare tutti i link dei singoli siti. [1]RHINOSCRIPTING - Computational Design Solution Part I [2]Soluciones de Diseno Computacional II - Santiago de Chile [3]Presentazione lavori e script [4]Sustaining Organs 1. http://www.mit.edu/%7Esnavely/rhinoscripting/ 2. http://www.espaciosdigitales.org/santiago/ 3. http://www.espaciosdigitales.org/santiago/Finalpresentation/indexpre.html 4. http://ssssociety.blogspot.com/index.html

Inconvenienti & Varie (2007-04-10 12:41) Stamane al ritorno in ufficio apro Firefox e non trovo più i bookmarks! Non lo auguro a nessuno e comunque:[1]Bookmark BackUp Penso che i Blog stiano diventando dei fantastici canali di conoscenza interpersonale oltre ad una preziosa risorsa per chi fa ricerca ed in questa direzione va anche questa notizia apparsa stamane su [2]downloadblog.it Con [3]blogstrings è possibile incontrare i bloggers con gli stessi interessi e scambiarsi notizie e risorse. Segnalo anche il nuovo progetto di UNstudio: Villa NL recensito su [4]EdilPortale. [5] 7

1. http://www.pikey.me.uk/mozilla/ 2. http://www.downloadblog.it/post/3753/blog-strings-social-network-per-blogger 3. http://blogstrings.com/ 4. http://www.edilportale.com/EdilNews/NpopUp.asp?IDDoc=9658&IDCAT=3 5. http://www.downloadblog.it/post/3753/blog-strings-social-network-per-blogger

Ricerca (2007-04-11 11:36) In questi giorni sto sondando il web in cerca di materiale nuovo e devo ammettere che per quanto uno creda di aver già visto abbastanza il Web offre risorse incredibili. Così metto sul piatto un po di siti dove si sperimenta ricerca nel campo del digitale architettonico: [1]VoronoiTom [2]Pyroclastic Component [3]I’ve heard about [4]SIAL RMIT [5]University of Applied Arts Vienna - Greg Lynn [6]Non-Linear Systems Organization 1. http://voronoitom.blogspot.com/ 2. http://pdcgc.blogspot.com/ 3. http://b.durandin.free.fr/iveheardabout/iha.htm 4. http://www.sial.rmit.edu.au/ 5. http://www.dieangewandte.at/archlynn/stories/storyReader$748 6. http://www.nso.penndesign.net/

Studi e ricerca digitale (2007-04-11 11:44) Sempre nel mio Web-peregrinare ho trovato questi studi dove la ricerca ed a volte il costruito sono portati all’eccellenza: [1]PATTERNS [2]KOKKUGIA [3]ARANDA/LASCH Guardateli perchè per chi esercita la professione credo rappresentino un traguardo. 1. http://p-a-t-t-e-r-n-s.net/ 2. http://www.kokkugia.com/ 3. http://www.terraswarm.com/index.html

Blog preferiti (2007-04-12 12:18) Metto a disposizione degli interessati le mie fonti ”Blog” a cui costantemente faccio riferimento per la ricerca digitale [1]DIG | FAB [2]Off Broadway - A Rhino 3D Blog [3]Piksul [4]TheVeryMany [5]VoronoiTom Spero possano esservi utili! 1. http://digfab.blogspot.com/ 2. http://offbroadway.blogspot.com/ 3. http://piksul.blogspot.com/ 4. http://www.theverymany.net/ 5. http://voronoitom.blogspot.com/


Conferenza Lisbona (2007-04-12 12:24)

[1] TEACHING AND EXPERIMENTIG WITH ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN 03/05 maggio 2007 in Lisbona [2]Link [3]Link 1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/Rh4JKFvKsWI/AAAAAAAAAAM/uNmjLQMJQM8/s1600-h/432708428_f3866bc086_ o.jpg 2. http://www.lis.ulusiada.pt/eventos/conferencias/architectural_design_teachers/default.htm 3. http://web.mac.com/nmiguelseabra.ade/iWeb/NMS%20website/geral%3E.html

Mostra Marsiglia (2007-04-12 13:05)

[1] E’ già in corso ma.... Computational Turn of Architecture February 22 - April 20, 2007 Group Exhibition curated by Philippe Morel, [2]EZCT Maisonde l’Architecture et de la Ville 12, bd. T Thurner 13006, Marseille, France [3]Link su Arch’IT 1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/Rh4SuFvKsXI/AAAAAAAAAAU/QfI8524oe58/s1600-h/marseille2.jpg 2. http://www.terraswarm.com/projects/www.ezct.net 3. http://architettura.supereva.com/files/20070312/index.htm


m.any (2007-04-13 09:52)

[1] Oggi voglio segnalare questo fantastico progetto di padiglione. Non per la forma o l’idea progettuale, anche se mi piace molto, ma perchè esemplifica in maniera chiara il concetto di ”Digital Chain” ovvero come dall’idea si passa alla realizzazione e quali siano le modalità ed i passaggi necessari (non obbligatoriamente gli strumenti). Niente di innovativo diranno alcuni, ma la chiarezza con cui è spiegato il tutto secondo me è esemplare unita alla capacità di far interagire diverse tipologie di dati in maniera efficace. Lascio ai più curiosi il piacere di sviscerare il sito. [2]m.any 1.


jpg 2. http://www.m-any.org/

materialsystems (2007-04-16 11:42)

[1] Oggi segnalo un sito e relativo blog che oltre a presentare dei progetti molto interessanti dal punto di vista dell’uso dello scripting ne condividono le risorse. Nella sezione Tools troverete degli script per Rhino, Maya e Generative Component, di cui evidenzio lo script: HoneyComb. http://www.materialsystems.org/ http://www.materialsystems.org/blog/ 1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/RiNGKlvKsZI/AAAAAAAAAAk/gSqaWURwP9U/s1600-h/materialsystems.jpg

RhinoScript 101 (2007-04-17 14:39) Per chi, come me, ha intenzione di intraprendere il viaggio nel misterioso mondo degli script e in particolar modo dei rhinoscript segnalo questa risorsa creata apposta dai ”padri” di RHINO: 10

[1]RhinoScript 101 1. http://en.wiki.mcneel.com/default.aspx/McNeel/RhinoScript101.html

KokkugiaWiki (2007-04-18 11:52)

[1] Mi è stato segnalato, direttamente da Roland Snooks, che sulla pagina Wiki di Kokkugia sono disponibili alcuni rhinoscript di cui uno molto interessante: attractorToolsScale, uno script in grado di scalare oggetti in base a dei punti detti Attractor. [2]KokkugiaWiki 1.


jpg 2. http://www.kokkugia.com/wiki/index.php?title=RvbScripts

::::adjacent:spaces:::: (2007-04-20 15:07)

[1] Oggi segnalo questo interessantissimo blog : [2]adjacentspaces in cui si possono trovare oltre a numerosi spunti di ricerca anche molti link riguardanti il digitale. Inoltre [3]Davide Del Giudice mi ha linkato il blog di questo studente della SCI-Arc il cui lavoro è, a mio parere, incredibile: [4]SCI-Arc (Tim) 1. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/Rii7UC2lPuI/AAAAAAAAAA0/6s5cFT9QlrE/s1600-h/intricateskin01.jpg 2. http://adjacentspaces.net/ 3. http://madeincalifornia.blogspot.com/ 4. http://www.archinect.com/schoolblog/blog.php?id=C0_375_39


Voronoi ovunque (2007-04-26 09:47)

[1] Non so se è una mia impressione, ma ultimamente guardando i vari blog di design mi capita di vedere sempre più di questi oggetti: [2]HareChair. Probabilmente non è un voronoi classico ma dopo aver visto: [3]arredo urbano , [4]librerie e [5]scarpe credo che qualunque cosa toccata dal voronoi diventi di moda. 1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/RjBcmasb8SI/AAAAAAAAAA8/e2ujGYBfuws/s1600-h/coral1.jpg 2. http://www.designerblog.it/post/1029/coral-la-sedia-ergonomica-e-leggera-di-harechair 3. http://futurefeeder.com/index.php/archives/2006/10/22/elegant-embellishments/ 4. http://www.iht.com/slideshows/2007/01/19/style/web.0122DESIGN22.php 5. http://www.flickr.com/photo_zoom.gne?id=172090494&context=set-72157594173154681&size=l



Prague Biennale 2005 Pavilion (2007-05-03 15:08)

[1] Segnalo questi due articoli in pdf relativi al sopracitato padiglione. Un interessante viaggio nella costruzione di un architettura spiegata in tutti i suoi dettagli. (Vale la pena stampare il tutto) [2]Adaptive Generative Patterns [3]Digital Design Techniques for Adaptable Systems: Prague Biennale Pavilion 1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/RjnfwKsb8TI/AAAAAAAAABE/yay0XEYrXck/s1600-h/PraguePavilion.jpg 2.


pdf 3.




George Katodrytis / StudioNova Architects (2007-05-03 15:14)

[1] Nel mio girovagare sono capitato sul [2]sito di George Katodrytis il cui lavoro e soprattutto la ricerca sono molto interessanti. 1.


.jpg 2. http://www.katodrytis.com/

Guillem Baraut / Mattia Gambardella (2007-05-03 15:39)

[1] Guardando i [2]finalisti del [3]2006 FEIDAD Award ho visto anche il [4]lavoro di Guillem Baraut / Mattia Gambardella 1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/Rjnmt6sb8VI/AAAAAAAAABU/Iv0YRrFeS1g/s1600-h/finalrewied.jpg 2. http://feidad.org/2006_html/finalist.htm 3. http://feidad.org/2006_html/aims.htm 4. http://www.baraut.net/feidad/


Ali Rahim vince! (2007-05-04 16:03)

[1] Appena segnalato ieri il sito del [2]FEIDAD 2006, oggi trovo il nome del vincitore: Ali Rahim [3]Qui il suo lavoro e [4]qui la classifica con i relativi link ai lavori dei finalisti! 1. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/Rjs9_6sb8WI/AAAAAAAAABc/XF8hJzblpmE/s1600-h/Ali_rahim.jpg 2. http://feidad.org/2006_html/aims.htm 3. http://www.c-a-p.net/Reebok/ 4. http://feidad.org/2006_html/winners.htm

Kook Architecture (2007-05-07 11:55)

[1] Sempre fra i finalisti del Feidad segnalo, per gli appassionati di soluzioni basate sul ”Voronoi”, questo interessantissimo [2]progetto. 1. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/Rj74HKsb8XI/AAAAAAAAABk/aT0jrXCfv3M/s1600-h/kook_project.jpg 2. http://n.ethz.ch/student/silvano/kook/

Interruzione forzata di servizio (2007-05-23 16:12) Causa disservizi Telecom ho dovuto interrompere per due settimane l’attività del Blog. Finalmente si riprende! 14

Sotto la lente (2007-05-23 16:15)

[1] Nel frattempo ho aggiunti ai miei bookmark alcuni blog interessanti: [2]Overscape [3]Mel examples [4]Exteme Environments in Architecture

1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/RlRNW4i4ckI/AAAAAAAAABs/UoKXajJS890/s1600-h/cell-04.jpg 2. http://overscape.blogspot.com/ 3. http://mel-examples.blogspot.com/ 4. http://dip16.blogspot.com/

Miran Gallery (2007-05-23 16:24)

[1] Voglio segnalare questo lavoro nato dalla collaborazione dECOi-Dristas che coniuga alcune delle tematiche a me care: il padiglione, lo script e la digital chain (ovvero il ciclo completo che va dall’ideazione alla produzione, anche se in modello) il tutto spiegato in maniera efficace. [2]Link

1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/RlRPi4i4clI/AAAAAAAAAB0/FCYyBloNfJE/s1600-h/Miran+Gallery.jpg 2. http://web.mit.edu/mg_decoi/www/miran/


Light sensitive skin (2007-05-25 10:57)

[1] Proseguendo il discorso del padiglione di Dristas segnalo il suo [2]sito ed in particolar modo il [3]link ad uno studio di membrana interattiva con la direzione della luce solare. Quando il digitale non è fine a se stesso ma va oltre... Al fondo potete anche trovare un video esplicativo! 1. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/RlamjIi4cmI/AAAAAAAAAB8/RqrEphrC_UY/s1600-h/Light_sensitive.jpg 2. http://dritsas.net/ 3. http://dritsas.net/litesrfskin/

Trusset System (2007-05-28 16:57)

[1] Il giunto è uno di quei temi che mi ha sempre affascinato perchè sintesi del progetto architettonico! Il tema del padiglione che sto affrontando non può non approdare al giunto! Mettendo in ordine i miei bookmark ho trovato questi: [2]Trusset System [3]ProxyArch Blog [4]Trusset Wall 1. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/Rlru14i4cnI/AAAAAAAAACE/PVd-oJTTe4g/s1600-h/Trusset.jpg 2. http://www.arch.columbia.edu/gsap/54771 3. http://proxyarch.com/blog/ 4. http://www.proxyarch.com/trusset/


Blog dal mondo digitale (2007-05-31 15:06)

[1] Oggi condivido i link a due blog interessantissimi. A voi l’onere di sviscerarli! [2]Oblivion Vision [3]formAble 1.


relationship.jpg 2. http://www.ovion.de/blog/ 3. http://www.formable.net/blog.html



Link 2007 06 04 (2007-06-04 18:25)

[1] Leggendo PC Professionale scopro nuove tecniche per cercare link su argomenti precisi su blog. Ecco i primi risultati! [2]Ideas for now [3]My architecture design diary [4]AlgoWorkshop 1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/RmQ-CIi4cpI/AAAAAAAAACU/tXpSFSY9dgw/s1600-h/text-blog.jpg 2. http://ideasfornow.blogspot.com/ 3. http://pccadd.blogspot.com/ 4. http://www.seedwiki.com/wiki/algoworkshop


Thomas Chan, just another AA student (2007-06-05 14:19)

[1] Credo che per capire quale sia lo stato dell’arte del lavoro digitale non si debba guardare troppo gli esiti dei concorsi dove i soliti ”big” espongono le loro creazioni ma bisogna sondare i luoghi della ricerca accademica dove molti studenti investigano le architetture e le possibilità del domani. L’AA è uno di questi posti per me un po mitico, in quanto inarrivabile, ma pieni di fascino e credo di menti che assieme si stimolano e discutono e creano... Thomas Chan è uno dei tanti ma il [2]suo blog è una finestra sul futuro! 1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/RmVWMCfTu1I/AAAAAAAAACc/aFtsesd7CpI/s1600-h/ThomasChan.jpg 2. http://aainter6thomas.wordpress.com/

HyperGreen (2007-06-05 14:26)

[1] Leggo su [2]ArchiSpass di questo progetto dell’[3]architetto Jacques Ferrier . Interessante vedere in pratica i risultati della ricerca speculativa. Nonostante sia uno dei molti grattacieli ormai quotidianamente recensiti lo trovo istintivamente interessante. Lo trovate nella sezione Project del sito. 1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/RmVX2yfTu2I/AAAAAAAAACk/ylm8AOCAU4M/s1600-h/HyperGreen.jpg 2. http://www.archispass.org/ 3. http://www.jacques-ferrier.com/


edmondocchipinti.blogspot.com (2007-06-08 17:47)

[1] Molti ormai in rete parlano di architettura digitale, di script e di architettura generativa. Ma se molti ne parlano pochi sono quelli che ne fanno e per di più ne condividono gli sviluppi ed i risultati mettendo a disposizione di tutti queste preziose informazioni. Oggi segnalo il blog di [2]Edmondo Occhipinti in cui negli ultimi post viene pubblicato materiale scriptato dagli studenti del ”Generative Script workshop” all’ ”Ecole Special d’Architecture de Paris”.Grazie. 1. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/Rml8VSfTu3I/AAAAAAAAACs/4wA0hXhw400/s1600-h/radio1.jpg 2. http://edmondocchipinti.blogspot.com/

metaware (2007-06-11 14:02)

[1] Oggi sono capitato su [2]questo sito della pratt|columbia che rappresenta una vera miniera di informazioni (readings, script, tutorial e link). Vi sono molti lavori svolti dagli studenti dei vari seminari e soprattutto molto materiale sul potenziale del connubio fra Processing &Rhino. Fra tutti segnalo [3]questo studente del seminario ” parawares”. Un sito da esaminare con calma. 1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/Rm07XCfTu4I/AAAAAAAAAC0/b8jQ1P24VtY/s1600-h/GW720H576.jpg 2. http://metaware.wetpaint.com/ 3. http://metaware.wetpaint.com/page/_para_michaelcontento


object-e architecture (2007-06-12 16:45)

[1] Un nuovo [2]blog, anche se recente come pubblicazione, da mettere nei bookmark e controllare ogni tanto. Interessante il progetto sviluppato per ”[3]st louis follies competition” e la bibliografia inserita nel post relativo al ”voronoi study” come interessanti saranno gli sviluppi proposti (vado di fiducia). [4]

1. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/Rm6zGCfTu5I/AAAAAAAAAC8/8-h4ZXoQqjw/s1600-h/render_03_blog.jpg 2. http://object-e.blogspot.com/ 3. http://www.stlfollies.com/index.html 4. http://object-e.blogspot.com/2007/02/parasite-st-louis-follies-competition.html

Probelog (2007-06-18 17:53)

[1] Oggi sono capitato su [2]questo sito dove si possono vedere alcuni interessanti [3]lavori realizzati al ”Pratt Institute School of Architecture” per il concorso [4]Memory Component. Fra i lavori segnale quello di [5]Bradley Rothenberg. 1.


7369.jpg 2. http://www.probelog.com/ 3. http://www.probelog.com/mc/works 4. http://www.probelog.com/mc/ 5. http://brad-mc.blogspot.com/


Future Cities Lab (2007-06-21 09:13)

[1] Oggi voglio segnalare il sito dei [2]Future Cities Lab ed in particolare il porgetto denominato Kowloon Synergistic per l’ Hong Kong Design Institute 1. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/RnomxCfTu7I/AAAAAAAAADM/DzLRX2ULzXg/s1600-h/hkdi.jpg 2. http://www.future-cities-lab.net/

Appuntamenti (2007-06-21 09:21)

[1] Inserisco nel post tre importanti eventi, di cui uno già avvenuto (magari qualcuno ne sa qualcosa), nel panorama del digitale. [2]freeform incontro con Ali RAHIM e Peter COOK, 26 - 28 Juni 2007, Universität Innsbruck, Facoltà di Architettura [3]digitalcities conferenza a 9 June 2007, Dessau, Germany [4]Self-sufficient Housing Concorso di Architettura Avanzata 1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/RnonmifTu8I/AAAAAAAAADU/th9ARvkZs60/s1600-h/freeform700.jpg 2. http://hochbau.heikenz.net/index.php?option=com_frontpage&Itemid=1 3. http://www.afg.hs-anhalt.de/dia/ 4. http://www.advancedarchitecturecontest.org/


Due Blog (2007-06-21 09:31)

[1] Aggiungo nella lista dei Blog: [2]Open Form Architecture [3]Robotic Ecologies 1. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/RnoqnSfTu9I/AAAAAAAAADc/0Sa8M-hWLqY/s1600-h/blog.JPG 2. http://openformarchitecture.wordpress.com/ 3. http://robotic-ecologies.blogspot.com/

Harvard WebCast Archived Lectures (2007-06-26 11:28)

[1] Sedetevi pure comodi perchè la vostra programmazione televisiva o meglio al PC vi vedrà impegnati per un pò di sere! Girovagando su Delicious ho trovato il link all’archivio delle ”[2]Lectures” tenute al GSD da alcuni esponenti dell’architettura mondiale. Nel breve tempo che ho avuto a disposizione ho voluto subito vedere le lezioni di Ali Rahim ed è singolare vedere finalmente il volto dei vari personaggi di cui si legge quotidianamente. 1. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/RoDdtyfTu-I/AAAAAAAAADk/F-Ij3VDCHs4/s1600-h/Webcast.jpg 2. http://www.gsd.harvard.edu/events/webcasts/

Architecture in the space of flows (2007-06-26 11:40)

[1] Leggo questa mattina su [2]morfogen che è appena terminata [3]questa conferenza. 22

A leggere la [4]lista dei relatori e dei temi affrontati deve essere stata molto interessante! Se qualcuno ne sa qualcosa si faccia sentire! 1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/RoDf7CfTu_I/AAAAAAAAADs/O1iOO65N930/s1600-h/flows.jpg 2. http://morfogen.blogspot.com/ 3. http://web.mac.com/asquins2002/iWeb/Site%204/flows%20news.html 4. http://web.mac.com/asquins2002/iWeb/Site%204/speakers.html

Prefab China (2007-06-26 14:10)

[1] L’anno scorso seguivo abbastanza regolarmente i post di questo [2]blog in cui si sperimentavano sia script in rhino che in processing. Vedendo il nuovo blog di quest’anno [3]”Prefab China 2007” ho visto che hanno pubblicato due rhinoscript: [4]Lattice Connection Script [5]imageCapture script/button for rhino4.0 1. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/RoEDQSfTvAI/AAAAAAAAAD0/homdF2WOBcY/s1600-h/Prefab+China+2007.jpg 2. http://prefabchina.com/2006/ 3. http://prefabchina.com/ 4. http://prefabchina.com/?p=309 5. http://prefabchina.com/?p=308



AADVD 2007 (2007-07-04 09:09)

[1] [2]Davide Del Giudice mi ha segnalato [3]questa pagina in cui sono esposti tutti i lavori realizzati nel 2007 presso l’AA. Buona lettura! 1. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/RotJR4-4n_I/AAAAAAAAAD8/lKqgs7PK4FM/s1600-h/AADVD.jpg 2. http://madeincalifornia.blogspot.com/ 3. http://www.aaschool.net/aadvd/


Emergent Density (2007-07-04 16:03)

[1] Un nuovo [2]blog legato a [3]Matias Del Campo dove si sperimenta in maniera interessante l’uso della ”materia” nella creazione architettonica e si fa uso di [4]TopMod (un programma veramente interessante)

1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/RoupwY-4oAI/AAAAAAAAAEE/YCLI9D1a-0k/s1600-h/Emergent+Density.jpg 2. http://syncologies.blogspot.com/ 3. http://span.vox.com/ 4. http://www-viz.tamu.edu/faculty/ergun/research/topology/

Digital Acoustic Cartography (2007-07-04 16:47)

[1] Sicuramente [2]questo studio può risultare utile a chi è in cerca di vie alla sperimentazione e pensa che la complessità che ci circonda sia uno stimolo fantastico alla ”soluzione progettuale”



Cartography.jpg 2. http://www.acoustic-cartography.com/


Smart Architecture Book (2007-07-04 17:13)

[1] Una lettura interessante, trovata su [2]questo sito, per chi riesce a leggere i pdf a video (altrimenti fate come me: print) Link al Pdf: [3]Smart Architecture Book



Book.jpg 2. http://www.smartarchitecture.org/ 3. http://www.smartarchitecture.org/filmboek/smartarch_ebook.pdf

4X8 workshop Fab Lab Bcn (2007-07-05 08:34)

[1] Il digitale non è solo ricerca, non è solo scripting, non è solo virtuale.... Per alcuni è anche la possibilità di concretizzare in materia le proprie idee, anche se solo in scala e per i più fortunati costruirle. E’ sempre interessante comunque vedere la prototipazione dei propri lavori nei laboratori ”Fab Lab” come in [2]questo caso.

1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/RoyRzI-4oDI/AAAAAAAAAEc/NH_I_gLXsDU/s1600-h/4X8.jpg 2. http://4x8workshop.blogspot.com/


A624 Intro to scripting (2007-07-05 08:42)

[1] Un [2]interessante sito dedicato allo scripting con moltissimi link a risorse, non solo per rhinoscript, ma anche maxscript, processing, GC e actionscript. 1. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/RoyTho-4oEI/AAAAAAAAAEk/gqSpFtp7L6M/s1600-h/A624.jpg 2. http://a624.blogspot.com/

Grupo de Diseno Emergente Sudamericano (2007-07-05 08:48)

[1] Per chi non mi conosce premetto che sono un estimatore del”architettura di alcuni esponenti architetti sudamericani ed in particolar modo dell’architettura dei cileni. Comunque tutto ciò per dire che anche le Facoltà sudamericane stanno ”producendo” studenti e architetti che come noi sperimentano ed investigano le potenzialità del digitale e come noi trasmettono le loro idee su un [2]blog. 1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/RoyWGI-4oFI/AAAAAAAAAEs/ptBAlEs0tcE/s1600-h/GdDES.jpg 2. http://designemergentesudamericano.blogspot.com/

PROG (2007-07-17 08:50)

[1] Fa sempre piacere trovare dei colleghi che percorrono le ”numerose” vie della ricerca digitale ed ancora di più se a scrivere di ricerca architettonica è un collega di Torino! 26

Vi segnalo il [2]Blog di Alberto Pugnale. Aggiungo il [3]link ad un suo commento dove spiega i suoi intenti di ricerca. 1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/Rpxnn4C4k0I/AAAAAAAAAE0/6bYWMnB2Aos/s1600-h/Pugnale.jpg 2. http://albertopugnale.wordpress.com/ 3. http://albertopugnale.wordpress.com/2007/05/17/flux-structure/#comments

AECMagazine (2007-07-17 08:55)

[1] Sicuramente molti di voi conosceranno [2]questa rivista, ma per chi non ne fosse a conoscenza devo dire che ho trovato qualche articolo interessante soprattutto sull’uso dei software nei vari progetti che di solito vediamo sulle riviste o sui siti dedicati. [3]Link ai numeri in pdf. 1. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/Rpxo_oC4k1I/AAAAAAAAAE8/Nn6cXGl24eY/s1600-h/AEC.jpg 2. http://www.aecmag.com/ 3. http://www.aecmag.com/pdf/

MATERIALECOLOGY: Neri Oxman (2007-07-17 09:09)

[1] Ho aggiunto nei ”preferiti” i link al [2]sito ed al [3]Blog di Neri Oxman. Per i curiosi: buona lettura! 1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/Rpxr_IC4k2I/AAAAAAAAAFE/5KDCcfIXvNQ/s1600-h/Oxman.jpg 2. http://www.materialecology.com/ 3. http://materialecology.blogspot.com/


”Dynamic Systems” (2007-07-17 09:38)

[1] Segnalo questa raccolta di lavori fatti alla [2]PennDesign: [3]Post Professional Program, Fall 2005 - ”Dynamic Systems” 1.


jpg 2. http://www.design.upenn.edu/ 3. http://www.design.upenn.edu/new/arch/final_book_print.pdf

Sjet (2007-07-17 14:33) Un voluminoso [1]blog dedicato alla ricerca ed allo scripting con moltissime risorse per chi vuole addentrarsi nel territorio dello script. 1. http://sjet.wordpress.com/

Sjet (2007-07-17 14:39)

[1] Un voluminoso ed interessantissimo [2]blog dedicato alla ricerca ed allo scripting con moltissime risorse per chi vuole addentrarsi nel territorio dello script. 1. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/Rpy4xYC4k5I/AAAAAAAAAFc/GrWvHpIDGEI/s1600-h/sjet.jpg 2. http://sjet.wordpress.com/


Andrea - this page was a test and is now obsolete ... (2007-07-17 23:07) Andrea - this page was a test and is now obsolete - could you please remove that link or re-direct it toward: www.theverymany.net Thx Marc

GREENROOF (2007-07-20 11:34)

[1] E’ decisamente un Offtopic per questo blog e la direzione che sta prendendo, ma non ho resisitito a inserire questo [2]link anche perchè l’architettura sostenibile è un’altra mia convinzione e credo che anche la strada del generativo, del digitale, della produzione non può esimersi dal confronto con il futuro e quello del nostro pianeta. 1. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/RqCCqYC4k6I/AAAAAAAAAFo/pAF3k3z5ABw/s1600-h/GreenRoof.jpg 2. http://greenroofs.wordpress.com/

Rhinoscript 101 (2007-07-20 16:53)

[1] Per tutti coloro interessati a rhinoscript segnalo che è uscita la versione completa della [2]guida ufficiale di rhinoscript per Rhino 4.0, una risorsa veramente preziosa con esercizi, esempi e test di valutazione. Buon lavoro! 1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/RqDNL4C4k7I/AAAAAAAAAFw/AclFLOyAsfQ/s1600-h/RhinoScript101.jpg 2. http://en.wiki.mcneel.com/default.aspx/McNeel/RhinoScript101


Connected Real Estate (2007-07-20 17:09)

[1] Segnalo un’ennesima lettura estiva da spiaggia (sto scherzando). Scovato nella [2]Homepage dell’ETH di Zurigo, rappresenta (ad una prima occhiata) una panoramica sullo stato dell’arte dell’architettura digitale ed interattiva costruita e sulle evoluzioni tecnologiche prossime venture. Quando l’avrò letto potrò fornirvi maggiori indicazioni. [3]Link alla pagina. [4]Link al download del pdf.



big.jpg 2. http://wiki.arch.ethz.ch/ 3. http://wiki.arch.ethz.ch/twiki/bin/view/Front/CaadArticleEvent2007X07X10X10X19X12 4. http://www.cisco.com/web/about/ac79/docs/wp/ctd/ConnectedRealEstate.pdf

www.scriptedbypurpose.net (2007-07-25 09:25)

[1] Marc Fornes scrive: ”[2]scriptedbypurpose” is the invited part of an exhibition at the F.U.E.L. Collection in Philadelphia in September for which Marc Fornes & theverymany got involved into by Skylar Tibits/SJET as curator on explicit and encoded processes within design. here is the very first step, the webpage (beta) and the list of participants (to be completed): read, enjoy, and please come!

1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/Rqb7YFmt3dI/AAAAAAAAAGA/b8yIXjoNi1k/s1600-h/scriptedbypurpose.jpg 2. http://scriptedbypurpose.wordpress.com/


www.ksteinfe.net (2007-07-26 15:59)

[1] Oggi segnalo il [2]sito di questo architetto-designer veramente interessante. Fra i vari project molto interessanti ho trovato questo: [3]danzer inflation di cui pubblica lo [4]script. Vi consiglio di guardare tutti i progetti. 1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/RqiqA1mt3eI/AAAAAAAAAGI/ywi6-gbZS64/s1600-h/ksteinfe.jpg 2. http://www.ksteinfe.net/wiki/doku.php?id=projects:start 3. http://www.ksteinfe.net/wiki/doku.php?id=projects:front&projFolder=as_danzer 4. http://www.ksteinfe.net/_codeshare/as_danzer.rvb

morfoLL (2007-07-30 10:43)

[1] Altro [2]blog da aggiungere alla lista. Una notevole carrellata di ciò che è stato prodotto e fatto negli ultimi tempi. 1. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/Rq2lYFmt3fI/AAAAAAAAAGQ/OdcYmRPy9O4/s1600-h/morfoll.jpg 2. http://morfoll.blogspot.com/

space symmetry structure (2007-07-30 15:02)

[1] Un [2]blog recente con alcune curiosità in rhinoscript! 31

1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/Rq3hnVmt3gI/AAAAAAAAAGY/ln4fm1YTW7Q/s1600-h/loxosurf.jpg 2. http://spacesymmetrystructure.wordpress.com/

NoRA Pavilion (2007-07-30 15:34)

[1] Un [2]sito, un progetto e un [3]pdf relativi ad un interessante padiglione realizzato per la Biennale di Architettura di Venezia del 2006 dalla ”[4]Architecture & Design - Aalborg University”. Dal pensato al costruito... 1. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/Rq3qZFmt3hI/AAAAAAAAAGg/a68odPt8QZQ/s1600-h/Nora.jpg 2. http://www.aod.aau.dk/staff/bsth/nora/ 3. http://www.aod.aau.dk/staff/bsth/nora/NoRA%201.0.pdf 4. http://www.aod.aau.dk/

Mafoombey -Space for music (2007-07-31 10:44)

[1] Un curioso padiglione, vincitore di alcuni premi e segnalato dal ”AR Awards for Emerging Architecture 2006”, destinato all’ascolto musicale. [2]Mafoombey - space for music coniuga efficacemente il tema del padiglione, o meglio dello spazio abitativo, e quello della scelta dei materiali e delle lavorazioni. Inoltre è stato segnalato come [3]esempio per una interessante manifestazione che si terrà prossimamente : [4]Urbantine Project 2007 1. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/Rq741lmt3iI/AAAAAAAAAGo/Q8dEO6TFLcU/s1600-h/mafoombey.jpg 2. http://www.taivaanranta.net/mafoombey/ 3. http://www.urbantineproject.co.uk/examples_template.html 4. http://www.urbantineproject.co.uk/


Pavillon Seroussi (2007-07-31 11:54)

[1] Già [2]Edmondo Occhipinti mi aveva segnalato questa pubblicazione e la relativa mostra. Segnalo quindi il [3]libro e la [4]mostra relativi ad un concorso ad inviti per la progettazione di un padiglione a cui hanno partecipato: Biothing, EZCT, Gramazio & Kohler, DORA, IJP, Xefirotarch. La mostra è già in corso e durerà dal 01 Giugno al 16 Settembre 2007. Inoltre aggiungo il [5]link ad un pdf del progetto di EZCT. Se qualcuno trova del materiale sugli altri padiglioni lo segnali pure.

1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/Rq8J1Fmt3jI/AAAAAAAAAGw/wDC9NgVh4PU/s1600-h/seroussi.jpg 2. http://edmondocchipinti.blogspot.com/ 3. http://www.editions-hyx.com/site/web/uk/library/horscollection/horscollection14.html 4. http://www.lamaisonrouge.org/ 5. http://math.jussieu.fr/%7Ecollas/img/EZCT-Seroussi.pdf

ADRD (2007-07-31 12:12)

[1] Inserisco nei miei preferiti il [2]blog del collega Pierre Cutellic ed anche se non attivo il [3]sito.

1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/Rq8L-Fmt3kI/AAAAAAAAAG4/bjstUq73bXE/s1600-h/ADRD.jpg 2. http://adrd.blogspot.com/ 3. http://www.adrd.net/


Buckminster Fuller Challenge (2007-07-31 14:01)

[1] [2]Link sito [3]Link pdf



//1.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/Rq8kxlmt3lI/AAAAAAAAAHA/Frju2S4J-2c/s1600-h/Buckminster+challenge.jpg 2. http://challenge.bfi.org/main.php 3. http://challenge.bfi.org/BuckminsterFullerChallenge.pdf

ON&OFF numero 19 (2007-07-31 14:34)

[1] Segnalo l’uscita del numero 19 di [2]On &Off, supplememento di ”L’architetto Italiano” a cura da Antonino Saggio - NITRO, scaricabile anche in versione [3]pdf.

1. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/Rq8thlmt3mI/AAAAAAAAAHI/a-RDmAPyrkc/s1600-h/On%26Off.jpg 2. http://www.nitrosaggio.net/On&Off/On&Off.htm 3. http://www.nitrosaggio.net/On&Off/On&Off19.pdf




Rhinoceros Today (2007-08-03 12:20)

[1] Un [2]blog con numerose risorse per gli utenti di rhino. Segnalo il post ”[3]Display Faces and Naked edges” dove mette a disposizione una tool per aggiungere una nuova viewport con le facce colorate a seconda delle normali ed evidenziati i naked edges. Inoltre è disponibile anche il video che mostra le fasi di installazione del file. 1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/RrMDFFmt3nI/AAAAAAAAAHQ/vbG1b2ox7nk/s1600-h/RhinocerosToday.jpg 2. http://rhinocentre.blogspot.com/ 3. http://rhinocentre.blogspot.com/2007/05/display-faces-and-naked-edges.html

RandomBubbles (2007-08-06 09:02)

[1] Interessantissimo toolset per rhino 3.0 SR2 che permette di creare una serie di oggetti ”bubbles” secondo diverse modalità e, se collegato al modulo di renderizzazione AIR, è in grado di visualizzare anche le reciproche influenze di attrazione assegnate ai vari oggetti ed assegnare diversi colori in modalità vertex color. [2]Pagina di download [3]Files [4]Manuale in pdf 1. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/RrbJr1mt3oI/AAAAAAAAAHY/q6B2eCDrdA8/s1600-h/randombubbles.jpg 2. http://www.sitexgraphics.com/html/download.html 3. http://www.sitexgraphics.com/randombubbles.zip 4. http://www.sitexgraphics.com/randombubbles.pdf


Digital Origami (2007-08-09 10:49)

[1] Leggo su [2]thecoolhunter di questa fantastica installazione realizzata dagli studenti della [3]Sydney University of Technology sotto la guida di [4]Chris Bosse chiamata ”Digital Origami”. Un vero esempi di ricerca applicata sostenibile. [5]Link al pdf 1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/RrrWcwqCMvI/AAAAAAAAAHg/vBd_h08J5yE/s1600-h/Digital_origami.jpg 2. http://www.thecoolhunter.net/art/Digital-Origami/ 3. http://datasearch.uts.edu.au/dab/news-events/architecture/news-detail.cfm?ItemId=7589 4. http://www.chrisbosse.de/ 5. http://www.chrisbosse.de/origami.pdf

Ricerca architettonica ..... (2007-08-09 11:05)

[1] Cito da un [2]post di ”[3]architettisenzatetto” una frase che mi ha letteralmente ribaltato dalla sedia e che rappresenta in tutta la sua crudezza la realtà ed il motivo per cui molti architetti fanno ricerca nel ”tempo libero”, quando hanno il lusso di averne o la tenacia di cercarselo in notturna. 1. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/RrraAQqCMwI/AAAAAAAAAHo/96UVYVsCxaw/s1600-h/Architettisenzatetto. jpg 2. http://www.architettisenzatetto.net/blog/post/index/198/Le-interviste-di-AST 3. http://www.architettisenzatetto.net/


From Bolts 2 Bits (2007-08-09 11:28)

[1] Un recente [2]blog dedicato al tema della Digital Fabrication con alcuni interessanti progetti.

1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/RrreyAqCMxI/AAAAAAAAAHw/YbqSgqpLyhw/s1600-h/FabCon.jpg 2. http://fabcon.wordpress.com/

Sketch your furniture in the air (2007-08-09 11:32)

[1] Rimando direttamente al [2]post in cui ho letto la notizia.

1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/RrrflwqCMyI/AAAAAAAAAH4/PEZ1yz7jn7w/s1600-h/sketchurnitures06.jpg 2. http://blog.pcnews.ro/2006/10/28/sketch-your-furniture-in-the-air/


Digital Fabrication - Branko Kolarevic (2007-08-10 13:59)

[1] Una interessante presentazione sulla ”[2]Digital Fabrication” fatta da [3]Branko Kolarevic docente presso la ”[4]University of Pennsylvania”. 1.


jpg 2. http://www.gsfa.upenn.edu/arch744/lectures/lecture1.htm 3. http://www.fabrication.ald.utoronto.ca/papers_presentations/professionalPresentations/aia_3.htm 4. http://www.design.upenn.edu/index.php

Nervous-system (2007-08-10 14:09)

[1] Non è il solito modellino di un progetto. [2]Nervous-System è una [3]collezione di gioielli nata dalla collaborazione fra studenti di architettura e matematici. 1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/RrxWugqCM0I/AAAAAAAAAII/ayyKA2C4xIk/s1600-h/NervousSystem.jpg 2. http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=50032 3. http://www.flickr.com/photos/jrosenk/sets/72157594473942495/


Computational Design Solutions 2007 (2007-08-20 10:18)

[1] Anche quest’anno si è svolto a Santiago del Cile questo [2]interessantissimo seminario dedicato al rhinoscript architettonico. Dalle [3]anteprime dei progetti sembra essere stato molto prolifico oltre che frequentato. Speriamo nella pubblicazione dei lavori come [4]l’anno scorso. 1. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/RslPgwD-SEI/AAAAAAAAAIQ/FQTC--QtZ4I/s1600-h/Santiago.jpg 2. http://www.espaciosdigitales.org/santiago/2/ 3. http://www.espaciosdigitales.org/santiago/2/Grupos/indexp3.html 4. http://www.espaciosdigitales.org/santiago/1/Finalpresentation/indexpre.html

Manifold (2007-08-21 11:20)

[1] Un [2]progetto realizzato da [3]Material Systems Organization per una installazione spiegato in tutte le sue parti ed in maniera dettagliata: dall’ideazione alla realizzazione. 1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/RsqvHAD-SFI/AAAAAAAAAIY/6sOURxl28r8/s1600-h/Manifold.jpg 2. http://www.materialsystems.org/Projects/20041001_manifold/full/manifold.html 3. http://www.materialsystems.org/

Reconstructivism.net (2007-08-29 08:40)

[1] Oggi segnalo una risorsa che personalmente do per scontata ma che forse risulterà sconosciuta ed utilissima a qualcuno. [2]Reconstructivism.net rappresenta una delle principali fonti da cui attingere per chi voglia iniziare a scriptare oltre a mettere a disposizione una ricca [3]collezione di script. 1. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/RtUWMgD-SGI/AAAAAAAAAJg/gR4mAoJNvp4/s1600-h/Reconstructivism.jpg 2. http://www.reconstructivism.net/ 3. http://www.reconstructivism.net/index.htm?scripts.htm


Lift Architects (2007-08-31 10:09)

[1] Oggi segnalo il [2]sito web di questo architetto si san Francisco dove ci sono alcuni interessanti post fra i quali menziono: [3]Interactive Panels [4]the[n]projects [5]Scripted Structure 1. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/RtfOIQD-SII/AAAAAAAAAJw/VNIjBzdKCAk/s1600-h/Liftarchitects.jpg 2. http://www.liftarchitects.com/ 3. http://www.liftarchitects.com/journal/2007/2/18/interactive-panels.html 4. http://www.liftarchitects.com/journal/2007/2/16/thenprojects.html 5. http://www.liftarchitects.com/journal/2007/1/13/scripted-structure.html



Ritorno.... al futuro (2007-09-17 08:37)

[1] Dopo due settimane di rilassanti e gradevolissime vacanze nel Piceno torno ad aggiornare il blog. Metto un po di link senza andare troppo per il sottile: [2]Artificial Symbiont [3]Archimorph [4]Charlie [5]Shifting Lines [6]The Teeming Void [7]SoftCyborg eStudio 1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/Ru4iXvcwIAI/AAAAAAAAAJ4/nNhkW2qNKIA/s1600-h/Vacanze.jpg 2. http://artificialsymbiont.blogspot.com/


3. http://archimorph.wordpress.com/ 4. http://rhinoscript.blogspot.com/ 5. http://shiftinglines.blogspot.com/ 6. http://teemingvoid.blogspot.com/ 7. http://softcyborgs.wordpress.com/

Sustaining Organs (2007-09-17 08:51)

[1] Interessanti aggiornamenti sul blog: [2]Sustaining Organs (di cui avevo già dato il link nei primi post del blog) fra i quali ad uno [3]script realizzato durante un corso tenuto all’ [4]Ecole Speciale d’Architecture da [5]Edmondo Occhipinti. 1. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/Ru4k-PcwIBI/AAAAAAAAAKA/AgAESeGPsnQ/s1600-h/Sustaining+Organs.jpg 2. http://ssssociety.blogspot.com/ 3. http://ssssociety.blogspot.com/2007/09/parissss-france.html 4. http://www.esa-paris.fr/page.php/accueil 5. http://www.esa-paris.fr/page.php/accueil

P.A.N. [progressive architecture network] (2007-09-17 09:17)

[1] Segnalo questa mostra che aprirà il prossimo giovedì 20 settembre alle 17:30 alla galleria [2]SESV di Firenze. [3]La mostra P.A.N. - curata da Winka Dubbeldam e Helene Furján - presenta al pubblico italiano la ricerca e la produzione di cinque gruppi di architetti affermati sulla scena internazionale: [4]Sadar Vuga Arhitekti (Lubiana) [5]R &Sie(n) (Parigi), [6]J. Mayer H. Architects (Berlino) [7]IaN+ (Roma) [8]Archi-Tectonics (New York) 1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/Ru4rtfcwICI/AAAAAAAAAKI/sj0YoOVSCsQ/s1600-h/PAN.jpg 2. http://www.sesv.net/


3. http://www.image-web.org/index_it.htm 4. http://www.sadarvuga.com/ 5. http://www.new-territories.com/ 6. http://www.jmayerh.de/home.htm 7. http://www.ianplus.it/ 8. http://www.archi-tectonics.com/

Organizational Transformatics - MDA (2007-09-17 12:13)

[1] Un interessante [2]blog tenuto nel contesto del ”[3]Masters of Digital Architecture at the University of Technology” di Sydney. Molti interessanti progetti ed investigazioni del digitale. 1.


transformatics.jpg 2. http://transformatics.blogspot.com/ 3. http://www.dab.uts.edu.au/

while(1) run(); (2007-09-18 11:15)

[1] Un interessante [2]blog ”about computational design, generative art, geometry, math, architecture and the means employed to materialize these forms of expression”. Da seguire. 1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/Ru-YJfcwIEI/AAAAAAAAAKY/WEJQrkywUK4/s1600-h/whileonerun.jpg 2. http://whileonerun.blogspot.com/


Lin.ear th.inking (2007-09-18 11:29)

[1] Un interessante applicazione dei diagrammi di voronoi e delunay trovati su questo [2]blog. [3]Hipparchus Voronoi-based index [4]Streaming Delaunay Triangulation for Huge Datasets 1. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/Ru-bUvcwIFI/AAAAAAAAAKg/4ASCYnkSP2I/s1600-h/Linear+thinking.jpg 2. http://lin-ear-th-inking.blogspot.com/ 3. http://lin-ear-th-inking.blogspot.com/2007/09/geodetic-data-in-postgis-spherical.html 4. http://lin-ear-th-inking.blogspot.com/2007/08/streaming-delaunay-triangulation-for.html

blog.research-unit.net (2007-09-20 13:30)

[1] Oggi voglio segnalare questo [2]blog molto ben fatto. Molte risorse inerenti architettura generativa, sostenibilitĂ , software e ricerca. 1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/RvJa9wYy9kI/AAAAAAAAAKo/4MOVqA0cPkU/s1600-h/Research-Unit.jpg 2. http://blog.research-unit.net/

eCAADe2007 Frankfurt (2007-09-24 08:02)

[1] Dal 26 al 29 settembre si svolgerĂ a Francoforte la rassegna eCAADe. Interessantissimo il [2]programma con numerosi interventi di prestigiosi relatori ed il tutto preceduto da alcuni workshop gratuiti. 1. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/RvdVLf_WJCI/AAAAAAAAAKw/z1zoElNR5aQ/s1600-h/ecaade2007.jpg 2. http://www.fab.fh-wiesbaden.de/index.php?id=120


(n)certainties (2007-09-28 15:33)

[1] Un [2]sito ed un [3]blog con moltissimi spunti e direzioni di investigazione frutto del corso 2007 alla Columbia University tenuto da Francois Roche in collaborazione con Mark Fornes. 1. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/Rv0Etv_WJDI/AAAAAAAAAK4/ls8n0M44b_k/s1600-h/robotperception.jpg 2. http://ncertainties.wordpress.com/ 3. http://ncertainties.wordpress.com/blog/



Circle Packing Plugin (2007-10-03 12:33)

[1] Una [2]plugin disponibile sul sito [3]Mc Neel Wiki decisamente interessante e con notevoli campi di applicazione. 1.


//4.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/RwNwuP_WJEI/AAAAAAAAALA/ZER6hcXpt8A/s1600-h/CirclePackingAlgorithm.jpg 2. http://en.wiki.mcneel.com/default.aspx/McNeel/2DCirclePacking 3. http://en.wiki.mcneel.com/default.aspx/McNeel/HomePage.html


Far From Equilibrium (2007-10-05 11:03)

[1] ”An Enquiry into Non linear Systems and Spatial Investigations for Architecture” come lo definisce l’autore architetto newyorkese Francis Bitonti. Dei post interessanti legati anche a Processing di cui mette a disposizione gli script in questa [2]Processing Matrix Library. Fra i vari post anche lo script con cui ha partecipato a Script/INE: [3]Universal Garden. [4]Link al Blog 1. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/RwYDHf_WJII/AAAAAAAAALU/P2HJ3MrZYak/s1600-h/FarFrom.jpg 2. http://pmatrix.blogspot.com/ 3. http://farfromequilibrium.blogspot.com/2007/09/scriptine-universal-garden.html 4. http://farfromequilibrium.blogspot.com/

Shape to Fabrication 2 (2007-10-05 14:28)

[1] Per chi di voi fosse eventualmente a Londra a fine Ottobre: [2]Rhino for Architecture 1. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/RwYuRv_WJJI/AAAAAAAAALc/rXm0xckinsI/s1600-h/shapetofab.jpg 2. http://www.simplyrhino.co.uk/about/shapetofabrication2.html

o p e n S y s t e m s (2007-10-10 10:43)

[1] Un recentissimo [2]blog dedicato all’ ”organizational and performative systems through novel digital domains”. Redatto da un architetto (credo italiano) a Londra il blog contiene già alcuni post interessanti. Da seguire 1. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/RwyRo__WJKI/AAAAAAAAALk/gjsEabwwqkc/s1600-h/OpenSystem.jpg 2. http://muffas.blogspot.com/


Tropical London Blog (2007-10-10 11:06)

[1] Segnalo questo [2]blog inerente i corsi presso l’AA tenuti dall’[3]ecoLogicStudio 1.


jpg 2. http://blog.tropicalondon.co.uk/blog 3. http://www.ecologicstudio.com/

{BLOG} algofabriarchtaculous (2007-10-12 12:26)

[1] Un altro interessante [2]blog dedito alla ricerca ed in particolar modo al rhinoscript. Consiglio di guardare il link [3]Studies Materials. 1. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/Rw9Mlf_WJMI/AAAAAAAAAL0/fSKiu_NznSs/s1600-h/regulatedlines.jpg 2. http://regulatedlines.com/blog/ 3. http://regulatedlines.com/blog/?page_id=4

RhinoScript Programmer’s Reference (2007-10-16 14:49)

[1] Segnalo a tutti i rhinoscripter questa utilissima [2]risorsa. 1. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/Rxh30__WJOI/AAAAAAAAAME/21TxgWO8Wik/s1600-h/Kxcad.jpg 2. http://www.kxcad.net/Rhinoceros/RhinoScript/index.htm


Digital Technologies in Architecure (2007-10-19 11:18)

[1] Segnalo questo [2]blog con molte risorse e link alla pratica digitale nell’architettura di oggi. 1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/Rxh3if_WJNI/AAAAAAAAAL8/TiJPCoNJrAA/s1600-h/IAAC.jpg 2. http://iaac-digitalarchitecture.blogspot.com/

Shifting Lines to Surfaces (2007-10-23 16:24)

[1] Segnalo il [2]blog del corso tenuto da [3]Dimitris Gourdoukis presso la ”Washington University in St. Louis”. 1. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/Rx4Ekf_WJPI/AAAAAAAAAMM/Xxa2KcdDgIw/s1600-h/Shifting.jpg 2. http://shiftinglines.blogspot.com/ 3. http://object-e.blogspot.com/

the script & me (2007-10-23 16:27)

[1] ”This is a singular blog where i will show my evolution learning to use rhinoscript. I will try to show everything and especially to reach my aims. You will see every step during my learning.” [2]Link 1. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/Rx4FTf_WJQI/AAAAAAAAAMU/voVKvrS_3Mk/s1600-h/scriptme.jpg 2. http://scriptme.wordpress.com/


Theoremas (2007-10-23 16:31)

[1] Un’altro [2]blog di investigazione digitale 1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/Rx4GIP_WJRI/AAAAAAAAAMc/dvqpHXqeeq0/s1600-h/theoremas.jpg 2. http://theoremas-gabe00fab.blogspot.com/

SEM Lab (2007-10-23 16:37)

[1] Jonas Coersmeier Design Studio at Pratt Institute School of Architecture [2]Link 1. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/Rx4Hcf_WJSI/AAAAAAAAAMk/ggIznGWNr-U/s1600-h/SemLab.jpg 2. http://www.probelog.com/sem/works/

rainbowlazer (2007-10-23 16:41)

[1] [2]About fabrication 48

1. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/Rx4Iev_WJTI/AAAAAAAAAMs/RANWrXLp4TE/s1600-h/rainbowlazer.jpg 2. http://rainbowlazer.com/

proxy.design.fab.vis.soft.BLOG (2007-10-23 16:46)

[1] ”a blog about the emerging landscape of architectural computation and its intersection with science medicine and information theory” [2]Link 1. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/Rx4Jbf_WJUI/AAAAAAAAAM0/YQRf1KWfAb0/s1600-h/Proxyarch_blog.jpg 2. http://proxyarch.com/blog/

Plywood pavilion (2007-10-24 10:27)

[1] Ieri mi sono imbattuto per caso in questo spettacolare padiglione progettato da [2]Situ Studio per il [3]CitySol 2007. [4]Foto su flickr Articoli: [5]e-Oculus [6]NewYork Press [7]AllDayBuffet [8]Dwell blog [9]NewYork Times 1. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/Rx8EfP_WJVI/AAAAAAAAAM8/AMxwXZDWf38/s1600-h/Situ_studio.jpg 2. http://www.situstudio.com/ 3. http://www.citysol.org/ 4. http://www.flickr.com/photos/10396555@N03/ 5. http://www.aiany.org/eOCULUS/newsletter/?p=923 6. http://www.nypress.com/blogx/display_blog.cfm?bid=24247805 7. http://www.alldaybuffet.org/2007/07/15/citysol-review-photos/ 8. http://www.dwell.com/daily/blog/8536547.html 9. http://www.nytimes.com/slideshow/2007/07/12/garden/20070712_CURR_SLIDESHOW_5.html


Mutsuro Sasaki a Torino (2007-10-30 12:15)

[1] Segnalo a tutti la conferenza ”conversazioni con Mutsuro Sasaki” che si terrà a Torino Martedì 6 Novembre 2007 presso il Castello del Valentino - Salone d’onore - alle ore 11:00.

1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/RycUFTg4_AI/AAAAAAAAANE/fPBwynO8wiA/s1600-h/matsuro.jpg

Westborough Cardboard School (2007-10-31 11:12)

[1] Un interessantissimo progetto, di qualche anno fa, che unisce i temi del folding, della sostenibilità e dell’architettura ”leggera”. Firmato dallo studio [2]Cottrell & Vermeulen Architecture e [3]Buro Happold il progetto ha ricevuto i premi ”Steven Lawrence Prize” e ”RIBA Journal Sustainabilty Award”. [4]Link

1. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/RyhWKjg4_CI/AAAAAAAAANQ/Q3hV9rRMFM0/s1600-h/cardboard+school.jpg 2. http://www.cottrellandvermeulen.co.uk/ 3. http://www.burohappold.com/ 4. http://www.cardboardschool.co.uk/


A plywood cabin (2007-10-31 13:02)

[1] Un altro esempio di digital fabrication. Realizzato dal [2]Digital Design Fabrication Group del [3]MIT Department of Architecture il progetto è molto ben spiegato e documentato. [4]Link 1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/Ryhv2Dg4_DI/AAAAAAAAANY/-luD19dFwMk/s1600-h/Plywood_cabin.jpg 2. http://ddf.mit.edu/index.html 3. http://architecture.mit.edu/ 4. http://ddf.mit.edu/projects/CABIN/index.html

core.form-ula (2007-10-31 14:33)

[1] Un fantastico [2]sito che credo offrirà molti spunti a chi si interessa di investigazione e architettura digitale. Segnalo solo alcuni dei moltissimi post: [3]One dimension weave [4]Flux density [5]Triple mesh structure [6]Structural circolation 1. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/RyiGDTg4_EI/AAAAAAAAANg/xOttxD_FZC0/s1600-h/core.form-ula.jpg 2. http://www.core.form-ula.com/ 3. http://www.core.form-ula.com/2007/10/25/one-dimension-weave/ 4. http://www.core.form-ula.com/2007/10/23/862/ 5. http://www.core.form-ula.com/2007/10/11/three-woven-stuctures/ 6. http://www.core.form-ula.com/2007/10/26/structural-circulation/




[C]space (2007-11-05 08:48)

[1] [2]Davide Del Giudice mi ha segnalato il progetto per padiglione vincitore del concorso indetto dall’AA per i 10 anni di attività del [3]Design Research Laboratory. [4]Link al blog [5]Link all’articolo su Dezeen 1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/Ry7MATg4_FI/AAAAAAAAANo/8WN1VLRC9h8/s1600-h/Cspace.jpg 2. http://madeincalifornia.blogspot.com/ 3. http://aadrl.net/ 4. http://cspacepavilion.blogspot.com/ 5. http://www.dezeen.com/2007/11/04/cspace-pavilion-by-alan-dempsey-and-alvin-huang/

Design Space Exploration (2007-11-05 08:58)

[1] Volevo segnalare questo [2]blog redatto per un ”graduation project” e che, seppur recente, mostra già alcuni interessanti sviluppi nello studio dei diagrammi. 1.


//1.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/Ry7NvDg4_GI/AAAAAAAAANw/iAAO_u1NDJQ/s1600-h/Design_space_exploration.jpg 2. http://www.digisan.nl/dse/


Rhino tips & scripts (2007-11-05 11:22)

[1] Estratti dal blog [2]Harvard GSD segnalo questi tre interessantissimi post su come migliorare l’interfaccia e l’uso di rhino. [3]Elite Modeling School { Day 1: Rhino } [4]Elite Modeling School { Day 2: Rhino } [5]Elite Modeling School { Day 3: Rhino }

1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/Ry7wGTg4_HI/AAAAAAAAAN4/9XeYWUrdQ5s/s1600-h/Harvard_GSD.jpg 2. http://www.archinect.com/schoolblog/blog.php?id=C0_111_39 3. http://www.archinect.com/schoolblog/entry.php?id=65814_0_39_0_C 4. http://www.archinect.com/schoolblog/entry.php?id=65947_0_39_0_C 5. http://www.archinect.com/schoolblog/entry.php?id=66246_0_39_0_C

Systemic Formats (2007-11-07 12:43)

[1] Segnalo la mostra in corso a Barcellona dal 31.10.07 al 17.11.07 dedicata al lavoro di [2]Systemic Formats

1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/RzGm8zg4_II/AAAAAAAAAOA/p-In6js_Xfw/s1600-h/Systemic_formats.jpg 2. http://www.systemicformats.com/


Follymorph - DIA (2007-11-12 08:20)

[1] Oggi segnalo l’interessante lavoro di indagine formale e strutturale portato avanti su questo [2]blog.

1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/Rzf_kHPVGyI/AAAAAAAAAOI/sGVEplwtQ40/s1600-h/Follymorph.jpg 2. http://follymorph.blogspot.com/

O.M.R.P. (2007-11-12 08:27)

[1] Sul rinnovato sito del [2]g.d.e.s. è stato postato il lavoro completo relativo al progetto [3]O.M.R.P. ovvero ”Optimización de Material Reciclado por medio de Programación”. Un interessante tentativo di coniugare risorse, progettazione e scripting.

1. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/RzgC8HPVGzI/AAAAAAAAAOQ/lbTfK0bzotQ/s1600-h/OMRP.jpg 2. http://www.designemergente.org/ 3. http://www.designemergente.org/script/they-have-rejected-no-han-aceptado/


SU11 design research (2007-11-15 09:13)

[1] Oggi segnalo il [2]blog curato da Ferda Kolatan dello studio [3]su11 architecture + design dove si possono trovare alcune ”lecture” e progetti fra cui la [4]DuneHouse inserita nella rassegna [5]OpenHouse insieme ad altri interessanti progetti. 1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/RzwBhpjRKtI/AAAAAAAAAOo/mAyVd9enSps/s1600-h/su11.jpg 2. http://su11.blogspot.com/ 3. http://www.su11.com/ 4. http://www.artcenter.edu/openhouse/projects/dunehouse.html 5. http://www.artcenter.edu/openhouse/index.html

Airspace Tokio (2007-11-19 09:14)

[1] Progetto di [2]Thom faulders in collaborazione con [3]Sean Ahlquist. [4]Recensione su core.form-ula 1. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/R0FG75jRKxI/AAAAAAAAAPI/JbUwJthNITg/s1600-h/airspace_tokio.jpg 2. http://www.beigedesign.com/proj_airspace.html 3. http://www.proces2.com/ 4. http://www.core.form-ula.com/2007/11/16/voronoi-goodness/


Self-Sufficient Housing Winners (2007-11-20 09:36)

[1] Sono stati resi noti i nominativi dei [2]vincitori del ”[3]2nd Advanced Architecture Contest” dello Iaac intitolato ”Self-Sufficient Housing”. Consiglio di visionare tutti i [4]progetti dei finalisti consultabili e scaricabili sia in formato immagine che pdf. 1.


jpg 2. http://www.advancedarchitecturecontest.org/results.php 3. http://www.advancedarchitecturecontest.org/ 4. http://www.iaacblog.com/AAC2007-finalists/

Synthetic Vernacular (2007-11-22 09:35)

[1] Un esempio di ricerca ed investigazione molto approfonditi presentato al corso ”associative design 2nd year” presso il [2]Berlage-Institute l’anno scorso. Il video in questione ”[3]Synthetic Vernacular” mostra le incredibili potenzialità dell’associative design coniugato ad una vasta e metodologica ricerca architettonica ed urbana. Link al [4]download del video (156MB, right-click to save) 1. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/R0VCsJjRK0I/AAAAAAAAAPg/_7tdUwl7sag/s1600-h/Synthetic+Vernacular. jpg 2. http://www.berlage-institute.nl/ 3. http://www.dysturb.net/2007/associative-design-berlage/ 4. http://www.dysturb.net/wp-content//2007/07/associative-design.mp4


ParaClouding Blog (2007-11-23 12:25)

[1] Un [2]blog ufficiale sulle innumerevoli ed interessantissime possibilità di applicazione di [3]ParaCloud

1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/R0bGBZjRK2I/AAAAAAAAAPw/5MKLg0FvxOw/s1600-h/paracloud.jpg 2. http://paraclouding.com/Blog/ 3. http://www.paracloud.com/preview/index.html

AALU LANDSCAPE URBANISM (2007-11-28 11:51)

[1] Segnalo il [2]blog del [3]corso di Landscape Urbanism dove ultimamente sta avendo luogo un workshop dedicato all’applicazione di [4]paracloud.

1. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/R01I0JjRK3I/AAAAAAAAAP4/qqgzvwkT-uw/s1600-h/AALU.jpg 2. http://aa-landscape-urbanism.blogspot.com/ 3. http://www.aaschool.ac.uk/lu/ 4. http://www.paracloud.com/preview/


STUDIOOFFICE.BLOG (2007-11-29 10:41)

[1] Oggi voglio segnalare il lavoro di Chris Shusta pubblicato sul [2]blog degli [3]studio-office. Ed in particolare consiglio la lettura del paper ”shusta proposal”. [4]Link al PDF (23.4 MB) 1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/R06KoZjRK4I/AAAAAAAAAQA/5FFwVqUrwqg/s1600-h/Chris_Shusta.jpg 2. http://www.studio-office.com/blog/ 3. http://www.studio-office.com/ 4. http://www.gsd.harvard.edu/users/cshusta/shusta_proposal_11_20_07.pdf

ecoScript blog (2007-11-30 10:28)

[1] Avevo già parlato del [2]blog dell’Arch. Francis Bitonti ma oggi curiosando fra i link mi sono accorto che è autore di questo altrettanto interessante [3]blog dedicato allo scripting per [4]Ecotect. 1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/R0_bsJjRK5I/AAAAAAAAAQI/hN_p4QMP8s4/s1600-R/Ecoscript.jpg 2. http://farfromequilibrium.blogspot.com/ 3. http://ecoscript.blogspot.com/ 4. http://www.squ1.com/ecotect




VBScript Tutorial (2007-12-03 12:40)

[1] Oggi segnalo un [2]tutorial online per chi si voglia avvicinare al linguaggio di rhino (rhinoscript ovvero VBS) e comprenderne le basi e la struttura. 1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/R1Pshr3e2rI/AAAAAAAAAQQ/jvOozXVOJY4/s1600-R/VBScript+Tutorial.jpg 2. http://www.w3schools.com/vbscript/default.asp

Biothing Flower Power (2007-12-05 16:04)

[1] [2]Biothing ha messo a disposizione nella sezione ”[3]code” il plug-in ”flowerpower” sviluppato per il ”[4]Seroussi pavilion competition”. Grazie a [5]Davide Del Giudice per la segnalazione. 1. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/R1a_mb3e2sI/AAAAAAAAAQY/cg1BHqo2RZs/s1600-h/biothing.jpg 2. http://biothing.org/wiki/doku.php 3. http://biothing.org/wiki/doku.php?id=code 4. http://biothing.org/wiki/doku.php?id=seroussi 5. http://madeincalifornia.blogspot.com/

ACADIA 2007 Competition Winners (2007-12-06 14:29)

[1] Con un po’ di ritardo segnalo che sono stati annunciati i [2]risultati dell’ ”[3]Acadia 2007 competition”. 59

Si trattava di uno studio per una”New Media School in Halifax, Nova Scotia”. Consiglio di visionare il [4]progetto vincitore il quale ha adottato per strutturare il progetto la tasselazione tramite voronoi. 1. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/R1f7Rb3e2tI/AAAAAAAAAQg/5QxIs6hbc2s/s1600-h/acadia2007.jpg 2. http://acadia07.architecture.dal.ca/competition.php 3. http://acadia07.architecture.dal.ca/competition/ 4. http://www.misosoupdesign.com/NewMediaSchool/

kokkugiaTools (2007-12-07 16:17)

[1] [2]Kokkugia ha rilasciato sulla sua [3]pagina wiki la versione 1.1 della plugin per rhino ”[4]KokkugiaTools”. All’interno sono raccolti i vari script che erano già disponibili separatamente nella medesima pagina. 1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/R1lldL3e2uI/AAAAAAAAAQo/Q7dzzogy2xw/s1600-h/KakkugiaTools.jpg 2. http://www.kokkugia.com/ 3. http://www.kokkugia.com/wiki/index.php?title=Main_Page 4. http://www.kokkugia.com/wiki/index.php?title=RvbScripts

R&Sie(n)’s Museum of Ice (2007-12-07 17:16)

[1] Ho letto su ”[2]treehugger” che il progetto per il ”[3]Museum of Ice” di [4]François Roche dello studio R &Sie(n) ha vinto il relativo concorso ed ora la costruzione dell’edificio sarà fatta direttamente in CNC attraverso un gigantesco robot a cinque assi di controllo. Sarà molto interessante vedere l’esito del processo produttivo. Il digitale prototipato all’ennesima potenza. Da [5]treehugger e [6]The Architects Newspaper 1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/R1l1Ab3e2vI/AAAAAAAAAQw/wyDm_HbSdtQ/s1600-h/Museum+of+Ice.jpg 2. http://www.treehugger.com/


3. http://www.new-territories.com/roche2000ter.htm 4. http://www.new-territories.com/ 5. http://www.treehugger.com/files/2007/12/printing_out_bu.php 6. http://www.archpaper.com/features/2007_20_i_robot.htm

Hover installation (2007-12-12 13:10)

[1] Leggo su [2]ArchiDose di questa interessante installazione realizzata da [3]Howeler + Yoon Architecture a New Orleans. Questo progetto coniuga intelligentemente ricerca formale, design e sostenibilità. Il progetto è consultabile sul sito nell’anno 2007. Galleria di immagini su [4]Flickr. 1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/R1_R273e2wI/AAAAAAAAAQ4/rO4luGNl7TU/s1600-h/Hover.jpg 2. http://archidose.blogspot.com/2007/12/today-archidose-160.html 3. http://www.hyarchitecture.com/ 4. http://www.flickr.com/photos/97285759@N00/sets/72157603400566080/

Separate Place (2007-12-14 14:29)

[1] Il [2]blog di un progetto fatto per un workshop estivo all’AA e partecipante al ”[3]AV Custerson Award”. Il risultato è un guscio, una casa sull’albero, una sintesi nello spazio di tanti elementi progettuali. 1. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/R2KILUcuizI/AAAAAAAAARA/GS7vw-7BGk0/s1600-h/Separate_place.jpg 2. http://separate-place.blogspot.com/ 3. http://www.aaschool.ac.uk/hookepark/news.shtm


FUN (2007-12-18 09:53)

[1] Segnalatomi dagli stessi autori Zhenfei Wang e Luming Wang (gli autori di ”Synthetic vernacular”, vedasi il post relativo) inserisco il link al loro [2]blog dove stanno approfondendo la conoscenza di rhinoscript indagandone alcune interessanti applicazioni e dove hanno pubblicato alcuni dei loro script. 1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/R2eL20cui0I/AAAAAAAAARI/YLMkQlHUBG4/s1600-h/FUN.jpg 2. http://zfcloud.blogspot.com/

.... non solo numeri! (2007-12-18 12:11)

[1] Dicembre, tempo di riepiloghi e di conclusioni sull’anno trascorso ed ovviamente di buoni propositi, riguardanti anche il blog, per quello futuro. Dalle statistiche mi sono fatto un idea di quanti siete, da dove provenite, che cosa vi interessa e forse anche di quanto sia interessata ed interessante la ricerca architettonica digitale in Italia oltre che all’estero. Siete molti con una buona rappresentanza romana, milanese e torinese in Italia mentre all’estero ci sono molti di NewYork, Barcellona e Londra. Ma mi incuriosiscono anche coloro che alla fine abitano abbastanza vicino da poterli incontrare: Cuneo, Milano, Albenga, Genova, Moncalieri, Torino, Novara.... come quelli lontani che mi seguono (o per lo meno inciampano nel mio blog) dall’Australia o dal Cile, due luoghi dove ho sempre voluto andare. Però, a questo punto, mi sono detto: vorrei conoscerli! E allora perchè non mi raccontate chi siete, da dove venite esattamente, avete un vostro blog, siete studenti, architetti (forse architetti di routines con digital-manie da tempo libero come me), o magari affermati professionisti o altro....? Vi interessa seriamente la ricerca e vorreste entrare in contatto o con me o fra di voi oppure avete delle idee, dei suggerimenti per il blog? Io credo che la collaborazione sia uno degli strumenti più efficaci per portare avanti delle idee e dei progetti. Voglio trasformare questo post in una bacheca di annunci e messaggi (tipo quelle universitarie) dove 62

ognuno può lasciare i propri recapiti e idee e prendere contatto con altri. Lasciate un commento o scrivete una mail se lo volete. Mi piacerebbe conoscervi e considerarvi nelle statistiche di ogni giorno..... ....non solo numeri. December, it’s time of conclusions on this year and obviously of good intentions for the future regarding also the blog. From statistics I have understood how many you are, from where you are, what you are interests to and perhaps also of how much the architectural digital research is interested and interesting in Italy besides abroad. You are many with a good representation of Rome, Milan and Turin in Italy while abroad there are many of NewYork, Barcelona and London. I’m very curious also those ones who lives close enough to me that i can meet them: Cuneo, Milan, Albenga, Genoa, Moncalieri, Turin, Novara ..... like those far ones that follows my blog (or casually stumbles in my blog) from far countries like Australia or Chile, two places where I have always want to go. But, at this point, I said to me: I want to know them! So why don’t you tell me who you are, from where you come exactly, if you have a blog or site, if you are students, architects (perhaps simply architects with leisure digital-mania like me), or other .... ? Are you seriously interesting in digital research and want to enter in contact with me or between of us? have you some ideas or suggestions for the blog? I believe that the collaboration is one of the most effective instruments in order to carry ahead the ideas and the plans. I want to transform this post in a showcase of announcements and messages (type those university ones) where everyone can leave their own deliveries and ideas and take contact with the others. Left a comment or write a mail if you want it. I want to know and consider you in statistics of every day..... ... not only numbers. P.S. Sorry for my translation errors! 1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/R2esPkcui1I/AAAAAAAAARQ/Z2_rbaaYHl4/s1600-h/BlogTraffic.jpg



Chapter 2




LaB - LiveArchitectureBlog (2008-01-07 13:14)

[1] Fra le interessanti novità che ho trovato sul Web nella nuova annata segnalo questo [2]blog ed in particolare questi due post in merito all’uso dell’ ”[3]Explicit History Plugin” per Rhino: [4]New Year...New Toys: Rhino Explicit History Plugin [5]Rhino Explicit History Part 2

1. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/R4IZykcui2I/AAAAAAAAARY/3fVmu_zPfj4/s1600-h/LaB.jpg 2. http://www.livearchitecture.net/blog/index.php 3. http://en.wiki.mcneel.com/default.aspx/McNeel/ExplicitHistoryPluginMainPage.html 4. http://www.livearchitecture.net/blog/index.php?entry=entry080102-192748 5. http://www.livearchitecture.net/blog/index.php?entry=entry080103-230152


un didi (2008-01-08 09:46)

[1] Oggi segnalo il [2]blog di Dimitrie Stefanescu, studente di Bucarest, i cui ultimi post sono dedicati all’indagine tramite rhinoscript su particolari superfici: [3]Spherical Harmonics, SuperTorus e Shells. Sono già disponibili alcuni script e a breve rilascerà una tools dedicata chiamata [4]SPRscripts. 1. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/R4M6UEcui3I/AAAAAAAAARg/Hq0myFeZ1bQ/s1600-h/undidi.jpg 2. http://dimitrie.wordpress.com/ 3. http://dimitrie.wordpress.com/2007/12/25/spherical-harmonics/ 4. http://dimitrie.wordpress.com/2008/01/04/sprscrpts/

Exomorph Integrations (2008-01-22 15:43)

[1] Oggi segnalo il [2]blog tenuto dagli studenti del corso di [3]Urban Strategies presso la ”University of Applied Arts Vienna” sotto la supervisione di [4]Matias del Campo e Sandra Manninger. Molta ricerca formale e topologica indagando concetti come viscosità, stratificazione, densità ed altro ancora. 1. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/R5YDIUcui4I/AAAAAAAAARo/i1q6jsDqF2c/s1600-h/exomorph.jpg 2. http://exomorphic.blogspot.com/ 3. http://www.urbanstrategies.at/ 4. http://span.vox.com/

New Strategies, Contemporary Techniques (2008-01-22 16:06)

[1] Per chi avesse in mente un viaggio a Barcellona segnalo questo appuntamento. 66

[2]New Strategies, Contemporary Techniques 2008 International Architecture Symposium 9-11 April 2008, Barcellona 1.


jpg 2. http://www.simae.net/en/index.php

Rhinoscripting Playground (2008-01-23 16:41)

[1] Oggi segnalo il [2]blog redatto da [3]Matthew Trimble e [4]John Snavely docenti al corso ”MIT Rhinoscripting IAP 2008”. 1.


playground.jpg 2. http://rhinoscripting.blogspot.com/ 3. http://matthewtrimble.blogspot.com/ 4. http://choicelessness.wordpress.com/

Generator.x 2.0 - Beyond the Screen (2008-01-31 09:07)

[1] Riporto dal [2]sito: ”[3]Generator.x 2.0: Beyond the screen is a workshop and exhibition about digital fabrication and generative systems, presented in collaboration with Club Transmediale and [DAM] Berlin. Generator.x 2.0: Beyond the Screen Exhibition // Date: 02/02 01/03/2008”. Interessantissimo il [4]blog del workshop dove vengono illustrati i lavori presentati e la [5]galleria di foto su flickr. 67

1. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/R6GD64F6hpI/AAAAAAAAASA/w0871vSua10/s1600-h/Beyondthescreen.jpg 2. http://www.generatorx.no/ 3. http://www.generatorx.no/20080128/generatorx-20-public-presentations-2/ 4. http://generatorx.no/gx20workshop/ 5. http://www.flickr.com/groups/gx20/pool/

Proxy.wiki Revision 1.0 (2008-01-31 09:21)

[1] Aggiornato il sito di [2]proxyarch.com ed aggiornata anche la [3]pagina wiki dove si possono trovare moltissime risorse relative soprattutto al MEL script. Consiglio anche di visionare il relativo [4]blog. 1. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/R6GGk4F6hqI/AAAAAAAAASI/Ir4E55qtbXU/s1600-h/proxy_wiki.jpg 2. http://proxyarch.com/ 3. http://www.proxyarch.com/wiki/index.php?title=Main_Page 4. http://proxyarch.com/blog/

Curves without the Cost (2008-01-31 09:33)

[1] Segnalo questo [2]interessante articolo postato sul sito [3]CGarchitect.com relativo all’uso dei ”3d design tool” nella produzione architettonica. Nello specifico analizza l’uso dei software (in particolare Rhino) per la produzione dell’[4]EMPAC di Grimshaw. 1. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/R6GKx4F6hrI/AAAAAAAAASQ/TbHaBbEz7SA/s1600-h/EMPAC.jpg 2. http://www.cgarchitect.com/news/newsfeed.asp?nid=3984 3. http://www.cgarchitect.com/default.asp 4. http://www.grimshaw-architects.com/grimshaw/print/projectdata.php?id=79


yuan blog (2008-01-31 09:49)

[1] Ho già parlato molte volte dell’[2]ETH di Zurigo. Oggi segnalo l’interessantissimo [3]blog di Shih-Yuan Wang studente del corso ”[4]Master of Advanced Studies in Architecture” e la relativa [5]pagina dei lavori sul sito dell’ETH. 1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/R6GNsIF6hsI/AAAAAAAAASY/x30S5KItpbA/s1600-h/yuan322002.jpg 2. http://wiki.caad.arch.ethz.ch/ 3. http://yuan322002.spaces.live.com/ 4. http://wiki.caad.arch.ethz.ch/Education/MAS 5. http://wiki.caad.arch.ethz.ch/MAS0708Students/Wang



del.icio.us/andrea graziano (2008-02-05 16:03)

[1] Segnalo per chi mi segue regolarmente che ho messo a disposizione su [2]del.icio.us tutti i link ai blog che quotidianamente seguo. Devo ancora aggiungere i tag e modificare alcune impostazioni ma intanto è a disposizione dei curiosi. [3]Link 1. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/R6h8RIF6huI/AAAAAAAAASo/--sdwgAT8sQ/s1600-h/Delicious_logo.jpg 2. http://del.icio.us/ 3. http://del.icio.us/andrea_graziano

data-tribe.net (2008-02-12 08:41)

[1] L’altra settimana leggendo [2]questo post su ”[3]LaB - LiveArchitectureBlog” sono venuto a conoscenza del 69

lavoro di Shajay Bhooshan . Potete ammirare l’ operato di questo fantastico MEL ”coder” (attivo anche presso l’[4]AA) sia sul suo [5]sito che sul blog ”[6]wework4her” dove sono presenti dei video esplicativi del suo interessantissimo lavoro. Consiglio agli esperti di Maya una attenta visione dei video. 1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/R7FQeg89GRI/AAAAAAAAASw/Z7YFm9JSNgo/s1600-h/datatribe.jpg 2. http://www.livearchitecture.net/blog/index.php?entry=entry080201-005831 3. http://www.livearchitecture.net/blog/index.php 4. http://www.data-tribe.net/manifold_index.html 5. http://data-tribe.net/ 6. http://www.data-tribe.net/wework4her/

OCEAN Conception Performative (2008-02-12 09:03)

[1] Segnalo la [2]mostra inauguratasi l’8 Febbraio presso il [3]FRAC Centre di Orléans dedicata all’intensa attività di ricerca dello studio [4]OCEAN NORTH. 1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/R7FT7Q89GSI/AAAAAAAAAS4/HK0TVceKXSk/s1600-h/oceanfrac.jpg 2. http://www.frac-centre.asso.fr/public/actualit/ftat01fr.htm 3. http://www.frac-centre.asso.fr/ 4. http://www.ocean-north.net/index.php?option=com_content&task=category&sectionid=7&id=38&Itemid=62

Soluciones de Diseño Computacional III - Lima 2008 (2008-02-26 14:19)

[1] Attraverso il blog [2]arquitectura y programacion ho letto che sono stati pubblicati i lavori del [3]Workshop di Rhinoscripting tenutosi a Lima nei primi giorni di Febbraio. Nella pagina relativa si possono trovare i lavori in formato pdf ed i relativi script. 1. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/R8QT2A89GTI/AAAAAAAAATA/2h8XBRTO9eE/s1600-h/Workshop%2BLima1.jpg 2. http://arquitecturayprogramacion.blogspot.com/ 3. http://www.espaciosdigitales.org/lima/1/


ctrl-i : controlling information (2008-02-27 16:46) Leggo su questo interessantissimo blog dedicato all’indagine digitale, non solo architettonica ma anche elettronica, alcuni post riguardanti il Rhino Explicit History ed i suoi

ctrl-i : controlling information (2008-02-27 16:51)

[1] Leggo su questo interessante [2]blog dedicato all’indagine digitale, non solo architettonica, alcuni post riguardanti il Rhino Explicit History. [3]Rhino Explicit History Surface Blend [4]Explicit history example files [5]Rhino Explicit History [6] 1. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/R8WKUA89GUI/AAAAAAAAATI/50oq22_wlT4/s1600-h/ctrl-i.jpg 2. http://crtl-i.com/blog/ 3. http://crtl-i.com/blog/?p=108 4. http://crtl-i.com/blog/?p=97 5. http://crtl-i.com/blog/?p=93 6. http://crtl-i.com/blog/?p=108



Generator X 2.0 exhibition a Torino (2008-03-03 08:48) Riporto dal blog form(work): [1][2]Generator X 2.0 exhibition moving to Torino 1. http://blog.wired.com/sterling/ 2. http://nbruscia.blogspot.com/2008/02/050-generator-x-20-exhibition-moving-to.html

Generator X 2.0 exhibition a Torino (2008-03-03 08:53)

[1] Link alla notizia letta sul blog [2]form(work) 71

[3]Generator X 2.0 exhibition moving to Torino [4]Piemonte Share festival Manifacturing 1.


//2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/R8uvUk0W8GI/AAAAAAAAATQ/26rEz5BQmkU/s1600-h/Piemonte_share_festival.jpg 2. http://nbruscia.blogspot.com/ 3. http://nbruscia.blogspot.com/2008/02/050-generator-x-20-exhibition-moving-to.html 4. http://www.toshare.it/ita/

LaN Code (2008-03-03 09:12)

[1] Il blob [2]LaB - LiveArchitectureBlog ha inserito una nuova sezione dedicata allo scripting estremamente interssante chiamata [3]LaN Code 1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/R8uzsk0W8HI/AAAAAAAAATY/ARYOLeNT2oM/s1600-h/LaN_code.jpg 2. http://www.livearchitecture.net/blog/index.php 3. http://www.livearchitecture.net/blog/static.php?page=static080301-201230

Tesselion : Adaptive Quadrilateral Flat Panelization (2008-03-04 09:07)

[1] Del blog [2]Sjet di Skylar Tibbits ne avevo giĂ parlato. Ora rimando al [3]blog dedicato al lavoro svolto con [4]Marc Fornes sulla pannellature di superfici complesse. Intanto Marc Fornes e Skylar Tibbits saranno presenti al [5]Node 08 a Francoforte. 1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/R80Eka6JhkI/AAAAAAAAATg/JZ9SvlLBJug/s1600-h/tesselion.jpg 2. http://sjet.wordpress.com/ 3. http://tesselion.wordpress.com/ 4. http://www.theverymany.net/ 5. http://node08.vvvv.org/


Design Reform (2008-03-04 09:16) Design Reform (2008-03-04 13:47)

[1] Raramente si trovano tutorial ed investigazioni di architettura digitale fatti in Maxscript o in 3DStudio Max. Questo [2]blog curato da [3]David Fano (collaboratore presso gli [4]SHoP architects di NY) mostra alcune applicazioni possibili su questo software palesandone le possibilità progettuali. 1. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/R81G7K6JhlI/AAAAAAAAATo/5Pcb8owklqo/s1600-h/DesignReform.jpg 2. http://www.designreform.net/ 3. http://www.davidfano.com/ 4. http://www.shoparc.com/

News 001 (2008-03-04 14:07)

[1] Fino ad ora mi ero sempre limitato a postare nuove risorse senza mai tornare su blog o siti già citati. Credo però che per chi si accosta per la prima volta al blog sia difficile reperire tutte le risorse riguardando tutti i post. Inoltre alcuni blog e siti sono estremamente prolifici e penso che alcuni lavori o ricerche vadano segnalati ed evidenziati. Inizio quindi questa rubrica di aggiornamenti riguardanti le notizie (a mio giudizio) maggiormente significative. Nessun commento, solo link come avevo concepito all’inizio questo blog. [2]Rhinoscripting palyground - Final Presentation [3]Fun - Divide & Conquer [4]Lostritto Thesis - Packing Program [5]un didi - Urban circulation study [6]wework4her - co|de is official P.s. fatemi sapere se è gradita 1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/R81MHq6JhmI/AAAAAAAAATw/JuCd43yl6FI/s1600-h/NEWS_001.jpg 2. http://rhinoscripting.blogspot.com/2008/02/final-presentations.html 3. http://zfcloud.blogspot.com/2008/02/divide-conquer.html 4. http://lostritto.blogspot.com/2008/01/packing-program.html 5. http://dimitrie.wordpress.com/2008/03/01/urban-circulation-study/ 6. http://www.data-tribe.net/wework4her/index.php?entry=entry080301-042613


IaaC Scripting Seminar Blog (2008-03-05 14:21)

[1] Segnalo il [2]blog del corso di rhinoscript tenuto da Luis Fraguada e Carlos de la Barrera presso lo [3]IaaC. All’interno si possono trovare i lavori degli studenti ed i relativi script. A breve saranno pubblicati i lavori finali. Per aggiornamenti potete seguire il [4]blog dello IaaC. 1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/R86gIkrsxhI/AAAAAAAAAT4/LQkr2Pd5rw8/s1600-h/Iaac_scripting.jpg 2. http://www.iaacblog.com/scripting/ 3. http://www.iaac.net/web/en/index.php 4. http://www.iaacblog.com/

Hothouse Lily (2008-03-06 09:10)

[1] Leggo su [2]core.form-ula di questa interessante installazione, opera di [3]Aaron White con lo studio [4]GRAFTWORKS, chiamata Hothouse Lily parte della mostra ”Synesthetics” presso la [5]Locust Projects gallery a Miami, Florida. [6]Qui potete trovare le foto dell’installazione. 1. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/R8-pn0rsxjI/AAAAAAAAAUI/q_NfbaVKmeM/s1600-h/hothouse_lily.jpg 2. http://www.core.form-ula.com/2008/03/03/event-synestheticshothouse-lilly/#more-2866 3. http://www.outfodesign.com/aaron/index.html 4. http://www.graftworks.net/graftworks_main.html 5. http://www.locustprojects.org/ 6. http://flickr.com/photos/mob-nyc/

News 002 (2008-03-10 13:45) [1]wework4her - Cells, demi-regular tessellation et al [2]un didi - State of the union 74

1. http://www.data-tribe.net/wework4her/index.php?entry=entry080309-161758 2. http://dimitrie.wordpress.com/2008/03/08/state-of-the-union/

News 002 (2008-03-10 13:47)

[1] [2]wework4her - Cells, demi-regular tessellation et al. [3]un didi - State of the union [4]IaaC blog/scripting - Final Presentation Floor Lamp Script [5]Exomorph Integrations - ”many post” [6]g.d.e.s. - Seminar Scripting at IaaC, Presentations I [7]g.d.e.s. - Seminar Scripting at IaaC, Presentations II [8]g.d.e.s. - Seminar Scripting at IaaC, Presentations III [9]g.d.e.s. - Seminar Scripting at IaaC, Presentations IV 1. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/R9Uup8B5i0I/AAAAAAAAAUQ/cB8snuS6eak/s1600-h/NEWS_002.jpg 2. http://www.data-tribe.net/wework4her/index.php?entry=entry080309-161758 3. http://dimitrie.wordpress.com/2008/03/08/state-of-the-union/ 4. http://www.iaacblog.com/scripting/?p=319 5. http://exomorphic.blogspot.com/ 6. http://www.designemergente.org/rhinoscript/seminar-scripting-presentations-i/ 7. http://www.designemergente.org/rhinoscript/seminar-scripting-presentations-ii/ 8. http://www.designemergente.org/rhinoscript/seminar-scripting-at-iaac-presentations-iii/ 9. http://www.designemergente.org/rhinoscript/seminar-scripting-at-iaac-presentations-iv/

NeoArchaic (2008-03-12 13:50)

[1] Oggi segnalo il [2]blog del designer David Mans in cui pubblica alcuni interessanti script per rhino e anche il [3]sito. [4]Surface Grid 6pack 75

[5]Surface Morpher [6]Blend Tool now in 3d 1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/R9fSu8B5i1I/AAAAAAAAAUY/WfV2T-hGusM/s1600-h/NeoArchaic.jpg 2. http://neoarchaicnet.blogspot.com/ 3. http://www.neoarchaic.net/ 4. http://neoarchaicnet.blogspot.com/2008/03/surface-grid-6pack.html 5. http://neoarchaicnet.blogspot.com/2008/03/surface-morpher.html 6. http://neoarchaicnet.blogspot.com/2008/03/blend-tool-now-in-3d.html

Morphiki (2008-03-25 15:37)

[1] ”[2]Morphiki is about programs that generate simulations of natural structures such as animal tissues, plants, natural landscapes or emergent architecture. If you know of any program or plugin application that creates this kind of simulation or visualization join and write about it on the related projects page” Segnalo la tools in in maxscript presente nella pagina [3]organomorphic 1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/R-kPmkuVjMI/AAAAAAAAAUg/k0WzOXM_qzw/s1600-h/morphiki.jpg 2. http://heavenlycreatures.wetpaint.com/ 3. http://heavenlycreatures.wetpaint.com/page/organomorphic

Scripts+Architecture (2008-03-28 08:47)

[1] Segnalo questo recentissimo [2]blog con un interessante [3]script 1.


//2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/R-yjGkuVjNI/AAAAAAAAAUo/EFfPYfDfYpQ/s1600-h/scripts%2Barchitecture.jpg 2. http://u-graphics.com/blog/ 3. http://u-graphics.com/blog/2008/03/28/landscape-aggregation/


FutureArchitecture (2008-03-28 08:56)

[1] Impressionante il lavoro di ricerca di MartinKrcha mostrato sul suo [2]blog. Moltissimi video del lavoro svolto presso lo studio hadid di Vienna. Link anche al suo [3]sito. 1.


jpg 2. http://www.futurearchitecture.eu/ 3. http://martin.krcha.com/flash/



NEWS 003 (2008-04-01 08:42)

[1] [2]CTRL-I - Array/Orient Objects based on Two Surfaces [3]Nullthing - GAUD++ [4]FUN - Grid [5]wework4her - surface space [6]wework4her - of swarms and family [7]MadeInCalifornia - Parametric Honeycomb series01c 1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/R_HZuUuVjPI/AAAAAAAAAVA/flutXBHj1eo/s1600-h/NEWS_003.jpg 2. http://crtl-i.com/blog/?p=115 3. http://www.nullthing.com/?p=149 4. http://zfcloud.blogspot.com/2008/03/grid.html 5. http://www.data-tribe.net/wework4her/index.php?entry=entry080331-153836 6. http://www.data-tribe.net/wework4her/index.php?entry=entry080331-131205 7. http://madeincalifornia.blogspot.com/2008/03/parametric-honeycomb-series01c_31.html


WWEK (2008-04-07 09:41)

[1] Segnalo il [2]blog del gruppo ”whiteweekendkites” inerente la ricerca architettonica attraverso lo scripting. Trovo molto interessante il post [3]ds 03 ”omaggio” alle superfici di [4]Erwin Hauer. Da sfogliare anche il [5]sito dove vengono illustrate alcune indagini. 1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/R_nSekuVjQI/AAAAAAAAAVI/zlsvMktvuaE/s1600-h/wwek.jpg 2. http://blog.whiteweekendkites.com/ 3. http://blog.whiteweekendkites.com/2008/04/ds_06.html 4. http://www.erwinhauer.com/ 5. http://www.whiteweekendkites.com/

RhinoScript.org (2008-04-07 12:28)

[1] ”Welcome to RhinoScript.org! This Page is dedicated to programming in RhinoScript, a VBScript-based scripting language for the 3D modeling program Rhinoceros (more information at [2]www.Rhino3d.com). The Project is uncommercial and serves as a platform for freely available scripts. Please feel free to join us and start downloading scripts or sharing your own today!” FINALMENTE! Un progetto che mi vede entusiasta. Un luogo free dove parlare, approfondire e pubblicare i propri script. Un luogo dove gli esperti (che spero aderiscano al progetto) ed i meno esperti (fra i quali mi annovero) possono incontrarsi per scambiarsi idee, aiutarsi e conoscersi. [3]RhinoScript.org [4] 1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/R_n46kuVjRI/AAAAAAAAAVQ/uNg3M0e4m-U/s1600-h/Rhinoscript_org.jpg 2. http://www.rhino3d.com/ 3. http://rhinoscript.org/ 4. http://rhinoscript.org/


Urbantine Project 2008 (2008-04-08 09:18)

[1] Segnalo il concorso URBANTINE PROJECT 2008 ”We are delighted to announce that the Workspace Group URBANTINE PROJECT ® - a competition which offers unrecognised architects a rare chance to see their experimental work built - is returning to Tent London in 2008.Thank you very much for your support in covering the story last year. We hope that you will help us spread the word again this year. The winner of this ’Fast Architecture’ competition receives a £10K budget to realise their design for a 6mx5mx4m structure which must be built in 48 hours and disassembled in 24 hours. Innovative material and creative assembly concepts, such as modularity and pre-assembly, will be valued. The competition brief focuses on the rapid changes in the 21st century workplace. Applicants should evaluate the impact that the phenomenal rise in the use of digital technology has on the way we work and the office environment - our communication, social interaction, mobility, productivity and creativity.The ’Workspace Group URBANTINE PROJECT’® is the architectural component of Tent London - the capital s most diverse design event, which takes place at the Truman Brewery on Brick Lane during the London Design Festival.The deadline for applications is 10th June and entries will be judged by an eminent panel of industry experts.” Per informazioni [2]www.urbantineproject.co.uk Thanks for the mail to: Jimmy MacDonald Co-Director | Tent London [3]http://www.tentlondon.co.uk/[4] 1. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/R_sfDUuVjSI/AAAAAAAAAVY/txWssr46rE4/s1600-h/Urbantine_2008.jpg 2. http://www.urbantineproject.co.uk/ 3. http://www.tentlondon.co.uk/ 4. http://www.tentlondon.co.uk/

NEWS 004 (2008-04-10 10:30)

[1] [2]Sjet - NODE08 Aperiodic Vertebrae v.2 [3]TheVeryMany - 080406 APERIODIC VERTEBRAE v2.0 79

[4]Design Space Exploration - Experiment 003 - Structural Analyses [5]Nullthing - Take that Maya!!! [6]Slide - 02 urbanecotect 1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/R_3RNM1Gh2I/AAAAAAAAAVg/h5L25qr6iKA/s1600-h/NEWS_004.jpg 2. http://sjet.wordpress.com/2008/04/10/node08_aperiodic-vertebrae-v2/ 3. http://www.theverymany.net/2008/04/080406aperiodic-vertebrae-v20.html 4. http://www.digisan.nl/dse/?p=123 5. http://www.nullthing.com/?p=163 6. http://www.slide.com/r/bP0nSQKe4z__4AHZjNjoR_9in6-Tbb4P?view=original

Evolo 2008 Competition winners (2008-04-11 15:18) Solo oggi ho trovato i progetti vincitori e menzionati di Evolo 2008. Consiglio

Evolo 2008 Competition winners (2008-04-11 15:21)

[1] Segnalo oltre alla pubblicazione dei progetti vincitori e menzionati della competizione [2]Evolo 2008 anche la possibilitĂ di acquistare il libro relativo ai migliori progetti degli ultimi tre anni. 1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/R_9mvs1Gh3I/AAAAAAAAAVo/j9tp8JC8i6s/s1600-h/Evolo_2008.jpg 2. http://www.evolo-arch.com/

Explicit History Plugin Video (2008-04-14 09:23)

[1] Un [2]video che esemplifica molto bene le potenzialitĂ parametriche del pacchetto Explicit History per Rhino. Via [3]Rhinoceros Today 80



//4.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SAMHWBC6a0I/AAAAAAAAAVw/7BiuwLmIDYE/s1600-h/Video_explicit_History.jpg 2. http://www.rhinocentre.nl/blog/DemoExplicitHistory.html 3. http://rhinocentre.blogspot.com/

Systemicprocess (2008-04-14 09:30)

[1] Sul [2]sito interessante tools elaborata da David Jaubert and Michael Harris per la parametrizzazione di una ”[3]responsive skin” in MEL. Da seguire

1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SAMI7xC6a1I/AAAAAAAAAV4/V8wivnQxrdo/s1600-h/Systemicprocess.jpg 2. http://www.systemicprocess.com/ 3. http://www.systemicprocess.com/?p=161

Robeller.net (2008-04-17 12:49)

[1] Segnalo il [2]blog di questo progetto di Christopher Robeller. Interessantissimo anche il [3]sito. 1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SAcstxC6a2I/AAAAAAAAAWA/mHj_qRITTCw/s1600-h/robeller.jpg 2. http://www.robeller.net/ 3. http://home.arcor.de/robeller/robellernet/


ADRD blog (2008-04-17 13:00)

[1] Pierre Cutellic mi ha segnalato di aver spostato il blog a [2]questo indirizzo. Inoltre è ora attivo anche il [3]sito. 1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SAcuExC6a3I/AAAAAAAAAWI/u_--5WT67vU/s1600-h/ADRD_2.jpg 2. http://pierrecutellic.adrd.net/ 3. http://www.adrd.net/

Prototyping the city summer school in TURIN (2008-04-18 08:52)

[1] Da [2]MadeInCalifornia e [3]Apiusurface ”Segnalo i workshop che si terranno alla summer school organizzata nell’ambito di Torino 2008 World Design Capital nella seconda metà di luglio. Ci sono 6 workshop di Design che si terranno a Pollenzo, una serie di conferenze, e un laboratorio di ricerca a cavallo tra Architettura e Design che si terrà a Torino al Poli (Prototyping the City), in cui si eploreranno tematiche simili a quelle affrontate nel mio blog, finalizzando la ricerca alla costruzione di una installazione in scala 1/1 (tra i docenti: claudia pasquero e marco poletto - architectural association londra, caterina tiazzoldi - columbia university new york, cesare griffa - polito) L’iscrizione è aperta a chiunque sia interessato (che abbia una esperienza accademica o professionale in arch. o design e che abbia meno di 30 anni) fino al 30 maggio 2008 tramite il sito [4]www.torinoworlddesigncapital.it/summerschool” ”A workshops to be held at the summer school organized in Turin 2008 World Design Capital in the 82

second half of July. There are 6 Design workshop to be held in Pollenzo, a series of conferences, and a research laboratory between Architecture and Design to be held in Turin at Poly (Prototyping the City), which explore issues similar to those faced on our blog, the research finalising the construction of the installation scale 1 / 1 (guest star Claudia Pasquero Marco Poletto - Architectural Association London, Caterina Tiazzoldi - Columbia University New York, Cesare Griffa - polito) Membership is open to anyone interested (which has an academic or professional experience in arch. Or design and is less than 30 years) until 30 May 2008 by the site [5]www.torinoworlddesigncapital.it/summersc hool� [6]Link alla locandina 1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SAhGARC6a4I/AAAAAAAAAWQ/kukxmxMJfFg/s1600-h/summer_school.jpg 2. http://madeincalifornia.blogspot.com/ 3. http://apiusurface.blogspot.com/ 4. http://www.torinoworlddesigncapital.it/summerschool 5. http://www.torinoworlddesigncapital.it/summerschool 6. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_d03tY26hdLY/SAYmPPA4UDI/AAAAAAAAANs/KvOZtvZosFM/s1600-h/summer_school.jpg

Project Or (2008-04-18 09:03)

[1] Leggo su [2]Dezeen di questa installazione denominata [3]Project Or dell’architetto [4]Christoph Klemmt esposta in occasione del Salone Internazionale del Mobile 2008 1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SAhIjRC6a5I/AAAAAAAAAWY/m4x9hTxEMkQ/s1600-h/Project_Or.jpg 2. http://www.dezeen.com/2008/04/18/project-or-by-christoph-klemmt/#more-11632 3. http://www.orproject.com/ 4. http://www.klemmt.com/

NEWS 005 (2008-04-18 09:23)

[1] [2]G.d.e.s. - RhinoScripting Workshop at Esap, Oporto [+] 83

[3]Nullthing - DistanceQueryExtrude [4]wework4her - Binary space partitions [5]Liftarchitects - Animaris Rhinoceros Mechanism [6]arquitecturayprogramacion - Rhinoscripting: manuales y scripts [7]arquitecturayprogramacion - DigiToolbox: Rhinoscripting Library 1. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SAhMxxC6a6I/AAAAAAAAAWg/AtlFT5xEAbs/s1600-h/NEWS_005.jpg 2. http://www.designemergente.org/rhinoscripting/rhinoscripting-workshop-at-esap-oporto/ 3. http://www.nullthing.com/?p=171 4. http://www.data-tribe.net/wework4her/index.php?entry=entry080414-194625 5. http://www.liftarchitects.com/journal/2008/4/15/animaris-rhinoceros-mechanism.html 6. http://arquitecturayprogramacion.blogspot.com/2008/04/rhinoscripting-manuales-y-scripts.html 7. http://arquitecturayprogramacion.blogspot.com/2008/04/digitoolbox-rhinoscripting-library.html

One Day Poem Pavilion (2008-04-21 16:35)

[1] Leggo su [2]Gizmodo di [3]questo singolare padiglione dello studente Jiyeon Song dell’Art Center College of Design di Pasadena. Quando una semplice idea rende grande un progetto. 1.


//3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SAyormjC6BI/AAAAAAAAAWo/4IG3b_scTHU/s1600-h/One_Day_Poem_Pavilion.jpg 2. http://www.gizmodo.it/2008/04/21/quando_il_sole_diventa_poesia.html#more 3. http://people.artcenter.edu/%7Ejsong5/thesis/index02.html

NEWS 006 (2008-04-23 10:22)

[1] [2]g.d.e.s. - RhinoScripting Workshop at Elisava, Barcelona [+] [3]Digitales Entwerfwn - Prototypen : designtoproduction [4]Live abstract - Panel Aperture [5]Nullthing - Dist + Tiletosurface [6]wework4her - AEC.BIM.CAD.CAE.CAM. GOFI! [7]ScriptInArnasco - Peristaltic Pipes [8]Arch:Digital - Generative Components Basic Scripting Notes [9]Beyond The Light Bulb - Btlb research - Electric Field as method of form finding [10]Atelier Paolo cascone - ESA spring term 2008 [11]g.d.e.s. - Recursion 84

1. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SA7yVW_bMNI/AAAAAAAAAWw/1RKLIAdT1zo/s1600-h/NEWS_006.jpg 2. http://www.designemergente.org/rhinoscripting/rhinoscripting-workshop-at-elisava-barcelona/ 3. http://de.abk-stuttgart.de/?p=283 4. http://cchalmers.wordpress.com/2008/04/18/panel-aperature/ 5. http://www.nullthing.com/?p=182 6. http://www.data-tribe.net/wework4her/index.php?entry=entry080419-181023 7. http://scriptinarnasco.blogspot.com/2008/04/peristaltic-pipes.html 8. http://archdigital.blogspot.com/2008/04/from-my-thesis-generative-components.html 9. http://btlb.blogspot.com/2008/04/btlb-research-electric-field-as-method.html 10. http://esa-ateliercascone.blogspot.com/2008/04/phase2-during-second-phase-atelier-will.html 11. http://www.designemergente.org/rhinoscripting/recursion/

NEWS 006 (2008-04-23 10:22) [1]g.d.e.s. - RhinoScripting Workshop at Elisava, Barcelona [+] [2]Digitales Entwerfwn - Prototypen : designtoproduction [3]Live abstract - Panel Aperture [4]Nullthing - Dist + Tiletosurface wework4her - AEC.BIM.CAD.CAE.CAM. GOFI! ScriptInArnasco - Peristaltic Pipes http://scriptinarnasco.blogspot.com/2008/04/peristaltic-pipes.html Arch:Digital - Generative Components Basic Scripting Notes http://archdigitaltwo.blogspot.com/2007/10/rev-week2.html Beyond The Light Bulb - Btlb research - Electric Field as method of form finding http://btlb.blogspot.com/2008/04/btlb-research-electric-field-as-met hod.html Atelier Paolo cascone - ESA spring term 2008 http://esa-ateliercascone.blogspot.com/2008/04/phase2-during-second- phase-atelier-will.html g.d.e.s. - Recursion http://www.designemergente.org/rhinoscripting/recursion/ 1. http://www.designemergente.org/rhinoscripting/rhinoscripting-workshop-at-elisava-barcelona/ 2. http://de.abk-stuttgart.de/?p=283 3. http://cchalmers.wordpress.com/2008/04/18/panel-aperature/ 4. http://www.nullthing.com/?p=182



NEWS 007 (2008-05-05 18:07)

[1] [2]eSCRIPT-O - the RIB-er [3]IaaC blog - Visual data [4]IaaC blog - Visual data - importing txt [5]SJET - Flat Panel Ondulation [6]ReForm - Rhino Explicit History Plugin [7]CORE.FORM-ULA - The FLARE system [8]g.d.e.s. - Digital textile 85

[9]NeoArchaic - Pack it up and cut it out [10]WWEK - object random walking 1. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SB8xX2_bMOI/AAAAAAAAAW4/CaVzKj5vyB4/s1600-h/NEWS_007.jpg 2. http://escripto.wordpress.com/2008/04/29/the-rib-er/ 3. http://www.iaacblog.com/scripting/?p=341 4. http://www.iaacblog.com/scripting/?p=368 5. http://sjet.wordpress.com/2008/04/29/flat-panel-undulation/ 6. http://designreform.net/2008/04/29/rhino-explict-history-plugin/ 7. http://www.core.form-ula.com/2008/04/28/the-flare-system/#more-3602 8. http://www.designemergente.org/rhinoscripting/digital-textile/ 9. http://neoarchaicnet.blogspot.com/2008/04/pack-it-up-and-cut-it-out.html 10. http://blog.whiteweekendkites.com/2008/05/random-walk-object.html

AA Summer Pavilion 2008 (2008-05-09 09:39)

[1] Non ho trovato molte notizie relative a questo interessantissimo padiglione segnalatomi da [2]Davide Del Giudice. [3]Link alla notizia 1.


2008.jpg 2. http://madeincalifornia.blogspot.com/ 3. http://www.bdonline.co.uk/story.asp?sectioncode=426&storycode=3109273&c=1

PanelingTools Plugin (2008-05-09 09:44)

[1] Utilissima [2]plugin per Rhino 4.0 dedicata alla tasselazione di superfici complesse. Descrizione e comandi in [3]questa pagina. 1.


jpg 2. http://en.wiki.mcneel.com/default.aspx/McNeel/PanelingTools.html 3. http://en.wiki.mcneel.com/default.aspx/McNeel/PanelingCommands.html


Floral obsession (2008-05-12 13:34)

[1] Interessantissimo [2]blog relativo al [3]Master in Biodigital Architecture presso l’[4]EsArq di Barcellona 1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SCgsGltafLI/AAAAAAAAAXQ/aXeI54apRm4/s1600-h/floral_obsession.jpg 2. http://www.floralobsession.blogspot.com/ 3. http://www.uic.es/en/master-biodigital-architecture 4. http://www.uic.es/en/school-architecture

NEWS 008 (2008-05-19 09:49)

[1] [2]Robeller - Responsive Panelization Control [3]Nullthing - The clip [4]Nullthing - Curve Array [5]Robeller - Parametric Housing Array [6]wework4her - rhino-maya concorde [7]wework4her - sun Exposure [8]Object-e architecture - L-SYS HRRU [9]LaB - LiveArchitectureBlog - Planar Quad Panels WIP [10]Iaac Blog - Final [11]Designreform - Rhino - Implicit History and Flow Along Surface [12]Madeincalifornia - Parametric Rhino implicit history [13]Madeincalifornia - Parametric Rhino implicit history 01 1. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SDExlltafMI/AAAAAAAAAXY/pZ8MIV6NpMo/s1600-h/NEWS_008.jpg 2. http://www.robeller.net/?p=77 3. http://www.nullthing.com/?p=211 4. http://www.nullthing.com/?p=221 5. http://www.robeller.net/?p=78 6. http://www.data-tribe.net/wework4her/index.php?entry=entry080513-153427 7. http://www.data-tribe.net/wework4her/index.php?entry=entry080513-144843 8. http://object-e.blogspot.com/2008/05/l-syshrru.html 9. http://www.livearchitecture.net/blog/index.php?m=05&y=08&entry=entry080518-111508 10. http://www.iaacblog.com/scripting/?p=577


11. http://designreform.net/2008/05/15/rhino-implicit-history-and-flow-along-surface/ 12. http://madeincalifornia.blogspot.com/2008/05/parametric-rhinoimplicit-history.html 13. http://madeincalifornia.blogspot.com/2008/05/parametric-rhinoimplicit-history-01.html

Rhino News Blog (2008-05-30 10:03)

[1] Per chi ancora non lo sapesse da alcune settimane è attivo il [2]blog ufficiale di Rhino con tutte le news inerenti, disponibile anche in [3]Italiano. 1. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SD-1qSOxMiI/AAAAAAAAAXg/4HTNaTTyH2s/s1600-h/Rhino+news+blog.jpg 2. http://blog.rhino3d.com/ 3. http://blog.it.rhino3d.com/

Workshop a Barcellona e Parigi (2008-05-30 10:08)

[1] Segnalo questi due interessanti workshop estivi: [2]RhinoScript workshop for professionals in Paris [3]LaN|ON-SITE: BARCELONA WORK/SHOP 1.


LaN-On-SITE-BCN-WORKSHOPsm.jpg 2. http://blog.rhino3d.com/2008/05/rhinoscript-workshop-in-paris.html 3. http://www.livearchitecture.net/blog/index.php?m=05&y=08&entry=entry080529-233924



NEWS 009 (2008-06-03 16:03)

[1] [2]livearchitecture - sinScape...or...The slippery slope of glutinous form... [3]g.d.e.s - Cellular automaton [4]Designreform - 3ds Max Tutorial - Modeling a Hexagon Screen [5]@cepp - Paul Mandler together with Christoph Eppacher [6]joshua howell - Hernesaari Urban Plan: Tower core and surface articulation 88

[7]DE Digitales Entwerfen - SCRIPTED TEXTURE meets Parametric Prototype [8]4ofseven - Snow City at London Festival of Architecture [9]NeoArchaic - Surface wave[10] NeoArchaic - Triangulate/Unfold [11]Designreform - Rhino - Exponential Curve with Explicit History [12]Designreform - Rhino - Sine Curve with Explicit History 1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SEVP3gW55bI/AAAAAAAAAXw/grzpHpysEDI/s1600-h/NEWS_009.jpg 2. http://www.livearchitecture.net/blog/index.php?m=05&y=08&entry=entry080522-231713 3. http://www.designemergente.org/rhinoscripting/cellular-automaton/ 4. http://designreform.net/2008/05/25/3ds-max-tutorial-modeling-a-hexagon-screen/ 5. http://atcepp.blogspot.com/2008/05/cep-p-paul-mandler-together-with.html 6. http://jbhowell.blogspot.com/2008/05/hernesaari-urban-plan-tower-core-and.html 7. http://de.abk-stuttgart.de/?p=352 8. http://fourof7.blogspot.com/2008/06/blog-post.html 9. http://neoarchaicnet.blogspot.com/2008/05/surface-wave.html 10. http://neoarchaicnet.blogspot.com/2008/06/triangulateunfold.html 11. http://designreform.net/2008/06/01/rhino-exponential-curve-with-explicit-history/ 12. http://designreform.net/2008/06/01/rhino-3d-sine-curve-explicit-history/

Rhino user Meeting Roma 2008 (2008-06-09 12:04)

[1] Per chi fosse interessato: [2]Italian Rhino User Meeting - Roma - 12 Giugno 2008 Grazie a [3]Davide del Giudice per la segnalazione. 1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SE0AnB7qQoI/AAAAAAAAAX4/fYYksa9bHPA/s1600-h/Rhino+Roma.jpg 2. http://en.wiki.mcneel.com/default.aspx/McNeel/UserMeetingRoma2008.html 3. http://madeincalifornia.blogspot.com/

Proposta workshop di rhinoscript a Torino (2008-06-09 17:00)

[1] Sul blog ufficiale di rhino ho inserito un commento al post ”[2]Workshop di rhinoscript a Parigi” dove propongo di replicare tale workshop in Italia. Chi volesse sostenere la causa può aggiungere il suo commento in modo da avvalorarne la richiesta. 1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SE1F7vcEgaI/AAAAAAAAAYA/--79l234Gp4/s1600-h/rhino+a+torino.jpg 2. http://blog.it.rhino3d.com/2008/05/workshop-di-rhinoscript-parigi.html


e-cloud (2008-06-12 10:48)

[1] Grazie al post su Floral obsession ho conosciuto Alessio, il blogger di [2]e-cloud e di questi altri interessanti blog a cui partecipa: [3]Genetic Architectures and Computation [4]Tencellity Tower 1. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SFDkBOtKgJI/AAAAAAAAAYI/Tfby_Kt1X9s/s1600-h/e-cloud.jpg 2. http://ale2x72.blogspot.com/ 3. http://geneticarchitectures.blogspot.com/ 4. http://tensegritytower.blogspot.com/

e-cloud (2008-06-12 10:48) Grazie al post su Floral obsession ho conosciuto Alessio, il blogger di e-clou

Rhino Tech Tips (2008-06-12 10:57)

[1] Consigli sempre utili per utilizzare al meglio Rhino: [2]Rhino tech Tips in inglese [3]Rhino Tech Tips in italiano 1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SFDlUvX5hTI/AAAAAAAAAYQ/pc7Jsk3_Vq4/s1600-h/Rhino+tech+tips.jpg 2. http://tips.rhino3d.com/ 3. http://tips.it.rhino3d.com/

NEWS 010 (2008-06-13 10:29)

[1] [2]Robeller - Typological Transformations under Control [3]Proxyarch - vTruss @ ITP End of Year Exhibition [4]DesignedObjects - Theverymany [5]Urban[sch]ism - Weaved Clusters [6]ctrl-i - Trancoso Bus Terminal 90

[7]Neoarchaic - Triangulate/Unfold 2.0 [8]Neoarchaic - Pack it Up and Cut it Out [9]Generative Components - GenerativeComponents spot [10]Digitales Entwerfen - SCRIPTED TEXTURE meets Parametric Prototype 2 [11]ctrl-i - Polyline Network Surface [12]un-didi - single-family home [13]Arquitectura y programacion - RhinoScripting: Ruled Based Geometry

1. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SFIwn-udrhI/AAAAAAAAAYY/GHhCZBhyExo/s1600-h/NEWS_010.jpg 2. http://www.robeller.net/?p=79 3. http://proxyarch.com/blog/?p=81 4. http://designedobjects.blogspot.com/2008/06/theverymany.html 5. http://www.urban.si/?p=80 6. http://crtl-i.com/blog/?p=117#more-117 7. http://neoarchaicnet.blogspot.com/2008/06/triangulateunfold-20.html 8. http://neoarchaicnet.blogspot.com/2008/06/pack-it-up-and-cut-it-out-seriously.html 9. http://generativecomponents.blogspot.com/2008/06/generativecomponents-spot.html 10. http://de.abk-stuttgart.de/?p=360 11. http://crtl-i.com/blog/?p=131 12. http://dimitrie.wordpress.com/2008/06/12/single-family-home/ 13. http://arquitecturayprogramacion.blogspot.com/2008/05/rhinoscripting-ruled-based-geometry.html

Rhino Explicit History è diventato .... Grasshopper (2008-06-16 08:52)

[1] ”For designers who are exploring new shapes using generative algorithms, Grasshopper" is a graphical algorithm editor tightly integrated with Rhino s 3-D modeling tools. Unlike RhinoScript, Grasshopper requires no knowledge of programming or scripting, but still allows designers to build form generators from the simple to the awe-inspiring.” [2]Link alla notizia sul blog di Rhino [3]Link al blog di Grasshopper [4]Link alla pagina del download della release 0.3.0002

1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SFYOj7f3qLI/AAAAAAAAAYg/L0UxyvoDTfU/s1600-h/grasshopper.jpg 2. http://blog.rhino3d.com/2008/06/grasshopper-03-released.html 3. http://grasshopper.rhino3d.com/ 4. http://download.rhino3d.com/download_rel.asp?rel=365


Morphiki message (2008-06-19 09:08)

[1] Incollo direttamente la mail mandatami da Alberto Bottoli curatore del progetto [2]Morphiki:

MORPHIKI - morphological wiki This project is meant to give two services based on: - 3D scripted natural modeling ( [3]http://heavenlycreatures.wetpaint.com/ ) : a collection of various codes - concerning the simulation of nature - submitted by their creators. Exchanging parts of scripts and discuss about them, can be a form of inspiration. So you can contact Morphiki members or join the wiki to share a bit of your work. - Scripted architecture ([4]http://heavenlycreatures.wetpaint.com/page/design/thread ) : high rise buildings and computation. Where can we head discussing about non-linear design and structural optimization applied to vertical growth of buildings? ---------------------------------------------------------MORPHIKI - morphological wiki Questo progetto intende fornire due servizi che riguardano: - Modellazione naturale 3D pre-calcolata ([5]http://heavenlycreatures.wetpaint.com/ ) : una collezione eterogenea di programmi - accomunati dalla simulazione di vari aspetti della natura - inviati dai rispettivi autori. Lo scambio di porzioni di codice e la loro discussione può diventare una forma d’ispirazione. Se contattatti gli iscritti Morphiki o aderisci a tua volta puoi condividere parte dei tuoi risultati. - Architettura numerica ([6]http://heavenlycreatures.wetpaint.com/page/design/thread ) : Edifici con un numero elevato di piani e calcolo numerico. A quale risultato ci può portare la discussione sulla progettazione non-lineare e l’ottimizzazione delle strutture, se applicati agli stabili a crescita verticale? Alberto"

1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SFoG9kADkmI/AAAAAAAAAYo/YuLuFND8hFY/s1600-h/Morphiki_post.jpg 2. http://heavenlycreatures.wetpaint.com/ 3. http://heavenlycreatures.wetpaint.com/ 4. http://heavenlycreatures.wetpaint.com/page/design/thread 5. http://heavenlycreatures.wetpaint.com/ 6. http://heavenlycreatures.wetpaint.com/page/design/thread




NEWS 011 (2008-07-02 10:14)

[1] [2]Beyond the light bulb - Les Fleures Electriques - WIP [3]Un Didi - RhinoScript: Adaptive Fenestration and Massive Unroll [4]4ofSeven - 0708 [WS] 3-1 Assembly [5]Fun - Time to start [6]Ctrl-i - Two Surface Space Frame (MEL) [7]Nullthing - Random Color [8]PEJA TransArchitecture research - Riproducibilità VS Automorphing [9]S.S.S.S. - Finite Element Analysis [10]IaaC Blog - 635 [11]Rhinoscript.org - orhinogami[12] eSCRIT-O - 080630 MAB-FPS (multi attractor based flat panel skin) [13]Erdine-Baskin - Facade Design Ver.01 1. http://bp1.blogger.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SGs5gc67DzI/AAAAAAAAAYw/5mLaIN77EeU/s1600-h/NEWS_011.jpg 2. http://btlb.blogspot.com/2008/06/les-fleures-electriques-wip.html 3. http://dimitrie.wordpress.com/2008/06/13/scripts-rhinoscript-adaptive-fenestration-and-massive-unroll/ 4. http://fourof7.blogspot.com/2008/06/0708-ws-3-1-assembly.html 5. http://zfcloud.blogspot.com/2008/06/time-to-start.html 6. http://crtl-i.com/blog/?p=140 7. http://www.nullthing.com/?p=248 8. http://piliaemmanuele.wordpress.com/2008/06/19/riproducibilita-vs-automorphing/ 9. http://ssssociety.blogspot.com/2008/06/finite-element-analysis.html 10. http://www.iaacblog.com/scripting/?p=635 11. http://www.rhinoscript.org/gallery/9 12. http://escripto.wordpress.com/2008/07/01/080630_mab-fps-multi-attractor-based-flat-panel-skin/ 13. http://erdine-baskin.com/?p=55

Presentazione Grasshopper a Milano (2008-07-07 14:02)

[1] Politecnico di Milano - Facoltà di design - 14 Luglio 2008 ”In occasione dell’avvio del primo corso italiano per l’appicazione di Rhinoceros alla modellazione architettonica, sia concettuale che esecutiva, ”Architectural Design con Rhinoceros” sarà possibile partecipare alla presentazione dei nuovi plug-in” [2]Link alla presentazione [3]Link al corso 93

1. http://bp0.blogger.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SHIHZftLH_I/AAAAAAAAAY4/wdiqgpgNwTg/s1600-h/polimilano.jpg 2. http://www.polidesign.net/2008/news_estesa.php?id=140 3. http://www.polidesign.net/rhino/

ParaMod.net (2008-07-07 14:16)

[1] Interessante [2]blog di Karl Daubmann di cui evidenzio due post relativi all’uso di Grasshopper: [3]Point Distance Surface [4]Grasshopper Surface Study 1. http://bp1.blogger.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SHIKxk2DQrI/AAAAAAAAAZA/__iBTOzyWQY/s1600-h/paramod2.jpg 2. http://paramod2.blogspot.com/ 3. http://paramod2.blogspot.com/2008/06/point-distance-surface.html 4. http://paramod2.blogspot.com/2008/06/grasshopper-surface-studies.html

sac3’s digital plastic (2008-07-07 14:25)

[1] [2]Blog di Sanghoon Yoon dedicato al design con approccio generativo in cui è postato questo interessante confronto: [3]Circle patterns - RhinoScript vs Grasshopper 1. http://bp3.blogger.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SHIMO5WApyI/AAAAAAAAAZI/5c8WMMTUeuI/s1600-h/sac3.jpg 2. http://sac3.blogspot.com/ 3. http://sac3.blogspot.com/2008/06/circle-patterns.html


LivingFAB (2008-07-08 11:18)

[1] Curioso [2]blog dove si tenta di coniugare diversi script esistenti per ottenere nuovi risultati formali. 1. http://bp0.blogger.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SHMyne6CBTI/AAAAAAAAAZQ/cqC2toN2KyA/s1600-h/LivingFAB.jpg 2. http://livingfab.wordpress.com/

Grasshopper Google Group (2008-07-08 11:27)

[1] Cercando materiale su [2]Grasshopper mi sono imbattuto nel [3]Google Group dedicato. Se avete quesiti inerenti, problemi tecnici o migliorie da proporre..... David Rutten & Co a disposizione. 1.


group.jpg 2. http://grasshopper.rhino3d.com/ 3. http://groups.google.com/group/grasshopper3d

”Hopping with a rhino” (2008-07-08 11:33)

[1] Interessante test sulle potenzialità di Grassshopper sul blog [2][AS]. Il [3]post fa vedere come creare in pochi passi un pannello tassellato in maniera random. 95

1. http://bp1.blogger.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SHM1eDw8S5I/AAAAAAAAAZg/Fm6GoPbBId0/s1600-h/AS.jpg 2. http://www.alexschreyer.net/ 3. http://www.alexschreyer.net/cad/hopping-with-a-rhino/

Rhinoscript, Grasshopper and more... (2008-07-09 13:38)

[1] Un solo post per ora in questo [2]blog ma importante. Il curatore Jarek Bieda infatti mette a disposizione la tool ”ArrayCrvPLUS v1.0” che permette array lungo path con diverse e notevoli opzioni. 1. http://bp3.blogger.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SHSkpa8Yk6I/AAAAAAAAAZo/-6uv17EgKoQ/s1600-h/jarek.jpg 2. http://jarek-rhinoscripts.blogspot.com/

Technicolor Bloom (2008-07-10 08:38)

[1] Bellissima installazione disegnata da [2]Brennan Buck e Rob Henderson insieme agli studenti della [3]University of Applied Arts in Vienna. Il progetto è attualmente in mostra al [4]Museum of Applied Arts a Vienna. [5]Link al sito 1. http://bp2.blogger.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SHWwLQC2KlI/AAAAAAAAAZw/9lsdFKzU_KM/s1600-h/technicolor-bloom.jpg 2. http://www.dieangewandte.at/archlynn/stories/storyReader$493 3. http://www.dieangewandte.at/en/ 4. http://www.mak.at/ 5. http://www.technicolorbloom.com/


Workshop ”Prototyping the City” (2008-07-28 13:01)

[1] Nelle ultime due settimane ho avuto la fortuna e l’onore di partecipare in qualità di assistente al Workshop ”[2]Prototyping the city”, uno dei sette workshop della International Summer School organizzati nell’ambito di [3]Torino World Design Capital. Due settimane intense a contatto con studenti (veramente in gamba) provenienti da tutto il mondo. Un esperienza fantastica sia umanamente che del punto di vista tecnico ed educativo. Lascio al [4]relativo blog il difficile compito di spiegare ciò che è successo ed è stato fatto e realizzato. 1.


jpg 2. http://www.torinoworlddesigncapital.it/portale/content_2.php?sezioneID=288&ID=702&categoriaID=382 3. http://www.torinoworlddesigncapital.it/portale/index.php 4. http://protocity.blogspot.com/

Rhinoscripting Resources (2008-07-28 13:08)

[1] Imponente opera di catalogazione delle innumerevoli risorse riguardanti rhinoscript. In [2]questo blog curato da [3]Pablo C. Herrera troverete suddivisi per metodi, progetti, tesi, blog, wiki, manuali, script molto di ciò che è presente sul web inerente al mondo dello script in Rhino. 1.


//bp1.blogger.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SI2r97iPTqI/AAAAAAAAAag/stOnfcJL0Rc/s1600-h/RhinoScriptingResources.jpg 2. http://rhinoscriptingresources.blogspot.com/ 3. http://www.blogger.com/profile/04232968762236315359




Piel - Skin (2008-08-01 10:41)

[1] [2]Piel.Skin è una pubblicazione interamente online, in inglese e spagnolo, inerente vari progetti accomunati da accurate ricerche sulla ”skin”. L’autrice è [3]Ethel Baraona Pohl, autrice anche del volume [4]Watercube: the book. Buona lettura estiva. 1. http://bp0.blogger.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SJLOGO-0AsI/AAAAAAAAAao/tHcLxJblQQA/s1600-h/piel_skin.jpg 2. http://skinarchitecture.com/ 3. http://affiliate.kickapps.com/kickapps/service/displayKickPlace.kickAction?u=2775541&as=33875 4. http://ecosistemaurbano.org/?p=1012

Zechelon’s Weblog (2008-08-04 15:26)

[1] Interessante [2]blog (in tedesco) di sperimentazioni in rhinoscript. Lo script [3]Parametric hexagons è anche postato su rhinoscrit.org. 1. http://bp3.blogger.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SJcE3lE4v8I/AAAAAAAAAaw/ikENaXW687A/s1600-h/zechelon.jpg 2. http://zechelon.wordpress.com/ 3. http://www.rhinoscript.org/gallery/11


C.STEM 2008 - BREEDING OBJECTS (2008-08-05 10:22)

[1] C.STEM 2008 - BREEDING OBJECTS Computational Design: dal digital fabrication alla personalizzazione di massa Inaugurazione Mostra: 19 settembre 2008 Dal 20 al 27 settembre 2008 Ex-Chiesa Metodista, Via Lagrange 13, Torino Conferenze: 15 e 20 settembre 2008 C.STEM 2008 - BREEDING OBJECTS, il primo evento italiano a rilevanza internazionale dedicato alla diffusione culturale dei sistemi elettronici e delle tecniche generative nell’ambito dell’arte, del design e della creatività, presenta una selezione di innovativi progetti che sfidano i luoghi comuni del design anticipandone i futuri sviluppi tecnologici. [2]Link al sito [3]Link all’evento su [4]Exibart.com Aggiungo che fra gli artisti invitati compare [5]Marc Fornes 1. http://bp0.blogger.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SJgOd4KrQXI/AAAAAAAAAa4/QVtuFR8tLfY/s1600-h/cstem_cover.jpg 2. http://www.cstem.it/ 3. http://www.exibart.com/profilo/eventiV2.asp?idelemento=57673 4. http://www.exibart.com/ 5. http://www.theverymany.net/

workshops factory (2008-08-05 11:05)

[1] ”workshops factory - a group of former Iaac students from Poland, spread across Europe gathers together every few month to run a workshop on digital approach to design” [2]Blog veramente interessante di cui mi permetto di segnalare il progetto: [3]House Wrap - Parametric House 99

1. http://bp1.blogger.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SJgYbDBPjMI/AAAAAAAAAbA/JKw1THMVNYM/s1600-h/workshopsfactory.jpg 2. http://workshopsfactory.com/ 3. http://workshopsfactory.com/2008/08/04/house-wrap-parametric-house/

NEWS 012 (2008-08-05 11:15)

[1] [2]Lift architects - Lid of Lids [3]ctrl-i - Two Surface Space Frame (Rhino Explicit History) [4]4ofseven - parametric surface - structural fasade for hotel tower [5]4ofseven - IP MovingPuzzleCoral [6]4ofseven - AL Beach Sunshade Model [7]ParaMod.Net - Spiral Revisited [8]FUN - Tangent Tower [9]Prefab China - Topolonomies! [10]sac3’s digital plastic - Grasshopper | Rotate & Scale 1. http://bp3.blogger.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SJgarFW1T5I/AAAAAAAAAbI/lHGa7SJWkD4/s1600-h/NEWS_012.jpg 2. http://www.liftarchitects.com/journal/2008/6/14/lid-of-lids.html 3. http://crtl-i.com/blog/?p=145 4. http://fourof7.blogspot.com/2008/07/parametric-surface-structural-fasade.html 5. http://fourof7.blogspot.com/2008/07/ip-movingpuzzlecoral.html 6. http://fourof7.blogspot.com/2008/07/al.html 7. http://paramod2.blogspot.com/2008/07/spiral-revisited.html 8. http://zfcloud.blogspot.com/2008/07/tangent-tower.html 9. http://prefabchina.com/?p=70 10. http://sac3.blogspot.com/2008/08/grasshopper-rotate-scale.html

Girascript (2008-08-08 10:59)

[1] Pubblicato sul blog ”[2]Miradas Design”questo interessante [3]script elaborato durante il workshop ”[4]espacios digitales” del 2007 a Santiago del Cile. 1. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SJwNN51SXPI/AAAAAAAAAbQ/ZFYFufX4fCs/s1600-h/Girascript.JPG 2. http://miradasdesign.blogspot.com/ 3. http://miradasdesign.blogspot.com/2008/08/como-cargo-un-script-en-rhino.html 4. http://www.espaciosdigitales.org/santiago/2/


Rethink Architecture (2008-08-19 11:22)

[1] Sono stato contattato dall’ Arch. Juergen Weiss relatore del interessantissimo blog ”[2]ReThink Architecture”. Sul suo blog numerose le risorse condivise tra cui alcuni utili ed interessanti script. Fra i numerosi post segnalo [3]Linving Structures 1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SKqSIM11JWI/AAAAAAAAAbY/yuOYpHIsXQg/s1600-h/Rethink+Architecture. jpg 2. http://rethinkarchitecture.blogspot.com/ 3. http://rethinkarchitecture.blogspot.com/2008/08/living-structures.html

NEWS 013 (2008-08-28 10:22)

[1] [2]LIFT architects - Suspended Ceiling using Grasshopper and Rhinoscript [3]un didi - boring random surface [4]S.S.S.S. - CATIA scripting [5]sac3’s digital plastic - Grasshopper | Tree [6]Rhinoscripting Resources - RhinoScripting BLOG & WIKIs by Region [7]ParaMod.net - ...in progress project from our Office [8]g.d.e.s. - Circle Packing [9]sac3’s digital plastic - RhinoScript | Voronoi gradiant [10]eSCRIPT-O - 080827- the skelletor [11]paraclouding.com - Workshop: Digital Design Fabrication with Paracloud [12]RhinoScript.org - Spacial Subdivision 1. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SLZg0iJitqI/AAAAAAAAAbg/-Ni_qbXgWF8/s1600-h/NEWS_013.jpg 2.


html 3. http://dimitrie.wordpress.com/2008/08/12/boring-random-surface/#more-174 4. http://ssssociety.blogspot.com/2008/08/catia-scripting.html 5. http://sac3.blogspot.com/2008/08/grasshopper-tree.html 6. http://rhinoscriptingresources.blogspot.com/2008/08/rhinoscripting-blog-wikis-by-region.html 7. http://paramod2.blogspot.com/2008/08/here-is-in-progress-project-from-our.html 8. http://www.designemergente.org/rhinoscripting/circle-packing/ 9. http://sac3.blogspot.com/2008/08/rhinoscript-voronoi-gradiant.html


10. http://escripto.wordpress.com/2008/08/27/080827-the-skelletor/ 11. http://paraclouding.com/WP/?p=1504 12. http://www.rhinoscript.org/gallery/13



Slow Food Nation 08 Suspended Ceiling by Lift architects (2008-09-03 12:24)

[1] Pochi giorni fa avevo inserito nelle news il loro post ”[2]Suspended Ceiling using Grasshopper and Rhinoscript”. Non posso che complimentarmi con i LIFT architects per il risultato ottenuto con la realizzazione del progetto per lo Slow Food Nation. Link ai post ed alle immagini relative: [3]Slow Food Nation Opening Night [4]Slow Food Nation Install Day 3 [5]Slow Food Nation Install Day 2 [6]Slow Food Nation Install Day 1 1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SL5nsCOVNdI/AAAAAAAAAcE/nTmzW2bM6Qw/s1600-h/Slow+Food+Nations.jpg 2.


html 3. http://www.liftarchitects.com/journal/2008/8/29/slow-food-nation-opening-night.html 4. http://www.liftarchitects.com/journal/2008/8/28/slow-food-nation-install-day-3.html 5. http://www.liftarchitects.com/journal/2008/8/27/slow-food-nation-install-day-2.html 6. http://www.liftarchitects.com/journal/2008/8/26/slow-food-nation-install-day-1.html

NEWS 014 (2008-09-04 16:55)

[1] [2]un didi - Bridge to materiality [3]un didi - Ribbing scripts update [4]wework4her - Modelling as means to devise an algorithm [5]sac3’s digital plastic - Mesh busters [6]Made in California - Box Modeling primitive Furniture [7]ParaMod.net - Digital Project - Tutorial 1 - The Sketch 102

[8]bfxlog - landscaping [9]eSCRIPT-O - 080904-the skelletor model prototype [10]p213ae.wordpress.com - Video Tutorial 1 Rhino Setup 1. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SL_3Rw_EnyI/AAAAAAAAAcM/Ny8E9thYSfk/s1600-h/NEWS_014.jpg 2. http://dimitrie.wordpress.com/2008/09/02/bridge-to-materiality/ 3. http://dimitrie.wordpress.com/2008/09/04/ribbing-scripts-update/ 4. http://www.data-tribe.net/wework4her/index.php?entry=entry080830-171621 5. http://sac3.blogspot.com/2008/08/mesh-busters.html 6. http://madeincalifornia.blogspot.com/2008/08/box-modelingprimitive-furniture.html 7. http://paramod2.blogspot.com/2008/09/digital-project-tutorial-1-sketch.html 8. http://bfxlog.blogspot.com/2008/09/landscaping.html 9. http://escripto.wordpress.com/2008/09/04/080904-the-skelletor-model-prototype/ 10. http://p213ae.wordpress.com/2008/09/04/video-tutorial-1-rhino-setup/

Books: Architectural Geometry (2008-09-15 10:33)

[1] Un [2]libro che mi piacerebbe sfogliare..... 1.


//3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SM4ecrH4BBI/AAAAAAAAAcc/9NJMdLJi_Nc/s1600-h/Architectural+geometry.jpg 2. http://www.architecturalgeometry.at/

ParaCloud GEM V1.0 (2008-09-15 10:37)

[1] [2]Link alla notizia [3]Link al sito 1. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SM4fafUeNaI/AAAAAAAAAck/3hF4O4Z1PIk/s1600-h/paracloud+gem.jpg 2. http://paraclouding.com/WP/?p=1527 3. http://www.paraclouding.com/GEM/


Sarah Schneider Diploma (2008-09-16 11:07)

[1] Quando il tocco femminile si coniuga con il digitale... Splendido progetto per il [2]Diploma di questa studentessa della ”[3]University of Applied Arts Vienna” nel [4]corso di Greg Lynn. L’iter progettuale è visibile in [5]alcuni post del suo [6]blog personale. 1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SM95fR_ElxI/AAAAAAAAAcs/ZnPD5juWKUQ/s1600-h/Sarah_Schneider.JPG 2. http://www.dieangewandte.at/archlynn/stories/storyReader$1026 3. http://www.dieangewandte.at/en/ 4. http://www.dieangewandte.at/archlynn/ 5. http://sarah-schneider.blogspot.com/search/label/diploma%2Fthesis 6. http://sarah-schneider.blogspot.com/

Monaco House (2008-09-18 08:42)

[1] Un progetto che mi ha impressionato e che voglio segnalare. Realizzazione dell’architetto [2]McBride Charles Ryan è stata insignita del ”[3]Premier’s Design Award for Victoria”. [4]Galleria di immagini su flickr Via [5]core.form-ula 1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SNIB6PFGJoI/AAAAAAAAAdE/qj9VunH9W-0/s1600-h/Monaco+House.jpg 2. http://www.mcbridecharlesryan.com.au/core.html 3. http://www.stateofdesign.com.au/FestivalProgram/premiersdesignawards/2008recipients/McBrideCharlesRyan 4. http://www.flickr.com/photos/cityofsound/sets/72157606683504815/ 5. http://www.core.form-ula.com/2008/09/17/crumple-zone-in-monaco/


o’bli’vion vision (2008-09-18 08:42)

[1] Di questo [2]blog ne avevo parlato in uno dei primissimi post dove inserivo i link di alcuni blog assieme. Questa volta gli dedico un post specifico anche perchè, dopo un anno di inattività, è tornato a postare del materiale veramente interessante fra cui segnalo: - [3]studio project at the university for applied arts in vienna .... - [4]basic surface paneling - [5]dis’regarding kahn 1. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SNH9x22-I3I/AAAAAAAAAc8/epbD17Yv_L8/s1600-h/oblivion_vision.jpg 2. http://www.ovion.de/blog/ 3. http://www.ovion.de/blog/?p=186 4. http://www.ovion.de/blog/?p=172 5. http://www.ovion.de/blog/?p=170

NEWS 015 (2008-09-18 08:42)

[1] [2]paraclouding.com - Using Autodesk Ecotect results with ParaCloud Modeler [3]workshops factory - parametric hat [4]ParaMod.net - Digital Project - Tutorial 2 - Surfaces [5]PROG - Optimal design of glass grid shells with ..... [6]Rhinoscripting Playground - L-System [7]wework4her - sproadic thoughts on CAD ’history’ engines [8]wework4her - vennDiagrams selectionSets logicGates [9]openSystem - DEVELOPABLE STRUCTURES 01: cable nets [10]Morpholl blog - UNStudio Documentary part 1 [11]RhinoScripting Resources - Methods: Pipes[12] CORE.FORM-ULA - Rhino.Script: Array around curve 1. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SNH4_caft8I/AAAAAAAAAc0/0FkG1SuwJ48/s1600-h/NEWS_015.jpg 2. http://paraclouding.com/WP/?p=1489 3. http://workshopsfactory.com/2008/09/07/parametric-hat/ 4. http://paramod2.blogspot.com/2008/09/digital-project-tutorial-2-surfaces.html 5.


optimal-design-of-glass-grid-shells-with-quadrilateral-elements-by-means-of-a-genetic-algorithm/ 6. http://rhinoscripting.blogspot.com/2008/09/l-systems.html 7. http://www.data-tribe.net/wework4her/index.php?m=09&y=08&entry=entry080913-103006


8. http://www.data-tribe.net/wework4her/index.php?entry=entry080917-161343 9. http://www.opensys-log.com/2008/09/cable-structures.html 10. http://morfoll.blogspot.com/2008/09/unstudio-documentary-part-1.html 11. http://rhinoscriptingresources.blogspot.com/2008/09/methods-pipes.html 12. http://www.core.form-ula.com/2008/09/17/rhinoscript-array-around-curve/

legil.org (2008-09-22 12:45)

[1] [2]Blog dello studente Luis Gil dove sono inseriti alcuni [3]post inerenti rhinoscript. Inoltre segnalo i post [4]Parametric Coffee Table Design e soprattutto l’interessantissimo [5]3D Image Field. 1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SNd4Un8OCJI/AAAAAAAAAdM/p0oJxJpZhUo/s1600-h/legil.jpg 2. http://www.legil.org/wordpress/ 3. http://www.legil.org/wordpress/?tag=rhinoscript 4. http://www.legil.org/wordpress/?p=103 5. http://www.legil.org/wordpress/?p=304

AAG08 conference proceeding (2008-09-30 10:09)

[1] Disponibile sul [2]blog di Rhino 3D la raccolta degli interventi in occasione della conferenza ”Advances in Architectural Geometry” tenutasi a Vienna dal 13 al 16 Settembre di quest’anno. [3]Link alla pagina del download 1.


Architectural+Geometry.jpg 2. http://blog.rhino3d.com/2008/09/conference-proceedings-available.html 3. http://www.architecturalgeometry.at/aag08/index.html


NEWS 016 (2008-09-30 10:17)

[1] [2]ParaMod.net - Digital Project - Tutorial 3 - Part to Whole [3]ParaMod.net - Digital Project - Tutorial 4 - Power Copies [4]BFXLOG - Triangulation [5]Rhino Tech Tips - Advanced Object Snaps [6]Lucio Santos - Random Close Packing [7]NeoArchaic - Ortho, Aux, Iso Script [8]sac3’s digital plastic - RhinoScript | Polyline to Curve [9]un didi - parametric towers [10]wework4her - streamLines and vectorFields p2 [11]Zechelon’s Weblog - Rekursionen und fraktale Geometrie 1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SOHhC_c_eyI/AAAAAAAAAdc/2S0c2jfDr28/s1600-h/NEWS_016.jpg 2. http://paramod2.blogspot.com/2008/09/digital-project-tutorial-3-part-to.html 3. http://paramod2.blogspot.com/2008/09/digital-project-tutorial-4-power-copies.html 4. http://bfxlog.blogspot.com/2008/09/triangulation.html 5. http://tips.rhino3d.com/2008/09/advanced-object-snaps.html 6. http://luciosantos.blogspot.com/2008/09/random-close-packing.html 7. http://neoarchaicnet.blogspot.com/2008/09/ortho-aux-iso-script.html 8. http://sac3.blogspot.com/2008/09/rhinoscript-polyline-to-midpoint-curve.html 9. http://dimitrie.wordpress.com/2008/09/28/parametric-towers/ 10. http://www.data-tribe.net/wework4her/index.php?entry=entry080927-122113 11. http://zechelon.wordpress.com/2008/09/29/rekursionen-und-fraktale-geometrie/



What Matter (s) Proceedings (2008-10-06 09:04)

[1] Disponibili in [2]questa pagina gli atti della ”First International Conference on Critical Digital”. Link diretto al [3]pdf. 1. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SOm5YXV09OI/AAAAAAAAAdk/qbR3UJQwc6U/s1600-h/what_matters.jpg 2. http://isites.harvard.edu/icb/icb.do?keyword=k23421 3. http://isites.harvard.edu/fs/docs/icb.topic262580.files/CDC_Proceedings.pdf


culagovski.net (2008-10-07 13:40)

[1] Interessante [2]blog dell’architetto Rodrigo Culagovski dove per la prima volta vedo all’opera la nuova integrazione di grasshopper con lo ”scripting support”. In questo [3]post infatti fa interagire uno script in Python all’interno di un file di Grasshopper. [4]Link alla relativa discussione sul forum di grasshopper. 1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SOtMDvF-BVI/AAAAAAAAAds/BQfAAMI8XhA/s1600-h/culagovski_net.jpg 2. http://culagovski.net/ 3. http://culagovski.net/2008/algorithmic/rhino-grasshopper-python/ 4. http://groups.google.com/group/grasshopper3d/browse_thread/thread/351421dc1c4cb4a6/9cc2a3b12cd8568e?hl= en#9cc2a3b12cd8568e

[n]Codon (2008-10-07 13:56)

[1] Nuovo [2]blog con alcuni interessanti utilizzi di Grasshopper e del plug-in PanelingTools per Rhino. Segnalo il post ”[3]parametric tunnel” dove mettono a disposizione il file wrm. 1. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SOtPyqCcG1I/AAAAAAAAAd0/CRft15YzjD8/s1600-h/%5Bn%5Dcodon.jpg 2. http://ncodon.wordpress.com/ 3. http://ncodon.wordpress.com/2008/10/02/parametric-tunnel/

The MIND08 Video Series (2008-10-07 15:10)

[1] Disponibili su [2]seedmagazine.com alcuni [3]video degli interventi tenutisi in occasione di ”[4]MIND08 108

the design and the elastic mind symposium” fra i quali anche quello di [5]Skylar Tibbits & Marc Fornes, [6]Neri Oxman e [7]Chris Lasch 1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SOth30s-z5I/AAAAAAAAAeE/gOG-tDeYswg/s1600-h/mind08.jpg 2. http://seedmagazine.com/ 3. http://seedmagazine.com/mind08/mind08_bradley-samuels.html 4. http://mind08.com/ 5. http://seedmagazine.com/mind08/mind08_skylar-tibbits_marc-fornes.html 6. http://seedmagazine.com/mind08/mind08_neri-oxman.html 7. http://seedmagazine.com/mind08/mind08_chris-lasch.html

NEWS 017 (2008-10-14 12:37)

[1] [2]ParaMod.net - Digital Project - Tutorial 5 - Document Templates [3]ParaMod.net - Grasshopper - Array of Boxes [4]ParaMod.net - Grasshopper - Brick Surface [5]Lucio Santos - Random Close Packing II [6]wework4her - Extending Maya [7]Marksor - Structure research [8]FormFarm - grasshopper contour tool [9]BFXlog - surface climb [10]BFXlog - Landscaping 2.0 [11]Rhinoscripting Resources - Methods: Attractors [12]Rhinoscripting Resources - Methods:L-Systems [13]Rhinoscripting Resources - Methods: Corner to Curve [14]designalyze - Generating a Spiral in Rhino’s Grasshopper Plugin [15]NeoArchaic - Woven Scaffolds [16]NeoArchaic - Spiral and Ripple Objects[17] Sustaining Organs - makeTree Revision [18]LiftArchitects - Grasshopper Tutorial: Suspended Ceiling 1. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SPR3RUJ1xgI/AAAAAAAAAeM/KhQkHHhjy68/s1600-h/NEWS_017.jpg 2. http://paramod2.blogspot.com/2008/10/digital-project-tutorial-5-document.html 3. http://paramod2.blogspot.com/2008/10/grasshopper-array-of-boxes.html 4. http://paramod2.blogspot.com/2008/10/grasshopper-brick-surface.html 5. http://luciosantos.blogspot.com/2008/10/random-close-packing-ii.html 6. http://www.data-tribe.net/wework4her/index.php?entry=entry081004-121002 7. http://styleisdead.blogspot.com/2008/10/structure-research.html 8. http://formfarm.blogspot.com/2008/10/grasshopper-contour-tool.html 9. http://bfxlog.blogspot.com/2008/10/surface-climb.html 10. http://bfxlog.blogspot.com/2008/10/landscaping-20.html 11. http://rhinoscriptingresources.blogspot.com/2008/10/methods-attractors.html 12. http://rhinoscriptingresources.blogspot.com/2008/10/methods-l-systems.html 13. http://rhinoscriptingresources.blogspot.com/2008/10/methods-corner-to-curve.html 14. http://www.designalyze.com/2008/07/07/generating-a-spiral-in-rhinos-grasshopper-plugin/ 15. http://neoarchaicnet.blogspot.com/2008/10/woven-scaffolds.html 16. http://neoarchaicnet.blogspot.com/2008/10/spiral-and-ripple-objects.html


17. http://ssssociety.blogspot.com/2008/09/maketree-revision.html 18. http://www.liftarchitects.com/journal/2008/10/12/grasshopper-tutorial-suspended-ceiling.html

Grasshopper 0.5.0061 (2008-10-14 13:12)

[1] Per chi ancora non lo sapesse è disponibile la nuova versione di [2]Grasshopper per Rhino con un nuovo [3]file format, [4]nuove features e [5]nuovi esempi. Link alla pagina di [6]download Link alla discussione sul [7]forum 1. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SPR_uMf5ZJI/AAAAAAAAAeU/twWSXg4edFM/s1600-h/grasshopper_05.jpg 2. http://grasshopper.rhino3d.com/ 3. http://en.wiki.mcneel.com/default.aspx/McNeel/Grasshopper_FileFormat.html 4. http://blog.rhino3d.com/2008/10/grasshopper-for-rhino-new-version.html 5. http://en.wiki.mcneel.com/default.aspx/McNeel/ExplicitHistoryExamples.html 6. http://download.rhino3d.com/download_rel.asp?rel=400 7. http://groups.google.com/group/grasshopper3d/browse_frm/thread/0a455eae3141ec32?hl=en

shift-lab (2008-10-20 09:41)

[1] [2]Blog dell’architetto Marc Hoppermann con alcuni interessanti post relativi alle nuove capacità di grasshopper di connessione con immagini, tabelle e funzioni matematiche. 1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SPw3H0t0-7I/AAAAAAAAAec/JMZmHOBEvek/s1600-h/shift_lab.jpg 2. http://shift-lab.blogspot.com/


Forma Animada (2008-10-20 09:54)

[1] [2]Blog del corso ”Forma Animada” della Scuola di Architettura della Pontificia Università Cattolica del Cile. Interessanti anche i blog dei due docenti: [3]Geo Systems - Verónica Arcos [4]culagovski.net - Rodrigo Culagovski (di cui avevo già parlato) 1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SPw6I61ciyI/AAAAAAAAAek/cgpit4WkN5M/s1600-h/Forma+Animada.jpg 2. http://fa.arqdgtluc.cl/ 3. http://veronicaarcos.wordpress.com/ 4. http://culagovski.net/

LaN | Live Architecture Network (2008-10-22 09:17)

[1] Segnalo il nuovo sito dei [2]Lan | Live Architecture Network dove, oltre ad essere pubblicate alcune interessanti sperimentazioni in [3]grasshopper,vi è un’altrettanto interessante sezione chiamata [4]LaN / MSU STUDIO. 1. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SP7U8LcwQWI/AAAAAAAAAes/HApBRv2pK_c/s1600-h/Lan+Live.jpg 2. http://www.livearchitecture.net/ 3. http://www.livearchitecture.net/?tag=grasshopper 4. http://lanstudio.wordpress.com/

(n)CERTAINTIES raddoppia (2008-10-22 09:40)

[1] 111

[2](n)certainties 2 - Columbia - Fall 2008 [3](n)certainties 3 - Die Angewandte - Fall 2008 1. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SP7ZQ5ORzqI/AAAAAAAAAe0/99U2FjLZilI/s1600-h/ncertanties2_3.jpg 2. http://ncertainties2.wordpress.com/ 3. http://ncertainties3.wordpress.com/

works-thoughts (2008-10-24 09:35)

[1] Interessante [2]blog dell’architetto-designer James Diewald 1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SQF7dx0nhlI/AAAAAAAAAe8/5rhN7qKf1sI/s1600-h/works_thoughts.jpg 2. http://www.works-thoughts.com/

Stand-Up Architecture: Fall ’08 (2008-10-24 10:14)

[1] Una serie di blog di studenti della ”[2]Architectural Engeneering at the Technical University” di Delft raccolti in questo [3]blog. Voglio anche proporre gli interessantissimi e validissimi blog degli studenti dove affrontano ognuno diversi aspetti progettuali: [4]Marco Visser [5]Mark Min [6]Auke Verbraaken [7]Arnoud Herder [8]Bart van den Broek [9]Christian van Gruithuijsen [10]Dave Koomen [11]Bert van Diepen [12]Arjan Klem [13]Jerry Volkman [14]Rein Roosma 112



//2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SQGIDxgP5eI/AAAAAAAAAfM/0ltd-PHhr-Q/s1600-h/Stand+Up+Architecture.jpg 2. http://home.tudelft.nl/en/ 3. http://sua-f08-ac.blogspot.com/ 4. http://1212257ar0960.blogspot.com/ 5. http://mjpmin.blogspot.com/ 6. http://averbraaken.weblog.tudelft.nl/ 7. http://aherder.weblog.tudelft.nl/ 8. http://bart.weblog.tudelft.nl/ 9. http://gruijthuijsen.weblog.tudelft.nl/ 10. http://davekoomen.blogspot.com/ 11. http://bertvandiepen.blogspot.com/ 12. http://arjanklem.weblog.tudelft.nl/ 13. http://jerry.weblog.tudelft.nl/ 14. http://rroosma.weblog.tudelft.nl/

Grasshopper ACADIA Workshop results (2008-10-27 10:01)

[1] Postati su [2]Design ReForm alcuni dei lavori svoltisi durante il [3]workshop di grasshopper per ACADIA 2008 rendendo disponibili anche i relativi file di definizione dei progetti. Aggiungo inoltre alcuni link ad altri lavori: [4]Grasshopper ACADIA Workshop [5]ACADIA:2008 [Grasshopper Workshop] [6]Grasshopper Workshop 1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SQWGG1dfkjI/AAAAAAAAAfU/AsdiEd5J9SA/s1600-h/ACADIA+workshop.jpg 2. http://designreform.net/2008/10/26/acadia-grasshopper-projects/ 3. http://www.acadia.org/acadia2008/?p=226 4. http://designreform.net/2008/10/19/grasshopper-acadia-workshop/ 5. http://archimorph.wordpress.com/2008/10/16/acadia2008-grasshopper-workshop/ 6. http://movingarchitecture.blogspot.com/2008/10/grasshopper-workshop.html

designalyze (2008-10-27 10:17)

[1] Due interessanti post sull’uso di grasshopper nel [2]nuovo blog di Zach Downey, Architectural Designer presso gli SHoP architects. 113

[3]-Twisting Tower Using Rhino’s Grasshopper [4]-Populating a Surface with Polygons Extruded to a Point 1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SQWIHYkmdWI/AAAAAAAAAfc/Cl6OA0kIotM/s1600-h/designalyze.jpg 2. http://www.designalyze.com/ 3. http://www.designalyze.com/2008/10/19/twisting-tower-using-rhinos-grasshopper/ 4. http://www.designalyze.com/2008/10/27/populating-a-surface-with-polygons-extruded-to-a-point/

NEWS 018 (2008-10-27 10:42)

[1] [2]openSystem - DEVELOPABLE STRUCTURES: cable nets 02 [3]ctrl-i - Box - Sphere [4]ParaMod.net - Random Numbers linked from Excel [5]ParaMod.net - Unfolded PowerCopy [6]Design ReForm - Orchestration Fall 2008 GSAPP Workshop [7]S.S.S.S. - PowerCopy Automation [8]BFXlog - Faceting [9]MadeInCalifornia - Extrude to point02 [10]LaN/MSU studio - space frame [11]LaN - GrassHopper: New Definitions by CarloMaria Ciampoli [12]FUN - HIPIC-Shanghai [13]LIFT Architects - Waffle Structural System [14]wework4her - blind data [15]Manny’s Weblog - Collapse and Attraction 1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SQWNvvZlZcI/AAAAAAAAAfk/kB0ZXcScSrw/s1600-h/NEWS_018.jpg 2. http://www.opensys-log.com/2008/10/developable-structures-cable-net02.html 3. http://crtl-i.com/blog/?p=189 4. http://paramod2.blogspot.com/2008/10/random-numbers-linked-from-excel.html 5. http://paramod2.blogspot.com/2008/10/unfolded-powercopy.html 6. http://designreform.net/2008/10/19/orchestration-workshop/ 7. http://ssssociety.blogspot.com/2008/10/powercopy-automation.html 8. http://bfxlog.blogspot.com/2008/10/faceting.html 9. http://madeincalifornia.blogspot.com/2008/10/extrude-to-point02.html 10. http://lanstudio.wordpress.com/2008/10/24/space-frame/ 11. http://www.livearchitecture.net/?p=688 12. http://zfcloud.blogspot.com/2008/09/hipic-shanghai.html 13.


waffle-structural-system-using-grasshopper-to-output-structu.html 14. http://www.data-tribe.net/wework4her/index.php?entry=entry081024-070512 15. http://manny9.wordpress.com/2008/10/24/collapse-and-attraction/


Re-interpreting the Baroque (2008-10-30 15:37)

[1] Interessantissimo il tema ed i lavori in mostra frutto del [2]corso tenuto da Andrew Saunders presso la [3]Rensselaer School of Architecture. [4]Link al sito 1. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SQnILGX4vjI/AAAAAAAAAfs/Axj0HkGDcI8/s1600-h/Re-interpreting+the+ Baroque.jpg 2. http://www.arch.rpi.edu/student/F07%20-saunders-vertical.htm 3. http://www.arch.rpi.edu/index.htm 4. http://www.rpi.edu/%7Esaunda2/ICIRPI/



isgStudio (2008-11-03 14:05)

[1] [2]Blog dell’architetto [3]Ian Gordon con numerosi ed interessanti rhinoscript. 1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SQ733u6ob1I/AAAAAAAAAf0/GHYGCqQ_ib4/s1600-h/isgstudio.jpg 2. http://isgstudio.blogspot.com/ 3. http://www.ei-architecture.com/


pinupspace (2008-11-03 14:14)

[1] [2]Pagina web dell’[3]architetto Ted Ngai dove nella sezione [4]Experiments si possono trovare molti interessanti progetti con relativi script e file di grasshopper. Fra tutti segnalo questi due dove si intefaccia Ecotect con Rhino: [5]mesh data 2 rhino [6]mesh data 2 rhino 2 1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SQ76VIwOl6I/AAAAAAAAAf8/IpZyKiQ97Zg/s1600-h/atelier+ngai.jpg 2. http://tedngai.net/ 3. http://tedngai.net/ 4. http://tedngai.net/experiments.html 5. http://tedngai.net/ecoMesh2Rhi.html 6. http://tedngai.net/ecoMesh2Rhi2.html

Book: Atlas of Cyberspace (2008-11-03 15:10)

[1] Interamente scaricabile sotto licenza Creative Commons ”[2]Atlas of Cyberspace” - Martin Dodge e Rob Kitchin 1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SQ8Hh3EBWaI/AAAAAAAAAgE/X-_9CTTvA4E/s1600-h/Atlas+of+cyberspace. jpg 2. http://www.kitchin.org/atlas/


NEWS 019 (2008-11-04 10:08)

[1] [2]sac3’s digital plastic - 4-bar-linkage with grasshopper [3]tobesch.wordpress - More on Circle Packing [4]blog.ticket01.com - Flipping Cards [5]NeoArchaic - Some simple tools [6]LaN - GrassHopper Data Visualization [7]LaN/MSU STUDIO - Debut : The Paper Continuum [8]openSystems - DEVELOPABLE STRUCTURES: cable nets 03 [9]RhinoScripting Resources - Methods: Tessellation [10]BFXlog - Surface Push [11]MadeInCalifornia - CirclePattern01 [12]Un Didi - Grasshopper Multiple Attractors [13]workshops factory - reserach centre [14]Zechelon’s Weblog - noch ein paar Fraktale und Grasshopper 1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SRARp2-NfsI/AAAAAAAAAgM/vg-LVvTLaPw/s1600-h/NEWS_019.jpg 2. http://sac3.blogspot.com/2008/10/4-bar-linkage-with-grasshopper.html 3. http://tobesch.wordpress.com/2008/10/27/more-on-circle-packing/ 4. http://blog.ticket01.com/2008/10/29/flipping-cards/ 5. http://neoarchaicnet.blogspot.com/2008/10/some-simple-tools.html 6. http://www.livearchitecture.net/?p=741 7. http://lanstudio.wordpress.com/2008/10/30/debut-the-paper-continuum/ 8. http://www.opensys-log.com/2008/10/developable-structures-cable-nets03.html 9. http://rhinoscriptingresources.blogspot.com/2008/10/methods-tesellation.html 10. http://bfxlog.blogspot.com/2008/10/surface-push.html 11. http://madeincalifornia.blogspot.com/2008/11/circlepattern01.html 12. http://dimitrie.wordpress.com/2008/11/02/grasshopper-multiple-attractors/ 13. http://workshopsfactory.com/2008/10/31/research-centre/ 14. http://zechelon.wordpress.com/2008/11/03/noch-ein-paar-fraktale-und-grasshopper/

Grasshopper 0.5.0090 (2008-11-05 09:13)

[1] Disponibile per gli utenti registrati la nuova release di Grasshopper. [2]Link 117

1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SRFWafO9tWI/AAAAAAAAAgY/KCHFa9EihH8/s1600-h/grasshopper_05009.jpg 2. http://blog.rhino3d.com/2008/11/grasshopper-for-rhino-new-version.html

Smart Structural Interpreter (2008-11-05 11:17)

[1] Interessantissimo script e relativa toolbar di connessione fra Rhino e [2]Oasys GSA per l’analisi strutturale dell’ingegnere Jon Mirtschin. Sul [3]sito sono visibili anche alcuni video di ”porting” fatto tramite grasshopper. 1.


Interpreter.jpg 2. http://www.oasys-software.com/products/structural/gsa/ 3. http://ssi.wikidot.com/start

RHIKNOWBOT (2008-11-12 11:04)

[1] ”RHIKNOWBOT is a knowledge-based and component-based parametric modeling technology based on Rhino for constructing detail models of building facades, roofs and other exterior building assemblies. It aims to make 3D modeling easy for users in all levels of familiarities with digital modeling. It helps designers efficiently explore design variations with very little manual operations and provides mechanism to store and accumulate design knowledge in digital formats. RHIKNOWBOT is an automated design tool for creative designers in architecture and related disciplines. It is especially useful in the early stage of design and helps designers evaluate alternative design solutions and output such solutions for presentational purposes.” [2]link al sito Consiglio di visionare la Visual Demo indicata. 1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SRqs65zyWrI/AAAAAAAAAgo/ZFFt5Dc1S4I/s1600-h/Rhiknowbot.jpg 2. http://www.rhiknowbot.com/


Grasshopper 0.50092 (2008-11-12 11:34)

[1] Disponibile una nuova release di Grasshopper. [2]Link [3]Change Log 1. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SRqx8WJzYII/AAAAAAAAAgw/iaQbrUeJ3Bg/s1600-h/grasshopper.jpg 2. http://blog.rhino3d.com/2008/11/grasshopper-for-rhino-new-minor-version.html 3. http://groups.google.com/group/grasshopper3d/browse_thread/thread/17fcdcc9ed4b66b9/04e7cd0c8a6de9a1?hl= en&pli=1

Bridge Station: 15 progetti per la nuova stazione lingotto a Torino (2008-11-14 16:52)

[1] La mostra espone 15 progetti per la nuova stazione ponte del Lingotto a Torino, elaborati durante il workshop di progettazione internazionale ”A bridge-station for Lingotto - Turin”. 23 studenti della II Facoltà di Architettura del [2]Politecnico di Torino e 22 studenti della [3]School of Architecture Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute di Troy (N.Y.) si sono confrontati per 3 settimane sul caso studio proposto dalla Città di Torino, con il sostegno di R.F.I. I disegni, i modelli e le presentazioni multimediali, che saranno presentati, sono stati elaborati con l’ausilio di software innovativi per la gestione di geometrie complesse attraverso elementi parametrici. L’esperienza didattica, caratterizzata da un alto grado di sperimentazione ha visto collaborare docenti e studenti americani e italiani contribuendo al processo di internazionalizzazione che il Politecnico e la Città di Torino insieme perseguono. [4]Link Link al [5]blog del workshop 1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SR2gL-_r0oI/AAAAAAAAAg4/WVn6Geq52No/s1600-h/Bridge_station.jpg 2. http://www.polito.it/ 3. http://www.arch.rpi.edu/ 4. http://www.to.archiworld.it/OTO/Engine/RAServePG.php/P/37181OTO1100/M/37191OTO1101 5. http://www.bridgestation.blogspot.com/


Mecanoo a Torino (2008-11-14 17:06)

[1] Link 1. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SR2iatdC2II/AAAAAAAAAhA/R60iHIb0i6E/s1600-h/mecanoo.jpg

CASE: Center for Architecture Science and Ecology (2008-11-17 10:04)

[1] ”The[2] Center for Architecture Science and Ecology (CASE) is addressing the need for accelerated innovation of radically new sustainable built environments through the development of next-generation building systems. A multi-institutional and professional office research collaboration co-hosted by [3]Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and [4]Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, CASE is pushing the boundaries of environmental performance in urban building systems on a global scale, through actual building projects as research test beds.” Via [5]CORE.FORM-ULA 1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SSE0a2nbi-I/AAAAAAAAAhI/CHxvjHYLa8s/s1600-h/case.jpg 2. http://www.case.rpi.edu/home.html 3. http://www.arch.rpi.edu/ 4. http://www.som.com/ 5. http://www.core.form-ula.com/2008/11/15/rpi-som-case/

NEWS 020 (2008-11-17 10:29)

[1] [2]Beyond The Light Bulb - Grasshopper - Dynamic Facade Prototype [3]Beyond The Light Bulb - Topological surfaces in Rhino &Grasshopper [4]Beyond The Light Bulb - Grasshopper:Parametric Stadium [5]LaN/MSU STUDIO - Variation Mapping [6]LaN/MSU STUDIO - Associated Variation 120

[7]Un Didi - Grashopper attractors working on curves [8]PROG - Rhinoceros and Ansys [9]tobesch.wordpress - Circle Packing with Grasshopper [10]tobesch.wordpress - Sphere Packing in Grasshopper [11]marksor - structure research 2 [12]regulated.lines - Grasshopper: Waffle House v1.0 [13]Zechelon’s Weblog - Fraktale und ”floading homes” [14]sac3’s digital plastic - RhinoScript | Bubbles - Random circles [15]ParaMod.net - Framework Options [16]ParaMod.net - Generating Drawings [17]Proxyarch Blog - Proxy Software Demo [18]BFXlog - Outline Mesh face [19]BFXlog - Trees again [20]Designalyze - Paneling Tools 1. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SSE6nmp-t7I/AAAAAAAAAhQ/S6ouUHN4wLU/s1600-h/NEWS_020.jpg 2. http://btlb.blogspot.com/2008/11/grasshopper-dynamic-facade-prototype.html 3. http://btlb.blogspot.com/2008/11/topological-surfaces-in-rhino.html 4. http://btlb.blogspot.com/2008/11/grasshpperparametric-stadium.html 5. http://lanstudio.wordpress.com/2008/11/05/variation-mapping/ 6. http://lanstudio.wordpress.com/2008/11/12/associated-variation/ 7. http://dimitrie.wordpress.com/2008/11/10/grashopper-attractors-working-on-curves/ 8. http://albertopugnale.wordpress.com/2008/11/06/rhinoceros-ansys/ 9. http://tobesch.wordpress.com/2008/11/06/circle-packing-with-grasshopper/ 10. http://tobesch.wordpress.com/2008/11/07/sphere-packing-in-grasshopper/ 11. http://styleisdead.blogspot.com/2008/11/structure-research-2.html 12. http://www.regulatedlines.com/blog/?p=152 13. http://zechelon.wordpress.com/2008/11/09/fraktale-und-floading-homes/ 14. http://sac3.blogspot.com/2008/11/rhinoscript-bubbles-random-circles.html 15. http://paramod2.blogspot.com/2008/11/framework-options.html 16. http://paramod2.blogspot.com/2008/11/generating-drawings.html 17. http://proxyarch.com/blog/?p=64 18. http://bfxlog.blogspot.com/2008/11/outline-mesh-face.html 19. http://bfxlog.blogspot.com/2008/11/trees-again.html 20. http://www.designalyze.com/2008/11/16/paneling-tools/

SoftRigid (2008-11-26 10:48)

[1] Interessantissimo [2]blog dello studente Yong Ju Lee presso la [3]GSAPP di NY. Segnalo il progetto ”bookshelf” in via di realizzazione, con lo studente Brian Brush, per il corso ”[4]Furniture Design Studio 121

Fall 2008” che vede il coniugarsi dei corsi di ”[5]Non Linear Solutions Unit” con quello di ”[6]Digital fabrication Lab” per la realizzazione di una libreria parametrica. Come segnalatomi dallo stesso autore: ”Soft/Rigid behavior in architecture. We are researching the technique to realize the computer generated forms.” 1. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SS0fBYPzprI/AAAAAAAAAhY/uDx376WLAcg/s1600-h/softrigid.jpg 2. http://softrigid.com/ 3. http://www.arch.columbia.edu/ 4. http://furniturestudio2008.blogspot.com/ 5. http://www.arch.columbia.edu/nlsu 6. http://www.arch.columbia.edu/fabcon

Book: Software Takes Command (2008-11-26 11:10)

[1] Nuovo libro di [2]Lev Manovich. [3]Link alla pagina di download 1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SS0hBQnxZbI/AAAAAAAAAhg/Si2toTFq8Dc/s1600-h/manovich.jpg 2. http://www.manovich.net/ 3. http://lab.softwarestudies.com/2008/11/softbook.html

TechEcologie di Ludovica Tramontin (2008-11-26 11:22)

[1] Segnalo una serie di interessantissimi interventi pubblicati da [2]Ludovica Tramontin nella rubrica TechEcologie su presS/Tletter. [3]Link 1. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SS0lZfKXAPI/AAAAAAAAAhw/1g96Siwld4U/s1600-h/LudovicaTramontin.jpg 2. http://www.aspx-architecture.com/ 3. http://www.presstletter.com/storico.asp?s=TechEcologie+di+Ludovica+Tramontin




NEWS 021 (2008-12-01 09:42)

[1] [2]aesthetechtonik - Aperiodic Massing [3]Designalyze - Creating Surface Patterns Using Bump Maps.... [4]Designalyze - Creating a Running Bond Brick Patterned... [5]FUN - (Fibonacci sequence)/1.3[6] [7]wework4her - Meander [8]Tobesch - Moebius Strip in Grasshopper [9]Tobesch - PointsOnCurvesArray [10]Tobesch - Law Curve Example [11]isgStudio - 081123 rebuildCurves [12]MadeInCalifornia - IsoCurveSurface01 [13]MadeInCalifornia - IsoCurveSurface03 [14]Rhino con N - Haciendo trabajar al saltamontes [15]SJET - Ornamentation v.2.0 Waterjet Copper [16]BFXlog - Natural Abstraction [17]BFXlog - Natural Abstraction #2 [18]4ofSeven - Pedestrian Crossing for Port of Belgrade [19]FUN - First Pramatric facade getting built 2009.06 [20]ParaMod.net - Random Numbers for Framework 1. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/STOkWouZwGI/AAAAAAAAAh4/e9lGXVzgBNc/s1600-h/NEWS_021.jpg 2. http://aesthetechtonik.com/2008/11/17/aperiodic-massing/ 3.


creating-surface-patterns-using-bump-maps-created-in-photoshop-as-an-imput-parameter-in-rhinos-grasshopper/ 4.


creating-a-running-bond-brick-patterned-surface-using-rhinos-grasshopper/ 5. http://zfcloud.blogspot.com/2008/11/fibonacci-sequence13.html 6. http://www.presstletter.com/articolo.asp?articolo=1701 7. http://www.data-tribe.net/wework4her/index.php?entry=entry081118-155927 8. http://tobesch.wordpress.com/2008/11/20/moebius-strip-in-grasshopper/ 9. http://tobesch.wordpress.com/2008/11/14/pointsoncurvesarray/ 10. http://tobesch.wordpress.com/2008/11/25/law-curve-example/ 11. http://isgstudio.blogspot.com/2008/11/081123rebuildcurves.html 12. http://madeincalifornia.blogspot.com/2008/11/isocurvesurface01.html 13. http://madeincalifornia.blogspot.com/2008/12/isocurvesurface03.html 14. http://www.rhino3dchile.com/2008/11/haciendo-trabajar-al-saltamontes/ 15. http://sjet.wordpress.com/2008/11/26/ornamentation-v20-_-waterjet-copper/ 16. http://bfxlog.blogspot.com/2008/11/natural-abstraction.html 17. http://bfxlog.blogspot.com/2008/11/natural-abstraction-2.html 18. http://fourof7.blogspot.com/2008/11/0809-ws.html 19. http://zfcloud.blogspot.com/2008/11/first-pramatric-facade-getting-built.html 20. http://paramod2.blogspot.com/2008/11/random-numbers-for-framework.html


The Geometry of Bending (2008-12-01 16:37)

[1] ”When you bend a thin strip of plywood you get an elastic and beautiful curve. What geometry does this curve follow? Is the curve different for different materials? Can the curve be calculated if you know the length of the material and the anchor points? Is it possible to calculate more complex situations with several forces in different directions? Can you make similar calculations in 3d? Can this geometry be useful in design/production?” Interessante [2]blog dell’architetto Mårten Nettelbladt di cui segnalo anche il [3]sito. 1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/STQFVhx6AfI/AAAAAAAAAiA/5P7MAavYNLk/s1600-h/thegeometryofbending. jpg 2. http://thegeometryofbending.blogspot.com/ 3. http://www.omkrets.se/

Britt Bell Design (2008-12-10 14:25)

[1] Leggo via [2]Dezeen del [3]blog di questa studentessa della [4]Victoria University School of Design i cui progetti mi hanno decisamente impressionato. 1. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/ST_Dz-eo8AI/AAAAAAAAAiI/eIHks2ERH3k/s1600-h/brittany_bell.jpg 2. http://www.dezeen.com/2008/12/10/seed-archive-by-brittany-bell/#more-21701 3. http://brittbell.blogspot.com/ 4. http://www.vuw.ac.nz/design/index.php


John Lura blog (2008-12-10 15:11)

[1] [2]Blog dello studente John Lura della [3]University of Houston’s College of Architecture dove, in collaborazione con [4]Alex Lahti, ha sviluppato un interessante progetto tramite grasshopper. Il relativo post è: [5]Helio-Responsive Surface Manipluation in cui mette anche a disposizione il file di definizione 1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/ST_PEHzRLbI/AAAAAAAAAiQ/8GwHtp7AmlM/s1600-h/John_Lura.jpg 2. http://johnlura.blogspot.com/ 3. http://www.arch.uh.edu/ 4. http://amlahti.blogspot.com/ 5. http://johnlura.blogspot.com/2008/12/final-presentation-boards.html

Alessandro Beghini - SOM Associate a Torino e Milano (2008-12-15 10:07)

[1] Segnalo questo interessante incontro: Alessandro Beghini - SOM Associate, Chicago METODI DI OTTIMIZZAZIONE STRUTTURALE POLITECNICO DI TORINO Castello del Valentino Lunedì 22 dicembre 2008 Aula 1 - Ore 15:00 So che un analogo appuntamento si svolgerà in data Venerdì 19 dicembre 2008 al Politecnico di Milano ma non ho informazioni riguardo orari e luogo.

1. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SUYff3vhoZI/AAAAAAAAAiY/T78OqGZkVI0/s1600-h/SOM_Torino.jpg


NEWS 022 (2008-12-15 10:18)

[1] [2]BFXlog - Natural abstraction #3 [3]BFXlog - A new foliage [4]BFXlog - Structural Elements [5]SJET - Self-assembly units [6]Un didi - Grasshopper Voronoi Diagram [7]Un Didi - Grasshopper Voronoi diagram (update) [8]NeoArchaic - Layer Prefix [9]ctrl-i - Colony [10]Nullthing - Trees [11]wework4her - metrics videos [12]wework4her - Metric [13]Zechelon’s Weblog - Fraktale Städtebaustruktur und Gebäudeaufbau [14]LaN | Live Architecture Network - LaN | Script to Fabrication 001 [15]Rhino con N - Open Lamp con Grasshopper [16]SoftRigid - SoftShelf [17]OpenSystems - HOMEOSTATIC serie: cable nets 04 [18]Designalyze - Component Generation using the Surface Box and Box Morph Components [19]Designalyze - Streaming Data From Grasshopper to Microsoft Excel

1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SUYhi5raIII/AAAAAAAAAig/JjpyJnUJca4/s1600-h/NEWS_022.jpg 2. http://bfxlog.blogspot.com/2008/12/natural-abstraction-3.html 3. http://bfxlog.blogspot.com/2008/12/new-foliage.html 4. http://bfxlog.blogspot.com/2008/12/structural-elements.html 5. http://sjet.wordpress.com/2008/12/03/self-aggregation-units/ 6. http://dimitrie.wordpress.com/2008/12/01/grasshopper-voronoi-diagram/ 7. http://dimitrie.wordpress.com/2008/12/11/grasshopper-voronoi-diagram-update/ 8. http://neoarchaicnet.blogspot.com/2008/12/layer-prefix.html 9. http://crtl-i.com/blog/?p=201 10. http://www.nullthing.com/?p=304 11. http://www.data-tribe.net/wework4her/index.php?entry=entry081208-021329 12. http://www.data-tribe.net/wework4her/index.php?entry=entry081206-193823 13. http://zechelon.wordpress.com/2008/12/07/fraktale-stadtebaustruktur-und-gebaudeaufbau/ 14. http://www.livearchitecture.net/?p=859 15. http://www.rhino3dchile.com/2008/12/openlamp-con-grasshopper/ 16. http://softrigid.com/2008/12/10/softshelf/ 17. http://www.opensys-log.com/2008/11/homeostatic-serie-cable-nets03.html 18.


//www.designalyze.com/2008/12/15/component-generation-using-the-surface-box-and-box-morph-components/ 19. http://www.designalyze.com/2008/12/14/streaming-data-from-grasshopper-to-microsoft-excel/


popabczhang (2008-12-16 11:55)

[1] Segnalo il [2]blog di Zhang Yan, architetto presso lo studio [3]gmp a Shanghai - China. Interessante il progetto impostato con grasshopper per lo ”[4]shanghai aquatic sports center” visibile in questi due post: [5]Grasshopper - gmp - SASC #01 - introduction [6]Rhino and Grasshopper 1. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SUeK7xiDZ5I/AAAAAAAAAio/30jh6OtAdqM/s1600-h/popabczhang.jpg 2. http://popabczhang.blogspot.com/ 3. http://www.gmp-architekten.de/index.php?id=6&L=1 4.


macinaeasynews_pi1%5Bpointer%5D=0&tx_macinaeasynews_pi1%5Bsort%5D=sorting%3A0&cHash=7623ac898e 5. http://popabczhang.blogspot.com/2008/12/grasshopper-gmp-sasc-01-introduction.html 6. http://popabczhang.blogspot.com/2008/11/rhino-and-grasshopper.html



Chapter 3

2009 3.1


Stephen Wolfram - A new kind of science (2009-01-08 16:03)

[1] E’ disponibile on-line il testo completo del libro ”A new kind of science” di Stephen Wolfram. [2]Link 1. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SWYWqJePENI/AAAAAAAAAtc/BepHASbkmRU/s1600-h/anewkindofscience.jpg 2. http://www.wolframscience.com/nksonline/toc.html

LAN-ON-SITE @ ROME / March 21-28 2009 (2009-01-09 10:10)

[1] Segnalo questo interessante workshop organizzato da [2]LAN -Live Architecture Network in colaborazione con [3]INARCH di Roma e il laboratorio di prototipazione [4]SOLIDO. [5]Link 1. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SWcW7b6NeyI/AAAAAAAAAtk/6Z1xcnS6cAg/s1600-h/LAN+Roma.png 2. http://www.livearchitecture.net/


3. http://www.inarch.it/ 4. http://www.solido3d.info/ 5. http://www.livearchitecture.net/?p=994

NEWS 023 (2009-01-09 10:40)

[1] [2]object-e architecture - foam brick [3]designemergente - Seminario AGs - U.P.C. [4]fun - hhhhhhhhhigh... [5]ctrl-i - Diffuse/Noise [6]ctrl-i - Random/Order - Growth [7]The geometry of bending - Analysis of helix angle in loop surface [8]The geometry of bending - More helix testing [9]The geometry of bending - Developable helix surface [10]sac3’s digital plastic - RhinoScript | Cut solids [11]Rhino con N - Grasshopper III: la saga continúa [12]Nullthing - Screen [13]MadeInCalifornia - GridPointsSurface01 [14]MadeInCalifornia - GridPointsSurface02 [15]MadeInCalifornia - GridPointsSurface03 [16]MadeInCalifornia - ComponentsSurface01 [17]MadeInCalifornia - ComponentsSurface02 [18]BFXlog - Tools [19]FormFarm - parametric perforated surface [20]ParaMod.net - Knowledgeware Optimization [21]popabczhang - Grasshopper - Rhino Scripting - Dubai competition #01 [22]bldgsim - 3D Urbanism: Multidisciplinary Realtime Quantitative Simulation [23]Paraclouding.com - Winery on the Bench by Jordan So [24]eSCRIPT-O - hexanet file to factory system [25]eSCRIPT-O - 010609 - working on the assemblage of the parts& [26]eSCRIPT-O - 090108- the hexatect(hexagon mesh + ecotect) WIP - early tests [27]Marksor - VIZZION EUROPE 2008/2009 : first step in thesis [28]designalyze - Parametric ”Snowflake” Fabrication Project Using Rhino’s Grasshopper [29]popabczhang - happY neW yeaR ! - a basic rhino script tutorial - with code & files [30]theverymany - 081205 (n)certainties2 FINAL [31]yuan322002 - Shih-Yuan Wang Individual Thesis 1. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SWcc7LO_asI/AAAAAAAAAts/86_WEErzQuk/s1600-h/NEWS_023.jpg 2. http://object-e.blogspot.com/2008/12/foam-brick.html 3. http://www.designemergente.org/rhinoscripting/seminario-ags-upc/ 4. http://zfcloud.blogspot.com/2008/12/hhhhhhhhhigh.html 5. http://crtl-i.com/blog/?p=203 6. http://crtl-i.com/blog/?p=208 7. http://thegeometryofbending.blogspot.com/2008/12/analysis-of-helix-angle-in-loop-surface.html 8. http://thegeometryofbending.blogspot.com/2008/12/more-helix-testing.html 9. http://thegeometryofbending.blogspot.com/2008/12/developable-helix-surface.html 10. http://sac3.blogspot.com/2008/12/rhinoscript-cut-solids.html


11. http://www.rhino3dchile.com/2008/12/grasshopper-iii-la-saga-continua/ 12. http://www.nullthing.com/?p=306 13. http://madeincalifornia.blogspot.com/2008/12/gridpointssurface01.html 14. http://madeincalifornia.blogspot.com/2008/12/gridpointssurface02.html 15. http://madeincalifornia.blogspot.com/2008/12/gridpointssurface03.html 16. http://madeincalifornia.blogspot.com/2008/12/componentssurface01.html 17. http://madeincalifornia.blogspot.com/2008/12/componentssurface02.html 18. http://bfxlog.blogspot.com/2008/12/tools.html 19. http://formfarm.blogspot.com/2008/12/parametric-perforated-surface.html 20. http://paramod2.blogspot.com/2008/12/knowledgeware-optimization.html 21. http://popabczhang.blogspot.com/2008/12/grasshopper-rhino-scripting-dubai.html 22. http://bldgsim.wordpress.com/2008/12/25/3d-urbanism-multidisciplinary-realtime-quantitative-simulation/ 23. http://paraclouding.com/WP/?p=1618 24. http://escripto.wordpress.com/2008/12/30/hexanet-file-to-factory-system/ 25. http://escripto.wordpress.com/2009/01/06/010609-working-on-the-assembly-of-the-parts/ 26. http://escripto.wordpress.com/2009/01/08/the-hexatecthexagon-ecotect-wip-work-in-progress-early-tests/ 27. http://styleisdead.blogspot.com/2009/01/vizzion-europe-20082009-first-step-in.html 28. http://www.designalyze.com/2009/01/03/parametric-snowflake-fabrication-project-using-rhinos-grasshopper/ 29. http://popabczhang.blogspot.com/2009/01/happy-new-year-basic-rhino-script.html 30. http://www.theverymany.net/2009/01/081205ncertainties2final.html 31. http://yuan322002.spaces.live.com/Blog/cns%21E486D10E5850DA15%212083.entry

Id&cT - Building complex shapes and beyond (2009-01-09 10:58)

[1] This international conference wants to give the state of the art of innovative design and construction technologies, from the point of view of all the operators that deal with new types of building, from architect, to suppliers to clients. IDCT09 will be the occasion to discuss about a lot of themes with a particular focus on innovation, analysing projects, tools, technologies and materials from critical and up to date point of view that could arise the opportunities for the construction sector in general. Organised By: Milan Politecnico University, Faculty of Architecture, Department BEST View the conference website, which has full details about the conference objectives, topics and submission requirements at: [2]www.innovativetechnologies.polimi.it [3]www.idct2009.promoest.com Conference Topic Design and form finding for complex shapes Engineering and computational methods File2factory and mass customization Digital processes in construction industry 131

Innovative materials and technologies Technology transfer Multidisciplinary approach Scientific Committee and International Partners CIB ETH Zurich Harvard University GSD IMCP Mass Customization Association Milan Politecnico University - Faulty of Architecture TU Delft University La Sapienza , Rome - Faculty of Architecture Conference Secretariat: Promo-est s.r.l Piazza Piemonte 2- - 20142 Milano Telephone: 0039 02 4391 2468 Fax: 0039 02 48018575 Email:[4][5] idct09@promoest.com Abstract Submission Submit an abstract via the conference website: [6]www.innovativetechnologies.polimi.it [7]www.idct2009.promoest.com or contact the Conference Secretariat above. Please circulate this announcement to colleagues who may be interested in this conference. They can subscribe by e-mailing [8]idct09@promoest.com Fees Until 30th March 200 euro CIB members 200 euro Full fare 250 euro Students until 30th March 100 euro After 150 euro

1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SWchJ2Km7PI/AAAAAAAAAt0/O1taCPZ4Vw0/s1600-h/Id%26cT.jpg 2. http://www.innovativetechnologies.polimi.it/ 3. http://www.idct2009.promoest.com/ 4. http://www.blogger.com/idct09@promoest.com 5. http://www.blogger.com/idct09@promoest.com 6. http://www.innovativetechnologies.polimi.it/ 7. http://www.idct2009.promoest.com/ 8. http://www.blogger.com/idct09@promoest.com


ArrayCrvPLUS v2.0 (2009-01-14 09:41)

[1] Jarek Bieda ha reso disponibile sul suo blog [2]”Rhinoscript, Grasshopper and more...” la versione 2.0 del suo plugin per Rhino [3]ArrayCrvPLUS dove inoltre sono disponibili molti video sulle nuove features. 1. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SW2mqrCPIZI/AAAAAAAAAt8/LDfPnGtkhgk/s1600-h/ArrayCRVPlus2.jpg 2. http://jarek-rhinoscripts.blogspot.com/ 3. http://jarek-rhinoscripts.blogspot.com/2008/12/arraycrvplus-v20.html

NAO (2009-01-14 09:52)

[1] Disponibili su questo [2]sito due video tutorial sull’uso di grasshopper per Rhino: [3]grasshopper tutorial by nao - box morphing [4]grasshopper tutorial by nao - parametrise a tower 1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SW2oh5iXMKI/AAAAAAAAAuE/_y2jBHmBpRw/s1600-h/Nao.jpg 2. http://jonb.free.fr/nao/ 3. http://jonb.free.fr/nao/index.php/2009/01/09/grasshopper-tutorial-by-nao-box-morphing/ 4. http://jonb.free.fr/nao/index.php/2008/12/20/grasshopper-tutorial-by-nao-parametrise-a-tower/

The Grasshopper Primer - by LIFT architects (2009-01-23 16:25)

[1] Sul sito dei [2]LIFT architects è stata messa a disposizione la prima guida su Grasshopper. 133

Un pdf di 75 pagine rilasciato sotto licenza [3]Creative Commons 3.0 [4]Link al post 1.


jpg 2. http://www.liftarchitects.com/ 3. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/us/ 4. http://www.liftarchitects.com/journal/2009/1/22/the-grasshopper-primer.html



FLUX 2009 - Digital Design Workshops (2009-02-03 16:51)

[1] Segnalo la manifestazione FLUX 2009 che si terrà nella primavera di quest’anno presso la ”California College of the Arts” di San Francisco. Di indubbio valore sia le [2]lectures proposte che una serie di interessantissimi [3]workshop dedicati al digital design. 1. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SYhrGNgBJjI/AAAAAAAAAvU/MiHAt4f4T94/s1600-h/FLUX2009.jpg 2. http://mlab.cca.edu/?p=364 3. http://mlab.cca.edu/?cat=17

NEWS 024 (2009-02-03 18:01)

[1] [2]Designalyze - Fabricating a Surface Panelization Using Rhino’s Grasshopper [3]Designalyze - Surface Panelization Definition [4]Designalyze - Responsive Components [5]Designalyze - VB.NET Script Component In Rhino’s Grasshopper [6]eSCRIPT-O - 090109-some hexatect renders& old stuff [7]Space Simmetry Structure - Deployable and Transformable structures [8]isgstudio - 09012 thinning [9]ParaMod.net - Digital Project to STAAD [10]4ofseven - 0809 MC Collateral Spaces - Army HQ Pavilion [11]eSCRIPT-O - acoustic ceiling project - old render stuff (in construction) [12]MadeInCalifornia - ”many new post about GH & rhinoscript” [13]paraclouding.com - Homeomorphic Aggregation - Tatsuya Sakairi 3dsMax and Paracloud GEM 134

[14]DesignReform - Autodesk University Design Slam and Video of How I Built the Bridge [15]DesignReform - Paracloud - GEM - creating a 3d pattern [16]popabczhang - just finished - Dubai Competition #02 [17]oblivion vision - diploma project - idea node hamburg [18]workshops factory - Research Centre Project [19]With love and squalor - Grasshopper: panel surface [20]LAN - LaN-ON-SITE BROOKLYN Archeography IV Workshop [21]CASE - Scripted Vases | Experiments in Computational Design and Rapid-Manufacturing 1. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SYh5bvfQ7II/AAAAAAAAAvc/Sus0kOr7C3w/s1600-h/NEWS_024.jpg 2. http://www.designalyze.com/2009/01/14/fabricating-a-surface-panelization-using-rhinos-grasshopper/ 3. http://www.designalyze.com/2009/01/16/surface-panelization-definition/ 4. http://www.designalyze.com/2009/01/22/responsive-components/ 5. http://www.designalyze.com/2009/01/28/vbnet-script-component-in-rhinos-grasshopper/ 6. http://escripto.wordpress.com/2009/01/13/090109-some-hexatect-renders-old-stuff/ 7. http://spacesymmetrystructure.wordpress.com/2009/01/15/deployable-and-transformable-structures/ 8. http://isgstudio.blogspot.com/2009/01/09012thinning.html 9. http://paramod2.blogspot.com/2009/01/digital-project-to-staad.html 10. http://fourof7.blogspot.com/2009/01/0809-mc-collateral-spaces-army-hq.html 11. http://escripto.wordpress.com/2009/01/29/acoustic-ceiling-project-old-render-stuff-in-construction 12. http://madeincalifornia.blogspot.com/ 13. http://paraclouding.com/WP/?p=1716 14. http://designreform.net/2009/01/26/autodesk-university-design-slam-and-video-of-how-i-built-the-bridge/ 15. http://designreform.net/2009/02/02/paracloud-gem-create-3d-patter/ 16. http://popabczhang.blogspot.com/2009/01/finaly-its-finished-dubai-competition.html 17. http://www.ovion.de/blog/?page_id=196 18. http://workshopsfactory.com/2009/01/31/research-centre-project/ 19. http://pxlhor.blogspot.com/2009/01/grasshopper-panelsurface.html 20. http://www.livearchitecture.net/?p=1397 21. http://www.case-inc.com/content/scripted-vases-experiments-computational-design-and-rapidmanufacturing

Liquid Tectonics (2009-02-03 18:11)

[1] Alcuni interessanti post riguardo l’uso congiunto di Excel e Grasshopper sul nuovo [2]blog di Damien Alomar. 1. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SYh6_UvVwFI/AAAAAAAAAvk/95YycoijnFI/s1600-h/LiquidTectonics.jpg 2. http://liquidtectonics.blogspot.com/


Command & Control (2009-02-05 15:19)

[1] [2]Blog di [3]Skylar Tibbits, Simon Kim e Juhong Park dedicato al workshop di Rhinoscript ”Command & Control” che si tiene in questo periodo presso il MIT. Interessante, oltre al fatto che ne siano pubblicati gli script, è anche la tematica affrontata: ”Design an emergency architecture for crisis times. If pavilions are architectural typologies for the predictable or the leisurely, the architectural inversion would address the unexpected and the immediate. This connotes a certain temporality - speed of deployment, indeterminate staging, mobility as well as spatial requirements of envelope, material, scale. The site is one of crisis recent events are an excellent source, with their domain of criteria. For example, property destruction by weather or attack certainly has issues identified above, but what of financial market destruction? Data drawn from crashing stock points is data to be manipulated like any other, and available for spatial-temporal investigation. The control of this data from crisis and its negotiation of responsive form, and its making from the digital to the fabricated is the core of this project.” 1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SYr40AWSMGI/AAAAAAAAAvs/8FxOJHMiHso/s1600-h/Command%26Control.jpg 2. http://commandcontrol.wordpress.com/ 3. http://www.sjet.us/

MultiViewCapture Rhino plug-in (2009-02-05 15:37)

[1] Jarek Bieda ha reso disponibile sul suo rinominato [2]blog ”Rhinoscripted Tools” un nuovo utilissimo plug-in per Rhino. [3]MultiViewCapture ”Captures multiple Views, LayerStates and DisplayModes with customizable settings”. 1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SYr6z9W-BCI/AAAAAAAAAv0/KEn3HCIWjsc/s1600-h/MultiViewCapture.jpg 2. http://jarek-rhinoscripts.blogspot.com/ 3. http://jarek-rhinoscripts.blogspot.com/2009/01/multiviewcapture.html


eVolo 09 Skyscraper Competition (2009-02-17 11:15)

[1] Come ogni anno sono stati selezionati i progetti vincitori di ”eVolo 09 skyscraper competition”. [2]Link

1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SZqO-hpUAJI/AAAAAAAAAv8/lSUwpNqYZv8/s1600-h/Evolo2009.jpg 2. http://www.evolo-arch.com/

Woo Jae’s blog (2009-02-19 13:40)

[1] Interessantissimo [2]tutorial su Grasshopper pubblicato sul [3]blog di Woo Jae Sung, studente della [4]Cornell University.

1. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SZ1VM-ZtNMI/AAAAAAAAAwE/fwfQE4A5cWQ/s1600-h/woojae.jpg 2. http://woojsung.com/2009/02/18/rhino-grasshopper-tutorial/ 3. http://woojsung.com/ 4. http://www.aap.cornell.edu/arch/


Nathan Miller (2009-02-19 13:59)

[1] Interessantissimo tentativo dell’arch. Nathan Miller di ricreare in Grasshopper la planning tecnique usata in ”[2]Synthetic Vernacular”. [3]Link al blog [4]Planning with GH Prt. 1 [5]Planning with GH Prt. 2 1. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SZ1ZEQAYH8I/AAAAAAAAAwM/35ALxbORH1Q/s1600-h/nathan+miller.jpg 2. http://andreagraziano.blogspot.com/2007/11/synthetic-vernacular.html 3. http://nmillerarch.blogspot.com/ 4. http://nmillerarch.blogspot.com/2009/02/planning-with-gh-prt-1.html 5. http://nmillerarch.blogspot.com/2009/02/planning-with-gh-prt-2.html

NEWS 025 (2009-02-19 14:12)

[1] [2]With love and squalor - Grasshopper :: paneling tool [3]legil.org - Random Tessellation [4]DesignReform - ParaCloud - GEM - Surface Patterning with Components [5]The Geometry of Bending - Twister [6]Space Symmetry Structure - Rheotomic Surfaces [7]isgstudio - 090210 cloud9 [8]LAN - UPT | Urban Purifying Towers [9]LAN - Mike Silver | AutomasonMP3 release [10]CORE.FORM-ULA - Para-P.S 1 STIMULATOR [11]CORE.FORM-ULA - Aortic Arc by VRO [12]ctrl-i - Avicular Colonies [13]Dezeen - Animated Atmosphere by Nora Graw [14]Rhinoceros Today - Rhino goes Parametric with Grasshopper [15]un didi - Multiple Attractors Revisited [16]un didi - Grasshopper Voronoi 2D examples [17]neoarchaic - GeoDex [18]Designalyze - Grasshopper workshop with Virginia Tech’s solar decathlon team 138

[19]Rhinoscripted Tools - SmoothRestoreView [20]e-cloud - Scherk Panel [21]Morse - AD, Unit Factor article: Computational Spring Systems 1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SZ1bZ60vs0I/AAAAAAAAAwU/73wCTgjwHEo/s1600-h/NEWS_025.jpg 2. http://pxlhor.blogspot.com/2009/02/grasshopper-panelingtool.html 3. http://www.legil.org/wordpress/?p=335 4. http://designreform.net/2009/02/05/paracloud-gem-surface-patterning-component/ 5. http://thegeometryofbending.blogspot.com/2009/02/twister.html 6. http://spacesymmetrystructure.wordpress.com/2009/02/06/rheotomic-surfaces/ 7. http://isgstudio.blogspot.com/2009/02/090210cloud9.html 8. http://www.livearchitecture.net/?p=1436 9. http://www.livearchitecture.net/?p=1447 10. http://www.core.form-ula.com/2009/02/12/para-ps-1-stimulator/ 11. http://www.core.form-ula.com/2009/02/11/aortic-arc-by-vro/ 12. http://crtl-i.com/blog/2009/02/avicular-colonies/ 13. http://www.dezeen.com/2009/02/14/animated-atmosphere-by-nora-graw/ 14. http://rhinocentre.blogspot.com/2009/02/rhino-goes-parametric-with-grasshopper.html 15. http://dimitrie.wordpress.com/2009/02/16/multiple-attractors-revisited/ 16. http://dimitrie.wordpress.com/2009/02/15/grasshopper-voronoi-2d-examples/ 17. http://neoarchaicnet.blogspot.com/2009/02/geodex.html 18. http://www.designalyze.com/2009/02/16/grasshopper-workshop-with-virginia-techs-solar-decathlon-team/ 19. http://jarek-rhinoscripts.blogspot.com/search/label/SmoothRestoreView 20. http://ale2x72.blogspot.com/2009/02/scherk-panel.html 21. http://morse2008.blogspot.com/2009/02/ad-unit-factor-article-computational.html

Pratt | Digital Futures Group (2009-02-24 14:03)

[1] �The Digital Futures Group is a collective of computational design experts teaching at Pratt Institute.� Molte applicazioni e test di rhinoscript e grasshopper su questo interessante [2]blog. 1.


futures_group.jpg 2. http://dfg.pratt.edu/


ARKUO workroom (2009-02-24 14:20)

[1] Uno dei [2]blog più interessanti (anche se in taiwanese) legati all’uso di Grasshopper.

1. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SaP0yMSSLxI/AAAAAAAAAwk/NWg92p23RVk/s1600-h/ARKUO.jpg 2. http://arkuo.blogspot.com/

0001D BLAST - SCRIPTING WIKI (2009-02-24 14:26)

[1] ”I’ve started a meta scripting wiki called ”0001d BLAST.” It will be a repository for several computational topics and functions. Over hundreds of sample codes have been uploaded or linked already. - Nick Pisca” Oltre a questa fantastica risorsa per gli scripter consiglio anche il [2]sito del suo autore. [3]Link

1. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SaP3g10H2NI/AAAAAAAAAws/xWvljZYMH4M/s1600-h/Blast.jpg 2. http://www.nickpisca.com/ 3. http://www.nickpisca.com/BLAST/index.php?title=Main_Page




Conferenza di Kazuyo Sejima a Torino (2009-03-10 10:54)

[1] venerdì 13 marzo 2009 ore 10,30-12,30 presso Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo Via Modane 16 10141 Torino [2]Link all’evento 1. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SbY5gzZZWmI/AAAAAAAAAw0/a4CUAesZ3hQ/s1600-h/Kazuyo_Sejima_Torino. jpg 2. http://www.casartarc.org/index.php?page=1070&evt=4

NEWS 026 (2009-03-10 13:56)

[1] [2]LAN - Grasshopper Scripting 4: Excel CXN Components [3]Space Symmetry Structure - Grasshopper/Rhino Fields and Kinematics [4]Space Symmetry Structure - More Grasshopper transformables [5]Space Symmetry Structure - Grasshopper Magnetic Displacement [6]Space Symmetry Structure - Cellular Automata Heightfield [7]Space Symmetry Structure - Jitterbug [8]Morse - NET.SIM: dissertation part 1, net component [9]pinupspace - ”many new post” [10]Pratt | Digital Futures Group - Grasshopper | luong [11]Pratt | Digital Futures Group - Grasshopper | yoon bahng [12]Design Reform - Grasshopper - Intro to sets - scalar operators, ranges, series [13]core.form-ula - ”many post” [14]Rhinoscripting Resources - Methods: Genetic Algorithms [15]Rhinoscripting Resources - Methods: Cellular Automaton / Automata Celular [16]Erdine-Baskin - GC wine bottle [17]ParaMod.net - Assemblies and Aggregations [18]Liquid Tectonics - Pont des Arts Installation [19]Liquid Tectonics - Cloth Systems - Basic Springs [20]Liquid Tectonics - Cloth Systems - First Cloth Experiments [21]Sjet - Path Responsive Update 141

[22]MadeInCalifornia - ”Many new post”[23] The geometry of bending - Single curved Cone Strip [24]un didi - Colective Housing Prototype [25]NeoArchaic - Triangulate/Fabricate Script 1. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SbZkaxTkDaI/AAAAAAAAAw8/jyFfmZJcIo8/s1600-h/NEWS_026.jpg 2. http://www.livearchitecture.net/?p=1516 3. http://spacesymmetrystructure.wordpress.com/2009/02/21/grasshopperrhino-fields-and-kinematics/ 4. http://spacesymmetrystructure.wordpress.com/2009/02/24/more-grasshopper-transformables/ 5. http://spacesymmetrystructure.wordpress.com/2009/02/24/grasshopper-magnetic-displacement/ 6. http://spacesymmetrystructure.wordpress.com/2009/02/26/cellular-automata-heightfield/ 7. http://spacesymmetrystructure.wordpress.com/2009/03/07/jitterbug/ 8. http://morse2008.blogspot.com/2009/02/netsim-dissertation-part-1-net.html 9. http://tedngai.net/experiments.html 10. http://dfg.pratt.edu/?p=360 11. http://dfg.pratt.edu/?p=369 12. http://designreform.net/2009/02/25/grasshopper-intro-to-sets-scalar-operators-ranges-series/ 13. http://www.core.form-ula.com/ 14. http://rhinoscriptingresources.blogspot.com/2009/02/methods-genetic-algorithms.html 15. http://rhinoscriptingresources.blogspot.com/2009/02/methods-cellular-automaton-automata.html 16. http://erdine-baskin.com/?p=232 17. http://paramod2.blogspot.com/2009/02/assemblies-and-aggregations.html 18. http://liquidtectonics.blogspot.com/2009/02/pont-des-arts-installation.html 19. http://liquidtectonics.blogspot.com/2009/02/cloth-systems-basic-springs.html 20. http://liquidtectonics.blogspot.com/2009/02/cloth-systems-first-cloth-experiments.html 21. http://sjet.wordpress.com/2009/03/03/path-responsive-update/ 22. http://madeincalifornia.blogspot.com/ 23. http://thegeometryofbending.blogspot.com/2009/03/single-curved-cone-strip.html 24. http://dimitrie.wordpress.com/2009/03/07/colective-housing-prototype/ 25. http://neoarchaicnet.blogspot.com/2009/03/triangulatefabricate-script.html

Finalmente ..... AAST (2009-03-10 16:35)

[1] Finalmente.... dopo quasi due anni di post dedicati a lavori altrui ed eventi organizzati per la maggior parte all’estero posso postare i link di un evento tutto torinese ed ovviamente italiano. AAST ovvero ”Advanced Architecture Settimo Tokio” nasce principalmente dall’amicizia e collaborazione con Davide Del Giudice ([2]Made In California). Da più di due anni infatti dialoghiamo, ci interfacciamo e discutiamo sulle tematiche dello scripting e del computational design nell’architettura ed in questi due anni abbiamo avuto modo, attraverso i nostri blog, di conoscere moltissime persone. Fra tutte queste persone la maggior parte appartengono a due distinte categorie. La prima quella di studenti, giovani architetti o designer 142

interessati o incuriositi dalle tematiche trattate e desiderosi di comprenderne innanzitutto le strategie, le utilità, le applicazioni e di intraprendere, in seconda battuta, un percorso di conoscenza rivolgendosi a noi per chiedere quali fossero le principali risorse didattiche per iniziare e quali fossero eventualmente i corsi o workshop per apprendere tali metodologie. La seconda quella di chi essenzialmente abbiamo linkato.... ovvero di coloro che queste cose le fanno e, fra i più fortunati, lo fanno per lavoro. Fra questi si è svelato un sostanzioso numero di ”cervelli in fuga” ovvero di italiani che per i più svariati motivi (principalmente perchè per queste cose in italia non c’è molto spazio) sono andati a lavorare all’estero. Con il passare del tempo con molti di questi colleghi italiani all’estero si è instaurato un rapporto di amicizia (per lo più virtuale) con un sempre più fitto dialogo da cui abbiamo capito alcune cose che tutti accomunano. Innanzitutto la disponibilità al confronto, a raccontarsi ed a rendere palesi i propri lavori e le proprie sperimentazioni (cosa che si contrappone sostanzialmente ad una italianissima tendenza all’occultamento ed al segreto). Poi la voglia di farlo in Italia, ovvero di poter tornare in patria a raccontare ai propri connazionali e soprattutto agli studenti ciò che hanno appreso prima nei corsi di eccellenza all’estero e poi durante l’attività professionale. A questo punto è facile capire perchè da circa un anno io e Davide sognavamo di far incontrare le due categorie sopradescritte e sintetizzabili all’estremo in chi vuole imparare e chi vuole trasmettere conoscenza. Non nascondo anche i secondi fini di questo sogno, ovvero incontrare dal vivo tutte queste persone e di poter discutere con loro seduti ad un tavolo e non solo in chat o mail. Poi di poter iniziare a parlarne in Italia o per lo meno nel torinese, ma non parlandone fra di noi che raramente (parlo per me) abbiamo la possibilità di applicare il tutto in progetti reali e realizzabili, ma come è giusto che sia per chi vuole imparare attraverso il necessario percorso dell’aggiornamento teorico e pratico e quindi lasciando la parola a chi queste cose le fa e le insegna sul serio. Quindi io e Davide coltivavamo da un bel po’ questo desiderio che grazie all’incontro con Lorena Alessio, Responsabile di CasArtArc (Casa delle Arti e dell’Architettura) di Settimo Torinese si è trasformato in realtà ed in AAST. Non nascondo la difficoltà nell’organizzare questa iniziativa, soprattutto in questo contingente momento, che sicuramente non eguaglierà in efficienza ed importanza le ben più blasonate manifestazioni all’estero ma sottolineo invece il fatto che finalmente abbiamo un occasione italiana per apprendere e dialogare (in italiano) con i diretti interessati. Per chi ha voglia di approfondire o di discutere di tali tematiche quindi un occasione importante. [3]Link al blog [4]Link a CasArtArc [5]Link al gruppo su facebook 1. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SbaJdwyEWrI/AAAAAAAAAxE/U9x_MNoDLQk/s1600-h/aast_logo.jpg 2. http://madeincalifornia.blogspot.com/ 3. http://aast09.wordpress.com/ 4. http://www.casartarc.org/index.php 5. http://www.new.facebook.com/group.php?gid=67767014594

The Grasshopper Primer - Second Edition (2009-03-24 07:23)

[1] [2]Link (a big thx to Andrew Payne and Rajaa Issa) 1.


second+ed_web.jpg 2. http://www.liftarchitects.com/journal/2009/3/25/the-grasshopper-primer-second-edition.html


Eventi aast: Mostra+Conferenza+Convegno (2009-03-26 08:08)

[1] 7 Aprile 2009 - Inaugurazione Mostra & Conferenza Attraverso una mostra di 30 progetti d’architettura sviluppati con software parametrici, provenienti da studi di fama internazionale (Zaha Hadid Architects London, AKT, openSystems, London, Frank Owen Gehry and Associates), ed una conferenza, si intende offrire una panoramica sullo stato attuale dell’arte. martedì 7 aprile 2009 h.17,30 Settimo Torinese, Teatro Garybaldi Via Garibaldi 4 CONFERENZA con Filippo Innocenti, Architetto, Zaha Hadid Architects London h.19,00 / Settimo Torinese, La Giardinera Via Italia 90 bis Inaugurazione della MOSTRA - 30 progetti esposti Segue aperitivo La mostra sarà visitabile dal 7 aprile al 17 maggio, in orario da concordare con gli organizzatori. Ingresso GRATUITO CASARTARC Casa delle Arti e dell’Architettura - La Giardinera - tel. L’evento è ideato e organizzato da CASARTARC Casa delle Arti e dell’Architettura con la curatela di Lorena Alessio, Silvia Rossi, Andrea Graziano, Davide Del Giudice e con il sostegno di: Città di Settimo Torinese, Fondazione ECM, Ordine degli Architetti PPC Provincia di Torino e sua fondazione OAT Media partner: THE PLAN Sponsor: Infoklix spa, Autodesk Inc, Bentley Systems Sponsor tecnici: Bertech Paper Architecture, Z Corporation Con il supporto di: Gehry Technologies, Robert McNeel & Associates Si avvale del patrocinio di: Regione Piemonte, Provincia di Torino, Comune di Torino, Politecnico di Torino Comunicazione ed immagine coordinata da Rosali Alessio UFFICIO STAMPA CASARTARC Miriam Boscolo 011 8028391 miriam.boscolo@casartarc.org Barbara Salomone barbara.salomone@casartarc.org 144

[2] 8 Aprile 2009 - CONVEGNO Programma degli interventi : – Annarita Papeschi (Zaha Hadid Architects London) ”procedure algoritmiche per la generazione di forme complesse” – Marco Vanucci (Adams Kara Taylor London) ”making space homeostatic serie” – Fulvio Wirz (Zaha Hadid Architects London) ”sulla diversità dell’architettura parametrica” – Ludovico Lombardi (Zaha Hadid Architects London) ”fluid urbanism - ordinare la complessità attraverso sistemi parametrici” – Ludovica Tramontin (Università di Cagliari, ASPX) ”soft technology - tecnologia morbida di generazione computazionale” – Federico Rossi (Zaha Hadid Architects, Architectural Association) ”performative typologies - nuovi modelli eco-sostenibili” – Edmondo Occhipinti (Ecole Speciale d’Architecture Paris, Frank Gehry Tecnologies) ”morphogenetic and parametric design: real virtuality” – Alessio Erioli (Università di Bologna, e-cloud) ”processing nature” (moderano Andrea Graziano e Cesare Griffa, saluti di Riccardo Bedrone, Benedetto Camerana, Felice De Luca, Lorena Alessio) Per aggiornamenti e news: [3]www.aast09.wordpress.com [4]www.casartarc.org

1. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/Scsr6m1NwYI/AAAAAAAAAxU/aLx0712umFg/s1600-h/AAST_INVITO.jpg 2. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/ScssZZFPcwI/AAAAAAAAAxc/ZqBeQrVmtQk/s1600-h/AAST_CONVEGNO.jpg 3. http://aast09.wordpress.com/ 4. http://www.casartarc.org/




NEWS 027 (2009-04-09 11:52)

[1] [2]isgstudio - 090309 kochCurves [3]Beyond the light bulb - Pseudo Dynamics in Grasshopper [4]wework4her - backInBlack [5]wework4her - onTheAnvil [6]Rhinoscripting Resources - Methods: Objects on a Surface [7]ParaMod.net - Twisted Surface [8]bfxlog - Grasshopping [9]SpaceSimmetryStructure - Is there anything new to say about Voronoi diagrams? [10]core.form-ula - SOM + SCI-Arc on CF: Living Green & Easy (Performance Design) [11]S.S.S.S. - Hexagon Panelization [12]Designalyze - VT Grasshopper Workshop Video 01: Intro to Grasshopper [13]Designalyze - VT Grasshopper Workshop Video02: Components and Canvas [14]ParaMod.net - Scripted Spiral Bowl [15]ParaMod.net - Scripting - After Session 2 [16]Woo Jae’s Blog - Academic Worksample [17]4ofSeven - 0809 [WS] Booth Serie [18][n]Codon - Art Fund Pavilion competition submission [19]workshops factory - surface division - an alternative for isoparametric division [20]notion parallax - Go Kawakita’s thesis - genetic algorithms in ecotect [21]johnlocke - visualizing sound in processing [22]Geometry Gym - More on Manipulating Structural Models [23]designalyze - SHoP’s Dining by Design for DIFFA [24]Designalyze - VT Grasshopper Workshop Video03: Data Matching [25]Liquid Tectonics - Cloth Systems - Relaxation [26]un didi - HTWK Leipzig Lecture online [27]SpaceSimmetryStructure - Morphing Tessellation Fields as Folding Patterns [28]SpaceSimmetryStructure - Morphing Tessellation Fields 2 [29]neoarchaic - Trianglulate Tile 3 Pack [30]escript-o - 900407-Umbrales Expo instalation (mounting)- Santiago Chile [31]core.form-ula - Event: Evan Douglis’s Autogenic Structures ”Book Launch” [32]core.form-ula - Ronan & Erwan Bouroullec:Growing a Chair [33]bfxlog - hex grid [34]bfxlog - box-morph [35]blog.ticket01.com - Konstrukt, Voronoi Surface Preview 1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/Sd3HDG23HaI/AAAAAAAAAxk/3e60uJ3MmZo/s1600-h/NEWS_027.jpg 2. http://isgstudio.blogspot.com/2009/03/090309kochcurves.html 3. http://btlb.blogspot.com/2009/03/pseudo-dynamics-in-grasshopper.html 4. http://www.data-tribe.net/wework4her/index.php?entry=entry090311-061842 5. http://www.data-tribe.net/wework4her/index.php?entry=entry090408-032924 6. http://rhinoscriptingresources.blogspot.com/2009/02/methods-objects-on-surface.html 7. http://paramod2.blogspot.com/2009/03/twisted-surface.html 8. http://bfxlog.blogspot.com/2009/03/grasshopping.html




//spacesymmetrystructure.wordpress.com/2009/03/16/is-there-anything-new-to-say-about-voronoi-diagrams/ 10. http://www.core.form-ula.com/2009/03/18/som-sci-arc-on-cf-living-green-easy-performance-design/ 11. http://ssssociety.blogspot.com/2009/03/hexagon-panelization.html 12. http://www.designalyze.com/2009/03/18/vt-grasshopper-workshop-video-01-intro-to-grasshopper/ 13. http://www.designalyze.com/2009/03/19/vt-grasshopper-workshop-video02-components-and-canvas/ 14. http://paramod2.blogspot.com/2009/03/building-on-first-scripting-session-i.html 15. http://paramod2.blogspot.com/2009/03/scripting-after-session-2.html 16. http://woojsung.com/2009/03/15/academic-worksample/ 17. http://fourof7.blogspot.com/2009/03/0809-ws-booth-series.html 18. http://ncodon.wordpress.com/2009/03/21/art-fund-pavilion-competition-submission/ 19. http://workshopsfactory.com/2009/03/22/surface-division-an-alternative-for-isoparametric-division/ 20. http://www.notionparallax.co.uk/blog/?p=122 21. http://gracefulspoon.com/blog/2009/04/02/visualizing-sound-in-processing/ 22. http://geometrygym.blogspot.com/2009/04/more-on-manipulating-structural-models.html 23. http://www.designalyze.com/2009/03/28/shops-dining-by-design-for-diffa/ 24. http://www.designalyze.com/2009/03/28/vt-grasshopper-workshop-video03-data-matching/ 25. http://liquidtectonics.blogspot.com/2009/03/cloth-systems-relaxation.html 26. http://dimitrie.wordpress.com/2009/04/03/htwk-leipzig-lecture-online/ 27. http://spacesymmetrystructure.wordpress.com/2009/04/04/morphing-tessellation-fields-as-folding-patterns/ 28. http://spacesymmetrystructure.wordpress.com/2009/04/07/morphing-tessellation-fields-2/ 29. http://neoarchaicnet.blogspot.com/2009/04/trianglulate-tile-3-pack.html 30. http://escripto.wordpress.com/2009/04/08/900407-umbrales-expo-instalation-santiago-chile/ 31. http://www.core.form-ula.com/2009/03/29/event-evan-dougliss-autogenic-structures-book-launch/ 32. http://www.core.form-ula.com/2009/04/06/ronan-erwan-bouroullecgrowing-a-chair/ 33. http://bfxlog.blogspot.com/2009/04/hex-grid.html 34. http://bfxlog.blogspot.com/2009/03/box-morph.html 35. http://blog.ticket01.com/2009/04/08/konstrukt-voronoi-surface-preview/

Heumann Design/Tech (2009-04-15 18:16)

[1] Mentre guardavo gli ultimi post su [2]Grasshopper Google Groups ho trovato questo interessante [3]post di Andrew Heumann dove mette anche il [4]link al suo blog ed alle relative definizioni. 1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SeYKCvxLLJI/AAAAAAAAAxs/j_5JecsUHuw/s1600-h/heumanndesigntech.jpg 2. http://groups.google.com/group/grasshopper3d 3. http://groups.google.com/group/grasshopper3d/browse_thread/thread/61feb345f89ba14b 4. http://heumanndesigntech.wordpress.com/


NEWS 028 (2009-04-27 15:39)

[1] [2]wework4her - Maya and Boost: primTreeUpdate [3]wework4her - towerNode:wip [4]wework4her - branchingNode:WIP [5]Beyond The Light Bulb - Grasshopper - Morphing with turbolence [6]Un Didi - Delaunay Triangulation in Grasshopper [7]core.form-ula - SOM + SCI-Arc on CF:Responsive Kinetic Facade [8]Erdine-Baskin - .RVB Attractor Series 02: Gumowski-Mira [9]Erdine-Baskin - .RVB Attractor Series 01: Rossler Attractor [10]Erdine-Baskin - .RVB Curlicue Fractal [11]LAN - Parametric Modelling in Top Solid [12]LAN - A few GH 0.6.0012 Definitions& [13]Nathan Miller - Ribbing Revisited [14]Nathan Miller - 3D Voronoi �Porn� in Grasshopper [15]eSCRIPT-O - 090418 - back to basics - attractors in maxscript [16]eSCRIPT-O - 090418 - back to basics 2 - Multi Attractors in Maxscript [17]eSCRIPT-O - 090427- hexatect (WIP) - Digital Project [18]eSCRIPT-O - 090426 - Flat Hexagon Skin -digital project [19]Design Reform - Rhino Grasshopper - Tower Tutorial Part 01 [20]Design Reform - Rhino Grasshopper - Tower Tutorial Part 02 [21]Design Reform - Rhino Grasshopper - Conditional Component - Dispatch [22]Design Reform - Rhino Grasshopper - Intro Part 1 [23]Design Reform - Rhino Grasshopper - Intro Part 2 [24]Design Reform - 3ds Max 2010 - New 3d Modeling Tools or Graphite Modeling Tools [25]Design Reform - Rhino Grasshopper - Data Matching [26]Space Symmetry Structure - Rigid Folding [27]MadeInCalifornia - Simple Honeycomb03 [28]MadeInCalifornia - Simple Honeycomb03 [29]MadeInCalifornia - Components surface 04 [30]Designalyze - Panelization in Version 0.06012 [31]Designalyze - Columbia Grasshopper Class Part Two Data Tree 1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SfW3BNpedJI/AAAAAAAAAx0/g8fpcmOjsM4/s1600-h/NEWS_028.jpg 2. http://www.data-tribe.net/wework4her/index.php?m=04&y=09&entry=entry090410-104100 3. http://www.data-tribe.net/wework4her/index.php?m=04&y=09&entry=entry090418-041543 4. http://www.data-tribe.net/wework4her/index.php?m=04&y=09&entry=entry090419-094441 5. http://btlb.blogspot.com/2009/04/grasshopper-morphing.html 6. http://dimitrie.wordpress.com/2009/04/15/delaunay-triangulation-in-grasshopper/ 7. http://www.core.form-ula.com/2009/04/15/som-sci-arc-on-cfresponsive-kinetic-facade/ 8. http://erdine-baskin.com/?p=283 9. http://erdine-baskin.com/?p=274 10. http://erdine-baskin.com/?p=268 11. http://www.livearchitecture.net/?p=2325 12. http://www.livearchitecture.net/?p=2359 13. http://nmillerarch.blogspot.com/2009/04/ribbing-revisited.html 14. http://nmillerarch.blogspot.com/2009/04/3d-voronoi-porn-in-grasshopper.html


15. http://escripto.wordpress.com/2009/04/18/090418-back-to-basics-attractors-in-maxscript/ 16. http://escripto.wordpress.com/2009/04/18/090418-back-to-basics-2-multi-attractors-in-maxscript/ 17. http://escripto.wordpress.com/2009/04/27/090427-hexatect-wip-digital-project/ 18. http://escripto.wordpress.com/2009/04/26/090426-flat-hexagon-skin-digital-project/ 19. http://designreform.net/2009/04/13/rhino-grasshopper-tower-tutorial-part-01/ 20. http://designreform.net/2009/04/13/rhino-grasshopper-tower-tutorial-part-02/ 21. http://designreform.net/2009/04/15/rhino-grasshopper-conditional-component-dispatch/ 22. http://designreform.net/2009/04/21/rhino-grasshopper-intro-part-1/ 23. http://designreform.net/2009/04/22/rhino-grasshopper-intro-part-2/ 24. http://designreform.net/2009/04/21/3ds-max-2010-new-modeling-tools-or-graphite-modeling-tools/ 25. http://designreform.net/2009/04/23/rhino-grasshopper-data-matching/ 26. http://spacesymmetrystructure.wordpress.com/2009/04/21/716/ 27. http://madeincalifornia.blogspot.com/2009/04/simple-honeycomb03.html 28. http://madeincalifornia.blogspot.com/2009/04/simple-honeycomb04.html 29. http://madeincalifornia.blogspot.com/2009/04/components-surface-04.html 30. http://www.designalyze.com/2009/04/22/panelization-in-version-006012/ 31. http://www.designalyze.com/2009/04/27/columbia-grasshopper-class-part-two-data-tree/

INNOVATIVE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGIES - Milano, ITALY, from May 6 - 7th, 2009 (2009-04-30 10:42)

[1] This International conference wants to give the state of the art of innovative design and construction technologies, with a wide perspective of all the operators involved form architect, to engineer to supplier and clients. The themes for IDCT09 will be focused on the following areas: Design and form finding Engineering and computational methods File2factory and mass customization Digital processes in construction industry Innovative materials Advanced design and construction technologies Technology transfer Multidisciplinary approach A particular focus will be given on innovation, analysing project, tools, technologies and materials from critical and up to date point of view, that could arise the opportunities from privileged contexts to the 149

construction sector in general. [2]Link to website [3]Link to program [4]Link to flyer 1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SfllKFdmnII/AAAAAAAAAx8/vPIUproGons/s1600-h/IDCT09_Poster.jpg 2. http://www.innovativetechnologies.polimi.it/ 3. http://www.innovativetechnologies.polimi.it/program.html 4. http://www.innovativetechnologies.polimi.it/uploads/IDCT09_Flyer.pdf

Studio Mode (2009-04-30 10:59)

[1] Segnalo l’interessantissimo lavoro svolto da [2]Ronnie Parsons and Gil Akos, fondatori dello [3]studio Mode. Interessantissima anche la loro ricerca condotta anche presso numerose università americane. [4]Link a Mode [5]Link a ModeLab [6]Link alla loro pagina Flickr [7]Link alla loro pagina wiki 1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/Sflp3z1DMmI/AAAAAAAAAyE/OOFBmd-QNV8/s1600-h/modelab.jpg 2. http://studiomode.nu/about 3. http://studiomode.nu/ 4. http://studiomode.nu/ 5. http://modelab.nu/ 6. http://www.flickr.com/photos/studiomode 7. http://studiomode.nu/wiki/

Eat-a-bug (2009-04-30 11:16)

[1] Segnalo il [2]blog dell’architetto Lorenz Lachauer dove sperimenta, tramite l’uso di Grasshopper, le 150

definizioni di matematiche con interessanti risultati. 1. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/Sfls5v2rxcI/AAAAAAAAAyM/6GpCUF1KvKQ/s1600-h/eat_a_bug.jpg 2. http://eat-a-bug.blogspot.com/



NEWS 029 (2009-05-05 10:43)

[1] [2]BFXlog - Hex Grid [3]BFXlog - Surface Inflation [4]rhinoscripting playground - Adams Pendant [5]ISGstudio - 090428 apertures [6]ISGstudio - 090504 tree [7]object-e architecture - Temporary Gallery Space [8]DesignReform - Rhino Grasshopper - List Management [9]LiftArchitects - FLUX Opening Night [10]LiftArchitects - FLUX Fabrication [11]LiftArchitects - FLUX Parametrics [12]NeoArchaic - Ye ole Rib Maker [13]NeoArchaic - Dash Curve [14]NeoArchaic - Scale Field by Image [15]UnDidi - 3d Voronoi in grasshopper [16]core.form-ula - Algorithmic Research at GSAPP [17]core.form-ula - Algorithmic Research at GSAPP, ctd. [18]Eat-a-bug - Curvature defined Curve [19]MadeInCalifornia - VB Script Diagrid04 [20]ModeLab - QuadLogic A [21]ModeLab - Strange Attractors [22]RhinoNews - Grasshopper at Tongji University in Shanghai 1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/Sf_9GKZQuyI/AAAAAAAAAyU/5HvuwWdmgFs/s1600-h/NEWS_029.jpg 2. http://bfxlog.blogspot.com/2009/04/hex-grid.html 3. http://bfxlog.blogspot.com/2009/04/surface-inflation.html 4. http://rhinoscripting.blogspot.com/2009/04/adams-pendant.html 5. http://isgstudio.blogspot.com/2009/04/090428apertures.html 6. http://isgstudio.blogspot.com/2009/05/090504tree.html 7. http://object-e.blogspot.com/2009/04/temporary-gallery-space.html 8. http://designreform.net/2009/04/29/rhino-grasshopper-list-management/ 9. http://www.liftarchitects.com/display/ShowJournal?moduleId=1119495&categoryId=95362 10. http://www.liftarchitects.com/journal/2009/3/25/flux-fabrication.html 11. http://www.liftarchitects.com/journal/2009/3/25/flux-parametrics.html 12. http://neoarchaicnet.blogspot.com/2009/04/ye-ole-rib-maker.html 13. http://neoarchaicnet.blogspot.com/2009/05/dash-curve.html 14. http://neoarchaicnet.blogspot.com/2009/05/scale-field-by-image.html 15. http://dimitrie.wordpress.com/2009/05/01/3d-voronoi-in-grasshopper/ 16. http://www.core.form-ula.com/2009/05/01/algorithmic-research-at-gsapp/#more-6947


17. http://www.core.form-ula.com/2009/05/02/algorithmic-research-at-gsapp-ctd/#more-6957 18. http://eat-a-bug.blogspot.com/2009/04/curvature-defined-curve.html 19. http://madeincalifornia.blogspot.com/2009/05/vb-script-diagrid04.html 20. http://modelab.nu/?p=9 21. http://modelab.nu/?p=837 22. http://blog.rhino3d.com/2009/05/grasshopper-at-tongji-university-in.html

1st Workshop aast /// Design with Maya, MELscript and plug-in (2009-05-14 08:47)

[1] Sono aperte le iscrizioni al workshop di Maya, primo dei cinque workshop organizzati per l’evento aast09. Per informazioni sui [2]workshop e [3]accomodation: [4]http://aast09.wordpress.com/ Per le iscrizioni scrivete una mail a : [5]info@casartarc.org tutors del workshop: Ludovico Lombardi ( Zaha Hadid Architects London) link: [6]http://www.ldvc.net/ bio: 2006-08 M.Arch AADRL in Architecture and Urbanism at the AA Architecture Association, London, UK 2005 Assistant Professor at the Politecnico of Milan 3rd year design Unit with prof. Dorigati, Italy 2003-05 Laurea with maximum vote in Architecture from Politecnico of Milan, Italy Thesys tutored by prof. Carlos Ferrater (ETSAB, Barcelona, Spain) and prof. Remo Dorigati (Politecnico of Milan, Italy) 2001-02 Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL, London, UK 1999-01 Politecnico of Milan, Architecture faculty, Campus Leonardo, Italy 1995-99 Classical studies at Liceo Classico Parini in Milan, Italy 1980 Born in Milan, Italy 2008 Zaha Hadid architects 2005-06 Arata Isozaki architecure office Milan Fiera project with Daniel Libeskindand Zaha Hadid 2005 Assistant Professor at the Politecnico of Milan 3rd year design Unit with prof. Dorigati, Italy 2004-05 Carlos Ferrater Studio de Architecture, Barcelona, Spain project Fruente Portuario LasPalmas de Gran Canaria, competition, 1st Prize 152

L Esplai Barcelona, Competition, 1st Prize Horto Botanico de Padova, Competiton, 2nd phase America s Cup competition in Valencia, 2nd phase 2003-04 Andreas Kipar Landscape Architecture Office, Milan, Italy project Nuovo quartiere Cornaredo, Swiss, competition, 1st prize in collaboration with Cino Zucchi Architects Fiera Milano International competition, Finalist project, in collaboration with David Chipperfield, Perooult, Sejima, SOM, De Lucchi Place Massena park, France, Finalist in collaboration with 5+1 architects

[7] Fulvio Wirz ( Zaha Hadid Architects London) link: [8]http://www.dezeen.com/2008/08/10/aura-by-zaha-hadid-architect s/ bio: Fulvio Wirz, nato a Napoli nel 1977, si Laurea in architettura presso l’ Università Federico II con lode e dignità di pubblicazione della tesi. Consegue un master in”Progettazione dello spazio pubblico” nel 2003 ed uno in ”Progettazione architettonica per l’integrazione del fotovoltaico nel 20043. Dal 2002 affianca alle esperienze progettuali nello studio paterno l’attività didattica nell’ambito dei corsi di progettazione del prof. Lucio Morrica ed una personale ricerca nelle relazioni tra architettura e nuovi media concretizzata attraverso numerosi concorsi e culminante con il conseguimento, nel 2008, del dottorato di ricerca in progettazione architettonica con la tesi ”Rappresentazione Digitale e Composizione architettonica”. Dal 2005 collabora in qualità di project architect nello studio Zaha Hadid Architects di Londra vincendo prestigiosi concorsi internazionali come la Biblioteca di Siviglia, il Masterplan per l’area ”Kartal-Pendik” di Istanbul, la ”Lilium Tower” a Varsavia ed il Museo ”Eli & Edythe” in Michigan. E’ stato responsabile del progetto ”Aura” esposto a Villa Foscari nell’ambito della Biennale di Venezia del 2008 e co-responsabile della prestigiosa Opera House di Dubai. Attualmente è incaricato del progetto di una moschea in Kuwait e di una serie di prodotti di design.


[9] 1.


workshop-singoli03-1-maya.jpg 2. http://aast09.wordpress.com/2009/03/05/8/ 3. http://aast09.wordpress.com/2009/05/13/accomodation/ 4. http://aast09.wordpress.com/ 5. http://www.blogger.com/info@casartarc.org 6. http://www.ldvc.net/ 7. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/Sgu_X7WiM6I/AAAAAAAAAzE/sd5KyyihAS0/s1600-h/ll.jpg 8. http://www.dezeen.com/2008/08/10/aura-by-zaha-hadid-architects/ 9. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/Sgu_m1RJPNI/AAAAAAAAAzM/7I33nKhceig/s1600-h/fw.jpg

The Grasshopper Website (2009-05-14 09:26)

[1] Bob Mc Neel ha [2]comunicato sul forum che è stato creato il sito per Grasshopper. [3]Grasshopper website 1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SgvIXpWDVFI/AAAAAAAAAzU/WpCM-zrmtGk/s1600-h/Grasshopper_website. jpg 2.



show_docid=a7a4a887984f7980 3. http://www.grasshopper3d.com/

Call for papers IJAC - Submission Deadline 1 July (2009-05-22 07:01)

[1] Incorporating computational theories and technologies in architectural design International Journal of Architectural Computing Published by Multiscience, UK Volume 7, Issue 4, 2009 ISSN 1478-0771 [2]http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/mscp/ijac Issue Editors Gabriela Celani UNICAMP Universidade Estadual deCampinas, Brazil Pablo C. Herrera UPC Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas, Peru Underleia Miotto Bruscato UNISINOS Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, Brazil New computational theories and technologies that aim at improving the architectural design and production processes have been developed in the past decades. They include generative design, building information modelling, virtual and rapid prototying, digital fabrication, shape grammars and so on. These theories and technologies have been well explored in the academic environment and well discussed in international conferences. However, except for a few famous architectural firms, it is not clear to which extent they have effectively changed general architectural design practice and industry. Do young architects effectively apply what they have learned in school, or they simply go back to the old methods when they face the reality of daily work? Are there any differences among the different countries in terms of how these technologies are assimilated by architects and the construction industry? In this number of IJAC we would like to find out what is the real impact of architectural computing in the work of the new generation of architects and in the built environment throughout the world. The submissions should be in one of these categories: (1) Full-length papers (3000 - 5000 words, maximum length 6000 words) reporting original research. (2) State-of-the-art reviews, which will be either perspective tutorial articles in rapidly evolving fields or comprehensive scholarly reviews of significant topics. (3) Short papers (1500 2000 words) presenting original research in concise form. Template and guidelines can be downloaded at [3]http://www.architecturalcomputing.org/downloads/IJAC paper template09.doc Authors are required to submit their paper by uploading to the IJAC review system [4]http://architecturalcomputing.org/review/author/submit.php and notify by email the Issue Editors that a paper was uploaded. Submission Deadline: .......... 1 July 2009 Notification of Acceptance: ... 1 August 2009 Re-submittal Deadline: ........ 1 Sept 2009 155

Submittal of final revised paper: ............15 Sept 2009 Publication Date: ............. November 2009 Send to me by [5]Pablo C. Herrera 1. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/ShYzBgiVs6I/AAAAAAAAAzc/dMkuUc_Vk4g/s1600-h/IJAC.jpg 2. http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/mscp/ijac 3. http://www.architecturalcomputing.org/downloads/IJAC_paper_template09.doc 4. http://architecturalcomputing.org/review/author/submit.php 5. http://arquitecturaeinformatica.blogspot.com/

NEWS 030 (2009-05-25 09:26)

[1] [2]g.d.e.s. - Workshop RhinoScript at ETSAM [3]sac3’s digital plastic - Grasshopper | Linear surface blending [4]sac3’s digital plastic - Grasshopper | Polygon Gradient (Voronoi Gradient) [5]Iaac Blog - Parametric Tree [6]lúcio santos - faceted metal ceiling [7]DavideDelGiudice - VB Script Diagrid05 [8]DavideDelGiudice - Phyllotaxis System 04 [9]DavideDelGiudice - Gradient color Rhinoscript [10]DavideDelGiudice - Multiple Points Attractors 02 [11]Rhinoscripting Resources - Methods: Honeycomb [12]SoftRigid - ornamental connectivity 04 [13]eat-a-bug - Surface Turtle [14]eat-a-bug - Geodesic Shell [15]NeoArchaic - Re Orient Curves [16]object-e architecture - Cellular automata examples [17]Liquid Tectonics - Its Been a While [18]e-script0 - 090515 maxscript solar tool (WIP) [19]e-script0 - 090517 VB scripting in grasshopper early tests [20]openSystems - 090515 Attractor Field II [21]the geometry of bending - SurfaceTurtle and CurvatureTurtle by Lorenz Lachauer [22]woo jae’s blog - Rhino Grasshopper Tutorial(VB Scripting) [23]Shih-Yuan Wang blog - Reconstructing Eames Chair [24]wework4her - GLSL and Maya [25]space symmetry structure - Holomorphic Functions [26]SoftRigid - ornamental connectivity 05 1. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/ShpLQoLdw6I/AAAAAAAAAzk/kqHpcMbqP4A/s1600-h/NEWS_030.jpg 2. http://www.designemergente.org/emergence/workshop-rhinoscript-at-etsammadrid/ 3. http://sac3.blogspot.com/2009/05/grasshopper-linear-surface-blending.html 4. http://sac3.blogspot.com/2009/05/grasshopper-polygon-gradiant-voronoi.html 5. http://www.iaacblog.com/2008-2009/term03/s6/?p=39 6. http://luciosantos.blogspot.com/2009/05/faceted-metal-ceiling.html 7. http://madeincalifornia.blogspot.com/2009/05/vb-script-diagrid05.html 8. http://madeincalifornia.blogspot.com/2009/05/phyllotaxis-system04.html 9. http://madeincalifornia.blogspot.com/2009/05/inspired-by-paramod-last-month-i.html


10. http://madeincalifornia.blogspot.com/2009/05/multiple-points-attractors-02.html 11. http://rhinoscriptingresources.blogspot.com/2009/05/methods-honeycomb.html 12. http://softrigid.com/2009/05/08/ornamnental-connectivity-_04/ 13. http://eat-a-bug.blogspot.com/2009/05/surface-turtle.html 14. http://eat-a-bug.blogspot.com/2009/05/geodesic-shell.html 15. http://neoarchaicnet.blogspot.com/2009/05/re-orient-curves.html 16. http://object-e.blogspot.com/2009/05/cellular-automata-examples.html 17. http://liquidtectonics.blogspot.com/2009/05/its-been-while.html 18. http://escripto.wordpress.com/2009/05/15/090515-maxscript-solar-tool-wip/ 19. http://escripto.wordpress.com/2009/05/17/090517-vb-scripting-in-grasshopper-early-tests/ 20. http://www.opensys-log.com/2009/05/090515attractor-field-ii.html 21. http://thegeometryofbending.blogspot.com/2009/05/surfaceturtle-and-curvatureturtle-by.html 22. http://woojsung.com/2009/05/19/rhino-grasshopper-tutorial-2/ 23. http://yuan322002.spaces.live.com/Blog/cns%21E486D10E5850DA15%212140.entry 24. http://www.data-tribe.net/wework4her/index.php?entry=entry090524-150812 25. http://spacesymmetrystructure.wordpress.com/2009/05/23/holomorphic-functions/ 26. http://softrigid.com/2009/05/23/ornamental-connectivity-_05/

MathSurf v2.0 for 3ds Max (2009-05-26 12:00)

[1] Mathsurf is a scripted plug-in for 3ds Max to create and explore mathematical surfaces and geometries in form of the standard editable mesh. Mathsurf is a free and open-source plug-in published by Ali Torabi and it’s available in [2]www.torabiarchitect.com for download. [3]Link to download page [4]Link to documentation page

1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/Shu-9naX87I/AAAAAAAAAzs/TbDQzSgbfJE/s1600-h/mathsurf.jpg 2. http://www.torabiarchitect.com/news/mathsurf2.html 3. http://www.torabiarchitect.com/download/download.php?file=3 4. http://www.torabiarchitect.com/mathsurf/documents/mathsurf_documentation_index.html


@ [ u t o ] (2009-05-26 12:12)

[1] [2]Blog di Ursula Frick e Thomas Grabner con alcuni interessanti post dedicati all’indagine e definizione di ”streamlines” in grasshopper.

1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/ShvBcFdcJMI/AAAAAAAAAz0/Kj8O1e20eSo/s1600-h/%40%5Buto%5D.jpg 2. http://utos.blogspot.com/

a-ngine (2009-05-26 12:33)

[1] Interessante [2]blog di un gruppo di studenti dove in alcuni post applicano una definizione di grasshopper chiamata [3][AttrRespField] per esplorare soluzioni a livello urbano.

1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/ShvGbaY88PI/AAAAAAAAAz8/49aI1TUdF4o/s1600-h/a-ngine.jpg 2. http://www.a-ngine.com/ 3. http://www.a-ngine.com/2009/05/attrrespfield-ellipse.html


Applied Research

Art & Design (2009-05-27 09:11)

[1] Interdisciplinary&Natural Organic&IndustrialDesign, ArchArt, MathSculpting, & [2]Link 1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/ShzoMs5eUvI/AAAAAAAAA0E/g7FkIrvJOqY/s1600-h/cliptic.jpg 2. http://cliptic.wordpress.com/

ARCHPOINT (2009-05-27 09:20)

[1] Interessantissimo il lavoro di questo studio. Molti progetti elaborati tramite MELscript. [2]Link 1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/Shzp72AwRJI/AAAAAAAAA0M/7no9FuCjYFc/s1600-h/archpoint.jpg 2. http://www.archpoint.dk/

mig Surface Graph v1.0 (2009-05-27 13:41)

[1] Surface Graph tool allows you to generate three dimensional surfaces based on mathematical expressions on Maya. 159

[2]Link Consiglio di dare un occhiata anche agli altri script, tra cui [3]Fractal Solid e [4]Normal Tools [5] 1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/Sh0plQ0eOzI/AAAAAAAAA0U/XuUZ6ely6SA/s1600-h/MigSurfaceGraph.jpg 2. http://migugi.net/mel/surfaceGraph/ 3. http://migugi.net/mel/fractalSolids/ 4. http://migugi.net/mel/normalTools/ 5. http://migugi.net/mel/fractalSolids/



NEWS 031 (2009-06-29 10:46)

[1] [2]Erdine-Baskin - .RVB JEWELLERY DESIGN [3]Erdine-Baskin - .NB COSTA LOUNGE [4]NeoArchaic - Range Rebuild [5]@[uto] - Streamlines [6]@[uto] - branches [7]Design ReForm - Catia/DigitalProject - many post [8]Design reform - Sending Curves from 3ds Max to Rhino [9]Un Didi - Grasshopper and Processing talking via OSC [10]arquitectura y Programacion - Algorithmic Aesthetics [11]wework4her - maya-isoSurface node: wip [12]wework4her - OF-maya-p5 conxns [13]Geometry Gym - Shape to Fabrication 3 - London April 2009 [14]popabczhang - Grasshopper - gmp - SOSC #02 - mockup [15]LAN - vb.Net + Grasshopper: Surface Panels [16]LAN - vb.Net + Grasshopper Surface Curvature [17]LAN - vb.net + grasshopper: adaptive surface subdivision [18]Beyond The Light Bulb - GH - Paneling Definition [19]WorkshopsFactory - The waving wall [20]sac3’s digital plastic - Grasshopper | Voronoi diagram [21]eSCRIPT-O - 090622- surface panelization from gaussian curvature- (buggy WIP) [22]g.d.e.s. - colaboration / flying surface [23]culagovski.net - Rhinos and pythons, oh my [24]Liquid tectonics - RhinoHair Alpha 0.1.1 Released [25]PROG - Grace Hopper e Grasshopper, una strana coincidenza 1. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SkiAZQ4gHRI/AAAAAAAAA00/JRY_DonZDFU/s1600-h/NEWS_031.jpg 2. http://erdine-baskin.com/?p=317 3. http://erdine-baskin.com/?p=337 4. http://neoarchaicnet.blogspot.com/2009/06/range-rebuild.html 5. http://utos.blogspot.com/2009/06/streamlines.html 6. http://utos.blogspot.com/2009/06/branches.html 7. http://designreform.net/category/tutorials/catia-tutorials/ 8. http://designreform.net/2009/06/23/sending-curves-from-3ds-max-to-rhino/


9. http://dimitrie.wordpress.com/2009/06/15/423/ 10. http://arquitecturayprogramacion.blogspot.com/2009/06/algorithmic-aesthetics.html 11. http://www.data-tribe.net/wework4her/index.php?m=06&y=09&entry=entry090616-152816 12. http://www.data-tribe.net/wework4her/index.php?m=06&y=09&entry=entry090616-145744 13. http://www.simplyrhino.co.uk/about/shapetofabrication3.html 14. http://popabczhang.blogspot.com/2009/06/grasshopper-gmp-sosc-02-mockup.html 15. http://www.livearchitecture.net/archives/3409 16. http://www.livearchitecture.net/archives/3381 17. http://www.livearchitecture.net/archives/3419 18. http://btlb.blogspot.com/2009/06/gh-paneling-definition.html 19. http://workshopsfactory.com/2009/06/27/the-waving-wall/ 20. http://sac3.blogspot.com/2009/06/grasshopper-voronoi-diagram.html 21. http://escripto.wordpress.com/2009/06/22/090622-surface-panelization-from-gaussian-curvature-buggy-wip/ 22. http://www.designemergente.org/rhinoscripting/colaboration-flying-surface/ 23. http://culagovski.net/2009/uncategorized/rhinos-and-pythons-oh-my/ 24. http://liquidtectonics.blogspot.com/2009/06/rhinohair-alpha-011-released.html 25.



CAD LOGIC at DIA Dessau (2009-06-30 12:45)

[1] Segnalo l’interessantissimo [2]blog del corso Cad Logic presso il [3]Dessau Institute of Architecture tenuto dal prof. [4]Daniel Dendra. Veramente notevole lo script disponibile ”[5]Nurbs Relaxation Rhino Script” ed i numerosi esempi di applicazione postati.

1. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SknuGipXEwI/AAAAAAAAA1A/M03ejZUtd3k/s1600-h/Cad+Logic.jpg 2. http://cadlogikdd.blogspot.com/ 3. http://lehre.afg.hs-anhalt.de/dia/ 4. http://lehre.afg.hs-anhalt.de/dia/prof15.htm 5. http://cadlogikdd.blogspot.com/2009/06/nurbs-relaxation-rhino-script_21.html




Peer Produced Space (2009-07-02 08:40)

[1] Segnalo il [2]blog di Michal Piasecki, uno dei collaboratori di ”[3]workshops factory”, in cui sono presenti alcuni interessanti [4]articoli e ricerche come [5]coder. Ricordo che ”workshops factory” ha anche organizzato il workshop ”[6]WF 091 - parametric urban furniture”. 1.


jpg 2. http://michalpiasecki.com/ 3. http://workshopsfactory.com/ 4. http://michalpiasecki.com/category/my-writings/ 5. http://michalpiasecki.com/category/my-programs/ 6. http://workshopsfactory.com/category/wf_091/

3nd Workshop Aast /// Design with Generative Components (2009-07-02 11:47) Design with Generative Components & Bentley Architecture 13 - 18 luglio 2009 - ore 9.00/18.00 evento legato a: [1]AAST - Advanced Architecture Settimo Tokyo - Biennale 2009 - 2011

[2] Date & Tutors: 13, 14, 15 luglio Bentley Tutors 16, 17, 18 luglio 162

Tutors: - Ludovica Tramontin (Università di Cagliari, Facoltà di Architettura, [3]ASPX ) - Alessio Erioli ([4]Università di Bologna Italy, [5]e-cloud) Luogo: MusicLab, la Suoneria, Via Partigiani 4 - Settimo T.se (To) Costi workshop: - Studenti ¬ 400,00 - Soci CASARTARC ¬ 450,00 - Professionisti ¬ 500,00 PREISCRIZIONE 20 gg prima l inizio del workshop cui si intende partecipare di ¬ 100,00 SALDO 8 gg prima del workshop prescelto SCONTI a chi partecipa a più workshop: 10 % della quota intera per l iscrizione al secondo e terzo workshop (avendo frequentato il primo) 30 % della quota intera per l iscrizione al quarto e quinto workshop (avendo frequentato i primi tre) Costo tessera CASARTARC ¬ 15,00 Per iscrizioni: CASARTARC - Casa delle Arti e dell Architettura - La Giardinera tel. [6]info@casartarc.org 1. http://aast09.wordpress.com/ 2. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SkyIcyDiuXI/AAAAAAAAA1Q/0fTdRs8zFFY/s1600-h/aast_3workshop.jpg 3. http://www.aspx-architecture.com/ 4.


2008&IdComponenteAF=336884&CodDocente=035700 5. http://ale2x72.blogspot.com/ 6. http://www.blogger.com/info@casartarc.org

NEWS 032 (2009-07-09 09:20)

[1] [2]ctrl-i - 3D - Pixelate [3]ctrl-i - Facade Studies [4]Rhinoscripting Resources - Methods: Parametric Surface [5]Rhinoscripting Resources - Methods: Info on a Surface [6]eat-a-bug - Formula Tower [7]workshops factory - Structural Evolution: Ansys and Rhino [8]Beyond The Light Bulb - Grasshopper dynamics - Catenary between 2 pts [9]Far From Equilibrium - Squiggle Script [10]Far From Equilibrium - Nearest Neighbor Script [11]@[uto] - parametric urbanism [12]Geometry Gym - Symmetry and Connectivity [13]tobesch - Numbers of Pi [14]tobesch - ’Random’ Walk of Pi [15]woo jae’s blog - Rhino Grasshopper Worksample [16]wework4her - Squid ne 1? : more WIP : ogl exercise [17]Liquid Tectonics - RhinoHair Alpha 0.1.2 Released 163

[18]NeoArchaic - Break Apart Surface [19]core.form-ula - Event: Wild Child Exhibition

1. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SlWa3G4JQ4I/AAAAAAAAA1Y/7_tnw9tWuHg/s1600-h/NEWS_032.jpg 2. http://crtl-i.com/blog/2009/06/3d-pixelate/ 3. http://crtl-i.com/blog/2009/07/facade-studies/ 4. http://rhinoscriptingresources.blogspot.com/2009/06/methods-parametric-surface.html 5. http://rhinoscriptingresources.blogspot.com/2009/06/methods-info-on-surface.html 6. http://eat-a-bug.blogspot.com/2009/06/formula-tower.html 7. http://workshopsfactory.com/2009/07/02/structural-evolution-ansys-and-rhino/ 8. http://btlb.blogspot.com/2009/07/grasshopper-dynamics-catenary-between-2.html 9. http://farfromequilibrium.blogspot.com/2009/07/squiggle-script.html 10. http://farfromequilibrium.blogspot.com/2009/07/nearest-neighbor-script.html 11. http://utos.blogspot.com/2009/07/paramteric-urbanism.html 12. http://geometrygym.blogspot.com/2009/07/symmetry-and-connectivity.html 13. http://tobesch.wordpress.com/2009/07/01/numbers-of-pi/ 14. http://tobesch.wordpress.com/2009/07/04/random-walk-of-pi/ 15. http://woojsung.com/2009/07/02/rhino-grasshopper-worksample/ 16. http://www.data-tribe.net/wework4her/index.php?entry=entry090705-004134 17. http://liquidtectonics.blogspot.com/2009/07/rhinohair-alpha-012-released.html 18. http://neoarchaicnet.blogspot.com/2009/07/break-apart-surface.html 19. http://www.core.form-ula.com/2009/07/09/event-wild-child-exhibition/

so parametric ... (2009-07-10 11:14)

[1] ”Another blog trying to contribute on parametric research in architecture. Created by Daniel da Rocha, Brazilian architect living in Berlin, Germany” [2]Link al blog

1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SlcHDWnj0SI/AAAAAAAAA1g/L0yCAmtHZbc/s1600-h/soparametric.png 2. http://soparametric.com/


Masters in Advanced Design of Spaces and Materials (2009-07-10 11:32)

[1] Segnalo questo interessantissimo Master in Advanced Design of Spaces and Materials [2]Link al blog [3]Link al sito 1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SlcLYBIIFTI/AAAAAAAAA1o/3JccGrFew8g/s1600-h/masterDisseny.jpg 2. http://ma-s-lab.blogspot.com/2009/07/master-architecture-and-design-in.html 3. http://www.elisava.net/design-space/M_Disseny_Avan/3?id_curs=97

NEWS 033 (2009-07-29 09:39)

[1] [2]LAN - Manufactured Materiality: Intro to Digital Fabrication [3]LAN - Maya Fluid + Grasshopper [4]LAN - Grasshopper <-> Processing talk via UDP [5]Woo Jae’s Blog - Rhino Grasshopper Tutorial [6]Woo Jae’s Blog - Obleo Design Media Interview [7]e-script0 - 090711-parametric bridge Thesis Final project[8]NeoArchaic - The Grassy Knoll [9]wework4her - more OF - maya attempts : Webcams , blob detection , sprites , billBoarding [10]wework4her - Springs and Particles : initiation to a home-brew Solver [11]wework4her - code maquette [12]a-ngine - [Endterm] - Param.ID [13]PROG - Genetic Algorithms [14]Object-e architecture - More CA... [15]workshopsfactory - Catmull-Clark Mesh Smoothing For Rhino [16]eat-a-bug - Chemnitz Stadion [17]eat-a-bug - Read Colors From File 165

[18]Sjet - Selfridges & Co. [19]SoftRigid - Fuse Bench [20]popabczhang - Grasshopper - gmp - SOSC #03 - Outdoor Diving Pool Roof 3D model in browser [21]BFXlog - Learning VB-script [22]Rhinoscripting Resources - Methods: Working with Color [23]Rhinoscripting Resources - Methods: Phyllotaxis [24]Design ReForm - Webinars on DesignReForm? [25]Design ReForm - Rhino Grasshopper - Parametric Truss [26]core.form-ula - 3D2REAL: MDF Honeycomb Structure [27]ctrl-i - Attracted Flows [28]materialecology - My Science @ La Repubblica [29]CAD LOGIC at DIA Dessau - HIGH FASHIO: Group Anastasia Globa & Wan Da [30]LiftArchitects - Grasshopper G-Code Writer for Surface Milling [31]LiftArchitects - Grasshopper G-Code Writer for 2D Shape Milling [32]NeoArchaic - Bezier Constructor [33]Object-e architecture - Fields of noise [34]su11 design - PS Canopy at Siggraph 2009

1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/Sm_94MxJfVI/AAAAAAAAA1w/fxIhvLo_vEM/s1600-h/NEWS_033.jpg 2. http://www.livearchitecture.net/archives/3552 3. http://www.livearchitecture.net/archives/3652 4. http://www.livearchitecture.net/archives/3664 5. http://woojsung.com/2009/07/10/rhino-grasshopper-tutorial-3/ 6. http://woojsung.com/2009/07/11/obleo-design-media-interview/ 7. http://escripto.wordpress.com/2009/07/11/090711-parametric-bridge-thesis-final-project/ 8. http://neoarchaicnet.blogspot.com/2009/07/grassy-knoll.html 9. http://www.data-tribe.net/wework4her/index.php?m=07&y=09&entry=entry090712-111207 10. http://www.data-tribe.net/wework4her/index.php?m=07&y=09&entry=entry090712-110848 11. http://www.data-tribe.net/wework4her/index.php?entry=entry090717-074852 12. http://www.a-ngine.com/2009/07/endterm-paramid.html 13. http://albertopugnale.wordpress.com/2009/07/13/genetic-algorithms/ 14. http://object-e.blogspot.com/2009/07/more-ca.html 15. http://workshopsfactory.com/2009/07/13/catmull-clark-mesh-smoothing-for-rhino/ 16. http://eat-a-bug.blogspot.com/2009/07/chemnitz-stadion.html 17. http://eat-a-bug.blogspot.com/2009/07/read-colors-from-file.html 18. http://sjet.wordpress.com/2009/07/15/selfridges-co/ 19. http://softrigid.com/2009/07/16/fuse-bench/ 20. http://popabczhang.blogspot.com/2009/07/grasshopper-gmp-sosc-03-outdoor-diving.html 21. http://bfxlog.blogspot.com/2009/07/learning-vb-script.html 22. http://rhinoscriptingresources.blogspot.com/2009/07/methods-working-with-color.html 23. http://rhinoscriptingresources.blogspot.com/2009/07/methods-phyllotaxis.html 24. http://designreform.net/2009/07/18/webinars-on-designreform/ 25. http://designreform.net/2009/07/20/rhino-grasshopper-parametric-truss/ 26. http://www.core.form-ula.com/2009/07/21/3d2real-mdf-honeycomb-structure/ 27. http://crtl-i.com/blog/2009/07/attracted-flows/ 28. http://materialecology.blogspot.com/2009/07/my-science-la-repubblica.html 29. http://cadlogikdd.blogspot.com/2009/07/high-fashio-group-anastasia-globa-wan.html 30. http://www.liftarchitects.com/journal/2009/7/28/grasshopper-g-code-writer-for-surface-milling.html 31. http://www.liftarchitects.com/journal/2009/7/28/grasshopper-g-code-writer-for-2d-shape-milling.html 32. http://neoarchaicnet.blogspot.com/2009/07/bezier-constructor.html 33. http://object-e.blogspot.com/2009/07/fields-of-noise.html 34. http://su11.blogspot.com/2009/07/pluripotent-structures-at-siggraph-2009.html


gt2P (2009-07-29 10:09)

[1] Segnalo il [2]sito dei designer cileni Guillermo Parada e Tamara Perez in cui molti dei loro lavori sono sviluppati in rhino e grasshopper. Fra le loro ricerche segnalo l’interessante ”[3]Adaptive Octopus Sun Component” di cui mettono a disposizione i relativi file. [4]Link alle loro realizzazioni su rhinoceros chile. 1. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SnAGG5rHhLI/AAAAAAAAA14/3CeMOCsharE/s1600-h/gt2p.jpg 2. http://www.gt2p.cl/ 3. http://www.gt2p.cl/index.php/2009/06/27/adapative_octopus_sun_component/ 4. http://www.rhino3d.cl/2009/03/sections-voronoi/

Paramétrica D O F (2009-07-29 10:37)

[1] Segnalo il [2]workshop organizzato da [3]Paramétrica: Digital Design Research Group che si terrà presso la [4]FAU - Universidad de Chile dal 24 al 28 di agosto 2009 intitolato ”generative design optimization fabrication”. Evidenzio i tutors : [5]Rodrigo Culagovski [6]Guillermo Parada [7]Diego Pinochet [8]Mario Vergara [9]Andres Gonzalez 1. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SnAMDYUotYI/AAAAAAAAA2A/DLYEQtxxAdU/s1600-h/parametrica+d_o_f.jpg 2. http://www.parametrica.org/2009/07/d_o_f/ 3. http://www.parametrica.org/ 4. http://www.uchilefau.cl/ 5. http://www.culagovski.net/ 6. http://www.gt2p.cl/ 7. http://escripto.wordpress.com/ 8. http://sistemasderepresentacion2.wordpress.com/ 9. http://www.rhino3d.com/


Ernesto Bueno’s Blog (2009-07-29 10:51)

[1] Segnalo il [2]blog dell’architetto e docente Ernesto Bueno. Metto in evidenza anche il [3]workshop ” Design Parametrico” che terrà presso l’[4]Universidade Positivo, Curitiba, Brasile dal 17 al 21 di agosto 2009 dedicato a strategie di progettazione parametrica tramite Grasshopper. 1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SnAOxM8TVrI/AAAAAAAAA2I/AmYqMh8eNi4/s1600-h/ErnestoBueno.jpg 2. http://ernestobueno.blogspot.com/ 3. http://designparametrico-up.blogspot.com/ 4. http://www.up.edu.br/

Generative Scripting at Dessau (2009-07-29 15:08)

[1] ”Generative Scripting is an elective course for the Master of Architecture course at Dessau International Architecture”. Molte interessanti sperimentazioni degli studenti in questi due blog. Vi è anche una relativa pagina wiki dove sono messi a disposizione gli script nella sezione download. [2]Link a Generative Scripting I [3]Link a Generative Scripting II [4]Link a dia scripting Google Code 1.




2. http://gs-i.blogspot.com/ 3. http://gs-ii.blogspot.com/ 4. http://code.google.com/p/diascripting/



ARCNARC (2009-08-05 09:17)

[1] ”ArcNarc is the Blog of Peter Van Hage, a designer and educator in Brooklyn, New York, USA” [2]Link

1. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SnkyQKUsofI/AAAAAAAAA2Y/ErOTh7zDTeI/s1600-h/arcnarc.jpg 2. http://www.arcnarc.com/

BIOS (2009-08-05 09:26)

[1] ”BIOS collective is a working group of academic and professional designers exploring the application of biological patterns to architecture”. Blog di Chris Chalmers e Charles Lee dove si possono trovare alcune ineteressanti sperimentazioni , alcune fatte in grasshopper e rhinoscript. [2]Link

1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/Snk094G8ByI/AAAAAAAAA2g/WmKtwR85PiI/s1600-h/bios.jpg 2. http://biosarch.wordpress.com/


Sherpa (2009-08-10 10:05)

[1] ”advanced automation techniques in the AEC and film industries”. [2]Blog curato da Nick Pisca dedicato alle tecniche digitali nel campo dell’architettura. 1. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/Sn_WGhh1R_I/AAAAAAAAA2o/lkpEN348xu8/s1600-h/Sherpa.jpg 2. http://nickpisca.com/sherpa/

YSOA (2009-08-10 10:39)

[1] Molti interessanti lavori su questo [2]blog di Yheu Shen studente presso l’AA di Londra. 1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/Sn_fYwMV7hI/AAAAAAAAA2w/IEtHnXboVdo/s1600-h/YSOA.jpg 2. http://yheu-shen.blogspot.com/

NEWS 034 (2009-08-11 09:33)

[1] [2]Geometry Gym - Generating Structure in Rhino [3]tobesch.wordpress.com - Bitmap to ASCII Translator [4]isgStudio - 090612 snowflakeTower [5]isgStudio - 090807 copy2edges 170

[6]eSCRIPT-O - 090730 -SHOW ME THE CODE!!!! (RVB) attractor function [7]eSCRIPT-O - 090731- SHOW ME THE CODE!!!-(RVB) automatic unroll [8]ParaClouding.com - Sven Muentel’s Concept Painting Created with ParaCloud GEM [9]ParaClouding.com - Exploring Surfaces with ParaCloud GEM: Overlaping Leafs Panel System [10]WorkshopsFactory - Parametric table [11]WorkshopsFactory - Parametric Table Fabricated [12]Nathan Miller - 3D Supershape in Grasshopper [13]matsys - SFMoMA July Update [14]matsys - Sietch Nevada [15]matsys - S Window [16]Lucio Santos - faceted structures [17]Generative Scripting II - Crowd system - first attempt [18]peer produces space - Teaching at the Msc Adaptive Architecture and Computation [19]BFXlog - Voronoi Attractor 1. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SoEfnNvYY9I/AAAAAAAAA24/H-WcOmcM30w/s1600-h/NEWS_034.jpg 2. http://geometrygym.blogspot.com/2009/07/generating-structure-in-rhino.html 3. http://tobesch.wordpress.com/2009/07/29/bitmap-to-ascii-translator/ 4. http://isgstudio.blogspot.com/2009/06/090612snowflaketower.html 5. http://isgstudio.blogspot.com/2009/08/090807copy2edges.html 6. http://escripto.wordpress.com/2009/07/30/090730-show-me-the-code-rvb-attractor-function/#more-453 7. http://escripto.wordpress.com/2009/07/31/090731-show-me-the-code-rvb-automatic-unroll/ 8. http://paraclouding.com/WP/?p=1928 9. http://paraclouding.com/WP/?p=1955 10. http://workshopsfactory.com/2009/08/02/parametric-table/ 11. http://workshopsfactory.com/2009/08/09/parametric-table-fabricated/ 12. http://nmillerarch.blogspot.com/2009/08/3d-supershape-in-grasshopper.html 13. http://matsysdesign.com/2009/07/13/sfmoma-july-update/ 14. http://matsysdesign.com/2009/06/25/sietch-nevada/ 15. http://matsysdesign.com/2009/06/22/s_window/ 16. http://luciosantos.blogspot.com/2009/08/faceted-structures.html 17. http://gs-ii.blogspot.com/2009/08/crowd-system-first-attempt.html 18. http://michalpiasecki.com/2009/08/07/teaching-at-the-msc-adaptive-architecture-and-computation/ 19. http://bfxlog.blogspot.com/2009/08/voronoi-attractor.html

PaperVillain (2009-08-11 09:46)

[1] Progettato dal gruppo di designer ”[2]the functionality”, [3]PaperVillain è un interessante padiglione che nella sua apparente semplicità coniuga invece tutte le attuali tematiche del design: sostenibilità, riciclo, semplicità di montaggio, funzionalità. [4]Link al pdf relativo 171

1. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SoEjp3_VBuI/AAAAAAAAA3A/w73IflbSyT8/s1600-h/PaperVillain.jpg 2. http://www.thefunctionality.com/ 3. http://www.thefunctionality.com/03_pvn/ 4. http://www.thefunctionality.com/storage/documents/PaperVillain_PRESS.pdf

Design Modelling Symposium Berlin (2009-08-11 09:56)

[1] Segnalo questo evento che si terrà a Berlino dal 05/10 al 07/10/2009. [2]Link 1.


Symposium+Berlin.jpg 2. http://www.design-modelling-symposium.de/intro/index.php?lang=en

Digital Architecture London (2009-08-21 08:13)

[1] Segnalo l’evento ”Digital Architecture London” e la relativa conferenza che si terrà a Londra il 21 Settembre 2009. [2]Link 1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/So47_74G9tI/AAAAAAAAA3o/xwYm0JqvOk0/s1600-h/digital_architecture_ london.jpg 2. http://www.digital-architecture.org/london/


&other (2009-08-21 09:40)

[1] Segnalo a chi fosse interessato che ho iniziato un altra avventura che si chiama ” &other”. Si tratta di un blog complementare a DigitAG & dove posto tutto ciò che vedo di interessante sulla grande rete ma non è strettamente inerente la ricerca architettonica digitale. Per comprendere ciò che dobbiamo progettare è necessario comprendere ciò che ci circonda, le sue dinamiche , i possibili sviluppi e magari tramite i nostri link svelarne le nostre utopie. [2]Link 1. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/So5SLC7U-eI/AAAAAAAAA34/XikHbZi2pOo/s1600-h/andother.jpg 2. http://andother.tumblr.com/

NEWS 035 (2009-08-31 10:50)

[1] [2]Design Reform - Ball State University’s i.M.A.D.E. [3]Sjet - Path Responsive Wall Installed [4]sherpa - MEL Scripting Particle RGB’s according to Image Planes [5]tobesch - Subdivide Space by Point [6]Legil.org - Weaving Rhinoscript [7]Geometry Gym - Interpreting Structural Models with Curved and Tapered Members [8]Geometry Gym - StructDrawRhino takes on the WaterCube [9]BFXlog - Bitmap Terrain [10]BFXlog - Bitmap Colour [11]BFXlog - Bitmap Pattern [12]S.S.S.S. - Processing with Class [13]S.S.S.S. - Processing with Function [14]eSCRIPT-O - 090829 Acoustic ceiling project + Parametrica on the TV (chile) [15]LIFT architects - Testing the Grasshopper G-code Writer for 2D Shape Milling [16]MadeinCalifornia - many post [17]NeoArchaic - Lattice Pipe [18]Eat a bug - Fibonacci Tiling [19]wework4her - Technology , techniques , styles and rest of the jazz [20]wework4her - aa dlab 09 [21]LAN - Grasshopper UDP Receiver 173

[22]LAN - HTWK Leipzig Workshop Results [23]LAN - LaN OnSite BCN2 Workshop Results 1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SpuPsh0TAKI/AAAAAAAAA5Q/W0Twf3Fno8s/s1600-h/NEWS_035.jpg 2. http://designreform.net/2009/08/11/ball-state-universitys-imade-exhibition/ 3. http://sjet.wordpress.com/2009/08/16/path-responsive-wall-installed/ 4. http://nickpisca.com/sherpa/?p=126 5. http://tobesch.wordpress.com/2009/08/18/subdivide-space-by-point/ 6. http://www.legil.org/wordpress/?p=371 7. http://geometrygym.blogspot.com/2009/08/interpreting-structural-models-with.html 8. http://geometrygym.blogspot.com/2009/08/structdrawrhino-takes-on-watercube.html 9. http://bfxlog.blogspot.com/2009/08/bitmap-terrain.html 10. http://bfxlog.blogspot.com/2009/08/bitmap-colour.html 11. http://bfxlog.blogspot.com/2009/08/bitmap-pattern.html 12. http://ssssociety.blogspot.com/2009/08/function-vs-class_23.html 13. http://ssssociety.blogspot.com/2009/08/function-vs-class.html 14. http://escripto.wordpress.com/2009/08/29/090829-acoustic-ceiling-project-parametrica-on-the-tv-chile/ 15.


testing-the-grasshopper-g-code-writer-for-2d-shape-milling.html 16. http://madeincalifornia.blogspot.com/ 17. http://neoarchaic.net/archives/885 18. http://eat-a-bug.blogspot.com/2009/08/fibonacci-tiling.html 19. http://www.data-tribe.net/wework4her/index.php?entry=entry090828-021158 20. http://www.data-tribe.net/wework4her/index.php?entry=entry090823-100925 21. http://www.livearchitecture.net/archives/4096 22. http://www.livearchitecture.net/archives/4079 23. http://www.livearchitecture.net/archives/4038

kram/weisshaar - breeding tables (2009-08-31 14:06)

[1] Un interessante progetto di digital fabrication. [2]Link 1. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/Spu9JfYqzCI/AAAAAAAAA5Y/-DZrbTEgzOs/s1600-h/BREEDING+TABLES.jpg 2. http://www.kramweisshaar.com/projects/breeding-tables.html




Armadillo x Rhino 3d (2009-09-01 11:23)

[1] Interessantissima plug-in (prima denominata ArrayCrvPLUS) sviluppata da [2]Jarek Bieda per Rhino 3d. Dal video si può valutare l’efficacia di questa nuova versione della tool ancora in fase di sviluppo. [3]Link 1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SpzpQ9jwy0I/AAAAAAAAA5g/kw7WuwkefEA/s1600-h/armadillo.jpg 2. http://jarek-rhinoscripts.blogspot.com/ 3. http://jarek-rhinoscripts.blogspot.com/2009/09/armadillo.html

WeaverBird Beta - Giulio Piacentino (2009-09-01 14:07)

[1] ”This is an early release of WeaverBird (version 0.1.16), a plugin for topological transformations in Rhino.”. [2]Giulio Piacentino ha reso disponibile questa interessantissima tool x Rhino 3D. [3]Link 1. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/Sp0PIuD_dCI/AAAAAAAAA5o/9BhVTWdxDsE/s1600-h/WeaverBird.jpg 2. http://www.giuliopiacentino.com/ 3. http://www.giuliopiacentino.com/weaverbird/


ALLABOUTCODE (2009-09-02 09:25)

[1] Non ho parole per commentare i ”tre” blog di questo architetto. Consiglio solo di sfogliare tutti i suoi interessantissimi post. [2]ALLABOUTCODE [3]ALLABOUTARCH [4]ALLABOUTTHINK 1. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/Sp4ex6OVM3I/AAAAAAAAA5w/Nvpp0koltzI/s1600-h/allaboutcode.jpg 2. http://xript.blogspot.com/ 3. http://xarch.blogspot.com/ 4. http://x-arch.blogspot.com/

Deckhands’ Blog (2009-09-02 12:07)

[1] Una vasta collezione di rhinoscript, utili a chi volesse comprenderne la struttura, sono disponibili su questo blog legato al iniziativa [2]DEC|K tenuta dal MIT. [3]Link 1. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/Sp5HVO7888I/AAAAAAAAA54/-rqUW4Pv1pw/s1600-h/deckhands.jpg 2. http://deck.mit.edu/site/about 3. http://deckhands.wordpress.com/

Foral’s Blog (2009-09-03 10:04)

[1] [2]Blog di YAOHUA WANG con alcuni lavori veramente interessanti. [3] 1. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/Sp-T_fYZgmI/AAAAAAAAA6o/yBnE7fSJk14/s1600-h/Foral_Blog.jpg 2. http://foralblog.blogbus.com/ 3. http://foralblog.blogbus.com/logs/45674451.html


digital toolbox (2009-09-04 09:54)

[1] Uno dei migliori collettori di risorse riguardo rhinoceros e grasshopper. [2]Link 1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SqDINodeMlI/AAAAAAAAA6w/t0wWr5c3mvw/s1600-h/digital_toolbox.jpg 2. http://www.digitaltoolbox.info/

wetware 09 (2009-09-10 10:43)

[1] Veramente interessanti i risultati del corso wetware di [2]Alisa Andrasek presso l’ [3]AA DRL Studio. Consiglio il link al video dell’applicazione ”[4]PROBOTICS APPLET V2.0” Inoltre aggiungo i link ai blog dei due team di lavoro: [5]TEAM 1 THE UNDERGROUND [6]TEAM 2 PROBOTICS 1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/Sqi-s9fJUjI/AAAAAAAAA7Q/KEn8Mz0F9gU/s1600-h/wetware.jpg 2. http://www.biothing.org/wiki/doku.php 3. http://www.aaschool.ac.uk/STUDY/aadrl.htm 4. http://wetware09.blogspot.com/2009/09/probotics-applet-v20.html 5. http://d-undergrnd.blogspot.com/ 6. http://www.theprobotics.blogspot.com/


CANactions 2009 (2009-09-11 10:50)

[1] This years CANactions will be held under the aegis of the ÂŤArchitectural ClubÂť in Kiev a public organization which was established during the credit crunch. The main task of the Club is to form an architectural community, strengthen the Ukrainian architecture scene and raise its level to international standards. The CANnaction conference will be followed by an exhibition of more then 25 practices from the Ukraine, Russia, Europe, China and the USA. The exhibition will be accessible to the public from the 25.09.2009 10.10.2009. In parallel the results of a student competition will be displayed. The competition and the festival are supported and sponsored by the Dessau Institute of Architecture (DIA-Dessau). The results of CANactions 2009 will be covered by the architectural magazine !! and an online blog. TOPIC Topic of CANactions 2009 is emerging design tools across generations. This years CANaction is examining the actions and connections between different generations of architects and their relationship to emerging tools. The leap will be made over almost 4 generations of architects culminating in a symposium for the next generation of upcoming Ukrainian architects. As a connection between the different generations of architects we are investigating the influence of architectural schools and mass media, emerging tools and external consultants. The connection between international operating universities such as DIA in Dessau and the mass media is probably the most striking. The universities pass over the knowledge and sometimes develop new tools. But in what way do external consultants such as environmental engineers, structural engineers and landscape architects pass over a certain amount of common knowledge and tools. It is these connections and dialogues to leading external professionals such as AKT, Bollinger+Grohmann, Topotek1 and Transsolar that will be examined and exposed. Due to the internet emerging tools and publications from universities are spread with a high speed worldwide but external specialists are clustered mainly in London and the south of Germany. How does such lack of consultancy influence architectural practice in the Ukraine and what does it mean for the development of the next generation of architects? [2]Website link. [3]Guest, lectures, exhibition and other. Thx to [4]Daniel Dendra x the link

1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SqoQ1ZdFgTI/AAAAAAAAA7Y/60viyAHM-RE/s1600-h/canactions2009.jpg 2. http://canactions.wordpress.com/ 3. http://canactions.wordpress.com/guests/ 4. http://www.anotherarchitect.com/anOther_architect.html


AA DRL Blog (2009-09-11 11:13)

[1] ”This place could function as an alternative to simply emailing each other (or spamming each other!) and a place where we can upload Course stuff, course details, opinions and issues and if succesfull it could function as a daily updated blog.” [2]Link 1. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SqoVRSdu4xI/AAAAAAAAA7g/TVWP5nEgFpM/s1600-h/AA_DRL_Blog.jpg 2. http://aadrl.blogspot.com/

NEWS 036 (2009-09-14 08:52)

[1] [2]Sherpa - Linear Congruence Method of Randomness in RhinoScript [3]eat a bug - Mesh Deformer [4]allaboutcode - xScatter plugin final [5]ctrl-i - Two Surfaces Twisted Box [6]ctrl-i - Pixel-scape [7]matsys - FLUX: Architecture in a Parametric Landscape [8]workshopsfactory - brick wall fabrication [9]woo jae’s blog - Grasshopper Workshop at Cornell Architecture (pdf tutorial) [10]lift architects - Using a Wii Nunchuck to Control Grasshopper [11]lift architects - Using Grasshopper to Control a Pan/Tilt Servo [12]NeoArchaic Studio - [many new scripts] [13]Rhino news - Kubrix® hexahedral meshing in Rhino [14]design reform - SketchUp 7 - Tools, Plugins, and Scripts similar to Rhino, Max, Maya, and Revit [15]Parametrica - Resultados Workshop Parametrica D.O.F. [16]peer produced space - Ars Electronica 2009 [17]Geometry Gym - 3D Printing and Rapid Prototyping [18]LAN - MASSIVE CUSTOMIZATION [19]BIOS - AIASF Parametric Canopy Install Photos [20]Workshops Factory - Protospace 3.0 design proposal/generative procedure [21]ParaMod.net - Intro Rhino Tutorial - Solids [22]ParaMod.net - Rhino - Misc Modeling Tips 179

1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/Sq3o_n-MJTI/AAAAAAAAA7o/yldmjugWIYE/s1600-h/NEWS_036.jpg 2. http://nickpisca.com/sherpa/?p=208 3. http://eat-a-bug.blogspot.com/2009/09/mesh-deformer.html 4. http://xript.blogspot.com/2009/09/xscatter-plugin-final.html 5. http://crtl-i.com/blog/2009/09/two-surface-twisted-box/ 6. http://crtl-i.com/blog/2009/08/pixel-scape/ 7. http://matsysdesign.com/2009/06/25/flux-architecture-in-a-parametric-landscape/ 8. http://workshopsfactory.com/2009/09/07/brick-wall_fabrication/ 9. http://woojsung.com/2009/09/09/grasshopper-workshop-at-cornell-architecture/ 10. http://www.liftarchitects.com/journal/2009/9/8/using-a-wii-nunchuck-to-control-grasshopper.html 11. http://www.liftarchitects.com/journal/2009/9/12/using-grasshopper-to-control-a-pantilt-servo.html 12. http://neoarchaic.net/resources/tools 13. http://blog.rhino3d.com/2009/09/kubrix-hexahedral-meshing-in-rhino.html 14.


//designreform.net/2009/09/sketchup-7-tools-plugins-and-scripts-similar-to-rhino-max-maya-and-revit/ 15. http://www.parametrica.org/2009/09/resultados-workshop-parametrica-d-o-f/ 16. http://michalpiasecki.com/2009/09/10/ars-electronica-2009/ 17. http://geometrygym.blogspot.com/2009/09/3d-printing-and-rapid-prototyping.html 18. http://www.livearchitecture.net/archives/4269 19. http://biosarch.wordpress.com/2009/09/13/aiasf-parametric-canopy/ 20. http://workshopsfactory.com/2009/09/11/protospace-3-0-design-proposalgenerative-procedure/ 21. http://paramod2.blogspot.com/2009/09/intro-rhino-tutorial-soilds.html 22. http://paramod2.blogspot.com/2009/09/rhino-misc-modeling-tips.html

Attitude Geometries (2009-09-15 08:09)

[1] �Architecture Design Physics Math Sound Music by Joerg Guettgemanns� [2]Link



jpg 2. http://attitudegeometries.wordpress.com/


Explode BReps @ UVa (2009-09-15 08:13)

[1] ”Representational Research at the [2]University of Virginia School of Architecture” Moltissime risorse inerenti Grasshopper su questo interessantissimo blog. Consiglio di sfogliarne tutti i post. [3]Link

1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/Sq8x5dPoM4I/AAAAAAAAA74/LNuVlcJ-IAk/s1600-h/explodebreps.jpg 2. http://www.arch.virginia.edu/ 3. http://explodebreps.wordpress.com/

Digital Futures (2009-09-17 08:59)

[1] Interessantissimo [2]blog dedicato alla ricerca architettonica digitale al [3]Pratt Insitute. Segnalo i post: [4]sinusoidal wall of Eladio Dieste studies 001 [5]Rhino3d Image Reader Script 1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SrHfXKRCpmI/AAAAAAAAA8A/ksxHdACzz8c/s1600-h/digital_futures.jpg 2. http://www.digitalfutures.info/ 3. http://www.pratt.edu/academics/architecture/ 4. http://www.digitalfutures.info/1/sinusoidal-wall-of-eladio-dieste-studies-001%20/ 5. http://www.digitalfutures.info/1/rhino3d-image-reader-script%20/


Divergent Forces (2009-09-17 09:09)

[1] ”Divergent Forces is a design paper taught at the [2]University of Auckland, School of Architecture by Derek Kawiti and Patrick Loo (3rd year co-ordinators), Mike Davis and Ian Scott (4th year coordinators).” [3]Link 1. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SrHhvNHQDCI/AAAAAAAAA8I/HzTZMSUJxqQ/s1600-h/divergent_forces.jpg 2.


architecture-and-planning/ 3. http://divergentforces.wordpress.com/

Divergent Forces (2009-09-17 09:09) ”Divergent Forces is a design paper taught at the University of Auckland, School of Architecture by Derek Kawiti and Patrick Loo (3rd year co-ordinators), Mike Davis and Ian Scott (4th year co-ordinators).”

generative design computing (2009-09-18 09:22)

[1] ”Generative Design Computing.net is a site that focuses on the utilization of computers in the design and fabrication of architecture, objects, installations, experimental work... The site primarily functions in support of several classes that I conduct at the Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning at the University of Michigan. They are Arch 591: Generative Design Computing, Arch 571: Digital Fabrication, and Arch 421: Geometric Modeling in addition to Graduate Design Studios. The site is also both an archive of video tutorials generated from those courses and a digital sketchbook of student work and related digital productions.” [2]Glenn Wilcox blog 182



computing.jpg 2. http://digifabclass.blogspot.com/

mayation (2009-09-30 15:48)

[1] ”Mayation is a research blog for A. Benjasem which offers algorithmic explorations using Maya Embedded Language”. [2]Link 1. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SsNhyblm2RI/AAAAAAAAA9I/M3mBsu4thjQ/s1600-h/mayation.jpg 2. http://mayation.wordpress.com/

echorost (2009-09-30 15:53)

[1] ”echorost resonance of architecture, design, computation & ecology”. Blog degli architetti Martin Kaftan, Jaroslav Hulín e JiYí Pavlí ek. [2]Link 1. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SsNj3oJtmAI/AAAAAAAAA9Q/JxpbDnho5Ds/s1600-h/Echorost.jpg 2. http://echorost.com/


e1nszue1ns (2009-09-30 15:59)

[1] ”a research design study - the invertible cube ”paul schatz wurfel” as a module of a algorithmic growing topology, different opening conditions and assembly possibilities provide an experimental structure for the public space”. [2]Link 1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SsNlXVFXwGI/AAAAAAAAA9Y/HuTIgfLpjvM/s1600-h/e1nszue1ns.jpg 2. http://twoday.tuwien.ac.at/e1nszue1ns/



NEWS 037 (2009-10-01 10:01)

[1] [2]so parametric - solar position in grasshopper [3]eat a bug - Tracking with Processing and Grasshopper [4]ParaMod.net - Digital Project - Beginner Solid Modeling [5]Space Symmetry Structure - Mixed sketches [6]Geometry Gym - Oasys GSA v8.4 [7]Explode BReps @ UVa - many posts [8]MadeInCalifornia - Radiolarian vector deformation [9]Rhino Surface / Soild to Line Drawing [10]SmartSurfaces - Digital Project Theo Jansen Tutorial [11]SmartSurfaces - Digital Project PowerCopy Sun Tracker [12]SoftRigid - ceiling 01 [13]Ernesto Bueno’s Blog - Radiolarian Egg Pavilion [14]BIOS - Unrolling Surfaces in Grasshopper [15]LAN - Grasshopper connection to OpenOffice [16]LAN - Rhinoscript connection to OpenOffice [17]divergent forces - Planning [18]Fun - Co-Office XinDanWei (Shanghai) [19]Fun - Ever changing Pavilion [20]Fun - Index information Architecture 184

[21]Sherpa - Rhinoscript Laser Notching Script from 2004 [22]The Geometry of Bending - Geodesics on a Cone [23]Rhino news - RhinoScript at Caliper Studio[24] [25]sac3’s digital plastic - Grasshopper | image sampler 1. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SsRi_0LeBnI/AAAAAAAAA9g/0XA4oNSq4bQ/s1600-h/NEWS_037.jpg 2. http://soparametric.com/2009/09/14/solar-position-in-grasshopper/ 3. http://eat-a-bug.blogspot.com/2009/09/tracking-with-processing-and.html 4. http://paramod2.blogspot.com/2009/09/digital-project-beginner-solid-modeling.html 5. http://spacesymmetrystructure.wordpress.com/2009/09/14/mixed-sketches/ 6. http://geometrygym.blogspot.com/2009/09/oasys-gsa-v84.html 7. http://explodebreps.wordpress.com/ 8. http://madeincalifornia.blogspot.com/2009/09/radiolarian-vector-deformation-01.html 9. http://paramod2.blogspot.com/2009/09/rhino-surface-soild-to-line-drawing.html 10. http://paramod2.blogspot.com/2009/09/smartsurfaces-digital-project-theo.html 11. http://paramod2.blogspot.com/2009/09/smartsurfaces-digital-project-powercopy.html 12. http://softrigid.com/2009/09/23/ceiling-_01/ 13. http://ernestobueno.blogspot.com/2009/09/radiolarian-egg-pavilion.html 14. http://biosarch.wordpress.com/2009/09/23/unrolling-surfaces-in-grasshopper/ 15. http://www.livearchitecture.net/archives/4333 16. http://www.livearchitecture.net/archives/4329 17. http://divergentforces.wordpress.com/2009/09/27/planning/ 18. http://www.hhdfun.com/?p=762 19. http://www.hhdfun.com/?p=740 20. http://www.hhdfun.com/?p=788 21. http://nickpisca.com/sherpa/?p=232 22. http://thegeometryofbending.blogspot.com/2009/09/geodesics-on-cone.html 23. http://blog.rhino3d.com/2009/09/rhinoscript-at-caliper-studio.html 24. http://explodebreps.wordpress.com/2009/09/30/adaptable-erosion-path/ 25. http://sac3.blogspot.com/2009/10/grasshopper-image-sampler.html

Live Components - NY (2009-10-05 11:43)

[1] ”This is Hyoung-gul Kook(HG)’s blog about study of parametric design using Rhino Grasshopper”. [2]Link 185

1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SsnALH3uH9I/AAAAAAAAA9o/eoGOcPkg1u4/s1600-h/live_components.jpg 2. http://livecomponents-ny.com/

&.yet another script? (2009-10-05 11:54)

[1] Alcuni interessanti post relativi all’esplorazione matematica in grasshopper. [2]Link al blog di Karthik Dondeti, studente della [3]Harvard University. 1.


jpg 2. http://yetanotherscript.wordpress.com/ 3. http://www.gsd.harvard.edu/

paraPATRICists (2009-10-05 12:06)

[1] Blog di Daniel Reist, Christoph Hermann e Alex Karaivanov presso la masterclass di zaha hadid alla University for Applied Arts in Vienna. [2]Link 1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SsnIViMsf2I/AAAAAAAAA94/xKdA3QAcIJo/s1600-h/parapatricist.jpg 2. http://parapatricists.blogspot.com/


AAET (2009-10-19 17:17)

[1] ”This site is a work in progress and provided to the web by the students from The School of Architecture in Copenhagen, Denmark Department for Architecture, Experiment and Technology. The material provided here are student’s works and the images and the text material is gathered or written by the stents during their studies and released under the CC-license (Creative Commons). ” [2]Link

1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/StyDedvX6-I/AAAAAAAAA-A/Fjk0SK7Qbqg/s1600-h/AAET.jpg 2. http://www.aaet.dk/

complexitys - Geometrie et architecture complexe (2009-10-20 09:57)

[1] Recente ed interessante [2]blog dello studio [3]HDA Paris. ”This blog is a research platform about architecture and complex geometry. We would like to build a space for open debate on contemporary architecture and new technologies issues.” (I really like this words: ”Like a small but growing number of other architecture offices, we believe that sharing content can be useful, productive and not anti-economic. In other words, we believe in an Open Culture.”) 1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/St1vd7cYSDI/AAAAAAAAA-I/5fKpW2L3NWk/s1600-h/complexitys.jpg 2. http://complexitys.com/ 3. http://hda-paris.com/












(2009-10-20 10:16)

evento legato a: [1]AAST - Advanced Architecture Settimo Tokyo - Biennale 2009 - 2011

[2] Date & Tutors: 16, 17, 18 novembre Gehry Technologies Tutors 19,20,21 novembre Tutors: - Federico Rossi (Zaha Hadid Architects, Technical Tutor in Diploma School at Architectural Association) - Edmondo Occhipinti (Senior Project Consultant Gehry Tecnologies, [3]edmondo occhipinti architect) Luogo: MusicLab, la Suoneria, Via Partigiani 4 - Settimo T.se (To) Costi workshop: - Studenti ¬ 400,00 - Soci CASARTARC ¬ 450,00 - Professionisti ¬ 500,00 PREISCRIZIONE 20 gg prima l’inizio del workshop cui si intende partecipare di ¬ 100,00 SALDO 8 gg prima del workshop prescelto SCONTI a chi partecipa a più workshop: 10 % della quota intera per l’iscrizione al secondo e terzo workshop (avendo frequentato il primo) 30 % della quota intera per l’iscrizione al quarto e quinto workshop (avendo frequentato i primi tre) Costo tessera CASARTARC ¬ 15,00 Per iscrizioni: CASARTARC - Casa delle Arti e dell’Architettura - La Giardinera tel. [4]info@casartarc.org

1. http://aast09.wordpress.com/ 2. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/St10mbL3UhI/AAAAAAAAA-Q/Sf1fIM_bm_Q/s1600-h/aast_workshop_5.jpg 3. http://edmondocchipinti.blogspot.com/ 4. http://www.blogger.com/info@casartarc.org


Frikearq - Arquitectura ParamĂŠtrica (2009-10-20 14:23)

[1] [2]Blog di Miguel Vidal con alcuni post inerenti grasshopper. 1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/St2tEShmhPI/AAAAAAAAA-Y/i78ViK1x3Z8/s1600-h/Frikearq.jpg 2. http://wichi.es/

MORPHOCODE (2009-10-20 14:35)

[1] Interessante [2]blog con una sezione [3]LAB contenente materiale inerente Generative Components e Grasshopper. 1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/St2wCMwHGZI/AAAAAAAAA-g/Bmw14NtuADw/s1600-h/morphocode.jpg 2. http://morphocode.com/blog/en/ 3. http://morphocode.com/lab/en/


3ÂŞ Edition Premio PFC 2009 (2009-10-21 10:53)

[1] Award Details As in previous editions, the aim of this award is to encourage research and refection among architecture students. The present edition of 2009 wants to deepen in the double condition of our daily work: at the same time local and global. As architects, we work in a cross-cultural and diverse reality, using a big variety of media and tools. At the same time, we are affected by the homogenization process of globalization, digital technology and communication. The aim of this competition is to refect and to contrast all this complexity.The brief for the competition is free of topic. The jury will select Final Year Diploma Projects that, taking into account specifc geographical and cultural issues, provide a creative and innovative architectural answer in the ambivalent feld of attention to local and global scales, from affordable technology to maximum possible innovation. Organizers [2]ACXT Architects, is a team of professionals who aim to take a multi-disciplinary and cross-cultural approach to architecture. It is a part of the engineering group IDOM, from which it has inherited its philosophy of teamwork and action. [3]IDOM, is an international frm offering multi-disciplinary professional services. It has offces and professionals working worldwide, mainly specialising in Consultancy, Engineering and Architecture. [4]Link [5]Download Poster [6]Download Registration form

1. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/St7PHzsoN7I/AAAAAAAAA-o/GJsf6knkZ4k/s1600-h/PFC+2009.jpg 2. http://www.acxt.net/ 3. http://www.idom.es/index.php 4. http://premioacxtidompfc.wordpress.com/ 5. http://premioacxtidompfc.files.wordpress.com/2009/06/poster_0091.pdf 6. http://premioacxtidompfc.files.wordpress.com/2009/06/formulario4.pdf


Field Line Urbanism (2009-10-21 12:18)

[1] ”Journal on a team’s investigation with Parametric Urbanism, A brief of the Design Research Laboratory at the Architectural Association.” [2]Link

1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/St7gIduB8GI/AAAAAAAAA-w/YFA9-QccEeU/s1600-h/Field_line_urbanism. jpg 2. http://aadrlfluxi.blogspot.com/

Book: Bootstrapping Complexity (2009-10-21 13:22)

[1] [2]Kevin Kelly’s ”Out of Control” book remixed by [3]Andreas Lloyd [4]Link alla pagina del download 1. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/St7wU7nkHNI/AAAAAAAAA-4/a7bOu4ojA64/s1600-h/OoCRemix.jpg 2. http://kk.org/kk/ 3. http://eskar.dk/andreas/outofcontrol/ 4. http://eskar.dk/andreas/outofcontrol/


NEWS 038 (2009-10-26 15:15)

[1] [2]Space Symmetry Structure - Medial Axes / Voronoi skeletons [3]Space Symmetry Structure - Twisting branches [4]Geometry Gym - Extruding along Rhino Curves [5]Geometry Gym - Infinity Bridge - Supreme Award for Structural Engineering Excellence [6]neoarchaic - Randomizer [7]neoarchaic - Point the Way [8]wework4her - anything to add to fantastic mr.gaudi ? [9]Liquid tectonics - RhinoScript Plugin - Mesh/Texture Tools [10]yet another script? - Exploring computation [excerpts - under graduate thesis] [11]yet another script? - �Writing surfaces� [parametric variants - Mathcad] [12]Un Didi - Grasshopper Boids/Agents [13]SoftRigid - ornamental connectivity bench [14]BIOS - Explorations in 3d Printing [15]Digital Futures - Digital Tracery: Lawrence Blough and Aaron White [16]eat-a-bug - Dreidle Urbanism [17]eat-a-bug - Armillary Sphere [18]Live Components - 8.3 Transformable Structure [19]LAN - Alternate Interface: Control Grasshopper from iPod [20]object-e.net - Protocol Infrastructure [21]g.d.e.s. - GenerativeComponents - EnergyPlus, Connection (wip) [22]isgstudio - 091025 isosurf 1. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SuWv69D-aLI/AAAAAAAAA_A/8YHY-quQmY8/s1600-h/NEWS_038.jpg 2. http://spacesymmetrystructure.wordpress.com/2009/10/05/medial-axes-voronoi-skeletons/ 3. http://spacesymmetrystructure.wordpress.com/2009/10/19/twisting-branches/ 4. http://geometrygym.blogspot.com/2009/10/extruding-along-rhino-curves.html 5. http://geometrygym.blogspot.com/2009/10/infinity-bridge-supreme-award-for.html 6. http://neoarchaic.net/archives/901 7. http://neoarchaic.net/archives/899 8. http://www.data-tribe.net/wework4her/index.php?entry=entry091011-105203 9. http://liquidtectonics.blogspot.com/2009/10/rhinoscript-plugin-meshtexture-tools.html 10. http://yetanotherscript.wordpress.com/2009/10/06/exploring-computation-excerpts-under-graduate-thesis/ 11. http://yetanotherscript.wordpress.com/2009/10/21/mathcad-parametric-variants/ 12. http://dimitrie.wordpress.com/2009/10/17/grasshopper-boidsagents/ 13. http://softrigid.com/2009/10/20/ornamental-connectivity_bench/ 14. http://biosarch.wordpress.com/2009/10/08/explorations-in-3d-printing/ 15. http://www.digitalfutures.info/1/digital-tracery-lawrence-blough-and-aaron-white%20/ 16. http://eat-a-bug.blogspot.com/2009/09/dreidle-urbansim.html 17. http://eat-a-bug.blogspot.com/2009/10/armillary-sphere.html 18. http://livecomponents-ny.com/2009/10/18/8-3-transformable-structure/ 19. http://www.livearchitecture.net/archives/4489 20. http://object-e.net/?p=509 21. http://www.designemergente.org/emergence/generativecomponents-energyplus-connection-wip/ 22. http://isgstudio.blogspot.com/2009/10/091025isosurf.html


Alessandro Baricco: ”I barbari e la mutazione” (2009-10-26 15:25)

[1] ”lunga lezione che Alessandro Baricco ha tenuto al cinema Anteo di Milano il 22 maggio su i barbari e la mutazione”. Non credo sia un off-topic. Una grande lezione riguardo i cambiamenti in atto. Link al libro ”[2]I barbari: saggio sulla mutazione” Link al video (8 parti) [3]Alessandro Baricco: ”I barbari e la mutazione” - Puntata 1 [4]Alessandro Baricco: ”I barbari e la mutazione” - Puntata 2 [5]Alessandro Baricco: ”I barbari e la mutazione” - Puntata 3 [6]Alessandro Baricco: ”I barbari e la mutazione” - Puntata 4 [7]Alessandro Baricco: ”I barbari e la mutazione” - Puntata 5 [8]Alessandro Baricco: ”I barbari e la mutazione” - Puntata 6 [9]Alessandro Baricco: ”I barbari e la mutazione” - Puntata 7 [10]Alessandro Baricco: ”I barbari e la mutazione” - Puntata 8 1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SuW1oIveAQI/AAAAAAAAA_Q/SwwSJUIjais/s1600-h/i_barbari.JPG 2.


1101&cat3=20121&page=1&pub=4&srch=0&dscSlt=2&layout=2 3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gejrNkGWjec 4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0pSU76yO_w&feature=channel 5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KS6B5Z3vERM&feature=channel 6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xNelOv9KZvc&feature=channel 7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G_CZbUqL1r8&feature=channel 8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=izOWBTOoS3Q&feature=channel 9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_v1ubhL4Qk&feature=channel 10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-HJkCZn7J8&feature=channel

nss::. (2009-10-30 09:55)

[1] Blog di Bolojan Daniel con molti interessanti post relativi all’uso di grasshopper. [2]Link 1. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SuqtRwAgvwI/AAAAAAAAA_c/j0hR-Be_4Dk/s1600-h/nss.jpg 2. http://nonstandardstudio.wordpress.com/


”casadetodos” e Geo Systems di Veronica Arcos (2009-10-30 10:25)

[1] Da un po’ di tempo seguivo ”Geo Systems” ovvero il blog di Veronica Arcos (architetto cileno) ed oggi voglio segnalare sia il suo [2]blog ma soprattutto la sua realizzazione ”casadetodos” pubblicata sia su [3]ArchDaily che [4]Plataforma Arquitectura. 1. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SuqyeqI2OtI/AAAAAAAAA_k/8J6JJqv9SRQ/s1600-h/Veronica_arcos.jpg 2. http://veronicaarcos.wordpress.com/ 3. http://www.archdaily.com/39268/casadetodos-veronica-arcos/casadeotodos-arcos-photo-by-gonzalo-puga-17/ 4. http://www.plataformaarquitectura.cl/2009/10/29/casadetodos-veronica-arcos/



theory to practice - lectures (2009-11-02 09:10)

[1] Practice without theory is blind. Theory without practice is sterile. [Confucius] Contemporary approach to architectural project cannot leave aside its intrinsic nature of a dynamic coagulation of matter, energy and information in several interlocking degrees of complexity within the dynamic evolutive reality continuum. To that extent, project is a strongly stochastic act (statistic-probabilistic) in the attempt to manage the interplaying dynamics. The definition of Orbital, the fraction of space with highest probability to contain a particle within, gives a good description both of this stochastic condition and of the possibility to define an ehetrogeneity of possible approaches, trajectories traced from theory to practice. Theory that influences the act of practice, which is the necessary medium of the feedbacks by which theory itself nourishes and evolves. The invited hosts have all foun their own trajectory and thorugh their experience they will speak about aspects, potential, experiences, evolutions, criticalities. L’approccio contemporaneo al progetto di architettura non può più prescindere dalla propria natura di organizzazione e coagulazione dinamica di energia, materia e informazioni in numerosi e intercalanti gradi di complessità nel flusso evolutivo continuo della realtà. In questo panorama il progetto si presenta come un atto di natura fortemente stocastica (statisticoprobabilistica) nel tentare di gestire le dinamiche in gioco. L’orbitale, ossia la parte dello spazio entro la quale è massima la probabilità di trovare una particella, ben descrive sia questa situazione sia la possibilità di individuare una eterogeneità di possibili approcci, traiettorie tracciate dalla teoria alla professione. Teoria che influenza l’agire nella professione, la quale è il necessario terreno di coltura dei feedback di cui la teoria stessa si nutre e da cui evolve. Gli ospiti invitati hanno tutti individuato una propria traiettoria e attraverso la loro esperienza ne racconteranno aspetti, potenziale, esperienze, evoluzioni, criticità. 194

29.10 Matias del Campo SPAN Architects Vienna 09.11 Marco Vanucci O P E N S Y S T E M - AKT London 19.11 AI Studio Copenhagen 26.11 Filippo Innocenti Zaha Hadid Architects Roma 03.12 Ludovico Lombardi Zaha Hadid Architects London [2]t2p poster all 6.pdf Con un (imperdonabile) ritardo segnalo questa serie di interessantissime lectures organizzate dal [3]Prof. Alessio Erioli (Corso di Architettura e Composizione Architettonica 3 L-Z) presso la [4]Facoltà di Ingegneria dell’Università di Bologna (DAPT - Dipartimento di Architettura e Pianicazione Territoriale). Lo scorso giovedì si è tenuta la [5]prima ”lecture” a cura di [6]Matias del Campo - SPAN architects Vienna. Lascio giudicare a voi, leggendo i primi [7]commenti postati sul social network del corso - ”[8]ar.ca3”, quanto tali tematiche siano interessanti ed il relativo dibattito acceso e vivace ma sintomo di un fermento fra gli studenti e comunque di un panorama che molto lentamente sta inevitabilmente cambiando. 1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/Su6YUA2N8KI/AAAAAAAAA_s/L9N9tEXFX9U/s1600-h/t2p_banner.jpg 2. http://api.ning.com/files/NLnHiIJMPC7RVwkXI9dHKpiZZR5viib*r*K9o42V8iA_/t2p_poster_all_6.pdf 3.


2009&IdComponenteAF=336884&CodDocente=035700 4. http://www.ing.unibo.it/Ingegneria/default.htm 5.


3A1016&x=1#4095693Comment1016 6. http://www.span-arch.com/ 7.


3A1016&x=1#4095693Comment1016 8. http://ar-ca3.ning.com/

(2009-11-02 09:10) Con un (imperdonabile) ritardo segnalo questa serie di interessantissime lectures organizzate dal Porf. Alessio Erioli

decod.es (2009-11-02 10:54)

[1] [2]Blog di un corso del [3]Pratt Institute con numerosi post inerenti sia l’uso di grasshopper che alcune interessanti sperimentazioni. Segnalo i post: [4]proposed skin design301 [5]T Allen PS2 1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/Su6wvKjds4I/AAAAAAAAA_0/Nx6psRvEkSA/s1600-h/decodes.jpg 2. http://decod.es/




certificate_programs/computer_graphics/ 4. http://decod.es/?p=252 5. http://decod.es/?p=203

NEWS 039 (2009-11-04 11:04)

[1] [2]g.d.e.s. - GenerativeComponents <-> EnergyPlus, connection (updated) [3]eSCRIPT-O - 091101- SHOW ME THE CODE!!! celullar rhitomata (celular automata in rhinoscript) [4]fun - fun move to www.hhdfun.com [5]HHD FUN - Another Swarm Intelligence Algorithm [6]MadeinCalifornia - Mesh transform 01 [7]ParaMod.net - Knowledge Pattern Tutorial [8]workshops factory - Brick wall-3d print [9]wetware 09 - Some parallels to what we are proposing [10]AAET - Tutorial 6 - Production: Volume Slicer etc. [11]complexitys - tenségrité: recherche et construit. [12]opensystem - 091027 Reciprocal Frames [13]DS:13 - 20091026 Grasshopper Introductory Workshop [14]e-cloud - Th. final thesis projects @ Università di Bologna: 1 of 3 [15]ParaMod.net - Knowledge Pattern Tweek [16]workshops factory - CATIA Threshold Lattice [17]GeometryGym - British Museum Great Court Roof using StructDrawRhino [18]eat-a-bug - Sun-Shade Machine [19]isgStudio - 091029 struts [20]Nathan Miller - Quadrangular Flat Panels in Grasshopper [21]peer produced space - NURBS surface in Processing [22]design ReForm - Rhino Grasshopper - Walkway Part 01 - Creating a Soild Surface 1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SvFSn1e8bUI/AAAAAAAAA_8/hhxzTQ8bLn8/s1600-h/NEWS_039.jpg 2. http://www.designemergente.org/emergence/generativecomponents-energyplus-connection-updated/ 3.


091101-show-me-the-code-celullar-rhitomata-celular-automata-in-rhinoscript/ 4. http://www.hhdfun.com/ 5. http://www.hhdfun.com/?p=852 6. http://madeincalifornia.blogspot.com/2009/10/mesh-deform-01.html 7. http://paramod2.blogspot.com/2009/11/knowledge-pattern-tutorial.html 8. http://workshopsfactory.com/2009/10/30/brick-wall-3d-print/ 9. http://d-undergrnd.blogspot.com/2009/10/some-parallels-to-what-we-are-proposing.html 10. http://www.aaet.dk/2009/10/tutorial-6-volume-slicer/ 11. http://complexitys.com/we-like/tensegrite-recherche-et-construit/ 12. http://www.opensysdesign.com/2009/10/blog-post_27.html 13. http://ds13.uforg.net/2009/10/20091026-grasshopper-introductory-workshop/ 14. http://ale2x72.blogspot.com/2009/11/th-final-thesis-projects-universita-di.html 15. http://paramod2.blogspot.com/2009/11/knowledge-pattern-tweek.html 16. http://workshopsfactory.com/2009/11/02/catia-threshold-lattice/ 17. http://geometrygym.blogspot.com/2009/11/british-museum-great-court-roof-using.html


18. http://eat-a-bug.blogspot.com/2009/10/sun-shade-machine.html 19. http://isgstudio.blogspot.com/2009/10/091029struts.html 20. http://nmillerarch.blogspot.com/2009/10/quadrangular-flat-panels-by-brute-force.html 21. http://michalpiasecki.com/2009/10/26/nurbs-surface-in-processing/ 22. http://designreform.net/2009/11/rhino-grasshopper-3d-creating-a-soild-surface/

Six Scripts for Blossfeldt (2009-11-09 10:12)

[1] Interessantissimo elaborato pubblicato da P. Casey Mahon su Issuu. ”The project was to study the photographs of Karl Blossfeldt and to generate 6 definitions based on the geometric analysis of the plant forms” [2]Link al documento su Issuu [3]Link al post sul forum di Grasshopper 1.


//3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/Svfd5JGZ4eI/AAAAAAAABAc/dTIjJhXOxok/s1600-h/SixScriptsxBlossfeldt.jpg 2.


com/v/light/layout.xml 3. http://www.grasshopper3d.com/profiles/blogs/six-scripts-for-blossfeldt

NEWS 040 (2009-11-23 11:28)

[1] [2]MadeInCalifornia - Phyllotaxis System 05 [3]MadeInCalifornia - Flow component 01 [4]a-ngine - [VisGraph] - Space Analysis [5]eSCRIPT-O - 091105 FOAMY STUFF weaire phelam structures (SOOOOOO WIP) [6]eSCRIPT-O - 091105 SHOW ME THE CODE!! pythomata (cellular automata in python) [7]eSCRIPT-O - 091105 WF foam + celullar automata- (wip wip wip!!!) [8]Ernesto Bueno’s Blog - ’Rhino3D’ and ’Gh3D’ as Rhino and Grasshopper Blog Tags [9]yet another script? - Chronicles of the parametric disaster! [10]Explode BReps @ UVa - Grasshopper Network Exploration [11]Live Components - 8.4 PYRAMID STRUCTURE 197

[12]Sherpa - Swarming Sub Functions for Finding Closest Agents in MEL [13]BFXlog - Box Tree [14]e1nszue1ns - Paul Schatz Pavilion - video [15]eat-a-bug - cairo tiling [16]eat-a-bug - Cairo Attractor [17]4ofseven - 0910M4 [WS] Parametric Workshop [18]@[uto] - field studies [19]yet another script? - Psuedo realtime Daylight Simulations [20]core.form-ula - hard.core:Build you own CNC [21]matsys - Diploid Lamp Series [22]Bios Design Collective - Sustainable Skyscraper [23]complexitys - Combining scripts and structural computations to solve complex engineering problems [24]echorost - CNC generative paths test [25]LAN - IaaC: ArboReal Studio Video [26]ModeLab - many updates [27]sherpa - Automated Map Placement on Surfaces with MEL [28]the geometry of bending - developable fork [29]theoremas - MALBEC splashing and toasting

1. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SwplizEYl-I/AAAAAAAABA8/Vh4qnvizfPo/s1600/NEWS_040.jpg 2. http://madeincalifornia.blogspot.com/2009/11/phyllotaxis-system-05.html 3. http://madeincalifornia.blogspot.com/2009/11/flow-component-01.html 4. http://www.a-ngine.com/2009/11/visgraph-space-analysis.html 5. http://escripto.wordpress.com/2009/11/05/091105-foamy-stuff-weaire-phelam-structures-soooooo-wip/ 6. http://escripto.wordpress.com/2009/11/05/091105_show-me-the-code-pythomata-cellular-automata-in-python/ 7. http://escripto.wordpress.com/2009/11/05/091105_celullar-foam-automata-wip-wip-wip/ 8. http://ernestobueno.blogspot.com/2009/11/rhino3d-and-gh3d-as-rhino-and.html 9. http://yetanotherscript.wordpress.com/2009/11/07/chronicles-of-the-parametric-disaster/ 10. http://explodebreps.wordpress.com/2009/11/05/grasshopper-network-exploration/ 11. http://livecomponents-ny.com/2009/11/09/8-4-pyramid-structure/ 12. http://nickpisca.com/sherpa/?p=260 13. http://bfxlog.blogspot.com/2009/11/box-tree.html 14. http://twoday.tuwien.ac.at/e1nszue1ns/stories/329226/ 15. http://eat-a-bug.blogspot.com/2009/11/cairo-tiling.html 16. http://eat-a-bug.blogspot.com/2009/11/cairo-attractor.html 17. http://fourof7.blogspot.com/2009/11/0910m4wsparametric-workshop.html 18. http://utos.blogspot.com/2009/11/field-studies.html 19. http://yetanotherscript.wordpress.com/2009/11/22/psuedo-realtime-daylight-simulations/ 20. http://www.core.form-ula.com/2009/11/19/hardcorebuild-you-own-cnc/ 21. http://matsysdesign.com/2009/11/19/diploid-lamp-series/ 22. http://biosarch.wordpress.com/2009/11/21/sustainable-skyscraper/ 23.


combining-scripts-and-structural-computations-to-solve-complex-engineering-problems-%E2%80% 93-use-of-the-straus7-application-programming-interface/ 24. http://echorost.com/?p=1169&lang=cz 25. http://www.livearchitecture.net/archives/4817 26. http://modelab.nu/ 27. http://nickpisca.com/sherpa/?p=266 28. http://thegeometryofbending.blogspot.com/2009/11/developable-fork.html 29. http://theoremas-gabe00fab.blogspot.com/2009/11/malbec.html


Intensive Fields 2009 (2009-11-26 10:37)

[1] Un evento che non ha bisogno di commenti. [2]Link 1. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/Sw5Mmg2iFLI/AAAAAAAABBE/eVFqA_qaEwQ/s1600/intensive_fields.PNG 2. http://arch-pubs.usc.edu/INTENSIVEFIELDS/



4of7 architecture - website (2009-12-04 10:46)

[1] Segnalo oltre all’ultimo post di Djordje Stojanovic ”[2]0910 Parametric Modeling Applied” relativo ad un progetto di una clinica pediatrica in africa sviluppato con Grasshopper anche il [3]nuovo sito. 1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/Sxjd-thSTcI/AAAAAAAABBM/CvOjJqL9TWg/s1600-h/4of7website.jpg 2. http://fourof7.blogspot.com/2009/12/0910-parametric-modeling.html 3. http://4ofseven.com/


4of7 architecture - website (2009-12-04 10:46)

Approfitto dell’[1]ultimo post sul [2]blog di Djordje Stojanovic per segnalare sia un interessantissimo progetto (anche per le tematiche affrontate) sviluppato con Grasshopper che il nuovo sito. [3]4of7 website

1. http://fourof7.blogspot.com/2009/12/0910-parametric-modeling.html 2. http://fourof7.blogspot.com/ 3. http://4ofseven.com/

RABBIT: tools for Grasshopper v.0.1.00 (2009-12-04 14:18)

[1] Per chi ancora non ne fosse a conoscenza lo studio MorphoCode ha rilasciato questa fantastica plug-in per Grasshopper. ”RABBIT provides a new toolbar with custom components that could solve specific design problems. RABBIT v.0.1.00 contains 6 new components that could produce multiple Cellular Automata variations such as: 2X2, 34 Life, Amoeba, Assimilation, Coagulations, Conway’s Life(ghx included), Coral, Day &Night, Diamoeba, Flakes, Gnarl, HighLife, InverseLife, Long life, Maze, Mazectric, Move, Pseudo life, Replicator, Seeds (2), Stains, WalledCities&. The first release includes also a small list of pre-defined patterns.” [2]Link

1. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SxkONZ0Ai-I/AAAAAAAABBU/HIwz1H3Hkj8/s1600-h/Rabbit.jpg 2. http://morphocode.com/lab/2009/11/30/rabbit-tools-for-grasshopper-v0100-released/


ModeTools | 20091124 Beta Release (2009-12-04 14:29)

[1] ”[2]Studio Mode is pleased to announce the beta release of ModeTools, a specialized toolbar with custom components for Grasshopper. The first release consists of BakeMaterial and BakeColor components that allow properties of objects developed in Grasshopper to persist after baking.” [3]Link

1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SxkPBCoDQcI/AAAAAAAABBc/DgaP5dq16Hg/s1600-h/modeTools_b01.jpg 2. http://modelab.nu/ 3. http://modelab.nu/?p=2226


Designing Interface Architecture [workshop] (2009-12-11 13:53)

[1] Una delle iniziative che per modalità di organizzazione ed intenti mi pare fra le più interessanti ed innovative di quest’anno. Un personale plauso agli organizzatori [2]FABberz and [3]LaN [4]Link 1. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SyJBwM4IxjI/AAAAAAAABCc/oO6arwomYwo/s1600-h/DIAws.jpg 2. http://fabberz.wordpress.com/ 3. http://www.livearchitecture.net/ 4. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/fabberz/dia-designing-interface-architecture-phase-1


NEWS 041 (2009-12-14 14:43)

[1] [2]complexitys - Les entretiens de complexitys: Hugh Dutton contre le ”branding” de l’architecture [3]ParaMod.net - Hydrophobic Surface Mapping [4]a-ngine - [Study] - Massing Feedback [5]eat-a-bug - Istanbul Street Parametrics [6]Generative Design Computing - Rhino + Grasshopper: Random Pipe Tower [7]Generative Design Computing - Rhino + Grasshopper: Variable Component [8]Generative Design Computing - Rhino + Grasshopper: Modulation [9]Generative Design Computing - Rhino + Grasshopper: Conditional Statement [10]Generative Design Computing - Rhino + Grasshopper: Attractor Point [11]Live Components - Project ; The Spiral [12]Modelab - ModeTools | 20091124 Beta Release [13]SoftRigid - ceiling2 02 [14]MadeInCalifornia - StrangeAttractor 01 [15]MadeInCalifornia - IsoCurveSurface 04 [16]Ctrl-i - Vector Sketch Maya Particles [17]Ctrl-i - Maya Simulations [18]core.form-ula - SOFTlab: pAlice [19]Geometry Gym - Weaire-Phelan intersecting a surface [20]object-e architecture - Sphere Packing vs Sphere Growth [21]object-e architecture - SKG in flux [22]Nathan Miller - Image Fabrication: Thanksgiving Turkey [23]ARKUO workroom - 3D2D [24]Arquitectura y Programacion - Patterns and conventions using Rhinoscripting language [25]ParaMod.net - The next project with John and Cezanne [26]ParaMod.net - Next iteration of the folding panel [27]Rhinoceros Report - Grasshopper Parametric Ship Hull Modeling [28]Beyond The Light Bulb - Organic Modeling - a different approach [29]ModeLab - Boole’s Lattice [30]ModeLab - Isolite [31]Peer Produced Space - Evolve Ring Silver launches today 1. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SyZDBPosx_I/AAAAAAAABC8/AMFSOptrDxo/s1600-h/NEWS_041.jpg 2.


les-entretiens-de-complexitys-hugh-dutton-contre-le-branding-de-larchitecture/#comments 3. http://paramod2.blogspot.com/2009/11/hydrophobic-surface-mapping.html 4. http://www.a-ngine.com/2009/11/study-massing-feedback.html 5. http://eat-a-bug.blogspot.com/2009/11/street-parametrics.html 6. http://www.generativedesigncomputing.net/2009/11/rhino-grasshopper-random-pipe-tower.html 7. http://www.generativedesigncomputing.net/2009/11/rhino-grasshopper-variable-component.html 8. http://www.generativedesigncomputing.net/2009/11/rhino-grasshopper-modulation.html 9. http://www.generativedesigncomputing.net/2009/11/rhino-grasshopper-conditional-statement.html 10. http://www.generativedesigncomputing.net/2009/11/rhin-grasshopper-attractor-point.html 11. http://livecomponents-ny.com/2009/11/24/project-the-spiral/ 12. http://modelab.nu/?p=2226 13. http://softrigid.com/2009/11/29/564/


14. http://madeincalifornia.blogspot.com/2009/12/strangeattractor-01.html 15. http://madeincalifornia.blogspot.com/2009/12/isocurvesurface-04.html 16. http://crtl-i.com/blog/2009/11/vector-sketch-maya-particles/ 17. http://crtl-i.com/blog/2009/12/maya-simulations/ 18. http://www.core.form-ula.com/2009/12/01/softlab-palice/ 19. http://geometrygym.blogspot.com/2009/12/weire-phelan-intersecting-surface.html 20. http://object-e.blogspot.com/2009/11/sphere-packing-vs-sphere-growth.html 21. http://object-e.blogspot.com/2009/12/skg-in-flux.html 22. http://nmillerarch.blogspot.com/2009/11/image-fabrication-thanksgiving-turkey.html 23. http://arkuo.blogspot.com/2009/12/3d2d.html 24. http://arquitecturayprogramacion.blogspot.com/2009/11/patterns-and-conventions-using.html 25. http://paramod2.blogspot.com/2009/12/next-project-with-john-and-cezanne.html 26. http://paramod2.blogspot.com/2009/12/next-iteration-of-folding-panel.html 27. http://rhinocentre.blogspot.com/2009/12/grasshopper-parametric-ship-hull.html 28. http://btlb.blogspot.com/2009/12/organic-modeling-different-approach.html 29. http://modelab.nu/?p=148 30. http://modelab.nu/?p=2244 31. http://michalpiasecki.com/2009/12/09/evolve-ring-silver-launches-today/

Wilfing Architettura - intervista a E. Occhipinti (2009-12-15 08:53)

[1] Utilizzo questo post sia per segnalare il fantastico [2]blog di Salvatore D’Agostino, che tanto sta facendo per promuovere il dibattito architettonico inerente la cultura digitale, e poi per segnalare una sua bellissima [3]intervista ad Edmondo Occhipinti. 1. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SydCkPTO30I/AAAAAAAABDE/LZ45x8niN3g/s1600-h/Wilfing+Architettura. jpg 2. http://wilfingarchitettura.blogspot.com/ 3. http://wilfingarchitettura.blogspot.com/2009/12/0007-fuga-di-cervelli-italia-apolide-un.html



Chapter 4

2010 4.1


2009 to 2010 (2010-01-01 18:41)

[1] Ultimo giorno dell’anno per cui tempo di bilanci e di propositi. Per quanto mi riguarda è stato un anno intenso e meraviglioso in cui ho avuto l’opportunità di concretizzare alcuni dei miei sogni e di rendere il mio interesse digitale maggiormente al centro della mia professione. Ma anche un anno in cui il blog ha avuto modo di sfociare in iniziative, workshop, ed incontri. Ecco, sicuramente la cosa più bella ed interessante del 2009 è che il blog mi ha permesso di ”incontrare” gente interessante ed interessata .... e tanta. Innanzitutto AAST .... gli eventi organizzati, ovvero la mostra, la conferenza ed i vari workshop hanno soprattutto messo in evidenza che la via intrapresa ovvero quella di coniugare l’entusiasmo e la competenza di tutor qualificati con la curiosità, la voglia di apprendere (e di colmare il gap esitente con ciò che sul web vedono ed osservano con avidità) degli utenti non può che dare risultati estremamente positivi e prolifici. I workshop sono andati ben oltre il rigido insegnamento ma si sono trasformati in giornate intense e coinvolgenti, in notti di lavoro intenso sia da parte degli utenti che dei tutor che a loro volta si sono prodigati ben oltre i tempi e le modalità previste cercando di trasmettere interamente il proprio bagaglio di esperienze, di tricks e conoscenze spronando i ragazzi a continuare le proprie ricerche ed esperienze iniziate nei workshop. Ma il vero valore aggiunto va oltre i workshop in se stessi. E’ nelle conoscenze fra le persone che si sono create, nelle amicizie, nella voglia di intraprendere collaborazioni, fare progetti assieme, di aver creato dialogo, curiosità, voglia di approfondire alcune tematiche ed argomenti, di mettersi in discussione. E’ nell’aver creato una network di persone che, finita l’esperienza limitata nel tempo, continuano a condividere idee e contenuti tramite i molteplici strumenti che il web mette a disposizione e che non osserva solo 205

più il web ma ne è entrata a far parte in maniera autonoma dialogando e partecipandone attivamente. Aver avuto l’opportunità di organizzare, seppur fra molte difficoltà e probabilmente anche in modo non perfetto o sicuramente migliorabile, un evento simile è stata un esperienza ed un occasione unica e approffitto di questo post per ringraziare tutti coloro che in qualche modo ne hanno preso parte. Un doveroso ringraziamento a chi ha organizzato fra mille difficoltà l’evento. Un caloroso ringraziamento a chi ha insegnato ed ha condiviso con me lo spirito con cui l’evento è stato pensato. Ma soprattutto un grande grazie a chi ha partecipato ai workshop ed ha investito tempo e risorse (preziose di questi tempi) dando fiducia al nostro modo di vedere e pensare le cose. Unica nota di rammarico è stato il fatto di non aver portato a termine tutti i workshop programmati. Alcuni accadimenti (per lo più indipendenti dalla nostra volontà) hanno fatto annullare (o meglio prorogare) il workshop di Digital Project e di Revit. Di questa cosa me ne scuso in prima persona e spero con l’anno a venire di riuscire a portare a termine tutti gli appuntamenti previsti, magari inserendo dei valori aggiunti in modo da ripagare chi era intenzionato a seguirli del disguido causato. Ma il 2009 è stato eccezionale anche per ciò che il web mi ha dato. Innanzitutto ho avuto modo di valutare quanto gli strumenti del social networking possano essere utili alla diffusione di conoscenza e dello scambio di idee e contenuti. Sia facebook che twitter si sono rivelati due strumenti estremamente potenti, in grado di mettere in contatto persone focalizzate sulle stesse tematiche, rendendo possibili scambi di quantità di informazioni impensabili, dialoghi e discussioni sempre proficue e soprattutto rendendo possibili amicizie ed affinità a volte molto più reali di quelle reali. Appunto fra queste amicizie ”virtuali” molte si sono concretizzte in incontri, discussioni ed il più delle volte anche in opportunità. Fra queste in prima battuta va l’amicizia con Davide del Giudice ed Alessio Erioli che in questa ultima parte dell’anno si sta concretizzando anche in una avventura comune che abbiamo deciso di chiamare [2]Co-de-iT. Ma anche la consulenza per DuPont a Ginevra, il workshop di Grasshopper a Milano, la lecture via Skype con Amorphica in Messico, i workshop di Maya, Generative Components e Grasshopper di AAST sono il frutto di incontri ed interazioni fra persone nati sul web. Come dicevo appunto la cosa più importante di quest’anno sono le persone conosciute. Non le cito volutamente ma a tutte quante va il mio più grande ringraziamento per questo anno meraviglioso che, nonostante sia di crisi reale, ha messo in luce (come in ogni periodo di crisi) le migliori persone, risorse e strumenti per uscirne.

[3] AAST group: Alessio Erioli, Marco Vanucci, Filippo Innocenti, Federico Rossi, Andrea Graziano, Davide del Giudice, Ludovico Lombardi, Edmondo Occhipinti. Mi scuso con Annarita Papeschi, Ludovica Tramontin e Fulvio Wirz ma è l’unica foto che ho di gruppo e sicuramente avrebbero offuscato e messo in secondo piano i presenti.

1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/Sz40ygUgf2I/AAAAAAAABDk/C9h0BoW8BHQ/s1600-h/aast+GH+workshop.jpg 2. http://www.co-de-it.com/ 3. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/Sz408i2S6YI/AAAAAAAABDs/487yyl5f5u0/s1600-h/aast+dream+team.jpg


Co-de-iT website launch 01012010 (2010-01-01 22:08)

[1] I’m very happy to announce that with [2]Davide Del Giudice and [3]Alessio Erioli we are starting a new adventure called Co-de-iT. Co-de-iT is a connectivity HUB for computation, design, research & teaching in architecture. Project development and consultancy happen here, both first person by our team members or by building communication with specific required knowledge subjects, bridging different fields to the project. Co-de-iT is also configured as a HUB that means to operate as a catalyzer in the architectural process to trigger and engage (both conceptually and technically) levels of complexity and differentiation as an evolved answer to project instances that range from conceptual design to personalized fabrication. Co-de-iT try to promote in Italy, but not only, events and workshops about digital tools and generative methodology into architectural and design process. Co-de-iT [4]website Co-de-iT [5]about us page Co-de-iT (starting) [6]code page Co-de-iT [7]twitter page Co-de-iT [8]facebook page 1.


launch.jpg 2. http://madeincalifornia.blogspot.com/ 3. http://ale2x72.blogspot.com/ 4. http://www.co-de-it.com/ 5. http://www.co-de-it.com/wordpress/info 6. http://www.co-de-it.com/wordpress/code 7. http://twitter.com/Co_de_iT 8. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Co-de-iT/260447195929?ref=ts

urban future organization (2010-01-03 15:58)

[1] [2]Link al blog [3]Twitter page 1. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/S0Cw24grVhI/AAAAAAAABEU/I2vExUBmFXQ/s1600-h/Urban+Future.jpg 2. http://www.au-urbanfuture.org/blog/


3. http://twitter.com/urbanfuture_au

designplaygrounds (2010-01-03 16:08)

[1] [2]Link al blog [3]Twitter page 1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/S0CzAnVu0yI/AAAAAAAABEc/yhEZd45wbL0/s1600-h/designplaygrounds.jpg 2. http://designplaygrounds.com/ 3. http://twitter.com/Rodrigo_Medina

Federico Weber design (2010-01-03 16:35)

[1] [2]Link al sito [3]Link al post ”Xylem” 1.


//3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/S0GeLWjCUqI/AAAAAAAABE8/9PLDo5DOz50/s1600-h/Federico+Weber+design.jpg 2. http://federicoweber.com/ 3. http://federicoweber.com/xylem/2009/11/

shift (2010-01-04 08:57)

[1] [2]Link al blog di Andrea Bugli [3]Link ai post relativi a ”Digital refining: new winery for Consorzio Vini Tipici di San Marino ” 208

1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/S0GgZGaPJcI/AAAAAAAABFE/2ANI39MH1wM/s1600-h/Shift.jpg 2. http://andbug.blogspot.com/ 3. http://andbug.blogspot.com/search/label/winery

point b design blog (2010-01-05 18:33)

[1] [2]Link al blog [3]Link al post ”PCM development with Temple University” 1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/S0N4i58qEZI/AAAAAAAABFU/QHNYXbz57_k/s1600-h/pointbdesign.jpg 2. http://www.pointbdesign.com/blog/ 3. http://www.pointbdesign.com/blog/2010/pcm-development-with-temple-university/

Responsives Architectures (2010-01-12 16:55)

[1] [2]Blog di Fran Castillo [3]Website 1.


architectures.jpg 2. http://blog.francastillo.net/ 3. http://www.francastillo.net/

The Building Coder (2010-01-12 18:22)

[1] [2]Blog di Jeremy Tammik dedicato alle API di Revit 209



jpg 2. http://thebuildingcoder.typepad.com/blog/

RhinoParametrics Beta Announced (2010-01-14 23:48)

[1] [2]Link alla news [3]Link al sito 1.


Beta+Announced.png 2. http://blog.rhino3d.com/2010/01/rhinoparametrics-beta-announced.html 3. http://www.rhinoparametrics.com/index.php

NEWS 042 (2010-01-18 08:35)

[1] [2]Geo Systems - Adaptive Systems Final Review [3]workshops factory - Interactive Genetic Algorithm [4]Far From Equilibrium - DesCours 2009 [5]Geometry Gym - many post [6]yet another script - bOX PARAMETRIC .. ! [7]BIOS - Bios wins Public Art Commision for San Jose Zero One Biennial ColoniaTechne [8]complexitys - Premio Terna: i piloni elettrici del futuro [9]Eat-a-bug - Lorenz Attractor [10]Eat-a-bug - Crocheting the Lorenz Manifold [11]Eat-a-bug - boy surface [12][n]Codon - Unspecified Form [13]isgStudio - 091217 meshCones [14]ctrl-i - fibers 2 [15]Paramod.net - Research Through Making Exhibit [16]Beyond The Light Bulb - Srf Deformation Tool For Grasshopper [17]MadeInCalifornia - Rh array 01 [18]MadeInCalifornia - rh lattice tesselation01 [19]a-ngine - [Foam] - 3D Voronoi [20]Bios Design Collective - Woven Space Truss and Morphogenetic Structural Flow/Form Models [21]LaN - GH Remap List Values 210

[22]LaN - GH Surface Diagrid Pattern [23]LaN - GH Surface Subdivision Strategies [24]yet another script? - Geometric response to audio. Real time. Grasshopper : Version 1 [25]designplaygrounds - Augmented Reality Experiment [processing] [26]fun - unfurling paradise [27]urban future organization - unfold script (beta) [28]Live Components NY - STUDY : LANDSCAPING MESH [29]Live Components NY - 3 4 HEXAGONAL CONNECTION [30]Nathan Miller blog - Streaming Grasshopper Points into a Revit Conceptual Mass [31]Nathan Miller blog - NBBJ: Parametric Strategies in the Design of Hangzhou Stadium (Part 1) [32]Urban Future Organization - auto-organization [33]Paramod.net - ParaMod Seminar - Tutorial001 [34]Sjet -Passive folder [35]jarek-rhinoscripts - Image-Based Circle Packing [36]un didi - Urban Developement Proposal 1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/S1QQhrsNyAI/AAAAAAAABHA/llsYYsJaztU/s1600-h/NEWS_042.jpg 2. http://veronicaarcos.wordpress.com/2009/12/16/adaptive_systems_class_final-review/ 3. http://workshopsfactory.com/2009/12/20/interactive-genetic-algorithm/ 4. http://farfromequilibrium.blogspot.com/2009/12/descours-2009.html 5. http://geometrygym.blogspot.com/ 6. http://yetanotherscript.wordpress.com/2009/12/18/box-parametric/ 7. http://biosarch.wordpress.com/2009/12/17/bios-wins-public-art-commision-for-san-jose-zero-one-biennial/ 8. http://complexitys.com/geometry/premioterna/ 9. http://eat-a-bug.blogspot.com/2009/12/lorenz-attractor.html 10. http://eat-a-bug.blogspot.com/2009/12/crocheting-lorenz-manifold.html 11. http://eat-a-bug.blogspot.com/2010/01/boy-surface.html 12. http://ncodon.wordpress.com/2009/12/26/unspecified-form/ 13. http://isgstudio.blogspot.com/2009/12/091217meshcones.html 14. http://crtl-i.com/blog/2010/01/fibers-2/ 15. http://paramod2.blogspot.com/2010/01/research-through-making-exhibit.html 16. http://btlb.blogspot.com/2009/12/srf-deformation-tool-for-grasshopper.html 17. http://madeincalifornia.blogspot.com/2010/01/rh-array-01.html 18. http://madeincalifornia.blogspot.com/2010/01/rh-lattice-tesselation01.html 19. http://www.a-ngine.com/2009/12/foam-3d-voronoi.html 20. http://biosarch.wordpress.com/2010/01/04/woven-space-truss-and-morphogenetic-structural-flowform-models/ 21. http://www.livearchitecture.net/archives/4875 22. http://www.livearchitecture.net/archives/4879 23. http://www.livearchitecture.net/archives/4883 24.


//yetanotherscript.wordpress.com/2010/01/10/geometric-response-to-audio-real-time-grasshopper-version-1/ 25. http://designplaygrounds.com/generative/augmented-reality-experiment-processing/ 26. http://www.hhdfun.com/?p=929 27. http://www.au-urbanfuture.org/blog/?p=414 28. http://livecomponents-ny.com/2010/01/01/study-landscaping-mesh/ 29. http://livecomponents-ny.com/2010/01/01/3_4-hexagonal-connection/ 30. http://nmillerarch.blogspot.com/2010/01/streaming-grasshopper-points-into-revit.html 31. http://nmillerarch.blogspot.com/2009/12/parametric-strategies-in-design-of.html 32. http://www.au-urbanfuture.org/blog/?p=421 33. http://paramod2.blogspot.com/2010/01/paramod-seminar-tutorial001.html 34. http://sjet.wordpress.com/2010/01/11/passive-folder/ 35. http://jarek-rhinoscripts.blogspot.com/2010/01/image-based-circle-packing.html


36. http://dimitrie.wordpress.com/2010/01/17/urban-developement-proposal/

”Une architecture des Humeurs” (2010-01-26 11:02)

[1] Du 22 janvier au 26 avril 2010, au Laboratoire, 4 rue du Bouloi, 75 003 Paris. [2]www.lelaboratoire.org link al [3]post sul blog New-Territories. (via [4]boiteaoutils) 1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/S16-FeFtSkI/AAAAAAAABHI/SGAE2DdY5M0/s1600-h/une_architecture_des_ humeurs.jpg 2. http://www.lelaboratoire.org/ 3. http://www.new-territories.com/une%20architectures%20des%20humeurs.htm 4. http://boiteaoutils.blogspot.com/2010/01/r-architecture-des-humeurs-started.html

AltN Research (2010-01-26 11:12)

[1] Link al [2]blog Link al post ”[3]Sensor Input for Maya” 1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/S17Aza1J-aI/AAAAAAAABHQ/bHFxET6Squs/s1600-h/altnresearch.jpg 2. http://altnresearch.com/ 3. http://altnresearch.com/?p=170


@improved (2010-01-26 11:22)

[1] [2]New blog of Dimitrie Stefanescu ([3]old blog) 1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/S17ERcJo7xI/AAAAAAAABHY/aFY-M6oqj0A/s1600-h/improved_ro.jpg 2. http://improved.ro/blog/ 3. http://dimitrie.wordpress.com/

Digital Architecture Lab (2010-01-27 10:55)

[1] [2]Blog di Diana Quintero de Saul con alcuni post molto interessanti. 1. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/S2ANz7VOPlI/AAAAAAAABHg/yFLcmdrtPZU/s1600-h/Digital+Architecture+ Lab.jpg 2. http://dianaquintero-uts.blogspot.com/

NEWS 043 (2010-01-27 14:00)

[1] [2]MadeInCalifornia - Rhino Tessellation04c GH curvature analisys pattern01 [3]MadeInCalifornia - rh lattice tesselation02 [4]MadeInCalifornia - Image Field03 [5]Eat a bug - Homotopy of Boy and Roman Surface 213

[6]Space Symmetry Structure - Project Kangaroo Live 3D Physics for Rhino/Grasshopper [7]NeoArchaic - Jitterbug [8]theverymany - 100121 withR &Sie(n) @LeLaboratoire, Paris [9]Designplaygrounds - Honeycomb Morphologies [Rhino Grasshopper] [10]designplaygrounds - Parametric Tower Experiment [Grasshopper] [11]Live Componets NY - STUDY : HEXAGONAL OPENING [12]object-e.net - Spiral Study [13]sherpa - Genotower showcased on new Evolo website [14]sherpa - Rounding Vectors in MEL Scripting [15]Urban Future organization - particle network testing in gh3d [16]Urban Future organization - particles 101& [17]arquitectura y fabricacion - Algorithms and Digital Fabrication [18]arquitectura y fabricacion - Aloblums by Marc Fornes (August, 2009) [19]paramod.net - Rules & Powercopies [20]complexitys - Dancing with Nature [21]design reform - Rhino Grasshopper - Create Tool Paths for CNC Routing [22]Print on demand - Presentation about Scripting, 2006


1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/S2A6EFw3BlI/AAAAAAAABHo/JYMP5WnrArY/s1600-h/NEWS_043.jpg 2. http://madeincalifornia.blogspot.com/2010/01/rvrhino-tessellation04cgh-cuature.html 3. http://madeincalifornia.blogspot.com/2010/01/rh-lattice-tesselation02.html 4. http://madeincalifornia.blogspot.com/2010/01/image-field03.html 5. http://eat-a-bug.blogspot.com/2010/01/homotopy-of-boy-and-roman-surface.html 6. http://spacesymmetrystructure.wordpress.com/2010/01/21/kangaroo/ 7. http://neoarchaic.net/archives/971 8. http://www.theverymany.net/2010/01/100121withr-lelaboratoire-paris.html 9. http://designplaygrounds.com/projects/honeycomb-morphologies-rhino-grasshopper/ 10. http://designplaygrounds.com/projects/parametric-tower-experiment-grasshopper/ 11. http://livecomponents-ny.com/2010/01/19/study-hexagonal-opening/ 12. http://object-e.net/?p=630 13. http://nickpisca.com/sherpa/?p=306 14. http://nickpisca.com/sherpa/?p=298 15. http://www.au-urbanfuture.org/blog/?p=505 16. http://www.au-urbanfuture.org/blog/?p=523 17. http://arquitecturayfabricacion.blogspot.com/2009/11/algorithms-and-digital-fabrication-by.html 18. http://arquitecturayfabricacion.blogspot.com/2010/01/aloblums-by-marc-fornes-valparaiso.html 19. http://paramod2.blogspot.com/2010/01/rules-powercopies.html 20. http://complexitys.com/english/dancing-with-nature/ 21. http://designreform.net/2010/01/rhino-grasshopper-create-tool-paths-for-cnc-routing/ 22. http://pablocherrera.blogspot.com/2010/01/presentation-about-scripting-2006.html




Dima’s blog (2010-02-01 08:15)

[1] Link al [2]blog Link al post ”[3]Radiation Driven Facade Panels”

1. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/S2Z_8oNi4FI/AAAAAAAABHw/zyQ9fOHKDuc/s1600-h/dimas_blog.jpg 2. http://dimak1999.blogspot.com/ 3. http://dimak1999.blogspot.com/2010/01/radiation-driven-facade-panels.html

Design Computing and Digital Fabrication (2010-02-01 08:41)

[1] Link al [2]blog

1. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/S2aF61NUSHI/AAAAAAAABH4/lp9abCRZZic/s1600-h/Design+Computing+and+ Digital+Fabrication.jpg 2. http://designcomputing-wit-sp10.blogspot.com/


MAG-LAB - ARC competition (2010-02-12 13:27)

[1] MAG-LAB ,ARC competition ”Architectural Research Center”. Invitation to participate in : International Architectural Competition 2010 ”Architectural Research Center” MAG LAB (Syria-Spain) in collaboration with Ebdaat Magazine (Architectural Creations) - ALFA 301 (Spain) And Stardust* (Spain-Italy-Brazil-USA) is Organizing the 2010 International Architectural Competition. The competition invites architects, engineers, designers and artists to continue investigating new ideas and concepts for the 2010 International Architectural Competition. The competition calls for innovative designs which take into consideration the historical and social context, the existing urban fabric, the human scale, and the environment. This competition of ideas will aim to give the students, architects, engineers, artists and designers enough freedom to address the challenges in the most creative and innovative way. All the information and details are available in the competition official website : [2]www.arcompetition.org For more information please contact us through [3]contact@arcompetition.org [4]



jpg 2. http://www.arcompetition.org/ 3. http://www.blogger.com/contact@arcompetition.org 4. http://www.arcompetition.org/


FANCYWIRES (2010-02-12 13:41)

[1] Link al [2]blog Link al post ”[3]Grillage Fabrication”

1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/S3VMjSS56nI/AAAAAAAABIg/jOEVxMQ4_Zg/s1600-h/FancyWires.jpg 2. http://fancywires.com/ 3. http://fancywires.com/?p=59

robotics interfaces (2010-02-12 13:45)

[1] Blog del relativo corso tenuto dal Prof. [2]Daniel Dendra presso il [3]DIA - Dessau Institute of Architecture. Link al [4]blog



jpg 2. http://www.anotherarchitect.com/Creative_Solutions.html 3. http://lehre.afg.hs-anhalt.de/dia/ 4. http://roboticinterfaces.blogspot.com/


Deepthi Vijaykumar (2010-02-12 13:52)

[1] Link al [2]blog

1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/S3VPL6pU8wI/AAAAAAAABIw/jAvcg4dRWMM/s1600-h/deepthi.jpg 2. http://blog.asd-ddrs.org/deepthivijaykumar/

Curved Folding (2010-02-12 14:00)

[1] Interessante social network . ”The site was set up by Gregory Epps, founder of RoboFold, as a way to create a common network for anyone involved in folding, CAD and fabrication.” [2]Link

1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/S3VRWRJhEyI/AAAAAAAABI4/eqcIlBaIpSQ/s1600-h/Curved+Folding.jpg 2. http://www.curvedfolding.com/


Tom Wiscombe - ”Extreme Integration” AA lecture (2010-02-12 14:15)

[1] Ricordando che molte delle lecture tenutesi presso l’[2]AA sono [3]disponibili on line, consiglio la visione della lecture tenuta da [4]Tom Wiscombe di Emergent Architecture dal titolo ”Extreme Integration”. [5]Link al video della lecture 1.


Integration+lecture.jpg 2. http://www.aaschool.ac.uk/ 3. http://www.aaschool.ac.uk/PUBLIC/AUDIOVISUAL/videoarchive.php 4. http://www.emergentarchitecture.com/hub.php?id=1 5. http://www.aaschool.ac.uk//VIDEO/lecture.php?ID=1172

MICROCOSM studio (2010-02-12 14:23)

[1] Link al [2]blog 1. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/S3VW0YOQvRI/AAAAAAAABJI/zZa0whR8Zvc/s1600-h/Microcosm.jpg 2. http://microcosmstudio.blogspot.com/



[1] Link al [2]sito 1. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/S3q4Dx5VLFI/AAAAAAAABJQ/o1aeedbz2WY/s1600-h/blog_cornell_edu.jpg 2. http://blogs.cornell.edu/adaptivesystems/

NEWS 044 (2010-02-16 16:25)

[1] [2]MadeInCalifornia - Image Field04 [3]MadeInCalifornia - Phyllotaxis System 05b [4]ParaMod.net - Attractor Point with Range [5]Workshops Factory - Interwoven Systems [6]workshops factory - Prototyping the Interwoven Systems Project [7]Beyond The Light Bulb - Paneling for Grasshopper [8]peer produced space - Warsaw as an Emergent Structure Em Wwa 1.0 software prototype [9]peer produced space - Breeding Objects Experiment 01 [10]urban future organization - genetic housing [11]urban future organization - particle engine components [12]ctrl-i - (im)material [13]ctrl-i - Gradient Patterns [14]ctrl-i - Catenary Maya nCloth [15]morphocode - RABBIT 0.2 Preview: 2d/3d LSystems + Turtle Interpretation [16]paraMod.net - Document Template Tutorial with Rules [17]sac3’s digital plastic - Grasshopper | Pixelated by UV and image sampler [18]sac3’s digital plastic - Farthest 2 points on a curve [19]ALLABOUTCODE - Convert Bitmap to frit (circle dot) [20]Geometry Gym - Cape Town Rhino Users Group Meeting [21]Bios Design Collective - Colonia Techne Beginnings [22]designplaygrounds - Pneumatic Panels ”Revised” [rhinoscript] [23]LaN - LaN Focus: Fabricating for Haiti [24]Nathan Miller - Revit API: Mathematical Form-Making [25]Point B design - Mold Making 220

[26]eat-a-bug - Kusner Minimal Surface [27]a-ngine - [Thesis] - Multiple Berlin [28]tobesch - Circlepacking within Curve Boundary [29]Dima’s blog - Radiation Driven Facade Panels for Grasshopper 1. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/S3q53nJpieI/AAAAAAAABJY/UI97qeIptd4/s1600-h/NEWS_044.jpg 2. http://madeincalifornia.blogspot.com/2010/01/image-field04.html 3. http://madeincalifornia.blogspot.com/2010/02/phyllotaxis-system-05b.html 4. http://paramod2.blogspot.com/2010/01/attractor-point-with-range.html 5. http://workshopsfactory.com/2010/01/31/interwoven-systems/ 6. http://workshopsfactory.com/2010/02/02/prototyping-the-interwoven-systems-project/ 7. http://btlb.blogspot.com/2010/01/paneling-for-grasshopper.html 8. http://michalpiasecki.com/2010/01/29/warsaw-as-an-emergent-structure-em_wwa-1-0-software-prototype/ 9. http://michalpiasecki.com/2010/02/01/breeding-objects-experiment-01/ 10. http://www.au-urbanfuture.org/blog/?p=557 11. http://www.au-urbanfuture.org/blog/?p=573 12. http://crtl-i.com/blog/2010/02/immaterial/ 13. http://crtl-i.com/blog/2010/02/gradient-patterns/ 14. http://crtl-i.com/blog/2010/02/catenary-maya-ncloth/ 15. http://morphocode.com/lab/tools/rabbit-02-preview-2d-3d-lsystems-turtle-interpretation/ 16. http://paramod2.blogspot.com/2010/02/document-template-tutorial-with-rules.html 17. http://sac3.blogspot.com/2010/02/grasshopper-pixelated-by-uv-and-image.html 18. http://sac3.blogspot.com/2010/02/farthest-2-points-on-curve.html 19. http://xript.blogspot.com/2010/02/convert-bitmap-to-frit-circle-dot.html 20. http://geometrygym.blogspot.com/2010/02/cape-town-rhino-users-group-meeting.html 21. http://biosarch.wordpress.com/2010/02/10/colonia-techne-beginnings/ 22. http://designplaygrounds.com/projects/pneumatic-panels-revised-rhinoscript/ 23. http://www.livearchitecture.net/archives/5064 24. http://nmillerarch.blogspot.com/2010/01/revit-api-mathematical-form-making.html 25. http://www.pointbdesign.com/blog/2010/mold-making/ 26. http://eat-a-bug.blogspot.com/2010/02/kusner-minimal-surface.html 27. http://www.a-ngine.com/2010/02/thesis-multiple-berlin_14.html 28. http://tobesch.wordpress.com/2010/02/15/circlepacking-within-curve-boundary/ 29. http://dimak1999.blogspot.com/2010/02/radiation-driven-facade-panels-for.html

(2010-02-16 16:33)

[1] Elegant Ecotones Grasshopper workshop Level I - parametric & generative design Co-de-iT Bologna 15-19 marzo 2010 Descrizione: L’ecotono è la zona di transizione tra due o più ecosistemi, ed è la zona in cui si manifestano in modo più evidente i temi di soglia, gradiente, variazione, catastrofe, dove le condizioni di limite e transizione possono essere esplorate trasformandole in configurazioni formali e architettoniche interessanti. Il workshop mira ad indagare strategie attraverso cui si manifestano le condizioni di transizione tra ecosistemi, sia in termini spaziali (dalla scala territoriale alla scala dei componenti) che in termini di evoluzione o ci221

clicità temporale (condizioni critiche come i cicli notte/giorno nelle zone desertiche). Il tema dell’eleganza riguarda il modo in cui il sistema produce un campo armonicamente articolato e differenziato di fenotipi a partire dal genotipo attraverso un processo di ”estetica delle forze” guidata attraverso lo strumento digitale. Il tema sarà dipanato attraverso le giornate del workshop sviluppando aspetti teorici e tecnici dell’approccio parametrico generativo, con particolare attenzione a strategie di design basate su caratteristiche endogene (vincoli interni del sistema) ed esogene (fattori ambientali) allo scopo di stimolare l’esplorazione di soluzioni sistemiche innovative. Il numero dei partecipanti è fissato a 16 per offrire un tutoraggio proficuo ed una effettiva esperienza di learning ad ogni iscritto. Temi: Teoria . transizione . eleganza . efficienza . ridondanza . sensibilità . ornamento . spazio tecnica . dati:gestione, manipolazione, visualizzazione . generazione di geometria da dati . logiche parametriche applicate al design . genotipo/fenotipi . attrattori, drivers e tecniche di modulazione Dettagli: Istruttori: Giulio Piacentino - McNeel (GH intro) Alessio Erioli + Andrea Graziano - Co-de-iT (GH & design tutors). Si richiede esperienza di base nella modellazione in Rhino. Saranno disponibili computers con preinstallate versioni di prova del software; i partecipanti potranno, a loro discrezione, utilizzare il proprio notebook. Quota d’iscrizione (max 16 posti) : ¬ 400 + IVA - la quota non comprende vitto e alloggio Luogo : Pentacom - Via Petroni 18/4, Bologna Orario : 10.00-18.00. Info e iscrizioni: [2]www.co-de-it.com [3]andrea@co-de-it.com

1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/S3q7dRs4N0I/AAAAAAAABJg/Bv4XT5ZR1E8/s1600-h/EE_cover_1024.jpg 2. http://www.co-de-it.com/ 3. http://www.blogger.com/andrea@co-de-it.com


Mix Experience (2010-02-23 10:22)

[1] Un social network italiano dedicato a Rhino3d e grasshopper. [2]Link 1. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/S4OenZyB_QI/AAAAAAAABJs/a1Fz1Wk-jl0/s1600-h/Mix_experience.jpg 2. http://mixexperience.ning.com/

Architecture for Generative and Parametric Minds (2010-02-23 10:24)

[1] ”This network can be useful for all those who wants to get closer to the world of digital architecture and towards a multidisciplinary approach to the design. We share information, links, knowledge, ideas, consciousness about use of new technologies, that are able to introduce us in a better world! join us and bring your contribution!” Interessantissimo social network dedicato all’architettura generativa e parametrica. [2]Link 1. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/S4OfIlORCTI/AAAAAAAABJ0/syqFvTm4HJQ/s1600-h/agpminds.jpg 2. http://agpminds.ning.com/


proof - math is beautiful (2010-02-26 11:57)

[1] Complexity and beauty are everywhere. [2]Link 1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/S4epglvT3II/AAAAAAAABJ8/oA7cRiZTRoM/s1600-h/proof.jpg 2. http://proofmathisbeautiful.tumblr.com/



Parametrics in Planning (2010-03-05 09:50)

[1] Blog about ”Parametrics in Planning” 12 questions about parametric urbanism. I invite to answer! [2]Link 1.


//3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/S5DGpliOtdI/AAAAAAAABKE/4zwQbdZCYfg/s1600-h/Parametrics+in+Planning.jpg 2. http://parametricsinplanning.blogspot.com/


tp lecture 1 video - Matias del Campo - ”Sense and Advanced Sensibility” (2010-03-05 09:55)

[1] Disponibile on-line la lecture ”Sense and Advanced Sensibility” di [2]Matias del Campo - SPAN Architects Vienna. La lecture è una delle cinque del ciclo ”[3]theory practice - orbitals of integrated processes in design sensibilities” tenutesi durante il corso [4]ar.ca3 del [5]Prof. Alessio Erioli a Bologna. [6]Link al video 1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/S5DK33xE7JI/AAAAAAAABKM/qmlk1fdhDuc/s1600-h/Matias+lecture.jpg 2. http://span.vox.com/ 3. http://andreagraziano.blogspot.com/2009/11/theory-practice-lectures.html 4. http://ar-ca3.ning.com/ 5.


2008&IdComponenteAF=336884&CodDocente=035700 6. http://ar-ca3.ning.com/video/tp-lecture-1-matias-del-campo

Lecture series ”Il Progetto digitale per la costruzione”:

Torino 9 Marzo

(2010-03-05 10:47)

[1] Politecnico di Torino - Prima Facoltà di Architettura Torino, Castello del Valentino, Sala della Caccia 225

Martedì 9 Marzo 2010 - ore 17.45 Presentazione del volume: ”Il progetto digitale per la costruzione” di Stefano Converso Ne discutono con l’autore: Michele Bonino, Pierre-Alain Croset, Edoardo Piccoli forum: Bernard Cache (objectile, Parigi), Andrea Graziano (Co-de-iT), Ingrid Paoletti (Polimi), Alberto Pugnale, Mario Sassone (Polito, IASS), [2]Link

1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/S5DT08xAP3I/AAAAAAAABKU/6z5xv27jpnU/s1600-h/TORINO_Manifesto_web_ 450.jpg 2. http://www.tecnicheparametriche.com/2010/node/191

Oliver Dibrova | Architectural Design (2010-03-08 11:25)

[1] [2]Blog di Oliver Dibrova dove sono illustrati alcuni interessanti progetti sia dal punto di vista del processo progettuale che delle soluzioni morfologiche raggiunte. Segnalo i post: [3]STUTTGART CITY PARAMETRIC SKIN [4]RTV Headquarter

1. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/S5TRW6oeADI/AAAAAAAABKg/zQeUZEj1fww/s1600-h/oliver_dibrova.jpg 2. http://www.oliverdibrova.com/blg/ 3. http://www.oliverdibrova.com/blg/?p=423 4. http://www.oliverdibrova.com/blg/?p=118#more-118


Winners 2010 Skyscraper Competition (2010-03-08 14:09)

[1] [2]Link



Evolo-winners-2010-skyscraper-600x375.jpg 2. http://www.evolo.us/architecture/winners-2010-skyscraper-competition/

Essential Mathematics for Computational Design (2010-03-11 18:22)

[1] ”The first edition of ”Essential Mathematics for Computational Design” - Rajaa Issa - is now available with free download Essential Mathematics uses Grasshopper to introduce design professionals to foundation mathematical concepts that are necessary for effective development of computational methods for 3D modeling and computer graphics.” [2]Link



//4.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/S5km3puKXOI/AAAAAAAABKw/miIxl62H5h8/s1600-h/Essential+Mathematics.PNG 2. http://blog.rhino3d.com/2010/03/essential-mathematics-for-computational.html


Engineering Architecture: Advances of a technological practice (2010-03-12 09:27)

[1] L’Arch. Alberto Pugnale ha reso disponibile in anteprima la sua tesi di dottorato ”Engineering Architecture: Advances of a technological practice” che verrà discussa il 9 Aprile 2010, presso il Castello del Valentino a Torino. Si tratta di una tesi estremamente interessante e approfondita frutto di tre anni di intenso lavoro. [2]Link alla tesi di dottorato Link al [3]sito di Alberto Pugnale Link al suo [4]blog 1. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/S5n8ePhkZ1I/AAAAAAAABK4/b9hMgmoDRxA/s1600-h/Tesi+Alberto+Pugnale. jpg 2. http://www.calameo.com/read/000202204155d7c8d7d38?authid=13Qij6QEiX1q 3. http://www.albertopugnale.com/ 4. http://albertopugnale.wordpress.com/

RhinoParametrics (2010-03-12 09:55)

[1] ”Paramétric and associative design embeded in RHINO. RhinoParametrics eases and accelerates your innovation capacity from early stage of your project.The upsteam objects parametrisation allow very large amount of variant 3D assemblies possible tests, streamlining design optimization.” [2]Link 1. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/S5oB1Dp0Z1I/AAAAAAAABLA/RyrDCpdZ02A/s1600-h/RhinoParametrics.jpg 2. http://www.rhinoparametrics.com/index.php?language=en


CERVER.org (2010-03-12 14:42)

[1] ”This site contains events, files, and general information based on my research in computational form generation and its application in architecture. The site represents the opensource version of research conducted in the design firm [2]CERVER design Studio. -Robert Cervellione” [3]Link al sito Link ai [4]download disponibili (GC, grasshopper e maya) fra cui ”GRASSHOPPER : Minimal Surface Generator” 1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/S5pFxKOdJwI/AAAAAAAABLI/-StE-VMs0Y0/s1600-h/Cerver.jpg 2. http://www.blogger.com/www.cerver.net 3. http://www.cerver.org/ 4. http://www.cerver.org/?page_id=5

Proyectos de Arquitectura Paramétrica (2010-03-12 14:51)

[1] [2]Link 1.


Arquitectura+Parametrica.jpg 2. http://arquitecturaparametrica.dpa-etsam.com/

NEWS 045 (2010-03-22 14:13)

[1] [2]paramod.net - many post 229

[3]madeInCalifornia - many post [4]Workshopsfactory - many post [5]FancyWires - many post [6]NeoArchaic - many post [7]Attitude Geometries - many post [8]e-sript0 - 100307 Master Thesis [many post] [9]peer produced space - many post [10]GeometryGym - many post [11]The Building Coder - many post [12]Nervous System - many post [13]Liquid tectonics - How to Make a Line Go Crazy - A Little Update [14]yet another script? - Simple Recursion Study [15]yet another script? - Parametric modelling + Digital Manufacturing [16]computational design sandbox - Circle Packing within Curve Boundary [17]computational design sandbox - A Spiral Approach to Circle Packing [18]Ctrl-i - Analog / Digital Input, Output [19]MatSys - Zero/Fold Screen [20]wetware - PROBOTICS ON THE WEB [21]theverymany - 090901 for JORIS LAARMAN STUDIO [22]SoftRigid - inter-grated continuity [23]microcosm studio - Biologically Inspired Bridge [24]complexitys - Vers une Architecture Parametrique: conference à l’Ecole de La Villette, Paris [25]Generative Design Computing - Conference Presentation: Assemblies and Aggregations [26]isgstudio - 100310 sectioning mesh [27]morphocode - Rabbit 0.2 [28]eat-a-bug - John Pickering’s Sculptures [29]design reform - Revit - Pattern Based Curtain Panel Family [30]LaN - PLASTI+CITY parametric plastic pavilion [31]StudioMode - RK4 Tiles [32]StudioMode - ParaGrove [33]morphocode lab - Rabbit + Grasshopper: 3D L-systems, 3D Cellular Automata [34]probotics[code] - IsoSurface [35]probotics[code] - Virtual Ants [36]LIFT architects - Firefly Beta Release [37]WorkshopsFactory - Ansys to Rhino 1. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/S6dwaBhvEiI/AAAAAAAABX4/8fT1eCGIoiM/s1600-h/NEWS_045.jpg 2. http://paramod2.blogspot.com/ 3. http://madeincalifornia.blogspot.com/ 4. http://workshopsfactory.com/ 5. http://fancywires.com/ 6. http://neoarchaicnet.blogspot.com/ 7. http://attitudegeometries.wordpress.com/ 8. http://escripto.wordpress.com/ 9. http://michalpiasecki.com/ 10. http://geometrygym.blogspot.com/ 11. http://thebuildingcoder.typepad.com/blog/ 12. http://n-e-r-v-o-u-s.com/blog/ 13. http://www.liquidtectonics.com/2010/02/how-to-make-line-go-crazya-little.html 14. http://yetanotherscript.wordpress.com/2010/02/21/simple-recursion-study/ 15. http://yetanotherscript.wordpress.com/2010/03/10/parametric-modelling-digital-manufacturing/ 16. http://tobesch.wordpress.com/2010/02/22/circle-packing-within-curve-boundary/ 17. http://tobesch.wordpress.com/2010/03/08/a-spiral-approach-to-circle-packing/ 18. http://crtl-i.com/blog/2010/02/analog-digital-input-output/


19. http://matsysdesign.com/2010/02/28/zerofold-screen/ 20. http://wetware09.blogspot.com/2010/03/probotics-on-web.html 21. http://www.theverymany.net/2010/03/090901for-joris-laarman-studio.html 22. http://softrigid.com/2010/03/11/inter-grated-continuity/ 23. http://microcosmstudio.blogspot.com/2010/03/biologically-inspired-bridge.html 24. http://complexitys.com/software/parametrique/ 25. http://www.generativedesigncomputing.net/2010/03/conference-presentation-assemblies-and.html 26. http://isgstudio.blogspot.com/2010/03/100310sectioning-mesh.html 27. http://morphocode.com/lab/tools/rabbit-02-released/?lang=bg 28. http://eat-a-bug.blogspot.com/2010/02/john-pickerings-sculptures.html 29. http://designreform.net/2010/03/revit-pattern-based-curtain-panel/ 30. http://www.livearchitecture.net/plasticity 31. http://studiomode.nu/mode/892 32. http://studiomode.nu/mode/864 33. http://morphocode.com/lab/tools/rabbit-grasshopper-3d-l-systems-3d-cellular-automata/ 34. http://probotics.wordpress.com/2010/03/16/isosurface/ 35. http://probotics.wordpress.com/2010/03/15/virtual-ants/ 36. http://www.liftarchitects.com/journal/2010/3/11/firefly-beta-release.html 37. http://workshopsfactory.com/2010/03/21/ansys-to-rhino/

Architettura parametrica - introduzione a Grasshopper (2010-03-23 10:11)

[1] Segnalo l’uscita del manuale in italiano di Grasshopper a cura di [2]Arturo Tedeschi edizione [3]Le Penseur . [4]Link



//2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/S6iG4lrxT1I/AAAAAAAABYY/xDJUE2KQt9E/s1600-h/ArchitetturaParametrica.jpg 2. http://www.grasshopper3d.com/profile/ArturoTedeschi 3. http://www.lepenseur.it/ 4. http://www.lepenseur.it/architetturaparametrica.php


Reza Ali (2010-03-23 12:35)

[1] Interessante blog di Reza Ali di cui segnalo il post ”[2]Organic SuperShapes”. [3]Link 1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/S6ioO4wYWII/AAAAAAAABY4/ERwGIgzwyMA/s1600-h/Reza_Ali_.jpg 2. http://www.syedrezaali.com/blog/?p=1119 3. http://www.syedrezaali.com/blog/

Plastic Network (2010-03-24 10:39)

[1] Blog del corso tenuto da Chikara Inamura (Zaha Hadid Architects) nel [2]AA-DRL 2010 inerente l’uso di rhinoscript. [3]Link 1. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/S6nfP53JiQI/AAAAAAAABZE/J4Ug0UD4uWw/s1600/Plastic+network.jpg 2. http://www.aaschool.ac.uk/aadrl/ 3. http://plasticnetwork.wordpress.com/


p-tactics (2010-03-29 09:34)

[1] Interessante blog dell’architetto e designer Bob Frederick. [2]Link via [3]Davide del Giudice 1. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/S7BZ8h_I4KI/AAAAAAAABbs/zpjZabfxOgY/s1600/p-tactics.jpg 2. http://p-tactics.com/blog/ 3. http://madeincalifornia.blogspot.com/

wip 04-09 (2010-03-31 13:40)

[1] Interessantissimo blog di Jeanloïc Nédélec. [2]Link 1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/S7M1DzTxNqI/AAAAAAAABcM/6lxugoHM8eU/s1600/wip+04-09.jpg 2. http://jeanloicnedelec.blogspot.com/


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