The Go Beat II speakers can easily connect to your mobile phones and laptops through Bluetooth. You can also carry it from room to room or just throw it in your bag. Commen ng on the same Mr. Atul Gupta, Managing Director, Lapcare said “Lapcare is a consumer-friendly brand that is commi ed to delivering and mee ng its customers’ demands, by bringing them up-to-date technology products, through studying the market trends. We understand that our young customers require vibrancy and with GoBeat II LBS 666, we keep our promise of bringing a variety of wireless and easy-touse products with a longer life, which means enhanced usage without any worry. We shall be bringing in more such products in the future.”
Quick Specifica on: Lapcare GoBeat II Wireless Bluetooth Speaker LBS-666
• Bluetooth version: V5.0
• Rated power: 2*7w
• Ba ery: 1200mAH
• Support:
Lapcare has announced the launch of the latest GoBeat II Bluetooth party speaker LBS-666 in the Indian market. Posi oned to be the powerful loudspeaker by Lapcare, GoBeat II shall be made available in all the leading retail stores at a whopping price of Rs. 2499/- from December onwards.
The GoBeat II LBS-666 has a built-in lithium-ion ba ery with 3.7V1200mAh, which means the speaker guarantees music 10 hrs/day. The Speaker also features Ba ery Care Mode that prevents overcharging, making your speaker more dependable and durable. The support of the Dual Diaphragm and TWS, allows you to enjoy true stereo sound quality without the use of cables or wires.
Input voltage: DC 5V /1A
• Charging method: Micro USB
• Product size: 255*100*133 mm
• Material : ABS”
• Handsfree Calls
The GoBeat LBS-666 Bluetooth party speaker shall be made available in black color.
Having more than 36 offices pan India Lapcare is the brand of Rx Infotech Pvt Ltd that offers products across 7 categories and 210 product lines and is supported by a wide dealership network of over 21000 across the country.
Lapcare priori zes its consumer’s convenience & comfort and to ensure the same they have come up with several many consumer-friendly schemes like the Unique Lapcare Protec on Plan, One Na on One Warranty, and Return without proof of purchase that dence in
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In a world dominated by technology, we have seen rise in cybera acks, both in terms of volume as well as complexity. The Sophos State of Ransomware 2022 revealed alarming findings that showed that 78% of surveyed organisa ons in India were hit by ransomware. In addi on, more than 90% of Indian organisa ons that were a acked said these a acks impacted their ability to operate and led to a loss of business/revenue. Over the course of 2022, we con nue to see cybera acks taking place at a large scale, domina ng news headlines, and crippling organisa ons for days.
Today, it is safe to say that with the commercializa on of ransomware-as-aservice, cybera acks are ge ng more brazen, and will con nue to evolve in 2023.
Here’s are some cybersecurity trends to watch out for in 2023:
Mobile devices are increasingly targeted: As mobile applica ons have become the dominant way in which people interact with the internet, mobile devices are at the center of a burgeoning range of new types of cybercrime. Not only are a ackers s ll using fake applica ons to deliver malware injectors, spyware and banking-associated malware, but newer forms of cyber fraud have been growing in popularity, such as “pig butchering” schemes. Today, both Android and iOS devices are increasingly being targeted by fake applica ons; what is worrisome to note is that criminals have found ways to use social engineering to breach Apple’s walled gardens.
Crypto-related scams will increase: The devalua on of Monero, one of the most popular cryptocurrencies for cryptominers, led to a decrease in one of the oldest and most popular types of cryptocrime— cryptomining. There is also a rise in cryptorelated mobile apps in the form of fake wallets that are used to scam investors. Addi onally, crypto-related scams are con nually shi ing and muta ng, swinging from fake cryptocurrency investment to fake crypto deriva ve investments, and into other fake financial markets.
5G will bring about increased cybercrime: The recent launch of 5G in India will be a game-changer for technology adop on in India. 5G technology, will improve on its predecessors with faster speeds, higher bandwidth and lower latency, which will likely make it more common than 4G ever
was. While the faster speeds definitely have their advantages for users, they’ll also cause disadvantages, since hackers will be able to exploit its speed.
A acks on the cloud supply chain will disrupt firms:
As enterprises con nue to move applica ons to the cloud, reliance on third par es and partners increases, which also raises the risk of threats via the supply chain. Log4J has already proven how numerous organisa ons can be impacted by a piece of dependent code that is incorporated into the so ware packaging process. There is already and increase in cybera acks using weak supply chain prac ces which will con nue in the near future, unless ac ve threat hun ng methods are deployed.
In light of the above, there is a strong need for enterprises and individuals to protect themselves and their data. Organisa ons also need to have a robust cybersecurity strategy in place, in order to mi gate threats, and prevent damage to the businesses’ reputa on and finances. Addi onally, proac ve response plan development allows internal teams to evaluate different response protocols and be be er prepared in case of any cybera acks.
A few best prac ces that organisa ons can implement are:
Leverage cybersecurity-as-a-service (CSaaS): Through this security model, outsourced specialists provide companies with urgently needed defenses and on-demand interven on. By outsourcing all security opera ons or augmen ng exis ng teams, organisa ons can ensure 24/7 threat hun ng, detec on and response capabili es. This is made possible through managed detec on and response (MDR), a core CSaaS offering.
Maintain good IT environment hygiene: Robust IT environment hygiene minimizes the likelihood of incidents occurring—so rou nely check your security controls and address any unpatched vulnerabili es, like open remote desktop protocol (RDP) ports.
Keep a hard copy of your incident response plan: Always have a physical copy of your incident response plan on hand. If your organiza on is hit with ransomware, digital copies of your plan could be among the files encrypted.
Today cybersecurity has become so complex that organisa ons cannot afford to handle it on their own. In order to mi gate threats, enterprises should work with a trusted partner to implement robust security strategies and build a secure opera ng environment.
workflows, content creators – whether in high-end studios, crea ng the next big picture, or a professional out in the field capturing footage for a project or edi ng videos during post-produc on – need simple and flexible storage solu ons that make them more efficient.
Western Digital unveiled new innova ons from its SanDisk® Professional brand for content creators and professionals in India. These innova ve storage solu ons are introduced to help content creators with one of their biggest challenges today: content management. The seven newly introduced products in India include SanDisk Professional PRO-G40TM SSD, G-RAIDTM Shu le SSD, G-DRIVE™ Enterprise-Class Desktop Hard Drive, and PRO-DOCK 4, a 4-bay reader docking sta on.
Content creators are crea ng an unprecedented amount of data across all segments. For example, as per a recent Western Digital study1 on average a new age content creator creates 350GB of content in a month, while a typical Bollywood movie requires about 200-300TB2 of storage. Considering the fast-paced, data-
SanDisk Professional’s por olio is centered on delivering high-performance, scalable, and reliable solu ons that enable today’s creators to actualize their aspira ons. It plays a cri cal role at every step of produc on – from capturing and transferring to edi ng and archiving – to help manage produc on assets effec vely and reliably.
Jaganathan Chelliah, Senior DirectorMarke ng, India Middle East and TIA, Western Digital, said, “Western Digital believes digital content is the voice of the content creator manifested through technology. Captured or created content needs to be saved, transferred, off-loaded, shared, and archived. Our newly introduced SanDisk Professional brand enables content creators and professionals to ‘Create the Incredible’. SanDisk Professional ers a range of purposebuilt storage solu ons to harmonize every step of that process.”
Khalid Wani, Senior Director- Sales, India, Western Digital said, “At Western Digital, we are constantly innova ng and introducing storage solu ons to help creators at every step of the process to capture the extraordinary. Our professional-grade por olio under SanDisk Professional Brand allows us to offer premium solu ons to the growing community of creators.”
Professional content is in constant mo on. SanDisk Professional brand offers a range of purpose-built storage solu ons to harmonize every step of the content crea on process with professional-grade performance and enterprise-class reliability.
Key features of the products newly introduced to India include:
SanDisk Professional PRO-G40 SSD
• The new offering boasts super-fast speeds up to 2700MB/s3 read3 and 1900MB/s write3 with a Thunderbolt™ 3 (40Gbps) interface. Move up to 50GB in 30 seconds or less and power through even the most demanding workloads. The cool aluminum core pulls heat away from the internal drive to help maintain super-fast transfer speeds over me.
• Dual-mode compa bility with both Thunderbolt 3 (40Gbps) and USB 3.2 Gen 2 (10Gbps) hosts through a single port makes collabora on across devices easier for maximized efficiency.
• The PRO-G40 SSD has a pro-grade enclosure that is ready for any adventure and delivers a premium strength you can feel. Its ultra-rugged design with IP68 dust/water resistance, up to 4000-pound (1800Kgs) crush resistance, and up to 3-meter drop resistance4 help withstand the elements in just about every loca on for ultra-durability.
• The PRO-G40 SSD is available now for MSRP starts at Rs 34999 in India with a 5-year limited warranty.
SanDisk Professional G-RAID Shu le SSD
• Up to 32TB5 of high-performance solidstate storage to transfer 4K, 8K, VR, high dynamic range (HDR), and high frame rate (HFR) footage in a single loca on
• Transfer rates up to 2800MB/s3 read deliver incredible speed via Thunderbolt 3
• Built for easy travel between the on-site produc on loca on and to the studio for post-produc on
• Dual Thunderbolt 3 ports allow you to daisy chain up to five addi onal devices
• G-RAID SHUTTLE SSD is available now for MSRP starts Rs 3,99,999 in India with a 5-year limited warranty
SanDisk Professional G-DRIVE EnterpriseClass Desktop Hard Drive
• Quickly back up or add extra storage to your computer for all your HD photos, videos, and music with speed data transfers up to 280MB/s read3 and 280MB/s write3 (22TB capacity) using the USB-C (10Gbps) port.
• For all your demanding workloads and mission-cri cal content, you can rely on the power and enhanced reliability of the 7200RPM Ultrastar® enterprise-class hard
drive inside.
• G-DRIVE Enterprise-Class Desktop Hard Drive is available in 4TB, 6TB, 12TB, 18TB, and 22TB capaci es, Pricing starts Rs 19,999/- and is available with a 3-year limited warranty.
SanDisk Professional PRO-DOCK 4
• Quickly and simultaneously offload up to 4 different SanDisk Professional PROREADER devices (sold separately).
• Enhance your produc vity with Thunderbolt (40Gbps) connec vity for blazing-fast data transfers, daisychaining, and power delivery.
• Created for customiza on, the SanDisk Professional PRO-DOCK 4 docking
sta ons can a ach to a DIT Cart or other gear to support your produc on needs.
• The PRO-DOCK is available now for MSRP Rs 34,999/- in India with a 3-year limited warranty.
L-R, Mr. Jaganathan Chelliah, Senior Director-Marke ng, India Middle East and TIA, Western Digital and Mr. Khalid Wani, Senior Director- Sales, India, Western DigitalIndia’s leading tech support company Kaizen has announced a new vision and strategy to widen its wings and achieve a huge growth rate. The company is on a mission to take the tech service support experience to the next level where every customer is happy and satisfied. With its strong portfolio of clientele, Kaizen aims to elevate the brand reputation in the market and reduce the turnaround time. Kaizen has all the leading tech companies on board which includes MSI, Crucial By Micron, Galax, ADATA, INNO3D, Nextron, Wipro, Mercury, Corsair, Cooler Master, Array Networks, Zotac, Plutus, and many others leading brand in India.
With the time, Kaizen has strengthened its position in the Indian market. The brand trust on Kaizen has grown exponentially and each passing year bond is getting much more stronger. Kaizen’s remarkable growth in the market exemplifies its expertise and efficiency in providing an exceptional service support experience to huge customer base across India. Kaizen is fully committed to provide the best tech support across the country.
In its journey of more than a decade, Kaizen has regularly strengthened its growth and excelled in its field. It is witnessing flourishing growth which is derived from the collective vision of the entire team. Kaizen aims to enable all brands in its portfolio to seamlessly, and strongly connect with their customers in which service plays a key role. The ecosystem is constantly changing and Kaizen has acquired new plans for the year 2023 to accelerate its growth.
While talking to DT, Murali Krishnan, Director, Kaizen Infoserve shared his plans for boosting the company growth ahead in CY 2023. He said, “We have clearly set our vision, benchmark on service support is changing and we have set our domains very clear on how to change the methodology of customer service support in the country. We are redefining our business model, in this line we are planning to open multiple warehouses in the country. So we will have addition of at least 3 warehouses in Delhi, Calcutta and Mumbai where we have a branch office but we don’t have a warehouse. We are opening full fledge warehouses in these locations so that the turnaround time across the country can be brought down to 3-5 days.”
He further added, “In 2023, there will be no holidays for Kaizen and we will work all 365 days in the year. So customers can reach us anytime throughout the year. We will improve the benchmarks going forward in the year 2023. To resolve the customer problems, we are redefining our process. We are purchasing one more AI engine for reporting. So for the first time, we will have a pattern problem analysis coming from AI for kaizen. And from 15th August, we are going away from paper reporting. We are coming up with WhatsApp based receipt system for customers which has already been started off in Bangalore and we are expanding it city by city.”
With a clear vision and planning to give best service support to customers in India, Kaizen will continue to maintain it’s leadership position in year 2023 as well.
“We are redefining our business model, in this line we are planning to open multiple warehouses in the country”
Tata Tele Business Services (TTBS) has announced the strategic expansion of its cloud communication suite Smartflo with WhatsApp Business Platform. This is an advanced move in the digital era to offer an enhanced business communication experience, thus accelerating user engagement, enhancing customer experience, and ensuring impactful customer interactions. WhatsApp Business Platform is an easy and trusted solution for businesses to better manage discussions and queries of customers around the globe. Its superior UX further enhances business communications, enabling seamless and impactful interactions in the way customers want to engage in today’s business ecosystem. Tata Tele Business Services, in its endeavor to transform digital experiences with technology, brings to the table, indepth knowledge of enterprise customer needs and requirements, as well as trust and service assurance. This integration will help businesses map customer operational needs over multiple channels, while boosting customer experience with unified hyperpersonalized interactions and multi-touch attributions.
Konica Minolta Business Solutions has announced its partnership with Brother International for Indian market. Brother India has options to provide stateof-the-art A4 printers, meant especially for Enterprise customers. Konica Minolta India, an accepted brand in the Enterprise market, will promote these products under the original brand name i.e., Brother. Through this partnership, Konica Minolta India will address the consumer needs for such A4 size printers in this segment.
Commenting on the partnership, Katsuhisa Asari, Managing Director of Konica Minolta Business Solutions India Pvt Ltd said, “We at Konica Minolta India are thrilled to partner with Brother India. This partnership will provide more growth opportunities for both organizations. The difficulties presented by the digital transition have greatly aided in our learning and exposed us to newer consumer behaviors, allowing us to provide value to our clients in the form of specialized marketing solutions. Our “Customer-centric” approach will help us to align the needs by offering various product solutions.”
Dell Technologies expands its high performance computing (HPC) portfolio, offering powerful solutions to help organizations quickly innovate with confidence. With a range of new offers, Dell delivers technologies and services to help customers power demanding applications while making HPC capabilities more accessible to businesses. “Customers consider scalability as a significant factor while deploying IT infrastructures in any capacity. We at Dell Technologies, understand this need and develop products that efficiently manage critical workloads. With AI taking the center stage in today’s environment, Dell PowerEdge servers will accelerate high performance computing while also pushing AI driven outcomes,” said Mr. Manish Gupta, Vice President and General Manager, Dell Technologies India. “With our PowerEdge server portfolio, we not only aim to enable enterprises in managing their workloads better, but also help them meet their sustainability goals regardless of the size of their business, whether big or small,” he added.
The enterprise Email & Collaboration Suite, IceWarp, highlights some of the key challenges faced by its IT/ITeS clients and presents affordable, seamlessly integrated and top-of-the-line solutions to a majority of IT/ITeS companies in India. IceWarp, being a leading business email and collaboration solution provider is effectively accelerating the industry with its collaborative tools and catering best-in-class connected experiences to improve productivity and to strengthen the culture of collaboration. By addressing the verticalspecific challenges, IceWarp has taken a lead in supporting top BPOs & KPOs in the industry through its customized solutions while reducing TCO (Total cost of ownership) by almost 70%. The preferred ecosystem of hybrid deployment, has allowed non-power, comprising almost 85%-90% of the workforce, to be upgraded to better, more detailed solutions. Security, trustworthiness, and ease-of-use is an utmost priority for IceWarp, Hence, they have onboarded many leading brands as IceWarp ensures the deployment of seamless and secure communication solutions that are significantly cost-effective for the leading IT companies.
Acer launched Acer Swift Edge, which counts as world’s lightest 16-inch OLED laptop. The 4K OLED display on the Acer Swift Edge supports 100% of the DCI-P3 colour gamut and has a peak brightness of 500 nits for movie-quality visuals. In order to help against increasingly complex cyberattacks, it is equipped Microsoft Pluton security processor.
The new laptop’s display has been certified by VESA DisplayHD True Black 500 and TUV Rheinland Eyesafe for a long-lasting and comfortable viewing experience. With an AMD Ryzen™ PRO CPU and up to a 1TB PCIe Gen 4 SSD, the Acer Swift Edge is one of the most secure Windows devices. This laptop weighs only 1.17kg, but it is packed with features that boost productivity and teamwork through cutting-edge technology, such as great processing speed and quick responsiveness.
Starting at Rs. 124,999.00, the all-new Swift Edge is designed is created to fulfil the needs of the modern hybrid workforce in terms of efficiency and creativity.
“Swift series products have continuously
taken first place in the thin and light category. With the launch of the brand-new Acer Swift Edge, we hope to provide our consumers the ideal fusion of performance, security, and durability. The Swift Edge has precise linear structural characteristics that give the laptop a fashionable and premium feel. These features are an heir to the simple, clean design language of the Swift series. This new laptop is the best option for business achievers thanks to its superb
The sleek and stunning Swift Edge is made with an alloy that’s 20% lighter and 2x as strong as
normal aluminum. With a 12.95mm thin & 1.17kg weight this light ultraportable laptop can accompany one in their nomadic ventures.
The Swift Edge is a Secured-core PC, which are the most secure Windows devices made. And with AMD Ryzen™ Pro, Microsoft Pluton and biometric authentication, users can have powerful safeguards to keep personal data protected and work securely.
Work from anywhere, in 4K OLED and experience a sensational range of colour and clarity with cinemagrade 100% DCI-P3 colour gamut support and 500 Nits brightness— so images keep looking simply sublime.
The FHD front-facing camera uses Acer’s TNR (Temporal Noise Reduction) technology for high-quality imagery even in low-light conditions. And with Acer PurifiedVoice™ with AI Noise Reduction, video calling has never been so good.
Featuring the next generation in connectivity with Wi-Fi 6E. Perfect for high-speed file sharing and smooth 4K streaming. Also featuring two USB-C ports and HDMI 2.1 support so users can stay connected wherever they go.
This year’s results highlight that organizations have experienced higher levels of disruptions in the past year, with over 86 percent of respondents’ organizations experiencing at least one disruption in the last 12 months. This points toward a staggering trend of increasing data loss, downtime, and recovery costs.
Breaking down the overall disruptions within this year’s report, there were a few noteworthy take aways:
organizations’ data protection measures can mitigate the effects of cyberattacks is alarming. 67 percent of respondents are concerned that their organization’s existing data protection measures may not be sufficient to cope with malware and ransomware threats. This is further echoed in their organization’s ability to recover business-critical data in the event of cyberattack. Compounding this, there is a misguided over-confidence surrounding the consequences of a ransomware attack. 64 percent of respondents agree that their job and the employees within their organization will not be affected by a ransomware attack; another factor that could expose organizations to further risk. There is a need to account for the impending risk of cyberattacks that are becoming more sophisticated by each passing day. Cybersecurity strategy cannot be an afterthought and a reactive stance to attacks is only going to lead to incremental losses for the businesses.
Natural disaster, cyber-attack, scheduled data center maintenance: What do these have in common? They all cause disruption.
Disruption occurs for a variety of reasons, and whether planned or unplanned, Indian businesses need a strategy. Traditional Disaster Recovery (DR) approaches relied on an all-or-nothing attitude when a disruption occurred, with the limited ability to only recover the full site, not specific applications or application bundlers. With the increasing number of applications managed by IT and the increasing reliance on those applications by business users, it’s time to consider the strategy.
The Dell Technologies Global Data Protection Index is a survey of 1000 IT decision makers globally on the maturity of their data protection strategies and how they value data and assess the relative preparedness of their businesses.
With outages being so widespread and costly, businesses have started looking toward the next generation of methods to maximize availability for their users. 36 percent of respondents had experienced unplanned system downtime in the last year. This combined with other disruptions resulted in the estimated cost of data loss in the last 12 months to reach an average of $1,057,895. To combat these costly disruptions, a recent concept has emerged as a favorite of early adopters – application mobility. This methodology minimizes both planned and unplanned downtime by ensuring applications can quickly move between data centers, introducing true mobility. This could be executed to mitigate longer planned downtime or to recover from an isolated incident within the production data center, thus avoiding a longer outage or the need to failover to DR. One of the most critical steps in enabling application mobility is deeply analyzing the applications and their business requirements to better understand their use. Then, using this information, assigning an appropriate level of availability to each application or bundle.
The lack of confidence that the
Having a cyber recovery strategy in place to reduce downtime and recover critical data in the event of a cyberattack is essential. The drastically increasing threat landscape due to more applications, increased reliance on applications, and more connected devices has forced organizations to develop and thoroughly test their strategies. In the last few years, ransomware has been one of the most destructive and newsworthy variants of cyber-attacks, locking files and demanding ransom in return. Respondents to this year’s report noted this trend, indicating that 42 percent had experienced an outage due to a ransomware attack. These attacks can be difficult to recover from and require specialized planning and technology to keep critical data isolated and ready for recovery.
These data points indicate a strong trend of both an increasing number of disruptions and causes of these disruptions. It is clearer than ever before that a holistic, modern approach to mitigating disruption must take an application-centric view to minimize downtime, based on the criticality of each application to business stakeholders.
Mr. Chhagan Lal Purohit, Proprietor, Anant Sales Corporation
Micron being a leading storage tech brand in India has been bringing innovating product line up for all set of customers. Its industry leading capabilities of manufacturing the advanced and reliable storage solutions have put it on the leading position in India’s storage market. The brand has a huge network of channel partners who are supporting it in serving the Indian customers across any region. Bangalore is one of the focused market for Micron when it comes to southern India. Anant Sales Corporation is one of the important partners from Bangalore which is contributing effectively to the success of Micron. DT recently interacted with Mr. Chhagan Lal Purohit, Proprietor, Anant Sales Corporation to know more about Micron overall market presence in Bangalore.
Crucial by Micron has broad offerings in storage products segment and it is meeting the burgeoning demand in every sector. Commenting on the products offerings and performance, Chhagan said, “Crucial by Micron is a very known name and its products are made to meet every customer’s requirement. We are seeing good product demand in Bangalore due to the excellent product quality which drives better customer engagement for us. Since we have started the business with Crucial by Micron, the sales have been continuously increasing and we have great expectations in the years to come. The products which we are currently selling includes memory and SSDs. For these products, we can say that
our customers are really happy therefore we also feel happy to sell Micron. Crucial by Micron products are really good both in quality as well as pricing. In addition to that, we are targeting to add enterprise class products to our portfolio so that we can further accelerate the growth in coming months. Ultimately, we can say that Crucial by Micron is the pioneer in India’s storage product segment.”
Service support plays a decisive role in the success of any brand. Indian customers consider service as a big aspect while purchasing products. Hence, tech brands consider this very important aspect in order to make their way for a bigger and consistent growth.
When asked by service support, Chhagan said, “The service support experience is paramount when we talk about Crucial by Micron. The company works for its customers and Crucial by Micron has a huge base of happy and satisfied customers due to best-in-class service support offered by the brand. First of all, Crucial by Micron products are very reliable, durable and excellent in quality so we don’t get complaints for Micron’s products. But in rare cases, if we receive any complaint then the service support provided by the company is outstanding. The product replacement takes only 1 week so each customer of Micron is happy. The customer retention ratio is also quite high which shows the kind of reputation brand has built over the time”
A business partnership needs trust and good support which leads to great growth. Crucial by Micron is a channel centric brand and support channel partners on all front to capitalize huge market opportunities. Sharing his thoughts about the overall experience with the brand, Chhagan commented, “Ever since we have started working with Micron, we have received good support on every front. Crucial by Micron contributes around 25-30% in our revenue which is huge. Also, we get on time product supply and there is no delay in the supply chain which is one of the best reasons this partnership is going strong. We have registered a very good growth in our journey with Micron and we want to continue this association.”
The company based in Bangalore was started in 2014 and deals in multiple tech brands. Their turnover for previous financial year was 39 crores and now they are targeting 10% growth. They are having great growth trajectory since their inception and they get 75% of business from Karnataka whereas South contributes to 25% of overall business. In it comes for business verticals, 70% of business coming from channel while 30% are corporate customers.
TP-Link held an epochal WiFi 7 product launch to announce its WiFi 7 networking solu on. As the world’s first vendor to release a full home and enterprise WiFi 7 product line, TP-Link launched new WiFi 7 routers, Deco products, Omada EAPs, and Aginet products for ISP markets to cover all usage scenarios. Addi onally, TP-Link’s new HomeShield 3.0 provides more reliable and smarter network solu ons.
Here are some of the highlights:
Redefining WiFi Routers: TP-Link WiFi 7 Routers
Con nuing the top performance of the Archer series, WiFi 7 routers bring unprecedented experiences to homes. Three WiFi 7 routers were unveiled at the event. Among them, Archer BE900 has quad-band 24 Gbps WiFi 7 speeds and comes with a brand-new design — totally reimagined from previous routers.
Dual 10G WAN/LAN Ports – 10G WiFi combines with 10G wired connec ons to take us into the true 10G era. Equipped with two 10G WAN/LAN ports — one RJ45 port and an RJ45/SFP+ combo port — Archer BE900 provides flexible support for both fiber and copper connec ons. The addi onal four 2.5G ports and one USB port make it an ideal solu on for futureproofing your home network.
Another two routers — Archer BE800 and Archer BE550— were also released simultaneously. Archer BE800 is a tri-band WiFi 7 router with up to 19 Gbps WiFi, equipped with a LED screen, two 10G ports and four 2.5G ports, and is EasyMeshcompa ble. Archer BE550 is another triband WiFi 7 router but with speeds up to 9.3 Gbps, five 2.5G ports, and is EasyMeshcompa ble.
with your family’s Ne lix 4K streaming.
A True Whole Home Mul -Gig Mesh WiFi: Deco Whole Home Mesh WiFi 7 System Deco always promotes high-quality lifestyles with its powerful networking solu ons. The line covers every scenario from indoors to outdoors and provides mul -gig Ethernet access, fiber service access, 5G/4G/3G mobile access, and DSL access to meet different ISP service needs. In the event, three Deco models were released. The exquisite and elegant body case helps it fit various home décors. The added “7” element on the front side evokes the significance of WiFi 7, making it stand out among all the other Deco products.
Deco BE95: BE33000 Whole Home Mesh WiFi 7 System
Innova ve and Aesthe c Appearance with Powerful Performance – Unlike tradi onal WiFi routers with external antennas, this WiFi 7 router adopts internal antennas to keep an elegant appearance. 12× op mally posi oned internal antennas achieve the effects of high gain, high isola on, high integra on, and mul direc onal coverage.
Incredibly Fast Quad-Band 24 Gbps WiFi
7 – Experience the world’s first quadband WiFi 7 router with blazing-fast WiFi speeds of up to 24 Gbps. Two 5 GHz bands ensure more devices enjoy high-speed WiFi. The brand-new 6 GHz band provides excep onal bandwidth and conges on-free channels exclusive to your devices.
Archer GE800 is TP-Link’s first WiFi 7 gaming router with true 10G. This tri-band WiFi 7 gaming router delivers speeds over 18 Gbps. GE800 is powered by the latest powerful CPU and WiFi chipset, providing enough performance for the most intense gaming networks. GE800 is also equipped with two 10G ports and two 2.5G ports to meet the needs of mul -gig entertainment like gaming, 8K AR/VR, and home NAS setups. With abundant game accelera on func ons, GE800 boosts gaming traffic, stabilizes connec ons, and reduces latency to ensure your gaming stays immersive by accelera ng game devices, servers, and applica ons, including mobile games. The dedicated game band priori zes your online games so they no longer compete
Whole Home Mul -Gig Connec vity –Whether wired or wireless, BE95 delivers whole home mul -gigabit connec vity to enter a new 10G era. Deco BE95’s speeds of up to 33 Gbps are made up of four frequencies, two of which are 6 GHz bands to improve overall performance significantly. One of the 6 GHz bands can be used as a dedicated backhaul to provide stronger and more stable signals, even if your phone and laptop don’t support WiFi 7 or 6 GHz band currently. The product is equipped with two 10Gbps ports and gives you an unprecedented experience, whether for fast internet access or LAN access.
A New Deco System 3.0 for True Whole Home Mesh WiFi – TP-Link has invested much in developing the Deco system to provide the op mal Mesh WiFi experience. The ul mate whole home mul -gigabit coverage, the intensive seamless roaming experience, AI technology, and the new Deco app combine for the top Deco Mesh system.
Deco BE65 is another WiFi 7 Mesh with triband 11 Gbps WiFi 7 speeds and four 2.5G ports. While Deco BE85 is a WiFi 7 Mesh with tri-band 22 Gbps WiFi 7 speeds and two 10G ports.
This channel platform also witnessed the announcement of DT Partner Excellence Awards 2022 which is the most prestigious and most sought award for channel community in the Indian IT market. This year, more than 70 channel partners were honoured based on their performance.
Digital Terminal successfully concluded the 8th edi on of DT Partner Summit along with DT Partner Excellence Awards 2022 on 18th November in New Delhi. This pres gious event was a ended by prominent dignitaries from IT Industry, key Channel Partners, Dealers, Distributors, System Integrators and top execu ves from leading IT brands. DT Partner Summit was a very informa ve event in terms of spreading the most sought informa on about the distribu on business landscape in India.
The event witness outstanding success as it brought together more than 200 industry players from across India who gathered to understand the way forward in the Indian technology market. Digital Terminal inspired and educated all the tech partners over key trends, opportuni es and growth prospects in the Indian market. With the help of frui ul panel discussion on key topics around IT market growth, the partners can accelerate their growth in the months to come.
The Summit was also live streamed on the YouTube channels (Digital Terminal & TechBiz TV) where more than 5K viewers joined this grand event from across India. The audiences really enjoyed all the sessions and enhanced their knowledge about new business opportuni es. The event also witnessed expert’s opinion on overcoming exis ng business challenges.
Commen ng on the success of DT Partner Summit, Rajeev Ranjan, Publisher & Editor, Digital Terminal said, “We are extremely overwhelmed with the grand success of DT Partner Summit 2022 which was organized to empower the Indian IT Channel Partners.
Our objec ve has been to provide best pla orm for channel partner community to network, connect and move ahead with mission to grab maximum business opportunity. We thank all tech brands and channel partners who supported this event and the result is pre y good here. We will con nue to organize such impac ul events in months to come.”
Pu ng across her views on the 8th edi on of DT Partner Summit, Jyo Janda, Execu ve Editor, Digital Terminal commented, “Being a leading Tech Media House, we always endeavour to support the Indian IT partners in their growth journey.
With this another successful edi on of DT Partner Summit, we are very happy that we could contribute to further boost the tradi onal channel business ecosystem. We have received great response both on ground as well as
online. The viewer who watched this event online were in huge numbers which shows our trust build over the years with them.”
DT Partners Summit is one of the biggest pla orms for the Indian IT industry where top leaders come together and address the growth agenda for all stakeholders. DT Partner Summit 2022 made a posi ve and seamless business environment for brands and partners. The Summit addressed various aspects of channel business and spread awareness about how channel partners can grow and move upward in the market.
DT hosted the brainstorming panel
discussion during the summit where Industry’s top IT leaders shared the stage to deliberated on the set agenda. The panel discussion was hosted on the theme of Market Opportuni es & Challenges for Tradi onal Channel Business in India. During this discussion, the panellists imparted crucial informa on and enriched the knowledge of the audiences.
This grand partner summit was graced with the presence of most prominent IT leaders. The panellists for the event were Mr. Rajesh
Gupta, Director, Country Manager-India Sales, Micron, Mr. Naveen Kumar, Zonal Manager, Delhi/NCR, Sophos, Mr. Pranav Pandey, Group Business Manager, Iris Global Services Pvt. Ltd., Mr. Alok Gupta, President, PCAIT, Mr. Ankit Khatua, Manager – GTM, Tally Solu ons, Mr. Dinesh Kumar, Country Manager-India, GALAX, Mr. Vishvesh Mishra, Marke ng Manager, Ant Esports and Mr. Murali Krishnan, Director, Kaizen.
Announcement of DT Partner Excellence Awards 2022
During DT Partner Summit 2022, DT also hosted Partner Excellence Awards where
top performing channel partners were honoured with pres gious award. DT Partner Excellence Awards 2022 is the most pres gious and most sought award for channel community in the Indian IT industry. This year, more than 70 channel partners were honoured based on their performance.
IRIS GLOBAL SERVICES was awarded Most Popular ICT Distribu on House in India whereas Iris Waves was recognized as Most Preferred Digital Transforma on System Integrator. RASHI PERIPHERALS Best Na onal Distributor of The Year award and SUPERTRON ELECTRONICS was named as Best Channel Friendly Distribu on House in India. INGRAM MICRO also bagged
Best Performing ICT Distribu on House in India. They were also honored with Most Trusted Cloud Service Provider in India award whereas TECHNOLOGY & GADGETS (TAG) was named Most Trusted Na onal Distributor for Gaming Products in India. ACRO ENGINEERING COMPANY was honored with Best Na onal Distributor for Gaming Products in India award and KAIZEN was recognized as Best Tech Support Partner in India. RX INFOTECH was recognized as Fastest Growing Na onal Distributor in India and CREATIVE NEWTECH was named Fastest Growing Na onal Distributor for 2022. RADIANT INFOSOLUTIONS won Fastest Growing Distributor for IT & Networking
Solu ons award.
DT Partner Summit 2022 was supported by Dell Technologies, Crucial by Micron, Kaspersky, Tally, Kaizen, Sophos, Western Digital, Acer, Iris Global, Iris Waves, ASUS, ESET, Secureye, Fortune Marke ng, GALAX, TAG, Lapcare, Digisol, Radiant, Acro Engineering, Ant eSports, Crea ve Newtech and ADATA. The summit has also got support from India’s leading IT associa ons FAIITA, PCAIT, TAIT, PACT and JCDA. The event was managed by News Dot Media Pvt. Ltd., the media partner was Telecom Today and TechBiz TV was the online TV partner for this grand event.
provides realistic shots with hallmark image stabilisation and quick autofocus, allowing users to shoot clear and crisp videos and images.
The 108 MP rear camera with Quad LED Flash of Zero 20 lets users capture touching details with its 10X zoom feature.
Fast charging in a blink: Using Infinix’s fastest 180W Thunder Charge support in the all-new Zero Ultra – users can recharge the device’s 4500mAh large battery to 100% in just 12* mins. The 180watt Thunder Charge is certified by TUV –SUD Rheinland certifications. With 111 software fail safes to deliver a safe fast charging experience.
On the other hand, the Zero 20 can be charged to 75% in just 30 minutes with the TÜV Rheinland Security Certified 45W Super Charging support, even after long hours of usage.
Infinix launched its flagship smartphones; Zero Ultra and Zero 20. Featuring the world’s first 60 MP OIS selfie camera, the brand has introduced a smartphone aimed at creators who are constantly capturing images and video on the go, and a fast charge technology ensuring 100% battery power in just 12* minutes all at the same time. Infinix ends the quest for innovative futuristic devices with the launch of its flagship Zero Ultra series –Zero Ultra and Zero 20.
Both Zero Ultra and Zero 20 will be available on sale on Flipkart from 25th and 29th December for INR 29999 and INR 15999, respectively. The package also bundles 2-year security updates and 1 android update on both the devices and 6-month screen replacement warranty for ZERO Ultra. The devices have up to 13 GB RAM (8GB RAM with 5GB of expandable memory with Memfusion technology), Zero Ultra comes with 256 GB storage, and Zero 20 has 128 GB storage. Available in a classic black and white colour variant, Zero Ultra comes in Coslight Silver and Genesis Noir variants. Meanwhile, the Zero 20 is available in various refreshing colour variants: Glitter Gold, Green Fantasy, and Space Grey.
Mr. Anish Kapoor, CEO, Infinix India, said, “Infinix has always placed innovation at the core of its business, creating products that are both imaginative in approach
and cool in outlook. Our Zero-series smartphones have been designed with a future ready intent, having invested in path breaking ultra-fast safe charging and camera technology, which stands apart from the clutter.
Immersive and infinite viewing: The Zero Ultra smartphone immerses users in a high-end 6.8” FHD+ 3D Curved Display facilitating super grip and wide-angle view. The large display features like the 120 Hz dynamic refresh rate and 360 Hz Touch sampling to ensure a smooth sensory experience.
Infinix’s Zero 20 features a 6.7” AMOLED cinematic display with a 90 Hz Refresh Rate, allowing users to enjoy an advanced audio-visual experience.
Extraordinary camera system: The Zero Ultra sports a dramatically powerful Ultra vision camera with OIS system responsible for crisp and clear images. Its 200MP triple primary camera with Quad LED Flash is one of the biggest upgrades facilitating rich detail, less distortion, enhanced depth, and a stellar night mode. The smartphone also offers a 32MP front camera with a dual flashlight. (add 13MP + 2M)
Meanwhile, the Zero 20 features the world’s first 60MP+OIS Front Camera. The Ultra-high-resolution, paired with OIS,
Powerful and redefined performance: The all-new Zero Ultra comes with an extremely power-efficient MediaTek Density 920 5G processor. It has a 6-nanometer production process that helps it save power and extends the battery life even for demanding users. The device’s 5G+WiFi6+Dual band 5G SIM helps maintain a high-speed network at all times. Ultra comes with 12 5G bands offering a wide network connectivity.
On the other hand, the Zero 20 smartphone is powered by the MediaTek Helio G99 Processor. The 6nm process has more transistors providing ultraefficient performance and while saving tonnes of power. The powerful 4G-chip allows users to meet their requirements seamlessly, making it the mobile gamer’s go-to.
Operating on the latest Android 12 with XOS 12, the brand-new UI adds comfort and ease of access to the style and revolutionary technology. Both devices promise lag-free content consumption with a massive 256 GB storage space in Zero Ultra and 128 GB in Zero 20. The extended RAM capacity enables the in-house 8GB RAM to be extended up to 13GB by integrating RAM and ROM, effectively improving speed and performance across all usage scenarios.
IT professionals will be able to top up their skills, as Kaspersky has added its new ‘Reverse Engineering 101’ course to its ever-growing xTraining’s portfolio. It offers comprehensive knowledge, giving trainees the best start to their career in reverse engineering.
Cyber incidents top the ratings for the most critical business risks in 2022. To be able to respond to them immediately and protect businesses more effectively, it is important to study the malware code and understand how it works. This is the main task for a reverse engineer – a professional with solid knowledge of theory and tools, who can even deal with a heavily obfuscated code written in any programming language.
‘Reverse Engineering 101’ is a prequel to the ‘Targeted Malware Reverse Engineering’ training, a higher-level course already available in the Kaspersky Expert Training portfolio.
The course covers both theoretical fundamentals and practical reverse engineering cases. Starting from the basic concepts, learners gradually move through Intel assembly instructions, distinctive calling conventions and memory types, executable analysis and more, to finally reverse ‘real’ malware and solidify their knowledge and skills.
The well-structured videos and lots of practice on proprietary code snippets available in a dedicated GitHub repository provide effective learning. The on-demand online format allows companies to improve the skills of their staff without interrupting their work.
It will be valuable for IT professionals seeking to develop their reverse
engineering potential and prepare themselves for more advanced steps, as well as for companies and cybersecurity consultancies that need to train their team in relevant practical skills.
“Reverse-engineering is traditionally regarded as a very difficult skill to master, especially for beginners in the cybersecurity field. We designed this course with the hope of addressing this gap, so that participants would be able to get acquainted with this subject with no prerequisites beyond having some basic software development knowledge. Reverse Engineering 101 contains all the required theory, but at its core aims at providing practical experience first and foremost. We hope it helps many talented individuals join the cybersecurity ecosystem!”, comments Ivan Kwiatkowski, Senior Security Researcher.
Wings brings you the Phantom 110 Gaming Neckband featuring a staggering 20-hour non-stop battery life and 50ms Ultra-Low Latency and a dedicated Bass Boost Mode for pure gaming and entertainment on the go. The Phantom 110 is a great middle ground for gamers who desire the latency of wired earbuds while providing hassle free wireless experience to keep your focus on the game. This neckband has a little something for everybody. Whether it’s the 13 mm drivers, the minimal latency, the bass boost, or the long 20 hour playtime. If you’re a gamer or an audiophile or just someone who needs a neckband on the road, one would want to add this accessory to your collection.
Portronics launches an extremely compact yet powerful USB Conference Speaker ‘Talk Two’. This tiny conferencing gadge t is equipped with 3 omnidirectional microphones with 2M coverage and is completely plug-and-play for any operating system and conferencing application. The conference speaker feature three 360-degree omnidirectional microphones with 2M coverage, so everyone sitting in the room can be heard loud and clear from almost 2meters away. These microphones help in noise reduction and echo cancellation for crisp and clear audio chats, thus helping cut off unwanted ambient sounds for an uninterrupted and pleasant group chat. Additionally, Talk Two comes with a powerful 3W full-range speaker so the participants can hear each other with superior audio clearly and zero distortion.
pTron announced the launch of Basspods P481 True Wireless Earbuds exclusively on Flipkart. Featuring the longest battery in the Basspods franchisee, the P481 with deep noise cancellation for calls is an incredible combination of inspired design and innovative technology. With an introductory price of INR 899 only, the Basspods P481 is priced below many of pTron’s direct competitors’ most recent introductions and comes with a powerful suite of features well above its accessible price with a 1-yr warranty. Made for the millennials on the go, the slick and stylish Basspods P481 features top-notch BT5.3 quick connectivity, 50ms low latency, smart & intuitive touch sensor controls, and a universal type-c fast charging for a great audio experience.
Intensive gaming sessions using a TWS only get enjoyable when your audio has the perfect sound quality in perfect sync with the visuals. Keeping this in mind, boAt Labs has created Immortal 121 — the perfect pair of wireless gaming TWS earbuds money can buy. Based on the most advanced Bluetooth v5.3 chip, with a promise of 40ms Super Low Latency lag-free audio with BEAST Mode, the Immortal 121 gives you a seamlessly synced experience, whether you are spending the day gaming or streaming. On the audio performance front, the boAt Immortal 121 comes with professionally tuned 10mm dynamic drivers. Paired with boAt Signature Sound, these earbuds produce a punchier bass with sharper trebles for an immersive gaming experience.
Just Corseca announces its most premium and awaited TWS earbuds ‘Sonique’. The newly launched earbuds are easy and comfortable to wear, available in attractive color variants, Black, Blue, and a Limited Gold Edition. The earbuds are built with a combo of organic glass and premium alloy metals, and each serves up to 22 hours of playback without stopping. The Sonique has a supreme class of its own and offers the best audio and in-built quality within a pocket-friendly price range that no other brand in the segment can match. The Sonique earbuds are built with the latest TWS technologies. It features the AD6973-D4 BT V5.1 chipset for lower power consumption and offers faster data transmission with stable connections.
TechnoBind has announced a distribution partnership with Yotta Data Services Private Limited, a newage digital transformation service provider and India’s pioneering data center and cloud company. Under the partnership, TechnoBind will add Yotta’s wide-spanning infrastructure and services to its portfolio of offerings.
The partnership will strengthen TechnoBind’s capability to enable enterprises’ digital transformation with Yotta’s trusted infrastructure, technology and solutions, combining them with TechnoBind’s service and support expertise. Leveraging TechnoBind’s extensive pan-India partner base, Yotta can expand its reach to newer markets across India and serve a larger base of enterprises across all sizes and segments.
Harikrishna Prabhu, COO, TechnoBind Solutions, said “We are excited to partner with Yotta, a company that has transformed the data center and cloud industry in India with its world-class infrastructure and services. The partnership is significant not just for our partners and customers, but for the entire industry, owing to Yotta’s indigenous, yet global data center infrastructure, cloud services and holistic digital transformation capabilities. With Yotta’s partner-first approach, cost-effective and high-quality solutions, coupled with our in-house expertise, our partners and customers are assured of meeting all their digital transformation needs.”
Redington Limited announced its strategic partnership with Polycab India Limited (Polycab), the largest manufacturer of Wires and Cables in India and a fast-growing player in the FMEG space, to accelerate the adoption of its end-to-end passive networking solutions in India.
With a strong presence in the organized distribution sector, Redington will provide access for Polycab’s vast range of products, comprising Optical Fibre Cables and Copper System, to the channel-partners and facilitate the company’s accessibility to the ValueAdded Distributors (VADs), who would work through an integrated activation program to collaborate with their ecosystem of System Integrators and Value Partners.
Mr. Ashish D. Jain, Executive President & COO, Telecom Division, Polycab said “We’re thrilled to partner with Redington Limited and utilize their empowered distributionnetwork and vast geographic coverage in India. Polycab is uniquely positioned in the industry today to provide both, end-to-end Power and Data Solutions. While increasing data-consumption and networking-dependent technologies have started to make visible impacts in different spheres of work and life, the collaboration with Redington will help us promote a digital lifestyle across our customer-base in India. We look forward to an impactful association with Redington in delivering the best value for our endcustomers.”
Redington Limited signed an agreement for ETEC, Materialise & Wipro products at AMTECH Expo. The recent partnership of Redington with Wipro 3D for the distribution of the newly launched polymer 3D printer across the country will boost and support the efforts to democratize 3D printing via indigenous products in India. The collaboration will accelerate the adoption of additive manufacturing technology across industries which will also support Wipro 3D’s foray into indigenous design & development of 3D printers, with its dense distribution network across MSMEs, Education Institutes & Industrial firms
Sharing his views, Mr. Ramesh Kalpathy, VP, Redington Limited - Digital Printing said, “Redington 3D is now in a position to drive the digital transformation and transform, how products are built and designed. Our established partnerships & strategic initiatives with industry leaders, HP MJF, Desktop Metal Inc., Etec, Wipro3D & Materialise Software, will be an offering to enterprises that will accelerate the adoption of additive manufacturing technologies and will help revolutionize 3D printing technology across the country. Our aim is to avail and enable new and advanced technology to the markets and manufacturers with rapid adoption.”
In a quest to promote and nurture the E-Sports culture in India, Rashi Peripherals
Limited and Rigs on Demand (RoD) announced the launch of an E-sports competition – Rashi War Games. First, in the industry, Rashi War Games aims to increase awareness about online gaming and encourage youngsters to take up e-sports.
The company recently concluded the first season of the competition organized in association with Lenovo, AMD and SanDisk exclusively for kids of channel partners. Over 200 e-sports aspirants demonstrated their skills in the fiercely fought competition.
Commenting on this unique initiative, Mihir Talekar, Business Manager at Rashi Peripherals, said, “We are overwhelmed with the response received for the first season of Rashi War Games. The objective was to encourage our partners’ kids and give them a platform to showcase their e-sports skills. The online gaming industry is growing rapidly in India and youngsters are considering e-sports as a career. Mobile gaming is the largely preferred format but we are also seeing a surge in desktops/laptop gaming. We are optimistic that e-sports will further flourish with digitization. Rashi War Games is our initiative to boost online gaming. We dedicated the first season to the kids of our partners. We intend to launch upcoming seasons on a larger scale for all e-sports enthusiasts.”
With Radiant
Vertiv India in association with Radiant Info Solutions conducted a day-long partner training program in the capital on 16th Dec 2022 at Hotel Cabana. The program was conducted for IT Consultants, pre-sales engineers who are engaged in ITMS & Smart Solution projects, and also those who are in similar lines of business to make them aware of its utilities and the future.
To educate partners, Vertiv along with Radiant Team demonstrated new cutting-edge data center products and gave live Demo sessions as well. The training had a one-to-one interactive session as well for all the partners which addressed queries related to products and customer support. The purpose of the training event is to enable partners to grow despite the challenging business landscape.
The market has immense opportunities, and the untapped market could play a decisive role for the brand in the coming days. This knowledge sharing during this event will help channel partners harness the opportunities that this market holds, said Nishant Gupta, MD, Radiant Info Solutions.
Phished appoints BD Software Distribution Pvt. Ltd as its Distribution partner in India. Phished with the aid of a smart and fully automated AIdriven platform, trains employees to become a Human Firewall for its organization. With BD Soft, Phished aims to offer SMB and Enterprise companies the latest standard in Security Awareness Training: 100% automated and personalized, without manual intervention.
Speaking on the partnership Jo Vandebergh, CEO of Phished said, “We are excited to expand our network in the Indian markets with this new partnership. Our expertise and reputable platform, in collaboration with BD Distribution Pvt. Ltd.’s capabilities in promotion, distribution, valuation, and customer support ensure that all parties benefit.”
“We have a vast and extensive portfolio of security solutions. With this new addition, we shall expand to offer enterprise-level solutions to both large and small customers without sacrificing any quality support. The Phished platform takes care of the heavy lifting, so we can advise and assist our client, as a trusted advisor.” says Mr. Zakir Hussain, CEO, BD Software Distribution.
eCAPS is pleased to announce that we are the exclusive sub-distributor in AP & TG regions. We will extend our reach to every partner in AP&TG by distributing the Vertiv portfolio of highperformance server racks, storage arrays, cooling synergy, and efficient power distribution solutions servicing various industries such as healthcare, telecoms, manufacturing, media and entertainment, and enterprise data centers.
eCAPS’ commitment to innovative technology solutions has helped us become a leading distributor of Vertiv products across AP&TG regions. We have also developed a strong understanding of the needs of our customers thanks to our years of experience in this field. eCaps is an Indian value-added distributor that represents some of the most wellknown security products. eCAPS has established itself as a trusted brand in the field over the last three decades and is the chosen partner of most major IT companies in India. It has a large nationwide distribution network, which is headed by highly motivated and competent channel partners that offer solutions rather than services.
Delta hosted its IABG 9th Annual Channel Partner Meet from 3rd November-6th November in Goa. The Channel Partner meet witnessed participation from 100 partners of the company PAN-India. The agenda of the Channel Partners Meet was creating awareness about the new products, discussing markets & opportunities for growth, team building activities and recognizing the contributions from the channel partners.
Commenting on the meet, Benjamin Lin, President and GM, Delta Electronics India said, “It has been a tremendous journey for Delta Electronics India in the past few years to develop a robust channel partner network and this was an opportunity to celebrate its success and align our visions for the exciting times ahead.”
“Channel Partners have been the backbone of our business and we have seen them transform into solution providers for our customers. Their contribution to our business has been significant and this was an opportunity to appreciate their performance and discuss strategies for the next year,” said Manish Walia, Head- Automation Business, Delta Electronics India.
Iris Global Services has recently supplied Cogent eServices one of the premier call center service provider that services customers like Cars24, Karchar, Kent RO amongst many others. Cogent is a leader in domestic call center service provider that help in providing making turnkey infrastructures for call centers, pan India.
To connect service providers ISPs to the call center software, a gateway is needed. Iris supplied Sangoma Gateways to connect their ISPs to their Call Center software.
Speaking to newsman - Mr Manoj Sharma, Product Manager said “Iris has supplied 20 Gateways for a value of 20 Lacs to Cogent. This makes the total count of 50 Sangoma Gateways which are presently running.”
He said that the BoQ is over 32 Lacs which includes other Support & MMS Services While Iris is also handling their running and maintenance for the same on a different revenue channel.
“Customers are choosing Sangoma Vega Gateways for their reliability. They run year on year basis bringing good ROI. Many Gateways are running over 10 years. With Sangoma products, Iris sees a new business opportunity” said Ms. Neena Vats, VP, Iris Global Services.
Zebronics has launched its latest ZEB- Sound Bomb X1 which is a 3-in-1 gadget that has Wireless Bluetooth Earbuds packed in a charging case that has a wireless bluetooth speaker and an in-built torch. The ear buds deliver clear audio through its 13mm drivers and have a playback me of up to 30 hours with its charging case. The wireless bluetooth speaker built in the charging case comes with upto 19 hours of playback me. The ear buds have touch controls, inbuilt mic, splash proof with powerful sound and bass.
HP India unveiled a new range of Smart Tank printers designed for the everyday prin ng needs of home users, micro and small businesses. In today’s hybrid world, home and small businesses in India are embracing technology for their digital transforma on and they are looking for affordable, easy-to-use, and smart prin ng solu ons. To support emerging entrepreneurs and businesses, HP Smart Tank delivers an enhanced user experience with an intui ve and seamless set-up, smart features, and be er connec vity – including self-healing Wi-Fi® and mobility with Smart App and Smart Advance. HP’s new ink tank printers can also print up to 18,000 black pages or up to 6,000 colour pages for uninterrupted prin ng with a pre-filled ink supply.
ASUS India announces expansion of its enterprise flagship series, with launch of ExpertBook B5, B7, B2, B3, & 12th Genera on B9 & B1, in India. The new laptops are op mized to enhance produc vity and deliver a powerful yet smooth experience with versa le conver ble and worksta on requirements designed for hybrid working — empowering maximum flexibility any me, anywhere. The ExpertBook series is built to embrace the future of both work. With its versa le, tough design and portable form factor, professionals can complete their daily tasks on go and with ease. The new ExpertBook lineup will be available through Asus Enterprise Channel Partners.
ViewSonic Corp launches its latest Ultra Short Throw Smart Laser Projectors - X2000B-4K and X2000L-4K, equipped with 2nd genera on laser phosphor technology offering a lifespan of 20,000 lamp-free hours. In addi on, the projectors deliver vivid 4K HDR images and amplify audio by theatre-level Harman Kardon speakers, eleva ng the audio-visual experience instantly. Designed ergonomically, these projectors blend perfectly with the interior and add to the modern home set-up. The new X2000B-4K and X2000L-4K projectors are available in black and white to compliment the aesthe cs of any home interior. It is also the finest space-saving op on due to its 0.22 ultrashort throw ra o, which delivers a 100” screen just 23 cm from the wall while keeping the openness of a home.
Today, Star Wars fans have another way to feel the power of the Force with three new collec ble Seagate® Hard Disk Drives (HDD) inspired by heroes and villains of the Star Wars galaxy. Featuring Luke Skywalker™, Darth Vader™, and Han Solo™, the latest addi ons to the company’s line of licensed special edi on storage devices bring speed, capacity, and striking appearance to the ba le sta ons of Star Wars collectors and tech enthusiasts. The special edi on FireCuda external hard drives represent the famed characters with three unique aesthe cs: the courage of Luke Skywalker, the raw power of Darth Vader, and the confidence of the galaxy’s favorite smuggler, Han Solo.
CONSISTENT Infosystems Pvt. Ltd., announces its participation in South Asia’s Largest Security, Surveillance & Networking Expo and ConferenceIFSEC India 2022 being held from 1st to 3rd December 2022. CONSISTENT is displaying its Security, Surveillance, Protection and Networking portfolio that has been built under Make-In-India initiative after deep research, employing in-depth tech solutions, and multiple tests. As a technology solution Indian brand that has a consistent futuristic approach towards all its products and innovations, has become a major market player in the Security, Surveillance and Networking domain of the country. Founded by Nitin Bansal and Yogesh Agarwal in 2011, the brand has achieved a decade-long experience and significant market share in India.
NETGEAR exhibits its wide product portfolio at IFSEC India 2022, organized in Pragati Maidan Delhi. The three-day event will observe a gathering of industry veterans, and solution providers with both channel partners and senior decision-makers from the government and private sectors, across the globe. NETGEAR’s executive team including Annamalai AR, Senior Manager and Abhishek Anand, Senior Sales Manager will be available at the stall to discuss in detail with the visitors NETGEAR’s top-ofthe-line technology incorporated in their products. In line with Security and surveillance solutions, NETGEAR will be demonstrating its products ranging from Pro Wi-Fi Access Points, ProAV solutions, PoE Switches, etc at the event.
Tally Solutions concluded WomenMakingWaves, a multicity event campaign organized as part of the International Women Entrepreneurs Day celebrations. The campaign that was hosted across Bangalore and Delhi celebrated the remarkable achievements of Women Entrepreneurs, their resilience and hard work. The final leg that was held today in Delhi witnessed panel discussions on challenges faced by women in their business journey, power of right decisionmaking and importance of building a strong network. The discussions also shared tips and advice around business growth and sustenance. This was followed by felicitation of 5 women entrepreneurs for their dedication in building brands. The discussion dived deeper into the issues faced by women entrepreneurs in India and key measures required to increase the participation of women leaders in the business ecosystem.
ESET announces Champion placement in the Canalys Global Security Leadership Matrix 2022. Canalys is a leading global technology market analyst firm providing an overall assessment of the leading cybersecurity vendors with established channel programs. ESET’s sustained revenue growth, including a 30% increase in the MSP segment, combined with its quality of account management and overall ease of doing business have maintained high ratings among their partners. ESET’s Partner Program focuses on establishing long-term engagement, which helped maintain high feedback ratings from its partners. ESET’s network now consists of more than 10,000 MSPs and 24,000 resellers, and MSPs remain a core part of ESET’s strategy.
With its trained manpower of 200 plus which has steadily been increasing RDP now has a production capacity to manufacture over one lakh units per annum. RDP’s 28,000 Sq ft state-of-the-art manufacturing facility at Hyderabad includes Sourcing, Procurement, Warehouse, Manufacturing, Logistics, Mother RMA Center, New Product Development Center etc. Affordable computing devices manufacturer - RDP Workstations Pvt Ltd, planning to scale up their production to 100.000 units per annum has its new facility in Hyderabad ready for the job.
Synology unveiled its game plan for achieving 300% growth in 2023, riding on its track record of 100% growth YoY in India since 2019 and the strength of its new range of data storage and backup, file collaboration, video surveillance, and network infrastructure solutions. Synology has been growing exponentially YoY in revenue, units shipped, installed base, customers, and active partner accounts since 2019. Synology server deployments in India have doubled YoY, especially among Small and Midsize Businesses (SMBs), emerging as key growth drivers for the company. The manufacturing sector, seeking multi-site solutions to share and sync missioncritical data, accounts for more than 30% of Synology revenues in India.
CONSISTENT Showcases Its Make-In-India Security, Surveillance & Networking Portfolio At IFSEC India 2022
ESET Recognized As A Champion In Canalys Global Security Leadership Matrix 2022
NETGEAR Booth At IFSEC India 2022 Showcases Its Innovative Products & Solutions
Tally Honors Women Entrepreneurs For Their Outstanding Achievements to Celebrate International Women Entrepreneurs Day
RDP’s New State-Of-TheArt Facility Is Ready To Upscale Production To 100,000 Units
Synology Announces Plan To Achieve 3x Growth In Indian Market By 2023