Content VOL - 13, ISSUE - 8, AUGUST 2022 Micron07 Level”PartnersHas“Today42AssetsRestoreOverInitiative‘No28232-LayerWorld’sUnveilsFirstNANDMoreRansom’Helped15LakhPeopleTheirDigitalLapcareOver20000+atPanIndia Make14 In India: Huge Contribution from IT Players Towards Make India A Manufacturing‘GlobalHub’ Everything10 You Need to Know About Your CCTV Storage Acer30SolutionsIndia Promotes Recycling ThroughNon-Litteringand“Acer Vero Ploggathon” “We48Are Aiming to Further Consolidate Our Position As A Leading Tech Service Provider In India” “Sophos12 & Its Partners TogetherHaveAchieved A Leadership Status In SuccessfullySecureye36India” Hosted Fun Trip for Its Tamilnadu Partners Elista38 Celebrating Two Years Of Success Among Indian Customers BRANTD CONNECT CYBERTECHSECURITYTALK CSROPINIONSPECIAL CHANNELINTERVIEWCONNECT TECH ANNIVERSARYFOCUSSPECIALCOVERSTORY

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DT August issue is a very important edition of Year 2022 as we will be participating at Infocom India expo which will be held recently in Mumbai. This issue will be distributed at the expo in Mumbai where all leading industry players will be participating to showcase their innovations. Digital Terminal is the media partner for this event and will be circulating the issue to all visitors. The August issue will enrich the knowledge of all the participants as we have incorporated the required and informative content covering all the important aspects. We are also organizing DT Conclave 2022 which is themed around accelerating the digital transformation journey for Indian organizations. At this conclave, all the leading tech brands and CTOs/CISOs are participating to discuss the roadmap to fuel their digital transformation journey in days to come. Fourth edition of DT Conclave has got tremendous supported from all stakeholders from the industry. Our digital platform has also performed well in the last few months as our website popularity among Indian tech people has gone up. We try our best to keep ourself ahead when it comes to break any big news. In simple word, when it’s Tech, visit www. to get all trending and latest news.
6 AUGUST 2022I Publisher & Editor : Rajeev Ranjan Executive Editor : Jyoti Janda Creative Head : Vikas Sharma Assistant Content Manager : Jai Prakash Video Editor : Sameer Basel Graphic Designer : Anoop Kumar Bhatt Digital & Social Media : Saurabh Yadav Circulation & CRM Executive : Pintu Mandal Marketing Executive : Balvinder Singh Accounts : Amit Editorial Desk : Mansi Aggarwal Field Executive : Uday Ray Printed, Published and Owned by Rajeev Ranjan from S-560, IInd Floor, School Block-2, Shakarpur, Delhi-92. Magazine printed at Sangat Printers Pvt. Ltd. C-105, Naraina Industrial Area, Phase I, New Delhi. Editor Brajesh Kumar. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any manner, in whole or in part, is prohibited. Every possible care has been taken to print this magazine as the content have been sourced from in house writers, as well from other reliable sources including freelancers and content writers. We can not be held responsible for any mistakes or errors. We do not take responsibility for its absolute accuracy. All disputes are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of competent courts and forums in Delhi only. While care is taken prior to acceptence of advertising copy, it is not possible to verify its contents, Digital Terminal cannot be held responsible for such contents, nor for any loss or damages incurred as a result of transactions with companies, associations for individuals advertising in its newspapers or publications. We therefore recommend that readers make necessary inquiries before sending any monies or entering into any agreements with advertisers or otherwise acting on an advertisement in any manner whatsoever Editorial & Marketing Office News Dot Media Pvt. Ltd. Jodhka House, 12 Sant Nagar, East of Kailash, New Delhi - 110065Address : 011 - 45160276Landline : 09654690377, 09899600302Mobile :, editdesk@digitalterminal.inEmail id : “BEING ONE OF THE BEST TECH MEDIA HOUSE IN INDIA BRINGS HUGE RESPONSIBILITY” PUBLISHER’S NOTE EDITOR’S NOTE GOVERNMENT”FROMAMBITIOUSTHESTORY“MAKE-IN-INDIAHIGHLIGHTSSTATUSOFTHISCAMPAIGNINDIAN
Digital Terminal is one of India’s leading tech media house and we are committed to work for the growth of Indian ICT market. We are working with the objective to empower the ICT community and create new avenues of growth for the market players. Our efficiency in serving the community with quality content remains our key strength. We aim to grow further with the objective of contributing towards collective growth as being one of the best tech media house in India brings huge responsibility. Keep supporting us!! Digital Terminal has been at the forefront of serving the ICT industry with its most unique and refreshed content. We are currently one of the most trusted and valuable tech media house in India. Our agility and efficiency in deriving the innovative content set us apart. Like all previous issues, August 2022 issue is here to provide the much-required information about Indian technology market. This month’s issue is very special as we have come up with the Make-in-India story which highlights the status of this ambitious campaign from Indian government. The story focuses on the changes that Make in India campaign has brought in for local manufacturing industry. To make this story relevant to India’s manufacturing industry growth, we spoke to some of the major players in the market. They have shared their overall journey, experience and opportunities within the market. This special story will definitely give the required insight about manufacturing industry in India. Apart from it, we have also exclusively interacted with some industry leaders to know about their company’s new offerings, challenges and opportunities in the market. There are also some other stories incorporated in the August issue which highlights new innovations, new trends and partnerships. The August issue will be additionally circulated at the Infocom India expo and DT Conclave 2022. We as a media partner for Infocom India Expo will be there at Mumbai to cover this biggest expo for ICT industry. Our readership across print and digital has witnessed an upsurge over the years and we are thankful to meet their expectations. We uphold our responsibilities and plan to work in the best possible manner to bring the most required news and information for our readers. We also appreciate the never-ending trust of our readers, partners, and clients in us.
Stay Safe & Take Care !!
Jyoti Janda Executive Editor with DT Rajeev Ranjan Publisher

Micron Unveils World’s First 232-Layer NAND Micron Technology Inc. announced that it has begun volume produc on of the world’s first 232-layer NAND, built with industry-leading innova ons to drive unprecedented performance for storage solu ons. It features the industry’s highest areal density and delivers higher capacity and improved energy efficiency over previous genera ons of Micron NAND, to enable best-in-class support of the most dataintensive use cases from client to cloud.
“This createprocessincludingextensivetechnologyground-breakingrequiredinnovaon,advancedcapabiliestohighaspectra o structures, novel materials advancements and leading-edge design enhancements that build on our market-leading 176-layer NAND technology.”
per-bit transfer savings of more than 30% compared to prior I/O interfaces. As a result, 232-layer NAND solu ons offer ideal support for mobile applica ons and deployments in the data center and at the intelligent edge that must balance improved performance with low power consump on. The interface is also backward compa ble to support legacy controllers and systems. The compact form factor of 232-layer NAND offers customers flexibility in their designs while enabling the highest TLC density per square millimeter ever produced (at 14.6 Gb/mm2).3 The areal density is between 35% and 100% greater than compe ng TLC products in the market today. Shipping in a new 11.5mm x 13.5mm package, 232-layer NAND features a 28% smaller package size than previous Micron genera ons,2 making it the smallest highdensity NAND available.3 More density in a smaller footprint minimizes board space for a diverse set of deployments. Next-Genera on NAND Enables Innova on Across Markets
Micron’s 232-layer NAND technology provides the high-performance storage necessary to support advanced solu ons and real- me services Micron’s 232-layer NAND is now in volume production in the company’s Singapore fab. It is initially shipping to customers in component form and through its Crucial SSD consumer product line. Additional product and availability announcements will follow. required in data center and automo ve applica ons, as well as responsive, immersive experiences on mobile devices, consumer electronics and PCs. This technology node enables the introduc on of the industry’s fastest NAND I/O speed 2.4 gigabytes per second (GB/s) to meet the lowlatency and high-throughput needs of data-centric workloads such as ar ficial intelligence and machine learning, unstructured databases and real- me analy cs, and cloud compu ng. That speed represents a 50% faster data transfer than the fastest interface enabled on Micron’s 176-layer node.2 Micron 232-layer NAND also delivers up to 100% higher write bandwidth and more than 75% higher read bandwidth per die than the prior genera on. These per-die benefits translate to performance and energy efficiency gains in SSDs and embedded NAND solu ons.
“Micron has sustained technology leadership with successive first-to-market advancements in NAND layer count that enable benefits like longer ba ery life and more compact storage for mobile devices, be er performance in cloud compu ng, and faster training of AI models,” said Sumit Sadana, chief business officer at Micron. “Our 232-layer NAND is the new founda on and standard for end-to-end storage innova on underpinning digital transforma on across industries.”
7AUGUST 2022
In addi on, 232-layer NAND introduces the world’s first six-plane TLC produc on NAND.3 It has the most planes per die of any TLC flash3 and features independent read capability in each plane. The combina on of high I/O speed, read and write latency, and Micron’s six-plane architecture provides best-in-class data transfers in many configura ons. This structure ensures fewer collisions between write and read commands and drives systemlevel quality-of-service improvements.
“Micron’s 232-layer NAND is a watershed moment for storage innova on as first proof of the capability to scale 3D NAND to more than 200 layers in produc on,” said Sco DeBoer, execu ve vice president of technology and products at Micron.
Leading-Edge Technology Delivers Unrivaled Performance As the world generates more data, customers must expand their storage capacity and performance while reducing energy consump on and mee ng more stringent environmental sustainability requirements.
Micron’s 232-layer NAND is the first in produc on to enable NV-LPDDR4, a low-voltage interface that delivers

Vertiv Launches Lightning Monsoon Deals 2022 Offer Program for Its Partners Ver v announced its Lightning Monsoon Deals 2022 offer program. This program will offer Network Solu on Partners (NSP) and Value Added Resellers (VAR) channel partners in India the opportunity to earn redeemable PAYBACK loyalty program points for sales of Ver v’s small and micro uninterrup ble power supply (UPS) up to 20 kVA. The PAYBACK program allows channel partners to redeem payout op ons at the me of billing. More informa on on the program and specific offers is available on the Ver v Partner Portal. The program is valid for three months, from July 1, 2022 to September 30, 2022. “As businesses increasingly adopt a hybrid working model, IT infrastructure solu ons have become even more cri cal. With the increased loads owing to an up ck in data crea on, businesses cannot afford down me. Hence efficient and reliable power backup solu ons are crucial to ensure con nuity of opera ons,” said Mr. Gopakumar Ambujakshan, senior director - offering management, rack UPS ASI, Ver v.
Iris, in the recent past, had delivered Samsung Tabs to a banking insurance communion. Under the GOI Finance Ministry rejig of Banks, a major Banking Communion had automated their Sales Force to perform during the pandemic to help streamline sales func ons and their Pan India customers can have quicker response over their concerns for all insurance needs. Iris con nues significantly in empowering Digitaliza on of India. The supplies to Inca Infotech, our valued partner for their BFSI deliveries are yet another imita ve enabling India towards modern digitaliza on” said Ms. Kamini Talwar, Director, Iris Global Services. Iris Waves has recently ed up with Stanza Living, India’s Newage Residen al Chain having over 50 loca ons Pan India. This startup company is crea ng and opening Popular & Modern Living Environments, Hostels, PGs & Managed Residen al areas. Its business model centers around the huge market which provide affordable accommoda on to both students & workers migra ng to India’s fast-growing megaci es. Stanza Living, is a unicorn that have ventured into a new kind of living & accommoda on infrastructures for University Students, Corporate Employees as well as PGs. It employs over 1500 ppl beside which Stanza Living has chosen Iris Waves to opex run their facili es. Under the agreement - Iris Waves have offered them an unique Opex arrangement of supplying assets like - Computers, Air Condi oners, Android Smart TVs. Iris shall install them at their facili es, run and maintain for a 3 years period on rental lease basis. By way of this arrangement Iris Waves has helped Stanza Living ease much pressure on their capital allowing them to concentrate more on expansion.
Iris Global Services has recently supplied their Delhi partner “Inca Infotech Technologies Pvt Ltd” with Rs 5.50 Crore worth of Acer Desktops for upgrading & modernizing the Banking IT Infrastructure of Delhi & Chandigarh Zones of United Bank of India. The 2 Zones of UBI cons tutes - Delhi Zonal Office (North Delhi & Central Delhi Regional Offices) and Chandigarh Zonal office (Jalandhar, Shimla, Hissar & Karnal Regional offices).
Iris Global Delivered Acer Desktops Worth Rs. 5.50 Crore to Its Delhi Partner
Talking to newsmen, Mr Himanshu Chawla, CEO, Iris Global said – “We have supplied Stanza Living with over 250 Lloyds Split Air Condi oners, 300 Dell Computers and 43” Smart Android TVs for their 200 rooms at an es mated cost of Rs 50 Lacs. We shall soon be adding a 100 more ACs. We expect to cross over a 3 Crore revenue with over a 1,000 Nos of fixed assets supplied, installed and running, this calendar” .
Iris Waves Partners with Stanza Living to Supply Computers and TVs

Redington announced its financial results for Q1FY23, which ended on June 30, 2022. It has been a strong quarter for the company with an aggressive performance across all business segments and geographies. Global revenues have grown a healthy 25% YoY and at 315.8 crores PAT has grown 33%. Opera ng margins for the quarter have expanded with a 34% YoY. Redington con nues to work closely with its vast network of channel partners to simplify the procurement, supply chain and adop on of technology products for Enterprises, MSMEs, start-ups and consumers in all the 37 markets where it operates.
Redington Reports INR 16,828 Crore in Revenues for Q1FY23 with 25%
Revenue Growth
TechnoBind Partners with Sumo Logic to Deliver Real-Time Analytics-As-AService
Beetel Teletech Limited announced its new distribu on partnership with Aprecomm Private Limited today. The deal authorizes Beetel to manage the circula on of Aprecomm’s network intelligence solu ons for the communica on industry. This partnership will aim to address growing challenges in managing seamless connec vity in Enterprise, SMB, Retail, and ISPs domains. With this engagement, Aprecomm’s sophis cated AI-enabled products will be easily accessible to a wide range network service provider across the country including fibre networks, public WiFi services and enterprise networks.
TechnoBind announces its partnership with Sumo Logic, the SaaS analy cs pla orm provider that enables reliable and secure cloud-na ve applica ons. The company assists businesses in collec ng and analyzing machine data from virtualiza on and security architecture, networking equipment, servers, custom applica ons, and databases.
“Strong partnerships are key to driving cloud-na ve solu ons as the founda on to deliver reliable and secure experiences. As a leading consultancy in India, TechnoBind has a vast channel network to support one of the fastest-growing markets and will be an important factor in helping enterprises address cri cal requirements to build, run and secure their cloud-na ve applica ons,” said Anant Deshpande, Regional Director, India and SAARC, Sumo Logic.
“We are very pleased with the results of the first quarter of FY23. While the growth of technology industry is stabilising globally, our execu on aligned to the strategic pillars of innova on, technology and partnerships is driving strong, differen ated outcomes.
Mr. Sanjeev Pa l, Business Unit Head – Networks, Beetel Teletech Limited, commented on this associa on said, “We are enthusias c about this partnership with Aprecomm and are very well equipped to take their wide range of AI-enabled network intelligence solu ons to our customers. Their high-performance solu ons remotely monitor and manage the WiFi connec ons’ quality of experience and provide a simplified deployment process. This partnership will help both organiza ons address and iden fy the growing demands of improving the realme end-to-end visibility for networks across the country. We believe this rela onship is an important step as we leap forward for our business growth.”
“Data analy cs is the science that businesses can depend on to improve their performance and chart their roadmaps ahead. Sumo Logic’s cloud-na ve, mul -tenant service will help enterprises in making data-driven decisions while also shortening the me required to evaluate security and opera onal challenges,” said Prashanth GJ, CEO, TechnoBind.
At Redington we are working towards addressing technology fric on – the gap between innova on and adop on – across different sectors by democra zing accessibility and availability of a wide range of technology products, solu ons, and services,” said Mr. Rajiv Srivastava, Managing Director, Redington Ltd.
Aprecomm Appoints Beetel Teletech as Its Distributor for Indian Market

About Your CCTV Storage Solutions Everything You Need to Know
4. Multiple Video Storage Levels
2. Quality and Quantity of Data
5. Cloud-Based Storage For deeper insights and to reveal patterns from a massive amount of data it should be moved to the cloud. AI and DL need thousands of hours of training video, and petabytes of data. These workloads depend on the high-capacity capabilities of enterprise-class hard drives (HDDs) – such as 22TB drives from Western Digital and high-performance enterprise SSD flash devices, platforms, or arrays. Western Digital offers enterpriseclass NVMe™ SSDs; these performance NVMe SSDs target cloud compute and enterprise workloads that require low latency and high availability of data.
A network video recorder (NVR) encodes and processes data on the camera before transmitting it to the recorder for storage and remote viewing. It connects to an IP camera system over an Ethernet or a Wi-Fi connection. When image quality and clarity are a priority, investing in an NVR that supports a higher resolution of video is critical. Additionally, HDD capacity also plays a key role in defining the quantity and quality of data that an NVR can store. It is important to use high-performance and high-capacity drives such as the Western Digital WD Purple Pro Surveillance Hard Drive that comes in up to 22TB capacities.
As the CCTV camera becomes better and shoots videos in higher resolutions, the storage requirement also increases drastically. New-gen IP cameras generate richer videos and need far more storage than their analog predecessors did. Here is what you need to know about your CCTV storage solutions that you may not know.
Video surveillance workloads are different from traditional IT workloads. Why? Because while a standard computer hard disk drive (HDD) is designed to read, write, and transfer data, a surveillance drive is designed to focus mainly on writing data to the drive. Users in the security industry tend to check the recorded video, based on certain incidents happening more infrequently. Therefore, general desktop HDDs are typically not tested for the high write workloads of surveillance HDDs, which are optimized to prioritize writing. One example is the Western Digital WD Purple® portfolio, which is built from the ground up for video surveillance.
3. Local Storage As the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications and 4K video rise in adoption, they are driving the demand for storage to hold increasing amounts of data on the camera. Edge storage offers high-performance and can provide real-time analysis of data and becomes critical for backing up a connection to the cloud or if there is a sudden drop in network availability. As surveillance or CCTV cameras typically enable long, continuous recordings, the storage used must be built for high reliability and performance. The storage should be a cost-effective combination of ultra-endurance, high performance, and high capacity such as Western Digital’s WD Purple SC QD101 Ultra Endurance microSD™ Card that comes in up to 1TB of storage capacity and is built especially for video surveillance.
The video surveillance storage chosen depends on the use case and the camera types and the number of cameras installed. Today’s security cameras often record video continuously in 1080p, but 4K-compliant cameras are projected to make up over 24% of all network cameras shipped by 2023. So, the CCTV or surveillance camera will generate even more data in the near future. This drives the need for cost-effective storage systems to manage the ever-growing data. Multiple storage tiers can help cost-effectively manage data on different storage devices, depending on the use cases and the storage costs and benefits evaluation.
By Khalid Wani, Senior Director - Sales, India, Western Digital
1. Write cycles

Our pre-sales team’s main objective is to empower our partners on our technology. They are well trained to be technology trainers. Our pre-sales team not only vigorously train the partners on our entire solutions range, but they also provide training on cybersecurity best practices, mechanism of different cyberattacks and ways to combat them.
“We live cybersecurity as a lifestyle and take pride in protecting our customers from cybercrime”.
Sunil: Sophos is a channel first company, which means we do business only through our channel partners. They are our extended team and Sophos and its partners have together achieved a leadership status in India. We feel proud that today our partners are looked up as security consultants by their customers. We could protect so many organizations from cybercrime only because of our partners.
Rajeev: What role Sophos is playing in securing digital journey for large customer base across India? Sunil: Since its inception, the prime focus The increasing number of cyber-attacks proving to be an absolute barrier in the digital transformation journey of organizations across sectors. Therefore, it is important for the CTOs/CIOs to regularly evaluate their security posture, to ensure that they are using the right products with best capabilities to proactively detect the vulnerabilities and targeted attacks before any cyber incident occurs. Sophos is a leading security solution provider in India currently and develops robust solutions to help organizations prevent any kind of cyberattacks. Mr. Rajeev Ranjan, Editor, Digital Terminal recently interacted with Mr. Sunil Sharma, Managing Director - Sales, India & SAARC, Sophos. Sunil Sharma put across his views about the cybersecurity landscape, their offerings, and much more. Read below the excerpts: of Sophos is cybersecurity. We live cybersecurity as a lifestyle and take pride in protecting our customers from cybercrime. Sophos provides advanced network and endpoint solutions that prevent threats and unwanted software from infecting devices and networks even in the cloud environment. We also have Sophos XDR that helps organizations to improve their detection and Next,response.weprovide a managed service like Sophos Managed Detection and Response (MDR) that provide threat hunting, detection, and response to neutralize attacks that use legitimate tools to break into networks and maneuvering around to steal data, evade detection and drop ransomware. Lastly, we provide insight into various ransomware and adversary tactics, and advice on how to best protect businesses through our important research like the “State of Ransomware reports”
12 AUGUST 2022I INTERVIEW “Sophos & Its Partners Have Together Achieved A Leadership Status In India”
Gone are the days when cybersecurity was all about preventive solutions. These solutions were enough to stop adversaries from entering the network of organizations. Today, the scenario has changed. Adversaries are able to deceive preventive cybersecurity solutions. They are using legitimate tools, exploiting vulnerabilities, and using stolen Theycredentials.areexploiting end users through phishing, social engineering, and business email compromise to get required credentials. Regular cybersecurity training along with simulation tools will help organizations to build a security aware culture, which will make it tougher and tougher for adversaries to crack and get entry into an organization’s environment.
Rajeev: How are your pre-sales team trained to help organisations of all sizes in deploying best Sophos solutions according to their Sunil:requirement?
Rajeev: How do you look at the everincreasing cyber incidents in India? Sunil: The cyber incidents have advanced exponentially in the last couple of years. Cybercriminals are launching complex attacks on Indian organizations of all Attackerssizes. are constantly changing their tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) to launch sophisticated cyberattacks like ransomware. To make matters worse, the ransomware business model is continuously shifting and expanding, with Initial Access Brokers (IABs) selling network access to any potential ransomware attacker. Even “unskilled hackers” can get into the ransomware business – by buying the network access, encryption code and other bespoke pieces needed to do so. On the other side, Indian organizations are going big on digital transformation and cloud adoption. This has increased the IT landscape that needs to be covered under security, which in turn has brought more load to already stretched IT security teams. Sophos’ recent survey, the future of cybersecurity in Asia and Japan, revealed that 75% of Indian organisations believe recruitment of cybersecurity professionals will be a challenge in the next 24 Consolidationmonths.of adversaries as a community, and cybersecurity skills gap faced by defenders have given rise to increased cyber incidents in India.
Rajeev: Do you think that regular cybersecurity awareness training can help organizations in avoiding the Sunil:attacks?
Rajeev: How do you see the role of channel partners in making Sophos India’s Best Cybersecurity company?


Make In India: Huge Contribution from IT Players Towards Make India A ‘Global Manufacturing Hub’
On the global map, India is now known as a potential leader in the manufacturing sector. When the Make in India initiative was launched on September 25, 2014, with the objective of facilitating investment, fostering innovation, building best-in-class manufacturing infrastructure, no one was aware that this mission will be a game changer in the global economy. The Make in India initiative was launched with a vision of making India a global manufacturing hub. When it comes to IT players Many tech giants have set-up their manufacturing facilities in India during last few years. It has not only given India a potential leadership status on the global map but also contributed to the growth of India’s economy in a magnificent way. Due to the Make in India initiative, India has become self-reliant in various sectors and our dependency on other countries has decreased significantly. Indian IT industry is one of the major markets globally and has the presence of many leading global companies who have invested a lot in developing robust manufacturing facilities in Indian cities. Post the implementation of Make in India Initiative, these companies have started manufacturing their products in India. To know more about the success of this initiative, DT interacted with industry players where they shared crucial insights and their efforts in supporting this initiative.

In September, 2021, India marked the seventh year of the ‘Makein-India’ initiative. Manufacturers from across sectors and across the world have chosen India as their destination to manufacture their products. Undoubtedly, local manufacturing is the best tool to boost economy. Sharing more about the impact of Make in India programme on India’s manufacturing sector, Ashish D Jain, Executive President & COO, Polycab India Ltd said, “The initiative set out to ensure that our manufacturing sector’s contribution to GDP is increased to 25% by 2025, which has gone around 17% in 2021, from a little over 14% in 2016. Globally recognized companies have made India the assembly-point for their products. in FDIterms, India has emerged as one of the world’s top destinations to garner foreign investments. Meeting the export-target of USD 400 billion establishes the fact that the demand for items made in India is increasing all over the world. After the advent of Makein-India, our country’s supply-chain has definitely got stronger by the day. In view of India’s imminent plans to keep driving changes to modernize and open up its economy, a whole host of “At Acer India we are building the required ecosystem for India to become an electronic manufacturing hub under Make in India scheme. We are proud of the fact that all our desktops, all-in-one PCs and tablets are manufactured in India with the specific guideline roll out by the government
Acer’s Initiatives Towards Make in India Programme of India under this scheme. These vast majority of the desktops are also further customised as per the various requirements of the enterprises, organisations, and institutions in India. We partnered with Dixon Technologies to manufacture laptops in India. Our Noida facility has a capacity to manufacture up to 5 lakh Acer laptops annually. In this facility, we manufacture multiple laptops catering to segments from value to mainstream including education segment keeping in line with our global manufacturing practices and guidance,”stated by Sanjeev.
Because of the pandemic, the geopoli cal conflicts, and the supply chain disrup ons there has been a slowdown in the global economy. However, the Make in India ini a ve has had a great impact and helped the growth of the Indian economy. India is one of the very few markets, which is s ll growing and has a healthy growth rate. A er the launch of this programme, there has been an inflow of global investment and the percep on about the Indian market is also very posi ve. Digi sa on and ease of doing business have a racted and contributed further towards the success of this programme. I believe with programmes like the Make in India, India’s current macroeconomic situa on will con nue to grow.
Under our Make in India scheme, Acer has launched TravelMate and Aspire 3 series. Sanjeev further added, “Aspire 3 is the first laptop under Aspire series to be manufactured locally with world-class manufacturing standards that is at par with global processes to deliver performance and quality. We also had large quantities of tablets manufactured in India as well in the past 6 months. By manufacturing in India, we wish to improve and generate new employment opportunities for the youth, upskill and develop additional electronic industries in India and bring in global manufacturing standards. This is just a start for Acer India, in the future there will be much more products that will be manufactured under this initiative.”
The Indian Government’s Make in India programme has encouraged the tech brands to manufacture their products within India. This initiative has completed more than 7 years and throughout these years, the tech brands have contributed a lot to make this dream come true.
Mr. Sanjeev Mehtani Chief Sales Officer, Acer I believe with programmes like Make in India, India’s current macroeconomic situa on will con nue to grow

Furthermore, the recently introduced Production - linked Incentive (PLI) scheme would provide a supplementary boost to domestic manufacturing and the Make-in-India scheme.” Polycab’s Contribution to Make-inIndia Programme A large part of Polycab’s success can be a ributed to domes c sourcing and self-manufacturing. As a self-reliant manufacturer, we’ve the capability to manufacture the finished products in India for the Indian as well as the global consumers. Evoking deep-rooted na onal sen ments as a home-grown brand, Polycab has been reflec ng the ethos and essence of Make-in-India, since even before the concept came into existence.
We’ve merged our goals in na onal goals & ini a ves in transforming India into a global design & manufacturing loca on. “
“Having self-reliance to enhance competitiveness in manufacturing with increased value-addition, we’ve merged our goals in national goals & initiatives in transforming India into a global design & manufacturing location and improving the global competitiveness of the Indian passive networking product-manufacturing,” concluded by Ashish.
The Make in India programme has significantly empowered India as a manufacturing hub for global tech giants. The favorable policies launched by Indian government helped the brands across industries to manufacture their products in India. It brought huge investment and employment opportunity which somewhere contributing a lot in growth India’s economy. Sharing his thoughts over success of Make in India programme, Pawan Kumar, CEO, Elista commented, “‘Make in India’ programme was launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 25th September 2014 as an endeavour to encourage various industries to produce in India. The goal is to attract higher Foreign investments and employment opportunities. It is an effort under Atma Nirbhar Bharat Abhiyan, devoted to establishing a modern independent India that is a global hub for manufacturing.”
16 AUGUST 2022I COVER STORY manufacturers is expected to kick off and establish operations in our country.
Mr. Ashish D Jain Execu ve President & COO, Polycab India Ltd Ashish further added, “Polycab Telecom is deeply committed to make India a manufacturing hub. We’ve a dedicated and state-of-the-art manufacturing facility in Halol, Gujarat, to manufacture Optical Fibre Cables or OFCs. Believing in having strong backward-integration capabilities reflects our utmost commitment to Make-in-India, as a responsibility. We’re self-sufficient in manufacturing Fibre Reinforced Polymer or FRP Rods, Aramid Reinforced Plastic or ARP Rods and Impregnated Glass Fibre Reinforcement or IGFR Yarns, the crucial components for OFCs to make them more robust and resilient. Under our Passive Networking Business, we manufacture the whole range of passive networking products and accessories, including fibre and copper. In today’s digital era, when power and data have emerged as complimentary assets, we aim to make a nationwide reach by being a single-source manufacturer and provider of power and end-to-end datasolutions. In furtherance of the Make-in-India goal, we’ve assimilated our power and passive networking solutions under one unified brand in a single OEM-strategy.”
Pawan further stated, “We believe that our country is at an inflexion point. The initiative was well-thought-out and came at the right moment. Consistent efforts now can help transform India into a worldwide design and manufacturing centre. This project aims to push manufacturing companies to make goods and services in India instead of importing them from other nations and encouraging individuals to utilise only indigenous goods. In the past seven years, Make in India programme has done a great job in changing the industry’s mindset and establishing a complete ecosystem in India. There has also been an increase billion US dollars since the introduction of Make in India programme.”
Elista’s Commitments for Make in India Elista has a wide range of products which are doing extremely well in the Indian market. In last two years, Elista Smart TVs gained huge customer bases across India.

The Make in India programme from the Government of India has provided the much-needed impetus to the manufacturing landscape of the country. “Combined with the improved ease of doing business ecosystem and India’s appeal as a preferred manufacturing hub, the country has transformed from an importer of electronic products to a major exporter in the past 7-8 years. The growth in mobile manufacturing with the Make in India programme, PLI scheme and other government initiatives has been remarkable. Made in India mobile phones are being exported to all major global markets, including the Middle East and Africa.
Mr. Pawan KumarMakeElistaCEO, in India programme has done a great job in changing the industry’s mindset and establishing a complete ecosystem in India. We are working very closely with our OEM partners to be part of the Make in India movement in a big way “ “
Mr. Sanjay Kumar Kalirona, CEO and Co-Founder, Gizmore
“Gizmore is a big believer in the Make in India programme. While we started our journey in 2018 by importing all products, today, we are manufacturing almost 80% of products in the country. We are proud that Gizmore has made a conscious effort to develop an indigenous product by investing in design, software customisation, component sourcing and handholding our OEM partners in research and development. The speakers developed by Gizmore are truly Made in India and have created a strong appeal among its users. We are establishing a solid base by manufacturing our other products like neckbands, TWS and smartwatches in India. We are working very closely with our OEM partners to speed up the process and be part of the Make in India movement in a big way,” concluded by Sanjay.
Gizmore’s Support for Make in India Programme
At Elista, we are thrilled to be manufacturing in India and our ambi on is to Make In India for the global market. As a company Elista is rela vely new and is taking modest steps in the path of ‘Atam-nirbhar’ Bharat. Our manufactured por olio has grown from LED TVs to include Washing Machines, Cooling Range (Ref, ACs & Coolers), and Audio goods. As an affordable premium brand, we con nue to strive to offer latest innova ons and the most compe ve prices. We hope that consumers will con nue to appreciate our offering. Our mission is to give back to society by crea ng jobs during these difficult economic mes and to place India on the global map as an innova ve indigenous manufacturing base. Similarly, there has been substan al progress reported in several manufacturing sectors a er the introduc on of the Make in India program. For instance, most mobile accessories like cables, chargers, power banks, and earphones are already manufactured in the country. Other categories like hearable and wearable devices have reported encouraging numbers in assembling and manufacturing. Combined with the PLI scheme and other duty benefits on hearable and wearable products, the Make in India program has played an instrumental role in significantly boos ng this segment. India is all set to witness remarkable progress in manufacturing lifestyle electronics products.

Prior to the Make in India program manufacturing was not very much feasible in India but with a flexible tax and policy slab we are evolving into a manufacturing na on from a consumer one and Ant Esports is a small part of this mul volume success story of the country
GOI is really doing an awesome job on the ground to make India as a global manufacturing hub in electronics (IT Hardware). The leadership team Union Minister Shri Ashwini Vyshnav and MOS Shri Rajeev Chandrashekar are really listening to the industry’s need and they are hands on the job along with MeitY and Industry bodies like MAIT. GOI has released a vision document also for 2026 goal which is 300Bn$ electronics manufacturing from current 75$. Based on the vision document they are driving all the ini a ves like PLI and making MII mandatory in GeM.
Undoubtedly local leading players like RDP in IT Hardware are taking huge benefits because of the govt initiatives. “Because of the Make In India Initiative, we are getting huge demand so we are opening a new manufacturing facility in Hyderabad in 35K sft to capacity to make 3L devices per year. We are planning to take 25% of GeM computer hardware market share by 2024. Because of MII, we are providing an additional employment to 100 people currently and 200 more in the coming quarters.
Mr. Vikram Redlapalli Founder & CEO, RDP
“Because of The Make in India Initiative, We Are Getting Huge Demand” The Make in India initiative was launched with an aim to empower the Indian manufacturing industry and make India a global manufacturing hub. After more than 7 years, the manufacturing scenario in India has changed significantly and local as well global brands are investing in India to avail this ongoing benefit. If Indian corporates also make mandatory to buy MII then the dynamics will change completely “
Mr. Himanshu Jain, Director, Ant Esports Commitments to Make in India Programme Briefing about the steps taken towards supporting the Make in India programme, Himanshu Jain said, “We at Acro are driven by the vision of empowering the country by bringing the best the global industry has to offer to the Indian soil. But it was
RDP Betting Big on Local Manufacturing
If Indian corporates also make mandatory to buy MII then the dynamics will change completely,” conclude by Vikram.
“Make In India Program Instilled A Sense of Pride in Our Citizens to Own Made In India Products”
The Make in India programme launched by government has empowered the Indian manufacturing industry. The government brought many reforms to make Indian manufacturing seamless. Consequently, global as well as domestic brands started to invest in India and manufacture high quality products for customers. Talking about the success of this revolutionary initiative, Himanshu Jain, Director, Ant Esports said, “There are very few policies that have or had the potential to not only change the economic but also the social demographic of a country and Make in India has solidified as one such initiative by the Indian Government. It motivated our citizens to turn into manufacturers and also converted India into a lucrative investment hub. Taking a step in the same direction we even started Ant Esports in 2016, soon after the initiation of the Make in India movement. The aim was simply to not only manufacture in India but also to make products that offer premium features in a pocket friendly price segment. We understood the purchasing power as well as what the local consumer wanted and the result was India’s first ever Gaming Chair and rest is history.”

“Make in India Initiatives Have Brought In More Inflow Of FDIs”
The Indian local manufacturing sector has achieved tremendous growth in last 7 years due to the government’s Make in India initiative. It helped the brands to manufacture in India for India. Putting across his views on the initiative’s success, Marthesh Nagendra, Country Manager - India, ME & SAARC, NETGEAR said, “The Make in India initiative is a major national programme of the Government of India, and we at NETGEAR believe and support the initiative and are doing our bit. We see rapid growth in India, As the Indian population is getting more and more affluent, they would demand higher quality networking products to connect to the internet. Make in India initiatives have brought in more inflow of Foreign Direct Investments during the last seven years. Manufacturing sector is making strides in the development of the Indian
The Government of India banned CBU TV sets even from the FTA countries.”
In the next two years, India will become the third largest TV manufacturing country in the world. Although India is s ll only an assembly hub, with the new PLA scheme, the big players have agreed to put raw material manufacturing plants worth USD 3-4 billion and invest in a semiconductor plant. Prices increased by up to 50% in the last two years, owing to a shortage of semiconductors. Make in India is a reality today, and for any brand, the Make in India Ini a ve is a big selling point. Mr. Avneet Singh Marwah CEO, Super Plastronics Pvt Ltd, a Kodak brand licensee always tough to align the needs of our local consumers with the global aim and manufacturing of these multinational brands that we work with. The solution to this has been in form of Ant Esports, a subsidiary of ours that tirelessly works to bring premium products in pocket friendly price brackets perfectly aligning with our country’s needs and expectations. This was only possible back in 2016 due to the advent of the Make in India program that not only made conditions favorable in the country for indigenous manufacturing but also instilled a sense of pride in our citizens to own Made in India products.”
Kodak’s India Manufacturing Initiatives
“For the last 30 years, we have been endorsing making in India. Since the CRT TV days, in the last five years, we have made investments of more than INR 400 crores. In the next five years alone, we are planning investments of more than INR 600 crores with multiple manufacturing units across India. Apart from that, we are heavily investing in the new R&D centre. Make in India is a reality today, and for any brand, the Make in India Ini a ve is a big selling point “ Currently, we are trying to develop an android TV completely in India, with help of Google India. Apart from that, all the testing and certification will also be done locally. Once raw materials like open cells and semiconductors are manufactured in India, the value addition of local sourcing will go up to 80%,” concluded by Avneet Singh.
“And, with our true efforts & hard work, this initiative is undeniably lucrative, at different levels from employing deserving individuals, expanding the business in each corner of the country, to augmenting the Indian economical figure. It’s undeniably a proud moment for us as well as our country,” concluded by “InHimanshu.TheNext Two Years, India Will Become The Third Largest TV Manufacturing Country In The World” GOI’s Make in India programme has provided the much needed impetus to India’s local manufacturing industry. With continues support from government, the brands are taking huge advantage of the programme and building their manufacturing units across India. It also helped them to produce the products at lesser costs and transfer the benefit to customer. Putting across his views on the success of the Make in India Prior to the Make in India program, manufacturing was not very much feasible in India “ programme, Avneet Singh Marwah, CEO, Super Plastronics Pvt Ltd, a Kodak brand licensee commented, “To be honest and fair in the beginning industry thought it was like any other promise that governments do just to attract attention, just after a few years things started happening on the ground. Then we Realised GOI is serious about the make in India Initiative, so much so that. During the pandemic, we all understood the importance of Atmanirbhar Bharat.

“The Programme Has Supported Small And Medium Throughout”Businesses The Make in India programme has brought influx of investment which ultimately helped India’s manufacturing sector achieve much required boost. Also, the programme further strengthened the overall ecosystem and helped the customers in getting best quality products which are made in India. This great initiative by Indian government has successfully completed 7 years now.
20 AUGUST 2022I COVER STORY economy, to make the country self-reliant in variant sectors. The programme helped in ease of doing the business procedures and enhanced skill development. It also helped in forging a partnership between government and industry.”
The Worldwide design & development of our Access points is done at NETGEAR Research Center, Bangalore. We have a large office space of around, 75000 Sq in Bangalore where we have engineers working on so ware for our Consumer products, Insight cloud management & hotspots. More than 500+ Engineers both direct & indirect, work for the design and development of NETGEAR products in India. We are also in the process of signing LoI for se ng up largest manufacturing unit in Chennai which will make in India for the world.
Mr. Marthesh Nagendra Country Manager - India, ME &
The Make in India programme was launched in 2014 and throughout these years, this programme has helped India’s manufacturing industry grow leaps and bounds. Many leading global brands have invested in India to set-up their manufacturing plants. The favourable policies under this programme created a positive ecosystem for the global and domestic brands to develop best quality products at lesser costs. We at Xiaomi India applaud the government’s vision and efforts of making India the next big technology hub. Over the last 8 years, the Government’s efforts towards making India self-reliant have resulted in accelera ng digital adop on and we are confident that with the auc on of 5G spectrum and more such developments India will become a more connected and digital-first country.
NETGEARSAARC,Weareinthe process of se ng up largest manufacturing unit in Chennai “ How Netgear Supports ‘Make in India’ Netgear has a wide range of products which are very advanced and reliable. “Today, more than 99% of our smartphones and 100% of our smart TVs sold in India are Made in India”
Mr. Muralikrishnan B XiaomiPresident,India Xiaomi Making Strides
“Since 2015, Xiaomi India has been making strides toward strengthening its commitment to the country and the community. As one of the first adopters of the Make in India initiative, we have joined hands with multiple global as well as local Indian partners to manufacture for us. Today, Foxconn (Bharat FIG), Flex, BYD, and DBG manufacture smartphones for us in India, and Dixon and Radiant Technologies manufacture smart TVs in India. We at Xiaomi India applaud the government’s vision and efforts of making India the next big technology hub. “ Today, more than 99% of our smartphones and 100% of our smart TVs sold in India are Made in India. Additionally, we are strengthening our localization efforts with local manufacturers and supply chain partners to broaden and deepen the component ecosystem. We will continue to focus on Making in India, for India, and for the world,” concluded by Muralikrishnan.

Commenting on the impact of this initiative, Hamish Patel, Chief Product Officer, World of Play said, “In the Year 2021, the “Make in India” initiative of GoI completed seven years, undeniably fostering unprecedented local innovation and global investments for boosting the manufacturing sector in the country. This initiative has played a pivotal role in creating conducive environment for
UBON’s Focus on Make in India
As a homegrown company, UBON always supported the government over any step toward promo ng indigenous goods. A er 7 years of the Make in India programme, we can see a huge difference in the market. More startups around us are also a result of this programme. India this year got its 100 Unicorns, which not only mo vates new talent but also contributes to making the Indian economy be er. These technical advancements and accessibility also helped our co age and handloom industry to grow with me. The programme has supported small and medium businesses throughout.
The local manufacturing also helps the brands in offering products at a lesser cost “
Fire-Boltt’s Support for Make in India
“With more than 40% of raw materials and manpower to be sourced locally through our manufacturing facility, we have already aligned our vision in line with the national initiative of ‘Make in India’ campaign. It is going to increase with time,” commented Arnav.
Mr. Arnav Kishore Founder & CEO, Fire-Bol
Mr. Mandeep Arora MD & CO- Founder,UBONWehave two manufacturing units and we are genera ng employment through it “
“Strengthening local manufacturing/ assembling of products would help curtail these issues while leaving a positive impact on our overall business revenue cycle. This initiative will also play a key role in setting the foundation for a long-lasting relationship that we will share with the communities around our plant and across the country. Not only this, the local manufacturing also helps the brands in offering products at a lesser cost as compared to the ones being imported from other countries.”
“We Have Already Aligned Our Vision in Line with The ‘Make In India’ Campaign” India’s manufacturing sector has witnessed a much required boom thanks to the government’s Make in India programme. With the ‘Make in India’ ini a ve, the local manufacturing sector has received an enormous boom with many companies rerou ng their manufacturing base via ingeniously sourcing raw materials & the technology to cra products. The move has helped us to also emphasize our local manufacturing which led to the establishment of our assembly unit this year. It is in line with our overall vision to maximize na ve opportuni es. In the coming months, we are looking to localise 60-70% of our product line. Owing to the global supply chain issues induced by the COVID-19 pandemic, local manufacturing has become paramount more than ever before.
“UBON is an Indian company specializing in gadget accessories and consumer electronics. We have 2 manufacturing units and we are generating employment through it. We are contributing toward this programme by providing employment as well as a better environment to work and preparing a skilled workforce. In order to make this initiative successful, UBON emphasized the manufacturing of products with skilled labour in India,” commented by Mandeep.
“Make In India Initiative Made Overseas Companies Realize The Potential of Indian Subcontinent” Indian manufacturing industry has seen rocketed growth since the launch of Make in India initiative. It resulted in the further economic growth as global companies started investing in India.

Commitments for Make in India
TP-Link Boosts Its Commitment for India with First Batch of Made in India Products TP-Link India strengthens their commitment to serve India by releasing the first batch of Made in India products rolled out on 15th August 2022. India is a focused market for TP-Link and with this investment in local manufacturing, TP-Link will develop and manufacture products suited specially for India market. With presence in more than 170 countries serving a global audience, products made in India by TP-Link will be sold to other countries too.
TP-Link devices*of1rankedconsistentlyisNo.providerWi-Fifor 11 consecutive years by analyst firm IDC. To maintain the product standards, we allocate huge investments in R&D to improvise the product quality and meet the prescribed standards. Product compliance and high product quality are general practice which we follow at TP-Link and make sure the product delivered to our Source: IDC Worldwide Quarterly WLAN Tracker, Q4 2021.
Success of ini a ves like “Make-in-India” cannot be achieved unless the industry and government work in tandem “
customers is of the highest quality. Mr. Bijoy Alaylo, Vice PresidentSoHo Sales, TPLink India Pvt. Ltd. quoted “The Make in India initiative will ensure our partners with regular supply of a wide range of products in India and also empower them to boost their business. We express our gratitude towards our channel partners for Trusting us over the past decade and will continue to add more products in India.”
Mr. Hamish Patel, Chief Product Officer, World of Play
“Make-in-India” ini a ve made overseas companies realize the poten al of Indian subcon nent, conducive business environment, availability of nominal salaried manpower for producing and selling not only in India but expor ng to other overseas countries too. It also allowed the country to save on the essen al foreign exchange by virtue of reduced CBU imports. Its success is the embodiment of the forward looking policy of the associated government machinery and thinktank.
“When you make a commitment you create hope, but when you keep your commitment you create Trust. At TP-Link we keep Trust as the most important factor, our Make in India initiative begins with a focus with India, and with a long term vision of servicing globally,” said Mr. Sanjay Sehgal, Sr. Vice President - SMB & Telco.IndiaTP-LinkPvt.Ltd.
22 AUGUST 2022I COVER STORY domestic manufacturing and local skill development. It has also bridge the gap between government and manufacturing industry to forge innumerable and valuable partnerships.”
Success of initiatives like “Make-in-India” cannot be achieved unless the industry and government work in tandem. By launching the initiative, the government thinktank had taken the first step forward and it was just natural for the industry to follow the lead.
Hamish said, “At PLAY, the operations kicked off with a vision to design, develop and make in India portfolio of products and services. The heart of the brand lies in the “PLAY design labs” housed within the country and stealing a march in terms of local design innovations. The PLAY design labs allow us to stay both updated and aligned to the latest technological developments and ensure that the product design uses nothing short of the best of the commercial technology innovations. The said design is further taken up for manufacturing within the country. We shall shortly be commencing our international operations which would allow PLAY products to be designed, developed, made, and sold in India as well as shipped for sales outside of India. It’s definitely been a long and thoughtful journey but the results are also equally sweet and long term beneficial.” 18004255464-18004254234-18004253234 sheer hard work and determination TEAM WORK EverythingHELPSanant does is for the benefit of its colony. An ant is never selfish, instead works as a team towards achieving a common goal and only stops when it is done. ADAPT TO SURROUNDINGS Ants can be found everywhere. From the hottest of the deserts to the deepest of the jungles. They teach us how to adapt to our surroundings without for a wake up call. Men however, find loopholes in life to divide. Global Methodology With Indian Customisation India’s leading & preferred technology support partner 10+ Regional Hubs | 40+ KAP Locations Strategically Located - Logistically connected HARD WORK MATTERS Ants are known as the most hard-working of animals. They carry objects that are bigger than them, through h h d k d d i i SENSE OF DISCIPLINE Ants march one after the other in a line, they always move in line without any dispute or Menhoweverfindloopholesinlifetodivideaccident India’s & preferred support partner 10+ Hubs 40+ KAP Locations Located - connected THE ANT’S RULE BOOK OF LIFE

ASUS X670E Motherboards
Seagate Game Drive
Acer Aspire 5 Laptop Acer announced the launch of Aspire 5 with the latest 12th Gen Intel Core i5 processors and NVIDIA GeForce RTX graphics for accelerated gaming performance at affordable price. Equipped with NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2050, the laptops deliver ray tracing and cutting-edge AI features. The Aspire 5 is powered by the latest 12th Gen Intel Core i5 processors for multitasking and productivity featuring dual channel DDR4 and supports up to 32GB of Memory, and expandable dual SSDs
ASUS announced a new generation of AMD-based motherboards to accompany the ROG Crosshair X670E Extreme and support the latest Ryzen 7000 processors: the ROG Crosshair X670E Hero, the ROG Strix X670E-E Gaming WiFi, and the TUF Gaming X670E-Plus WiFi. Introducing the new generation of AMD ROG motherboards: the X670E series. Featuring support for DDR5 memory modules and PCIe® 5.0 devices, the ROG Crosshair X670E Hero, ROG Strix X670E-E Gaming WiFi, and TUF Gaming X670E-Plus WiFi are equipped with improved bandwidth capabilities, stability, and overall connectivity. All three boards feature the latest ASUS Q-Design innovations. The ROG Crosshair X670E Hero and ROG Strix X670E-E Gaming WiFi include the PCIe Q-Release button, a feature that lets users release their graphics card from the PCIe slot with one press. up to 2TB. Accelerate photo and video editing with NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2050, working seamlessly with NVIDIA Optimus technology that automatically optimizes the device to offer the best performance or battery life depending on the application.
The Aspire 5 also features a 720P HD webcam and a fingerprint reader for convenient security. Acer Aspire 5 is available from Rs 62990.
Dell XPS 13 Dell Technologies has launched the new XPS 13 in India, to meet the evolving needs of the modern mobile world. The new XPS 13 is Dell's thinnest and lightest 13-inch XPS laptop, equipped with the latest 12th Gen Intel® EVO™ processors to help users get things done on the go. With a 4-sided InfinityEdge display and improved sound, the device stays true to the XPS aesthetic and offers an immersive entertainment experience whether streaming music, video-chatting with friends, or watching the latest blockbuster. In addition, improved battery life and a more comfortable typing experience make the new XPS 13 the perfect companion for multitasking with ease. A smaller motherboard makes way for a larger 51Whr long-lasting battery and with Express Charge, users can get their device charged up to 80% in less than an hour. The XPS 13 uses premium materials along with providing simplicity in terms of processes and finishes.
Zebronics Jumbo Wireless Neckband Zebronics has launched the Jumbo wireless neckband earphone. The latest offering from Zebronics comes with features loaded like ENC for crystal clear voice calls. It also comes with low latency gaming mode for seamless sound experience during gaming. The earbuds are a magnetic type of ease of use, also it supports dual pairing for use with dual devices and easy switching between them. Get astonished by great sound, flexible neckband design, peppy colors and much more with Jumbo wireless neckband earbuds that feature in-ear design earbuds. It comes in a balanced sound signature with punchy bass and crisp highs. The neckband and the earbuds are designed for maximum comfort and long usage. The earphone comes with extra ear tips in multiple sizes. Jumbo comes in 3 peppy colors sunset, blue and black, it is available at Rs. 1399/-.
Seagate expands its storage capacity for PS4 and PS5 consoles with officially licensed external Game Drive. Levelling up the company’s line of PlayStation storage for gamers, the new external hard drive offers the ultimate game vault for PS5 and PS4 storage and delivers the ability to play PS4 games directly from the drive. Additionally, to celebrate the new Game Drive and the upcoming release of the PS5 and PS4 game, Horizon Forbidden West™, Seagate collaborated with Sony Interactive Entertainment and Guerrilla to bring fans the Horizon Forbidden West Limited Edition Game Drive. Inspired by the open world of Horizon Forbidden West, the officially licensed collectible HDD displays graphics on the exterior of the drive that highlight the strength and mystery of the Horizon Forbidden West hero, Aloy. Available in 2 TB and 5 TB capacities, the Game Drive gives players the power to store their library of PS5 and PS4 games.

– from customers to enterprises – and evolving from separate gangs to full-fledged businesses with their own ecosystems. To help people and organizations retrieve access to
“Ransomware is an effective way to get money from victims and remains one of the biggest cybersecurity concerns. In just the first three months of 2022, more than 74,000 unique users were found to have been exposed to this type of threat – and all these attacks were successfully detected. This has led to an increase in the tendency of helping these initiatives, and I’m extremely happy that we are able to assist people and companies in “restoring” their digital assets, without paying the attackers. This way we hit the criminals where it hurts - their business model - as users are no longer forced to pay to decrypt their data. We will keep on fighting ransomware with our existing and future partners,” said Mr. Jornt van der Weil, security researcher at Kaspersky Global Research and Analysis Team.
No More Ransom, the initiative launched to help victims of ransomware decrypt their files, celebrates its six-year anniversary today. Since the launch, it has grown from four partners to 188 and has contributed 136 decryption tools covering 165 ransomware families. In doing so, it has helped more than 1.5 million people decrypt their devices all over the world – with the project available in 37 languages.
Ransomware encrypts valuable information stored on victims’ computers by infecting them using insecure and fraudulent websites, software downloads, malicious attachments, and through RDP (remote desk protocol) attacks and exploiting vulnerable internet-facing servers. Criminals then seek ransom from the victim, promising to retrieve their encrypted data in return. This type of malware has been a cybersecurity concern for many years, with attackers targeting all types of stakeholders
Mr. Dipesh Kaura, General Manager, Kaspersky (South Asia) explains “Kaspersky is exceptionally proud to be one of four founding members of the No More Ransom initiative. The triumph of the No More Ransom initiative was through the active support of law enforcement and private industry. If you become a victim, it is crucial not to pay the ransom and report your infection to the police. Online users must avoid becoming victims as many suitable prevention recommendations are available on the No More Ransom website. Ultimately, we will need to continue working together to keep pace with attackers when fighting ransomware. Kaspersky would continue to share threat intelligence and train businesses against ransomware.”
inNopartnersKasperskyCybercrimePolice,ofHighinformation,valuabletheNationalTechCrimeUnittheDutchNationalEuropol’sEuropeanCentre,andotherjointlycreatedtheMoreRansominitiative2016.Ontheo fficial website, participants can publish decryption tools, guidelines, and instructions on how to report a cybercrime regardless of where it happened. These tools and materials have helped victims of 165 ransomware families get their data back without any payments. In addition to the decryption tools, the project also aims to spread information on how ransomware works and what measures can be taken to prevent Kasperskyinfection.isone of the founding partners who contributed to the 9 decryption tools, which helped to retrieve the data encrypted by 38 ransomware families. Since 2018, these tools have been downloaded more than 304 274 times.
To help people and organizations retrieve access to valuable information, the National High Tech Crime Unit of the Dutch National Police, Europol’s European Cybercrime Centre, Kaspersky and other partners jointly created the No More Ransom initiative in 2016. More Ransom’ Initiative Helped Over 15 Lakh People Restore Their Digital Assets

Building a safer future in Manufacturing B2BSupport - p e E- C 9842211022 m te 7980096201/1800-2586800 9820093890

solutions out of which one is the Vero series of laptops and peripherals, it is Acer’s commitment to making the tech industry better for the environment.
• 30% PCR plastic content in core products by 2025
Through the Earthion initiative, Acer intends to create and spread awareness against climate change, biodiversity and nature loss, and pollution, a triple crisis that threatens human health, prosperity, equality, and peace. Earthion is a platform that unites green initiatives and creates a greener future.
• 80% of critical suppliers committed to RE100 by 2025 • 80% carbon reduction by 2050 (Compared with the baseline year of 2009)
Ripu Daman Bevli, Plogging Ambassador of India, said, “It was amazing to see more than 300 people from Acer, their families and college students join this morning. Such mornings give me hope that we are on the right path. Apart from every Indian, we need corporates like Acer India to join in the efforts to achieve our joint goal of a Litter Free India.”
Ripu Daman Bevli who has been referred to as the Plogman of India for his contributions to the littering crisis in India and for introducing the concept of plogging to our country. This initiative was led by the leadership team of Acer India and employees along with their family members of Acer, college students and the wider public. During the ploggathon hundreds of kilograms of trash was collected and will be recycled responsibly in partnership with NGO.
• Reddot winner 2021 for packaging designing • Good design award in 2021
As part of Acer’s global initiative ‘Earthion’, Acer India partnered with celebrity plogman Ripu Daman Bevli to host "Acer Vero Ploggathon". In this unique the participants came together to pick up litter and plastic while doing their morning jog and walk along with some fun activities. This ploggathon covered key locations like Brigade Road, Church Street, MG Road and Commissariat Road in Bangalore.
Some of the achievements and recognitions of this initiative are:
30 AUGUST 2022I
During the ploggathon, Mr. Balakrishnan,SoorajHead of Marketing, Acer India said “We are happy to come together early morning and be part of this initiative at Acer. We are glad that we could do this with none other than the Plogman of India himself- Ripu Daman. We are an environment conscious brand that has been working towards sustainability under the Earthion Initiative. Under this initiative we have launched our Vero laptop which is made of upto 30% recycled plastic and saves upto 21% carbon emission so we can help organisation and governments achieve sustainability goals. We look forward to taking this initiative ahead with more contributions towards our society and making the Earth a better place to live for our future generations."
• Acer products are expected to consume 45% less energy by 2025 (Compared with the baseline year of 2016)
Earthion launched in 2020 is Acer’s initiative to engineer a better tomorrow. It aims to tackle the seekingandguidesixhassolutions.andthroughchallengesenvironmentalgeneration’scurrentinnovativeintegratedAcerinitiatedmissionstotheworkcontinueinnovative
Acer India Promotes Recycling and Non-Littering Through “Acer Vero Ploggathon”
• Reach 60% renewable energy by 2025 and 100% renewable energy (RE100) by 2035
• 100% of notebook packaging is made from sustainable materials

Discover Solutions with vBooth
After two years of virtual presentations, InfoComm India 2022 is welcoming all visitors in person to fully immerse in the InfoComm India experience again. The Show is slated for 5 – 7 September at the Bombay Exhibition Centre in Mumbai. Said Richard Tan, Executive Director of InfoCommAsia, “Ready to claim back the past two years, the industry is all geared up to reconnect in person, and share learning points and innovative advancements towards the disruption-ready demands of the new business landscape. And where better to meet than in India, the fastestgrowing economy in 2022. Projected by the IMF to be the 5th largest economy by 2025, opportunities to deepen existing and build new business relations abound.”
• Virtual and hybrid learning solutions
InfoComm India 2022 will be the fitting arena for firing up new ideas, solutions and strategies to forge new growth avenues.
• Room automation and centralized systems for smart homes and offices Collaborative conferencing systems for InfoComm in-person and hybrid meetings
The Industry Forums will explore significant topics that are important to various industries, such as the following:
• Security, flood and surveillance monitoring systems for network operations centers
• Control and automation solutions for smart city management
• India at 75 – Imagining the Next 25 Years for the Government and Urban Authorities
• Digital signage and display solutions for advertising and information
To enhance visitors’ experience and help them discover solutions relevant to their businesses, InfoComm India has introduced the all-new vBooth on the Show website. This allows solution-seekers to be matched with appropriate exhibitors and to identify specific ones to meet.
• Large screen, projection mapping, AR/ VR solutions for live events, museums, education and simulation training
Organisations – Challenges for the Corporate and Enterprises
• The Future of Education in India for the Education industry
India 2022 To Be Held in Mumbai This September
• Smart classrooms
All these serve as immediate gateway for visitors to identify exhibitors and organize their visit way before the Show begins. Fully-utilised, visitors are channelled towards a productive experience at the Event.
• Managing Hybrid Work Environment in Large
• Reimagining Sustainable Living in Future Ready Smart Spaces for Retail, Hospitality, and Enterprises
• IT Business Opportunities in the Pro-AV Segment for the IT Channel AV professionals keen to delve deeper into technical issues of Pro-AV applications and project management can look forward to the AVIXA Seminars and AV Managers Day. These are specialized seminars led by subject matter experts and designed to enhance the AV professional's technical skills and knowledge. ProAV professionals can look forward to in-depth discussions on a plethora of topics such as fundamentals in acoustics, AV protocols, small room acoustics, best practices in network audio, hybrid communication in education, and more.
The AV Leaders Connect - a by-inviteonly program for the AV industry’s C-suite and directorate-level leaders – will be headlined by Tilak Raj Dua, Director General of Digital Infrastructure Providers Association (DIPA). This one-day session will highlight the investment in India’s digital infrastructure, and how emerging tech will transform AV in the next 3 to 5 years.
The Summit InfoComm India’s Summit line-up is renowned as a learning platform across industries. Knowledge exchanges by international experts and trade industry leaders take place at well-curated discussions, seminars, forums and networking sessions. This year’s Summit will center on these dedicated formats: Industry Forums, AV Leaders Connect, AV Managers Day and AVIXA Seminars.
Registration is Open InfoComm India 2022 runs from 5 – 7 September, 10am – 6pm Indian Standard Time at Bombay Exhibition Center in Mumbai. Visitors can register to visit the Show at www. Admission is free.
• Tactical Cybersecurity Planning for Government & Defence Installations for the Government, Security & Defence industries
Visitors can expect a deeply engaging Show experience with an even wider array of innovative business capabilities to tap into. The Exhibition InfoComm India 2022 will host a gathering of the best and brightest luminaries in the Professional AudioVisual (Pro-AV) and Integrated Experience Technology sectors. 160 exhibiting companies, hailing from over 15 countries, will be presenting their innovations in Mumbai’s biggest exhibition space, spurring visitors to concretize their vision and elevate their projects and Solution-seekersendeavors. across India, in industries ranging from education to government, hospitality to healthcare, broadcast to enterprise, will find the answers they need at InfoComm India 2022. They can expect to see technologies and solutions that include:

34 AUGUST 2022I
Our market strategy is very aggressive and we want to capitalize the growth opportunities to scale our business. Micron will have a big role in it as we have huge expectations from the brand.
Excellent Product Quality
“Since on boarding Micron, we have witnessed a huge revenue growth as we Micron has positioned itself as a pioneer in the storage solutions industry in India. The company has consistently brought ground-breaking storage products that are not only affordable but reliable as well. Since its entry into the Indian market, its presence across PAN India has increased significantly. Its channel partner base is huge which contributes to growth trajectory. Gujarat is one of the markets for Micron as it has huge potential and Micron looks to capitalize on the existing opportunities in the market. Digital Terminal spoke to Mr. Nikhil Shah, Sales Manager, Mehta Brothers about the growth of Micron in Gujarat and how they are catering to the different sets of customers. are able to sell more storage products. Micron has a great contribution to our overall sales and we are confident that the numbers will increase with the time.
Overwhelming Growth with Micron
The national distributor RP tech India also provides us good support on the inventory front. We are really happy with the overall support we are receiving from team Micron and it has been a good journey with them so far. We expect to continue this bonding and achieve higher results for the brand.”
Support from Micron Commenting on the support from Micron, he said, “It’s now more than two years we are into Micron business and we never faced any kind of challenge. We get optimum support from Micron team and there are no challenges regarding product training or inventory.
“Since On Boarding Micron, We Have Witnessed A Huge Revenue Growth”
The excellent product quality speaks for the brand which drives strong demand for the products which we are currently selling. It allows us to sell more products and we aim to add more products in our portfolio to keep up the growth momentum,” stated by him.
Micron has a wide range of products that have gained tremendous success across Indian market. Commenting on the product quality and customer’s reaction, Nikhil Shah, Sales Manager, Mehta Brothers said, “We have been selling Micron products from last 2 years and have received an overwhelming response from customers. The customers prefer Micron products more than any other brand and one of the key reasons behind such acknowledgement is the product quality. Whether it is SSD or RAM, we are very confident about the reliability and durability of the products. It makes us sell the products in a better way and we plan to grow our strong relationship with Micron. The USP of Crucial’s products is exceptional speed, quality and performance. We are happy that we are associated with Crucial by Micron and doing good business with them.”
He further added, “The customer retention ratio remains 100% as we don’t get any complaint about the product and customers don’t move to any other brand once purchased Crucial’s products. The customers who like high-performance computing and want to build a powerful PC are purchasing Crucial SSDs. It adds huge value to Micron’s brand value and customer’s trust will continue to grow. We will invest in the business partnership and we see a brighter future with Crucial by Micron.”
About Mehta Brothers Mehta Brothers is based in Ahmedabad, Gujarat and has been in the distribution business from last 30 years. The company has many other leading tech brands on board and sell variety of tech products. They sell products out of Gujarat also and serving the ever-growing demand for tech products.

Secureye Supported GREAT INDIA RUN Marathon Concluded Successfully
Secureye Successfully Hosted Fun Trip for Its Tamilnadu Partners
Secureye has organized a Fun-Trip for its Tamilnadu Channel partners in the month of July. This was its first kind of event where all the partners attended this Trip and spent lot of time with each other. The partners also shared their business views and ideas with the team which can make a big positive impact on their business journey. This was a Fun trip and get together organized by Secureye had recently associated as a security partner for “GREAT INDIA RUN” marathon to celebrate India’s 75th Independence day. The historical marathon was kicked off from LAL CHOWK (KASHMIR) On 5th August and reached to INDIA GATE (DELHI) on 15th August. This great initiative received overwhelming response and a large Secureye to reward the partners for their tireless efforts in the success of Secureye. The partners applauded great efforts of Secureye for organizing this Fun-trip.
On this stage, Chief Guests were Union Minister Mr. Jitendra Singh, Rajya Sabha MP Mr. Kartik Sharma and Lok Sabha MP Mr. Manoj Tiwari. Fortune Marketing’s Managing Director, Mr. Manoj Gupta felicitated all the government dignitaries and gave speech about successful conclusion of marathon, Har Ghar Tiranga movement, and PM’s Make in India movement which has fuelled the growth of Indian manufacturing sector. While addressing the audiences at flag receiving ceremony, Mr. Manoj Gupta, MD, Fortune Marketing said, “We are proud to be associated as a Security Partner with “GREAT INDIA RUN” marathon. At Secureye, we always endeavour to support the country and keep the country first in our all company policy. We are serving the nation with our truly Made in India products that exemplifies our commitment towards a mission. Being part of the “GREAT INDIA RUN” marathon, we feel honoured. Also, PM’s Har Ghar Tiranga movement has boosted the wave of patriotism and we are able to see our Indian flag everywhere in the country. It is a proud movement for all of us and on this 75th Independence Day, we envision to make India a global superpower in all sectors.”
Commenting on the successful Fun-trip for partners, Mr. Atul Gupta, Director, Secureye said, “We are really happy to see such great enthusiasm among our channel partners. This fun-trip shows our commitment to the valued partners as we continue to boost our channel ecosystem. We are a channel focused company and believe in growing together. I would like to congratulate the partners who have won the awards for their extremely amazing work. We will organize such trips on regular basis to further strengthen the relationship with the trusted partners.”
Secureye is relentlessly expanding its product line-up and during the event, Secureye team also shared information about their new product offerings along with Make in India number of people participated in this event to make the Independence day memorable. On the completion of this historical marathon, a flag receiving ceremony was organized in Delhi where hundreds people gathered to finally witness concluding ceremony of ‘GREAT INDIA RUN’ Marathon. initiative. While motivating the partners, Mr. Vikas Sharma, National Product Manager, Secureye, Said, “We keep on working to bring best in class products so that partners can fulfil the current demand. Our new product offerings are very competitive and best in market currently. We are also contributing towards ‘Make In India’ mission as all our products are manufactured locally.”

“Our journey started with the introduction of TVs, and we soon expanded into a new category and launched our Washing Machine & dishwasher range. Our vision was to represent world-class innovations at an affordable price. We are proud to say we have done this with our product portfolio, which stands apart in terms of global quality and design while being affordable”.
“Our guarantee of quality assurance of our products has helped us win numerous awards such as BARC Award for ‘Prestigious Brands of Asia’ & CMO Asia award for ‘Excellence in Branding & Marketing –emerging brand’. India is a cricket crazy country and we have chosen our brand ambassadors from it. Currently we have the much talked about Ishan Kishan who has been making waves with his batting, and Suresh Raina who has been a fixture is Chennai Super Kings. Consumers across the country have related with us and have appreciated our diverse product offering. Markets such as South, East continue to drive the maximum sales for us,” stated Pawan. Product Segments Contributing to Elista’s Growth “It is a great sense of achievement. Our product range today speaks for itself in its diversity as well as quality. We were clear that having affordable premium products would necessitate the need to have a strong support ecosystem. We are fortunate to have made a connection with the customers in a short span of time. Out of all the categories that we operate, Smart LED TVs and washing machine range is the biggest revenue generator for us. In the Smart LED TV space, our range starts from 24 inches to 75 inches. In the washing machine space, we offer semi-automatic washing machines starting from 7 kg to 9.5 kg. Almost 70% of revenue comes from Smart LED TVs,” revealed by Pawan. Vision for 2023 Sharing his vision and plans to position Elista as a leading brand in the industry, Pawan commented, “Our journey has just begun, and we have set some challenging goals for the next part. With so much of love and support from customers and partners, we are targeting a turnover of Rs. 250 crores in the current financial year. We are also mulling expanding to overseas markets and have plans to start operations in Dubai, Central Asia, Middle East. In conjunction with this, we are in the process of setting up a manufacturing facility in India. We are completely aligned with the Make In India mission and want to make India the global hub of manufacturing. Till now we have been outsourcing our manufacturing requirements. With the acquisition of a manufacturing license, it will now be in-house. We aim to increase our footprint both in India and globally. Our dual purposes of going ‘vocal for local’ and creating ‘job opportunities in India are at the heart of all our operations.”
Within two years of inception, Elista is now one of the most prominent market players in the Indian IT market. Brand Elista is redefining the customer experience by bringing reliable and affordable tech products for Indian customers.On Elista’s 2nd Anniversary, DT is bringing this story to highlight their achievements, journey and next set target to keep on conquering new heights in years to come. Elista’s Inspiring Journey Elista has been growing at a rapid pace and since its inception, the company has achieved tremendous success so far. Sharing about the inspiring journey of Elista, Pawan Kumar, CEO, Elista said “Elista is a Consumer Electronics, Home Appliances, IT, and Mobile Accessories company founded in 2020. We were able to successfully see the need gap that existed in the market and make a substantial dent with our technologically superior products. Catering to the needs of budget-conscious consumers, we are offering best-in-class products at an affordable price.”
“We have recently launched a range of Web OS TV, which has been well received by the customers. Our turnover reflects the confidence reposed in us by our customers with our revenue going from Rs. 35 crores in first-year operations to almost double to Rs 158 crore in this year. During the course of our journey, we have roped in two Celebrity Ambassadors in the dynamic Ishan Kishan and the dashing Suresh Raina. Elista has also been felicitated with prestigious awards like – BARC Award for ‘Prestigious Brands of Asia’ & CMO Asia award for ‘Excellence in Branding & Marketing – emerging brand” concluded Pawan. Growing Footprints of Elista A brand’s success somewhere depends on its presence as a vast geographical presence helps the brand in reaching a large number of customers. Through building a strong network of partners, Elista has made large footprints in the country. Commenting on the growing reach of Elista, Pawan added, “In this respect, we are lucky that our parent company TeknoDome has a solid reputation as a global distributor of renowned brands with over 12 years of experience in the Consumer Goods, IT, and Gaming industries. We leveraged this when looking at dealers who would help us scale up our operations and have helped us scale up operations. Today we have around 25,000 outlets across India, 1,000 distributors channel networks across India and are present on online platforms like Flipkart, Amazon, Tata Cliq, and Payed.”

40 AUGUST 2022I
GITEX GLOBAL hosts the tech world from over 170 countries in Dubai, in a bid to empower the tech and progress agendas of the region and the world.
Leading Tech Brands to Showcase Ground-
Breaking Innovations at GITEX Global
As the custodian of the region’s technology agenda, GITEX GLOBAL sets the stage for the most profound, highimpact conferences uniting ecosystem stakeholders and formidable minds from across the world. No other tech conference is as widely attended and trusted to deliver the insights and perspectives reinventing diverse industries. Over 1000 speakers, over 500 hours of penetrative content, and 14 conference tracks covering 5G/ Telecom, Healthcare, Fintech, Digital Cities x AI, Future Mobility, Cybersecurity, Web 3.0, Education, Startups, Energy, Data Economy, Blockchain and Coding.
Beyond business, GITEX is also a key event for aligning the national tech agendas of ministries across the region.
GITEX GLOBAL hosts the tech world from over 170 countries in Dubai, in a bid to empower the tech and progress agendas of the region and the world. A trusted event for the past 42 years, GITEX GLOBAL is the most complete and comprehensive innovation event, uniting seven tech communities in one GITEX ecosystem: Global Tech, Governments, Coders & Developers, Startups, Investors, Youth and RunningAcademia.from 10-14 October, the 2022 edition is planned to be the biggest-ever with transformative trends taking over an expanded experiential space, conference and workshop programme covering: Metaverse, Web 3.0, NFT, Net Zero and Green Tech, Low-Code/No-Code, among others.
GITEX GLOBAL is a mega tech collective of seven shows, curated under distinct tech sectors: GITEX (covering major enterprise and government tech), Ai Everything (focused on purposeful AIdriven innovations for resolving global challenges), North Star (encompassing the full startup ecosystem), Global DevSlam (largest meetup of developers & coders), Future Blockchain Summit (region’s first and largest blockchain event), Fintech Surge (accelerating fintech ecosystems globally) and Marketing Mania (celebrating disruptive innovations at the intersection of creativity, marketing & tech).
At the epicenter of the new world economies, the Middle East & Africa has set sights on ambitious digital transformation goals, investments and initiatives. The expectations are huge, with the digital economy estimated to contribute $300bn to the region’s GDP as per World Bank1. Dubai is at the forefront the region’s digital economy mission, and home to one of the largest, strongest innovation ecosystems in the world.
Featuring the largest government presence of any tech show in the world, GITEX welcomes over 200 major government entities, and ministers and public sector representatives –coming together to unveil new digital transformation projects and announce public-private collaborations through MoU signings.
The show will feature the obvious roster of global tech – AMD, Alibaba Cloud, Amazon Web Services, Avaya, Cisco, Ericsson, HPE Intel, Honeywell, Huawei, McAfee, Microsoft, Oracle, Schneider Electric – among the 4000+ companies presenting their latest innovations and launches across 5G, Artificial Intelligence, Cloud, Cybersecurity, Fintech, Blockchain, Data Analytics, Digital Economies and AcrossSustainability.the five days, GITEX GLOBAL becomes the world’s most buzzing centerpiece of enterprise tech showcases and sourcing with nearly 100,000 attendees joining to source new tech, sign partnerships and get their yearly fix of innovation inspiration.
This year’s new event – Global DevSlam is supported by Coders HQ, a UAE government initiative to empower local and global coding communities, and push these coders to become key enablers of the country’s digital economy. The event will host a power-camp of conferences, trainings, workshops and one of the largest hackathons.
The complete GITEX GLOBAL show collective is organised by Dubai World Trade Centre – a leading entity behind some of the world’s largest events aligning trade, government and social missions.


Today Lapcare has a very strong Pan India presence and we are growing with each passing Month. Currently, we hold a very strong Market in (A class cities, Metro cities and growing in non-metros as well) We are now also focusing on spreading our reach in the (D class) of India. We plan to grow both, with new verticals and new geographies in 2022. Today Lapcare has over 20000+ channels /Retail partners at Pan India Level, which we aim to double this year.
Mr. Rajeev Ranjan, Editor, Digital Terminal recently held an exclusive interaction with Mr. Atul Gupta, Managing Director, Lapcare to know about their offerings, market strategy, channel roadmap and set targets. Read below the excerpts: focus is on IT, and staying and sustaining ourselves in this sector as Lapcare IT Accessories is our prime objective. Lapcare is a well-established brand in the B2B sector and we plan to increase sales in the B2C segment through e- commerce, LFR and RLFR.
Rajeev: What is your channel roadmap to achieve a substantial market share? What are your expectations in terms of business opportunities in 2022?
Rajeev: Please tell us about your supply chain network. How is Lapcare’s channel network driving growth on the PAN India Atul:level?
Rajeev: Do you have any plans to enter new product segments?
Atul: Despite the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, Lapcare has seen year-onyear revenue growth for the last couple of months. This could be possible by the swiftness of our actions to capture the rise in demands due to work-fromhome and online learning needs. In these unprecedented times, Lapcare’s focus is on ensuring partners and customers have what they need to build ahead. Lapcare is pursuing growth and long-term sustainability through its dual transformation, which focuses on its existing Laptop business while diversifying into new businesses. In the core Laptop business, Lapcare’s performance is driven by (batteries and adapters and IT accessories with new use cases like work, learning, and game from home. We are establishing the bar high and projecting a slew of innovations in its product line. Amidst that, the main focus is on catering to all the product needs of diverse consumers under one roof. We will be continuing to launch products that are unique to the market. Also, we at Lapcare are planning to enter into audio segment and bring our gaming series.
Rajeev: How does Lapcare serve the various needs of Laptop users? What are your plans for bringing more innovative products in the coming time?
Atul: As a leading innovative tech company, it allows us to bring new technologies in time to market quickly, and we are strong with our nationwide channel reach throughout the country. To keep evolving in the technology business, we devote ourselves to optimizing the existing products, and continuously integrating cloud platforms and services by developing software and combine with hardware. Currently, our vertical
Atul: We already have BT Speakers and Neckbands broad product lines, under the brand name Lapcare. Good quality and superior sound and design is our USP. We have already entered type C connector hubs and we plan to add audio series and gaming series to our range.
The IT peripherals market seeing the accelerated growth in light of the large-scale adoption of PCs, gadgets and mobile devices. There are various brands in the market who offer such in demand products but only few have the consumer trust which is vital to succeed. Lapcare is one of the brands that have achieved the trust of customers by offering durable, affordable and consumer-oriented products. Over the years, Lapcare has built a strong presence across India and serves to the burgeoning consumer demand.
Atul: For 2022, our lineup shall focus on products with better specs in terms of designs, software performance as well as hardware. We plan to add 2-3 more products segment to our portfolio and then consolidate all the products till we reach SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) wise threshold levels. We shall be looking at LAPSCAN ANTIVIRUS India. Our agenda is to be the chosen Brand for people who wish to buy quality consumer tech products. Apart from adaptor, batteries, we shall also be looking at audio category in new metros and Tier 1 & Tier 3 cities. We shall strive to satisfy our Customers and end consumers by providing them utility products at an affordable price without compromising on the quality. Lapcare has been consistently striving to provide quality products. We also need to adapt to Technology and aspire to be amongst the early brands to get newer technology into the country. All in all, the agenda for the year is advancements in technology keeping price points and good quality in mind. Apart from this, to adapt to growing demands, we shall also be looking at branding and customer awareness through digital marketing and offline media campaigns.
“ The agenda for the year is advancements in technology keeping price points and good quality in mind”
Rajeev: What is the prime focus for Lapcare currently? What are your focus areas in terms of verticals to accelerate your growth?
42 AUGUST 2022I

AORUS AD27QD Gaming Monitor
ASUS ROG Strix XG16 Gaming Monitor
Acer Nitro XV282K KV 4K UHD Monitor
MSI Optix G271 Gaming Monitor
The Nitro XV282K KV immerses users into spectacular worlds in incredible detail with its 4K UHD (3840 x 2160) IPS panel, features a 100,000,000:1 contrast ratio to display sharp visuals and covers 90% of the DCI-P3 wide color gamut to allow for intense color representations. Also featuring AMD® FreeSync™ Premium technology, the 144 Hz refresh rate panel boasts a 1 ms response time for speedy frame rendering. Additionally, the Acer Nitro XV282K KV comes with HDMI 2.1 and a cable for hasslefree support for the latest gaming consoles at 4K UHD 120 Hz with VRR (Variable Refresh Rate). The new Acer Nitro XV2 series monitor features Acer HDR 400 and liquid crystal IPS for increased image quality, while Acer VisionCare 3.0 incorporates several technological innovations to help reduce eye strain experienced by heavy users such as programmers, writers and graphic designers.
MSI Optix G271 is one of the most advanced gaming monitor which is packed with powerful features. Equipped with a 1920x1080, 144hz Refresh rate, 1ms response time panel, the Optix G271 will give you the competitive edge you need. Thanks to its IPS panel, the MSI Optix G271 Gaming Monitor minimises colour shifts and image distortion when viewed from various directions. This gaming monitor’s wide colour gamut ensures that the colours and features of the games appear realistic and detailed, pushing the boundaries of immersion. Built with FreeSync technology, the Optix G271 can match the display’s refresh rate with your GPU for ultra-smooth gameplay. Reach the peak of immersion with the latest technologies built into MSI Gaming monitors. The Optix G271 is equipped with an IPS panel that eliminates image distortion and provides minimal color shifts when viewed from different angles.
AORUS AD27QD is one of the most powerful 27” gaming monitor with 2560x1440 high resolution and it is equipped with 144Hz refresh rate, 1ms response time, and AMD free Sync support. The gaming monitor boasts the most advanced LED systems in the market today. Thanks to the RGB Fusion App, you’ll be able to create a gaming ambience exclusively to you with its intuitive UI and customizability. LED enthusiasts now have the chance to show off their creativity with the ability to customize multiple zones independently. The gaming monitor features an exclusive stand that’s ergonomically designed to offer extensive range of height, tilt, pivot, stroke, and swivel
ASUS ROG Strix XG16 portable gaming monitor features 144 Hz refresh rate, built-in battery and fold-out kickstand for gaming on the go. The 15.6-inch FHD IPS panel in ROG Strix XG16 offers exceptionally vivid color. Its 144 Hz refresh rate delivers supersmooth visuals while G-SYNC compatibility eliminates screen tearing to provide outstanding gaming experiences. ROG Strix XG16 is the first ROG portable gaming monitor to be offered with an entirely white finish. The monitor is also available with a classic black finish. Both models feature a unique rear cover design that gives each a distinct look. ROG Strix XG16 gives gamers the ability to play anywhere without having to worry about running out of battery life. It has a built-in high-capacity 7800 mAh battery that provides up to three hours of viewing at 144 Hz, and a quick-charge function enables up to two hours of use after just an hour of charging.

BoAt Dominates Indian Wearables Market With 34.3% Market Share
According to, International Data Corporation’s (IDC) India Monthly Wearable Device Tracker, 23.9 million wearable devices were shipped in 2Q22 (April-June), growing by 113% year-overyear (YoY). 38 million units were shipped in 1H22 (Jan-Jun) growing at 65.8% YoY, supported by new launches, discounts, and marketing. Affordability remains a key growth lever. The overall, average selling price (ASP) declined by 7.2% YoY in 2Q22. Watch-based wearables continue to be the fastest-growing category shipping 6.4 million units; a growth of 298.4% YoY. With a strong push for entry-level price points, the ASP declined by 28.9% YoY to reach $45.1 (vs $63.4 a year back). Basic watches continue to dominate with 95.2% share growing by 306.4% annually in 2Q22. Wrist bands declined by 63.0% YoY as weaker demand continues to restrict its growth.
Epson Continues to Lead Indian Projector Market with 40.52% Market Share
According to a recent study of business and leisure travelers, wireless service is the top amenity desired at all hotels by 90% of respondents. Today guests expect ready access to high speed internet and internetenabled applications wherever they go whether on business or at leisure so they can check email, access work files, upload photos, engage on social media sites, watch movies, or listen to music. Today numerous small businesses would find value in having Wi-Fi for their guests, employees and business systems, but the cost and complexity of setting up and managing such a network is beyond their means.
Optoma announced that it has No.1 position in 4K UHD, laser projector & Laser TV projector categories in India during the Q2 of 2022. According to the recent world-wide projector market information expert Pacific Media Associates (PMA) report, Optoma enjoyed 49% in 4K UHD segment, 43% market share in Laser projector segment & 60% market share in Laser TV Projector segments due to its impressive sales in the home projector segments. The overall projector market has witnessed good growth in the last one year, according to the PMA report. The brand saw its share in 4K UHD segment grow by 2.5 times, while the laser projector segment has registered 9 times growth in comparison to 3 times growth of the market compared to 2021. The report has also highlighted that Optoma is in top 3 brand in overall projector market.
Epson announced that it has retained its No. 1 position in the Indian Projector market for FY22 Q1 (April 2022 ~ June 2022). As per the latest report by Futuresource Consulting, Epson has captured a market share of 40.52%, selling 16,231 projectors in the country during the quarter. Epson clocked a strong growth of 54.61% over the previous quarter. Epson was also India’s No.1 projector brand in FY2021-22 with a market share of 25.46% and has been the market leader for the last seven years. After witnessing a slowdown in the last financial year, the market is witnessing a strong rebound with demand from education & corporate segments as students return to classrooms and offices return to a level of normalcy. The home projector space is also witnessing strong growth as more consumers look to elevate their viewing and entertainment experience at home.
NETGEAR is empowering such businesses, with its secure, reliable, and easy to install networking systems. The brand’s solutions are perfect for commercial locations such as professional offices, restaurants, retail, or bed and breakfast inns. These systems require no wiring, professional installation, or added IT costs.
GIGABYTE wowed the creator community with its completely re-designed AERO series laptops since their launch earlier this year. Above all, the AERO 16 creator laptop is particularly designed with graphic designers, video editors, and photographers in mind, delivering X-Rite™ certified and Pantone® validated (∆E<1) color accuracy. Combined with the Super Narrow Bezel 4K+ OLED display and VESA-certified DisplayHDR™ 500 True Black, the AERO 16 laptop brings true-to-life colors that make creators’ inspirations come alive. To share such a creative edge, GIGABYTE is inviting the whole community to join AERO 16 Relay Challenge and pass on the joy of color and creation on social platforms. The campaign is led off with the Color Relay Challenge. Starting from August 10, participants are invited to apply the AERO 16-themed Instagram AR filter and complete the tasks for a chance to win awesome prizes.
“AERO 16 CommunityChallenge”RelayForCreators
Attacks On Gaming Companies Have Increased 2X Over Past Year: Akamai Akamai Technologies released a new State of the Internet report showing that web application attacks on the gaming industry more than doubled over the past year. The new report, Gaming Respawned, notes these attacks come in the wake of booming popularity and demand for cloud gaming platforms. Attacks on web applications in the gaming sector puts player accounts at risk of being compromised by cyber criminals resulting in the selling of gaming accounts and theft of personal information including credit card data. The microtransaction market is reportedly expected to reach $106.02B by 2026 creating a massive target for attackers. The report also finds that the gaming industry is targeted for 37 percent of all DDoS attacks. This is an overwhelming amount as the second most targeted vertical is the financial sector at 22 percent.
Optoma Continues to Dominate 4K UHD and Laser Projector Segments In India
NEWS BYTE >>>>>>>> 46 AUGUST 2022I

Putting across his views on the growing presence of Kaizen and trust built over the years, Murali Krishnan, Director, Kaizen Infoserve said, “I am very much satisfied with the growth we have been able to achieve As A Leading Tech Service Provider In India” Global Methodology With Indian Customization Mumbai NagpurHamedabadNashikKolhapurSolapurAurangabadBarodaRajkotMorgaoIndoreBhopal RajpurJabalpurRaipur JaipurGurgoanChandigrah Dehradun Jammu Kanpur Patna Kokata Siliguri Bhubneshwar Agarthala Guwahati Bangalore Mangalore Hubli Chennai Thiruvananthapuram Hyderabad/ Secunderabad Visakhapatnam Vijaywada Pondicherry 10+ Regional Hubs | 40+ KAP Locations Strategically Located - Logistically connected India’s leading & preferred technology support partner Tech Support Partner For :ppp during our journey so far. We have more than 40 active Kaizen Authorised Partners (KAP) in smaller cities that add additional value to our strength. Moreover, our homegrown ERP has the feature to add brands/SLA based on locations enabling to manage the Turnaround Time (TAT) as per each brand’s requirements. In the
“We Are Aiming to Further Consolidate Our Position
consolidate our position as a leading tech service provider in India.” TECH FOCUS 48 AUGUST 2022I
The Indian IT peripherals market is undergoing a huge transformation and the tech brands are advancing their innovations to serve their customers with highperformance products. The IT hardware market has grown tremendously where demand for SSDs, motherboards, and graphics cards has increased immensely. Indian as well as global tech brands are capitalizing on the opportunities by bringing technologically advanced products for different set of customers i.e. gamers, content creators, professionals and etc. Hardware remains one of the critical parts of a PC hence it is important for the user to maintain flawless hardware. But when the challenges start arising in the hardware part, the PC delivers an extremely poor performance which no one likes. Kaizen being a leading tech support company, has been helping all the tech giants with seamless customer service support. Kaizen has spread its presence across the Indian market in a very less time and has added many leading tech brands under its portfolio. Kaizen is currently working with brands like MSI, Micron, Galax, ADATA, INNO3D, Nextron, Wipro, Mercury, Corsair, Cooler Master, Array Networks, Zotac, Plutus, Flipkart, and Crucial by Micron. For all these brands, Kaizen has set-up a robust service support infrastructure on PAN India lever. Despite many challenges on operational front, Kaizen continues to take its service support services on next level. Kaizen helps organizations in maximizing their ROI while optimizing their costs and adhering to the highest quality standards. the coming time, we plan to maximize strength and build our client portfolio. coming time, further
we plan to maximize our strength and build our client portfolio. We are aiming to

Unwrap the power of Crucial® DDR5 Did you know heat spreaders are mostly for show? National Authorised Distributor: RP tech SupertronIndiaElectronics Pvt. Ltd. Tech Data Advanced Solutions India Pvt. Ltd. For more information visit: Toll free helpline: 1800-425-3234 Crucial® DDR5 DRAM RNI No - DELENG/2010/31992